20. you’ll be achin’ if you steal the bacon · you’ll be achin’ if you steal the bacon old...

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You’ll Be Achin’ If You Steal the Bacon Old Testament Survey – 241

20. You’ll Be Achin’ If You Steal the Bacon

The Course

Key Verse: Proverbs 15:3 – What can I do that God will not see? Joshua 7; Proverbs 15:3; Romans 6:23; 2 Peter 3:9

The Goals

As a result of this lesson the children will: 1. Know that they cannot hide their sins from God. 2. Feel conviction for their sin. 3. Repent of their sin and choose to obey/live for God.

The Equipment Room

For the following lesson you will need: 1. Puppet scripts [Given at least two weeks in advance] 2. Four Puppets

a. Butch [Dress him up in a leather vest. Put safety pins in his ears and an eyebrow. He is a rough character.]

b. Guido [Pronounced Gwee doe. He acts like Rocky Balboa – a not too bright inner city character. When he sings, “Dee – dit – dee Dee – dit – dee Dee – dit – dee Dee – dit – dee” it is similar to the music of Rocky.]

c. Betty d. Billy

3. Visuals #1-3 [As PowerPoint]

The Warm-up

Snacks: Put up a sign that says “Butch’s Bargain Buys.” In order for them to receive their snack or “purchase their snack” they have to say a verse. First time visitors are exempt. Give first time visitors a ticket that says “Free Pass.” Create the “Free Pass” with contact information on the back so that they fill it out and then turn it in for their snack. Game 1: Hide and Seek – Select one person to be it. As they count to 25, everyone else hides. When the one doing the seeking finishes counting, he yells, “Ready or not here I come.” The game may be played one of two ways. First, people can try to sneak back to the starting spot or stay hidden until they are found. The first person found is it for the next round. Use this game to illustrate the story of Achan trying to hide his sin. Game 2: Sardines is a game that is similar to Hide and Seek. The difference is that only one person hides and everyone else seeks. When someone discovers the person who is hiding, he hides with him, too. As the game continues, each time a person discovers where the group is hiding, they join them and hide there, too. If you have a large group, it will be funny to discover a bunch of people all lumped together. The first person to discover the hiding place is the one who hides first for the next round. This game teaches that we should

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be careful who we hang out with, or that we cannot hide our sin because the Bible tells us that our sin will most certainly be discovered. [Numbers 32:23; Proverbs 15:3] Activity: Play the Veggie Tale movie “Larry Boy and the Fib from Outer Space” as the children arrive. Scripture Memory Review Game: Bounce a Ball. As you bounce the ball say each word in the verse. If you miss and the ball gets away, you need to start the verse over again. [Demonstrate the game. Then allow volunteer to try.] Have the children say the verse as the ball is bounced. Encourage them to play this game at home as they are learning this verse.

Opening Ceremonies

Songs: Sunshine in my Soul; Make Me; We are Saved [See Olympian CD Tracks 2,4, and 5.] O-B-E-D-I-E- N-C-E; Open the Eyes of My Heart; Give Us Clean Hands Bible Lesson Review: Divide the Olympians into two teams. Give each team a bag or a box to use as a container to hold the balls or beanbags. Take turns asking each side a question. If the team answers correctly, toss them a ball or beanbag to place in their container. If they get it wrong, the other team gets a chance to steal the ball/beanbag. The team with the most baskets after the ten questions wins.

The Coach’s Corner

As we begin our lesson time today, let’s pray and ask God to help us. [Open in prayer] (2) (5) (8a) Coach: Okay, are you ready for our lesson today? You had better not blink an eye. Today, for our

enjoyment, for our excitement, for our lesson, we’ll begin with [your church’s name] very own puppet show. [Lead children in hearty applause.]

[Scene is just before Olympians starts. The Coach is moving papers around looking busy. A human plays the Coach while the rest of the characters are puppets.] Coach: Where is my stapler? I know I had it here earlier. I don’t see my tape either, or my glue, or

my markers. They’re all missing. Why? Everything I had set out to get ready for Olympians is missing.

[Billy and Betty run in quickly.] Billy: [Breathlessly] Coach, Coach, you’re not going to believe it! Coach: What? What? Betty: Butch is out in the church parking lot. Billy: Butch and the boys have been stealing everybody’s stuff and now they are selling it in the

parking lot! They are threatening to beat people up if they don’t stop and buy something! Coach: Butch and the boys? Who are the boys? Betty: They are his gang, and he is their leader! His cousin Guido is with him, too! Billy: Butch is the meanest kid in school! And the biggest, too! Guido is always beating up



Small Group


Mostly Unchurched Children


Champions Only

You’ll Be Achin’ If You Steal the Bacon Old Testament Survey – 243

Butch: [Pops up quickly and scares Billy and Betty. They begin to shake. Guido enters as well.] You two blabbermouths aren’t talkin’ about me again, are ya’? I’d hate to see you go runnin’ to your mammas! [Laughs] You couple of sissies!

