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Annual Report & Stewardship Appeal

St. Bridget Catholic Church

2013- 2014

2013-2014By The Numbers 6,747 Individuals registered in our parish 1,500 Sunday Mass attendance 908 Financial Pledges 451 St. Bridget School Students 223 Elementary/Middle School students in School of Religion 104 High School students in Christian Formation 106 First Holy Communions 93 High School Sophomores Confirmed 89 Baptisms 34 Funerals 21 Marriages 14 Adults received into Full Communion 4 Full time pastoral staff persons 3 Permanent Deacons 2 Priests 1 Loving God over all and in all

Message from MonsignorSt. Bridget Catholic Church - Annual Financial Stewardship Campaign

Each year I ask for you to prayerfully and thoughtfully consider your annual stewardship offertory pledge and to decide upon a financial commitment that you know will be pleasing to God. Thank you for your generous response.

In the opening words of their pastoral letter on stewardship, the U.S. Catholic Bishops tell us, “Once one chooses to become a disciple of Jesus Christ, Christian stewardship is an obligation, not an option.”

Please help make this our best Stewardship Appeal ever by fulfilling your stewardship obligation and pledging your gift of financial support to our parish. Now is the time to make your pledge to the 2015 Annual Stewardship Appeal. Your pledge card and reply envelope are enclosed.

I invite you to read our 2013-2014 Annual Report thoroughly to discover the impact of Stewardship on our parish. Our Annual Report tells the exceptional story of our many ministries and parish groups that need our support to continue to flourish. The children of our parish, in our Catholic schools and in our religious education and youth ministry faith formation programs, fill us with hope and enthusiasm for our young Church.

Financially, our parish continues to be well-run and fiscally responsible. We are mindful stewards of the support you provide through your generous offertory gifts. Month in and month out, we assure that every dollar received has been put to good use for our parish and for the needy beyond our church walls.

With your steady and generous support we are able to answer God’s call and carry out His will. I trust that you share with me a deep sense of satisfaction knowing that all we accomplish in our parish and in our commu-nity is to the praise and glory of our Lord.

You have heard the Gospel message of sacrifice and giving; you have recognized the needs of our church and our community; you have responded with love to what our Heavenly Father asks… that we return to Him a meaningful measure of what He has blessed and entrusted to us.

Join your fellow parishioners in making your pledge to the 2015 Annual Stewardship Appeal. Read on to get a sense of life within St. Bridget parish – a church so alive that it stands as an inspiration to all of us to count our blessings as we go forward.

Please know that I pray that our Heavenly Father will continue His many blessings upon you. Sincerely in Christ,

Saint Bridget Church Operating Fund Revenues Fiscal Year Ending 6/30/2014

Saint Bridget Church Operating Fund Expenditures Fiscal Year Ending 6/30/2014

Our 2013-2014 Finances

Our parish has been a good steward of the financial contributions of its parishioners, expanding our ministries and community outreach, while providing necessary reserves for economic challenges. Each and every gift helps us to carry out our mission as followers of Christ.

Let your lives overflow with thanksgiving for all he has done. - Colossians 2:7

Thank you!! Our parish is grateful

for the generous special contributions received from

our parishioners for the parish.

Gift of the Exquisite Handmade Wood Religious Altar Table

Bequest of $12,885 to the Church Operating Fund

Gifts of $5,000 and of $10,000

for the restora-

tion of the Saint Bridget

Church Tabernacle

Gift of $8,000 for new carpeting in the Commons

Gift designated for our New Hymnals: Gather, 3rd EditionA generous anonymous donor has made an enabling gift to

Saint Bridget to purchase a new hymnal for our worship.

Our Dedicated DeaconsReverend Mr. John Arkesteyn Stewardship is about respecting and sharing the earth’s resources with everyone, since all of us are part of creation and it is an expression of gratitude to God. St. Bridget parish is the epitome of good steward-ship which is one of the main reasons why Ann & I joined the parish shortly after we were married in 1965 and why we rejoined the parish in 1978 when we moved back here from Maryland. My ministry has benefited greatly from the stewardship here at St. Bridget. I am constantly inspired by the generosity of our parishioners in giving of their time, talent and treasure. It truly amazes me that we

