17 insincere traits from people who claim to be sincere

Post on 09-May-2015



Self Improvement



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If the world could strive for one quality and one quality only, I choose SINCERITY. Imagine a world where you didn't have to guess at the motive behind the offer, or people did what they said they were going to do. If that were the case our energies would be devoted to the 'task at hand,' clearly paving the way for superior results. Okay, I was dreaming for just a moment. When you understand the motives behind those people who are most insincere, you'll be leaps and bounds ahead of the volumes of people who become victims.


Brink Thinking®Educational SlideShare Series

© 2013 Malcolm Out Loud, LLC, All Rights Reserved

17Insincere Traits From People Who

Claim To Be Sincere


1People who are there for all the FREE stuff,

yet never return the favor - they want to, they're going to… someday


2Someone who keeps canceling last minute with the wildest excuses i.e. the car blew

up, the dog has a fever, an aunt from India just arrived


3The guy who says he is going to do you a big favor

and then proceeds to remind you on occasion that he doesn't have to do it but he wants to


4The person who needs you to do something for them for FREE

and they'll pay you when their

ship comes in or they win the



5The guy who has a product the world can't live without

and you'll get paid back when the big money

comes in


6They seem sincere, you go out on a limb

and do the favor understanding that

they have investors who are dropping a wad of cash - you wait for what seems forever - it never comes


7People who say 'To tell you the truth' repeatedly as if they're lying the rest of the time and now they

need to point out that this time it’s

the real truth


“Sincerity is the fulfillment of our own nature, and to arrive at it we

need only follow our own true Self.Sincerity is the beginning and

end of existence; without it, nothing can endure.

Therefore the mature person values sincerity above all things.”

― Tzu-ssu


8Those who have an excuse for everything.

It's never their fault - the rest of the world keeps getting in their way


9The guy who wants to do great

things with you when

you call him,

but don't count on him calling you


10People who always let your calls go

to voicemail,

they're always too busy but they expect you to answer their calls


11The guy or gal who delivers their bad news in a text.

They don't want to call you because they can't live up to the truth


12Those people who rely strictly on email to

communicate with you.

They don't want eye to eye contact, they prefer

not to be exposed


13People who seem uncomfortable with

looking into your eyes,

they fidget with anything in sight to avoid a direct and truthful conversation


“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”

― John F. Kennedy


14People who screw up and don't apologize.

They know you know, but they

don't want to fess up!

They see it as a weakness, not a strength


15Someone that is too

busy is someone

who is not interested. We all make time for

the things that are important to us


16The lady who cancels a

meeting, and another, and

another, always with good excuses -

is probably not worth your time



17The person who calls you only when they need something.

They start by catching up as if they really care and then…. boom


“Sincerity - if you can fake that, you've got it made.”

― George Burns

“Don't claim you're sincere, just be it.”

― Eva Heller

“Sincerity makes the very least person to be of more value than the most talented hypocrite.”

― Charles Spurgeon


© 2013 Malcolm Out Loud, LLC, All Rights Reserved

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Brink Thinking is centered around making the irrational rational. Many of the best inventions and ideas that have impacted society today seemed irrational until a Brink Thinker thought beyond the absurd. Imagination

helps provide meaning to experience and understanding to knowledge; it is a fundamental faculty through which people make sense of the world.

Society benefits when imagination and absurdity collide.

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