16th sunday in ot 16o domingo del to - greenpoint · las lecturas de hoy nos recuerda de la...

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July 21th, 2019

16th Sunday in OT

16o Domingo del TO

Morning prayers at 8:00 a.m.

Divine Mercy Chaplet will be prayed every Sunday at 9:15 a.m.

Saturday, July 20: 5:30+ Jesús Nieves Jr., & Kevin Nievez by Mom & Dad

Sunday, July 21: 9:15 - Divine Mercy Chaplet 9:30+ Frank Killip by Son 11:00+ Familia Roldan - Gonzalez by Aura Cor- dero 12:30+ Flo Ligarzewski by Paulette Shwenk & Family

Monday, July 22: 8:15+ Barbara & Leszek Plotka by Voilet & D- avid 12:15+ Elizabeth (Betty) Smith by Michael Kos- lab

Tuesday, July 23: 8:15+ Veronica & Sergio Crisostomo by Azelia & Michael McCambridge 12:15+ Danuta Knapik by Wioletta Klemensow- ska

Wednesday, July 24: 8:15 - FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE PARISH 12:15 - Skylar Darragh by Virginia Sheehan

Thursday, July 25: 8:15+ Barbara & Leszek Plotka by Joan Wals- h 12:15+ Angela Lopez by Dulce O’Hara

Friday, July 26: 8:15 + Franciszka Sienko by Eugene Coates 12:15+ Mitchell Family by Ann Mitchell 7:30 - (Spanish) Olimpia Disla by Venus Ama- tulli

Saturday, July 27: 8:15 - James N Coughlan, Sr. by Wife, Alice Coughlan 5:30+ Phillip Carney by Family

Sunday, July 28: 9:15 - Divine Mercy Chaplet 9:30+ JoAnn Krol by Renee & Family 11:00+ (Spanish) Marisol Palma by Son 12:30+ PURGATORIAL SOCIETY; Zofia Stac- zek, Christina Bianculli, and Veronica Ramirez Villafuerte

Please remember those on our sick list in your prayers: Michael Anobile, Lottie Wo-jciechowicz, Maria Petrona Paiz Turcios, Jac-queline Elsasser, Catherine McClung, Valerie Bruno, Martha Banfield, Allen Ryczek, Levieva Svetiana, Molly Tyburczy, John Tyburczy, Julissa Garcia, Carolyn Lattanzio, Joan Dobkin, Laurie Rueckheim, Judith Ballaster, Steve Be-lus, Janice L. Whelan, James Cunniff, Joseph Buenos, Patty Behan, Donald Buddenhagen, Matthew Colasanti, Joseph Anthony D’Avino, Laura Borruso, Amy Pisarki, John Slattery, Jo-seph Lauron, Patricia Riordan, Carmelo Reyes, Marylou Ryan, Patricia Taranovich, Eugene Stonebreaker, Zofia Orlowska, Mary Sanz, Robert Keenan, Ryan Marshall, Anne Marie Stampf, Edward Pertell, Genowefa Biernaca, Elizabeth Malenik, Kataryna Gierczynska, Cait-lyn Geer, James Buddenhagen, Bill Wisniewski, Gary Normandia, Eleanor Heiber-ger, Brian Francis Campion, Gemma Ferrara, Frank Sarlie, Peggy Mae, Edwin Soto, Law-rence O’Donnell, Julia Silva, Theresa Good, Mary Knapp, Elizabeth “Betty” Gifford, Baby Jozef Ban Pray for the deceased: Jack Fugger

Bread & Wine

The bread and wine at all the Masses from July 21st to July 27th, will be

offered in the memory of Frank Brudecki by Mr. & Mrs. Pineiro.

From Fr. Davy’s Desk:


Today’s readings reminds us about the hospitality to the visitors and the need of prayer every

day. The first reading is the story of Abraham and Sarah. They welcomed three strangers. They

were generous in providing everything for the visitors. Abraham and Sarah welcomed the

strangers as their own family members. The visitors blessed them and promised to have a child

soon. This happens to everyone who generously welcomes others. God blesses us in abun-


From the Gospel we read the story of Martha and Mary. They both were so happy to welcome

Jesus to their home. They both had different attitude. Martha was busy cooking to serve deli-

cious food for Jesus. We all do the same. When we have visitors we cook food for them. Serv-

ing delicious food is a great expression of hospitality. But Jesus doesn’t appreciate what Mar-

tha was doing. What was the mistake Martha did? Martha was worried, anxious and stressful.

