1.basics of investments [compatibility mode]

Post on 13-Apr-2015






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SKIPS (2012‐13)By:Jigar Parekh

What WARREN BUFFET says about the Basics of Investment?

What Warren Buffet says about basic investing, spending, savings are so true, that MOST of us know it. However too many of us do not live it. So it is useful if once in a while somebody can just rejig the memory.

If it does make a change in your life, thank HIM (I mean God) because this is common sense. WB said it once, I am just reproducing it. It helps because you did not remember it. Or you did not do it.

Now, just go and b…..y well do it!

1. On Earning: Do not depend on a single income, Invest and create a second/ third source of income: This means when you are young your first task should be saving and investing. By creating a second source of income you are quickly reducing your dependence on your job. This could help you to set out on your own one day. The quicker you can do it, the better.

2. On Spending: If you buy things that you do not need, you may soon have to sell things you need: OK WB is being very harsh, but it kind of summarizes Gen X’s reaction towards ‘luxuries’. As a part of Gen X we were perhaps criticised for some of our expenses, so it could be a Generational thing even for WB. However having goals and knowing where you are going, and not spending just to ‘show off’ are important lessons for all generations.

3. On Savings: Do not spend what is left after spending, instead spend after you save/invest: Also called ‘Pay Yourself First’. If you realise that investing in a pension plan or for your kid’s education is JUST helping you to save MORE later on. It is not a sacrifice, it is just postponing consumption. So understand your payments, then you will not cringe on saving, investing or far more important insurance. So first invest, then spend.

4. On taking Risk: Never test the depth of the river with both your feet: If you are doing something, do small. If you are a first gen investor, do not be carried away by equity lovers like me and put all your money in equity. Do a SIP with a small amount, and test the waters. Do a SIP of Rs. X (which could be 10% of your take home pay) for 5 years and then step up. And for heavens sake UNDERSTAND risk of inflation, and the concept of REAL RETURNS.

5. On Investing: Do not put all eggs in one basket. Immaterial of who you are and how much you understand, create a portfolio. A full range lunch plate is always better than just one item. So create a portfolio with bonds, bond funds, ppf, nsc, equity, equity mutual funds, …..and on the risk side medical and term insurance.

6. On Expectation: Honesty is expensive, do not expect it from cheap people: Not everybody is honest, nor does everybody want to be honest. Honest advisers are difficult to find esp in Health and Wealth, be careful.

dark bold letters are Warren Buffet’s comments, other part is my interpretation / explanation of WB’s sayings….



Basics of Investments

Risk & Return

Jigar Parekh : 10‐12‐2012

• Why do we Invest?

• Saving vs Investment

• Understanding Risk

• Various types of Investment Products

• 45% of Household savings is invested into the Bank FD

• Only 2% to 3% is invested into the equity and equity related instrumentsequity related instruments.

• India is a nation of savers– Domestic saving is as high as around 30% or GDP

Saving vs. Investmentg




• What is investment?

– Investment is the postponing current expenditure to secure our future expenditure. 

• Purpose of Investment.

We want to grow our money 

We want to protect our money

Types of Asset class

• Equity

– Element of ownership 

• Debt

– Element of lending money

Investment options

• Stocks• Bonds• Bank FDs• RBI Bonds• PPF• Mutual Funds• Insurance Plans• Government Securities• Structure Products

Factors to look before selecting Investment

• Expected Return

• Risk ‐ Safety

• Liquidity – Lock in Period

• Tax efficiency – (while investing and while withdrawing)

• Flexibility



Understanding Return


• Absolute Return vs annualised return


Understanding Risk

• What is Risk?

– Chance that a person may lose his capital

– Chance that a person may not get the desired returnreturn

Risk Handeling

• Risk Avoidance

• Risk Transfer

Type of Risks

• Systematic Risk vs Unsystematic Risk• Market Risk• Reinvestment Risk• Interest Rate Risk• Purchasing Power Riskg• Liquidity Risk• Regulation Risk• Business Risk• International Risk• Exchange Rate Risk• Country Risk



Measuring Total Risk

• Standard Deviation

Measures Total Risk = Systematic + Unsystematic RiskRisk 

1* Std = 68.3% (Expected return +/‐ std)

2* Std = 95.4% (Expected return +/‐ std)

3*std = 99.7%  (Expected return +/‐ std)

Measuring Risk• Beta:

– Measures the Systematic risk also called Market risk.

k kBeta = 1 : Exact Market Risk

Beta > 1 : More riskier than Market

Beta < 1 : Less riskier than Market

Example: if the stock beta is 1.2 then it means that if the market goes up by 1% then stock price would go up by 1.2% and if market goes down by 1% then stock price would also go down by 1.2%

Managing Risk

• Diversification  ‐ Reducing unsystematic risk

– Security wise

– Segment wise

Market wise– Market wise

• Heading – Reducing unsystematic risk 

– Future

– Option

Measuring Return

Nominal Return Vs Real return

*One should always consider the post tax return


• Current Yield

• Yield to maturity

• Total Return



Measuring Return

• Required Rate of return

– Sharpe Ratio

T R i– Trenyor Ratio

Common Mistakes we make in Investment Planning

• We rarely set a GOAL

• We follow “the crowd”

• We expect unrealistic return on investment

• Our decisions are always based on the past performance

• We invest majorly for tax planning only

• We want to do it our self

Risk Management Types of Insurance

• Life Insurance 

• Non Life Insurance (Often known as General Insurance)



Life Insurance

• What is insurance?

• Life Insurance – Basics.

• How much Life Insurance one should have?

• Type of Life insurance Products.

• Distribution Channel

Definition of Life Insurnace:

Why Life Insurance

• Insurance Vs Gambling

• Insurance Vs Speculation

• Insurance Vs Hedging

Benefits for Life Insurance



How Much Life Insurance:

*Human Life Value

*N d B d I*Need Based Insurance

Assignment for students

• Your Name

• Your Date of Birth

• Term Plan Premium for 3 different company’s d i h idproduct with riders.

– SA 2500000

– SA 5000000

– SA 10000000

Terms you should know about the Life Insurance:

Accident An accident is an unforeseen event or occurrence causing damage or injury to a person

Age Limit It is the stipulated minimum and maximum ages below and above which the company will not accept applications or may not renew insurance policies.

Agent An insurance company representative who sells and services life insurance contracts for the insurer; He is an intermediary between the insurer and the policyholder

Annuity Plan An insurance contract that provides for an income for a specified period of time, such as a number of years or for life

Application/Proposal Form This is to be filled by the insurance company’s agent and sometimes a medical examiner including information given by the proposer. In addition, it has to be signed by the proposer. It is one of the primary steps to get an insurance policy.

Assignment An assignment is a legal transfer where a policyholder can transfer his interest to another. It can be made by an endorsement on the policy document or by a separate deed. Assignment can be either Conditional or Absolute.

Beneficiary The beneficiary is the person or entity, named in the policy as the recipient of the life insurance benefit in the event of policyholder's death.

Coverage The amount of protection that the policyholder will receive based on the terms of the policy.

Exclusions These are stipulated in a policy as what will not fall under the insurance policy and hence will not provide benefit to the insured or beneficiaries.

Fiduciary A fiduciary is a person who has been legally trusted by a beneficiary. For example, if a beneficiary legally documents that someone will act on his behalf when required.

Grace Period Policy holders are expected to pay their premium on time. However, a certain additional period is given to the insured. During this additional period, or grace period, the policyholder is allowed to pay the premium without any interest. Therefore it is a specified period after a premium payment is due, in which the policyholder may make such payment, and during which the protection cover of the policy normally continues.

Insurable Interest This means that the insured, or the beneficiary who receives the policy benefits, must necessarily suffer an emotional or financial loss if an unforeseen or untouched event occurs. Without insurable interest an insurance contract stands invalid.

Insurability Insurability means all conditions that affect the health, susceptibility to injury and life expectancy of an insured.

Insurance It is to indemnify the insured, or beneficiary on the death of the insured, as protection against unforeseen circumstances. (A system under which individuals, businesses, and other entities, in exchange for a monetary payment (a premium), are guaranteed compensation for losses resulting from certain perils under specified conditions.)

Insured The insured is the person who is covered in the insurance policy.

Lapsed Policy A policy which has been terminated for non-payment of premiums. A policy lapses usually when the premium due is not paid even after the grace period.

Maturity Date The maturity date is the date when the amount paid towards the life insurance policy is given to the policy holder once the term of the policy ends.

Maturity Claim The amount given to the insured at the end of the maturity period is called the maturity claim.

Moral Hazard An insurance policy is based on the need for insurance, the health and personal habits of the insured, the insured’s standard of living and income. The moral hazard is the decision of the insurance company to accept the risk and issue a policy after taking the factors mentioned above into consideration.

Nomination This is when the policy holder or insured officially authorises another person to receive any monetary benefits of the policy. The authorised person is the Nominee.

Premium The amount paid by the insured, either in lump sum or in periodic amounts, to the insurance company under the life insurance policy.

Reinstatement Reinstatement of a policy is the act of putting a lapsed policy back into force, after the grace period has expired. The company may require evidence of insurability and will always require the insured to pay the total amount of overdue past premiums.

Surrender Value The surrender value it the amount paid to an insured who wishes to terminate the policy before its maturity date.

Vesting Age The age at which the insured starts receiving a pension from the insurance company in an insurance-cum-pension policy.

NOTE: The above definitions are only explanatory in nature. If any of the above terms have been defined in the policy contract, then the policyholder should consider the definition as specified under the policy contract.

What To Look For In Your Insurance Contract

Life insurance is the only financial tool which offers the triple advantage of risk coverage, long term savings, and tax benefit. It offers financial protection to an individual after taking into account the present and future value of his assets and liabilities. However, consumers need to develop a better understanding of the life insurance products that they buy.

There are a number of things that you must understand regarding your life insurance policy and this document is a guide to help you check the same.

Mentioned below are 10 key parameters to weigh once you receive the policy document.

Verify personal details

Personal data provided to the life insurance company forms a very important part for policy servicing and settlement of all claims.

Please make sure that all personal details such as your name, age, address, etc. are mentioned correctly.

Moreover, do be certain that all aspects related to personal habits or health details are mentioned correctly as per the disclosures made by you in the proposal form.

Analyze the benefits

The benefits of your life insurance policy must correspond with your long-term goals. After the receipt of policy document, go through the features and benefits of the product and check if they match with promises made during the purchase. Cross-check features such as sum assured, premium amount, flexibility of the plan, etc.

Check the riders

In addition to life coverage, you may have purchased add-on covers known as "riders" for other types of contingencies. Go through the insurance contract to understand the rider coverage.

Consider the payment tenure

Please check for how long you need to pay premiums and also what mode of payment you may have chosen, for example half yearly, quarterly, annual, etc.

You may sometime get a wrong advice like "you need to pay for only 3/5 years". Please do not fall for such advice. Life insurance is a long-term savings and protection tool and its benefits can be seen only if one buys it for the long-term.

Authenticate the returns

Do not blindly believe the returns promised. Once you get the policy document, check out the benefit illustrations of returns.

The illustration shows what would be your illustrative benefits in a hypothetical situation if your investment were to provide a gross return of 6% and 10%, as per the IRDA's mandate. Study carefully what is guaranteed and what is not.

Comb through the policy contract

In addition to the benefits specified in policy documents, it is necessary to carefully read the terms and conditions of the policy. In case you find any difficulty in understanding any aspect of terms and conditions, please check with the life insurer the impact of those terms and conditions.

Confirm surrender charges

Very rarely, a situation may arise where you face a cash crunch and need to surrender your policy or make partial withdrawals. For times like these, make sure to examine the exact surrender charges mentioned in the policy document, so that you can plan finances and minimize losses accordingly.

Examine exclusions

Exclusions in the policy define aspects or situations that will not be included in the coverage. An exclusion that one is not aware of can make the cover redundant.

Read the exclusions carefully. These may include suicide, death which occurs during the commission of a crime, acts of war or terrorism, death due to a natural calamity, etc. Some exclusion may be only for a specified period and may be called restrictions instead.

Claims settlement process

Check if the nominee's details are captured correctly. You have the option of including one or more nominees and specify their share of claim. The policy should also list down all details on how to file a claim.

What to do when you think a life insurance policy has been mis-sold

The life insurers provide a free-look period of 15 days to the policyholder during which a policyholder can review the policy document and if he/she is not satisfied, then he/she is free to return the policy and claim refund of the premium paid post deduction of applicable charges.

IRDA has also set-up various Ombudsmen offices across the country, which can take up policyholder grievance and complaints.

10 most important things to see before you buy life insurance: SBI ad SBI life insurance has come out with an ad which says – here is a list of 10 most important things that you should see before you buy life insurance. I am not getting into whether it is the correct 10 or there could be a better 10.

My take is – this is a typical motherhood statement that advise is accused of. Completely correct and mostly useless UNLESS you understand what it means.

Let me list the following for a start – will elaborate later on:

1. Analyse and ensure that the plan meets your insurance needs and long term financial goals

2. Is it a Unit Linked or Traditional?

3. Understand risk factors, terms and conditions, of the plan and read the sales brochure carefully.

4. See whether it is a single one time payment or a regular plan.

5. Confirm the premium payment and frequency

6. Check the benefit illustration

7. Confirm that the term is appropriate

8. Check the lock in and the surrender charges and its applicability

9. Understand the benefits available – before and post maturity

10. Provide true and complete information while filling up the form.

each one is correct, not understandable and useless for the end user.

It is useful for the professional in the field….perhaps ….but then he may already know it.

It is useful for people like me to write about on my blog for sure….





Term Insurance: Jigar Parekh 



Paying money  for  something which you won’t get  if you are alive!!! Doesn’t  it  sound  ridiculous?? 

Will you pay  for any such  thing!!! How can we do  that?? Now  read carefully,  I being Gujarati and 

belonging  to  a  typical  bania  family  (community  which  is  believed  to  be  very  conservative  in 

spending) pay almost Rs. 30000 per year for something which I will not get if I am alive. For getting 

the benefit of what I pay I need to die. You read it correctly, so don’t bother to read it again. I am full 

conscious at the moment. I do pay Rs. 30000 per year for the promise from somebody that in event 

of my unfortunate demise, all my financial  liability, towards my family which I would have fulfilled, 

had I been alive, would be taken care. 


Let me give you an idea about list of my financial liabilities, both current and future liabilities. I have 

bought  the  flat  by  taking  a  loan  from  bank  worth  Rs.  48  lacs.  If  I  die  today,  my  wife  who  is  a 

housewife would require constant regular  income till she  is alive (another 45 to 50 years). And  let 

me tell you our current monthly requirement  is around 22000 to 25000 per month and  is doubling 

every 5 to 6 years due to demon called “inflation”. I have a 3 year old kid, yes you are right as cute as 

your kid, whom  I want  to give  the best education which might  cost more  than 15  lacs  in current 

scenario and God knows how much  it would still  increase again due to “inflation”. Also a wedding 

expense when he attains the proper age,  is there on the  list of priority. Apart from this also other 

unavoidable expenses are buying new car, holidays, replacement of outdated electronic gadgets etc. 

The  list  is  longer but  just to give you an  idea,  I mentioned some of the most  important ones only. 

Now by paying Rs. 30000 to someone per year  if I get a written promise that all these current and 

future liabilities would be taken care, if unfortunately I DIE. Is it a big cost, if i convert it in monthly 

figure  it comes to 2500  less than Rs. 100 per day. And that written promise  is given to me not by 

someone with no credibility,  it  is given  to me by someone who has a capital of more  than 100 cr 

rupees and one of the most valuable and renowned name in country. 

By now  some of you might have understood what  I am writing about. Name of  that magic  thing 

which  I am paying for  is nothing but “Term  Insurance”. All of you might be aware about the word 

Insurance,  but  I  am  sure many  of  you might  have  been wondering what  this  “Term  Insurance”, 

because  you  might  have  heard  about  money  Back  insurance,  Endowment  Insurance,  Whole  Life 

Insurance, Unit Linked Insurance but not term insurance. 


Let me explain. Before understating about  “Term  Insurance”  let me  take you  in  flashback,  to  the 

origin of Insurance. Concept of insurance took place from the basic need of sharing the loss of one 

unfortunate by group of people. For example,  in a town  if there are 2000 Families with one bread 

earner and every year 2 persons die according to past statistical data. So to protect the family of that 

unfortunate people, all 2000 families spare Rs. 10000 so totally Rs 2 cr  is collected and it  is divided 

between these 2 families who have witnessed the unfortunate event of demise of bread earner. Isn’t 

this system very simple, useful and very humane. The main concept of  Insurance  is nothing but to 

share risk of some people by the group of people. Term Insurance is the basic insurance which only 

provides the Risk cover in event of the person who is insured. These kinds of basic and most useful 

insurance policies, which are available from all insurance companies, but are still very less popular in 


As per our basic human psychology we have always try to add more and more features to the basic 

product, we also did the same thing with  insurance. We try to combine saving,  investment and tax 

saving benefit with  the basic concept of  insurance, which  is not bad but as an outcome  the basic 

benefit of  insurance  (pure risk) became very costly  for people with  limited  income or people with 

many liabilities. Just from the list my liabilities which I have already mentioned earlier, it seems that 

in  case of my death  roughly my  family would need at  least 2  cr.  rupees only  for  securing all  the 

liabilities. Now to buy the policy, which provides me the Sum Assured (Amount payable in case of my 

death) worth Rs. 2  cr,  and  also has  the element of  saving  and  investment  I  at  least need  to pay 

roughly Rs. 10  lacs to  insurance company every year, which  is not feasible for me but to buy term 

insurance where I get the pure risk cover only worth Rs. 2 cr. I need to pay only Rs. 30000, which is 

very much practical and possible  for me. Term plans are also available with  the small premium of 

3000 per year and more. 

To  give  you  an  example,  for  buying  1  cr worth  of  Life  insurance  I  have  2  choices,  one  is  to  buy 

traditional or ULIP  life  insurance policy by paying 5  lacs premium per year, other  is  to buy a  term 

plan by paying Rs 15000 per year. Committing to pay Rs. 15000 per year is far easier and convenient 

than to commit 5 lacs premium per year. In case of first choice, you would get your investment back 

with some profits, in case of second you won’t get anything unless you die. But in second case you 

have a freedom to  invest remaining Rs. 4.85  lacs according to your convenience and you can even 

diversify that amount among various asset classes and  investment schemes available  in market.  In 

case of financial difficulty there are chances that you might feel it difficult to write the cheque for Rs. 

5 lacs and in turn losing the benefit of Risk cover. But it would be much easier to pay Rs. 15000 even 

in a financial hardship compared to Rs. 5 lacs. Even in case of clubbing investment and risk cover, in 

majority of the cases it is observed that the basic cost of Risk cover is always higher in such policies 

than the cost of risk cover which you pay for buying “Term Plan”. 

The first step of financial planning for your family is to protect your family from any kind of risk that 

can  be  an  obstacle  in  creating wealth  for  all  the  required  current  and  future  financial  liabilities. 

Death  of  bread  earner  could  be  the  biggest  such  risk which  can  spoil  all  the  current  and  future 

planning and make the  life of one’s  loved ones miserable. So  it’s very essential for everyone to sit 

and calculate the need of protection required  for the  family  in event of one’s unfortunate demise 

and then to buy a “Term Insurance”. 

2 Things to keep in mind while buying Term Insurance: 



1) Be  true  to  your  Insurer  – while buying  a  term  insurance  you need  to provide  all  the  relevant 

information  truly which  is asked by  insurers. The premium which  insurer decides  is based on  the 

various  parameters  affecting  your  life.  In  event  of  any  misrepresentation  of  any  information 

provided by you, it can create the biggest risk of rejection of claim. So provide all the 

Information regarding your current and past health related problems to your insurers. 


2) Cost Effective – As Term plan being a plain vanilla product,  it  is advisable that you compare the 

premium charged by various insurance companies and selects the one which is more cost effective. 

Also  client  should  look  for  some  added  benefit  if  insurer  is  providing  any,  before  selecting  the 

insurer. For example, Kotak Life Insurance Co  ltd has one unique term plan called “Kotak Preferred 

Term Plan” where they differentiate the premium amount not only on the basis of Age or gender of 

a insured person, but also on the basis of weather the person is tobacco user or not. The one who is 

not tobacco user gets a huge discount in premium. 

Currently,  in order  to cut  their own costs many  insurers nowadays have started promoting online 

term plans to avoid the distribution cost. But I strongly suggest one must buy the term plan with the 

help of some competent agent or distributor as the most important factor in case of term plan is a 

process of claim settlement. If you have some agent of distributor, your loved ones can call them for 

the  assistance  in  case  of  your  demise.  It  would  become  very  convenient  and  easy  for  family 

members to get the claims paid with the help and guidance of competent distributor. 

At last, I would like to share one forwarded email story sent to me just few days back from one of my 



Ek Chhoti Bachhi Apne Papa k Sath ja Rahi Thi: 

Ek Pul par Paani Bahut Tezi se Beh Raha Tha…… 

PAPA: ‐ Beta Daro Mat, Mera Hath Pakad Lo, 

BACHHI: ‐ Nahi Papa, Aap Mera Haath Pakad Lo, 

PAPA (Muskura Kar): ‐ Dono me Kya Antar Hai Beta…???? 

BACHHI: ‐ Agar Mai Aapka Haath Pakdu aur Achanak kuch ho Jaye, To Shayad mai Aapka Haath Chod 

Du…  Lekin  Agar  aap  Mera  Haath  Pakdenge.  To  mai  Jaanti  Hu  Ki  chhahe  Kuch  bhi  Ho  Jaye… 

                                                     AAP MERA HAATH KABHI NAHI CHHODENGE…..!!!!!! 


It’s so touching!!! It’s a story of every family; every small kid has the same strongest faith on his/her 

father that his/her father would never leave him/her alone. Does your child have the same trust and 

faith  in  you???  What  have  you  done  to  make  sure  that  his/her  faith  will  never  be  shattered; 

irrespective of you are there with him/her or not??? My 3 year old son has the same faith in me, and 

to make sure his  faith never gets shattered  I have bought  term plan. Start Planning  for  the bright 

future of your family, by buying a “Term Insurance” today. 





What Sounds Better???


ADDING to Your Wealth?10+3=13???



What Sounds Better???

Kid 2’s Marriage

Kid 1’s Marriage


Kid 2’s College

Phase IPhase I Phase IIPhase II Phase IIIPhase IIIRetirement Retirement EmergenciesEmergencies'????'????

Human Life Cycle


Kid 1’s College


Kid 1

Kid 2



Do You Want to Compromise On Your Living Standard after your Retirement??

Saving / Investing Saving / Investing

Birth & Birth & EducationEducation00 2525

Working Life Working Life

Retired Life Retired Life 6060 75+75+

Meet current recurring expenses

Rent, Electricity, Telephone

Child’s education, Child’s marriage

Annual Holiday with family….

PHASE II: The most challenging PHASE

Build capital assets

House; Car….

Make provisions for

Retirement ; Contingencies‐ Illness, 

Accidents, etc.

Lets See Other Major Challenges..!!

• 1985

• Balcony Ticket : Rs 15/‐

• 2010

• Balcony Ticket : Rs 250/‐

Inflation Meter: 12.43% 

Cost of livings

• 2010

• Hotel Bill : Rs 1250/‐

• 1985

• Hotel Bill : Rs 100/‐

Inflation Meter: 11.10% 

• 1985

• Petrol Price : Rs 8 / L

• 2010

• Petrol Price : Rs 55 / L

Inflation Meter: 8.40% 

• 2010

• MBA Course : 10,00,000/‐

Inflation Meter: 14.35% 

• 1985

• MBA Course : 40,000/‐

Kal Aaj Aur kal

Item 1985 2010 2020 * 

Toothpaste 5 55 165

1 Kg of Sugar 4 40 116

Living Standard

• Luxuries OR Necessities ?????

In 1985 In 2010

Landline Phone Mobile Phone

Television LED TV

Luxuries in 1985 is Necessities  Today

1 Kg of Salt 2 10 21

1 Kg of Onions 3 20 56

1 Liter of Milk 4 30 106

LPG Cylinder 56 350 813

1 Liter of Petrol 8 55 135

*Assuming Inflation According to Past

Motorcycle Car

Fan Air Condition

Post Card E‐Mail

Note Book Laptop

And Lots of More….!!!!



Some facts of future cost

What is the Average Cost of Child Education

Courses 2010 2025

Engineering Rs. 10 Lac Rs. 24 Lac

Medical Rs. 15 Lac Rs. 36 Lac

Foreign Study Rs. 25 Lac Rs. 60 Lac

Are you on Right Track of Investing..!!!

Some facts of future cost

What is the Average Cost of Child Marriage

Expenses of

Current in 2010

Future in 2030

Marriage Rs. 15 Lac Rs. 48 Lac

Are you on Right Track of Investing..!!!

Some facts of future cost

Retirement Planning


Monthly Household Expenses

Retirement corpus requiredto meet post retirement expenses. (if invested at 7%) 

2.4 crore

TodayAt the time 

of retirement


21 Yrs

Inflation 6%

Are you on Right Track of Investing..!!!

Brief look at our future cost

Child Education      :  After 15 Yrs

Engineering            :  Rs. 24 Lac

Medical                   :  Rs. 36 Lac

Foreign Study         :   Rs. 60 Lac

Wedding of Child   :   After 20 Yrs

Marriage                 :   Rs.  48 Lac

Retirement             :   After 21 yrs

Retirement Kitty    :    Rs. 2.4 Crores

More then Approx 3 Crores You Need to Full Fill Your Future Cost

Inflation robs your purchasing power

Impact of inflation on monthly expenses of Rs. 30,000 today

Value of Rs. 100,000 over time

71 897



At inflation of 6%

Investors need to beat inflation




Today 5 years 15 years 20 years



Today 5 years 15 years 20 years

It’s Difficult to Invest

Reason to not Invest

lots of date to date expenses today..!!Want to maintain Standard of living..!! Already Paid Car & Housing Loan..!! Don’t have spear money for investments..!! Don’t have time to invest..!!Don t have time to invest..!! Let’s live first, have lots of years to invest..!! Don't aware where to invest..!! Concern returns are hardly worth the effort..!!

And the list goes on..!!!!

But lets see another side of Life..We Have Lots of Non Ignorable Goals or Say Liabilities or 

Say Responsibilities..  Lets See it.



The truth

Creating Wealth is Easy……  We Can all be Wealthy…

How can you create wealth?

The longer you save, the more you make

Start Saving Early


This will dictate how much wealth you create …

Even a small amount saved regularly, is good

Save in the Right Asset Class

Save Regularly

Start Saving Early



Savings ‐ Starting Age 25 years 40 years

Savings ‐ Monthly SIP  Rs.5,000/ Rs.15,000/

Saving Years till Age 60 35 years 20 years

Total Amount Saved  (apprx.) Rs.56 lacs Rs.61 lacs

l h 60 26 80Save less & 


Wealth at Age 60 years Rs.26 crores 4.80 crores Earn More




Start saving early … Don’t delay..!!!

Rs 2000 invested p.m. @ 20% till the age of  60 yrsValue in Rs lakh

Just 5 years of delay reduces the wealth 

by half!313

12549 19 6

25 years30 years35 years40 years45 years50 years8.40 7.20 6.00 4.80 3.60 2.40

From Age 25, Rs 2000‐a‐month could deliver Rs 7.82 cr at age 60

Amount Invested at Rs Lakh

25 years 30 years 35 years 40 years 45 years     50 years

Save in the right asset class Save in the right asset class

2012 18,600* 18.60 Crores

In past 33 years BSE Sensex has given approx. 16.84% returns

This is in spite of …• Two wars• At least three major financial scandals• US Sub Prime and Recession• Assassination of 2 prime ministers

• At least 3 recessionary periods• Twin Tower 9/11 Attack• 10 different governments and• An unfair share of natural disasters

*As on 31st July, 2010

Risk factors: Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks. Past performance may or may not be repeated in future. Please read the offer document carefully before investing. 



Equities not risky in long-run (Performance of BSE Sensex)

Years YEAR END SENSEX level 1 year 3 years 5 years 7 years 10 years 12 years 15 years

0 31-Mar-79 1001 31-Mar-80 129 28.57%2 31-Mar-81 173 34.90%3 31-Mar-82 218 25.52% 29.61%4 31-Mar-83 212 -2.85% 18.05%5 31-Mar-84 245 15.99% 12.25% 19.66%6 31-Mar-85 354 44.24% 17.58% 22.44%7 31-Mar-86 574 62.24% 39.49% 27.05% 28.36%8 31-Mar-87 510 -11.10% 27.66% 18.58% 21.77%9 31-Mar-88 398 -21.94% 4.03% 13.50% 12.61%

10 31-Mar-89 714 79.13% 7.52% 23.81% 18.48% 21.72%11 31-Mar-90 781 9.45% 15.24% 17.16% 20.52% 19.77%12 31-Mar-91 1168 49.54% 43.12% 15.26% 24.97% 21.01% 22.73%13 31-Mar-92 4285 266.88% 81.76% 53.04% 42.80% 34.71% 33.94%14 31-Mar-93 2281 -46.78% 42.93% 41.76% 21.78% 26.84% 23.95%15 31-Mar-94 3779 65.71% 47.90% 39.57% 33.11% 31.45% 26.85% 27.40%16 31-Mar-95 3261 -13.71% -8.70% 33.09% 35.03% 24.87% 25.60% 24.05%17 31-Mar-96 3367 3.24% 13.86% 23.58% 24.81% 19.35% 24.39% 21.86%18 31-Mar-97 3361 -0.17% -3.83% -4.74% 23.18% 20.74% 20.63% 20.02%19 31-Mar-98 3893 15.82% 6.08% 11.29% 18.77% 25.60% 17.29% 21.43%20 31-Mar-99 3740 -3.92% 3.57% -0.21% -1.92% 18.02% 18.05% 19.92%21 31-Mar-00 5001 33.73% 14.17% 8.93% 11.87% 20.40% 23.47% 19.31%22 31-Mar-01 3604 -27.93% -2.53% 1.37% -0.67% 11.93% 14.45% 13.03%23 31-Mar-02 3469 -3.75% -2.47% 0.64% 0.89% -2.09% 13.23% 13.63%24 31-Mar-03 3049 -12.12% -15.21% -4.77% -1.41% 2.95% 8.32% 14.53%25 31-Mar-04 5591 83.38% 15.76% 8.37% 7.54% 3.99% 2.24% 14.71%26 31-Mar-05 6493 16.14% 23.23% 5.36% 7.58% 7.13% 9.11% 15.16%27 31-Mar-06 11279 73.71% 54.66% 25.63% 17.08% 12.85% 9.54% 16.32%28 31-Mar-07 13072 15.90% 32.73% 30.38% 14.71% 14.55% 12.27% 7.72%29 31-Mar-08 15644 19.68% 34.06% 38.69% 23.33% 14.92% 13.66% 13.70%30 31-Mar-09 9708 -37.94% -4.88% 11.67% 15.84% 10.01% 9.24% 6.49%31 31-Mar-10 17528 80.55% 10.27% 21.97% 28.39% 13.36% 13.36% 11.86%32 31-Mar-11 19445 10.94% 7.52% 11.51% 19.49% 18.36% 14.73% 12.40%33 31-Mar-12 17404 -10.50% 21.48% 5.89% 15.13% 17.50% 10.95% 11.59%

Probability of Loss (12/33) (6/31) (3/29) (3/27) (1/24) (0/21) (0/18)

Time Expertise Lack of Information Portfolio Volatility


Believing in Hot Tips !!Market Timing Investing for a Short term Expert Recommendation Product oriented approach

D i i b d ti


Decision based on emotions

Equity assets class through mutual funds

Mutual Fund is a trust that pools the savings of a number of investors who share a common financial goal. Each scheme of a mutual fund can have different character and objectives. Mutual funds issue units to the investors, which represent an equitable right in the assets of the mutual fund.

Professional ManagementgLiquidityPortfolio DiversificationReduction of RiskFlexibilityTransparencyReduction of Transaction CostsRegulated By SEBIConvenienceTax benefits

PERFORMANCE OF Reliance Grow Fund LUMSUM ‐ Equities not risky in long run

Rolling Returns ‐ Growth 

No YEAR NAV 1 year 3 years 5 years 7 years 10 years 12 years

0 31‐Jul‐94

1 31‐Jul‐95

2 31‐Jul‐96 10.10

3 31‐Jul‐97 13.39 32.57

4 31‐Jul‐98 12.33 ‐7.92

5 31 Jul 99 20 22 63 99 26 03

MF Equity Schemes performed better than Index

Probability of loss is Nil for 3 and 

more years 5 31‐Jul‐99 20.22 63.99 26.03

6 31‐Jul‐00 25.80 27.60 24.44

7 31‐Jul‐01 18.52 ‐28.22 14.52 12.89

8 31‐Jul‐02 27.58 48.92 10.90 15.55

9 31‐Jul‐03 43.75 58.63 19.25 28.83 23.30

10 31‐Jul‐04 76.19 74.15 60.23 30.38 28.20

11 31‐Jul‐05 150.69 97.78 76.13 42.33 42.99

12 31‐Jul‐06 193.62 28.49 64.18 59.90 38.09 34.36

13 31‐Jul‐07 324.13 67.41 62.03 63.69 43.55 37.53

14 31‐Jul‐08 317.47 ‐2.05 28.20 48.64 50.07 38.38 33.29

15 31‐Jul‐09 351.49 10.72 21.99 35.77 43.85 33.05 31.30

16 31‐Jul‐10 465.91 32.55 12.86 25.33 40.20 33.56 35.35

Probability of Loss 3/14 0/12 0/10 0/8 0/5 0/3

Probability of Loss (%) 21.43% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%

PERFORMANCE OF Franklin India Bluechip Fund Lumsum‐ Equities not risky in long run

Rolling Returns ‐ Growth 

Nos YEAR NAV 1 year 3 years 5 years 7 years 10 years 12 years

0 31‐Jul‐94 17.48

1 31‐Jul‐95 18.47 5.66

2 31‐Jul‐96 13.75 ‐25.55

3 31‐Jul‐97 16.76 21.86 ‐1.40

4 31‐Jul‐98 21.59 28.85 5.34

5 31‐Jul‐99 36 19 67 61 38 06 15 66

MF Equity Schemes performed better than Index

Probability of loss is Nil for 5 and 

more years 5 31 Jul 99 36.19 67.61 38.06 15.66

6 31‐Jul‐00 64.89 79.33 57.04 28.57

7 31‐Jul‐01 54.79 ‐15.57 36.40 31.85 17.73

8 31‐Jul‐02 61.47 12.21 19.32 29.69 18.74

9 31‐Jul‐03 87.54 42.39 10.49 32.31 30.27

10 31‐Jul‐04 143.74 64.21 37.92 31.77 35.94 23.45

11 31‐Jul‐05 211.61 47.22 50.99 26.67 38.55 27.62

12 31‐Jul‐06 294.02 38.94 49.76 39.94 34.89 35.83 26.52

13 31‐Jul‐07 437.46 48.78 44.92 48.06 31.34 38.57 30.18

14 31‐Jul‐08 385.49 ‐11.88 22.13 34.51 32.14 33.41 32.02

15 31‐Jul‐09 466.50 21.01 16.63 26.55 33.58 29.13 31.94

16 31‐Jul‐10 583.58 25.10 10.08 22.49 31.13 24.56 31.62

Probability of Loss 3/16 1/14 0/12 0/10 0/7 0/5

Probability of Loss (%) 18.75% 7.14% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%

Save regularly

Investing a fixed Sum, Regularly in Mutual Fund Called Systematic Investment Plan ( SIP )

Similar to Regular Saving Scheme Like a Recurring Deposit

Rupee Cost Averaging  Automatic Market Timing Power of Compounding

Make you Habit to Disciplined Regular Investor 

Disciplined Investing through Systematic Investment Plans ( SIPs ) is the ideal way to                      reduce risk.

