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1905 - Russian RevolutionTens of thousands of workers striking: Low pay,

no worker rights, no represent. gov.

Jan 22, 1905:

Bloody Sunday Massacre in Russia

Duma: Set up to represent the people &

possibly share power through a law making

body called the Duma.

Nicholas II: Decides to remove the

Duma, the people HATE this move.

World War I - Terrible disaster for Russia

Nicholas felt this would benefit Russia and unite

it under him. The opposite happened.

Massive inflation, poverty, & unemployment

2 million die in WWI Russia

LIFE MAGAZINE Jan 13, 1958;

Bloody Sunday in Petrograd

1905 Revolution & breakout of WWI

Tzar Nicholas II among troops during First


Proletarian: workers that never get ahead. Only work to

pay the bills.

Bourgeoise: property owners, business owners, profits

from the workers.

Marxism: “For each according to his ability, for each

according to his needs.”

Leninism: Lenin takes Marxism to a different level.

Marx thought communism would emerge on it’s own.

Lenin states that it would happen quicker with violent

revolution & a dictator leading it to fruition.

Russian troops awaiting

German attack in WWI.

Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels

Petrograd (Saint Petersburg), July

4, 1917. Street demonstration just

after troops of Provisional

Government opened machine gun



Economic systems ~ means of production & distribution are under social

ownership, management within economic institutions.

★ Based on collective decision-making

★ Worker self-management

★ Economy is primarily geared toward production for use

Control of production

Direct—Exercised through popular collectives such as workers' councils - or

Indirect—Exercised on behalf of the people by the state

Karl Marx: Modern socialist movement, would be

socioeconomic system that arises after a proletarian

revolution. Means of production are owned cooperatively by

the working class. The surplus product generated would be

used to benefit all of society, & economy would no longer be

structured upon the law of value.

Communism: A branch of the broader socialist movement.

Seeks to establish a future:

★ Without Social Class

★ Formalized State Structure &

★ Social Organization: common ownership of means of production.

Variety of political movements which claim the establishment of such a social

organization as their ultimate goal.

Considerable variety of views w/ self-identified communists: Maoism, Trotskyism, council communism, Luxemburgism, & various currents of left

communism, which are in addition to more widespread varieties.

Marxism-Leninism comprise a particular branch of

communism that primary driving force for communism in

20th century.

Rasputin: Russian mystic with “healing powers” - advises

the Czar and his wife. Claims he can heal the royal line’s

blood disease. He ends up having a lot of power.

The Death of Rasputin: They poisoned and then shot and

then beat him to death. He finally is killed by these


1917: Petrograd (St. Petersburg) massive strikes and

workers revolting against the Czar. Nicholas II calls on

the army to quell the revolt. That backfires. The army joins

the revolution.

The Duma comes back and begins to control Russia.

The Dual Power Period: The Bourgeoise (Social Democrats - like Western


The Soviets (The interests of the workers represented

through this group) - Similar to unions today.

Alexander Kerensky: Leader of the provisional


Bolsheviks - don’t want to work with the “Provisional

government” and the Bourgeoise. Kerensky crosses over to

the Bolsheviks. However WWI continues, Russia still losing


Russian soldiers marching in

Petrograd in February 1917

The Petrograd Soviet

Assembly meeting in 1917

Nicholas Romanov - Nicholas II - Last Czar of Russia.

Son Alexei, heir to the throne, was afflicted with Haemophilia B, a

hereditary disease that prevents blood from clotting properly, which

at that time was untreatable & usually led to an untimely death.

As a granddaughter of Queen Victoria, Alexandra (Wife of the Czar)

carried the same gene mutation that afflicted several of the major

European royal houses, such as Prussia and Spain.

Hemophilia - "the royal disease"

Alexandra had passed it on to her son. As all of Nicholas &

Alexandra's daughters perished with their parents & brother in

Yekaterinburg in 1918, it is not known whether any of them inherited

the gene as carriers.

Grigori Rasputin: peasant, mystic & private adviser to Romanovs,

became an influential figure in later years of tsar Nicholas.

