2011 05 18 hpm tweetchat transcript

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Healthcare Hashtag Twitter Transcript

From: Wed May 18 18:00:00 PDT 2011

To: Wed May 18 19:00:00 PDT 2011

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Learn more about #hpm at The Healthcare Hashtag Project

ctsinclair RT @hollyby: RT @RossJeanette: Hi #HCSM and #HPM crowd please join me today

for HPM tweetchat at 9:00 ET 8:00 CST 6:00 PST #hpmWed May 18 18:00:15 PDT 2011

GailZahtz Don't think I can make it tonight, but sending my love and support to all at the #HPM

amazing group!Wed May 18 18:00:35 PDT 2011

RossJeanette @ctsinclair thanks #HPMWed May 18 18:01:20 PDT 2011

ctsinclair @HumpbacksRule Glad you could make it. Now if we could only find @EOLNavigator

@DianeEMeier @Ewidera @rabob @dweissma for tweetchat! #hpmWed May 18 18:01:43 PDT 2011

KathyKastner Good evening all fab #hpm-ers. Finalizing post on what I'm learning about process of

dying. So may b largely lurking (+ learning as always)Wed May 18 18:01:48 PDT 2011

RossJeanette Welcome to HPM tweet chat I'm your host. Let's start with some introductions #HPMWed May 18 18:02:26 PDT 2011

inhousehospice Hi, all! I'm Ash, work in marketing @inhousehospice of MI and OH. #hpmWed May 18 18:03:36 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom @KathyKastner; Can't wait to read. Hope you can join us~water feels fine. #HPmWed May 18 18:03:39 PDT 2011

hollyby I'll be tweeting for the next hour from the #hospice and #palliative medicine tweetchat.

#hpmWed May 18 18:03:40 PDT 2011

KathyKastner Ah intro. Health blogger, focus on adult children caring for aging parents. Hence love

of #hpmWed May 18 18:03:43 PDT 2011

doctatum Hi. Paul Tatum, MIZZOU. #hpmWed May 18 18:03:44 PDT 2011

ctsinclair Hi @KathyKastner @RossJeanette Looking forward to a good chat tonight. Followers

the next hour I will be active in the tweetchat for #hpmWed May 18 18:03:56 PDT 2011

HumpbacksRule Ro, research RN. Volunteer in Hospice. Happy to be here. #hpmWed May 18 18:04:05 PDT 2011

drpippa Hello @RossJeanette & tweet chatters! Pippa here--> family doc, hpm enthusiast,

currently trying to dry off after days of rain #HpmWed May 18 18:04:20 PDT 2011

RossJeanette @doctatum welcome glad you can join #HPMWed May 18 18:04:30 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom @doctatum; HI Paul from the great State of Mo and the great Tatum Family! #HPmWed May 18 18:04:40 PDT 2011

drpippa Me too! RT @hollyby: Ill be tweeting for the next hour from the #hospice and

#palliative medicine tweetchat. #HpmWed May 18 18:04:43 PDT 2011

KathyKastner Ah Lisa! spreading yr wonderfulness again RT @PracticalWisdom: @KathyKastner;

Can't wait to read. Hope u can join us~water feels fine. #HPmWed May 18 18:05:07 PDT 2011

MarksPhone I'll be lurking but I imagine I will jump in #hpmWed May 18 18:05:11 PDT 2011

hollyby Hi there! Holly Yang, doc from @SanDiegoHospice Surfer, med ed enthusiast,

international traveler. All tweets are my own. #hpmWed May 18 18:05:17 PDT 2011

ctsinclair Introductions: Christian Sinclair, @KCHospice doc, @KLXmedia founder, @Pallimed

Editor, Collector of Board games - any guess how many? #hpmWed May 18 18:05:21 PDT 2011

ctsinclair @HumpbacksRule Hey Ro, have you joined us before? #hpmWed May 18 18:05:38 PDT 2011

RossJeanette Hi @drpippa @ctsinclair @hollyby@humpbacksrule #HPMWed May 18 18:05:38 PDT 2011

hollyby @ctsinclair 157? #hpmWed May 18 18:05:50 PDT 2011

drpippa @ctsinclair 112 #HpmWed May 18 18:05:53 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom Hi, I'm LIsa Professional Speaker/Trainer: Topics : Leadership/MBTI/SoMe/Commun.

Morph the ho-hum into compelling. Rascal. #HPmWed May 18 18:05:58 PDT 2011

ctsinclair @MarksPhone I'll imagine you will jump in too if that helps. #hpmWed May 18 18:06:01 PDT 2011

HumpbacksRule @ctsinclair I think once maybe....it's been awhile. Life is crazy :) #hpmWed May 18 18:06:21 PDT 2011

doctatum 312? RT @ctsinclair: Introductions: Christian SinclairCollector of Board games - any

guess how many? #hpmWed May 18 18:06:22 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom Jump, Jump You never need a net. RT @MarksPhone: Ill be lurking but I imagine I

will jump in #HPmWed May 18 18:06:24 PDT 2011

jen_c_taylor Hello from rainy Arizona! (we can't use that sentence often) Jen_c_taylor here: MSW

and author. Likes: orchids, harps, travel, wine.. #hpmWed May 18 18:06:31 PDT 2011

aliciabloom @CompAndChoices increasingly frustrated by 1 sided pieces re: for profit. let's be

honest, in non-profit world: no margin, no mission. #hpmWed May 18 18:06:35 PDT 2011

RossJeanette @PracticalWisdom @marksphone Welcome #HPMWed May 18 18:06:38 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom @drpippa so Glad you've come. #HPmWed May 18 18:06:50 PDT 2011

RossJeanette I'm an HPM doc associate director palliative medicine fellowship @UTHSCSA

passionate about teaching #HPMWed May 18 18:07:12 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom @hollyby @ctsinclair Two of the Classic Folks. @Rossjeanette can't wait got great

folks. #HPmWed May 18 18:07:32 PDT 2011

aliciabloom MSW, LSW @VITASHospice & Palliative Care. clinical educator. Philadelphia, PA.

#hpmWed May 18 18:07:37 PDT 2011

ctsinclair @Doctatum is the winner! My Boardgame Collection is at 337:

http://boardgamegeek.com/collection/user/ctskas #hpmWed May 18 18:07:44 PDT 2011

RossJeanette T1 Do terminally ill persons who are Full Code get treated differently from those who

are DNR? #HPMWed May 18 18:08:13 PDT 2011

equijada @RossJeanette Hi all. Thx for hosting Jeanette. Great seeing folks tonight #hpmWed May 18 18:08:35 PDT 2011

ctsinclair @jen_c_taylor Hi Jen good to see you! @PracticalWisdom thanks for the props. I

owe you a phone call. #hpmWed May 18 18:08:36 PDT 2011

doctatum RT @ctsinclair: @Doctatum is the winner! Hurray! Grand prize = tailgate at US Mens

Soccer game KC #hpmWed May 18 18:08:47 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom @jen_c_taylor: Glad you are here too! Are you live or auto posted? #HPmWed May 18 18:08:48 PDT 2011

hollyby It's more serious than I thought... RT @ctsinclair: @Doctatum is the winner! My