Triple Benefits of Investing Regularly



Save regularly

Rupee Cost AveragingAverage Purchase cost 

will be less

Automatic TimingAt higher prices ‐ less unitsAt lower prices – more units


Amount Rising Market Falling Market Volatile Market

Invested NAV Units NAV Units NAV Units

1 1000 10 100.00 10 100.00 10 100.00

2 1000 12 83.33 8 125.00 12 83.33

3 1000 14 71.43 6 166.67 8 125.00

4 1000 16 62.50 4 250.00 10 100.00

Total 4000 52 317.26 28 641.67 40 408.33

Avg Purchase Prices 13 7 10

Avg Cost Per Unit 12.61 6.23 9.80


Investing in the BSE Sensex – 25 years

Give Time rather than Timing the Equity market 



Fixed investment on 1st day of every month

Fixed investment athighest sensex value

every year

Fixed investment atlowest sensex value

every year

Systematic regular 

investor make Money

Market timing does not matter over the long term

SIP - The best way for Investment

Case Study ‐ 1Market hit a high of 5933 in Feb 2000Market crashed to lows of 2600 on Sep 2001It took almost 4 years for the market to scale back the level of 5930 in Feb 

Let’s see how did the SIP investors fare in pass two real Market scenarios.

Case 1

Case 2

the level of 5930 in Feb2004.

Case Study ‐ 2Market hit a high of 20873 in Jan 2008Market crashed to lows of 8160 on March 2009,Currently Market at 17868 on July 2010 after 2.5 years.

SIP - The best way for Investment

Sensex Feb 2000 5933

SIP of Rs. 2000…STARTED IN Feb 2000

Sensex Sep 2001 2600

Sensex Feb 2004 5932Stopped and withdrawn

(Panic Investor)Stopped but invested(Confused Investor)

SIP continued(Smart Investor)

Scheme Name

(Panic Investor) (Confused Investor) (Smart Investor)

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3

Amt invested

value in sep 01

Abs return

Amt invested

Value in feb 2004

Abs return

Amt invested

Value in feb 2004

Abs return

Reliance Growth 40000 26409 ‐33.98% 40000 123207 208.02% 98000 266308 171.74%

DSP BR Equity 40000 24100 ‐39.75% 40000 73906 84.77% 98000 192629 96.56%

HDFC Equity  40000 29480 ‐26.30% 40000 108574 171.44% 98000 233800 138.57%

Franklin Blue chip 40000 25388 ‐36.53% 40000 92494 131.24% 98000 217687 122.13%

ICICI Technology fund 40000 16847 ‐57.88% 40000 44256 10.64% 98000 140098 42.96%

Birla New Millennium 40000 14462 ‐63.85% 40000 42823 7.06% 98000 134243 36.98%

Sensex Jan 2008 20873

SIP of Rs. 2000…STARTED IN JAN 2008

Sensex March 2009 8160

Sensex July 2010 17868Stopped and withdrawn

(Panik Investor)Stopped but invested(Confused Investor)

SIP continued(Smart Investor)

SIP - The best way for Investment

Scheme Name

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3

Amt invested

Value in March 2009

Abs return

Amt invested

Value in July 2010

Abs return

Amt invested

Value in July



Reliance Growth 30000 20224 ‐32.59% 30000 50912 69.71% 62000 91322 47.29%

DSP BR Equity 30000 22136 ‐26.21% 30000 50187 67.29% 62000 90647 46.20%

HDFC Equity  30000 20370 ‐32.10% 30000 57312 91.04% 62000 100013 61.31%

Franklin Bluechip 30000 21458 ‐28.47% 30000 48644 62.15% 62000 87580 41.26%

ICICI infrastructure 30000 21197 ‐29.34% 30000 41466 38.22% 62000 78080 25.94%

TATA Infrastructure 30000 19416 ‐35.28% 30000 42171 40.57% 62000 79790 28.69%

Started New SIP at market 


Sensex Sep 2001 2600 Sensex March 2009 8160

Sensex Feb 2004 5932 Sensex July 2010 17868SIP starterd in sep 2001 SIP started in March 2009

SIP - The best way for Investment

Scheme Name

SIP Ended in Feb 2004 SIP Ended in July 2010

Amt investedvalue in sep 01 Abs return Amt invested

Value in Feb 



Reliance Growth 60000 151379 152.30% 34000 45445 33.66%

DSP BR Equity 60000 124727 107.88% 34000 44995 32.34%

HDFC Equity  60000 131676 119.46% 34000 48327 42.14%

Franklin Bluechip 60000 132012 120.02% 34000 43469 27.85%



Scheme Rs. 1000/ pm SIP Present ValueIRR for 15 


Reliance Growth ‐ Growth 180000 2745820 31.98 2565820Franklin India Bluechip ‐ Growth 180000 2644852 31.56 2464852HDFC Equity Fund ‐ Growth 180000 2516149 30.99 2336149Reliance Vision ‐ Growth 180000 1846946 27.50 1666946Franklin India Prima Plus ‐ Growth 180000 1822159 27.35 1642159Franklin India Prima Fund ‐ Growth 180000 1757302 26.94 1577302HDFC Prudence Fund ‐ Growth 180000 1671675 26.38 1491675SBI Magnum Tax Gain Scheme 93 ‐ Growth 180000 1509485 25.45 1329485Birla Sun Life 95 ‐ Growth 180000 1482358 25.02 1302358HDFC Capital Builder Fund ‐ Growth 180000 1318925 23.70 1138925ICICI Prudential Power ‐ Growth 180000 1220266 22.83 1040266Birla Sun Life MNC Fund ‐ Growth 180000 519191 22.72 339191SBI Magnum Global Fund 94 ‐ Growth 180000 1159726 22.46 979726Tata Equity Opportunities Fund ‐ Growth 180000 1144738 22.41 964738Birla Sun Life Advantage Fund ‐ Growth 180000 1087407 21.52 907407T St h F d G th 180000 1056055 21 20 876055


Taurus Starshare Fund ‐ Growth 180000 1056055 21.20 876055SBI Magnum Multiplier Plus 93 ‐ Growth 180000 1017018 20.96 837018Tata Balanced Fund ‐ Growth 180000 944946 19.93 764946SBI Magnum Equity Fund ‐ Growth 180000 944437 19.93 764437SBI Magnum Balanced Fund ‐ Growth 180000 928019 19.73 748019Morgan Stanley Growth Fund ‐ Growth 180000 836436 18.55 656436Taurus Bonanza Fund ‐ Growth 180000 820994 18.34 640994UTI Equity Fund ‐ Growth 180000 808440 18.16 628440UTI Balanced Fund ‐ Growth 180000 801584 18.07 621584Canara Robeco Balance ‐ Growth 180000 719427 16.83 539427UTI Top 100 Fund ‐ Growth 180000 691756 16.38 511756UTI Masterplus Unit Scheme 91 ‐ Growth 180000 674965 16.09 494965UTI Mastershare ‐ Growth 180000 663917 15.91 483917JM Balanced ‐ Growth 180000 556689 13.87 376689JM Equity ‐ Growth 180000 512367 12.90 332367Taurus Discovery Fund ‐ Growth 180000 425628 11.09 245628









SIP - 8TH Wonder of the World

Bull and bear market cycles are nature of Equity markets and are going to continue in future also.

SIP is nothing but just averaging your Unit price or Automatic Timing of Market.  Its science or method or art…!!!!!

Sl & St d R l & P t l I t C t W lth O P i d Slow & Steady, Regular & Punctual Investors Create Wealth Over Period of time throw SIP

It is the small investment like a drop of water that Create Wealth like Ocean.

We earn regularly: We spend regularly

Shouldn't we also invest regularly???

SIP – Power of Compounding

Tenure 5 Years 15 Years 25 Year 35 Year 45 Years 55 Years

I d

Smart way to invest and Simple Way to get Rich..!!!!

ILLUSTRATIONRs 1000 Invested every month in different asset class

Invested Amount 60,000 180,000 300,000 420,000  540,000  660,000 

Returns %

8% 73,414  339,778  914,839  2,156,353  4,836,687  10,623,329 

12% 81,104  475,931  1,702,207  5,510,831  17,339,841  54,078,950 

18% 94,009  801,110  4,501,956  23,871,580 125,249,002 655,841,758 

SIP – Power of Compounding












15 Year 25 Year 35 Year 45 Year 55 Year



“We do not need to be wealthy to be an investor …But we can be wealthy if we are investors”

Helping you achieve your goals in life …

How Much Monthly Investment Need to Achieve Your Goal

Child Education      :  After 15 Yrs

Engineering                    :  Rs. 24 Lac

Medical                           :  Rs. 36 Lac

Foreign Study                 :   Rs. 60 Lac

@ 8%

Rs.  7,063

Rs. 10,595

Rs. 17,659

@ 18%

Rs.  2,996

Rs.  4,494

Rs.  7,490

Wedding of Child   :   After 20 Yrs

Marriage                         :   Rs.  48 Lac

Retirement              :   After 21 yrs

Retirement Kitty           :    Rs. 2.4 Crores

Rs.  8,382  

Rs. 38,036

Rs.  2,491  

Rs. 10,495

Investing These much  Amount not possible

Not Investing in to Equity is more Risky then Investing in to………!!!!!!







Scheme Minimum Invt Exit Load STP Dates SIP Dates Nav Present Value Yield % Rank Present

Value Yield % Rank Present Value Yield % Rank Present

Value Yield % Rank

SBI Magnum Sector Umbrella - Emerging Busine 500 1% (1 yr) Any Date 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 61.57 15061.36 55.41 1 52155.97 26.34 1 117562.62 27.70 1Fortis Mid Cap Fund 500 (Min 12 Instal) 1% (1 yr) 1,7,15,25 1,7,15,25 12.62 14538.05 45.34 3 47215.34 18.93 2

Reliance Equity Opportunities Fund 100 (Min 60 Instal) 1% (1 yr) Weekly (1,8,15,22) Mthly & Qtly (Any Date) Fortnightly(1,15) 2 , 10 , 18 , 28 45.13 14108.20 37.29 15 45995.58 17.03 3 103691.08 22.38 3

IDFC Premier Equity Fund 2000 (Min 6 Instal) 1% (1 yr) Daily (Any Date) Monthly (1,10,20) Weekly (7,14,21,28) Fortnighlty (1,16)

Monthly (Any Date) Weekly (7,14,21,28) Fortnighlty (1,16) 40.50 14106.75 37.26 16 45319.11 15.96 4 100275.82 20.98 5

ICICI Prudential Discovery Fund 1000 1% (1 yr) Last day of the Month & Every Monday 7,10,15,25 59.47 14157.17 38.20 12 45132.66 15.66 5 104655.39 22.77 2Birla Sun Life MNC Fund 1000 1% (1 yr) 1, 7 , 10 , 14, 20, 21, 28 1, 7 , 10 , 14, 20, 21, 28 262.67 13377.60 23.93 70 44976.77 15.41 6 102436.70 21.87 4 344917.86 20.17 9SBI Magnum Global Fund 94 500 1% (1 yr) Any Date 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 69.36 14070.35 36.62 18 44736.01 15.04 7 95064.52 18.76 6 403221.00 23.07 1Franklin India Prima Fund 500 or 1000 1% (1 yr) Weekly(7,14,21,28) & Monthly (Any Date) 1 , 7 , 10 , 20, 25 334.60 14397.93 42.70 4 44723.28 15.01 8 93576.54 18.10 7 310382.64 18.20 18Kotak Midcap Fund 1000 1% (1 yr) 1,7,14,21,25 1,7,14,21,25 30.58 14370.88 42.19 5 44624.35 14.85 9 91517.09 17.17 9SBI Magnum Midcap Fund 500 1% (1 yr) Any Date 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 27.83 14662.06 47.75 2 44543.55 14.73 10 86325.68 14.76 23Franklin India High Growth Companies 500 or 1000 1% (1 yr) Weekly(7,14,21,28) & Monthly (Any Date) 1 , 7 , 10 , 20, 25 14.99 14359.37 41.98 6 43693.37 13.34 11Templeton India Equity Income Fund 500 or 1000 1% (1 yr) Weekly(7,14,21,28) Monthly (Any Date) 1 , 7 , 10 , 20, 25 23.79 14142.40 37.92 13 43639.54 13.25 12Birla Sun Life Top 100 Fund 1000 0.50% (7 days) 1, 7 , 10 , 14, 20, 21, 28 1, 7 , 10 , 14, 20, 21, 28 26.68 14029.17 35.82 22 43594.95 13.18 13 85811.09 14.51ICICI Prudential Infrastructure Fund 1000 1% (1 yr) Last day of the Month & Every Monday 7,10,15,25 159.72 13753.03 30.74 40 43492.27 13.01 14 85081.31 14.16 30Birla Sun Life Frontline Equity Fund 1000 1% (1 yr) 1, 7 , 10 , 14, 20, 21, 28 1, 7 , 10 , 14, 20, 21, 28 102.33 14200.06 39.00 11 43356.91 12.79 15 87635.72 15.38 15Franklin India Prima Plus 500 or 1000 1% (1 yr) Weekly(7,14,21,28) & Monthly (Any Date) 1 , 7 , 10 , 20, 25 259.57 13872.66 32.94 27 43286.09 12.68 16 86878.73 15.02 19 341216.35 19.97 10UTI Thematic Mid Cap Fund 500 1% (1 yr) Mthly & Qtly (1,7,15,25) 1,7,15,25 32.47 13374.17 23.87 71 43265.54 12.64 17 90954.39 16.92 11SBI Magnum Bluechip Fund 500 1% (1 yr) Any Date 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 17.02 14129.58 37.73 14 43107.41 12.39 18DSP BlackRock Small and Midcap Fund 500 1% (1 yr) 1, 7 , 14 , 21, 28 1, 7 , 14 , 21, 28 20.41 14042.63 36.07 20 43097.06 12.37 19

ING Midcap Fund 1000 (monthly) & 3000 (Quarterly) 1% (1 yr) 1,10,15,27 1,10,15,27 24.55 14224.15 39.45 10 43035.75 12.27 20 85714.17 14.47 28

UTI Equity Fund 500 1% (1 yr) Mthly & Qtly (1,7,15,25) 1,7,15,25 63.64 13591.65 27.80 54 42883.11 12.01 21 87415.98 15.28 17 303749.07 17.80 20PRINCIPAL Growth Fund 500 1% (1 yr) 1,5,15,25 1,5,15,25 59.01 14283.47 40.56 7 42788.59 11.86 22 78475.56 10.85 52Franklin India Flexi Cap Fund 500 or 1000 1% (1 yr) Weekly(7,14,21,28) & Monthly (Any Date) 1 , 7 , 10 , 20, 25 37.01 14069.08 36.56 19 42746.48 11.79 23 87243.83 15.20 18Sundaram BNP Paribas Select Midcap 250 (Monthly) 1% (1 yr) 1,7,14,20,25 1,7,14,20,25 174.05 13805.93 31.71 33 42554.17 11.47 24 91434.17 17.14 10

Reliance RSF - Equity 100 (Min 60 Instal) 1% (1 yr) Weekly (1,8,15,22) Mthly & Qtly (Any Date) Fortnightly(1,15) 2 , 10 , 18 , 28 34.42 14242.84 39.79 9 42517.87 11.41 25 86536.62 14.86

UTI Opportunities Fund 500 1% (1 yr) Mthly & Qtly (1,7,15,25) 1,7,15,25 36.35 13849.03 32.50 31 42277.68 11.01 26 89419.90 16.21 13ICICI Prudential Dynamic Plan 1000 1% (1 yr) Last day of the Month & Every Monday 7,10,15,25 121.09 13559.28 27.21 59 42273.53 11.01 26 86738.38 14.96 20Birla Sun Life Dividend Yield Plus 1000 1% (1 yr) 1, 7 , 10 , 14, 20, 21, 28 1, 7 , 10 , 14, 20, 21, 28 96.88 13582.33 27.63 56 42205.85 10.89 28 92965.37 17.82 8Franklin India Bluechip 500 or 1000 1% (1 yr) Weekly(7,14,21,28) & Monthly (Any Date) 1 , 7 , 10 , 20, 25 244.05 13617.50 28.27 48 42185.84 10.86 29 86165.64 14.68 24 326380.17 19.14 12

Tata Growth Fund 500 (Min 12 Instal) 1% (1 yr) Monthly (1 ,7,10,20,28) Weekly (Every Friday) 1 , 7 , 10 , 20 49.75 13704.44 29.85 45 42163.41 10.82 30 83734.29 13.51 36 269266.15 15.55 27

Tata Select Equity Fund - Appr 500 (Min 12 Instal) 1% (1 yr) Monthly (1 ,7,10,20,28) Weekly (Every Friday) 1 , 7 , 10 , 20 75.37 13598.82 27.93 52 42117.05 10.74 31 86539.55 14.86 21 308174.19 18.07 19

IDFC Classic Equity Fund 1000 (Min 6 Instal) 1% (1 yr) Daily (Any Date) Monthly (1,10,20) Weekly (7,14,21,28) Fortnighlty (1,16)

Monthly (Any Date) Weekly (7,14,21,28) Fortnighlty (1,16) 23.20 14272.61 40.35 8 42102.78 10.72 32 77815.08 10.50 53

HDFC Growth Fund 500 1% (1 yr) 1, 5,10 , 15 ,20, 25 1, 5,10 , 15 ,20, 25 97.70 13617.33 28.27 48 42051.92 10.64 33 85639.67 14.43 29 345657.01 20.21 8HDFC Top 200 500 1% (1 yr) 1, 5,10 , 15 ,20, 25 1, 5,10 , 15 ,20, 25 233.88 13792.40 31.46 35 42027.70 10.60 34 87494.06 15.31 16 374167.16 21.68 4SBI Magnum Equity Fund 500 1% (1 yr) Any Date 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 49.38 13602.16 28.02 50 41975.60 10.52 35 84052.09 13.66 33 317488.10 18.62 14DSP BlackRock Top 100 Equity Fund 500 1% (1 yr) 1, 7 , 14 , 21, 28 1, 7 , 14 , 21, 28 113.48 13526.05 26.61 61 41894.22 10.37 36 82873.85 13.08 39ICICI Prudential Power 1000 1% (1 yr) Last day of the Month & Every Monday 7,10,15,25 124.37 13819.52 31.96 32 41709.31 10.06 37 82174.01 12.73 41 291192.12 17.01 24HDFC Equity Fund 500 1% (1 yr) 1, 5,10 , 15 ,20, 25 1, 5,10 , 15 ,20, 25 302.82 13796.63 31.54 34 41667.79 9.99 38 90100.46 16.53 12 373659.86 21.66 5Principal Large Cap Fund 500 1% (1 yr) 1,5,15,25 1,5,15,25 31.44 13773.97 31.13 36 41553.47 9.80 39Kotak Opportunities Fund 1000 1% (1 yr) 1,7,14,21,25 1,7,14,21,25 51.29 13753.11 30.74 40 41486.81 9.69 40 80719.53 12.00 45

Reliance Growth 100 (Min 60 Instal) 1% (1 yr) Weekly (1,8,15,22) Mthly & Qtly (Any Date) Fortnightly(1,15) 2 , 10 , 18 , 28 511.98 13933.22 34.05 25 41454.32 9.63 41 83250.70 13.27 38 397341.98 22.80 2

Kotak 30 1000 1% (1 yr) 1,7,14,21,25 1,7,14,21,25 114.20 13759.34 30.86 37 41438.15 9.61 42 78702.51 10.97 51 302938.90 17.75 21

Tata Equity Opportunities Fund 500 (Min 12 Instal) 1% (1 yr) Monthly (1 ,7,10,20,28) Weekly (Every Friday) 1 , 7 , 10 , 20 90.91 13595.18 27.87 53 41420.88 9.58 43 80629.53 11.96 46 300677.34 17.61 22

Templeton India Growth Fund 500 or 1000 1% (1 yr) Weekly(7,14,21,28) Monthly (Any Date) 1 , 7 , 10 , 20, 25 129.26 13940.77 34.19 24 41260.83 9.31 44 83739.15 13.51 36 312148.37 18.31 17DSP BlackRock Opportunities Fund 500 1% (1 yr) 1, 7 , 14 , 21, 28 1, 7 , 14 , 21, 28 93.06 14035.84 35.94 21 41229.13 9.25 45 82325.37 12.81 40 314627.55 18.45 15HDFC Capital Builder Fund 500 1% (1 yr) 1, 5,10 , 15 ,20, 25 1, 5,10 , 15 ,20, 25 120.61 13538.58 26.84 60 41198.57 9.20 46 86093.73 14.65 25 328569.76 19.26 11

Tata Pure Equity Fund 500 (Min 12 Instal) 1% (1 yr) Monthly (1 ,7,10,20,28) Weekly (Every Friday) 1 , 7 , 10 , 20 109.96 13423.54 24.76 67 41189.72 9.19 47 81739.33 12.52 43 323000.54 18.94 13

DSP BlackRock Equity Fund - Dividend 500 1% (1 yr) 1, 7 , 14 , 21, 28 1, 7 , 14 , 21, 28 51.50 13567.23 27.36 57 41160.81 9.14 48 83977.87 13.62 34 376305.87 21.79 3

Reliance Equity Fund 100 (Min 60 Instal) 1% (1 yr) Weekly (1,8,15,22) Mthly & Qtly (Any Date) Fortnightly(1,15) 2 , 10 , 18 , 28 15.54 14072.82 36.63 17 41098.96 9.03 49

UTI Leadership Equity Fund 500 1% (1 yr) Mthly & Qtly (1,7,15,25) 1,7,15,25 16.93 13721.26 30.16 44 41048.45 8.95 50Morgan Stanley A.C.E Fund 500 or 1000 1% (1 yr) 1,5,10,15,20,25 1,5,10,15,20,25 16.11 13854.10 32.59 29 41035.51 8.92 51HSBC India Opportunities Fund 1000 (Min 12 Instal) 1% (1 yr) 3 , 10 , 17 , 26, 30 3 , 10 , 17 , 26, 30 38.78 13329.52 23.07 74 40980.54 8.83 52 76664.13 9.89 56Birla Sun Life Equity Fund 1000 1% (1 yr) 1, 7 , 10 , 14, 20, 21, 28 1, 7 , 10 , 14, 20, 21, 28 283.34 14007.59 35.42 23 40977.96 8.83 52 79192.71 11.22 49 312808.52 18.35 16Birla Sun Life Mid Cap Fund 1000 1% (1 yr) 1, 7 , 10 , 14, 20, 21, 28 1, 7 , 10 , 14, 20, 21, 28 120.14 13759.44 30.86 37 40945.02 8.77 54 84811.39 14.03 31

SIP for 10 YrInvt amt 120000

Start Date : 01.02.03End Date : 01.01.13


Invt amt 12000 Invt amt 36000 Invt amt 60000

PERFORMANCE AND DETAILS AS ON 15th January 2013Start Date : 01.02.12 Start Date : 01.02.10 Start Date : 01.02.08End Date : 01.01.13 End Date : 01.01.13 End Date : 01.01.13

Scheme Minimum Invt Exit Load STP Dates SIP Dates Nav Present Value Yield % Rank Present

Value Yield % Rank Present Value Yield % Rank Present

Value Yield % Rank

SIP for 10 YrInvt amt 120000

Start Date : 01.02.03End Date : 01.01.13


Invt amt 12000 Invt amt 36000 Invt amt 60000

PERFORMANCE AND DETAILS AS ON 15th January 2013Start Date : 01.02.12 Start Date : 01.02.10 Start Date : 01.02.08End Date : 01.01.13 End Date : 01.01.13 End Date : 01.01.13

Religare Growth Fund 500 (Min 12 Instal) 1% (1 yr) 3,10,15,20,25 3,10,15,20,25 14.04 13518.88 26.48 62 40914.91 8.72 55UTI Dividend Yield Fund 500 1% (1 yr) Mthly & Qtly (1,7,15,25) 1,7,15,25 35.39 13345.26 23.35 73 40904.81 8.70 56 85770.18 14.49 27L&T Midcap Fund 1000 (Min 6 Instal) 1% (1 yr) 5, 15, 25 5, 15, 25, 30 43.10 13632.03 28.53 47 40767.64 8.47 57 84632.32 13.94 32Fidelity Equity Fund 500 1% (1 yr) Any Date 1,10,15,25 38.56 13349.59 23.43 72 40757.51 8.45 58 83938.66 13.61 35SBI Magnum Sector Umbrella - Contra 500 1% (1 yr) Any Date 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 60.80 13910.64 33.67 26 40699.74 8.36 59 77504.71 10.34 54 366599.73 21.30 6UTI Top 100 Fund 500 1% (1 yr) Mthly & Qtly (1,7,15,25) 1,7,15,25 31.64 13240.46 21.48 77 40698.86 8.35 60 77044.80 10.10 55 241593.01 13.51 31JPMorgan India Equity Fund 1000 1% (2yr) 1,10,15,25 1,10,15,25 14.44 13390.26 24.16 69 40649.46 8.27 61Sundaram BNP Paribas SMILE Fund 250 (Monthly) 1% (1 yr) 1,7,14,20,25 1,7,14,20,25 34.54 13859.05 32.69 28 40570.47 8.13 62 82024.04 12.66 42SBI Magnum Multiplier Plus 93 500 1% (1 yr) Any Date 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 88.71 13442.57 25.13 65 40542.61 8.09 63 80210.41 11.74 47 350526.57 20.47 7UTI Mastershare 500 1% (1 yr) Mthly & Qtly (1,7,15,25) 1,7,15,25 58.61 13295.78 22.47 76 40501.65 8.01 64 78887.66 11.06 50 256988.39 14.67 29SBI Magnum Multi Cap Fund 500 1% (1 yr) Any Date 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 19.11 13751.92 30.75 39 40495.69 8.01 64 74926.36 8.96 61UTI Master Value Fund 500 1% (1 yr) Mthly & Qtly (1,7,15,25) 1,7,15,25 56.38 13503.84 26.21 63 40465.97 7.95 66 88327.07 15.71 14 282357.97 16.43 26Franklin India Opportunity Fund 500 or 1000 1% (1 yr) Weekly(7,14,21,28) & Monthly (Any Date) 1 , 7 , 10 , 20, 25 33.77 13601.51 27.98 51 40437.12 7.90 67 75665.49 9.36 59 256495.42 14.63 30Sundaram BNP Paribas Growth Fund 250 (Monthly) 1% (1 yr) 1,7,14,20,25 1,7,14,20,25 98.54 13639.24 28.67 46 40307.78 7.68 68 76105.87 9.60 57 260255.63 14.91 28AIG India Equity Fund 1000 1% (1 yr) 1,7,14,21 1,7,14,21 13.66 13073.69 18.51 79 40199.44 7.50 69ICICI Prudential Growth Plan - Cumulative 1000 1% (1 yr) Last day of the Month & Every Monday 7,10,15,25 34.91 13588.40 27.74 55 40099.84 7.32 70 79696.99 11.48 48 299757.74 17.55 23HSBC Equity Fund 1000 (Min 12 Instal) 1% (1 yr) 3 , 10 , 17 , 26, 30 3 , 10 , 17 , 26, 30 109.23 13463.78 25.49 64 39989.51 7.13 71 74005.83 8.46 62Birla Sun Life Advantage Fund 1000 0.50% (7 days) 1, 7 , 10 , 14, 20, 21, 28 1, 7 , 10 , 14, 20, 21, 28 164.97 13743.50 30.57 43 39802.41 6.81 72 75950.55 9.51 58 238938.89 13.30 32DSP BlackRock India Tiger Fund 500 1% (1 yr) 1, 7 , 14 , 21, 28 1, 7 , 14 , 21, 28 47.24 13851.98 32.56 30 39489.50 6.27 73 72998.67 7.90 63Sundaram BNP Paribas Select Focus 250 (Monthly) 1% (1 yr) 1,7,14,20,25 1,7,14,20,25 91.81 13434.93 24.97 66 39238.39 5.83 74 72455.93 7.60 64HDFC Premier Multi - Cap Fund 500 1% (1 yr) 1, 5,10 , 15 ,20, 25 1, 5,10 , 15 ,20, 25 29.70 13313.27 22.78 75 39004.03 5.42 75 80911.20 12.10 44

Reliance Vision 100 (Min 60 Instal) 1% (1 yr) Weekly (1,8,15,22) Mthly & Qtly (Any Date) Fortnightly(1,15) 2 , 10 , 18 , 28 275.63 13097.55 18.93 78 38667.33 4.82 76 75386.40 9.21 60 286699.63 16.72 25

HSBC Midcap Equity Fund 1000 (Min 12 Instal) 1% (1 yr) 3 , 10 , 17 , 26, 30 3 , 10 , 17 , 26, 30 21.06 13752.67 30.74 40 38571.45 4.65 77 71533.99 7.08 65Birla Sun Life Infrastructure Fund 1000 1% (1 yr) 1, 7 , 10 , 14, 20, 21, 28 1, 7 , 10 , 14, 20, 21, 28 16.32 13567.65 27.36 57 37926.51 3.51 78ICICI Prudential Emerging STAR Fund 1000 1% (1 yr) Last day of the Month & Every Monday 7,10,15,25 28.42 13412.05 24.55 68 37512.04 2.76 79 67716.28 4.86 66

Tata Infrastructure Fund 500 (Min 12 Instal) 1% (1 yr) Monthly (1 ,7,10,20,28) Weekly (Every Friday) 1 , 7 , 10 , 20 29.66 12724.54 12.38 81 35159.62 -1.57 80 63262.81 2.12 67

UTI Energy Fund 500 1% (1 yr) Mthly & Qtly (1,7,15,25) 1,7,15,25 9.69 12658.67 11.23 82 34541.19 -2.74 81 61555.88 1.03 68 145449.05 3.80 33

Reliance Diversified Power Fund 100 (Min 60 Instal) 1% (1 yr) Weekly (1,8,15,22) Mthly & Qtly (Any Date) Fortnightly(1,15) 2 , 10 , 18 , 28 59.72 12963.24 16.56 80 33369.83 -5.00 82 59442.31 -0.37 69

Sundaram BNP Paribas CAPEX Opportunities F 250 (Monthly) 1% (1 yr) 1,7,14,20,25 1,7,14,20,25 18.13 12266.46 4.50 83 31728.81 -8.25 83 56998.52 -2.05 70

Baroda Pioneer ELSS 96 500 3 Year Lock-in 1, 7 , 10 , 14, 20, 21, 28 1, 7 , 10 , 14, 20, 21, 28 24.62 13417.27 24.65 22 38938.73 5.30 25 73303.24 8.07 17 215401.86 11.34 14Birla Sun Life Tax Plan - Growth 500 3 Year Lock-in 1, 7 , 10 , 14, 20, 21, 28 1, 7 , 10 , 14, 20, 21, 28 15.55 13870.76 32.90 8 42121.70 10.75 10Birla Sun Life Tax Relief 96 - Dividend 500 3 Year Lock-in 1, 7 , 10 , 14, 20, 21, 28 1, 7 , 10 , 14, 20, 21, 28 83.05 13891.09 33.27 7 40414.19 7.86 21 78551.82 10.89 13 256361.70 14.62 10Canara Robeco Equity Taxsaver - Dividend 500 3 Year Lock-in 1,5,10,15,25 1,5,10,15,25 20.19 13647.24 28.81 15 42781.81 11.85 7 92750.75 17.73 1 360056.46 20.97 2DSP BlackRock Tax Saver Fund - Growth 500 3 Year Lock-in 1,7,14,21,28 1,7,14,21,28 19.39 14117.89 37.47 3 42755.98 11.81 8DWS Tax Saving Fund - Growth 500 3 Year Lock-in 1,7,14,21 1,7,14,21 13.85 13592.14 27.81 17 38687.54 4.86 26Escorts Tax Plan - Growth 500 3 Year Lock-in 7,15,21,28 7,15,21,28 38.86 12598.60 10.19 28 33361.02 -5.01 28 57785.65 -1.50 19 160497.29 5.71 16Fidelity Tax Advantage Fund - Growth 500 3 Year Lock-in 10 1,10 23.97 13406.23 24.45 23 40962.41 8.80 18Fortis Tax Advantage Plan - Growth 500 (Min 12 Instal) 3 Year Lock-in Any Date 1,10,15,25 17.40 14072.02 36.62 4 44666.89 14.92 1Franklin India Taxshield - Growth 500 3 Year Lock-in 1,7,10,20,25 1,7,10,20,25 247.44 13679.19 29.39 12 43361.22 12.80 4 88980.91 16.01 4 325604.54 19.09 6HDFC Long Term Advantage Fund - Growth 500 or 1000 3 Year Lock-in Weekly(7,14,21,28) Monthly (Any Date) 1 , 7 , 10 , 20, 25 151.63 13523.90 26.57 19 41505.66 9.72 15 85254.19 14.25 6HDFC Taxsaver - Growth 500 3 Year Lock-in 1,5,10,15,20,25 1,5,10,15,20,25 251.72 13598.46 27.93 16 40902.68 8.70 19 86328.57 14.76 5 354168.49 20.66 3HSBC Tax Saver Equity Fund - Growth 500 (Min 12 Instal) 3 Year Lock-in 1,5,10,15,20,25 1,5,10,15,20,25 17.11 14144.63 37.96 2 43373.77 12.82 2ICICI Prudential Taxplan - Growth 500 3 Year Lock-in 3 , 10 , 17 , 26, 30 3 , 10 , 17 , 26, 30 162.92 13974.54 34.81 5 43111.29 12.39 6 92148.24 17.46 2 351859.56 20.54 4ING Tax Saving Fund - Growth 500 3 Year Lock-in Last day of the Month & Every Monday 7,10,15,25 31.16 13405.35 24.43 24 39726.20 6.68 23 79396.06 11.32 12Kotak Taxsaver - Growth 500 3 Year Lock-in 1,10,15,27 1,10,15,27 20.74 13950.71 34.37 6 42148.93 10.80 9L&T Taxsaver Fund - Growth 500 (Min 12 Instal) 3 Year Lock-in 1,7,14,21 1,7,14,21,25 15.71 13192.04 20.61 27 37977.98 3.60 27LIC Tax Plan - Growth 500 3 Year Lock-in 1,7,10,15 15th of Every Mth 30.78 13449.46 25.23 21 39727.64 6.68 23 72783.24 7.78 18 185934.51 8.54 15Principal Personal Taxsaver 500 3 Year Lock-in 1,5,15,25 1,5,15,25 103.23 13792.04 31.45 11 40776.91 8.48 20 77494.13 10.33 15 253070.11 14.38 11PRINCIPAL Tax Savings Fund 500 3 Year Lock-in 1,5,15,25 1,5,15,25 86.88 14319.26 41.23 1 43167.89 12.48 5 78555.03 10.89 13 247356.70 13.95 12

Reliance Tax Saver Fund - Growth 500 (Min 12 Instal) 3 Year Lock-in Weekly (1,8,15,22) Mthly & Qtly (Any Date) Fortnightly(1,15) 2,10,18,28 24.81 13672.23 29.27 13 43372.54 12.82 2 89757.06 16.37 3

Religare Tax Plan - Growth 500 (Min 12 Instal) 3 Year Lock-in 3,10,20 3,10,20 20.06 13651.62 28.89 14 42084.05 10.69 11Sahara Taxgain - Growth - 3 Year Lock-in - - 41.25 13268.39 21.98 26 40980.46 8.83 17 84634.40 13.94 7 317037.62 18.60 7SBI Magnum Tax Gain Scheme 93 - Dividend 500 3 Year Lock-in Any Date 5 , 15 , 25 37.39 13565.91 27.36 18 41510.99 9.74 14 80176.48 11.73 11 389713.03 22.44 1Sundaram BNP Paribas Taxsaver - 500 3 Year Lock-in 1,7,14,20,25 1,7,14,20,25 49.44 13827.02 32.10 9 41937.49 10.44 12 80308.72 11.79 10 333769.17 19.55 5

Tata Tax Saving Fund 500 (Min 12 Instal) 3 Year Lock-in Monthly (1 ,7,10,20,28) Weekly (Every Friday) 1 , 7 , 10 , 20 46.74 13481.79 25.81 20 41574.86 9.84 13 81868.60 12.58 9 267164.35 15.40 9

Taurus Taxshield - Growth 500 3 Year Lock-in - - 39.26 13805.14 31.69 10 41484.16 9.68 16 83295.92 13.29 8 285907.31 16.67 8UTI Equity Tax Savings Plan - Growth 500 3 Year Lock-in Mthly & Qtly (1,7,15,25) 1,7,15,25 42.68 13344.95 23.35 25 40040.46 7.22 22 76001.80 9.54 16 227086.17 12.34 13Important Note : The information regarding Minmium Investment, Entry-Exit Load, SIP Dates and STP Dates mentioned in this report are updated based on the information provided by the respective AMCs. This information is subject to change and therefore before investing it is advisable to confirm the same with the AMCs.

