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Post on 08-Sep-2019






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.VQLVI!ll XiX Ntwa, Vol. ~)

WITH THE MEN IN S!RUICE I ···~ .... .,. -·..-v• -, I

Emilio B. Trujillo 1 Awarded Purple Heart·

(Censortdl With U.S. FutCPB in Franee.­

PrJV~tte ll.milao U. Truj11Jo, hqs .. b_.nd <if MTI ~ :..ry N Trujillo of Pieaebo, N. M., hna been award· ad the Porpl.. Hea1 t.. for wcninda reeetved In actiuo oo tbe Western fzo))t. .

.P\!t, Trujillo, un infpntryman, w~ wonnd~d· by an artillery sbe.ll on. .F-.bruJry 28 1945, in Ger-IXIJfll'.. ,

TllJ' detcmati(Jn wall awarded by ~t Col. Uarr son S. CoJhat, com rnandmc officer of the U. 8. Army"e197tb 1 .,.neroJ H~tepltul tn Fnnu.:w.

S l·c C. 0. Davi1, Jr.

', ... '


. . . '

. CARRIZO~(), NJW. · ...

~ .


Mm C. 0. Davit, ~r, a• rived · W Al,11j Promottd m 1 aly home from Norman, Okla , lost \i'llll8t!tl by l<'u:ld Pr• 11 LuLBur) wePk where she bad been to &t·

_ tend the gradu!ltion of bet 1on, . AJuciJ .1' u r c u H .... q .• u.r.c 1, C. 0. O:Jvis, Jr.

' . . .

J'IUDAY. APRlL 18, 1946

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Seme Do'• •nd Don't• 9n. Du111~ton u•

- PO'S •

oo- a•' on t•..,m•r ter• watb tbe propoaall.

Knuw anc.t U'ftdtrl"nd tki• be­fore praitlna, cratlct:atnar or aua• geltin1 cbaroaes •

Do- kfpp odWA)'II in 'be ep L

llt~bt. what tbe pruputtd atrucLUt• ,, for. .

Baaically tu ke\'p tho pe~u~e. to build a bulwaJk a~&inat an:p wuuld·Le ·tf~reuor; to create con ditiof!s tba* makt fu• puce.

Do remember t' at ~be propua aJa were m•d• public for • rtUo ,

• • So tbut tbt ~opfe cnuh

atuoy them and dltcuat then lrt.'ely before tbe San .Francl•e•

' Confcreoee Where 1 htt Chlftet fu· a world orgauizatlon aiODi tlu line:. of Dwnbuton Oaka will ~· wriitvn.

. I '



Lau1el &' 6ur•IY, Dorie M err ll k, AnbUr Spaet


l'bo buy1 ,.,t' lured to guard a t~W bomb invention and have all

11111d1 of eacup~u~• wttb crook1 and-

"('lTY o•' PARADOX" . & "A r THE LlRCtTS" ·

•1 NAJA\', HONDAT, 'I I~ly. ..NIItt tlt-11 w cUb <IOU one .. c 0. graduated Mar~b 811t, wi~b &un tllreatcn.."!i to hnlc l:mding putics Ill

to 1\lh~tJ Jt'ur.:e .tii:',I.;QU41ttro ID third,hJgbeat rating In bil elaS9, ISousamville, h· Owc.IU ph.c.ed four m:n co covc.r fiR Do be mudnt enl UJb lO fC.t>l• "red M .. rMurry, Beu, ButJon, luuy rt:u!lve p . ru.,,,, 1•1:1 uut •~ag and hus been Bflligntd to Miami, from adjacent · · ebJrgt_d illto tho mouth of w eiUlnon. He •zo that you cano"t cumplet .. l) Diana Lonn

~tctcd ~ cmplic~~J thi 6~ port, drovo the gun crew out and "' Murcb 111 1.\ r.:#UI .. ul .tum ut. Fla , fur advanced traitlilli· inmPd chci.r dattucU,_ · himself wu wounded. War Bonds 1-..:lpcd f• write tt:. pr1 PJIIlla. ab&udava w 1f.K, u. ,o;a · ·~''""'·t:t:u ,N iw w ttJIU . . lDfJ1 covcn:d bU hcro!c fc;~t. Scrgr. Oww Rcmcmbtr tbtt tb£>y are Cbtt f..)' M jur ttor~t-l•B nuu\_ 11, • 0., wu awarded • Ntty u.s. Tr~., Dt><:l'llltn1 prvduet of tb• bc.t~ mlnda of tout 'AND THE ANGELS SlNG"

. onu '·ll•ls ~.ofit• tt ..t t1 ., 1\l. v•· .. , JOB PLACEMENT S!RUIC! gr .. ~' cotu.trica. Tba men ftlb• A r<JIIIt'klnQ romt•dy of a w•ck7 lion tu wblcb tnc wumt:o eolt.tera fOR DISABLED VETERANS, Stniors Rcoturn Mrs Word fbarles wrute tbcm a«1 I~Jdffl in "orh. rumdy wha&e four drtUibtera tins art ~~.:a;atcw. fr~m Chihll•t ua Is To Fill V a caney affuJra aod hav• atudtt.t worh: to earn money to buy a fum~

'J'he promououa range frum c~>r· Special Job OfferiDJS Being problema !011....._ and-poral to the luib ooo.corumra Made to Lincoln and Otero Th

1 • b • ' DON'TS Paramount Ntn

a&unea ofCJcer'• rank of ltalf scr- Counties' Dienbled Vets By P ltl Ol'IIJiitb,r (' JtptfOn At a mePIInll or thP Otero ' & ltut. War Man ower Commission rP~urnert Mord•Y nlaht from ,. Cnunty Commf!liooera Mondayi Von t-.approac:h the propo~a!l

'!'bOte reetivina the promotiou P tnp to Chihuahua, Mexirtt, Mn. Ward Cbarlll of Alamo rt&dJ toOgbt. bavtl .bftn.atathned in Italy &mte Office io Alamogordo. whtN tbtY apent a mnet •nJn:t• 1o1ordo. was appointed enuntv San li'rancileo iJ tQ bt tht Mezu lut •ummu, muvibg to ltaly ablt wetk•end ctnlr, aueeecding Mn. Elta GJ!~ uf a eonftrene., not a bJUlr from North Africa wtt~ Allied Tht War Manpow•r C{lmmlt· Form~r Senator IAu.l•t Ca. of aak spofmcr, wbo r~:•l~Jncd to jnln ground, ForlJ fow natlon an


"Wh()'t Who in /:lnim~l Land"

·i'or~ .llt.adquartu•. ~bty belcJ Offir() in Alamogordo. wbttb GYentOt a~d hfr two ni~tN.(rQm htrhusband wbo Ia in lbtvice In- goinit to. adJ\ilt.thtlt dl.trr.ttntll · Yar.ioM ,tobl: 1rlt.ll: AJlltd · · l.Jneolo ud Ottro · Cou· R'd&waU jomld the !tniotl in iBI North Carolina. uf opinion, rteoncitf their ur,in)

Httqartftt, raalioa from C{)W• tittJ. 11 flffcrina epedaJ job pla1e Paso and •cePJDpaniPd thtrn to M Cb 1 d d t intemtt and \tt the patttm fGa


Gt<ltat Sandtrt. .IJnda. DarntU .\nnalMatd

Edward Evm-ett Bortoa

. ,

amucationJ wurk JD one of the menta ~orvieo to dlublfd vete- Cbib111bua. rs. ar ea tortlc u t~pu Y futuro international Mhavio.r. Jargeal Waes. •Wfed mt~aage rana, nreordina to Mn. Eunfeo H t'ltrk ft.J• thrPc >:eara and tho ptUt Don't

• -ua-

C:t"'ttra to ellfi~l work wJtb tbe Mobleo rnsnogcr of tbo 1 1 1· '9PIU han t~en m thargo of thtt ltuiat thnt only Amertat ... . .~ • oea 0 p· A"'·t t c b me1hods abuuld ba uud om~ vf Deputy Cblef .of Staff. fie• tbere Mn. c. o. Davia went to El tOU(IU ua I'M omp&OJ oro. . • . The t r ag i c romance of •


Corpor J Effio A Marler ol . . 1 Pnno la•t Tburday with membPr Ber hunband, Ward ChariPa, 1• a Wt Lblnk American wara art> beautiful Ruulan pt11an1 airJ Canizoz; N M waa nrcmltcd Mr. L E. Ruffin, ohee dtr~t>tor or tbf' senlc.r clan nnd vinlted be; t>hler Pt'ttY nrt'f'tr with Seab,ra In oest, bu we aro ~oitlg to buo to wbo Calla in lovP with • nobl•man

' ' r of tho War Manp lW()r Comm!J .~...,. o rh P itl H" "'n uti- com ""'m'-A • i d L · • to Me-rge-ant. Sgt Martt-r wu · · • brotbor and wtfe unUl MondaJ •.u · onu ar c. "" u .. p .... l•u ~.W, .o i ve an taav, to torml'rl• cJtp t" to tbo count" llflD, in llnlargmg 00 tbe atJate night. in tho eonntv clerk's offiea will be c&CbiUVV mt.tornatiOoll uoderatana• -and-

· -~ " '"' "~ ment, baa stated, "Information G • . '"-· b ... · .. : tcbnol IU)X!tJDWndent, lUra Ola b• i d t A d N b 1 Mra Helen rJJli, wt-o lUi:' ePn a tog an .. co-operawon. "A Million DoDar Cat" • · o ,.a ne t. rmy &n avy ~ -

C. JeatL pltals nbout the tkill8, I"Ilpabill· to ptaument or thP di.rulblE'd tl:l t'puty C.ha Dht two yeara, and Oon'C Ulf the debat.t II a IOUI~d tics. llOd potential job talenta ot j'lh• wbcr• theJ C"'n wab Cull me it);~ E~"'lina Nunez. Alamo· •ng board ror aolfi.b prc•Jt!cta. about to-be diaebargfd vetuaos of thllir tapabUitlFt" the WMC •·rrlfl Nt •• T£at every IUiif'Stloo made:

Joe G. West, Jr., S 1-e, IOI!l of ·a ll btl&Jc pal,'t or the diaahled Clffirinl Jafd "In many lnlltatH'P'• .tou it tpod to jnin or to dlvli1e. Mary ~Ale Dean, Infant daugh· Mr. &~d \1ra J.,e G. \Veat, . bna projlrnm r•r tho Unitoo Statea thP ptraonnel handling vttef'&flt' . be United Noti· ,,a? Shu·• """ tfi' of E M8 c W. C. Dean and betn promatcd t u Ete .. tr~tlar s Employment Serv1c•. 1 t h 1 ti e Silt, Rny Clork who wa1 tllft tnat mhrbt divide even tf it'• wit .. , w o has bern in tht> Turn• r M· tt 3·e in the •ubmnrine ien>it • . • P Bfl'mor• 1 ave, 0 poqce m · y·•ur n.t ""'"'p••·1 su"•ran .. from "'••"'•mont-" With the gonl'ral IDt'rease In taken are of plaeemPnts or hall• • n··Pd in FranrP and bl.e brother. · .,.. """' "~ " .. ., ...... Ul

(lmployment opportunilita, re;o &· dleapnt>d eiv'U ru. Tbey •r<> ahJtf •11""'• who wa1 otatinntd In Bnl· Ooo't -auur:no the• the wcrfd wat diaetlarat<d Sat.uMay morniDI " J> a d lft'ro& we>U on tbo road to

C'b1tlf! PruiliSpt. ( W • 2 c i.a at from t.be war, tho artivitiea of to mateb tbe pby1ical require .nd met io Paris tho firot f•l o ganrzatioo will 1 In tile n home- on 25 day1 kne; be wdl tbt Vet<!rans' St>ntict~ ware aec•l mtnta of jo1 1 to tbe pbyaieal e~>• n .. d t nA b t 0 b world'a ,.roblc•m!l. I r coverr •

. • • l..... d d d, 0' !U·· f • d' 'd ! •1. b . \tarcn an SIICD r..n ours og· • 1peud tbe uma Wltb bll mother m en. ""u an Pxpan e , uectr-r l}a 1 tac tn SVt ua Jon WlO ~at& • . _ • It V.n't intended to cfn tbat. Capitan Pn~it. hu jmt comp'et L. 5 Ruffin !!atd. "In Janu ry of of what t.htJ CAN aeeamplUII:l r It was tbeJr first mcetJn~ rbe lnh·rnal affaira of Olt'b ntt· , Ham ana k·•bby Rtamon, fd mtten month& r•f duty over Uld, in <ll operation with tbt inattad of what thi7 CANNOT." tli!CP their arrival ovoraeaa. tion, if they do not fndanJ;rel' tht litttP sana f S 1 afld Mra Win 1eq

1 in thP s .utbwest P'ldflc Bllfi!lll c1 Naval Peraotmel, tbe cea~ of the " orld remain tbe Eell Rickerann, are ap,.ndlnJ tbt

theatre of war. Be bu hiiD on Yeterava lmp!oyment Se1'9iee of tba dtT .. irtt af that n~tio~ We ad aa u Wt'f'k w I t b Ml'lf- RicktliOil'l ... ~ott ror ~wenty aeven months; 'ntC.tDado atrangementa wbero If .ro• leaD Newt Ada carefully • you'll ftnd t mrJividu··l nations, working and I pa~enta, Mr. • o d Mn. Ro7 dun~J tb~ t1me be tunk part. io ~Y trau1•• -:erannnel of tbP U:-ES c.am.o.o men:han~ 1111!11 aa .chea{)lv &fi cit• ~ttor•" •uiltling ooxetbcr tor t'ommon l~anl"tr, •• Anaca. tlle IDVUitD!I 0 f Nortb Afnca tntrnl•w duabled naval da , . n • SittU~, the Gilbert., and Philippine atl at nanl bospitala prior to . hJanda. Ho wu awarded tht tbtir dflcharge and refer the• to BANKS AND THE WAR R~membPr that the eholu lt~----! '&Tlte: .... -------1 Patp!e Htart a d was

A One day we overheard IOmebody say, "It wu aueb.

