2013 annual report & accounts - clover...

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Keynsham Baptist Church 2013

In your hearts enthrone him; there let him subdue all that is not holy, all that is not true.

He is God the Saviour, He is Christ the Lord, ever to be worshipped, trusted and adored.

Caroline Noel (1817-77) Table of Contents !Annual Report for the Year to 31 December 2013 Reference and Administrative details of the Charity, its Trustees and Advisers 2 Charity Status 2 Managing Trustees 2 Principal Advisers 2 Structure, Governance and Management 3 Governing Document 3 Recruitment and Appointment of Trustees 3 Induction and Training of Trustees 3 Organisational Structure 3

Baptist Union of Great Britain and West of England Baptist Association 3 Custodian Trustee 3 Relationships between the Charity and Related Parties 4 Risk Management 4

Objectives and Activities 4 Objects of the Charity 4 Charity’s Aims 4 Charity’s main Objectives for the Year 5 Charity’s Strategies 7 Details of Significant Activities 7 Achievements and Performance 8 Fund Raising Activities 13 Financial Review 13 Reserves Policy 13 Principal Funding Sources 13 Material Investments and Investment Policy 14 Plans for Future Periods 14 Statement of Trustees’ Responsibilities 15 !Annual Accounts for the Year to 31 December 2013 Independent Examiner’s Report 16 Statement of Financial Activities 18 Statement of Assets and Liabilities 19 Note to financial statements 20 Sundry Accounts 25 Liabilities 26

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Annual Report for the year to 31 December 2013 !The trustees are pleased to present their report together with the independently examined financial statements of the charity for the year ended 31 December 2013. !The financial statements comply with current statutory requirements, the Statement of Recommended Practice – Accounting and Reporting by Charities (revised 2005). !!Reference and Administrative details of the Charity, its Trustees and Advisers !Charity Status !Keynsham Baptist Church (High Street, Keynsham, Bristol. BS31 1DS) is an ‘excepted charity’ under the Charities Act 1993. The Church derives its exception because the West of England Baptist Trust Company (West) Limited takes responsibility as custodian trustee for the church and manse properties. Excepted charities are not required to register with the Charity Commissioners where annual income is less than £100,000 and therefore does not have a registration number, but in other respects are fully within their jurisdiction. !Managing Trustees !The Church is administered by the Diaconate, who are the Managing Trustees of the Charity, comprising:- !Minister & Chairman Revd. Michael Standbridge Secretary Mr John Bishop Treasurer Mr Malcolm Broad MBE (re-elected 12 May 2013) Deacons Mrs June Drew Miss Doreen Ely (appointed 12 May 2013) Mrs Hilary Hallett (appointed 12 May 2013) Mrs Maureen Lindop Mrs Margaret Hobbs (re-elected 12 May 2013) Mr Alan Islam (resigned 12 May 2013) Mrs Daphne Putnam !Principal Advisers !Bankers HSBC Bank plc, 34 High Street, Keynsham, Bristol. BS31 1DQ CafCash Limited, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent. ME19 4TA !Solicitors Clarke Willmott, Blackbrook Gate, Blackbrook Park Avenue, Taunton

TA1 2PG !Independent Examiner Mr Steven Pascoe, ACMA, 77 Naunton Lane, Cheltenham Gloucestershire. GL53 7AZ !Page �2

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Structure, Governance and Management !Governing Document !The Church’s governing document is an Indenture/Declaration of Trust dated 21 January 1884 which sets out the objects of the charity. The current land site has been occupied since 1802 when the first building was erected. In 1834 the chapel was enlarged and partially rebuilt. The Indenture was created in 1884 as there was no conveyance or other Title Deed nor any deed declaring the trusts of the chapel prior to this date. !Recruitment and Appointment of Trustees !Deacons who are the Managing Trustees of the charity are chosen from among existing church members who show the reality of their faith by the consistency of their Christian character and by their loyalty to the cause of Christ. The Diaconate consists of two Church Officers, Secretary and Treasurer together with up to eight elected Deacons. Annual elections are held at the Church Annual General Meeting by ballot. Nominees must secure a vote of at least 75% of those present and eligible to vote. !Induction and Training of Trustees !To be a trustee a person must have been a member of the church for at least one year so they are familiar with how the church operates and functions. The trustees (Deacons) receive ongoing training for their roles during their terms of office. !Organisational Structure !The Church is governed and regulated by its own members where all aspects of the work of the Church are subject to the approval of the Church Meeting which is normally held monthly. The Minister of the Church is a paid Managing Trustee and with the Deacons gives leadership to the Church. The Deacons assist the Minister in his role and are also responsible for preparing the business for the Church Meeting. !The Baptist Union of Great Britain and West of England Baptist Association !The Church is part of the wider Baptist family and is therefore a member church of the West of England Baptist Association (WEBA) and also of the national body, The Baptist Union of Great Britain (BUGB). Both organisations are registered charities. The Church Treasurer, Mr Malcolm Broad is also the Honorary Treasurer of The Baptist Union of Great Britain and a director of the Baptist Insurance Company plc. The Church pays an annual subscription to BUGB based upon its membership numbers and also makes a donation to BUGB (Home Mission Fund) for the Baptist family in the UK – please see Note 2 (g). !Custodian Trustee !As referred to on page 2, the custodian trustee for the Church is the West of England Baptist Trust Company (West) Limited. The Trust Company holds the title deeds of the following properties:-

