2012-2013 term 3

Post on 28-Mar-2016






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2012-2013 Newsletter for Term 3


Don’t forget to continue to cut out your cereal box tokens and bring them in!

Thamesview School


Special points of interest:-

Get Gravesham Reading!

Coming soon from Business & Enterprise

Details of Year 11 Revision Classes

Inside this Issue:

Headteacher’s letter 2

Careers News 3

Business & Enterprise 4

Breakfast Club 5

Library Corner 6

Important Dates and Exam Timetable


Enrichment 8

Spring Term 3

February 2013

Business & Enterprise

Community Name


Challenger 72

Discovery 48

Endeavour 52

Enterprise 56

Gravesham Council Business Networking Event

On Wednesday 30th January two Thamesview students, Hayleigh Cutmore and Shelby Finch, were asked to act as Business Ambassadors at the Gravesham Borough Council’s evening networking event. The event ran from 6:00pm to 8:00pm but the students had to arrive at 5:15pm to set up the reception desk. During the evening the students signed the delegates in to the event and issued name badges and packs to the business people attending. They also heard different businesses speaking, including representatives from Edinburgh House Estates, a company who are submitting plans for the regeneration of Gravesend town centre and Joanne Howe from the British Heart Foundation about fundraising and support from the local business world. Cllr John Burden, Leader of the Council, also gave an address highlighting the support the council can offer to local business’. Both the students are studying business at Thamesview and this experience will fully support their course work as well as being a great addition to their CV’s. Mrs N Sandy Business and Enterprise Coordinator

Read-a-Thon and Author Visit To celebrate World Book Day in March, Thamesview is going to have its annual Read-a-Thon fortnight. Students will be asked to get sponsored for reading! All money raised will go to three wonderful children’s charities. For more information please go to www.readathon.org. This event encourages students to read and helps sick children as well, so please support your children during this fortnight.

As a prize, the top 50 fundraisers will win an audience with the very funny and amazing author Joe Craig. He will be visiting the school on Tuesday 26th March 2013. If your child would like to get their book signed by him or buy one of his books, please let the librarian know. www.joecraig.co.uk And remember Thamesview, keeeeeeeeep reading!! Mrs Fox Librarian

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Welcome to the Term 3 newsletter. It has been a very exciting term at Thamesview, particularly in terms of all the Business and Enterprise activity that we have seen. Business and Enterprise is the School’s specialist status and as such represents our whole school ethos. We believe that every child should be given the opportunity to achieve their high aspirations, develop confidence in learning, in creativity, in developing adaptable skills and to be responsible for their own development inside and outside of school. The articles in this newsletter amply demonstrate all the hard work that our students and staff are putting in whether it is in reading, examinations, business and enterprise days or in the local community. Our students’ accomplishments are very impressive. I am particularly proud of our ambassadors (Hayleigh Cutmore and Shelby Finch) who represented the School at the Gravesham Council Business and Networking Event. I am certain that it was a valuable experience for our students and that we were well represented. Well done to all our library readers who, again, demonstrate great literacy skills in rising to the reading challenges laid before them. Our staff attended the local launch of the Get Gravesham Reading initiative at Gravesend Library recently and you can read about this in the newsletter. It outlines how important it is to encourage young people to read as much as possible and if possible, to read to people at home, even if it is only for a short time in the evening. This can make a huge difference to a child’s reading ability. Thank you to all parents who attended the Year 9 parents’ evening this term. Attendance was around 60% and many phone calls were made in the subsequent days to parents who could not attend. I would urge all parents to attend parents’ evenings where possible as it can be hugely informative and can make a difference to a student’s education in the long term and to their chances of success. I would like to thank all parents/carers and students for supporting our drive to improve attendance. Good attendance at school is really important if students are to make the most of their education. Government evidence shows that:

Only 3% of students who miss more than 50% of school achieve five good GCSEs

Only 35% of students who have between 80–90% attendance achieve five good GCSEs

Three quarters of students who have a 95% or more attendance rate achieve five good GCSEs. On this basis we are sharply focused on attendance and strive for every student to achieve an attendance figure of 95% or above – this would mean that a child has no more than 10 school days of absence in a year. Please support this aim and ensure that your child attends school regularly and misses school only when it is absolutely necessary. Year 11 students should also remember that an excellent attendance and behaviour record is needed in order to attend the hugely popular Prom! I hope you enjoy reading about the achievements of our students in this newsletter and continue to work with us in providing an excellent education for all our students. Mr Ingham Headteacher

On Thursday 31st January, the new ‘Get Gravesham Reading’ initiative was launched at Gravesend library. The scheme is designed to get children of all ages reading more to help with their learning. Children who read have a number of advantages over those who don’t. For example;

Reading helps children’s imaginations. Reading increases vocabulary.

