13a2: slang, jargon and other non-standard features. wednesday 1 st october lo:

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13A2: Slang, jargon and other non-standard features.

Wednesday 1st October


Slang versus Jargon

Slang versus Jargon

• Slang and Jargon together are parts of a colloquial vocabulary of English language. They both are very confusing processes in everyday vocabulary usage.

• So, first of all we will apply to a dictionary explanation in a way to understand the difference between these, too similar words.

Slang (1)

Slang in Oxford dictionary is:1) (n)a type of language consisting of words and phrases that

are regarded as very informal, are more common in speech than writing, and are typically restricted to a particular context or group of people.

2) For example in slang ’’ the grass’’ is slang for marijuana.

Different social groups often use a special vocabulary. Sometimes this is fairly widespread and well understood. Some slang is confined to small tightly knit groups who can use it to exclude outsiders.

Slang (2)

• In other words Slang is the use of informal words and expressions that are not considered standard in the speaker's language or dialect but are considered acceptable in certain social settings.

Slang (3)

• Sometimes slang is used in a way that seems to be cruel or unkind, as when a person is called a jerk. Most slang is limited to certain areas.

• But some words, such as “okay,” are carried around the world by newspapers, radio, television, motion pictures, and tourists.

Slang (3)

• Slang is popular because it is catchy and timely. Most slang has a very short life. It meets a momentary need or expresses a temporary opinion.

• Yet some words now considered standard began as slang. These include words such as taxi, flapjack, hoax, bogus, skyscraper, and fan (from fanatic).

Slang (4)

• Slang often involves the creation of new meanings for existing words. It is common for such novel meanings to diverge significantly from the standard meaning. Thus, "cool" and "hot" can both mean "very good,” “impressive," or "good-looking”.


• Other types of slang include SMS language used on mobile phones, and "chatspeak," (e.g., "LOL", an acronym meaning "laughing out loud" or "laugh out loud" or ROFL, "rolling on the floor laughing"), which used to be widely used in instant messaging on the Internet in the early 2000s.

Slang (6)

• Slang is invented the same way formal language is.

• Its basis is usually metaphor. • Money, for example, is called bacon, loot,

dough, bucks, and bread. • One’s home is referred to as a pad, shack,

dump, diggings, or hole in the wall. • To be discharged from a job is to be sacked,

bounced, fired, or axed.


• People often object to slang. They feel it is impolite or weakens a person’s vocabulary. Yet slang can enliven speech and writing when used appropriately.

• A command over language involves the power to make up new expressions or use old expressions for new purposes.

Slang (8)

• What do these slang terms mean? Write them down and your answer in your book.

• Ace • Bad • Beemer • Silver fox


• What about a Jargon?• Defined as :• (1)the language, especially the vocabulary, peculiar to a

particular trade, profession, or group: medical jargon. • (2)unintelligible or meaningless talk or writing; gibberish. • (3)any talk or writing that one does not understand. • (4)language that is characterized by uncommon or

pretentious vocabulary and convoluted syntax and is often vague in meaning.

Jargon (1)

• Jargon is a term that is used to describe a set of words that have a specific meaning in a specific context.

• Jargon, the terminology of a science, technology, art, profession, trade, or craft. The term has also come to mean the “officialese” of government.

• (Jargon is originally an Old French word meaning “warbling of birds.”)

Jargon (2)

• The philosophe Condillac observed in 1782 that:

"Every science requires a special language because every science has its own ideas."

Jargon (3)

• Much like slang, jargon can develop as a kind of shorthand, to express ideas that are frequently discussed between members of a group, though it can also be developed deliberately using chosen terms.

• A standard term may be given a more precise or unique usage among practitioners of a field.


Examples of Medical Jargon:• Agonal - Term to signify a major, negative change in

a patient’s condition• BP - Medical shorthand for blood pressure• FX - Medical jargon meaning bone fracture• JT - A joint• NPO - A patient should not take anything by mouth• IM - Intramuscular• K - The elemental symbol for potassium


Examples of Business Jargon:• Bang for the buck - A term that means, to get the most for

your money• Due diligence - Putting effort into research before making

a business decision• Sweat equity - Getting a stake in the business instead of

pay• The 9-to-5 - Business jargon meaning a standard work day• Chief cook and bottle-washer - A person who holds many



Examples of Police Jargon:• Suspect - A person whom the police think may have

committed a crime• 10-4 - Radio jargon meaning Okay or I understand• Code Eight - Term that means officer needs help

immediately• Code Eleven - A code that means the individual is at the

scene of the crime• FTP - The failure of an individual to pay a fine• Assumed room temperature: An individual has died


Examples of Military Jargon:• TD - Temporary duty• AWOL - Absent without leave• SQDN - A squadron• SAM - Surface-to-Air missile• PCS - A permanent change of station• LES - Leave and earning statemen


Examples of Political Jargon:• Left wing - Political jargon for liberal,

progressive viewpoint• Right wing - Jargon meaning a conservative

viewpoint• Getting on a soapbox - Making a speech in

public• POTUS - President of the United States• SCOTUS - Supreme Court of the United States

Jargon (10)Examples of Internet Jargon:• BTW - By the way• CYA - See you around• FAQ - Frequently asked questions• HTH - Hope this helps• MOTD - Message of the day• YMMV - Your mileage may vary• IIRC - If I remember correctly• IANAL - I am not a lawyer• LOL - Laugh out loud• BFF - Best friends forever• TTYL - Talk to you later

Slang versus Jargon (end)

• In conclusion we can say that slang is used to escape the dull familiarity of standard words.


• So it is hard to draw a line between slang and jargon because when jargons becomes common it has passed on a higher step on a ladder of word groups and becomes slang or colloquial.

• This is why a lot of words can be confused.

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