2014 spring newsletter

Post on 07-Apr-2016






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You’ve helped us write a great new chapter in GNPI’s story. Thanks to a dedicated staff and tremendous partners, Vision Night 2014 was a success! In March we visited three cities, hosted 450 people, and raised $150,000 to further accelerate global evangelism through media and technology. Amazing! To all who prayed and participated, thank you! We look forward to hosting friends, new and old, in the same three cities in March 2015. Stay tuned for more details!

Meanwhile, the situation in Ukraine continues to drive us to the Lord in prayer. Our colleagues in Crimea (which is now in the Russian Federation) are amazingly calm and are moving forward with their work. Video projects are being completed, and construction on the Multi-Purpose Resource Center continues. At the same time, Regional Director Sergei Golovin is working in Kiev at both training and teaching. He is working to establish another office that will serve the needs of Ukraine and other parts of eastern Europe. They’re continuing to carry on GNPI’s rich legacy of empowering others with media and evangelism training, even in the midst of adversity.

They do this so we’ll be able to see more people join the multitudes we’ll meet someday. Have you ever wondered what it will be like in heaven? Meeting Jesus, all sorts of angels, and thousands of believers in their glorified bodies! There will be people there who you’ve helped bring to Christ, that you’ve never met on earth. Partly because of distance, but also because many depend on anonymity to survive.

As you help GNPI partner with workers in difficult places, we often can’t give you the full story. However, God knows. He’s counted the hairs on their heads. He stores their tears in a bottle. One day we will meet in heaven. Until then, we simply share part of their journey. In heaven, as Paul Harvey says, we’ll hear, “The Rest of the Story”!



In March, GNPI hosted its first-ever Vision Night events. GNPI-Damoh, India, Regional Director, Manee Massey, gave more than 450 attendees in Joplin, Indianapolis, and Phoenix an inside look at the work going on to reach more than 1 billion Hindus in that nation. Generous donors provided more than $150,000 to support GNPI’s ambitious plans for growth and expansion into building effective delivery tools, such as mobile Apps, to share the message of Jesus with more people than ever.

Make plans to join us for Vision Night 2015, again in these cities, as we build on the solid foundation laid at this year’s events. Stay tuned for updated information about the dates, times, locations, and next year’s very special guest.

To watch a recap of Vision Night 2014, visit www.gnpi.org/newsletter.

It doesn’t seem like 10 years have passed since the initial dedication and ribbon cutting for our center in SE Asia. However, time flies, and a couple of months ago GNPI-SE Asia celebrated its 10th anniversary!

International Director Bob Sartoris and Director of Operations Tom Nutt traveled to SE Asia to be part of the celebration.

Join with us as we pray for growth, wisdom, and impact for this regional center for the next 10 years, and thank you for the part YOU played in reaching this milestone!

To see pictures and read more about the celebration, go to: www.gnpi.org/newsletter.



by Everett Forkner, current and founding GNPI Board Member

One of the challenges we all face in life is accepting and projecting the change that comes naturally, or by design, in order to grow. Although difficult at times, I truly believe no organization can continue to grow without change. As a founding director of GNPI, I have had the opportunity to be a part of this exciting, unique, cutting-edge, global ministry. From its inception of presenting the Gospel to people groups in the context of their culture, language, and customs, it has continued to grow through change.

The Board of Directors at GNPI, along with the current leadership team (with input from staff and supporters), have completed an extensive, long-range strategic plan to reposition and refresh the brand of the ministry. We believe this will allow GNPI to better connect with today’s and tomorrow’s generations of supporters and partners to further accelerate global evangelism through media and techonology. Change is sometimes uncomfortable, but change is a necessary part of growing.

I am as excited today about the future of GNPI as I have ever been!It is a great blessing to be a part of this unique, worldwide ministry.

Read the expanded version of Everett’s article at:




More than 450 Solar Kits distributed. Almost 300 million people with access to The Global Gospel. Millions more with access to GNPI materials on national television in the Philippines, Africa, and India. Measurable and tangible impact like this is important, which is why we often share these stories with you.

However, we never want to lose sight of the individuals who are part of these big numbers. Recently, at GNPI’s Vision Night events, special guest Manee Massey shared the story of Anand. That’s not his real name. We can’t share it for security reasons, nor can we show you his picture. If we did, he’d be in real danger.

Anand and his family became Christians not long ago, after watching The Global Gospel. They converted from the Hindu religion, which has serious implications for their safety. In addition, their family has been engaged in significant spiritual warfare. They have suffered from a series of serious medical problems, one of which took the life of a young woman in the family. Anand and his wife also lost a newborn daughter to an illness.

While it’s been difficult to understand these trials, Anand and his family have remained steadfast in their devotion to Christ. They’re considering their trials a joy, an opportunity to be drawn closer and to draw others closer to Jesus.

Have you taken the time to consider that, although you’ll never meet Anand and his family in this life, we’ll be together with them in the next life? That’s why you continue to give. That’s why you continue to pray. That’s why you help and support GNPI in so many ways.