Boardgame Collection is at 337 #hpmWed May 18 18:08:54 PDT 2011

ctsinclair RT @RossJeanette: T1 Do terminally ill persons who are Full Code get treated

differently from those who are DNR? "Excellent question" #hpmWed May 18 18:09:06 PDT 2011

hollyby RT @RossJeanette: T1 Do terminally ill persons who are Full Code get treated

differently from those who are DNR? #hpmWed May 18 18:09:08 PDT 2011

KathyKastner Nice New pic @equijada #hpmWed May 18 18:09:16 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom @hollyby @ctsinclair @Doctatum: Game of LIfe? O.K. I'll get serious. #HPmWed May 18 18:09:35 PDT 2011

ctsinclair T1: I think the perception from the public is 'don't get a DNR they (medical staff) will

give up on you. #hpmWed May 18 18:09:39 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom Agree, noticed Handsome. RT @KathyKastner: Nice New pic @equijada #HPmWed May 18 18:09:50 PDT 2011

drpippa T1 - great question. Sometimes I feel like folks are somewhat impatient with pts who

are full code #Hpm

are full code #HpmWed May 18 18:10:10 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom RT @RossJeanette: T1 Do terminally ill persons who are Full Code get treated

differently from those who are DNR? #HPmWed May 18 18:10:23 PDT 2011

aliciabloom fear among patients & families that DNR = do not treat. #hpmWed May 18 18:10:27 PDT 2011

KathyKastner Please excuse my total ignorance. What' dif bet code and full code? #hpmWed May 18 18:10:29 PDT 2011

hollyby T1: Some medical professionals don't know the difference btwn DNR and no life

prolongation. Big difference. #hpmWed May 18 18:10:30 PDT 2011

jen_c_taylor @PracticalWisdom: I'm alive! #hpmWed May 18 18:10:36 PDT 2011

drpippa RT @ctsinclair: T1: I think the perception from the public is dont get a DNR they

(medical staff) will give up on you. #HpmWed May 18 18:10:50 PDT 2011

ctsinclair T1: Care from the system can change when a DNR is in place. Goals assumed to be

comfort only. Code status and goals are different! #hpmWed May 18 18:11:02 PDT 2011

drpippa Absolutely. RT @hollyby: T1: Some medical professionals dont know the difference

btwn DNR and no life prolongation. Big difference. #HpmWed May 18 18:11:04 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom Indeed you are~glad. RT @jen_c_taylor: @PracticalWisdom: Im alive! #HPmWed May 18 18:11:11 PDT 2011

hollyby T1: I love the variety of answers. I agree with both @ctsinclair and @drpippa! #hpmWed May 18 18:11:21 PDT 2011

MarksPhone Since I'm the guy with the GED I cant address the medical side but from a caregiver I

wonder if this knowledge is shared w/the family? #hpmWed May 18 18:11:38 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom RT @drpippa: Absolutely. RT @hollyby: T1: Some med. profess.dont know the

difference btwn DNR & no life prolongation. Big difference. #HPmWed May 18 18:11:48 PDT 2011

drpippa I am totally using this line (with credit to you of course) RT @ctsinclair: T1: Code

status and goals are different! #HpmWed May 18 18:12:02 PDT 2011

ctsinclair RT @aliciabloom: fear that DNR = do not treat. "Sometimes I have to advocate for

more curative interventions for patient w/ DNR." #hpmWed May 18 18:12:04 PDT 2011

equijada “@drpippa: T1 - great question. Sometimes I feel like folks are somewhat impatient

with pts who are full code #Hpm” AgreeWed May 18 18:12:05 PDT 2011

RossJeanette @KathyKastner Full code means if your heart stops and u die we will try to bring you

back resuscitate DNR means natural death allowed #HPMWed May 18 18:12:20 PDT 2011

HumpbacksRule T1 depends on what 'treated' means; obviously comfort measures vs a code, but by

staff in general? Hope not but think family fear it. #hpmWed May 18 18:12:29 PDT 2011

aliciabloom @ctsinclair true. just explained to Cardiologist that DNR status didn't meant patient

could have his pacemaker repaired! #hpmWed May 18 18:12:54 PDT 2011

ctsinclair @MarksPhone I really like input from non-medical people here! Would love to have

more family/patient voices here (if you're lurking!) #hpmWed May 18 18:13:20 PDT 2011

ctsinclair RT @aliciabloom: Just explained to Cardiologist that DNR status didnt meant patient

could have his pacemaker repaired! "yup!" #hpmWed May 18 18:13:34 PDT 2011

hollyby RT @drpippa: I am totally using this line (with credit to you of course) RT @ctsinclair:

T1: Code status and goals are different! #hpmWed May 18 18:13:34 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom RT @aliciabloom: @ctsinclair true. just explained 2 Cardiologist DNR status didnt

meant patient could have his pacemaker repaired! #HPmWed May 18 18:13:40 PDT 2011

KathyKastner Why?RT @equijada: “@drpippa: T1 - great question. Sometimes I feel like folks are

somewhat impatient with pts who are full code #Hpm” AgreeWed May 18 18:13:46 PDT 2011

ctsinclair @KathyKastner Glad you asked. I am sure other people had similar question re:

code status! #hpmWed May 18 18:14:14 PDT 2011

equijada “@aliciabloom: fear among patients & families that DNR = do not treat. #hpm” agreeWed May 18 18:14:14 PDT 2011

aliciabloom the language we use when discussing code status is critically important. "restart

your heart" & "bring you back" are not often reality. #hpmWed May 18 18:14:23 PDT 2011

EOLnavigator @ctsinclair will be right with u! Leaving a meeting. #hpmWed May 18 18:14:25 PDT 2011

ctsinclair @drpippa Be my guest! #hpmWed May 18 18:14:35 PDT 2011

drpippa Impatience comes from people making choices you don't understand or agree with

instead of trying to understand why. @KathyKastner #HpmWed May 18 18:15:04 PDT 2011

ctsinclair RT @aliciabloom: the language we use is critically important. "restart your heart" &

"bring you back" are not often reality. #hpmWed May 18 18:15:05 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom So much Fear= Still don't talk about. RT @equijada: “@aliciabloom: fear among

patients & families that DNR = do not treat. #hpm” agree #HPmWed May 18 18:15:09 PDT 2011

KathyKastner Do you think tv versions of CPR = unrealiistice expectations? #hpmWed May 18 18:15:33 PDT 2011

jen_c_taylor T1: Education, communication, understanding, listening, re-addressing, re-

evaluating, compassion is essential. #hpmWed May 18 18:15:34 PDT 2011

ctsinclair @aliciabloom Excellent point about language. I sometimes refer to a DNR as Do Not

Attempt Resuscitation #hpmWed May 18 18:15:35 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom RT @aliciabloom: language we use discussing code status critically important.

"restart heart" & bring you back" R not often reality. #HPmWed May 18 18:16:07 PDT 2011

doctatum T1, Slightly off subject, but I like the new Heart Rhythm Society patient handout on

Defibrillators/Pacemakers http://bit.ly/koeWfF #hpmWed May 18 18:16:31 PDT 2011

ctsinclair T1 I think there are biases built into the system that help propagate code status as a

surrogate for actual discussion of goals of care #hpmWed May 18 18:16:32 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom Plain Speak~YESRT @ctsinclair: @aliciabloom Excellent point about language. I

sometimes refer to a DNR as Do Not Attempt Resuscitation #HPmWed May 18 18:16:39 PDT 2011

aliciabloom @ctsinclair absolutely. i often talk about resuscitative efforts. #hpmWed May 18 18:16:39 PDT 2011

drpippa Yes! People are shocked when they hear real survivor #s RT @KathyKastner: Do you

think tv versions of CPR = unrealiistice expectations? #HpmWed May 18 18:16:54 PDT 2011

ctsinclair RT @KathyKastner: Do you think tv versions of CPR = unrealiistice expectations?

"Yes...looking it up now. Research has been done" #hpmWed May 18 18:17:06 PDT 2011

doctatum I like the new Heart Rhythm Society patient handout on Defibrillators/Pacemakers at

end of life, http://bit.ly/koeWfF #hpmWed May 18 18:17:18 PDT 2011

MarksPhone this is a great what strikes me is that the skill level to discuss &present this 2patients

&families is huge. R HCP trained? #hpmWed May 18 18:17:19 PDT 2011

inhousehospice RT @aliciabloom:language we use when discussing code status is important.

