2013-2015 technology planning. primary elements stakeholders leadership team needs assessment...

Post on 12-Jan-2016






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2013-2015 Technology Planning

Primary Elements

• Stakeholders• Leadership team• Needs assessment• Technology components• Work plan• Budget• Policies• Evaluation

Identify Stakeholders

• Movers, Shakers, Squeaky Wheels• Community/School Board• Superintendent and Cabinet• Staff/teachers• Students/Parents• Business Office/Other District Staff• State/Federal Government• Everyone

Establish Leadership Team

Leadership Team• Superintendent• Technology Advocate(s)• Technology Director• Curriculum Person• Business Manager (or equivalent)• Data Person(s)• Principal(s)

Perform Needs Assessment

• Understand district goals/objectives/directions• Understand School Board expectations• Tie district and board goals to technology plan• Understand the Curriculum Review Cycle – tie

technology implementation to review curriculum review cycle and related staff development activities.

Perform Needs Assessment

• Review previous technology work plan • Assess and summarize work on previous plan• Carry over any tasks that still need to be addressed• Understand state and federal requirements

Perform Needs Assessment

• Establish a work group (Business Office, Curriculum, Principals, Media, Tech Support, Parent/Community, Teacher Union, Special Ed Staff)

• Review and identify staff associated with each of the technology components

• Inventory technology and systems in use

Perform Needs Assessment

• Plan should cover 3 years.• Needs assessment should focus on components and

the district staff “living” with the components• Work group is for consensus and missing pieces

Perform Needs Assessment

• Meet with key staff to obtain consensus on needs by component in their areas

• After consensus with key staff, define and establish timeframes for each component enhancement

• Define the curriculum review cycle• Best if curriculum related technology implementation is

tied to the curriculum review process

Perform Needs Assessment

• Identify equipment that needs to be replaced• Propose/establish replacement cycle with business office • Set priorities for replacement• Establish time frame for replacement• All plans are subject to change!• Look at budget options for equipment

Technology Skills - Staffing Roles

Superintendent Tech Dept.

Principal Curriculum Human Resources

Business Office/ Data Staff

Buildings & Grounds

Contracted Service


School Sites



Staff Development


Safety Facilities



Technology Components

Curriculum Integration

Curriculum Integration



Maintenance and Support

Maintenance and Support

School SitesSchool Sites

Safety and Facilities

Safety and Facilities

Data for Decision Making

Data for Decision Making

Staff Development

Staff Development

Technology DesignTechnology Design

Create Work Plan

Define/Chart Current Technologies by Component

* Infrastructure * School Sites

* Maintenance & Support * Data for Decision Making

* Staff Development * Communications

* Safety and Facilities * Curriculum Integration

Create Work Plan

Identify/Chart New Projects and Priorities by Component

* Infrastructure * School Sites

* Maintenance & Support * Data for Decision Making

* Staff Development * Communications

* Safety and Facilities * Curriculum Integration

Create Work Plan

• Establish time line for new initiatives• Review with leadership upon completion of needs

assessment - get consensus• Is there a replacement plan for new technologies• Create a work plan• Be realistic with time frames. • Balance implementation, testing, training and support

Create Work Plan

• List key activities for each year by component: Year 2011: Infrastructure - Upgrade all switches September, 2011 - Implement wireless February, 2012

Staff Development - Staff skills inventory December, 2011 - Train on white boards September, 2011

Reviewing Budget

• Work with Business Manager/Office• Review past 5 years budget• Identify resources for technology for next 3 years and

where the money is• Identify a budget for each component for the Next 3


Reviewing Budget







100 Salaries and Wages for Technology Staff

200 Fringe Benefits for Technology Staff

300 Purchased Technology Services

Consultant Services

Communications (telephone, Internet access)

Computer and System Services

Technology Staff Development

Technology Workshops and Conferences

Technology Leases and Rentals

Purchased Technology Services (i.e., maintenance)

400 Supplies and Materials (computer software, etc. both instructional and non-instructional)

500 Capital Expenditures (technology equipment)

800 Other Expenditures (list)


Review Policies

• Gather district technology policies• Establish work plan for missing policies• Create a chart of policies and status• Place appropriate policies in Appendices - Acceptable Use Policy and CIPA (Filter)

- E-mail Policy

- Data Security and Census Info Policy

- Disaster Recovery Procedure and Policy

- Risk Analysis and Life Cycle Planning

- Business Contingency Plan

- Assistive Technology Review

- Network Security

Establish Evaluation

• Leadership team should review tech plan status 2-3 times per year.• For state, simply add a column to your work plan with status.• Report to Cabinet/Board December and July

Year 2010:

Infrastructure -Upgrade all switches September, 2010 Completed -Implement wireless February, 2010 Rescheduled for 2011

Staff Development -Staff skills inventory December, 2010 Completed -Train on White Boards September, 2010 Ongoing, Completed 2010

Establish Evaluation

• What measures of performance have you incorporated into your plan to determine whether your technology implementation and investments have been effective in achieving your identified technology plan objectives?

• How often will you evaluate progress on your technology plan?• What types of data will you collect to measure progress? • Who will do the evaluation?• Who will be responsible for documenting the evaluation process?


• A good tech plan essentially gives an overview of the districts business process• A chance to review the status of key business process and plan to improve, adjust and change those processes• Helps set budget priorities• Helps brings predictability to budget


• Develops a plan of action• Ensure certain critical activities are being addressed - Data Security

- Disaster Recovery Procedure and Policy

- Risk Analysis and Life Cycle Planning

- Business Contingency Plan

- Network Security

- Equipment replacement

- Correct levels of staffing


• Determines the information technology needs• Evaluate various solutions (vendors as well)• Can support costs analysis, features and alternatives for purchases• Helps “change management”• Road Map of work, purchases, replacement, improvements• Improves curriculum delivery by planning technology and curriculum review


• Reliability• Performance of technology• Standardization• Information sharing• Resource sharing• New technologies




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