At the time of his death, his net worth was $900 million, which is the

inflation adjusted equivalent to $13.7 billion in 2012 US dollars.

Grand Duchess Anastasia

NikolaevnaPersistent rumors of her possible escape

circulated after her death, fueled by the fact that

the location of her burial was unknown during

the decades of Communist rule.

The mass grave near Yekaterinburg which

held the remains of the Tsar, his wife, & three of

their daughters was revealed in 1991, &

The bodies of Alexei Nikolaevich & the

remaining daughter—either Anastasia or her

older sister Maria—were discovered in 2007.

Her possible survival has been conclusively


Forensic analysis & DNA testing confirmed that

the remains are those of the imperial family,

showing that all four grand duchesses were

killed in 1918.

Several women have falsely claimed to have

been Anastasia, of whom Anna Anderson is the

best known.

Not history! Amateur historian Bob Atchison:

(Like) someone making a film in which,

"Anne Frank moves to Orlando & opens a

crocodile farm with a guy named Mort."

The Revolution is running through the Bolsheviks (which

is a very small group at that point)

The Germans fund & transport Lenin back to Russia. He

represents the chance that Russia could get out of the

war, Germany would win on the Eastern front.

July, 1917 - Petrograd workers take to the street:

“All power to the Bolsheviks” The government

squashes the revolution.

August, 1917 - Kerensky falls back to getting the

Bolsheviks to defend him. They defend the city of

Petrograd. Kerensky releases Trotsky from prison and

Lenin returns from exile.

The October Revolution, 1917 - The Real Russian

Communist Revolution finally takes hold.

It is actually quite bloodless, in comparison to the French,

American, and others. The October Revolution is not as

chaotic as the early revolts. Trotsky and Lenin get the

votes needed to dissolve the provisional government.

Lenin takes power.

Russia exits WWI.

The USSR - Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is


The White Army vs. The Red Army:

Chaos death & destruction. As the rest of the

world, virtually fund the White Army to stop the


America supports the White Army.

During the civil war in Russia, the army

assassinate the Czar and the family.

Because Russia is out of the war, this puts

pressure on the U.S. to join WWI.

Of course, as we have learned the USSR plays

a massive role in World War II. After WWII, the

“Cold War” & a “Third World” War develops

in the global south between the US & USSR

through proxy countries ( notably Vietnam &

Korea; but also in Latin America & Africa).

American troops in Vladivostok during the

Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War (August 1918)

Soviet Union mobilized for rapid

economic development 1930s:

women entered the workforce in

great numbersHere, pictured at right, 2 young women are

mastering the skills of driving a tractor on one

of the large collective farms that replaced the

country’s private agriculture.

Russian women

played key role in


defense of the

‘motherland’ from


Ethel & Julius Rosenberg

In 1950, infamous husband & wife

were accused by the FBI of passing

nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union.

Found guilty in a trial that helped fuel

the red scare.

Despite doubts as to Julius' &

especially Ethel's guilt, the pair were

executed for espionage at Sing Sing

prison in New York on June 19, 1953.

Map 22.3 The Global Cold WarCold war sharply divided the world as a whole as well the

continent of Europe; countries of Korea, Vietnam, & Germany;

& the city of Berlin.

In many places, it also sparked crises that brought nuclear-

armed superpowers of the U.S. & the USSR to the brink of

war, although in every case they managed to avoid direct

military conflict.

Mushroom-shaped cloud & water column from the underwater US "Baker"

nuclear explosion of July 25, 1946. Photo taken from a tower on Bikini Island,

3.5 mi away. Its purpose was to investigate the effect of nuclear weapons on

naval ships.

"Operation Crossroads" consisted of two detonations.

This is the second of the set called "Baker." The first was called "Abel."

Canopus (also Opération Canopus in French) was the codename for France's 1st 2-

stage thermonuclear test (August 24, 1968) at Fangataufa atoll.

The test made France the 5th country to test a thermonuclear device after the United

States, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom & China.