"restart your heart" & "bring you back" aren't often reality. #hpmWed May 18 18:17:19 PDT 2011

equijada @KathyKastner odds of successful resuscitation for terminally ill patient pretty much

approaches zero. Caregivers don't want to code. #HPmWed May 18 18:17:21 PDT 2011

HumpbacksRule @KathyKastner #hpm I think a lot of the medical dramas are unrealistic, but it's on

TV, so easy for families to believe and relate to.Wed May 18 18:17:44 PDT 2011

hollyby Key for all to understand: DNR only means that when you die, it will be allowed to

happen naturally. Everything else is fair game. #hpmWed May 18 18:17:54 PDT 2011

ctsinclair Resuscitation on television: realistic or ridiculous? for @KathyKastner #hpm

http://hpm.md/lAL4WYWed May 18 18:18:21 PDT 2011

Pallimed Resuscitation on television: realistic or ridiculous? for @KathyKastner #hpm

http://hpm.md/lAL4WYWed May 18 18:18:21 PDT 2011

drpippa People don't want CPR, they want the outcome. When they learn true outcome, most

make different decision. #HpmWed May 18 18:18:23 PDT 2011

equijada “@ctsinclair: Do you think tv versions of CPR = unrealiistice expectations?

"Yes...looking it up now. Research has been done" #hpm” thanksWed May 18 18:18:27 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom T1: So when Patience are under Hospice Care don't some Patients have signs/ info

in case EMS is called? would it say: No DNR? #HPmWed May 18 18:18:30 PDT 2011

hollyby @MarksPhone Training is improving, but not consistent. That's why this field puts so

much emphasis on communication and pt's goals. #hpmWed May 18 18:18:42 PDT 2011

Pallimed Cardiopulmonary resuscitation on television. MiraMiracles and Misinformation in

@NEJM http://hpm.md/ivWWSA #HPM #OAWed May 18 18:19:09 PDT 2011

drpippa RT @hollyby: Key for all: DNR only means that when you die, it will be allowed to

happen naturally. Everything else is fair game. #HpmWed May 18 18:19:12 PDT 2011

MarksPhone @hollyby as a care giver at home die naturally is not the same as peacefully and with

respect, but that might be me #hpmWed May 18 18:19:23 PDT 2011

hollyby Agreed. RT @drpippa: People dont want CPR, they want the outcome. When they

learn true outcome, most make different decision. #hpmWed May 18 18:19:32 PDT 2011

ctsinclair RT @hollyby: Key: DNR only means that when you die, it will be allowed to happen

naturally. Everything else is fair game. #hpmWed May 18 18:19:33 PDT 2011

KathyKastner TY!! RT @ctsinclair: Resuscitation on television: realistic or ridiculous? for

@KathyKastner #hpm http://hpm.md/lAL4WYWed May 18 18:19:34 PDT 2011

doctatum I like Quill's line. We don't do appendectomies if u don't need. OR we dont Induce

delivery because you want it IF NOT med indicated #hpmWed May 18 18:19:39 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom @hollyby @MarksPhone: So is there a General Body that helps make sure the same

and accurate information is shared by all. #HPmWed May 18 18:19:45 PDT 2011

equijada @kathykastner rather than saying caregivers, I should say healthcare provider don't

want to code -> impatiently waiting for DNR #hpmWed May 18 18:19:55 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom RT @MarksPhone: @hollyby as a care giver at home die naturally is not the same as

peacefully and with respect, but that might be me #HPmWed May 18 18:20:02 PDT 2011

revdoc Pam Harris, MD with KC Hospice #hpmWed May 18 18:20:05 PDT 2011

RossJeanette Great comments all. I agree many inferences about code status to goals of care

which are not the same. #HPMWed May 18 18:20:05 PDT 2011

ctsinclair @PracticalWisdom It would just say DNR meaning "No CPR" Fun with negatives!

Glad there are no double negatives! #hpmWed May 18 18:20:10 PDT 2011

HumpbacksRule @hollyby @MarksPhone #hpm Training is improving, but not consistent.<< I've

worked w docs who are very uncomfortable talking about options.Wed May 18 18:20:10 PDT 2011

ctsinclair @MarksPhone The training to do good informed consent is not strong enough in

many medical training programs IMHO. See @FIMDM #hpmWed May 18 18:21:08 PDT 2011

aliciabloom surviving a code: on TV, 66% . . . actual in-hospital survival rate, 15% . . . with

advanced chronic illness, <1% #hpmWed May 18 18:21:14 PDT 2011

KathyKastner RT @HumpbacksRule: @KathyKastner #hpm I think a lot of the medical dramas are

unrealistic, but it's on TV, so easy for families to believe and relate to.Wed May 18 18:21:22 PDT 2011

HumpbacksRule RT @ctsinclair: @MarksPhone The training to do good informed consent is not

strong enough in many medical training programs IMHO. See @FIMDM #hpmWed May 18 18:21:36 PDT 2011

ctsinclair @doctatum It is hard to use that line once someone has already laid the choice out

there. #hpmWed May 18 18:21:40 PDT 2011

KathyKastner TY RT @Pallimed: Resuscitation on television: realistic or ridiculous? for

@KathyKastner #hpm http://hpm.md/lAL4WYWed May 18 18:21:40 PDT 2011

drpippa RT @ctsinclair: The training to do good informed consent is not strong enough in

many medical training programs IMHO. See @FIMDM #HpmWed May 18 18:22:09 PDT 2011

RossJeanette T2 starting soon #HPMWed May 18 18:22:16 PDT 2011

HumpbacksRule Sobering! @aliciabloom surviving a code: on TV, 66% . .. actual in-hospital survival

rate, 15% . . . with advanced chronic illness, <1% #hpmWed May 18 18:22:32 PDT 2011

doctatum @ctsinclair @doctatum agree, but for talking with residents lightbulbs someitimes

go on. #hpmWed May 18 18:22:34 PDT 2011

ctsinclair @MarksPhone Had a ICU doc consider "Do you want to die?" Informed consent for

code status. #hpmWed May 18 18:22:39 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom T1: I"m seeing HUGE need for more clear Language. No wonder General Public

would be confused. Great opportunity for Community. #HPmWed May 18 18:22:42 PDT 2011

EldrcareConsult Hello all....sorry I am late to the #hpm chat tonight! #hpmWed May 18 18:22:53 PDT 2011

revdoc Dying people also do not pronounce extended soliloquies and then die looking

beautiful, with make-up on and hair perfectly quaffed... #hpmWed May 18 18:22:58 PDT 2011

doctatum We need to give scripts to trainees. They lack the language and not enough good

teachers out there. #hpmWed May 18 18:23:11 PDT 2011

aliciabloom i like the "AND" movement-- allow natural death. with DNR, there's too much focus on

the "not." #hpmWed May 18 18:23:13 PDT 2011

RossJeanette RT @doctatum: We need to give scripts to trainees. They lack the language and not

enough good teachers out there. #HPMWed May 18 18:23:52 PDT 2011

MarksPhone if training is lacking to a point do we know if MDs want CME on this? And has a edu

needs assessment been done? #hpmWed May 18 18:23:54 PDT 2011

KathyKastner RT @revdoc: Dying people also do not pronounce extended soliloquies and then die

looking beautiful, with make-up on and hair perfectly quaffed... #hpmWed May 18 18:23:55 PDT 2011

ctsinclair RT @doctatum: We need to give scripts to trainees. They lack the language and not

enough good teachers out there. #hpmWed May 18 18:23:57 PDT 2011

ctsinclair @doctatum Yes that line is good for talking to residents #hpmWed May 18 18:24:14 PDT 2011

MatthewsMichele Same here; mostly lurking tonight RT @EldrcareConsult: Hello all....sorry I am late to

the #hpm chat tonight! #hpmWed May 18 18:24:20 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom @EldrcareConsult: Shon, Glad you are here. Welcome. #HPmWed May 18 18:24:30 PDT 2011

