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• Founders ' Day . . ~ .... .. . ... .. . . .. . .... . .. .. . November 7

National Dues .. . . . ... ..... . ... . . . . . . . . .. . ...... March 1

ANCHOR Material. .. ... . . . .... ..... . November 2 5, April 10

Examinations ..... .. .. .. . . . . .. . 0 • •• ••••• Week of April 2 0

President 's Reports ... . .. ... ... ... . . . . . . October 1, June 1

Treasurer 's Reports ... . .... . . .. . 0 • • • • •• December 1, May 1

Scholarship Material. 0 • •• •• •• 0 ••• 0 • •••• • •• ••• •• • •• July 1

Memorial Subscriptions . .. ... ..... 0 ••••• • •• •••• • • anytime

Convention 0 • ••••••• • • • ••• • • •••• •• • ••• •• • •• August , 1933


• This Issue

is Dedicated

to the Alumnae

of Alpha

Sigma Tau

• Published twice yearly

by the

Alpha Sigma Tau Fraternity


1 9 3 2 N,O. 2

CONTENTS Have You an Alumnre Problem? .. . ..... . . . . The Alpha Sigma Tau Family .. ..... .. . The Progressive Movement in Education Enthusiasts of Art .. ... . ... . . .. .. .... .


3 4 5 8

Advantages of an Alumnre Chapter . . . . 9 The President Goes Visiting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 The Barretts of Wimpole Street . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 The Confusion of the Letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Nature Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1~

Some Reasons for Our Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Serious Thought . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Scholarship Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 i Scouting for Girls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 The Islands of Enchantment . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Affection, Sincerity, Truth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 What I Know of Europe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Editorial Responsibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Alpha Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2~

Delta Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Zeta Chapter .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. 3 7 Theta Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~0

Iota Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ i Lambda Chapter . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 51 N u Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '8 Omicron Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Pi Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-Sigma Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Detroit Alumnre Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7~

Eta Alumnre Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Iota Alumnre Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Sigma Alumnre Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Alpha Sigma Tau


the petition of

Nu Nu Nu Chapter

Southeastern Teachers College

Durant, Oklahoma

to be installed

May Nineteen Hundred and Thirty-Two


Have You an Alumnae Problem?

FOR those of us who have been active in sorority work ever since our undergraduate days, it is sometime difficult to understand just how it is possible for an alumna to lose all interest in her sorority. Yet the

more I learn about sororities the more I find that this is a universal prob­lem.

How to hold our alumnre? That is hard to answer, and if any sorority woman can answer it perfectly, her methods deserve wide publicity. Many of us are interested in studying this problem and attempting a solution which will go even halfway in meeting the si tuation.

I believe that there is rarely a girl who, when she has taken her initia­tion vows and become an active sister, does not feel that now she is for­ever a part of a group of congenial girls and women whom she is proud to call her friends. She can no more picture to herself a time when she will lose contact with this group than she can imagine breaking the vows that she has just taken. Yet this loss of contact is so apt to happen.

It is not fo r those alumnre who are scattered hither and thither over the country that I am most anxious. While they are usually quite out of touch with current happenings except as some of them receive the magazine, deep down in their hearts the old loyalty remains and many of them would gladly affiliate with an organized group were one available. It is in those who can but do not or who only occasionally do that the problem consists.

When our non-active alumnre are approached in regard to becoming active, various reasons are advanced by them for their lack of response. "There isn 't a soul here who was in college when I was and I just don 't feel acquainted when I go," is the reply I have heard countless times. There have been many girls who have gone to their first meeting feeling just that way but they did not continue to feel so . After a hearty welcome and a good time, they came again and kept on coming until now they are the old-timers and wondering how it was ever possible fo r them to have felt that way. Each of us needs to do her share ; the old members can reach out the hand of greeting ; the new ones can give the chapter a fair chance by coming enough to feel that it is their chapter, too .

"They never do the things I like to do," is another reason ometime given. That is often a just criticism. When there are gi rls and women of all ages from twenty to sixty in the same organization , it is hard to find a common field of interest for everyone. No matter what our devotion to a cause, our interest will flag if there is seldom a project which claim our special attention. The solution here is probably that of having the chapter activities as varied as possible. If we are not interested in thi

[ 3 ]


month's plans, we may be in the next. ·If we want interest in our pet projects, we need to give our interest to the others; perhaps we'll be sur­prised at finding ourselves suddenly broadening in our likes rather than our dislikes. If each shows respect and tolerance for the ideas of the other, if each contributes some constructive suggestion to the group instead of expecting always to draw from it for herself, it won 't be long before our alumnre chapters will be the strongest ones in the whole organization.


The Alpha Sigma Tau Family /}._ RE you one of a large family, or of even an average size family? r\ If you are, you know better than black ink on white paper can

ever express how dear to each and every one, is each and every one. Of course it is the same in the small family. The members live for each other, giving and receiving one from another. When the family breaks, some going one place to do one thing and others going other places to do other things, how the letters fly back and forth, how the round robins go bobbing on their way, and how there's always that planning for the "going home" time. The ones left in the home to carry on without the others get their courage from the happy memories, the letters, and the little gifts. They are always planning for the "home-comings" and en­joying them to the fullest when they materialize. I know because I have been in the shoes of the one away from the family fireside and I have also waited at the fireside. There 's nothing like it- this love for one's own kin.

Am I sentimental when I make comparisons and liken our sorority life to a big family life with the actives still at the hearth needing that which the alumnre sisters can bring home to them from their experience out in the big world of endeavor? And then doesn't the alumna sister get some­what of a thrill when she comes home, and finds how the baby sister has grown in spirit and responsibility? Doesn't she sort of feel young again and "kinda" wish she could do it all over again? I shall answer all of my questions with my pet answer-"it does. " I have been a keen observer. The outcome is a tightening of the heartstrings, a bigger love for each other and a deeper loyalty to the "home fires" of Alpha Sigma Tau.

Of course in nearly every family there is one who is always going home when she gets time. She keeps putting it off until she does this and gets that. If she ever does get around to go, she feels strange and like an outsider and maybe thinks her family is "queer. " If the eyes of any dear Alpha Sigma Tau who hasn't been home lately should chance to fall on these words of mine, here 's hoping that her heart may be touched and her pirit inspired to such a degree that she will hasten to the nearest group. They will be waitina with outstretched arms for her. May there be many happy reunions!



Some Influences of the Progressive Movement

in Education Upon Education in General


THE recent meeting of the Progressive Education Association in Balti­more, February 18-20, makes one pause to reflect upon the influence of this very dynamic educational movement on education in general.

Stanwood Cobb in a recent article has said that, should the Progressive Education Association "by some catastrophe cease to exist, the principles of progressive education would continue to invade fields of educational theory and practice. This is a tide which nothing can stop." It is a few of these "invasions" which I wish to discuss.

Of course no one will claim that these trends in modern education are due to the influence of the progressive movement in education alone. Many influences, some old and some new, have combined to produce these pres­ent trends. The unique contribution of the progressive movement is, in my opinion, its practical demonstration of its principles in the classroom.

I wish to discuss four trends in modern education which, it seems to me, are particularly indebted to the progressive education movement.

One of these trends is the shift in emphasis in the schools from subject matter to the child. Although our practice many times belies the fact , I am beginning to see some signs that we are realizing that the whole child goes to school and that our job neither begins nor ends with our teaching him to read, write, and spell, but that we must teach him such things as adjustment to other personalities, thinking through his problems, facing issues, etc. The present economic and social crisis is making us realize more than ever the inadequacy of mere knowledge to solve our human problems. Visiting teachers in the schools and school child guidance clinics are signs that we are realizing that we must train the child to solve his problems of social relationships. In the schoolroom itself one sees evidences that we are realizing that the development of the necessary knowledge and skills in arithmetic, spelling, and reading must be subordinated to the larger aim of the child's physical , mental, and social development ; that his knowledge of geographical facts or even of economic and social facts will avail him nothing in solving world problems if we have not fostered and developed in him initiative, responsibility, and co-operation.

Another modern trend I wish to discuss is the gradual realization of the importance of the child 's interest in the learning of essential knowledge and skills. The progressive school, although it places knowledge and skill in a subordinate position in its aims, discovered that its pupils were ad­vanced beyond those of traditional schools as evidenced by their scores on standard tests in arithmetic, reading, geography, etc. This can be at­tributed to the fact that the work is organized, in the progressive school, around the children 's interests. The child does not study geography or reading as such but perhaps his teacher, by skilful planning, makes use of his interest in aeroplanes and he reads and figures and learns geographical and other facts on his way to his goal.

How misunderstood this emphasis on children 's interests has been ! I


hear so often that progressive schools let children do as they please or that it is not progressive teaching if a unit originates with the teacher, however interesting it may be to the child. Neither criticism is, of course, true, although the skilful teacher may so successfully conceal her art that it may appear that the child is doing as he pleases or that he has chosen a unit for study which, in reality, the teacher has planned for and, per­haps, even labored over to so set the stage, through her knowledge of the children's interests, that the children will be induced to choose that unit themselves. Dr. Burton expresses it very well when he says that the teacher "gets the child to do willingly what he must do anyway." Let no one underestimate the difficulty of the teacher's job in such a situation. She must know children intimately, not only children in general but her own particular pupils. She must know the homes they come from, what they do outside of school, what the community influences are. She must know not only reading and writing and arithmetic but also history and science and economics. She must have broad interests, in her environment, espe­cially in the community in which she works, in art, in music, in nature, in recreation. She must be so well adjusted personally that she does not need to get satisfaction at the expense of John and Mary and Henry. She must be so skilful that she does not need to re ort to competition to stimulate children.

One sees some signs, feeble as they are, that some of these things are happening in our schools. "Experience" reading, activity programs, trips to grocery stores, art institutes, and zoological gardens are attempts to make use of children's interests. And while some of the attempts to build up units of work around those experiences are very crude, other teacher have shown considerable skill in providing real outlets for the expression of the interests aroused through trips, outlets which have educational value for the child and, at the same time, recognize the forms of expression which are of interest to him at his age level.

My own interest in teacher-training impels me to mention the modern trend in teacher-training, a trend which is so new that to discuss it so soon has elements of danger which appeal to one's sporting blood. Three new teacher-training experiments have opened recently or are about to open with the purpose of training teachers who are adequate for the de­mands of the progressive school. These teacher-training experiments will inevitably influence teacher-training in general. I expect to see the aeneral level of teacher-training raised to provide both for the rich backaround of subject matter in the sciences and arts which the teacher needs and for the intimate knowledge of children and the development of skill in handlina them. I expect to see theory and practice brought closer together by setting up the teacher-training institution upon the lines which have been so suc­cessful in the progressive elementary school. I hope to see rich experience provided for the student, experiences which will enrich hi own life through there ource of the community as well a throuah books- art exhibit the indu trial life, concerts recreational facilit ies. I expect to ee the tudent study children first hand in the school-room, at play, in the home. I ex­pect to ee them perfect their own technique needed in teaching, e.g., in indu trial arts, printing, etc. I expect to ee them graduall acquir _kill in


handling the children through actual experiences in the classrooms. Their theory work, I predict, will be built up around these experiences and not through formal classroom work but through informal discussions and con­ferences of individuals and of small and of large groups. I expect to see closer and more intimate relationships between students, college faculty and training teachers. I hope to see all of them, students, faculty, and training teachers having "experiences" together, and the discussions and theories growing naturally out of these experiences, and so continuing to be fresh and dynamic.

One last contribution of the progressive school that I wish to mention is the increased dignity of the classroom teacher. For in the progressive school theories are worked out, not in armchairs but in classrooms; they grow naturally out of classroom practices. For that reason the teacher oc­cupies a very important position. He is the pioneer imbued with the spirit of experimentation, enjoying the freedom to create. One begins to see in general education signs of this shift of emphasis from the contribution of the administrator or supervisor to that of the classroom teacher combined with the realization that, in order to make worth-while contributions to education, the classroom teacher must be given the freedom to exercise his creative powers. I think that I would almost place first in importance this influence of the progressive movement, for I can see in it future con­sequences of the utmost importance to education. It will stimulate the de­velopment of initiative in the classroom teacher, the ability to interpret his experiences in the light of the past as well as the present. It will make education dynamic, not static and prevent the crystallization of ideas into "systems" or "methods."


D etroit Alumna?


We cook and clean and scrub And on many errands run, We do them for our sisters, We know it 's all in fun. But when we've been accepted And we are sisters "big"-We'll forget that we were pledges, And make the others "dig."


(T heta Pledg e)


Enthusiasts of Art

WE STUDENTS of Detroit Teachers College are justly proud of our art department for its progressiveness and for the opportunity of true artistic expression which it affords us. Alpha Sigma Tau is very

well represented in this department for we have three art majors as well as at least ten others taking courses, even though they are not specializing. Evidence of the influence of these courses is seen carried over in our apart­ment. Perhaps it is a label lettered by Helen Tucker, or a clever little animal constructed by Adelaide Feeney or Eleanor Devlin. I hope no one gets the idea that we are so overly aesthetic minded that we go around in smocks and berets, carrying palettes. No, nothing like that ; but we just get together in the art laboratory and have more fun experimenting, in­venting, and learning and expressing ourselves by doing.

Art as it is taught in Detroit is known as "general arts, " and it consists of art, manual training, and domestic science. This is on the elementary level. A person can easily see what a wide field we cover, thus giving us opportunity for an infinite number of things to do. We base our subject matter on units of study which includes food, clothing, shelter, records, transportation, and communication. Our general aims are:

1. To develop an understanding and appreciation of the beautiful in life's surroundings, in fine arts of painting, sculpture, architecture, and in industrial products, thus to gain a knowledge of li fe's relationships and historic epochs of various countries and peoples.

2. To provide experiences which will develop good taste, correct stand­ards, and a discriminating judgment in selection and use of material things to meet life 's needs and life situations.

3. To create an intelligent understanding of material products: the origin of material , the race experience in the development of material processes of manufacture, etc.; and to develop an appreciation of the rela­tive values involved: beauty, utility, economy, and health.

4. To gain a practical dexterity in handling simple processes, common tools, and material to meet the needs of everyday li fe.

5. To make clear the meaning, to vitalize and interpret through the manipulation of material, the other subject matter of the curriculum.

6. To develop interests, habits, attitudes, ideals, and appreciations which shall lead to increasingly higher levels of interest and worthy pur­posing.


It was a bleak and cloudy Sabbath morning in the Highlands; a father and son were returning from the kirk . They passed a field where some very sleek fat cows were lazily grazing. "Father," remarked the son, " there are twelve fine be~ tie in the field ."

"Aye, my son," replied the father, "but you may never count the beastie on the Sabbath day, and besides, there are thirteen."


Advantages of an Alumnae Chapter to an

Active Chapter fl. N ALUMNJE CHAPTER is extremely helpful to an active chapter

r--\ in various ways. My first picture of the alumnre members is that which I received when I was being rushed. They are an addition

to any activity by lending their dignity to it. Sorority is not just a school affair but a continuous one after we have finished school, I realized. There must be some impelling force to alumnre members coming to different ac­tivities because it is not a case of just somewhere to go that they come, I thought to myself, but some bond or unconscious force .must be behind it.

When these girls turn out for rush parties and initiations it makes rush­ees and pledges feel that there is a bigness to sorority life.

There is an advantage in having a larger group augmented by alumnre girls. We are all girls, interested in practically the same thing. Besides an increase in number there is also an increase in experiences, topics of con­versation, etc., that these girls who have been teaching, married, or other­wise engaged, bring to us. They also help to make our meetings and parties more interesting by their accounts of items of interest in their outside life which differs from our campus life. With these experiences they have developed and taken on dignity. Besides teaching experience they have had experience as sorority sisters and are able to advise us in matters of finance , rush lists, and rushing.

Our alumnre chapter has been an excellent help to us. They, with their earning power, have been able to do things a little nicer than we would have been able to do them, and have added culture and refinement. Often­times they have given us the loveliest rush parties and have done other fine things for us. We are grateful for such an "active alumnre" chapter.

With the larger chapter there is usually someone attending active meet­ings. Again this stresses the perpetuity of sorority life.

Last, but not least, it betters the sorority's reputation in school. How we love to boast about the things our alumnre chapter has done for us. It makes our chapter just that much stronger if we have the backing of a good alumnre chapter.

Perhaps this little treatise, or whatever you may call it, may serve two purposes: that of having an active chapter realize the advantages of an alumnre chapter and that of the alumnre chapter shouldering this responsi­bility and making their chapter an active alumnre one if it is not already.


The fog comes on little cat feet.



It sits looking over harbor and city on silent haunches and then moves on . C ARL SAl\TDB RG


The President Goes Visiting MY DEAR SORORITY SISTERS:

On March 24 I started off, bag and baggage, on my way to Athens, West Virginia, to visit the Omicron Chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau. I took advantage of the Easter rates and went by the way of Washington where I stopped for a few days.

I did some sight-seeing, a little bit of committee work, and quite a bit of resting. I was traveling by myself but one who has taught as long as I have and in as many places as I have is seldom alone. While eating my breakfast one morning, in walked one of the students from my own college. At dinner one night a gentleman sitting near proved to be one of my former pupils at Marshalltown, Iowa.

Washington is a beautiful city. I think it would be nice to have our convention there sometime. I caught a glimpse of President Hoover at the sunrise Easter service at Arlington Cemetery. He has the same kind face as of days before he was president but it is lined with the cares and responsibilities of his office. I could not attend the egg rolling on the White House green because I had no child, and I just couldn't borrow one and pretend. Only ladies with children could enter. However, I hung around the edges and had fun watching the others going. I did see Mrs. Hoover at a distance when she came to welcome the kiddies but I ju t couldn't see what she was wearing-such a disappointment to me. But I started to tell you about my visit to Omicron and here I am boring you with tales of my Washington maneuvers ; I will get on.

Tuesday I left Washington for Roanoke, Virginia, where I changed trains and went to Princeton, West Virginia. That ride through those mountains and along that river with the sun shining over all was com­pensation sufficient for all the little things I have done for Alpha Sigma Tau. Then I went by bus seven miles to Athens, which has no old noisy, smoky, railroad trains. It is situated on top of the mountains, amid beauti­ful scenery. The girls met me and took me to the Women's Hall where I occupied one of the guest rooms until I reluctantly vacated it on Friday. I found a fine big chapter of lovely girls all trying their best to live up to the aims, purposes, and ideals of our beloved sorority. I think it is wonder­ful what they have accomplished in such a short time- not yet quite two years. Lillian Moses is a remarkable president who has the love and co­operation of her group. She and her group are most fortunate in having a good faculty adviser and two wonderful town patronesses. But above all things, these girls have the great sorority and personal love of Mrs. Meade McNeill- an alumna member who organized the local group that became Omicron of Alpha Sigma Tau. She is in every ense of the word a Big Sister"- big heart and all.

I enjoyed the pajama parties in my room, the individual per onal con­ferences with pledge, active, and alumnre member , the meetina, the mock initiation, the dinner and tea, and almo t most of all I enjo ed eatina at the tables with the girls there in their dining hall. I reall f lt a if w actually were - - T - .


Of course you want to know about the parties. Well, on Thursday night we all went to a dinner given by the patronesses at the home of one of the patronesses. It was such a nice chummy group, so jolly and full of fun that I really grew younger. And the eats I All southern cooking. We talked and sang and listened to Mrs. Klingensmith play the harp until we had to hurry to get home in time to keep rules.

On Friday, a beautiful day, the Omicrons gave a tea in my honor in the lovely social center of the college. The college president and his wife, the dean of women, the faculty members, and all sorority girls were in­vited. It was a lovely tea and I met so many lovely people. Everyone seemed to like our girls very much.

There are two other education sororities on the campus, the Sigma Sigma Sigmas and the Delta Sigma Epsilons. The girls of these sororities expressed their respect for our group by the splendid courtesy they showed me. I am sure that our girls as well as myself appreciate their attitude. May those three groups live there on that campus, a strength to their college, and a joy to each other, with nothing between them except re­spect, love, and a healthy rivalry!

Dr. Marsh and Dean Bullard were most hospitable and encouraging. Every one was lovely to me. Southern hospitality and Omicron affection surely touched and warmed my heart and I came away loving everyone.

Mr. and Mrs. McNeill drove to Bluefield and put me on the train. As I rolled away by mygelf I felt so lonely and yet so happy in the knowledge that Alpha Sigma Tau has such a nice chapter and that I have some darling new friends at Athens, West Virginia. Again I pledge my service and my love to Alpha Sigma Tau.

Fraternally and affectionately LUELLA CHAPMA

P.S. I want to go back again to say "thank you" some more. Many of the Omicrons are coming to the convention in 1933. Frances Graves who attended in Denver-remember her, you who were there?-says she wouldn 't miss it "noway."


GYPSIES have spread over most of Europe and even to America. It is aenerally agreed they originally came from India, but they got their name "Gypsy," a shortened form of the word Egyptian, because at first it was thought that they came from Egypt. These people have an extraordinary gift for music. They cannot, as a rule, read music, but they have great power of imitation and can memori ze very ea ily. They Jearn very rapidly to play different instruments, and easily accustom lhemselve to the music wherever they go. But they always keep some of their own sadne and wi ldness in music. The special traits of the Gypsies are found rather in the way they play, interpret , and express the music of others than as composers of their own music. The Hungarian Gypsies have composed more and better mu ic than any other Gypsy tribe. This music has served as the basis of the music of many fam ou­composers.


The Barretts of Wimpole Street

N 0, THIS is not a play review, for I don t know enough about the technique of critics. However, those of our chapter who were fortu­nate enough to witness Katherine Cornell 's appearance as Elizabeth

Barrett Moulton-Barrett in the play by Rudolf Besier do not want to let an opportunity pass to recommend that you see the play and read it. The story is largely authentic, fo r many letters of both Elizabeth and Robert Browning remain to tell what is considered by many to be the most roman­tic of true love stories. Katherine Cornell 's characterization lacked nothing so far as we were concerned. Throughout the play she was most convincing as the invalid poetess upon whose life Robert Browning bad such an in­fluence that be seemed to be able to instill new li fe and physical strength into the woman whom he loved. The two elope to escape her tyrannical and jealous father. All of Miss Cornell 's movement were in perfect grace and harmony with the character of Elizabeth Barrett. Her halting walk made one feel that at any moment her frail limbs might give way beneath her. Her bands alone were worth an evening's observation. During the whole performance I was impressed with the subtlety with which the part was read. In the scenes with her dogmatic father , Elizabeth showed a re­strained nervousness and contempt as well as pity toward him. One felt that Elizabeth Barrett had absolute control of her emotions, a control which bad to be learned through bitter experience with her poor health and her father. This same control and depth of sincerity wa felt in the love scene with Robert Browning, that dynamic and buoyant individual. At the elope­ment of the strong, yet wistful woman and Browning, one feels that " the fair lady bas been rescued from the cruel monster. "

Though Miss Cornell 's performance left nothing to be desired, perhaps she showed her greatest art in the manner in which she was able to sub­ordinate herself to her part. Never did one feel that the star was "stealing the thunder" of her supporting cast. So fine was this support that the per­formance was a well-rounded one. Charles Waldron , as Edward Barrett. was so realistic that one felt like hissing the character and applauding the actor. The one bit of comedy was perhaps supplied unintentionally bv Brenda Forbes as Wilson, the maid. With the aid of her long bell- baped skirt, Miss Forbes' entrances were such that the audience almost thought she was on rollers. It was bard to believe that she was not orne doll which someone had given a hearty shove from the wings.

The play has been drawing capacity houses in Philadelphia. So if you have not already seen it, let us urge you to get your ticket early when it comes your way.



The self-made man is like an ega-a]! right until broken .


The Confusion of the Letters WRITTEN BY





O N A dark, rainy, quiet Saturday afternoon, a busy woman looked up from the mass of letters that she was sorting, ready for answer­ing. She noted with surprise that it was late, much later than she

realized. She decided, if she were to have any dinner, that she would have to leave her desk just as it was and come very early Monday morning to complete her task.

As soon as she was gone the letters began cautiously to slip out to see if anyone were watching or listening. When they were sure they were en­tirely by themselves, they made a face at the file and went sliding to the wire tray where they were accustomed to holding their meetings of indigna­tion, complaint, and otherwise.

Before anyone had a chance to say a word, Business Letter was on the blotter shouting loudly and crying for justice. He carried a very im­portant business message now three weeks overdue. He went away hanging his head after little Scrappy Letter told him a few things. " How in the world is that woman to know that you are Business Letter, all dressed up in fancy paper and reposing in a gilt-lined envelope? She thought you were an early valentine. Go home and tell your writer to dress you in business garb when you are to carry business messages. "

Miss Social Letter was very much hurt, quite indignant, and some­what embarrassed, because her affectionate words of encouragement and appreciation in regard to the good times of last summer had apparently been ignored . Miss Invitation threw a little light upon the situation when she related her experiences. It seems she carried a lovely "bid" to a beauti­ful banquet and at the same time a list of the newly elected officers, so of course she found herself catalogued with the Reports- and they not very friendly. There was considerable discussion about one being so par­ticular. Miss Correspondence Card eased the argument when she told how the woman catalogued all letters by appearance and gave them attention in turn. Picture Post Card and his cousin Government Post Card stuck their heads out from underneath the blotter corners and said, " Indeed that is true! "

The letters were so interested in their own affairs that they never no­ticed the winks of the ink-pens and stamps, especially Special Delivery Stamp, with troubles all his own.

Miss Unanswered Letter, woebegone and discouraged, asked again what action should be taken in regard to her. She was chumming around with Mis-directed Letter and thought maybe their problems were in common. " Why most certainly! " said the Telegram, "you can 't expect a person to answer or send a letter if there 's no definite address given. I surely woul d


never arrive if I were sent that way. I have to have street numbers, or post office boxes, or something, and so do you."

Miss Alumn<.e Letter stepped forward with dignity and asked if she might say a few words, in behalf of Her to whom the messages were written. Miss Alumn<.e said she had no words of complaint, that her re­quests had been met with promptness and courtesy. "Of course! " chorused the entire Letter Confusion, "She's so glad to hear anything from you that she takes it anyway places it in the jeweled box, and answers it with the golden pen! "

The calm forceful voice of Correct Letter wa heard over all the others, saying, "It is getting late. We must get back where she left us- so she can begin Monday right where she left off, but before we go let 's think if there s any way we can help her. I know she likes everyone of us just as we are and will take care of us as soon as he can. I have it- let' draw up a set of resolutions !" And here they are:

We, the Letters, on this January 26, 1932 , resolve: That She must set the example by: 1. Using correct paper and envelope for each message. 2. Writing on one side of paper for business letters. 3. Writing legibly.

- 4. Using black ink. 5. Giving addresses. 6. Using full signature and title. 7. Dating messages. 8. Folding correctly. 9. Placing return address. 10. Inspecting before mailing.


Natu re Study

NATURE study as a major affords future teachers great opportunities. They become acquainted with the great field and its possibilities in general. They can appreciate the extent to which the subject may

be carried out through organization. Nature study, when spoken of in the modern sense to include both

biological and physical, is the very basis or backbone of this modern sci­entific world. In preparation for future background, the field is interest­ing, enlightening, and varied. Each time you dip into a new topic for study, new facts and wonders of nature are revealed. Imagine being able to have all these world wonders at hand with which to amaze the children ! The subject certainly does not become monotonou for the field includes so much that it can be changed to meet any interest or demand of the time.

For any one interested in nature it is a most fruitful major for it not only gives atisfaction in the teaching of the ubject but in the continual observation and study of nature phenomena for its own ake.


Tlr f a


Some Reasons for Our Behavior f1 LL over America, mothers are enrolled in child-study courses trying to r\ find out why their children behave as they do and trying to find

means of eliminating certain traits of behavior and of encouraging other desirable traits. For the traits which the child exhibits are going to determine his behavior in adult life.

This inquiry shows that in human intercourse three relationships exi t - that between adult and adult, that between adult and child , and that between child and child. It is quite obvious that a child patterns his be­havior from that of the adult, inasmuch as he is a veritable imitator. Adul t­adult relationships influence his behavior somewhat, but on the whole the adult-child relationship, as it exists between parent and child, is the one with which educators and psychologists are most greatly concerned. The child-child relationship depends much on the other two.

The numerical position of the child in the family determines the tend­encies to certain types of reaction. The parent should be on his guard against these tendencies by directing the child's attention to approved types of conduct.

