2015-16 manmatha ugadi panchanga sravanam for … – commander in chief chandra - moon sasyadhipati...

Post on 12-Apr-2018






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वक्रतुण्ड महाकाय सूययकोटि समप्रभ। निर्वयघ्िम ्कुरु मे देव सवय कायेष ुसवयदा॥

2015-16 Manmatha Ugadi

Panchanga Sravanam

For India and America


Pundit Mahesh Shastriji

Seattle, WA USA

Panchanga Sravanam for India

2015-16 Planetary Cabinet for India New Year: March 21st 2015

Portfolio Planet

Raja -- King Saturn

Mantri -- Minister Mars

Senapati – Commander in Chief Chandra - Moon

Sasyadhipati Guru - Jupiter

Dhanyadhipati Budha

Argyadhipati Moon

Meghadhipati Moon

Rasadhipati Saturn

Nirasadhipati Guru

Pashupalaka Balabhadra

India Varsha Pravesha Planetary Positions

India Jagat Lagna Planetary positions

The King is Saturn and unafflicted during varsha pravesha but gets afflicted during the Jagat Lagna Chart. People will be troubled due to thieves, fire, weapons. Poor rainfall and least amount of

crops. Crops in many area will be destroyed due to cold and adverse weather. People will

engage in the sinful act. Saturn is transiting over 6th house of India’s chart and hence war like

situation on her border can arise.

The Minister is Mars and is afflicting the Raja – King Saturn during Jagat Lagna Chart and hence City, Villages, and Forrest will be reduced due to fire. Svalpa (Small quantity) rain, fights among

ministers (With Delhi having own state government this will be more on the state government

rather than the central government). Heat will increase in summer. Power shortages in many

areas. Mars is transiting over the 11th house in the freedom chart and hence rulers will be

very strong and take bold steps to protect country and during war India will be victorious.

The Senapati is Moon (Chandra), Prices will go up, people will be healthy -- health and wellness

will prevail, Milk production will increase. Some areas will observe good amount of rain where

as some areas will be dry. The moon is with Mars in the varsha pravesh chart and hence

people will be agitated, indecisive. There is a chance of fire in the warships.

The Sasyadhipati is Guru. Yava, barley, wheat, chana, will grow in plenty, yellow soil will be

fertile. Judiciary will be impartial. Country will progress slowly. People’s expectations will be

high but progress will be done gradually.

The Dhanyadhipati is Budha. Poor rain, small quantity of harvest -- crops, clouds combined with

winds, Infighting inside the ruling party (Specially Delhi Government), fearful about harvest.

The Argyadhipati & Meghadhipati is Moon. Prices of all things will go up specially milk, ghee,

oil, honey, sugar, curd, and candy. Various crops will grow well in the country, Milk production

will increase.

The Rasadhipati is Saturn. Scanty growth of juicy products, grain and corn, Oil, ghee, jaggary,

honey, etc., Cow and animal slaughter will increase. Areas effected by draught will continue

to have trouble and farmers will be forced to sell their cattle to slaughter houses.

The Nirasadhipati is Guru. Ratna, jems, gold, grains, cotton, animal skin, flowers, sri gandham

will be in abundance.

People will be happy and healthy. India reputation will increase in the world. People will be religious. Government will be taking on more religious projects (like Ganga clean up). Rama janma bhoomi can get more attention. May provides funds to renovate temples or clean holy rivers. Judiciary people may get more prominence. People will try to be righteous. Anti-corruption movements will become prominent. Foreign relations with America (i.e. America as Jupiter represents capitalism) will improve. Black money related things will come out more. There may be territorial attacks (war like situation) but India shall remain victorious. Finance of India will improve (slowly). More foreign treaties (related to financial gain) may take place with neighboring countries but there will be trouble. Relations with Nepal, Srilanka will improve. Sudden financial gains from neighboring countries possible. More money can come to treasury through IT. Slower revenue growth. Old people (or fatherly figures) in government will cause issues. Government will try to bring death related estate laws and social wealth. With the help of foreign countries, Indian railways and transportation will improve. There may be some terrorist attacks on transportation systems and communications systems. Train accident/fire can happen. India may go to war with neighboring countries. There can be many border clashes. Death/accidents/suicide of eminent writers. Opposition will cooperate with government. Opposition parties will become weak but they will try to create problems for government with land related laws. Fires in forests (government will need to protect sandalwood forests). Riots can happen due to Mars aspect. There could be some issue with agricultural land, landslides, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions.