RossJeanette T2 some family members have webcams so the can monitor their loved one what

are the implications of this for healthcare? #HPMWed May 18 18:24:33 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom RT @ctsinclair: RT @doctatum: We need to give scripts to trainees. They lack the

language and not enough good teachers out there. #HPmWed May 18 18:24:41 PDT 2011

ctsinclair @MarksPhone The HCP who need the most communication help, may not actively

seek out help with communication. #hpmWed May 18 18:24:54 PDT 2011

KathyKastner My interpret of AND = no comfort care RT @aliciabloom: allow natural death. with


DNR, there's too much focus on the "not." #hpmWed May 18 18:25:13 PDT 2011

EOLnavigator Just arrived. Hey everyone. #hpmWed May 18 18:25:22 PDT 2011

equijada I wonder if there is an "goals of care" app. #hpmWed May 18 18:25:26 PDT 2011

ctsinclair RT @RossJeanette: T2 some family have webcams so they can monitor their loved

one. Implications of this for healthcare? #hpmWed May 18 18:25:29 PDT 2011

MarksPhone @ctsinclair that fits with the fact physicians dont know what they dont know #hpmWed May 18 18:25:40 PDT 2011

revdoc @equijada LOL! #hpmWed May 18 18:25:54 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom Hospital/Home? RT @RossJeanette: T2 family mem. have webcams 2 monitor

loved one what are the implications of this for healthcare? #HPmWed May 18 18:25:57 PDT 2011

RossJeanette Welcome @ eldercare never too late to jump in #HPMWed May 18 18:25:58 PDT 2011

KathyKastner I'm working on something like that: educate/help choose eol options. RT @equijada:

I wonder if there is an "goals of care" app. #hpmWed May 18 18:26:04 PDT 2011

ctsinclair RT @equijada: I wonder if there is an "goals of care" app. "Yep I already trademarked

it "Goals of Care TM" Scoop'd ya!" #hpmWed May 18 18:26:14 PDT 2011

drpippa Anyone know? Should we make one? RT @equijada: I wonder if there is an "goals of

care" app. #HpmWed May 18 18:26:16 PDT 2011

aliciabloom @KathyKastner really? tell me more about your interpretation... #hpmWed May 18 18:26:18 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom Great Idea from the think outside Doc. G8 one. RT @equijada: I wonder if there is an

"goals of care" app. #HPmWed May 18 18:26:30 PDT 2011

ctsinclair @EOLnavigator Hello! You made it right before halftime! #hpmWed May 18 18:26:38 PDT 2011

RossJeanette @PracticalWisdom hospital or home no matter #HPMWed May 18 18:26:41 PDT 2011

RossJeanetteWed May 18 18:26:41 PDT 2011

drpippa Nice! RT @KathyKastner: Im working on something like that: educate/help choose

eol options. #HpmWed May 18 18:26:43 PDT 2011

doctatum Right or wrong but never uncertain! RT @ctsinclair that fits with the fact physicians

dont know what they dont know #hpmWed May 18 18:26:46 PDT 2011

MarksPhone A really well structured needs assessment on this topic among HCP would go a long

way to identify gaps in knowledge and edu strategies #hpmWed May 18 18:26:49 PDT 2011

mpalko T2 Family may recognize that something is wrong before caregivers do #hpmWed May 18 18:26:49 PDT 2011

MatthewsMichele @RossJeanette Do you mean when they're caretakers away from home (say at work)

or those who live far and use web cams to communicate? #hpmWed May 18 18:26:49 PDT 2011

KathyKastner Natural = no pain meds, no symptom management RT @aliciabloom:

@KathyKastner really? tell me more about your interpretation... #hpmWed May 18 18:26:57 PDT 2011

ctsinclair T2: I have seen webcams in rooms. It tends to make the nursing staff a little

apprehensive. Privacy for patient concerns me. #hpmWed May 18 18:27:10 PDT 2011

equijada @ctsinclair can i download it? I'll call it myChoice #hpmWed May 18 18:27:36 PDT 2011

EOLnavigator Hard to have a discussion without letting personal view intervene. #hpmWed May 18 18:27:45 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom Nice one from the NC Gentleman! Hey, RT @mpalko: T2 Family may recognize that

something is wrong before caregivers do #HPmWed May 18 18:27:49 PDT 2011

aliciabloom @KathyKastner natural = no machines, no shocks, no death prolonging

interventions. #hpmWed May 18 18:27:56 PDT 2011

ctsinclair T2: I have seen webcams in the hospital and the hospice house. I have also had my

visit audio and video taped. Felt awkward. #hpmWed May 18 18:28:07 PDT 2011

RossJeanette @MatthewsMichele yes there are people who monitor their loved ones via webcam

#HPMWed May 18 18:28:23 PDT 2011

ctsinclair RT @equijada: @ctsinclair can i download it? Ill call it myChoice "You can call it

whatever you want" #hpmWed May 18 18:28:41 PDT 2011

revdoc T2 better to have family fly back and forth across the country/around the world when a

patient's prognosis isn't very clear? #hpmWed May 18 18:28:43 PDT 2011

EOLnavigator Telemedicine is only going to get bigger. #hpmWed May 18 18:28:54 PDT 2011

HumpbacksRule T2 #hpm As nurse, I wouldn't mind for care, but I would worry about privacy for pt and

visitors who need/want to talk.Wed May 18 18:29:16 PDT 2011

MarksPhone Learning there are webcams before you need one and being given that option at end

of life are two different exercises #hpmWed May 18 18:29:18 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom T2: We have Webcams for children so those who are not able to take care of

themselves or have limitations might make sense. #HPmWed May 18 18:29:21 PDT 2011

RossJeanette @ctsinclair any concerns with liability? #HPMWed May 18 18:29:34 PDT 2011

ctsinclair T2: Institutions need policies for inpatient audio/video taping by family/patient just like

in labor/delivery. Balance privacy/freedom #hpmWed May 18 18:29:44 PDT 2011

pallisurg RT @doctatum: I like the new Heart Rhythm Society patient handout on

Defibrillators/Pacemakers at end of life, http://bit.ly/koeWfF #hpmWed May 18 18:29:47 PDT 2011

RossJeanette RT @HumpbacksRule: T2 #hpm As nurse, I wouldnt mind for care, but I would worry

about privacy for pt and visitors who need/want to talk #HPMWed May 18 18:30:09 PDT 2011

HumpbacksRule RT @ctsinclair: T2: Institutions need policies for inpatient audio/video taping by

family/patient just like in labor/delivery. Balance privacy/freedom #hpmWed May 18 18:30:10 PDT 2011

ctsinclair @RossJeanette That is why I think orgs need some policies, because one staff

might say 'no way' another say 'OK' #hpmWed May 18 18:30:45 PDT 2011

doctatum Debbie Parker Oliver MU studying use of webcams to bring family to hospice IDT!

#hpmWed May 18 18:31:16 PDT 2011

ctsinclair T2: With some webcams/computers it may be difficult to tell if video and or audio is

on. #hpm

on. #hpm

Wed May 18 18:31:19 PDT 2011

EOLnavigator Can't help but feel that with policies, best practices, laws, regs, everything is so

complicated. Need to get back to common sense #hpmWed May 18 18:31:24 PDT 2011

HumpbacksRule @RossJeanette @ctsinclair any concerns with liability? #HPM<< Isn't there always?

