2000 exam four studyguide (1)

Post on 10-Jul-2016






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MCB 2000 Exam FOUR Study guide

1. What are chemotherapeutic agents?2. What are the differences between natural, synthetic, and semi-synthetic antibiotics?3. List sites on infectious agents that could be used as a target for antimicrobial agents4. What is Beta-Lactam ring? Which group of antibiotics contain beta lactam ring?5. Why ribosomes are excellent targets against many infectious diseases6. Which groups of microorganisms produce antibiotics and Why?7. Describe the mechanism of action and name different antibiotics.8. Which of the above antibiotics inhibit: cell wall, cell membrane, protein/DNA/RNA synthesis9. Define selective toxicity. How this is a problem with developing anti-viral and anti-fungal drugs10. List the Mechanisms by which bacteria develop resistance and spread to other bacteria11. Give examples and mechanisms of action of anti-fungal and anti-viral drugs12. What is MIC, what are benefits of knowing this number?13. Define sterilization, name methods that achieve sterilization14. List the microbes according to their resistance to physical and chemical agents. Know the specifics

of each group of organism that make them more resistance to chemical agents.15. List the physical and chemical methods of control of microbial growth? 16. How anti-HIV drugs work?17. Why it is very difficult to develop vaccine against HIV infection?18. Difference between active and passive immunization. Know different forms of vaccine.19. What are some practical uses of ELISA test? Difference between direct and indirect ELISA?20. Distinguish between natural acquired immunity and artificial acquired immunity. Give examples21. Define cell-mediated immunity? Humoral immunity? List their major components/cells involved22. Know different components of an antibody structure.23. Define Opsonization. What is the effect of opsonization? Name two opsonin molecules24. What is meant by hypersensitivity? List, give examples, and briefly describe each type25. Name several immunodeficiency diseases, indicate the target tissue in each case26. What is meant by acquired immunodeficiency disease?27. What are the differences between disinfectants and anticeptics?28. List and describe the antibacterial actions of skin, mucous membrane?29. Name the elements involved in nonspecific immunity, Give examples for each.30. What are the complements? What are their functions? 31. What are the advantages of live attenuated vaccine? 32. What are MHC proteins? What is their significance?33. Define: lymphocytes, leukocytes, and erythrocytes34. What are the differences between different forms of B cells35. What are cytokines? Interferon? Give examples36. Define passive, active, artificial, and natural immunity produced against infectious agents37. Name the primary and secondary lymphoid organs, where all blood components are originated from?38. What are the characteristics of primary and secondary immune response to infection39. What are the elements of first, second, and third line of defense40. List (and explain) the infectious agents in the order of their resistance to chemicals41. Name several phagocytic cells. 42. Define and list characteristics of antigen, which molecule is the most antigenic. What is an allergen?43. Define lysosomes, phagosome, and the fusion between the two44. Why gram negative bacteria are more resistant to chemicals than gram positives45. Name a specific gram negative bacteria that is very resistant to killing by chemicals, and it is a major cause of

opportunistic infections in hospitals.46. What does the term de-granulation refers to. Which cells are capable of de-granulation? Name an example of

granules produces by these cells.47. Which cells are transplanted during bone marrow transplant?

48. Compare different classes of antibodies. IgG, IgM, IgA, IgE49. What is the job of eosinophil, Tc, NK, and T helper cells50. What are the differences between plasma cells and memory B cells51. What is the job of the lymphoid tissue52. What is the relationship between Rh factor and hemolytic disease?53. Describe how blood cell count results may be interpreted? 54. What is meant by antigen processing? APC. Which cells are involved in this process? List APC’s55. Define inflammation and list its major characteristics56. How fever is produced? Which molecules may induce fever? What are they called?57. What are the greenhouse gases? How they contribute to the global warming.58. What is role of microbes in C, N, O and Sulfur cycle59. Define: COMPOSTING, SILAGE, biosensors, biological magnification, AND microbial leaching.60. Describe the role of microbes in treatment of raw sewage. What is BOD?

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