2009 iecc vs ashrae 90.1 master 121410

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2009  Interna3onal  Energy  Conserva3on  Code  

Comparing  IECC  2009  &    ASHRAE  90.1-­‐2007  

Thank  You  for  AJending!  

Your  Instructors:  Ken  Baker  -­‐  K  energy  Sharon  PaJerson  -­‐  Eco  Edge  

Acknowledgements  The  following  were  either  financial  or  content  contributors  to  this  training:  The  following  were  either  financial  or  content  contributors  to  this  training:  •  Utah  State  Energy  Program  •  Questar  Gas  Company  •  Rocky  Mountain  Power  Company  •  Northwest  Energy  Efficiency  Alliance  (NEEA)  •  Eric  Makela  –  BriJMakela  Group  •  Pacific  Northwest  Labs  •  Department  of  Energy  (DOE)  •  Washington  State  University  &  Rich  Prill    •  Building  Codes  Assistance  Project  •  Maryland  Department  of  Housing  and  Community  Development  •  Mike  DeWein,  BCAP/Alliance  to  Save  Energy  •  K  energy  •  Eco  Edge    

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Overview  of  Key  Differences  

ASHRAE/IESNA  Standard  90.1-­‐2007  

  Slight  changes  to  ligh3ng  requirements  

  More  stringent  ves3bule  requirements    

  Performance  approach  

New  ASHRAE  Standard  

•  Defini3on  of  “residen3al”  building  •  Semi-­‐heated  space  designa3on  (3.4  Btu/h/h2  to  15  or  20)  •  Glazing  within  15  to  30  degrees  of  ver3cal  &  skylight  maximums  •  Window-­‐to-­‐Wall-­‐Ra3o  (WWR)  •  Provisions  for  above-­‐  and  below-­‐grade  walls  •  Thermal  requirements  for  opaque  and  non-­‐opaque  assemblies  •  Allowable  maximum  U-­‐factor  •  Allowable  damper  leakage  rates  •  HVAC  equipment  oversizing  •  Opera3on  and  Maintenance  (O&M)  Manuals  •  Certain  HVAC  equipment  systems    •  Space-­‐by-­‐Space  method  to  ligh3ng  power  density  limits  •  Ligh3ng  controls,  allowances,  excep3ons  and  exterior  LPDs  

Key  Differences  –  ASHRAE  vs.  IECC  

Source  Comparison of Standard 90.1-07 and the 2009 IECC

with Respect to Commercial Buildings Prepared by the Pacific Northwest National

Laboratory for the U.S. Department of Building Energy Codes Program

December 2009


Helpful  Inform



Defini3on  of  “residen3al”  building  

ASHRAE 90.1-2007 IECC 2009

Spaces in buildings used primarily for living and sleeping. Residential spaces include dwelling units, hotel/motel guest rooms, dormitories, nursing homes, patient rooms in hospitals, lodging houses, fraternity/sorority houses, hostels, prisons, and fire stations.

Includes R-3 buildings, as well as R-2 and R-4 buildings three stories or less in height above grade. (not R-1, hotels and motels) All else is considered commercial.

Result:    In  some  instances,  a  building  built  to  the  2009  IECC  would  have  less  rigorous  thermal  envelope  provisions  than  if  built  to  ASHRAE  90.1-­‐07.  

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Scope  &  Applica3on  


But  Not  Both  


501.1  Scope  Pick  Only  One  Compliance  Approach  

Code  Compliance  Process  Must  the  Project  Comply  with  the  


Comply with the Envelope


Comply with the Mechanical/SWH


Comply with the Power & Lighting


Section 502 90.1 Section 5 Sections 503 and 504 90.1 Section 6 Section 505 90.1 Section 9

Document Compliance with

the IECC

Plan Review


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Commercial  Envelope  Requirements  

What  is  the  Building  Thermal  Envelope?  

Roof/Ceiling  Assembly  

Wall  Assembly  

Ver3cal  Fenestra3on  and  Skylights  

Floor  Assembly  

Slab  Edge  

Below  Grade  Wall  Assembly  

Semi-­‐heated  space  designa3on  

ASHRAE 90.1-2007 IECC 2009

Has a specific designation of semi-heated space (3.4 Btu/h/ft2 up to 15 or 20 for climate zone 5 or 6) and comparable thermal envelope provisions that are less rigorous than those for heated spaces. (Tables 5.5-1 through 5.5-8 for the appropriate climate zone)

No such provision for semi-heated; only conditioned or unconditioned. (Table 502.2(1))

Result:    Semi-­‐heated  spaces  under  Standard  90.1-­‐07  generally  have  more  rigorous  thermal  envelope  requirements  under  2009  IECC.  