The oldest child in a family is the only child who has been an only child and who has had to readjust himself upon the arrival of a second . Formerly, much more so than now, the older child knew nothing of the coming of the new baby. His arrival was announced as some one to play with. The child looked at him with disappointment. The baby couldn't play. He wasn't good for anything but to take the parents' attention which so lately had centered on this older child. This one loses his position as the center of the universe. He has no experience to interpret the situation. Indeed he cannot understand it. He feels he has lost the love of his parents. He feels insecure. He tries various ways of getting attention. He has tan­trums, he tries undesirable methods of conduct or reverts to infantile habits. He isn 't sure about anything. He may hoard to give him a feeling of security- hoard anything from bread crusts to string or his toys. As he grows older, he is very conservative. His life has taught him to be care­ful. Anything may happen. It is said these older children may almost go through life backwards interpreting in terms of the past. Some of them always have the feeling their parents never cared for them. When grown they make splendid bankers. They never become pioneers or explorers.

From the beginning the second child shares the attention of the parents with the first child. He has not held the solar position. He has something by which to interpret the situation when a third child arrives. He hasn 't lost his feeling of security. He gives his attention to the older child. He sees that this older one can do so much more than he. But he is ever striv­ing to do what the older can do. In order to keep up, he must start sooner and work harder. He develops the habits of diligence and foresightedness and he becomes very adventurous in the development of these habits. Thi second child will be the explorer, the one who takes the risks. He will be the successful one. Reward is always waiting for the one who tarts early works hard, and is there waiting. There is one exception and that happen


when the older child is very skilful. The race is then too hard for the younger. He sees it is useless to try and gives up. He may be the failure in the family.

The youngest child in a family of four or more occupies a unique posi­tion. He may be spoiled by too much attention- by having too much done for him so that he never learns to be independent. Or, he may be espe­cially helped by having so many more to teach him, that he gets ahead very fast. He becomes very successful. The chances are equal for this child being a success or failure.

Mothers, forewarned with the knowledge of these tendencies, are pre­pared to forestall any unhealthful emotional attitudes. By extra attention to those children who need them and by encouragement for other children and with an understanding of their various needs, a mother can establish wholesome relationships.

Serious Thought

(MRs.) HELEN McFEE D etroit Alumnre

RESPONSE to the request for articles which show seriou thinking a pledge submits the following:

All my life I have been confronted by the perplexing question , "Where do the holes in doughnuts go? " It is evident that something must be done with them. Year after year people eat doughnuts and leave the holes, yet what becomes of them? I have chewed off my fin ger nails and torn out my hairs, one by one, yet I have not been able to solve this problem.

Our baker says that he saves all his doughnut holes and sells them at a great profit. I interviewed one of the college professors and he said that it is a common practice for teachers to use doughnut holes for grades, sprinkling them lavishly over test papers. Indeed, I have seen several of the holes used in this way. Mr. Capone confessed that he used doughnut holes to put in people after the bullet went through . This was areat en­lightenment. Last of all I talked to Mr. Ford who praised doughnut holes highly. "There is nothing better," said he, " to fill up automobile tires."

Now I am resolved to save all my doughnut holes and sell them to Mr. Ford. I expect to get so rich from this business that I shall never have to eat doughnuts again.


"Life is a tragedy for those who feel, a comedy for those who think ."-WALPOLE.

"Pain comes wrapped around the most preciou things of life.' '- OPHOCLE .


Scholarship Fund


4433 Ashland Avenue, Norwood, Ohio

] 7

We have had word from the editor that the spring issue of our ANCHOR is to be dedicated to the Alumnce of Alpha Sigma Tau.

In the event that you have been out of touch with our work, may we say that we have a memorial scholarship fund which is dedicated to the memory of our beloved Alpha Chapter patroness and founder, Effie E. Lyman. Any active sister may, upon proper application, borrow from this loan fund to the amount of $75 , payable without in terest one year from the date the loan was made.

Like everything else and everyone else that despicable person M r. D e­pression, has visited us so our committee is sending out an S.O.S. which , briefly translated to serve our own particular purpose, means "Save Our Scholarship. "

You of the alumnce know just how much monetary aid can do in shap­ing a college career and you know how much this aid is needed.

Despite the talk of depression and despite the doleful sighs on every hand, this fact remains : that America is at heart fundamentally sound and the same sound staunch purpose moves our college women to want to carry on to completion the work of their chosen field .

The desire is ever present to really help our sisters who turn to u for temporary financial assistance. This is the purpose and the aim of our fund and this is the reason for apprising our Alpha Sigma Tau sisters that even though we are away from college and our lives are fo llowing diver e trails, the desire to help is still with us.

If there is any Alpha Sigma Tau money that is being hoarded, let 's put it back into circulation by sending it to your Memorial Chairman and Treasurer.

With best wishes for the return of the much press-agented prosperi ty which is just around the corner (so they say ) and hoping that you will bear in mind this S.O.S. , we are

Fraternally yours, The Effie E. Lyman Scholar hip Commi ttee M ARGARET AsH EvANS (chairman treasurer ) 0LLA HILLER CATHERINE MEEHAN CLARA Ross THOMPSON

P.S. Please send check to the C hairman , whose address IS 4433 Ash­land Avenue, Iorwood, Ohio.

"Making ordinary occasions extraordina ry paves the road to achievement ." - OPHOCLE


Scouting for Girls

GIRL SCOUTING is a game fo r many girls to play together. It is a game which the Girl Scout plays fo r her side and not for herself. Girl Scouts learn this game by doing, and they teach it to one an­

other in Girl Scout patrols and troops. In this game Girl Scouts find com­radeship, adventure, and a "way of life. " Through their work and play, Girl Scouts find that much good can be accomplished by friendly co-opera­tion .

The Girl Scout activities center around four interests- Home, Health, Nature, and Comradeship. The habits formed and the information ac­quired in these activities help to make a Girl Scout prepared to meet in­telligently most of the situations which may arise in their later li fe , hence the Girl Scout motto-"Be Prepared. "

The Girl Scout training develops talent and the desire fo r unselfi h service. It instills ideals, and youth is the time fo r instilling ideals. Girl Scouting is a combination of physical, mental, and character-building ac­tivities, all of which fit into the daily life of a girl.

Girl Scouting is growing the world over but it depends on the volunteer leader who works for the love of it. It is the leadership of Girl Scouts that, I hope, will interest members of Alpha Sigma Tau. Here is an opportunity for Community Service in which you are contributing a constructive so­cial service. We believe, of course, that the leader has as much to get from Girl Scouting as she gives to it. Nothing keeps one so young as contact with the youth- and why grow old? You cannot lead a troop and not keep alert and full of varied interests. Girl Scout leadership brings out possibilities within yourself and broadens your vision of li fe. Our need fo r Girl Scout leaders is growing. No leadership can be more valuable than that which helps to make happy girls.

If you like adventure, if you like youth and its enthusiastic ways, if you like camp and outdoor life, if you want to make a constructive con­tribution to the life of your community, then be a Girl Scout leader.

LouisE GooDYEAR Alpha

(Miss L ouise Goodyear, a m ember of Alpha Chapter, now lives in Buffalo , New York , w here she has charge of the Girl Scout w ork for the city and Erie County. Th e Sigma Chapter are delighted to welcome her to their midst.-Eo .)

During the discussion of prohibition in Ohio, a candidate who was seeking the election to the Senate was trying t<l avoid that question during his campaign. At one meeting a most persistent listener kept interrupting his speech with remarks about the Eighteenth Amendment. Finally the speaker stopped :

"Are you dry?" "Yes, sir, I certainly am dry." "Well," responded the speaker, "won 't you please go out and get a drink while

I finish this speech ?"


The Islands of Enchantment ENJOYED the enthusiastic accounts of the convention in the last issue of THE ANCHOR. I have had the privilege of attending several Alpha Sigma Tau conventions in Detroit ; and they surely are inspiring to one.

However, the topic assigned to me for this issue is quite a different one­my trip to Porto Rico and Santo Domingo, "The Islands of Enchantment," which bask in the sunshine of the Caribbean Sea. Incidentally, that is where my husband took me on our honeymoon last April, and girls, you could not wish for a more delightful and romantic place for a trip.

We sailed from New York City on the S.S. B01·inquen Thursday noon , April 9. San Juan is fifteen hundred miles from New York, making the boat trip a real voyage. Three days and nights at sea gave us a genuine experience of sailing on the ocean. Just north of San Juan we sailed over one of the deepest parts of the Atlantic Ocean. The drop from the moun­tain tops of Porto Rico to the ocean bottom just north of the Island is one of the greatest chasms in the world.

Early Monday morning we got up at sunrise to see Morro Castle, an immense fortress built by the Spaniards four hundred years ago- which stands grim and imposing at the entrance to the harbor of San Juan. And then , as you sail slowly and majestically into the harbor, the sharp-peaked mountains become visible, the palm trees, the red-tiled· roofs ; and this is the first view of the " Islands of Enchantment. "

There we were met by friends of Mr. Andersen , whose acquaintance he had made on a previous business trip. These friends entertained us royally and made our sojourn in Porto Rico much more interesting than it would have been if we had had to depend on conducted tours.

I think our friend who took us for a long drive that first day was quite amused at my many inquiries and exclamations at the unusual sights. So many of these sights, I had only read about in geographies or in books or magazines- and to actually see them was quite, exciting.

The highways in Porto Rico are fairly good- but extremely narrow and winding, with overhanging branches of the native trees forming an arch that is very picturesque. The foliage and blossoms of the tropical trees, shrubs, and flowers , are gorgeous. Along the way you see strange forms of vegetation and plant life- plantations of sugar cane, coffee, to­bacco, pineapples, oranges, grape fruit , bananas, cocoanut palms, and many others not quite as common.

Our destination on this drive was Fajardo, where we visited a large sugar refining plant, or Central , as they are called there. The sugar in­dustry is one of the most extensive and important in this island.

Practically all of the land in the island is owned by several sugar com­panies. The laborers or peasant class are called peons, living on a basis close to poverty and starvation. These peons live in one- or two-room huts, not owning any ground whatever. We wondered how anyone could become hungry in a semi-tropical country where banana trees and cocoanuts grew. But we soon learned that the entire land was owned by the e companie all trees being their property.


A few of the plantations have tractors to aid in cultivation, but most of this work is done by oxen; and their farming implements are very crude. All the hillsides are under cultivation. The Porto Ricans are indeed a very industrious people, indicating this particularly by their efforts on the steep and hardly accessible mountain slopes.

This was Monday, wash day, in Porto Rico. At every brook or river, we saw groups of native women washing clothes in the streams, and bleach­ing them on the grassy banks or bushes.

Monday evening we sailed for Santo Domingo, traversing Mona Pas­sage and the Caribbean. Here we reached the place where Christopher Columbus landed in the West Indies. In the Dominican Republic Colum­bus is highly revered . In the Plaza or City Square, stands a fine statue of the discoverer of America. And in the stately and beautiful Cathedral, we visited his tomb.

It is depressing to observe the living conditions on this island of San Domingo. Here the poverty is far worse than in Porto Rico. The govern­ment conditions are tragic. The people are in continuous bondage, repay­ing the government loans made for roads and schools; but this money is always stolen by the disreputable politicians, leaving the people destitute.

The effects of the recent hurricane were still apparent in many wrecked homes not yet rebuilt and in many trees turned over and stripped of branches by the winds.

The chief attractions in Santo Domingo seem to center around the re­mains of the fortresses, and the glories of the by-gone days when Spain ruled the New World from this place. The atmosphere is filled with unrest and an unpleasant tension that made us glad to get back on our ship under the flag of the U.S.A.

We arrived back in San Juan Wednesday morning. The Condado Van­derbilt Hotel , where we stayed, is of Spanish architecture, spacious and beautiful , overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. Below our windows the huge waves dashed against the picturesque coral reefs. Palm trees lined the beach fo r miles. I cannot imagine a more delightful place.

One of the trips we took the following week was across the island to Coamo, where are located the famous mineral springs. The hotel there is an old, old Spanish inn. The bath house which the early Spaniards built, so they could bathe in the elixir of youth, still remains, and serves the many visitors or patients who come there.

Porto Rico is very mountainous and you have many breath-taking thrill s as you journey across the island. The roads, about a car and a half wide, wind around and around in needle-eye bends ; and if you suddenly meet another car when you are on the outside edge of nothing- well , you think of more than just the beautiful scenery around you.

The most hazardous, and one of the most picturesque rides, was from Cayey to Guayama. The gorge between the mountains in one place is enormous. It is overwhelming to look across to the mountains on the other side and far down into the valley below.

From one level, we could look out and see in the far distance the en­chanting blue waters of the Caribbean. Here we topped to rel<L'C and ab-


sorb the scenery. Away down near the ocean we could see the cities we had passed through, which from this height looked like toy villages.

I could tell you much more about these interesting islands, but I fear that already this article is too long, and you may be weary ere you have perused it. I wish I could supplement this description with the fine snap­shots we took, but I hope some day you will have the good fortune to visit these " Islands of Enchantment" yourself.

· We left San Juan April 23 on the S.S. Coamo , sister ship of the Borin­quen. Morro Castle was the last visible sight of architecture until we ar­rived in New York City April 27 , and were greeted by the Statue of Liberty and the skyscrapers of Manhattan.


Affection, Sincerity, Truth f1 FFECTIO r, Sincerity, Truth- the open motto for Alpha Sigma Tau r\ carries within its three short words probably the most important

requirements for a progressive, successful life. The words inter­twine one within the other, fo rming a perfect triangle with no possibilities for doubt of meaning.

Affection paves the way for sincerity. When one analyzes affection , he immediately thinks of tenderness, kindness, deep friendship, and moments of communication in confidence.

Among girls where affection reigns, there is bound to be frankness , un­affectedness, and perfection ; or, to use the one word that takes in these three, sincerity. The latter is the nucleus of youth's success. From all sides of this quality of character branch out other virtuous and efficacious quali­ties.

Truth is the outstanding requirement in the professional as well as the social world. The man of veracity reaches the goal ; the man who cannot be trusted stumbles along the way and falls back, getting farther and farther away from the terminal point. After all , the truth causes less pain and worry than the little untruth one might tell to shield himself from an error he has made.

Then, to provide for a life of beauty, ease of mind, and progress, we have these three: affection , sincerity, truth.



Alpha Sigma Tau. In these three words is contained the essence of comradeship and loyalty . They form a tie which binds more securely than the strongest chain of steel or iron and one which will not be rusted or marred by t ime but will grow ever stronger and more beautiful. The influence of Alpha Sigma Tau will be felt all through life and its memories will be cherished above all other thing .



What I Know of Europe from People Who

Have Been There fiNY conversatio? containing the word~-:-"Now , when I was in Europe" r\ -finds me nght there. However, 1t 1s not because I've been there ;

still, I've learned so much about it from people who have that I can make others believe that I 've been there too- at least, I think I've hood­winked them- maybe not! Anyway, such is my conceit!

* * * The aboard-ship impression is an endless procession of meals. Just as

one is interested in a new man it's time to eat again! What with breakfast, bouillion at ten , lunch, tea, and dinner one never gets time to eat those bon voyage baskets of fruit.

* * * There are the trains divided into compartments of six. Every afternoon

the travelers produce lunch boxes and proceed to have a picnic.

* * * In Germany one eats five meals a day. An appetizer is enough for a

whole meal. * * *

In England they think a train trip of three hours is enough to send one to bed for the rest of the day. In summer one can often wear a woolen dress and be quite comfortable. And it is quite good manners to be some­thing of a snob!

* * * It's quite fashionable to take a dip in the Mediterranean. Water is

water to me, but those travelers revel in it as if it were the elixir of life !

* * * Then there are the cathedrals. Each claims to have a piece of the true

cross and a few nails!

* * * There are the miles upon miles of art galleries. The ever-famous Louvre

in Paris which contains the Mona Lisa which always draws clever re­marks from natives of Podunk and Iowa to the effect, "Look at that sneer, Marne," and "I could do better than that, couldn 't you, Sadie?"

* * * There is Berne with its bear pits in the heart of the city. The touri t

buy sweetened milk for which the bears sit up on their haunches and allow the milk to be poured down their throats!


Oberammergau with its Passion Play and the Christ-like Anton Lang, who autographed a beautiful tooled leather copy of his life story !

* * * In Spain we do not find those fascinating caballeros pictured in the

movies- rather the peasants are ugly and slovenly- not at all given to twanging a guitar as we've been led to believe!

* * * Of course, all that I 've heard isn 't edifying. There are those towns in

Italy that have no sewage system-a clothes-pin over one's nose is better equipment that a Cook's Guide! And then the sights in Paris- even a hard­boiled Philadelphian was shocked. Venice, too- that city so immortalized by bards- the Grand Canal as it looks by night is truly conducive to lov­ers' sighs, but when the bright light of day shines upon the strings of clothes stretching from wall to wall over the lesser canals, and the rats swimming in the muddy water- tsk- 'tis anything but beautiful or ro­mantic!

* * * And so we've traveled!


Editorial Responsibility

DESPITE the oft reiterated statement that you can 't believe all you read in the papers, it is common knowledge that the printed word does exert an incalculable influence over the thoughts of those who

come in contact with it. When we realize that even the ordinary, often unauthenticated news story wields such power, how clearly may we see the force that belongs to a publication which possesses the full and com­plete confidence of its readers.

Such a publication is THE ANCHOR. There can be no question of its integrity. Its purpose we all know to be both that of a clearing house for sorority news and an instrument for the promotion of group unity.

From these very facts, from the national character of the magazine, it follows that it must be free from regional bias and edited with an eye to the interest of all. And this becomes largely the duty of the chapter edi­tor. Her work it is to connect up the events of her chapter with the in­terests of that larger group which is the sorority, the sorority that reaches into all corners of the country. It is upon her more than anyone that rest. the responsibility for developing a more unified Alpha Sigma Tau.





President . ... . ........ . . Mary Crissman Pianist . . . . . . ..... .. .... Leona Hoffm an Vice-president .. ....... . . Doris J ackson R ecording Secretary ..... . .. Violet Lahti

Chapter Editor .... . . . . ... Vernice All en

Corresponding Secretary .. Edna Swallow Treasurer . . ... . . . . . . . . . .. Ruelle Fischer Chap lain .. ... . . .. .. .. .. . ... Mary Kain Custodian . . . .. .. . .. .. .. Maxine Herrick

rMiss Ada orton )Mrs. H . W. Reninger

Pat1·onesses ..... . "lM F E L d rs. . . or Mrs. G. D . anders

Vernice Allen Margaret Barren Jean Campbell Betty Chargo Helen Choate Gwendolyn Clancey Mary Crissman Winifred Dick Laura Dwelley


Margaret Field Ruelle Fischer Maxine Herrick Mary Heath Leona Hoffman Dorothy Hughes Hazel Huntley Doris Jackson

* * * *

Mary Kain Violet La hti Margaret Pollock Louise Tobey Edna Swallow Helen Wagoner Ailsa White Mary Alice Younglove


WERE you ever thrilled beyond words? Did you ever feel that you had reached the heighth of one of your ambitions? Did you ever experience the joy of joining an organization through whose medium you came in con­tact with a group of girls whom you desired to know better? When joining this organization, did you feel honored to think that you were asked to become a member, and you accepted not because you had no other alternative but because you really wanted to? If so, then you know how I feel on being a pledge of the Alpha Sigma Tau.

I shall bare my soul to you, my reader, and say that for once I can hear and accept the titles of "scum, worm, nertz," and still- smile. If that doesn 't express my attitude to you, then I fear it will always remain a mystery.

I say in all earnestness that I feel that I made a wise deci ion in takina the Alpha Sigma Tau sorority, and I offer my most sincere thanks to the Alpha Sigs for the invitation, which to this pledge was so welcome.



(With apologies to 0. W. H olmes)

The pledge! the poor tormented pledge! The days have quickly passed;

Yet still she dreads this Friday night When she will be on edge;


I know she dreads it, though she look As cheerful as she can;

Her smile is brighter than her hope, For hope is but a sham.

The pledge! the poor hard working pledge! Her hair is almost gray;

Why will they make her toil so hard With such a superior way?

How can she hold her head up high, And say she does not care,

When every time that she appears, They run her like a mare?

Her superiors-the A.S.T.s! forgive This horrible pun-

Vowed that she should pay right well For all that she has done;

So it is with patience she awaits, This coming Friday night;

And the day when she can cheerfully say, "I am a member right."



Between her "8" and her "9 o'clock" When she is going to gym, Comes a pause in her daily program, Which is known as "her minute with him."

She hears in the han above her That laugh so boisterous and gay, Shall she scold him and command him, Or be blushing and gentle today?

He hurries down the crowded stair, Where students are passing by, And she sees him searching her way With a hopeful and anxious eye.

A sudden rush from the stairway, A sudden raid from the hall, Once again they are together, Books and professors mean nothing at all.

He wishes to linger there longer And tell her what she means to him, But now she just remembers That she must get to the gym.

Do you think, 0 blue-eyed co-ed, Since your classes you must attend , That you can forget these meetings, And put all thoughts of him at an end?

You may not remember your classes­Your Latin, your math, and your gym, But many, many days shall pass Ere you forget "your minute with him ."

Eo A WALLow Alpha



President ........... . .. Gladys Overholt Historian ..... .. ... .. Margaret Wiggins Vice-p-resident . ... ...... Josephine Stear Custodian ..... . ..... . . .. E leanor Welsh Corresponding Secretary .. . . Wilma Hafer Chaplain ....... . .. .. ... Marian Murphy R ecording Secretary . ... . . Betty Bouton Literary Editor .. .. .. . .. .. Eoline Lloyd Treasurer ...... . . .. . Elizabeth Swanseen Chapter Editor ....... . ...... Mary Eber

Jane Allison Betty Bouton Ardelle Campbell Mary Eber Dorothy Foster Margaret Guckert Wilma Hafer Eoline Lloyd Mildred Miller Marie Moore


Suzanna Mountsier Marion Murphy Gladys Overholt Sara Scott Carolyn Sim pson Alice Stafford Josephine Stear Jane Stombaugh Betty Sturm


There are songs that make us happy, There are songs that make us blue,

There are songs that make us snappy, These songs we dedicate to you.

Our verses only meant in fun, Silly as you can see,

A song for each and every one , Chosen from popular melody.

''I'd rather dance than eat," quoth she. And we believe it (at least in part ),

For Peggy Wiggins- light and sweet, Is Delta's Dancing Sweetheart .

Cute and Sweet, a song we know Will suit our ti ny miss of cheer.

Skies may gray- winds may blow, One can make them blue-" J o" Stear.

Sweet and Lovely, Sweeter than any flower in May

Of our charming Wilma Hafer, There is little more to say.

H ow Can You B e So Charming Was written for our "Bee."

Ways so dear-and smile disarmincr, All who know her will agree .

Louise Sutton E lizabeth Swanseen Clarabel Tweed Betty Weaver Eleanor Welsh Margaret Wiggins Marguerite Yoos

Pledge Dorothea Baker


Eleanor Welsh-or so they ~ay, Lives in Memories of Yesterday.

While Betty Bouton-yes, it 's so Dreams alone of Little Jo e.

I'm No Good Without You For love~lorn little "Tweedy,"

Can It Be Love for Stafford, too? Both of them-yes indeedy.

Home is the mournful tune When Dotty Foster sighs m lonely fashion .

But when Dot Baker gazes at the moon , She's sighing for her Secret Passion.

ow Weaver and Yoos, with twink ling eyes, Lilting laughter and gay replies,

Lucky Little Devils so you will find . We think these two are just our kind .

You 're so Delicious J ane Stombaugh, sweet of nature, bright of eye,

While for Sally, so capricious, We choo e Tw o Loves Hav e I.

For lovely, charming Marie Moore, They wrote the song named Who.

While of Carolyn Simpson it's ancient lore That Nothing Is Sw eeter Than You.

Cute and sweet 'n' snappy, A smile to set your heart a-whirl

"Honey" Miller, sunny and happy Is Alpha Sigma Tau's Little Girl.

Sunny Side Up for Louise Sutton, sweet and dear,

And we'll choose the hit Sweet Sue For none but Sue Mountsier.

For this sweet and laughing lass, We choose the song Too Late,

For Peg Guckert, seven-thirty breakfast Should be served at eight.

Sometimes so gay and happy, Light as the winds that blow,

Sometimes as blue as the bluest sea, For Ardelle Campbell we pick Mood Indigo .

Charming and lovely to see, Sunny as skies above ,

Alas that Betty Sturm should be A Prisoner of L ove.

Marion Murphy for nothing but Irish can pa With twinkling eye and turned up nose,

And so for this miling Irish lass We'll choo e My Wild Irish R ose.


W e Wouldn't Trade Y ott for the World, Miss King. You're first with us, for aye

Our gifts of love and honor bring And sing your praises high.

Happy and gay We always find these two,

Same tomorrow as today Eber and Swanseen come Smilin! Thru .

This is all our little song, We've been steppin ' high and wide;

Now we'll be strollin' along Same as always, Side by Side.



Girls of Alpha Sigma Tau, this is chapter DELTA broadcasting on a fre­quency of six hundred and seventy-two dance steps around ''Rec" hall . There may be a little static on account of how we're all breathless. Peggy Wiggins, upon whom we're pinning our professional stage hopes, has been imitating the dance steps of our ''he-men" and believe me, girls, she's good! When Peggy dances with a man , his step is forever recorded either under "swell" or "punk. "

Just a minute, folks , my trend of thought snapped; Marion Murphy wants to know if I've told everyone about the Y.W.C.A. tea Friday after­noon. My goodness, Marion, I believe you'd take to your bed if there wasn't a hungry crowd at that tea. Gladys Overholt certainly must appreci­ate you. Oh yes, folks, excuse me, Gladys is the president of the Y.W.C.A. and are we proud of her? Sorry I can 't persuade Gladys to say a few words but I 'll just tell you, when you want someone to depend on, whom eve1'Y­one likes, call for Glady; isn't she our president?

I think we'll run upstairs, or let 's use the elevator, and take a peek in J o Stear 's room. Here we are girls! My goodness, what's this? Where in the world did so many girls come from? Guess we "sorta" stepped in on an informal Tau meeting. Since you all are Taus too and we will be soon let's stay. Who 's that draped over the bed talking to Wilma so seriously? Why it's Peg Guckert. They're talking "commercial" again, all about book­keeping and things that sound Greek. You know, Wilma taught last se­mester off the campus and the fun she had almost seems as if teaching might be fun, and I'll bet Wilma made a hit too ; she's so sweet.

Ouch! excuse me, radio audience, but Mary Eber just pinched me. This is just a· hint ; when you see that black hair and those sparkling eye heave in view, beware- Mary is into something. " No, no , Mary it's too cold to go out for a walk during quiet hour. I want to study anyway." Honestly, that ~irl dotes on fresh air!

Now if you'll stand by a second I'll shove this microphone over near our hostess, Jo Stear. Yes, I was right , that's she cuddled up on the bed. "Aw, please tickle my neck, it makes me sleepy." Oh, oh! did you get an ear-full of that? Jo wants to be tickled again. Gee, I pity her poor pledge!


Say, girls, did you happen to catch that high-pitched drawl? Well, any­way it was Ardelle teasing Betty again. What roommates- what will they do when they graduate and are separated? I wish we had television here so you could see Ardelle imitating her defenseless classmates. I hear her saying-"oh, oh, Betty, were you and Art at church and what's this I hear ; did he make you wear your boots? Good for Art ! Now, now, Betty, we're not teasing you ; we all love you too much for that. " Sh h h ! not so much noise, girls, or the hall teacher will be descending upon us, and be­sides we 've a radio audience, don 't forget.

I think we'll tune off that room, its getting much too noisy. I know I 'll take you all down to " Maw" Tweeds ; maybe Clarabel will be there. You know, everyone goes to Tweedy's home ; you can have the best time and "Maw's" most sure to have eats. Here we are, shall we ring or walk in? "Yas, yas, come right h 'in. " That was Tweedy, did you hear ? When Tweedy talks through her nose in her best English manner, we all go into spasms. Maybe Tweedy will sing us some ditties-"Oh, you say Chuck is here ; well then, we won't stay, that is if you 'll give us a ginger cookie. Sure, two or three would be better. 'Bye."

