1ffi8:1t - buds public school · ~ ~i" aqy;ck'l

Post on 23-Jul-2019






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fiq:;f~m 1ffi8:1T - II


CfiS;lT - IX/ Class - IX


' f.ruffur~ : 3 ~ Time allowed : 3 hours

~· :90 Maximum Marks : 90 •

, (i) ~m-q-;Jif$~(~rE~m~)~~30mtl~m~~~

; (ii) ~~~~-ama:icf;~~fl

: (iii) ~~t ilsoq;~-~a:fq;~fl m~~~a-r~~~if~1

, (iv) ~ ~ 9 ~ 20 oq; ~ -sw-r 3 a CfiT t I~~~ -sw-r CfiT ~ 80 ~if~ -::fflT m ~I (v) >w-:r ~ 21 ~ 26 octi ~ m 5 atcn cnr '@"1 ~ ~ ~ m CfiT om 120 ~ ~ 31f~ ~ ~ ·


; (vi) m~27am 28~~m 3-3~~~= ~ afR ~~~~om~~~ .


(vii) ~~29 ~ 30 lJ.mqro~~ til~~>w-:r 5 ata;q;rt1

· General Instructions :

' (i)

i (ii) l (iii)



· (vi)


The question paper has two sections (Section A and Section B) with 30 : questions in all. All questions are compulsory. Marks are indicated against each question.

Questions from serial number 1 to 8 are very short answer type questions. Each • question carries one mark. Questions from serial number 9 to 20 are 3 marks questions. Answer of these • questions should not exceed 80 words each. Questions from serial number 21 to 26 are 5 marks questions. Answer of these ;

questions should not exceed 120 words each. Question number 27 and 28 are map question of 3 marks each, from History and •

Geography respectively. After completion, attach the maps inside your answer book. Question number 29 and 30 are from Open Text themes and each question is of : 5marks.

Pagel of 11

. 1 4( ·


T~- -~ ~d ~ •• if :q~~~~fcf; -icffi-~ ~ d~ 'iHcll~'i ~ Cf<:IT ~ ~? : 1

! How did restrictions to enter the markets in white areas impact the pastoralists?


. ~it~ Cffi") ~ cn1 aw1 CflT ~ ~ ~ ~ Wrffi ~ ~ <rn 'it? 1

' The leaves of which forest tree was the main source of income for people living in forests ?


~ ~ ~ # l){ ~ ~ # f<ma:rur <[f.& fcJR:f ~ '# ~? ~ ~----~ 1

~ ~ ~ m-m ~ d'~HAIG!l ~? During which decade did dramatic expansion of wheat production take place in the • USA? What was the main factor behind this large scale production?

·----· - ·-··:

: Z'i1'1ll0111 2001 cf; ~ 'limf # 'furr ~ ~ 't? . . 1

' What is the sex ratio in India, according to census 2001 ?

-~~ Clft 'WlR""dT' ~~~I 1 \

i Explain the term 'Equality of Opportunity'.

' 4 ' 1

What is the minimum age for voting in India?

. s i ~ rl!I'41(1?0J qfr ~ ~ ~ fufuQ: I 1

. Write one main feature of the Supreme Court.

. 6 1

: What is green revolution ?

: 7 ~,qi943-q~ ~~ti-m·~~? -- . ·- .... .1 Where did the worst famine occur in India in 1943?

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:·w.; ~~en: CFIT-CFIT ~ cnum ~ t? 1

[ What are the items provided by the government at the ration shops ?

9· -----~-licf~~ -~ "lCh-{OitC1 ~ -~iJ-i~&i ~~-~ Jr~R4Y~~-~--# -~ 3

I fllOIHdllt ~? . What are the similarities in the life styles of the Gujjar Bakarwals of Jammu and ,

Kashmir and the Gaddi shepherds of Himachal Pradesh?


--- -~-~~-~~ihffi'rTfcnTJtrl~H-~-~~~7 ~~~-if~~-s=cfi~ftil·~~_i~ 3

i ~7 i lq-)~1.

i Why were the Kalangs of Java considered valuable? When and why did the Kalangs first rise , against the Dutch ?

~ -m:crm: cr ~ fcti<HH'i <t ~ ~ ~-~ ~- ~? - --- - · · --- -- ----- ... .. 3

What was the cause of conflict between the British government and the Indian peasants?

··;-~ 'ffi;r ~ f<1f&1~ f"i~Y~ ~ ~ ~- i'!4f<1<Q~,Cf) ---~ -~ --if · ·-~ -~i-

. State any three reasons that have earned cricket the title of a colonial game?


------·;· · - - ~11-t::t••iR'il -~ ~ fc:n"B --~--~ -~~ ~?--~ ~ cfi.IT~~T- - . ---- -----------. Which style of clothing was adopted by Janadanandini Devi ? What was Brahmika Sari ?

