20 september el clarín

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El Clarín de 20 de septiembre del 2015


  • I am frequently approached by friends of other faiths who are astounded that our young men and women sacrifice their education, social life, recreation, girl/boy friend, money, and free time to leave on a mission for 18-24 months. In essence they give up everything to serve their Heavenly Father and Savior. As Hermana Dayton and I spend time with each of you, we rejoice in your goodness, your devotion, your single mindedness, your obedience, your hard work and your love of the Master. Your sacrifice is very unique when compared with the youth of the world who know very little of sacrifice. While your sacrifice is inspiring, sometimes it is good to remind ourselves that sacrifice is important for our salvation. It is essential. The Prophet Joseph Smith stated that, A religion that does not require the sacrifice of all things never has power sufficient to produce the faith necessary to lead unto life and salvation. Elder Bruce R McConkie stated, Sacrifice is the crowning test of the gospel. Men are tried and tested in this mortal probation to see if they will put first in their lives the things of the kingdom of God (Matt. 6:33). To gain eternal life, they must be willing, if called upon to sacrifice all things for the gospel.

    While we make sacrifices which are hard and require much, it is always helpful to look back at our early Church leaders and appreciate how much harder their sacrifice waswhat a heavy price they paid for their faith in the Restoration. The story of Brigham Young and Heber C Kimball leaving for their mission to England in 1839 is particularly illustrative. Brigham Young left Montrose Iowa to meet Elder Kimball and was so sick he had to be rowed across the Mississippi River. His wife Mary Ann was desperately ill and had just given birth to a daughter 10 days ago. Brigham was take to Heber C Kimballs home and collapsed after a short horse ride. The Kimballs were equally ill. His wife Vilate had just given birth

    Message From Presidente Dayton

    The Sacrifice of All Things

    20 de Septiembre de 2015El Clarn de El Faro

  • Message From Presidente Dayton Cont.

    20 de Septiembre de 2015

    to a son and was very weak. Heber was desperately ill from swamp fever. Both were completely bedriddenin fact only the 4 year old Heber Parley Kimball could bring food and drink to them.

    In spite of that, Brigham decided it was time to go! The journey they anticipated was over 1,000 miles and they couldnt even walk, they were so sick. As time for departure came, a look inside the cabin revealed crying children and weeping wives who were flat in bed. Heber was on his knees holding Vilates hand and weeping. Brigham had to be helped to the wagon where they laid him on a bed they had prepared in the wagon. Heber, after telling his 4 year old son to take care of the family, had to be helped to the wagon. After traveling a few hundred yards, Heber asked the driver of the wagon to stop. He looked pale and his face was twisted in agony. Heber said to Brigham, This is pretty toughI feel as though my heart is going to melt within me. Brighams tearful reply was, I dont know if I can endure it. Heber declared, This is no way to leave our familiesus stretched out on a wagon bedthem too sick to even bid us farewell. Let us rise up and give them a cheer. Haltingly, they both got to their feet, gasping for breath and yelled, Hurrah for Israel! Hurray! Hurray for Israel as they swept their hats through the air in great circles. On more Hurrah was shouted. Good bye and God bless you the wives called out weakly. Both men then collapsed onto the wagon bed and said, Driver, you may drive on.

    This powerful story is a reminder to me that when I think that I have things tough, when I am tried to the maximum, when I am discouraged in my stewardship, when I think that I have made great sacrifices, when I have been discouraged, disappointed or feel that my lot is too hard---I simply remember Brigham and Heber. THEY understood sacrifice and because of their sacrifice we have the inspiring and robust Church that we have today. I am grateful for the sacrifices that you all make every day to serve your Heavenly Father. My prayer is that you will be able to rejoice that you have the PRIVILEGE of sacrificing in the name of Jesus Christ. After what He did for us we can do no less.