are involved in so many worthwhile projects and causes. I can always find something that interest people joining our faith tradition, receiving sacramental preparation or trying to find a parish to join. It is very comforting to know that if I need help with anything, there is a wealth of talent in our parish and people who are willing to live their faith by helping those in need. We are truly blessed to have such an active and vibrant parish. May God continue to bless all of us. - John ArkesteynReverend Mr. Robert GiovencoThis past year, 2014, has been a year both rewarding and challenging. The community of St. Bridget Parish is welcoming and faith-filled. I still get a warm feeling whenever I preside at baptisms and witness young couples starting their lives together. I recall a time last year when I was giving the final instructions on the symbols around the altar to soon to be First Communicants. One little boy came up to me after and said “Thank you Deacon Bob for baptizing me”. I smiled the rest of the day.I do find occasional challenges in my ministry, which require a presence of the Holy Spirit, especially when presiding at funeral services. That is the moment where all my training and experience requires not book learning but compassionate emotion. The hurt in people’s faces and the cries of little chil-dren draws me closer to them. It is then that I know that Jesus is alive and at work in peoples’ lives. These emotions also spill over in my ministry to couples seeking to regain acceptance in the church through the annulment process. These too are moments of great joy when the process is complete and, if approved, the Declaration of Nullity is secured. I am truly blessed to be part of a vibrant and loving community who knows how to “Live the Mission” of Jesus Christ in the world. - Bob GiovencoReverend Mr. V.J. Petillo

It’s an absolute privilege to be a deacon at St. Bridget Church. I’ve been serving this parish community for two years and I continue to be enriched more and more as time passes by the various acts of parishioners who are great stewards of the gifts they possess and of the Church itself. As I serve in various capacities as a member of the Liturgy Committee, in my ministry as Deacon at the Mass, in marriage formation and baptism preparation, when I preside at weddings and baptisms, in giving spontaneous pastoral care, I encounter and interact with so many parishioners who are deeply dedicated to giving to and receiving from the well-spring of faith of our Catholic Church. I am given a unique opportunity to serve with others who seek to enrich our Liturgies so that those who participate in a Mass at St. Bridget will experience the “Real

Presence” of Christ. I am blessed by the gifts of rich intellect and deep spirituality of those who serve as Liturgical Ministers, committee members, and in leadership roles. I benefit from the beautiful environment and the materials of our faith that are supplied and enhanced by the generosity of those who donate much from their own treasure to maintain these things and those who care for these materials with humility and respect. I can truly say that I have received so much more than what I have given from my own personal “treasury” of gifts and blessings yet I will continue to humbly share what I can so that oth-ers, I hope, may benefit and experience the presence of Christ in me. - V.J. Petillo

Our Amazing Ministries

Human Concerns and Pastoral Care: Paul AmrheinThis past year St. Bridget parish and parishioners combined contributed nearly $100,000 to support the 28 different ministries in which our parishioners are engaged. This included $28,000 distributed to parishioners and other needy members of our community who were facing eviction, foreclosure, loss of power, including heat during the winter months.Together we made hundreds of communion visits, and dozens of BeFriender visits. We have been the hands and feet of Jesus in the community, touching lives, restoring the bonds of community and bringing the healing touch of Jesus to many of God’s children.Music Ministry: Allen Bean The parish’s Steinway piano restoration project, and the organ project, both completed by the end of 2013, completed a process of putting fundamentals in place for our Music Ministry that began almost nine years ago. Thus, we began 2014 with a boost to our Music Ministry that will enliven our worship life for generations to come. The Parish Adult Choir grew

Our Vibrant Parish Life Groups ALPHA: Michael Siewers – michael@siewers.comALPHA, a 10 week evening course offered at St. Bridget with about 40 participants each semester, focuses on our relationship with Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Each week participants gather for dinner, a video presen-tation, and small group discussion. About 25 very dedicated parishioners make up the “Alpha Team,” assisting with welcoming participants, set up, clean up, meal preparation, etc. Parish-ioners Michael Siewers and Teesie Howell help coordinate the program. They share the view that working with the team and meeting new parishioners continues to develop and strengthen their faith and feel honored to work with such a faith filled and hard working team! They would love for you to come and give Alpha a try! Alpha courses begin on in early January. If you would like to join us – contact Michael at michael@siewers.com or 804-839-0372!CHWC: Anne-Marie Condlin - amcondlin@gmail.comSt. Bridget, with CHWC, has been sending teens and adults on mission trips throughout the United States. This past year we sent 133 campers - building wheelchair ramps, painting and restoring residences, weeding and maintaining yards, repairing fences and clearing trails on several therapeutic horse farms and reaching out in love to the elderly and handi-

