2012 term 1 newsletter

Post on 21-Apr-2015






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Blacktown Zone Playgroups Newsletter


Blacktown Zone Christmas Party 2011 was a success!

Submissions & Enquiries — newsline@live.com.au

Blacktown Zone Playgroups

Quarterly Newsletter Term 1 April 2012

Newsline Heading Towards a Blog...

We are hoping to move the current format of Newsline (handouts @ the Zone meetings & a link available through Playgroup NSW website) to a blog. We do this with the intent of reaching more members with relevant content and increasing the involvement from the zone.

You may ask “What is a blog”? Well blogs are like mini websites. They are

free, easy to use, update automatically and can be shared with others by simply providing the blog address. It also has the ability to allow its readers to leave comments & subscribe to emails in an interactive format. The Seven Hills Scallywags (SHS) currently have a blog which has a report on each session and is the way in which members

are kept up to date of the goings on @ “group”.

To check out the SHS blog just type this address in your browser

http://shscallywags. wordpress.com/

To share with us your thoughts please send us an email to newsline@live.com.au

Inside this issue:

Zone Information 2

Fundraising News 3

Committee Update 4

News from Play-groups NSW


Community News 6

Art & Craft 7

Cooking 8

Fun Things to do... 9

Who’s Part of our 10

Playgroup News 11

Playgroup News 12

Christmas Raffle 13

Session Structure 14

Our big event for the year was held on 9th December at the Bernie Mullane Complex in Kellyville. With 220 tickets sold, we were looking forward to lots of playgroup kids and carers having a great time. The venue was set up with a jumping castle, toddler play area with slides, ball pit and more, and tables for plaster painting, play dough and colouring.

The face painting fairy was popular and did a great job of turning the kids into tigers, butterflies and other animals. Out the back was the animal farm with creatures great and small, and even some whip cracking action!

After some dancing action, it was time for Santa's visit! The kids were very well behaved as they waited for him to arrive, and after the colouring in competition winners were announced, everyone lined up to talk to Santa and get a candy cane. Finally, the raffle winners were drawn, before it was time to pack up and head home for naps (for the kids and the adults!)

Thanks to Maria Webb and Lauren Wells for all their hard work in

organising the party, and to Nicole McAleer for working so hard on the day.

We're looking forward to this year's event, which will be held earlier in the

year to avoid the madness of Christmas-time! Stay tuned for more info.


Leanne Cook

Cathy Landall

Zone Co-ord inators

Helen Wren


Jody Hardy



Kristen Kilpatrick



Stephanie Walton


0425 351 080

Newsline Editors

Catherine Landall

Leanne Cook



Nicole McAleer


Zone Meeting

The next zone meeting will be held on

Wednesday 2nd May

@ Doonside Neighbourhood Centre.

32 Birdwood Ave Doonside (behind IGA).

All members are invited. One member

from each group is required to attend.

R.S.V.P to the Zone Secretary



2012 Zone Event

The event for this year will be held on the

15th September rather then at Christmas time.

The details will be published in the next

quarterly Newsline.

Volunteers needed. Please contact :

Kristen - Zone Secretary


Have a look at the Playgroup NSW & Blacktown

Zone Playgroups Facebook pages!!

"Like" us to receive regular updates and be part of the Playgroup

community on Facebook.


Search for Blacktown Zone Playgroup

A word from our NEW fundraising committee

LaLeiBella’s sweets n treats are the ideal creation

for your next celebration, be it a Children’s Birth-

day Party, Christening, Baby Shower, or anything

else you put your mind to. Specialising in Cup-

cakes, decorated biscuits & Cake Pops...


Hi everyone, its Nicole here, your fundraising co-ordinator and as to date the ONLY member of the

fundraising committee. To be able to put on a great event we are going to need some money which is

why it’s important that we are able to fundraise as much money as possible so we do something fantastic

for the kids with as little input financially from everyone.

I am happy to do all of the administration side of things but I need people to actually help out with small

jobs on the committee, so we really need some volunteers for this position.

The idea of the fundraising committee is to raise as much funds as possible with a few big events for

maximum return. Please note what we have planned so far for this year:

Bargain Shopping Trip

A bus shopping trip to the factory outlets which will be an all day event including lunch. We will be visiting

outlets which sell kids, men’s & women’s clothing, toys, handbags, shoes, manchester & house goods just

to name a few. It will be on a Saturday in mid-June with further details to be released in the next week or

so via email & Facebook. Please start talking to your friends, family & neighbours to get as much interest as

possible. The trip works on a commission basis, the more people on the tour the bigger commission we

make so we want to get as many people as possible involved.