    Con reverencia para el sacrificio de El,Presidente Merril T Dayton

    El Clarn de El Faro

  • Attributes of Jesus Christ Diligence

    Message From Hermana Dayton

    20 de Septiembre de 2015El Clarn de El Faro

    Diligence is steady consistent, earnest, and energetic effort in doing a task. It is using all of your energy to do assignments quickly and skillfully. Diligence in missionary work is an expression of your Love for the Lord and His work.

    A good example of Diligence was during the California Gold rush of 1949. People living on the East Coast dropped everything and rushed to California to dig for gold. They worked tirelessly without regard for personal sacrifice. They were motivated to work because they visualized what they would do with the gold that they discovered. If this same effort, energy and motivation were invested in missionary work or any project we undertake, we would be known as being diligent. In the scriptures the Lord promises that the diligent will receive riches, leadership, an understanding of the meaning of life and great honors. (Proverbs 10:4, Proverbs 12:24, Proverbs 22:29)

    In the D&C 58:27, we are instructed that, "men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness." True diligence requires an expenditure of energy, thought and hopefully with the attitude of Love. In Colossians 3:23 we read, "Whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men .Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance; for ye serve the Lord Christ."

  • Being a diligent missionary is one who--

    Completes assignments and tasks quickly and enthusiastically. Plans effectively with his/her companion to further the missionary work in

    their area. Works efficiently and effectively in carrying out daily plans. Looks forward to each new day in furthering the work of the Lord in

    his/her area. Goes the extra mile to please the Lord. Uses time wisely to find and teach investigators. Focuses on the most important things to do and avoids wasting time.

    President Dayton and I are so pleased with the diligent missionaries we see each day in the mission. We see you energetically sharing the gospel, finding and teaching choice sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father. We feel so grateful for your diligence and faithfulness. We love each one of you and will continue to pray for you as you faithfully serve the Lord in the Spain Barcelona mission.

    Lots of Love and Gratitude for each of you--

    Hermana Dayton

    Message From Hermana Dayton Cont.

    20 de Septiembre de 2015El Clarn de El Faro

    Christlike Attributes- Faith, Charity, Love, Virtue, Hope, and Humility,

    Knowledge & Wisdom, Patience

  • Bautismos/Confirmaciones/Misioneros

    20 de Septiembre de 2015

    Eran contados y se inscriban sus nombres



























    Bautismos 14 17 4 7 10 11 10 14 7 11 4 10 8

    Confirmaciones 13 15 6 6 11 11 10 14 7 11 4 10 6

    Fechas bautismales 117 99 90 97 120 123 118 90 105 105 132 123 136

    Inv reunion sacramental 184 192 182 193 187 202 221 222 211 213 213 174 195

    Lecciones con un

    miembro688 719 706 774 799 789 735 742 698 722 762 731 738

    Lecciones con un m. p. 49% 55% 49% 52% 52% 51% 50% 52% 50% 48% 52% 51% 51%

    Nuevos Investigadores 407 340 385 480 477 554 532 480 440 515 474 444 487

    Manuel Galavan Barcelona 1B Hermanas Lee y Eyring

    Maurizio Sebastian Palmieri

    PalomaresBarcelona 3B lderes House y Phillips

    Juana Eliche Moral Badalona 2B Hermanas Lamoreaux y Ingram

    Juan Pablo Kumar Ocaa Vic B Hermanas Whittle y Salvador

    Csar Villacorta Medina Santander B Hermanas Rica y Schmidt

    Juliana Mawuena Ansah Burgos A lderes Webber y Male

    Bautismos/Confirmaciones esta

    semana 6

    Bautismos/Confirmaciones este mes 20

    Bautismos/Confirmaciones hasta la

    fecha este ao364

    El Clarn de El Faro

  • And the Spirit shall be given unto you by the prayer of faith.Doctrine & Covenants 42:14

