2 · web viewthe holy spirit comes and works when god’s word is preached and taught. the...

Post on 23-Mar-2018






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CROSS OF CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH24155 Griswold Road, South Lyon, MI 48178

248-437-8810Fax: 248-437-7708

www.crossofchristlutheran.org Email: cross-christ@att.net Like us on FACEBOOK at: www.facebook.com/crossofchristsouthlyon

S U M M E R , 2 0 1 5

Sunday Worship: 10 a.m.

Holy Communion is celebrated on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Sundays of the month.Sunday School classes held during the school year.

Sunday School: 10 a.m. – 3 years old through fifth grade Adult Bible Study: Sundays 9:00 a.m.

Youth Bible Study: 10 a.m. (1st & 3rd Sundays)Dear Beloved Members and Friends, The season of Pentecost in the church year includes summer on our calendar. The Pentecost season began with the celebration of Pentecost Day on May 24. God poured His Holy Spirit on Christ’s disciples on Pentecost Day. The Spirit’s arrival was accompanied by the sound of a mighty wind, tongues of fire, and the disciples speaking in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. Jews from many other nations heard the disciples speaking the wonders of God in their own languages. Because the Comforter came, everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. God poured out His Spirit on Pentecost.

The Holy Spirit comes and works when God’s Word is preached and taught. The Sprit comes and works in your life when you hear and read God’s Word. You were born of the Holy Spirit when you were baptized. Christ baptized you with the Spirit when you received the sacrament of Holy Baptism. The Spirit fills every single believer in our Lord’s Church, including you. Let us follow our Counselor’s leading as He guides us to worship God, hear His word, give cheerful offerings and tithes, and receive our Lord’s Supper often this summer.

You were filled with the Holy Spirit when you were baptized. You received the forgiveness of sins that Jesus won for you on the cross. You received the gift of the Spirit. Parents, your children received the forgiveness of sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit when they were baptized.

The Spirit has helped you since your Baptism. The Counselor has given you words to say to people when you speak about God and His Word. The Comforter has comforted and encouraged you with His presence and Word. He has enabled you to comfort and encourage others. The Holy Spirit has helped you to tell people that Jesus Christ is our Savior and Lord. The Spirit has enabled you to bear the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. The Spirit of truth has led you into truth in the Bible. The Counselor has helped you to remember Christ’s teachings. The Comforter daily forgives all your sins. The Holy Spirit has called you by the Gospel, enlightened you with His gifts, sanctified and kept you in the true Christian faith. The Spirit has helped you to memorize and remember God’s Word.PASTOR’S LETTER Continued

The Holy Spirit helps you to speak the wonders of God to people. The Spirit enables you to speak to people that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord Jesus will be saved. The Counselor helps you to tell others that Jesus did miracles, signs, and wonders during His public ministry. The Comforter encourages you to share with folks that wicked men put Christ to death by nailing Him to the cross. The Holy Spirit helps you to tell people that God raised Jesus from the dead. The Spirit encourages you to share with folks that Christ ascended into heaven. The Counselor helps you to speak to others that God made Jesus both Lord and Christ. The Comforter enables you to invite people to repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of sins and that they will receive Him as a gift. The Holy Spirit encourages you to urge people to save themselves from this corrupt generation. The Spirit enables you to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. The Counselor helps you to love your neighbor as yourself. The Comforter helps you to love one another as Jesus has loved you. Thanks and praise be to the Holy Spirit for all He does for you and through you!

May the Spirit bless you and your family this summer and always!

Sincerely Yours in Christ,Pastor Terry Nelson


An important Congregational meeting will be held on Sunday, June 7, after worship in the sanctuary. All members are invited and encouraged to attend! Important information will be shared about the financial well-being of our congregation.


SUNDAY SCHOOL classes are held during our worship service for children three years old through fifth grade during the school year. YFC - BIBLE STUDY for grades 6-12 is held at 10 a.m. on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month during the school year.

A Year-End Sunday School party will be held on Sunday, June 7, during the Sunday School class time. Hope all of your children can attend!

THANK YOU to Tom & Kelli Hackbardt for serving as Sunday School Superintendents. We also thank our dedicated Sunday School & Youth Bible Study Teachers for teaching our children: Dom Eldridge, Rob & Diana Hindley, Becky Kreipke, Shealyn Lach, Kelli Lauer, Amy Lockard, Kindsey Nelson, and Lisa Sterling. “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.”