ELSS Funds

Scheme Minimum Invt Exit Load STP Dates SIP Dates Nav Present Value Yield % Rank Present

Value Yield % Rank Present Value Yield % Rank Present

Value Yield % Rank

SBI Magnum Sector Umbrella - Emerging Busine 500 1% (1 yr) Any Date 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 61.57 15061.36 55.41 1 52155.97 26.34 1 117562.62 27.70 1Fortis Mid Cap Fund 500 (Min 12 Instal) 1% (1 yr) 1,7,15,25 1,7,15,25 12.62 14538.05 45.34 3 47215.34 18.93 2

Reliance Equity Opportunities Fund 100 (Min 60 Instal) 1% (1 yr) Weekly (1,8,15,22) Mthly & Qtly (Any Date) Fortnightly(1,15) 2 , 10 , 18 , 28 45.13 14108.20 37.29 15 45995.58 17.03 3 103691.08 22.38 3

IDFC Premier Equity Fund 2000 (Min 6 Instal) 1% (1 yr) Daily (Any Date) Monthly (1,10,20) Weekly (7,14,21,28) Fortnighlty (1,16)

Monthly (Any Date) Weekly (7,14,21,28) Fortnighlty (1,16) 40.50 14106.75 37.26 16 45319.11 15.96 4 100275.82 20.98 5

ICICI Prudential Discovery Fund 1000 1% (1 yr) Last day of the Month & Every Monday 7,10,15,25 59.47 14157.17 38.20 12 45132.66 15.66 5 104655.39 22.77 2Birla Sun Life MNC Fund 1000 1% (1 yr) 1, 7 , 10 , 14, 20, 21, 28 1, 7 , 10 , 14, 20, 21, 28 262.67 13377.60 23.93 70 44976.77 15.41 6 102436.70 21.87 4 344917.86 20.17 9SBI Magnum Global Fund 94 500 1% (1 yr) Any Date 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 69.36 14070.35 36.62 18 44736.01 15.04 7 95064.52 18.76 6 403221.00 23.07 1Franklin India Prima Fund 500 or 1000 1% (1 yr) Weekly(7,14,21,28) & Monthly (Any Date) 1 , 7 , 10 , 20, 25 334.60 14397.93 42.70 4 44723.28 15.01 8 93576.54 18.10 7 310382.64 18.20 18Kotak Midcap Fund 1000 1% (1 yr) 1,7,14,21,25 1,7,14,21,25 30.58 14370.88 42.19 5 44624.35 14.85 9 91517.09 17.17 9SBI Magnum Midcap Fund 500 1% (1 yr) Any Date 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 27.83 14662.06 47.75 2 44543.55 14.73 10 86325.68 14.76 23Franklin India High Growth Companies 500 or 1000 1% (1 yr) Weekly(7,14,21,28) & Monthly (Any Date) 1 , 7 , 10 , 20, 25 14.99 14359.37 41.98 6 43693.37 13.34 11Templeton India Equity Income Fund 500 or 1000 1% (1 yr) Weekly(7,14,21,28) Monthly (Any Date) 1 , 7 , 10 , 20, 25 23.79 14142.40 37.92 13 43639.54 13.25 12Birla Sun Life Top 100 Fund 1000 0.50% (7 days) 1, 7 , 10 , 14, 20, 21, 28 1, 7 , 10 , 14, 20, 21, 28 26.68 14029.17 35.82 22 43594.95 13.18 13 85811.09 14.51ICICI Prudential Infrastructure Fund 1000 1% (1 yr) Last day of the Month & Every Monday 7,10,15,25 159.72 13753.03 30.74 40 43492.27 13.01 14 85081.31 14.16 30Birla Sun Life Frontline Equity Fund 1000 1% (1 yr) 1, 7 , 10 , 14, 20, 21, 28 1, 7 , 10 , 14, 20, 21, 28 102.33 14200.06 39.00 11 43356.91 12.79 15 87635.72 15.38 15Franklin India Prima Plus 500 or 1000 1% (1 yr) Weekly(7,14,21,28) & Monthly (Any Date) 1 , 7 , 10 , 20, 25 259.57 13872.66 32.94 27 43286.09 12.68 16 86878.73 15.02 19 341216.35 19.97 10UTI Thematic Mid Cap Fund 500 1% (1 yr) Mthly & Qtly (1,7,15,25) 1,7,15,25 32.47 13374.17 23.87 71 43265.54 12.64 17 90954.39 16.92 11SBI Magnum Bluechip Fund 500 1% (1 yr) Any Date 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 17.02 14129.58 37.73 14 43107.41 12.39 18DSP BlackRock Small and Midcap Fund 500 1% (1 yr) 1, 7 , 14 , 21, 28 1, 7 , 14 , 21, 28 20.41 14042.63 36.07 20 43097.06 12.37 19

ING Midcap Fund 1000 (monthly) & 3000 (Quarterly) 1% (1 yr) 1,10,15,27 1,10,15,27 24.55 14224.15 39.45 10 43035.75 12.27 20 85714.17 14.47 28

UTI Equity Fund 500 1% (1 yr) Mthly & Qtly (1,7,15,25) 1,7,15,25 63.64 13591.65 27.80 54 42883.11 12.01 21 87415.98 15.28 17 303749.07 17.80 20PRINCIPAL Growth Fund 500 1% (1 yr) 1,5,15,25 1,5,15,25 59.01 14283.47 40.56 7 42788.59 11.86 22 78475.56 10.85 52Franklin India Flexi Cap Fund 500 or 1000 1% (1 yr) Weekly(7,14,21,28) & Monthly (Any Date) 1 , 7 , 10 , 20, 25 37.01 14069.08 36.56 19 42746.48 11.79 23 87243.83 15.20 18Sundaram BNP Paribas Select Midcap 250 (Monthly) 1% (1 yr) 1,7,14,20,25 1,7,14,20,25 174.05 13805.93 31.71 33 42554.17 11.47 24 91434.17 17.14 10

Reliance RSF - Equity 100 (Min 60 Instal) 1% (1 yr) Weekly (1,8,15,22) Mthly & Qtly (Any Date) Fortnightly(1,15) 2 , 10 , 18 , 28 34.42 14242.84 39.79 9 42517.87 11.41 25 86536.62 14.86

UTI Opportunities Fund 500 1% (1 yr) Mthly & Qtly (1,7,15,25) 1,7,15,25 36.35 13849.03 32.50 31 42277.68 11.01 26 89419.90 16.21 13ICICI Prudential Dynamic Plan 1000 1% (1 yr) Last day of the Month & Every Monday 7,10,15,25 121.09 13559.28 27.21 59 42273.53 11.01 26 86738.38 14.96 20Birla Sun Life Dividend Yield Plus 1000 1% (1 yr) 1, 7 , 10 , 14, 20, 21, 28 1, 7 , 10 , 14, 20, 21, 28 96.88 13582.33 27.63 56 42205.85 10.89 28 92965.37 17.82 8Franklin India Bluechip 500 or 1000 1% (1 yr) Weekly(7,14,21,28) & Monthly (Any Date) 1 , 7 , 10 , 20, 25 244.05 13617.50 28.27 48 42185.84 10.86 29 86165.64 14.68 24 326380.17 19.14 12

Tata Growth Fund 500 (Min 12 Instal) 1% (1 yr) Monthly (1 ,7,10,20,28) Weekly (Every Friday) 1 , 7 , 10 , 20 49.75 13704.44 29.85 45 42163.41 10.82 30 83734.29 13.51 36 269266.15 15.55 27

Tata Select Equity Fund - Appr 500 (Min 12 Instal) 1% (1 yr) Monthly (1 ,7,10,20,28) Weekly (Every Friday) 1 , 7 , 10 , 20 75.37 13598.82 27.93 52 42117.05 10.74 31 86539.55 14.86 21 308174.19 18.07 19

IDFC Classic Equity Fund 1000 (Min 6 Instal) 1% (1 yr) Daily (Any Date) Monthly (1,10,20) Weekly (7,14,21,28) Fortnighlty (1,16)

Monthly (Any Date) Weekly (7,14,21,28) Fortnighlty (1,16) 23.20 14272.61 40.35 8 42102.78 10.72 32 77815.08 10.50 53

HDFC Growth Fund 500 1% (1 yr) 1, 5,10 , 15 ,20, 25 1, 5,10 , 15 ,20, 25 97.70 13617.33 28.27 48 42051.92 10.64 33 85639.67 14.43 29 345657.01 20.21 8HDFC Top 200 500 1% (1 yr) 1, 5,10 , 15 ,20, 25 1, 5,10 , 15 ,20, 25 233.88 13792.40 31.46 35 42027.70 10.60 34 87494.06 15.31 16 374167.16 21.68 4SBI Magnum Equity Fund 500 1% (1 yr) Any Date 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 49.38 13602.16 28.02 50 41975.60 10.52 35 84052.09 13.66 33 317488.10 18.62 14DSP BlackRock Top 100 Equity Fund 500 1% (1 yr) 1, 7 , 14 , 21, 28 1, 7 , 14 , 21, 28 113.48 13526.05 26.61 61 41894.22 10.37 36 82873.85 13.08 39ICICI Prudential Power 1000 1% (1 yr) Last day of the Month & Every Monday 7,10,15,25 124.37 13819.52 31.96 32 41709.31 10.06 37 82174.01 12.73 41 291192.12 17.01 24HDFC Equity Fund 500 1% (1 yr) 1, 5,10 , 15 ,20, 25 1, 5,10 , 15 ,20, 25 302.82 13796.63 31.54 34 41667.79 9.99 38 90100.46 16.53 12 373659.86 21.66 5Principal Large Cap Fund 500 1% (1 yr) 1,5,15,25 1,5,15,25 31.44 13773.97 31.13 36 41553.47 9.80 39Kotak Opportunities Fund 1000 1% (1 yr) 1,7,14,21,25 1,7,14,21,25 51.29 13753.11 30.74 40 41486.81 9.69 40 80719.53 12.00 45

Reliance Growth 100 (Min 60 Instal) 1% (1 yr) Weekly (1,8,15,22) Mthly & Qtly (Any Date) Fortnightly(1,15) 2 , 10 , 18 , 28 511.98 13933.22 34.05 25 41454.32 9.63 41 83250.70 13.27 38 397341.98 22.80 2

Kotak 30 1000 1% (1 yr) 1,7,14,21,25 1,7,14,21,25 114.20 13759.34 30.86 37 41438.15 9.61 42 78702.51 10.97 51 302938.90 17.75 21

Tata Equity Opportunities Fund 500 (Min 12 Instal) 1% (1 yr) Monthly (1 ,7,10,20,28) Weekly (Every Friday) 1 , 7 , 10 , 20 90.91 13595.18 27.87 53 41420.88 9.58 43 80629.53 11.96 46 300677.34 17.61 22

Templeton India Growth Fund 500 or 1000 1% (1 yr) Weekly(7,14,21,28) Monthly (Any Date) 1 , 7 , 10 , 20, 25 129.26 13940.77 34.19 24 41260.83 9.31 44 83739.15 13.51 36 312148.37 18.31 17DSP BlackRock Opportunities Fund 500 1% (1 yr) 1, 7 , 14 , 21, 28 1, 7 , 14 , 21, 28 93.06 14035.84 35.94 21 41229.13 9.25 45 82325.37 12.81 40 314627.55 18.45 15HDFC Capital Builder Fund 500 1% (1 yr) 1, 5,10 , 15 ,20, 25 1, 5,10 , 15 ,20, 25 120.61 13538.58 26.84 60 41198.57 9.20 46 86093.73 14.65 25 328569.76 19.26 11

Tata Pure Equity Fund 500 (Min 12 Instal) 1% (1 yr) Monthly (1 ,7,10,20,28) Weekly (Every Friday) 1 , 7 , 10 , 20 109.96 13423.54 24.76 67 41189.72 9.19 47 81739.33 12.52 43 323000.54 18.94 13

DSP BlackRock Equity Fund - Dividend 500 1% (1 yr) 1, 7 , 14 , 21, 28 1, 7 , 14 , 21, 28 51.50 13567.23 27.36 57 41160.81 9.14 48 83977.87 13.62 34 376305.87 21.79 3

Reliance Equity Fund 100 (Min 60 Instal) 1% (1 yr) Weekly (1,8,15,22) Mthly & Qtly (Any Date) Fortnightly(1,15) 2 , 10 , 18 , 28 15.54 14072.82 36.63 17 41098.96 9.03 49

UTI Leadership Equity Fund 500 1% (1 yr) Mthly & Qtly (1,7,15,25) 1,7,15,25 16.93 13721.26 30.16 44 41048.45 8.95 50Morgan Stanley A.C.E Fund 500 or 1000 1% (1 yr) 1,5,10,15,20,25 1,5,10,15,20,25 16.11 13854.10 32.59 29 41035.51 8.92 51HSBC India Opportunities Fund 1000 (Min 12 Instal) 1% (1 yr) 3 , 10 , 17 , 26, 30 3 , 10 , 17 , 26, 30 38.78 13329.52 23.07 74 40980.54 8.83 52 76664.13 9.89 56Birla Sun Life Equity Fund 1000 1% (1 yr) 1, 7 , 10 , 14, 20, 21, 28 1, 7 , 10 , 14, 20, 21, 28 283.34 14007.59 35.42 23 40977.96 8.83 52 79192.71 11.22 49 312808.52 18.35 16Birla Sun Life Mid Cap Fund 1000 1% (1 yr) 1, 7 , 10 , 14, 20, 21, 28 1, 7 , 10 , 14, 20, 21, 28 120.14 13759.44 30.86 37 40945.02 8.77 54 84811.39 14.03 31

SIP for 10 YrInvt amt 120000

Start Date : 01.02.03End Date : 01.01.13


Invt amt 12000 Invt amt 36000 Invt amt 60000

PERFORMANCE AND DETAILS AS ON 15th January 2013Start Date : 01.02.12 Start Date : 01.02.10 Start Date : 01.02.08End Date : 01.01.13 End Date : 01.01.13 End Date : 01.01.13

Scheme Minimum Invt Exit Load STP Dates SIP Dates Nav Present Value Yield % Rank Present

Value Yield % Rank Present Value Yield % Rank Present

Value Yield % Rank

SIP for 10 YrInvt amt 120000

Start Date : 01.02.03End Date : 01.01.13


Invt amt 12000 Invt amt 36000 Invt amt 60000

PERFORMANCE AND DETAILS AS ON 15th January 2013Start Date : 01.02.12 Start Date : 01.02.10 Start Date : 01.02.08End Date : 01.01.13 End Date : 01.01.13 End Date : 01.01.13

Religare Growth Fund 500 (Min 12 Instal) 1% (1 yr) 3,10,15,20,25 3,10,15,20,25 14.04 13518.88 26.48 62 40914.91 8.72 55UTI Dividend Yield Fund 500 1% (1 yr) Mthly & Qtly (1,7,15,25) 1,7,15,25 35.39 13345.26 23.35 73 40904.81 8.70 56 85770.18 14.49 27L&T Midcap Fund 1000 (Min 6 Instal) 1% (1 yr) 5, 15, 25 5, 15, 25, 30 43.10 13632.03 28.53 47 40767.64 8.47 57 84632.32 13.94 32Fidelity Equity Fund 500 1% (1 yr) Any Date 1,10,15,25 38.56 13349.59 23.43 72 40757.51 8.45 58 83938.66 13.61 35SBI Magnum Sector Umbrella - Contra 500 1% (1 yr) Any Date 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 60.80 13910.64 33.67 26 40699.74 8.36 59 77504.71 10.34 54 366599.73 21.30 6UTI Top 100 Fund 500 1% (1 yr) Mthly & Qtly (1,7,15,25) 1,7,15,25 31.64 13240.46 21.48 77 40698.86 8.35 60 77044.80 10.10 55 241593.01 13.51 31JPMorgan India Equity Fund 1000 1% (2yr) 1,10,15,25 1,10,15,25 14.44 13390.26 24.16 69 40649.46 8.27 61Sundaram BNP Paribas SMILE Fund 250 (Monthly) 1% (1 yr) 1,7,14,20,25 1,7,14,20,25 34.54 13859.05 32.69 28 40570.47 8.13 62 82024.04 12.66 42SBI Magnum Multiplier Plus 93 500 1% (1 yr) Any Date 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 88.71 13442.57 25.13 65 40542.61 8.09 63 80210.41 11.74 47 350526.57 20.47 7UTI Mastershare 500 1% (1 yr) Mthly & Qtly (1,7,15,25) 1,7,15,25 58.61 13295.78 22.47 76 40501.65 8.01 64 78887.66 11.06 50 256988.39 14.67 29SBI Magnum Multi Cap Fund 500 1% (1 yr) Any Date 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 19.11 13751.92 30.75 39 40495.69 8.01 64 74926.36 8.96 61UTI Master Value Fund 500 1% (1 yr) Mthly & Qtly (1,7,15,25) 1,7,15,25 56.38 13503.84 26.21 63 40465.97 7.95 66 88327.07 15.71 14 282357.97 16.43 26Franklin India Opportunity Fund 500 or 1000 1% (1 yr) Weekly(7,14,21,28) & Monthly (Any Date) 1 , 7 , 10 , 20, 25 33.77 13601.51 27.98 51 40437.12 7.90 67 75665.49 9.36 59 256495.42 14.63 30Sundaram BNP Paribas Growth Fund 250 (Monthly) 1% (1 yr) 1,7,14,20,25 1,7,14,20,25 98.54 13639.24 28.67 46 40307.78 7.68 68 76105.87 9.60 57 260255.63 14.91 28AIG India Equity Fund 1000 1% (1 yr) 1,7,14,21 1,7,14,21 13.66 13073.69 18.51 79 40199.44 7.50 69ICICI Prudential Growth Plan - Cumulative 1000 1% (1 yr) Last day of the Month & Every Monday 7,10,15,25 34.91 13588.40 27.74 55 40099.84 7.32 70 79696.99 11.48 48 299757.74 17.55 23HSBC Equity Fund 1000 (Min 12 Instal) 1% (1 yr) 3 , 10 , 17 , 26, 30 3 , 10 , 17 , 26, 30 109.23 13463.78 25.49 64 39989.51 7.13 71 74005.83 8.46 62Birla Sun Life Advantage Fund 1000 0.50% (7 days) 1, 7 , 10 , 14, 20, 21, 28 1, 7 , 10 , 14, 20, 21, 28 164.97 13743.50 30.57 43 39802.41 6.81 72 75950.55 9.51 58 238938.89 13.30 32DSP BlackRock India Tiger Fund 500 1% (1 yr) 1, 7 , 14 , 21, 28 1, 7 , 14 , 21, 28 47.24 13851.98 32.56 30 39489.50 6.27 73 72998.67 7.90 63Sundaram BNP Paribas Select Focus 250 (Monthly) 1% (1 yr) 1,7,14,20,25 1,7,14,20,25 91.81 13434.93 24.97 66 39238.39 5.83 74 72455.93 7.60 64HDFC Premier Multi - Cap Fund 500 1% (1 yr) 1, 5,10 , 15 ,20, 25 1, 5,10 , 15 ,20, 25 29.70 13313.27 22.78 75 39004.03 5.42 75 80911.20 12.10 44

Reliance Vision 100 (Min 60 Instal) 1% (1 yr) Weekly (1,8,15,22) Mthly & Qtly (Any Date) Fortnightly(1,15) 2 , 10 , 18 , 28 275.63 13097.55 18.93 78 38667.33 4.82 76 75386.40 9.21 60 286699.63 16.72 25

HSBC Midcap Equity Fund 1000 (Min 12 Instal) 1% (1 yr) 3 , 10 , 17 , 26, 30 3 , 10 , 17 , 26, 30 21.06 13752.67 30.74 40 38571.45 4.65 77 71533.99 7.08 65Birla Sun Life Infrastructure Fund 1000 1% (1 yr) 1, 7 , 10 , 14, 20, 21, 28 1, 7 , 10 , 14, 20, 21, 28 16.32 13567.65 27.36 57 37926.51 3.51 78ICICI Prudential Emerging STAR Fund 1000 1% (1 yr) Last day of the Month & Every Monday 7,10,15,25 28.42 13412.05 24.55 68 37512.04 2.76 79 67716.28 4.86 66

Tata Infrastructure Fund 500 (Min 12 Instal) 1% (1 yr) Monthly (1 ,7,10,20,28) Weekly (Every Friday) 1 , 7 , 10 , 20 29.66 12724.54 12.38 81 35159.62 -1.57 80 63262.81 2.12 67

UTI Energy Fund 500 1% (1 yr) Mthly & Qtly (1,7,15,25) 1,7,15,25 9.69 12658.67 11.23 82 34541.19 -2.74 81 61555.88 1.03 68 145449.05 3.80 33

Reliance Diversified Power Fund 100 (Min 60 Instal) 1% (1 yr) Weekly (1,8,15,22) Mthly & Qtly (Any Date) Fortnightly(1,15) 2 , 10 , 18 , 28 59.72 12963.24 16.56 80 33369.83 -5.00 82 59442.31 -0.37 69

Sundaram BNP Paribas CAPEX Opportunities F 250 (Monthly) 1% (1 yr) 1,7,14,20,25 1,7,14,20,25 18.13 12266.46 4.50 83 31728.81 -8.25 83 56998.52 -2.05 70

Baroda Pioneer ELSS 96 500 3 Year Lock-in 1, 7 , 10 , 14, 20, 21, 28 1, 7 , 10 , 14, 20, 21, 28 24.62 13417.27 24.65 22 38938.73 5.30 25 73303.24 8.07 17 215401.86 11.34 14Birla Sun Life Tax Plan - Growth 500 3 Year Lock-in 1, 7 , 10 , 14, 20, 21, 28 1, 7 , 10 , 14, 20, 21, 28 15.55 13870.76 32.90 8 42121.70 10.75 10Birla Sun Life Tax Relief 96 - Dividend 500 3 Year Lock-in 1, 7 , 10 , 14, 20, 21, 28 1, 7 , 10 , 14, 20, 21, 28 83.05 13891.09 33.27 7 40414.19 7.86 21 78551.82 10.89 13 256361.70 14.62 10Canara Robeco Equity Taxsaver - Dividend 500 3 Year Lock-in 1,5,10,15,25 1,5,10,15,25 20.19 13647.24 28.81 15 42781.81 11.85 7 92750.75 17.73 1 360056.46 20.97 2DSP BlackRock Tax Saver Fund - Growth 500 3 Year Lock-in 1,7,14,21,28 1,7,14,21,28 19.39 14117.89 37.47 3 42755.98 11.81 8DWS Tax Saving Fund - Growth 500 3 Year Lock-in 1,7,14,21 1,7,14,21 13.85 13592.14 27.81 17 38687.54 4.86 26Escorts Tax Plan - Growth 500 3 Year Lock-in 7,15,21,28 7,15,21,28 38.86 12598.60 10.19 28 33361.02 -5.01 28 57785.65 -1.50 19 160497.29 5.71 16Fidelity Tax Advantage Fund - Growth 500 3 Year Lock-in 10 1,10 23.97 13406.23 24.45 23 40962.41 8.80 18Fortis Tax Advantage Plan - Growth 500 (Min 12 Instal) 3 Year Lock-in Any Date 1,10,15,25 17.40 14072.02 36.62 4 44666.89 14.92 1Franklin India Taxshield - Growth 500 3 Year Lock-in 1,7,10,20,25 1,7,10,20,25 247.44 13679.19 29.39 12 43361.22 12.80 4 88980.91 16.01 4 325604.54 19.09 6HDFC Long Term Advantage Fund - Growth 500 or 1000 3 Year Lock-in Weekly(7,14,21,28) Monthly (Any Date) 1 , 7 , 10 , 20, 25 151.63 13523.90 26.57 19 41505.66 9.72 15 85254.19 14.25 6HDFC Taxsaver - Growth 500 3 Year Lock-in 1,5,10,15,20,25 1,5,10,15,20,25 251.72 13598.46 27.93 16 40902.68 8.70 19 86328.57 14.76 5 354168.49 20.66 3HSBC Tax Saver Equity Fund - Growth 500 (Min 12 Instal) 3 Year Lock-in 1,5,10,15,20,25 1,5,10,15,20,25 17.11 14144.63 37.96 2 43373.77 12.82 2ICICI Prudential Taxplan - Growth 500 3 Year Lock-in 3 , 10 , 17 , 26, 30 3 , 10 , 17 , 26, 30 162.92 13974.54 34.81 5 43111.29 12.39 6 92148.24 17.46 2 351859.56 20.54 4ING Tax Saving Fund - Growth 500 3 Year Lock-in Last day of the Month & Every Monday 7,10,15,25 31.16 13405.35 24.43 24 39726.20 6.68 23 79396.06 11.32 12Kotak Taxsaver - Growth 500 3 Year Lock-in 1,10,15,27 1,10,15,27 20.74 13950.71 34.37 6 42148.93 10.80 9L&T Taxsaver Fund - Growth 500 (Min 12 Instal) 3 Year Lock-in 1,7,14,21 1,7,14,21,25 15.71 13192.04 20.61 27 37977.98 3.60 27LIC Tax Plan - Growth 500 3 Year Lock-in 1,7,10,15 15th of Every Mth 30.78 13449.46 25.23 21 39727.64 6.68 23 72783.24 7.78 18 185934.51 8.54 15Principal Personal Taxsaver 500 3 Year Lock-in 1,5,15,25 1,5,15,25 103.23 13792.04 31.45 11 40776.91 8.48 20 77494.13 10.33 15 253070.11 14.38 11PRINCIPAL Tax Savings Fund 500 3 Year Lock-in 1,5,15,25 1,5,15,25 86.88 14319.26 41.23 1 43167.89 12.48 5 78555.03 10.89 13 247356.70 13.95 12

Reliance Tax Saver Fund - Growth 500 (Min 12 Instal) 3 Year Lock-in Weekly (1,8,15,22) Mthly & Qtly (Any Date) Fortnightly(1,15) 2,10,18,28 24.81 13672.23 29.27 13 43372.54 12.82 2 89757.06 16.37 3

Religare Tax Plan - Growth 500 (Min 12 Instal) 3 Year Lock-in 3,10,20 3,10,20 20.06 13651.62 28.89 14 42084.05 10.69 11Sahara Taxgain - Growth - 3 Year Lock-in - - 41.25 13268.39 21.98 26 40980.46 8.83 17 84634.40 13.94 7 317037.62 18.60 7SBI Magnum Tax Gain Scheme 93 - Dividend 500 3 Year Lock-in Any Date 5 , 15 , 25 37.39 13565.91 27.36 18 41510.99 9.74 14 80176.48 11.73 11 389713.03 22.44 1Sundaram BNP Paribas Taxsaver - 500 3 Year Lock-in 1,7,14,20,25 1,7,14,20,25 49.44 13827.02 32.10 9 41937.49 10.44 12 80308.72 11.79 10 333769.17 19.55 5

Tata Tax Saving Fund 500 (Min 12 Instal) 3 Year Lock-in Monthly (1 ,7,10,20,28) Weekly (Every Friday) 1 , 7 , 10 , 20 46.74 13481.79 25.81 20 41574.86 9.84 13 81868.60 12.58 9 267164.35 15.40 9

Taurus Taxshield - Growth 500 3 Year Lock-in - - 39.26 13805.14 31.69 10 41484.16 9.68 16 83295.92 13.29 8 285907.31 16.67 8UTI Equity Tax Savings Plan - Growth 500 3 Year Lock-in Mthly & Qtly (1,7,15,25) 1,7,15,25 42.68 13344.95 23.35 25 40040.46 7.22 22 76001.80 9.54 16 227086.17 12.34 13Important Note : The information regarding Minmium Investment, Entry-Exit Load, SIP Dates and STP Dates mentioned in this report are updated based on the information provided by the respective AMCs. This information is subject to change and therefore before investing it is advisable to confirm the same with the AMCs.

ELSS Funds


Understanding Power of compounding

Use of Financial Functions in Excel

Use of some basic utilities in Excel for maintaing MIS

Power Of compounding – 8th wonder of world

Compounding frequency

From yearly to monthly


From yearly to qurterly


Real rate of Return

=((1+Gross return%)/(1+inflation%))-1

Some basics about RATE

FV – Future Value

PV – Present Value

PMT – periodic cash flow (Example – SIP, EMI)

NPER – period (Example - Month, Year, Quarter, Day)

Rate – compounding rate (Example - interest rate, growth rate, inflation)


In Excel use the FV function


Set PMT=0 and TYPE=0

Always input PV as a negative number

Future Value – (FV)

Where can it be used?

To find out maturity amount of one time investment

To find out the future cost of any financial goal

In Excel us the PV function


Set PMT=0 and TYPE=0

Present Value (PV)

Where can it be used?

To find out One time investment required for targeted maturity amount

To find out the present value of given future amount at particular rate.

In Excel use the FV function


PV=0 unless there is terminal value

Type=0 ordinary annuity

Type=1 annuity due

Future Value of an Annuity (PV)

Where can it be used?

To find out the the maturity amount of recurring investment (maturity value of SIP, recurring investment) etc.

In Excel use the PV functionPV(RATE,NPER,PMT,FV,TYPE)

FV=0 unless there is terminal value

Type=0 ordinary annuity

Type=1 annuity due

Present Value of an Annuity (FV)

Where can it be used?

To find out the outstanding loan amount on the basis of EMI, Rate of interest, no of installment pending.

To find out the present value of your SIP or any recurring investment

In Excel use the PMT function


Solving for the annuity (PMT)

Where can it be used?

To find out the monthly investment required to achieve any goal

To find out the EMI for any loan

In Excel use NPER function


Solving for the number of periods

Where can it be used?

To find out the time (months, years, days ect.) it would take to reach the particular corpus

In Excel use RATE function


GUESS= Optional first guess at the correct answer

GUESS=10% by default

Solving for the interest rate

Where can it be used?

To find out the CAGR for any lumpsum, SIP, Lumpsum & SIP kind of investment

To find out the rate of interest on Loan

Cannot use PV and FV functions

Use NPV function in Excel to find the Present Value


Excel will accept up to 29 cash flows

Cash flows can be entered as a range

What about Future Value?

Important: the NPV function does not calculate the Net Present Value

Uneven Cash Flow Streams

Use the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) function in Excel


IRR is defined as the rate of return which equates the present value of future cash flows with the cost of investment. (Makes NPV equal to zero)

Include the cost of investment as one of the cash flows

Solve of the yield of an UCF stream

Adjust the Rate of Return and the Number of periods

New periodic rate: i/m

New number of periods: N*m


i is annual rate

m is number of compounding periods within the year

N is the number of years (Example)

Non-Annual Compounding Periods

Calculate the PV at time 0 of the following stream of cash flows


2000 1000 3000 1500 2300 1700

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Useful functions in Excel for proper MIS





List of some of the functions

Pivot Table

Creating Drop box

Text to column

Protecting Sheet

Protecting Workbook



1 Name Exam Grade

2 Adams 87 Pass

3 Benson 92 Pass

4 Carson 68 Fail

5 Danson 78 Pass




Find Out the Future Value



Mode of 

Investment Rate Period FV

3,500                 Monthly 8% 18

4,500                 Qurterly 9% 15

12,000               Half Year 12% 13

10,000               Yealy 15% 11

5,00,000            One time 185 10

How much I need to invest to achive the Target Amount??

Target Amount

Mode of 

Investment Rate Period



1,00,00,000      Monthly 8% 18

50,00,000         Qurterly 9% 15

75,00,000         Half Year 12% 13

25,00,000         Yealy 15% 11

40,00,000         One time 185 10

How much Rate of Return is require for achiving Goal?