;mall m:tt~: r. i didn't want to bother anJono at tbe bank . b "t 't, & fho I •. -

Bother ua? Man alive, it's no bother. we are here for • • to be helpful whenever

Tbat'e what we tan ··in

eTN'J vta7 we can. So whether you want a tbimble1u1 of at'rviee, or • big

lltapina t;al!aiut*. # • we eorcliallJ inYlte 1ou. to dr.op in and tee 111 often. .J


t.INCOLN L'OUNTY AGENC~. f'ititet'll Stt.te Bank of V•tilrhn.

.QarriiOS01 N • .M. •

,. '

organlta and •ome'othft onl'· The Carritoto Woman'• elu~ The "boice fa belwtta the prtt•l will give a Birthday Party pna;d on .and n•nf!. Jf OumbtJr- next Frida" April 20tb. ton Oaka ta dl1r1rded we mu•tl ~· d ..

· b!gtn to prepart> for World War Every member It like to UI. · bring one or more •ialtora and

Tbe Unhed Nation• alrodJ 1 tach otu~ · b uktd to bring a are fiabtina to&etber Whtn tbel penny for enry bitthdaJ thtJ <N&r it won thty will liYt tttldh•r have pasted. ()UCtably If t!Vfi'J indJyfd&Ual dO#I bia or ber part: Remember- Mt-. Mattball St. Jobn ldt tut

The DoY~ Can't Do lt Atone! 't'buraday tor Loa Anpln. (Wflmen'a Diviaion Democratit --· = ... .;.,-~-~~,--·-· ----National Commit~, Mt.Jflower Mm 'lf'i!:Y •~r~W!«~}'JQf.;;tr:JfiC . lf.otel, Wabiniton s .. D. 0.) Bua Por Sal•

19&1 ~•• Pan•l 'rtulk . .. . MllMI• 26,000. l'iift 1 o<XI 8-piJ

fOk SALE t(nt. 't'raek itt &Ood . i&llltltl ....;_ · . . '- · · ~ndltion. Jrqt.d..- · B•rt CbiaQ'.

row SALE...._ Morton'• M • • t Jiort Stanton, New Mftij>o. Salt and T4nder(fuirk. 1h• ***~*•*liCW~»>l**

. 'I'l't8WOR'I'It CO , Itse. '

FOR SALm - Men"• Wolrtriilf' l&t~N.'l'h•· TlTSWOILTH co,,

. Jut.

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M I D D· L E 5


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' .. '. to

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REG'LAR FELLERS-Poor Markamanahip

I •




YOU KNOW BlNGLe.eoNSL£. ~~E.S Hl:;i ..sT02!l. A~ EeiN' ON&Y


A STONE:.'$ 'THJi:OW t:R.OM "11-\' SUS .STATION ?

POP-His Work Would Be Cut Down Hnlf





•• Cty•e Uwis

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Roland Coe

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: ::•n.l;m

By GENE BYRNES (::::::::::::;

:.' '





I •'·· .

a - 74 by _ ·at 74i .

pletecl -_ at 80; .. begu t 1 am at tlte same age;

son wrote "Crossiug the at 83. . · ,

Oliver Wenden Hobnes ·wrote "Over the Teacups'' at 'l8; Plad­

. stone became prime mlnJ(Iter ef EnglQDd for the tltird time at '17; and 'l'iijan painted tltat wonderful bistoric ci~mvas "'l'he Battle of Le­panto" (which bQDgs in Venice) at tlte age of OIJ. .




delldous NEW breakfast id~cr • Jt's a mog!o combinotJon of crtsp Post's W% Brsn Flakes pltW ~ dcr, aw-cct, c~dleo rnlaln!l ••• r!Cht fn tho c:1mo packoao I You've novor ~d QllYtbfng ro dolJcloUL Ank your grocer for Po!l&'tJ Ral!lln Dran fn tho bJg blue-and·whfte ~ck!lgo-today.


la:AR end crl! 11:• d:f. f~•tt!J a t:Jcr.!:!lo £:::t:;,,lf=e or cfn;., tb c!>Oootl:::l. e!!TtDI I~G fa c:-Jr o fewdC::cn=e.

/rtJ7.1 Malestle lull.Sn1 • cH. :no.

... ----------------------· Nee I I

k!J • I I I

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BtUd~ n• v~• it ooe



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......... r.tlafl•••• ..... ftl\o -xl••• tire a8JV1nl •JMI IMW we IHrY• re,.rta ef •• a.,enr ... poat.w•r dnlce wllkJI., thnutll • ••rl•• !tf lltlm .. .... Clll' ... trick .............. wiiJ WOI'II tie .,.,...., w••• the ,,., .. ,. Ia ••:r tire Ia .... , whd ft .... w ... · •DIKb, • tile omphlbkm l!IS·ton

lniCb now ~ned by ~ Ann•t. have tlrel that originally were dealgn•d by L,, Ooodm!! for deslrf u,.. The tlrel hav. broad tread end ere n­c.ptlonolly flml:le and llgbt 1ft we!ght. Thae d~t~rt tlm wflldt weftt ta na ~ rendering heroic aNY!C. !:I !be llovJh Poc!flo o.nd 011 !be bropeal) bcf!lefronll.

IF. Goodrich·

Weren't Thost Beans Wondtrful?

of his two wives' wiD he home to •••



• ........ ,rt ' ·-

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•• . '. . .. :... ' ,-' '

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" -

Make Your.~O.Wn:Sm.a.r.t Clothes. sBwiNokc,Rc£BA .. · PAttBRNps F. . · For MarKeting and G,a~.----- · ~ Froc to ___ ~~ll-~-- J;~tty - ~u:re -·

. ........1~-- -- ·· · _,__ · -· · ...... --- ---·- .,.,._- --- --- ·- -·-· · .JLA .......... O--J-..- · - ···- -- -- Jacket for Spo$, Street

SoddeD Thawt: Sayr Could the war department's reques& for Mr. Byrnes• curfew be a move to olfset the war's Inter· terence with the 'blrtl\ • rate? • · •• Wben one D11ht clubman Jriped about ''hJs t¥lvestmenun • a ne~aperman said: "'fbla II a to~ war-me&ninl' tobll ror eve17one and everythlnr. This Is yoar pait In the war-to sacrl· ftce more than others. For some people the war means to I~ blind. For others-to go broke. WhlcJI would you rather?"

Con1res1111an Dickstein aimed a well-deserved blast at Ranldn. The chip on Congressman Rankin's shoulder-is 11 c!\Jtcr in tho publlc eye. • • • The ed War Crimes conunisslon announced that Hiller and company would be tried for their war crimea. It is about tlme I To rcpeot a query: But what 1B holding up the trial of Heoo?


Sec'J of Commerce D. Wallace will be named "Mon of the Year" by tho Churchmo.n at ito aanunl ban­quet. WUlklc ond Baruch were oo honored.

Wbat we'd appreciate leamlnr from lustJee Byrnes Is what he

·bas done about the deflant Wash­lnl'fon, D. c., stay-up-late joint whlcb (at last reporls) remalwl Open aU nlrhtf ••• 'l'ba& Tole4o theatre manarer who kept 011en all l!lrht, too, what about hlmf Can't he be drafted to help pick up tbe woun4ed and dead?

General Patton, co tho otoey goeo, wns holding a meeting with hio 8tatf officero when the telephone ran~t. • • • Thinking It woo a friend, tho volco at tho other end of tho wire Inquired, "Hello, In that you-you old conovahecT" ·

Undl!lturbed, Patton looked around tho room and then spoke into tho phone. "Wblch c:onovabco do you wont?" ho fnqulrcll,

Strani'C BedfeUoW!!: John L. Low­fo Sewell Avery onrl Fiorello La Gua.rdia - Americmm t>;ho defled their government durinu tho war. • , • One wag recently rcmar!tcd: "Now thnt tho t7ar dop't hao otcpped into tho curfew controvoroy, tho LltUe li'ZDt7er of Naw York hum.'t a pot to bloom in." , .. Telegram from MlamJ Beach: "What tho.:o moga­ztnea (which rapped Miami Beach) nccJected to odd wov that olnco Oc­cemoor 7, 100, Miami Beoch aroce­tully cooperated 'With ·a m!dnJght curlct";. But it woo your mayor who wao flrOt to violate lt. Have you any comment to mnko about that?"

Taking tho warda out of our may. or'o mouth, he once confee!:cd: "When I make a m11ltnltc-lt'r:i a beaut!"

. When General Eisenhower vin· lull Paris afur lb liberation, be ana several omcens .lnspcetec'J the ELael Tower. • • • At the COp, Elsciiliower leaned over the ran and vJewtd the city •••• Alter a silence of several mln· otes an aftle safcl: "A peony for your thoua!:lu, ~eneral." .•• Eisenllower, visibly lmpnnned, turned an4 sa.fd: "Isn't this a wonaerfal place to llanr AdoUY"

The sto:y in tbe pzettes thnt not? lltotor cnro may bo nomeleD!l (after t'-E Day) appeared here on July av •• -. 1M4. Mr. Krug Is quoted ao ooying "it is very pn:mible." • • . Draft bonrcfu hove hl!cn irultructed to order all (ntnV cl.aosifl~ed~~+

et!l. Some Broadway muolcal obown wiD sutter mo:rt. ·


r wsr« spring and oummcr the great army of American women

uho aro oUII working for victory on iho home trent by doing their ovm narkettng and gardening will wont :o look their" beot at all timeD.

Tho qulclteot way to loy the rroundwork for foohlon oucecoo on a war-econom$> baoln w to get out me family oowlng machine o.'ld do mme otltchlng that t7W prove you're :cody to win tho fight in a omort and :brUty manner. Even If tho only 10,wing machine you con get at In a lonu·neglectcd attic veteran, you flUl find that local oewing center eJt· ~crtn con probably put it bock in rood worltinc order with an inCll:· ~enolvo "tune-up."

Tho next otcp now that tho rna· :hlno l.o in worltinn order In to taltc an Inventory of back-number, 'malo" clotheo, for there In loto of rood oturdy material there that can :ta made over into attractive ·nlaclto md jocltot!l and blouoeo for utllltori­IID wear. Follow thin up with como l'llcc fabric buyinc of thrUty denlmo and printed cotlono, then Invent In tovcral aood potterno ond you wiU :~avo a perfect oturt-ofT for a ouc• :ermful cewina program.

Whether long or abort olocko t7Ul provide the mont figure flattery for you, or whether matching or con­:roottng jocltetn will cult your pur· ;x~:e beot arc mottero that muot be !ecldcd by each Individual homo­cower. It'o t?loe to oroemble o mix· and-match wardrobe oo for oo po!l­dble, for interehonaeoble ltcmo give you endleO!l contumen for many· ;urposo wear.

A real atylc winner for bicycle narheting lo ohovm to the rlaht in .he JUlliltration. It l'DDembJen a lenim focltet. and lmeo-iength cufled 1laclro with a printed cotton blouce. l'he jacket buttoruJ ore anchored l'lith blll!l-tnl)<! ends o.nd the op. )liqued emblem on the jociiet ill

----- --

•• . . .

quickly otitchod with tho zlg-&agger ottncbment.

Even ration-hook marketing con be a omart adventure U you wear a thrifty, eye-catching contumo ae pictured to the left. Red and white candy-otrlped cotton In uoed for the ohort • olecvod to.Uored cblrtwol.ot and faded blue denim fnbr!c io uoed for the hip.alurrinu, oleelr·lltUng, cufficO!J olaclw. It you hove never toeltled tho job of malrlnu tailored oloc!to before, you con learn tho fino pointo of cutting and fittlna and tal· lored flnloheo in o few budget leo­ooll!l ot your local center. Expertn will be clod to ohow you the eeoc with which oloclw' plocltet clo:Jinao con be achieved by uotng the cord· Inc foot attachment.

Doina opodo worlt in the cordon can be fun, and you con enjoy cool comfort all the while you ore aardenlng, If you maltc on oll·ln· one overall t-;lth built-up bib top and combine It with a ohort-oleeved otriped cotton blom:o ao ohown con· tcred ln tho picture, And here'o a grand ideo! Shade your eyeo from the oun by adding a vl!:or to a uay print cotton bandana that wrop!l around your head. Mnltco a really pleturecquo heoddr(!DJ), ecpeclally It the vjaor In areen and tho lterchJef In In vivid exotic colora ouch ao thlo ynuna houcewlfe lo weorina with her overall ouUlt. Ploooo do oboerve the matching lterchief in her pocltet too, adding otill another flaoh .of color to her aarden enr:emblo.

And havo you heard of the new cnrdenlng oprono that have built-in knee p:Jdo? You con act overolJg too, with blue leather-topp!'d lmee pods.

netonua t:7 Wellt<lm no....-....:>l"!r Ur.J....,.