Climate  Zones  –  2009  IECC  

IECC  Table  502.2(1)  –  Climate  Zone  5  

ASHRAE  Table  5.5-­‐5  

IECC  Table  502.3  

ASHRAE  Table  5.5-­‐5  

IECC  Tables  303.1.3(1)  and  (2)    Default  U-­‐Factors  



Labeling  of  Fenestra3on  Products    


All  manufactured  fenestra/on  products  shall  have  a  permanent  nameplate  .  .  .    


When  the  fenestra3on  product  does  not  have  such  nameplate,  the  installer  or  supplier  of  such  fenestra3on  shall  provide  a  signed  and  dated  cer3fica3on  for  the  installed  

fenestra3on  lis3ng  the  U-­‐factor,  SHGC,  and  the  air  leakage  rate.  

Glazing  within  15  to  30˚  of  ver3cal  

ASHRAE 90.1-2007 IECC 2009

Considers glazing less than 60 degrees from the horizontal plane as skylights.

Considers glazing 15 degrees or less from vertical as skylights. (Glazing over 15 degrees from vertical is part of the wall.)

Result:    Glazing  in  the  15  to  30-­‐degree  range  under  ASHRAE  90.1-­‐07  would  be  considered  skylights  rather  than  ver3cal  fenestra3on  and,  as  such,  could  have  lesser  thermal  requirements  than  under  IECC  2009.  

IECC  Vs.  ASHRAE  Skylights  and  Walls  

IECC 15 + degrees = Skylight ASHRAE 31 + degrees = Skylight

Roof/Skylight Area Roof/Skylight Area

Skylight  Maximum  

ASHRAE 90.1-2007 IECC 2009

The total skylight area shall be less than 5% of the gross roof area.

The total skylight area shall not exceed 3% of the gross roof area.

Result:    IECC  2009  allows  less  skylight  area.  

Window-­‐to-­‐Wall-­‐Ra3o  (WWR)  

ASHRAE 90.1-2007 IECC 2009

A WWR of less than 40% allows using a provision parallel to 2009 IECC.

ASHRAE allows you to exceed 40% window to wall area.

Glazing beyond the 40% maximum WWR requires a building to be evaluated under ASHRAE 90.1-2007.

Result:    The  WWR  could  be  calculated  differently  under  each  op3on  and  cause  confusion  over  which  provisions  to  follow.      Determining  the  %  can  also  vary  because  of  the  difference  in  skylight  defini3ons.  

Provisions  for  above-­‐  &  below-­‐grade  walls  

ASHRAE 90.1-2007 IECC 2009

Portions of walls above grade are treated as above grade and portions of the same walls that are below grade are treated as below grade.

Any wall that is <15% above grade and 85% or more below grade is considered entirely a below-grade wall. Similarly, a wall >15% above grade would be considered entirely an above-grade wall.

Result:    Provisions  for  below-­‐grade  walls  are  generally  less  stringent  than  above-­‐grade  walls,  and  since  a  rela3vely  small  frac3on  (15%)  above  grade  pushes  the  en3re  wall  toward  more  rigorous  above-­‐grade  criteria  under  the  2009  IECC,  then  IECC  may  be  more  stringent  on  average.  

Opaque  and  non-­‐opaque  assemblies  

ASHRAE 90.1-2007 IECC 2009

Doors that are more than one-half glass are considered fenestration.

Opaque doors are doors having less than 50% glass area and should b e considered as part of the gross area of above-grade walls that are part of the building envelope.

Result:    The  thermal  requirements  for  opaque  and  non-­‐opaque  assemblies  are  not  always  iden3cal  between  the  two  documents,  and  in  some  instances  ASHRAE  90.1-­‐07  is  more  stringent  and  in  others  IECC  2009  is  more  stringent.    For  example,  in  climate  zone  5,  swinging  opaque  doors  have  an  assembly  maximum  o  U-­‐0.500  in  ASHRAE  (residen3al)  but  U-­‐0.70  in  IECC  2009  Group  R.  

502.2.7  Opaque  Doors  

Doors  having  <  50%  glass  area  

Swinging  doors    Meet  U-­‐factor  requirement  

Roll-­‐up  of  sliding  doors    Climate  Zones  1  –  3:  U-­‐1.45    Climate  Zones  4  including  

Marine  –  8:  U-­‐0.50  

502.4.7  Mandatory  Requirements  –  Ves3bules  now  in  ASHRAE    

ASHRAE allows climate Zone 1, 2, and 3 exemptions to Vestibules

IECC allows climate Zone 1 and 2 exemptions

Loading  Dock  Weatherseals  

ASHRAE 90.1-2007 IECC 2009

Required in Climate Zones 4 – 8 only.

Required if space is conditioned.

Result:    In  some  cases,  the  allowable  damper  leakage  rate  in  ASHRAE  are  higher  than  those  in  the  IECC.    Thus,  in  some  cases,  IECC  is  more  stringent.      

Allowable  maximum  U-­‐factor  

ASHRAE 90.1-2007 IECC 2009

Allows for an increase in the allowable maximum U-factor (reduction in required R-value) for certain roof/ceiling assemblies if the roof meets certain reflectance (high albedo) and emissivity requirements.