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Keynsham Baptist Church, High Street, Keynsham, Bristol. BS31 1DS 23A Kelston Road, Keynsham, Bristol. BS31 2JL !No property valuation has been undertaken on the Church in recent years and the value shown in the accounts, (page 19) is the insured value. The property at Kelston Road, bought in 2005, is also shown at the insured buildings cover. !Relationships between the Charity and Related Parties !Churches Together in Keynsham and Saltford (CTKS) – the Church is an active member of the ecumenical partnership of churches in the Keynsham and Saltford area. One of the Church’s members, Mr Gordon Hobbs was the treasurer during 2013. !The Church also supports four connected organisations, the Baptist Women’s League, the Homemakers, ‘Tea & Tots’ and Craft Group. These connected organisations of the Church exist as part of the work and mission of the Church which are open to the community. Each organisation has its own committees, officers and members but they still fall within the scope of the Church Meeting and the Minister is entitled to be Chair of all meetings. !Risk Management !The trustees continue to regularly review all major strategic, business and operational risks that the church faces. Over 90 risk areas have been identified and considered in detail and of these the trustees identified the top 5 risks the church currently faces. Controls and action plans are in place to address these risks and are reviewed annually. !Objectives and Activities !Objects of the Charity !Established for the purposes of advancement of religion through the spiritual work of the Church. These purposes include the provision and upkeep of the place of worship and burial ground, the carrying on of religious services, the payment, housing and pensioning of a minister of religion and other persons employed for the purposes of a place of worship. !Charity’s Aims Under the Baptist Union Declaration of Principle:

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DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLE The basis of this Union is:

1. That our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, is the sole and absolute authority in all matters pertaining to faith and practice, as revealed in the Holy Scriptures, and that each Church has liberty, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to interpret and administer His laws.

2. That Christian Baptism is the immersion in water into the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, of those who have professed repentance towards God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ who “died for our sins according to the Scriptures, was buried, and rose again the third day.”

3. That it is the duty of every disciple to bear witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to take part in the evangelisation of the world.

Keynsham Baptist Church 2013

Keynsham Baptist Church seeks to be an active Christian community/fellowship bringing Christian witness and care to the town of Keynsham. The Church also acknowledges its Christian responsibilities beyond the local community and seeks to engage in both national and international situations. !Charity’s Main Objectives for the Year !The Church premises are situated in an ideal location on the High Street in Keynsham which makes the use of our premises attractive for a wide range of community groups, organisations and other charities. !Where able and appropriate, the Church aims to discern the needs of the community and organise activities and support groups to meet these. !2013 began with a Covenant and Communion Service led by the Revd. Nigel Coles, our Senior Regional Minister & Team Leader for the West of England Baptist Association. The text for the year said by our own minister was: !Jesus said: ‘I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.’ John 15: 5, 8 (NIV). !The text above set the scene for establishing our objectives and exciting initiatives for the year where the church played centre-stage for a number of significant events. The church hosted the Women’s World Day of Prayer on 1st March with its theme: ‘I was a stranger and you welcomed me’, and a series of Lent Talks organised by Churches Together in Keynsham and Saltford which commenced on 19th February. Lent lunches were held each Wednesday in St John’s Church hall with short talks on the same Lent themes. !The church again provided ‘green room’ facilities for the two major annual Keynsham occasions: the Music Festival on 7th July and the Victorian Evening on 29th November with its theme of ‘Christmas Bells’, and was also the venue for the ‘One World Lunch’ on 30th October. !The church helped to establish the first ever Foodbank in the town, a joint initiative with other churches and voluntary bodies, and in conjunction with the Trussell Trust a most significant achievement for the town. The Foodbank idea moved rapidly from exploratory talks to the establishment of a committee and a team of volunteers, and has benefited hugely from the generosity of local supermarkets and the generous provision of a storage facility in one of the local secondary schools. !Our Saturday Coffee Mornings, Craft Group, Tea & Tots drop-in, Baptist Women’s League and Homemakers continued as regular opportunities for us to bring our objectives to life and 2013 saw the start of a monthly Craft Group for children as an after-school activity. !The Church continued to offer public worship on Sunday mornings at 10.30am and Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm. !Page �5

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Quinquennial Inspection & Insurance Inspection – the outworking of these two inspections continued to be addressed in 2013 and the appointed contractor, Ken Biggs Contractors Limited completed all remedial works identified in the Quinquennial report. The total cost was £14,952.72 but as the invoice was not raised until early in 2014 the expenditure is not shown in these accounts. !We are very grateful for the ongoing work of the Fabric Committee who carry out significant routine tasks, much of them quietly and behind the scenes. !The Church aims also to develop and grow as a fellowship through both study and social activities:-

i) Nationally – to assist in the development of denominational and inter-denominational/Local Ecumenical Project churches. Baptists believe that each Christian has a duty to share their faith with the wider public and recognises that mission is not just evangelism, but also includes promoting justice, social welfare, healing, education and peace in the world.

ii) Internationally – to discover more, the work of the Christian Church overseas and support that work wherever possible. !

At the end of another year in the life of Keynsham Baptist Church we give thanks and praise to God for all that has been accomplished and for the fellowship we have shared as we continue our journey together. !!!!!Page �6

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Charity’s Strategies !a) Worship – to seek to provide appropriate worship to God and review our act of worship on a

regular basis !b) Ecumenical – to actively encourage, promote and participate in ecumenical activities. !c) Premises – to maintain the premises to a good standard, to promote and provide community

activity. !d) Community Needs – to review the work of the Church and discern the needs of the community and

then develop strategies and actions to support as appropriate. !e) Fellowship – to develop a programme to promote Christian knowledge and understanding and to

enhance the social awareness of the Church. Such a programme to include educating the Church members and congregation about the Baptist denomination regionally and nationally and its links to international Christian activity through the Baptist Missionary Society – World Mission, Christian Aid and other Christian organisations. !

Details of Significant Activities !Sadly, our minister Revd. Mick Standbridge became ill in July and was off work for the remainder of the year. With little or no prospect of ever returning to normal ministerial duties Mick decided earlier this year to resign his position as the minister of Keynsham Baptist Church and he will formally finish on 30th June 2014, having completed 9 years of ministry amongst us. More will be said in next years’ annual report but we are hugely indebted to Mick for his ministry and deeply saddened by this turn of events. We wish Mick and his wife Marianne God’s richest blessing as they take their leave of us later this year. !Before Mick became ill he led a number of important activities, firstly a mini-series on the apostle Paul in February and followed by extra-special Easter celebrations which included an Easter breakfast in the church hall at 9.00am and Holy Communion. The breakfast was shared with a large number of the fellowship, some for the first time and so successful was the event that it will be repeated in 2014. Morning worship followed the Easter breakfast which included the act of Believers’ Baptism when Nannette Bevan was baptised and expressing her faith in Jesus Christ. Nannette was received into membership of the church the following Sunday on 7th April. !On a gloriously sunny day in early June, Alan Hale organised a much-appreciated (and full) coach trip to Bridport. A jolly good time was had by all! !On 30th June the church again held its annual anniversary service which included a Gift Day and Fellowship Lunch. £1,717 was raised as a result of the Gift Day, much of which was gift-aided which will add to the financial result in due course. Other fellowship meals included our Harvest Supper, with