Waffle Pique Print I Use Print Remnants ' ~ To J\.Iake Accessories

U you have neveral choice print remnanl!l about you con uco every inch of them in making up all corl!l of flotterina occe2$0rien, for there's

· a llia vogue on for hom, boao, g!oveo, dickeys and any number of other costume occento mode of goy print. You con t for

Ideo io the occot tic or lnrac how of goy print. You con fray theca about in oelf.frinae or you con add a brilliant touch by embroidering p:1rt of tho floworo in mulU-coloral cequiruJ, There's olmplt no limit to tha pretty thlngo that can be mode at borne of gay print. One of the nawest Ideas io to engemblo glovcn, hat nnd petticoat of the oome print. So let your imagination ao no for tl!r it will In eonvertina ovalloblo remn.ont!l of print into ntunnlml, Co!ltume decor. Bold stripes ore ever co nmnrt made up in occeooorieo, ond baas.

Belote hb deati:' A. Woolcott M­B.Igncd hl.o ro:;Oltics .:from the onlcs of his book, "An You Were," to cnre tot !camen throuGhout the t?orJd. To d'ate United Seomeh'tJ cervico .rOo­cclvcd $10,'i'lD from the late author's royalties. • • • Lt. Rotond Hill <he watJ Arebbishcp Spcl.tmon•s acc'y in AJgfbrs) fs tho first G.I. to run for pubUc office. Has a geed chrutco to b!! elected nmsor ol Minneapoli!l, pals repl)l't. l!o. went overoeao M a private, anti Gcnerdl Eisenhower pl'tlmotcd him with boro mode trom Scmllohg a11d Appliques· Sp:ufi catm becattce no Ueutell!Uit r k bats were nvai!abto in the f1cld. PonuJar Trims for Froc s

A voot amount of acalloping l.o bc-Kecentl1' 'lfe mentJonea> that. the Jng done th.ln ceacon and you can't

war itlllilpower d.rl\feo.ln Newark was ilnd anythina more attra~:Uve •than • big .flop. .. • • We' g¢t our dafa the little coftly ot~led lroclim that from tht! Wilt. dePllrlmellt,· a pretty '£his rcfreshlngly crisp ana color- · ore 11niohod off orolllld ott· the odgcs ;ti>OO ~ce-. it!)ii't ycu think? • • • !Ill young, ttock Gts into the joyouo with EeOUopa. Varied appiJquo- fs nut Newark officlal$ Mid nows- ;pl'ing perlc,ctly. It ls mode. ot nnotbot .. popular trimming teoturc. lll~ets (atid the :mayor tbf!re} bright ptint waffie pique, Ute pot- ·Zllo nppllque rongoo from vivid felt ajlanked cut wm~ lor: .. the report. ~ernmg done in a scapoped bQrdo.... ltlotils t:o appropriate· and clever for ••• So ~·ot? Sa Jl!lthitJgr New York ,r band eftcc£ 1n :ted, litnc. blue ®d · tc~·one oM children's clothes to papt!rs. (;()nfli'tne'd it Cmatl1 Week5 treen · tones, You'll !ov-a the .most cxquioitc work done in lace and tater) u usual. • • ,. You probabl:f cotfon dresses such as ore P~tl!lscmcnterf(!. Bowevet, tlte art ot heud tlf the Boston bluebtood . who· tO~~f (ml tid! t~Pting. A pet;.ky llttld appUque ·1.!1 at fts best in tt1e tleld of saw ··•A 'l'tee Groytj Jil Broold.Jn•• lit Ill each sldo achieves • cutout print ttora1s. 1'hete fs no lim· Ud ihen told fdendt tfnllt it WI a wai!Wn~ Q. well '" rot~king it to tho eye-tbrUllng ea'cllts that cart . _,. - ..

ttot)' ••about Afittd<!l,!l ~~~~ alfai)iable fQt Mt ftgiit'e W Weill'.. be .lCh!e\:'td in tbts dltcct£otl. t • , .

' • ...


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• • • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • . ' • • • • • • • • • • - • w

1302 IHI

. Date Frock·

A SMOOTHLY fittlna,lons-walot­cd froclt that'o any cnqpah for

lmportnnt daten without being fUO!IY. Loco cdaina or ruffilnu out­linea tho owcothcart nocltllno. Bodice lacing lo a novel touch.

() . . . Patlcm No. t~ ltl dcoJanca tor alua

JJ, lll. 13, lt, 10 onCJ 10. UIU! 1:1. putt 1!ccvct. ~u!ra: 3~i yorde c1 ~ or :n. !bell motorial: n yordn ribbon fo;· bow onCJ 14dns.


VERSATILE and a woll·loved otyle Jo tho jumpcr-jacltot. For

GUD-tonnlna, uardening and oporlD, wear tho oUm princen!l drew-the jaunty joclrot malteD an attractive outfit for otrect wear.

To earl n feather that hoo been domor,ed by water, oprlnltlo It lfhcrally with ooll and ohaho ho­foro a fire or over a hot radiator until dry. ,. -·--

Wben nuts need to bo ern eked with a hammer, hold them In place with an ordinary nutcracltcr. Tboy crock moro evenly, allowlnc I coo waoto, and prevent many on Injured fin. ger. -·-U yon thomb-tack wwr~ pal)<!r to the pootry board before rolllna out tho pMtry, tho dounh won't otlclt. -·-Machine 11Uteb the llrowutrina on pop'o and junior' a pojomao · flrmly at center back. Then lt'Diell!l Ukcly to become dotnched and got caneht in tho wooher. -·-ClotllCD need a rent ton. Don't wear tho oame thing day after day If ;vou con avoW it.

Q •

Paltcm No. ISOO II: dcalgnCll tc: at.. Ill, lt. 10, ID, ~o: co and tll. Sl:e lt, dntO!I, requll'al :m yorda of :n.tncb lab$~ Jocltot. short elcovcn. 1~• ynroa: lll• )'&18 rio roo to trim.

Duo to on unuauoll,y lorao demand aM current war ,;:ondlllona, allablly more Ume Ia required In llUina ordora for a few tl tbo moat po~ul4r Pl!llcm numbon.

Ocnd your order to:

BCWINO CffiCLE PA1TCDN DllPT. Gl~ Bou!h WoiiJ f.IL ct:ltac•

l!:ndoao :::J ccntD In C<JI.'lll for Cl:lc!l p~ttom dCIIIn:d,

Pottom Uo.. , ••••••••••••... !lt::o •••••

tlnnlo .••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• J\ddrc:a ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

---.. " --- ... ., ' Mads from ',

Premium· Grains! :


----------~--- ----·----·-------


.IACKt Cho talltC:l aOOllt It all the ~Y to tho otatlcn ••. C:lld sho didn't th1nk youna Wlvea '\'iOtii4 tnko tho Umo to omko hot roll5 thdo daynl




• •

IIAH1 WllJ, !&'a tun to q.arce ttem • • • arut Wa fC!\111 eatll wU& t:w c!otJblaoqutd: rectpo uti fkl!Cb• mann's rert;;"" lalld Vcutl

. '

'- --- _.,.' . ·-'

' .

- _..,.-

l .





' ~


•'··•A •r·~~~, ..... fl"' ~··-

• ' •

LinctJial ( ~ounty News · Pub1i•hed Every Frid~y

Entered llS oocond·cltU19 matter July 30, 1SI26, nt the po~t office at Carrizozo, NE!W Meltlco uudcr the Act of Mor~b 3, 1870.

Adverttnlng !tat" Furnlubcd o11 nequept ----------------,-- --,

F11da), April13, 1945

-rt. £r• 8 Smllb, E1U1or 1ad Publllhtl'


COYJNTY 01' LI~COLN 'J,'. E. KELLEY. ns admlnlntra.tor ,,f lh• E.t11te of Dr. M!!lvln G. Paden. ccatrd,


Dr: nussr.LL P".(I~;N, ('I nil, I )t• fc rulan tu.

No:-aUG N01\('~ 01' •AU:

OJI 1> C I In:" T'S a!!: 1\ I t:s r A'n.

Nutlet• lu lwn•by [liVen, Thnt, tr pttl"llunr"l! ul •n nrtll1r duly mudl• I· tJ :I!Dlr ,., Cuurt •·n I~ l1 l:th day <ol

ll.r.,h. 1!146, 111 lh uhuvt• llntit'L••' cautl'", tlw un·'l'r•l{!'l<"l, ()1! utlllolo~ttrolo

oltbo> J<:uta'P ul llr M• l••n G :·ufi•·•. doe,.a•cd, l'ct ·•lu"lO' will 'PII tll • ub ,, auction, to llu' ~·lui •••' lmld1>r, for<' ••I• In lawful mon•y ul the t'nll••d Hltlll'>. and •Ubjcrt •o thr 'o·•firm~uun of no to

Court, on TUt"dn~. thu JOrh duy ''' Avril, IIJ41l I> I 12 IJI• o' d· <11 noon, o t Uw lro•tl rluor of 1 ht• L•nruln Co nt• . • Courtbouoo, n lh• V1ltu1SIJ of I orr ;uu• ln 11n1d ounl)l ol l.l•·<'fllr•. nil lhr ''llb Utlo, \ntH\'111 ur.d u•nll• o• •ui•l !Jr

1\ Molvlr• U. l'bdt<n u1 tl c lln:.AJ of h doath. In 11od l" tl.c pr••1•· rt) ltorotne•t• ~efll,cd. nnd n•l th~ r•Kill. \1' lu or •. ln\81'011 thu • hCJ o1rl u~ nl• baa a<'tjut qd, by 111WraUt1n • I Ia\"/ "' oth• rwlo , other thun or 1n uthlil•un Lothn• of •n do~d Ql lt.e> I lUll' ol bto I}I'O h II\ Ut <

W aJJ thai Rlrt Din 01, Jl'' I'D (Jt JIOtf()\ I

land Cli\UQIQ tn t!--..r ( IJJII()' d !.II>Wh 8tnto ol No"' Molt· o, and dO'>C"rlbt•d o• fcllul'l'a, \lH?Il ·

Torm• a.nrt ttmd1ttur.u af !llllo: Cc.:~h, Ill lawful mnr.~r o! tho l' v;hcld Gtot(';l,

10 par coot f•f tt:o r<l''""h<P p71ro to w p&!:l c:l lhl' rlay c1 ,.o Q~. and tto ll&!aPt'O upcn eot Onr allr o ref ~oto t.v tht D;,lflet C·•ar\ ruld <!otllit'ty o! n enii:O~'tmCO.

UATE:.'> tbto 1 l'.ll Ell b <lay af Unrfh. lt&r...

' .


\ t·· .. - ~-flJ.;· l'.l-.~ ... ,... "' !.1 ' ' . l!....,.,....,.. ·""· --~-- . .t •

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" . ' "" . ' . t"';:".>-"1'"'( ,-~---,

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. ' ' ' ~ ' . "' '

• • t t - ' '

t • .

• •

Thursday 4:30 P. M, just aa we are going to press

for our last run, the shocking news announced by radio of tbe sudden death of our bri11iant and dis-

tinguished Prcl)ident, the Honorable Franklin De-•

lano Uoosevelt, leaves us with a cold, sinking feeling,

and with dee pest grief in our hearts. Immediate cause of dealh was a cerebral hemorrhage.

' . '

.}W.•onlltructil'n Finance Corporation . J•eleMc)

In ordPr t" b~> of furt.hPr lwllint llllee to busines~ in rec;mvPr i 8 from a wartim~ to a pe •('• time

r <>conomy, Reeor~tru('ti n r'in•tnr~> will consider npplieatiorf. f r loa· a to· industry to inclurl*" worlting apjtnl for eomplgtion of non war

celled contracts l.lnd rr ,,.w, ns well. as working Cl\pital

' . ' '

for wa.r contra('tG and sub con =====:::::;::::;;.;-;:::::-;~:;;:·::::::::=----~=======--=====

trnctt;J, A. J. Mc>Kinr o. '• eK!\m{ner 1 in charge of tbe El P11tut office of 1

the Dallall Loan Ageni'Y, Rt-c~n strul'tJon l"'inonrP C·n•oor!'ltitm an· nul'c\'11 tfldq.y, M,. McKinnun Stf)'t'rl rbot: "In ('irt•um~tanrt-fl

' wbP·• pnvc1tl• (i,.undal ir.stitu tiono ,.,o not find it p·•asiblt> to

• supp • er c·l ('reliit, R•·('urstru" tion l"uum<'e ('orpt•ration will cont~idt:r mrtll1ng· nu"h lonna C:l· r•. t~Y. n 1n p~!rtil•ipatil'n witb lending in•titutions " .

Mr. Mcl{lmmnn nloo reveuh d ~ = 1-U~2f2s •H::s --~-........- .;:_ ____ e,.,~ "!.'-~- __ --~ ____ ;E.±~·~'de. ____ ·- __ ::. _ --~- !l!i:--------·~-...,. -..!!!"!Wit"


· ANU STAMPS · .. l

• ., ... i, .. ' '. ·-··"'· _ ......... _ ..... __ ......;:..,.. .... ..t~

' .

.. -- { .'il JC.;:Jbt'!JC''•

--- wv flllllll'¥7* ... ' WN•-• . .............- •. - ..... 3 ; -

-The homo IOfPnt ploy uiven by

tho Cnrriznzo Womun,o rlub en· tillsd, "Momo'o Baby Boy" woo an tdl·otnr cuot. and proved tbnt Cumzozo ia full or fine aetorn o.nd \ A"~raao a n d oumo excellent ~ corncttitlllO t1ho ohr1uld ucc their I ( t.11lonto more frequf'IJtly to enter·,


hin tb&ir neigbborn and frconds. 1

Mmct. Knrli'l and Moore Wl'rO

tl}o efftcicnt dirPdoro. • J TbFi realized o very

..f moeQy for t.bc club. n t>a t oum .