She was not fully doing the cooking joyfully. Saint Theresa said: “Do little things with love

and joy.”

Jesus reminds Martha to find time to listen to the Word of God. Prayer changes our life and at-

titude. Jesus worked hard. He preached, fed the hungry and cured the sick. Though he was

busy during the day he spent time in the evening in prayer. Sometimes when I talk to couples, I

ask them ‘Do you pray together?” Some of them say they don’t have time to pray together. It is

a big mistake. If we don’t pray together then there will be a lot of worries as Martha had. We

will not enjoy real peace and love.

We need to stop working and hear the Lord in the silence. Let us try to have a synchronized

life of Mary and Martha. Mary sat at the Lord’s feet and listens to his teaching. For this she is

praised and indeed blessed. Let us find time to work and pray so that we will be able to be-

come the true followers of Christ.

Fr. Kavungal Davy, CMI

Mensaje del Padre Davy:


Las lecturas de hoy nos recuerda de la hospitalidad de los visitantes y la necesidad de orar

todos los días. La primera lectura es la historia de Abraham y Sara. Dieron la bienvenida a tres

extraños. Fueron generosos en su hospitalidad, dándoles todo para los visitantes. Abrahán y

Sara dieron la bienvenida a los extraños como miembros de su propia familia. Los visitantes

los bendijeron y prometieron tener un hijo pronto. Esto le sucede a todos los que

generosamente dan la bienvenida a otros. Dios nos bendice en abundancia.

Del Evangelio leemos la historia de Marta y María. Ambos estaban muy felices de darle la

bienvenida a Jesús a su casa. Ambas tenían una actitud diferente. Martha estaba ocupada

cocinando para servir comida deliciosa para Jesús. Todos hacemos lo mismo. Cuando tenemos

visitantes cocinamos comida para ellos. Servir comida deliciosa es una gran expresión de

hospitalidad. Pero Jesús no aprecia lo que Martha estaba haciendo. ¿Cuál fue el error que hizo

Marta? Martha estaba preocupada, ansiosa y estresada. Ella no estaba cocinando alegremente.

Santa Teresa dijo: "Haz pequeñas cosas con amor y alegría".

Jesús le recuerda a Marta que hay que encontrar tiempo para escuchar la Palabra de Dios. La

oración cambia nuestra vida y actitud. Jesús trabajó duro. Predicó, alimentó a los hambrientos

y curó a los enfermos. Aunque estuvo ocupado durante el día, pasó un tiempo en la tarde

orando. A veces, cuando hablo con las parejas, les pregunto "¿Rezan juntos?" Algunos de ellos

dicen que no tienen tiempo para orar juntos. Es un gran error. Si no oramos juntos, habrá

muchas preocupaciones como Martha tenía. No disfrutaremos de la verdadera paz y el amor.

Tenemos que dejar de trabajar y escuchar al Señor en el silencio. Intentemos tener una vida

sincronizada de María y Marta. María se sentó a los pies del Señor y escuchó sus enseñanzas.

Por esto es alabada y ciertamente bendecida. Dediquemos tiempo para trabajar y orar para que

podamos llegar a ser los verdaderos seguidores de Cristo.

Padre Kavungal Davy, CMI


Weekend of July 13 - 14, 2019

Attendance - 492 Collection - $ 2,589.00

Votive Candles - $ 1,049.00 Air Conditioner - $1,212.00

Last year’s attendance - 579

Last year’s Collection - $ 3,742.00 Last year's Votive Candles - $ 647.00

Air Conditioner - $1,315.00

Just Married

Congratulations to the newly married:

Noah J. Romano Oktavia Rosemary LaBarge

July 13, 2019

Faith Formation Registrations

CCD registrations will be open on the following dates:

July 22 - July 26

5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

August 19 - August 23 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

August 26 - August 29 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

Thank you to all the generous individuals who made a pledge/gift to the 2019

Annual Catholic Appeal.