This allowance is not provided in the 2009 IECC.

Result:    In  climate  zones  1-­‐3,  insula3on  requirements  may  be  less  under  ASHRAE  90.1-­‐07.  

ASHRAE  Table  

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Commercial  Mechanical  Requirements  

Shutoff  Damper  Controls  

ASHRAE 90.1-2007 IECC 2009

Non-motorized dampers acceptable in Zones 1, 2 and 3.

Many more requirements.

Non-motorized dampers acceptable in buildings under 3 stories and for buildings of any height in Zones 1, 2, and 3.

HVAC  equipment  oversizing  

ASHRAE 90.1-2007 IECC 2009

Does not limit HVAC equipment oversizing.

Limits HVAC equipment oversizing (Section 503.2.2). Heating and cooling equipment and systems shall not exceed the loads calculated in accordance with section 503.2.1 (references ASHRAE/ACCA Standard 183.)

Result:    In  some  cases,  the  2009  IECC  would  result  in  equipment  that  operates  more  efficiently  on  a  seasonal  basis.  

Certain  HVAC  equipment  and  systems  

ASHRAE 90.1-2007 IECC 2009

Tends to be more rigorous and, in some cases (e.g., fume hoods, cooling towers, dehumidification, and kitchen exhaust hoods), has requirements that are not in the IECC 2009.

Some of the HVAC equipment not listed in the IECC may be included in the IMC because it is a family of codes.

Result:    The  subtle  differences  between  the  two  in  this  area  could  have  an  impact  on  the  aggregate,  in  par3cular  that  ASHRAE  requirements  tend  to  be  more  rigorous.  

Opera3ons  &  Maintenance  Manuals  

ASHRAE 90.1-2007 IECC 2009

Requires the delivery of Operation and Maintenance (O&M) manuals for the building systems. (Sections and 8.7.2)

Requires that an operating and maintenance manual be provided to the building owner by the mechanical contractor. (Section 503.2.9.3)

Result:    The  requirements  in  ASHRAE  are  more  detailed  than  IECC.    For  example,  ASHRAE  requires  that  rou3ne  maintenance  ac3ons  shall  be  clearly  iden3fied  and  requires  the  name  and  address  of  at  least  one  qualified  service  agency.      

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Commercial  Ligh3ng  Requirements  

Space-­‐by-­‐Space  method  to  LPD  limits  

ASHRAE 90.1-2007 IECC 2009

Contains a Space-by-Space method as an alternative to the by-building-type prescriptive tables for lighting power limits (Section 9.6.1 and Table 9.6.1)

The interior lighting power is the floor area for each building area type listed in Table 505.5.2 times the value from Table 505.5.2 for that area. Each building area shall be treated as a separate area.

Result:    A  building  complying  via  the  Space-­‐by-­‐Space  method  may  be  subject  to  more  or  less  rigorous  requirements  depending  on  the  specifics  of  space  types  contained  within  the  building.  

Ligh3ng  controls  

ASHRAE 90.1-2007 IECC 2009

ASHRAE requires automatic lighting shutoff and has similar requirements for overriding automatic shutoff (e.g. 2 hours vs. 4 hours) and for sleeping unit controls as IECC.

IECC also has requirements for light reduction controls, holiday scheduling and daylight zone control that are not included in ASHRAE.

Result:    IECC  has  somewhat  more  detailed  and  rigorous  ligh3ng  control  requirements,  in  par3cular  IECC  has  a  sec3on  on  daylight  zone  control.  

Interior  retail  ligh3ng  allowances  

ASHRAE 90.1-2007 IECC 2009

(Retail Area 1 x 1.0 W/ft2) (Retail Area 2 x 1.7 W/ft2) (Retail Area 3 x 2.6 W/ft2) (Retail Area 4 x 4.2 W/ft2)

(Retail Area 1 x 0.6 W/ft2) (Retail Area 2 x 0.6 W/ft2) (Retail Area 3 x 1.4 W/ft2) (Retail Area 4 x 2.5 W/ft2)

Result:    ASHRAE  has  higher  addi3onal  retail  ligh3ng  allowances,  i.e.  IECC  is  more  stringent.  

Exterior  ligh3ng  power  densi3es  

ASHRAE 90.1-2007 IECC 2009

Table 9.4.5 lists LPDs for tradable vs. nontradable surfaces, but lighting zones are not designated.

Table 505.6.2(1) lists lighting zones and Table 505.6.2(2) lists LPDs for each of 4 lighting zones and for tradable and nontradable surfaces.

Result:    In  general,  some  of  the  exterior  LPDs  in  IECC  are  lower  (more  restric3ve),  but  it  varies  by  ligh3ng  zone.  

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Ques3ons  &  Answers  

Thank  You  for  AJending!  

Your  Instructors:  Ken  Baker  -­‐  K  energy  Sharon  PaJerson  -­‐  Eco  Edge  

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