:SWed May 18 18:31:32 PDT 2011

ctsinclair RT @doctatum: Debbie Parker Oliver MU studying use of webcams to bring family to

hospice IDT! "now that is innovative" #hpmWed May 18 18:31:42 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom T2: Could be a great point for Quality Facilities to help Potential Residents/Families

have Trust & peace of mind/Private Facilities. #HPmWed May 18 18:31:57 PDT 2011

equijada “@doctatum: Debbie Parker Oliver MU studying use of webcams to bring family to

hospice IDT! #hpm” Nice. I'd love that.Wed May 18 18:32:02 PDT 2011

revdoc T2 Privacy could be obtained by letting the watcher know that the patient has

requested audio off. Family could leave room 2 talk #hpmWed May 18 18:32:06 PDT 2011

ctsinclair @EOLnavigator agree policy must allow for a heaping dose of common sense #hpmWed May 18 18:32:06 PDT 2011

JohnGirdwood I really love reading the #hpm chat! #hospice #palliative #healthcare #Homecare I

work @McLarenHealth (tweets are my own not employer's)Wed May 18 18:32:17 PDT 2011

aliciabloom patient would need to be in control of when audio/video were on. important to respect

privacy & self-determination. #hpmWed May 18 18:32:23 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom Skype 2?RT @ctsinclair: RT @doctatum:Debbie Parker Oliver MU studying use

webcams 2bring family 2 hospice IDT! "now that is innovative" #HPmWed May 18 18:32:37 PDT 2011

ctsinclair @PracticalWisdom Come to Smith's Nursing Home where you can record your loved

one's care! You can trust us! #hpmWed May 18 18:32:50 PDT 2011

drpippa Oh if only all policies could be written like this. RT @ctsinclair: @EOLnavigator policy

must allow for a heaping dose of common sense #HpmWed May 18 18:33:16 PDT 2011

ctsinclair @equijada @doctatum Might slow IDT down a lot, change whole tenor of meeting.

#hpmWed May 18 18:33:31 PDT 2011

Wed May 18 18:33:31 PDT 2011

MDTalk “ Debbie Parker Oliver MU studying use of webcams to bring family to hospice IDT!

#hpm” Nice. I'd love that. http://bit.ly/mLODwxWed May 18 18:33:38 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom @ctsinclair:Invite 2 next chat Debbie Parker Oliver MU studying use webcams to

bring family to hospice IDT! "now that is innovative" #HPmWed May 18 18:33:44 PDT 2011

MarksPhone IDT means? #hpmWed May 18 18:33:56 PDT 2011

ctsinclair @drpippa Maybe create a policy that says all future policies must include common

sense. cc @EOLnavigator #hpmWed May 18 18:34:10 PDT 2011

KathyKastner RT @ctsinclair: @drpippa Maybe create a policy that says all future policies must

include common sense. cc @EOLnavigator #hpmWed May 18 18:34:19 PDT 2011

revdoc Did you really try to use the words "common sense" and "policy" in the same

sentence? #hpmWed May 18 18:34:20 PDT 2011

aliciabloom @ctsinclair @equijada @doctatum opportunities for IDT to talk together as a team,

without patients/families present, is important. #hpmWed May 18 18:34:25 PDT 2011

doctatum @PracticalWisdom @ctsinclair @doctatum cant recall plat form. not skype #hpmWed May 18 18:34:34 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom T2: Once again SoMe Policies help everyone get on board and understand. #HPmWed May 18 18:34:38 PDT 2011

aliciabloom @MarksPhone interdisciplinary team #hpmWed May 18 18:34:40 PDT 2011

RossJeanette RT @doctatum: Debbie Parker Oliver MU studying use of webcams to bring family to

hospice IDT! #HPMWed May 18 18:34:42 PDT 2011

revdoc @MarksPhone Interdisciplinary team--the members Medicare mandates to "do

hospice" #hpmWed May 18 18:34:43 PDT 2011

drpippa Yes! RT @ctsinclair: @drpippa Maybe create a policy that says all future policies

must include common sense. cc @EOLnavigator #HpmWed May 18 18:34:47 PDT 2011

HA!RT @revdoc: Did you really try to use the words "common sense" and "policy" in


HA!RT @revdoc: Did you really try to use the words "common sense" and "policy" in

the same sentence? #hpmWed May 18 18:34:47 PDT 2011

ctsinclair @MarksPhone IDT or IDG Interdisciplinary Group/Team. Term for hospice team

meetings where patient care is discussed #hpmWed May 18 18:34:54 PDT 2011

RossJeanette @MarksPhone IDT means interdisciplinary team #HPMWed May 18 18:35:01 PDT 2011

equijada @MarksPhone interdisciplinary team meeting #hpmWed May 18 18:35:08 PDT 2011

HumpbacksRule @revdoc Did you really try to use the words "common sense" and "policy" in the

same sentence? #hpm << try is probably key word. :)Wed May 18 18:35:10 PDT 2011

EOLnavigator @MarksPhone Interdisciplinary team (meeting..MD, RN, SW, Chaplain Health aide &

anyone involved in the care) a hospice requirement #hpmWed May 18 18:35:16 PDT 2011

ctsinclair @MarksPhone IDT is a Medicare requirement too. At least every two weeks, most

hospice do weekly. #hpmWed May 18 18:35:23 PDT 2011

drpippa *laughing* RT @revdoc: Did you really try to use the words "common sense" and

"policy" in the same sentence? #HpmWed May 18 18:35:24 PDT 2011

ctsinclair @MarksPhone I am SO glad you are asking these questions. you are helping out

more people than you know. #hpmWed May 18 18:35:45 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom Would Skype have Priv. Concerns. Free 4 now?RT @doctatum: @PracticalWisdom

@ctsinclair @doctatum cant recall plat form. not skype #HPmWed May 18 18:35:49 PDT 2011

hollyby @JohnGirdwood Hi there! Welcome! #hpmWed May 18 18:35:50 PDT 2011

aliciabloom AMEN! RT @ctsinclair: @drpippa Maybe create a policy that says all future policies

must include common sense. cc @EOLnavigator #hpmWed May 18 18:36:04 PDT 2011

HumpbacksRule Common sense is not that common..unfortunately. #hpmWed May 18 18:36:08 PDT 2011

ctsinclair RT @revdoc: Did you really try to use the words "common sense" and "policy" in the

same sentence? "I'm using a sarcasm keyboard" #hpmWed May 18 18:36:13 PDT 2011

drpippa Hear! Hear!RT @ctsinclair: @MarksPhone I am SO glad you are asking these

questions. you are helping out more people than you know. #HpmWed May 18 18:36:26 PDT 2011

omiafoundation @EOLnavigator and volunteers! At IDG #hpmWed May 18 18:36:26 PDT 2011

doctatum with all on focus, can do IDT efficiently with family, but yes at times IDT to talk without

patients/families is important. #hpmWed May 18 18:36:46 PDT 2011

EOLnavigator @drpippa @revdoc I want to know what happened.....I'm grieving for the simple life!

#hpmWed May 18 18:36:46 PDT 2011

ctsinclair T2: If family is perceived to be using webcam out of suspicion of the staff, that could

create unnecessary tension. #hpmWed May 18 18:37:09 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom @EldrcareConsult: Are Facilities in TN near you using Webcam technology. What do

you think? #HPmWed May 18 18:37:12 PDT 2011

EOLnavigator @omiafoundation So sorry! Apologies. #hpmWed May 18 18:37:20 PDT 2011

renee_berry Hi all, tweeting from a local city commission meeting, joining late #hpmWed May 18 18:37:39 PDT 2011

mpalko @ctsinclair if nothing inappropriate is going on, then why would it create tension?

#hpmWed May 18 18:37:56 PDT 2011

equijada Family in IDT would reduce gallows humor. I actually need some of that humor.