    CINCO: Hermanas Lamoreaux y Ingram

    Hermanas Rica y Schmidt

    CUATRO: lderes Dailey y Baumann

    lderes Noovao y Islas

    lderes Webber y Male

    TRES: Hermanas Lee y Eyring

    Hermanas Wiseman y Fernndez

    lderes Bennett Day y Wadsworth

    lderes Gill Garca y Len

    Hermanas Vilario y Perkins

    lderes McArthur y Simon

    lderes Stapleton y Batis

    lderes Loaiza y Fairbanks

    Hermanas Bastidas y Sebasti

    lderes Ipsen y Alleman

    lderes Barron y Oliver

    Hermanas Storer y Larsen

    lderes Murley y Reddish

    lderes Cifuentes y Jones

    lderes Sedwick y Turner

    Hermanas Walker y Moser

    lderes Carballo Kimball y


    Hermanas Burkett Mayes y


    Jessica, Olga, Barcelona 3C


    Javier Sabadell 1A

    Seedy Sabadell 1B

    Austin Badalona 2A

    Chris Gerona A

    Marcelo Granollers A

    Carla, Esperanza Zaragoza 2A

    Angel Zaragoza 1B

    Enrique, Jos, Beto Lleida A

    Blessing, Joy, Esperanza San Sebastian

    Montserrat, Ana, Lusia

    Fernanda, Jose Carlos

    Raquel, Juliet, Santander A


    Edinson Santander B

    Mustafa Tortosa

    Noelia, Maria, Milton Valencia 3A

    Trini Castelln B

    Cristian Valencia 2B

    Cristian Catarroja A

    Francisco Vitoria B

    Judith Vitoria C

    Joelma, Samir Burgos

    Rosa, Gabriel Palma 1A

    Sammy, Angelica, Menorca


    Gonzalo Marratx

    20 de Septiembre de 2015

    Compaerismos que lograron las pautas de excelencia:

    Oremos por estos investigadores con fechas bautismales para esta semana:

    El Clarn de El Faro

    The Zone

    Valencia is in The Zone!-With 14.6 member present lessons per companionship!

    Vitoria is in The Zone!-With 2.9 fechas bautismals per companionship!

  • and wanted more material

    to study. We showed him

    the gospel library app and

    so he started reading

    preach my gospel on his

    own to review lessons. His

    connections with the

    members has been a

    blessing to watch, as he

    walks around and shakes

    everyone's hand when he

    has to go. As he went into

    the waters of baptism, I

    stood as a witness and I

    marveled not only at his

    baptism but at the miracle I

    had to be a witness to the

    power of the atonement as

    it has gone deeper and

    deeper into his heart. He

    was confirmed and given

    the Holy Ghost yesterday.

    This week was filled with so many spiritual

    experiences but Pepe's

    baptism was our highlight

    as we had so many

    miracles to help him

    reach his goal. Our first

    miracle arose Friday

    afternoon right after one

    of our investigators

    cancelled our lesson. We

    continued to contact

    and found Pepe in the

    streets who was extremely

    nervous for his baptism

    the next day as people

    outside the church

    continuously question his

    decision to get baptized.

    We walked to the church

    and talked about how his

    nervous feelings were

    normal before big

    decisions like baptism

    and testified that the

    criticism from those

    around him was

    influenced by the devil

    further showing the

    importance of his

    decision. The spirit helped

    Pepe down immensely.

    He found a renewed

    energy and excitement

    for his baptism. I truly

    believe that God placed

    us in Pepe's path to help

    him remember his faith

    and love of the gospel

    before his interview that

    night.The next day Pepe

    was baptized and my

    companion did an amazing

    job performing the

    ordinance! Yes, Pepe was

    nervous before but his

    nerves were mixed with

    excited anticipation. And

    the moment he arose from

    the water, you could see

    the peace and happiness in

    his eyes. The spirit at that

    moment touched his soul

    and testified that his

    decision to get baptized

    was one of his best. Pepe

    was cleansed from his sins

    and he felt it, probably

    without even knowing it.