Confirmation instruction for 7th and 8th graders will start up again in September. A parents’ meeting will be held at the end of August.


We are planning this year’s VBS for JULY 13 – 17 , 2015. Plan your summer commitments as able around VBS. This year’s theme is “Everest” – Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power! We will learn that God has the power to provide; God has the power to comfort; God has the power to heal; God has the power to forgive; and God has the power to love us forever. VBS is held for children going into kindergarten through going into sixth grade. A $15 materials fee is due at the time of registration. (If you help out VBS week, there is no registration fee for your child.)

Many helpers will be needed to provide this outreach. Class Assistants are especially needed. (Class Assistants lead their classes from one station to another VBS week.) Call the church office at 248-437-8810 if you can help out or to register.

Please fill out the “help” form if you can lend a hand this summer, or speak with Chris.A registration form is included at the end of this newsletter.


Our preschool provides a Christian, play-based program for three and four year olds with age-appropriate academics and kindergarten readiness. Three year olds have the option of a morning or afternoon class on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Four year olds will meet Monday, Wednesday, and (optional) Friday – morning and afternoon sessions. There are openings in the afternoon classes, with waiting lists for the morning classes.

REGISTRATION for fall classes is off to a great start. Call the church/preschool office at 248-437-0871 to get more information or to register. 2015 ALTAR FLOWERS - - Sign Up Needed

Sign up for those important dates in celebration of birthdays, anniversaries, etc. or in memory of loved ones. Vases are available for $30 each and may be taken home after worship. Two vases are available each Sunday. (You do not need to sign up for both.) Checks are made out to “Cross of Christ” – designated “Altar Flowers” and placed in the offering plate. Special envelopes are also provided near the sign-up chart. Sign up is especially needed for the summer months.



Saturday, June 27th


(All ladies and girls invited!)

Sign up on the Information BoardCall the church office 248-437-8810

orEmail cross-christ@att.net

No Admission Fee



Thursday (9am-6pm)Friday (9am-3pm)

Saturday Bag Sale (10am–Noon)

RUMMAGE SALE items can be dropped off now. The church is typically open between 9 am and 4 pm daily. (The church office will be closed June 3-5.) Call if you need an evening drop off time. Your Donations are needed to make our sale a success!

(We will not be accepting large electronic items – TVs, computers, etc. or stuffed animals.)

Special Thanks to Nancy Ulrich for taking charge of the sale. Your HELP is needed and appreciated sorting, selling, and cleaning up. A sign-up sheet is located near the church entrance. BOARD OF TRUSTEES

The board is focusing their attention at this time on steeple repair and narthex painting, as well as parsonage repair. If you are looking to donate to a special fund, consider those funds. Thank you!APPRECIATION

We express our thanks and appreciation to Michael Abrash for his many years of service as Chairman of the Board of Elders. He recently resigned from his position, and Aaron Nelson is now serving as Chairman. FUNERAL LUNCHES

THANK YOU to all who provided food and helped at recent funerals. Thank you to Annie Nichols and Louise Rucker for organizing the lunches. Thank you also to all who help set up and clean up. If you would like to be added to our Funeral Luncheon List, contact Annie Nichols at 248-437-9599 or the church office.PICTORIAL DIRECTORY

If you were photographed or submitted a photo for the Directory, please pick up your free copy on the table as you enter church. If you would like to purchase a Directory, see Chris or sign up on the Information Board. Cost is $6 per Directory.EMAIL ADDRESSES & FACEBOOKIf you’d like to be added to our email list, contact cross-christ@att.net. If you’d prefer to receive the newsletter via email, please indicate that. To check out upcoming events, go to our web site: www.crossofchristlutheran.org. The monthly calendar and newsletter are available each month online. Like us on FACEBOOK at: www.facebook.com/crossofchristsouthlyon


Active Faith is calling on individuals and/or community groups to ‘Grow A Row’ of vegetables in their home garden, to be donated to Active Faith and distributed to people in need. When crops ripen, growers will deliver them to Active Faith or they can be picked up by Active Faith staff. Tractor Supply in New Hudson has generously donated seeds for use in this project. These fresh, locally grown and nutrient-dense vegetables will then be distributed to Active Faith clients on a bi-weekly basis. Please join us in combating food insecurity and in nourishing families and children in our community.To sign up or if you have questions, contact Coordinator, Nancy Fisher: (248) 486-9794 or via email: norhiker@yahoo.com

Thank you for your donations of non-perishable food items for Active Faith throughout the year. Donations are welcome in the box provided as you enter church. Our church has a monthly

commitment of $250 to Active Faith. Your monetary donations are also invited.