#hpmWed May 18 18:38:15 PDT 2011

RossJeanette T2 it would make me uncomfortable to think webcam is on all the time #HPMWed May 18 18:38:18 PDT 2011

EOLnavigator Really a symptom of their distress / anxiety / coping style RT @ctsinclair: T2: If family

is perceived ....... #hpmWed May 18 18:38:20 PDT 2011

renee_berry RT @JohnGirdwood: I really love reading the #hpm chat! #hospice #palliative

#healthcare #Homecare I work @McLarenHealth (tweets are my o ...Wed May 18 18:38:30 PDT 2011

EOLnavigator @renee_berry Hey there. #hpmWed May 18 18:38:42 PDT 2011

RossJeanette @kathykastner you would hope patients best interest is in mind by family when

deciding to use webcam #HPMWed May 18 18:39:15 PDT 2011

revdoc @mpalko @ctsinclair Your every move under a microscope--lawyers are very

imaginative in interpreting videos... #hpmWed May 18 18:39:22 PDT 2011

hollyby Perception of "fishing" for a law suit RT @mpalko: @ctsinclair if nothing inappropriate

is going on, then why would it create tension? #hpmWed May 18 18:39:30 PDT 2011

JohnGirdwood Huge point where i am at RT @equijada: _____ would reduce gallows humor. I

actually need some of that humor. #hpmWed May 18 18:39:38 PDT 2011

doctatum I wonder what Ob docs and videos of birth can teach us re: webcam in room? #hpmWed May 18 18:39:39 PDT 2011

ctsinclair @mpalko Heath care staff work under stress that family patients will critique and

potentially sue/get angry. Webcam might inflame. #hpmWed May 18 18:39:51 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom Not enough Quality Facilities! RT @mpalko: @ctsinclair if nothing inappropriate is

going on, then why would it create tension? #HPmWed May 18 18:40:21 PDT 2011

ctsinclair @mpalko If you are not ready for a webcam in your patients room the subtext may be

"Am I not trustworthy?" #hpmWed May 18 18:40:43 PDT 2011

RossJeanette RT @doctatum: I wonder what Ob docs and videos of birth can teach us re: webcam

in room? #HPMWed May 18 18:40:46 PDT 2011

renee_berry RT @ctsinclair: @mpalko Heath care staff work under stress that family patients will

critique and potentially sue/get angry. Webcam might inflame. #hpmWed May 18 18:40:55 PDT 2011

ctsinclair RT @doctatum: I wonder what Ob docs and videos of birth can teach us re: webcam

in room? "Must learn from their success and challenge" #hpmWed May 18 18:41:02 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom When Daughter born Res. Ther said turn off VCR.RT @doctatum: I wonder what Ob

docs and videos of birth can teach us re: webcam in room? #HPmWed May 18 18:41:26 PDT 2011

hollyby T2: I have seen family members use fancy camera baby monitors to keep track of the

pts in the same house but different room. #hpmWed May 18 18:41:43 PDT 2011

MarksPhone there is a three leg stool here that is disjointed at times, family, patient, and HCP

(IDT) how can all be put on the same page? #hpmWed May 18 18:41:47 PDT 2011

renee_berry @ctsinclair @mpalko true, but could also be an opportunity for service excellence?

(with the right admin team & fostered learning) #hpmWed May 18 18:41:50 PDT 2011

equijada @ctsinclair @mpalko when families ask if they can record, I invariably always say

yes. #hpmWed May 18 18:41:50 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom @ctsinclair @doctatum: Read recent article Hospital said no filming. #HPmWed May 18 18:41:52 PDT 2011

ctsinclair RT @equijada: Family in IDT would reduce gallows humor. I actually need some of

that humor. "Good point-families use gallows humor too. #hpmWed May 18 18:42:01 PDT 2011

HumpbacksRule T2 #hpm I think there are many health care workers who do great job but wouldn't

want to be on camera. Fear is a driver for many.Wed May 18 18:42:30 PDT 2011

ctsinclair @hollyby I have seen that much more common. But in past year have seen a handful

of nearly always on cams in inpatient rooms #hpmWed May 18 18:42:43 PDT 2011

renee_berry that's because you're good at your job :) RT @equijada when families ask if they can

record, I invariably always say yes #hpmWed May 18 18:42:48 PDT 2011

mpalko @revdoc @hollyby Oops. My naievete is showing ;) #hpmWed May 18 18:42:49 PDT 2011

KathyKastner RT @ctsinclair: RT @equijada: Family in IDT would reduce gallows humor. I actually

need some of that humor. "Good point-families use gallows humor too. #hpmWed May 18 18:43:04 PDT 2011

aliciabloom @MarksPhone good communication. in-home family meetings with members of the

#hospice IDT present for one visit are often effective. #hpmWed May 18 18:43:06 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom When Team is good could comfort. RT @equijada: @ctsinclair @mpalko when

families ask if they can record, I invariably always say yes. #HPmWed May 18 18:43:08 PDT 2011

renee_berry RT @HumpbacksRule: T2 #hpm I think there are many health care workers who do

great job but wouldn't want to be on camera. Fear is a driver for many.Wed May 18 18:43:08 PDT 2011

ctsinclair @renee_berry Yes, service excellence was mentioned by someone else a bit

earlier.. forgetting who said it. #hpm

earlier.. forgetting who said it. #hpmWed May 18 18:43:19 PDT 2011

RossJeanette @HumpbacksRule Yes being on camera makes some people unsecure #HPMWed May 18 18:43:25 PDT 2011

RossJeanette T3 will start soon #HPMWed May 18 18:43:39 PDT 2011

hollyby T2: Issue with any remote watching is that pt no longer has the freedom of privacy.

No ability to speak/act #hpmWed May 18 18:43:46 PDT 2011

ctsinclair RT @HumpbacksRule: T2 #hpm Many health care workers who do great job but

wouldnt want to be on camera. Fear is a driver for many. #hpmWed May 18 18:43:54 PDT 2011

revdoc @mpalko @revdoc @hollyby I've done a lot of medicolegal work and have slept with

an attorney for nearly a quarter century. I'm jaded! #hpmWed May 18 18:44:09 PDT 2011

drpippa In this day & age don't know where film ends up. RT @RossJeanette:

@HumpbacksRule Yes being on camera makes some people unsecure #HpmWed May 18 18:44:12 PDT 2011

omiafoundation Like! RT @renee_berry: that's because you're good at your job :) RT @equijada when

families ask if they can record, I always say yes #hpmWed May 18 18:44:21 PDT 2011

EOLnavigator @ctsinclair @revdoc I want one of those keyboards....could do alot of damage with

that! #hpmWed May 18 18:44:29 PDT 2011

ctsinclair RT @RossJeanette: Yes being on camera makes some people unsecure

"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Observer-expectancy_effect" #hpmWed May 18 18:44:32 PDT 2011

equijada @ctsinclair good point. I'm going to have to ask families if I can record them after I

leave. #hpmWed May 18 18:44:32 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom T2: When we went to a Family empowerment model and included Families in

Conferences the Respect and Dignity of Client increased #HPmWed May 18 18:45:05 PDT 2011

hollyby I have had families try to listen in to my convos w/ pts w/o their permission even on

baby monitors. Had to remind them it was private #hpmWed May 18 18:45:17 PDT 2011

revdoc @EOLnavigator @ctsinclair @revdoc English is my second language...sarcasm is

my first! #hpmWed May 18 18:45:24 PDT 2011

ctsinclair @hollyby I have experienced that as well. #hpmWed May 18 18:45:48 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom @drpippa @RossJeanette @HumpbacksRule; Do you have folks sign a release for

cameras/Webcam? #HPmWed May 18 18:46:00 PDT 2011

RossJeanette T3 how can social media facilitate teaching the next generation of healthcare

professionals the millennium learner? #HPMWed May 18 18:46:03 PDT 2011

ctsinclair RT @drpippa: In this day and age you dont know where film ends up. RT

@RossJeanette: Yes being on camera makes some people unsecure #hpmWed May 18 18:46:13 PDT 2011

mpalko T2 Does having a camera = recording? Maybe it should be just for monitoring #hpmWed May 18 18:46:45 PDT 2011

equijada @RossJeanette Jeanette, thanks for hosting. Incredible topics. Cutting loose

early...good night all #hpmWed May 18 18:47:06 PDT 2011

hollyby RT @RossJeanette: T3 how can social media facilitate teaching the next generation

of healthcare professionals the millennium learner? #hpmWed May 18 18:47:12 PDT 2011