Target Amount

Mode of 

Investment Investment





1,00,00,000      Monthly 5,000           18

50,00,000         Qurterly 20,000        15

75,00,000         Half Year 1,00,000     13

25,00,000         Yealy 1,25,000     11

40,00,000         One time 10,00,000   10




In this session we are not going to discuss or talk about the beliefs you have built over a period of a time. This might be a shock full event, as you might realize how big chunk of money you have already lost by investing your money by the way think it proper and without doing any planning.




It’s about your relations with Money? ..


Through the well designed plan

Building up the assets

Generation of Passive income more than the Need







Financial Freedom Fund is the present value of all your future monetary needs.

Say for Example, Mr. Aditya Saxena, age 30 is a person who has the FollowingFinancialBack Ground…

Monthly Fixed Exp `̀. 25000Outstanding Loan `. 1000000Daughters’ Marriage exp ` 500000.Daughter’s Education exp `. 700000Buying a Home `.3500000

Then Mr Aditya Saxena needs the Financial Freedom Fund which can satisfy all theabove needs.


Calculation of Corpus required for the recurring house hold expense

Monthly exp Rs`̀ 25,000Inflation 6%Risk free Rate of Return 8%Life Expectancy 60Age 30Remaining Years of Life 30

Corpus required for House hold exp Rs` 669,53,480


Year Corpus at the begining of the yearYearly expense 6% inflation assumed Balance Corpus at the end of year

31 ` 69,53,480 ` 3,00,000 ` 66,53,480 ` 71,85,75932 ` 71,85,759 ` 3,18,000 ` 68,67,759 ` 74,17,17933 ` 74,17,179 ` 3,37,080 ` 70,80,099 ` 76,46,50734 ` 76,46,507 ` 3,57,305 ` 72,89,202 ` 78,72,33935 ` 78,72,339 ` 3,78,743 ` 74,93,595 ` 80,93,08336 ` 80,93,083 ` 4,01,468 ` 76,91,615 ` 83,06,94537 ` 83,06,945 ` 4,25,556 ` 78,81,389 ` 85,11,90038 ` 85,11,900 ` 4,51,089 ` 80,60,811 ` 87,05,67639 ` 87,05,676 ` 4,78,154 ` 82,27,521 ` 88,85,72340 ` 88,85,723 ` 5,06,844 ` 83,78,879 ` 90,49,19041 ` 90,49,190 ` 5,37,254 ` 85,11,935 ` 91,92,89042 ` 91,92,890 ` 5,69,490 ` 86,23,401 ` 93,13,27343 ` 93,13,273 ` 6,03,659 ` 87,09,614 ` 94,06,38344 ` 94,06,383 ` 6,39,878 ` 87,66,504 ` 94,67,82545 ` 94,67,825 ` 6,78,271 ` 87,89,554 ` 94,92,71846 ` 94,92,718 ` 7,18,967 ` 87,73,750 ` 94,75,65147 ` 94,75,651 ` 7,62,106 ` 87,13,545 ` 94,10,62948 ` 94,10,629 ` 8,07,832 ` 86,02,797 ` 92,91,02149 ` 92,91,021 ` 8,56,302 ` 84,34,719 ` 91,09,49650 ` 91,09,496 ` 9,07,680 ` 82,01,816 ` 88,57,96251 ` 88,57,962 ` 9,62,141 ` 78,95,821 ` 85,27,48752 ` 85,27,487 ` 10,19,869 ` 75,07,618 ` 81,08,22753 ` 81,08,227 ` 10,81,061 ` 70,27,166 ` 75,89,33954 ` 75,89,339 ` 11,45,925 ` 64,43,414 ` 69,58,88755 ` 69,58,887 ` 12,14,680 ` 57,44,207 ` 62,03,74456 ` 62,03,744 ` 12,87,561 ` 49,16,182 ` 53,09,47757 ` 53,09,477 ` 13,64,815 ` 39,44,662 ` 42,60,23558 ` 42,60,235 ` 14,46,704 ` 28,13,531 ` 30,38,61459 ` 30,38,614 ` 15,33,506 ` 15,05,108 ` 16,25,51660 ` 16,25,516 ` 16,25,516 ` 0 ` 0

Financial Freedom Fund of Mr. Aditya Saxena

PV of Monthly exp* `. 6953480

Outstanding Loan `. 1000000

Daughters Marriage `. 500000

Daughters Education `. 700000

Buying A Home `. 3500000

Financial Freedom Fund Rs` 1,26,53,480

*As per the calculation done earlier

Calculating a Financial Freedom Fund

Pyramid of pre-requirement Ask few questions to yourself

Do you have the right MINDSET for financial success? Are you focused, confident, determined, energized and fully committed to becoming financially independent?

Do you have the FINANCIAL EDUCATION, it is necessary to make intelligent financial decisions? Are you well informed about financial planning, investing, stock trading, business management or real estate?

Do you have the ACTION plan?

• Assuring (Man at Job)

In this stage the Man is at job all the time and he ensures the financialfreedom for him and his family irrespective of his physical presence.

• Building (Man + Money at Job)

Here one needs to adapt the investment strategy and to follow the rightasset allocation plan which suits his risk profile to start building theFinancial Freedom Fund. This is the stage where Man and Money both areat Job. Man works for the money and invests into some investmentavenue and Money also works by fetching the returns from theinvestments done by man.

• Cashing (Money at Job)

This is the stage where you accumulate all your investments reallocatethose into the assets which start giving you the Passive income.


Ek Chhoti Bachhi Apne Papa k Sath ja Rahi Thi, Ek Pul par Paani Bahut Tezi se Beh Raha Tha……

PAPA: - Beta Daro Mat, Mera Hath Pakad Lo,

BACHHI: - Nahi Papa, Aap Mera Haath Pakad Lo,

PAPA (Muskura Kar): - Dono me Kya Antar Hai Beta…????

BACHHI: - Agar Mai Aapka Haath Pakdu aur Achanak kuchho Jaye, To Shayad mai Aapka Haath Chod Du…

Lekin Agar aap Mera Haath Pakdenge. To mai Jaanti Hu KiChahe Kuch bhi Ho Jaye…


Why Assurance?

One Need to Assure the financial Freedom for the Family before achieving it..

Biggest Threat to Financial Freedom




Mr. Aditya Saxena has the following investments and insurance

Investment in FD `̀. 200000Investment in MF `. 400000Life Insurance cover `. 1500000

Rs. 2100000 is anytime available to the family of Mr. Aditya Saxena in case of the sudden demise of the Mr Aditya Saxena.

Required FFF Rs` 1,26,53,480

Fund Available `. 2100000

Assurance Required Rs` 11,05,53,480



Mr. Aditya can buy the life Insurance Policy giving the Risk Cover of `. 10553000

Best Possible way is to buy the Term Insurance Plan of some good company


- Pure risk policy

- It’s affordable to all

- Gives very high Risk cover for small consideration ASSURANCE PLAN



Increasing Medical Treatment Cost

Medical Treatment expense can not be postpone

This might Lead to delay in achieving Financial Freedom Fund

One should have at least 25 to 30 times of monthly salary Sum Assured in the form of Mediclaim


Looking at the complexity of the decease and medical treatment one should have a mediclaim of any amount between `. 300000 to `. 500000



Economic Protection for all family membersRisk cover floats within the family members


Right Investment strategy is required…..







ReturnValue of investment `. 5000 Monthly for

30 Years.

Value of investment `. 5000 Monthly for

29 Years.

Money Saved by


Money Lost by Delay

8% `7,501,475.89 `6,868,711.59 `60,000.00 `632,764.30

10% `11,396,626.62 `10,259,021.59 `60,000.00 `1,137,605.03

12% `17,649,568.87 `15,606,258.08 `60,000.00 `2,043,310.79

15% `35,049,103.03 `30,139,014.68 `60,000.00 `4,910,088.35

18% `71,626,445.87 `59,852,102.81 `60,000.00 `11,774,343.06

20% `116,804,008.79 `95,733,924.87 `60,000.00 `21,070,083.92


INVEST REGULARLYMaturity Value of ` 3000 of Monthly Investment at 10%

Year Fund Value Investment Gain1 `38,010.84 `36,000.00 `2,010.84 2 `80,001.92 `72,000.00 `8,001.92 3 `126,390.01 `108,000.00 `18,390.01 4 `177,635.54 `144,000.00 `33,635.54 5 `234,247.14 `180,000.00 `54,247.14 6 `296,786.72 `216,000.00 `80,786.72 7 `365,875.02 `252,000.00 `113,875.02 8 `442,197.75 `288,000.00 `154,197.75 9 `526,512.48 `324,000.00 `202,512.48

10 `619,656.06 `360,000.00 `259,656.06 11 `722,552.99 `396,000.00 `326,552.99 12 `836,224.58 `432,000.00 `404,224.58 13 `961,799.06 `468,000.00 `493,799.06 14 `1,100,522.83 `504,000.00 `596,522.83 15 `1,253,772.80 `540,000.00 `713,772.80 16 `1,423,070.04 `576,000.00 `847,070.04 17 `1,610,094.91 `612,000.00 `998,094.91 18 `1,816,703.73 `648,000.00 `1,168,703.73 19 `2,044,947.19 `684,000.00 `1,360,947.19 20 `2,297,090.73 `720,000.00 `1,577,090.73



The Most Important Aspect of achieving Financial Freedom

Mr. Aditya Saxena has `. 10000 p.m. Investible money

Return Time take for building FFF

8% 28 Years and 1 Month

12% 22 Years and 2 months

15% 19 Years and 4 month

20% 16 Year and 2 months

22% 15 Years and 3 month

Power of compounding is the 8th wonder of the world….Albert Einstein



SchemeTotal Amount

InvestedPresent Value Yield Profit-SIP

Reliance Growth - Growth 180000 2745820 31.98 2565820Franklin India Bluechip - Growth 180000 2644852 31.56 2464852HDFC Equity Fund - Growth 180000 2516149 30.99 2336149Reliance Vision - Growth 180000 1846946 27.50 1666946Franklin India Prima Plus - Growth 180000 1822159 27.35 1642159Franklin India Prima Fund - Growth 180000 1757302 26.94 1577302HDFC Prudence Fund - Growth 180000 1671675 26.38 1491675SBI Magnum Tax Gain Scheme 93 - Growth 180000 1509485 25.45 1329485Birla Sun Life 95 - Growth 180000 1482358 25.02 1302358HDFC Capital Builder Fund - Growth 180000 1318925 23.70 1138925ICICI Prudential Power - Growth 180000 1220266 22.83 1040266Birla Sun Life MNC Fund - Growth 180000 519191 22.72 339191SBI Magnum Global Fund 94 - Growth 180000 1159726 22.46 979726Tata Equity Opportunities Fund - Growth 180000 1144738 22.41 964738Birla Sun Life Advantage Fund - Growth 180000 1087407 21.52 907407Taurus Starshare Fund - Growth 180000 1056055 21.20 876055SBI Magnum Multiplier Plus 93 - Growth 180000 1017018 20.96 837018Tata Balanced Fund - Growth 180000 944946 19.93 764946SBI Magnum Equity Fund - Growth 180000 944437 19.93 764437SBI Magnum Balanced Fund - Growth 180000 928019 19.73 748019Morgan Stanley Growth Fund - Growth 180000 836436 18.55 656436Taurus Bonanza Fund - Growth 180000 820994 18.34 640994UTI Equity Fund - Growth 180000 808440 18.16 628440UTI Balanced Fund - Growth 180000 801584 18.07 621584Canara Robeco Balance - Growth 180000 719427 16.83 539427UTI Top 100 Fund - Growth 180000 691756 16.38 511756UTI Masterplus Unit Scheme 91 - Growth 180000 674965 16.09 494965UTI Mastershare - Growth 180000 663917 15.91 483917JM Balanced - Growth 180000 556689 13.87 376689JM Equity - Growth 180000 512367 12.90 332367Taurus Discovery Fund - Growth 180000 425628 11.09 245628
















Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text

Mutual Funds…What, Why and How

What is a Mutual Fund?

Mutual Fund- Know now

Mutual Funds pool money from many small

investors with similar (one could say mutual)

objectives, to achieve Economies of Scale and

Diversification in the investment of these


This can result in higher returns at lower risk

Graphically speaking…...

MFStep 1 : Make investments

Investor community

Step 5: Returns provided to investors

Earnings to the Fund House/ Distributor

Step 4: Expenses

deductedfrom the returns

Various Assets

Mutual Fund- Know now

Where is the money invested

Your money is invested in various securities depending

on the objectives of the scheme you choose.


Mutual Fund- Investment

What are the types of mutual funds ..(1)

Open end schemes: You can invest or redeem in these schemes at any time

Closed end schemes: You can invest during the initial issue period and your money is locked in for a stipulated period (ranging from 2 to 15 years)

What are the types of mutual funds ..(2)

Based on the investment objective…

Growth schemes: Invest in shares of companies. Have the potential to deliver better returns over the long term as compared to other mutual fund schemes

Mutual Fund- Types

What are the types of mutual funds ..(3)

Types of growth funds

Diversified Funds

Sector Funds

Index Funds

What are the types of mutual funds ..(4)

Income schemes: Invest in fixed income securities such as bonds issued by corporate and other government agencies

Gilt Funds invest exclusively in government securities – for added safety

Mutual Fund- Types

What are the types of mutual funds ..(5)

Balanced schemes: Invest in both shares and bonds, thereby receiving income that can moderate the effects of price fluctuations due to stocks

Money market schemes: Invest in short term instruments such as certificates of deposits and short term bonds

Mutual Fund- Types

Other types of schemes

Need based schemes

Tax-Saving schemes

Equity Linked Savings Schemes

Pension Schemes

Future needs schemes

Children’s Savings Plans

Retirement benefit schemes

Mutual Fund- Other Schemes

The risk return trade-off…..


Investment horizon

Liquid Fund

Debt Funds

Balanced FundsRatio of Debt : Equity

Growth FundsIndex, Active diversified

Sector funds

Risk and Investment

Investment Pyramid

Capital PreservationRisk: Low to MediumPeriod: Less than 1 year

IncomeRisk: Medium to LowPeriod: 1 to 3 years

Capital GrowthRisk: Medium to HighPeriod: 3 to 5 years

Investor Portfolio Composition



Income/Bond FundsCompany Fixed Deposits


Money Market Funds

Short-term Deposits /Government Paper

Risk and Investment

Why invest in a mutual fund?..(1)

Professional Management:

Experience and resources to thoroughly analyze the economy/markets to spot good investment opportunities

Why invest in a mutual fund?..(2)


Reduces the risk to which you would've been exposed by investing in a single stock/bond Invests in a broad cross section of industries or companies - negative performance of one security will not have as much of an impact on the fund

Why Mutual fund?

Why invest in a mutual fund?..(3)

Liquidity & Convenience:

You will be able to get your money back within a short period as

compared to other securities

Very little paperwork

Helps avoid problems such as bad deliveries, delayed

payments and unnecessary follow up with brokers and


Why Mutual fund?

Why invest in a mutual fund?..(4)

Tax Efficiency:

Some mutual fund schemes offer tax benefits under

Section 80(C ) .

Dividends declared under mutual fund schemes

are tax free in the hands of the investor*

Mutual funds offer favorable post tax returns

•Subject to Dividend Distribution tax in Non Equity Funds

Why Mutual fund?

How do I make money from a mutual fund?..(1)

Capital appreciation:

As the value of securities in the fund increases, the fund's unit price will also increase. You can make a profit by selling the units at a price higher than at which you bought

Income Distribution: The fund passes on the profits it has earned in the form of dividends

How you make money in Mutual fund?

How to choose the right scheme

Determine your financial goals and your time horizon

Determine your tolerance for risk

Study the objectives of the funds available and match them with your need

The right scheme

How to choose the right fund house

Look for:

Professional management

Performance track record

Quality of service

Choice of schemes

The right Fund house

How to make the winning mutual fund investment…(1)

Start Early

Save regularlyUse a ‘portfolio’ approach – spread your investments across sectors and asset classes

See that your portfolio contains both short term and long term investments

The winning combination

How to make the winning mutual fund investment…(2)

Monitor your investment portfolio periodically – in light of market changes and changes in your life

Stay calm, steady and disciplined – keep your goals firmly in sight – do not get carried away by emotions or temporary market fluctuations

Basics of Systematic Investing & Asset Allocation

Systematic Investing

What is Systematic Investing?

The term ‘systematic investing’, applies to the process of investing regularly i.e. at fixed intervals, say, monthly or quarterly.

Systematic Investing

Why should one systematically invest?

• When chasing a financial goal, the simplest form of planning is to invest regularly

•Most of us calculate our earnings, expenses and savings monthly. The easiest way to plan our investments, therefore, is on a monthly basis

Why don't most people save regularly?

1. Lack of awareness/ concern/ planning for financial goals

2. No money left after monthly expenses

3. Hassle of keeping track of investments

4. Unaware of power of compounding

Systematic Investing- Basic Issues

FV = PV (1 + r)n

FV = Future Value

PV = Present Value

r = Rate of Return/ Coupon Rate

n = No. of compounding periods

The mother of all equations

Systematic Investing

FV = PV (1 + r)n

Enhancing Future Value

The more you save, makes a


The sooner you start, makes a


PV nr

The more you earn, makes a


Systematic Investing

The more you save, makes a differenceThe Power of Compounding

The above example is just for the explanation purpose.

The power of compounding

Growth rate of 7% p.a.Total Amount

SavedValue after 25

yearsAmount saved per month

5,000 1,500,000 4,073,986

3,000 900,000 2,444,391

1,500 450,000 1,222,196

1,000 300,000 814,797

The sooner you start, makes a difference

The Power of CompoundingThe power of compounding

Rs. 1000 invested p.m. @8% CAGR Total Amount

SavedValue at the

age of 60Starting Age

25 420,000 2,309,175

30 360,000 1,500,295

35 300,000 957,367

40 240,000 592,947

The Power of Compounding

The above example is just for the explanation purpose.

The more you earn, makes a difference

The power of compounding

Rs. 1000 invested pm Value after 10 years

Value after 25 yearsGrowth Rate

8% 184,166 957,367

10% 206,552 1,337,890

15% 278,657 3,284,074

20% 382,364 8,626,708

The Power of Compounding

The above example is just for the explanation purpose.

Savings is for Future Goals

Save for future

The Arithmetic of Financing Life

Objective Years to go Current Cost Future Cost

Build a house 5 25 lacs 32 lacs

Son’s MBA 10 5 lacs 7.5 lacs

Daughter’s marriage

15 5 lacs 12 lacs

Retirement Fund 25 40 lacs 100 lacs

Life objective- cost structure

Making Volatility Work for you

Rupee Cost Averaging

Average Sales Price of Units : Rs. 12 ( i.e. Rs. 48/4 months)Average Purchase Cost of Units : Rs 11.61 ( i.e. Rs. 4000/344.444 units)

Volatility- Cost averaging

Month Amount Invested (Rs.)

Sale Price (Rs.) No. of Units Purchased

1 1000 12 83.333

2 1000 15 66.667

3 1000 9 111.111

4 1000 12 83.333

TOTAL 4000 48 344.444

SENSEX - and Sensibilities

Scheme Date NAV Date NAVCAGR(In%


Franklin India Bluechip 5/31/1996 15.65 7/30/2003 30.39 10.12

Franklin India Prima Fund 5/31/1996 13.21 7/30/2003 45.75 19.47

HDFC Equity Fund 5/31/1996 7.19 7/30/2003 32.214 23.9

Reliance Growth 5/31/1996 11.14 7/31/2003 43.75 22.1

Reliacne Vision 5/31/1996 11.23 7/31/2003 37.58 19.03

HDFC Top 200 5/31/1996 7/30/2003 24.433

Sensex 5/31/1996 3724 7/30/2003 3780 0.01

S & P Nifty 5/31/1996 1089 7/30/2003 1183 0.02

CNX Midcap 5/31/1996 N.A. 7/30/2003 1402

Time Matters not Timing

No. ParticularsInvestment on 14-Feb-2000

Value as on


Value as on


Absolute Growth

SENSEX 5924.32 2600.12 6009.86 1.44%

1 HDFC Equity Fund 1,00,000 51,179 2,12,360 112 %

2 Franklin Blue Chip 1,00,000 66,222 2,02,540 102 %

3 Reliance Vision Fund 1,00,000 41,240 2,55,610 155 %

4 HDFC Prudence Fund 1,00,000 71,651 2,35,370 135 %

5 Tata Pure Equity 1,00,000 43,927 1,82,630 82 %

6 Franklin India Prima 1,00,000 45,550 2,56,670 156 %

7 HDFC Top 200 1,00,000 46,002 1,69,780 69 %

8 Pru ICICI Power 1,00,000 45,433 2,21,220 121 %

9 Reliance Growth 1,00,000 26,818 2,21,750 121 %

Time Matters not Timing

Unmatched Convenience

Minimum investment of Rs.500 on a monthly or quarterly basis

Choice of post-dated cheques or direct debit with selected banks

Cheques payable anywhere in India accepted

Statement of account provided with each transaction

Its easy- convenient

Note: Some of the above facilities are available with investments in select funds and/ or at select centres. Please refer to offer document for specific details.

What is Asset Allocation?

It’s about diversifying one’s portfolio among asset

classes such as bonds, stocks, real estate, or cash.

It’s referred to in terms of the target percentages for each asset class. For example, a portfolio could have a mix of “60 percent stocks, 30 percent bonds and 10 percent cash”.

It’s the financial representation of an investor’s personality: the ideal asset allocation is one that best balances an investor’s profile and objectives

Asset allocation- find the right combination

Brinson, Hood and Beebower : Determinants of Portfolio Performance, 1986, 1991: “Asset Allocation helps explain over 93% of a portfolio’s performance”.

Significance Relative to Return

Significance of Asset Allocation

Asset allocation- find the right combination

Suggesting the Right Allocation

Profile the client for ability and willingness to take risk

Match with client’s objectives

Iron out mismatches, if any

Asset allocation- find the right combination

Periodic Review

Making Asset Allocation Work

Review of objective - EXAMPLE

Years to goal Equity Allocation %

TODAY 10 70%

After 5 yrs 5 60%

After 7 yrs 3 40%

After 9 yrs 1 10%

A periodic review of objectives can ensure an investor is not left at the mercy of the equity markets when he needs his money

Asset allocation- find the right combination



Sr. Equity Diversified Funds Launch Date QAAUM (Dec12)

3 Mth Rank 6 Mth Rank 1 Yr Rank 2 Yrs Rank 3 Yrs Rank 5 Yrs Rank

No. Gr Div (in Crs)1 Principal Growth Fund 59.01 26.74 25-Oct-2000 273.92 11.72 4 22.43 6 39.48 1 5.85 20 4.92 34 -5.23 422 ICICI Prudential Discovery Fund 59.47 22.69 16-Aug-2004 2300.35 10.31 10 18.77 19 39.05 2 10.26 2 11.77 1 10.51 13 Reliance RSF Equity 34.42 22.52 08-Jun-2005 2949.19 8.71 16 23.20 5 39.04 3 5.24 24 5.93 30 2.81 124 Escorts Leading Sectors Fund 12.49 12.49 25-Aug-2008 0.60 8.17 23 24.08 2 37.17 4 6.56 17 4.41 38 -- --5 IDFC Classic Equity Fund 23.20 12.84 09-Aug-2005 156.01 11.38 7 23.71 3 36.39 5 5.12 25 4.68 37 -2.19 366 JM Core 11 Fund 3.99 3.99 05-Mar-2008 51.18 11.69 5 21.42 10 35.65 6 -2.54 56 -6.02 54 -- --7 IDFC India GDP Growth Fund 11-Mar-2009 24.08 11.64 6 24.44 1 35.62 7 10.45 1 9.37 3 -- --8 Reliance NRI Equity Fund 45.93 21.64 16-Nov-2004 93.10 9.99 12 23.60 4 35.59 8 7.44 11 8.76 6 3.83 109 Tata Mid Cap Fund 49.75 19.97 01-Jul-1994 216.70 6.63 39 17.07 28 34.82 9 7.57 9 6.42 26 -0.43 29

10 Reliance Top 200 Fund 14.82 13.64 08-Aug-2007 834.96 8.55 19 18.41 21 34.41 10 7.30 12 7.80 13 2.46 1411 Tata Equity Management Fund 17.13 14.80 07-Jul-2006 136.58 7.95 24 20.61 14 33.93 11 8.24 7 7.55 17 4.14 812 JM Basic Fund 14.52 10.14 02-Jun-1997 209.03 9.02 15 22.06 7 33.22 12 -1.59 55 -10.43 55 -17.65 4613 Templeton India Equity Income Fund 23.79 14.30 18-May-2006 991.54 11.88 2 21.97 8 33.06 13 4.79 27 8.75 7 6.27 214 SBI Magnum Multi Cap Fund 19.11 14.51 29-Sep-2005 404.93 8.27 22 18.40 22 32.79 14 3.35 38 2.03 46 -3.43 3915 Birla SL Equity Fund 283.34 67.82 27-Aug-1998 750.41 9.02 15 21.28 11 32.67 15 2.92 40 3.00 43 -1.22 3216 Kotak Select Focus Fund 13.59 12.27 11-Sep-2009 363.78 10.09 11 21.02 13 32.36 16 7.29 13 7.70 14 -- --17 BNP Paribas Equity Fund 40.93 12.63 23-Sep-2004 127.91 11.77 3 18.36 23 31.30 17 9.96 3 8.97 4 -2.11 3518 Templeton India Growth Fund 129.26 51.99 10-Sep-1996 689.18 11.20 8 19.31 17 30.62 18 2.64 42 5.20 31 4.59 519 ICICI Prudential Top 200 Fund 124.37 16.69 01-Oct-1994 496.18 8.51 20 18.52 20 30.15 19 4.94 26 6.68 23 0.95 2320 Birla SL Pure Value Fund 18.69 16.34 27-Mar-2008 54.67 8.65 17 16.12 34 29.95 20 5.84 21 7.11 20 -- --21 Canara Robeco Equity Diversified 64.91 28.29 16-Sep-2003 683.18 7.29 32 15.75 39 29.91 21 8.91 6 9.87 2 5.23 422 Franklin India Flexi Cap Fund 37.01 14.49 02-Mar-2005 1721.08 12.40 1 21.24 12 29.84 22 6.90 15 7.85 12 3.83 1023 Franklin India Prima Plus 259.57 28.18 29-Sep-1994 1938.14 10.70 9 19.55 16 29.44 23 9.17 4 8.93 5 4.53 624 Religare Equity Fund 14.06 14.05 04-Oct-2007 17.23 5.63 47 17.95 27 29.37 24 4.60 29 6.28 28 1.36 1925 Sundaram Equity Multiplier Fund 15.28 12.46 27-Feb-2007 162.84 7.10 35 16.22 33 29.36 25 3.76 35 2.94 44 -1.82 3426 Taurus Starshare Fund 64.82 45.63 03-Jan-1996 169.21 8.36 21 21.55 9 29.19 26 6.96 14 8.21 9 -4.12 4127 UTI Equity Fund 63.64 56.28 20-Apr-1992 2278.79 6.16 42 16.49 32 29.15 27 7.90 8 8.63 8 5.90 328 SBI Magnum Multiplier Plus 93 88.71 56.12 28-Feb-1993 1141.24 5.49 49 14.42 46 28.72 28 3.92 32 4.94 33 0.56 2529 UTI Masterplus Unit Scheme 91 94.14 65.77 09-Dec-1991 900.80 7.55 29 17.96 26 28.40 29 6.59 16 6.55 25 -0.90 3130 Principal Smart Equity Fund 11.69 11.69 16-Dec-2010 110.43 6.95 37 15.97 37 28.23 30 9.09 5 -- -- -- --31 SBI Magnum Equity Fund 49.38 29.06 01-Jan-1991 1083.87 8.60 18 16.05 36 27.54 31 7.56 10 7.96 11 1.33 2132 Birla SL Advantage Fund 164.97 79.43 24-Feb-1995 304.41 9.06 14 19.30 18 26.26 32 1.70 46 2.16 45 -3.21 3833 UTIMEPUS 31-Mar-2003 1251.68 7.01 36 18.06 24 25.89 33 5.72 22 6.39 27 1.73 1834 JM Multi Strategy Fund 13.76 12.80 23-Sep-2008 199.63 9.44 13 19.82 15 25.59 34 -2.78 57 -3.92 53 -- --35 UTI Master Value Fund 56.38 23.64 01-Jun-1998 655.86 7.23 33 16.08 35 25.55 35 3.57 37 6.66 24 3.74 1136 Sahara Growth Fund 89.16 25.88 03-Sep-2002 10.90 5.47 50 15.01 42 25.47 36 5.64 23 3.86 39 2.07 1737 LIC Nomura Equity Fund 28.09 11.07 15-Feb-1999 71.56 7.67 28 16.87 29 25.37 37 2.32 43 3.18 42 -3.70 4038 Sundaram Growth Fund 98.54 13.32 14-Apr-1997 230.21 7.71 27 18.00 25 24.97 38 1.90 45 3.32 41 -2.95 3739 Religare Growth Fund 14.04 12.76 09-Aug-2007 38.17 7.50 30 15.75 39 24.95 39 4.40 31 6.72 22 0.80 2440 Sahara Wealth Plus Fund FP 22.88 18.96 01-Sep-2005 11.10 4.60 53 14.31 48 24.92 40 2.87 41 6.86 21 1.35 2041 HDFC LT Equity Fund 17.62 12.35 10-Feb-2006 501.61 6.72 38 14.47 45 24.86 41 4.66 28 7.27 19 2.33 1542 LIC Nomura MF Growth Fund 13.68 12.13 03-Feb-1999 90.40 6.41 41 16.12 34 24.79 42 1.97 44 3.39 40 -1.73 3343 JPMorgan India Equity Fund 14.44 13.41 14-Jun-2007 280.88 5.51 48 14.74 44 24.40 43 3.91 33 7.35 18 -0.62 3044 ING Multi Manager Equity Fund Plan A 10.82 10.82 30-Apr-2007 31.58 5.77 45 13.30 54 23.30 44 1.03 49 1.29 48 -6.59 4445 Escorts Growth Plan 73.20 11.34 04-Apr-2001 4.69 5.26 52 14.04 50 23.08 45 -1.35 53 0.95 49 -5.45 4346 L&T Equity Fund 38.56 21.61 16-May-2005 2614.55 6.03 44 15.10 40 22.78 46 4.41 30 8.20 10 4.05 947 JM Equity 36.41 14.82 01-Apr-1995 41.05 6.13 43 14.79 43 22.24 47 -1.41 54 -0.51 52 -8.01 4548 BOI AXA Equity Fund 18.60 13.11 21-Oct-2008 58.93 4.38 54 13.69 52 22.22 48 3.21 39 -0.34 51 -- --49 Principal Equity Savings Fund 90.54 10.39 07-Jan-1998 23.64 7.85 25 16.84 30 22.10 49 1.25 48 1.38 47 0.34 2750 UTI Mastershare 58.61 26.66 19-Sep-1986 2418.03 4.25 55 13.48 53 21.94 50 4.66 28 6.12 29 1.27 2251 HDFC Core & Satellite Fund 41.16 19.13 17-Sep-2004 318.10 7.72 26 16.58 31 21.54 51 0.18 51 4.89 36 2.51 1352 Baroda Pioneer Growth Fund 51.57 29.05 12-Sep-2003 152.27 7.46 31 15.06 41 21.51 52 -1.18 52 0.79 50 0.52 2653 Pramerica Equity Fund 9.53 9.53 06-Dec-2010 32.62 7.20 34 15.80 38 21.18 53 0.42 50 -- -- -- --54 L&T India Large Cap Fund 13.21 13.21 23-Oct-2007 375.25 5.76 46 14.12 49 20.94 54 3.61 36 7.69 15 4.25 755 PineBridge India Equity Fund Standard 13.66 13.66 22-Jun-2007 146.39 3.58 56 13.78 51 20.52 55 6.11 19 4.95 32 0.20 2856 Pramerica Dynamic Fund 10.39 10.39 06-Dec-2010 84.29 5.38 51 12.57 55 19.92 56 3.87 34 -- -- -- --57 HDFC Premier Multi Cap Fund 29.70 13.55 06-Apr-2005 372.74 6.53 40 14.32 47 18.93 57 1.46 47 4.90 35 2.23 1658 Edelweiss Absolute urn Fund 12.76 11.20 20-Aug-2009 30.11 1.84 57 6.69 56 12.98 58 6.49 18 7.67 16 -- --

Sr. Largecap Funds Launch Date QAAUM (Dec12)

3 Mth Rank 6 Mth Rank 1 Yr Rank 2 Yrs Rank 3 Yrs Rank 5 Yrs Rank

No. Gr Div (in Crs)1 SBI Magnum Bluechip Fund 17.02 13.30 14-Feb-2006 740.93 9.31 9 22.36 3 35.50 1 7.96 5 5.65 20 0.89 132 Reliance Equity Fund 15.54 15.54 28-Mar-2006 1117.08 8.41 16 22.02 5 34.18 2 4.71 22 0.21 36 -2.69 243 Birla SL Frontline Equity Fund Plan A 102.33 22.82 30-Aug-2002 2935.67 10.44 3 22.73 2 33.94 3 7.57 6 7.70 9 5.14 44 Birla SL Top 100 Fund 26.68 15.20 24-Oct-2005 297.68 9.95 5 20.69 6 33.12 4 8.52 3 8.19 7 3.05 95 ING Core Equity Fund 43.77 17.45 06-May-1999 75.77 8.31 18 18.33 12 31.94 5 6.48 10 8.05 8 0.19 166 Morgan Stanley Growth Fund 67.61 20.64 18-Feb-1994 1307.00 10.58 2 22.24 4 31.57 6 3.03 29 4.86 26 -1.09 207 Principal Large Cap Fund 31.44 21.53 11-Nov-2005 389.64 8.26 21 18.11 17 31.12 7 4.33 25 6.72 14 1.48 128 Daiwa Industry Leaders Fund 13.07 13.07 09-Sep-2009 28.72 8.83 12 20.24 8 30.73 8 5.15 19 6.01 17 -- --9 HDFC Equity Fund 302.82 46.50 01-Jan-1995 10555.70 8.56 14 17.27 21 29.25 9 4.51 24 8.68 5 6.62 2