Ryan’s Toy Warehouse

This visit will be September/October with

further details to be released closer to

the date.

Bunning BBQ

We have a date booked for Saturday 17 November 2012 at the Norwest store. This will be discussed at

future zone meetings but we will require at least 4 people to be manning the store between 9am – 4pm.

Please discuss within your playgroup if you group would like to volunteer for an hour and let me know

what time you would prefer and we will set up a timetable, ideally if each group volunteers to provide

between 4-5 members we will be able to ensure that the day is a success but with the work being shared

by many.

Please email me if your

interested in helping,

tips / suggestions or any

questions, I would love to hear

some feedback.


A word from our NEW Committee

A note from Kristen

Who can believe that we're already so far into 2012?! After surviving the hectic time that is Christmas and New

Year, it was nice to get back into the routine of playgroup, and have our first Zone meeting in early February. I

hope you have had a chance to read the meeting minutes and share the relevant sections with your play-group. A big welcome to all of the new Committee members who are now coming to grips with their roles as

Coordinators, Secretaries and Treasurers! If you need help with your roles or have queries, get in touch with

Playgroup NSW, or with your Zone Committee.

We are working hard on better ways to communicate with all members in our Zone, starting with the Face-

book group page (search for Blacktown Zone Playgroups and then join the group). We are also planning to visit all the groups in the Zone, in person, over the coming months. Our event for this year will be held in Sep-

tember so stay tuned for more info. Our fundraising office, Nicole McAleer, is hard at work organising our ac-

tivities for the year, which will include a shopping tour and a Bunning's BBQ.

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 2nd May at Doonside Neighbourhood Centre. We would love to see

you there, but in the meantime, please get in touch with us if you would like to contribute ideas, time, help or comments. The more members who participate in the Zone, the better we will be!

Kristen Kilpatrick

Blacktown Zone Secretary


A note from Jody

Hi everyone, welcome back to Playgroup 2012

and a big welcome to all our new members. As

the new zone Co-ordinator I just want to let you

all know my door is always open if you have any

questions, comments, suggestions or problem to

do with your playgroup or the zone please con-

tact me I am here to help and ensure that play-

group is fun for all.

Hope to see you all the next zone meeting, Jody.

hardyjody@ymail.com 0415152932.

Playgroup NSW is the only

organisation in NSW to of-

fer comprehensive insur-

ance to cover playgroups,

your equipment and pos-

sessions, the group's volun-

teers, and participating

adults and children. This

managed scheme is af-

fordable due to the large

number of groups and

families participating. Play-

group NSW takes the stress

away from you as a parent

or volunteer by coordinat-

ing the scheme. History tells

us that it is very difficult to

get affordable insurance

for just one group.

It is important to note

nearly all of community

venues, halls or churches in

NSW will require your play-

group to have appropriate

insurances. If your group is

a home based group you

will need insurance cover

to conduct Playgroup ac-

tivities in yours and other

members' homes. This safe-

guards you in the event of

a legal action being taken

as the household owner.

Many people mistakenly

believe that if they hire a

community venue or

church you are covered

by the venue or church

insurance. In most cases

venues have only public

liability coverage for their

hall and its committee;

meaning if you or your

child is injured or you injure

someone else you are per-

sonally liable. This also ap-

plies if you damage the

halls property such as

breaking a window.

If the venue does not have

public liability insurance we

strongly recommend your

group not use the premises.

This is why membership with

Playgroup NSW is impor-


For further information or

enquiries regarding Play-

group NSW membership

email or call today on

1800 171 882.

About Insurance...

Parties. With Playgroup

running for 40 weeks a

year, we're throwing

parties across NSW to

bring the celebrations

to members and local

communities. For de-

tails check the website.

Wyong Playgroups

Family Funday


Where: Koala Park,

Munmorah Power Sta-

tion, Scenic Drive, San

Remo, NSW

When: 20-Mar-12 10:00

AM until 20-Mar-12

02:00 PM

For more details visit:




What’s On? 40th Birthday


Playgroup NSW will

celebrate a milestone

in 2012, it’s 40th Birth-

day. Founded by Rose-

mary Roebuck in

Birchgrove in 1972, the

Playgroup movement

grew rapidly and ex-

tended across the

state and across Aus-

tralia. Playgroup NSW

has been integral in

the lives of hundreds of

thousands of families

and has been part of

family life for three

generations, giving

children, parents and

carers a place to

come together and

learn through play.