Child birth rate will be less. People will believe more in family planning. Government will not havei problems. Corruption in higher places will be low or slow. Stock market will be low. nternational affairs will improve over time. Water trade will be good (i.e. relationship with Sri Lanka). Entertainment industry will initially will take a dip and improve later in the year. Death of eminent entertainment people possible. Armed forces will be strong and perform well. India will get loans when it needs it. Food supply will be good. IT/computer industry will flourish. Animal husbandry will improve. More program for underprivileged class. India will improve relationships/contracts with foreign countries especially with developed countries. If there’s war, India will be victorious. Death of people in the entertainment industry. Death of eminent writers. Many spies will be caught and executed. Technical scientific research in finance and IT may flourish. Financial institutional scams. Foreign countries spies will be active in financial and stock markets. Epidemics will reduce. Terrorist attack on supreme court or supreme court judges. Death of Naval officers or ships. Death of religious heads. Venus is functional malefic. Oppositions will create problem for government. Venus represents women and people in entertainment. Women will be given more importance. Good good reputation to the government but some of the women may bring bad name. There may be some attempts to assassinate government officials. Prime minister needs to take security precautions. India’s reputation in science will increase. India will beat its opponents. Some appointments of the Supreme Court judges may bring troubles to the prime minister and opposition will be critical. Although India may get contracts deals for military arms and defense deals. Long term future planning will improve. Foreign insurance companies will make a prominent role. In financial world there may be spies but they will not be successful in their endeavors.

Income Expenditure, Respect Disgrace table for 12 Rashis (for people living in India)

Moon Rashi Respect Disgrace Income Expenditure

Mesha 3 6 14 14

Vrishabha 6 6 8 8

Mithuna 2 2 11 5

Karka 5 2 5 5

Simha 1 5 8 14

Kanya 4 5 11 5

Tula 7 1 8 8

Vrischika 3 1 14 14

Dhanush 6 1 2 8

Makara 2 4 5 2

Kumbha 5 4 5 2

Mina 1 7 2 8

Panchanga Sravanam for the United States of America Planetary Cabinet for United States of America

New Year: March 20th 2015

Portfolio Planet

Raja -- King Shukra -- Venus

Mantri -- Minister Chandra -- Moon

Senapati – Commander in Chief Surya -- Sun

Sasyadhipati Guru -- Jupiter

Dhanyadhipati Kuja -- Mars

Argyadhipati Chandra -- Moon

Meghadhipati Chandra -- Moon

Rasadhipati Shani -- Saturn

Nirasadhipati Guru -- Jupiter

Pashupalaka Gopala

USA Varsha Pravesha

USA Jagat Lagna

The King is Shukra – Venus and hence there will be plentiful rain, good crops, cattle will be healthy and diary products productivity will increase. There will more romance between couples. The Mantri – Minister is Chandra. The minister also concurs with the King Shukra that there will be plentiful rain. As the result all crops would give more yield. There will be all round good health and wellness. The Senadhipathi or Commander-in-Chief is Surya – Sun. General public will not be happy with Government Policies. There will be lot of opposition in some of the policies introduced by the Government. There might be lack of rains in some of the parts of the country. There might be gusty winds that might result in natural disasters like hurricanes. Farmers are advised to grow red-colored crops. The Sasyadhipathi (Winter Crops) is Guru -- Jupiter. The winter crops that grow in yellow colored soil will grow in plenty. Crops like Barley, Wheat, Horse Gram (Yellow colored crops) will give more yield.