Learning to read means you can read to learn! Some students will be given reading passports to use and fill in. Please encourage your child to read a range of text. It could be a newspaper, magazine, fiction book or an autobiography. Remember all reading helps, no matter how big or small. Mr Hodges Head of Challenger Community

Get Gravesham Reading!

One Man, Two Guvnors and a 2000 word essay!

Twenty students from the GCSE Drama course enjoyed a fantastic night out at the Haymarket Theatre in London to see the hit comedy ‘One man Two Guvnors’. The students were amazed by the standard of the production and thoroughly enjoyed the piece, laughing out loud constantly and one student even had tears they were laughing so much! Students were still laughing on the coach home...until they were reminded by the small matter of the 2000 word essay they had to write about it on their return to Thamesview! A great night out for all, many thanks to Mrs Beaumont, Miss Hardy, Mr Frame and Mrs Francis for making it such a wonderful evening. Mr Ferguson Drama and Enrichment

More Enrichment on the back page….

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Goodnight Mr. Tom English Theatre Trip On Tuesday 8th January, 47 lucky Year 9 students travelled to the West End to see Goodnight Mr Tom at the Phoenix Theatre. The students had studied the novel in class during term 3 and were keen to critique the theatres interpretation of this much loved World War II story. Overall the students were very impressed with the play they saw, especially enjoying the puppet version of Sammy the dog and the songs sung by the school

children. The teachers were very impressed with the behaviour of the Thamesview students on the trip. A member of the public who was sat among our students even complimented the staff on how well behaved and polite our students were at the theatre. Well done Year 9! Thank you to Mrs Haigh and Mrs Parnell for accompanying us on the trip and to Mrs Dean for organising the tickets. Miss Hudson, SENCO

Event Date

Mock Interview Final Friday 15th February

Fairtrade Fortnight – Events taking place in school involving various subjects

Monday 25th February – Friday 8th March

National Careers Week 4th March -8th March

Working on the Thames 4th March – 8th March

NWK College Open Evening Tuesday 5th March

Year 11 Open afternoon in Vocational Centre with NWK and Learning Shop

Wednesday 6th March

Coming Soon from Business & Enterprise

‘Step Up’ to Success A lunchtime and after school revision group has been set up to provide support and help to all Year 10 and 11 students who are preparing for exams. The group, called ’Step Up’, is run by a team of dedicated mentors who are able to provide assistance to any student who needs some extra help. The mentors have a range of revision and support resources which are designed to aid student learning. The group can also be used as a support network for any student who is struggling with the pressure of exams or experiencing pre-exam nerves. The group meets every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, during lunchtime and after school (3pm-4pm), in the school library. We urge students to come along and take advantage of the personalised support on offer. Mrs Head—IAG Coordinator

Careers Our Year 11 students have been very busy over the last two terms, completing their applications for 6th Form and college. These +16 applications are mostly completed online (through Kent Choices 4U) and students are then invited to interview. If your child still needs help with their +16 application, please make sure they see Mrs Head in the B & E office .If any Year 11 students are interested in applying for an apprenticeship, please sign up to the government website: www.apprenticeships.org.uk. Most apprenticeships can be found on this website along with details of how to apply. If any parents would like information or advice about their child’s +16 options please do not hesitate to get in contact with Mrs Head. Andrea Head (Information, Advice and Guidance Coordinator) a.head@thamesview.kent.sch.uk (01474) 566552 ext 8081171

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This term we took our Enterprise programme to Shorne Primary School and spent the day with Year 5. We ran two workshops during the morning: Lego Challenge and Jewellery Jangle. Two Year 10 students, Hannah Cottenden and Lisa Pullen came with us on the day to help out. Thamesview students supported the younger students during the first part of the morning and then acted as Jewellery buyers for the second task. Both Hannah and Lisa are studying Business, so the experience will help them with their course work. This is the fourth year we have been able to work with Shorne Primary School and as usual the children were very interested, energetic and creative.