    I admired in my companion this week

    how he prepared for

    Gaye's baptism and how

    well it all went. It was a

    blessing and a miracle to

    be able to be a part of

    Gaye's journey. A month

    ago we contacted him

    on a rainy afternoon and

    from that day till now the

    change that has

    appeared on the outside

    and on the inside is

    incredible. He has been

    so very humble with a

    desire to learn. Early on

    he gained a testimony of

    the Book of Mormon and

    read from it daily, he re-

    read all the pamphlets,

    13 de abril de 2014

    The Miracle of Baptism

    20 de Septiembre de 2015El Clarn de El Faro

  • morning! Got him baptized

    and felt the spirit super

    strong. Then in the evening

    we had another one of a 9

    year old boy. It was super

    nice as well and a lot of the

    members came and

    supported. I'm grateful for

    the opportunity to see

    children of God enter the

    waters of baptisms. It is

    something sacred. I had a

    wonderful experience during

    the baptism of the child. His

    name is Marc just so you

    know. Well as his father was

    baptizing him as we know

    the prayer has to be said

    exactly. Well, he did and

    there was one word that

    wasn't said. I didn't notice

    that until after everyone left.

    Well something told me to

    have him do it again. I asked

    my companion who was the

    other witness and he said I

    think we do. Well bad part

    on both of us but it's ok we

    aren't perfect. So we had

    them baptized again in

    secret. I know that the Lord

    has established an order and

    we have to do it that way.

    Obedience is the first law in

    heaven. Can't wait to

    baptize again this week!!!

    Saturday was the baptism of Andrea.

    Starting in the morning

    around 10 was when we

    where suppose to start to

    fill the font, but our key

    was not working for the

    door!!! We quickly called

    our bishop and he came

    running. What he ended

    up doing was breaking

    off the lock and trying to

    open the door that way


    After that he took off the

    hinges and no joke pried

    the door open. We

    started to fill the font at

    about 11:30 and the

    baptism started at 12:30.

    We put in as much hot

    water as we could but

    when the service was

    about to start and it was

    only half filled we turned

    on the cold water to

    have it fill faster. All said

    and done it all worked

    out and the service was

    amazing people cried no

    repeats of the baptisms.

    All is well.

    So as we went about we went preparing 2

    baptisms!!! It was really

    nice the first one was

    Raul. He is super good

    and really wanted to

    follow the savior. He was

    baptized at 10 in the

    The Miracle of Baptism

    20 de Septiembre de 2015El Clarn de El Faro

    Well a miracle I was blessed to see this past

    weekend was the baptism

    of Manuel, he got

    baptised!! It was amazing to

    see him get baptised and

    enter into this covenant with

    the Lord and it's been

    incredible to see his growth

    from when I met him in my

    first week here. I was able to

    invite him to be baptised

    then and got to see him

    fulfil that commitment that

    past week and it made me

    so happy to see him

    become a member! He's a

    wonderful man with a lot of

    faith and he will be a

    wonderful asset to the

    group here.

    Bueno esta semana

    pasada la verdad fue muy

    buena ya que pudimos

    tener el bautismo de

    Sandra Gonzalez Shatalova

    y fue todo muy bueno ella

    estaba muy animada y

    despues fuimos a la

    conferencia de estaca y

    usted alli la conoci y ella

    aunque tenia dolor de

    cabeza pudo venir y le


  • The Miracle of Baptism

    20 de Septiembre de 2015El Clarn de El Faro

    Nosotros estamos superbien. Vemos un montn de

    milagros constantemente y

    esto me encanta . Uno de

    los milagros mas grandes

    que me encanta es que

    hemos podido ver a otro

    hijo de Dios Entrar a las

    aguas del bautismo. Otro

    hijo al que hemos podido

    ayudar a Encontrar el

    camino que debe seguir. En

    el Bautismo se ha sentido el

    Espritu super fuerte ,ha sido

    increble y ha venido otra

    persona que nos dijo que

    quera una fecha

    bautismal... es increble. Las

    personas estn literalmente


  • Mission News

    20 de Septiembre de 2015El Clarn de El Faro

    A warm welcome to the newestmissionaries in el Faro. John David and Sherrie Lee Maxfield

    Baptism of Csar and Carolina in Santander

    Los Dayton and other missionpresidents and their wives at theVienna Mission President Conference.

    Baptism of Juliana in Burgos.

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