Tsar Bomba: Soviet’s“Tsar-bomb”

AN602 hydrogen bomb

★ Largest nuclear weapon EVER

★ 50 Megatons

★ 1 bomb of this type was built & it

was tested on 10/30/1961: Novaya

Zemlya archipelago

Tsar Bomba Fireball:

5.0 mi. in diameter.

Prevented from touching ground by

the shock wave

Nearly reached the 6.5 mi. altitude of

the deploying Tu-95 bomber.

Military Industrial Complex

U.S. President Dwight

Eisenhower (1953-1961)

called the “military industrial


A coalition of armed

services, military research

laboratories, & private

defense industries that both

stimulated & benefited from

increased military spending

during Cold War tensions.

Defense Spending,

worldwide in 2013.

Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962

13 Days of Extreme Anxiety When missiles were discovered in

October 1962, the world held its breath for

13 days as American forces blockaded

the island & prepared for an invasion.

In response to the failed Bay of Pigs invasion of

1961, & the presence of American Jupiter ballistic

missiles in Italy & Turkey against the USSR with

Moscow within range, Soviet leader Nikita

Khrushchev decided to agree to Cuba's request to

place nuclear missiles in Cuba to deter future

harassment of Cuba.

An agreement was reached during a secret meeting

between Khrushchev and Fidel Castro in July &

construction on a number of missile sites started later

that summer.

A nuclear exchange between the superpowers seemed imminent


Awareness of the possibility of global planetary destruction, making the planet unfit for

human life is surely the primary reason that no direct shooting war of any kind occurred

between the 2 superpowers.

During the two world wars, the participants had been greatly surprised by the

destructiveness of modern weapons. During the cold war, however, the leaders of the

two superpowers knew beyond any doubt that a nuclear war would produce only losers

and utter catastrophe.

Already in 1949, Stalin had observed that “atomic weapons can hardly be used without

spelling the end of the world.” Furthermore, the deployment of reconnaissance

satellites made it possible to know with some clarity the extent of the other side’s


A nuclear exchange between

the superpowers seemed

imminent, but that catastrophe

was averted by a compromise

between Khrushchev and U.S.

president John F. Kennedy.

Under its terms, the Soviets

removed their missiles from

Cuba in return for an American

promise not to invade the


Secretly, the US also agreed

that it would dismantle all US-

built Jupiter MRBMs, which

were deployed in Turkey and

Italy against the Soviet Union

but were not known to the


When all missiles and

Ilyushin Il-28 light bombers

had been withdrawn from

Cuba, the blockade was

formally ended on

November 20, 1962.

The negotiations between

the United States and the

Soviet Union pointed out

the necessity of a quick,

clear, and direct

communication line

between Washington and

Moscow. As a result, the


hotline was established. A

series of agreements

sharply reduced U.S.-Soviet

tensions for the following

Particularly after the frightening Cuban missile crisis of 1962,

both sides carefully avoided further nuclear provocation, even

while continuing the build up of their respective arsenals.

Moreover, because they feared that a conventional war would

escalate to the nuclear level, they implicitly agreed to sidestep

any direct military confrontation at all.

Cold War


Berlin Wall

Soviet Bloc

Nixon to USSR & China

“Third World War” - Vietnam & Korea

Soviet Invasion Afghanistan, 1979

American-Iranian Hostage Crisis 1979

1980 Olympics - Ice Hockey

Reagan & Gorbachev

IMF Treaty

Perestroika & Glasnost

Berlin Wall comes down - suddenly

US - Lone “Superpower” ... but, unstable world.

Rise of China’s Economic Power

Present day Russia

Sochi Olympics 2014

YouTube: The Berlin Wall Comes Down, Tom Brokaw NBC News in Germany

YouTube: Stabbing of the Empire - Last Days of Soviet Russia from Russian TV

December 8th, 1991

YouTube: McDonalds Opening in Moscow, Soviet Union 1990 (2:00)

YouTube: 20 Years Ago McDonalds Arrives in USSR - 35,000 Customers in 1 day!

Two ladies in traditional Russian clothes pose after the Alpine Skiing World Cup men's

Downhill in Krasnaya Polyana, some 50km from Sochi, Russia, 11 February 2012.

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