18 th annual newsletter for 2012 by macharold s. ingram december 24, 2012 theme: chain of thought...

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18th Annual Newsletter for 2012 By Macharold S. Ingram

December 24, 2012Theme: Chain of Thought (See colored words.)

Dear Family and Friends…

Presented in a logical orderCopyright imagesAbbreviations: P.A. – Physician’s Assistant; WBTS – War Between The States, a.k.a. The US Civil War

[Please click through and read at your own pace. With the salutation on this page, my newsletter continues on successive pages in the smaller fonts. Picture captions are in larger, bold font.]

Lumix, Playback Mode, taken with Kodak

2012 started optimistically. The economy seems to be improving. I had a number of projects, including getting a new camera. Using my E-Star credits, I procured a Panasonic Lumix in mid-January, and it has been a joy to use. Most photographs in this presentation were taken with it. This particular picture had to be exceptional.

Right Hand as seen by a P.A. via X-Rays

I try to be a picture of health, but have had some ups and downs. In late May, at a church wide skating event, I fell backward several times and caught myself on my right hand. This caused a sprain which has been somewhat painful with some temporary loss of function. Fortunately, the pain is subsiding and function is returning, but the healing process has seemed slow. More than a month later, I still felt effects.

Barrels of Wire Offal, and a particular sample.

Effective work at Eaton continues to go well. Since last October, I held the position of Electrical Technician, which is what I originally hired as in 1990. Vacations are being managed differently, from being rewarded in arrears to being given on a real-time basis. So vacation time earned from last year was "banked", divided into roughly 3 portions, and we have 3 years to use that time off. I was assigned a special project in March to develop software to reduce wire waste. While the “MIN-WIRE” project is very successful, there has been a struggle for acceptance.

A Day to Forget

Speaking of such, Labor Day (Sept. 3) was a struggle with sickness. I had been to a doctor several days earlier and had a negative strep test. Monday, nausea, diarrhea and dry heaves were symptomatic of a severe stomach virus. It's a day I'd rather forget.

GAP KIDZ Learners draw on a whiteboard after the session.

Forgetting the past seems to be fashionable at Living Water. Early on, there was a "falling away" as many people left after an incident involving a pastor selection committee. (next slide)

Vacation Bible School Learner turns the evangelical color wheel. The poster pair is shown in their positions with superhero puzzles.

(cont’d) We started a Wednesday evening children's program (GAP Kidz) patterned somewhat like AWANA‘s. In weekly (Wednesday and Sunday) and annual (Vacation Bible School) events, I continue to invest my time with young children.

Home Page of Minerals-Software-Inventions.com

In late March, I invested in "cyber real estate" (i.e., buying and registering an internet domain). I actually bought 2 sites, one of which is a pure investment. The other [Minerals-Software-Inventions.com] is possibly investment-related, but currently holds mostly photographs. Please feel free to visit (click for link), and be aware that it will change sometimes.

Quilter’s Tools and Material

Changes continue with a sewing project. In early April, I got motivated again to work on my quilt, which is now a long-term project, dating back to 2007. Because its name (and design) will make fullest sense only when it is completed, I do not give its name nor show it to people while it's in progress. I had to hide it quickly once when Grace called giving me short notice of a visit.

Orchids of Various Forms and Colors

Grace also called on March 31 from the nearby Arboretum. There was an orchid competition event going on which we enjoyed. We also hiked around some and visited the bonsai displays. Grace still works as a paralegal for Larry Pfaff in Banner Elk.

Orchids of Various Forms and Colors

Various Images in and near Cataloochee Valley

My Water Bottle is iconic in sign pictures.

Elk were not visible on my latest visit to Cataloochee Valley on July 1. But I enjoyed a profusion of wild flowers beside the road and on the Divide Trail as I hiked towards Hemphill Bald.

Flame Azalea bloom beside the Divide Trail.

The Cemetery is in Northern Rutherford County, NC.

The Hemphill-Morgan Cemetery was the object of a workday in early November. But the real event that day was a celebration of Uncle Don's 90th birthday at North 40. It was a surprise to him, and to others. We got some trees cut down, brush and wood hauled away, and I got photographs of memorial stones for all interred (ancestors, relatives and unknown slaves).

(Clockwise from upper left): Roaring Creek Falls, Setrock Creek Falls, Sign at Campground, Catawba Rhododendron along Blue Ridge Parkway

A hike on Memorial Day was repeated again this year with an excursion on the Blue Ridge Parkway and visits to 2 waterfalls in Yancey County. Keeping my tradition with such events, the mass of the earth is slightly redistributed.