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tinned goods going to the Keynsham Foodbank and Julian House; packages of fresh and tinned goods to our housebound; and an auction of vegetables and fruit resulting in a total of £189.12 raised for Operation Agri. !!A number of successful social events were held including: ‘Naughty but Nice!’; ’Coffee and Cakes’; ‘Ploughman’s Supper’; a new and very popular Curry Night; and an evening of scintillating harmonies provided by ‘Blacksheep Harmony’ - a ladies’ barbershop chorus and arranged by the Homemakers. !!Our monthly Monday lunches resumed in September 2012 and finished at least for the time being in June 2013. !In the busy month of December, at our ever-popular Christmas Fellowship Dinner, we invited visiting ministry to be our guests, and the Revd Peter Slee and his wife, Pat, were very pleased to attend. The sanctuary again looked superb, bathed in candle-light, and filled with happy people who enjoyed a roast turkey dinner, cooked and served by the deacons and helpers. !Later in December our candle-lit Carol Service took a more traditional approach, re-telling the Christmas story in lessons and well-known carols, with additional supportive text. Yet again, the sanctuary was decorated to perfection by Jean & Chris Shepperson, and the service very well attended. A number of visitors attended the evening and most of the congregation stayed on for mulled wine and mince pies afterwards. !Achievements and Performance !AGM & Membership !The Annual General Meeting of the church took place on 12th May 2013 at which the Annual Report and Accounts were received and approved. The appointment of Edward Duffield as Independent Examiner was also approved for 2013. Due to serious ill-health Mr Duffield has not been able to carry out the independent examination for 2013 and instead we have appointed Mr Steven Pascoe, ACMA, a qualified accountant and a member of Cambray Baptist Church, Cheltenham. !At the monthly Church Meeting which followed the AGM, Mr Malcolm Broad MBE was re-elected as treasurer for a further three year term. Miss Doreen Ely and Mrs Hilary Hallett were both appointed as deacons for a three year term each and Mrs Margaret Hobbs was re-elected for a second three year term. We are very grateful for all these folk who have committed themselves to serving the church through these important leadership roles. !

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Blacksheep Harmony

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Our membership stands at 51 as at the end of 2013 (51 at the end of 2012) with one new member, Nannette Bevan and one transfer of membership out, that of Mr Hugo Young who transferred his membership to Hanham Baptist Church. !Annual Assembly !

Each May bank holiday Baptists from across the country and indeed from overseas come together as one united group to celebrate together what it means to be Baptists in today’s world. In 2013 over 1,700 delegates from churches met together in Blackpool for the bank holiday weekend. !Our minister and his wife Marianne attended together with our treasurer, Malcolm Broad and his wife Rachel. Malcolm was re-elected treasurer of the Baptist Union of Great Britain for a further year. !The theme of the Assembly, presented by the Baptist Union President, the Revd. Ernie Whalley was, ‘Like Stars in the Universe’ (Phil. 2: 14-16). We followed this up with a series of six studies on this theme using material prepared by the Revd. Ernie Whalley. Each study was interpreted by a different speaker ensuring a variety of approaches but inspired by the study material. !

Young Church !The number of youngsters attending each Sunday is holding steady. In the last Annual Report it was announced that Malcolm Kinch was to take over the older group. Malcolm sadly had to stand down and Rachel Broad will now take charge of this group. Rachel and Daphne Putnam continue to work together each week and particularly at the beginning of the session, when bible based stories are told and songs or hymns learnt and sung. The teachers then split up into their respective groups to hear God’s word and undertake their favourite activities. !A number of the children now attend the monthly Craft Group for children. !Housekeeping and fabric !Looking after buildings that are Grade II listed continue to be a major challenge and 2013 was no exception with vermin attacking the roof space and causing all kinds of problems and damage. The situation has now been addressed but not without considerable cost which unfortunately was not covered by the church insurance as the church insurers, the Baptist Insurance Company plc will not cover vermin damage. !The use of our premises by groups in the town is just one way in which we try to witness and serve our community. In various ways during any one year, up to 2,500 people cross our doorways. With

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only a small number of rooms available in addition to the main hall, this requires flexibility and a friendly welcome and we again are grateful to Daphne Putnam who continues to do a fine job for us in managing room bookings on our behalf. In addition we are hugely grateful for the small but committed members of the Fabric Committee, particularly to Gordon Hobbs and David Johnson. !Volunteers !As Christians we are called to serve and serve again, so like many of our Baptist churches and churches of other denominations we are reliant on an army of volunteers. It is impossible to calculate the number of hours, days or weeks that are freely given to the church and the community or indeed to recognise everyone involved. !We are always in need of more volunteers, whether serving on Saturday mornings, looking after the church garden or looking after the fabric of the church just to name but a few of the areas of service. Whatever the task, how big or how small, everyone is equally important and valued for the gifts they use in service to Christ’s church. !Church Newsletter & Website !The bi-monthly newsletter continues to flourish and we are grateful to our editor, Alan Hale for his commitment to this work. Alan is supported by a number of people who turn the final version into the hundreds of newsletters produced on each run. We are indebted to all these plus others who have written the lead article during our minister’s period of illness. !Keeping any website updated is always a challenge and we are grateful to David Johnson who volunteered last year to do this for us. !Finance !The work of the finance team, which includes Malcolm Broad, Gordon Hobbs and Helen Argile, continues along with those who help count the offerings each week. The church set a deficit budget for 2013 at £1,074 but the outturn was a surplus of £3,588 which was a very good result and we give thanks to God for the generosity and support given to us during the year. !Our income in 2013 was down by nearly 6% compared with the income received in 2012 largely due to no legacy income received during 2013 and reductions in fund raising income and offerings. !Premises hire income remains strong at £18,693 just very marginally down on 2012 by £216. !Costs were more or less in line with budgeted expenditure for 2013 was £62K whereas actual spend was slightly less at £61K. !Connected Charities !Craft Group !‘Crafts at KBC’ continues to meet fortnightly on Tuesdays from 2-4pm. Demonstrations continue to