'---=~;= ""-- , -:- =- ••

To Be Well Dre.s.sed Your Clothes Must Be Neat and Clenn

so why not take your ouits, dresses and trousers 10




' . I


" I il • ' I

' •

I ' ,,


.. __ _


\ "-. .

I -.


. "

•.· .

" . . ,·;.:~~~:.- .-fi''""· ... .,.Jtl .. -~ .. - ;...,~ ... ~ .. ::~ . .-.. ~ .. •' ' • -~- • • • ~ ~:· <1,. ~- • ,_.,f'i"'JI',rr-><•

. " •

...... •

. ..-;: .. ' ' ' -· .. .. 1;. 1,_,. ,.!, •. ·~~- ......... --~" ., " ' '

• • •

! I .

I • • •

..,, . •'

-- . The American Fat . s•lvag• Mr •. and Mrs. Ht1rb Dickin•on of J't. Stanton were in~ town on


: busineu Wedneaday. · •

' COMET CHAPTER Committee wUl accelerate itsad.

No. 29 ve.rtisin~-t sehe iule· during March, the almost impossible" ORDER EASTE~ April and ¥aY.

· .STAR ~·1( · Adver'tHng s~hedules in all U . '

Mr1. Ja;y McPherton returned l T~esd$y niabt from San Diego · where she baa been for t " 0

(, '

-(If I !•MIIJII•---IIllilll!--• . •••

.M;(letson the first Thursday'' S. daily newsplpers h~ve been · • doubl~d, s.nd tile t•ampai~n PX ', .- :' •, -.

•• •

in each month. tended to all rounty seat.\VIIt-kl)' Vtsitinll Stars cordiall~ invitf!rl n~wspap~rs. A t •tal q,f over 4,000

month~. ----·:'

' -. ,-


Mrs. Mnrgar.et Hoffman W. M. papera will be incll.lt;led in the re MJ'11. Louise Embrr will leave ' d h d the first Qf ttext for tvto- '1

. .. ' ._'

-~·" :- ,''

Mrs. Ina M(lyer, SPcretary Vtse "''' ~ u 1"·

,.dvenismg ,....:rUrUJht~d~u~ .. 'f-1..tlsteaJilSdP:ia.tr•:ucu:t+Pfc •. Ladd Embry wbo ~in~t~h;e~-**7~~-~·<if ... :. ~~~ I. 0. 0. F'. result of n h>t campa.gn con bgspital tbere. ~ · ! ...... ~.... , , • .. · ~. . ~

311~ rJu!:ted in twu Rreus durmg Ot I , .. ,~ ............. , .... ~ .. -.... -··--~-................. 1 ~.

h j ; ' c~<mbt<r, ·a•1 • .u·y and Fe•·ru"'ry Mr.AlexNenneaberg waa tre ,1 THEDEADLYSTINGof I CARRIZOZO LOD<a~. NO

C onlurt> Lll• hH', N n l n . \1 t't'tiD!l dBtl'l.i 2nd iOd 4th

W¥QnPadays of each nonth at 7 p. m.

Maymt- Grt•m,.n, \J 'lOll' Grar>d Birth., Wnlkn "et>rel ary.

Profess;, nal Di•ectory


Located at \:!arriz,>zo Hdwe. t'o


T !i!. KELLEY fi'unMll Pirect.or and

Uremed Embalmer

• . N Me •

BRENTON AN 0 HALL ' Attorney!! nt Lnw

Carrizozo New Mexico

Pbonf' 63


tJURSE LOSES FAT SAFELY AVOS WAY Gtr alllr!n:rwlt1mt uerdu

rlal tl~rd;:o. ~~~ tirnvy, It:<! c:JI <!=n. /\)'!)9 t'SO .. clt .. tZ"~!:!t., t".titl' No c!ta .. d.:::. N1J ~tctta. No l.o.ntivt".>L

n()LL&.ND'B onuo sTrum Phone au

• £ · 1*nra · , :w zunzw::q==a:: = ::u

Itt Am lt~J t!J e~u;g­Cc:s't c:~ crt 1:1..

* Buy rilore

War Bonds ·--· .. ···-·-" _______ , __ .... == ... ----. -~: I ---

in which doub'l'd .advertisin~ from Fort t:ltanton yesterday. \ i che n~w Douglas .A-:z6 ltl· · . prf'ssurE> pr•Hlur~>d opprox.mat• '' (i i•aJcr, 11lreild)' Celt in Ger- ;

AVIATION GASOLINE, one or the indispen-" i.l r urth mo e s ltvagt> fat 11tl Don't forget tbo WomBn'a ; ' many, wilhoon bitJapiln. ! i d •U ,,,, scht:' IUlt! .. ill uppe •. r l f' elub party Apr. 20. : ' Onnllofthoworld'dlyi.og r sable munitions i>f Will', -wns m item with very small produc:tion .

nt the beginning of World Wnr II. · ~· J. nt 1 IHl wtt!l-s i r· M an• h. durrng >.' fronts, United Nndoos '·

· · planes fight with PhUUpt~ r· The recent situation, however, is best dcsaibed in the official words of the S!>«illl Sub-Committee on Petroleum Investigation, of the House of Representatives:

Notlcc Hou1c for Sole oppo•ite

Church of Chri•t. Mr• R P. Po1ey



• ~ j bigh-oc:tnne fuels. '

· WISE Advertise! ------

AE.&tD GEORGES. BENSON Pmldtni-J{ordillg Cclltgt

Stott p • .A rla II WI

Russia SJnco the bclJlnnlna of 1M5 I oow

a mid· VIctorian ric, a horoo and bun­UY, pao!l an nutomobUo on o eroded road. lt wao not o roco. Tbo· cor woo tUlt runniJ1{1. Tho motorlot WQO

artt chonaina a tlrc. Tho driver of tho rla oat up atrnluht and prcaocd bin horco Cor o bit of extra otwcd eolnn by, which ww tunny. 'l'ho car owner modo tho chance and dr0vo

Into town for ahead of the huear. Tt' t F Between 1020 and l!JSO tho United m OI

Stntco, tho wotld'o oumtandlng in· dU!lfrlol notion of on Umo, bad on lnduo~r.i!ll dcprennion. Mcon-r;;hilo \he

New Fishing Licenses

,.Tho United States bas achicr:ed the almod lmpqnibk by stepping up its dailJ p~NctlotJ (of JOQ.octime j11e1) jro111 45,000 barrels 111 December J94l to more tha11 500,000 barrels. In the medntJme, a rnnarublt1 improv,. mtml has berm act:OmplishcJ In th• tjlltslil] of th- 100. octane prod11d."

Of_ ~o~ who ~ave c:oncribut~ to this uiumpb of l,ltoduction, Phtl!lps ts ~speoally proud of ltS record in hnvtng ~ru.nw.ined ita leadmg po~mon wath the handful of peuoleum orga01zations whicll nre rhe naoon's lnrgest producer.~ of high-octane oviation fuel.

Everything that Phillips bas lt'nrned~ in research nnd ex~erlence, both before. ~d dunng the w111, will be lavishly poured mto our wonderfully unproved pmtwilf motor fuels for cnr owner.~. With complete conlidenle, we t;a.y to you: Bxput grrarar pa!lf'·ar gmolims {rem PhillipJ! .

~n. the meantime, every tlme you 11ee the O~ge a.nd , Blnclc ?hilliJ>? • 66 Slueld, I~ it remt~d you ~at PhiU1p5 refinenes ... an a.di!mpn ro producmg ga.solmes, lubm:nnts, nnd fuel oils .. ,ilff all:o gign.otlc t/;tmical planiJ pouring out wr:Jporu for victory.

PllJIJJP3 PlJ'rnOUJUM COMPANY. Bartlmil/11, 0/W";

Navy RecruitinJOt ContblWCI

~pril Cancer - ·Control Month Union of Huvlet SocloliLt RopubUCil Mr. Elliott Barker, Ganto War Under a cbanse effettive Oil woo movlnc forward; no\ rnpidly tA but at on Inercoolnc rotc. In tho:;c den atawd tho aonoral warm wa April G Cban1, Eddf, Lincoln, April hae been designated

Yl'oro It woo bt>inn tranntonnca 'frrml ter fiJbing eea•on op~na April 1. Otero and La Count( e.~ will ht C Co 1 on oaricultural to on tndU!ltrinl no· covered by r~eruiten out of tb• a s oncer ntro month ill

tlon, o otoac throuGh which America but in all cllSes ex<>ept watm fill· Roswell o«~c", a-cordint •- I. A !\lew Mexico by Gov. John J. hod po!;::cd, holt a century before. ' ted on the DlR~t 11 'special w.- w "' .. ""

A \'l'lnll·Bro!Ien Nag . t~~n' it elotPn again for the orawn Paulaen, Spetilli!t l·t, in ebargr Dempfley who asked that or-RuaCIIo woo drlvma o horoc named • tl d i d' {.1 1

"Central Plt10ntna." Tho ria modo lng period of April lGt.b to Mny Qf rocrultlng in tbat tity. mnnza ODB an D lY uUl I an lntcrcouna duoh for Improve· 30. To avoid any eonfnoiou or Rtcruitor Paulnn atated: eo-opernt<> in carn-

E" OPA Alb 0 q e men\; nnt very foot however, nor · ~L b II rom • uq er u · very opcctaculnr. Claima modo tor mtswods ns to eeasnna, all m· "Younjl men 17 years old ean ln2 on this prouram to the

RED 8TAMPS. Q5 through 86, tho antmnl'o OJl1!ed were fllt.lllYi c:or· It!, etc., 11V"rf p,rr:on who pur· 1 ntee forth Navy if they d tb t "tit Book [i'oo•, (or rr.•oto, fato toinly I)Ot oU true .. Llvlna condl· t'biJPa a lieenso should ask th(' 110 II . r • e art en 11 our Cl ens may

tiono In nuwln were not l!o high w . d t t'lOJo to tbalr18tb blrtbdaJ. Ap. tearn sitzns and svmptoms of valid through Mareb 31 Stllrop tho::c ln America in the pit of {)tit YCIJD (lr or. eopy of tbo f8lll9 Jaw plleant. 8b01lld bavo tbtlr birth • .. ·•ta .. tv stn•e• and 'f6 ~hrt ugb X5 valid tbroul.lt· dcprecnion: never hovo been bctoro Dlg('st and bet'Ol'DO Camillar with "•eords with them. and aboultf caneer 1n ' .. enr • April 2B. Smmp;; y 6 thruugt nor alnce. It t"Joa o apwrco, bc\\al' lt..ll provisiotlJ, ._a"e tbl'lr na-ntl l'""'i)ablt for rf'('()l!fli!l' tht net'tllsity fer thnn Run!Jill ho<l before, but. for .be- ll v .. I.. v•

D2 Vdlld .through June 2 K1'"P lot7 American achievement. Tbt only trout wattlr, t>Sel.'~l al~;ning the enru:ont plll}1'1'8. nrnmnt t-rpatmPnt. The Amtr• U!Jiflg rtd '' ke •· Tltcro l!l nothina new about Ccn· those tbat arP open tho y e a r 1'bv trave1inll Nernilf'l' from iean C:1nrer ~ocit"tf i1 calling trol Plo.nnina. It 'o ao old on horcc- • , •

BLUE STAMPS. X5 tbrouut drat'JD <Dqulpment. run0o, 'lyronw 111round, whit'b npenn Aprll I. 10 th" Navy l«rt!rultlnQ Sobatatlnn on Citiztnll for donation!! to H2, B,u.k Four, for proc ·u~ec an:l dimtoro hove olwoyo uccd tho the Rio Grande from the 'l'aoP tn R.oawell will be In th• followin~ mh:lt the drf'nd dl~tase 18 f b b 1\'1 b ., 1 ideo. &me hove dono bcttc.r wl.tb ,.,.. i tb •• ,,.. tb f 1 CO · •

, oodo, valid t roug .... nrc o it than othcrn. dcpcndina on tho Jttndfon bttd~:o to tbe Colnrado ....,wn8 P o s ... "' on e o • die nf enne<>T c•~rv hour. D-gr· 8tompn ( 2 through G2. vnhc. ruler. Run!lia'a recent rulera havo lhH•. Tl'le new •ize limit For Trflul owil\g dsya: • ' h fi th f through April 28 Stompn H4 ooen anythinG hut atupld. Th¢il' is 6 inrbea but trnut bag limits Itineraries are aa follows: A'•· '"!! t e Jfllt ree yrars 0

ll I'• U.oh ,\\2 vahd hrotlgt. ::~n~~~e~~p m~~~ ~~::;.~e remain the 'same IU last year. mngordo, the first lmd thirri Mnn. World Warn 495'01\0 died cf um: 2. ol:J3 fln~t. u::tno Amcrlcon equipment 1'he new r"~alation1 taka the daya of eaeh month; CarriM~n. canter. Mr.E. L Moulton. f~r-

