’14-’15 officer info session society of women engineers

Post on 11-Jan-2016






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14-15 Officer Info SessionSociety of Women EngineersStacey DelVecchio SWE Natl. President

"I wish people would stop being impressed by the fact that I'm a woman engineer," she says. "We want it to be normal to see beautiful, social, intelligent women out there that are engineers."Why do we need SWE?% of engineering bachelor's degrees earned by women in 2011: 18.4% of engineering master's degrees earned by women in 2011: 22.6% of engineering doctoral degrees earned by women in 2011: 21.8Type of engineering with the highest % of bachelor degrees earned by women in 2011: environmental engineering, 44.3 percentType of engineering with the lowest % of bachelor degrees earned by women in 2011: computer engineering, 9.4 percent

National MissionStimulate women to achieve full potential in careers as engineers and leaders, expand the image of the engineering profession as a positive force in improving the quality of life, and demonstrate the value of diversity

SWE UCR MissionDevelop programs to enable our members to improve their leadership, time management, communication and problem solving skillsEncourage girls and women to study engineeringProvide women with a sense of belonging in the College, the University, the community and in the field of engineeringDemonstrate the value of diversity and teamworkPromote the engineering profession as a positive force in improving the quality of lifeWhat does it mean to be a SWE officer?We are a teamPart of your job as an officer is to help other officers with tasks when you have fewer tasks or when help is neededThis is a job, treat it like oneEverything a SWE officer does, should be for the better of the organization and its membersWe cant be selfish here!You will make a difference in someones life!2014-2015 Executive Board PositionsPresidentVice PresidentSecretaryTreasurer(2)Social (2)Development (2)Outreach (2)Historian/NewsletterWebmaster/PRPresidentManage organization and other officersCoordinate with SWE National/Regional in filling out quarterly, financial and annual reportsMake sure SWE-UCR is in good standing with SWE NationalsOrganize officer and general meetingsCreates agendas and sends to all officers before event occursSets goals for organization for academic yearindividual goals for each quarterSets goals for all officers/committeesCreates timeline for yearAttends monthly conference calls

Vice PresidentAssist President with her dutiesCoordinates conferences, advisor meetingsActs as President in the event that President cannot fulfill dutiesAttends LC MeetingsActs as the enforcer (ensures that all officers are fulfilling responsibilities)oversees committees

SecretaryTakes detailed notes at all meetingsSends out Meeting Minutes/Updates and minutes to officers and members after every meetingHelps with quarterly reports and end of the year resportFills out continuous feedback formsSends/proofreads all emails to Jun/Rosie

Outreach (2)Organize and runs Bourns College of Engineering Day (BCED) during Spring QuarterIn charge of BCED CommitteeCoordinates other outreach events at local elementary/middle/high schoolsPlans and runs activity for MESA Engineering NightMaintains communication with local schools In charge of filling out and submitting outreach and program development grants with assistance of President, VP, and Treasurers

Social (2)Plan fun and effective social events throughout the year to encourage member involvement and networkingPlans and hosts SWE's Annual Ice Cream Social during the first week of schoolPlans and executes SWE's Valentine Fundraiser in partnership with TreasurersEncourages membership and member involvement by being present at tabling activities such as BearFacts, Dean's Orientation, Highlander and Discover DayWorks with other organizations to create/maintain relationships & plan joint events

Treasurer (2)Creates budget for academic yearFills out financial report at the end of the yearIn charge of fundraisers (including t-shirts)Attend all hearings / meeting for both accountsauthorized signercheck balance of respective account bi-quarterlyASUCRCollects and deposits money into ASUCR accountmaintain record of reimbursements / expensesDEANSRequests and attains POs for meetings / eventsassists in budgeting for conferencesmaintain record of expenses

Professional DevelopmentPlans events aimed towards developing members' professional excellenceworkshops, panels, tech talks, company toursOpen and maintain communication with Career Center, as well as Jun/RosieEmails and invites speakers for events/workshops/panelsHead of Evening With Industry planning committee

Academic DevelopmentManages the SWE Mentorship program by recruiting and pairing mentor and menteesEncourages mentor/mentee pairs to attend SWE events and participate on SWE committees (BCED, EWI, Publishing)Plans activities and events geared towards mentor/mentee pairs in partnership with Social Coordinatorsmandatory study sessions bi-quarterlyResearches/presents scholarship/grant opportunities to membersmaintain relationship with ARC

Webmaster/Public RelationsUpdates SWE website, Facebook and Twitter accounts while maintaining the archive and toastertoaster needs to be updated bi-quarterlymeeting minutes should be put in toaster bi-monthlywebsite should remain up - to -date at all timesshould include current and upcoming events with links to FB pagesUpdates Member of the Month section on the websiteworks with newsletter/historianUses creative and effective means of advertising for SWE eventsi.e. Flyers and signs for eventswebsitefacebook

Historian/Newsletter EditorTakes pictures and records SWE events (General meetings, Social, Professional Development, Outreach, Recruitment events)Makes new poster board Creates scrapbook page for Sonora Region conference (Winter Quarter)In charge of editing the SWEekly Newsletter with the publishing committee every weekChooses topics of the articles based on previous, current, and upcoming eventsManages the Member Nomination section (Monthly) in the NewsletterSubmits one article (atleast) bi-monthly to the Region B blog

ElectionsWeek 10 during general meetingCurrent Executive Board will also review candidates and votes afterwards so that the most qualified individuals fill the positionsApplication is on SWE websitePlease fill out ASAPQuestions?Networking Time!Now is your opportunity to go speak with the current officersIf you have a specific position in mind, go speak with that current officer

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