~-~-m. -~-~ ~ Cf~ ~ ~ ~ cnr CfiT{Uf ~,

Write the full form of ICC and give the reasons behind the renaming of ICC.


.... - ; -~6fT~~~ ,'1:11{1~-~I~Ch lffi'tlR cnT q:<:f[ a:r:FfFl->

~Why did women opt for comfortable and simple dresses ? I

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· 3


' 3

1 l_-i~~----- --}T~~ct -~~-~ -af.:r . fctf3WS<?: ~~ ~-~~~ ~ ~

Explain any three characteristic features of mangrove forests ?


~ ., .. '

~ ~ Cf!5if ct ~ W fct~ltifdla:if Cfil ~I ' 3

Give any two features of Pre-monsoon showers experienced in India.

! -~ --~-~-~ --~ q~ ~- -- -~ -B m-~ -qa:fi- i'illfd<=~T -cf~ - Cfil CfUf.:i-~, 3

' Describe the bird life inhabiting the forests and wetlands of India.

· 1s .---Fiffi-· ·ift ~ # CfiFff ~ CfiT :m-~ ·-31f~ -:mR 7:n1···mm% ,, , ·· ~ciri ·cnr m?T ~ ¥~ ~ ·· 3

· cn1m~cn1~#~mm%? :-:."-"' ;:•"

• 11Parliament is the final authority for making laws in any country". Which values must be '

considered by the Parliament in discharge of this function ?


Election Commission Works in 'an independent manner'. Comment on the statement?

• 3

Describe the way the prisoners in Guantanamo Bay were treated.

How has green revolution made India self sufficient in food grains ? Explain.

_3 ;

! Describe the role of cooperatives in providing food security.

20 ~-~if f.flkr .fcfMff (ft;:f. ;;renR ~ mR ~ CfiT -;wr ~I : 3 Name any three types of ration cards issued in our country.

21 • "31 ~ ~ cnr cruf.:r ~ ~ -wu oqro; -q "CCot~n5'i -;t 3ll~ ~ -q =-:rr-=if.

! mlFIT fc.f><:rr I ' Describe five ways in which pastoralists in India coped up with the changes in · modern times. ..i

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,"· '


. - ------j ~ <ffi -;lj1\Jitfull1 ~ ~ cf~ "Wf-~ cfiT~ ~I · s

. 22


i Describe the habitat and lifestyle of the tribals of Bastar. ~


~ ~-~ ~ ?. 311RT ~- ·~ Q~ ·iiro~ m-r.fi-~ ~~ -cnu) ~?

Who were the Swing Rioters ? What did-.._ they do to protest and show their resentment ?


: 1'~ ~ ~ ct m~ ~ -q ~ ~ 3WIT, -~ '41 ~·¥f0d~~-~ -~ s : ~ Cfft ~~:fir Cl'fi<::J( m?" ~ ~ Cfil ~ ft:r.& ~~ ;

: "Although cricket changed with changing times, yet fundamentally it remained true ' to its origins in rural England." Justify the statement.

- ·-·


~ ·~ ·~ ~ rcd'~ ~ -B-~- Cfff ~ ~--mf cpn !>iruf9h41~ m? 5

· What were the reactions of people from various sections of Indian soci~ty to Khadi ?

· ·-· ·- , ,.


i Distinguish between Advancing monsoon and Retreating monsoon.

2i__ , II~~·~~~ Cfil ~ ~ ~ (jGf) ~ ~ -~· ~· -~ · ctft· · ·~ 'q'{ ~$: 5

! ~ ~I" aqy;Ck'l <"F!:It\'(01 Cfft fl~f£1(11 "B cn!2fl CfiT cruR ~I 1 "The nature of plant life in an area largely determines the animal life in that area". ·

: Describe the statement with suitable examples. !

25 ! ~'qfq ';Of ~ 1 ct ~~ ~ if 1 fl+il'idl ~ 31f'tfCf>R 1 qfr oc:nwiT ~~

; Explain the Right to Equality with special reference to no discrimination.

. s

26 · ~-en-~ Cfil ~ ~ ~ ~,q,f~<'h ~ -q ~~- ";{ ~--·~ · fuilpq Cfil . s -­

, ~ ~ ~I itB &:16!81\l ~ :fcRi ~ cF ~ cp;rr m ~ ~ ~? ~ ~I Describe any two circumstances under which the pri!lcipl~ of 11~n- d~~cri:?in_<~.~on._~ yiol~~ed '

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· - ~· ·.

in social life. What measures have been taken to get rid of such practices? Explain.