'iUG AR STAM P:1. No. 34 ano cntcwlv;~· Natic:W Safety shw limit ofl erapple, bream anli Capitan and vicinit.y, tile flrst merlv of Corona is State Cb&lf• 35 Buolt F u , vahd i'Oeh r .. r Ycu tYould thinlt thnt R~o. nv. cereb while the 9 ioth aizo limit and tbird Tu~daya of eac>h tnttn and has appoinb>d Dr. R. frve pn ndo stamp 34 to C'll: ~p n,Cltt ~aor to !:I!l .. o:rmu! .. clib· dc!Jl!_~r· atiJJ applie8 on b~ss. but the bs~ month; Artuia every Wedn€..-ufay, t? Blaneu 0.11 chairman for Lin· aoo ~or ...,,s;cnro c~ a ovc aoo- 1. . ,_ ll b .Jl rt b Tt.. .t .o. J pu•· f.tt b 28 Stomp 3, to Clt quotcly Pl?POl'Cd for. wn.r. No; C<m- IO:Ilt It! 15 us or 15 pounua an Carla ad every uunuar. Hnl bt eotn county. They will IP• P If' lun.- 2. App ftlti• r:a f,,, traf Pl01lllmr, cau1lin t do it. It tonk one &b. over.; Friday. "· -1-t d t' b th l e

o rord em Peorl Harbor to woho . ~ pre~~.:w e ona lOD! 0 &rg

D You t .. : .••• anr infl t.tugar mny h- America from 0 oweet dream 0 ;z Tbe game warden uid pro•v:oct! d rul 0 tw:H;e bt- ft n Oct<~bt>r 81 w.th ~zoce, ln1t America went into aclliln were fair for l!lllMd op!ning da:v lay Mort War Bonds Tl4!r an sm •

Snne Rtnrrp 13 with Private Enterprl!:e on:i, in fnl.U" except eold high winds mi~bt in· -::=:==:::::::::::::=·=~============::::::=:::===:::::=


W t A ("'JO d Job t" yearn. armed tho United Nations an O sHOE SIAM PS Atrplone a~•"'"""' for vi.etocy. 'fhl'l dcmotl!ltrote!l whlcb tetfero on tbt lariilor lakfll, flt> After the ~ ar? 1, 2 and a. Book Three, eacb sy~w~ better tor national urQ:rl all ft!bermen to uk for Q

--------~~~~~~~~~~~li~ro~~€~~~~~~~m a Now b tbe tirpe to prepnro nboeo. pcnpb ond t7onf. to and pro~ •

• •

.. 't' · per oml live wen. Some oey that tuf!la l•flSl tone. America, in viow of Ru.aolo'a

Don't let. the J)tFtent jnb mtua The Lt"' ncoln Coun• achievements, ouaht to junk Ii'rco • Enterprir;e and ndopt Central Plon-

tiun deecivs you into heilli satl&' ninz. Itnowinn tbot Rlltlolo'o nchiavc· soil with incomplete omce tr•in· ty- News 9~ oJ 1·c1·ts monto have never comporcd to our in"'· own, tlw aurmontlon in prcpo:Jtcro~o.

D {.et'O OllilffiiJlC the fl(!UtCO Of oD C)t.

IC yon tack tr•iniog in book your J·ob work•, 1St port for o moment: S Development Comparell

XBIU:"mG, 'fn>llWRI'fiNO, non'l' Lsoptlld Sehwtll'ZchUd, In liliJ re-ttAl<Dt Comptomet~r. or Bank class work, priced cent boot~ cnllcd "Primer of tho Po~tini'J' Machine. tb~n you 1bould C<lm!ng World," ohowo some index

"" f bl llgutco to mo1re a fnlr comparlcon ptin no~ to train fot uta.re &e· reason a y. o: hli!tl'lttinl gain!) in olmllnr pari· entity. t'his-UU!l:.lia. while nt her beat in

lS:i!G-aU. ru1d AmeriCa in a llimilnr Mail tbe cmtpon below for our perhld. Hoto ate three for a oomplo:

Classified Ads ~A t.€SM EN WANTED

·- ·------

OPEN RAWLEIGB ROUTES are searco but 1n a• Vast an M·

gani%ation expansion ereatea new oppurtur ities If nmbiti• OM, willing to !!tart With It 0 ,,. tan.ling• •nd inerllase rapid " write for tult information. WiD suvp1y l'&1et. lldvt!rtising litQta• . ture-atl you need. R.awteigb•t,

• When i~ Meed of Pure Drugs

Or Anythin1 in Our Line

Give Us A Trial ~-

Paden's Drug Store CatriJOzo, N. M. Phone 20

Catalog giying complete inlorma s·. ·EE··t1 U .. · s·· . . I v.s.S.B. u.~ tion llbOUt time required, lW•t o( Coal Miutng Ii33 1,33~ M .......... , and nlacement opportUU• • F.~~ ·()ft.·.. ··. lWitcad Eui1dlng za 0:18 """'" ""' " Automobile~ <',1 12J . 2,00if

Dept. Nh1C.211 118.. Denver, !:==::·; ~~::~,·::~::::..::·::-::::··::~::,-:-::"r::'7'::' ::·::.:: ... '.>::· ::·· :;u_-~/:::* •:: ... :::£ ::.·::.::.• :::a'-::=:.:::::n":::":;:~~::~::· ~··~=""-~~::·-:::~:::s::::..:=::::::=::~-~=-::·~::.:--::~!1:::. ~-=-r::==· .. Colo.

itiH. There i11lO obliglition. L•ffJ.Uu:tgAri! ".th.~ tturl!lion govetrunc.nt. is tm FOR ALE See tbB publiebet' of tbitt paper s·t·,t-"* hu> SUWI!raey. One I!t>lltleot Patty ~ ------· _ ... s ......... _' __ _

- h t b i ' .-..~A.,., trolS cvct;vtbiug, includillg tlet"JCJ)tl• abo'Q.t a 1peeial ec " 11

t8 . 1l S'J.'A~Wt8 Pets" anil tnaw, but ll{lt -more 1llin1 .t;,OK sALE - Morton•.a Me a t ah• bai to t~tfet. Ei'vltci>Pl:'!~ 2~ (!! ill~ pcupla bt!long to it • • • ~·

. .n..-.,.'rni·A••.· . the tipper t:ltle!J, lti~k up ll'l'tmi}Jl.l5 . S•lt and l'end~t(IUi~k. NAM& .. ..,. ..... •• • • • • .. · .. · • • • • •

~--;s lrst~ O*fte t•Milk, tens

~a......... "'" iaboul It it ~O'J tt;oot w go to the mtms· w· OR~R no··· l Str!rut~$!l CA.ltb! ~ ~alt mine;;J t1.m1 tc:tv"a S'citnt coonb:t • u · • "' ., nc.

• tot ln.s!Wlcit:n~ tunrct rmd clotlw•. F"IR$T .CLASS WORK . ".t'he s-~cttmt oV'cteom~a .. mtcmpJ6y ... .. lt!'l!SON..mt.1ttlXot.S · ment. Wt wtlgt!!f llrc ~.uy tme•iii.&th

...... u.., .. .to-. . -. ·. ·. '". <Jf wMc~ in Abt~lc'-' .an!l1ltt! $tllbll-

....,.~ ..-"u -"'• -sd <Jt livittg t~* ®&1JudlHts hlP. . :t ·~· ill !aV'..t ill ktt(J!.Ini 'l?li\'Mt'

.· I $AIUP'ile ~ '·"'· . . M

I - ~.

,..,- - ; lh 'c I :f - •t #it • ""NJ!:' •a..J $ ;p'); ' ...... r+ "' :, t):/'

• FOR SALt - nen~ .. Wolverint

eboH. 'l'bt TlTSWO&'t'B CO • . . tue.

Help The War .. Effort

, .

Buy War

S~:~tina• . :-1"


' i'·


-........ ·19


• ~ '



... • •

• I •




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BeiOtiiJed b1 Wealci'IJ He1qpl!PtJ'


WORDS, UNINTELLIGIBLE, MEANINGLESS wordo 1\nve been a major product ot the federal gov· emmcnt bureauo and departments as far back ao I can remember, and that lo quite come years.

During the yearo when the admln• lotratlve government conoioted, prJ.. marUy. ot cabinet be· fore with tho

.Ruin of W ~ Makipg D~l~~e~ Visit to G~~~ny · •

. :_ .,··-.

. ;'._ ••. .-' '! .-:-- • -·· .

tlonn, -corporatlonn and what havo you ot today, the trcaaury and agrl· cultural departments were tho chief produccli'D of lmpondcrabla verbiage. The treaoury could oo tanalc Ito lnotruct1ono to the tax pa.y. er tho t hlo only oolutlon In mak­ing out a tax return wan to employ a hll:lh-prlced expert who might. undcratand the meanlniJ of the law U he did net underotand the treaa­ury'o lnotructlono.