in number over the course of the year, 2014, while the Boy and Girl Choirs cycled into younger, less experienced ensembles, with tremendous enthusiasm from families committed to enable their children to minister to our worshipping parish. Our choral program continues to enjoy a reputation of excellence in the parish, and beyond. The Contemporary Ensemble, leaders of our Sunday 5 P.M. Mass, also grew in 2014. They are a marvelous example of a people called to minister.As the Music Ministry grew throughout 2014, it is with some sadness that we saw Trish Markow leave our music staff for personal reasons. Fortunately, she will continue to be a member of the choir, and cantor occasionally - thank you for your service Trish. Saint Bridget enjoys some of the best leadership of clergy and lay staff to be found anywhere, complimented by a large, enthusiastic and deeply spiritual congregation calling us to make our ministries count. It is with graditude that we look to the coming year.

Religious Education, Adult Faith Formation, and RCIA: Teresa LeeThe highest priority of the Religious Education programs at Saint Bridget Church is to bring God’s word to all members of our community. It is our belief that Religious Education is a life-long endeavor, and our programs are built upon that belief. On Wednesday and Sunday afternoons, children in Pre-K through 5th grade learn about their Catholic faith through the Sunday Gospel. Children in the second grade and above prepare to receive the Sacra-ments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. This is a family process, with the children preparing alongside their parents. Together as a Parish family, we celebrate the Sacrament of Recon-ciliation in January and the Sacrament of Eucharist in May. Children age 4-8 are invited to hear the Sunday readings during the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Masses in a more child-friendly atmosphere during the Children’s Liturgy of the Word program. Separated into groups by age, the children are called to listen to the weekly readings and actively participate in breaking open the word of God. There are many adult groups meeting throughout the week to read and share scripture, experience fellowship with other members of the parish, and learn more about their Catholic faith. Our RCIA program welcomes those adults and chil-dren who have never been baptized or who were baptized in another Christian faith tradition, to be fully initiated into the Catholic Church. Every year I am amazed at the number of people who seek to become members of our faith community. Their fervor for our Catholic faith tradition is truly humbling and inspiring.

Youth Ministry: Dan Harms“The world promises you comfort, but you were not made for comfort, you were made for greatness.” -Pope Benedict XVI. This year the youth groups of St. Bridget worked towards great-ness, not the world’s standard of greatness, but the greatness that comes through answering our baptismal call to Holiness. The year focused on the life long challenge to strengthen our faith, live it out, explain it clearly and to joyfully share it with others - even when it’s uncomfortable. Above and beyond usual Youth Group meetings and summer mission trips, the support and generosity of St. Bridget parishioners (even when it was uncomfortable!) enabled teens in the

Middle and High School Youth groups an array of opportunities to put faith into action. For the first time ever we sent a delegation of students and adult volunteers to join tens of thousands of Catholic teens at the National Catholic Youth Conference and Steuben-ville Youth Conference. We purchased and packaged over 14,000 meals to feed the hungry with Stop Hunger Now and hosted an overnight retreat for over 100 teens. Finally, through parishioner support we instituted a ministry called Young Apostles for post-confirmation teens seeking to make the most of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. We thank you for your support of the young church!

capped. Our activities throughout the year prepare campers to get the most out of the spiritual programing and Catholic fellowship that CHWC has to offer. As a result of our extensive experi-ence with Catholic Heart Workcamp, St. Bridget had the opportunity to host its first camp in Richmond, VA. Just under 200 campers from all over the country served those in need in our community. In the summer of 2015, over 250 campers will be coming to serve our community and grow in faith. Thank you for making CHWC a reality in our parish. Your prayers and support are imperative to the program’s success. You are serving our youth by making it possible for them to serve others. May God bless you!Funeral Ministry: Paul Amrhein - paul@saintbridgetchurch.orgFuneral Ministry helps to plan our parish’s funeral Liturgies. We prayed 45 souls on their way to everlasting life. Volunteers help welcome guests and distribute Mass leaflets. They meet with the family and planned their loved one’s funeral. They also help as Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion to serve on the altar during the Funeral Service and as Ushers dur-ing the Mass. Their many hands make light work of a most important sacrament. If you would like to help, please contact Paul Amrhein paul@saintbridgetchurch.org or 525-7902.Haiti Committee: Paul Amrhein - paul@saintbridgetchurch.org