, :q.a~:n?.ff ~ 1IT-l ~ 27a, 27b ~ 27c 11; ~ ~ ~ 1n1f·if:>l 1IT-l q)J ~-···<f.rr· t1 1IT-l

' ~ 2s ~ t1 "lfHf·•:r:>~ m 11· ~ t1

_,.,., __

The student has to attempt any one map question from question numbers 27a, 27b and 27c. Question no. 28 is compulsory. The maps are attached with the question paper.

27a -~--~ 'l1mf ~ {l~··flfucti {@l0ll1f-q51 ~ A aW B 1R ~ t'r~ ~ fcliit ~ t I ~ ~ TFft ci!11ct11fl in 3

a:rrm{ 1R ~ t'r~ qft ~ ~ lil'if-q?! ~ tr ~ :nsrraif 1R m ~ ';fll1 ~ :

(A) ~~~~~ifftcnr~m~' -(B) .-:rwfmU ~ ~ ~ ~mf U\Rl

6Bt ~ 1R f.:tl1f<?Jf@C1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "3BCflT ';fll1 ~ : (C) ~ am ::s{l-4;l ~ cnr l$r \lffi'T ~ ~ ~ ~ , ;fie : RPI'ff~il?.la vr-:r ~ 1fi:tattfmf lrtt~ ~ ~ ¥4111fil31 vr-:r ~ ~ 'IR~: (27.1) ~ ~ CfiT 'W1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ cnr ~ fcti7:n ~~I (27.2) ~ cnT B if~ CIWlT ~ ~ CfiT ~~I

(27.3) ~~~~? Two items A and B are shown in the given political outline map of India. Identify these items with the help of following information and write their correct names on the lines marked on the map. (A) The place where camel fair is organised annually. (B) State related to the Maldhari pastoral community. On the same political outline map of India, locate and label the following item with appropriate symbol. (C) Area of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh where the Kuruma herders lived.

Note: The following questions are for the visually impaired candidates only in lieu of map question.

(27.1) Name the place where camel fair is organised annually. (27.2) Name the famous pastoral community of Rann of Kuctch. (27.3) Where do the Gaddis belong to ?

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. ·-OR/~

27b -~ SQ: ~-~ {l'i•i1Ricn {@1~11f-il51 if A afu:. B cR ~ ~~~friit·~-% 1 -~ ~- 1Tiit \iii1<hR1 ¥ f 3-i a:rr~~~('f~cnl~~~ifm~U9Ta-n~~mrr'T'fl+1~ =

, (A) a)?r: ~Tff:s ~~f~qlfii ~~I

; (B) ~: ~~2lli ~z:q''if{;qC'i ~fu:M ~"*l2i{<{C: ~ ~311 I : ~~~ f.:"ll0001f(1f~d ~~~~~l:!:Cf~'T'fl+1Wrfurt:l:: : (C) m ~~: ~'WTWTRif ~R&Us if~.4:1cf \ii'"Fillfdlll ~~M ~~I i

-:itG: f.otRfHf&H -c;nr.t~ ~f<>eii4i~'tffi~~~ 'll"1f.q~ ~~~'Q'tf:

i (27.1) 'l1f«l ~ ~ ~ a)?r CflT -::rm ~ ~ Tff:s ~~f~qlfll ~ ~? . (27.2) ~ ~ <8 'T'fT+1 ~ ~ >r~ ~uHftliM ~ ftB'i:f ~"ft2.l~~c ~ ~ 1

i (27.3) ~ ~ CfiT -::rJl1 ~ ~'Wf ~if ~I{@ Us 'B ~ \il'"l\lllfulll Cf?l ~ fcfi<.n ~ 2lT I

' Two items A and B are shown in the given political outline map of India. Identify these items · with the help of following information and write their correct names on the lines marked on • , themap. ' (A) Area : where Gond community live. i (B) A place where first Imperial Forest Research Institute was established. ' On the same political outline map of India, locate and label the following item with

appropriate symbol. (C) Assam, where tribes of ]harkhand were recruited to work in tea plantation.

; Note ; The following questions are for the visually impaired candidates only in lieu of ' map question. i (27.1) Name one area of India which belonged to Gond tribes. ; (27.2) Name the place where first Imperial Research Institute was established. '. (27.3) Name the -~ea of tea plantation where Iabo?farS w.~r~ _n:;crui~ed ~rom Jharkhand.