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take place throughout the year. The equipment bought with last year’s Arts Council grant has been well received and used by the group. !Excitedly, a junior craft group, meeting once a month for an hour after school, commended in November. The age range of the children is between 3 and 15. The start of this group was funded by the adult craft group and we look forward to this group flourishing in the year ahead. !Tea & Tots !Tea & Tots continues to provide a drop-in facility for Parents/Carers and their children on Fridays (during term time) from 9.30am -11.30am, without any charge to attend. !Our aim is to ensure everyone is welcomed and newcomers are not left to feel isolated. As well as having varied play opportunities for the children, there is a different craft activity every week. We also have a popular story and singing time. It is aways very popular with around 30 children attending a morning session. !Highlights !Christian celebrations – There were three short celebration times this year, (during part of the normal session times) - Easter, Harvest & Christmas. The children enjoy the singing and an interactive story. The Harvest celebration received donations from the children of food for Keynsham Food Bank. !Comic Relief - we held a bring and buy cake stall to raise money to send to Comic Relief. !Teddy Bears’ Picnic – held in the park in June and, as usual, the weather was good. Everyone contributed food and a few games were played. A good time was had by all. !Photographer – this was popular as usual and was also a useful fund-raising event. !Team of helpers !A valued team of committed helpers continue to turn up week by week. The work and dedication of the helpers is greatly appreciated as they make Tea & Tots what it is - a welcoming place for parents and their children. !Homemakers !Homemakers’ was started by a group of young women who wanted to meet together in the evenings. They didn’t want it to be known as a young wives group but to be open to all women and the name of Homemakers was born. This was in 1969. I don’t know how many ladies attended that first meeting but to-day we have about 22 members and four of them, Maureen Hayward, Irene Horswell, Janet Pritchard and Mary Smith are still attending. We are now celebrating 45 years and still going strong! !Over the past year we have had some very interesting evenings, thanks to Irene who books our guest speakers. We have learned about the Keynsham Civic Society and the work that they do within the town. Puppy Dog Walking, and Fun with Swords and some tried their hand at sword fighting. We

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had Kath Aldham who spoke to us about Paul’s Place and her enthusiastic volunteers who enhance life for the physically disabled adults. Jeff and Pauline Sawyer told us about their experiences at the Olympic Games where they were Games Makers and they brought along the uniforms that they wore. Mike and Janet Danson showed us their beautiful photographs of the birds of Panama where they had been on holiday. These are just a few of the speakers who entertained us in 2013. All the evenings have been interesting and we have learned from them as well. !

Our Project for the year was the Myasthenia Gravis. This is a muscle weakening disease and makes life very difficult for the people who have to cope with their illness. A lot more research needs to be done and we are so pleased that we were able to raise £1,300 over the year. The amount came from various events. Handmade cards are sold at our meetings Coffee Morning in March, a Barbecue in June and in July a Cream Tea. In August we had a Ploughman’s Evening. We held a concert in November with the Black Sheep Harmony Group. This was well supported and everyone enjoyed listening to

the choir. Thank you to everyone who supported our evenings and made them successful as well as fun. We also need to say thank you to Margaret Barnes for writing to the Nat. West Bank who through a Charity Trust gave us a donation for the Myasthenia Gravis of £1,000. As you can see there are interesting evenings and events taking place where Friendship and Fellowship play a major role, so thank you to all of you for continuing to come along. Thanks also to the Committee who have to make the decisions and do the hard work. !We meet fortnightly on a Wednesday in the Hall so please come and join us. Our meetings last about an hour and then it is time for coffee, biscuits (sometimes cake) and of course chat. !Baptist Women’s League !In May 2014 we shall celebrate our 80th Anniversary. This is a testament to the ladies of the Church who saw a need then for fellowship and devotion amongst the women of KBC in the afternoons. Eighty years on and the vision is alive and well. !The League has an average weekly attendance of eleven and in 2013 we welcomed two new members. !We ended the year with a balance of £248 after donating £480 to selected charities – a marvellous effort. Our members welcome their time of fellowship together and, in spite of infirmity and age, each week they make the effort to meet for worship; enjoy a varied programme including a succession of interesting speakers, and have a chat. We pray that our group will continue for many more years, and we welcome anyone who would like to join us. !!Page �12

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Fund Raising Activities !The Church is reliant upon income raised from fund raising activities during the year. The core fund raising activity is the regular Saturday Coffee Morning supplemented by various other activities, e.g. Victorian Evening, Concerts, Sale of cards etc. !The table below sets out the achievement and performance of fund raising activities during 2013. The results for 2013 show a slight under-achievement by just £69 compared to the budget.

Financial Review !Reserves Policy !The charity holds little in the way of reserves as currently such reserves are held in the restricted Manse Fund for future manse expenditure. Reserves held in the General Fund are to ensure the cost of full time ministry is available for 6 months expenditure which currently equates to approximately £14,000. !The surplus between £14,000 and the total of Unrestricted Funds at £25,642 will be used to fund the cost of remedial repairs resulting from the Quinquennial Inspection amounting to £14,953 which will leave a shortfall in reserves, but the trustees are confident that this is acceptable and manageable. !Principal Funding Sources !The Church has three principal sources of income namely:- !a) Weekly, monthly, annual offerings given by members of the congregation and visitors. These

donations totalled £23,157 compared with £24,141 in 2012, a decrease of 4%. In addition at the Church Anniversary we gave the congregation an opportunity to make a special gift, as a result of which we raised an additional £1,717 compared with £2,055 in 2012. The income from offerings is used primarily to fund the cost of our full time Baptist minister. The cost of stipend, national insurance and pension costs in 2013 was £25,395. Our Baptist minister, Revd. Mick Standbridge is

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Fund Raising Achievements & Performance Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Actual 2012

Coffee Mornings (Gross Income) 4,676 5,500 5,142

Other Fund Raising Activities (Gross Income) 2,876 2,500 3,154

Less: Fund Raising Costs (371) (750) (638)

Net Fund Raising Income £ 7,181 7,250 7,658

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a paid trustee and is called to lead the church in preaching and worship, pastoral care, mission and all other aspects of church life.

b) Rent from the hire of our rooms to external groups including charities and non-profit making organisations. Annual income in 2013 was £18,693 compared with £18,909 in 2012, down by 1%. Rental income is used to pay a domestic cleaner, help fund the cost of repairing and maintaining the premises including heat and light costs. This is vital to enable the church to support community groups using our premises but also to ensure the longer term viability of our buildings to meet both present and future needs. !

c) Fund raising activities – the weekly coffee mornings and other organised events during the year raised £7,181 (net) compared with £7,658 (net) in 2012. We are very grateful for all the volunteers and supporters who make our fund raising efforts successful.