Well folks , we'll just walk along till we meet someone and I'll let them talk to you.

" Hello, Eleanor Welsh speaking ; I 'm just on my way over to Clark Hall and I'm nearly frozen. You know it 's nice living there in summer but oh! in winter ! Come over with me. I'll bet maybe Betty Bouton will be over there. How about it? "

Yes, how about it, radio Taus , shall we go see Betty? You know Elea­nor may complain about the walk to Clark Hall but just suggest living anywhere else. Personally, I think the cold air must be a better beauty specialist than Edna Wallace Hopper. You should just see Eleanor with her dark brown curls and winning smile.

Ah , here we are and wait-yes, I was right. It is Betty Bouton. See that blonde girl over there, oh dear, excuse me, I keep forgetting you can only hear, not see! I 'll tell you a secret about Betty- you can 't make her blush, even when teasing her about her Joseph John . And she is a blonde. too ! Betty doesn 't wish to talk to you today; she says her throat is a little foggy, and she's never talked to a radio audience anyway so you 'll have to excuse her. Dear me, these people who refuse to give their speeches! My voice will be gone if someone doesn't soon relieve me.

I hope you Taus haven 't tuned this station off yet because there are two or three more visits I'd like to make. I 'd take you over to see Jane Allison but she probably wouldn 't be home. Jane is our busy bee. You can just never find her. The conservatory claims most of her time, but when we can grab her we hold her , for Jane and good times are synonymous. We can 't go to see Alice Stafford either since she is at Latrobe, teaching. But I know you haven 't forgotten Alice. She was back to see us one evening and what a royal welcome she got. Alice couldn 't stay away 'long because-­well for a certain " Red" reason. Ther.e are two we II visit though, and here we are. How was that for rapid transportation? I'll rap on Dot Fo ter s door. "Oh, I 'm sorry, Dot, go ahead and read your magazine. You certain!. look comfortable in that gay upholstered chair, and a foot tool too! . _ soon as I fini sh this tour I 'll be back and keep you company reading. l: ou'r


one person who always has late magazines. Well, I must hurry. So-long." I'll carry thi microphone down the hall and- ju t a minute. Did you

girls hear someone reciting poetry? I thought I did . Of course 1 did . We're right in front of Eoline 's door and she 's evidently in . Eoline is the sorority poet and also the sorority madcap. Just ask her how many black marks she got when she was a little pledge! Eoline is rather tempestuous, too. Beware when you see her blond head toss and her eyes flash ; but how sweet and dear she can be at other times. We'll go on because I rather think by all appearances Eoline is going out with Johnny.

Now, since you are all so tired (and I know you are) , we 'll go clown to Miss King's for a cup of tea. If you don 't feel refreshed and pepped up after that, it will be your own fault. I'm telling you, there's no one with as much pep as Miss King- and that laugh of hers! Well , no one can be till around her. Come on girls.

Station DELTA signing off. SALLY ScoTT, Announcer

D elta Pledge


" Great oaks from little acorns grow." As most all great enterprises rise from small beginnings, so Delta Chap­

ter of Alpha Sigma Tau has carved an envied name for herself in the college life of Indiana State Teachers College.

On Saturday, May 27 , 1916, a local sorority of Indiana State Teachers College became Delta Chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau. The first meeting was held in the Y.W.C.A. room for the purpose of electing officers. The following girls were chosen : Gladys Bowen, Eliza Isaman , 1ary Arbuckle, Alice Kane, Clare Cover, and Bertha Statler.

The meeting was then adjourned to attend a reception given by the Delta Sigma Epsilon Sorority at See Cottage.

The two patronesses chosen by Delta were Miss Armenta McClane and Miss Mary St. Clair King.

Cushions and banners were purchased in the Normal Book Room. Pledge pins were secured through Alpha Chapter; rush parties were in order ; and the result of the first effort of the infant organization wa the pledging of five new girls.

A write-up in the lnstano, school yearbook, brought instant recogni­tion to the now up-and-coming chapter, and they were invited to join the Panhellenic Council.

In 1917, the year the United States entered the Great War, Delta was asked to join in a great many war activities. We furnished a b:ed '' in the Base Hospital , bought a fifty-dollar Liberty Bond, and knit an am­bulance robe. In addition, Dr. John A. H. Keith, principal of the normal asked us to make a service flag which when-completed showed two hundred stars, triangles (red and blue), red crosses, and six gold stars. Thi flag was presented to the school by Dr. Keith and accepted by Mi s Jane E. Leonard, dean of women. Both Dr. Keith and Miss Leonard are now deceased. This flag is hung in the school on every patriotic occasion and we of Delta are very proud of it.

DELTA CHAPTER First Row, sitting- Belly Stu rm , Dorothy Fosler, Gladys Overholt, Sara Scott, Betty Weaver. Second Row-Ardelle Campbell, Margaret Guckert, Jane Stombaugh, Clarabel Tweed, Mary Eber, Miss King, Sue

Mountsier, Elizabeth Swanseen, Josephine Stear, Wilma Hafer, Louise Sutton. Back Row-Eleanor Welch, Mildred Miller, Marion Murphy, Eoline Lloyd, Betty Bouton, Marguerite Yoos, Mar­

garet Wiggins, Carolyn Simpson, Jane Allison , Marie Moore.


The year 1918 was a difficult one for "rushing," as many girls went home to take positions left by the boys go ing to the camps and across. However, we managed to keep up our parties and war work. The Liberty Bond was sold to the Savings and Trust; the proceeds were used to help a six-year-old French orphan, Alice.

At the end of the school year in 1919, Panhellenic had a meeting in which it was voted that all sororities of the school be abolished because of the expenses involved and clue .to the fact that it was not democratic to "carry on" during a war.

At this time Delta had an active alumnce chapter in Pittsburgh, Penn­sylvania, which was finally disbanded. In 1923, Alpha Sigma Tau was a local sorority under the name Delta Tau. On March 17 , 192 8, it was formally reinstated as a chapter by Miss Edith Mansell at the home of Miss Mary St. Clair King.

Indiana is now a college and Delta is now an active chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau with twenty-seven members and forty alumnce to carry on the true meaning of the emerald and gold and to make Alpha Sigma Tau a real booster in furthering sorority li fe and ideals. With Miss King at the helm, we strive to remain "Active, Self-reliant, and Trustworthy," and , in addition, to prove that we are "All Sisters Together ."



Sam Scott.- There just isn 't any getting around it-"Sally" is about the most original, peppiest, most popular, true-blue pal on wheels! She's rarin ' to go and wants to make our theme song " Ride 'em Cowboy."

Carolyn Simpson.- For "Simp" nothing is impossible. She believes that "Where there 's a will there's a way." Poise, looks, intelligence, and ver­satility has "Simp," and what more could Delta ask !

Marie M o01·e.-Raven hair, violet eyes, cartloads of poise, and a gor­geous sun-tan, and there you have our Marie ready to do and ready to dare. Marie could even make Garbo turn green with envy if she so chose.

Jane Stombaugh.- When Jane's around, masculine hearts just can't help behaving like Mexican jumping beans 'cause Jane's got looks and a line that makes 'em that way and then some.

Dorothea Baker.-"Dot" is different; "Dot" is sweet; "Dot" is clever ; "Dot" is intelligent. In other words, "Dot" is everything Delta could wish. For further reference consult Kipling 's " If" and you have "Dot,' our model girl.

Betty Weaver .- When it comes to music, dramatics, and ravishing dimples, Betty just can't be beat- she's that darned nice. Be ides Betty s so sweet, that she makes sugar look like sour pickles.

M argue1·ite Yoos.- "Rite's" jolly ways and welcome mile win her friends everywhere. Here 's a personality that leaves nothing to be desired. We consider her friendship golden.

Mildred Miller.- Take a tiny little gi rl , stir in lots of pep and vim. and there you have our "Honey" Miller. She may be looked over but she isn 't overlooked, you can be sure of that. Eh , Dick!


Louise Sutton.-"Sutty" is always in the center of things but her main interest appears to center around a certain person, Adam by name, who hails from Butler! Eve just doesn't rate.

Suzanne M ountsier.- Sue is like a huge French doll with her big blue eyes and wavy tresses. She doesn't say much, but when a thing 's to be done, you can depend on Sue of the deep, sonorous voice.


Nov. 25- Thanksgiving vacation began at noon. ov. 30- End of Thanksgiving vacation. Actually, I think we came back

for a rest. Dec. 17- Sorority Christmas party at Miss King 's . Oh, those ten-cent

presents! Dec. 23- Panhellenic Dance! Dim lights , a glowing fire , tin el-covered

Christmas trees illuminated by red and blue flood lights! Peppy music! Beautiful dresses~ Handsome men.

Dec. 23- Christmas vacation began after last class. Jan. 4-Christmas vacation ends. Everybody looks half dead- but

happy! Jan. 21- First educational meeting of the year. Mrs. McDivitt, head

nurse of the school , spoke to us. "You're not sick; it 's just. psy­cho-neurosis !"

Jan. 25- Rush season began. Jan. 29-First rush party at Moore Hotel in the form of a formal din­

ner dance. Clever rushees. Good dinner ! Feb. 13-Second rush party at Moore Hotel in the form of a Valentine

party. Feb. 18- Tea at Miss King's for rushees. Huge success! Feb. 20- Tea at Clarabel Tweed's. Not tea, cocoa! Grand, hilarious time !

Do those rushees puzzle us! Feb. 20- Silence period began at midnight. Oh, the suspense ! Three day

of waiting-Feb. 23- Day of rejoicing! Found we got ten girls: Suzanne Mountsier,

Jane Stombaugh, Mildred Miller, Louise Sutton, Marie Moore Betty Weaver, Marguerite Yoos, Sara cott, Caroline imp on, and Dorothea Baker. From the congratulations pouring in we got the " Cream of the crop."

Feb. 27- Pajama party for the new pledges in the Y.W.C.A. room. Are we proud? Just ask me!

Mar. 9- Panhellenic gave program for Y.W.C.A. They portrayed "The Great Loves of the Ages. " Ardelle Campbell was Helen of Troy; Peggy Wiggins was the demure, pathetic Elaine, Lance­lot ' chosen one; and Mary Eber portrayed the modern weet­heart to perfection.

Mar., 10- Ribbon pledge in Leonard Hall for the ten new pledge . Mar. 12- Pajama party in Dot Foster 's room. \ll the pledge aave the

cleverest poem they could remember. 1lo t e eryon man­aged to get ick on a pint of ice cream apiece.


Mar. 14- Pledging began in earnest at 6: 30 A.M. Now we'll take it easy for two weeks. Poor pledges!

Mar. 17- Solemn, impressive pin pledge in Y.W.C.A. room . Mar. 19- Easter vacation began after last clas . Mar. 24- Actives and alumnre of Pittsburgh and vicinity meet for lunch­

eon and theater in Pittsburgh in the hope that an alumnre chap­ter will be started.

Apr. 4-Easter recess ends at noon. Apr. 4-"till one more week of informal initiation! Apr. 8- Black Friday! Kid party at one of the town patronesses. Apr. ?- Formal initiation and banquet.



Last year it was decided to hold at least one educational meeting a semester. The meetings were so well received and liked, that several were held during the year.

The first educational meeting held this semester was an interesting and enlightening talk on " Health," given by our school nurse, Mrs. Mc­Devitt. Too often we forget in our round of social activities and the striving for high scholastic honors that our health plays a major part in whether or not we shall succeed.

Mrs. McDevitt gave us the high-lights on our personal , daily health habits , telling us how we can acquire and maintain a high standard of health . After all , health is the foundation for all the aims of a life which every Alpha Sigma Tau should like to lead , one which is active, exciting, and adventurous.

DoROTHY L. FosTER, Delta


Who can forget Saturday, February 13 , that eventful day when some thirty girls excitedly dressed and put in a breathless appearance at the Moore Hotel a,t two-thirty sharp for the Tau's Valentine party?

At the door of the beautifully decorated Crystal Room we were each given a tiny red heart on which was printed in gold the name of some movie star, comic section personage, or some great lover in fiction . Then the fun began- the members, as the male lovers, had to search for their sweethearts among the rushees. When Romeo found Juliet, when Casper found Toots, the oartv re::1Jly began.

Miss Mun on furni shect mo!';t of the afternoon's entertainment. She gave us one of her very amusing chalk talks on "How to Attract the Child Attention When He Becomes Restle!';s. " Betvveen dances she ·told fortune . We all found out what the future holds for us . Everybody enjoyed putting the arrow on Cupid's heart. With blindfolds over our eyes. each of us tried her best to pin the arrow just right, for the prize was a big heart-shaped box of candy. Oh! but it looked good. A marathon dance topped the after­noon's fun. It was the most amusing event of the day. The prize wa a lovely box of writing paper.


Then the lunch! My, but it was delicious. After we had eaten until we could eat no more, some one remembered that it was time to go. What a short and happy afternoon it had been!



On Saturday, April 2, sixteen members of Delta, the Indiana chapter, met in McCreery's Dining Room for the purpo e of organizing an alumnre chapter in Pittsburgh.

After a delicious luncheon the business of organizing an alumnre chap­ter was discussed among the ten alumnre present. The following officers were elected: president, Katherine Kramer ; vice-president, Beatrice Arm­strong ; secretary, Louise Wherry ; treasurer, Ruth Foight.

All the Alpha Sigma Taus in the vicinity of Pittsburgh are eligible to join.

Plans are being made for a formal alumnre dance to be held some time in the early summer.


Our alumnre have been up and doing lately . Old Dan Cupid has been unusually busy. The si ter whom we knew as Katherine Morrow is now Mrs. Jay Rudoelph ; it was one of those campus romances with a happy ending. Virginia Knox is engaged to Clyde Burkholder and ha resigned her position in ew Ca tie for next year- we don 't blame her. Bea Arm­strong is wearing a fraternity pin belonging to Jack Skully, a graduate of William and Mary. How soon, Bea? Kit Kramer is reported engaged but we have not been able to secure the name of the lucky man. Con­gratulations! You all have our best wishes.

Another of our sisters has started a Girl Scout troop in New Kensing­ton and is planning to do her second summer's work at Columbia thi summer. She is working for an M.A. in English ; what ambition.

Mid Cadzow is teaching in Herminie ; H elen Frisch in Altoona ; Lib Morrow is substituting in New Castle and, in fact , all are doing something interesting.

Mid Cadzow and Helen Frisch have sent us their photos; sorry we don 't have more to show you. Maybe we will have better luck next time .

A Florida mayor was once called upon to deliver an address of welcome to a state convention of women s clubs. He began by enumerating some of the assemblies it had been his pleasure to addre s:

"And today I was called upon to greet a lot of hen a t. .. . ' H ere a delegate arose and dema nded an apology for such an insulting remark .

"My dear madam ," continued the Mayor, "I was trying to tell you that thi morning I spoke a t a poultry show , but you would not let me complete my sentence."

• ZETA •


President . . . ... ... .. .. .. . . . AI rna Soyster Custodian . ....... . . . . . . Katherine Peters Vice- president . . . ........ Caroline Shultz Chaplain . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . Claire Wade R eco1·ding S ecretary . . .. . . .. H elen Russell Cor responding SeCI·eta·ry . . Gwen Radebach T1·easurer . . . . . .... ... .. Thelma Yingling

l n tersororit y Council. . . ·{Alma Soyster Ruth Schmoyer

Chapter Editor . . .. . . . . Dorcas S. Tressler If istorian . . .. .. .. .. . . ....... Mary Sharp Patroness . . . . . . ... M rs. R . S. MacDougall

Mary Louise Borland Elizabeth Crain Betty DeFrehn Margaret Dorries Myra Evans Betty Fulmer Elizabeth Heim Ruth Henninger


Alice Lillibridge J ane McGirk Katherine Peters Florence Priddey Gwen Radebach H elen Russell Ruth Savage Martha Schmidt

* * * *

Rut h Schmoyer Mildred Sechrist Mary Sharp Caroline Shultz Alma Soyster Dorcas Tressler Claire Wade Thelma Yingling


ZETA CHAPTER of the Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority was established on the campus of the State Teachers College at Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, April 8, 1921. A group of girls known as "The Mysterious Eight" were banded together as a club and , on petitioning to the principal of the school to become a sorority, were granted his permission on condition that the girls organize under a well-known sorority which stood for scholarship as well as sociability.

Miss Lockhart who, by special appointment, was made adviser, began definite work with the girls who were to be members of the sorority, namely : Veronica Bradley, There a Youtz, Margaret Pfarr, and Grace Brooks, who was elected president ; Mercedes Burns, secretary ; and Elea­nor Dunn, treasurer. At a later meeting Madeline Fidler was made a member.

The club chose and was accepted by the Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority. The faculty investigated both the scholarship and the character of the girls who had entered the plans of the sorority, and recommended each girl to the National Council of the sorority at Ypsilanti.

At this time three junior girls were added as member to the orority, namely : Jean Ingham, Alice Martin, and Mae Olson. And at this time it was also decided that we have more than one faculty member. So Mi s Mabel Doyle and Miss Ruth Stewart were chosen a faculty members and Mrs. R. S. MacDougall as an honorary member.

Finally, pledging services took place April 7, 19 21, and Friday pril , 1921 , the girls were initiated into the sorority by two Alpha Siama Tau


H elen Russell Betty DeFrehn Ia ire \\ a de

Margaret Dorries Jane I cGirk

Thelma Yingling Gwen Radebach

lma oy ter Dorcas Tre sler Flor nc Priddey


members, Mrs. Lyman and Mrs. Mahaney, from the mother chapter at Ypsilanti, Michigan.

Thus started the Zeta Chapter.


Lydia Gross will receive her A.B. degree from the Teachers College at Columbia University. She has been attending there the current year.

Ruth A. Stewart is now president of the New York branch of the a­tiona! Council of Administrative Women in Education. She was a charter member of the Zeta Chapter. Her address is Chalsworth Avenue, Larch­mont, New York.

Blanche Swope is .still teaching in Lock Haven. Lenore Sharp is still teaching in the Lock Haven high school. Alice Read, last year Zeta president, is teaching at Woolrich, Pennsyl­

vania. Margaret Beeson is teaching at Imperial, Pennsylvania. She enjoys

very much teaching her 45 second graders.


Do friends mean much to you? Mine cheer me when I am blue. Are yours fair weather friends? Mine are the kind Hope sends.

These fr iends of mine are true. And let me say, real ones are few. But I feel I made a find To have so many of the good kind .

* * * * JANE A. McGIRK

We have had some good times since the last edition of THE ANCHOR. On the evening of December 18, 1931, the pledges gave a party for their

superiors. It was held in the sorority rooms, and after many games were played a lunch was served consisting of a candle salad, cheese sandwiches, cocoa, and popcorn balls. But best of all were the clever candle favors made of gum drops, tiny wax candles, and Life Savers as the handles.

Then on January 8, 1932, informal initiation took place and on the following day, the ninth, formal initiation was held at which ten junior girls and two senior girls were made members of the Zeta Chapter.

On Wednesday, January 13 , a farewell party was held in the new Training Building for Dorothy Drake, our president, and Mary Thomp­son, who graduated at mid-semester. A good time was had by all for after the delicious eats were served everyone danced to music furnished by a radio.

Finally, February 9, we had a pajama party in the sorority room . Everybody had a good time and enjoyed especially the onion sandwiches.

We are now looking forward eagerly to our alumnre banquet which will be held April16, and also to our spring pledgina and initiation.



President ....... .. .... . . Margaret Kaler Chaplain ...... ............ Lenore Fi ler Vice-president ............. . J ane Evans Custodian ............ . .... Julia Falvey R ecording Secretary .... Adelaide Feeney Historian ............. . Carmen Delaney Corresponding Secretary ... Helen Tucker Chapter E ditor ......... .. H elen Tucker Treasurer ..... . ....... . Mary J o Carey

Margaret Bynum Mary J o Carey Corinne Carey Donna Conroy

oreen Cooper Carmen Delaney Eleanor Devlin Jane Evans


Julia Falvey Adelaide Feeney Lenore Filer Margaret Kaler Gabrielle Sauve Helen Tucker

* * * *

Pledges Ro e Boccaro _a Myrtle Correll Pauline Dombrowski Maria Donegan Norine Kempter

ally Kraetke Mary Louise Nelius

"HELLO, everybody! This is tation A.S.T. broadcasting over THE ANCHOR net-work. With your kind permission, we will next present a short history of Theta Chapter coming to you from our studio in Detroit, located in the Tourraine Apartments near the campus of the College of the City of Detroit. . . . Well, folks, it is certainly splendid that once again our large member audience is listening in. We have a fine crowd down in our studio tonight and it gives me great pleasure to announce that some of your old friends have consented to broadcast a few words. The first speaker will be one with whom you have long been acquainted and with whom our studio staff immensely enjoys working, Miss Edith Mansell. "

" Good evening, dear sisters of the Alpha Sigma Tau radio audience. This evening one of the members of the studio staff a ked me to give an impromptu speech during the Theta quarter-hour of THE A CHOR broad­cast. My time limit is very short so I shall merely sketch for you the be­ginning of Theta Chapter. Eight students at the Detroit Teachers College conceived the idea of organizing a sorority to be active at the college. They had friends in the Alpha Chapter and after due proceedings, were init iated into Alpha Sigma Tau in Ypsilanti on May 5, 1923 . The next step was to return to Detroit and become true active si ters . It wa at this time that I made my entrance into the group. I was a member of Beta Chapter and therefore was able to guide the girls in their fir t endeavor to be genuine Alpha Sigma Tau . For the first two years of Theta exi tence I maintained the position of sole advi er, but a the chapter grew larger they deemed it wise to relieve me of some of the burden and Dr. Gertha Williams became my co-worker. A such, she will now carry on th hi -tory of Theta from the time she became affiliated with it. l\lay I pre ent my colleague and fraternal i ter, Dr. Gertha William .


"It is indeed a pleasure to know that so many Alpha Sigma Taus ar listening tonight. Since 19 2 5 I have been happily a ociated with the De­troit group. From that date until 1931 our chapter led a normal sorority life- bridge parties, dances, teas, an'cl regular meetings. However, at that time Detroit Teachers College wa moved from West Grand Boulevard to the campus of the Colleges of the City of Detroit. A period of readjustment followed during which Miss Mansell and I were often called upon in our capacity as advisers to aiel the girls who were stri ving to carry on Theta's activities under the new conditions. The trying period successfully weath­ered, we are once again following the normal path. The announcer has just informed me that the time is growing short so I must say gooclby un­til the next ANCHOR broadcast. "

" Before continuing with our history, I , as announcer for Theta Chap­ter, wish to express the staff 's appreciation of the two fine women to whom you have just listened. It gives me great pleasure to have the oppo rtuni ty of publicly thanking them on behalf of my sisters as well as myself for their years of faithful service and the interest they have displayed in the chapter .... And now I am going to turn the mike over to one whom you have not heard on the air before, our current president, Miss Margaret Kaler.

"Are you listenin '? Miss Mansell and Dr. Williams have competently covered most of Theta's hi tory, so little remains for me to say. One thing, though- our apartment. Theta girls are still raving over it. Really girls, it's the coziest place and we wish all of you in the great, big member audi­ence could just step into our studio and join us in our jolly times. We have been located here at the Tourraine for over six months and the thrill has­n 't worn off yet. We 're as proud as ever of Theta's studio, even though it occasionally exerts a strain on the purse strings. Good night, sorority si -ters, come and visit us some time ."

" The Theta quarter hour is drawing to a close- hope you enjoyed it. Before signing off, however, all of the happy group of girls gathered here in the Detroit studio want to send their greetings to their sisters in the audience. . . . Yes, you 're right , they're singing. . . . Won't you all join us?

Dear old Alpha Sigma Tau Glory be to thee.

May we ever live ....

"This is Theta Chapter signing off- Good night, everybody. We have been broadcasting over THE ANCHOR net-work through the permission of the National Fraternal Organization . Your announcer has been Lenore M. Filer."

"To be weak is to be miserable."-l\llTLTO '

(1) Just Thetas. (2) Studious Theta . ( ) Theta bids . (-+ ) Halfwa up Pike"s Peak . (S) Theta again . (6) Buffalo Bill's grave, Colorado.



We Thetas are immeasurably proud and happy this year because of the high scholarship we have been able to attain. Two beaut iful silver cups grace the shelf of the study in our apartment. One reminds us that we are at the head of the list of all the chapters of Alpha Sigma Tau, which means that we- are- pretty- good. The other informs our occa ional visi­tors that we have the highest record of any sorority at the College of the City of Detroit. Sometime during the fall semester it is the practice of the Intersorority Council of City College to p resen t a cup to the member sorority which has maintained the hi ghest average during the previous school year. Thus we became the envied guardians of the cup and were inspired to vow to make every sincere effort to keep it sitting on our shelf beside our Alpha Sig cup for a long, long time. We do wish the girls of all the other chapters could be here to admire and cherish them both with us. However, let us extend our hope that they may all be able to taste equal success in the future. It 's a great feeling!



Pot-luck supper ? Did I hear you say that? Oh boy! That 's grand . Such are the exclamations heard everytime pot-luck suppers are mentioned in Theta Chapter. Especially do we love Jane Evans ' scalloped potatoes, Donna Conroy 's meat loaf, and Marge Kaler's spaghetti ! To fill our plates with all we can eat and sit around in our chummy way is our idea of an ideal dinner. It is true that when we have pot-luck suppers we have all we want to eat and more, because everyone brings twice as much as she should. Then, the finishing touch to any dinner, but more so this par­ticular kind of dinner, because there are so many, many pans, is that the pledges do the dishes !



The pre-teaching girls who decide to spend future time in attempting to impress those passively resistant children with the importance of know­ing their " g'ogerphy" have an interesting time in the making, at least. Geography, itself, is marvelously interesting, if only one can be induced to sample it. But here at City College, it is made a hundredfold more fascinating by the efficiency, good-will , sympathy and interest of the fac­ulty members of the department of geography. Dr. Van Valkenburg, with his familiar Dutch accent, his hat on the back of his head , and the fringe of his blue wool scarf hanging a few inches below his very heavy overcoat, is certainly one of the most adored gentlemen of the campus. Then we have our Detroit Teachers College sorority fo r geography majors \~v i th Miss Camerer, about whom there are whisperings of wedlock, and our old friend and head of department, Dr. Hudgins, dropping in to teas.

Those of us who are going to strive to broaden and brighten the live · of children here by teaching geography are Helen Gee, Mary J o Carey Pauline Dombrowski (a pledge) , and your humble reporter,




Hooray! It's three o'clock and I have a class. "Just a minute, pledge, return this book to the library, as it is due today," calls Miss Carey. At four o'clock I conscientiously and obediently return to the chapter apart­ment and just get seated comfortably when Misses Gee and Conroy call, "Pledge, go to the store and get some sandwiches." I again have to face the bitter cold and trudge two blocks in the heavy snow to secure sand­wiches. On the way I engage in a conversation with a college friend and on returning Miss Gee cries, " Fifty demerits, pledge, for being so slow." Thus the fifty merits that I gained during the day are lost.

"Oh! I wish we had a radio," is the cry of every pledge. Finding the victrola and changing the records are the popular pastimes of a pledge, as music is desired by one member or another at all times. I no sooner finish the above task- when Miss Conroy calls, " Pledge, copy the words of that song." At this point I lament the fact that I cannot write short­hand. Thus a pledge leads the life of a housemaid, a valet, a cook, a stenographer, and whatnot.

I enjoy this toil and drudgery that is attached to being pledged as I realize that being pledged means something more than merely toil. It means the gaining of last ing friendship, of companionship, and happy times. One's life is undoubtedly enriched by the contacts with the members.