We're celebrating the

40th Birthday with 40

Page 5

Problems getting members to pay annual fees? Read this...

A note from Playgroup NSW

Great tasting meat and expert advice

Shop 8, Kings Langley Shopping Centre

James Cook Drive,

Kings Langley


By Kate Davis B. Ed,

Mother and works for

Goodstart Toongabbie.

Babies, like older chil-dren, have their own interests emerging from a very early age. These interests could be things like animals, cars, dolls/babies or even bugs. Often these emerge from common things they have observed in their immediate environ-ment.

Another main source of interest for babies quite simply stems from their desire to be inde-pendent and learn new skills such as crawling, walking, or self feeding.

As educators, we know the best way for a child to learn is through play experiences based around their interests. Activities that encour-age a child to think, ob-serve, feel, taste, touch, manipulate and listen

are critical for babies to learn about the world around them.

Another important way we know children learn is through social interac-tions and social situa-tions. They learn by ob-serving others and imi-tating their sounds, ac-tions and behaviors. As educators and families it is beneficial for the chil-dren we care for to pro-vide activities and ex-periences which foster their development in a range of social situa-tions.

Some group activities that are appropriate for babies include:

Open shut them song with actions

Twinkle twinkle song with actions

Wheels on the bus song with actions

Row your boat song

with actions

Der glumph song with actions

If you’re happy and you know it song with ac-tions

Down in the meadow song with actions

Rock a bye your bear song with actions

Social games such as:

There is someone who is hiding


I wonder what your name is

Literacy and language activities such as:

Story reading

Puppet stories

Felt story telling

Sensory activities includ-ing:

Play Ideas for babies

Page 6 From the Community…


Email or call Cathy for a quote:


0410 320 695

Acceptance of advertising for Newsline does not

constitute endorsement of the advertiser’s products

or services by Blacktown District Playgroups.

Blacktown District Playgroups reserve the right to

select and edit materials submitted for publication.

Did you know that if you have a business, Newsline will place your ad for FREE!


large paper plate, Styro-foam cup (you only need 1/2 a cup for each craft), paint, glue, string or ribbon, hole punch, green tissue paper .


Paint the paper plate.

Cut the styrofoam cup in

half (an adult's job) and

paint it too . Let dry.

Glue the cup onto the

plate. Let dry.

Punch a hole in the top of

the plate.

the paper for the leaves (re-dipping in the paint

as necessary)

Materials: Paint—a mixture of

autumn colours


Stamp the side of your hand in brown paint and

stamp it on the paper as the trunk

Stamp your index finger

in green paint and stamp it many times on

Mother’s Day Craft — HANGING FLOWER POT


(4 of each colour).

Cut out the prints and glue to form a wreath.

You can decorate the wreath further with poppies (or other appropriate pictures).

Anzac Day Craft — HANDS WREATH




red paint or construction paper.


Trace child's hand or paint handprints onto paper and cut out the prints.

Make eight handprints

Page 7

“The greatness of a

craft consists firstly

in how it brings

comradeship to men.”

Antoine de Saint

Tuck these pieces into

the cup (they look like


Cut one long strip of

green tissue paper about

4 or 5 inches wide.

Accordion fold (fan fold)

the piece as tightly as the

kids are able.

Keeping it folded, cut thin


tuck them into the cup

(they look like grass).



child's name and/or the

year along the top.

Put a string or ribbon


Tie the ribbon so you have a

loop that would go over a

doorknob or a pin so mum

can hang it up.

Cut pieces of green tissue

paper (about 4 inch by 4

inch pieces).

Arts and Craft

Did you or you play-

group have a go at

one of these

Arts & Crafts?

Please send us a

photo of your

creations to


Handmade Rocking Horses

for Sale


Smooth gliding action. Colours

available are red and maroon.

These take about 4 weeks to


Please contact Natalie at Seven

Hills Playtime Corner

0411 286 308 or


Ingredients 375 g self-raising flour,


1 tsp. baking powder

200 g caster sugar

125 ml vegetable oil

1 egg

125 ml milk

1 tsp vanilla extract

300 g blueberries, fresh or


granulated sugar, for




1. Preheat oven to

180C/160C fan.

2. Place the flour, bak-

ing powder and sugar in

a bowl.