Will you pray for Anand and his family? Will you keep striving with us? Not just for the followers of Christ you know now, but also for the ones you’ll meet someday.



GNPI-Kenya partners with the Kenya Institute of Education (KIE), sharing music videos with close to eight million students. KIE and other partners operate a TV station Kenyan schools use in their curriculum.

GNPI-Uganda partners with LivingStone International University (LIU) to counter a national history of chaos. Many advances in peace have come through increased educational opportunities. GNPI teaches communications classes, training leaders of tomorrow to impact their churches and the marketplace for Christ.

Additional NOMaD training events are planned for three regions in India. Our hope is that dozens of ministries will be further equipped to use media and technology.

GNPI produces training materials

for use throughout the world. Join

us for a brief tour as we highlight

just a few of these initiatives.



Prevailing communist philosophies are combated using creation science and apologetics. The center reaches thousands of pastors, teachers, ministries, and secular communities throughout Eurasia. Academic conferences for professors create environments where key issues of science can be explored through a Biblical worldview. Completion of the Multi-Purpose Resource Center, in now-occupied Crimean territory, will allow thousands to receive training to strengthen their witness for Christ.

Biblical Extension Courses (BEC) meet pressing needs in Thailand. Video courses allow top Bible teachers to extend outreach to villages throughout Thailand. The series is finding its way into surrounding nations like Burma and China.

WWJD impacts young people using “man on the street” interviews and Biblical teaching to address social issues. Students packed a recent conference to watch the Courtship episode. Episodes like Purity and Dignity elicit a response nearing shock from students not used to openly discussing these important issues. A local college library has asked for additional copies of WWJD to provide for their professors.



The volatile situation between Russia and Ukraine has turned our hearts to prayer for safety and God’s intervention. Many of you also pray and give to the amazing efforts of GNPI-Ukraine. With troop build-up and escalation of skirmishes in that part of the world, you may be wondering what life is like for GNPI staff who live and work there. Here are some photos taken in Kiev, Ukraine, that you probably haven’t seen in the news. Imagine if this were the capital city of your home country.

The regional center for GNPI is located in Simferopol, an 11-hour drive from Kiev, Ukraine. Simferopol is in Crimea, now part of Russia. In essence, the GNPI regional center is now in Russia. As for our staff there, they are not just okay, they are doing well! GNPI staff members in Joplin visited with the team via Skype recently. It was wonderful to see their faces and hear their faith as they explained their circumstances. They are cheerful and are awaiting instruction as to how they can become legal citizens of Crimea. In the midst of political turmoil they continue to produce their latest

music video, Take My Life and Let it Be. How appropriate.

In an email, Regional Director Sergei Golovin wrote,

“The Nieuwenhuis (Novy Dom) Training Center construction is going on and we even have some booking applications from Russia already! Looks like God has a much more far reaching plan on reaching Russians through our ministry then we did.

“While a lot is uncertain, we do not neglect any opportunity to serve. It was a special blessing for me to have a conference on the topic of seeking God’s will in times of trouble with a group of young Christian professionals and to speak to a Christian youth club. What a great encouragement it is to see young people passionate for spreading the truth of God in the midst of the storms of life! The fields are white.



“Troubles in the world make people look for the hope beyond it. . . . People are thirsty for the truth, and it looks like God is using the situation powerfully.”

The Psalmist writes (86:8-9, NIV), “Among the gods there is none like you, Lord; no deeds can compare with yours. All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, Lord; they will bring glory to your name.”

Please pray for wisdom and continued safety for our co-workers in Russiaand Ukraine.

Pray for God’s power to be displayed among the nations!

To watch the latest video from GNPI- Ukraine, Take My Life and Let It Be,

simply navigate to: www.gnpi.org/newsletter.



If you care about The Great Commission, you should care about technology. Let me explain:

A few years back, I was a member of a church planting team in Nagoya, Japan. We were attempting to share Christ and make disciples among the second largest unreached people group in the world, and we quickly realized how important technology was to our task. Over 75% of the people connected to our church were people we first “met” on social media networks.

It was the question, “How can we use technology to advance church planting?” that led me to Good News Productions, International. I had heard of GNPI during my time as a student at Ozark Christian College, but I did not fully appreciate the ministry until I began to see how technology can be used to multiply our ministry efforts.

Recently, I was privileged to join the Board of Directors for GNPI. As someone who cares deeply about The Great Commission and has seen technology accelerate evangelism, discipleship, and church planting—I love this organization.

To read the full version of Nick’s article, go to:



As you enjoy the sweetness of your favorite fruit, do you ever wonder where it came from? Most likely, if it’s any number of fruits, it came from an orchard.

Just as trees in an orchard provide nourishment for your body, your estate can provide lasting resources for your family and the charities you love. Join GNPI’s estate and planned gift design provider, David Duncan, to watch a simple parable about the importance of protecting your assets. GNPI can help your estate, your orchard, produce fruit for decades to come.

To watch this video and find more information on planned giving, simply navigate to: www.gnpi.org/plannedgiving.


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