A NO\ EL RUSH PARTY Who doesn 't just adore going to a cabaret? Why, no one would miss

a chance to go to one! And that is just how our rushee felt at our cabaret party held last February in our sorority apartment. I wish you girls could have seen how "cabaretty" our apartment looked! We had the rugs rolled up, of course, and dancing-wax spread liberally over the floor. Hang­ing on the living-room walls were large sheets of paper on which were drawn fantastic and colorful pictures representing recent song hits. Around the room we had small tables covered with red and white checkered table­cloths-and on each table was a real honest-to-goodness gin bottle in which was stuck an old candle. We depended entirely on the light from these candles- no electricity to spoil our Bohemian cabaret! In one corner of the room was a roulette table with plenty of Boston chips to play with. We had two cigarette girls, a charming hostess. a professional fortune tel­ler- and oh! just everything! Donna Conroy with her sweet soprano voice and her priceless banjo, and Margaret Bynum with her charming con­tralto voice, gave us some clever duets. But it was when we danced that we attained the true cabaret atmosphere! You should have been on that dance floor! It was more crowded than the floor of the la t boat re­turning from a Labor Day excursion at Bob-lo ! But that' what cabaret dance floors are like- so naturally we had to stick to form. During the evening we served diluted grape juice in whiskey glasses and near the end of the evening we had chow mein and coffee. By the time everyone wa ready to go, our roulette chips were all eaten, our cigarette girls had old' all their wares, and everyone had had just the be~ t time e er.




Finding that a new Easter coat would be an absolute necessity thi s spring, I proceeded downtown to find one that would be inexpensive, prac­tical , and chic. Upon entering one of Detroit 's "shoppes," I was greeted by a charming attendant who smiled and asked to assist me. When she saw my sorority pin she inquired , " Is that Alpha Sigma Tau ?" A chill ran up and down my back as I heard our dear old name uttered by a upposed stranger who apparently knew her Greek alphabet very well. However, the next minute she grasped my hand, and I knew she was one of my sorority sisters! I learned then that she had gone to school with one of our advisers and belongs to our alumnce chapter.

Being so thrilled by this chance encounter, I imparted it to the rest of the girls, who, it must be needless to say, determined to patronize the same shop in the future.


Oh, I am just a humble pledge And I appeal to you To listen to the awful things That I have got to do.

I have to bow most all the tim e. I cannot speak to men. I have to wear the kind of clothes I wore when I was ten.

A middy and a dark blue skirt, A green and yellow bow, A slicker and an umbrella Wherever I may go .

I can't use any make-up ; I have to have an ecrg


Which must be signed with ten men's names For which I have to beg.

I always have to have on hand Some candy or some cake; And carry books and open doors Until my fi ngers ache.

I cannot curl my hair at a ll ; And must wear fiat-heeled shoes, And every single day I must Report for latest news.

Now te ll me, pledge sisters of min e, In chapters far and near, Are you not glad that you are not Abused as we are here ?

Believe you me, when this week's through And I a m free to speak , I'll tell those actives what I think Of having "Pledge H ell W eek"!


Eta Active

Top: Iotas. Center: Iota' President. Below: ''Hell Week" Pledge of Iota .

• IOTA •


President. . .. ....... .. . .. . . . Leta Swisher Vice- president .... ... ... Margaret Gilbert

s JMary Alice Seller ponson · · · · · · · · · · · · ~Hel en R . Gorman

Treasure!' . ..... . .... . . .. .. Lelia Barber R ecording Secretary . ........ Lois Gi lbert

JMrs. J ackscn Pat·ronesses . ... . . .. . .. .. I Mrs. Brandt

Corresponding Secretary l M . 1 Brownell Chapter Editor 5 une

H ousem othe1• .. .. . ...... . Mrs. Ramseyer

Lelia Barber May Beveridge Muriel Brownell Theresa Brooks Le Royce Downing Grace Fenner Virgie Flora Louise Garnet Dorothy Geisler Lois Gilbert


Margaret Gilbert Ru by Graber Mary K. Hines Dorothy H ogue Maybelle Jones La ura Kleiber Ruth Ellen Moore Lee Morrison Margaret Porter Helene Randall


Leta Swisher La Von Smith Betty Zigenbusch


Dorothy Garbutt J ean McLean Helen Phillips Helen Steele

The Delta Gamma Rho Sorority had its beginning when a small group of girl s sat around the fireside of the De Voss home one October evening in the fall of 19 2 0., and discussed the possibilities of organizing a sorority. A few weeks later this same group of girls, students in the Kansas State Teachers College, desiring the pleasures and benefits which a fraternal or­ganization affords, with the help of friends and faculty members, organized the Delta Gamma Rho Sorority.

The group at first consisted of perhaps a half dozen who, with their friends whom they invited to join them, made the fi fteen charter members who signed the first constitution adopted . The first regular meeting was held at the home of Misses Ethel, Mable, and Florence Cross, October 28 , 1920.

1 o regular sorority house was maintained during the first year ; at the beginning of the second semester, however, four more members moved to the Cross home, thus making nine members living at the same house. The next fall the Delta Gamma Rho Sorority began the year in their new home at 1101 Merchant.

In 1923, the Delta Gamma Rho Sorority accepted the invitation to be­come the Iota Chapter of the Alpha Sigma Tau. The sorority greatly ap­preciated the honor and privilege of becoming affiliated with a national fraternal organization. The next year, 19 2 4, the sorority moved to a new location at 1112 Rural. For the first time in the history of the organization, lunch and dinner were served for the girls at the sorority hou e. The fol ­lowing year, 1925, found the Alpha Sigma Taus living in the pre ent igma


Mu Delta house. The next fall, in 192 6, the girls moved into their new home at 1006 Constitution.



" Hurry ! Hurry !" " Can I wear your black hat ?" "Oh gosh, where are my gloves? The cleaners haven't brought them back yet? Oh, heaven , then I 'll have to wear those old tan ones. Oh, for a square suitcase instead of this old blue hatbag." "The taxi ' honking." 'Brush me, won't you ? There's lint all over my coat." " We'll miss the train if you don't stop brushing. Don't miss that last step. Hurry!"

A door slammed with a bang that made the glass pane fairly quiver in its frame, and three gi rls rushed out of the Alpha Sigma Tau house with hats and gloves half on , coat tails flying.

Amos stowed the girls and the bags in the back seat with alacrity, sprang to his post under the steering wheel , and with a mellow assurance of, "Now, you 'all jus' be calm. We'll make that train in plenty time. Ten minutes yet," the Amos 'n ' Andy taxi began its memorable journey to the Santa Fe station .

For about three-quarters of a minute affairs went smoothly, and the three in the back seat settled back and fini shed adjusting hats at the correct angle, and brushing powder specks off suede toes. It was at the corner of 9th and State that the trouble began. The little taxi began making sputtering sounds, jumped fo rward feebly for several paces, then gave up in despair, and stopped dead in sullen misery. Amos desperately stepped on the starter again and again. No use! The dreadful verdict, "Out of gas!" was pronounced, and with a final " whirr" the little Amos 'n ' Andy Ford settled to shameful repose.

Not a whit daunted, and with a full five minutes on his hands before Number 6 was due to come puffing in, Amos ran for the nearest telephone, shouting back, " Nevah you mind. Jus' sit still . You'll be seein ' Andy in the otheh taxi in a minute !" The minute passed. Amos' words were truly spoken. The four watchers did see Andy in the other taxi. He went tearing down the street in search of the stranded party a block farther west and disappeared from view.

Hope, like the proverbial cat, is hard to kill. ' Maybe we can catch it yet by running. Here, you bring the bags, Amos, and hurry, hurry!" The three forgetting the honor and glory of their alma mater, Alpha igma Tau, the old home town , or anything else, fled unceremoniously down the middle of the st reet. " We'll never make it. Lets hail that woman. ' The woman, duly hailed, refused to take the matter eriou ly and roiling at such childish antics, turned out to miss hitting the waving figure and sped on down the street.

The three had made the supreme effort , and it had fai led . . 11 eemed lost. But that Amo 'n ' . ndy taxi company is a' never- ay-die bunch, and now Andy to the rescue! . fter earchina the entire west end of Emporia, he had at la t found hi passenger , and be for one could ,;ay ' . cat,"


there were the three in front of the ticket window listening to the informa­tion that Number 6 would be twenty minutes late.


" Campused for one week, no nights out, no excuses, dean 's orders," wa the official statement issued by Ruby, our president, at lunch that day. There were groans and laments, pleadings and imprecations, but it was of no use. The terrible verdict had been rendered in a private conference at ten that morning, of which only two people knew the particulars-Ruby and the dean of women- and nothing could be done about it.

What if the intersorority did come that Friday night, what if A Woman with a Past was on at the Granada for that week, what if this was Chuck's week to have Dale (a certain Sigma Tau, who is big enough to give a break to two of our girls by a weekly alternative process)? What must be borne, could be, and the Alpha Taus stiffened their chins and backbones with a brave, "Oh well, we 'll have plenty of fun at home. "

This was how it all came about. A few of the girls who were spending the week-end in town decided to throw an informal house party Saturday evening. Thinking that it would be useless to obey the campus ruling and schedule such an impromptu affair, they proceeded with plans in their own sweet way.

About ten o'clock that evening, with the party in glorious progress, a phone call came from a person who announced herself as the dean of wom­en, and who inquired if a house party were being held at this house? In­formed that such was the case, the lady reminded the pledge at the phone that the usual proceeding was to schedule all parties at the dean 's office, and would the president please report at the office of the same the following Monday morning at ten o'clock?

It was all too good to keep, however, and before many dates for the intersorority had been broken, Ruby confessed it was all a joke. One of the girls had done the calling and had told Ruby about it only because she feared Ruby would give the secret of the party away to the dean , when she went for the interview.

The girls had a good laugh at their own expense, and vowing that they would avenge themselves on their deceptive sister in some way, they rushed to the phone to remake the elates they had broken.


Iotas are very proud of the fact tltat : -Mae Beveridge was initiated into Pi Kappa Delta, forensic fraternit)

and, also, Kappa Delta Pi , the honorary fraternity. -Le Royce Downing made the girls' glee club. -Margaret Gilbert is a member of the Madrigalians and school band. -Dorothy Hogue is freshman class secretary and treasurer, also the

Alpha Sigma Tau, Sunflower Beauty Queen. -Lelia Barber was initiated into Pi Omega Pi.

(1) Eta on a sunny Sunday. (2) Etas- wiener roa tina. (3) Where Etas do their pract ice teaching. (4) Ohians, E ta a lumnre. (5) Eta Alumnre Dame . (6) On to olorado.



P~esident_ .............. Evelyn Maguire Vzce-preszdent ....... . .. . Lorraine Rains

Chaplain ........ .. ..... Helen Megargee

Corresponding Secretary .... Mary Peters Chapter Editor ........ Dorothy Kitsch

Reco1'ding Secretary .... Helen Herlitziu Treasurer ...... .. . . . ... Dorothy Hoyle Custodian .......... . ....... Kay Laird Historian ............ . ... Ann Chalmers

1Mrs. Thomas E. Sull ivan Mrs. Charles A. Ford

Patronesses ... M" M b 1 L .d 1ss a e e1 y Mrs. Joseph Butterweck

Ann Chalmers Jacqueline Gilmer Dorothy Hoyle Helen D. H erlitzius Dorothy A. Kitsch Kay Laird Florence Maginn


Evelyn Maguire Helen Megargee Mary Peters Lorraine Rains

Pledges Virginia Burke

* * * *

Mildred Curry Cora Daminger Ruth Davie Ruth J ohnston Christine Megargee Myrtle ewton Agnes Waad


1926-27.- YouNG Lambda started out with somewhat of a handicap, in that only four of the girls who had brought about the installation of our local Phi Lambda Sigma into Alpha Sigma Tau the previous June had re­turned to college. This small group set out, under the supervision of its adviser, Miss N. Elizabeth Monroe, to procure the best possible girls the upper classes had to offer, and initiated three new members outstanding in capability and real leadership. The chapter then concentrated on building internal organization, a vital need in so new a group. Little was done socially or scholastically, except in preparation for the freshman rushing season, which began at the opening of the second semester. Lambda took great pride in its novel parties. The first was an informal dinner given at an inn in the Bohemian section of Philadelphia, during which soft, lovely music was furnished by an old Italian harpist, and at which delightful selections from current plays were read by Miss Monroe. The second was a "Pickwick" theater party, followed by an informal party at Miss Mon­roe's home. Both parties were enjoyed greatly, and tended to inspire every­one with the noble ideals the fraternity fosters. This very successful rushing season resulted in the pledging of six new girls. Though this number may seem small to other chapters, it must be remembered that sorority houses were forbidden at Temple, and that consequently fraternity chapters at this university are small. After the interesting and originally planned pledg­ing period, the initiation took place in the dormitory rooms, and was fol­lowed on the next day by a luncheon and bridge.

192 7-28.-In support of school activities, the Lambda Chapter pledged thirty dollars a year for a period of five years to the Conwell Foundation


Fund, and a certain yearly sum in proportion to the number of active mem­bers to the Panhellenic Scholarship Fund. Among the activities for the purpose of raising money was a two-day rummage sale in the slum district, and a home-made cake and candy sale within the college. Scholastically, the girls established an enviable reputation during thi year. Alpha Sigma Tau ranked second among all the campus fraternities. The members proved to be decidedly praiseworthy in their co-operation with all campus organiza­tions and events. Miss Monroe was being congratulated upon her receipt of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Pennsylvania.

1928-29.- During this school year the actives faced a seriou difficulty in the prospect of losing Miss Monroe, who was planning to leave to teach in Hunter College, New York City. Many occurrence boosted the spirits of the members, however, and they felt quite strong in their unprecedented membership of seventeen actives. ocially the group was gaining strong headway. mong the high points of the year were a Halloween party, two dinner parties, an open football dance in the Old Gym, and a rush party for sophomores. The latter was rewarded by the joining of four new girls. Plans for raising funds swamped the latter months of the school year- a benefit card party was most successful in adding to the treasury, and the campus was rather flooded with boxes of five-cent candy that "The Alpha Sigma Tau's are selling ... "

1929-30.- Rush parties, dances, and the "National Debt" were chief among the sorority 's problems this year. An informal dinner at one of the smart down-town restaurants, the French Grotto, to which several sopho­mores were invited as guests, resulted in the pledging of three new girl . These were initiated at a delightful Christmas party, which started the now-traditional custom of having first semester initiation always take place in this manner. Mrs. Ethel H. Kirby, who had been one of the patronesses, was initiated as adviser and has proved a mo t capable and beloved suc­cessor to Miss Monroe. During the second term the rush partie consisted of a riotous "barnyard party" in the sorority rooms, and a formal dinner­theater party, with dinner at the Blue Lantern Inn and fine seats to see the first "Little Show." After initiation a celebration dinner dance was held at the Hotel Walton.

1930-31.- The actives were raised to a high pitch of enthusiasm at the start of the year by being assigned to the top floor of Temple's sorority house. Painting chairs, buying tables and mirrors, proudly arranging furni­ture, gave the Lambda's a thrill of possession which they never before had felt. Mrs. Kirby entertained the members and six rushees at one of her always-perfect bridge parties at her home in Millbourne, and the happy result was the merry Christmas party at which five new member were in­itiated. The benefit card parties and the open football dances and the candy selling methods were still in great favor a money-makina proposi­tions, and the girls were able to pay off a long- tanding debt to . ational and to climb higher in the social cale by giving the many parti which they never before had been able to afford. Two new girls were pledaed dur­ing the econd semester, after an informal pirate part at the hou and a econd formal party with dinner at the Rendezvous, followed by The


Silent Witness at the Walnut Street Theater. In May took place the second annual all-sorority advisers' party, at which each of the campus sororities selected one of their members to wear a gown made in the style of the year of the sorority's founding, and to appear in a lovely pageant. At the e occa­sions Alpha Sigma Tau always is particularly proud to be the first in line as the oldest sorority represented at Temple University.

1931-32.- This year found the chapter again starting under the handi ­cap of a too small membership, since ten members were lo t by graduation . The treasury was in a comfortably ample state, however, which was always cheering, and Lambda sometime ago hit upon a plan which has worked very well in taking care of our annual ational dues- the keeping up of a Christmas club into which each member pays ten cents weekly. Our fall rush party was a bridge- after which one new girl was initiated at the cus­tomary Christmas party. At the end of the first semester new officers were installed, which marked Lambda's first attempt at having two yearly elec­tions. The second semester was brilliantly started off by the pledging of eight new girls, who may have been influenced to join by the most daringly expensive set of rush parties that Lambda yet has given- a dinner and bridge at the Alden Park Manor and a formal dance at the Riverton Coun­try Club. Three new patronesses, first entertained at an early autumn bridge given at Mrs. Kirby's home, are becoming increasingly respected and loved as they grow closer to us. Such many enjoyable occasion as a pledge breakfast, grill parties, the annual spring ball of the Panhellenic Association a long-anticipated house party, an alumnre tea, an ini tiation party, and, last of all , our traditional " yellow rose dinner," are rounding out this joyous and active year. We have laid aside one hundred dollar. to start our house fund, since sorority houses are now allowed at Temple University.


" And just how are we other ororities on Temple 's campus supposed to compete with the Alpha Sigs, when they give things like that dinner and bridge for their first rush party? At Alden Park Manor, too- of all nooty places! And did you see the clever favors they had for the rushees?"

* * * * "Anyone would think that they 'd stage some ort of a let-down for the

second rush, but do they? No! Instead, they keep on going right up the scale! Didn't you hear? A formal dance at the Riverton Country Club with corsages for everyone, and Bern Mickle's Orchestra! Now, I a k you .... "

* * * * "Here the rest of us are patting ourselves on the back for getting three

and four and five new girls, and the Alpha Sigma Taus up and rake in eight! And the cleverest kids of all , too! How about that for ca ting a shadow on good news?"


"The Alpha Sig's adviser gave them a surpri e party in her apartment after ribbon pledging last night. Ice cream and everything. Honestly, those girls seem to have just what they want, and more besides! "

"And have you seen them all joyously sporting yellow roses today? They had a celebration breakfa t in honor of their pledges- in the faculty dining room. All the food was arranged in their colors, they say. Why couldn't we have thought of something like that ? It takes the Alpha Sig to bring all these new ideas to Temple!"

* * * *

"Where are they getting all the money? They seem to do nothing but entertain. Now it 's a grill party after pin pledging. Can 't see how they do it- and their members aren 't taxed anywhere near as highly as many of us are! "

"They've taken a box for the French Play! But then, one of their mem­bers is in it- so what can we do?"

"This is the week-end that the Alpha Sigs are having their house party. Isn 't it swell weather? They all drove down to the shore early this morning - twenty strong. Rented a cottage at Shipbottom- imagine the fun they're having ! And with eight pledges to cook the meals and clear the dishes and make the beds .... "

* * * *

"Isn 't this the nicest spring ball that Pan-Hell ever has had ?" "Yes, but wait till you hear the latest! The Alpha Sigma Taus had a fo rmal 'yellow rose dinner ' just before it--and they 're making it a traditional annual affair! Aren't they the hardest Joneses anyone ever had to keep up with? "

* * * *

And so, far, far into the spring . ... EVELy MAGUIRE


Chewing on the last of Easter 's jelly beans, Lambda's president listens contentedly to the chirping of the evening crickets and ruminates about what a swell sorority is hers . . . .

About what gorgeous luck it was for her to happen to be the president in this hey-day of the chapter 's history, in this climax of all its hopes . ...

About the fineness of all the members, their co-operation, their en­thusiasm .. . .

About the alumnce's loyalty and interest, made e pecially evident when they donated fifty dollars to the succe of our formal ru h dance ....

About how ambitiously the girls worked to put them elve aero to the rushees. . . .

About the eight 'sweet young thing " who are our clever pledge . . .. About this being the largest number initiated at one time inc Lambda

went national. . ..


About Alpha igma Tau getting Pan-Hell vice-presidency next year, and presidency the year after that. . . .

About the new initiation robes, the new ceremonial decorations, the new things that this spring's pledges are doing ... .

About the interestin ' parties that our ideal patronesses are planning . . .. About the glorious state of the exchequer, the Depression notwith ­

standing .. .. About getting dressed for the show, now that the jelly beans are all

gone . ... EvE LYN M AGUIRE


The day of days has arrived. It is none other than that set aside for the Panhellenic tea. The time has now come for us to view our prospective sisters.

Advisers, sorority gi rls, and guests- all are here in their best bibs and tuckers. And our own Mitten Hall with its Gothic arche is ju t the place for our finery.

Each sorority i getting an even break at this tea. Jo one will be al­lowed to keep favorite " prospects" fo r very long. Time is limited to intro­ductions and a few words, then li ttle " freshie" is rushed off to another circle to be introduced to the members of another sorority. Poor li ttle freshman- we wonder how many names she wi ll remember!

F inally all our guests have met all the sorority girls (at least , if the system has worked right!) and it is now time fo r speeches and entertain­ment.

The last thing to appear on the program is the tea. There is a rush to get in line- and what a line it is! Everything about our system is well­worked out except- yes, you have guessed it! - the long tea line. If you have endurance and patience you wi11 get your cup of tea, eventually. The best way to find some is to go down to the grill for it (you have to wait only half as long- and you may sit while waiting . )

Everyone will agree that our "Ev" gave the best speech of the after­noon and that the tea was a success from start to finish.



Anyway, with a11 the dignity we can muster , it gives us pleasure to an­nounce the engagement of our erudite president, Miss Eveleyn Maguire, to Mr. Donald McCord , who is very up and coming in the world of tele­phones! The season's catch according to authority! In all solemnity they will march up the aisle on September 3, 1932.

The best of luck and good wishes. May you have great happines and the knowledge to preserve it.


Five taxis drove away from Temple University 's beautiful l[itten Hall each crowded with Alpha Sigma Tau 's rushees, all headed toward the


Manor House at Alden Park, that well-known apartment overlooking Phil­adelphia's famous Wissahickon Drive in Farmount Park.

It was the night of Wednesday, February 23- Lambda's first rush party. The twenty girls in the cabs, as well as the patronesses, were guests of Alpha Sigma Tau at a dinner-bridge.

By the time the taxis had driven through the lighted gates, down the winding driveway through the long arch formed by the bare branches of the huge elm trees bordering the drive, and unloaded, the girls who had gone ahead in private cars had completed their task of placing the combin­ation tallies and place cards, each decorated with its little dog's head , and the odd and amusing favors for the rushees.

As soon as the girls all had assembled, they went in to find their places at one of the two long banquet tables in the not too-brilliantly lighted din­ing room. The dinner was delicious, and especially successful in that every­one soon grew to know everyone else. So while chicken a la King followed fruit cup, and salad and ice cream followed chicken, anyone listening could have heard any number of different and interesting discussions con­cerning anything from "profs" to plays. As soon as the last crumb of cake had disappeared, Lambda's president welcomed the pledges and gave a little talk on the aim of sororities, on the much-needed but seldom pre­sented topic of fees, and on the Panhellenic rush rules. As the girls drifted into the adjoining card room set with its green tables and comfortable chairs, many remarks could be heard from the rushees about the delicious dinner and . the clever favors.

At eleven o'clock, when the six lovely prizes had been distributed, the tired but pleased girls put on their coats and hats and piled into the waiting taxis, to be taken back to Mitten Hall.

Once more Alpha Sigma Tau had scored !


Always will our solemn oaths bind us, Ever will tru th and loyalty find us Faithful t o our Sigma Tau. Friends we are today and ever, Girls of Alpha Sigma Ta u.

If in t ime our ways shall part , Our fri endships a· beloved memory Still way down within our hearts Will be a tie to hold us, Girls of Alpha Sigma Tau.


J EAN ETTE L EWT E ta Pledge



"You are your own forerunner, and the towers you have builded are but the foundation of your giant-self. And that self too shall be a foundation .

"And I too am my own forerunner , for the long shadow stretching before me at sunrise shall gather under my feet at the noon hour. Yet another sun­rise shall lay another shadow before me and that also shall be gathered at another noon.

"Always have we been our own forerunners, and always shall we be. And all that we have gathered and shall gather shall be but seeds for fields yet unploughed. We are the fields and the ploughmen, the gatherers and the gathered.

"When you were a wandering desire in the mist, I too was there, a wandering desire. Then we sought one another, and out of our eagerness dreams were born. And dreams were space without measure.

"And when you were a silent word upon Life 's quivering lips, I too was there, another silent word. Then Life uttered us and we came down the years throbbing with memories of yesterday and with longing for tomorrow, for yesterday was death conquered and tomorrow was birth pursued.

"And now we are in God's hands. You are a sun in His right hand and I an earth in His left hand. Yet you are not more shining than I , shone upon .

"And we, sun and earth, are but the beginning of a greater sun and a greater earth. And always shall we be the beginning.

"You are your own forerunner , you the stranger passing by the gate of my garden.

"And I too am my own forerunner, though I sit in the shadows of my trees and seem motionless."

- Introduction to The Forerunner by Kahil Gibran

"Everything is for the best in t he best of a ll wo rlds."-VoLTAIRE.

"We are such stuff as dreams are made of."- SHAKESPEARE.

• NU •


President . . .. . ......... .. Betty Vincent Vice- president . ... ...... . ... Ruth J oyce

Corresponding Secretary . ......... .

Secretary ... . . . .. .. ... Madeline Dreany .......... . ...... Alice Mary Gudgel

Chaplain . ....... .. ...... Ebba Broman Treasurer ....... . ... . ... Audrey Mayne H istorian ... . . ... . .. . ... . .. Ruth Baker

Chapter Editor ............. Ruth Baker

Marjorie Adam Ruth Baker Adelaide Brewer Madeline Dreany Alice Mary Gudgel Ruth J oyce


Margueri te J uckern Audrey Mayne Ebba Mayne Hazel Platt Helen Rigney Mary Simeonoff

* * * * PARTIES

Mary J ane Swift Delores Thomp on Betty Vincent

Pledges Lily Frederiksen Ora Howard

ONE of our rush parties this year was a drugstore idea, which we called the " Rinky Dink Rendezvous. " The house was decorated with immense signs and advertisements and a soda fountain was constructed in one room. After the afternoon was spent in playing cards, the guests ordered their lunch, which consisted of sandwiches and drinks. Favors were samples of cold cream, powder, and other cosmetics.

* * * * " Rainbow Reflections" was the rush formal dance which was given this

year. The only decorations in the room were fresh flowers and a huge rain­bow which reached from one side of the room to the other. At the end of the rainbow was a pot of gold which contained crystal beads of all colors for guest favors.

* * * * Don't you think dance programs mean a great deal to the girls? V\ e

had very unique programs for a house dance which was given on February 26. They were made of black drawing paper in the shape of our pins with the letters A. S. T. printed on them in orange paint. Then with a punch we made holes around the edge to signify the pearls, fillers were of white paper and they were tied at the top with emerald and gold ribbon.


The Egyptians had a slogan, "We build like giants; we fin ish like jeweler .' ' Those who do big things with the exactness of jewelers are artists indeed.



A weary pledge sat chewing the end of a battered pencil ; before her was a distressingly blank sheet of paper. Ah, yes, you have guessed it! The poor little thing has to write something for the sorority. Yellow roses, em­erald and gold banners, pearls, pins, and other symbols had been whirling for hours before the exhausted eye of her mind.

" Friendship, comradeship, sisterhood," she muttered dazedly, " Friend­ship- oh, bother. "

She was just about to give up in despair and hurl her pencil at an unof­fending wall , when she heard a tiny voice singing squeekily, "And who? And who? Did the cat bite you? "

\ ery much startled , the pledge looked about for the owner of the voice whom she found in the shape of a very small person dressed in a fool 's suit of emerald and gold, and seated upon her otherwise empty sheet of paper.

"Did the cat bite who ?" asked the a tonished pledge. " Exactly! Who did the cat bite? " agreed the creature, tanding on his

head . " I didn 't know he 'd bitten anyone," was the pledge 's next remark. "Ah, well, perhaps he didn 't. I certainly hope not. " The queer little

thing turned a couple of handsprings and commenced singing again, 'And who? And who? I think so too! "

"Who are you? " inquired the pledge. "I am the Little Wee Whoser from What-in-the-Heck," replied her

visitor. " I who all His Majesty 's problems to Wheredom . I am a very valu­able servant of the court."

" Could you please who me to Wheredom ?" asked the poor pledge, " I should much rather be Where than here."

"Oh easily! " boasted the Whoser, "Which Wheredom do you wish to be whoed to? "

"Any Wheredom !" sighed the pledge. The Whoser raised once more his foolish ditty. "And who? And ? Will

you go where to? And who? And who? To Where with you !" The pledge remained where she had been, but the little man dis­

appeared. "Hoh-hum !" she yawned, rubbing her eyes, " Emerald and gold! I

shall write about the Little Wee Whoser of What-in-the-Heck !" And she did.

"Prudent, cautious self-control is wisdom's root."-BuRNS.