The Dhanyadhipathi is Kuja – Mars. Crops that grow in red soil will give good yield. The crops that grow under the soil and small grains will grow well. The grain prices will increase. The corn crops will not yield well. Overall there will be poor yield of crops. The Arghyadhipathi is Chandra – Moon. There will be plentiful crops. In general there will be increase in prices of essential commodities as well as dairy products. The Meghadhipathi is also Chandra – Moon. Various grain will grow in plenty. Dairy products will be produced in large quantity. The Rasadhipathi is Shani -- Saturn. There will be less yield of liquid crops. In general, the prices of oil, ghee, honey, jaggery will increase. The Nerashadhipathi is Guru – Jupiter. Cotton will grow in plenty. Grains also give good yield. Precious gems and stones will also be in plentiful. Gold prices will decrease. Flowers will be also in plentiful. Sandalwood will also grow in plenty. Learned & righteous people will gain more respect and will be happy. The Pashupalaka is Gopala (Krishna). Since Shukra is the king, Krishna is the Pashupalaka for this year. This is super good for the cattle. The dairy product production will increase. Varsha Pravesh Chart has Makar Lagna and its Lord Sani is into 11th house, retrograde, aspected by 12th & 3rd Functional Malefic Jupiter. General state of affairs of the nation will be average, slow and relations with other nations will tend to improve but at a slow pace. Imports from foreign countries will increase. In Jagat Lagna the lagna lord Saturn is in 10th house afflicted by Mars and aspecting 4th house – Government’s some decisions will make unpopular more state governments will approve same sex marriages. There will be some discontent and cabinet reshuffle in the Delhi government. The 9th lord and the 6th lord Mercury in the second house and the lord Saturn is in the 11th house – Foreign trade will improve, judiciary and law enforcement will have more money in their budget. More outsourcing in the field of Banking, telecomm IT a great possibility. Not good for stock markets and speculations. New startups in the field of IT needs be watched for. Budget deficit will increase. Jagat lagna the 11th and 2nd lord Jupiter is into 6th house and 2nd house itself is on Rahu Ketu Axis. But the lord Jupiter is strong in navamansha in his own rasi in the 3rd house. The financial position will be slow and troublesome but improving especially in the field of communications, telecom, and media. The new technology can be developed in the field of defense. Losses through theft or fraud will unveiled. Lagna lord is Saturn and represents labor class. The government will work more towards helping lower class people. Stock market may perform poor. The third house Sun, Moon, Mars and Ketu – on the rahu ketu axis aspected by the 12th and the 3rd House lord Jupiter. New innovations in the field of communications – telephones, internet,

postal services with foreign collaboration. Train accidents possible, secret terrorist movement possibility. Chances of airplane getting crashed or catch fire over waters. Government will try to take populist steps in the above mentioned areas. Damp Weather, opposition will try to grill government but their efforts will be in vein, Government will be able to enforce its policy without any rough waters. Finally opposition will give constructive support to the ruling party but very slowly. The progress in this regard will be very slow. Land prices will fluctuate. Land price near resorts, vacation spots, entertainment centers will increase. Later part of the year will see increase in real estate. Summer crops will yield more. Earthquakes possibility. There will be a sudden death of prominent people in the field of arts and entertainment, sports, or literacy field. This person may be young and death could be due to accident or sudden death. This will happen in the later part of the year. The stock market will see some bullish trend but needs to be careful. More cases of cancer in children. The education field will suffer – more shooting in school is possibility. Heavy expenditure on armed forces but that’s worthwhile as any territorial attacks plots will fail. Overall health of the people will be good. There will be some diseases from foreign countries will try to penetrate USA but without much success. USA will be more successful this year in any participation of military activities. Foreign relations will improve and many notable alliances will take place. Marriage rates will increase. 7th house aspected by Saturn in the Jagat Lagna chart hence America will be involved in some war like situations specially in regions like Syria, and neighboring area. The 8th house is afflicted in both Jagat lagna and Varsha Pravesh Lagna indicating tragedies, earthquakes, natural disasters, Sudden or mysterious death of some important person in the government, explosions in some areas. The Rahu Ketu axis is on the Arabic region, some major unrest in that region is very high possibility. The afflicted Rahu is in the 9th house in the varsha pravesha chart and in the jagat lagna chart 9th lord venus is aspected by lagna and the 12th lord Saturn, along with the 9th house aspected by the malefic Mars. The president needs to take extra care for his security. Sudden deaths, or accidents of people in government or judiciaries. Troubles or accidents in areas related to communications like telephony, internet, trains, satellites, railways, shipping. Varsha Pravesh chart 10th house aspected by its own lord venus but its dispositor is afflicted and 10th house itself sandwiched between the Saturn and the Rahu, Also in the Jagat Lagna chart 10th house has afflicted it is going to be tough for the government in upcoming days, Certain government decision will make it unpopular. More trouble and rough waters for the government but the Jupiter and Venus’s aspect will come as blessings in the last moment. National Job situation will show slow progress. Government will have some tough time to get important bills cleared, some important government portfolios will change. There will be deaths of the congress or senate members.