STEWARDSHIP CORNERFinding Meaning and Purpose

Life can be very harsh. We are not immune to experiencing floods, hurricanes, tornadoes and other natural disasters. We can have trouble in our marriages, with our finances, with our children, or with health issues etc. When things go bad in life, we may ask the question, “What is the purpose of all this?” As we grow spiritually, the answer becomes clearer. Through faith and the power of the Holy Spirit working in our lives, we understand that we live in a world filled with sin and in need of Jesus. In this dark world, Jesus is our light, rock, and refuge. Through Jesus, God brings us into a relationship with Himself and gives strength to overcome life’s challenges. Our relationship with Jesus gives us meaning and purpose for our lives. Through faith, we understand that God created and redeemed us out of His love and grace. As God’s created, called, and redeemed people, we are free to participate in this relationship that God has created through Jesus with joy and gratitude.

What a joy it is for us to think that our Heavenly Father chose us in Christ “before the [creation] of the world” (Ephesians 1:4)! To know that we were created by a God Whose nature is to love gives us comfort and peace. Knowing that He wants only the best for us and that what He wants us to do is always in our best interests should give us great joy. In addition, what He does through us for others is always best for them and for us. God does this for us even though we are sinful and totally undeserving. It is only by the grace of God that we are blessed, forgiven, and equipped to do His work on earth.

The world tries to find meaning in the temporary and material things of this world. Having and reaching the American Dream is the priority for many people. Living in large homes, driving luxurious cars, and accumulating large retirement accounts show that you have fulfilled the American Dream. Unfortunately, those who have done well according to the world’s standards often find they don’t have the joy they thought would fulfill them. They find out the hard way that joy and contentment can’t be bought.

Through faith, we are able to understand that only a relationship with Jesus can provide meaning and purpose for our lives. Faith enables us to see the blessings God bestows on us. It is always from God to us. God is the giver; we are the receivers. We can never run out of things for which to thank Him. When the Holy Spirit opens our eyes to the truth and we see God at work, we change from being self-centered to being Christ-centered as we live to please and honor Him, demonstrating our thankfulness by how we live our lives. NEPAL EARTHQUAKE If you would like to give a gift for disaster relief, go to lcms.org/give/earthquake; mail checks to:The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, P.O. Box 66861, St. Louis, MO 63166-6861; or call 888-930-4438.MEMBERSHIP

TRANSFERS IN:+ + Joann Fransik From Our Redeemer, Dearborn+ + Brian L. Priskorn From St. Paul, Hamburg

TRANSFERS OUT:+ + Richard & Beverly Jennings To St. Paul, Hamburg+ + Adam Reichert To Christ Our Savior, LivoniaMEMORIALS

+ + In memory of Betty Schwanz, a gift has been given to the General Fund by Andy & Gloria Schrom.

+ + In memory of Mary Pogarch, gifts have been given to the General Fund by Grant & Karen Neiswinter, Charley & Rose Hall; to Debt Reduction by Charlie, Rose & Dominick Eldridge; and to the Parsonage Fund by Gary & Edda Albin.

+ + In memory of Mary Pogarch, gifts have been given to the General Fund by Peter & Nancy Hasek, William & Kara James, John & Cyndi Petersen, Lynn Bays, Jerry Sulek, Daniel & Paula Petersen, Gary & Sue Joswick, Ken & Gail Murray, Ken & Carole Pogarch; and to the Funeral Luncheon Fund by the Mary Pogarch Trust Fund (Dennis Pogarch & Patricia Wadkins).

+ + In memory of Mary Pogarch, a gift has been given by Neil & Annie Nichols.

+ + In memory of Mary Pogarch, gifts have been given by Bill & Pat Baker, Ken & Sharron Dargatz, and David & Marilyn Westbrook.

+ + In memory of Jean Boyle, a gift has been given to Debt Reduction by Neil & Annie Nichols.

+ + In memory of Mary Pogarch, a gift has been given to the General Fund by Robert & Sharon Hengtgen.

+ + In memory of Mary Pogarch, a gift has been given by Ron & Bonnie Reichert.


St. Paul Lutheran School, Northville, is registering for the 2015-16 school year. Call (248) 349-3146, or visit the school website at: www.stpaulnorthville.org.  St. Paul offers member tuition rates for all LC-MS sister congregation members.