"Death is the veil which those who live ca!l life; they sleep, and it is lift ed.' '­SHELLEY.

"That things are not so ill with you and me a they might have been, is half owing to the number who lived fa ithfully a hidden life, and rest in um·i ited tomb ."­G EORGE E LIOT.



President .. .. . . . . . . . ..... . Lillian Moses Treasurer .. . . .. ..... . . . . ... Myrtle Carr Vice- president . . . . .... Maymie Mar hall Hist orian . . . . .. ... . . . . Elizabeth Hancock Secretary . .. . .. .. .. . . . Alberta Donnally Custodian . .. .... . ... . .. . . Helen Bailey C o·rresponding Secretary .. .. . .... . . Chaplain . . ..... . . .. ... . . Co rlette Smith

. ... . . .. .. . .. . . . .... Margaret Davis Chapter E ditor . .... . Elizabeth Hancock

Helen Bailey Kitty Bowling Myrtle Carr Margaret Davis Bly Dever Alberta Donnally Frances Graves Elizabeth H ancock Pansy Holt


Kinnie Hunter Myra Hurt Virginia J obe Maymie Marshall Lillian Moses Bula McNeil Ina Ring Corlette Smith Marie Walker

* * * * HISTORY

Pledges Virginia Charl ton Belva Farley Lena Gilman Opal Montgomery H elen M oses Goldie Smith Beryl Woodruff Mary H olcomb

1923- Four college girls determine to organize a sorority on the campus at Concord College. Thus a local sorority, Beta Theta, was founded.

1925- Beta Thetas sponsor intramural basketball tournament. 1926- Tract of land donated to sorority by an alumna. 1929- Beta Thetas gain honor of highest scholastic standing on campus. 1930- May. Beta Thetas becomes Alpha Sigma Taus. Same scholastic

honors. 1930- September. Only one member of Alpha Sigma Tau on campus. Thir­

teen new pledges. Success begins. Highest schola tic standing again. 1931- Seven actives returned to Concord. Rush Week and ten more girl

pledged and initiated into Alpha Sigma Tau. 1932- Second semester. Eight new pledges and every member trying to

keep the standing held by our founders. March 17. Alpha Sigma Tau sponsors radio program fo r chapel. March 30. Miss Chapman 's visit to our chapter enjoyed by every one. April 3. Plans going forth for annual spring banquet. We hope that as the Omicron Chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau grows on this campu , each year will bring additional success.

ELIZ ABETH H A c o cK, Omicron


IN February we received a letter saying that Miss Chapman National President, was coming to visit us in the near future. 'VI e ·were so exci ted­"What would she ask? How would he inspect? " But the bigge t que tion

OMICRON CHAPTER R eading left to right. Top Row- Alberta Donnally, Virginia Charlton,' Kilty Bowling,' Pansy Holt, Marie Walker, Margaret Davis,

and Helen Moses.' Middle Row- Millicent Miller,' Myra Hurt, Bly Dever, Belva Farley,' Kinnie Hunter, Corlette Smith, and Virginia Jobe. Sitting- Lillian Moses, Lena Gillman,' Ina Ring, Opal Montgomery,' Frances Graves, Elizabeth Hancock, and Helen Bailey. Those not able to be present for picture-Myrtle Carr, Maymie Marshall , Beryl Woodruff,' and Goldie Smith.' 'Preps.


was-"what would she think of us?" We knew we were young and had much to learn.

March 20, Lillian Moses received a telegram from Miss Chapman say­ing that she would arrive the following Wednesday. Gee ! we were excited. "Wonder what she will be like? " was a question heard many times. We were all "walking on air. " The officers were in suspense more than the rest because her visit called for a conference with each officer.

When we came from classes Wednesday at noon , the first thing that was heard was, " Miss Chapman is at Concord Inn. " She meant to surprise us. She did not intend to let us know until Thursday morning that she was in town, but Mrs. Smith Bradley, patroness, informed us of her arrival. After lunch, two of the girls rushed up town and when they arrived Mrs. Bradley said, " She doesn't want to see you girls until two o'clock. " Imagine our excitement-Miss Chapman was in town , yet we could not see her. We realized she needed a rest after her journey.

Finally two o'clock came and we were greatly pleased when we saw Miss Chapman . The first thing we heard, "Girls, you may call me ' the lady with the baggage. ' "

Miss Chapman made her headquarters at the Ladies Hall . Wednesday night was spent in getting acquainted, maybe I should say talking over "family affairs. "

Our social calendar during Miss Chapman's visit was: Thursday after­noon- mock initiation and business meeting; Thursday night- a dinner at Mrs. Klingensmith 's home ; Friday afternoon- tea in honor of Miss Chap­man.

Miss Chapman left Friday night for Buffalo, New York. The Sigma girls at Buffalo should be very proud of Miss Chapman.

She made a "big hit" at Concord. Different ones would say, " Isn't she lovely?" or " Hasn't she a charming personality?" and similar remarks. Hearing this we were proud to say, "She is an Alpha Sigma Tau."

Name and Nickname Helen Bailey ("Buttermilk" ) Kitty Bowling (" Giggles" ) .. . . Myrtle Carr (" J o") . .. . . .... . Alberta Donnally ("Pearl" ) . . . Bly Dever ("Ann" ) . . . ... . . . . Margaret Davis (" Maggie") . . .

Frances Graves (" Baby") .. . .. Elizabeth Hancock ("F oxy") .. Pansy Holt ("Bethal") .. .. .. . Myra Hurt ("Martha") .. . . . . Kinnie Hunter ("Kinnis") . .. . . Virginia J obe (" J enny" ) . .. .. . Maymie M arshall ("Granny") . Lillian Moses ("Moses") .. . .. . Bula McNeill ("Bula Mac") .. Ina Ring (" Ruby") .... . ... . . Corlette Smith ("Cora") . . . . . . Marie Walker ("Ree" ) . . . . .. .



Riding a green Ford Reducing .. .... . . . . . Hiking .. . .. . ... . .. . Going to Monroe . ... . Being late . . . . . . . . . . Playing Sol .. .. . .. . .

Cutting classes . . . . . . Being sarcastic . .. . . . Primping . . .. ... . . . . Writing letters ..... . Dating Dan .... . .. . Riding .in a Chev ... . Dating Bernard Walkin rr with "Whitie" He! pin; the sorority .. Planning . .. . .. .. .. . . Driving a Chev. Looking innocent . . ..

Campus Activities Custodian. Beauty Specialist. T ennis and Sunday School. Treasurer. Playing uke. Secretary. Talking. Studying E nglish . Corresponding Secretary .

Dating. Sleeping. Going to shows. Historian. Clow ning. Gossiping. Entertaining. Dashing madly on . Grading papers. Vice-president. Eating. President. Dancing. "Active Alumnre.' ' T eaching. Heart-breaker . Chaplain. Giving advice. Po ina.




Effectively carrying out the spirit of St. Patrick's Day, the Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority presented an unusual chapel program Tuesday, March 15, to a large number of students and faculty members.

The presentation carried out the idea of a radio program, with Eliza­beth Hancock acting in the capacity of announcer.

Following is the program as presented: The history of the sorority on the campus, Ina Ring; a paper on St.

Patrick's Day, Elizabeth Hancock ; song, " Believe Me If All Those En­dearing Young Charms," by the entire sorority ; reading, Belva Farley ; piano solo, " Roses of Picardy," Beryl ·woodruff ; poem, "Success," by Opal Montgomery; duet, " My Wild Irish Rose," Lena Gilman and Jo Carr; poems on " Smiles," by Marie Walker ; and Irish selections played on the harp, by Mrs. Ralph Klingensmith.

The program was opened by Lillian Moses, president of the sorority, who conducted the devotional exercises and introduced the members of the sorority. Following this, the audience sang a part of the song, " Blest Be the Tie That Binds."



Alpha Sigma Tau sorority opened the week of rushing with a " kid" party Monday night, in the social room . The gi rls were attired in children's clothes. Games such as " Farmer in the Dell," and " Black Magic" were played. Tangerines and suckers were served during the evening. Wednes­day night they entertained with a theater party in Princeton. After the show they were taken to the home of Mrs. MeN eil. They were served a salad course, and presented attractive favors. On F riday afternoon, a tea bridge was given in the social room. Twenty-five girls were rushed.

LILLIAN MosEs, Omicron


Honoring the active members of the Omicron Chapter of the Alpha Sigma Tau, the pledges of the sorority entertained with a dansante, Satur­day afternoon, February 12, from 2:30 to 5 :30 P.M. in the social room of the college gymnasium .

The Valentine idea was carried out in the decorations and refreshments. Punch, sandwiches, and mints in the shape of hearts were served to the guests.

Music was furnished during the afternoon by Charlie Hanna, and his orchestra.

MYRA H uRT, Omicron

"Extreme bu yness is r. symptom of deficient vitalit ." - R . L. TEVE ON

• PI •


President .... .. . . .... . . Dorothy Bennett Chaplain ............ Frances McMahon Vice-president ... . . ..... . Elizabeth Lisy Recording Secretary . . .... Madolyn Kehl Corresponding Secretary ... Virginia Ruby

Custodian } . . Chapter Editor ........ Hazel WIIhson Historian ...... .. .. .. . Virginia Morrissey

Treasure1· .. . .. .... ... .. Virginia Herron Pat1·oness ... .... . ..... . Mrs. M . Crouch

Mary Edna Barrett Dorothy Bennett Virginia Herron Madolyn Kehl Elizabeth Lisy Frances McMahon Lucille Mirus


Virginia Morrissey Alberta Nildergerke Virginia Ruby Martha Siedler Hazel Willison


Pledges Marjory Dougherty Cathryn Matthews June McCarthy Myrtle Prather Dorothea Schaberg Dorothy Sellman

IN the year 1928, Harris Teachers College in St. Louis suddenly felt the need of and desire for sororities. They sprang up, it seemed, overnight, and among them was a sorority which styled itself Rho Phi Gamma. It was composed of girls who had long (as " longness" is counted in one's teens) been friends. They knew each other's ta.stes, ideals, and faults and felt sure that they wanted to remain friends and have that comfortable feeling of belonging to the same permanent organization. Hence, the formation of Rho Phi Gamma. The original Rho Phis were Ruth Koenig, Dorothy Ben­nett, Mardel Helber, Madolyn Kehl , Bernice Pace, Helen Fay Alsbury, Martha Lee Hutchison, Lillian Vogt, Ruth Jane Bather, and Maxine Mirus. Would you like to know what those ten girls have been doing since 1928? Here is Ruth Koenig ; she received her A.B. last June and is now em­ployed as a student assistant at the college. Dorothy Bennett is serving her second term as Pi 's president. Keep up the good work, Dorothy. Our own Mardel is teaching school in St. Louis county, while Madolyn is immensely enjoying her apprentice term. Farther away from us, in Kentucky, one may find Bernice teaching the three R 's to a group of mischievous children and Helen Fay doing the same thing in Warrenton, Missouri. Martha Lee is now Mrs. T. J. Siedler and has the most adorable baby girl named ' Jacky. Lillian has had her degree for over a year and is now a " hard working girl. " Unfortunately, Ruth Jane resigned before Rho Phi went national. We are all proud that Maxine, who ranked her graduating class, is working for an M.A. at Washington University.

Between our time of founding and our joining the A.S.T. we added to our list of members Elizabeth Esslinger, Elizabeth Lisy, Elrine Kobaldt Virginia Morrissey, Hazel Willison, Virginia Ruby, and Lucile firus. Then in the summer of 1930 our sorority bustled with importance. We were go-


ing national," it was whispered. After the impressive ceremony we all want­ed to talk to Miss Mansell , the national representative, at once. I know that every one of the sixteen of us felt that here was an organization whose ideals and aims we had always held to. We had not changed our purposes, we had merely broadened them.

In number, too , we have increased because we have added as members Mary Virginia (the inimitable) , Alberta (the silent) , Frances (the joyous) , Ginny Herron ( the beloved) , and Mary Edna (the giggler). At present we have six Harrisites pledged to us.

The Pis have had their ups and downs, as who does not, but we feel that we are going steadily onward, making more friends and having deeper experiences as each semester rolls by.


The Panhellenic chapter at dear old Harris can never quite decide whether or not to have January rushing, so that each January the sorority members go from class to class with a quizzical expression upon their faces which any thinking person can read as saying "Are we going to January rushing this year? " Unexpectedly it was permitted to have mid-year rush­ing. All the little Pis of A.S.T. thought and thought and thought some more. What could we do that was different from what any other sorority would do (competition is keen at Harris), and yet be inexpensive? There were to be two parties, and rush parties, as doubtless all my dear readers know, cost money, which is what " we ain't got in time of depression. "

Then we turned doggy. All the girls joined in making favors in the form of yellow and green calico dogs. Sewing on eyes and tails provided more fun than you suppose a half-made dog could do. Some of the girls remem­bered "doggy" games to play at the canine party, while others chose prizes in keeping with the canine idea. The party, which was necessarily informal, gave the members a great opportunity to become well acquainted with the rushees. All in all , the canine party was a splendid success.

Our second party was a formal dinner and grand opening of a "col­legiate cabaret." The small , individual tables and the candlelight carried out the cabaret idea. Mary Virginia made a fine mistress of ceremonies, and the entertainment included the Pi quartet; Madolyn , the blues singer imitating Teddy Joyce ; and a take-off on grand opera. To round out the evening, the entire cabaret joined in singing some of Pi 's old favorites.


Just why "kid parties" are our favorite diversion is hard to say, but they are. We still have a pleasant remembrance of the 'kid party" that Mardel gave for us Pis. The occasion- Mardel 's twenty-first birthday. Everyone was asked to dress as only youngsters will , and the different versions of a kid costume were amusing. They varied from overalls to a dancing ensemble. How we did romp and play! Everyone wanted to be chief noise maker and balloon breaker , and you can imagine the re ult . We played so many games that it is hard to say which wa most excit­ing. There were ali-day suckers, too, and ice cream cones and sody pop.


And the favors-well, all I can say is that I won the jolliest wooden dog named "Sandy. "

It was a great party, Mardel. Let us know the next time you're twenty­one and we'll come again.

SUSPENSE Time: Rush week Place: Harris Teachers College

M a~· cella-Hi, Pat, come on and sit down here. The bell doesn 't ring for fifteen minutes. We've lots of time.

Patricia- Okay. Do you know anything new? Have you gotten any bids yet?

Marcella- Nope, not yet. But I haven 't seen any in the mail boxes yet, so we still have a chance. Gee, I hope I get one from Alpha Sig, don't you? I think they 're a very congenial group of girls. eem to have a lot of fun, too.

Patricia- Oh, Mar, there 's one of the girls at the mail box now. Let 's wait until she leaves and then look. (They sit in silence for a few minutes.)

Patricia- (turning to Marc ella) Come on and hold your thumbs while I look.

Marcella- Oh, Pat, I hope we rated one. (They go to the mail box.) Marcella- Pat , look. We got one. Isn 't it a darling idea? " Come and put

on the dog" and the bid is cut in the shape of a dog. I wonder who thought of that? Wonder why it is written in gold ink?

Patricia-Oh, I suppose that is to make it look- no, Marcella, I know. Their colors are green and gold. Another clever idea. (The bell rings loudly.)

Pat1·icia- Worry, worry. There's the bell again. Well, Marcella, I won 't see you until Saturday. Be sure and look doggy as po sible .



H ere's a gift of comradeship-Tomorrow we must pass it on­

Today 'tis ours-we make the memorie That we will cherish when it's gone .

Had I wish to write of flowers I'd sinu the yellow rose,

Because to me it means dear friends And mem'rie doth inclose.

If anyone should ask what jewel I favor, they'd be told

The milky pearl ; or colors sought­The emerald and gold .

:MARY JA 'E \\"1FT



IT is Sigma's tenth anniversary, so I wanted all our sister · to know how we "began." Those first years were so important- chao ing mem­bers, rules, and ideals!

Just ten years ago this spring, in 192 2, at Buffalo Normal School (now State Teachers College), eight girls organized a sorority. We were all such good friends and sisters that we wanted something to hold u together and be lasting.

After spending hours poring over Greek names, we finally decided to call ourselves Tau Phi. We had to be very careful in choosing a name, fo r we could not pick a name that was used by any other sorority. The mean­ing of the name Tau Phi was " true pals." How much like the password of our Alpha Sigma Tau! Margaret Macdonald 's (whom you all know from convention) father called us the "Tuffies." Here are the names of the charter members and a wee bit about each one:

Dolores Carlin is now Mrs. Truman Zahm, and has one little girl. Mary Douglas-blonde and petite. Mary Flynn has just announced her engagement to marry John White­

head. Veronica Metzger, " Ronny," is now Mrs. Robert Wilkins and has an

adopted boy. She is alumnre ANCHOR representative. Margaret Miller, "Peggy," was abroad all last summer. Gilberta Nelson, " Gibby," is our most recent bride, having married

John Morran. Adeline Thiele is now Mrs. Frances Hurley and has two children. She

just came back to Buffalo from Boston. Lorna Roberts , "Lorna Doone," is now Mrs. Carlton Cruickshank. She

was the first president and is now patroness of Sigma Chapter. These eight girls worked together all spring, then in the fall of 192 2

they had a meeting with Dr. Rockwell, and from then on we were a recog­nized school sorority. How busy we were then! Getting a sorori ty box a banner, and having Dr. Rockwell give us a rush party as the regular so­rority rush season was past. We got some marvelous girls, in spite of the fact that we were only a new local sorority, and there were three other strong sororities in the school.

We invited and initiated about eight more girls, then invited Mis Chapman and Miss Hurd to become our faculty advisers. How thrilled we were when they accepted and became our "big sisters."

Within the next year we started our annual bridge party our Yalen­tine dance, and our rose sale on May 1.

From spring of 1923 until 1925 we worked to make a name fo r our­selves among the faculty , students, and the other sororities. The new girl we pledged were girls of high ideals, honor, kindness sympathy broad-


mindedness, with initiative and willingness to work- in other words, girls that would make " true pals. "

So in 192 5 we left Tau Phi behind, and became Sigma Chapter of Al­pha Sigma Tau, fulfilling the ambition of the original eight girls-to make our friendship and sisterhood last forever. Here 's to A.S.T!



On Thursday, March 10, the students of State Teachers College gath­ered in the auditorium either to perform, with the hope of winning a prize, or to watch the others.

The doll shop with its dancing, talking, and singing human dolls was unique in its originality and gorgeous costumes. The modern age is mak­ing startling changes in this world of ours. Perhaps ' The Changing Order" with its prediction that from now on a woman will hold the chair as President of the United States, and that man will perform woman 's pres­ent duties in the home- getting the children off to school in the morn­ing, and his wife off to work, and very busy playing bridge in the after­noon- brings us to the realization that a great social change is about to take place. The art students showed their artistic temperament when the Indian model fell asleep and dreamed that he and hi other artist col­leagues turned into Indians with a regular war dance and scalping and everything. Talk about excitement. The third year kindergarten- primary section showed us how some members of our revered and honorable faculty acted when they visited a night club in Washington. Just think what we're coming to if we ever become truly educationally minded (as if there were any danger ). One freshman section portrayed a finishing school where all good mermaids go to receive an education, while the Vocational I fellows showed how they spend their time in the evening.

Stunt night is sponsored by the Art Kraft Klub and they use the money received for a scholarship for some worthy art student.



In the spring of the year, music lovers in our school have an oppor­tunity to enjoy the talent of their friends and classmates. The spring concert, given by the senior girls glee club, the mens glee club, and the orchestra, consists of numbers by these groups and solos by talented people in the school. The beauty of the music is enhanced by the flowers which adorn the stage and the pastel evening dresses. Miss Hurd, one of the former faculty advisers of Sigma of A.S .T. , is the conductor of the or­chestra, and many sorority girls take part. fter the concert, all concerned enjoy the rest of the evening by dancing in the decorated gym. ll in all , it is one of the nicest events of our spring semester.



Home Economic Day . That mean that sprina ha~ arri ed on the campu of tate Teachers College Buffalo and the home economi airls are again to give a real party.


Every spring the Home Economics Club sponsors Home Economics Day when there is a gala "open house" with tea and cakes, inspection of our department with its fine green and white kitchens and clothing rooms of period furniture; then the practice house can also be visited, where our baby Charles lives, and a banquet in the college cafeteria concludes the party.

Special engraved invitations are sent to our parents and friends of the department. Even the State Directors from Albany come ! Duties are given to each class for the seniors are the hostesses, the juniors have charge of the dinner, the sophomores the tea, and the freshmen the en­tertainment. Every home ec. girl is known by the rose she wears that day.

This year Home Economics Day is to be held on April 19, and of course, it's going to be bigger and better than ever with an A.S.T. girl as president of the club and myself as chairman of the program committee.



The Best Law .. . .. ... . . . The Golden Rule. The Best Education . . . ... Self-Knowledge. The Best Philosophy . . .... A contented mind . The Best War .. . .. . . . . ... To war against one's weaknesses. The Best Theology ...... . A pure and beneficent life. The Best Medicine .... . . . . Cheerfulness and temperance . The Best Music . .. . .. . ... The laughter of an innocent child. The Best Science .. ... . . .. Extracting sunshine from a cloudy sky. The Best Art . . .. . ........ Painting a smile upon the brow of childhood. The Best Journalism ...... Printing the true and beautiful on memory's tablet. The Best Telegraphing ... . Flashing a ray of sunshine into a gloomy heart. The Best Biography ... . .. That life which writes charity in largest letters. The Best Mathematics .... That which doubles the most joys and divides the most sorrow . The Best Navigation . . ... . Steering clear of the lacerating rocks of per onal contention . The Best Diplomacy .. . ... Effecting a treaty of peace with one's conscience. The Best Engineering ... . . Building a Bridge of Faith over the River of Death .

The American Schoolmaster October, 1926

( l ) L::~mbda by the ocean. (2) Sigmas of cour e. (3) Posing Delta . ( 4) igmas Two. (S) Robert Don Cruickshank of Sigma Alumnre. (6) Alpha Hou e. (i) W e f D troil.



Four frogs sat upon a log that lay fl oating on the edge of a river. Sud­denly the log was caught by the current and swept slowly down the str am. The frogs were delighted and absorbed, for never before had they sailed.

At length the first frog spoke, and said, "This is indeed a most marvel­lous log. It moves as if alive. o such log was ever known before."

Then the second frog spoke, and said , "Nay, my friend, the log is like other logs, and does not move. I t is the river, that is walking to the sea, and carries us and the log with it."

And the third frog spoke, and said , " It is neither the Jog nor the river that moves. The moving is in our T hinking. For without thought nothi ng moves."

And the three frogs began to wrangle about what was really moving. The quarrel grew hotter and louder, but they could not agree.

Then they turned to the fourth frog, who up to this time had been listening attentively but holding his peace, and they asked his opinion.

And the fourth frog said, "Each of you is right, and none of you is wrong. The moving is in the log and the water and our thinking also."

And the three frogs became very angry, fo r none of them was willing to admit that his was not the whole truth, and that the other two were not wholly wrong.

Then the strange thing happened. The three frogs got together and pushed the fourth frog off the log into the river.



International amity will not progress faste r than good will between individuals. Wars between nations will persist as long as hates and aversions persist between

man and man. It is useless to expect progress in peace as long as men are retrograde in kindne s to

one another and cont inue leading narrow, self-co ncerned distrusting li ves. The order of the world is in every man's heart and it is up to him to make it a

bet ter place to live in by opening t he frontiers of his vision. God has so ordained it and the Prince of Peace has shown the way.


DETROIT ALUMNAE (Detroit, Michigan)


President . . ... . ... .. .. Eleanor Brinkman R ecording Secretary . ... Carrie W. Staehle Vice-president . . . .. . .. Margaret Holcomb Corresponding Secretary . .... . .... . . Treasurer . . .. . . .. ... . . .. Edna McKinley ... ..... . ... . Gwendolyn Ridderhoff

Marybelle . Baker L. G. Bennaway (Mrs.) Mildred S. Blay (Mrs.) Eleanor Brinkman Ruth Campbell V. R. Cooper (Mrs. )


Ruth M. Davis (Mrs. ) Florence Field Clara Hicks Margaret Holcomb E. F. Lippert (Mrs.) Marie Kliebest Edith Mansell


Helen G. McFee (Mrs.) Edna Mae McKee Edna McKinley Grace Meyers Ada A. Norton Lucille Reynolds (Mrs.)

H ow would you like to go away on a cruise, A way on a cruise so fin e.

The days and the w eeks and the m onths we'll use, To tell of our fun and good times.

E. B.

SINCE September past, we have held our meetings on the second Sat­urday of each month, these meetings being held at the new branch of the Y.W.C.A. downtown and also at the homes of some of our orority sisters.

Helen McFee, our past president, held our December meeting at her home. Of course we were all quite anxious to go because you see Helen has a brand-new home and we were all curious to see what it was like. And we want to tell you if you ever come to Detroit, call on Helen and she'll treat you in real colonial style.

Our January meeting was held at the apartment of the Theta active girls. Edith Mansell took charge of the affair and we all had a very lovely afternoon of bridge and tea. It was at this meeting that we elected our new officers. Eleanor Brinkman was elected to the office of president, succeeding Helen McFee. 'Iargaret Holcomb was elected vice-president. Gwendolyn Ridderhoff, being a capable correspondence secretary, was re­elected to her office and most graciously accepted. Edna 'IcKinley replaced Edna McKee as treasurer, and Carrie Staehle retained her po ition a recording secretary.

This meeting told us something quite unexpected and we again con­gratulate Edna McKee upon receiving her beautiful diamond. \ e do wi h her luck and happine s and everything el e that goe with an ngag m nt congratulation.


Gwendolyn Ridderhoff held the February meeting at her home and between her beautiful Angora cat and the bridge playing, we had a de­lightful afternoon.

Eleanor Brinkman held the March meeting at her home. aint Pat­rick's day was along that time so the candy, tallies, and so forth were quite Irish.

April and May have two big treats in store for us. Margaret Holcomb of Wyandotte, Michigan, has invited us to hold our April meeting at her home in Wyandotte. We have not as yet been there, but I 'm sure I can add that we will enjoy ourselves. Miss orton, of Ypsilanti, Michigan, has asked us to come to M.S.N. to see their new Union Building. We are going and with that we are closing our sorority affairs for another year.

Through the help of Gwendolyn and by means of a double post card, we were able to single out our "active" alumnre sisters. After a few weeks of work and added response, we have on our list twenty-nine active mem­bers. We have been together at the last few meetings and have had loads and loads of fun. Holding these meetings in mind, we are looking forward to next year with great anticipation.

Our Founders ' Day banquet was held at the Y.W.C.A. in Highland Park. The Theta active girls and the alumnre helped to make the evening eventful. The party was formal and everybody looked lovely. We had a very delicious dinner served in a room of early American atmosphere, which always adds to the "ahs and ohs" of things.

Well, it is spring again and with the beginning of the new season of another year, thoughts usually do turn to the lighter side of life. Travel , vacation, and fun! We want to wish you all a happy vacation and hope that somewhere, someplace, and sometime we may meet you on the happy roads of the world.


D etroit Alumnm President

A Sunday-school teacher, preparing his class for a visit of the superintendent the following Sunday, stood the boys up in a line and said to them :

"I will ask the first boy, 'who made you? ' and he will reply, 'God.' Then I will ask the second boy, 'what did he make you of? ' and he will reply, 'the dust of the earth.' " And so the instruction continued through the entire class. When the superintendent arrived, the boys were called to their feet.

"Who made you?" inquired the smiling teacher of the first boy. "The dust of the earth," replied the boy. "No, dear, you have forgotten ," corrected the teacher, "the answer is God. ' "But," protested the boy, " I am right, for the boy that God made isn't here


ETA ALUMNAE (Youngstown, Ohio)


P.resident . .. . . .... . .. . . .. . Helen J enkin Treasurer . . . . ...... .. Mrs. Dale Burrows Vice- president . ... ...... .. . Marion Snow Secretary . ............. Dorothy Schaffer

Catherine M. Barrett (Mrs.) Elizabeth Beynon Evelyn W. Brush (Mrs. ) A. B. Burrows (Mrs. ) Mary D. Dunn (Mrs. ) Violet T. Davis (Mrs. ) Esther Farrelly Virginia Fenton Lois Hanna


Marion Heyer Blanche Hillman Eileen Huelsman Agnes Kaley F lorence Keyser T. Y. Hix on (M rs.) H elen J enkins Helen Lauser E leanor O'Malley F rances Owens

* * * * "TID-BITS"

Sally Peoples Caroline Phillips Alice Reagan Olive R iley Dorothy Schaffer E lizabeth Schrader Bea Shively Marion Snow Elizabeth Williams

IN October we were pleased to welcome into our group, Blanche Hill­man, Lois Hanna, and Elizabeth Williams, graduates of Kent State last June. Lois and Elizabeth are teaching in Niles, Ohio, and Blanche at Hillman Street School, Youngstown, Ohio.