Enterprise Outreach Programme

On Tuesday 18th December we held a Maths Means Business Day for a Year 11 Maths group. The students were put into groups and had to set up a stock broker company. Each company had a ’client’; a member of teaching staff who issued them with funds to buy stocks and shares in a variety of companies. The students had three updates from the stock market throughout the day and had to decide if they wanted to re-invest in different companies, or sell the shares they had already purchased. Should they take risks or play it safe? Throughout these stages the students had to email their ‘clients’ giving them regular updates. After lunch each group had to present their findings from the day, if they had made a profit or loss, how they made their decisions and if they would do anything differently next time. The winning company was Dancing Deputies: Jaimi-Lee Basson, Michael Bruford and Jodie Bundock who made an outstanding profit of £1540 on their original £2,000. The Dancing deputies were closely followed by The Science of Shares: Zak Ford, Charlotte Hall and Sam Goddard and also Gordans Suits: Kathleen Jones, James Taylor and Stephanie Tunnicliffe. The presentations where judged by Chris Inwood, Economic Development Officer for Gravesham Borough Council and Brian Wakefield publisher for Gravesham and Medway Life. After the event Sam Goddard said he felt the day had been very educational and he had learnt a lot about the stock market and how maths is used in the workplace. Sam felt the day was made more realistic by the email contact with their company ‘clients’ and by having external judges from local businesses in to work with the students during the day. Charlotte Hall said that the visitors really enhanced the experience for her and the fact that the students could email the Headteacher and other members of the senior leadership team made the activity more real.

Maths Means Business Day


During October Thamesview School was approached by RG Group, a construction company who offer apprenticeships in various levels and are trying to promote careers in middle management in the construction industry. Thamesview were asked to let three of RG Group’s graduate apprentices deliver a session to a group of students about the opportunities available within the construction industry. We selected a group of Business students and set the date for Friday 14th December over a double lesson. Both Mr Spoerry and I met with the graduates during November to discuss the objectives of the session and the outcomes. Once the graduates had planned the session they sent it to the school for approval. On the day the graduates were extremely nervous of working with our young people but as usual Thamesview students were genuinely interested and engaged with the various activities the graduates set them, including building a tower out of spaghetti and marshmallows. Thamesview students found out a lot about employment opportunities in the construction industry and soon realised that construction means a lot more than working as tradesmen. Many of the students found the middle management roles extremely interesting and are keen to find out more details. Thamesview and RG Group are planning on working together on more projects in the future and opening more opportunities to our students.

Job Roles Workshop

On Thursday 13th December we held an Enterprise Day for Year 10 Business students. The students were set a business challenge; to organise a money generating venture for Cyclopark during the winter months. The teams had to plan, cost and promote the event taking into consideration the local environment and green issues. The teams worked hard throughout the day and really enjoyed the competitive nature of the challenge. The students felt this challenge was particularly relevant as it related to a real local project, with all of the students aware of the site on the old A2. The winning team members were: Fraser Ross, Jake Heather, Stuart Atkin and Courtney Sharpe. Two other prizes were awarded for students who had remained focused and took a part in leading the team during the day, these were: Chelsea Bolingbroke and Stuart Atkin.

Business Day

Mock Interview Day Top Eleven

On Friday 25th January we held our annual Mock Interview Day for Year 10 students. Each of the employers who carried out the interviews was asked to nominate their best student of the day. The students nominated were: Lewis Dellbridge, Matthew Douch, Sophie Hart, Jack Hawkes, Jake Heather, Chloe Oakley, Laura Seabright, Lanre Sowami, Rebecca Sparks, Jake Williams and George Wrench These students are now going forward to the second round which will involve applying for another job, by letter this time, and then attending a panel interview. These interviews will take place on Friday 15th February. Each of these eleven students have received a certificate and a WH Smiths gift voucher and the student who comes first will receive a Kindle from the school. However, we have also been

given three tickets, in a company corporate hospitality box at the O2, for a Girls Aloud concert. These will be issued to the first and second place students who will be accompanied by a member of Thamesview staff. This is a fantastic prize and an amazing opportunity to see a concert, mix with staff from well known companies and enjoy the free refreshments and concert in comfort.

Thamesview’s Breakfast Club! Our Breakfast Club is currently open every school day morning from 8.00 -

8.25am in the café area and all students are welcome to come along for some

breakfast. Items available to purchase include -

2 slices of toast 50p Buttered muffin 60p

Bacon roll £1.05 Egg and bacon muffin £1.35

Ham and cheese toastie £1.35 Yoghurt 60p

Grape pot 72p

This new initiative has

been extended until Easter - do send your

child along to try it!

Please be aware - for students entitled to free school meals, an additional sum

of £1.35 will be added to your child’s food allowance, but this will only be accessible for the specific breakfast period, and will not be available to

spend at lunchtime.