Dear Cross of Christ Lutheran Church,The staff, volunteers, and Board of Directors from Another Way Pregnancy Center in Farmington Hills would like to thank you for your generous donation of diapers, handmade hats, and other baby items. These gifts will be made available to clients in our Earn While You Learn program, who receive material aid as they learn parenting skills for their either recently born or soon-to-be-born children. You are invited to schedule a tour of our center at your convenience to see the difference your support is making by calling our office at 248-471-5858!

Thank you again for your support of AWPC!- - -  Sarah Donetti, Another Way Pregnancy Center – A Woman’s Pregnancy Choice

Vacation Bible School

July 13- 17, 20159 a.m. – Noon

For children going into Kindergarten (or 5 years old by Nov. 1)through going into Sixth Grade$15 materials fee per child

____ I can help prepare crafts at home before VBS. (The amount of help needed for this varies from year to year.)

______ I can be a Class Assistant the week of VBS. - - MOST NEEDED

Days available VBS week: ________________________________

______ I can help at the Registration Table on Monday, July 13 – (about an hour)

______ I can help the children with Crafts the week of VBS.

______ I can assist with serving Snack.

______ I can help Decorate before VBS.


Phone Number ________________________________________________________

It may be early, but we need commitments to plan for VBS!Any questions, call the church office.

Drop off or mail to the church office.

FILL OUT A REGISTRATION FORM FOR YOUR CHILD (even if you’re a Helper)Children of Adult Helpers who help out the full week of VBS do not have to pay the $15 materials fee for their children.

A Registration Form is included at the end of this newsletter.


1 Hailey Bray

Aaron Lauer 4 Rebecca Kreipke Bradley Miller 6 Robert Petz 7 Amanda Hackbardt 9 Annie Nichols10 Jen Gorman13 Jennifer Besler

Nancy Cash16 Thomas Hackbardt17 Alyssa Petz

Devon Walrath18 Scott Walrath20 Brian Flook

David Nelson23 Peyton Sterling26 Noah Petz

Jesse Precht28 Carol Erb

Hailey Lanam30 Leona Hart


4 William & Patricia Hicks 5 Dustin & Tammy Wyman 6 Clarke & Linda Schroeder

Scott & Martina Walrath 9 Bryan & Lynne Lach13 Ronald & Bonnie Reichert16 Ken & Lyne Nelson17 Bruce & Joy Mach

Kenneth & Susan Miller23 Robert & Carol Walrath25 William & Diana Baker30 Michael & Claudia Abrash


1 Elsie Huber 2 Brandon Miller

Dawn MillerStephanie Petsch

5 Dana Faust 7 George Richardson 9 Nancy Marsh11 Joy Mach14 Dawn Marchesseault15 Grant Neiswinter

Leslie Pratt16 Mary Gilbert

Julie Mattison17 Christopher Stevenson Jr.20 William Hirth21 Bonnie Reichert22 Doreen Echols

Ruth Morofski24 Faith Nelson25 Rich Miller26 Robert Hindley27 Chaz Hamlet28 Shelley Besler29 Robert Petz, Jr.


15 Pat & Janet Gorman19 Bob & Tammy Smith21 Michael & Deanna Sieting31 Pastor & Chris Nelson


4 William HicksJack LecknerGrace Nelson

6 Michael Abrash 9 Eric Miller11 David Bye

Jared Tura12 Jacob Precht17 Emily Olsen18 Arianna Russell19 Brian Mayer 21 Sabra Evans28 John Boyle

Kathy Sulisz30 Pat Gorman


2 Andrew & Gloria Schrom 3 Matthew & Kindsey Nelson 4 Michael & Dana Faust 6 Aaron & Christina Nelson12 Tom & Jan Flook17 Hal & Judy Nimer20 Gary & Edda Albin

Larry & Lindsay BrayMike & Michelle Conrad

22 Charles & Rose Hall27 Bruce & Julie Mattison28 Matthew & Kelli Lauer29 John & Julie Candela30 John & Dawn Lanczki

Please inform the church office of any missing dates or errors.