Monday, February 1, 1932, we were very proud to welcome into our group another male member, Richard Frederick Hixson, by name. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Hixson, and was a nice big ten pound, blue-eyed baby when he arrived at St. Elizabeth Hospital. Mrs. Hixson will be remembered as Miss Thelma Young, the first president of our local chapter at Kent State, before we became affiliated with Alpha Sigma Tau.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barrett are proud parents of a baby son born March 15 , 1932 . Mrs. Barrett was Catherine McSweeney before her mar­riage last summer to one of our well-known football coaches.

Sally Peoples and Marion Beyers of Niles, Ohio, have received their life certificates.

Our lives are songs, God wri tes the word And we et them to music at plea ure; And the soncr grows glad , or sweet or sad, As we choose to fa hion the mea ure .

IOTA ALUMNAE (Emporia, Kansas)


President . .... . .. . . .. .. .. . Geneva Narris Corresponding Secretary . ..... . . . .. . First Vice-president . . . . .. .. ... . I nez Boy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F lorence Saunders Second Vice-president . . ... Louise Gardner Treasurer . .. .. . . . . ... . . . . Ethel Partridge R ecording Secretary . .. . . ... . . . Perle Dall


WHERE do all of our A.S.T. girls disappear after they leave chool ; how do they employ themselves ; do they ever have any happy memories of A.S.T.; and how can they show their never-ceasing love for old Alpha Sigma Tau? With these questions in mind, and many more such questions, a group of A.S.T. alumnce girls formed the Iota Tau Alumnce Chapter of the Iota Chapter on May 24, 1931, at the A.S.T. house.

Some of you will wonder how we spread the news of this beginning Iota Tau Chapter. Just listen- we included a corresponding secretary in our group of officers whose duty it was to send our news-letters, spreading the new gospel.

In the first meeting, we planned to hold bimonthly meetings at the house. To cover initial expenses, we voted a fifty cent temporary assess­ment for each member.

The next two meetings, which were held in July and November, re­spectively, were well attended, considering the infancy of the organization. During these meetings, we voted to raise a $50 fund to be given to the active chapter for little improvements needed in the house. An executive board, composed of officers, was appointed to meet with the active chap­ter between alumnce meetings. One purpose was to discuss the busine s of both chapters. Secondly, it was a means of getting and keeping the alum­nee in closer touch with the active chapter.

As most of our alumnce girls are school teachers, there was li ttle need for entertainment. They found " Johnnies," "Marys," and " fond parents' were common topics of conversation.

Of course, these meetings weren't stale business meetings alone. T he A.S.T. girls of Kan as are · "corn-fed," so we enjoyed a "get-together" din­ner at one of the prominent hotels, and dinner at the house. Later we formed a live party to a football game.

Now, fortune has blessed all of our A.S.T. girls with health and beauty, believe it or not, but not all of us have wealth. In those first news-letters, the alumnce girls were requested to write a line or two to the Iota Tau group if they could not be there in person. Girls, we have much enjoyment when we read those letters. It gives us encouragement to know they are interested in us, besides letting us know something of their whereabout . Too, their letters indicate they haven't entirely closed Alpha Sigma Tau from their thoughts.


How much any of us appreciate a few words of sympathy and kind­ness during our trying, sad hours. Our corresponding-secretary has sent several condolence notes from our Iota Tau Chapter to A.S.T. girls at those times. Those few words were very much appreciated, and wasn't it in our vow to help our sisters at all times?

The old "Cupid" sentiments of our girls have to be expressed by the presentation of a five-pound box of chocolates to the entire gang of sisters. How much fun we have devouring those fattening elements of food!

Last summer, our president, Geneva Norris, attended the national con­vention in Denver. ene brought back many new ideas to us. She made us all wish we had traveled to Denver in an old Ford last summer. But, things of the past are gone, and we are looking forward to attending the next meeting, which we hope will be in Chicago.

"Depression"-have we ever heard that word poken? Yes, we have not only heard it, but we have felt it as well. Our meetings this past year have not been so well attended because of the want of money. The so­called "Depression" can 't discourage us · we are more determined to have bigger and better meetings in the future.

We are planning to have a big rendezvous in the form of a hike and party this May to entertain the prospective alumnre girls, who are leaving school this spring. On the following day, a number of us Iota Taus are planning to attend the annual formal initiation services.

We feel our alumnre organization depends upon our close co-operation with our active chapter ; consequently, we are using the above measures to accomplish our purposes.

To be a national alumnre chapter- what an honor ! How much it would mean to both our active and alumnre chapters! That honor is the present goal that Iota Tau is striving to attain. Can we obtain it? Yes- through Alpha Sigma Tau perseverance and patience!

I NEz M. BoY


There is so much talk now of psychological effect in connection with remedies for the current situation. Our financial setback however, has had various spiritual psychological effects that will prove of last ing benefit.

It has kni t huma nity closer together in a common bond of understanding, with appreciation of need and of the necessity of general sacrifice. To live a self-centered nar­row life has become hopel essly out of date. Men and women have begun to realize that they are their brother's keepers, and with the realization has come a certain spiritual regeneration.




President . . ... . .. Margaret M . Macdonald Vice-president .. .. . ... Evelyn A. Grampp Treasurer . . ... .. . .. . .. .. Dorothy Heath Corresponding Secretary . .. . ... . . .. .

R ecording Secretary . . . . . .... Arlien Keen Historian ... ..... ..... . Lucile Hull Steen Literary Edito·r . ... . Veronica M . Wilkins Publicity Editor . .. Leah Hartland Wilson

.... . ....... . Adeline Thiele Hurley


ON December 14 we met at the home of Josephine Choate for our annual Christmas party. Some of the girls enjoyed a game of bridge, after which we exchanged ten-cent gifts all prettily wrapped. The best part of the party was the refreshments- ice cream and delicious home-made Christ­mas cookies of assorted shapes decorated with colored sugar. This party was followed by a regular meeting on January 4 at the home of Adeline Thiele Hurley. Plans for the dance, February 12 , were made, and on February 1 we met at the home of Margaret Macdonald to complete the plans for the dance.

February 12 , the sixth annual Valentine dance was held at the Hotel Statler. There were programs and oodles of serpentine. Best of all , we were chaperoned by our brand new chaperon (and her escort) , Miss Ruth McLean.

March 7, a meeting was to be held at the home of Catherine Smith but a severe storm prevented most of the girls from being present.

April 4, a meeting at the home of Veronica Wilkins was held at which we discussed plans for our affiliation services in the fall. A ·finance com­mittee was appointed to draw up a budget for the following year and a program committee was formed to arrange new kinds of meetings. Some of the suggestions were: a babies party, every member to bring her baby or babies; waffle parties, held at breakfast time ; Sunday afternoon tea parties; Saturday luncheons; and last but not least, we were to have "Men 's Nite."

The members present voted for a postponement of the big banquet which was scheduled for April 30. The date set is near Founders ' Day next November, and is to celebrate our nationalization.

There are to be speeches, songs and big "surprise" programs. A vote was taken as to the time and place of the next convention.

The majority voted for late August and Cleveland was our choice of city. The next meeting is to be held May 2 at Evelyn Grampp's home.

Plans for a summer house party will be discussed.


Orange blossoms and wedding bells for Jan ice Laing who became Mrs. Henry Timmerman and has left Buffalo to make her home in California.

Brand-new baby boys were delivered to the homes of: Lorna Roberts Cruickshank, Ruth Holden Baker, Glendone Fennell Frank, Molly Redanz Soucie, Fredricks Fox Brodie, and Mae Hammond Ellis. A little girl, called Rosanne, was sent to the home of Helen Redanz O'Brien to be a playmate for Tommy, Jr.

All of the girls wish to extend their sympathy to Dorothy Bromley ewmann upon hearing of the death of her husband.

The Sigma members were shocked and deeply grieved to learn that their dear friend and sister, Mrs. Almore Ludwig, she that was Dorothy Young, is ill in a sanitarium at Albany, New York. Dorothy is one of the early members of Sigma Chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau. It was through her untiring efforts and unlimited energies that Sigma Chapter became a part of the national organization. It had been a local group called Tau Phi . Dorothy was twice president of the active chapter and once of the alumnce. Always keenly interested in the welfare and progress of her be­loved sorority, she radiates a stimulating influence for good upon her sis­ters. She has been greatly missed by them since she moved from Buffalo to her new home in Schenectady, ew York. The entire Sigma group extends sympathy and best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Among the marriages of the last year we find the following: Gilberta elson to John Moran ; Doris Huggins to Dr. George Thorn; Hazel Sobet­

zer to Whitney Walwrath ; Dorothy Maxwell to Norman Lilga ; and Lucille Mitchel to Weld J. McGlynn. Best wishes to you all !


" I ·wonder what's become of Sally. ' - Sally Beard Van Brunt. " Sailing, sailing over the bounding main."-Blanche Bellinger is plan­

ning a trip abroad . " Mother Machree."-Josephine Choate is mothering a group of girls

at the practice house at Buffalo State Teachers College, and is she success­ful? Ask her girls!

" Mighty Lak a Rose."-Fredricka Fox Brodie. She has now learned how to prepare formulce and wash woolens without shrinking- the big rea­son , James Brodie, Junior.

"Oh dear, what can the matter be? '-Dorothy Health McGarvey. Those accounts all mixed up again, Madame Treasurer?

"When Cupid comes tapping."- Martha Hodgson. Be sure you hear him. What else could take Martha from a meeting so early?

" Rock-a-bye-baby."- Ruth Holden Baker. Ruth has started her own kindergarten now.

"Polly, Put the Kettle On."-Doris Huggins Thorn. Doris doesn t like to cook.

" School Days. "- Lucile Hull Steen- especially the part I lo e you Joe."

" weet deline."- deline Thiele Hurley. deline is our able dan chairman. he has ju t fini hed directing our tenth annual dane as si t rs and our sixth as

TilE !INrHOR 8 1

"A Little Grey Home in the West."- Janice Laing Timmerman, our latest bride.

"Our National Anthem."- Dorothy Young Ludwig. Our " National Link"-but for her efforts, we might not be national.

''The Sweetheart of Sigma Chi."- Margaret Macdonald- our sweet­heart of Sigma Tau.

"Here Comes the Bride."- Dorothy Maxwell Lilga, a bride of the month.

"0 Promise Me."- Gilberta elson Moran, another bride of the month of July.


(Tune-"Auld Lang Syne")

For us life holds a treasure rare Of friendship sweet and true­

We'll try to hold it sacred and To keep it ever new.

Chorus To Alpha Sigma Tau we give

Our pledge of loyalty . To us she' ll always be most dear

And we'll serve her faithfully.


(Tune of "Washington Lee March")

Oh! every A.S .T . girl is quite the treat


Nu Pledges

She ranks a hundred per from head to feet. She has the smile, the style, the winning way. And everywhere she goes she leads t he way So you'll say now there's a girl I'd like to know, She has the A.S.T. pep and go, And one look at her is sure a treat It's hard to beat an A.S.T.

She has the colors Emerald and Gold That means the same to both the new and old. Active, you'll find her, that is true ; Trustworthy and Self-reliant too. So you'll say now there 's a girl I'd like to kn ow, She has the A.S.T. pep and go. And one look at her is sure a treat It 's hard to beat an A.S.T.




ALPHA 1899 Michigan State Nor- Ypsilanti, Mich. Largest chapter mal College

BETA April 25, 1905 Central State r ormal Mt. Pleasant, Inactive ; dis-College 'lich. banded in 1917

due to school regulations.

GAMMA 1909 State Teachers College Milwaukee, Wis. Inac tive; dis-banded 1913 due to school regu-lations.

DELTA May 27, 1916 State Teachers College Indiana, Pa. Disbanded 1919 because of War. Re-instated March 17, 1928

LAMBDA 1918 Temple University Philadelphia, Pa. Formerly called Epsilon. Drop-ped when we be-came national-ized. Reinstated June 28, 1926.

ZETA April 7, 1921 State Teachers College Lock Haven , Pa. IOTA April 4, 1923 Kansas State Teachers Emporia, Kan.

College THETA May 5, 1923 Detroit Teachers Col- Detroit, Mich.

lege KAPPA June, 1924 Miami University Oxford, Ohio. Inactive; not

enough girls re-turned in 1929 to carryon work.

SIGMA June 6, 1925 State Teachers College Buffalo, .Y. ETA April 30, 1927 Kent State College Kent, Ohio. Nu August 19, 1928 Colorado State Teach- Greeley, Colo.

ers College XI August, 1928 Western State Teach- Gunnison, Colo.

ers College OMICRON May 31, 1930 Concord State Teach- Athens, W . Va.

ers College PI 1930 Harris Teachers Col- St. Louis, Mo.




President .. .. . ..... ... .. . ........ .. ..... . .. . Miss Luella Chapmar. State Teachers College, Buffalo, N .Y.

Vice-President and Organize?' ........ . .. ..... .. Miss Edith L. Mansell 64 Monterey, Highland Park, Mich.

Corresponding Secretary ... . ... . .... .. . . .... . . . Miss Mary E. Cook 235 W. Homestead Ave., Medina, Ohio.

TreasU1'er . .......... . ... . ............. Mrs. Carrie Washburn Staehle 3048 Harding, Detroit, Mich.

Editor of "The Anchor" and Historian .. .. .. . . . . Mrs. Mary Louise Doyle Peekskill Military Academy, Peekskill, N.Y.

A. E . S. Representative .... . . ... .... .. . .. . .. .. .. . Miss Ada A. orton 510 Pearl St. , Ypsilanti, Mich.


Examination ........ . ....................... . Mary St. Clair King 134 S. 7th St., Indiana, Pa.

Awards ... . . . .... . ... . .................... Mrs. R. S. MacDougall 124 N. Fairview St., Lock Haven, Pa.

Memorial ..... . . .... . ....... . . . ..... . ... Mrs. Margaret Ash Evans 4433 Ashland Ave., Norwood, Ohio.


Chairman . ... . . .... .................. . ..... Mrs. Orley See, D.S.E. 48 Wildwood Ave., Piedmont, Cali f.

Secretary . . . .. ... . ...................... Miss Carrie Walters, T.S.U. Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa.

T reasurer .. .... . .... . ......... ... ..... . . . Miss Ada orton, A.S.T. 510 Pearl St., Ypsilanti, Mich.

Director of Local PanJ2ellenics ..... . .... Miss Mabel Lee Walton, S.S .. Woodstock, Va.

Director of City Panhellenics .... . . . .. ... Miss Minnie Shockley, A.S.A. Alva, Okla.

Chairman of Eligibilit·y and Nationalization . ..... . .. . Mrs. C. P. Neidig 2033 Hewitt Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio.



ALPHA- Michigan State ormal .... ............ Ypsilanti, Michigan Edna Swallow, 611 Pearl, Ypsilanti , Mich.

DELTA- State Teachers College ... ..... . .. ..... Indiana, Pennsylvania Wilma Hafer, S.T.C., Indiana, Pa.

ETA- Kent State College ........................ .. ... . . Kent , Ohio Eunice G. Hines, 318 E. Main St., Kent, Ohio

IoTA-Kansas State Teachers College .. .. ... . .. ...... Emporia, Kansas Muriel Brownell, 1006 Constitution Ave., Emporia, Kan.

LAMBDA-Temple University ............... Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Mary Peters, Temple University, cj o A.S.T. , Philadelphia, Pa.

u- State Teachers College ....... .. ..... ......... Greeley, Colorado Alice Mary Gudgel, 1605 11th Ave ., Greeley, Colo.

0MICRO - Concord State Teachers College ...... Athens, West Virginia Margaret Davis, Concord College, Athens, W.\ a.

PI- Harris Teachers College .... ............ .. .. St. Louis, Missouri Virginia Ruby, 4066a Lafayette, St. Louis, Mo.

SIGMA- State Teachers College . ... .. .. ........... Buffalo, ew York Mildred Anderson, S.T.C., cj o A.S.T., Buffalo, N.Y.

THETA~College of the City of Detroit .... .. . . ... .. Detroit, Michigan Helen Tucker, 5733 Burns Ave., Detroit, Mich.

XI-Western State Teachers College . ... .. ......... Gunnison, Colorado Mildred M. LeMasters, Colorado Hall , Gunnison, Colo.

ZETA- Lock Haven State Normal College .. .. Lock Haven, Pennsylvania Gwen Radebach, Lock Haven College, Lock Haven, Pa.


Gwendolyn Ridderhoff, 14000 Kentucky, Detroit, Mich.

SIGMA ALUMNIE-Adeline Thiele Hurly, 95 Fairchild Pl. , Buffalo, N.Y.

ETA ALUMNIE Dorothy Schaffer, Coitsville Rd. , Youngstown, Ohio


Mrs. Louise Bohlen, 1880 W. Leonard Rd., Grand Rapids :fich.

IoTA ALUMNtE-Florence aunders trong ity Kan.



ALPHA . ... ... .. ... ...... Vernice Allen, 611 Pearl St., Ypsilanti, Mich . DELTA .. . . .... .......... . Mary Eber, 179 Sprague Ave., Bellevue, Pa. ETA .. . . ..... ............... Mildred Pyle, 619 S. Water t., Kent, Ohio IoTA .. .. . . ......... Muriell Brownell, 1006 Constitut ion, Emporia, Kan . LAMBDA ..... . .. Dorothy Kitsch, 1922 Diamond St. , Philadelphia, Pa. Nu ..... ............. . . . Ruth Baker, 1605 11th Ave. , Greeley, Colo . OMICRON . ... . .. . .. .. . . ... . .... Elizabeth Hancock, McDowell, W.Va. PI .. . . ... ... . .... . . .. . Hazel Willison, 42 54 Lexington, St. Louis, Mo. SIGMA ...... . ........ . . Eleanor M. Hird, 169 Avery Ave., Buffalo, .Y. THETA .. ... . ......... Helen Tucker, 5733 Burns Ave., Detroit, Mich. XI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 •• 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

ZETA .. .. ... ... . . .. .. Dorcas S. Tressler, 309 North St. , Meyersdale, Pa.


ALPHA-Miss Eleanor Meston, 115 Catherine St., Ypsilanti, Mich. ; Mis Cynthia Ruggles, 114 N. Hamilton St. , Ypsilanti, Mich.; Mrs. R. B. Bates, 71 2 Washtenaw St., Ypsilanti, Mich. ; Mrs. Winifred Lantz, 307 N. Hamilton St., Ypsilanti, Mich.

DELTA-Miss Mary St. Clair King, 134 S. 7th St., Indiana, Pa.; Mrs . Matthew J. Walsh, 282 S. 7th St., Indiana, Pa.; Miss Alma Munson, Church St., Indiana, Pa.

ETA- Miss Laura Hill , 417 E. Main St., Kent, Ohio. IoTA-Miss Mary Seller, 1002 Constitution St., Emporia, Kan.; Miss Helen

Garman, 105 W. 12th St., Emporia, Kan. LAMBDA-Mrs. Ethel Harris Kirby, 1743 N. Park Ave. , Philadelphia, Pa. Nu-Miss Ella Frances Hackman , 1118 Eighteenth St. , Greeley, Colo. OMICRON- Miss Mae Hunter, Concord College, Athens, W.Va. PI- Miss Edith Glatfelter, 5514 Pershing, St. Louis, Mo. SIGMA- Miss Luella Chapman, 1300 Elmwood Ave. , Buffalo, N.Y. THETA- Miss Edith Mansell, 64 Monterey, Highland Park, Mich.;

Dr. Gertha Williams, 1958 Lawrence, Detroit, Mich. Xr-Mrs. Clarence Rockwell, Western State Teachers College, Gunnison

Colo. ZETA-Miss Jessie Scott Himes, 42 Susquehanna Ave. , Lock Haven , Pa. ;

Mrs. R. S. MacDougall, 124 Fairview St., Lock Haven, Pa.



Al len , Vernice, 611 Pearl St., Ypsilanti , Iich. Baren, Marga ret, 16 N. Summit St., Ypsi ­

lanti, Mich. Campbell , Jean, 1002 Cross St., Ypsilanti,

Mich. Chargo, Betty, 16 N. Summit St., Yps il anti,

Mich. Choate, Helen, 118 ormal St., Ypsilanti,

Mich. Clancey, Gwendolyn, 613 vV. Cross St., Ypsi­

lanti, Mich. Cr issman, Mary, 611 P ea rl t. , Ypsil anti,

Mich. Dick, W in ifred, 943 Sheridan t., Ypsi lanti,

Mich. Dwelley, Laura, 611 P earl St., Ypsilanti ,

Mich. Field, Marga ret, 61 1 Pearl St., Ypsilanti,

Mich . F ischer, Ru elle, 61 1 P ea rl St., Ypsilanti , Mich. Herrick, M ax ine, 6 11 Pearl St., Ypsilanti.

M ich. Heath, Mary, 16 N. Summit St., Yp ilanti,

Mich. Hoffman, Leona, 9 19 Grant St., Ypsilanti,

Mich . Hughes, Dorothy, 427 Perrin St., Ypsil anti,

Mich. Hunt ley, Hazel, Romulus, iVIich. Jackson , Dori s, 611 P ea r l St., Yps il anti, Mich. Kain, Mary, 611 Pearl St., Ypsilanti , Mich. Laht i, Vio let, 61 1 P earl St ., Ypsilanti, M ich . Pollock, Marga ret, 611 P earl St., Ypsilanti,

Mich. Tobey, Louise, 611 P ea rl St., Ypsilanti , Mich . Swallow Edna, 611 P earl St., Ypsilanti, Mich. Wagone;, Helen, 611 P ea rl St., Ypsilanti,

Mich. White, Ai lsa, 427 P errin St., Yps ilanti, Mi ch. Younglove, Mary Alice, 611 Pearl St., Ypsi­

lan t i, Mich . P at1·onesses

Nor ton, Ada (Miss), 510 Pearl St., Ypsilanti, Mich.

Reninger, Mrs. H. \V. , 92 1 Grant St., Ypsi­lanti, Mich.

Lord, Mrs. F. E., 126 College Pl., Ypsilanti, Mich.

Sand e rs, Mrs. G. D. , 1114 Congress St., Ypsi­lanti, Mich.

DELTA CHAPTER A ll ison, J ane, 406 H a rncock Ave., Vander-

grift, Pa. Bouton, Betty, \ ;1,/i lawana, Pa. Campbell, Ardell e, R.F.D. 3, Kan e, P a . Eber, Mary, 179 Sprague Ave., Bellevue, Pa. Foste r, Dorothy, 223 S. 15th St., All entown,

Pa. Guckert, Margaret, 11 9 Orchard Ave., Belle­

vu e, Pa. Hafer, vVi lma, 141 6 Pitmac Ave. , Pittsburgh,

Pa. Lloyd, Eoline, 413 1st St., i\.Xonessen, Pa. Mill er Mildred, 22 N . 3rd St., J eannette, Pa. Moore: Marie, 329 E. 5th St., Berwick, Pa.

, Mount ier , Suzanna, H 9 S. Bryant Ave., Bellevue, Pa.

Murphy, Marion, 318 \V. Cherry St., Clear­fi e ld , Pa.

Overholt, Gladys, 1144 Bushkill St., Easton, Pa.

Scott, Sara, 204 Hi ghland Ave., Punx utaw­ney, P a .

Simoson, Carolyn, Clymer Rd ., Indiana, Pa. !afford, Alice, 195 Bowlby St., W ay nesburgh.


Stear, Jo ephine, 405 N. Penn t., Punxsu­tawney, Pa.

Stombaugh, Jane, 18-1 Cooker Ave., Johns­town Pa.

Sturm, Betty, 401 E. Ridley Ave., Ridley Park, Pa.

Sutton, Louise, R.F.D. 2, Chicora, Pa. Swanseen, Elizabeth, 101 vVhite Rock Ave.,

I<ane, Pa. Tweed , Clarabel, 1033 School St., Indian a, Pa. \~'eaver, Betty, 123 5 4th St., Ford City, Pa. \Velsh, Eleano r, 1710 12th St., Altoona, Pa. \ 'Viggins, M arga ret, 1513 Edgewood Ave.,

Coraopolis, Pa. Yoos, Marguerite, 1520 6th Ave., Beaver

Falls, Pa.

ZETA CHAPTER Borland, Mary Louise, R ockland, Pa. Crain, Elizabeth, Philip burg, Pa. D eFrehn, Betty, 692 Messenger St., Johns-

town, Pa. Dorries, Margaret, 1805 1st Ave., Altoona, Pa. Evans, Myra, 109 E. 7th St. , Altoona, Pa. Fulmer, Betty, E. Mam St.._ Lock Haven, Pa. H eim, Elizabeth, H epburnv dle, Pa. H enninge r, Ruth, David sv ill e, Pa. Lillibridge, Alice, 402 M echamc t., Smeth-

port, Pa. i\IcGirk, J ane, 229 D ewey St., Altoona, Pa. Peters, Katherine, Thomas St., Be llefonte, Pa. Pridd ey, Florence, Pittsburgh, Pa. Rad ebach, Gwen, O sceola Mills, P a. Russell, Helen, D ewart, Pa. Savage, Ruth, 527 Scott Ave., Jeannette, Pa. Sechrist, Mildred, 1101 E. 3rd St., Williams-

port, Pa. Sharp, Mary, vV. 4th St., Lock Haven, _Pa. Schmidt, Martha, 308 Newport Rd., \\ dkms­

burg, Pa. Schmoyer, Ruth , 332 N. 13th St., Allentown,

Pa. . . Shultz, Caroline, 689 7th Ave., \;1,/Ilhamsport,

Pa. Soyster, Alma, 215 Walnut St., H olliday burg,

Pa. Tressler, Dorcas, 309 Torth St., i\Ieye rsdale,

P a. vVade, Claire, Emlenton, Pa. Yingling, Thelma, 952 S. Pin e St., York, P a.

Patroness MacDougall, Mrs. R. S., 124 . Fairview St.,

Lock H aven, Pa.

ETA CHAPTER Conroy, Catherine, 258 Colum~us, Kent, Ohio. Hines, Eunice, 318 E. Main, Kent, OhiO. . K enney, Catherine, 871 Jones, R avenna, Oluo. Mancheste r, M a ry Jane, 20 N. Lincoln, Kent,

Ohio. M cVey, Dama, 403 E. M a in , Kent, Ohio. Myers K atherine, S. Lincoln, Kent, Ohio. Oyler,'Margu erite, 258 Colu!fibus, K~nt, Ohio. Pekarek. Ruth, S. Lmcoln, Kent, Oh10. Pyle, Mildred , 619 S. W ater, Kent, Ohio. Rufener, Elizabeth, R.F.D., Kent, Ohio. Shock, Pauline, -103 E. Main , K ent, Ohio. Stam, R egina, 515 E. M ain, K ent , Ohio. vVagar, Ruth , 403 E. i\Ia in, Kent, Ohio. \ Valker, Ella, 424 College , Kent, Ohio. Willi ams, Betty, E . l\Iain, K ent, Ohio. Willi ams, Loi , 238 College, };: ent, Ohi .

THETA CHAPTER Bynum , Margaret, 5159 ommon wealth AYe.,

Detroit, :Mich .


Car ey, Ma ry J o, 2028 Sewa rd Av e., D etroit, Mich.

Carey, Corinn e, 2028 Se wa rd Ave. , D etroit, Mich.

Conroy, D onna, 89 ~ 2 Ma rtinda le Av e. , D e· troit, Mich.

Cooper, Noreen , 6178 Coope r Ave. , D etroit , Mo ch.