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• --~ ~ ~ -~ -<I\J11lf8C!i {@1411fT.f'l ·~ A~- B iR ~- ~eyur ~-~--~ -~I m ift lfGfT Zlt-t1<tit\l ~ · 3 -...

au?:lR -n: ~ ('fa;rulf cn1 ~ ~ 411fT.! ?I -q m ~~an 'R ~ ~ ~ ~ : : (A) ~ ~ ~ ~ fCfim;ff ~ 31iW1 -ufu -0 ctil <XfCW.IT -B WI ~ ~ qft "@-ill ~ ~ afu ·


. (B) 'Q,Cf) Th: ~ ~ ~ ~ CfiT ~WIT ~I

. ~ 411f~5l '11: f-1Yf'o::1f<Sll:1 cnT ~ ~ &RT ~ v:cf ~ -:nl1 ~ : (C) ~- '{(en~~~ <liT a:r.:nl+i ~~if;~ "fcrcm ~ TJ?.n 1

oftG: M""'f<1f~o ~ ~ ~ftiG<StiMo ~ ~ ft;ro: "41'1f-iS!st ~ ~ ~ 'Q"{t:

(27.1) 'Q,Cf) ~ \f.Tll Cf1T -,p:f ~ ~ ~T WWf ~ ~ ~ ctf"ffifi mciT ~I (27.2) ~ c8 w~ ~ ~ "J:f ~ P.ft?

, (27.3) 16 cff -wa ~ wtoq if ffi;J m ~ ~ if ~ <ffi ~amr <ffi ~>.IT? ' Two items A and B are shown in the given political outline map of India. of India. Identify

tJ:-tes_E:! items with the ~elp of following information. and write tl1t::ir correct nam~s on_ the liJles

Page 8 of 11

' 28

marked on the map. (A) The area where peasants began to give up cultivation of opium to adopt the •

production of potatoes and sugarcane due to unreasonable policy of advances. (B) A place not tmder British control where opium was being produced. On the same political outline map of India, locate and label the following item with • appropriate symbol. (C) Bihar - a state where peasants were forced to grow opium. Note; The following questions are for the visually impaired candidates only in lieu of

map question. (27.1) Name a state where opium was being grown during British rule.

i (27.2) In which state was the ' Battle of Plassey' fought ? : (27.3) Which people had introduced opium in China in the early 16th century .

. ~ ~ ~ ~ '1:1\l'l"llfd<f> {&IIOJHfil3l if A 3fu: B ~ ~ C'f~~ ~ ~ f I ~ <ft TPn "111Chl{l~ . 3

ancem: i.R ~ C1a.1UTI cR ~ Cfi< ~ if m ~ 't&Ta:IT i.R m mft ';fJ11 ~ :

' (A) 1%-.Tiwr~~ (B) ~m~CR

' om~ 11< f.l~P~PSlct Cl?r ~ ~ ID<T ~ ~ ~ ';fJ11 ~ :

: (C) 2001 cif ->H<IOI11 $ ~ "B'Crif'tfCfl f<'i•llj)Qict "ClWWT ~I

..fie: Ml"''f<-~f~~ ~~ <afle~tfmf'qil~*ft;n; qHf;;::..,, ~<i;~"Q'{~:

1 (28.1) ~~~~~~';f!11~' i (28.2) ~ CR 'qffif ~ ~ 'l.WT if "tfTQ; ~ ~?

(28.3) 2001 Cfft 'i1"1'1a111 ~ ~ 'l1T«f CfiT "f!Cffi~ f<'i•llj41C1 CfR11 ~ cnT.=r-m %?

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- ·-···

Two items A and B are shown in the given political outline map of India. Identify these items . with the help of following information and write their correct names on the lines marked on · the map. (A) A meteorological station (B) A type of forests. On the same political outline map of India, locate and label the following item with appropriate symbol. {C) The state having highest sex ratio according to census 2001. Note: The following questions are for the visually impaired candidates only, in lieu of map

question. (28.1) Name the meteorological station of Maharastra. (28.2) In which part of India are thorn forest found ? (28.3) Name the state of India having highest sex ratio ?

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,, ~··_._·· ·•· .. .

. ' ·tj

fi1i" (tffi q 1 a~ Cl~ am:ufh1 ~) SECTION- B (OTBA)

(~ t!f.'IB4a <JR: ~fop~~ <fiT~ lJTO l« ~~-~ ~ ~ ~ m (~ _Please _ensure that open text of the given theme is supplied ~ith this question paper) _

~ : <d ~ col- 'Cfi1Wfi : Theme : A Story of two brothers

m -q ~ qffit ~ ~ ~ ~ qffit -qf ~- -~--~ ~~~--~--~ , s

l_FR-~ ~ ~ ~ Cfi!?:f ~%? ~ <r:ft %At in 3fT'tTR 1R ~~I What does the single earner poor mother living in urban area do to survive and bring up her

_ children ? Explain on the basis of given theme.

-- - ·f~~ it~ -~~- q)l ~- ilmR -~ -mi'i-~ ~-~- 41fciw11 rci~-~ - s---­~~it~~~ 'The journey of transition to settled life did not come easy. Justify this statement in context of .

! the partition of India.


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