20 tips in launching or creating a digital product business

Post on 14-Feb-2017






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20 Tips For Creating

Digital Products

Tip #1Model success

Research to see what products in your niche is selling well.

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Tip #2Use Google Docs to create your ebooks.

It's especially useful if you have other collaborators such as proofreaders and editors.

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Tip #3Make your product title amazing.

Your title says a lot and prospects will judge your product by its title.

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Tip #4Be specific and as detailed when you're outsourcing.

The more detailed you are, the better the result. This is especially true when getting software developed.

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Tip #5Use MockFlow to illustrate how you want your software to look like.

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Tip #6Use a flow chart tool such as flow.io to show your developer how you

want your software to flow.

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Tip #7Make sure to build a customer list.

When selling digital products, it's important to build your customer list so you can follow-up and sell more products on the backend.

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Tip #8Create a How-to product.

Everyone wants to know how to do something. Take a question that's been asked a lot on forums, blogs and social media and use it as a basis for your product.

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Tip #9Use JVZoo or ClickBank as your product management system.

You'll be able to recruit affiliates easily as most are on those platforms already.

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Tip #10Don't wait until it's perfect.

If you keep trying to perfect your product, you'll next see any results. Get your product out first and refine it as you go along.

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Tip #11Don't create products based on your guess, do some surveying and ask

around whether your idea is something that would be in demand.

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Tip #12Measure, track and test.

Split-testing is easy using tools like Visual Website Optimizer.

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Tip #13Create sales pages quickly and easily using OptimizePress.

It plugs right into a Wordpress site and create beautiful sales pages, opt-in pages and membership portals.

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Tip #14Use private label content as a way to quickly create your own product.

It's wise to customize and add your own content, too.

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Tip #15There are many types of ebooks you can create: How-tos, reports,

cheat sheets, blueprints and manuscripts.

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Tip #16There are also many types of video products you can create: Video diary,

interviews, step-by-step/how to, coaching and presentation styles.

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Tip #17Use the AIDA formula for writing copy: Attention, Interest, Desire,


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Tip #18Use Optimizely.com to test your pricing as well as other elements of

your sales page.

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Tip #19Have a pre-launch, launch and post launch for your new product.

You'll generate buzz, increase sales and continue growing.

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Tip #20Don't give up.

Creating a digital product business isn't easy. Have the patience and persistence to not give up.

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The Complete ‘How-To’ Training Course: Launching a Digital Product Business

Get it for $5.00 + FREE Bonus Here:https://goo.gl/HQ74dY

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