19.2 china rejects european outreach

Post on 10-May-2015






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China Rejects European Outreach

Chapter 19.2

Alena Williams, Raina Turner, Eli Young

What effect did changing Chinese ruling have on culture, science, and social development?

Essential Question

T h e M i n g D y n a s t y


Eventually fell, due to . . .

● Lack of funds

● Corrupt officials

● Ineffective rulers

The Voyages of Zheng He

Zheng He (Romanized Cheng Ho) 1371-1433

❖ Led seven different voyages

➢ 40-300 ships in each expedition

❖ Expeditions to:

➢ South and Southeast Asia

➢ The Middle East

➢ And East Africa

❖ “Diplomat”

➢ did not shy from violence

➢ had a large army, although he preferred peace.

Rise of the Ming


❖ A peasant’s son

❖ Commander of the army that drove out the Mongols in 1368

❖ Became the first Ming ruler in shortly after

❖ Ruled from the previous capital Nanjing

❖ Began reforms to restore agricultural lands that were damaged during war

➢ Increased rice production and irrigation

➢ Encouraged fish farming

➢ Encouraged growing commercial crops (Cotton, sugar cane, ect.)

❖ Used respected traditions & institutions to bring stability back to China

❖ Hongwu eventually became a brutal tyrant (powerful individual)

❖ His death lead to a power struggle → Hongwu’s son Yonglo took over


❖ Moved the royal court to Beijing

❖ Sent the first voyage of exploration in 1405 as a display of power and splendor

Ming Relations with Foreign Countries❖ Official trade policies reflected China’s Isolation

➢ Only the government could conduct foreign trade.

■ This foreign trade could only take place in three places Canton, Macao, and NIngbo.

■ Even with trade barriers it continued to flourish up and down the coast.

❖ China did not become industrialized despite high demand for Chinese goods (silk, ceramics, ect)

➢ The idea of commerce offended China’s Confucian beliefs

➢ Chinese economic policies traditionally favored agriculture

T h e Q i n g D y n a s t y1644-1844

China Under the Qing Dynasty

The Manchus

❖ Chinese resisted the rule of the non-chinese Manchus

❖ They slowly earned respect

➢ Upheld Chinese traditional Confucian, and social structures

❖ Two important manchu Rulers

➢ Kangxi - 1661

■ Patron of the arts

■ Ruled for about 60 years

■ Gained support of intellectuals by offering them jobs as officials ● Learned of the development of science, medicine, and mathematics from Jesuits● Reduced Government's expenses● Lowered Taxes

Manchus Continues a Policy of Isolation

❖ Specific rules for trade in China during this time, including

➢ Trading only at certain ports

➢ Required tribute in the form of gifts (gold, silver, ect.)

❖ The Dutch respected these restrictions on trade, paying tribute through gifts and rituals.

➢ This made the Chinese and the Dutch trading partners.

➢ This led to silk, porcelain, and tea trade.

■ China’s addition of tea to trade made up about 80% of shipments to Europe.

❖ Qian-long (Chinese emperor) denied a request from Britain to alter their trade arrangements and accept British manufactured goods.

➢ Empires such as the British and Dutch began to oppose China’s trade policies

■ The empire’s financial success declined

Korea Under the Manchus

❖ 1636: Before coming to power in China, the Manchus conquered Korea, making it a vassal state.

❖ Koreans adopted China’s policy of isolation, as well as their technology and culture.

❖ When the Manchus established the Qing Dynasty, Korea began to change.

➢ Although Korea’s political relationship with China grew stronger

■ Manchu invasions and Japanese attacks in the 1590’s resulted in strong feelings of nationalism among the Korean population.

● This became very evident through their art◆ Portrayed more popular Korean themes than traditional Chinese


D a i l y L i f e i n M i n g & Q i n g C h i n a


Family and the Role of Women

❖ Farmers were abundant in China at this time. This was the most common role of Chinese families.

➢ Farming became common with the growing use of fertilizer and irrigation, as well as the addition of new crops from the Americas (corn and sweet potatoes).

■ This increase in food production led to improved nutrition and diet, which also led to a significant population increase, because it encouraged families to expand.

❖ Chinese families typically favored males over females

➢ Female infants were often killed.

❖ Some women had outside jobs, most women worked in the fields, supervised the children’s education, and managed the family’s finances.

➢ Women Often suffered because of their low status in Chinese society.

Cultural Developments

❖ Early China was based mostly on traditional forms

❖ During this time Chinese fiction began to develop, as did art.

➢ Dream of the Red Chamber by Cao Zhan examines the upper class Manchu society

➢ In pottery, technical skills were valued → Lead to production of high-quality ceramics

➢ Drama became a popular source of entertainment.

■ Plays that portrayed Chinese history helped unify Chinese society● Created a national culture

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