I want to acknowledge the hard work that all Year 7 and Year 8 students have put into their reading last term. Congratulations to the following students for their outstanding achievements:

Mrs V Fox, Librarian

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Hobbit Storytelling at Gravesend Library

On 15th December 2012, seven KS4 students dressed up as characters from the Hobbit and read to a group of small children at Gravesend Library. These students worked for months on getting their costumes and script just right. A big thank you to Hannah Collins, Mary-Anne Owen, Lewis Foreman, Johnny McFarlane, Katie Mancini, Amiee Goddard and Kayleigh Homden for showing the community just how fantastic Thamesview students are!

Getting Gravesham Reading

Last term students from all over Gravesend were asked to design a logo for an upcoming Gravesham wide literacy project called ‘Get Gravesham Reading’. Students were told that the logo had to inspire teenagers to read. The logo will be seen throughout the Gravesend area in schools and commercial build-ings. The top five designs from our school were drawn by Charlie Rayfield, Charlie Wil-son, Danni May, Holly Edwards and Cerys Parnell. Charlie Rayfield came in second place overall. Well done to all students who participated!

These students read the most words last term

Year 7 Cara Dixon (713 013 words) Year 8 Caitlin Turner (428 952 words)

Year 7 students who achieved the most 100% quizzes in their Community Cameron Fromant Orkun Terlemez Shannon Harvey Sadie Crawford Liam Reely

Year 8 students who achieved the most 100% quizzes in their community

Jordan MacArthur Andrew Trimming Ethan Stuart Stevie-Marie Reece

Sodexo Catering Price Changes

w.e.f. 25th February 2013

Our catering providers Sodexo have discovered a technical problem within their system which means they have been under-charging on a few food items since last September. Unfortunately to correct this anomaly, prices on several food items will need to be increased as from the start of next term, 25th February. The food items affected are listed here together with the amended price. Lesley Hilling Business Manger

£1.94 Chicken Rolls £1.65 Chicken Sandwiches 54p Biscuits 60p Muffins 75p Tray Bake

Accelerated Reader (AR)

Remember parents/carers, if you want to be keep up to date with your child’s reading progress, sign up to the AR Home Connect link on the school website.

Key Events: Monday 25th February - First day of Term4 Thursday 7th March—Yr 9 Options Fayre Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd March - School

Show Tuesday 26th March - Yr 11 Parents’ Evening Thursday 28th March - Last day of Term 4 Monday 15th April - First day of Term 5 Thursday 25th April - Yr 7 Parents’ Evening Monday 6th May - Bank Holiday Friday 24th May -- Last day of Term 5 Monday 3rd June - First day of Term 6 Wednesday 24th July - Last day of Term 6

Diary Dates Staff Development Days:

Wednesday 13th March 2013 Monday 1st July 2013

Bank Holidays: Monday 6th May 2013

Please note that the school will be closed on these days for students.

Term Dates

4 Monday 25th February to Thursday 28th March

5 Monday 15th April to Friday 24th May

6 Monday 3rd June to Wednesday 24th July

1 Tuesday 3rd September to Friday 25th October

2 Monday 4th November to Friday 20th December

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Thursday 28th February 1.30PM 1 hour 43601F Mathematics Unit 1 Tier F AQA

Thursday 28th February 1.30PM 1 hour 43601H Mathematics Unit 1 Tier H AQA

Friday 1st March 9:00 AM 1 hour 5BI1F01 Science - Influences on Life (F) Edexcel

Friday 1st March 9:00 AM 1 hour 5BI1H01 Science - Influences on Life (H) Edexcel

Friday 1st March 9:00 AM 1 hour 5B12F01 Science - Components of Life (F) Edexcel

Friday 1st March 9:00 AM 1 hour 5B12H01 Science - Components of Life (H) Edexcel

Monday 4th March 9.00 AM 1 hour 15 mins 43602F Mathematics Unit 2 Tier F AQA

Tuesday 5th March 9.00 AM 1 hour 5CH1F01 Science - Chemistry in Our World (F) Edexcel

Tuesday 5th March 9.00 AM 1 hour 5CH1H01 Science - Chemistry in Our World (H) Edexcel

Wednesday 6th March 9.00 AM 1 Hour 30 mins 43603F Mathematics Unit 3 Tier F AQA

Thursday 7th March 9.00AM 1 hour 5PH1F01 Science - Universal Physics (F) Edexcel

Thursday 7th March 9.00AM 1 hour 5PH1H01 Science - Universal Physics (H) Edexcel

Thursday 7th March 9.00AM 1 hour 5PH2F01 Science - Phys. For Your Future (F) Edexcel

Thursday 7th March 9.00AM 1 hour 5PH2H01 Science - Phys. For Your Future (H) Edexcel

Exam Timetable All students who have been entered for exams in March have been issued with an individual exam timetable. Mobile phones must be handed in before the start of all exams, possession of a mobile phone or any other unauthorised material is breaking JCQ regulations.