One Five Zero! That’s the cost ($150) to provide one year of grade school education to a stu-dent at Carissade located in a rural area of Haiti. Sadly, 500 students would go without an education each year if we did not raise sufficient money to provide for it. Without an educa-tion the residents could not read, would have no idea that diseases are caused by germs and bacteria, would not know history, thus having little ability to participate in the country’s democracy. There would be little chance to overcome the poverty one is born into, which includes believing in superstitions to explain the world in which one lives. This year more folks from St. Bridget attended the 3rd Annual Manje at the Virginia Museum of Fine Art

than in previous years. It is hoped that even more will attend the next event and join the committee to help with fundrais-ing efforts, build community, and feed the minds of our Haitian brothers and sisters. Knights of Columbus: Bill Ashey - wcashey@gmail.comThe St. Bridget Knights of Columbus Council # 5476 is named in honor of our first pastor Monsr. Francis J. Byrne. The Knights of Columbus are Catholic gentlemen committed to the exemplifica-tion of Charity, Unity, Fraternity, Patriotism and defense of the Priesthood. We provide members and their families with volunteer opportunities in service of the St. Bridget Church, School, Com-munity, Families and our young people. Programs are tailored toward individual members’ interests and are designed to protect and serve the Catholic faith. Please consider becoming a Knight, or ask a current member about their experiences here at St. Bridget Church. For info. find us at, www.knight-sofcolumbus-council#5476.com or call the Membership Director, Bill Ashey at wcashey@gmail.com.Men’s Catholic Bible Study: Frank deVenoge - fxdevenoge@yahoo.comDespite its name Men’s Catholic Bible Study is now a co-ed study, so it is not limited to men only. We pick different topics to study and this coming year we will work on the new evangelization by Pope Francis and throughout the church. We normally meet twice a month. Please email Frank de Vonoge at fxdevenoge@yahoo.com if you would like more information.Men’s Ministry: Leon Shadowen - lshadowen@aol.comThe mission of St. Bridget Men’s Ministry of Faith and Fellowship is to build a stronger relationship with Christ and deeper love for family and friends through spiritual growth and Christian fellowship. The group meets on the first Saturday of the month beginning at 7:00 am with coffee available at 6:30 am. This year the Men’s Ministry is working through Catholic Christianity by Peter Kreeft. Social functions during the year include an Oktoberfest, a Christmas Pot-Luck party attended by spouses or significant others, and a Lenten pilgrimage to the Basilica of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washing-ton. With the help of Allen Bean, the group has formed as the “Gentlemen of St. Bridget”, a men’s choir which sings at Mass for special occasions, as well as entertaining at the annual Saints & Sinners Spring Dinner. All men of the parish are welcome.Micah Initiative/Blackwell School: Judy Holzgrefe - j.holzgrefe@att.net Too numerous to count are the parishioners who participated in this outreach. Our folks donated “mountains” of school supplies so the students had the “tools” to do the job. The beautiful coats you all donated brought warmth to their bodies and smiles to so many little faces. And it was “The best Christmas Ever” for some families because of the kindness and generosity of several St. Bridget parishioners. 15 energetic boys sharpened their basketball skills and grew in self-confidence at the Bene-dictine Basketball Camp because some of our folks sponsored them. Just about any day of the school week volunteers were making a difference in the lives of many inner-city school children. Thank you St. Bridget parishioners for all you have done!New Evangelization Team: Ann Gill - annsongil@comcast.netThe focus of our New Evangelization Team (NET) is-to spread ‘the Joy of the Gospel’ as proclaimed by Pope Francis in his apostoloc exhortation. We are a team of parishioners seeking to develop ways within our parish to help all to deepen their faith, live out the Gospel and to learn how to share the Gospel and love of Christ with others. It is a five year diocesan