Coach: Butch… Butch: Hi, Coach. Remember my cousin Guido at 1-800-BREAK- A- LEG? Well, I brought him

with me today. Yo, Guido! Guido: [Guido pops up.] Dee – dit – dee Dee – dit – dee Dee – dit – dee Dee – dit – dee Yo! Yo!

Yo! ‘Sup? Ya’ want me to break somebody’s leg? Butch: So, what are you two blabbermouths gonna buy at my store? Coach: Butch... Butch: Just a sec, Coach. You’ll just have to wait your turn to buy my stuff! So, you gonna buy

somethin’, or am I gonna have ta pound it out of ya’? Coach: Butch! There will be NO pounding! And besides that, what store? Butch: Butch’s Bargain Buys! Coach: Butch’s Bargain Buys? Butch: Well, you see it’s like this, Coach; we came into some merchandise recently, and we

thought that we’d unload it, er I mean make some money, er I mean help out the church people by selling this genuine, first class, grade A, never before seen, brand spankin’ new imitation merchandise!

Coach: Let me see. [Peering over the puppet stage] Hey, that stuff is not new! That doughnut is

half eaten! Butch: Yeah, we feel that we need to test the merchandise to make sure that it is quality! Coach: And what is that? A used tissue? Gross! Who would buy that? Butch: We’ve made lots of people buy, er, I mean we have sold lots of them. We call it all-

purpose glue! Coach: Yuck! [Looking over the edge] There is a lot of other stuff there, too! That stuff is all hot! Butch: Naw, some of it is cold and some of it is lukewarm! [Laughs] Coach: You know what I mean! I mean it’s stolen! Butch: Aw, come on, Coach! What makes you think that I would steal anything? And ‘cause I like

you, Coach, later when you go out to your car, and you are looking for your hubcaps, I just want to let you know that I think Billy and Betty had something to do with that.

Coach: My hubcaps better be right where I left them. [Pause] You know, guys, our lesson today

reminds me of you. Butch: Really? You’re teaching a lesson about two guys that are handsome, nice, and chick


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Guido: Yo! Yo! Yo! ‘Sup? [Laughs] Coach: Anyway, there was a man named Achan who got into serious trouble. He was part of the

Israelite army. God told the Israelites to walk around the city of Jericho for seven days. On the seventh day, they blew their horns and shouted; God made the walls come tumbling down. [Display Visual #1.] God told the Israelites not to take anything; that it all belonged to God. But instead of choosing to obey God, Achan stole stuff, and he hid it in his tent. [Display Visual #2.] Listen to what it says in Joshua 7:21. [Read Joshua 7:21.]

Butch: What a great idea! I woulda taken that stuff, too! Coach: That’s what Achan thought, so he took what he wanted. Butch: I think Achan woulda made a great addition to Butch and the boys. [Leaning toward

Guido] Hey, Guido, I think I saw some horns in the church auditorium. Why don’t we BORROW them? When we see stuff that we want, like that new bike in the store, maybe we can blow them and the store walls will fall down, and we can get the bikes! [Butch and Guido laugh and then Guido turns to leave.]

Coach: Guido, you get back here! [As Guido returns, he drops the coach’s stapler. The Olympians don’t need to see it, just hear it.] Coach: [Looking over the edge] Hey! That is my stapler! And my tape. You guys are thieves! Butch: Um, Guido, I think that maybe it’s time to go! Guido: [speaking/singing very fast] Dee – dit – dee Dee – dit – dee Dee – dit – dee Dee – dit –

dee Yo! Yo! Yo! See ya’ later, Coach. Break a leg! Yo! Yo! Yo! Coach: [Butch and Guido have left, and the teacher yells after them.] I want you to know that you

can’t hide from God. He saw everything that Achan did, and He punished him and his gang; I mean family! [Pauses shaking head] I can’t believe those two.