In the agricultural department Tbe result of tbe Allied bombardment of.Cologue, German)', Is libown b)' photograph at right. Dona, tbe there were then, and are now, em- birthplace of Beethoven. also meets tbe fate of otber German c:ltles, as ·shown ai left, as American troops r;~loyed ~terlculturul cxpcrtp whooc advlUlee through the elty. Inset shows the bombed AdoU mtJer brldre across tbe Rhine at Cerdlngen Ger· province wua that of moWntl two many. Reports indicate tbllt all cities In path of advanelnr AIDes ~re lD eomplete l'Wns, ' oi.Bl1Ul of croln arow where only one - ------ --------~- -- --~-----------~--~ had baen arowlna, nnd telllns the ·- -~-~ -

~~~~r ~~wo'::c~c~~fe~~ht~e~o~:v~ ·Policemen Attend School to Become Stork's Aides • ored they wrote a long wlndod treat­

ltlf! which no fnrmcr, lncludlnfl tho thounondn who ht>ld college degreliO, could undr•rntund They were prlntt•d , in lurae quunlllleo and otored ln wurr•houo£'o In Wuohlnnton, oubjcct w ·ouch call ao formero might multc, If any.

rt wao, un 1 rl'ml'rnber, abovt: I!JOO that I, oo f'dltor of o oyndl­cat .. DL'rvln• wwd by country nowo­papl'ro, cuncplved the Idea of ln­ducwa tht' oarlculturol dl'portment to hnvf.> the rr•ol fuctn, burled In Ute vl•rblllac of each of the thou. oanda of pumphlcto and brochureo, Lnlcrprcwd lnw o ohort ototcment, eJ[prt'no<>d ln olmplc Enalloh, to be uned In lheuc country newapnpcrn.

It took four )'tl!l.f!:l of lnnlntent urulng, an!l 11 ehllniJa In ndmlni.J. trotlonu, to eceure a rcBul\. A\ the end of four )'ears, the bureau


of lnformoUon of the llep!1rt- • rnent or !l.lfrlcullure Wll!J 07· ronbed with Oeorrc Wbnrton ln ehorae. The pernonnel of tbe burctlll connlnlec! of Wtuuton l!lllll two nnnl11tnctu, all capable cewn· poper wrltera. IJy lntervlewtnr the nverto, rather thon thraagb rending. they dUI a aooo jnb, ana through lhem much '"alttll• blc ond underl'lta.ndoble Inform•· tlnn rcBchcd American fnrniclfll, with lhe country preaa an the medlum ol dl~trlbtdlon. ll conUn-uc>d untll ufler lbe elltBbllnhm«!llt

Tbe Job of proteeUns \be ctUz:erut of their commnnJUes seems to btl an ever-expantlln& one for membeH of the pollee force or Nassau county, New York, who have befil Jndoettlnattl'1 u ob~5letrlcltuls by tbe pubUo llcoUb nurncs. Now the)' know Just when and bow to drop tile atnrol Into the new·bom's eyes, how tb keep Ulo lnfo.lll from strnnr:uto.tton, how to hanllle the nr:nbUlcal cord problem.

of tbe count)' a(ec\ n)'ntetn, which brounht ochmtlflc fnrm melholln, oppllcoblo to eneb form, directly to the fnrmer. The hurruu of Information, areot­

ly (lnla ra"d In poroonnol, olU} muoto, but I do not Jmow wh!lt func­tion It now cwrformn Tho depart­ment lnoucll a yeo r boo It, on eltp('D· nlvo publkallon for which tho tmr tmY<>t hao been pnylna for mony y .. aro. ond or whkh mony thOU· oandtl of <'Opl<>o ore prtntcd. Tho laot ono ln:moo In 1042 oanln demon­ntrntl'o \h(l fll't'd of trained lnter­pr"t"ro. or 1\n cnnuon\ covorlna many form oub)cctn, thoro lo prac· Ucolly no onto trcotlrm tho\ can bo

· undc•rotood by t'lthPr \ht> farmer or tho county ocwnt 1ta r::ovorol hun~ dred P.:Hr"a oro Ill led with tho como typt> nr lmpondoroblt> vorbtaao that choro•·toril('O lnt'llruetlnno from U1o ' treBnury, th<> OPA, WFA, VlMPA, WLB orut countlcao othero of tho bur('ow. admlnlotratlono and Nt­poratlonn whoce Job II lo to tell us '

... --- -------- >-

Army Bridges Around the World

t:>'hn t to do onrl how to do Jt. !:i::::c<:c:·.:--:::!':::.'7' Word!!. unlnlt'llllUible, m"onlnolcno

wordn, ar(' Ul<' buroaul'rat'a nmmu· nlUmt, o t:>'Or ptaduct of whtch thcro l1\ M cv\dcmt nhormao. It lo cot no..,. Tho prcr.ent. to but a many tlm"n moaolfled ropllco of ~hat wa.s pradut'cd \n tho pot~t.

• • •

New Dies' Counsel

Attonley Ernie Adamson of Pitts-IF TUC:Y MALLY WAN'T a Job I btiflb1 who bas beenft\&med u chi!!

that woutd bo hPipful to tho pcopto the orlrlru\1 bttdce~ shown m nf~~e~~~~~~n~s~d~e~m~o~Us~ibe~d~b~1u~c~o~ua~L'll~c~1 S'or tbe house committee on that Un-Amortcon octivltlcu com- bombers of the \1, S. ltth Sir ! Bnrma on-Amcdean Jle rc-rrm1cr-

many supply tboWll tmcklr cross- · · &$SIUJ1tl new dnUes OPA and othoro of U:o t"loob- lor brldte spalll\lnr Rbin~ • lmme!Uatdy, on pad tlme basil!.

tncrton bureaucracy. U tho commit- _. ~-·~c . =­too could do nothlna moro then I Interpret W.ot:c lnolrueUonn tt wnutd b.o moro then formoro, sr:oeoocnre and d\otrlbutorn htwo hcen abto to cccompllnh. They nro cortalnly un­Am"rlt'nn nnd n propnr eubioct fnr tho t comml\too.

• • • A PART OV TliE PROPOS!.'!D

compul•:ory military trninlna ellU, ond ohould, bo 11 r.chonUng in tho wor!uno and opora tlore of tho American aovornmcnt. VcmUiorlty with crovornmont 'lnakco for bottor dUcofl!lhlp. Dotter cltlzcns mnke bottor co!dloro.

• • •

Big Top )Vill Soon Be in Town


Lloyd George Dead •

·' /

M~a~~TJif1Jt.IDnK "llEI,. WASHlNGroN.-IQ • bi~blT

cret session before tb" ~Senate tary Affair~;~ committee mat Tb1ll'B1Jl' ~Y. Gen. George Marsbql), IU'Uly chlef o! staff. refused to ~s~~ when the end of the w~.- witb Germany will cohtw Accqrding to aP togic, ,be said, the German resiStance shoUld

. be at on end now, but there is rio sign that the tlrmy is collapsing. The Gestapo still retains its hold of ter·

MnrnhnU pomted out that Germi!.D gasoUne stocks ore pro~Ctllly dried

CEDAR·POSTS for SALE IDAirO lt£1) CEJJAR POST malrer wan-. s:lloL cnrll>:ld Iota, low prlccll. Wrtw Jhr• ala!leb:a. nonnora l?<~rrr, .......

up, and that the Nazis do not have enough fuel to movo their supplies, let alone their armored vehicles IUld artillery. On the other hand, be said, their supply problem in. far simpler than outo because they ore fighting ot ha,me. Their repoir and replncement job for tanka nnd other vehicles is also comparatively alm· ~:-::D~E:;:N:::;.· T.::.=,AL==:_:S:.:E::::=.R:...V:...I:..C:..E=._ ple. When Allied armor is .knocked IF..U.SE 'l'EE"rd nopatre•. nrtn11 or mall w OUt, it menno that it "is lo!Jt if the DJJNTVllE 1\EPI\ln SERVIa& dnm d •- •- h f tb f1 Jd 8!11• Co.II>IDUWDaltb llldJ.

u a.,e w w!> muc or e e te- "~ ""' st•a& , • Denvcw t, c~ •• ptrlr buses, while a Nazi tonk whlch han sui!cred far more seriouo dam­nge con be taken right lnto o tank factory not oo many mileo from where it was hit. Thlo tn a tremen­dOU!l odviUltnge, be oald.

The cblef of staft also told the senators that It Is a mistake to flgure tbat Ule Japs wiD fold up quJckJy once Germany Is out of

ttho war. AUb.ougb Its losses hnve'bee:n heavy, Japo.n stm has a formidable army and vast stores of snvpUes. De would not esUmate the lenrtb of tlme need· ed to defeat tbe Island empire. But he Insisted it would be ex· tremely tough r;olng. Morahan onld nothing dutln!l thla

oeo!llon about hl.a plnn to tnltc over dn oupreme commander ln the- Po­e once Germany fllllo, bufl mem­

bera of the committee now tolte that tor granted.



OZAttK STOOI't .FAR!\1-Idool tor cotUo, ldhcap, hOI!Do ~oln and ha:v. 3,001) ocrca, 1flll fortUo vn lnnd; abundooto of wo. tor. ~Ullon teo whlto o.o.d red ook, blc:k. oey, walnut. W, n. LATT&; ltouto (, Dire .. Troo, 111 ..

POULTRY run£ DllOAD DDEADT Dronu Pou1ta and puro nnd hJbrld babY chicks. Or¢er eoriY. Circular lroo. Dlalnlioa Untobof)' • Tarter Fart;'111, 0111110 Cl\7, 111lcau.

....-- ,_=·........-.=--.... ----- ··--· ____ ,...--.---.,--_ .~ -----

Wa_sl!ing_ M~chine _ Repnirs MAY'l'AG WASHERS

nrf) real wortlmo lrland:l. Let OIU Dltll'trt

llo~co ac~rtmcrnt keep ,rour !lo:vtall ·•O.wd.lr !'Yillllnll lm:OOihl.l/. Qnl1 genuine

117tcll l'om w:.ed, MultJ.!lotor ou cJ­;"i;":Va In otocll ot your lrx:ol IUI!bo.~ .... artcll :Donlcr e7 ''"'~ li'ncto17 Uron¢11. 1\taytag Rocky 1\lountnin Co.

Colorl\4• IJprlDita • • • • • Cohrd ..

Savo UoJ :Jai~ fo,. :Jfro :Jigl.ting :1-ronl

General MacArtbur'o army trlendo In Woohlnaton hove o unique cJ.tplan­atlan for hio rcfuool to let Mnj. Gen. Norman I{lrlt, ourucon general of the army, vlolt Monlla on hl!l recent innpectlan tour. Tq~y ooy private­ly that no oultabtc houoing woo ovaUoblo for General l{lrlt. One MacArthur aupporter, who lo tamil· lar with tho Klrlt incident, added. e:e =:::=:========== "Whl'n you ore a flvc-otnr General, you don't bllvc to givo an explana· tion for what you do."

Further dotailD of General Moe­/U'thur'o refunal to let Gcmcral Klrlt touch foot c.vcn on the Inland of Luzon In ord"r to inopoct onny 'hoo­pltnl!l there hove now lcnltcd out. ltirlt, ao head of tho army medical corpo, arrived In Leytc with a ctoJJ of medJcol cxpcrto ready to place them ln otrotecic pooiUono 1o Lu:wn where fiahting tvo!l heavy at that time.

An a court~sy to t\to.cArtbur, Kirk radioed hlm from Leyte lolllnd tb.nt he Wall coming. De reeelved lD replJ a meJlllngc snyinr 1bat h\o preoence wan not oeeded.

Scnrccly bellevtnr b1!l ftYeD, GenernJ Elrk pve nJacAtt..,n a cht.l.nce to chance bto mmtl by sendJnar another tele.:ram wblcb said lD rmbmance: "Don't wu'ler· sb1uJ 1onr meware. Do yoo menn by yonr telegram namber so-anfl-co Umt my noolntanee Ill not welcome?"

• General MocArthur'o reply waa brld and to the point. n rend: "No, repeat no."

Kirk then got In hls plane, t:.~llin£ mad, and came bome. Note-The wnr deportment for

como time hno b<?en oplit into the pro-MncArtbur ami the onU-MocAl'­tbur et:hnol!:l. ?..lony of the genernl' o own contempornrien dan't Uho him feel that he boo tlo~cr given auf: flclent credit to men who bore tho brur.t of tho Poclflc tluhting nucb co General Krueaer, Eichelh2raer, Ereruley, Arnold and others. They oleo recent the tact that netvS digp:::~tcheo from the Pacific munt bear the dote­line .,General r.!ocArthur'ti bend· quo.rtern." and point out that in con-





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,. ---

• 1~ :' ,• ;~;;;'.;;; ;,' ; ,

1;;;c;;!!;llfl; ; ;1 ;;!''~!~~;!;;• ;• : ' New Bomber Is

t @w.il.v. Stfl'IIC:£. •

l ' . . .;,. i ••= :O:J ,.:tl:* v:::,= 'i:i! .nc:ec:t tile ot c:re11Uve ~fJQrt. ~cl ~nom people who ~W• ev~qbocll

·• . 1\nny Ex!Jerta Say Medium Invader PrPVCJ Bo.e>n to

Th~ We•t :FJont. •••-, ••er~ •• ~~ _, • .,..,,, :J. ~l tor they 11eem to walk 1.1 a rasc;iil and ean•n>e ~ted out I ..... WU llllltl. .. CIIIllll"l eariJet& ~ me I brother BD!l ala- of tlsht. SomeUineJ; 1 tb.(nk, •We tic~ w .. ol• cy~;l-. tr1t.klaMew ~··. otf to liChooL Now tba' clt.®.V~t m people~ Vdtl\ Wt' l~ fqr •.


_. ..,_ iiOQ and •ree"ll. Pie~.... I dJdn't know what to Jb nu1ther l®~ed flo'r the w.• p4 FLORENC!i;, Jil, 0, •"":' H()W. the· .~,.3' llltAA* ul!f~ ~mpall)> ,_.ea. I ball been Jn she usually tound it . · Lnirnder, fastest meflltim bombel *"..~ p~•-'n" Ulewetl)t.t ille ~~~an. it,· bowever, and She . .mo was .the "ttutetesf' teach.. ln the world, i!l getUpg tlu'ough ~ " tile ~ wu a$wr.J& • wlth 1UJ locked fn my beart el' J ever Jmew. SQmetimet I &4 t,he best undatrcrQft the GcrtnllJl,ll ""' ..._ .. • Utf t:ftiJ t&~ ~~ .C wrote a to my fdend Mr. Wal· not know J $fla belnl{ taucb\; 110m~ qan achieve, wlth dev!lfJtnting re-. "'•• ... a ~awtetul Jolt 10 UeJJtflr. u laee, for be ,;eeme"' th.<>t near and. tlmes •1.e ·impac• :..... -\.-t ·alt.· e ha4 iiults on troops, ~ommunlcntions, and .. 11M • dep Qle l'llloke llOUII u4. '~ .,. '" '+" • w ..... 11. fn thl •• .- rqtJ, U&«ta It"' IJul Ire• •lml· real to me, and when we went to t11uaht did not bit' me Wltll l()lll ,llUllP c.s. wna s fill, .. wc.a wtll repall, llowovu, .,... town • shoved it \n the aftel'. b'uinlng !}rea have

·~ ~~~~br~ass~~~~~.~~~~~~ifirt~~~~~~~~~~ so~~~~~~b~een .. rko ~tboacll lie a~JoYe« Pill bul&. ol home tho Farmer, there it ~ one. meant ~ beforo a group of news-..., t•e~m, Something I lmd written. My n~e. 1 . 1o get our •pade and paper men, speed& of better tbnn


