2012 ryla conference presentation 6.29.12

Post on 17-Oct-2014






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Rotary Youth Leadership Award Conference at Westminster College - what is leadership?


Rotary Youth Leadership Award Conference Westminster College

All I Need To Know About Leadership, I Learned in Kindergarten...

(And from my family...)

I.N.T.R.O. to Leadership

INTEREST – What makes a great leader?

NEED – Because we need leaders (and heroes…)

TIME - fun for an hour & a half…

RANGE OF ACTIVITIES - lecture, fun, interactive, fun, video, rewards & more fun…

OBJECTIVE - “Take away” - how to be a leader & have meaningful life plus learn to “B-REL”

Build Relationships & Enrich Lives…

and Make A Difference...

What is a meaningful life?

* Define what success is to you…

* Hint - should not base on “stuff” * Secret of life = “all of life is about

relationships & how we handle them”

* No matter what you do in life, ultimately your ATTITUDE will make it good or not…

“There is nothing good or bad, but thinking

make it so” - Hamlet, William Shakespeare

Your Success in life will be decided by your ATTITUDE

* ATTITUDE starts with each of us…

* Think of one adjective to describe someone you admire, a mentor...


* 90% of life is ATTITUDE! * Or, maybe it is even more...


T = 20

T = 20

I = 9

T = 20

U = 21

D = 4

E = 5

ATTITUDE is everything

ADD IT UP, it equals…

100% Your ATTITUDE, plus your aptitude

Will determine your Altitude in life…

Passion & inspire people

to achieve a "shared

vision" of a better world.

The Story of the Starfish...

Every day, an old man walked the beach with a pail, picking up starfish washed in by the tide, and threw them back into the sea. One day a young boy asked him, “Why do you throw them back? It doesn’t matter. They will wash up on the shore tomorrow.”

The old man picked a starfish out of his pail, threw it as far as he could into the sea, and replied…

”It made a difference to that one!”

STARfish Leadership is about "MAKING A DIFFERENCE.”

STARfish Leadership Philosophy…

PLAY - Have fun at work… Enjoy life!

BE HERE - Work is theatre, you’re always on stage!

MAKE IT PERSONAL -Make your energy contagious... Make peoples day!

CHOOSE YOUR ATTITUDE - Make it fun for yourself & everyone around you…

You can choose to be a

Eeyore or a Tigger...

MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Thanks to Pikes Place Fish Market Fishmongers &

Dr. Randy Pawsch, author of “The last Lecture”

Takes ATTITUDE & PASSION… "What you ARE speaks so loudly, I cannot hear what you say!” Emerson


You ARE what you do, not what you say…

Leaders are made… So Learn to lead... * Get in leadership positions in school…

* Get experience leading people...

* Read, take leadership courses (write papers & do presentations)…

* Volunteer (make a difference…)

* Visit places (all types…)

* Try it out (intern, summer job…)

*Broad education (they read, a lot…)

*Curiosity & imagination


*Believe in people & teamwork (care...)

*A willingness to take risks

*Commitment to excellence

*Respect, trust & integrity for others

*Have Vision & can communicate it

*Leaders wear lots of HATS...

The most important leadership

asset is credibility, which has at

its root the word "credo" from

Latin meaning, "a set of beliefs".

"Of the things we think, say or do:

1. Is it the TRUTH?

2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?

3. Will it build GOODWILL &


4. Is it BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Integrity - & decide what they stand

for, what they believe in & what values

they hold to be true & right. Then,

they do what they say they will do &

"They lead by example.”

Leah Anne Tuohy/Micheal Oher Jerry Sandusky

* There truly are people who give off light...

* Hang around these people…

* Miracles do happen,

* We just have to believe...

They do not see the color of someone’s skin, they see content of character… MLK

* We can learn a lot from children,

* they have imagination & no fear.

* We all should be like this…

* “kNOw FEAR!”

* Like Soul Surfer

* Bethany Hamilton…

* What is your deepest fear?

* You cannot make someone happy,

* it is up to us to be happy or not,

* HAPPINESS is a choice…

* Here’s a tip…

* Eat Cheerios...

* Why?

* Ya’ gotta love the name...

* Be happy, it’s your choice…

* Men & women are different…

* The beauty in life lies in this…

* The more WE understand this,

* the more we understand,

* we don’t really understand it.

* But it makes life interesting…

* RESPECT (yourself & each other)

* The line between good & evil, hope & despair is not about cultures, religions or places…

* It runs down the middle of all of us (“Preya & Shreya”).

* Have faith, hope & love… Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can… MLK

* We all make a difference & everything we do, does too...


Yesterday is history,

tomorrow’s a mystery,

but today is a gift,

which is why it’s called the “present”

* What goes around, comes around…

* “You cannot get good things, by doing bad things” (Bhagavad-Gita)

* “Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you” (Quran)

* “Do unto others as you would have them do to you” (Bible)

Honesty really is the best policy,

1. Be impeccable with your words…

Not everyone’s going to like you,

2. Don’t take it personally…

Remember the ASSuME rule,

3. Don’t make assumptions…

Make a difference ALL the time,

4. Always do your best...

“And in the end,

the love you take,

is equal to the love you make.”

“All you Need is Love”

the Beatles...

Do not follow the beaten path, go where there is no road

and blaze a trail...

Making a difference begins with us!


“What kind of world do you want?”

“I see before me two people...

the person you are now,

and the person you can become!”

History starts now...

The choice is yours… jwk

Credit goes to... Robert Fulghum, “All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten”

Jack Abrashoff, “It’s Your Ship”

Dr.Seuss, “Oh, the places you’ll go”

Five for Fighting, “World”

Miquel Ruiz, “The Four Agreements”

Randy Pawsch, PhD, “The Last Lecture”

Pikes Place Fishmarket. “FISH”

Many others - Mother Teresa, Ghandi, Martin Luther King Jr...

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