Billy: [Pops up shaking] Are they gone? Coach: Yes. Billy: [Calling below] Okay, Betty; it’s safe. [Betty pops up.] Coach: I wish they would have stuck around. Billy: Coach, why would you want them to stay? I don’t want them to stick around. I wish that

somebody would give them what’s coming to them! Betty: Yeah! Coach: I wanted them to stick around because I actually care about Butch. I wanted him and

Guido to know that God loves them. God loves all of us. God tells us in 2 Peter 3:9 that He is being really patient with us because He wants us all to turn from our sin and to Him. I am just kind of sad because Butch and Guido can’t hide from God.

Billy: They can’t? Coach: No, none of us can. In the Bible there was a man named Achan. He stole some stuff when

he thought no one was looking. Achan’s sin affected the whole army of Israel. When

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they went to fight the city of Ai, they were beaten badly. [Display Visual #3.] You see, our sin affects and hurts others not just us. Listen to what the Bible says in Joshua 7:4-5. [Read Joshua 7:4-5.] You see, as far as we can figure thirty-six soldiers died because of Achan’s sin. There is always a price that we have to pay when we make poor choices or wrong decisions.

Betty: Wow! Sin doesn’t make God very happy, does it? Coach: No, it sure doesn’t. Billy: Was that all that happened? Did Achan get to keep his stuff that he stole? Coach: No, Billy, not only did he not get to keep his stuff, but it cost him and his family their very

lives. They all died because of Achan’s sin. [Joshua 7:14-18] You see Achan thought that he could get away with his sin. He thought that no one was watching. He probably figured “What’s the big deal?” The big deal is that God sees everything.

Billy: So, does that mean that God sees everything that Butch and the boys do? Coach: Yes, it does. Betty: [Nervously] And does that mean that God sees everything that we do, too? Coach: Yes, it does. None of us can hide our sin from God. Listen to what Proverbs 15:3 says.

[Read Proverbs 15:3.] God sees everything; the good and the bad. You two probably think that Butch is so bad that God is only concerned about him and his boys. The fact is that God sees what you do too, and it matters to Him. There is something else that is important for you to know, God knows what you think about too. He knows exactly how you feel about Butch. He knows exactly what you think about Butch. And He knows what you say about Butch. He knows everything about you.

Billy: Wow! Betty: [In a nervous voice] Yeah, wow! [In a thoughtful voice] So, does that mean that God

knows that we said that Butch was stupid? Coach: Yes. Billy: You know, Coach, that makes me kind of nervous. I kind of wish that Butch had stuck

around too now. And I kind of feel bad about saying those mean things. Betty: Yeah, I kind of feel bad about thinking all that mean stuff. [Pause] Coach, does God still

love me even though I have thought these bad things and said these bad things? Coach: He sure does, Betty. I need to tell you that God hates it when we sin. But God will always

love you. There is something else that you should know about God too. He will forgive you if you ask Him to. [Pause] Would you like to talk some more after Olympians?

Betty: I would. Can we do that? Billy: Me, too? Coach: That would be fine. I’ll speak with your parents, and we’ll talk some more later. [Billy and Betty exit. Coach continues the lesson.] (4)


Mostly Churched Children

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God wants us to realize that sin and disobedience are no laughing matter. Just think of what it cost Achan and the Israelites. Thirty-six innocent soldiers were killed because of Achan’s disobedience. Not to mention, Achan lost much more than just the stuff that he stole. Every member of his family lost their possessions, their animals; in fact, they all lost their lives! You and I need to remember that God has to punish sin.

Running the Race

Mostly Unchurched Children Mostly Churched Children God says that we are all sinners. He also tells us that our sin earns us is an eternity in Hell. He also tells us in Romans 6:23 that He has offered us a gift. That gift is Jesus. Jesus came and died to pay for our sin. We each must accept His gift. It is foolish if we don’t. It would be like decorating for Christmas, buying presents, but instead of taking them and opening them, you just look at them. Or like someone giving you a birthday present, but instead of you unwrapping the gift, you just look at it. To receive Jesus, you have to believe that He is God, that He came, died for your sin, and rose again. If you believe those things, all you have to do is tell God that and ask Jesus to be your Savior. And when you do that, you receive God’s gift to you; eternal life with Him in Heaven. Have you received God’s free gift? If you are not sure that if you died today that you would go to Heaven, why not make sure today? You need to admit that you are a sinner. You need to believe that Jesus is God, that He died for you, and that He rose from the grave. And then simply, you need to receive the gift Jesus offers you. Please close your eyes. Right now, you can pray this prayer with me. You will not be talking to me; you will be talking to God. It is not the prayer that saves you, it is telling God what you believe about Him. You can tell God something like this: “Dear God, I know that I am a sinner. [Pause] I believe that your Son, Jesus Christ, died for me and rose from the dead. [Pause] I am asking Jesus to save me from my sins right now. [Pause] Thank you, Lord Jesus. Amen.” Please continue to keep your heads bowed. Did you just now ask Jesus to come into your life? If so, would you let me know by raising your hand? [If there is a response, say, “Awesome, I want you to tell your Coach all about it in Personal Training Time.”] (8b) Maybe you are here today, and you have been hiding sin in your life. Maybe you are thinking like