The ordinuey way to feed a caU, Whji!D lt Js being wenned and made to drink ou\ of B bucltet, ls ta put 1he bucket on the ground ond puah tbe calf's bend in and try tc hold lt the.-e Ull he hna to gasp fol' bl'eath; In doing thia, he ia supposed to get 1be taste of milk and finally learn to drink out of o bucltet. lt workn after a foshlop, bul 1 abudder to think of the Sunday oulto that h.nve been sprayed with milk, for o calf hu no good opinion of hovlng its nose held under the mWt, co raroes b1a head and blows the m1lli Uk9 a paint sprayer. Somctlmeo I wao In Jl hurry nnd thought the calf would not do that taniGht; 09 I would not dlanie my clotheo, when I aot boclt from town, and I would co to hlm with the • bucket of mlllt. The eye-­sight of colven io that of eaglet~ and the moment I would cot lnoldc tho calf lot, be would come fiyln(l at me, having oome fonl notion that 1 was b1o mother. The momcmt bad arrived. J would ceizo h1o empty head and ohovo It to the bottom of the buchct ond hold lt there, hop­Ing to God cvcrythin(J would bo aB right. It never won. He would lift ht. bead out ot the worm owcc\ mWt and lope to the othllr end of tho lot and bawl for hlo mother

. YJbo woo gotnn crnzy on the otbcr s!.de of the fence. I would toUow with ~e buc!tot and hold U out temptingly; but he knew tbero woe nothing in l\ but dl!!apJmlntment and would hove nothing to do with lt. I wauld Uy oanin; he then <:Iculd get tho omen of the mllh and would 00. gln to bun and plunno border than ever.

The accepted woy woo for me to cet tho call'o head In the buchel, then bold up my llnner and let him think I wan blo mother; hlo tonauo ,.nuld map around my flnner ond h15 sides would co In ond out ond hit~ taU would clve llttlo trcmons. At lont, a trictt!e of mill! t:~ould llCt into filii mouth and I ~:Jould otnnd beo1de him till he ho.d hl!J meal. Tho nell\ momlno. or the nom cvc­nlng, It would ba tho oamc thing over; then bit by bit I would alip my thumb up my flnaer and ahorten my 2riP until at lont he cot only a button; then came the dny when be would dl!!covcr he didn't hove to heve my flnaer ln the bucket on::S could do the Job alone. That ww • big doy; the cnlt qan weaned

One day l took o piece of rubber ho::o off the otcom-ceakcr and cut lt uno !lhout n flv~inch length and nailed one end of \hlo to the wooden bottom of the bucket. There was o bole throur,h It, of courne, &n that rnilll r:;ouJd travel up to it. When tceding time came and the calf mode a flying tocltle at me. 1 aboved my twr..rl lnto the mUit and when he tlied to find my finger, l a lipped the tube lnto blo mouth It t70tl o breath· less_ encitin!I moment.

A nntlofied @o:c cnme 'mto filii eyeo; the bru.sb on his tail flapped bock or.d forth. his gu11et went up ar.d down. hl9 nideo 1.7'!nt In and Gut.

J showe(l lt to ll4a, .not quite able some· of the hwnl)a in the and 300 111Ueo on hour in thelt brlet yet to show It to Pa. She ~azed at fUl in th~ boles, but t got wort bomb run and fnr higher npceda in me wonder-eyed; and yet alto wasn't done,llnd my father brought boroe a tho evaalw action which ·followed. quite surprised, for abe thought I llmg wooden box with • U.ttle tron l'hey domorwtrnted, alco, burst:> of was wonderful. You know mothers. b(l(llc and eye on the si~e. 1 was forward flre-pow11r from cannon and

Pa came in from slo{>pJng the plgs clellgbtell with the woodet~ mallets. machine aunt'! th!lt would hove kopt and :&!a sold, .,Sit doWn, Amos, x· Eacb had a b~4 of color mUI\d any enemy under cov~r durlns the want to read you something." 1 the handle ond each ball tad a band brief moment whCll . the nttnckera tried to loolt casually out of the ()f color, too. The atakea won~ a were within ran(Je. 'And they showed wlndow, rainbow. It wall 8 llne croque\ aet acrobatic capacity that left P-t() pur­

Pa leaned forwnrd E!fl he recog. and I wnQ thrilled. :Ma and Pa and suit planes for beblnd. llizcd the ldea. There, at the bot- Phebe (my mother's niece) and the l\lllllned by Freeh Crews. tom where it was printed, !4a read hired rnon and J would play. I Me~whUe they were carrying and my name. would atop work any time. dropping bomb loads 700 pounds

l,t took Po about a mlnuto to apeak. One day, when I waa iJ) tawn, a Ilea vier than those for which they Finally he eold, "Homer, did yoq nei§Jhbor boy Earl Trullinger came were deolgned. rcnlly write thotT" to cee me. He hod become bored An Col. Arthur I. ·Ennis, veteran

''J gueos J did," I auld, trying to by havt..s to ploy alone and hod of the air forces and now ln com· pretend it wnon't anything. bonged tblnsn about. Then he left. mand of the traininG b{18e here. ex·

"Let me oee tho paper.'' He put When 1 cot home, two of my pre- plolncd, tho plnnco were manned by on hiD glnt;men and looked ounpl· c:louo mallet h!lDdleo wcro bw. hen. crcwo frcohly put toacther but In· clouoly, no U Ma and I had perpe- rrtructed by peroonncl lnna ln EurQ. trated oomc cort of hoax, then read I woo mod, nnd ~at nl{!ht after penn combot nnd who arc ohowtna It to h1m elf from be,.lnnln" to end work I sat down to wrlte Earl a tho trolncco nU the "trlcltn" up to 0

., o ' lett"r. I could no• ""'it tlll l B'"" hJo llpo movlna w form the wordn. "' • ..... ..... the lnteot moment. . "That'o real helpful tntormotlon, Wm. I wonted my revenge then and The demonotrotlon woo modo ln

Homer. You woo mnort to tJllnlt of there. I klld him- eJWctly what l exact olmulatlon ot an actual enemy wrttln' lt up and ocndfng It to a thought ot him: then I wcmt boclt attoelt. Carrcapondento w c r e paper." and .. told lt all over again juot tu "briefed" with tho ctewo and then

It woo o oplcndld moment. But mnk'!t t~urc. were permitted to ride in a jump other thin as had to be done: the M:r mother ltcpt watching me, oo oeat bcolde the pilot ao the two for·

'lbe~ b'msb on ll.1o tan !lllpped baek a.ccl forth.

fnrm work hod to co on, onli. bit by bit, my glo~ faded.

r.i;v mother hod tho quality o.f "be­noving" in pe()l)Je. No matter how uncontclonoble n rnocol o perron wa!l my mother nlt<myo found comc­thlna ooout him to bellevo ln .• Some­Omen t1e would tcU ber \hot &>-and· So woo n no-gccd. But my mother ntW cluna to the unwavering foith ohe bod in li:uman belfluo.

An a remit om ploca wns a regu. lor halfway r:aoce lot tram~. l'v~ heard that tromp!l hove o woiy o1 mnhinu a private morlt an the aote, cr a ll~!lt. to chow thot a euiDble pcrcm1 Uve!l there. WeD. there mtWt hove been one ot Ol1f form, fot they oU turned ln. And. whot in more, they oU aot fed, no .nottar how bucy, 01 hGW tired ahe woo. She would oven mop while bluing the clotheo to ue\ up o plato of food for ~rome wretch who on!d he wnn hun-

I deotreyed Earl, ' and when my motiono ot olO planeo oach toolt off monterp1ccc WOll finlnllcd, eho n.ckcd w "attocl'" an enemy beochhend on me to rood it aloud which I did wJtb the Corolfno cooot. a great deal of plcaruro. • The plane, wWch l!J on adaptation

As 1 rend ahc kept noddblx her of the Doucrloo A-20, hoo o hl(Jh bead and eoylmg, ":Mr,t myt thot.•a up~cd, laminar flow t:'~lna and lo aoing to ecorcb hlm, • "That'l 1l. powctcd by two Pratt and Whltnoy Homer, glvo It to hlml.. cniJlncn of ob_out 2,000 borocpowor

I wns plell!lcd wlth her approv~ each. Ucnco, once ito heavy bomb and went bock and added some llne load b ·dropped, lt can outpoco touchcn. . moot of the \'Jorld'o puruult plonco.

'"that's the best ~ )'d. Tear AvoiO Accurate Mm. tnto him acoin. •• lt oleo wao explolntd \bat In low-

1 tete into bbn until pretty ~non level "oWp" oomblncn and otrofing Earl woo fn a woroc ccn<liU<m than ottoclw, tho plane 1o over tho tnr[JC\ my moUo\ handle&. for cuch a brief tlmo tho\ uround

Wben my tetter wus cump!eted. dclcncco hove no opportunity for and J won glowing, ebo nbl. •'i accurate aim. tbln!t you cnn lmprovo on tha\. The plane 1o now bema ouppllcd In Tocklo It again tomorrow mght!' numbcro to the European combat

I o;-100 tor ccttlnn It lnto tM mdl z:onco where it lo corrytnc far hcov­whUo tho thing woo eWl fliUlltl6, ier load!l than the MIJ/jtnncro and but under her odvico, I wnltcd. The Thundcrbolto adopted to around

nl h r atro.flng, and flylna for looter than next ll t got out my letter ant! the Mnroudcro and MitchellD In rc0$1 It throu(Jh again. It dld ~WI the medium bomber clon!l. ncem quite en good. · Bombcro llllll otrnfcro here from

"Tear lt up," cho onld. the Pncl!lc Ina lot that lt 1o tho Ideal I looltcd nt her In omozcman\. plano for \he Ioree number of tnr­

''Tcar It up?" l repeated, O:obhuw cctn of oppnrtunlty precentcd by gaoled. worfme ounlMt the Japancce.

"Yes. You mWJt 11evcr man a Thlo plano woo oleo caaerly ~\!M you've mltten In onnor. Write cuur;ht by \he Rwn\::m purchantnu it. tut don't maJJ JL Now write mbolon in Woohtnuton ~:Jbcn lt!l dc­blm a ntcc p1>Ulc l6tter and aek him olgn woo lUU!UuncctJ ln mllitllry ~ ecme over and play ctcqUet with c!rele!l, and thouoh an undlcclo:cd fC",t.'' .. number hoo, been cuppllcd to the

l wroto tho letter (muttorm, to Soviet olr f{Jrcc, no reptJrtn hove mycclf). lt waon't nearly the mat- ~ot been received ao to the port l\ tdpiece tho other wan, but tt dfd may hove ploycd In tho compoiCD aclt him to come and pl.lly wlth me. on thl! eruJtem front. l teak n down to the moUbox and z;ut n In, thinhlnu my mother dl.dn't New Rocket Projector kno~ much obcut buyn.

A re~ doya Inter Earl t>Dme to In Use on Western Front r:ct! me, nnd brtlugbt with ~ two LONDON. - A new type arouruJ mollctD from hiD otm c:et wiib \ho . rcclmt projector deccribed as "ono (!lmd colora of Ole cne:'l ta bad of the wor'o moat dcvnotntlng woop. bnlken. He oold he 'CJOS sorry be'd on!J" nnw b bema used ln borroco bro!:..cn mine. Then he onvcd b!s · t-;orll no medium artillery by Brit­{cee. lie bod ~en getting rel:ldy eo bh and Cnnndinn troop:; on tho ~:JC!It­bring llie mallet!! over when be bod erG front, it won dlr:duced recenUy. reet:ived my letter, he oo!tL The bnrroce in lnld down ey

It worm't tong before Earl end t arauJt:J of the roelwt projcctoro -were wh~!nu znd ccrceehlng o.nd cocb aruup connintina of 12 (iUM lm.tlg'mg the bnlb ohmrt tn the ut- wilb 32 bcrrelD each. Ther::c :l£4 bor· mc:lt £M!l felbmnhlp. My mothOl' rein give a concentrated fire ~wer did uct m~itn th& mnttflT an!l it c:Jmparoblc clUj thnl of more than was Mt untO r:ome time later that llW 5.5-lneh cni'ul of tho orthadox .. ,,,,. ~. I>

tt.e rw.. f~Jrtce of wbot nh~ boa tnugbt ""'"" bit mo. Althcmgb c:cnnlderobly omnller,

11ewlll1 Clrele Neeillecran Dep*' Ki w. Paal!oJpll S&. Chlcaao ao, m.

Enclose l6 cea"' lor :Pattwn


Nwm.e-------------------' • P4 P *

Gather Your Scrap; * * Throw It at Hitler/

(NDULGE in o riot of color in these "South of the Border" tea

towels. Mnltc cay cabnlleron ond oenorltao in crono·stltch.

W eap.om Kept Dry V. S, nooault troop!l now carry

their plotol!!, rlfieo and rnachlnc guno, durfn(J lnndfnC operaUono, in a new, flexible, waterproof baa that kccpo tho weapon dry. and afloat l.f dropped, and nllown it to be fired. in omcrcenclen, whUc otUI cnclo~cd.

WIIN1ED 1D •ur 1$11 JlllrlllU· CU.lli£U• UftlfllS

m••a • N.Mttcmtalls . Our 6ghllng men ovcrr.= and &( homo wanl und need lho b:md in· atrumen\ll tlins idlo cmd Cofllul· len In Amcrlan ho~UC* Sclltliem \o un. Tboy will bo r«cmclitloncd ond re11old for uco by the men of Undo Som'a Armed Forc'a- wo suatnnleo hi Writo ruU lnforma• tion, lndudin11 cllna prico lo:

fJtfO. lllt.TSCH MFII. CD. ~ ..,._ Mrn !L-::ol58l

~!!tee>!""" ~f" II, H•• Ycrll