Income Expenditure, Respect Disgrace table for 12 Rashis (for people living in America -- USA)

Moon Rashi Respect Disgrace Income Expenditure

Mesha 1 7 2 8

Vrishabha 4 7 11 14

Mithuna 7 7 14 11

Karka 3 3 8 11

Simha 6 3 11 5

Kanya 2 6 14 11

Tula 5 6 11 14

Vrischika 1 2 2 8

Dhanush 4 2 5 14

Makara 7 2 8 8

Kumbha 3 5 8 8

Mina 6 5 5 14

Rashi Phallam for 12 Rashis

(for everyone living anywhere in the world).

By Pundit Parashar

ARIES / Mesha: Saturn will stay in evil house that is eighth and will try his best to

create problems and obstacles here and there in 2015. Now

Jupiter's aspect on this Saturn will stay under complete control

till July 15th and up to a great extent thereafter. Obstacles that

created complete road blocks in 2014 leading to even

depression will completely go away and you will start to move

ahead and up in your life once again and especially in first seven

months of 2015. Accomplishments will be greater than

expectations and completely satisfying. There is a strong chance

that either you will do some serious upgrades to your existing

home or buy a beautiful home by July 15, 2015. Jupiter's transit

in fifth will be very fortunate and will provide you the much

needed Midas touch. Right mahurat for those looking for an

expansion in the family. This transit will be very favorable for

students as it will help them get very high grades. Otherwise also

Jupiter's aspect on ninth will help you to get all things big or

small without any difficulty. Mind will be very relaxed as all

tension about children will disappear as they will achieve their

goals and get settled in their own way in life. Ketu in twelfth will

bend your mind ad faith in religion and make you perform many

good deeds and on the other hand Rahu in sixth will help people

appearing for any competitive exam, clear it with hands down.

Money wise expect great prosperity in 2015. You may also travel

overseas for pilgrimage some time during this year. If you are

able to control sugar consumption, the stay should stay fine in



Jupiter's transit in third till July 15th will keep expenses to bare

minimum and will give you the chance to accumulate lots of

money which will come handy in second half. Investment made

in middle of year will be lucky though you will need to spend lots

of time initially. Now Saturn's transit in seventh will make you

feel lucky as far as the career is concerned. All you attempts will

be successful and you will always meet your goals and deadlines.

Since Saturn will transit seventh house and the zodiac sign

Scorpio which is the sign of his bitter enemy Mars, you will have

to be very careful in personal life, relationships because this

Saturn will definitely have some negative impact on seventh

house. It can cause temporary or permanent damage to

relationships or will give health problems to spouse in shape or

aches, pains, minor accidents or spouse may have to undergo

some kind of surgery, so watch out. And since Saturn would

transit it's own constellation Anuradha and later Jyestha, it will

take you to new level in career and bring big financial prosperity

in life. Children will also do better in their respective life. Some of

you also invest in property or buy gas business this year.

GEMINI / Mithuna:

Jupiter will continue to occupy house of finances till July 15th

before moving to house of courage and communications. Saturn

the ruler of house of luck will continue an evil sixth house for the

whole 2015. It should be another fruitful year by all means.

Saturn in sixth will help you overcome all difficulties of past and

help you do a lot better in your career. It will also bring many

positive change in career by moving to a well reputed

establishment. You may also pass a big exam before July 15th.

You will be completely free of any previous ailment. This Saturn

in sixth will also help you gain victory in ongoing legal matters.

Some of you also launch another project with some products

with an edge over similar products in the market. Business will

continue to do good but the prosperity will be slow and steady.

Jupiter in second will be expensive but the money will only go on

good reasons. Mostly on immediate family members. You may be

spending more money on kids education or on the marriage of

one of your child this year. You will have to have better control

over your emotions and let the past go if you want to move

forward in life. There will be big fluctuations in finances,

sometimes you will have in excess and sometimes on the edge.

All you need to do is be careful when dealing with people with

their name starting with letter " N ".

CANCER / Karka:

The year should start with good note as Jupiter and planet Mars

will be in very helpful positions. You will continue to make very

positive changes in diet and try to live a very disciplined life in

order to come back in tip top shape. Results will astonish people

around. Saturn's disturbances will stay under check till July 15th

but once Jupiter moves into house of finances, one of your child

may move away for educational purpose and you may have to

share lots of financial liability because of some glitch in financial

aid. This is not going to cause any dents in your finances, just

additional expense. There will be positive changes in your

personality and Jupiter will make you wise and far sighted. You

may launch a project in March with the help of some like minded

friend. Mind will deviate from religion to spiritually and Rahu will

give you courage to make some extra ordinary move in career to

get out of stale life. You will also loose some weight in first seven

months. Time after July is very favorable for money matters. Your

investments will start yielding profit and by the end of 2015, you

will accumulate lots of money. Any new project you start this

year, will last long and will be profitable. You may also buy a

house by water.