Delaney, Ca rmen, 15383 Mendota Ave. ]) ~. troit , :Mich. '

D evlin , Elean or , 4850 Bedfor d Rd . Detroit Mich . ' '

Evans, J ane, 475 1 Comm onwealth Ave. D e· troit, Mich. '

Falvey, Julia, 532 1 4th Ave., Detroit, :Mich. F eeney:, Adela ide, 3987 Garland Ave., D etroit,

M och. Filer, Lenore, 3183 E. J e ffer son A ve., D etroit ,

Mich. Kaler , Margaret, 2661 L akewood Ave., D e·

troit , :1\Iich. Sauve, Gab ri e ll e, 1519 F ield Ave., D et ro it,

Mich . Tucker, H elen , 5733 Burns Ave., D etroit ,


Barber , L eli a, Em pori a, K an. Beveridge, Maye, Russell , K an. Brown ell , Muriell , M oscow, Ka n. Brooks, Th eresa, Michigan Va ll ey, K an. D owning, L e Royce, D eir fie ld, K an. Fenner, Grace, J ewell, Ka n. F lora, Virgie, Chase, Kan. Garnett, Loui se , \ Vichita , Kan . Geisler, D orothy, L eavenworth , K an. Gilbert, Lois, Lyndon, K an. Gilbert, Marga ret, L ynd on, Kan. Graber , Ru by, Pretty Pra iri e, K an . Hines , M ary K ., E mpori a , K an. Hogue , D oroth y, Manhatt an , Kan . Jon es , M ay belle, \Vright, K an. Khiber, L aura, . Ramona, K an. McLean , J ean. E mpori a, Ka n. Moore, Ruth Ell en, Dighton, K an. M o rri son , Ona Lee, Leavenwo rth, K an. Philips, H elen , \ Vichita, K an . Porte r, Ma rga ret, T opeka, K an. R anda ll , H elene, \Vetm ore , K an. Smith, Lo Van, T opeka, Kan. Steele, H elen, vVichita , I<an. Swisher, Lita , L yndon, K an. Ze igenbush, Betty, Ellin wood, K an.

LAMBDA CHAPTER Chalm ers , Ann, 8 1 D e laware A ve. , 1ewa rk,

D el. Gi lmer, J acquelin e, 14 14 D arb y Rd., B roo k­

line , P a . H er lit ziu s, H elen D ., 5105 Vent nor Ave.,

Ventn or , N .J. Hoyl e , D oroth y. 111 7th A ve ., H ad don

H e ights, N .J. Kit sch, D orot hy A., 1922 Dia mond St., Phil a­

delphi a, P a. Laird, K ay, 183 1 N . 16th St., P hil ade lphia ,

P a. Maginn , Florence, 32 Church S t ., \Vill ow

Grov e, Pa. Maguire, Evelyn , Oakdale and E dge ly A ves.,

Glens ide, P a. M egargee , H e len, 107 P owelton Ave., \ Vood­

byne, N.J. Pete r s , M ar y, 2 ]]1 S. 21st S t., P hiladelphia ,

Pa. Rains, Lorra in e, 6524 N. 7th St., Philadelphi a ,

P a . Pat ro 11 esses

S ull ivan, Mrs. T homas E., 652~ N . 7th S t. , Phi lade lphi a , P a.

Ford , Mrs. Ch a rl es A ., Green M anor Apts., Green and J ohn son St. , Philadelphi a, P a.

Leidy, M a bel ( Mi ss), 127 W. ll:t rvey St., Ge rmantown , Jla.

Butte rweck, Mrs. J ose ph , Moorestown , .J.

NU CHAPTER Ada m, Marj ori e, 1605 lith Ave., Gree ley,

Colo. Bake r, Huth , 1605 lith Ave., Gree lcy

1_ olo.

Brewer , Adela ide, 1605 lith Ave. , Gree ley, Colo.

Dreany, Madeline, 1605 11 th Ave., Greeley, Colo.

Gudge l, Alice M ar y, 1605 11th Ave., Gree ley, Colo.

J oyce, Ru th, 1605 11th Ave., G ree ley, 'o lo. J ucker n , Margue ri te , 1605 II th Ave., Greeley,

Colo. Mayn e, Audrey, 1605 11th Ave., Gree ley,

Colo. M ayne, Ebba, 1605 llth Ave., Gree ley, Colo. Pl att, H azel, 1605 lltli Ave., Greeley, Colo. Ri gney, H elen, 1605 11th Ave., Gree ley, olo. Simeonoff, l'v[ a r y, 1605 li th Ave., Greeley,

Colo. Swift, M ary J ane, 1605 11th A ve. , Gree ley,

Colo. Th ompson, D elores, 1605 lith Ave., Gree ley,

Colo. Vincent, Betty , 1605 lith A ve. , Gree ley, Co lo.

OMICRO CHAPTER Bail ey, H elen , 1808 J effe r on S t., B luefie ld,

W.Va. Bowlin g, K itty, H a rri son S t. , Princeton , \ \I .Va. Ca rr, M yr t le, R oute 1, P ri nceton, \ \I.Va . D av is, Ma rga re t, Glen J ea n , \ V.Va. D ever, Bl y, Box 53, H unte rsv ill e, \ V.Va. Donna lly. A lberta , Box 500, Charl eston , W .Va. Graves, France , Montcal m, \V.Va. H ancock, Eli zabe th , McDowell , W .Va. H olt , P ansy, 23 16 Rose St. , B luefie ld W .Va. Hunte r, Kinn ie, 71 2 Merce r S t ., P ; inceton

\V.Va. ' Hurt, M yra , Kimball, \V.Va. J obe, V irginia, W elch , W .V a. Ma rshal, M ay mie, McD owell . \V.Va. Moses , Lilli an, Sca r bro, \ V. V a. McNeil . B u la, 11 0 H a rri son S t. , P rinceton,

W.Va. Hin g, Ina, Yukon, \V.V a. S mith, Corl ette, W elch, W.Va. \ Va lker, M ari e, Mount H ope, \V. V a.

PI CHAPTER Barett, M ary Edna, 4 Crestwood D r., St.

L oui s, Mo. Bennett , D oroth y, 4024 Ca melia, St. Louis,

M o. H erron, Virg ini a , 1702 \Vagner Pl., t. Lou is,

M o. K ehl, M adolyn , 7400 Flor is an t , S t . Lou is. I o. Lisy, Eli zabeth , 2856 henandoa h, t. Loui ,

M o. McM ahon, Frances, 57 16 Lan dow ne, t.

Loui s, Mo. Merius, Luc ille, henandoah , S t . Loui s I o. M orri ssey, Vi rgin ia , 4565a Gibson, St.' Lou i ,

Mo. iederge rke, Alberta, 1800 H ogan, St. Lou is,

Mo. Ru by. V irgin ia, ~066a L a faye tte, t. L ou is.

M o. Si ed le r , l'da r tha Lee, 103Sa T ay lor , S t . Lou i ,

M o. \Villi son, Haze l, 4254 Lexington , t. Loui -,

M o. Fac u /13' Adviser

Glatfelte r. Edith ( Mi s), 55 14 Per h ing, t. Louis, Mo.


Patrouess Crouch, Mrs. M., 3228 Copelin Pl., St. Louis,


'seare , Eugenia, 226 77th St., Niagara Falls, N.Y.

Borst, Marion, 719 Amherst St., Buffalo, N.Y. Boldt, Doris, Marilla, N .Y. Brink, Catherine, 835 Richmond Ave., Buffalo,

N.Y. Cu nningham, Florence, East P embroke, N.Y. DeMond, Ruth , 119 Claremont Ave., Buffa lo,

N.Y. Donovan, Dorothy, 139 72nd St., Niagara

Falls, N .Y. Ewell, Carolyn, 719 Amherst, Buffalo, N.Y. Few, l\Iarie Louise, 18 H arvey Ave., Lock­

port, N.Y. Green, Dorothy L., 1352 Kensi ngton Ave.,

Buffalo, ' · Y. Hird . El eanor 1., 169 Avery Ave., Buffalo,

N .Y. J ewer!, Edna, 719 Amherst, Buffalo, N.Y.

1ank, l\Iarga ret L., 28 Beverly Ave., Lock­port, N . Y.

Mesmer, Mary III.. 139 Hirtel, Buffalo, N.Y. Miller, E ther, 15 Brooklyn Ave., Batavia,

N.Y. O 'Day, Eileen, 22 Lamont Pl. , Buffalo, N.Y. Prozeller, Clare, 1333 North Ave., Niagara

'- _ Falls r Y 'J:'roze ll er,' Ei sa·, 1333 North Ave., Niagara

Falls, N.Y. Thursa, H elen M., -139 Beard Ave., Buffalo,

N.Y. Schubert, Crace, 31-l Grant St., Buffalo, N.Y.

SIGMA ALUMNJE (Buffalo, New York)

Baker, Ruth Holden (Mrs. George), 8-1 3 Po­tomac Ave., Buffalo, N.Y.

Bellinger, Blanche, Palmyra, r Y. Benzinger, l\Iary, 491 D owning St ., Buffalo,

N.Y. Black, Dorothy S. (Mrs. Elmer), 1216 Fill­

more Ave., Buffalo, N.Y. Brodie, F red ri cka Fox (Mrs. James), 165 Po­

tomac Ave., Buffalo, N .Y. Bruce, Helen, 155 \Yardman Rd., Kenmore,

N.Y. Butcher, l\Iiriam H. (Mrs. Lawrence), Grove

Ct. Apt., Freepo rt, N.Y. Carmody, Irma, 308 \\ ' illiam St., Elmira,

1 .Y. Choate, Josephine, 797 Ashland Ave., Buffa­

lo, N.Y. Clark, Edna, 63 Sunset Rd., Orchard Park,

' .Y. . Clegg, l\Iary, W olcott , N.Y. Constable, Doris, 114 \V. l\Iaine t., 1\Iiddle­

town, N .Y. Crui ckshank, Lorna R. (M rs. Carlton), 82

Inwood P l. , Buffalo, N.Y. C ruickshank, Winifred, 192 Hoyt St., Buffalo,

N.Y. Douglas , l\Iary, 1267 K enmore Ave., K en­

more, N.Y. Ellis, Mae H . (l\Irs. e lson), 197 Crestwood

Ave., Buffalo, '. Y. Emblidge, Dorothy S. (Mrs. William), 97

Shepard Ave., Kenmore, . Y. Erickson, Eleanor, 181 l\Iinnesota Ave., Buf­

fa lo, '. Y. Ferris, ara ., Bedford Rittowan School,

Bed ford Hills, . Y. Few, Ka th e rine, 18 Harvey Av e., Lockport,

N.Y. Flynn, :Mary, 138 Admiral Rd., Buffalo, N.Y. f-rank, Gienclore F. (Mrs. Joseph), :?Q Haw­

thorne Ave., Tonawanda, N. \' .

Grampp,~,. Evely':' A., 686 Richmond Ave., Bunalo, 1 . ): .

Gunsolly, Marjorie, 152 Buffalo St., Ham-burg, .Y.

H agle, Arlene S. (l\Irs. Leonard), 327 Wood-ward Ave., Buffalo, . Y.

Hanson, l\Iildred S. (Mrs. Charles), 83 Con­cord Pl., Snyder, .Y.

Hardy, Jessie, Avon, N.Y. Hallahan, ' ora, 67 Alexander Pl., Buffalo,

N.Y. Harrington, Marga ret, 63 Sunset Rd., Orchard

Park, N.Y. Hird, Eleanor, 169 Avery Ave. , Buffalo, .Y. Hodgson, llfartha, 20 Argonne Dr., Ken­

more, N.Y. Hoi worth, Marion T. (l\Irs. Harvey), Address

nknown. Hora, Hazel, 265 E. Hazeltine Ave., Ken·

more. N.Y. Hurley, Adeline T. (l\Irs. Francis), 95 Fair·

child Pl., Buffalo, .Y. Johnson, Helen, 61 Birch Pl., Buffalo, r Y. Johnson, Lelia, 61 Birch Pl., Buffalo, N.Y. Keen, Arl ein, 82 Pooley Pl., Buffalo, N.Y. Kennedy, Patr icia B. (l\Ir . Donald), Address

Unknown. I<ranichfeld, Katherine, 272 Berkshire Ave.,

Buffalo, N.Y. L a rson. Alice, c/o chool Dept., Portville,

N.Y. Lilga, Dorothy l\I. (Mrs. Norman), 126 Purdy

St., Buffalo, . Y. Lind, Esthe r (l\Irs. Carlson), 8-19 Bu sti Ave.,

Buffalo, N.Y. Ludwig, Dorothy Y. (Mrs. Almore), 15-12

State St., chenectady, N.Y. Lull, Gladys, 143 Colvin Ave., Buffalo, N.Y. Lum, Carol ine, Barker, N .Y. MacBain, Eugenia, 218 Stevenson St., Ni­

agara Falls, N.Y. l\Iacdonald, Margaret, 673 Richmond Ave ..

Buffalo, N.Y. McGarvey, Dorothy H. (l\Irs. James C.), 500

Massachusetts Ave., Buffalo, . Y. McGlynn, Lucille M. (M rs. \Veld J.), Del\-

van, N.Y. ,. l\Ioran, Gilberta N. (l\Irs. John), 96 M•l--'le­

sota Ave., Buffa lo, N.Y. l\Iulroy, l\Iary, 39 Hillside Ave., Buffalo,

N .Y. l\Iiller, Marian, Chaffee, N.Y. Nesselbeck. Virginia, 172 Keystone St., Buffa-

lo, N .Y. . K eumann, Dorothy B. (Mrs.), 339 Pine St. ,

Lockport, N.Y. O'Brien, Helen R. (l\Irs. Thomas), 3-10 Voor-

hees Ave., Buffalo, .Y. Olmstead, Veva D. (l\Irs. Louis), 52 E.

Hazeltine Ave., Kenmore, N.Y. Otto, Edith, 30 \ \'ashington Rd., Kenmore,

.Y. Perkins, Erva, Friendship, 1 .Y. Peterson Elsie, 40 Meech St., Buffalo, N.Y. R ech, R~th, Sardinia, . Y. Reynolds, Helen Sue, Milla rd Fillmore Hos·

pita!, Buffalo, '.Y. Rice, Angeline, Burt, N.Y. Seatter, Ruth l\Ic '· (Mrs. Jame ), 2470 Ni ­

agara Ave., ' iagara Falls, N.Y. Simmons, Leah, 1519 Linwood Ave., Niagara

Fall, .Y. Singleton, Althea, Address nknown.

locum, Evelyn, 35 arlyle Ave., Buffalo, N.Y.

Smith, Catherine, 30 N . Park Ave., Buffalo, '.Y.

Smith, Eth el Knowlton (l\Ir . l\I. \\' .), Ad­dres Unknown.

~ouci e , llfolly R. (Mrs. Ed.), l\-11 Engle­wood .. "\ ve., K enmore, i\T. Y .


Spitzig, Mildred, 910 l\Ior ley Ave., Niagara Fall s, N.Y.

Stamp, Madge, 10 River ide Ave., Buffalo, N.Y. ·

Steen, Lucile Hull (Mrs. J oseph), 1060 Ken­more Ave., K enmore, N. Y.

Stewart, Audrey, 195 N. Park Ave., Buffalo, N.Y.

Tauriello, Pauline J. (Mrs.), 24 1 L exington Ave., Buffalo, N.Y.

Thorn, Doris H. (Mrs. George), 916 Dela­ware Ave., Buffa lo, N .Y.

Timmerman, Janice L. (Mrs. Henry), 69 Fairchild P l. , Buffalo, N .Y. P lease for ­ward.

Traut, Arletta, 85 Indian Church Rd. , Buffa­lo, N.Y.

Van Brunt, Sally Beard (M rs. H arry, Jr. ), 11 3 E. Main St., Lancaster, N.Y.

Walwrath, Hazel S. (l\Irs. Whitney), 11 9 Washington Rd ., Kenmor e, N.Y.

Weitz, Olga C. (l\[rs. William), 455 Ellicott St., Buffalo, N.Y.

Vvildman, Verl a , 17 \Vaite Ave., Salamanca, N.Y.

Wilkins, Veronica M . (Mrs. Rober t ), 39 Calodine Ave., Stat ion H, Buffalo, ' .Y.

Wilson, L eah H. (Mrs. R obert ) , 2254 Dela­ware Ave., Buffalo, J . Y.

Zahm,... Dolores C. (Mrs. Truman), 206 H oyt ;:,t., Buffalo, N.Y.

Zdarsky, Lillian, c/o Mr. Klein, Lake S hore Rd., ·wanakah, .Y.

Zd arsky, May, Delevan, N.Y.

IOTA ALUMNJE (Emporia, Kansas)

Adams, Ima, Grenola, Kan. Akright, Lillian Akright Bishop ( Wm. J.),

708 Y, Osage, Bartlesville, Okla. Alstott, Lois Al stott Richa rd son (Leland),

1314 Highland, Emporia, Kan . ; 1322 Co!­! ins, Topeka, Kan.

Allen, Virginia A llen Strickler, Dighton , Kan .

Allphin, Evelyn , Pratt , Kan. Alhstrom, Lucille, R ead ing, Kan. Amole, Jesse Amol e Zaji c (Go rdon ) , Holy­

rood, Kan.; 922 Lawrence, Emporia, Kan . Ashley, Alma, l\Ioline, Kan.; Wichita, K an. Baldridge, Pearl Ba ldridg-e Gorman( T. J.),

Hartford, Kan . ; 719 E . 7l st Ter., Kan sas City, Mo.

Barber, Lelia, 1429 Center, Emporia, Kan. Barber, Ethyle Barbet- Lansden (Robert),

1027 Centra l Ave., Safford, Ariz. Barton , Ge rtrude, 626 N. Pine. Pratt . K an. Beck, H elen Beck Foreman (Pe rcy B.), By-

e rs, Kan.; Boise City , Okla. Beck, Lois, Pawnee Rock, Kan. Bell, Muri el, Isobe l, K an. Bell, Ruth , Lyndon, Kan. Berry, Maude Berry Matheny (Carl), Virgi l,

Kan. Beveridge, Mae, Russell , Kan. Beveridge, T helma Beverid ge Dawson (Har­

old), Ru sse ll , K an.; Madison, Kan . Bidwell, Merl e, 2623 Chese, Parson, K an. Bigelow, Esthe r Bigelow R ecord , Gardner,

K an .; 507 Pleasant Ave., Scotia. N.Y. Bigham, Eva Bigham Connell , Ozwaki e, Kan . Blaker , Dorothy B laker Tanna hill, Parsons,

Kan. Blair, Ka thryn. Attica, Kan. Blankenship, Beul ah Blanken ship Lacy (C.

L.), Moran, Kan . ; Udall , Kan. Boots. Florence Boots Nanniga (Orvile), Mc­

Clure Apt., Empor ia, Kan. Boy, Inez, R aymond, K an .; St raw n, I<an. Brook , Theresa, Michigan Valley, K an .

Brown, Grace Brown Cowan (Merle) , 1196 Garfie ld, Top ka, Kan.; 1175 Woodward, Topeka, Kan .

Brownell , Murie l, Moscow, Kan. Butl<;_t;, Cec il Butle r Barrett (W. Vernon),

Nladison, Kan. Butl er, Eva, Glasco, I<an.; Ashervi llc, Kan. Butch er, Alpha, Cimmaron, Kan.; Ashland,

Kan. Hunsold, Mary, Culliwn, Kan. Campbell, H elen, 1237 Highland, Emporia,

Kan.; 1352 Mu lvane, Topeka, Kan. Ca rr , Opal Carr Hemphill (0. V.), Byers,

Kan. Ca rmi chael, Florence H enderson (Dwight),

1-Iave n, K an. Ca rey, Anna l\Iae, Readin g, Kan.; Dehlia ,

Kan . Cast le, Nel l, Admire, Kan. Castle, Viva, Adm ire, Kan . Chaddock,___ Olin e Chaddock Ross (Dean), Paw­

nee Kock, Kan.; 3729 Chestnut, Long Beach, Calif.

Carlson, E sther Ca rl son Griffith (Fred), Gar­fi eld, Kan.; I 520 Market, Emporia. Kan .

Clapp, Chesba Clapp Strack (Jake), Virgi l, Kan.

Clin e, Wilda Cline W oods (Paul), Kingman, Kan.

Cole, Bi rdene Cole P eterson, Climax, Kan. Collin s, Juanita, \ Vell svi lle, Kan.; Lawrence,

Kan . Combs, Eula, Howa rd, Kan. Converse, Gladys, La rned, Kan. Converse, Goldie Converse Cox (Elwood),

Larned, Kan.; Box 330, J efferson City, Mo.

Cowan, Ruth Edna, Athol , K a n. Croffoot, Vio la Croffoot Sh ell ( 'eil F.), Bern ,

Kan. Cross, Eth el Cross Patt·idge (Dr. C. E .) , 111 2

Rural, Emporia, l(an. Cross, Florence, 111 2 Rural, Emporia, K an. Cross, Lena, \\' infield, Kan. Cross, Mable Cross Hartman, Garfield, Kan. Davis, Thelma, 1013 l\Jechanic, Emporia,

Kan . ; 303 N. B St., \Vellington, K an. D avidson, Phylli s, Columbus, I<an. Dickey, Lucille Dickey Higgins (Chas.), Gar­

fie ld, Kan.; B elpre, Kan . Downing, Le Royce, Deerfi eld. Kan. Dryden, Maidia, Hoisington , Kan. ; K .S.T.C. ,

H ays, Kan. Dun g-an, Hildred, Sedan, Kan.; 9 16 Buffun,

Wichita. Kan. Durflinge r, Anna Jo Hill (Kenneth), Burrton ,

K an . Elder, Goldie, Beloit, Kan. Ellenberger, Doris Snelson, 1221 S. 6th St .,

Ponca City, Okla. Fenner, Gladys, J ewel City, Kan. Fenn er , Grace, Jewel City, Kan. Fen ner, l\f vrli e F enner Coltharp (Ray) , Jewel

City. K an. ; L eona rdville. Kan . F e rri son . 1\Iildred Chamberlin (Ev eret), 208

N . Vine. \ Vichita , Kan. Fink, Loi s Fink Spohn. Fredoni a , Kan. Flora, Viq,-ie_ Chase, Kan . Forrester, Edith W edin (Jack), 1240 l\Iarket.

Emporia, Kan .; Country Day School, Kan ­sas Citv. Mo.

Forreste r , Ethel Forres ter Beck (John), 1240 Market, Emporia, Kan.; Cottonwood Fall , Kan.

Forrester, Nora . 1240 Market , Emporia, I<ao ; 1142 N . Market. Wichita, Kan.

Franz, Nora Franz Fauley (Leon), 1510 High­land, Emporia, K an.; 619 Rid ge t ., Bow ­ling Green , Ohio.

Garnett, Louise, 229 N. Chautauqua, \\'ichita. K an.

Garringer, Florence, l\Iou nd \ 'a lley, K an.


Geisler, Dorothy, 104 4th Ave. , Leavenworth, Kan.

Gi lbert, Lois, Lyndon , K a n. Gilbert, Margaret, Lyndon, Kan. Glove r, Claud ia, Humboldt, Kan. Glover, Mary, Humboldt, K a n . Graber, H e len R ., Pretty Prai ri e, Kan. Graber, R uba A., Pretty Prairie, Kan. Green, Glennys, Burrton, K a n . Griffin, Gladys Griffin Calvert (Pau l), Bur­

lington, Kan. ; M anhattan, K a n. Grubb, Be rni ce, Netawaka, Kan .; 918 M e r ­

cha nt, Emporia, Kan. Gurtler, Christine, Humboldt, K an. Gurtle r , Sophis Gurtl er uffer, 71-1 \V . 5th ,

Emporia, Kan. Hagan , E va Belle, Greenwich, K a n. H anson , Dorothy, Concordia, K an.; Barns,

K an. H a mmond, Adela ide H a mmond Thole, Staf·

ford, Kan. H awley, Elverta H awley Dick (Paul) , 1\I c­

Pherson, Kan.; Kanorado, Kan. Hines, Mary Cather ine, 318 Exchange, Em­

poria , K an. Hogue Dorothy, 426 Leaven worth, M a nhat ta n,

K a n . Howa rd, Trecy, Anthon y, Kan.; Arka nsas

City, Kan. Howe, Mary Pricsi ll e, Cha mpaign , Ill. Hume, Freda Hume 1\[cCarter , Humbold t.

K an.; Apt . 221 Turlington Ct.; 155 th a nd Turl ington St., Harvey. Il l.

Huffma n , Ruth E llen Moore (Herbert), Dighton, K an .

Humes, H ele n, lola, Kan. H utton , B eth Hutton Ander on (Leste r ),

'vVashin gton , Kan. Ikerd , Kath e r ine, 'vV. 7th, Hutchinson, Kan. J ac kson, Mabel, 11 64 \ Vood ward, T ope ka,

K an . J enkins, Mona, Seneca, K a n. ; Polk School,

Topeka, Kan. J ohnson, Mary, Bushon g, Kan . Johnson, Evelyn , Linn, Kan. ; 1224 Bluemont,

· M anhattan , Kan. J ohnson , B la nche, Bushong, K a n. ; 20 1 \V .

12th , Hutch inson, K a n. Jones, D orothy A., L ebo, K a n. ; Arkansas City,

K a n. J ones, Maybelle, \'~fright, Kan. J ones, Orpha J ones Graham, \\' infield, K a n . J ohnsmeyer , Alpha, L eonardvi lle, K a n. ; K eats,

Ka n . Kackley , H a rl ene, \Vakeeney, K an . Ki ll ion , Gwendolyn , Gard en City, Kan.; King­

nla n , J(an. Kimm erer, Li ll ian Kimm e re r Banta , Ottawa,

Kan . l(nouse, H elen, 1025 Exchange, Emporia, K an. T<l e iber, L aura, Ramona, K an. K immel, L ano r , 1\Iorril , K an . Lambi ll otte, Loren za Von Trebe r , Ca ney,

K a n. ; M anhatta n, K an.; Chetopa, K an. L eckleider , M ab le, Kingman, K a n . L eslie, Perle Les li e Da ll (Howard E .), 11 1-1

Exchange, Empor ia, K a n . Lille, Glennis, Pawnee Rock, K a n . Logan , H elen . l ola, Kan.; 1-141 N. \Vaca,

Wichit a, K a n. Lynam, Gladys, 1\Jo!ine, Kan . Lyons, Florence, L yndon, K a n.; H am ilton ,

K a n . M cCo nna ughey, Louise Gardner ( L awr ence),

Quincy, K a n.; Neosho R apids, Kan. McKibbe n, Faye M cKi bben Landes (Garvin ) ,

c/ o R a y Erlywine, Pratt, K an.; 22 14 N. 12th St., Phoenix, Ariz.

Michae l, Mary Michae l Min e r, Burlingame, Kan.; Wic hit a, K a n .

1\rac k, Edith M ac k Iein er (John), Osborne, Kan.; Tonganoxie, Kan.

Mills, Treva Tyro, K an. ; L ead, S. D. . Miller , Mabl e, 302 E. 14th St., Hutchinson,

Kan. Miller , Florence, L ebo, K a n . ; Chetopa, Kan. Miner, Bess E. , Burlingame, K an.; Indian a

U., Bloomington, Ind. Mirth, D ap hn e Mirth P ay ne (Kenneth), 26Y,

Lincoln, Court la nd , N. Y. Mirth, Dorothy Mirth You n g (Percy), Elm­

dale, K a n.; 77 Dartmouth , H olyoke, Mas .

M onroe, P auline, Dunlap, Kan. Morgan, Olive, Hugoton, Kan. ~Ioor e, Gertrude, Gardner, K an . M orr ison, Lee O na, Deputy \\"arden's R es.

F ed era l Pri son, Leav enworth , Ka n . 111ott, O li ve Mott Randa l, Colu mb us, Kan .;

Pratt, Kan. Mu rch, Ed na, Concordia, Kan .

orris, Ge neva, Lebo, K a n. ; 827 1\[innesota, Kan sas City, K an .

Owen , J e nni e, c/ o Junct ion City Times, Junc-tion City, K an.