--·-· -·--·-¢'"'----------..!-.--~ -----~--- ------~-----




Oon1 l•t ruu~ular o~hcr• and poloa. tprc!m end atrc!:a "'' ~-~ down. f"'' pd CJl ~n't lln!r.'.ar.' end i~l th!s t:,;hlntr.Q• fen •'heal'treotmen(' p•n•frcfe lr,_>:.-.::y I;) tti::~ ~" g~rlc~-. ccmfcrt or.d re.!:efl

Tired Aching Muscles • Stiff Joints • Strains •

Sprains Bruises

lilecuiclty cao tJOVO you time and in~ your iocoroe. It cao rol:o over drudgcrcr.l!l tll!llw and mol.:c living plcosanter nod ~ier on your form. And, best o{ till, you c:n.n hove it now. Pur a Winebarger I!lccttic Sy$tCm to 'i1lork £or you right ov;oy. No need ro wait. You GOo

I called Po and ohowed it to him ar.d he cold it was the flrot tlme he bod ever beard of th1D being done. U it won nnythina obnul forming, Po wuutd lmct>7. Tbnt maht he tctd Ms abcrut il. but not in a \':loy to to to my head becom:e he didn't bt!Uave in boyrt getting too much prair;e. Uy mother thought It wilD

In .Tmwory m:Y fOUler wawd tllry, cacb IJii!:l!'J!e fired by tho rochet "I exp2ct we'd better get ready p;:ojcctorn 1o decerlbcd OD com· butcher," and my he.ort 'Olt'Ciuld to s;oro.blo with tho Wll-~unll c.hell fired dnwn agohl. Uore work. help by tho S.5-incb nuno. •

~~ ~~~·~· h~''T~~hWio~l!!~b~c~c:a~u~::::~o~ouaro~c~lt~et~~~~~+ _____ ....

Doy after doy It worked. No give them 0 bite unlllCS ha\'e to do mo'!l1 t~~~~ tclotively sradup.lly an tt!l dJD. ohn '"'" cf •~cc:uic Ut:bta. -<10"1 c.::bb ~l. sproyin{;!. No col~e9 bowling up and the<> enrned it. Then she woufA nck in"'. We'd "Ct the bi<> black •--... ehlll'go, con be con!ltructed with duwn the fence. No eowo going " " ., .. .. ....... b ... ,__ t•- th tn erozy. them if they were willinn w work. kettte $nd corey it out and put It on muc ........ er wo "'• un outing

J won what the people In my cec- They alwnyo were. Or co they maid. nn<otd tumbling wd from a ~e&b- ~mllJ':c~~u!ft!~::tl burnt." a wor tl{}n called a ''baoic boy." The print>- Sho w~!!lil Mnd themthto the .. ~JOd· !?C c

1 ~tnt. I~ wn~.~ll duty, wh the

~ word roodno(ed me, 119 moelhln- pile aua pretty coon ey ~'Owu be .. ett 0 WO!l ana u•l i!U 'the rod, to B -1- p f R .,...,· toscinoted co. me boys. And ldeos whacking away. Sometimeo bring wend ~nd a basket of. cobs tc 2\t:J(; ay o 68 eseued •;, would develop o splinter in otart the fire. Po would be cuttmJ a.t A $6 I!QO

fl!!i~inated me. Sott>atimes it seemed bond, or o oproln In thair bock. onl1 iibnrpenlng the gambrt!l&: wh~n nurse. verages ,u to. me on Ideo wen cXJ!rcssed woo Qh uld f 1 " ... _. h t d 'd. b u1 t ... SAN i"RANCISCO.-Accumulotcd Cnf! of the mMt lovely thinga in the .. e wo ec aorry .or u•em an.. t o t';os one we a ou we bt>b-tiVotld. 'l'hbltrs thot 1 liked 111 Otlt · them thot at team the~ showed a sled. Work, work, no end of work; C:li' eheclro lot tho· ca army nurses tatm pnpel'l'l,

1 \l;ould rend ov~r And willing spirit ond tbot they could now that's the woy It seemed to ml!. Yet who wore Ml~ prlconero fbr threo

over. 1

wbtlld oslt whot the t.yOrdo come niid nit do\vn on the edge or the tdnd ol exciting, too, for tomorrow yetlra in the hillpplnen o~erascd m

"'""'t•, ,...,m· ""'lm"s u .. 0

..... 11, •·n"w back porch ond eot the Uttla we bod. there•d ba lots of people, and tots f(l,Cno eficll. before oUotmento to "....,.. ""' .,. " • u .,u .... " "' S'be olwoyo naid that. Yot we nl· of laughtna ond cotldlng. tamillea were subtracted, officin1

tuld trometlmes they didn't, but thn~ woys bolt nbundonee. M Uto~ ate, The next morning l could hardly . records chowed.-wos on right; 1 would wait potlentls' obe would drow up a choir and su. wait 1ill t•(l teo tht:!i neltlhllors com• The Wnh11nt ranking officer's check unUJ t tMJ thot word ngoifi nnd just irtmcle Ule screen door in the lntt dot'm the . rood. By the Ume \'Jas $12,01!0. Mo.ny of the ntli'Se~t, maybe thf!ol time 1 could matte cenne h •~1•-• tb .. "" it th -itt d ... a t-• b 1 bMides <!ontributirlg to their fo.mJ• out of i\. We hod no dlctlonney. ouse, "' J>Jtlg to em Mil wuet .iJ ey a,.. e • ... e re wnu u e eap:. 11 b b "'u·· •• like· ...... ..,, ..

0d., else, "'h bo-~ .. with them eg they to1d of tbell' trlgbt- lng, !~~· pcaldlng plotform end the cbs at •• nmeL n1!o b. n~_,ool!cttonetJ

\> • ... v ... ..,... " "" u .. tul hnrdobips. N~ matter how wUd cutting Wbleli ttrould be randy. On!! JSU trnc .. ons ..ur vJar ouuo. Jcod hotsf!:-doct9t boo~. · the story was, obe oltvnys helleved of tb!l tJ.elr.bbora t'JQuld be Newt • a •r " aiol't"1l.-..

At night, before I \'Jould llllnk oil it, and ohe !llwoys believed in them. KeMedy-'t.J'ewt with ht& overcou.t to steep in my chair, I would tend . f\Ut on£? day a di1Terent tWe of ·held ]og~lli«!r. ill front by tho 'hug~

. ttnd teread WnUneM' · Fntm¢t. We urunp come nfong. HUI'ltlti"• ot brM:i s.nfcW t~m. his troU!lets ttuffed ~· "'alllo took th~ COUli\Y weeltlS' nnd coutce; jut:t obout ntatving, M l'lllld, into ~e lop3 Of bl!l r~lt' bdots, alld

that I woutd rend, toe, but it wosn't My mother be!gnn het regukii' biJil' btJU:hnr ,knives h1 hi& hand$. tlle world: of eneMntment tttl\t sp~:ech. . Sht! wauJd give hidl allli'le• 1'best> he•q. lpy tl')tt:~Mly nt) th~ cut.­Wallaee$~ t:'t~rmet ~M. One s~;::Uon thing to ea.t. but· h~ would have to · th11 'Uiblt!, for . <me matt Wotddu'6 · was d~vated to new m~thods nlld dis. 'Cnrn it. 'l'lle tramp raokt!d a\· het dren m N wing trt.oth~t man• a knives • tovertes; tb~ ttml th!ire au idea without tJiea,!dng. evldenut tfJakint unies5 gWen perrn~l.on. Then \!Vt!J boti'J. " up hiS mind abnut !Pmethlng .. · Ne\1/Vd 11e:id for me, because t~ewt

J ete\ OJ· W(lrlt · pn it. MUiout a But on tht!' wMht this qu_ali(y of and l lilicd each otilet, •nd wJ . · word .., n'IJ t•the"t ot .omcther. At my motht!r'• .bJ· beUe\le. 1.t1 J!t!flp~~ · wouftf talk l!lbout t#bhlt hunting and tan 1\ wnbinf dl'1 lht~ klttflen J*• ti'IWtr nalty biU'fi1ed he<t ~ow: lild mule btf'<!tdng and whE>re we•d aee.tJ w., ·itlt. wotd-. _ frif thoulhtf, rtt)' then the wt; · if\ltM. but11 .:In. the 'iltt.iri!!' cfl!cken~&. . . .

H~gh C..Owa Up and Up At Cook for the Na~

GMt PEDRO. CALIF.-Hush E. Skiles, 21. 11YhQ IS!lYit he's the tnlteot tfidn m 1he M~. was a.· met~ & f~ct 4 fudtcs wMn lle ·. joined up three ycrtrit' ago. f!!lt. · \ng hls own c(l0kiug1 lle has added at1 bleb a ~ear nnd t$ now 6 teet. '1. cA ~hip's eoolc, Sidles O\let~ hung bb bunk, Uls CUmrt'llndlQI · ol!lcer ball a 'l·foot ~d fustanta •

..... 1 .Jft'i• Wore. "-d I ~'*. .W)Jole1 Jbe 101 ~nl bet~t than \W fJI r,O~'fi.81Jt:U) . ~~~-~--~~--~-----J I '

' " • •

lc.c:HU Ecg lcror.lc!: •• ttloeb •• 3~ witll btisht ~kc:uic llehu. Snn Wlltcr p;JClpina with an elec:tdcnll1 operated tlotor.latlc wnter poap. 'i1JCQO ItO a fi!'W o( tho! wave Wioc:Iarsot Ileiutd!Y an !;elp}11:1.

--....... ~-.c-.,: INVESTIGATE NOWI Remember, rcu too can ~c t1teo tticit)'. Flod one about lt. Now II «he time to tavestip(t!i what ro.u an &dt:i (rom the ouuutidlat economita ot l!teetddty horn che f«e Wind. Jott atnd Ill tl!it (tiU.< pnn..-tNG ohUslliioa. o( coutse.

PI Fl- .. -1M ••• 11)11

WfNCHAit.GEit COk,cUtATlON W.&tU'• t:M'u' Morlct, •I Wit~d.tltdrkl

iii.~,. . E.(llfilllflll ""'..,.. WJW.J.Ms &cux C>tt. %a. Na.te• •I'•••= •• ,,- ._,_.,....,- wm- -.....,.#Mod' .,..

o.··=··-··~- ..... til-,~ ... nt-......... · ~t,~ .. t••··(· • .,.,_, •p·, .~~ StA!e ..... '*"' .. ~·.

. !~fit ll&bt ~~-....... .. --- ,.. ..... t ~ .... t..,. ... JP•t

' ... ,...... I • •

--~-,.~- "' '"' -·-. - ._.,_- -·--





I •


<<<« < << <<< ···<~-~~.,....,.,----•. --~"""'' ""'' """<< <""!!!'11"11111 :•:•:-111!!1< < ... ,.< __ • '<

.. ' .

- .. • . '

•• .... '

• • .. .<< .. ~~BSOHA (I • ' ' I • o '

Let's "taid the icebox, ••• _Have a.: Coc_g~Cola< ___ ~.....J.__JW[.o._l.l ------------~~- · , j a'tthe G4~'knl.m internment earnP,

• ,

••• a way to malee a pany all added Sllf"SS lint• CM1.,. wordJ dJU make dae ldtdln dae CNth' of acuaqjoa

fur che ceen-•1• an. l'or Coca-Cola DeTer ~.., che fuduJtn of 1u appeal, nor fu unfaiUo• Rfnth.meoc. No ~ eoc..cota • ~d• for 1/H '"'' lh41 w,fi"'SM from Jlalae co (!aJito~-&p become a IJIDOOI of haiP7• nlruhlil1 daleall)pdlu rtUJWbuc.


M allllolia Coca-Cola Bottling Company r-.-r.~~ta Bufldl~ Yandell BIYd. r.t B1rO <I:J Pue, Tau

-- - ' . - - ____ .,._......__ ... -~-~----

• 5! ~

"""'- I~-~ - -

' Jt Fort Stanton.



! Mr. C.~E. Smith has ntl.ll'lle•l from Mount Riley VI bPre be b•s j biBD visiting Mr. and Mrs. Odell Baker and daugbte~.

' I 1\t n. Harold Hoffman an; Jn.

peeted'h•re this week to visit tbt I Henry Hoffman family. ·

Pon't forget the club party Apr. 20.

Year-Round Suit · · Aids Bona Sales


Mr. anti Ml'l. Johnl• Rowland I Mn. M•gJil Elpy lert lut Buy More W•r Bonds Toflfl'l 1 ,. hrrr from An•pra to tpend a, Jrfday ror El Puo, Tex., 'where

the wiiJ tpend a rew day11 with wHk. \1 r Rllwland Ia an em- h!!r daughter, Mrt. Myrtle La ployP or thP Soutt.frn Paelflc at Volle, •frer which l!ht will ao on I Allapr, to Rolla, Mo., to epend eoveral

wrrkJ with her other daughter, Ellie.

( olor•l Joru 1 h11 n>covcred

frr m two dt y11' lllrw durlnJ wbleb 1lme Mr. MeGinnla walttd Mr Ltandro Vqa and dnugh.

ter, Mra. Ida Herrera wrre El oo tb1 trade at the Stan•1ard Puo buaine11 yiJJtora Wedae• ttatlon. j day. .

. "'


to hondlo nationally koown and advertlaed DOMES TIC APPLIANCES, HOlJS£. WARm. AND FURNITURE. lnquaric111 ore lnvilcd from i'lnand£\JI)' rttponeiblr bual• nen-mon and all information will be held in elrict confident'e.

Write fully, wire, or viai1 our Al ...... '"'" quo oUke.

'l'tt.fbu NJJ 41ll-411 !bltll a.ud lltltt1



ADS ARE NEWS Printed In Bic Twe

I Uerc'a liD nll-season stand·bJ, 11 tailored model featorla.r oow las& !on iloies-slngJe button eros~. deep.tapfed seam llJll1 sUm skirt. Mat!e a home, I& eaves lor War Bontb. P~ttel'll.!l at local stores.

• ,. U. :.·. Tr~=•7 06("..rlm~aJ

•• < ' <~




Alfalra Sefd Araenate ol Lelid

Ridge Roll.· Druga and Medicines

forb Hoes and· R akee •

Pfr>t Fittfna•

Pump Leather•

. Eavea Trougha

Oils, Greases

Stock Salt '

Satb Daors

Boots and Shoes (-.

Ladies' Ready-to-W ear Garments

·Our Prices Are Reasonable

The Titsworth Company, Inc. Capitan, N. M.

WE now have for SALE






' -.t

CARRIZOZO HDW. (O. t Lincoln County

<lilf zumw •tt Motors

Headquarters for Fine Furniture. Ruas, Stona, Paint, Varnbb, Kemton.a an• Ranch su,plies, Such as Wire Ftncini and Too!a.

Phone 96 • • • Carrizozo, N. M.

West'• Sweet Milk Table Cream··

•aoNiltl~tl JOIWDT, PROP. ~


Carrizozo ~utoCompany

Sates u · servi<e · EXPERT IIICIIANiCAL WORk




{,_,' .


. if~YJ Mrt ttM.trtoi.••••t It strJktt In ~achreir eoclcpit rldM .• radiOidbna-=-~ted vrotettor of hit !lilot and pla•I!.Hit IJdll with r•dio and

... dettcti()n devices pe~t& hi! pllot to toncenltate 011 ftyittg the plJne q{l blasting ·the O~jectlYt.. Jlls mtrk.-•nhlp .Piket enemy ~lanes ~cr. 1»~ y.n_,. Jttarer. .

. U-.ttlthtt da1 C}ltt.r, the majot job C.~tJae W~terll Eftddo COillpuy. ~cetbne i'Jllh'­

, tucr of telt4phoaa•tequtpm,tpt, wlll L6 -~ ltv«e qumtitiet of ... .u. ud cJet~tiC)Ji amct •• Jf Jotl ate nitm~ t~r • telepho~ 1• ,._ g. ctmtucl why Ute ~eked up ~at.,,of dat · llell Telephoae Sy&~e•lot telepho••** "ffit-., · · mtdaboatClt, ttc •• will lulto to w.··

• ..:


t ~ k

t F F


..... PbUlips~~rodtJct~ ,~_ -------­Phone 55

. .


IN cloosing our ••dicinea we ha•• been rueful te ~feet ·th<.ae C:olllpollndtd by th~ 1re•ttut

chtmiatt itt the world. . T&e1 ha.-e . buUt Up lltek rep•tation because

. . · tht1 are reliable.

K•a•~utti Candt. 1 Ptea<:tit»tions CatetuU . . a,.u. . CotnJJC?undtd . . .

,. ' '·

< •






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