MatthewsMichele RT @RossJeanette: T3 how can social media facilitate teaching the next generation

of healthcare professionals the millennium learner? #hpmWed May 18 18:47:18 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom T3: I would hope Professors might look at TweetChat Transcripts like this. #HPmWed May 18 18:47:23 PDT 2011

HumpbacksRule @revdoc @EOLnavigator @ctsinclair #hpm English is my second

language...sarcasm is my first!<< Has something to do w sleeping with atty? :DWed May 18 18:47:26 PDT 2011

EOLnavigator To be real & genuine across all facets of their life.....can't separate public,

professional and private any more #hpmWed May 18 18:47:30 PDT 2011

RossJeanette @equijada goodnight #HPMWed May 18 18:47:35 PDT 2011

hollyby @equijada G'night Earl! #hpmWed May 18 18:47:53 PDT 2011

renee_berry RT @RossJeanette: T3 how can social media facilitate teaching the next generation

of healthcare professionals the millennium learner? #HPMWed May 18 18:47:57 PDT 2011

inhousehospice RT @RossJeanette: T3 how can social media facilitate teaching the next generation

of healthcare professionals the millennium learner? #hpmWed May 18 18:48:01 PDT 2011

revdoc T3 Well-done training apps re: palliative care issues would appeal to young learners-

-can do on own time and at own pace #hpmWed May 18 18:48:10 PDT 2011

MarksPhone SM is a tactic a tool. make it part of a well structured edu strategy. ID the strategy and

c if sm fits #hpmWed May 18 18:48:11 PDT 2011

JohnGirdwood We are... RT @PracticalWisdom: T3: I would hope Professors might look at

TweetChat Transcripts like this. #HPmWed May 18 18:48:16 PDT 2011

doctatum I hope to learn that from @RossJeanette @ctsinclair @hollyby: T3 how can social

media teach millennium learner? #hpmWed May 18 18:48:27 PDT 2011

revdoc Good night, Earl! #hpmWed May 18 18:48:40 PDT 2011

RossJeanette T3 ie those healthcare Learners who are digital natives #HPMWed May 18 18:48:53 PDT 2011

drpippa T3 - providing safe space for inquiry and learning. Doesn't happen much in medical

education. #HpmWed May 18 18:48:55 PDT 2011

EOLnavigator Teaching learners to be teachers & thought leaders in their community #hpmWed May 18 18:49:06 PDT 2011

HumpbacksRule @mpalko T2 Does having a camera = recording? Maybe it should be.. #hpm< Like

the concept, but I would fear if it's monitored, it's recorded.Wed May 18 18:49:16 PDT 2011

aliciabloom without social media, we wouldn't be able to have thought provoking dialogues like

this every week! #hpmWed May 18 18:49:25 PDT 2011

KathyKastner T3 Isnt the good thing about up and comers that they/you have already gone digital

#hpmWed May 18 18:49:29 PDT 2011

jen_c_taylor T2 and T3 are deeply entwined: EOL care will adapt, evolve, and serve with intelligent

compassion. #hpmWed May 18 18:49:29 PDT 2011

drpippa @equijada night! #Hpm

Wed May 18 18:49:35 PDT 2011

ctsinclair T3: I hope the next generation might teach us how they want to use social media in

education! #hpmWed May 18 18:49:43 PDT 2011

EOLnavigator presenting information in new & enjoyable ways....shout out to my innovative friend

@zdoggmd #hpmWed May 18 18:49:52 PDT 2011

RossJeanette RT @jen_c_taylor: T2 and T3 are deeply entwined: EOL care will adapt, evolve, and

serve with intelligent compassion. #HPMWed May 18 18:50:03 PDT 2011

MatthewsMichele RT @aliciabloom: without social media, we wouldnt be able to have thought

provoking dialogues like this every week! #hpmWed May 18 18:50:07 PDT 2011

HumpbacksRule RT @ctsinclair: T3: I hope the next generation might teach us how they want to use

social media in education! #hpmWed May 18 18:50:10 PDT 2011

KathyKastner OK, better add my goodnight too you Earl..@equijada #hpmWed May 18 18:50:11 PDT 2011

drpippa RT @ctsinclair: T3: I hope the next generation might teach us how they want to use

social media in education! #HpmWed May 18 18:50:11 PDT 2011

KathyKastner RT @drpippa: RT @ctsinclair: T3: I hope the next generation might teach us how they

want to use social media in education! #HpmWed May 18 18:50:22 PDT 2011

renee_berry T3 social media can help engage young adults to be interested in studying

#palliative care at an earlier place in their career #hpmWed May 18 18:50:35 PDT 2011

StudySports_net Ha yes! RT @aliciabloom: without social media, we wouldn't be able to have thought

provoking dialogues like this every week! #hpmWed May 18 18:50:52 PDT 2011

renee_berry great point RT @drpippa T3 - providing safe space for inquiry and learning. Doesnt

happen much in medical education #meded #hpmWed May 18 18:51:04 PDT 2011

EOLnavigator @jen_c_taylor Hey Jen! #hpmWed May 18 18:51:10 PDT 2011

RossJeanette RT @renee_berry: T3 social media can help engage young adults to be interested in

studying #palliative care at an earlier #HPMWed May 18 18:51:13 PDT 2011

Wed May 18 18:51:13 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom T3: Suzana Makowski created one of the best pieces of SoMe Learning I've ever

seen: http://slidesha.re/ezipSM #HPmWed May 18 18:51:18 PDT 2011

MatthewsMichele @KathyKastner I agree; up and coming professionals in all fields don't have to go

digital, they are digital from a young age... #hpmWed May 18 18:51:26 PDT 2011

hollyby RT @renee_berry: T3 social media can help engage young adults to be interested in

studying #palliative care earlier in their career #hpmWed May 18 18:51:27 PDT 2011

ctsinclair @renee_berry And not only might they find palliative care but they may find any other

niche in medicine that interests them! #hpmWed May 18 18:51:40 PDT 2011

drpippa Yes! @renee_berry: T3 sm can help engage young adults to be interested in

studying #palliative care earlier in their career #HpmWed May 18 18:51:53 PDT 2011

aliciabloom social media can connect clinicians directly with the community they care for, which

can lead to educational initiatives, like @NHDD. #hpmWed May 18 18:51:54 PDT 2011

renee_berry T3 social media allows for an international interdisciplinary conversation, the

inclusiveness allows for open learning, open innovation #hpmWed May 18 18:52:03 PDT 2011

EOLnavigator RT @renee_berry: T3 so me can help engage young adults 2b interested in studying

#palliative care at an earlier place in their career #hpmWed May 18 18:52:14 PDT 2011

KathyKastner RT @MatthewsMichele: @KathyKastner I agree; up and coming professionals in all

fields don't have to go digital, they are digital from a young age... #hpmWed May 18 18:52:15 PDT 2011

MatthewsMichele To add to @KathyKastner's point (& mine) I think it will be a natural transition #hpmWed May 18 18:52:31 PDT 2011

renee_berry @ctsinclair open learning moves people towards finding their passion at a faster

pace, social media helps facilitate that #hpmWed May 18 18:52:38 PDT 2011

drpippa RT @aliciabloom: sm can connect clinicians directly with the community they care

for, which can lead to educational initiatives #HpmWed May 18 18:52:40 PDT 2011

ctsinclair RT @aliciabloom: social media can connect clinicians directly w/ community they

care for, -> lead to educ initiatives, like @NHDD. #hpmWed May 18 18:52:46 PDT 2011

hollyby RT @PracticalWisdom: Suzana Makowski created one of the best pieces of SoMe