Material Investments & Investment Policy !The Church maintains a small permanent endowment investment of 574.28 COIF Charities Investment Fund – Income Units. The investment is valued at the market value as at 31 December 2013 at £6,676 (£5,966 – 2012) an increase of £710. Although the Church is not able to spend the capital, the income from the investment is unrestricted and therefore the Church can apply the income to help meet its objects. Income in 2013 was £309 (2012 - £257). !Whilst the Church no longer has any significant investments, it retains the following investment policy:- !1. Balanced return from income and capital growth.

2. Moderate risk exposure.

3. Ethical investment policy in line with the Baptist Union of Great Britain.

Plans for Future Periods !Plans for 2014 include a further Lent series of studies and further bible reflection at our Tuesday evening services. We continue to explore different ways of worshipping, from quiet reflection and prayer; music and song; and inviting guest speakers. !As a result of the resignation of our minister, the Revd. Mick Standbridge which takes effect on 30th June 2014 the church will then be in a period of Pastoral Vacancy. The church has appointed a moderator, the Revd. Dr Stephen Finamore, the Principal of the Bristol Baptist College who will assist the church during this time with the next steps to providing future ministry for the church. !The church is very much indebted to the Bristol Baptist College who have been providing students to lead worship during the absence of our own minister. We thank too those from our own fellowship who have led worship or study evenings during 2013. !In the context of discipleship, responsibility in stewardship continues to be addressed as the accounts show such great dependence on fund raising and rental income.

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Statement of Trustees’ Responsibilities !Charity law requires the trustees (deacons) to prepare financial statements that give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the charity at the end of the financial year. In doing so the trustees are required to: !i) Select suitable accounting policies and apply them consistently;

ii) Make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent;

iii) State whether applicable accounting standards and statements of recommended practice have been followed, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements; and

iv) Prepare the financial statements on the ongoing concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the charity will continue in operation.

The Deacons are responsible as trustees for maintaining proper accounting records which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the charity and enables them to ensure that financial statements comply with charity law. The Deacons are also responsible for safe guarding the assets of the Church and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities. !Signature and Declaration !I declare, in my capacity of charity trustee, that: !

➢ the trustees have approved the report above: and

➢ have authorised me to sign it on their behalf.

!!!!!................................................................................ Revd. Michael Standbridge, Minister 23A Kelston Road Keynsham Bristol. BS31 2JL !18 May 2014 !!!!!!Page �15

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Independent Examiner’s Report !To the Trustees of Keynsham Baptist Church !I report on the financial statements of Keynsham Baptist Church for the year ended 31 December 2013 on pages 18 to 27. !This report is made solely to the charity members, as a body, in accordance with Charity law. My independent examination work has been undertaken so that I might state to the charity members those matters which I am required to state to them in my independent examination report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, I do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the church charity and the charity members as a body, for my independent examination work, or the opinions I have formed. !Respective responsibilities of trustees and examiner !The charity’s trustees are responsible for the preparation of the accounts. The charity’s trustees consider that an audit is not required for this year under section 144(2) of the Charities Act 2011 (the 2011 Act) and that an independent examination is needed. !It is my responsibility to:

• examine the accounts under section 145 of the 2011 Act;

• to follow the procedures laid down in the general Directions given by the Charity Commission (under section 145(5)(b) of the 2011 Act; and

• to state whether particular matters have come to my attention

Basis of independent examiner’s report !My examination was carried out in accordance with the general Directions given by the Charity Commission. An examination includes a review of the accounting records kept by the charity and a comparison of the accounts presented with those records. It also includes consideration of any unusual items or disclosures in the accounts, and seeking explanations from you as trustees concerning any such matters. The procedures undertaken do not provide all the evidence that would be required in an audit, and consequently no opinion is given as to whether the accounts present a ‘true and fair view’ and the report is limited to those matters set out in the statement below. !Independent examiner’s statement !In connection with my examination, no matter has come to my attention: !(1) which gives me reasonable cause to believe that in any material respect the requirements

!• to keep accounting records in accordance with section 130 of the 2011 Act; and

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• to prepare accounts which accord with the accounting records and to comply with the accounting requirements of the 2011 Act

have not been met; or !(2) to which, in my opinion, attention should be drawn in order to enable a proper understanding of the

accounts to be reached.

!!!!!................................................................ Mr Steven Pascoe, ACMA Independent Examiner 77 Naunton Lane Cheltenham Gloucestershire. GL53 7AZ !18 May 2014 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Page �17

Keynsham Baptist Church 2013

Statement of financial activities (including receipts and payments account) for the year to 31 December 2013

The transfer from Unrestricted Funds to Restricted Funds is largely the monies allocated in the Church budget to Mission causes, including Home Mission, BMS World Mission and Operation Agri. !Page �18

Unrestricted Funds

Restricted Funds

Endowment Funds

2013 Total

2012 Total



Donations, legacies & other similar receipts (2a) ! 34,873 ! 1,972 ! 36,845 ! 38,211