Students to arrive outside the sports hall at least 10 minutes before exam start time.

If you are absent on the day of your exam please telephone your Progress Manager or reception.

If you need any further information with regard to exams please call the Exam Office.

Good luck in your forthcoming exams. Mrs J Reilly Exam Manager - Extension 8081204

Maths - Year 11

Mondays 3-4pm for those targeting Grades G, F, E Tuesdays 3-4pm for those targeting Grades D,C Wednesdays 3-4pm for those targeting Grades B, A, A* All in EP13 with Mr Mauceri

Reminder …… Revision Sessions for Maths and Science

Science - Suitable for Year 10 & 11 students sitting (resitting) Core/Additional Science.

Biology B1 (LF) Thursday 3-4 pm (Library) Friday 1:20—1:55 (D13)

Chemistry C1 (CG) Wednesday 1:20—1:55 (D13) Wednesday 3-4 pm (Library)

Physics P1 (MD) Friday 1:30—1:55 (D1)

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French Challenge Enterprise Day

On Tuesday 5th February we held a French Challenge Enterprise Day for Year 8 students. This is the first time we have run an Enterprise Day for French for Year 8 students, so a new venture for us. The students were invited to attend in smart business wear and we held the day in our Vocational centre to give the students a totally different experience. The day was delivered by Andy Brading from ABC Consultancy who has worked with Thamesview students for the last seven years. The class was split into groups of four or five and their challenge for the day was to design a page for the school website which can be accessed by Collège Michelet; a French school in Lens we have links with. The page needed to explain, in both French and English, general details about Thamesview so the French students could find out more about our school such as: location, curriculum, after school activities or P6. After lunch, each of the six teams had to present their ideas to the rest of the group using both English and French. The standard was extremely high and even Mrs Darby was surprised at the impressive use of the French language. The winning team was: Paris Munchers and team members were: Billy McDonnell, Tanya Hills, Megan Taylor, Lewis Robins and Bianca Ayodeji. In very close 2nd place was Chateau Neuf de Pape et Duck a l’Orange and team members were: Megan Williamson, Carly Hammond, Connor Ward and Chloe Clerkson. All of these students received WH Smith gift vouchers and individual prizes went to: Megan Taylor, Connor Ward, Bethany Murray, Conor Balne, Chloe Clerkson and Tanya Hills who all received a Progress Folder to store their collection of certificates in. Overall it was an extremely successful day and the resources that the groups designed will be displayed in school.

Mrs Sandy Business and Enterprise Coordinator

Port Theatre Trip

The Newviews playwriting club were treated to another exciting

night out at the National Theatre to see Simon Stephens

play ’Port’. As well as complimentary tickets to the sold out hit; students were treated to

exploring the National Bookshop and

also managed a glimpse of the London Eye.

A massive thanks must go to Mr Frame and Mrs Beaumont

for making the trip such a success.

P6 - As busy as Ever! It has been another term of fantastic and exciting events at Thamesview; clubs include activities ranging from Archery to Film Club, from Sports Clubs to Gaming Club, and from Glee Club to Computer Clubs, all of which are still an everyday occurrence. The enrichment here at Thamesview is a real credit to the staff who take such an active part in creating a sixth period where students can enjoy themselves and have fun. A massive thanks to every member of staff who runs a club, helps with events or trips or takes part in any enrichment activity, by the pure attendance value I know the students appreciate it.

Let’s hope next term will be as busy as ever!

Mr Ferguson Drama Subject Leader and Enrichment Co-ordinator

Challenger open up 16 point gap... Challenger have made a real run for glory this term in the Enrichment Cup . Victory in Puzzle Problems, Yr11 Football and the Healthy Meal challenge has seen them open up a sixteen point lead from their nearest placed rivals; Enterprise. The final competition of the term was ‘The Cube’ based on the hit TV show, this was a challenge which was thoroughly enjoyed by all who took part, especially Enterprise who took home the points. Next term’s challenges will include the Voc Block Challenge, Spelling Bee, Drama Olympics and a Netball Tournament.



Term 2 & 3 Scores

46 34 36 38

Puzzle Problems

8 2 4 6

Yr11 Football Fives

8 2 6 4

New Year Healthy Meal

8 6 0 0

The Cube 2 4 6 8

TOTALS 72 48 52 56

top related