Place the oil, egg, milk

and vanilla in a separate

bowl and whisk to com-


Pour the liquid ingredi-

ents into the dry ingre-

dients and mix until just


Add the blueberries and

mix to combine.

3. Spoon mixture into a

12-hole, 125ml capacity

muffin tin lined with pa-

per patty cases.

Sprinkle the tops with

sugar and bake for 30–

35 minutes or until

cooked when tested

with a skewer.

Too Easy Blueberry Muffins

Page 8

“Cooking is at

once child’s

play and adult

joy. And

cooking done

with care is an

act of love.”

Craig Claiborne

Cooking with Kids

Prep time: 15 min

Cook time: 35 min, plus

cooling time

Serves: 12

Picture by: Leanne Cook

Recipe by: Donna Hay

Serves: 12

IN2Life Personal Training

Bring health & well being into your life

Pre & Post Natal Fitness Classes

Mums and bumps (Indoor Class)

For pregnant women who want to: stay active, have more en-

ergy & be physically prepared for labour

Mums and prams (Outdoor Class)

For first time mums: who just need some “me” time, want to interact with other new mums & want to feel and look better

after pregnancy

MUMS on the run (Women only Outdoor Class)

For women who just need some “me” time, who never have

“time to exercise & who want to feel and look better!

All Classes held locally in The Ponds, Kellyville Ridge & Bella Vista

Other Services

One-on-one training

Matt O’Neill’s Metabolic Jumpstart nutrition coaching

Call Sarah now on 0418 417 182 & step IN2 a new Life!

Sarah Magi E: sarah@in2lifept.com.au W: www.in2lifept.com.au

Butterfly Farm Activities Resort - Indy 800 Kart Track, river skiing, swimming pools and BBQs on the grounds. World butterfly collec-tion Located at 446 Wilberforce Road, Wilberforce and is open daily from 10.00am until sunset. www.westernsydney.nsw.gov.au/whats-on/butterfly-farm-activities-resort/

Amazement: Amaze-ment offers a great day out for the whole family with mazes, games and loads of cuddly animals for you to meet. www.amazement.com.au/

The Wizard of Oz Funland - 2/11 Holly-lea Rd, Leumeah, NSW 2560


The Australiana Pioneer Village - See original settler buildings from the Hawkesbury region: Watch the blacksmith striking his forge, hear bush musicians singing colonial tunes, take a horse and sulky ride, and enjoy some damper and billy tea at the Damper Camp. Located at Rose Street, Wilberforce and open every Sunday, 10.00am-4.00pm. www.theaustralianapioneervillage.com.au/

Further Afield:

Calmsley Hill City Farm - 31 Darling St Abbotsbury NSW open 7 days www.calmsleyhill.com.au/ Baby Rhyme Time @ Max Webber Library – this program uses nursery rhymes and finger plays to develop your baby's language skills and introduces them to board books and simple stories to develop their literacy skills. Mon, Tues, Wed @ 10 and 11am - Corner Flushcombe Road & Alpha Street Blacktown www.libraries.blacktown.nsw.gov.au/our-community/baby-rhyme-time.

The Lower Prospect Canal Reserve - The Lower Prospect Canal is a feat of engineering and a significant heritage site. You can walk or cycle along the 7.6km path, viewing the 15 identified points of interest – from Prospect Reservoir in the west to Pipehead at Guildford in the east. www.canalreserve.org

Western Districts Live Steamers - Prairiewood on Moonlight Road, be-hind the Fairfield Showground - Western Districts Live Steamers fea-tures miniature steam trains on two tracks – a 184 meter raised level track and a 1.2 kilometer ground level track for the larger gauge lo-comotives. Each ride costs $2 and all passengers must wear enclosed footwear. Western Districts Live Steamers is open to the public on the third Sunday of each month (excluding January and the long weekend in October), from 10.00am-2.00pm, and offers party hire facili-ties. www.westernsydney.nsw.gov.au/whats-on/western-districts-live-steamers/

Featherdale Wildlife Park - 217-229 Kildare Road, Doonside NSW 2767 (near Blacktown) Australia Open daily 9am-5pm















Ever feel if your all Alone in the Zone?

Take a look at all of our Zone playgroups!

Page 10

Who’s Part of our Zone?