Operating activities to further charity's objects (2b) ! 118 ! 600 ! 718 ! 2,431

Operating actvities to generate funds (2c) ! 26,760 ! 26,760 ! 27,828

Investment income receipts (2d) ! 21 ! 309 ! 330 ! 278

Sub-Total ! 61,772 ! 2,572 ! 309 ! 64,653 ! 68,748

Other receipts (2e) ! - ! - ! -

Total Receipts ! 61,772 ! 2,572 ! 309 ! 64,653 ! 68,748


Payments for generating funds (2f) ! 763 ! 763 ! 882

Charitable Payments:

Grants paid (2g) ! - ! 6,805 ! 6,805 ! 7,236

Charitable activities (2h) ! 47,456 ! 486 ! 47,942 ! 45,399

Management and administration (2i) ! 5,423 ! 5,423 ! 5,923

Sub-Total ! 53,642 ! 7,291 0 ! 60,933 ! 59,440

Other payments (2j) ! 132 ! 132 ! 162

Total Payments ! 53,774 ! 7,291 0 ! 61,064 ! 59,602

Net of Receipts/(Payments) 7,998 (4,719) 309 3,588 9,146

Gross Transfers between funds (6,023) ! 6,332 (309) ! 0 ! -

Cash funds brought forward at 31 December 2012 ! 23,667 ! 21,322 ! - ! 44,989 ! 35,843

Cash funds carried forward at 31 December 2013 ! 25,642 ! 22,935 0 ! 48,577 ! 44,989

Keynsham Baptist Church 2013

Statement of Assets & Liabilities at 31 December 2013 !

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Unrestricted Funds

Restricted Funds

Endowment Funds 2013 Total 2012


Cash FundsHSBC Bank plc - Current account 25,428 2,098 27,526 23,958 HSBC Bank plc - Deposit account 186 - 186 186 CafCash Limited - 20,837 20,837 20,816

Cash 28 - 28 29

Sub-Total 25,642 22,935 0 48,577 44,989

Sundry Funds - Connected Charities 1,443 1,341 2,784 2,322

27,085 24,276 0 51,361 47,311

Represented by:-General Fund (Unrestricted) 21,190 21,190 19,215 Contingency Fund (Designated) 4,452 4,452 4,452 Mission Fund (Restricted) - - Church Weekend (Restricted) 591 591 478

Manse Fund (Restricted) 22,344 22,344 20,844

Sub-Total 25,642 22,935 0 48,577 44,989

Sundry Funds - Connected Charities 1,443 1,341 2,784 2,322

27,085 24,276 0 51,361 47,311

Other Monetary Assets0 0

0 0 0 0 0

Investment Assets

574.28 COIF Charities Investment Fund Inc. Shares 6,676 6,676 5,966

0 0 6,676 6,676 5,966

Assets Retained for the Charity's Own UseFreehold properties known as:- (5)

Keynsham Baptist Church, High Street, Keynsham 1,072,258 1,072,258 1,057,457 23a Kelston Road, Keynsham, Bristol.(6) 192,231 192,231 189,019

Furniture, fixtures & fittings, equipment(5) 170,307 170,307 168,088

0 1,434,796 0 1,434,796 1,414,564

Liabilities (6)

West of England Baptist Trust Company (West) Ltd (Abbey) 0 7,173

(Loan repaid) 0 0 0 0 7,173

Keynsham Baptist Church 2013

For the financial year ended 31 December 2013 The accompanying notes form an integral part of this Statement of Assets and Liabilities. !Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2013 !1. Accounting policies

i) Basis of accounting

The financial statements are prepared in accordance with the Statement of Recommended Practice “Accounting and Reporting by Charities” (SORP revised 2005).

ii) Incoming resources

Charitable activities

Income from donations and other voluntary income are recognised on a received basis. The charity has not given any financial consideration for voluntary help received during the year, and is not able to quantify such assistance.

iii) Grant making policy

Grants, gifts and donations were made to various organisations in the furtherance of the charity’s objectives. Monies received for specific causes are held in a restricted fund pending remittance of monies to the appropriate beneficiary. The charity is committed to give at least 5% of its total income for the General Fund to the Baptist Union Home Mission Fund.

iv) Pension costs

The Church pays pension contributions for its Minister to the Baptist Ministers’ Pension Trust Limited, a final salary defined benefit scheme, which is not contracted out of the State second pension. The scheme is a multi-employer scheme and it is not possible to identify the assets and liabilities of the scheme which are attributable to the Church. Ministers pay 8% of their salary (stipend), and the Church (employer) pays 16% and contributions charged to the Statement of Financial Activities as incurred.

v) Investments

Investments are quoted under the Statement of Assets and Liabilities at their market value as at the Statement date. Income from investments is accounted for when receivable.

vi) Fund accounting

Funds held by the charity are either:-

- Unrestricted general funds – these are funds which can be used in accordance with the charitable objects at the discretion of the trustees;

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Keynsham Baptist Church 2013

- Designated funds – these are funds set aside by the trustees out of unrestricted general funds for specific purposes or projects;

- Restricted funds – these are funds that can only be used for particular restricted purposes within the objects of the charity. Expenditure which meets these criteria is charged to the funds.

- Endowment funds – the investment held by COIF is capital protected, but the trustees may use the income for general purposes.

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2. Notes to the Statement of financial activities

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Unrestricted Funds Restricted Funds 2013 Total

2012 Total

General Designated Mission Church Weekend Manse

Receipts(a) Donations, legacies & Other similar receipts

Donations - Gift Aid ! 1,836 ! 1,836 ! 2,441 Donations ! 3,682 ! 3,682 ! 3,027 Legacies ! - ! 1,000 Offerings:-

Gift Aid ! 17,683 ! 17,683 ! 19,186 Gift Aid - Small Donations ! 2,632 ! 2,632 Envelope Scheme ! 653 ! 653 ! 927 Loose Cash ! 2,188 ! 2,188 ! 4,028 Tax Refund ! 4,699 ! 4,699 ! 5,084

Grants received ! 1,500 ! 1,500 ! - Baptist Missionary Society

Birthday Scheme ! 223 ! 223 ! 241 Boxes ! 462 ! 462 ! 332 Other ! 124 ! 124 ! 155