Sign and Water Bottle near Setrock Creek Falls

Backlit Leaves at a Parkway Overlook

(Left-to-Right): Pink Unknown Flowers, St. Andrew’s Cross, Freshly-strung Mint Cuttings, Trillium Seedpod

Earth's plants and flora continue to hold my interest. On July 29, hiking near North Mills River, I started a photographic theme of "Shades of Green", having found many juxtapositions of different plants with much variation of color. I continued to add to my dried mint collection. Once dry, I crumble the leaves of both peppermint and spearmint and seep in water with tea bags to make mint tea .

(1-4) Plant Juxtapositions at Mintz Cove, near North Mills River(5) Plants near Rufus Morgan Falls, Macon Co.(6) Blue spruce and holly at Arden residence

1 2 3

4 5 6

Tea-connoisseur Henrietta teaches now at Randolph Community College. Her activities last year were given the "Master Card" treatment. (Remember the TV advertisements, in which 2 or 3 things have a price, but the final item with lasting impact is "priceless"?) She is still a CARD (Christian Advocate Roaming Devotee) for the Master, and it is encouraging to see her compassion to continue professional and voluntary teaching.Cynthia continues her teaching work at NC A&T State University. She conducts nursing classes in the ABSN (Accelerated Bachelor's program), geared to students who already have a bachelor's degree in another field. The program is extremely geared to current society.At the other extreme, teaching and young children are both themes for Darlene, as she enjoys the work at a daycare facility. Her efforts will help these youngsters be independent some day.Financial independence was one of my goals this year. On October 29, I entered the credit union holding my mortgage and paid it off. The feeling is exhilarating. So now I own my house outright and the lot it sits on, having made payments for over 14 years.After 6 years of service, my cell phone was failing (People had trouble hearing me on calls). With the skating event injury, I was motivated to purchase a new phone. At the same time, I bought a Jetpack for wireless internet access. Both of these devices have improved the technical aspect of communication greatly, starting in June.In early June, there was a weekend with 2 family events. Many of us met in West Jefferson (Ashe County) for lunch and shopping at the cheese outlet. The second event was Cane Creek Decoration, attended rarely for several years, with the usual good food.

Manna Food Bank helps many people in need across the area. The call for volunteers fell on listening ears in late September, as I picked apples (probably Rome Beauties) at a harvesting event.Beautiful scenery was the call as I went hiking in northern Georgia and Macon County, NC. During this extended vacation in early October, I also installed some cordless blinds, and did other personal projects.Although I personally voted early, the traditional Election Day is on my birthday. This year is a presidential election, and it happens as such every 28 years. For these coincident dates, the incumbent has always won in recent history.Biblical history records that Apostles Peter and Paul were bound with chains (Acts 12:6-7 and 26:29). But we are free (no longer slaves to sin), and I celebrate this freedom at Christmas. The Bible is full of the freedom concept (such as John 8:36 and Romans 6:22), so it must be very important. So I leave you with encouragement to throw off your chains, and celebrate your freedom this Christmas. Here’s wishing you the Merriest ever!Living in Freedom,MacContact information:Phone: (828) 684-4276Personal e-mail: HisImageMSI@gmail.comSlow mail: 298 Watson Road; Arden, NC 28704Limited text service: HisImageMSI@vtext.com [8286844276@vtext.com also works.]

[There are 3 more slides, mostly with pictures.]

(Left-to-Right) Family near cheese store, West Jefferson; Grace near Newland waterfall; Woody’s at Decoration; Uncle Wyatt’s and Aunt Crete’s tombstone; Possibly angelica flower near Bakersville.

Upper-Left: Schoolhouse FallsMiddle: Rufus Morgan FallsRight: Variegated fungusMiddle-Left: Falls on Tate Branch, northern GA

Right: Partridge BerriesFar Right: Violet flowers near Bakersville

Here is the news about other family members not mentioned elsewhere. Denver is a fire-weather meteorologist near Atlanta. He still goes various places to teach and learn his profession. Chris and Crystal are married, and living in Randleman. He is attending Randolph Community college; she manages a bookstore. Dad continues some farming and gardening, but is slowly letting it go. Andy continues to teach as a substitute, support Cynthia and perform at living history events (WBTS re-enactments). Another of his highlights was helping at a golfing event with several notable athletes present.

Left-to-Right: Grace, Andy, Cynthia, Dad (Henry), Darlene and Denver


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