LEO / Simha:

You will have to go through many test and trials in first half of

2015 but once Jupiter enters first house, everything will come

under controls. Saturn's transit in fourth is not favorable and you

will need to be more careful with many things including close

friends, automobiles and any old property. Commitments and

some bad choices made in the past will make a hole in your

pocket and the money will hardly stay. Avoid buying any old

property or vehicle this year or they will drain you out. People in

business should avoid buying a run down business just because

they want to avoid competition. Once Jupiter moves in first, it will

give you the wisdom and maturity that sometimes the things do

not work the way we want. If you are looking for an addition in

the family, the second half if when the dream can come true.

Children not doing well in the past will make a come back this

year. Watch out for a above average tall and dark skin color

person, he will be the root cause of troubles.You will be paying

little extra attention to your health in second half and may make

big change in diet. People working may be moved to another

location or department against their will. People in consulting

business will do slightly better this year. It will be better to seek

advise from an old and trusted person from time to time.


Saturn's transit in third and Jupiter in house of gains are very

favorable. You will make tremendous progress in life this year.

Rahu in first will bring some changes in personality. You will

become tough and execute all your plans successfully. New

opportunities will keep knocking at your door one after another

this year. Some of you may accept a great opportunity and even

move to another state by July. Saturn's transit in third will also

help you in litigation and a long pending appeal will get accepted

making room for big progress in life. Bachelors will be hooked up

with the right partner. All business trips will be instant success.

You may also attend a big seminar in the month of April or May

and make some very useful contacts. Expenses will stay under

control and before the year end, you will accumulate lots of

money. Jupiter's aspect on fifth as well as the ruler of fifth

Saturn, can add another member in the family, other wise too

children will do a lot better this year. People prone to blood

pressure should be again careful. You may also travel overseas

towards the end of 2015. Someone older and with gray hair will

be very helpful. Just be careful when handling any tools or lifting

weight as there is a slight chance of getting hurt in the arm this


LIBRA / Tula:

Saturn will transit second and favorable nakshastra's throughout

2015. Jupiter will stay in house of career till July 15 before

moving into house of gains. Jupiter will definitely bring big

change in career. Additional pressure and unsatisfactory working

conditions will make you look for better opportunity. Close

friends doing well will be another factor for you to explore the

opportunity. Saturn in second will help you locate the dream job.

Some of you may start your own business before July, 2015.

Money wise you will be very lucky and any risk you take will turn

out favorable. You will make big money through couple of

properties this year. Business will definitely multiply in first six

months and the profit margin will improve. Some of you may also

successfully make a bid on existing franchise already doing very

well and take over in mid 2015. You will be going on a number of

trips in second half and all trips will be financially rewarding. You

will be associated with an older person who will be a great guide

and teacher. Value of your assets will shoot up and some of you

may move in a bigger home this summer. One of your child not

doing so well in the past, will suddenly find the direction and

make a big comeback in life. There is a big chance of money

coming through legal channels in the month of July or August.


Saturn's transit in first is troublesome. Jupiter will keep things

under little check from ninth till July 15th but still you will need to

be very very careful when taking any decisions in personal as

well as professional life this year. This Saturn will need you to

work extra hard to achieve your goals, big or small. Isolation from

some one too close will be heart breaking. Try to maintain close

relations with good people and attend all social event in order to

stay away from negative energy. Jupiter's presence in ninth is

very helpful. Children will be a big source of happiness this year.

This is the most favorable transit for people looking forward to

have an addition in the family. There will be big change in the

way you think. Mind will deviate from religion to spiritually. Once

Jupiter moves in house of career in July, changes become

imminent. Whether you make the right or wrong choice will be a

big question as Saturn will try to create confusion and you may

end up making the wrong choices. Do not ignore legal and health

issues, pay quick attention in order to avert big complications.

Money will come at slow pace. You may have few chances to

make money little unorthodox way, but may decide not to adopt

that path. Only a female could be the root cause of troubles.