Learning Ive ever seen: http://slidesha.re/ezipSM @suzanakm #hpmWed May 18 18:52:49 PDT 2011

RossJeanette @renee_berry yes international sharing network! #HPMWed May 18 18:52:56 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom Please C RR @PracticalWisdom: T3:Suzana Makowski created 1 of best pieces of

SoMe Learning Ive ever seen: http://slidesha.re/ezipSM #HPmWed May 18 18:52:57 PDT 2011

renee_berry RT @drpippa: RT @aliciabloom: sm can connect clinicians directly with the

community they care for, which can lead to educational initiatives #HpmWed May 18 18:53:05 PDT 2011

hollyby Agree!!! RT @RossJeanette: @renee_berry yes international sharing network! #hpmWed May 18 18:53:30 PDT 2011

MatthewsMichele RT @renee_berry: @ctsinclair open learning moves people to finding their passion

at a faster pace, social media helps facilitate that #hpmWed May 18 18:53:35 PDT 2011

doctatum RT @PracticalWisdom: T3:Suzana Makowski created 1 of best pieces of SoMe

Learning Ive ever seen: http://slidesha.re/ezipSM #hpmWed May 18 18:53:36 PDT 2011

EOLnavigator Casual Learning Opportunities! #hpmWed May 18 18:53:48 PDT 2011

MarksPhone 20 years ago I did some work w/Jimmie Holland MSKCC in pall. care. It strikes me

that her work is just now being more widely adopted #hpmWed May 18 18:53:52 PDT 2011

HumpbacksRule Gotta dash. Wonderful chat - thanks so much! #hpmWed May 18 18:53:56 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom T3: Has anyone mentioned the Wealth of Medical and other information/learning on

TED. Short/Sweet Always great slides. #HPmWed May 18 18:54:07 PDT 2011

RossJeanette T3 what about tweeting during didactics? #HPMWed May 18 18:54:17 PDT 2011

hollyby @HumpbacksRule Glad you could join in the fun! #hpmWed May 18 18:54:27 PDT 2011

renee_berry :) #socialmedia RT @RossJeanette @renee_berry yes international sharing

network! #hpmWed May 18 18:54:28 PDT 2011

EOLnavigator Great ideas peeps! #hpmWed May 18 18:55:16 PDT 2011

ctsinclair RT @RossJeanette: T3 what about tweeting during didactics? "I tihnk if done well

this could be fantastic. Would love to collaborate!" #hpmWed May 18 18:55:18 PDT 2011

renee_berry T3 I would love to see #meded students live tweet lectures & blog their way through

programs... cc @sthrane :) #hpmWed May 18 18:55:47 PDT 2011

ctsinclair @RossJeanette Maybe you me, @suzanakm and @hollby create a online weekly

lecture for #hpm fellows? #hpmWed May 18 18:55:49 PDT 2011

ctsinclair @PracticalWisdom Wish more medical educators would watch and learn from

presentation style at TED. #hpmWed May 18 18:56:16 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom I could do Slides? RT @ctsinclair: @RossJeanette Maybe you me, @suzanakm and

@hollby create a online weekly lecture for #hpm fellows? #HPmWed May 18 18:56:25 PDT 2011

ctsinclair RT @renee_berry: T3 I would love to see #meded students live tweet lectures & blog

their way through programs... cc @sthrane :) #hpmWed May 18 18:56:27 PDT 2011

RossJeanette RT @ctsinclair: @RossJeanette Maybe you me, @suzanakm and @hollby create a

online weekly lecture for #hpm fellows? Great idea! #HPMWed May 18 18:56:34 PDT 2011

MatthewsMichele RT @ctsinclair: @PracticalWisdom Wish more medical educators would watch and

learn from presentation style at TED. #hpmWed May 18 18:56:51 PDT 2011

doctatum @ctsinclair @PracticalWisdom TED?? #hpmWed May 18 18:56:52 PDT 2011

MarksPhone @ctsinclair what about tweeting with patients and family to get a sense of their world

#hpmWed May 18 18:56:55 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom @HighStephens does RT @ctsinclair: @PracticalWisdom Wish more medical

educators would watch and learn from presentation style at TED. #HPmWed May 18 18:57:07 PDT 2011

mpalko @renee_berry should I be surprised students aren't doing that now? #meded #hpmWed May 18 18:57:26 PDT 2011

renee_berry agree... & speak for them!!! RT @ctsinclair Wish more medical educators would

watch & learn from presentation style at TED #meded #hpm

renee_berrywatch & learn from presentation style at TED #meded #hpmWed May 18 18:57:32 PDT 2011

aliciabloom RT @ctsinclair: @RossJeanette Maybe you me, @suzanakm and @hollby create a

online weekly lecture for #hpm fellows? <--i love this idea! #hpmWed May 18 18:57:45 PDT 2011

KathyKastner That'd make 'em more comfy on camera :) Wish more medical educators would

watch and learn from presentation style at TED. #HPmWed May 18 18:57:50 PDT 2011

hollyby Could be fun! RT @ctsinclair: @RossJeanette Maybe you me, @suzanakm and

@hollby create a online weekly lecture for #hpm fellows? #hpmWed May 18 18:57:54 PDT 2011

JohnGirdwood Yeah @supernosh RT @renee_berry: T3 I would love to see #meded students live

tweet lectures & blog way through programs... @sthrane :) #hpmWed May 18 18:57:56 PDT 2011

MarksPhone What about CME? Can this topic get funded and support to the same degree HTN

does? This is a rich educational area #hpmWed May 18 18:57:59 PDT 2011

ctsinclair @MarksPhone I know of only a 3 family members of patients on Twitter. Would love

to see them participate here. Will invite them #hpmWed May 18 18:57:59 PDT 2011

renee_berry many students don't see #some as a professional opportunity RT @mpalko should I

be surprised students arent doing that now? #meded #hpmWed May 18 18:58:13 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom T3: Wish more medical education would learn how to create Slide Decks that include

media, images and say no to Bullet Points in slides. #HPmWed May 18 18:58:23 PDT 2011

revdoc @ctsinclair @MarksPhone Would we have to "behave"? #hpmWed May 18 18:58:40 PDT 2011

ctsinclair @mpalko Many students in health care training I meet offline are pretty ignorant of the

professional uses of social media. #hpmWed May 18 18:58:43 PDT 2011

ctsinclair RT @MarksPhone: What about CME? Can this topic get funded and support to the

same degree HTN does? This is a rich educational area #hpmWed May 18 18:58:53 PDT 2011

mpalko @PracticalWisdom PowerPoint doesn't bore people. People bore people #HPmWed May 18 18:59:11 PDT 2011

PracticalWisdom T3: Adult Educators know lecture mode is least effective form of learning.

@marksphone with me? So many tools not being used. #HPmWed May 18 18:59:17 PDT 2011

ctsinclair @MarksPhone Would love to see CME for online training be more robust, but always

have to be concerned about quality. #hpmWed May 18 18:59:19 PDT 2011

joniwatson RT @PracticalWisdom: T3: Wish more medical education would learn how to create

Slide Decks that include media, images and say no to Bullet Points in slides. #HPmWed May 18 18:59:25 PDT 2011

MarksPhone @revdoc Hell NO... #hpmWed May 18 18:59:34 PDT 2011

EOLnavigator Lets arrange a patient and family tweet chat. #hpmWed May 18 18:59:35 PDT 2011

revdoc @mpalko @PracticalWisdom LOL! #hpmWed May 18 18:59:38 PDT 2011

ctsinclair @revdoc That is up to you to behave, anonymous picture of plants in the water. #hpmWed May 18 18:59:50 PDT 2011

renee_berry :) insightful RT @mpalko @PracticalWisdom PowerPoint doesnt bore people.

People bore people #hpmWed May 18 18:59:55 PDT 2011

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