J U N E 2 0 1 5C R O S S O F C H R I S T L U T H E R A N C H U R C H

Email: cross-christ@att.net Office: 248-437-8810/ Fax: 248-437-7708/ Home: 248-486-4335 Web:www.crossofchristlutheran.org________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

+ Indicates Holy Communion


9:30am Good News Class


P a s t o r


N e l s o n ’ s


V a c a


t i o n


7 10:00am Worship 10:00am Sunday School End of Year Party 10:00am YFC Bible Study11:00am Congregation Meeting


9 10





10:00am Worship +


9:30am Good News Class

16 17


9am-6pmRummageSale __________




10am-NoonBag Sale

21 Father’s Day

10:00am Worship

22 23 24


3:00pm Abbey Park Service


26 2712:00pm

Mother/Daughter/Sister Luncheon


10:00am Worship +4:00pm Rehab Center Service____________________

29 30


Email: cross-christ@att.net Office: 248-437-8810/ Fax: 248-437-7708/ Home: 248-486-4335 Web:www.crossofchristlutheran.org_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

+ Indicates Holy Communion


2 3 4Independence



10:00am Worship

6 7

8 9 10 11


10:00am Worship +










0 0 L


19 10:00am Worship 11:15am Church Family Potluck

20 21 22 23 3:00pmAbbey Park Service


24 25


10:00am Worship +4:00pm Rehab Center Service



P a s t o r

28 N e l s o n ’ s


V a c a


t i o n



Email: cross-christ@att.net Office: 248-437-8810/ Fax: 248-437-7708/ Home: 248-486-4335 Web:www.crossofchristlutheran.org

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday2

3 4



7 1 / 8


10:00am Worship





14 15

Leslie BlackwellWedding Shower


10:00am Worship +

17 18




21 22


10:00am Worship4:00pm Rehab Center Service

24 25

26 27


28 29


10:00am Worship +





JULY 13-17, 2015 - - - 9 A.M. to NOON

Ages: Going into Kindergarten (or 5 yrs. old by Nov. 1, 2015) through Going into 6th gradeA $15 Materials Fee per Child is due with the registration form.

(If an adult helps out the full week, the Materials Fee is waived.)

CHILD’S NAME BIRTH DATE GRADE IN FALL ALLERGY/MED. CONCERN_______________________ ____________ _____________ ____________________________________________________ ____________ _____________ ____________________________________________________ ____________ _____________ ____________________________________________________ ____________ _____________ ____________________________________________________ ____________ _____________ _____________________________

PARENTS’ NAMES _______________________________________________________________________ I can be a Class Assistant the week of VBS.Days available VBS week: ______________________________

MAILING ADDRESS__________________________________________________________________________CELL PHONE NUMBERS _____________________ HOME PHONE NUMBER ________________________

_____________________ EMAIL _______________________________________

CHILDREN CAN BE RELEASED TO (other than parent) ____________________________________________RELEASE PERSON’S CELL PHONE _____________________________

PARENTS’ CHURCH MEMBERSHIP AT __________________________________________________________

CROSS OF CHRIST CHRISTIAN PRESCHOOL24155 Griswold Road, South Lyon, MI 48178

248-437-0871 or 248-437-8810

REGISTRATION FORM 2015-2016 School Year

_________________________________________ ____________________________________Child’s Full Name Name Preferred for Class

_________________________________________ ____________________________________Name of Parents/Guardians Birth Date

Circle your class choice4 AM Monday/Wednesday/Friday

_________________________________________ 9:15am - 11:45am 2 day 3 dayAddress (Street)

4 PM Monday/Wednesday/Friday_________________________________________ 12:15pm - 2:45pm 2 day 3 day(City, Zip)

3 AM Tuesday/Thursday 9:30am-11:30am____________________/____________________ Home Phone Cell Phone 3 PM Tuesday/Thursday 12:15pm- 2:15pm

____________________ ____________________________________ Cell Phone ALLERGIES

_________________________________________Preferred # for Preschool Parent Directory(Let office know if you don’t want to be included.) Church Membership at:

_________________________________________ ____________________________________Email Name City

___________________________________________________________________________________Names & Birthdates of Siblings

TUITION & FEESREGISTRATION FEE: $70 non-refundable fee per child, required at the time of

registration and must accompany this form. (2nd child half off)

TUITION: Tuition is a yearly figure divided into 9 payments, Sept. – May.3 year olds (2 days per week) $ 90 per month4 year olds (2 days per week) $115 per month4 year olds (3 days per week) $155 per month(The second child in a family receives a $20 per month discount.)

ACTIVITY/MATERIALS FEE: $30 one-time non-refundable fee per child, due the first session in September. This fee covers the cost of field trips for your child

and one adult for the year, plus supplies and materials.

_____________________________________________________ __________________Signature of Parent/Guardian Date

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