Think twice before you take any big decision and the year can

pass comfortably.


Jupiter will stay in a negative house till July 15th before moving

into house of luck for remainder of time. Saturn will transit

twelfth house or the house of loss and expense. Try to stay away

from getting involved in unnecessary litigation, compromise if

possible and do not purchase and old property or vehicle this

year and you will be fine. Rahu in tenth will make things slight

difficult and it might be difficult for you to hit your professional

goals in first shot. If waiting for something from government, it

will come with a delay. Time after July is very favorable. There will

be some interesting an major positive developments in career

and once again you could reach new heights in life. Self

confidence and image will improve. You may be going on several

long distance journeys this year. As far as the health is

concerned, back may start to give some trouble. Western

medications will not help but yoga and sleeping on hard bed will.

The year may start will slow pace but from March and onward

you will accomplish a lot in life. You may also invest in a nice

property or move to a bigger house this summer. Some one lot

younger in age will be real helpful this year. You will make a

serious bid on a running franchise around June and may take

over around September, 2015. You will be able to save a lot in

second half of 2015. Some of you may join a short term course

to update your knowledge this summer. Little caution and this

year can be useful.


Jupiter's transit in eighth after July 15th will be better. This

Jupiter can cause unnecessary delay for bachelors to find the

right soul mate. Negotiations will very like minded people will go

well in the beginning but misfire in the end because of no valid

reason. Spouse may continue to have health issues but nothing

life threatening. Saturn's transit in house of gains is very lucky as

it will transit his own as well as Mercury nakshastra. People

connected with hardware, oil, mines, mineral, land and

properties will benefit a lot. If you initiated any litigation in the

past year, the good chances are that it will be decided in your

favor with large financial gains after July. People in business will

find very good and reliable associates. You may also purchase a

big piece of land but wait some time to construct anything on it.

After July, planets will bring in large gains from distant lands and

ongoing overseas projects. Couple of business trips after July will

be turning point in career. Do not take any chance with a

government agency and when on road. People already having

franchise will expand and buy more locations. Saturn will be

helpful if you are ready to be on the move more than usual hours

this year. You will be completely cured of an old issue with the

help of minor surgery. Religious activities will decline. Chance of

addition of a new member in the family very strong after July.

AQUARIUS / Kumbha:

Saturn's transit in house of career is really helpful. Of course

there is no escape from hard work, but the financial rewards will

be lot better than expectation. Business will expand with the

opening of new location and you will be on the move most of the

time. Watch out for a person almost bald and short, may create

lots of confusion in your mind that's all. You will make more than

one trip overseas all for business. It will be a very good year for

students, they will do lot better than expected. Money wise things

will pick up all of a sudden after July as projects started in early

part will become profitable quickly. Some one will come up with

some schemes to make money little unorthodox way, but you will

be able to hold on to temptation and decline his offer. Some of

you may also initiate a law suit not for financial gains but just to

prove your point in first quarter of 2015. First few months will be

very expensive but most of the money will be spend on family

and a wedding in close family. Some of you may also get out of a

partnership setup and start on your own in second half. There is

very strong indications of money through stocks in month of

April. You will make some very important contacts in career as

well as personal life. Help from people with political connections

will be available when needed. Couple waiting for many years to

have an addition in the family will see their wish fulfilled around

October, 2015.

PISCES / Mina:

Jupiter's presence in fifth and later in sixth is very favorable for

career related matters as compared to past several years.

Saturn's presence on the other hand in ninth is not bad either.

Take advantage of this auspicious transit of Jupiter and do not

waste time and go with a full swing starting beginning of 2015.

You will continue to well in career and may have a very lucrative

offer in February or March. Just grab it and you will be content in

time to come. This is going to be a great year for students also.

Some of you may also sign up and receive some short term

training and improve or update your knowledge. This transit can

also be a factor to add another member in the family. Bachelors

will have to go through little roller coaster ride but will ultimately

settle with a person of their liking. Jupiter will gift you the wisdom

to take all important decisions with cool and rational mind. Your

valuable advise will help many needed close friends this year

and they will be really thankful. Saturn's transit in ninth will make

you more humble and eager to help those who are less

fortunate. You will be doing something really good for your

parents this year. Your image will improve and you will become

more active in the society. Jupiter's transit in sixth from July 15th

will cause one more positive change in career in second half. You

should eat more nutritious food and do some breathing


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