2009 fir listener survey - results

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Preliminary and concise results from the 2009 FIR Listener Survey, conducted April 2009.


Neville Hobson, ABCShel Holtz, ABC

May 5, 2009v1.0


Conducted online between April 13-May 1, 2009

Gathered listener opinion about The Hobson and Holtz Report podcast aka FIR

Self-service survey hosted by SurveyGizmo

35 questions: 28 check/radio button, 7 free-form text for additional input

Optional for participants to identify themselves

69 complete valid surveys submitted

Nearly two-thirds of listeners, 61% of you, listen to every episode of The Hobson and Holtz Report

58% get hold of the MP3 files via iTunes; 16% subscribe to the RSS feed; only 4.35% listen via the Flash player on the website

Nearly half of you, 48%, listen to FIR on an iPod 77% of you are men; 32% of you are aged

between 25-34, and 31% between 35-54 Most of you (48%) are in the USA; 15% are in

the UK followed by Australia and Canada at 9% each

The feature you like most is Shel’s and Neville’s commentaries

Least liked is harder to pinpoint: a majority of you say you like everything

58% of you have contributed a comment to the show

Nearly one-third of you, 30%, are active in the FIR Room on Friendfeed

48% of you follow FIR on Twitter Our sponsors’ contributions to each show

attract the attention of 88% of you

FIR Listener SurveyApril 2009

(Note: The 2009 FIR Listener Survey asked for commentonly about The Hobson and Holtz Report podcast.)




13%13% 12%12% 12%12%

Percentages rounded.




19%19% 17%17%

10%10%4%4% 3%3%

Percentages rounded.

Percentages rounded.






22%22% 17%17% 17%17% 17%17% 13%13%


11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 1010 1111 1212

(Next slide - Legend.)

Percentages rounded.

11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 1010




10%10%7%7% 6%6% 6%6% 4%4% 4%4%


Percentages rounded.

(Next slide - Legend.)

Percentages rounded.

“Something else,” eg: When Shel & Neville can't comment on a report due to lack of time.

Also, the shows are much better when Shel & Neville are together than when only one of them is doing the show.

I'd like to be able to navigate to the different sections while listening on my iPod (e.g. like tracks on a CD).

I don't like the prerecorded announcements at the start and finish of each episode which list all the ways of contacting FIR.

The jingles are absolutely awful. When i first heard the news one i thought it was a joke. We really don't need jingles. There is so much waffle and repetition too, especially in the intro. I was listening to the podcast this morning (04/30/09) and it took until 9m30 to get to anything worth listening too. It was all about competition reminders, apologising for prerecording part of it, words from sponsors, telephone numbers to contact you...can't you just give out your website address like other podcasts and say that all the contact details are on there. I bet very few people actually write down the phone numbers.

Sorry guys I can't bring myself to tick a single box. I like all the component parts. For me you have a very good balance.




39%39% 36%36%



Our Sponsors:•Lawrence Ragan Communications•CustomScoop

Percentages rounded.

Percentages rounded.

Top 5 other podcasts that FIR listeners listen to:

“Other” (43%), eg: CEO University professor Industry analyst social media Marketing Manager Student General Manager Executive non profit Engineer Senior Information Officer Social Media Online Publisher VP Sales Senior writer

The Top 6 countries:



9%9% 9%9%4%4% 3%3%


Percentages rounded.

“Other” (13%): Austria Denmark Finland Germany Hungary Netherlands Norway Portugal Thailand

California (15%) Minnesota (9%) Texas (9%) Alabama (6%) District of Columbia

(6%) Illinois (6%) Maryland (6%) Massachusetts (6%)

New Hampshire (6%) North Carolina (6%) Arizona (3%) Delaware (3%) Florida (3%) Georgia (3%) Hawaii (3%) Mississippi (3%) New Jersey (3%) New York (3%) Ohio (3%)

Percentage of U.S. listeners (48% of all listeners):

Percentages rounded.





Percentages rounded.

Euprera FPRA Florida International Listening

Association Southern States

Communication Association

National Communication Association

NUJ Marketing Society Social Media Club

American Marketing Association

CMA IAB Minnesota Interactive

Marketing Association Chartered Secretaries

Australia Society of Business

Communicators (Queensland) Public Affairs Council CIMA INMA CIM

“Other” (29%), eg:

FIR Listener SurveyApril 2009

FIR: The Hobson & Holtz Report - a twice-weekly show recorded on Mondays and Thursdays with commentary and opinion at the intersection of online communication, business and technology

FIR Live - a monthly live call-in show hosted at BlogTalk Radio where a topical issue is up for discussion by the two co-hosts and anyone who cares to call in or add an opinion in the chat room

FIR Cuts - occasional clips from the virtual cutting room floor of The Hobson & Holtz Report.

FIR Interviews with newsmakers and influencers from the online technology and organizational communication worlds

FIR Book Reviews aligned with our theme of PR/communications and the online world

FIR Speakers and Speeches - occasional podcasts of speeches, keynote addresses, breakout sessions, and other recordings from meetings and conferences of interest to PR and communication professionals

The Hobson and Holtz Report first episode on January 3, 2005

Co-hosts: Neville Hobson (UK) and Shel Holtz (USA)

60 mins, twice weekly, Monday and Thursday, recorded via Skype

Average per-podcast downloads: 1,3001

Global audience2 Primary: USA, UK, Canada, Australia, continental Europe

Building community: 2 on-the-ground regular correspondents; 2 occasional contributors; listener comments; Friendfeed Room

Two sponsors: Lawrence Ragan Communications and CustomScoop1. Libsyn aggregate metrics averaged for all FIR podcast

downloads, retrieved May 4, 2009.2. FIR Listener Survey, April 2009.

Subscribe free at iTunesSubscribe free at iTunes

Lawrence Ragan Communications – Serving communicators worldwide for 35 years.


CustomScoop – Save time with the CustomScoop online clipping service: sign up for your free two-week trial.


Dan York – reporting from New Hampshire on Thursdays on communication from the technologist’s point of view

Michael Netzley – reporting from Singapore on Mondays on the communication scene across Asia

Lee Hopkins – ‘our man in the Adelaide Hills,’ Lee was our first correspondent, reporting from Australia from 2005 until early 2008

David Phillips – occasional reports from the shadows of Stonehenge in England

Eric Schwartzman – occasional reporting from Los Angeles, the entertainment capital of the world

Sallie Goetsch – doses of reality from The Podcast Asylum

Comment Lines:+1 206 222 2803+44 20 8133 9844




FIR Room on Friendfeed:friendfeed.com/fir


FIR Live: www.blogtalkradio.


Add your voice to FIR:Send in a comment!

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