10 Axis Equity Fund 12.40 12.41 05-Jan-2010 571.24 8.49 15 19.23 9 28.94 10 6.65 8 6.93 13 -- --11 UTI Leadership Equity Fund 16.93 15.70 20-Feb-2006 619.82 7.08 28 17.08 23 28.75 11 4.95 21 4.32 28 -1.98 2312 HDFC Top 200 233.88 45.91 11-Sep-1996 12122.20 8.39 17 17.73 18 28.41 12 5.80 12 8.65 6 6.88 113 ICICI Prudential Top 100 Fund 159.72 15.80 09-Jul-1998 418.09 10.14 4 18.12 16 28.15 13 8.79 2 9.11 3 3.75 814 ING Large Cap Equity Fund 31.59 21.06 23-Feb-2004 5.37 7.38 26 18.45 11 27.81 14 5.74 13 6.31 16 0.86 1415 DSP BR Equity Fund 18.14 51.50 29-Apr-1997 2615.67 8.99 11 17.47 19 26.82 15 5.01 20 6.41 15 3.88 716 Union KBC Equity Fund 11.08 11.08 10-Jun-2011 154.49 7.99 23 17.37 20 26.69 16 -- -- -- -- -- --17 Canara Robeco Large Cap+ Fund 12.19 12.20 20-Aug-2010 151.13 6.00 35 14.46 36 26.63 17 9.25 1 -- -- -- --18 Tata Pure Equity Fund 109.96 38.46 07-May-1998 585.97 5.55 36 14.11 39 26.44 18 5.59 15 5.95 19 2.00 1119 ICICI Prudential Focused Bluechip Equity Fund 18.94 18.07 23-May-2008 4230.72 8.29 20 18.30 13 26.27 19 8.32 4 10.77 1 -- --

IndicesS&P Nifty 6.49 16.53 24.19 3.49 4.86 -0.06BSE Sensex 6.8 16.86 23.39 2.94 4.42 -0.26CNX Midcap 9.42 17.51 30.55 2.84 3.66 -0.65

Report as on January 15, 2013


Absolute % (Point to Compounded Annualised % (Point to Point)





Sr. Largecap Funds Launch Date QAAUM (Dec12)

3 Mth Rank 6 Mth Rank 1 Yr Rank 2 Yrs Rank 3 Yrs Rank 5 Yrs Rank

No. Gr Div (in Crs)20 ICICI Prudential Target Returns Fund 15.53 15.53 28-May-2009 111.32 8.22 22 18.19 15 26.08 20 5.24 18 7.35 11 -- --21 HDFC Growth Fund 97.70 31.22 11-Sep-2000 1268.09 6.68 31 16.27 29 25.80 21 6.20 11 9.38 2 4.43 522 Peerless Equity Fund 11.88 11.89 28-Sep-2011 29.71 9.10 10 18.24 14 25.73 22 -- -- -- -- -- --23 Taurus Bonanza Fund 45.41 45.41 04-Aug-1995 32.29 8.30 19 18.66 10 25.71 23 2.74 30 3.51 31 -4.88 2724 DSP BR Top 100 Equity Fund 113.47 22.81 10-Mar-2003 3568.99 8.59 13 16.92 24 25.62 24 6.55 9 6.94 12 4.22 625 Franklin India Bluechip 244.05 40.16 01-Dec-1993 5040.43 9.53 8 16.42 28 24.93 25 6.73 7 8.77 4 5.37 326 IDFC Equity Fund 17.44 12.61 09-Jun-2006 353.01 5.37 37 14.89 34 24.77 26 4.13 26 5.43 21 0.45 1527 Kotak 50 114.20 32.54 29-Dec-1998 779.72 9.80 7 18.11 17 24.62 27 5.71 14 5.98 18 0.14 1728 LIC Nomura MF Top 100 Fund 8.47 8.47 07-Jan-2008 202.47 6.91 30 16.61 26 24.49 28 0.88 36 0.49 35 -3.43 2629 DSP BR Focus 25 Fund 11.36 11.36 10-Jun-2010 382.08 12.20 1 24.57 1 24.45 29 4.59 23 -- -- -- --30 Reliance Quant Plus Fund 14.70 12.01 18-Apr-2008 117.53 7.11 27 16.90 25 24.30 30 3.90 28 7.56 10 -- --31 Religare AGILE Fund 7.52 7.53 19-Dec-2007 54.43 2.45 42 14.29 37 23.41 31 5.31 17 5.35 22 -5.46 2832 Religare Business Leaders Fund 13.31 12.11 21-Aug-2009 28.63 6.23 33 16.04 30 23.06 32 4.06 27 4.99 25 -- --33 Reliance Vision 275.63 38.89 08-Oct-1995 1985.53 4.57 40 9.54 42 22.62 33 1.39 34 2.54 32 -0.62 1834 HSBC Equity Fund 109.23 27.48 10-Dec-2002 624.17 6.99 29 15.28 31 21.90 34 2.42 31 4.66 27 -1.01 1935 DWS Alpha Equity Fund 79.88 17.39 21-Jan-2003 77.88 5.19 39 15.22 32 21.80 35 0.71 37 2.35 33 -1.11 2136 UTI Top 100 Fund 31.64 24.58 18-Jan-1993 645.64 2.26 43 14.97 33 21.44 36 5.15 19 5.22 23 -1.53 2237 IDFC Strategic Sector (5050) Equity Fund 15.07 14.91 03-Oct-2008 17.40 9.93 6 14.71 35 20.93 37 2.11 33 5.13 24 -- --38 Tata irement Savings Fund Progressive Plan 01-Nov-2011 21.30 5.24 38 12.79 40 20.70 38 -- -- -- -- -- --39 IDFC Imperial Equity Fund 20.20 13.25 16-Mar-2006 223.83 6.18 34 14.14 38 19.94 39 2.29 32 3.78 30 2.51 1040 Sahara Super 20 Fund 12.59 12.59 31-Jul-2009 1.12 4.52 41 12.37 41 19.50 40 5.38 16 4.07 29 -- --41 Sundaram Select Focus 91.81 9.93 30-Jul-2002 640.17 7.86 24 16.47 27 18.90 41 0.90 35 1.41 34 -2.80 2542 Axis Focused 25 Fund 12.04 12.04 29-Jun-2012 147.41 9.95 5 20.64 7 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --43 Indiabulls Blue Chip Fund 10.93 10.93 10-Feb-2012 5.80 6.63 32 17.27 21 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --44 IDBI India Top 100 Equity Fund 12.19 12.19 15-May-2012 49.39 7.50 25 17.10 22 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Sr. Midcap Funds Launch Date QAAUM (Dec12)

3 Mth Rank 6 Mth Rank 1 Yr Rank 2 Yrs Rank 3 Yrs Rank 5 Yrs Rank

No. Gr Div (in Crs)1 Axis Midcap Fund 13.91 13.91 18-Feb-2011 115.51 15.44 1 30.24 1 50.05 1 -- -- -- -- -- --2 Principal Emerging Bluechip Fund 34.74 26.47 12-Nov-2008 283.33 11.96 6 25.60 6 50.03 2 5.84 24 6.05 24 -- --3 SBI Emerg Buss Fund 61.57 19.86 17-Sep-2004 989.23 14.72 2 27.03 4 48.45 3 24.03 1 21.42 1 4.04 54 BNP Paribas Mid Cap Fund 12.62 12.57 02-May-2006 34.06 11.44 9 22.85 11 48.18 4 15.55 3 13.95 3 -3.27 285 Taurus Discovery Fund 17.88 17.87 03-Jan-1996 26.49 11.06 11 30.23 2 47.37 5 7.29 21 5.26 26 -10.55 326 Franklin India Smaller Companies Fund 17.38 16.09 13-Jan-2006 334.97 10.90 12 26.53 5 45.10 6 10.38 12 8.74 17 0.81 197 Kotak Midcap Fund 30.58 19.29 24-Feb-2005 285.98 11.08 10 22.78 13 42.45 7 9.99 13 11.12 11 0.05 238 Kotak Emerging Equity Scheme 14.08 13.15 30-Mar-2007 56.33 11.88 7 24.36 8 41.78 8 9.45 14 8.81 16 -3.07 279 SBI Magnum Midcap Fund 27.83 21.35 29-Mar-2005 224.17 13.41 3 27.43 3 41.71 9 8.93 15 4.87 28 -4.95 30

10 IDFC Sterling Equity Fund 22.39 15.02 07-Mar-2008 1305.49 9.30 21 19.69 22 41.63 10 11.64 8 11.98 8 -- --11 Canara Robeco Emerging Equities 27.85 19.22 11-Mar-2005 39.94 9.17 22 18.26 26 41.17 11 10.65 11 12.66 6 2.11 1112 Mirae Asset Emerging Bluechip Fund 14.21 12.99 09-Jul-2010 127.57 9.77 19 22.79 12 40.09 12 16.34 2 -- -- -- --13 Religare Mid N Small Cap Fund 18.01 18.00 17-Mar-2008 23.69 11.59 8 23.78 9 39.92 13 12.60 5 15.41 2 -- --14 JPMorgan India Smaller Companies Fund 9.20 9.20 26-Dec-2007 138.61 9.49 20 21.42 19 39.86 14 8.91 16 10.49 13 -2.17 2615 Franklin India High Companies Fund 14.99 13.78 26-Jul-2007 581.33 13.08 4 23.47 10 39.29 15 8.70 17 6.83 22 1.21 1616 Franklin India Prima Fund 334.60 39.48 01-Dec-1993 788.24 12.70 5 25.01 7 39.09 16 10.83 10 9.08 15 1.82 1417 Sundaram SMILE Fund 34.54 12.34 15-Feb-2005 433.97 6.98 32 17.10 30 38.17 17 3.00 32 1.20 35 0.66 2018 Religare Mid Cap Fund 17.77 14.73 19-Apr-2007 53.45 10.37 14 22.30 15 37.10 18 12.24 6 12.46 7 2.54 919 HSBC Midcap Equity Fund 21.06 11.26 19-May-2005 106.17 6.28 33 15.39 34 36.80 19 -2.87 37 -2.13 37 -7.39 3120 DSP BR Small and Midcap Fund 20.41 15.91 14-Nov-2006 1265.39 10.33 15 22.24 16 35.80 20 7.29 21 9.67 14 5.11 421 HDFC MidCap Opportunities Fund 19.05 17.26 25-Jun-2007 2570.09 7.05 30 15.75 31 34.32 21 11.10 9 13.94 4 7.89 222 UTI Mid Cap Fund 36.35 24.78 09-Apr-2004 288.64 8.28 24 18.33 25 34.32 21 7.69 20 7.33 19 2.14 1023 IDFC Premier Equity Fund 40.50 26.68 28-Sep-2005 3396.71 10.28 16 21.56 17 34.22 22 11.79 7 13.04 5 7.54 324 SBI Magnum Global Fund 94 69.36 32.62 30-Sep-1994 944.42 10.04 18 21.22 20 34.10 23 12.72 4 10.88 12 1.07 1725 HSBC Small Cap Fund 10.83 10.08 24-Mar-2008 19.68 5.59 38 18.47 24 33.93 24 -7.81 38 -0.65 36 -- --26 ING Midcap Fund 24.55 15.20 30-May-2005 29.83 10.74 13 21.06 21 33.90 25 8.11 19 7.26 20 -1.36 2527 L&T Midcap Fund 43.10 20.75 09-Aug-2004 55.32 7.43 27 15.64 33 33.41 26 3.24 31 4.68 31 0.22 2128 Sundaram Select Midcap 174.05 19.69 30-Jul-2002 2130.05 6.07 35 19.69 22 32.78 27 6.91 22 6.88 21 3.81 629 Reliance Small Cap Fund 10.84 10.84 16-Sep-2010 416.59 0.69 41 13.71 38 32.34 28 5.37 25 -- -- -- --30 Reliance Growth Fund 511.98 55.78 08-Oct-1995 5686.98 9.09 23 21.55 18 32.31 29 4.43 28 5.12 27 1.93 1231 Reliance LT Equity Fund 17.40 14.38 26-Dec-2006 1052.62 6.27 34 17.24 29 31.89 30 5.35 26 6.80 23 1.88 1332 DSP BR Micro Cap Fund 17.77 10.79 14-Jun-2007 473.04 4.63 39 15.27 35 31.78 31 6.02 23 11.50 9 3.02 733 ICICI Prudential MidCap Fund 34.91 17.38 28-Oct-2004 248.94 5.60 37 14.99 37 31.59 32 2.96 33 3.62 32 -4.82 2934 Birla SL Mid Cap Fund Plan A 120.14 22.53 03-Oct-2002 1250.97 7.78 26 18.72 23 31.45 33 4.55 27 3.32 33 1.26 1535 Quantum LongTerm Equity Fund 26.08 26.30 13-Mar-2006 140.04 7.37 28 17.96 27 31.22 34 8.13 18 11.38 10 9.56 136 Edelweiss Select Midcap Fund 11.86 11.86 29-Aug-2011 3.39 10.22 17 22.77 14 29.38 35 -- -- -- -- -- --37 HDFC Capital Builder Fund 120.61 23.38 01-Feb-1994 480.54 6.02 36 15.10 36 27.79 36 4.09 30 8.20 18 2.97 838 Birla SL Small & Midcap Fund 13.29 12.88 31-May-2007 115.66 6.99 31 15.74 32 27.57 37 4.35 29 4.72 30 -0.20 2439 LIC Nomura MF India Vision Fund 9.38 9.38 15-Jan-2007 42.39 7.98 25 17.78 28 27.56 38 0.73 36 1.74 34 -10.72 3340 Sahara Midcap Fund 32.54 14.39 31-Dec-2004 10.91 4.42 40 12.98 39 23.61 39 2.34 34 4.86 29 0.99 1841 Escorts High Yield Equity Plan 14.55 11.23 12-Dec-2006 3.87 7.09 29 12.34 40 18.59 40 0.79 35 5.99 25 0.19 22

Sr. Opportunity Funds Launch Date QAAUM (Dec12)

3 Mth Rank 6 Mth Rank 1 Yr Rank 2 Yrs Rank 3 Yrs Rank 5 Yrs Rank

No. Gr Div (in Crs)1 Reliance Equity Opportunities Fund 45.13 27.32 31-Mar-2005 4611.40 8.72 5 19.91 3 40.43 1 12.48 1 14.43 1 7.89 12 L&T India Special Situations Fund 22.05 19.99 22-May-2006 643.49 9.58 2 19.41 4 34.79 2 8.95 3 10.01 2 3.79 33 Tata Equity Opportunities Fund 90.91 22.12 25-Feb-1993 412.04 8.44 6 16.46 9 31.50 3 7.15 4 3.55 12 -2.24 74 Mirae Asset India Opportunities Fund 19.26 14.34 04-Apr-2008 279.00 9.05 3 20.26 2 30.94 4 9.23 2 9.70 4 -- --5 Morgan Stanley A.C.E Fund 16.11 15.16 03-Apr-2008 239.08 8.14 7 19.27 5 29.76 5 3.50 8 5.64 8 -- --6 HSBC Unique Opportunities Fund 11.89 11.89 21-Mar-2007 63.28 6.20 11 16.00 10 29.18 6 1.99 10 4.46 9 -5.56 137 Kotak Opportunities Fund 51.29 15.99 09-Sep-2004 744.01 7.92 8 18.77 7 28.40 7 5.22 6 5.73 7 -1.11 58 DSP BR Opportunities Fund 93.06 27.03 16-May-2000 564.69 11.13 1 22.88 1 27.92 8 3.27 9 6.57 5 0.80 4

IndicesS&P Nifty 6.49 16.53 24.19 3.49 4.86 -0.06BSE Sensex 6.8 16.86 23.39 2.94 4.42 -0.26CNX Midcap 9.42 17.51 30.55 2.84 3.66 -0.658684.25

Report as on January 15, 2013Absolute % Compounded Annualised %






Sr. Opportunity Funds Launch Date QAAUM (Dec12)

3 Mth Rank 6 Mth Rank 1 Yr Rank 2 Yrs Rank 3 Yrs Rank 5 Yrs Rank

No. Gr Div (in Crs)9 Birla SL India Opportunities Fund 53.95 16.27 27-Dec-1999 40.74 4.78 15 12.12 16 25.16 9 -2.02 15 1.06 14 -2.12 6

10 Franklin India Opportunities Fund 33.77 13.67 21-Feb-2000 318.33 8.77 4 18.00 8 25.06 10 3.64 7 3.84 11 -2.84 911 Birla SL Special Situations Fund 10.27 10.27 31-Jan-2008 170.35 7.03 9 19.00 6 24.44 11 0.97 12 0.95 15 -- --12 UTI Opportunities Fund 32.47 15.37 20-Jul-2005 3406.53 5.18 14 14.98 12 24.09 12 9.23 2 9.89 3 6.30 213 DWS Investment Opportunity Fund 37.79 26.19 29-Jan-2004 80.54 5.44 13 15.67 11 22.94 13 -0.03 14 0.56 16 -3.22 1114 HSBC India Opportunities Fund 38.78 18.27 24-Feb-2004 247.69 5.44 13 12.63 15 22.66 14 5.52 5 6.17 6 -2.52 815 LIC Nomura MF Opportunities Fund 19.09 10.86 18-Mar-2005 30.76 6.54 10 14.94 13 22.32 15 0.19 13 1.81 13 -5.11 1216 HSBC Dynamic Fund 10.84 10.84 24-Sep-2007 145.14 5.68 12 12.75 14 19.31 16 1.83 11 3.85 10 -3.00 10

Sr. Thematic Funds Launch Date QAAUM (Dec12)

3 Mth Rank 6 Mth Rank 1 Yr Rank 2 Yrs Rank 3 Yrs Rank 5 Yrs Rank

No. Gr Div (in Crs)1 Birla SL India GenNext Fund 32.05 16.79 05-Aug-2005 110.28 10.21 3 25.10 1 41.68 1 16.22 1 16.25 1 6.12 42 Canara Robeco FORCE Fund 16.51 15.40 14-Sep-2009 118.81 11.33 2 22.21 3 40.02 2 11.23 5 14.76 3 -- --3 Birla SL Buy India Fund 49.35 24.90 15-Jan-2000 39.73 10.18 4 24.21 2 37.54 3 7.85 6 9.97 6 6.42 34 HSBC Progressive Themes Fund 12.64 10.75 23-Feb-2006 167.27 8.68 7 18.67 7 37.46 4 0.44 13 -2.12 15 -9.16 155 Birla SL MNC Fund 262.67 89.04 22-Apr-1994 364.13 5.03 13 14.76 10 33.15 5 12.57 3 15.60 2 12.36 16 UTI Srvs. Inds. Fund 65.86 28.32 27-May-1999 223.69 9.53 5 17.33 8 31.31 6 5.24 10 5.36 10 -2.07 77 ICICI Prudential Service Inds. Fund 19.80 14.89 30-Nov-2005 157.42 11.93 1 21.55 5 31.29 7 7.66 7 6.98 8 -3.86 98 Sundaram Rural India Fund 17.37 12.57 12-May-2006 160.19 9.34 6 21.69 4 30.09 8 7.17 8 6.97 9 -2.55 89 UTI India Lifestyle Fund 14.21 14.21 24-Aug-2007 378.49 7.16 8 15.72 9 28.86 9 11.34 4 12.34 5 4.03 5

10 UTI MNC Fund 73.99 45.51 15-Apr-1998 253.61 4.97 14 11.72 14 27.00 10 12.90 2 14.50 4 11.26 211 Tata Ethical Fund 75.37 45.24 24-May-1996 110.55 6.15 11 19.37 6 25.86 11 7.00 9 7.12 7 -0.65 612 Birla SL India Reforms Fund 10.02 10.02 25-Jun-2010 63.81 6.14 12 14.25 12 25.17 12 -0.05 14 -- -- -- --13 Sahara R.E.A.L Fund 8.53 8.53 27-Nov-2007 4.92 6.16 10 13.40 13 24.46 13 0.84 12 1.87 12 -5.63 1114 Reliance Diversified Power Sector Fund 59.72 33.92 08-May-2004 2154.23 2.82 16 10.27 15 16.03 14 -11.13 21 -9.52 20 -6.56 1315 Taurus Ethical Fund 24.20 16.35 06-Apr-2009 24.99 4.36 15 14.37 11 15.47 15 1.65 11 4.70 11 -- --16 Reliance Natural Resources Fund 10.42 10.42 22-Feb-2008 1512.34 6.30 9 8.11 16 14.62 16 -1.20 15 -1.02 14 -- --17 Sahara Power & Natural Resources Fund 11.80 10.06 17-Jun-2008 3.20 0.14 21 6.15 19 10.91 17 -4.56 18 -4.16 16 -- --18 Escorts Power and Energy Fund 11.89 8.51 15-Oct-2008 0.98 0.34 20 5.48 21 10.63 18 -13.73 22 -13.15 21 -- --19 UTI Energy Fund 9.69 10.99 15-Jul-1999 314.14 1.89 17 7.07 17 9.71 19 -5.49 19 -5.68 18 -8.61 1420 Sundaram Energy Opportunities Fund 7.48 7.48 01-Jan-2008 668.46 1.53 18 6.19 18 9.02 20 -3.90 16 -6.00 19 -5.40 1021 DSP BR Natural Resources & New Energy Fund 13.38 10.94 25-Apr-2008 96.27 0.53 19 5.46 22 6.69 21 -4.11 17 -0.21 13 -- --22 SBI Magnum COMMA Fund 21.30 14.39 08-Aug-2005 370.14 -1.93 22 5.76 20 6.16 22 -7.05 20 -5.42 17 -5.91 12

Sr. Contra Funds Launch Date QAAUM (Dec12)

3 Mth Rank 6 Mth Rank 1 Yr Rank 2 Yrs Rank 3 Yrs Rank 5 Yrs Rank

No. Gr Div (in Crs)1 SBI Contra Fund 60.80 17.78 05-Jul-1999 2658.25 10.61 1 18.89 2 31.47 1 3.59 4 2.10 4 0.15 52 Kotak Classic Equity 23.92 18.11 27-Jul-2005 74.81 6.24 5 16.41 4 29.80 2 6.33 1 5.50 2 1.69 33 Religare Contra Fund 17.89 13.83 11-Apr-2007 60.79 7.71 3 19.03 1 28.80 3 5.14 3 4.82 3 5.11 14 UTI Contra Fund 13.84 12.78 22-Mar-2006 148.04 9.49 2 17.69 3 26.89 4 -0.25 5 -0.55 5 0.72 45 Tata Contra Fund 19.83 16.35 14-Nov-2005 90.88 7.12 4 14.81 5 24.13 5 5.77 2 7.08 1 2.62 2

Sr. Dividend Yield Funds Launch Date QAAUM (Dec12)

3 Mth Rank 6 Mth Rank 1 Yr Rank 2 Yrs Rank 3 Yrs Rank 5 Yrs Rank

No. Gr Div (in Crs)1 Principal Dividend Yield Fund 26.87 19.83 15-Oct-2004 110.70 8.74 3 19.79 3 38.24 1 7.35 2 8.71 5 2.82 62 BNP Paribas Dividend Yield Fund 15-Sep-2005 17.08 11.07 1 20.49 1 34.93 2 10.43 1 10.94 2 6.46 43 L&T India Value Fund 12.56 12.57 08-Jan-2010 66.73 10.06 2 20.38 2 34.15 3 5.80 6 7.53 7 -- --4 Birla SL Dividend Yield Plus 96.88 13.94 26-Feb-2003 1361.87 7.06 7 15.75 6 27.41 4 7.05 4 10.55 3 9.10 15 Tata Equity P/E Fund 29-Jun-2004 549.05 7.54 6 18.28 4 26.30 5 3.82 8 4.66 8 3.06 56 ING Dividend Yield Fund 26.45 16.40 24-Oct-2005 79.48 7.74 5 17.66 5 26.05 6 7.16 3 9.43 4 8.06 27 Tata Dividend Yield Fund 38.52 19.86 22-Nov-2004 345.09 8.39 4 14.06 7 25.43 7 6.85 5 11.02 1 6.46 48 UTI Dividend Yield Fund 35.39 14.22 23-May-2005 3682.39 5.86 8 13.50 8 21.13 8 4.86 7 8.04 6 6.50 39 Sahara Star Value Fund 12.19 11.15 14-Sep-2009 1.51 1.29 9 8.59 9 17.71 9 1.84 9 1.46 9 -- --

Sr. Balanced Funds Launch Date QAAUM (Dec12)

3 Mth Rank 6 Mth Rank 1 Yr Rank 2 Yrs Rank 3 Yrs Rank 5 Yrs Rank

No. Gr Div (in Crs)1 SBI Magnum Balanced Fund 58.05 26.01 09-Oct-1995 359.27 9.86 1 19.54 1 32.76 1 6.93 10 6.04 12 2.60 112 Reliance RSF Balanced 26.29 14.78 08-Jun-2005 556.47 7.82 5 16.43 4 30.67 2 8.27 6 10.11 4 9.20 23 ICICI Prudential Balanced 57.53 17.45 03-Nov-1999 381.15 9.10 2 18.84 2 30.06 3 12.54 1 12.19 1 4.22 94 Principal Balanced Fund 34.82 17.60 14-Jan-2000 16.33 8.37 3 16.92 3 30.03 4 6.70 11 4.85 16 1.74 145 Tata Balanced Fund 100.34 60.03 08-Oct-1995 445.62 5.98 13 14.91 7 28.80 5 11.03 2 9.56 6 5.57 66 Canara Robeco Balance 72.56 61.14 01-Feb-1993 202.95 6.44 10 12.76 13 25.89 6 9.84 3 9.94 5 6.32 47 HDFC Prudence Fund 246.41 29.57 01-Feb-1994 6239.17 7.22 8 14.58 8 25.81 7 8.52 5 11.28 3 8.81 38 UTI Balanced Fund 89.54 23.07 20-Jan-1995 951.38 6.53 9 15.80 6 25.10 8 5.21 13 6.23 11 3.57 109 Birla SL 95 355.45 115.75 10-Feb-1995 559.40 7.68 6 16.26 5 23.75 9 7.50 8 9.00 7 5.93 5

10 HDFC Balanced Fund 65.26 20.38 11-Sep-2000 991.18 4.93 18 11.09 19 23.65 10 9.72 4 12.15 2 9.39 111 Kotak Balance 25-Nov-1999 51.65 5.30 15 13.72 12 23.28 11 7.40 9 6.55 9 1.96 1312 FT India Balanced Fund 56.14 18.14 10-Dec-1999 209.15 8.01 4 14.55 9 22.97 12 8.08 7 8.21 8 4.26 813 Sundaram Balanced Fund 51.22 11.37 23-Jun-2000 50.67 6.14 11 12.08 15 22.23 13 2.80 19 3.48 18 2.26 1214 DSP BR Balanced Fund 73.38 22.49 27-May-1999 644.74 7.23 7 13.98 11 21.95 14 5.81 12 6.50 10 5.02 715 JM Balanced 24.84 17.72 01-Apr-1995 7.55 5.95 14 14.24 10 21.84 15 3.97 16 4.73 17 -5.61 2016 LIC Nomura Balanced Plan C 03-Feb-1999 19.71 4.35 19 11.43 17 20.95 16 3.19 17 2.46 19 -3.55 1817 Baroda Pioneer Balance Fund 30.83 30.83 12-Sep-2003 8.41 6.13 12 12.64 14 19.99 17 2.94 18 5.36 14 -2.06 1618 Tata irement Savings Fund Moderate Plan 01-Nov-2011 8.02 4.98 17 11.42 18 19.59 18 -- -- -- -- -- --19 ING Balanced Fund 27.73 19.39 25-Apr-2000 20.08 5.16 16 11.77 16 18.05 19 4.58 15 5.35 15 0.96 1520 Escorts Opportunities Fund 30.70 10.87 09-Mar-2001 46.50 1.94 20 4.68 20 13.77 20 5.11 14 5.49 13 -2.99 1721 Escorts Balanced Fund 62.59 11.74 04-Apr-2001 1.36 1.73 21 3.67 21 13.19 21 0.74 20 0.68 20 -4.04 19

IndicesS&P Nifty 6.49 16.53 24.19 3.49 4.86 -0.06BSE Sensex 6.8 16.86 23.39 2.94 4.42 -0.26CNX Midcap 9.42 17.51 30.55 2.84 3.66 -0.65





Report as on January 15, 2013Absolute % Compounded Annualised %








Sr. Gold FoFs Launch Date QAAUM (Dec12)

3 Mth Rank 6 Mth Rank 1 Yr Rank 2 Yrs Rank 3 Yrs Rank 5 Yrs Rank

No. Gr Div (in Crs)1 HDFC Gold Fund 11.00 -- 01-Nov-2011 366.78 -1.87 6 4.21 3 10.46 1 -- -- -- -- -- --2 Quantum Gold Savings Fund 19-May-2011 6.42 -1.58 3 4.06 4 10.07 2 -- -- -- -- -- --3 ICICI Prudential Gold Savings Fund 11.23 11.23 11-Oct-2011 108.22 -1.58 3 5.12 1 9.57 3 -- -- -- -- -- --4 SBI Gold Fund 10.68 10.68 12-Sep-2011 854.46 -1.85 5 3.77 7 9.27 4 -- -- -- -- -- --5 Religare Gold Fund 10.41 10.41 05-Dec-2011 28.73 -2.26 8 3.62 9 9.16 5 -- -- -- -- -- --6 Kotak Gold Fund 14.16 14.16 25-Mar-2011 583.50 -2.33 9 3.81 6 9.08 6 -- -- -- -- -- --7 Axis Gold Fund 11.36 11.37 20-Oct-2011 134.42 -1.91 7 3.63 8 9.08 6 -- -- -- -- -- --8 Reliance Gold Savings Fund 14.20 14.20 07-Mar-2011 2414.25 -2.88 10 2.59 10 8.65 7 -- -- -- -- -- --9 IDBI Gold Fund 14-Aug-2012 99.39 -1.62 4 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

10 Birla SL Gold Fund 20-Mar-2012 67.07 -0.89 1 4.42 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --11 Canara Robeco Gold Savings Fund 10.10 10.10 25-Jun-2012 59.33 -1.37 2 3.93 5 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Sr. Global Funds Launch Date QAAUM (Dec12)

3 Mth Rank 6 Mth Rank 1 Yr Rank 2 Yrs Rank 3 Yrs Rank 5 Yrs Rank

No. Gr Div (in Crs)1 Mirae Asset IndiaChina Consumption Fund 13.69 13.69 29-Mar-2011 16.29 9.39 4 22.42 1 36.29 1 -- -- -- -- -- --2 ICICI Prudential Indo Asia Equity Fund 12.48 12.48 18-Oct-2007 162.78 10.34 2 19.43 2 25.48 2 6.65 3 8.87 3 3.39 43 L&T Indo Asia Fund 15.29 15.29 28-May-2007 298.56 7.32 7 15.86 5 24.82 3 5.52 4 8.46 4 5.12 24 Birla SL International Equity Fund Plan B 10.46 10.46 31-Oct-2007 216.70 7.09 8 16.12 4 24.06 4 4.46 5 4.93 6 -0.51 55 Birla SL International Equity Fund Plan A 12.26 12.26 31-Oct-2007 61.49 8.42 5 11.46 7 23.89 5 12.95 1 11.44 1 4.43 36 Franklin Asian Equity Fund 13.46 13.46 16-Jan-2008 181.95 12.65 1 16.39 3 22.92 6 7.78 2 9.16 2 7.26 17 Tata Growing Economies Infra Fund Plan A 13.25 13.25 10-Apr-2008 21.01 6.71 10 9.98 11 18.43 7 3.50 6 4.50 7 -- --8 Birla SL Commodity Equities Fund GA 18.32 17.16 07-Nov-2008 11.01 9.46 3 11.46 7 16.15 8 -0.83 7 5.55 5 -- --9 Tata Growing Economies Infra Fund Plan B 11.61 11.61 10-Apr-2008 75.71 2.70 12 10.29 10 15.36 9 -2.86 10 -1.77 10 -- --

10 Tata IndoGlobal Infra Fund 7.44 7.44 12-Nov-2007 575.09 1.57 13 7.35 12 13.37 10 -2.80 9 -2.66 12 -6.76 611 Mirae Asset Global Commodity Stocks Fund 12.78 12.78 20-Aug-2008 29.45 7.45 6 12.77 6 11.18 11 -1.72 8 0.47 9 -- --12 Birla SL Commodity Equities Fund GMC 14.15 13.30 07-Nov-2008 10.82 5.99 11 10.41 9 5.97 12 -3.14 11 2.37 8 -- --13 Birla SL Commodity Equities Fund GPM 12.05 12.05 07-Nov-2008 4.71 -10.21 14 5.73 13 -11.03 13 -8.59 12 -1.88 11 -- --14 ICICI Prudential US Bluechip Equity Fund 11.12 11.13 06-Jul-2012 78.76 6.92 9 10.54 8 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Sr. Domestic FoFs Launch Date QAAUM (Dec12)

3 Mth Rank 6 Mth Rank 1 Yr Rank 2 Yrs Rank 3 Yrs Rank 5 Yrs Rank

No. Gr Div (in Crs)1 ING 5 Star Multi Manager FoF Scheme 17.41 15.06 16-Jan-2007 1.08 10.40 1 19.86 1 29.18 1 6.81 20 7.70 9 2.89 172 Quantum Equity FoF 15.54 15.55 20-Jul-2009 2.96 7.73 5 17.34 3 28.32 2 5.16 22 6.84 14 -- --3 Kotak Equity FOF 39.62 38.56 09-Aug-2004 24.99 8.14 3 18.41 2 26.58 3 3.00 24 3.88 21 0.44 194 FT India Life Stage 20s Plan 42.66 27.18 01-Dec-2003 10.67 8.56 2 15.40 4 23.82 4 7.70 17 8.54 4 6.42 95 ING Financial Planning Fund Aggressive 11.59 11.58 09-May-2011 36.14 7.33 6 14.93 6 23.28 5 -- -- -- -- -- --6 IDFC Asset Allocation FoF Aggressive 13.41 12.69 11-Feb-2010 88.24 5.51 13 12.12 10 21.09 6 10.43 2 -- -- -- --7 FT India Dynamic PE Ratio FoF 46.77 35.33 05-Nov-2003 1298.87 6.57 8 11.80 12 19.02 7 8.77 9 8.41 5 7.88 28 FT India Life Stage 30s Plan 32.69 21.94 01-Dec-2003 7.43 6.71 7 12.27 9 18.92 8 8.63 11 8.63 3 7.15 79 ICICI Prudential Very Aggressive Plan 39.57 39.57 18-Dec-2003 5.55 4.55 20 11.86 11 18.85 9 7.60 18 7.35 12 1.83 18