Blacktown Little Bunnykins

Blacktown Rugrats

Blacktown Shelley Tots

Doonside Honey Bears

Glendenning Dinosaurs

Glendenning Little Rascals

Glendenning Mozarts

Glenwood Cheeky Monkeys

Glenwood Give me a break

Glenwood Gumnuts

Glenwood Tiny Tots

Kings Langley Buddies

Kings Langley Pandas

Kings Langley Playmates

Lalor Park Teddy Bears Picnic

Marayong Cheeky Chimps

Marayong Hi Ma Wa Ri

Quakers Hill Dolphin's Den

Quakers Hill Funky Monkeys

Quakers Hill Immaculate Imps

Quakers Hill Little Friends

Quakers Hill Munchkins

Quakers Hill Muppets

Quakers Hill North West Community

Quakers Hill Q.T's

Seven Hills Playtime Corner

Seven Hills Scallywags

Stanhope Gardens Fairholme Funky Tots

Stanhope Gardens Thornbury Jellybeans

Stanhope Gardens Wiggles

The Ponds King Tots

Woodcroft Bunyips

Woodcroft Teething Terrors




Newsline Advertising Rates

9cm x 6.5cm $20

9cm x 13.5cm (1/4 page) $40

18cm x 13.5cm (1/2 page) $80

18cm x 20.5cm (3/4 page) $120

Full page $160

Playgroup members can advertise items for sale at no charge in Newsline. Just send your submissions to the Newsline Editor.



zone is urgently

looking for more people to be on the fundraising committee.

Currently the committee is headed by Nicole and she needs your help!

This year the zone is holding 3 fundraising events.

If you’d like more information please contact: Nicole McAleer


Page 11

What’s Happening in the Zone? Dolphins Den Playgroup,

Quakers Hill Welcome...

Baby Brayden! Congratulations Megan & Craig!

Baby Braxton! Congratulations Eleanor & Dave!

Happy Birthday from

Glendenning Dinosaurs!

Andrew 4yrs January

Suhana 3yrs December

Gursikh 3yrs April

Elisha 2yrs January

Saanvi 2yrs January

Sienna 2yrs December

Heath 1yr January

Pyper 1yr April

Congratulations to:

Estella on your baby girl


Racheal on your baby boy


Alicia baby girl Chelsea!

Harjit on your new baby!

Graduation day for Kira, Ryley, Nathan and

Brayden. Good Luck guys!

Seven Hills Playtime Corner

Would like to welcome

Jonathan, Edward, Stephanie, Kyle, Ronan, Corran, Gabriel,

Benjamin & Yves!

Congratulations Sharon on the birth of Amber!

Happy Birthday to:

January: Ava & Joel February: Kate

March: Ronan April: Jamie, Lucy, Adam & Stephanie.

Happy Birthday from

Quakers Hill Q.T`s

Jackson 3yrs in January

Connor 2yrs in March

Call for New Members @ Glenwood

Cheeky Monkeys!

Any new members interested ? Thursday

10am-12pm Glenwood community centre

( all ages welcome )

Contact: Amanda Kneen:


Glenwood Cheeky Monkeys!

Hip Hip Hooray from

the Seven Hills


February Babies—


March Babies—


April Babies—

Shay, Lachlan D, Lucy K

May Babies—

Lachlan B, Ollie,

Finnbarr, O’lena, Jessie,

Archie & Jessica


Cherry on beautiful baby

girl Caris Melaine

SHScallywags 2011 Christmas Party

The Seven Hills Scallywags had lots of Christmas celebrations in 2011, starting with our family day out on 26th November at Calmsley Hill Farm. Even though the day started out with pour-ing rain, it didn't dampen the spirits of all the Scallywags and their parents as we fed the animals, watched the milking dem-onstration, and ate a yummy BBQ lunch. Santa's visit was a highlight (at least for those kids not scared of him!), as were the Secret Santa gifts that the little ones received.

Our 7 proud graduates for 2011

Quakers Hill Little Friends Play-

group celebrated 2011


scale. Seven children were very

eager to put on their hats and

gowns, for a mini graduation

ceremony. Each child took their

turn to share, with much excite-

ment, the school they were go-

ing to and what they might like

Quakers Hill Little Friends are SEEKING NEW MEMBERS. We meet Thursdays 9:30 -11:30am

@ the Goddard Crescent Community Centre, Quakers Hill. For more information, con-

tact Lianna (9837-5060) or Melinda (9837-4331). Details on Playgroup NSW website.

Quakers Hill Little Friends had an Elf come for our

END OF YEAR PARTY. She was soo much fun, face paint-

ing, balloon animals, dancing, a magic show and even

hand delivering Santa’s presents!