Home MissionBoxes ! 264 ! 264 ! 284 Other ! 172 ! 172 ! 96

Operation AgriDonations ! 112 ! 112 ! 42 Other ! 210 ! 210 ! 473

Other Causes ! 405 ! 405 ! 895 ! 34,873 0 ! 1,972 0 0 ! 36,845 ! 38,211

(b) Operating activities to further charity's objectsChurch Weekend ! 600 ! 600 ! 2,431 Sundries

Other ! 118 ! 118 ! - ! 118 0 0 ! 600 0 ! 718 ! 2,431

(c) Operating activities to generate fundsFund Raising:-

Bookstall ! - ! 44 Coffee Mornings ! 4,676 ! 4,676 ! 5,142 Events & Other ! 2,876 ! 2,876 ! 3,155 Monday Lunches ! 515 ! 515 ! 578

Premises Hire ! 18,693 ! 18,693 ! 18,909 ! 26,760 0 0 0 0 ! 26,760 ! 27,828

(d) Investment income receipts

Interest ! 21 ! 21 ! 21 ! 21 0 0 0 0 ! 21 ! 21

(e) Other receipts0 ! -

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Keynsham Baptist Church 2013

2. Notes to the Statement of financial activities – continued


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Unrestricted Funds Restricted Funds 2013 Total

2012 Total

General Designated Mission Church Weekend Manse

Payments(f) Payments for generating funds

Fund Raising:-Coffee Mornings ! 371 ! 371 ! 542 General ! 392 ! 392 ! 340

! 763 0 0 0 0 ! 763 ! 882

(g) Grants paidBMS World Mission ! 1,450 ! 1,450 ! 1,350 Home Mission ! 2,950 ! 2,950 ! 3,200 Operation Agri ! 1,450 ! 1,450 ! 1,350 Other causes ! 955 ! 955 ! 1,337

0 0 ! 6,805 0 0 ! 6,805 ! 7,237

(h) Charitable activitiesPayroll:-

Stipend ! 17,996 ! 17,996 ! 18,050 National Insurance ! 1,687 ! 1,687 ! 1,647 Pension contributions ! 5,712 ! 5,712 ! 4,876 Travel expenses ! 669 ! 669 ! 341 Book allowance ! 65 ! 65 ! 94 Conferences, training ! 190 ! 190 ! 188 Healthcare ! 160 ! 160 ! 220 Wages - Domestic ! 2,906 ! 2,906 ! 2,535

Visiting Ministry ! 1,233 ! 1,233 ! 909 Church Fabric:-

Repairs & maintenance ! 3,269 ! 3,269 ! 2,644 House expenses ! 489 ! 489 ! 381 Insurance ! 1,473 ! 1,473 ! 1,452 Light, heat & rates ! 4,153 ! 4,153 ! 4,014 Equipment ! 2,169 ! 2,169 ! 767

Manse Fabric:-Repairs & maintenance ! 180 ! 180 ! 171 Insurance ! 237 ! 237 ! 246 Light, heat & rates & council tax ! 3,802 ! 3,802 ! 3,641

Young Church ! 455 ! 455 ! 356 Church Weekend ! 486 ! 486 ! 2,509 Hospitality ! 367 ! 367 ! 298 Training, conferences & seminars ! 244 ! 244 ! 60

! 47,456 0 0 ! 486 0 ! 47,942 ! 45,399

Keynsham Baptist Church 2013

2. Notes to the Statement of financial activities – continued

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(i) Management and administrationChurch office, inc. Stationery & postages ! 551 ! 551 ! 687 Telephone - Church & Manse ! 718 ! 718 ! 717 Photocopier - leasing ! 1,574 ! 1,574 ! 2,268 Photocopier - consumables ! 1,056 ! 1,056 ! 888 Advertising & Website ! 310 ! 310 ! 223 Insurance ! 136 ! 136 ! 136 Professional fees ! 296 ! 296 ! 256 Subscriptions ! 781 ! 781 ! 748 Other ! - ! -

! 5,422 0 0 0 0 ! 5,422 ! 5,923

(j) Other payments ! 132 ! 132 ! 162 ! 132 0 0 0 0 ! 132 ! 162

Unrestricted Funds Restricted Funds 2013 Total

2012 Total

General Designated Mission Church Weekend Manse

Keynsham Baptist Church 2013

3. Sundry Accounts

There are four connected charities attached to the Church, namely the Craft Group, Baptist Women’s League, Homemakers and Tea ‘n’ Tot’s. They exist because the Church exists, though they operate their own finances which are separately independently examined. A summary of their combined activity is given below. Copies of their accounts can be obtained from the respective treasurers.

!4. Tax Reclaim on Donations – Gift Aid

Income received from tax claim was £4,789.86 for Unrestricted Funds compared with £5,487.48 in 2012.

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Sundry Funds held by Connected Charities Unrestricted Funds

Restricted Funds 2013 Total 2012 Total


Donations, legacies & other similar receipts ! 2,251 ! 46 ! 2,297 ! 2,658 Grants received ! 250 ! 250 Operating activities to further charity's objects ! 18 ! 18 ! 46 Operating activities to generate funds ! 105 ! 1,530 ! 1,635 ! 1,428 Investment income receipts ! 0 ! 0 ! -

Sub-Total ! 2,624 ! 1,576 ! 4,200 ! 4,132 Other receipts ! 10 ! - ! 10 ! 23

Total Receipts ! 2,634 ! 1,576 ! 4,210 ! 4,155

PaymentsPayments for generating funds ! 107 ! 291 ! 398 ! 365 Charitable Payments:-

Grants paid ! 1,448 ! 1,000 ! 2,448 ! 2,927 Charitable activities ! 888 ! - ! 888 ! 1,196 Management and administration ! - ! - ! -

Sub-Total ! 2,443 ! 1,291 ! 3,734 ! 4,488 Other payments ! 15 ! - ! 15 ! 15

Total Payments ! 2,458 ! 1,291 ! 3,749 ! 4,503

Net of Receipts/(Payments) 176 285 461 (348)