10 ICICI Prudential Aggressive Plan 36.11 36.11 18-Dec-2003 7.27 4.91 17 11.38 13 18.64 10 10.08 4 9.80 1 4.93 1411 ICICI Prudential Moderate Plan 29.39 29.39 18-Dec-2003 5.31 4.90 18 10.82 15 18.00 11 9.86 5 8.89 2 5.69 1212 Birla SL AAF Aggressive Plan 36.89 36.89 23-Jan-2004 9.98 6.21 11 13.41 7 17.59 12 3.40 23 4.94 20 5.17 1313 ING Financial Planning Fund Prudent 11.74 11.31 09-May-2011 8.27 5.39 14 10.89 14 17.40 13 -- -- -- -- -- --14 IDFC Asset Allocation FoF Moderate 13.25 12.77 11-Feb-2010 78.09 5.00 16 9.98 17 17.29 14 10.91 1 -- -- -- --15 Birla SL AAF Moderate Plan 32.00 32.00 23-Jan-2004 6.49 6.10 12 12.31 8 17.22 15 6.34 21 6.31 18 6.10 1116 FT India Life Stage 40s Plan 27.19 14.10 01-Dec-2003 11.83 5.34 15 10.13 16 16.63 16 8.66 10 8.26 7 7.99 117 ING Income MultiMgr FoF Scheme 30% EQ Plan 02-May-2006 1.86 6.47 9 10.89 14 16.01 17 8.51 12 6.70 16 4.35 1518 ING Asset Allocator Multi Manager FoF Scheme 15.03 13.85 17-Aug-2006 3.87 8.01 4 15.24 5 15.41 18 -2.67 25 -0.65 22 -0.80 2019 ING Income MultiMgr FoF Scheme 15% EQ Plan 02-May-2006 0.40 6.39 10 9.76 18 14.61 19 9.25 7 5.94 19 3.04 1620 FT India Life Stage 50s Plus Plan 21.71 12.92 01-Dec-2003 11.89 4.17 22 7.99 21 13.98 20 8.18 14 7.52 10 7.25 621 IDFC Asset Allocation FoF Conservative 12.60 11.89 11-Feb-2010 25.33 3.83 24 7.41 23 13.33 21 9.60 6 -- -- -- --22 Birla SL AAF Conservative Plan 23.84 23.84 23-Jan-2004 5.16 4.69 19 8.36 20 13.18 22 7.53 19 6.86 13 7.25 623 ING Financial Planning Fund Conservative 11.73 11.24 09-May-2011 7.77 3.44 26 7.44 22 12.79 23 -- -- -- -- -- --24 FT India Life Stage 50s Plus Floating Rate Plan 22.46 13.50 09-Jul-2004 65.54 3.51 25 6.55 26 12.26 24 8.03 15 7.40 11 7.46 525 ING Active Debt Multi Manager FoF Scheme 16.10 11.31 28-Dec-2006 326.62 4.34 21 7.30 24 11.71 25 10.15 3 8.32 6 7.75 326 ICICI Prudential Cautious Plan 21.62 21.62 18-Dec-2003 3.35 3.33 28 6.98 25 11.42 26 8.85 8 7.87 8 6.33 1027 ING Financial Planning Fund Cautious 11.69 11.10 09-May-2011 2.00 3.37 27 5.67 27 10.46 27 -- -- -- -- -- --28 ICICI Prudential Very Cautious Plan 17.47 17.47 18-Dec-2003 1.69 2.35 29 4.67 28 8.83 28 7.74 16 6.48 17 6.59 829 IDFC ASBF 13-Sep-2004 4.27 2.02 30 4.07 29 8.77 29 8.24 13 6.81 15 7.57 430 Quantum Multi Asset Fund 11-Jul-2012 2.27 3.90 23 9.59 19 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Sr. Overseas FoFs Launch Date QAAUM (Dec12)

3 Mth Rank 6 Mth Rank 1 Yr Rank 2 Yrs Rank 3 Yrs Rank 5 Yrs Rank

No. Gr Div (in Crs)1 JPMorgan JF Asean Equity Offshore Fund 01-Jul-2011 248.25 11.77 6 14.94 6 34.91 1 -- -- -- -- -- --2 JPMorgan JF Greater China Equity Offshore Fund 26-Aug-2009 76.79 15.24 1 20.07 2 33.18 2 6.82 8 10.16 4 -- --3 ING Global Real Estate Fund 13.97 13.98 31-Dec-2007 42.02 8.63 12 8.46 19 28.67 3 16.21 1 15.26 1 7.56 14 Kotak Global Emerging Market Fund 12.38 12.38 26-Sep-2007 59.92 11.87 5 20.40 1 26.42 4 9.70 4 10.63 3 2.51 55 Mirae Asset China Advantage Fund 12.10 12.10 05-Nov-2009 32.04 14.14 2 19.63 3 25.60 5 2.20 11 7.81 7 -- --6 JPMorgan Emerging Europe ME & Africa Equity Off 08-Nov-2010 3.46 10.41 8 13.10 12 25.51 6 4.16 9 -- -- -- --7 DWS Global Agribusiness Offshore Fund 14.69 14.69 13-May-2010 131.94 9.79 9 11.63 14 25.37 7 10.17 3 -- -- -- --8 Principal Global Opportunities Fund 22.25 22.25 29-Mar-2004 32.96 12.44 4 15.92 5 24.27 8 8.91 5 10.69 2 5.00 39 L&T Global Real Assets Fund 16.04 16.04 11-Feb-2010 63.39 8.30 14 13.53 10 23.80 9 10.97 2 -- -- -- --

10 HSBC Emerging Markets Fund 11.29 11.29 17-Mar-2008 26.87 13.79 3 19.34 4 21.85 10 2.40 10 5.47 8 -- --11 DWS Global Thematic Offshore Fund 10.28 10.28 11-Sep-2007 11.63 10.90 7 14.10 8 21.59 11 7.40 6 8.31 6 2.22 612 Sundaram Global Advantage Fund 13.94 13.94 22-Aug-2007 51.38 9.26 10 14.00 9 20.71 12 7.36 7 9.55 5 5.42 213 DSP BR World Agriculture Fund 12.63 12.63 19-Oct-2011 42.43 8.96 11 9.70 17 15.03 13 -- -- -- -- -- --14 ING Latin America Equity Fund 11.39 11.38 07-Aug-2008 10.50 8.58 13 13.22 11 7.74 14 -2.61 15 2.68 12 -- --15 HSBC Brazil Fund 9.99 9.99 06-May-2011 225.53 7.46 16 14.40 7 6.23 15 -- -- -- -- -- --16 DSP BR World Energy Fund 11.55 11.55 14-Aug-2009 132.50 2.71 20 4.50 21 0.62 16 -0.92 12 2.63 13 -- --

IndicesS&P Nifty 6.49 16.53 24.19 3.49 4.86 -0.06BSE Sensex 6.8 16.86 23.39 2.94 4.42 -0.26CNX Midcap 9.42 17.51 30.55 2.84 3.66 -0.65



Report as on January 15, 2013Absolute % Compounded Annualised %











Sr. Overseas FoFs Launch Date QAAUM (Dec12)

3 Mth Rank 6 Mth Rank 1 Yr Rank 2 Yrs Rank 3 Yrs Rank 5 Yrs Rank

No. Gr Div (in Crs)17 ING Global Commodities Fund 13.38 13.37 17-Sep-2008 5.90 4.44 19 11.02 15 -0.32 17 -3.18 16 2.89 11 -- --18 DSP BR World Mining Fund 10.59 10.59 29-Dec-2009 57.92 7.72 15 12.25 13 -4.48 18 -8.34 17 0.19 14 -- --19 DSP BR World Gold Fund 17.65 14.45 14-Sep-2007 763.71 -6.18 21 8.32 20 -8.39 19 -1.48 14 5.12 10 3.42 420 PineBridge World Gold Fund Std 14.05 11.65 06-Jun-2008 158.79 -7.62 22 10.35 16 -8.78 20 -1.21 13 5.33 9 -- --21 DSP BR US Flexible Equity Fund 10.65 10.65 03-Aug-2012 24.98 5.08 18 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --22 FT India Feeder Franklin U.S. Opportunities Fund 11.64 11.64 06-Feb-2012 172.74 6.74 17 8.71 18 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Sr. Tax Saving Funds Launch Date QAAUM (Dec12)

3 Mth Rank 6 Mth Rank 1 Yr Rank 2 Yrs Rank 3 Yrs Rank 5 Yrs Rank

No. Gr Div (in Crs)1 Principal Tax Savings Fund 31-Mar-1996 226.54 11.50 1 22.75 1 40.27 1 6.25 14 5.49 22 -5.98 272 DSP BR Tax Saver Fund 19.39 13.84 18-Jan-2007 763.16 10.50 3 21.23 2 37.19 2 6.18 15 7.52 12 0.99 133 HSBC Tax Saver Equity Fund 17.11 15.78 05-Jan-2007 207.52 9.04 9 20.58 5 36.90 3 7.87 7 7.17 16 2.04 114 Reliance Tax Saver (ELSS) Fund 24.81 15.71 22-Sep-2005 2104.51 7.62 18 16.04 20 36.03 4 9.76 3 9.79 6 4.58 55 BNP Paribas Tax Advantage Plan 17.40 12.65 05-Jan-2006 96.46 11.42 2 19.40 8 34.85 5 12.68 1 9.84 5 -4.01 246 IDFC Tax Advantage (ELSS) Fund 22.88 12.91 26-Dec-2008 160.30 10.28 4 21.11 3 34.23 6 7.88 6 9.35 7 -- --7 Birla SL Tax Plan 15.55 51.24 16-Feb-1999 129.05 8.49 11 20.54 7 32.95 7 7.00 11 5.72 21 -1.29 168 Kotak Taxsaver 20.74 12.70 21-Nov-2005 422.33 9.26 8 18.96 10 32.83 8 5.95 17 6.63 18 -2.27 189 Birla SL Tax Relief 96 12.03 83.05 29-Mar-1996 1510.79 8.58 10 20.71 4 32.77 9 2.66 27 3.06 29 -3.32 22

10 ICICI Prudential Taxplan 162.92 20.70 19-Aug-1999 1467.98 9.67 6 19.40 8 31.97 10 7.58 9 9.17 8 4.94 311 Principal Personal Taxsaver 31-Mar-1996 429.52 8.30 12 18.23 11 31.52 11 3.44 25 4.12 26 -3.80 2312 Union KBC Tax Saver Fund 13.43 13.43 23-Dec-2011 44.99 10.17 5 20.56 6 31.44 12 -- -- -- -- -- --13 Quantum Tax Saving Fund 25.79 25.77 31-Dec-2008 8.48 7.37 19 17.82 15 31.09 13 7.73 8 10.81 2 -- --14 Sundaram Taxsaver 49.44 11.66 22-Nov-1999 1427.47 8.49 11 18.22 12 30.87 14 5.26 18 4.06 27 1.53 1215 SBI Magnum Tax Gain Scheme 93 68.07 37.39 31-Mar-1993 4788.61 5.88 28 15.94 22 30.23 15 6.17 16 4.97 24 0.04 1516 Axis LT Equity Fund 14.94 12.78 29-Dec-2009 369.05 5.99 26 16.22 18 29.61 16 11.02 2 14.30 1 -- --17 Canara Robeco Equity Taxsaver 30.31 20.19 31-Mar-1993 506.77 7.74 16 15.83 23 29.11 17 8.19 5 10.65 3 6.98 118 Taurus Taxshield 39.26 18.39 31-Dec-1997 94.34 7.98 15 17.83 14 28.38 18 5.05 19 6.01 20 2.16 1019 Religare Tax Plan 20.06 13.44 29-Dec-2006 129.26 8.02 14 17.31 16 27.77 19 7.42 10 8.90 9 4.17 720 Franklin India Taxshield 247.44 32.37 10-Apr-1999 905.21 9.56 7 17.30 17 27.72 20 9.31 4 10.58 4 5.22 221 HDFC LT Advantage Fund 151.63 35.08 02-Jan-2001 857.66 7.13 21 15.20 29 27.69 21 4.56 21 8.71 11 3.32 922 Edelweiss ELSS Fund 21.78 13.78 30-Dec-2008 10.42 7.29 20 17.92 13 26.84 22 6.58 12 7.37 13 -- --23 JM Tax Gain Fund 7.09 7.09 31-Mar-2008 37.78 6.64 23 19.20 9 25.75 23 0.47 31 -1.73 34 -- --24 Sahara Taxgain 41.25 15.48 01-Apr-1997 12.31 5.64 29 11.35 34 25.08 24 4.86 20 7.19 15 3.87 825 Tata Tax Saving Fund 31-Mar-1996 130.77 7.02 22 15.39 26 24.91 25 6.34 13 6.42 19 0.22 1426 HDFC Taxsaver 251.72 57.20 13-Jun-1996 3447.62 8.21 13 16.16 19 24.26 26 4.03 23 7.35 14 4.52 627 L&T Tax Advantage Fund 23.97 18.77 27-Feb-2006 1202.92 6.29 25 15.47 25 24.20 27 4.51 22 8.85 10 4.61 428 UTI Equity Tax Savings Plan 42.68 17.04 15-Nov-1999 475.28 4.76 32 13.39 31 24.18 28 3.16 26 4.32 25 -1.59 1729 JPMorgan India Tax Advantage Fund 19.89 16.11 27-Jan-2009 4.47 5.34 30 14.37 30 23.61 29 3.61 24 7.08 17 -- --30 LIC Nomura Tax Plan 30.78 11.02 03-Feb-1999 33.40 7.02 22 15.25 28 23.42 30 1.96 30 3.10 28 -4.38 2531 DWS Tax Saving Fund 13.85 12.95 20-Mar-2006 54.44 5.90 27 15.95 21 23.11 31 -0.03 33 0.57 31 -5.43 2632 Baroda Pioneer ELSS 96 31-Mar-1996 26.33 6.63 24 15.53 24 21.88 32 0.18 32 1.86 30 -3.28 2133 BOI AXA Tax Advantage Fund 23.46 12.79 25-Feb-2009 40.05 4.13 33 13.22 32 21.68 33 2.18 28 -0.59 33 -- --34 ING Tax Saving Fund 31.16 15.37 28-Mar-2004 27.50 7.67 17 15.36 27 21.18 34 1.98 29 5.19 23 -2.93 1935 L&T Taxsaver Fund 15.71 13.47 18-Nov-2005 29.55 5.08 31 12.86 33 20.41 35 -1.40 34 0.51 32 -3.05 2036 Escorts Tax Plan 38.86 8.36 31-Mar-2000 3.36 1.45 34 4.81 35 7.16 36 -9.55 35 -7.09 35 -11.79 28

Sr. Index Funds Launch Date QAAUM (Dec12)

3 Mth Rank 6 Mth Rank 1 Yr Rank 2 Yrs Rank 3 Yrs Rank 5 Yrs Rank

No. Gr Div (in Crs)1 IDBI Nifty Junior Index Fund 9.88 9.88 20-Sep-2010 47.34 12.98 1 23.95 1 37.86 1 5.45 2 -- -- -- --2 ICICI Prudential Nifty Junior Index Fund 11.06 11.06 25-Jun-2010 7.14 12.12 2 22.56 2 35.46 2 5.16 4 -- -- -- --3 Goldman Sachs S&P CNX 500 Fund 20.55 12.86 06-Jan-2009 50.24 7.37 4 17.17 3 26.53 3 3.01 20 2.71 18 -- --4 IDFC Nifty Fund 11.86 11.96 30-Apr-2010 12.05 6.60 9 16.70 6 26.34 4 5.42 3 -- -- -- --5 HDFC Index Fund Sensex Plus Plan 17-Jul-2002 89.52 6.07 23 16.15 18 25.53 5 6.03 1 7.17 1 3.69 16 Reliance Index Fund Nifty Plan 28-Sep-2010 73.73 6.46 13 16.60 9 25.38 6 4.41 5 -- -- -- --7 Tata Index Fund Sensex Plan Option B 25-Feb-2003 6.73 6.90 5 17.05 4 24.80 7 3.86 7 5.27 2 -- --8 SBI Magnum Index Fund 51.81 26.54 17-Jan-2002 40.93 6.23 19 16.50 11 24.80 7 3.71 9 5.04 5 -0.58 79 Reliance Index Fund Sensex Plan 28-Sep-2010 3.05 6.72 7 16.93 5 24.78 8 3.07 18 -- -- -- --

10 Tata Index Fund Nifty Plan Plan A 25-Feb-2003 7.06 6.27 17 16.20 16 24.78 8 3.73 8 4.92 7 -0.47 611 UTI Nifty Fund 37.78 19.23 14-Feb-2000 174.06 6.46 13 16.70 6 24.74 9 3.60 12 4.87 9 -0.33 512 Taurus Nifty Index Fund 11.34 11.34 19-Jun-2010 0.84 6.17 22 16.26 14 24.52 10 2.57 24 -- -- -- --13 IDBI Nifty Index Fund 11.42 10.89 25-Jun-2010 153.68 6.33 16 16.17 17 24.17 11 3.34 15 -- -- -- --14 LIC Nomura MF Index Fund Nifty Plan 33.70 12.43 06-Dec-2002 35.39 6.19 21 16.02 20 24.10 12 3.92 6 5.21 4 -1.37 1215 Franklin India Index Fund NSE Nifty Plan 47.66 47.66 26-Mar-2004 275.83 6.24 18 16.23 15 24.09 13 3.58 13 4.95 6 -0.17 416 HDFC Index Fund Sensex Plan 17-Jul-2002 37.91 6.73 6 16.69 7 24.03 14 2.96 21 4.43 13 -1.52 1317 HDFC Index Fund Nifty Plan 17-Jul-2002 70.50 6.35 15 16.33 13 24.03 14 3.26 17 4.42 14 -1.53 1418 Canara Robeco Nifty Index 32.03 21.26 08-Oct-2004 4.34 6.20 20 15.98 21 23.91 15 3.62 11 4.91 8 -0.33 519 LIC Nomura MF Index Fund Sensex Plan 37.58 12.88 06-Dec-2002 23.90 6.50 11 16.62 8 23.83 16 3.31 16 4.83 10 -1.26 1120 Principal Index Fund 41.31 24.28 27-Jul-1999 14.88 6.61 8 15.59 24 23.69 17 3.50 14 4.78 11 -0.73 821 Tata Index Fund Sensex Plan Plan A 25-Feb-2003 6.73 6.47 12 16.35 12 23.60 18 2.95 22 4.38 15 -0.82 922 Franklin India Index Fund BSE Sensex Plan 56.43 56.43 26-Mar-2004 71.48 6.54 10 16.55 10 23.45 19 3.06 19 4.63 12 0.13 323 LIC Nomura MF Index Fund Sensex Advantage Pla 35.13 12.43 06-Dec-2002 4.05 6.45 14 15.62 23 23.36 20 3.06 19 4.28 16 -2.07 1524 Birla SL Index Fund 59.14 22.86 18-Sep-2002 28.53 6.02 24 15.68 22 23.30 21 2.65 23 4.21 17 -0.92 1025 ICICI Prudential Index Fund 26-Feb-2002 92.77 6.02 24 15.57 25 23.05 22 3.69 10 5.22 3 0.71 226 IIFL Opportunities Index Fund 11.85 11.85 29-Jun-2012 23.93 8.06 3 16.08 19 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Sr. FMCG Funds Launch Date QAAUM (Dec12)

3 Mth Rank 6 Mth Rank 1 Yr Rank 2 Yrs Rank 3 Yrs Rank 5 Yrs Rank

No. Gr Div (in Crs)1 SBI FMCG Fund 49.16 49.16 05-Jul-1999 149.20 4.80 1 18.72 1 49.80 1 29.97 1 33.00 1 22.79 12 ICICI Prudential FMCG 104.64 52.12 31-Mar-1999 214.37 -0.32 2 14.61 2 36.31 2 28.44 2 25.31 2 13.65 2

BSE FMCG -0.47 17.85 40.51 26.76 27.23 19.6IndicesS&P Nifty 6.49 16.53 24.19 3.49 4.86 -0.06BSE Sensex 6.8 16.86 23.39 2.94 4.42 -0.26CNX Midcap 9.42 17.51 30.55 2.84 3.66 -0.65








Report as on January 15, 2013Absolute % Compounded Annualised %









Sr. Infrastructure Funds Launch Date QAAUM (Dec12)

3 Mth Rank 6 Mth Rank 1 Yr Rank 2 Yrs Rank 3 Yrs Rank 5 Yrs Rank

No. Gr Div (in Crs)1 Franklin Build India Fund 13.89 12.26 04-Sep-2009 61.83 11.42 1 21.00 1 34.32 1 8.14 1 5.24 1 -- --2 DSP BR India Tiger Fund 47.24 16.50 11-Jun-2004 1558.85 8.17 2 18.78 2 28.79 2 1.21 3 1.04 3 -4.66 43 Birla SL Infra Fund Plan A 16.32 11.25 17-Mar-2006 386.93 6.46 4 16.07 3 26.82 3 -1.35 5 -2.02 7 -4.58 34 HDFC Infra Fund 11.25 11.25 08-Jan-2008 647.78 5.27 7 12.46 9 24.42 4 -1.68 6 -0.31 4 -- --5 Taurus Infra Fund 12.94 12.18 05-Mar-2007 12.43 5.29 6 13.11 6 22.70 5 -3.65 11 -2.91 9 -5.28 66 UTI Infra Fund 30.48 17.33 09-Mar-2004 1885.41 4.81 8 13.65 5 22.59 6 -4.61 12 -6.29 15 -8.86 107 L&T Infra Fund 6.68 6.68 27-Sep-2007 33.33 4.21 10 10.96 11 19.87 7 -4.66 13 -4.83 12 -11.93 138 ICICI Prudential Infra Fund 28.42 11.45 31-Aug-2005 1838.46 7.12 3 14.04 4 19.55 8 -2.42 7 -1.22 6 -4.23 29 Sahara Infra Fund Variable Pricing 15.31 11.25 03-Apr-2006 6.74 2.31 14 9.35 13 18.97 9 -2.44 8 -5.17 13 -5.27 5

10 LIC Nomura MF Infra Fund 8.47 8.47 24-Mar-2008 95.17 5.79 5 13.01 7 18.46 10 -4.68 14 -4.18 10 -- --11 Sahara Infra Fund Fixed Pricing 14.53 10.62 03-Apr-2006 6.74 2.05 15 8.84 14 17.93 11 -3.28 10 -5.98 14 -6.03 712 Tata Infra Fund 29.66 19.55 31-Dec-2004 1026.56 0.21 18 7.82 16 16.47 12 -5.30 15 -4.57 11 -7.33 913 Canara Robeco Infra Fund 22.79 18.16 02-Dec-2005 107.07 -0.04 19 7.45 19 16.17 13 1.23 2 1.82 2 -2.93 114 Religare Infra Fund 7.75 7.76 21-Nov-2007 36.42 4.45 9 12.48 8 15.97 14 -3.25 9 -2.14 8 -7.04 815 SBI Infra Fund 8.56 8.56 06-Jul-2007 676.53 3.38 11 11.60 10 15.47 15 -6.05 16 -6.93 16 -10.51 1116 PineBridge Infra and Economic Reform Fund Std 8.92 8.92 25-Feb-2008 89.79 -1.53 21 9.96 12 12.10 16 -0.67 4 -0.60 5 -- --17 Reliance Infra Fund 7.43 7.43 17-Jul-2009 616.92 2.67 13 7.65 17 11.82 17 -13.99 20 -13.94 18 -- --18 Baroda Pioneer Infra Fund 8.08 8.08 22-Jun-2010 27.30 3.19 12 8.60 15 10.96 18 -9.00 18 -- -- -- --19 BOI AXA Focused Infra Fund 8.43 8.43 05-Mar-2010 16.85 1.20 16 7.53 18 10.31 19 -7.34 17 -- -- -- --20 Sundaram CAPEX Opportunities Fund 18.13 9.38 29-Sep-2005 219.37 -1.17 20 3.77 21 7.92 20 -12.46 19 -10.83 17 -10.75 1221 IDFC Infra Fund 8.91 8.91 08-Mar-2011 72.67 0.49 17 4.92 20 4.91 21 -- -- -- -- -- --

CNX Infrastructure 2.69 8.18 10.45 -9.32 -10.62 -15.27

Sr. Auto Sector Funds Launch Date QAAUM (Dec12)

3 Mth Rank 6 Mth Rank 1 Yr Rank 2 Yrs Rank 3 Yrs Rank 5 Yrs Rank

No. Gr Div (in Crs)1 UTI Transportation and Logistics Fund 33.30 16.67 09-Mar-2004 55.22 9.43 1 17.21 1 33.20 1 11.10 1 11.43 1 12.96 1

BSE AUTO 13.38 25.63 36.01 11.98 15.97 16.81

Sr. Banking Sector Funds Launch Date QAAUM (Dec12)

3 Mth Rank 6 Mth Rank 1 Yr Rank 2 Yrs Rank 3 Yrs Rank 5 Yrs Rank

No. Gr Div (in Crs)1 ICICI Prudential Banking and Financial Srvs. Fund 23.54 23.07 22-Aug-2008 195.45 16.30 1 29.98 1 58.11 1 16.59 1 17.38 2 -- --2 Reliance Banking Fund 124.48 45.16 26-May-2003 1858.13 16.02 2 26.46 2 50.32 2 12.25 3 18.15 1 12.52 13 Religare Banking Fund 24.49 18.98 14-Jul-2008 48.56 13.01 7 25.20 3 46.93 3 13.21 2 16.41 3 -- --4 Sahara Banking and Financial Srvs. Fund 35.42 15.09 16-Sep-2008 20.86 14.73 3 23.77 4 46.46 4 11.00 5 14.09 5 -- --5 UTI Banking Sector Fund 50.28 23.17 09-Mar-2004 385.75 13.32 6 22.04 7 44.63 5 11.01 4 14.94 4 6.48 26 Sundaram Financial Srvs. Opportunities Fund 21.76 13.95 10-Jun-2008 200.17 14.28 4 21.61 8 37.58 6 7.14 6 11.04 6 -- --7 Taurus Banking & Financial Srvs. Fund 13.87 13.87 22-May-2012 11.35 12.04 8 22.85 5 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --8 Baroda Pioneer Banking and Financial Srvs. Fund 12.30 12.30 22-Jun-2012 43.09 14.10 5 22.39 6 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

BSE Bankex 12.36 21.52 43.58 11.58 14.14 3.78

Sr. Infotech Funds Launch Date QAAUM (Dec12)

3 Mth Rank 6 Mth Rank 1 Yr Rank 2 Yrs Rank 3 Yrs Rank 5 Yrs Rank

No. Gr Div (in Crs)1 ICICI Prudential Technology Fund 21.13 21.13 03-Mar-2000 105.13 11.15 4 20.74 3 26.98 1 5.20 1 12.79 1 4.64 22 SBI IT Fund 25.28 25.28 05-Jul-1999 38.34 12.26 2 22.72 2 19.98 2 2.91 2 6.93 2 2.31 33 DSP BR Technology.com Fund 32.55 23.30 16-May-2000 42.76 13.46 1 24.97 1 19.25 3 -1.67 4 0.13 5 -1.52 44 Birla SL New Millennium 19.94 13.02 15-Jan-2000 46.09 11.27 3 18.62 5 16.02 4 -2.90 5 0.40 4 -2.61 55 Franklin Infotech Fund 68.03 18.27 22-Aug-1998 107.06 10.40 5 18.74 4 13.71 5 -0.09 3 6.33 3 11.09 1

BSE Teck 15.9 21.72 14.67 0.11 4 1.07

Sr. Pharma Funds Launch Date QAAUM (Dec12)

3 Mth Rank 6 Mth Rank 1 Yr Rank 2 Yrs Rank 3 Yrs Rank 5 Yrs Rank

No. Gr Div (in Crs)1 SBI Pharma Fund 59.70 49.35 05-Jul-1999 61.69 5.16 2 15.85 1 35.38 1 15.22 1 17.55 1 9.98 32 Reliance Pharma Fund 69.06 43.24 05-Jun-2004 674.68 4.32 3 15.54 2 27.93 2 11.07 2 16.03 2 19.76 13 UTI Pharma and Healthcare Fund 47.37 36.61 27-May-1999 103.87 5.20 1 11.67 3 22.65 3 7.50 3 14.92 3 15.26 2

BSE-HC 7.2 16.38 33.6 12.04 16.35 14.33

Sr. Media & Entertainment Launch Date QAAUM (Dec12)

3 Mth Rank 6 Mth Rank 1 Yr Rank 2 Yrs Rank 3 Yrs Rank 5 Yrs Rank

No. Gr Div (in Crs)1 Reliance Media & Entet Fund 39.71 20.70 30-Sep-2004 78.57 18.03 1 38.77 1 48.76 1 19.58 1 12.21 1 -0.02 12 Sundaram Media & Entert Opp Fund 14.49 11.44 16-Jun-2008 38.15 17.59 2 34.63 2 31.09 2 -0.04 2 -2.89 2 -- --

Sr. PSU Funds Launch Date QAAUM (Dec12)

3 Mth Rank 6 Mth Rank 1 Yr Rank 2 Yrs Rank 3 Yrs Rank 5 Yrs Rank

No. Gr Div (in Crs)1 Religare PSU Equity Fund 10.56 9.53 18-Nov-2009 83.91 4.87 1 8.31 1 15.36 1 -0.05 1 0.35 2 -- --2 Sundaram PSU Opportunities Fund 10.20 9.29 11-Jan-2010 203.49 3.04 2 5.96 2 10.19 2 -3.72 2 0.62 1 -- --3 Baroda Pioneer PSU Equity Fund 7.61 7.61 03-Oct-2010 66.88 2.84 3 5.11 4 9.63 3 -6.30 4 -- -- -- --4 SBI PSU Fund 8.61 8.61 07-Jul-2010 367.85 1.53 4 5.90 3 7.34 4 -5.78 3 -- -- -- --

BSE PSU 2.81 4.61 8.36 -6.52 -8.39 -5.82

Sr. Equity Arbitrage Funds Launch Date QAAUM (Dec12)

3 Mth Rank 6 Mth Rank 1 Yr Rank 2 Yrs Rank 3 Yrs Rank 5 Yrs Rank

No. Gr Div (in Crs)1 ICICI Prudential Equity Volatility Advantage Fund 17.54 13.84 30-Dec-2006 182.86 8.27 1 17.88 1 32.38 1 13.21 1 12.12 1 6.12 102 ICICI Prudential Blended Plan Option A 17.59 13.13 31-May-2005 36.54 2.24 3 4.69 2 10.67 2 9.01 3 8.23 2 7.33 23 ICICI Prudential Equity Arbitrage Fund 15.73 13.08 30-Dec-2006 32.14 2.34 2 4.66 3 10.28 3 8.74 4 8.19 3 7.12 64 Reliance Arbitrage Advantage Fund 12.20 12.20 14-Oct-2010 3.53 1.91 9 4.51 4 10.16 4 9.06 2 -- -- -- --5 JM Arbitrage Advantage Fund 16.03 10.40 18-Jul-2006 22.95 1.98 8 3.90 8 9.58 5 8.56 7 7.63 7 7.15 46 IDFC Arbitrage Fund 15.18 12.37 21-Dec-2006 83.65 2.06 7 3.90 8 9.56 6 8.59 6 7.65 6 6.66 97 Kotak Equity Arbitrage Fund 17.01 10.72 29-Sep-2005 124.26 2.17 4 4.09 5 9.53 7 8.51 9 7.83 4 7.27 38 Religare Arbitrage Fund 14.91 12.20 30-Apr-2007 4.93 1.81 11 3.88 9 9.34 8 8.26 10 7.48 9 6.93 89 IDFC Arbitrage Plus Fund 13.51 11.88 09-Jun-2008 3.24 2.14 5 4.02 6 9.33 9 7.93 12 7.04 11 -- --

10 SBI Arbitrage Opportunities Fund 15.70 12.02 03-Nov-2006 39.70 1.71 12 3.65 11 9.25 10 8.62 5 7.73 5 6.99 711 HDFC Arbitrage Fund 14.36 10.80 23-Oct-2007 28.08 2.08 6 3.83 10 9.02 11 8.07 11 7.59 8 7.14 512 UTI Spread Fund 16.44 13.52 29-Jun-2006 27.16 1.88 10 3.91 7 8.76 12 8.52 8 7.31 10 7.64 113 Birla SL Enhanced Arbitrage Fund 12.32 12.03 24-Jul-2009 0.73 1.22 13 3.32 12 7.50 13 7.11 13 6.60 12 -- --





Report as on January 15, 2013Absolute % Compounded Annualised %











Sr. Equity Arbitrage Funds Launch Date QAAUM (Dec12)

3 Mth Rank 6 Mth Rank 1 Yr Rank 2 Yrs Rank 3 Yrs Rank 5 Yrs Rank

No. Gr Div (in Crs)14 Goldman Sachs Derivative Fund 1640.90 1024.56 18-Dec-2004 3.50 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --15 Goldman Sachs Eqt. & Deriv. Opportunities Fund 13.71 10.28 31-Oct-2007 1.38 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

(Dec12)Sr. No. MIP-15% Equity Min. Investment QAAUM

(in Crs)1 Mth Rank 3 Mth Rank 6 Mth Rank 1 Yr Rank 3 Yrs Rank % Eq


Ratio1 SBI Magnum MIP 10000 198.44 28.66 1 18.54 1 19.35 1 16.09 1 8.28 4 13.55 2.182 HSBC MIP Plan 10000 197.45 27.58 3 15.47 3 15.66 2 14.04 2 6.78 9 14.67 2.213 BNP Paribas MIP 5000 22.32 25.93 4 16.40 2 13.97 5 13.74 3 6.65 10 17.12 2.634 Tata Monthly Income Fund 10000 27.01 24.74 6 15.24 4 15.31 3 12.97 4 6.38 13 9.38 2.005 ICICI Prudential MIP 5000 458.65 20.77 12 13.18 9 13.65 8 12.72 5 7.85 5 14.73 2.026 Birla SL MIP 5000 134.52 22.52 9 14.49 5 14.90 4 12.71 6 7.71 6 14.88 2.167 Birla SL MIP II Savings 5 5000 302.44 25.30 5 13.37 7 13.85 6 12.29 7 8.56 2 9.61 1.328 HDFC Multiple Yield Fund Plan 2005 5000 517.68 18.16 14 11.24 16 11.88 16 11.91 8 9.23 1 18.78 1.759 UTI Monthly Income Scheme 1000 327.93 17.01 15 11.71 14 13.79 7 11.83 9 7.26 7 15.06 1.80