Maybe you are here today and you have been hiding sin in your life. Maybe you are thinking like Achan, “What’s the big deal?” You may actually think that you are getting away with your sin. You may have even done things around here that you just didn’t get caught doing. Or you may be like Billy and Betty who thought they were pretty good because they compared themselves with Butch. You know what? You don’t get away with it. God knows. Remember, God sees everything that you do: the good things and the bad things. Your sin is the very reason that Jesus had to die on the cross. Your sin put Him there. God says that we are all sinners. He also tells us that our sin earns us is an eternity in Hell. He also tells us in Romans 6:23 that He has offered us a gift. That gift is Jesus. Jesus came and died to pay for our sin. We each must accept His gift. If you have never received Jesus as your Savior and would like to, please talk to your Personal Training coach. If you need to confess your sin and ask God’s forgiveness, I am going to give you a minute or two to pray quietly to God. If there is sin in your life, then talk to God about it. Tell God that you are sorry. Ask Him to help you not to do those things again. Ask Him to help you make the changes that you need to make. Then tell Him that you are so thankful that Jesus died for you. Ask God to help you to live an obedient life. [Give children time to pray.] If you just prayed and made some type of a decision, I want you to tell your Coach about it in Personal Training Time.


Champions Only

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Achan, “What’s the big deal?” You may actually think that you are getting away with your sin. You may have even done things around here that you just didn’t get caught doing. You know what? You didn’t get away with it. God knows. Remember, God sees everything that you do: the good things and the bad things. Your sin is the very reason that Jesus had to die on the cross. Your sin put Him there. I am going to give you a minute or two to pray quietly to God. If there is sin in your life, then talk to God about it. Tell God that you are sorry. Ask Him to help you not to do those things again. Ask Him to help you make the changes that you need to make. Then tell Him that you are so thankful that Jesus died for you. Ask God to help you to live an obedient life. [Give children time to pray.] If you just prayed and made some type of a decision, I want you to tell your Coach about it in Personal Training Time.

Personal Training Time


1. Who sees my sin? 2. How does God feel and think about sin in my life? 3. What will I do to live for God this week?

The Big O’vent

Keep the Napkin on Your Face [See Big O’vent Mega CD, page 238.] The napkin hid your face during the game, but you can never hide from God. He knows everything about you.

Closing Ceremonies

As you go through this week, remember that God sees everything that you do. He wants you to love, serve, obey, and follow His instructions. I need everyone to stand. Now please sit down. If you did what I just told you to do then you followed my instructions, and you are starting to put into practice the theme of our next lesson from the Book of Joshua!

Lesson Adaptation Explanations

2 Small Group Use dolls similar to GI Joes to act out the puppet skit. If you don’t have too many Challengers, consider having the children sit around you on the floor. You could then use the dialogue from the puppet script and act out the story with the dolls.

4 Mostly Churched Children: [Discussion Questions] The Coach, Billy, and Betty are going to keep talking about Achan and what happened because of Achan’s sin. What should they talk about? What is important for all of us to remember? Should it bother us that God sees everything that we do? Why or why not?


Challengers Only

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5 Mostly Unchurched Children: Consider using clips from the Veggie Tales’ Movie: Larry Boy & The Fib from Outer Space. The clip should include how the character lies and the fib grows. Show a few other clips as the character keeps lying. Eventually show the fib as the monster that is going to cost the character his life. The lying affected other characters.

8a Champions Only: Act out the skit instead of puppets. Let Champions play all of the parts including the Coach.

8b Champions Only: Ask and answer some questions that the children may be asking. So, what was the big deal with Achan? His sin was done in secret; no one was watching. So why didn’t he get away with it? What was the result of Achan’s sin? What lesson should we learn or take away from this lesson about Achan?

9 Challengers Only: Use these questions in Personal Training Time: 1. What is sin? 2. What did God do about my sin? 3. What does God want me to do about my sin? Should you try to hide your sin?


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l Be A


If Yo

u Stea

l the B


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Old T


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l Be A


If Yo

u Stea

l the B


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You’ll Be Achin’ If You Steal the Bacon Old Testament Survey – 252

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