100% of any excess amount will go to-wards the Parish account. .

Pledged: $39,081.75 Total Paid: $31,980.00 Balance: $7,101.50

Please remember to send in your pledges.

Many blessings to you all.

Pilgrimage trip to Washington D.C.

If you are thinking of leading a group on a spiritual journey to a place that is

nearer to home, you should consider Washington, D.C. From the Washington Monument to the Library of Congress, from the Jefferson Memorial to the US Capitol Building. Coupled with some of the most impressive houses of worship

in the country, Washington, DC is an ap-proachable, affordable and appropriate

site for a spiritual and historical faith journey.

For more information visit:


¿Es usted un comedor compulsivo?

Usted tiende…

¿comer cuando no tiene hambre? ¿pensar constantemente en los alimen-

tos, qué comer o su peso? ¿hacer dietas y ejercicio para compensar-

se por la alimentación no controlada? ¿sentir apenado o culpable de tu peso o

la manera que comes? ¿decirse a usted mismo que no va a

hacer esto otra vez pero en poco tiempo vuelves a comer?

hay una solución GRATIS! somos un grupo de personas que han en-contrado la libertad de comer compulsiva-mente a través de un programa de recu-peración de 12 pasos. podemos ofrecer esta solución a las personas que lo quie-


Para mas información en español: Sidney: 914 645 6915

llame en cualquier momento o manda un mensaje

Are you a compulsive eater?

Do you... • binge, purge, or restrict? • eat when you’re not really hungry? • obsessively diet and exercise to

compensate for uncontrolled eat-ing?

There is a Solution. We are a group of people who have found freedom from compulsive eating through a 12-step program of recovery and can offer

this solution to those who want it free of charge!

Local Contact: Sidney: 914 645 6915 (call or text)

Visit our website:


St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry

Our food pantry is in need of the follow-ing items:

rice Cereal

canned bean canned tuna fish

canned vegetables peanut butter & jelly

macaroni and cheese instant mashed potato

Canned meats (Spam, ham, corned beef

50/50 CLUB

50/50 envelopes are available in the back of the church. Please feel free to take additional envelopes for neighbors

and friends.

Minimum donation is $2.00

Donacion minima son $2.00

$2.00 = 1 chance to win

$5.00 = 3 chances to win

$10.00 = 6 chances to win

Please make sure your name, phone number and dollar amount are on each

50/50 envelope. (We will make sure your contribution is converted into the

proper amount of chances to which you are entitled.)

Healing Mass

On the first Saturday of every month a healing Mass will be celebrated. It will be held during

the 5:30 P.M. Mass.

The Sacrament of Anointy of the Sick will be offered.

Misa Curativa

El primer sábado de cada mes se celebrará una Misa de sanación. Sera durante la Misa de

5:30 P.M.

El Sacramento de la Unción de los Enfermos será ofrecido.

Birthday Announcement

If anyone is celebrating a birthday, we would like to announce it in the bulletin. Please email Fr. Davy or call the rectory and leave the name of the person, the month and day of their birth. (Email address can be found on the front of the



Baptisms are celebrated in English on the last Sunday of the month at 1:30 p.m. and Spanish baptisms are celebrated on the first Saturday of

every month.

Arrangements must be made at the Parish Office in advance. The birth certifi-cate must be presented. Instructions are re-

quired for parents and godparents before Baptism.


Arrangements should be made six months in advance. Pre-Cana Conferences are part of

preparation. The website address is: http://www.pre-cana.org/


Priests are available anytime. Ministers of the Eucharist can be invited to bring Communion to

the home of the sick.


Wednesday: Pre-Communion and Communion Classes

5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Thursday: Continuing Classes to Confirmation, Pre-

Confirmation and Confirmation 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.


Please register at the Parish Office. Any letters for Sponsorship, Baptism/Confirmation, as well as a letter for Immigration, you must be a regis-

tered member of the Parish.


Meets each Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in Church

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