10 HDFC MIP STP 5000 252.33 22.87 8 11.54 15 11.99 14 11.75 10 7.06 8 15.27 2.0811 SBI Magnum MIP Floater 10000 7.85 18.78 13 14.25 6 13.24 10 11.66 11 8.50 3 11.31 1.6712 Baroda Pioneer MIP Fund 5000 5.47 22.05 10 12.88 12 13.09 11 11.41 12 6.60 11 13.72 2.2513 Sundaram MIP Conservative 5000 9.12 24.46 7 12.18 13 11.92 15 10.82 13 -- -- 12.80 1.9614 Principal Debt Savings Fund MIP 5000 34.52 15.57 17 13.07 10 12.58 12 10.65 14 5.97 14 11.36 2.2415 JM MIP 5000 5.49 0.16 20 3.93 20 8.83 18 10.41 15 5.61 15 13.86 2.2516 Canara Robeco Yield Advantage Fund 5000 4.70 8.80 19 8.26 18 8.46 19 9.66 16 -- -- 9.37 2.0017 ICICI Prudential MIP 5 5000 27.37 16.65 16 10.92 17 10.55 17 9.43 17 -- -- 4.86 2.2518 DWS Income Advantage Fund 5000 9.03 12.27 18 5.13 19 6.43 20 7.66 18 6.41 12 4.16 2.4519 ING MIP Fund 10000 2.47 21.41 11 12.99 11 12.16 13 7.36 19 4.46 16 18.19 1.9820 Morgan Stanley Multi Asset Fund Plan A 5000 56.55 28.37 2 13.21 8 13.58 9 -- -- -- -- 17.59 2.30

Sr. No. MIP-20% Equity Min. Investment QAAUM

(in Crs)1 Mth Rank 3 Mth Rank 6 Mth Rank 1 Yr Rank 3 Yrs Rank % Eq


Ratio1 IDFC Monthly Income Plan 5000 81.19 36.33 1 25.97 1 24.27 1 19.90 1 -- -- 20.73 1.362 Tata MIP Plus 5000 73.19 28.73 2 17.21 4 17.12 3 15.60 2 8.11 3 19.86 2.003 Reliance MIP 5000 3341.96 23.67 7 16.92 5 15.90 5 15.08 3 8.49 2 19.93 1.564 Kotak Monthly Income Plan 5000 33.36 24.73 4 17.42 3 16.68 4 14.61 4 7.60 7 19.04 2.245 FT India MIP Plan A 20000 297.14 25.73 3 18.83 2 17.65 2 14.47 5 7.68 6 19.31 2.256 SBI Savings Fund 25000 30.08 16.38 11 12.54 10 13.84 8 13.32 6 6.74 9 19.45 2.087 Religare MIP 5000 7.08 24.41 5 13.72 7 14.03 7 13.03 7 -- -- 19.36 2.258 Canara Robeco Monthly Income Plan 5000 273.33 10.47 14 10.09 13 11.50 13 12.11 8 8.06 4 23.91 2.089 Birla SL Monthly Income 5000 382.95 23.92 6 14.21 6 14.21 6 11.89 9 7.75 5 14.78 2.00

10 BOI AXA urn Fund 10000 4.55 6.88 18 11.29 11 12.75 10 11.66 10 5.04 12 17.14 2.2511 L&T Monthly Income Plan 10000 70.85 20.22 8 12.58 9 12.43 11 11.50 11 6.46 10 18.79 2.2512 DWS Twin Advantage Fund 5000 10.34 13.54 13 5.19 18 6.46 18 11.29 12 7.10 8 10.70 2.4513 IDBI Monthly Income Plan 5000 93.18 19.61 9 12.72 8 12.80 9 11.17 13 -- -- 19.46 2.2014 HDFC Multiple Yield Fund 5000 102.03 18.14 10 9.96 14 11.31 14 11.09 14 9.18 1 16.30 1.7515 Peerless Income Plus Fund 1000 64.71 9.44 15 10.90 12 11.81 12 11.03 15 -- -- 13.63 2.2516 Sundaram MIP Moderate 5000 276.01 7.66 17 8.65 16 9.65 17 9.85 16 3.97 14 -- 2.0117 LIC Nomura MF Floater MIP 5000 64.35 9.28 16 8.61 17 9.69 16 9.77 17 6.09 11 10.42 1.3818 LIC Nomura MIP 5000 51.36 15.11 12 9.42 15 11.22 15 9.02 18 4.21 13 13.55 1.83

Sr. No. MIP-30% Equity Min. Investment QAAUM

(in Crs)1 Mth Rank 3 Mth Rank 6 Mth Rank 1 Yr Rank 3 Yrs Rank % Eq


Ratio1 HSBC MIP Savings Plan 10000 284.35 30.91 1 19.83 2 20.76 1 18.17 1 7.48 5 25.04 2.152 Sundaram MIP Aggressive 5000 8.88 28.55 3 16.60 4 19.81 3 16.69 2 -- -- 38.96 1.783 Birla SL MIP II Wealth 25 5000 190.92 25.15 4 21.30 1 20.54 2 16.69 2 7.87 3 29.77 2.104 ICICI Prudential MIP 25 5000 438.24 24.32 8 18.63 3 18.85 4 15.92 3 8.62 1 24.62 1.965 DSP BR MIP Fund 5000 406.69 24.95 6 15.95 5 16.50 6 15.33 4 7.79 4 24.45 2.276 HDFC MIP LTP 5000 5035.79 30.40 2 15.39 8 15.91 7 14.66 5 8.53 2 24.95 1.547 UTI MIS Advantage Fund 5000 587.95 15.42 12 12.62 11 15.78 9 14.28 6 6.77 6 24.94 1.948 Taurus MIP Advantage Fund 5000 84.00 24.98 5 15.46 7 15.89 8 13.79 7 -- -- 22.32 2.029 Edelweiss Monthly Income Plan 5000 0.21 18.41 10 15.71 6 17.43 5 13.25 8 -- -- 18.86 2.25

10 Axis Income Saver Fund 5000 132.03 24.36 7 12.71 10 15.12 10 13.24 9 -- -- 25.76 2.1011 Pramerica Dynamic Monthly Income Fund 5000 80.56 16.62 11 12.09 12 13.75 12 12.52 10 -- -- 20.19 2.2512 Principal Debt Savings Fund Plan 5000 52.73 13.75 13 10.34 13 12.12 13 11.61 11 4.83 7 -- 1.6713 Tata irement Savings Fund Conservative Plan 5000 2.12 11.35 14 8.17 14 11.14 14 10.43 12 -- -- 30.18 2.2514 L&T MIP Wealth Builder Fund 10000 108.80 23.62 9 14.81 9 14.51 11 9.93 13 -- -- 24.73 2.2515 FT India MIP Plan B 10000 297.14 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 19.31 2.25

Sr. No.

Income Funds Min. Investment QAAUM (in Crs)

1 Mth Rank 3 Mth Rank 6 Mth Rank 1 Yr Rank 3 Yrs RankAvg

Mtrty (Yrs)

Expense Ratio

1 SBI Magnum Income 2000 1086.68 37.30 4 18.24 5 15.52 1 13.40 1 9.34 4 12.09 1.622 Kotak Bond Scheme Plan A 5000 3039.74 29.97 16 15.29 12 12.73 18 12.69 2 9.09 7 10.53 2.113 Sundaram Bond Saver 5000 85.46 33.18 10 15.61 10 14.09 6 12.64 3 7.83 21 12.21 1.704 Templeton India IBA Plan A 5000000 337.34 19.67 24 12.53 21 13.39 10 12.52 4 9.17 6 6.41 1.735 Templeton India IBA Plan B 10000 337.34 19.67 24 12.53 21 13.39 10 12.52 4 9.17 6 6.41 1.736 UTI Bond Fund 1000 1403.42 35.34 5 18.49 4 14.52 4 12.16 5 9.66 2 14.29 1.817 IDFC SSIF Invt Plan 5000 516.46 37.59 3 17.97 6 15.23 2 12.10 6 8.36 11 13.45 1.508 Birla SL Income Plus DAP 5000 1185.67 35.29 6 16.71 7 13.57 8 11.99 7 8.09 15 0.00 1.359 Birla SL Income Plus 5000 1185.67 35.15 7 16.66 8 13.54 9 11.98 8 8.09 15 0.00 1.35

10 Religare Active Income Fund 5000 1190.60 27.42 20 13.44 19 12.85 17 11.91 9 9.28 5 6.21 1.7911 Principal Income Fund LTP 5000 86.93 26.57 21 12.94 20 12.36 21 11.47 10 8.74 9 7.61 1.7412 Tata Income Fund 5000 367.11 30.35 15 13.72 18 13.28 13 11.45 11 7.18 29 3.06 1.4213 HSBC Income Fund Invtt Plan 10000 54.44 33.53 9 15.61 10 13.31 12 11.38 12 8.46 10 10.81 1.8914 L&T Triple Ace Bond Fund 10000 92.45 30.93 13 14.55 14 12.65 20 11.37 13 7.46 25 11.51 1.8915 HDFC HIF 5000 124.44 31.48 12 15.54 11 12.99 15 11.22 14 8.07 16 10.46 1.5016 Tata Income Plus Fund Plan A 5000 12.02 41.33 2 20.44 2 13.84 7 11.11 15 7.72 22 0.00 0.2017 Reliance Income Fund G P 5000 3465.50 33.04 11 15.73 9 13.36 11 11.06 16 7.89 20 11.69 1.6718 ICICI Prudential Income Fund 5000 950.83 28.56 18 14.51 15 13.19 14 11.01 17 7.26 27 9.85 1.66

Report as on January 15, 2013Simple Annualised % Compounded Annualised

Simple Annualised % Compounded Annualised


Note : From Equity Diversified to Equity Arbitrage Funds, schemes are ranked on the basis of 1yr Compounded Annualised Return.










Sr. No.

Income Funds Min. Investment QAAUM (in Crs)

1 Mth Rank 3 Mth Rank 6 Mth Rank 1 Yr Rank 3 Yrs RankAvg

Mtrty (Yrs)

Expense Ratio

19 Morgan Stanley Active Bond Fund 5000 8.38 34.38 8 23.53 1 14.82 3 11.01 17 6.41 31 11.17 1.7020 HDFC Income Fund 5000 1179.56 30.50 14 15.06 13 12.67 19 10.76 18 8.05 17 10.46 1.5021 Canara Robeco Income Scheme 5000 244.90 22.35 22 11.54 23 11.73 25 10.71 19 7.93 18 7.68 2.0022 Birla SL ST Fund DAP 5000 4552.08 12.37 34 8.59 34 10.37 30 10.68 20 8.11 14 0.00 0.2523 Birla SL ST Fund 5000 4552.08 12.37 34 8.59 34 10.37 30 10.68 20 8.11 14 0.00 0.2524 Escorts Income Plan 1000 17.67 11.67 35 12.29 22 12.11 22 10.57 21 9.63 3 1.21 2.2525 Templeton India Income Fund 10000 632.69 16.34 28 11.09 26 11.50 26 10.54 22 7.38 26 4.24 1.9726 Baroda Pioneer PSU Bond Fund 5000 71.78 16.00 30 10.04 28 10.53 29 10.48 23 7.56 23 2.46 1.4527 JM Income 5000 9.89 29.15 17 13.79 17 11.28 27 9.97 24 7.23 28 7.93 2.2528 ICICI Prudential LTP 5000 570.24 9.92 37 8.05 37 9.47 33 9.93 25 -- -- 0.51 0.7629 BNP Paribas Bond Fund 5000 417.16 14.58 32 9.38 31 10.32 31 9.84 26 -- -- 3.39 2.0030 DSP BR Bond Fund Plan 5000 68.64 28.32 19 14.44 16 12.92 16 9.79 27 7.17 30 10.01 2.2431 DWS Premier Bond Fund Plan 5000 974.91 16.82 25 9.29 32 11.23 28 9.72 28 7.89 20 3.94 1.1632 Baroda Pioneer Income Fund 5000 7.19 16.56 27 9.75 29 9.02 36 9.70 29 8.77 8 4.24 0.5733 ING Income Fund Plan 5000 11.70 45.17 1 19.47 3 14.39 5 9.52 30 7.52 24 13.32 1.8634 ICICI Prudential Banking & PSU Debt Fund 10000000 40.55 16.59 26 11.26 25 9.03 35 9.45 31 8.30 12 1.69 0.2135 LIC Nomura Bond Fund 5000 138.85 16.31 29 9.74 30 10.19 32 9.38 32 8.16 13 4.15 1.5336 Sahara Income Fund 3000 24.54 8.39 39 8.52 35 8.29 38 9.18 33 8.09 15 0.05 0.3537 Escorts Income Bond 1000 1.53 14.20 33 10.57 27 11.85 24 9.12 34 14.87 1 1.85 2.2538 Sahara Classic Fund 1000 0.23 8.44 38 7.86 38 7.91 39 8.99 35 7.91 19 0.10 0.3539 Sundaram Income Plus 5000 0.93 14.68 31 8.41 36 8.33 37 8.43 36 5.01 32 3.69 1.9240 Axis Income Fund 5000 265.53 21.31 23 11.49 24 11.98 23 -- -- -- -- 5.14 --41 Axis Banking Debt Fund 5000 61.52 10.34 36 8.71 33 9.05 34 -- -- -- -- 1.12 --

Sr. No.

Dynamic Funds Min. Investment QAAUM (in Crs)

1 Mth Rank 3 Mth Rank 6 Mth Rank 1 Yr Rank 3 Yrs RankAvg

Mtrty (Yrs)

Expense Ratio

1 IDFC D B F (ReLaunched) 5000 2386.71 38.36 1 18.43 2 15.56 1 13.10 1 9.56 2 13.64 1.062 SBI Dynamic Bond Fund 5000 4373.49 37.84 3 17.84 3 14.85 3 12.19 2 10.84 1 12.18 1.733 Reliance Dynamic Bond Fund 5000 2349.36 34.08 5 16.23 4 14.24 4 12.15 3 9.52 3 11.88 1.114 UTI Dynamic Bond Fund 10000 686.70 25.06 13 11.05 19 13.26 6 12.01 4 -- -- 10.90 0.255 ICICI Prudential Income Opportunities Fund 5000 2053.87 25.93 12 13.10 15 15.01 2 11.98 5 7.98 7 8.39 0.856 L&T Flexi Bond Fund IP 5000 82.59 29.87 9 14.42 9 13.80 5 11.67 6 6.96 13 10.36 1.257 BNP Paribas Flexi Debt Fund 5000 163.24 31.84 6 15.99 5 12.32 11 11.64 7 7.33 9 9.23 1.878 HSBC Flexi Debt Fund 10000 606.87 31.56 7 14.89 8 12.91 8 11.59 8 8.80 4 10.43 1.589 Taurus Dynamic Income Fund 5000 55.28 26.41 11 13.54 13 12.34 10 11.35 9 -- -- 8.12 0.60

10 BNP Paribas Flexi Debt Fund Plan A 5000 163.24 31.84 6 14.20 11 11.41 16 11.16 10 7.17 11 9.23 1.8711 DSP BR Strategic Bond Fund IP 5000 3157.09 24.74 15 13.57 12 12.15 12 10.91 11 8.36 6 7.62 0.8412 Canara Robeco Dynamic Bond Fund 5000 6.74 29.01 10 14.38 10 11.68 14 10.89 12 7.53 8 8.73 0.9513 Pramerica Dynamic Bond Fund 5000 57.26 34.27 4 15.14 7 11.48 15 10.87 13 -- -- 15.92 1.5014 Birla SL Dynamic Bond Fund 5000 14481.40 15.77 19 9.90 20 11.09 17 10.74 14 8.63 5 0.00 1.1915 Birla SL Dynamic Bond Fund DAP 5000 14481.40 15.76 20 9.90 20 11.09 17 10.74 14 8.63 5 0.00 1.1916 Axis Dynamic Bond Fund 5000 86.83 24.97 14 13.17 14 12.76 9 10.60 15 -- -- 6.50 1.9217 Tata Dynamic Bond Fund Plan A 5000 21.30 38.30 2 19.75 1 13.22 7 10.08 16 7.25 10 0.00 1.2518 JPMorgan India Active Bond Fund 5000 1174.12 21.80 16 12.85 16 10.71 19 9.59 17 7.03 12 7.59 1.8819 Sundaram Flexible Fund Flexible Income 5000 1.31 10.61 21 7.20 21 9.17 20 8.88 18 6.36 14 3.00 1.5020 Peerless Flexible Income Fund 1000 103.14 20.63 18 11.85 17 -- -- -- -- -- -- 6.13 --21 Union KBC Dynamic Bond Fund 5000 68.07 31.46 8 15.27 6 12.08 13 -- -- -- -- 10.90 1.7422 IDBI Dynamic Bond Fund 5000 285.17 21.28 17 11.76 18 10.85 18 -- -- -- -- 3.82 1.14

Sr. No.

Medium Term Funds Min. Investment QAAUM (in Crs)

1 Mth Rank 3 Mth Rank 6 Mth Rank 1 Yr Rank 3 Yrs RankAvg

Mtrty (Yrs)

Expense Ratio

1 HDFC Medium Term Opportunities Fund 5000 1629.05 16.27 2 9.19 7 12.01 1 10.84 3 -- -- 3.25 0.252 ICICI Prudential Corporate Bond Fund 15000 987.15 16.75 1 9.90 3 11.27 2 10.37 6 7.82 4 3.84 0.863 Templeton India Income Opportunities Fund 5000 2854.04 14.99 4 9.93 2 11.23 3 10.66 4 8.92 1 3.10 1.624 Templeton India Corporate Bond Opportunities Fun 5000 3028.94 14.27 6 9.71 5 11.21 4 11.22 1 -- -- 2.94 1.645 IDFC SSIF MTP 5000 2240.34 16.19 3 9.74 4 10.74 5 10.20 7 8.72 3 3.27 1.246 Birla SL Medium Term Plan 5000 438.09 10.12 12 8.69 9 10.51 6 11.03 2 8.85 2 0.00 0.107 Kotak Income Opportunities Fund 5000 304.31 13.90 7 9.45 6 10.31 7 9.84 8 -- -- 2.86 1.588 Reliance RSF Debt 500 2398.72 11.02 10 8.99 8 10.04 8 9.65 10 7.66 5 1.51 1.379 Pramerica Credit Opportunities Fund 5000 267.02 14.59 5 10.11 1 9.88 9 10.54 5 -- -- 3.60 2.25

10 ICICI Prudential Savings Fund 10000 2816.80 12.73 8 8.57 10 9.84 10 9.70 9 -- -- 1.94 1.5511 Religare Medium Term Bond Fund 5000 20.51 10.66 11 7.89 12 9.24 11 8.97 12 -- -- 2.48 1.5012 DSP BR Income Opportunities Fund 5000 445.29 11.21 9 8.09 11 8.93 12 9.07 11 7.64 6 1.52 1.75

Sr. No.

Hybrid Funds Min. Investment QAAUM (in Crs)

1 Mth Rank 3 Mth Rank 6 Mth Rank 1 Yr Rank 3 Yrs RankAvg

Mtrty (Yrs)

Expense Ratio

1 UTI Wealth Builder Fund Series II 5000 607.25 12.57 5 13.17 5 21.98 1 22.14 1 10.13 1 0.00 2.212 Axis Triple Advantage Fund 5000 491.41 11.22 6 14.01 3 21.26 2 17.64 2 -- -- 5.42 2.273 Kotak Multi Asset Allocation Fund 10000 175.73 28.23 1 17.09 1 16.45 4 13.83 3 -- -- 7.79 2.074 Sundaram Equity Plus 5000 130.17 19.82 3 15.03 2 18.40 3 12.45 4 -- -- 0.00 2.425 Religare MIP Plus 5000 89.53 9.54 7 7.22 7 10.89 7 11.22 5 -- -- 0.74 2.126 Canara Robeco InDiGo Fund 5000 813.63 -0.49 9 1.35 9 6.91 8 7.89 6 -- -- 1.23 1.897 Union KBC Asset Allocation Fund Moderate 5000 49.63 15.39 4 13.38 4 15.11 5 -- -- -- -- 6.00 2.208 Morgan Stanley Multi Asset Fund Plan B 5000 77.01 21.56 2 10.45 6 11.96 6 -- -- -- -- 8.38 2.309 BNP Paribas Income & Gold Fund 5000 100.14 -0.31 8 1.98 8 6.79 9 -- -- -- -- 2.30 2.01

Sr. No.

Debt Arbitrage Funds Min. Investment QAAUM (in Crs)

1 Mth Rank 3 Mth Rank 6 Mth Rank 1 Yr Rank 3 Yrs RankAvg

Mtrty (Yrs)

Expense Ratio

1 ICICI Prudential Blended Plan B Option I 5000 165.78 17.42 1 13.44 1 10.55 1 10.11 1 8.20 1 2.96 0.07(Dec12)

Sr. No.

Short Term Funds Min. Investment QAAUM (in Crs)

1 Wk Rank 2 Wks Rank 1 Mth Rank 3 Mth Rank 6 Mth RankAvg

Mtrty (Yrs)

Expense Ratio

1 Sundaram Select Debt S T A P eciation 5000 17.25 23.42 1 23.18 2 18.87 2 12.27 1 11.54 2 4.47 0.21

Simple Annualised %


Report as on January 15, 2013Simple Annualised % Compounded Annualised




















Sr. No.

Short Term Funds Min. Investment QAAUM (in Crs)

1 Wk Rank 2 Wks Rank 1 Mth Rank 3 Mth Rank 6 Mth RankAvg

Mtrty (Yrs)

Expense Ratio

2 Escorts ST Debt Fund 1000 9.97 11.72 27 12.22 30 12.35 20 12.12 2 11.49 3 0.46 0.503 UTI ST Income Fund IP 30000 2050.79 22.84 2 23.19 1 19.69 1 12.04 3 12.42 1 3.87 1.044 ING ST Income Fund 5000 70.49 20.02 3 18.52 4 15.59 4 9.97 4 10.42 10 3.35 1.275 JM ST Fund 5000 242.24 16.61 10 16.39 8 14.37 8 9.81 5 9.98 20 2.72 0.806 JPMorgan India ST Income Fund 5000 1073.05 11.11 28 11.95 31 11.40 28 9.74 6 9.68 24 2.18 0.997 Taurus ST Income Fund 5000 240.84 9.35 33 9.41 35 9.83 33 9.67 7 9.90 21 0.10 0.498 SBI ST Debt Fund 5000000 2249.28 15.54 15 15.77 13 14.55 7 9.65 8 11.02 5 2.93 0.649 BNP Paribas ST Income Fund 5000 212.40 14.99 17 15.55 15 14.07 10 9.60 9 10.43 9 2.31 1.27

10 Tata ST Bond Fund 10000 254.94 17.78 8 18.58 3 15.12 5 9.60 9 10.21 17 1.71 1.1011 DWS Short Maturity Fund 5000 946.55 17.39 9 15.87 11 13.87 11 9.58 10 10.32 13 2.19 1.2212 Kotak Bond ST Plan 5000 1003.48 18.44 6 17.66 6 14.24 9 9.57 11 10.39 12 2.58 1.4413 PineBridge India ST Fund Std 5000 744.56 18.97 4 17.71 5 15.64 3 9.53 12 10.15 18 2.85 0.4814 Templeton India STIP 5000 6035.38 16.10 13 15.83 12 13.27 14 9.39 13 10.65 6 2.46 1.4415 ICICI Prudential STP 5000 4509.83 18.83 5 17.41 7 15.07 6 9.36 14 10.53 7 3.13 1.0916 Edelweiss ST Income Fund 10000 30.39 13.16 24 13.21 23 11.80 23 9.23 15 8.36 35 0.86 0.4117 Baroda Pioneer ST Bond Fund 5000 48.27 10.89 29 12.48 27 11.78 24 9.16 16 9.51 27 1.73 0.7618 Birla SL ST Opportunities Fund 5000 285.04 9.95 32 10.28 34 10.22 32 9.04 17 11.22 4 0.00 0.2519 Canara Robeco ST Fund 5000 441.70 14.93 18 14.16 19 12.53 17 8.93 18 9.47 28 1.79 1.1520 Reliance ST Fund 5000 2491.09 16.04 14 15.97 10 13.59 13 8.91 19 10.39 12 2.46 0.8421 L&T ST Opportunities Fund 10000 422.21 13.93 20 14.42 18 12.49 18 8.83 20 10.23 16 1.84 0.7522 Morgan Stanley ST Bond Fund 5000 315.72 16.43 11 16.14 9 13.83 12 8.82 21 10.25 15 2.49 1.3523 Peerless ST Fund 5000 93.21 10.00 31 10.66 33 9.76 34 8.76 22 9.64 25 0.88 0.3724 Pramerica ST Income Fund 5000 130.59 14.72 19 14.55 17 12.14 22 8.76 22 9.43 30 1.95 1.5025 HDFC HIF S T P 5000 2904.34 18.16 7 15.66 14 13.22 15 8.73 23 10.46 8 2.52 1.0026 HDFC ST Opportunities Fund 5000 1562.91 13.41 22 13.03 24 11.61 27 8.73 23 9.78 23 1.68 0.3027 Principal Income Fund STP 5000 210.60 15.43 16 15.30 16 12.94 16 8.72 24 10.26 14 1.67 1.1528 Axis ST Fund IP 5000 745.81 13.29 23 13.95 22 12.18 21 8.46 25 10.40 11 1.81 0.8829 DSP BR ST Fund 5000 1036.20 13.29 23 12.47 28 11.18 30 8.38 26 9.82 22 1.54 0.9930 HDFC ST Plan 5000 2480.33 16.16 12 14.15 20 12.36 19 8.28 27 10.07 19 2.10 1.0731 Sundaram Flexible Fund ST IP 5000 369.59 8.22 35 8.44 36 9.19 35 8.05 28 9.19 33 0.20 0.7032 Religare ST Fund 5000 2873.81 11.79 26 12.42 29 11.40 28 8.00 29 9.53 26 1.65 1.6333 HSBC Income Fund S T P 10000 1069.00 13.41 22 12.79 25 11.72 26 7.99 30 9.35 32 1.65 1.2434 L&T ST Income Fund 5000 302.78 12.43 25 12.55 26 11.26 29 7.98 31 9.39 31 1.73 1.1035 IDBI ST Bond Fund 5000 239.71 13.85 21 14.07 21 11.74 25 7.98 31 9.01 34 1.97 0.6036 Sahara ST Bond Fund 5000 7.72 7.70 36 7.93 38 8.45 37 7.92 32 7.96 36 0.09 0.3037 IDFC SSIF ST 5000 3417.74 10.66 30 10.72 32 10.25 31 7.67 33 9.46 29 1.30 1.2638 Mirae Asset ST Bond Fund 5000 3.65 7.30 37 7.42 39 7.77 38 7.66 34 7.27 38 0.00 0.8939 BOI AXA ST Income Fund 5000 12.60 8.26 34 7.98 37 8.65 36 7.63 35 7.46 37 0.33 1.2540 Goldman Sachs ST Fund 10000 6.10 7.06 38 7.32 40 7.54 39 7.28 36 7.26 39 0.01 0.60

Sr. No.

Liquid Funds Min. Investment QAAUM (in Crs)

1 Wk Rank 2 Wks Rank 1 Mth Rank 3 Mth Rank 6 Mth RankAvg

Mtrty (Yrs)

Expense Ratio

1 Escorts Liquid Plan 1000 137.40 9.11 2 9.18 1 9.26 1 9.57 1 9.76 1 0.10 0.502 Principal Money Manager Fund 5000 1.43 8.88 3 8.90 2 9.12 2 8.70 2 9.23 2 0.10 0.203 Templeton India TMA Super IP 10000 2721.07 8.43 15 8.50 13 8.93 3 8.51 9 8.81 11 0.13 0.314 Peerless Liquid Fund Super IP 1000 3024.43 8.53 7 8.59 6 8.92 4 8.64 3 8.96 4 0.05 0.305 Union KBC Liquid Fund 5000 2435.72 8.59 4 8.61 4 8.90 5 8.54 6 8.84 8 0.12 0.156 BNP Paribas Overnight Fund 5000 558.77 8.48 11 8.57 7 8.90 5 8.47 13 8.78 14 0.11 0.187 Baroda Pioneer Liquid Fund 5000 3385.96 8.48 11 8.53 10 8.84 6 8.50 10 8.81 11 0.15 0.388 BOI AXA Liquid Fund 5000 514.13 8.59 4 8.70 3 8.84 6 8.52 8 8.55 24 0.07 0.109 JPMorgan India Liquid Fund Super IP 10000 5534.87 8.56 6 8.54 9 8.83 7 8.54 6 8.88 6 0.14 0.35

10 Indiabulls Liquid Fund 5000 1806.57 8.53 7 8.49 14 8.83 7 8.55 5 8.87 7 0.13 0.2011 Birla SL Cash Plus 5000 14651.90 8.43 15 8.43 20 8.81 8 8.50 10 8.82 10 0.00 0.2612 Principal Cash Mgmt Fund 5000 1893.91 8.53 7 8.52 11 8.81 8 8.49 11 8.81 11 0.14 0.1013 DSP BR Liquidity Fund IP 5000 3348.48 8.44 14 8.50 13 8.81 8 8.46 14 8.74 17 0.09 0.1614 HSBC Cash Fund 10000 303.35 8.46 12 8.50 13 8.81 8 8.43 17 8.62 21 0.07 0.2315 Kotak Floater ST 5000 3789.07 8.52 8 8.48 15 8.80 9 8.51 9 8.88 6 0.07 0.4216 Religare Liquid Fund 5000 4539.29 8.46 12 8.50 13 8.80 9 8.50 10 8.84 8 0.08 0.2117 Kotak Liquid Scheme Plan A 5000 5173.87 8.51 9 8.51 12 8.80 9 8.46 14 8.79 13 0.11 0.1718 DWS Treasury Fund Cash 5000 682.18 8.38 17 8.44 19 8.80 9 8.50 10 7.99 31 0.11 0.2019 Reliance Liquid Fund TP 5000 8922.93 8.48 11 8.53 10 8.79 10 8.48 12 8.81 11 0.11 0.3020 Quantum Liquid Fund 5000 36.50 7.87 28 8.34 24 8.79 10 8.09 26 8.20 29 0.16 0.4521 ICICI Prudential Liquid 5000 16229.40 8.50 10 8.47 16 8.78 11 8.49 11 8.80 12 0.11 0.2622 ICICI Prudential Money Market Fund 5000 2207.12 8.45 13 8.46 17 8.77 12 8.48 12 8.81 11 0.10 0.2223 HDFC Liquid Fund 10000 9635.16 8.30 20 8.32 26 8.75 13 8.46 14 8.70 20 0.09 0.1824 DWS Insta Cash Plus Fund Super IP 5000 6260.81 8.33 19 8.40 21 8.74 14 8.45 15 8.78 14 0.10 0.2525 Morgan Stanley Liquid Fund 5000 535.36 8.50 10 8.52 11 8.73 15 8.45 15 8.77 15 0.09 0.1526 Reliance Liquidity Fund 10000000 5194.81 8.40 16 8.45 18 8.72 16 8.43 17 8.75 16 0.12 0.2227 HDFC Cash Mgmt Fund Savings Plan 10000 3831.73 8.27 21 8.32 26 8.69 17 8.42 18 8.75 16 0.10 0.2728 ING Liquid Fund Super IP 5000 382.31 8.22 24 8.37 23 8.68 18 8.29 22 8.48 25 0.09 0.3129 L&T Cash Fund Super IP 5000 491.91 8.26 22 8.33 25 8.65 19 8.33 21 8.58 22 0.07 0.2530 Taurus Liquid Fund Super IP 5000 2553.28 8.57 5 8.59 6 8.61 20 8.59 4 8.89 5 0.12 0.7631 Canara Robeco Liquid 5000 2458.91 8.53 7 8.56 8 8.58 21 8.48 12 8.78 14 0.13 0.2832 Pramerica Liquid Fund 10000 939.19 8.52 8 8.56 8 8.57 22 8.51 9 8.83 9 0.10 0.1033 Sundaram Money Fund 1000 1921.78 8.45 13 8.51 12 8.57 22 8.53 7 8.82 10 0.12 0.2534 Tata Money Market Fund Plan A 5000 205.08 8.22 24 8.33 25 8.56 23 8.50 10 8.87 7 0.10 0.2435 JM High Liquidity 5000 5144.36 8.48 11 8.49 14 8.55 24 8.53 7 8.77 15 0.10 0.5036 IDBI Liquid Fund 5000 3762.58 8.46 12 8.53 10 8.54 25 8.49 11 8.81 11 0.13 0.1237 Daiwa Liquid Fund 10000 284.63 8.23 23 8.22 29 8.54 25 8.35 20 8.73 18 0.04 0.3038 Axis Liquid Fund IP 5000 3869.59 8.50 10 8.52 11 8.53 26 8.48 12 8.78 14 0.14 0.1939 Tata Liquidity Management Fund 10000 264.97 8.40 16 8.32 26 8.51 27 8.41 19 9.13 3 0.15 0.3040 L&T Liquid Fund Super IP 10000 2531.70 8.46 12 8.51 12 8.51 27 8.49 11 8.81 11 0.08 0.1041 Tata Liquid Fund Plan A 5000 5770.47 8.45 13 8.43 20 8.51 27 8.47 13 8.78 14 0.16 0.4342 IDFC Cash Fund 5000 4424.52 8.44 14 8.50 13 8.51 27 8.44 16 8.73 18 0.10 0.36

Report as on January 15, 2013Simple Annualised %















Sr. No. Liquid Funds Min. Investment

QAAUM (in Crs) 1 Wk Rank 2 Wks Rank 1 Mth Rank 3 Mth Rank 6 Mth Rank

Avg Mtrty (Yrs)

Expense Ratio

43 SBI Premier Liquid Fund 100000 10652.30 8.43 15 8.50 13 8.49 28 8.44 16 8.75 16 0.09 0.1544 UTI Money Market IP 10000 3271.46 8.45 13 8.47 16 8.44 29 8.47 13 8.79 13 0.08 0.2145 UTI Liquid Fund Cash Plan IP 100000 11852.50 8.35 18 8.39 22 8.41 30 8.41 19 8.73 18 0.08 0.1446 Reliance Liquid Fund Cash Plan 5000 515.66 7.96 27 8.12 30 8.38 31 8.11 25 8.31 28 0.09 0.4247 Edelweiss Liquid Fund 10000 52.35 8.20 25 8.23 28 8.30 32 8.21 24 8.71 19 0.10 0.1348 LIC Nomura MF Liquid Fund 25000 3264.91 8.26 22 8.28 27 8.26 33 8.22 23 8.56 23 0.10 0.2749 Sahara Liquid Fund Fixed Pricing Option 10000 171.13 7.69 30 7.95 32 8.21 34 8.04 27 8.15 30 0.05 0.3050 SBI Magnum Insta Cash Fund Liquid Floater 10000 143.71 8.03 26 8.06 31 7.98 35 8.00 28 8.45 27 0.13 0.3751 SBI Magnum Insta Cash Cash Plan 10000 981.70 7.74 29 7.89 33 7.95 36 8.09 26 8.46 26 0.09 0.3452 HDFC Cash Mgmt Fund Call Plan 10000 11.83 7.56 31 7.57 34 7.92 37 7.72 29 7.78 32 0.00 0.2053 Mirae Asset Cash Management Fund 5000 12.30 7.42 32 7.49 35 7.84 38 7.68 30 7.63 34 0.01 0.4554 PineBridge India Liquid Fund Std 10000 3.26 7.34 34 7.46 36 7.59 39 7.62 31 7.68 33 0.00 0.2855 JM Floater ST Fund 5000 1.73 7.35 33 7.38 37 7.42 40 7.44 32 7.48 35 0.00 0.4256 Religare Overnight Fund 5000 29.68 10.01 1 8.60 5 7.30 41 7.33 33 7.29 36 0.00 0.10

Sr. No.