Our Councils and CommitteesParish Council: The Parish Pastoral Council provides the vision and direction for the parish, establishes pastoral pri-orities and ensures their implementation. The Council is responsible for calling and enabling all members of the parish to discover, develop and offer their gifts in service to the parish and to the wider community.Finance Council: The Finance Council oversees the church budget and expenses, working with Monsignor Carr to ensure strong stewardship of the parishes finances.Liturgy Committee: The Liturgy Committee works closely with Monsignor Carr focusing its work on the many ways we can reveal Christ’s Presence in the celebration of the Eucharist. To that end the Liturgy Committee works to recruit and form mentors, facilitating formation and training of all liturgical ministers through the lens of Real Presence, set up ongo-ing formation plans and assess and continually improves liturgies here at St. Bridget Church.Buildings and Grounds Committee: The Building Committee works with Monsignor Carr to develop strategy and plans for the buildings and grounds of Saint Bridget Parish, including the church, school, offices, rectory and grounds. Its purview includes consideration of future and operational needs, and coordination of programs related to our buildings and grounds.

plan called “Encounter the Joy of the Gospel...Set the World Ablaze” The focus of year one is “personal encounters with Christ”- learning how to articulate and share when and how we encounter Christ each day. We are always looking for new members of ALL ages to accompany us on this exciting journey of conversion-Christ meets us wherever we are in our faith journey and lovingly welcomes us to Himself and to His Church.” Parish Nurse Ministry: Lucy Casey - lekcasey@msn.com and Betty SpencerThe Parish Nurse Ministry is comprised of about 10 Registered Nurses who volunteer their tal-ents and gifts in various ways. Over this past year activities include: Flu Vaccination Clinic; Blood Pressure screenings; CARITAS (checking BPs, assisting with health concerns); Crossover Min-istry (2 Saturday clinics, 2 GYN clinics); Monitor/maintain AED and emergency supplies in the church; provided a Medication program for Saints and Sinners group.Saint Bridget Respect Life Committee: Mike Kozak - ckoz654@aol.comThe mission of the Saint Bridget Respect Life Committee is to promote a broader and deeper commitment within our par-ish for the respect for human life from conception to death, based on the teachings of the Catholic Church. Our goals are to educate and inform our parishioners on all aspects of the sanctity of life, and to coordinate opportunities for parishioners, both youth and adult, to participate in respect life initiatives within the parish and in the community.  Our mission, actions, and information are grounded in the tenets of the Catholic Church, for “from the first moment of his existence, a human be-ing must be recognized as having the rights of a person – among which is the inviolable right of every innocent being to life.”  CCC 2270. For more information, please contact the Respect Life Committee Chairman, Mike Kozak, at ckoz654@aol.com.Saints & Sinners: Gwen Glasser - glasserw@comcast.net

Saints and Sinners is a group of St. Bridget parishioners who get together for socializing, enjoy-ing informative and entertaining programs of interest to both men and women, and sharing our time and talents. There is no special membership requirements to join, all you have to do is come to our programs. There are 10 programs per season, with about 30 participants per program. Programs are held the second Thursday of each month, September through June in the Commons, except for specials events. Everyone is invited and bring a guest if you wish. Upcoming program information is placed on the Saints and Sinners Bulletin Board, is pub-lished in the Bulletin and may be seen on the website www.saintbridgetchurch.org.

Welcome Committee: Kerri Inge - kerible@verizon.net The purpose of our group is to welcome new members to St. Bridget’s and to assist them with registra-tion. On the second Sunday of each month we hold a membership orientation. Three people from our committee, as well as Monsignor Carr, are there to facilitate. We describe the many opportunities for involvement in our parish and encourage new members to become involved. It is helpful when our com-mittee members share ways that they participate in parish life. New members are then assisted in filling out their parish registration card. Committee members are encouraged to make one follow-up phone call to each of our new parishioners. Come and be a part of our committee!Women’s Ministry: Kim Hulcher – dkhulcher@yahoo.com The Women’s Ministry seeks to help women connect in ways that deepen their faith calling and provide a central touch point for women who are looking to engage more with other women in the St. Bridget Community. Resources are offered through communication, bible studies, parish socials after morning daily mass, women’s retreats, rosary groups, providing support for Haitian students, outreach to the homeless and to pregnancy centers favoring adoption over abortion. “Nothing is more pow-erful to me than a gathering of women sharing their faith and working to better the lives of others” says Kim Hulcher, who coordinates the ministry along with Shannon Garbett. Approximately 75 women have participated this year.

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