Gross Transfers between funds 0 0 0 0

Cash funds brought forward 31 December 2012 ! 1,267 ! 1,055 ! 2,322 ! 2,670

Cash funds carried forward 31 December 2013 ! 1,443 ! 1,340 ! 2,783 ! 2,322

Keynsham Baptist Church 2013

5. Tangible Assets

Investments are shown in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities at market value. !Assets retained for the Charity’s own use are shown in the Statement of Assets and Liabilities at latest insured value. The church building is a historic Grade II listed building with a very long life and as such it is not practical or cost effective to place a value on the property or its land. !!6. Liabilities

The manse at 23A Kelston Road, Keynsham was purchased from the following sources:- ! Keynsham Baptist Church £182,750 Abbey Mortgage £ 32,250 Purchase price £215,000 !The manse is co-owned 85% share by Keynsham Baptist Church (West of England Baptist Trust Company (West) Limited) and 15% share by Revd. Michael Standbridge and Mrs Marianne Standbridge. Upon any sale of the property, sale proceeds shall be apportioned using the percentages quoted. Keynsham Baptist Church has the right to buy out the 15% share at the time of any sale of the property or when Revd. Michael Standbridge ceases to be the minister of the Church. !The property is vested in the name of the West of England Baptist Trust Company (West) Limited as the custodian trustee of the Church. The Abbey mortgage was taken out by all three parties, repayments are the responsibility of the Revd. Michael Standbridge and Mrs Marianne Standbridge. !The Church has a Manse Fund (Restricted) set up to fund the minister’s 15% share as and when his share in the property needs to be funded – current balance of the Fund as at 31 December 2013 increased to £22,344. !During 2013 the Revd Mick Standbridge repaid the mortgage outstanding in full with a lump sum payment. !!7. Capital expenditure commitments

The trustees have no plans for capital expenditure commitments during 2013 other than the remedial repair and maintenance works identified by the Quinquennial Inspection. !!8. Pensions !The church is an employer participating in the pension schemes known as the Baptist Pension Scheme ("the Scheme" ), which was known as the Baptist Ministers' Pension Fund until 31 December 2011 ("the Ministers' Fund"). The Scheme is a separate legal entity which are administered by a Pension Trustee (Baptist Pension Trust Limited).

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Employees are eligible to join the Scheme, which is not contracted out of the State Second Pension. The main benefits provided by the Ministers' Fund for service prior to 1 January 2012 are a defined benefit pension of one eightieth of Final Minimum Pensionable Income for each year of Pensionable Service, together with additional pension In respect of premiums paid on Pensionable income in excess of Minimum Pensionable Income. From 1 January 2009 Ministers paid 8% of their Pensionable Income and the employer paid 16%. The Fund started in 1925, but was closed to future accrual of defined benefits on 31 December 2011. !From January 2012, pension provision for Ministers is being made through the Defined Contribution (DC) Plan within the Baptist Pension Scheme. Members pay 8% of their Pensionable Income and employers pay 6% of members' Pensionable Income into individual pension accounts which are operated and managed on behalf of the Pension Trustee by Legal and General Life Assurance Society Limited. In addition, the employer pays a further 4% of Pensionable Income to cover Death in Service Benefits, the administration of the DC Plan, and an associated insurance policy which provides income protection for Scheme members In the event that they are unable to work due to long-term incapacity. This income protection policy has been insured by the Baptist Union of Great Britain with Unum Limited. !A formal valuation of the Ministers' Fund was performed as at 31 December 2010 by a professionally qualified Actuary using the Projected Unit Method. The market value of the Fund's assets at the valuation date was £129,866,000. !The valuation of the Ministers' Fund revealed a deficit of assets compared with the value of liabilities of £69,700,000 (equivalent to a past service funding level of 65%). As a result of the valuation, in addition to the contributions to the DC Plan set out above, deficiency contributions from employers to the Ministers' Fund (now the DB Plan within the Scheme) were set at 8.4% of Pensionable Income for 2012 and 11% of Pensionable Income for 2013 onwards. The Recovery Plan envisages deficiency contributions being required for 24 years. !The financial assumptions underlying the valuations were as follows: Ministers and Staff Discount rate pre retirement 5.70% Discount rate post retirement 4.55% Rate of price inflation 3.70% Rate of revaluation on deferred pensions accrued to 5 April 2009 3.70% Rate of revaluation on deferred pensions accrued after 5 April 2009 2.50% Rate of pension increases on benefits accrued to 5 April 2006 3.50% Rate of pension increases on benefits accrued after 5 April 2006 2.30% !As there is a large number of contributing employers participating in the Scheme, the church is unable to identify its share of the underlying assets and liabilities of the scheme. Accordingly, due to the nature of the schemes, the profit and loss charge for the period represents the employer contributions payable. The total pension cost for the church is £5,712 (2012 £4,876). !The next actuarial valuation of the Ministers' Fund DB Plan Is due to take place not later than 31 December 2013. During 2014 it is expected that the Scheme actuaries will be able to calculate the deficit for each participating employer and therefore in subsequent annual reports and accounts we will be able to quantify the church’s exact liability.

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HOT DRINKS! ! ! ! ! COLD DRINKS!!!Cup of Coffee! ! £1.00!! ! ! ! Canned Drinks! ! £1.00!!Mug of Coffee! ! £1.20!! ! ! ! !!Pot of Tea! ! ! £1.00!! ! ! ! Squash! ! ! 40p!!Hot Chocolate! ! £1.20!!!HOT SNACKS!!!Bacon Roll!! ! ! £2.00!! ! Toasted Cheese Sandwich! £2.20!!Bacon Sandwich!! ! £2.20!! ! Cheese on Toast!! ! £2.00!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! (White or Brown bread)!Toasted Teacake!! ! £1.00!! ! !(including jam or marmalade)! ! ! ! Baked Beans on Toast!! £2.00!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! (White or Brown bread)!!Two Crumpets! ! ! £1.20!! ! ! !!Two Crumpets with Cheese! £1.50!! ! COLD SNACKS!!Toast - White or Brown ! £1.50!! ! Kit Kat (4 Bar)! ! ! 80p!(2 slices of bread with jam or marmalade)!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Kit Kat (2 Bar)! ! ! 40p !!!

Opening Times - Every Saturday morning from 9.30am to 12 Noon

Fresh and Delicious Snacks to Enjoy!

KBC Coffee Shop

Keynsham Baptist Church 2013


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