15 ways to look hot in bikini

Post on 22-Jan-2018






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15 Ways to Look Hot in

a Bikini

The most effective method to look hot in a bikini is the issue on everybody's lips when summer moves around. For some women, the bikini can be an difficult prospect, however there are a lot of tips and tricks to make the bikini a great deal less scary. Regarding the matter of what to look like hot in bikini, there are both long term and short term solutions. Take a look at a few tips on how to look hot in a bikini, below.

To begin with things in the first place, you have to exude confidence. Be confident about yourself and in your body. You don't have to body of a supermodel to step into a bikini, yet it helps if you exude their same kind of confidence.

1. Have Confidence :-

This tip on the best way to look hot in a bikini is a no brainer. If you want a bikini ready body, then you must put in the hard yards. Normal cardiovascular exercise is your most logical option for getting in shape this season.

2. Work-out :-

3. Tone Up :-

Look awesome in a bikini by toning up your muscles. Regular cardiovascular exercise should to be combined with resistance preparing. Things like weights, pilates, andswimming are all great for toning up and making muscle definition.


Try not to disregard your feet regarding getting your body bikini ready. When you're at the beach or by the pool, your whole body is on show. Treat yourself to a pedicure for complete spoiling.

5. Colour choice :-

Choose colours and fabrics that make you happy and that play up your best elements. Wearing your favourite colour will always have you feeling great and wearing it on the zones you'd like to highlight will attract attention to these ranges and take away from others.

Try not to be afraid to buy separates that don't go fundamentally together. For example, depending on your body shape your top and bottom parts may be different sizes. Buying separates is a great way to get the right fit and you'll look all the better for it when you step out in your bikini.

6. Mix and Match :-


Overeating can easily cause our bellies to stick out and create the effect of a ‘food baby’. Avoid this look when you’re wearing a bikini by eating smaller portions prior to stripping down. This way, you can still eat while your stomach remains relatively flat.


Like most things, bikinis also have a use by date. Inevitably, the fabric will fade and stretch with use. If your bikini is nearing its expiration date then don’t wear it to the beach!Get another one rather and you'll be feeling a great deal more hotter for it.

9. Fake it :-

A fake tan can help make you appear more toned and give the presence of muscle definition. Also, who doesn't need that when strutting around in a bikini? Go for a natural looking tan for the best effect.


Eating too many salty foods can lead to water retention, which can lead to bloating. And bloating is not something that we want when putting on a bikini, right? Just keep a watch on how many refined and salty foods you eat in the lead up to your bikini outing.

11. RELAX :-

If you’re stressed out about putting on that bikini, it’s going to show in your posture and attitude. Take a deep breath, relax, and enjoy the warm weather. When it comes to how to look hot in bikinis, things like exercise and diet can be planned months in advance but other things like choosing the right swimsuit and posture are quick fixes. What’s your best tip for how to look hot in a bikini?


In the matter of how to look hot in a bikini, scaly skin is a major no-no. You're going to have lots of skin on show so verify it's in the best condition possible by moisturising regularly in the lead up to your beach outing.


You don't generally need to uncovered all when wearing a bikini. You can still look smoking hot by making use of clever cover ups. A sarong worn around the hips can look stylish and mixed, and an open button-down shirt can look subtly revealing.


Wearing a hat with your bikini is not only sun smart but it also looks stylish and fun. A straw hat collaborated with tousled beach hair looks a wide range of chic and is an great way for adding additional point of interest to your look.

For those needing to know what to look like hot in a bikini, the way you stand and sit can have truly an effect. Standing up straight and with your shoulders make can make you look taller and leaner. When you're on the sand, lying on your back with your knees up will make your stomach seem compliment and your body slimmer.

15. POSTURE :-

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