P eter s, I sobel, Pa wnee R ock, K a n . P ete rson, Mildred Alvena, O nago, K an. P ort er , M arga ret, 404 Lindenwood, T opeka,

Kan. Porter , Thelma, 1812 \ V. Oklahoma, E nid,

Okla. R andall, H ele ne, \\' elmore, Kan. Rhoads Doroth y Rhoads Atschel ( R . E.),

2302 \V . 20th , Okla homa City, Okla. Roads, H aze l M ar ie, 45 19 Chestnut , K a nsas

City, M o. R obe rtson, Clai re, 111oline, Kan. Sanders, Thelma Sanders Skinner (J. F .),

Burlington , Ka n. ; Mari on, K an. Sanderson , Mabl e, Lyndon, Kan. Sau nders, Flore nce, Ada, Kan. ; Strong City,

Kan. Schae fer, L au ra Schaefe r R einback, V ermil ·

lion , Kan.; c/ o M emorial Park Ce mete r y, Hutchinson, Kan .

Schimpf£, Ida, Clements , K a n. ; 13-14 K en ­tucky , L awrence, I<an .

Schwartzman, El eanor, Tampa, Kan . Shepard , Meredith Shepard Hin shaw (Waldo)

H am ilton , K an. ; Cr ysta l Lake, R. F. D. 3, C la yton, Mo.

S haw, B eulah l ona, \ Vam ego, K an. Shupp, M a ry Emily S hupp B race, R ose Hill,

K a n. Skinner, Mary , Fairview, J(an.; 1-Ioisington,

K a n. Sh afe r , \~T i l ma , V e rmillion , Kan. Staadt, Katherine, Postvill e, I owa . Steffey, Ezeta S teffey Schindler ( Wm. H .) ,

Oza wak ie, K an . ; 'vVestmoreland, K an. Stubbs, Virginia, 215 N. 1st t., Arkansas

City, K a n . S wa rens, Opal Swarens Corsaut (Jess) , 520

\ V. 7th, Hutchinson , Kan. Swish e r, Leta, Lyndon, Kan. T ay lor, Ferne Taylor McCas land, A hland.

Kan . T ay lor , 1\Ierl e Taylor \Varne r ( \\' m.), Cim­

arron, K an. T aylor, Thelma Taylor Johnson (Cla rence),

Sublette, Kan.; 360 1 P aseo, .A pt. 308. K ansas Ci ty, l\Io .

T ec tor, Hazle, Canton, Kan. T heoha ld, Trula, Yates Cente r, Kan. ; l\Iarion.

Kan. Thompson , F e rne, Pi edmont, K an . Thurma n, Otha, Kiowa, K a n.; Alamogoedo,

N .l\L Tieperman. Emm a, Kinsley, Kan .; Hutchin­

son , K a n . Tunney, Ethel Tunney hilders

38 11 \Vya ndotte. K ansas ity. Turner, Ruth 111. , c/ o Appleton H .

Jun ti n, Colo.

( Robert). ( .

S., Grand


Tusler, Harryett e, 1042 N. Lawrence, Wich­ita, Kan.

Vetter, Bonnie Dee, Moundridge, K an. Whitaker, Ann Smethers (Ferdinand ), E lm­

dale, Kan.; Clements, Kan. Williamson, Armi sta, lVI edicine Lodge , Kan. Wilsory, Opal Wilson Gish (Douglas) , White

Ctty, Kan. Yeager, Isobel Yeage r Vi'nson (Ralph), Lar­

ned, Kan.; ' N"estern Springs, Ill. Yearout, Mable Yearout Traxle r (A. E.), Lyn­

don, Kan. Young1 Magda~ena Young Bake r (C lyde W .),

Elmdale, Kan. ; S every, Kan. Ziegenbusch, Elizabeth, Ellinwood, K an.

Sponsors Atwood, Jane K. , 1410 P almer , Athens, 0. Brandom, L ena Fax, Ruth, Chicago, Ill. H olley, Carmille, Miami U., Oxfo rd , 0 . Seller, Mary Alice, 1002 Constitution, Em-

poria. K an. Garman, H elen, Empori a, Kan .

DETROIT ALUMNJE Akroyd, Els ie Frabel, 1388 Newport Ave.,

Detroit, Mich. (Theta) Anderson, Alva, 367 N. Woodward, Pleasant

Rid ge, Mich. Baker, Marybell e N. (Mrs.), A shcroft Apt. 3,

Little Rd., Mt. Clemens, Mich. (Alpha) Baxter, Ruth, 136 Vinewood, ' Vyandotte,

Mich. (Alpha) Baxter , Margaret Day (Mrs), 248 ' Vindemere,

D et roit, Mich. (Alpha) Bennaway, Lillian Gifford (Mrs.), 13201

Strathmore, D etroit, Mich. (Alpha) Beyschlog, Dorothy, 32 Myrtle, River Rouge,

Mich. (Alpha) Blay, Mildred Siebert, 12605 Minden, Detroit,

Mich. (Theta) Boyum, Ha zel, 1622 1 P etoskey, D etroit, Mi ch. Brinkman, Eleanor, 3326 Maybury Grand, De­

troit, Mich. Brodison, M arguerite, 4397 Oregon, Detroit,

Mich. Campbell , Ruth, 232 1 W. Grand Blvd., De­

troit, Mich. (Theta) Conn ell y, Dorothy, 4535 Vancouver, Detroit,

Mich. Corbett, Catha ri ne Currie (Mrs.) , 909 E. 3rd ,

Ro ya l Oak, Mich. (Alpha) Cooper, Donna Morton (Mrs.), 16 P almer,

Ponti ac, Mich . (Alpha) Cronin, Zola, 143 Bl a in e, Detroit, Mich.

(Beta) Davi s, Ruth M adill (Mrs.), 14240 Coyle, De ·

troi t , Mich. (Beta) Dyer, Lucille, 2996 Virginia Park, D etroit ,

Mich. Edwards, El eanor, 2455 Canton, D etroit,

Mich. (Theta) Fi eld, Ann etta , 153 Geneva, Highland Park,

Mich. (Alph a) Field, F lorence, 15 3 Geneva, Hi ghland Park,

Mich. (Alpha) Fitzgerald, Emily Beyschlog (Mrs.), 505 3

Devonshire Rd., D etroit, Mich. (Alpha) Fitzpatrick, Loretta, 405 1 H azlewood , D etroit,

Mich. (Beta) Fleming, Dorothy, 29 50 Northwestern, D etroit,

Mich . (Theta) Frazer, May Rumsten (Mrs.), 1459 1 Ardmore,

Detroit, Mi ch. (Beta) Frostic, Gwendolyn, 355 Oak St., Vvyandotte,

Mich. (Alpha) Frostic, H elen, 355 Oak St., Wyandotte ,

Mi ch . (Alpha) Friedel, Betty, 709 Colvert , D etroit, Mich.

Gardner, Margaret, 1850 E. Grand Blvd ., De­troit, Mich . (Alpha)

Goodson, I sabelle, 578 \l•l . Iroq uois , Pontiac, Mich. (Alpha)

Graves, H elen, 121 Farrand, Detroit, Mich. (Theta)

H a rri s, Mari an (Mrs. D ean W .), 7420 Wood · row Wil son, Detroit, Mich. ( Al pha)

Hay, Leona U. (Mrs. Delos R.), 30 19 Hard ­in g, Detroit, Mich. ( amma)

Hicks, Clara, 90 W alnu t, Wyando tte, Mich. (Al pha)

H anna, Audrey, 904 E. Gra nd Blvd., Detroit, Mich. (Theta)

Hille r, Ola , 396 W . Huron, Pontiac, Mich. (Alpha)

Holcomb, Margaret, 2548 Biddle, Wyandotte, Mich. (Alpha)

H oward , Abbie, Apt. 305, 1st Na t' l Bank Bldg., Dearborn, Mich. (A lpha)

Henchy, I sabel, 654 vV. Kirby, D etroit, Mich. (Beta)

Hokanson, Harriet (Mrs.), 161 Cortland, D e­troit, Mich.

J ohn s, Virg ini a A., 642 Glynn Ct., Detroit, Mich. (Alpha)

J ohnson, Lillian C., 73 T emple, Detroit, Mich. (Theta)

Johnson, Mary, 136 Woodland , Det roit, Mi ch. (Th eta)

Jostes , D ella Mae (Mrs. H enry C.) , 71 00 Kingsley, Dearborn, Mich. (Alpha)

Klebart, Marie, 3255 Van Alystyne, Wyan­dotte , Mich . (Theta)

Kosebutski , Ethel (Mrs.), 150 Ge neva, High­land Park, Mich. (Theta)

Lamport, I sabelle, 1350 E. Grand Blvd., D e· troit, Mich. (Alpha)

Lan glots, Shirley H. (Mrs.), Liberty School, Highland Park, M ich. (Beta)

Leberg Elsie, 18835 Fi ler , Detroit , Mich . Leppay, Irma, 849 Rade macher, Detroit, l\Ii ch. Lidke, Mi ldred, 625 Chestnut, W yandotte,

Mich. (Alpha) Lingo, Mary, 250 W . Ma rga ret, Detroit, Mich .

(Th eta) Lippert, E sth er Field (Mrs. W . J. ) , 16171

Cheyenne, Det roit, Mich. (Alpha) Locke, Frances, 15 Maywood, Pleasant Ridge,

Mich . Mansell , Edith, 64 Mon terey, D etroi t, Mich.

(Beta) Miller, Helen Virginia (Mrs.), 169 15 L a

Sall e, Detroit, Mich. (Alpha) Miller, J an e W. (Mr .) , 685 Pearson, Fern­

dale, M ich. (Alpha) Myers, Grace, 7830 P rarie, Detroit, Mich.

(Theta) McClure, Dorothy, 1772 W . Gra nd Blvd., De­

troit, Mich. M cF ee, H elen Giffo rd (M rs.) , 1492 5 Rose­

mont Ave. , Detroit, Mich. (Alpha) McK ee, Edna Mae, 523 M arston, Detroit ,

Mich. (Theta) McKinley, Edna, Apt. 16, 3250 W. Chicago

Blvd., Detroit, Mich. (Theta) N elson, Harriet Ann, 660 Hazlewood, Detroit,

Mich. Newman M yla Clark (Mrs.), L ee Plaza, Apt.

409,' 2240 W . Grand Blvd ., Detroi t, l\Iich. (Beta)

Norton, Ada A., 510 Pearl t ., Ypsi lanti, Mich. (Alpha)

Nyland, Dorothy, 11 65 Park, Lincoln Park, Mich. (Alpha)

Otterbein, Catherine, 111 Highland, Detroit, Mich. (Beta)

Reynolds, Lucille (Mrs. G. A .), 11 367 Forre r, Detroit, Mich. (Beta)

Richa rdson, Vera Pickell ( Irs. .), 47 Glen­dale, Detroit, Mich.


Ridder hoff, Gwendolyn G. (Mrs. J. A.), HOOO Kentucky, Detroit, Mich. (Zeta)

Russ, Elizabeth Burns (Mrs.), 52 F lorence, Highland Park, Mich. (Beta)

Schillender , Lucille Long (Mrs.), Cor. Michi­gan and Coolidge, D earborn, Mich. (Theta)

Schlickenrnayer, Gertrude O'Mailey (1\Irs.), 150 Geneva, Highland Park, Mich. (Theta)

S eabough Lela, 355 0 Moore, D etroit, Mich. Seaver, M e ryl , 8223 Merrill , D etroit, Mich.

(Beta) Sheppard, 1\Iiriam P. (Mr .), 22 D evonshire

Rd., P leasant Ridge, 1\Iich . (Beta) S ilk , Edith, 863 Gladstone, Detroit, Mich .

(Alpha) Si lk, Nell, 863 Gladstone, D etroit, Mich. Smit~t Virginia, 2133 Montclair, Detroit,

1Vlich. (Theta) Sprague, Gwendolyn (1\Irs. ), 6210 Ternes,

Dearborn, Mich. (Alpha) Staehle, Carri e \V . (Mrs. Haswell E.), 30-18

Harding, D etroit, 1\Iich. (Alpha) Taylor, lVIargaret , 2548 Biddle, \ i\lya ndott e,

Mich. (A lpha ) \ .Yar d, Lin a, 168 Glendale, D etroi t, 1\Iich.

(Alpha) Ward Olive Barlow (1\Irs. L. \V.), 12620

Stoepel, D et roit, Mich. (Alpha) vVelbon, M arion B. (Mrs. Frank, Jr.), 6907

E. V ernor, D etroit, Mich. \ i\lilli ams, Dr. Gertha, 700 S eward Ave.,

Abington, 1\Iich. (Theta ) Woodward, Kath e rine, 90 \\1alnut St., \\'yan­

dotte, Mich. (A lpha) Wright, H elen (Mrs. G. Bruce), 13905 La

Salle, D etroit, Mich. (Theta) \ Vurm , Rornelda, 3662 Have rhill, D etroit,

Mich. (Theta) \ Vurze r, Katherine Le wis (1\Irs. E. C.), 9274

\Vildemer e, D etroit, Mich. (Alpha)


(Youngstown , Ohio)

Barrett, Mrs. Ri cha rd (Catherine M cSween­ey), 528 \ V. Judson, Youngstown, Ohio.

Beynon, Elizabeth , 223 Broadway, Girard, Ohio.

Brush, Mrs. \ \'alter (Evelyn \ Villiam s) , 400 M aplewood, Struthers, Oh io.

Burrows, 1\Irs. Dale (Agnes B lack), 235 E. • Auburndale, Youngstown, Ohio. Dunn, Mrs . Elmer (1\Ia ry Dickson) , 78 Stew­

art St., Struthers, Ohio. Davis, Mrs. Myron (Vio let Thornquist), 612

Elm St., Youngstown, Ohio. Farrelly, E sther, 33 Stewart Ave. , Hubba rd,

Ohio. F e nton , Virginia , Lowe llvill e, Ohio. Hanna , L ois, ' il es, Ohio. Heyer, Marion, 416 Cherry St., Niles, Ohio. Hillman, Bl anc he, N. Garland Ave., Youn gs-

town, Ohio. Huelsman, Eilee n, Cle vel a nd, Ohio. Kaley, A gnes, Mineral Ridge, Ohio. K eyse r , Florence, Park Ave., Youn gstown,

Ohio. Hixson, Mrs. Fred (Thelma Young), exton

St., Struthers, Ohio. Jenkin s, H elen, 71 2 \ Va hin gton Ave., Niles,

Ohio. Lauser, Helen, McDonald, Ohio. O'Mall ey, E leanor, Gra ndvie w Ave. truth -

ers, Ohio. ' Owens, Frances, Hubba rd , Ohio. Peoples, Sa ll y, 424 Vine Ct., Nil es , Ohio. Phillip , Caro lin e, Hubbard, Ohio. Heagan, Ali ce, Fall Ave., Youngstown Ohio. Riley, Olive, R. D ., Masury, Ohio. '

Scha ffe r, D oro thy, oit '•ille Rd. , Youngstown, Ohio.

Schrader, Elizabeth, Girard , Ohio. Shively, Bea, Rodge r s, Ohio. Snow, Ma r ion, 71 2 Olivett e Ct., Youngstown,

Ohio. Williams, Elizabeth, Niles, Ohio.

ZETA ALUM IE Albert (Mrs.), Kathryn Hardy, -103 Elizabeth

St., Osceola Mill s, Pa. All, 1\Irs. Carroll, 109 Broad St., Stroudsburg,

Pa. Allen, Mildred, R.D. 3, John stown, P a . Barefoot, Edith, Alum B a nk , P a. ·Barnes (1\Irs .), Charlton Locke, 95 Kens ington

Rd., Bronxville, N.Y. Bastian, D orothy, 829 Fourth St., \\' illiams­

port, Pa. Bastian, M a rjor y, 829 F ourth St., Williams­

port, P a . Beas, Gera ldin e, 183 Spring St., Johnstown,

Pa. B eeson, M a rga ret, 1-19 S . W a le Ave., W as h­

ington, Pa. Bradley, V eronica, Box 16 E, Connell s ville,

Pa. Bra un (Mrs.), M ade line W eakla nd , 2106 16th

Ave., Altoon a, P a . Buffin gton, Hel en, 17 Brookside Ave. , a id -

well, N.J. Burn s, M ercede , 317 Chesnut St., Ga litzen ,

Pa. Burden (Mrs.), Eleanor Dunn, S t. Mary , Pa . Caldwell, Charl ot te, 606 \Valnut St., M onaca

H e ights, M onaca, Pa . Ca ll enbach (Mrs.), M a r ga ret Mill e r, 219 East

Park Ave., State College, Pa. Carroll (Mrs.), Dori s M att e rn, 20 1 2nd St. ,

Phillipsburg, Pa. Carpenter, M a rga r et, 32 Forker Pl., Sharon,

Pa. Christensen, Shirley, Sheffield, P a. Conway, Ger.aldine, Kylert own, P a . Cooley (Mrs.), M a rga r et Martin , 137 Orchard

St. , Aliquippa, Pa. Cowher, Betty, lOth St ., Tyron e, P a. Cullen, Th elma , Lynbrook, L ong I sland, N.Y. Cust e r, Lydia, v\'il son H eigh ts, J ohnstown, Pa. Cummings (1\Irs.), E ste lla M cClintock, i\fill

H a ll, Pa. Dauenha uer (Mrs.) , Geraldine L ockha rt , 2-1

S . Baldwin Pl., Amityvill e, N .Y . Dickson (1\Irs.), Myrna 1\Iille r , 121 Orchard

St., Aliquippa, Pa . Dietrick, Mary, 208 \V. 7th Ave., South \\' il­

lia msport, Pa. Dittmar, H elen , 155 Scott t., \Villi amsport,

Pa. D onlin, Margu e rite, :i\1 eshoppen , P a. Doyl e, Mabel, 134 Juniper St., L ockport , X .Y. Dra ke, Dorothy, Irwin, P a. Dunklin (Mrs.), L au ra D olan , 8 18th t.,

Buffalo, N.Y. Dunn, Grace, St. Marys, P a. Eastman, Amy L ouise, 213 Evans St., nion-

town, P a. Farwell, Margaret , 1117 6th Ave., Altoona, P a. Fitzs immons, Edna, 838 Franklin Ave., Ali ­

quippa, Pa. Franklin, Heba, -1 06 H oward Av e ., Altoona ,

Pa. Fry, Emma Fra ncis, 1\Iahaffey, Pa. Furst, Edith, 22 Dreshe r Arcade Apts., L a ns­

da le, Pa. Gea rhart, Dorothy, 715 7th St., Altoon a, Pa. Ceesey, Elsie, 33 1 Crawford Ave., Altoona,

P a. ( ;rrerer ( \f rs.), M a r ga r et Larkin, H l 2-I th

.·\ vc, • ltoona, Pa. ( ;in ger, Anna, Logan .-\ve., 'T'yronc, Pa.


Greaser, Gera ldin e, H 13 17th Ave., Altoona, Pa.

G rease r, Helen, 1413 17th Ave., Altoona, Pa. Green, E lva, Utahville, Pa. Grie io (Mrs.), Mary Fox, Riv ervi ew Apts.,

Lock Haven, Pa. Gros , Lydia, 20 . Fairview St., Lock Haven,

Pa. Gschwendtner, Marguerite, K e rsey, Pa. Hammer , Bernice, 830 Vickeroy Ave., J ohns-

town, Pa. Harnish, Virginia, Wingate, Pa. H eckert (Mrs.), Margaret Breth , Halifax, Pa . Hinkley, Rosa L ee, She ffi eld, Pa. H arper, Elsie, Avonmore, P a. Hartsock, Ethel, 847 Simon St., \Villiam sport,

P a . . Hega rt y (Mrs.) , Gertrude H arpe r, Coalport,

Pa. Hesse r, Alice, 678 7th Ave., \~' illiam spo rt, P a. H evne r (Mrs.), E sthe r Smith, W estover , Pa . Hile, Edith, P leasant Ga p, Pa. Hill, E l ie, Howard St., Williamspor t, Pa. Himes, Jessie Scott, 42 S usquehanna A ve.,

Lock Haven, Pa. Hinkleman, Evelyn, 1524 M emor ial Ave., Wil ­

li amsport, Pa. Holman, H etti e, 11 08 Park Blvd., Juniata, P a. Huntsinge r (Mrs.), Anna M ae Landis, 419

E. \Valton Ave ., Altoona, Pa. Hoope r (Mrs.), Rita Dal e, 919 Deeloi St.,

Pittsburgh, Pa. Hoppe r (Mrs.), Hel en Sheare r, 316 Dance

Ave., Cor appol is, Pa. Jon es (Mrs.), J ean Ingham, R.D. No. 1, Camp

Hill, Pa. Kell, El izabeth , 2717 6th Ave. , Altoona, P a. Kelley, A gnes , Snowshoe, Pa. Kill en, Dorothy, 52 1 2nd St., Cr esson, Pa. Kinkead, Phylli s, 56 1 \ Vashington Ave., Ty-

rone, Pa. K napp, Charlotte, 34 N. L uke St., York, P a . Knapp, Guinevere, 110 J ackson S t ., \~la n· e n ,

Pa. L ear , Helen , 529 \~lood St., Johnstown , Pa. Lewis, M ary Louise, 127 8th t., Ph illi psburg,

Pa. Lord, Bernice, 399 N. Lake St., Northeast , P a. Matlin , Martha, Conewago Ave., \<V arren, P a. MacDougall (Mrs.) , R. S ., 124 N. Fairvi ew

St., Lock Haven, P a. McMackin, Eleanor, S heffield, Pa. Mahaffey, Cha rlotte, 2044 East St., \ •Varren,

Pa. Marks, Ge rtrude, 141 9 20th St., A ltoona , Pa. Martin (Mrs.) , Avonelle Catlin, K ell ettvill e,

Pa. Matchett (Mrs.), Martha Dice, 1909 W. 4th

St., Newberry, Pa. Mechtley (Mr.), Mae Green, 270 N. l\Ia in

St., R ed Lion , Pa . Messick (M rs.), I va Livin gston , 30 Marcd lus

Ave. , Manasq uan , N.J. _ M ille r, A lice, 1315 Ca meron Ave. , Ty ro ne, Pa. Mi lle r (Mrs.), Alice Kunes, 613 E. W alt on

Ave., A ltoona, Pa. Mi ller, A lma, 4 Undercliff Pl., Milburn , N .J . Miller, Eleanor, Berl in, P a. Miller (Mrs.), Mary Nason, Ju lian, Pa . Moore, Pearl L., 193 1 ewbe r ry St., Wil -

li amsport, Pa. Mort imer, M arga r et , 108 Orch a rd S t ., A li­

quippa, Pa. Mor r ison, Edit h, 34 Maple St., \Voodbury,

N.J. Mowrer, l'viary, 1996 Elm St., W a tsontown,

Pa. Mutzaba ugh (Mrs.), I sabe l \<\Iatson, Ka ne, Pa. Nason (Mrs.), E li zabeth Wi ll iam s, Flemin g,

P a. Osborne (Mrs.), Velma Ridge, M anasquan,


Palm er , D orothy, I 4 Dennison S t. , Forty F o. 1, P a.

Parsons , H elen , 5 1 N. Fairvi ·w St., l. ock Hav en Pa.

Parke r (Mrs.) , (; c rtrud - Dol an, Eldred, ]'a . .Pa tt e rson (Mrs.) , Pa~lin e Schaffn r, 10 4th

Ave. , Clearfie ld, I a. Patterson, Jean ette, 709 M ain St., P o rtage , Pa. P aul, Edith, 106 Lincoln S t., J ohnstown, Pa. Pau l, Josephine, 106 Lincoln St., j ohnstown ,

Pa. Pfar r, Marga ret, 173 S pring St., J oh nstown,

Pa. Pi erce (M rs.), El izabe th Howse r , I S Broad-

way, Bayonne, .J. Pirt le (Mrs.), May Olson, \Villi am;o n, W.Va. P lummer, Mi ldred, Summ erhill , Pa. P otte r, l one , 527 Hig h St., J ohnsonburg, I' a. R ay mond , Mary, 55 E . Linn St., Be llefon te,

Pa. Rhodes, J ean et te, 22 1 E. 1st Ave., Altoona,

Pa . Ridde rhof (Mrs.), Gwendolyn G! ise, 14000

K entucky, D et roi t, Mi ch. Roll er (Mrs.), Grace Mc Kinn ey, 644 Averill

Ave., Rocheste r, N.Y. Ross, Evelyn, Karthaus, P a. Ro s (Mrs.), Grace Brooks, 202 E. King St.,

Sm ethport , Pa. R ead, A lice, W oolri ch, Pa. Reed, }~ Iorence , 208 rescen t S t ., \ Varren,

P a. Ri ch, D orothy, David sv ille, Pa. Rupert, Dorothy, 301 E. l Oth t., T yrone Pa. Schofie ld (Mrs.), Marga ret Grad well,' 164

J ackson St., onemaugh, Pa. Selt ze r , Robert a, H ende rson S t., Lock H aven,

Pa. Sharp, L enore, 4th St., L ock H aven , Pa . S hirey (Mrs.), Eleanor Littl e, S I S M a rket t.,

vVilliamsport, Pa. S ibley (Mrs.), Luci le T ay lor , 9 19 gth Ave.,

Brockway, Pa. Skelley (Mrs.), Alice Ma rt in, 34 1 Lincoln

St., Johnstown, Pa. mucker (Mrs.), K athleen . pen ' ler, 717 Vick­

roy Ave., J ohn stown, Pa. Somm ers, El izabet h, B la ir Co. H ospital, H oli­

daysburg, P a . potts, Elizabeth , 51 E ld red t. , \\-i lliamsport,

Pa . Spooner, M arga ret, 121 Clea rfi eld S t., lear­

fi eld , Pa. Ste re, Cha rlotte, Fleming, Pa. S tewart, Ruth, 6 R oosevel t Ave., Larchmon(

N.Y. S trayer , Florence, 542 \Vood St., J ohn town ,

Pa . S wope, Blanch e, 379 E. \\·a lnut S t., Lock

H aven, Pa. Thompson, Mary, I 0 J ones t. , H olidays-

burg, Pa. Thornton, H elen , 325 Monroe t., Boonton,

N.J. T ietboh l, Gera ldine, All enwood , Pa. Tietbohl (Mrs.), Mary Ecll a, 41 H astings S t.,

South \Villi amspo rt , Pa. Trex ler (l\Irs .), Made line Fiedl er, Avis, 1 a. Tucker (Mrs. ), M a ry Hil e, H atfi eld, Pa. Van Scoyoc, E lizabeth, 656 W ashington Ave.,

Tyrone, P a. \Vagne r, Katherin e, ewarcl, Pa. Ward, Ruth, 10 W alnut t. , Aliq uippa, Pa. W e i! (Mrs.), Kathl ee n H endr ick , Hillcre t.

Phillipsburg, N .J . \Veis (l\Irs.) , M a rguerit e F ogle, Ga rfi eld Apts.,

J ohnstown, Pa. \~le i sen, Alice, Baden, Pa. vVhitehead (Mrs.), M a rgare t Bracken, 2 04

V ersai ll es Av e. , McKeesport , Pa. \\ ' ill iams, Elva, Port M a tilda, P a.


\.Yil son (Mrs.), Margaret l\J arsh, 186 Blai ne St., Johnstown, Pa.

Yeck ley, l\Iary K., 619 Farren t., Portage, Pa.

Young (l\Irs.), ara Kift, 201 laver St., Wilson, Sara, 1000 20th Ave., Altoona, Pa. W itchey (Mr .), Priscilla Heath, 503 Marion

Ave., Be ll efon te, \.Yilmington, Del. \\lolfe (Mrs.), Zelma Newcomer, 2345 Fair­

view Terrace, Newberry, Pa.

J ersey Shore, Pa. Young, Yvonne, 123 Clearfield St., Clea r field,


\Vorcester, Mary, R .D. No. 3, Ellwood City, Pa.

Youtz, Terer,a, 812 North t., Collingdale, Pa.


Life is just a game, folks; All must play the same, But the winner must be true.

I e'er to wrong will he vow! This is the sacred vow Of the Alpha Sigma Tau

Chorus: Seekest thou Someone to endow With your faith? then Bring your drea ms to Alpha Tau; There you find faithfully serving

We who are true, In all we do.

Green and Gold­In weal or in woe Our colors bold Always show for Alpha T au ; Come and see For we'll always be At the sign of the Rose.

(Respectfully dedicated to Alpha Sigma Tau, Teachers College, Emporia, Kansas, by Edmond D. Gaymon and Harry Lee Watson.)

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