Liquid Plus Funds Min. Investment QAAUM (in Crs)

1 Wk Rank 2 Wks Rank 1 Mth Rank 3 Mth Rank 6 Mth RankAvg

Mtrty (Yrs)

Expense Ratio

1 Principal Debt Opportunities Fund Corporate Bond 5000 4.91 11.24 1 16.33 1 12.28 1 8.32 29 9.85 1 1.27 0.482 DWS Money Plus Fund IP 5000 457.06 10.86 2 10.95 2 10.62 2 7.89 42 9.05 14 1.12 0.333 Union KBC Ultra ST Debt Fund 5000 167.78 9.64 5 9.95 3 10.16 3 8.91 4 9.22 7 0.43 0.184 Sundaram Ultra ST 1000 1655.24 9.58 6 9.78 6 10.08 4 8.93 3 9.21 8 0.51 0.305 Pramerica Ultra ST Bond Fund 5000 265.70 10.09 3 9.89 4 10.02 5 8.79 8 8.99 19 0.69 1.256 Taurus Ultra ST Bond Fund Super IP 5000 623.59 9.45 9 9.30 20 9.93 6 9.24 1 9.45 3 0.30 0.487 Kotak Flexi Debt Scheme Plan A 5000 1799.02 9.17 16 9.50 13 9.86 7 8.62 16 9.14 11 0.50 0.728 Religare Ultra ST Fund 5000 961.76 8.86 26 9.40 15 9.85 8 8.53 20 8.86 26 0.07 0.579 Templeton India Ultra Short Bond Fund Super IP 10000 4480.97 9.26 12 9.67 8 9.80 9 8.93 3 9.37 6 0.33 0.30

10 Baroda Pioneer Treasury Advantage Fund 5000 1185.92 8.92 23 9.22 21 9.80 9 8.64 15 9.01 17 0.52 0.4811 IDFC Money Manager Invt Plan 5000 2000.39 9.37 11 9.63 9 9.77 10 8.26 32 8.98 20 0.69 0.4512 Principal Debt Opportunities Fund Conservative 5000 415.17 8.44 35 8.70 39 9.75 11 8.80 7 9.05 14 0.32 0.4313 Pramerica Treasury Advantage Fund 5000 65.63 9.42 10 9.37 17 9.74 12 7.82 44 8.59 33 1.26 1.2514 Templeton India Low Duration Fund 10000 3172.53 9.25 13 9.75 7 9.73 13 8.73 11 9.38 5 0.38 0.7415 DWS Cash Opportunities Fund 5000 412.85 9.69 4 9.82 5 9.72 14 8.74 10 9.18 9 0.41 0.8616 Reliance Medium Term Fund 5000 4828.71 9.64 5 9.21 22 9.65 15 8.19 34 9.12 13 0.62 0.6017 DWS Ultra ShortTerm Fund IP 5000 3308.48 8.79 28 9.34 19 9.60 16 8.77 9 9.03 15 0.28 0.4318 Birla SL Savings Fund 5000 6156.42 9.53 7 9.55 10 9.59 17 8.57 19 8.90 24 0.00 0.2519 Kotak Floater LT 5000 4084.42 8.94 22 9.51 12 9.57 18 8.71 12 9.15 10 0.30 0.5420 Principal Bank CD Fund 5000 16.33 8.32 38 9.36 18 9.54 19 8.00 39 9.22 7 0.45 0.5721 IDBI Ultra ST Fund 5000 917.90 9.51 8 9.52 11 9.49 20 8.51 22 8.87 25 0.31 0.4922 UTI Treasury Advantage Fund IP 100000 12077.10 9.13 18 9.13 24 9.48 21 8.66 13 8.93 22 0.48 0.4323 Peerless Ultra ST Fund Super IP 1000 1391.44 9.08 19 9.18 23 9.44 22 9.10 2 9.51 2 0.54 0.3924 Indiabulls Ultra ST Fund 5000 524.19 8.86 26 8.92 27 9.43 23 8.93 3 9.42 4 0.27 0.2525 BNP Paribas Money Plus Fund 5000 954.95 9.13 18 9.38 16 9.43 23 8.42 25 8.95 21 0.34 0.4826 HSBC Ultra ST Bond Fund 10000 63.57 9.18 15 9.45 14 9.40 24 8.30 30 -- -- 0.62 0.6627 Birla SL Ultra ST Fund 5000 875.64 9.16 17 9.36 18 9.38 25 8.65 14 9.00 18 0.00 0.4128 Tata Floater Fund 10000 3956.22 8.77 29 8.88 29 9.36 26 8.57 19 8.84 27 0.28 0.2429 ICICI Prudential Flexible Income Plan 5000 12061.10 8.64 30 8.81 33 9.27 27 8.57 19 8.83 28 0.19 0.4930 JM Money Manager Fund 5000 187.29 8.94 22 8.96 25 9.24 28 8.93 3 9.21 8 0.15 0.5031 Canara Robeco Treasury Advantage Fund 5000 826.82 8.90 25 8.93 26 9.22 29 8.61 17 8.95 21 0.20 0.5332 JM Money Manager Fund Super Plan 5000 223.01 9.20 14 8.90 28 9.20 30 8.84 5 9.22 7 0.10 0.4233 DWS Treasury Fund Investment 5000 286.26 7.90 45 8.20 47 9.20 30 7.73 46 8.67 32 0.21 0.5034 JM Money Manager Fund Super Plus Plan 5000 1016.06 8.79 28 8.82 32 9.17 31 8.79 8 9.02 16 0.15 0.5035 ICICI Prudential Ultra ST Plan 5000 1019.83 8.79 28 8.83 31 9.16 32 7.86 43 8.43 39 0.54 0.9336 JPMorgan India Treasury Fund Super IP 10000 2453.55 8.85 27 8.90 28 9.15 33 8.82 6 9.13 12 0.07 0.5037 ICICI Prudential FRF 15000 1692.64 8.37 37 8.71 38 9.13 34 8.40 26 8.74 31 0.22 0.4638 Religare Credit Opportunities Fund 5000 1090.45 8.49 34 8.73 37 9.10 35 8.80 7 9.18 9 0.08 0.7639 Templeton Floating Rate Income Fund 10000 752.30 8.54 33 8.79 34 9.09 36 8.22 33 8.82 29 0.38 1.1240 Axis Treasury Advantage Fund IP 5000 1492.01 8.96 21 8.84 30 9.06 37 8.37 27 8.79 30 0.22 0.6241 L&T Income Opportunities Fund 10000 48.06 9.18 15 8.92 27 9.06 37 8.17 35 8.48 37 0.46 0.4842 SBI SHDF Ultra ST 10000 7745.96 8.77 29 8.83 31 9.04 38 8.35 28 8.51 36 0.21 0.2543 Edelweiss Ultra ST Bond Fund 5000 91.87 8.40 36 8.65 41 9.02 39 8.08 37 8.53 35 0.11 0.3244 L&T Ultra ST Fund IP 10000 1041.26 8.91 24 8.78 35 9.01 40 8.40 26 8.92 23 0.21 0.2145 Reliance Money Manager Fund 5000 9461.71 8.61 31 8.76 36 9.01 40 8.52 21 8.79 30 0.19 0.6046 L&T Low Duration Fund Super IP 5000 121.60 8.23 40 8.42 43 8.97 41 8.06 38 5.66 51 0.20 0.3547 BOI AXA Treasury Advantage Fund 5000 14.02 9.03 20 8.76 36 8.96 42 8.45 24 8.55 34 0.12 0.1048 IDFC Ultra ST Fund 5000 800.87 8.64 30 8.66 40 8.93 43 8.60 18 8.99 19 0.15 0.1949 HDFC F R I F STF WP 1000000 4104.45 8.57 32 8.59 42 8.91 44 8.27 31 8.82 29 0.26 0.5750 Birla SL Cash Manager 5000 3755.30 8.30 39 8.36 44 8.79 45 7.93 40 8.26 41 0.00 0.4951 DSP BR Money Manager Fund 5000 1702.74 8.07 42 8.27 45 8.67 46 7.86 43 8.10 42 0.27 1.0552 ING Treasury Advantage Fund IP 5000 132.20 7.96 43 8.21 46 8.54 47 8.14 36 8.34 40 0.10 0.5153 Tata Treasury Manager Fund Plan A 5000 295.21 8.17 41 8.19 48 8.39 48 7.92 41 8.47 38 0.22 0.6554 HDFC Cash Mgmt Fund Treasury Advantage 5000 12997.60 7.94 44 7.95 49 8.10 49 7.56 49 7.88 46 0.25 0.6655 Mirae Asset Ultra ST Bond Fund IP 10000 25.40 7.74 46 7.77 51 8.07 50 8.46 23 -- -- 0.07 0.4656 LIC Nomura MF Income Plus Fund 500000 185.07 7.90 45 7.82 50 8.06 51 7.75 45 7.95 45 0.11 0.5957 PineBridge India Treasury Fund Std 10000 21.10 7.42 47 7.52 52 7.92 52 7.82 44 8.07 43 0.00 0.2658 LIC Nomura MF Savings Plus Fund 5000 266.68 7.37 49 7.45 54 7.80 53 7.60 47 7.76 47 0.08 0.7559 Daiwa Treasury Advantage Fund 10000 217.79 7.40 48 7.49 53 7.75 54 7.58 48 8.02 44 0.07 1.3260 IDFC Money Manager TP 5000 1897.97 7.24 51 7.45 54 7.72 55 7.23 51 7.59 48 0.16 0.9661 JM Floater LT Fund 5000 0.42 7.26 50 7.29 55 7.56 56 7.33 50 7.38 49 0.00 0.6062 Templeton India Cash Management Account Fund 1000 305.64 6.52 52 6.54 56 6.68 57 6.36 52 6.59 50 0.07 1.05

Sr. No.

Floating Rate Funds-STP Min. Investment QAAUM (in Crs)

1 Wk Rank 2 Wks Rank 1 Mth Rank 3 Mth Rank 6 Mth RankAvg

Mtrty (Yrs)

Expense Ratio

1 L&T Floating Rate Fund 10000 90.39 8.72 4 8.62 5 8.92 5 12.20 1 10.73 1 0.32 0.352 Canara Robeco FRF 5000 217.64 8.94 3 9.10 3 9.16 4 8.60 2 8.98 4 0.26 0.403 Reliance FRF ST 5000 1555.07 12.20 1 12.04 1 11.34 1 8.51 3 9.36 2 1.18 0.73


Report as on January 15, 2013Simple Annualised %



























Sr. No.

Floating Rate Funds-STP Min. Investment QAAUM (in Crs)

1 Wk Rank 2 Wks Rank 1 Mth Rank 3 Mth Rank 6 Mth RankAvg

Mtrty (Yrs)

Expense Ratio

4 Birla SL Floating Rate Fund STP 5000 3380.89 8.43 6 8.42 7 8.82 7 8.50 4 8.82 5 0.00 0.185 UTI Floating Rate Fund STP 5000 651.23 8.64 5 8.95 4 9.66 3 8.49 5 8.48 7 0.42 0.666 SBI Magnum Income Fund FRP Savings Plus Bond 2000 116.54 8.36 7 8.44 6 8.83 6 8.48 6 8.78 6 0.13 0.287 Pramerica ST Floating Rate Fund 5000 115.04 9.84 2 10.15 2 10.05 2 8.46 7 9.19 3 0.57 0.258 LIC Nomura MF Floating Rate Fund ST 5000 40.87 7.26 8 7.38 8 7.69 8 7.44 8 7.46 8 0.01 0.63

Sr. No.

Gilt Funds-Medium/Long Term Plan Min. Investment QAAUM (in Crs)

1 Mth Rank 3 Mth Rank 6 Mth Rank 1 Yr Rank 3 Yrs RankAvg

Mtrty (Yrs)

Expense Ratio

1 L&T Gilt Investment 10000 79.44 38.12 10 17.87 13 16.61 1 15.44 1 7.93 11 13.48 1.502 Kotak Gilt Investment Plan 5000 502.09 38.77 7 18.67 8 13.13 8 13.88 2 9.59 4 15.32 1.903 IDFC G Sec Fund Invt Plan (Relaunched) 5000 127.56 42.55 2 20.96 2 16.15 2 13.83 3 9.77 3 14.51 1.014 Reliance G Sec Fund 10000 152.38 40.09 6 19.21 5 14.08 5 12.62 4 7.67 12 14.79 1.485 Canara Robeco Gilt PGS 5000 21.91 36.27 14 16.65 16 12.18 13 12.27 5 7.47 13 13.89 1.506 Baroda Pioneer Gilt Fund 5000 4.76 29.64 22 14.68 22 12.10 14 11.81 6 14.24 1 11.49 0.077 JM G Sec Plan 5000 22.12 38.06 11 17.99 10 12.91 10 11.80 7 8.10 8 13.95 2.258 HDFC Gilt Fund L T P 5000 278.09 38.20 9 18.86 7 13.47 6 11.79 8 8.04 9 14.21 0.509 Sundaram Gilt Fund 5000 0.26 13.62 27 13.06 23 13.22 7 11.70 9 5.21 25 0.00 1.12

10 HSBC Gilt Fund 10000 1.93 38.28 8 18.45 9 13.12 9 11.69 10 9.38 5 13.72 0.8311 SBI Magnum Gilt LTP 25000 125.42 42.81 1 21.19 1 15.51 3 11.48 11 7.99 10 14.11 1.2912 Birla SL G Sec Fund LT 5000 344.55 40.44 5 19.04 6 12.73 11 11.30 12 9.99 2 0.00 1.5013 UTI Gilt Advantage Fund L T P 5000 194.09 42.42 3 20.49 3 12.65 12 11.04 13 8.47 7 19.31 1.5014 ICICI Prudential GFIP 5000 322.10 35.77 15 17.90 12 11.95 16 11.01 14 8.10 8 10.75 1.5015 Tata Gilt Securities Fund Plan A 5000 112.53 36.90 12 17.93 11 10.96 18 10.38 15 7.02 14 11.57 1.6016 Tata Gilt Mid Term Fund 10000 51.02 34.31 17 16.80 15 10.65 20 10.28 16 -- -- 12.15 1.6017 DWS Gilt Fund 5000 166.88 31.74 18 15.40 20 12.04 15 10.21 17 6.95 15 9.45 0.7318 Principal Govt Securities Fund 5000 70.54 34.73 16 16.56 17 10.87 19 9.77 18 6.33 20 11.71 1.9919 DSP BR Government Securities Fund 5000 351.86 40.70 4 19.62 4 14.11 4 9.41 19 6.66 16 15.87 1.2520 Religare Gilt Fund Long Duration Plan 5000 222.38 36.86 13 17.27 14 11.66 17 9.19 20 8.97 6 9.97 2.0021 LIC Nomura G Sec Fund 10000 51.89 17.17 25 10.42 26 8.94 25 8.58 21 6.43 19 5.16 1.1722 Edelweiss Gilt fund 5000 7.44 22.20 23 11.80 24 8.59 26 8.40 22 6.16 22 5.43 1.2823 Templeton India GSF LTP 10000 108.33 18.53 24 10.83 25 9.01 24 8.34 23 5.97 23 7.48 1.7124 Birla SL GPRP 5000 86.63 30.56 20 16.07 18 9.75 22 8.24 24 6.19 21 0.00 1.5025 Motilal Oswal MOSt 10 Year Gilt Fund L T P 10000 206.41 30.90 19 15.84 19 9.88 21 8.19 25 -- -- 9.29 0.9926 Sahara Gilt Fund 5000 0.06 7.89 28 7.67 28 7.64 28 7.97 26 6.55 18 0.00 0.3527 Escorts Gilt Plan 1000 0.13 6.86 29 6.84 30 6.98 29 7.67 27 6.62 17 2.30 1.5028 Templeton India GSF Composite Plan 10000 100.07 15.39 26 9.52 27 8.47 27 7.28 28 5.75 24 6.80 1.7429 Taurus Gilt Fund 5000 0.03 4.29 30 7.23 29 6.38 30 2.65 29 4.57 26 0.00 1.5430 Axis Constant Maturity 10 Year Fund 5000 36.61 30.20 21 15.13 21 9.51 23 -- -- -- -- 9.84 1.50

Sr. No.

Gilt Funds-Short Term Plan Min. Investment QAAUM (in Crs)

1 Mth Rank 3 Mth Rank 6 Mth Rank 1 Yr Rank 3 Yrs RankAvg

Mtrty (Yrs)

Expense Ratio

1 IDFC G Sec Fund ST 5000 62.42 17.82 4 15.94 1 11.03 1 9.31 1 4.90 12 3.95 0.982 ICICI Prudential GFTP 5000 346.75 22.72 1 12.44 2 9.51 2 8.74 4 6.40 7 4.03 1.253 HDFC Gilt Fund S T P 5000 9.98 18.51 3 11.61 4 9.38 3 8.83 3 7.07 3 4.47 0.504 SBI Magnum Gilt STP 25000 87.60 14.44 7 10.17 6 9.26 4 9.12 2 7.63 1 2.90 0.925 UTI GSec Fund STP 1000 15.96 17.29 5 10.67 5 9.06 5 8.60 5 6.73 5 2.98 0.756 Tata G S S M F 10000 45.22 19.48 2 11.82 3 9.01 6 8.60 5 6.94 4 3.41 1.507 Birla SL GPLP 5000 5.27 8.08 9 7.55 8 7.81 7 7.96 6 7.28 2 0.00 0.508 Kotak Gilt Savings Plan 5000 44.22 16.68 6 8.51 7 7.55 8 7.83 8 6.54 6 2.88 1.509 DSP BR Treasury Bill Fund 5000 2.52 8.17 8 7.30 10 7.45 9 7.73 9 6.36 8 0.62 0.50

10 Birla SL G Sec Fund STD 5000 1.09 7.52 10 7.40 9 7.17 10 7.45 10 6.35 9 0.00 0.7511 Canara Robeco Gilt Advantage Fund 5000 2.60 7.51 11 6.84 11 6.94 11 7.84 7 -- -- 0.00 1.1112 Templeton India GSF TP 5000 22.32 6.86 12 6.28 14 6.65 12 7.23 11 5.83 10 1.06 1.3413 Daiwa Govt Sec Fund ST 10000 6.08 6.55 14 6.37 13 6.51 13 7.19 12 -- -- 0.10 1.4814 Religare Gilt Fund Short Duration Plan 5000 0.02 6.71 13 6.44 12 6.50 14 6.84 13 5.05 11 0.00 1.26


Report as on January 15, 2013Simple Annualised %













Call Option

• Call option

Two Parties

1) Call buyer – Pays premium1) Call buyer  Pays premium

2) Call writer – gets premium



• Buying a call of Reliance August strike price 1000 at premium of Rs. 10 – In above contract if ABC is buyer and XYZ is seller then ABC 

will pay premium of Rs. 10 for buying call of Reliance A t St ik i 1000August Strike price 1000.

– In above case potential profit for ABC is unlimited if reliance price moves above 1010. and loss is limited to the premium Rs. 10 only… if reliance’s price remains below 1000…

– In case of XYZ profit is limited if reliance price remains below 1010 and max gain would be Rs. 10, but loss is unlimited if reliance price above 1010

Payoff of Call Buyer

Strike price Market price Profit/Loss Remarks

1000 950 ‐10 Maximum loss 

1000 900 ‐10 Maximum loss 

1000 1000 ‐10 Maximum loss 

1000 1005 ‐5 Maximum loss 

1000 1020 10Difference between strike price and market price minus 


1000 1050 40Difference between strike price and market price minus 


Payoff of Call Seller

Strike price Market price Profit/Loss Remarks

1000 950 10 Maximum Gain

1000 900 10 Maximum Gain

1000 1000 10 Maximum Gain

1000 1005 5 Maximum Gain

1000 1020 ‐10Difference between market price and strike price plus 


1000 1050 ‐40Difference between market price and strike price plus 



• 115%  participatin in NIFTY’s Upside and capital guarantee in case NIFTY goes down

M if NIFTY i b 10% th d t– Means if NIFTY increases by 10% then product return would be 11.5%. And if nitgy is down after the given period from it’s initial level then 100% capital protection is given.





• 1) Rs. 750000/ is invested in to the fix income product maturing after 40 months delivering 9% interest 

– In any kind of market scenario the above– In any kind of market scenario the above investment will grow to Rs. 1000000 in forty months….



• 2) Nifty call august 2013 stricke price 5500 premium 1196

– Buy a call option of Nifty Lot of 209 by paying a premium of 250000premium of 250000

• In above case maximum loss is the 250000/‐ i.e. premium paid if the nifty closing at the end of contract is less than 5500…  

Final payoff from the portfolio.. At different level

Initial Nifty Closing Nifty Total Nifty callPayoff from call option

Payoff from Fixed income

Total Payoff Nifty  Product

5500 5000 209 0 1000000 1000000 ‐9.09% 0.00%

5500 5500 209 0 1000000 1000000 0.00% 0.00%

5500 6000 209 104500 1000000 1104500 9.09% 10.45%

5500 7000 209 313500 1000000 1313500 27.27% 31.35%

5500 7500 209 418000 1000000 1418000 36.36% 41.80%


Equity Linked Debentures

With the high volatility in the equity markets, investors are increasingly looking at financial products which provide stability along with decent returns.

‘Equity-Linked Debentures’ (or ELDs) are products that provide:

1) Capital protection,

2) A slice of the stock market based returns

An ELD is a form of a fixed income product.

It differs from standard fixed-income product as the final payout is also based on the return of the underlying equity,

What are ELD’s

payout is also based on the return of the underlying equity, which can be a set of stocks, basket of stocks or an equity index (all pre-defined)

It is structured so as to give 100% capital protection with a provision for equity participation.

Bonds are rated by an accredited rating agency.

Simply put… ‘Equity Linked Debentures’ are popularly known as capital protection funds & give you the upside of equities and protect the downside!

Risk Return Reward

As per the risk return chart above, ELDs offer better returns than FMP at a lower risk than equities.

Typical Payoff Scenario

In a typical payoff scenario, as illustrated above, ELDs, on an average, offer better returns than FMPs and even when the Nifty goes down, you recover your principal amount.

These bonds are linked to an index like the Nifty or any/group of equity shares.

The issuer of bonds invests a pre-determined part of the

Broad theme of ELD’s

p pprincipal amount collected in fixed income securities like bonds, which provide principal protection.

The balance is invested in call options which provide the exposure to equity or stock index.



The returns are calculated in this manner:

Say, the fund house comes to an initial value of the Nifty, h h f h f h f h hwhich is often the average of the first three months.

Also suppose, the Nifty’s value has been 3,800, 4,000 and 4,200 at the end of months 1, 2 & 3:

Their average is worked out to be (3800+ 4000 + 4200)/3 = 4,000.

Contd …

The final value is also calculated as the average of the last three months.

Now, if the Nifty’s value closes at 5,000, 5,200, 5,500 in h 3 3 d 36 l l l hmonths 34, 35 and 36 respectively, we can calculate the

average to 5,233. So, the final Nifty returns come out to (5233 -

4,000)/4,000*100 = 30.82 per cent over the three-year period.

The Nifty return, multiplied by the participation ratio (that is pre-decided by the fund) is the final return.

Participation Ratio

Participation Ratio is the ratio at which ELD participates in the appreciation of the underlying equity index (say the Nifty)Nifty).

E.g. Participation Ratio of 100% implies that a 10% increase in the Nifty will result in a final equity-linked coupon of 10%.

In a nut shell

Principal Remains

Equity Linked





+ =

Equity linked debenture schemes do not allow premature exits.

All benefits are subject to investment being held till redemption date.


redemption date. These products, though listed on the exchanges, are a bit

illiquid and hence difficult to sell or transfer. In certain cases, the issuer or arranger of the notes may

offer to buy back the notes at a certain cut-off.

If investors model and balance their portfolio in a disciplined manner and then hold it long term, they will derive the same benefits as that of an equity linked plan.

To Sum up

By investing in these schemes, on the upside, they may get a return related to the appreciation of the Nifty.

At worse, they won't lose their capital.

Product Features:

100% capital protection at Maturity

Tenure: 24 / 27 months

145% participation (PR) on the upside of S&P CNX Nifty Index

Barrier at 140% of Initial Level

If Nifty closing is above the barrier level on any of the observation dates, the product gives

a return of 33% (absolute) payable at maturity

Instrument: Secured Redeemable Non-Convertible Debenture

Issuer: Reliance Capital Limited



Listing: BSE

Valuation Agency: CRISIL













4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 8500 9000



s (A




S&P CNX Nifty

Return on MLD S&P CNX Nifty

NOTE: This scenario analysis is being provided for illustrative purposes only. It does not

represent all possible outcomes.

Scenarios Initial Level Final Level





of Reference


Return on




in MLD



Return on



5500 7500 Yes 36.36% 33.00% 1,000,000 1,330,000 13.48%

5500 7500 No 36.36% 52.73% 1,000,000 1,527,273 20.66%

5500 5600 Yes 1.82% 33.00% 1,000,000 1,330,000 13.48%

5500 5600 No 1.82% 2.64% 1,000,000 1,026,364 1.16%

5500 4200 Yes -23.64% 33.00% 1,000,000 1,330,000 13.48%

5500 4200 No -23.64% 0.00% 1,000,000 1,000,000 N.A










Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text

Product Features:

100% capital protection at Maturity

Tenor – 36/40 Months

Initial Nifty Level - Initial Trade Date

Final Nifty Level - Trade Date + 36 Months

Nifty Performance – Final Nifty/Initial Nifty – 1

Capital Protection – Principal Protected

Auto-call Trigger – 110.00%

Auto-call Coupon – 15.60% p.a. (simple)

Redemption – Trade Date + 40 Months

Auto-call Observations: 15m,18m, 21m, 24m, 27m, 30m, 33m, & 36m

Payout: 3 months after auto- call

Instrument: Secured Redeemable Non-Convertible Debenture

Issuer: Reliance Capital Limited



Listing: BSE

Valuation Agency: CRISIL

Final Coupon Payout If Auto-called:

Principal + Auto-call Coupon (paid till Auto-call date)




































rns (





S&P CNX Nifty

S&P CNX Nifty Return on MLD

Scenario Initial Final


of Reference


Return on




in ELD



Return on






5500 8500 54.55% 46.50% 1,000,000 1,465,000 12.14%

5500 7000 27.27% 46.50% 1,000,000 1,465,000 12.14%




5500 6200 12.73% 46.50% 1,000,000 1,465,000 12.14%

5500 5500 0.00% 0.00% 1,000,000 1,000,000 Nil




5500 4500 -18.18% 0.00% 1,000,000 1,000,000 Nil

5500 4000 -27.27% 0.00% 1,000,000 1,000,000 Nil

NOTE: This scenario analysis is being provided for illustrative purposes only. It does not represent all

possible outcomes. *For illustration purposes we have assumed that the Auto-call trigger is hit on final

observation date. It does not represent all possible scenario’s

Scenario Analysis

NAME ______________________ ROLL NO. _________________________

DATE ____________________


1) Interest rate risk is _________________ risk.

A Systematic Risk

B Un Systematic Risk

2)  While computing the Trenyor ratio, Risk premium is devided by.

A Beta

B Standard Deviation

C Unsystematic Risk

3) 2* standatd deviation means probability of getting average return +/‐ standard deviation3) 2* standatd deviation means _____________ probability of getting average return +/‐ standard deviation.

4) If Beta of some stock is 1.2, then in event of market falling by 2% the stock price would _______________ by_________.

A Increase, 1.2%

B decrease, 1.2%B decrease, 1.2%

C increase, 2.4%

D decrease, 2.4%

5)  Interest rate and bond prices are _______________ related.

A Inversly

B Adversly

C Positively

D Linerly

6) Diversifying the portfolio helps in reducing ______________________ risk.

A Systematic

B Unsystematic

7)  what would be the currnet yield of bond with the face value of Rs 50 and 8% coupen rate and market price of Rs. 55.

A 8.00%

B 8.80%

%C 7.20%

D 7.27%

8) If you feel the interest rates are going to fall, then which portfolio would you chose out of the following.

A Portfolio with 1 year average maturityA Portfolio with 1 year average maturity

B Portfolio with 3 years average maturity

C portfolio with 7 years average maturity

9) When interest rates are expected to rise, it's always better to invest into the portfolio with.

A Longer maturity period

B Shorter maturity period

C Medium Maturity Period

D All of above are good options

10) If the credit risk of any company fall it's current yield will.

A Increase

B Decrease

11) Risk free Return 7%, Inflation 5%, Return from the portfolio 15%, Beta 1.2, Standard Deviation is 2.5%

Find out Sharpe Ratio

A 6.67

B 8.33

C 3.2

D 4

12) Risk free Return 7%, Inflation 5%, Return from the portfolio 15%, Beta 1.2, Standard Deviation is 2.5%

Find out Sharpe Ratio

A 6.67

B 8.33

C 3.2

D 4

13) What would be the future value of Rs 13500 invested qurterly for next 15 years assuming 15% rate of CAGR

Assuming the investment is done a the end of qurter.


14) How much one need to invest on monthly basis for achiving the target amoutn of Rs 5000000/‐ after 10 years if the return on investment is 12%

Assuing the investment is done at the begining of the month.


15) Face value of the Sahre Rs 10, and Current Market Price is Rs 460. Company is declaring 500% dividend. What woudl the the dividend yield?


16) Allocation charges are improtant factor for investor while taking decision regarding buying of _________________

A Term Plan

B Traditional Plans

C Unit Linked Insurance Plan

17) What is the minimum lock in period into the ULIP plans?

A 3

B 5

C 7

18) Unit linked insurance plan invests into the equity market while traditional plans invests into the Government securities.



19) One can not make a profit out of insurnace contract because the insurnace is the contract of 

A Idemnity

B Utmost good faith

C human life value

20) Need based Insurance method of calculating the insurance amount considers the current income level of the person to be insured

while calculating the ideal life insurance protection required by the person.



21) Financial Freedom means the current income level of the person is much higher than his monthly household expense and bein debt free.



22) Which is the best insurance plan for the individula wanting to get the maximum risk cover with minimum premium

A ULIP with zero allocation charge

B Traditional Plan

C Term Insurance Plans

D None of the above

23) How many years would it take to double your money, if the rate of return is 11%

A 5.5 year

B 6 years

C 6.6 years

D 7 years

24) Convert 18% annual growth rate into the monthly compounding rate.

A 1.49%

B 1.39%

C 1.29%

D 1.50%

25) To create the retirement corpus of Rs 10000000 (1 crore) after 25 years how much monthly investment is need? If the rate of 

return is 8%, 12%, 15% and 20%

_________________ _____________________ _____________________ ___________________

8% 12% 15% 20%8% 12% 15% 20%

NAME ______________________ ROLL NO. _________________________

DATE ____________________


1) Interest rate risk is _________________ risk.

A Un Systematic Risk

B Systematic Risk

2)  While computing the Sharpe ratio, Risk premium is devided by.

A Standard Deviation

B Beta

C Unsystematic Risk

3) 1* standatd deviation means _____________ probability of getting average return +/‐ standard deviation.

4) If Beta of some stock is 1.25, then in event of market falling by 3% the stock price would _______________ by_________.

A Increase, 1.25%

B decrease, 1.25%

C increase, 3.75%

D decrease, 3.74%

5)  Interest rate and bond prices are _______________ related.

A Adversly

B Inversly

C Linerly

D Positively

6) Hedgin the portfolio with Future/option helps in reducing ______________________ risk.

A Systematic

B Unsystematic

7)  what would be the currnet yield of bond with the face value of Rs 75 and 10% coupen rate and market price of Rs. 85.

A 8.82%

B 10.00%

C 7.82%

D 9.82%

8) If you feel the interest rates are going to go up, then which portfolio would you chose out of the following.

A Portfolio with 1 year average maturity

B Portfolio with 3 years average maturity

C portfolio with 7 years average maturity

9) When interest rates are expected to Fall, it's always better to invest into the portfolio with.

A Longer maturity period

B Shorter maturity period

C Medium Maturity Period

D All of above are good options

10) If the credit risk of any company increases it's current yield will.

A Increase

B Decrease

11) Risk free Return 7%, Inflation 5%, Return from the portfolio 15%, Beta 1.2, Standard Deviation is 2.5%

Find out Trenyor Ratio

A 6.67

B 8.33

C 3.2

D 4

12) Risk free Return 7%, Inflation 5%, Return from the portfolio 15%, Beta 1.2, Standard Deviation is 2.5%

Find out Trenyor Ratio

A 6.67

B 8.33

C 3.2

D 4

13) What would be the future value of Rs 3000 invested monthly for next 15 years assuming 15% rate of CAGR

Assuming the investment is done a the end of month.


14) How much one need to invest on qurterly basis for achiving the target amoutn of Rs 5000000/‐ after 10 years if the return on investment is 12%

Assuing the investment is done at the begining of the qurter.


15) Face value of the Sahre Rs 10, and Current Market Price is Rs 460. Company is declaring 500% dividend. What woudl the the dividend yield?


16) Allocation charges are improtant factor for investor while taking decision regarding buying of _________________

A Term Plan

B Unit Linked Insurance Plan

C Traditional Plans

17) What is the minimum lock in period into the ULIP plans?

A 3

B 7

C 5

18) Unit linked insurance plan invests into the equity market while traditional plans invests into the Government securities.



19) One can not make a profit out of insurnace contract because the insurnace is the contract of 

A Utmost good faith

B Idemnity

C human life value

20) Need based Insurance method of calculating the insurance amount considers the current income level of the person to be insured

while calculating the ideal life insurance protection required by the person.



21) Financial Freedom means achiving the passive income which is more than your current and future requirements.



22) Which is the best insurance plan for the individual wanting to get the maximum risk cover with minimum premium

A ULIP with zero allocation charge

B Traditional Plan

C Term Insurance Plans

D None of the above

23) How many years would it take to double your money, if the rate of return is 13%

A 5.5 year

B 6 years

C 6.6 years

D 7 years

24) Convert 18% annual growth rate into the monthly compounding rate.

A 1.39%

B 1.49%

C 1.50%

D 1.29%

25) To create the retirement corpus of Rs 10000000 (1 crore) after 25 years how much monthly investment is need? If the rate of 

return is 8%, 12%, 15% and 20%

_________________ _____________________ _____________________ ___________________

8% 12% 15% 20%

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