Christmas party – Elf style!! Birthdays for

March & April

2012. Isa-

bella 4yrs, Fraser

3yrs, Jacob 3yrs, Al-

ice 3yrs and Emaan

We would like to thank the following companies for their support of our playgroups.

Rudolf’s Warehouse Blacktown, Little Fishes Hassal Grove, Martelli’s Market Rouse Hill, Feather-dale Wildlife Park Doonside, Calmsley Hill Farm Fairfield , Powerhouse Museum, The Etta-mogah , Cake Decorating Solutions Arndell Park, Word Of Mouth

The total amount raised for last years raffle was $(not sure of total). If your company, employer or anyone you know would be interested in making a donation or if you have any ideas for any future raffles, please contact the fundraising committee. Please support the people who support us.

Thank you, Paula Bond


1. 600pc Christmas Light Set Rudolf’s Warehouse

Mary Calleja Quakers Hill QT’s

2. 1 Month Swim Lessons @ Little Fishes

Julie Brunt Thornbury Jelly Beans

3. 1 Month Swim Lessons @ Little Fishes

Paula Bond Quakers Hill QT’s

4. $40 Gift Voucher for Martelli’s Rouse Hill

Helen Macri King Tots

5. 2 X Adult Pass @ Featherdale

Lianna Farchione Quakers Hill Little Friends

6. Family Pass @ Calmsley Hill Farm

Doreen Quakers Hill Little Friends

7. Family Pass @ Powerhouse Museum

Sue Quakers Hill Funky Monkeys

8. Family Pass @ Powerhouse Museum Steph Walton Quakers Hill Dolphins Den

9. $25 Gift Voucher @ The Ettamogah

Carissa Howell Doonside Honey Bears

10. $25 Gift Voucher @ The Ettamogah

Natalie Farrant Little Friends

11. $25 Gift Voucher @ Cake Decorating Solutions

Lynette Hood King Tots

12. $25 Gift Voucher @ Cake Decorating Solutions

Cathy Landall Seven Hills Playtime

13. Gift Basket From Word Of Mouth Manda Glenwood Cheeky Monkeys

Looking for New Ideas?

Session structure and ideas

A brief rundown of some group's sessions. Hopefully this information is

useful for groups looking for new ideas! Here’s what some playgroups

shared with us...

Quakers Hill Dolphins

Structured sessions with a roster for everything: clean up, safety, morning

tea, activities. Two excursions per term. Regular fundraising.

Northwest Community Playgroup

Relaxed but always a similar routine of what is done when.

Outings every term. Held a market night fundraiser with Tupperware, Enjo and others attending.

Quakers Hill Little Friends Roster for morning tea and activities. Incursions with someone visiting such as a science education

group. Recent sessions have included Kids in the Kitchen and a mini Olympics with medals & certificates.

The Ponds King Tots

A session is held every day of the week. The structure of each depends on the age group attending.

Seven Hills Playtime Corner

Sessions include craft, morning tea and group time. Themed sessions. One excursion per term and one

visit per term to the neighboring pre-school.

Jobs are allocated as per what members volunteer to assist with.

Seven Hills Scallywags

Schedule for each session with a weekly theme. Popular themes for 2011 were Masterchef, Things that

Bounce, Jakaroo’s & Jillaroo’s and Daddy show & tell. Stories and songs are as per theme. Roster for

morning tea, stories & songs. Fundraising events through out the year; shopping tour, chocolates, first

aid kits. Our last session of the year on 15th December was open to visitors, so we had grandmothers,

Mums, and even a Pop join us as we did a chocolate hunt, enjoyed everyone’s morning tea goodies, and

then put our guests to work… as our Xmas trees! The three teams were fiercely competitive as tinsel,

baubles and other decorations went flying onto the fingers, necks, ears and heads of our “trees”. After

the presentation of the Scallywags awards which celebrate what makes our kids unique and makes us

laugh every week, it was time to dance! What a fantastic way to finish a great year of Scallywag ses-


Quakers Hill Munchkins (not at meeting; provided info via email)

Rostered craft/activity and story book/sing along each week.

Rostered morning tea, with every parent bringing a piece of fruit to be shared amongst the kids.

Incursions or excursions each term, e.g. park visit, police visit.

Fundraising for mid-year visit to Featherdale or the farm or whatever the group would like to do.

Themed weeks during the term e.g. numbers, colors, seasons, NAIDOC week, kids cooking classes.

Dress up days and PJ days.

top related