2015-2016 executive board meeting - amazon web services · 2016-09-23 · 2015-2016 executive board...

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2015-2016 Executive Board Meeting

Topic: Executive Board Meeting 15-27 Date & Time: Wednesday, March 9, 2016 12:30 p.m. Place: MSU Boardroom, MUSC 201

Items: 1) Adopt Agenda 2) Adopt Minutes 3) CLAY Report Jonathan Davis 4) Elections Report Priya Gupta 5) Maroons Report Nicole Vandenheuval 6) Shinerama & Terry Fox Job Description Guarna 7) Closed Session Guarna 8) Committee of the Whole – Service Reports Guarna 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) Objectives 1) Adopt Agenda 2) Adopt Minutes 3) Report 4) Report 5) Report 6) Approval 7) Approval 8) Dicussion 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) Provide Information & Answer Questions 17) Unfinished/Other Business 18) Time of Next Meeting and Motion to Adjourn

Motions 8. Moved by Guarna, seconded by ____ that the Executive Board approve the creation of the Shinerama &

Terry Fox Events Coordinator job description job descriptions, as circulated and attached, effective May 1, 2016.

Executive Board Meeting 15-27 Wednesday, March 9, 2016 @ 12:30pm MSU Boardroom, MUSC room 201 Called to Order 12:34pm Present D’Angela, D’Souza, Hsu, Ibe, Guarna, Nadarajah, Stegmaier Late Absent Osazuwa, Nestico-Semianiw Others Present J. McGowan (General Manager), Michael Wooder (SLDC), V. Scott (Recording

Secretary), Jonathan Davis (CLAY Coordinator), Priya Gupta (Cheif Returning Officer), Ryan Deshpande (Diversity Services Assistant Director), Nicole Vandenheuval (Maroons Coordinator), Justin Monaco-Barnes (MSU President-Elect)

1. Adopt Agenda Moved by Nadarajah seconded by D’Souza to adopt the agenda, as presented. Amendments

Guarna – add Diversity Services Operating Policy Guarna - add Diversity Services Exec Job Descriptions Guarna – add SHEC Exec Job Descriptions

Moved by Nadarajah, seconded by D’Souza to adopt the agenda, as amended.

Passes Unanimously 2. Maroons Report – Nicole Vandenheuval presented

Vandenheuval summarized the report. Questions

Nadarajah asked what events, other than an ath and rec presence, did the Maroons plan. Vandenhueval responded that they planned first year rep info sessions, which there will be one today and tomorrow. She added that they will be running exam de-stressors in April as they had received some good feedback about the ones they ran in the fall semester. Vandenheuval explained that they will be doing giveaways and putting on a movie night as well.

Nadarajah asked why are Maroons more present at certain sports but not others. Vandenheuval responded that only football, basketball, and volleyball games were requested of the Maroons. She explained that the other games would put them beyond expected hours for the volunteers to be at, and that’s why they promote those three sports. She added that sometimes they will go to the minor sports if it wasn’t a busy week, but it is better to have a bigger presence at one game than having only one or two reps at an assortment of games.

3. CLAY Report – Jonathan Davis presented

Davis summarized the report. Questions

Nadarajah asked Davis to talk more to how they changed the interview process. Davis responded that there were four questions on the application, and that there were situational questions based on external scenarios. Davis stated that in terms of the interview process, they built it from the ground up so that those with CLAY experience didn’t have an advantage over others.

EB 15-27 March 9, 2016 Page 2

Nadarajah stated that last year CLAY made it a priority to rank staff based on leadership experience to diversify. She asked if it would be the same this year. Davis responded that it was. He explained that each person was categorized into different groups and a median score was put together for each one. He added that they recommended hiring for anyone who performed well over the median. Davis stated that there are a lot of fresh faces this year.

Ibe asked who was providing sponsorships so far. Davis responded that faculty societies and offices have sponsored. He stated that community partners have been more receptive to donating items for the raffle.

Ibe asked about the relationship with the Hamilton Wentworth District School Board. Davis responded that he reached out twice to each school but hasn’t reached out to Board members yet.

Ibe praised Davis about putting in more sessions for international students and stated that they will benefit from it.

D’Souza stated that she heard a lot of people saying they had positive interview experiences, the team was working hard to making it an inclusive space.

4. Elections Report – Priya Gupta presented

Gupta summarized the report. Questions

Wooder explained that the comments on the livestream will be unavoidable unless they buy into a better account, which premium would cost around $2,400 USD.

D’Angela stated that they implemented a change to double the price for external elections, he asked how that was received and if there was still a large demand. Gupta responded that she wouldn’t know as data wasn’t collected in the previous years. She stated that she has only received positive feedback this year, and that $50 from previous years wouldn’t have been enough for the time and effort put into this.

Deshpande suggested using Youtube to livestream as a solution. McGowan told Gupta to go to him if they keep having issues with the Registrar’s office. Ibe asked if they know the increase of those running and participating in election was due to promos from

the Elections Committee or other culture. Gupta responded that she didn’t think it was attributed to promo, but students being engaged. Guarna added that ‘MSU Wants You’ probably helped a lot. She explained that it put the onus on SRA members to shoulder-tap, and that having someone encourage them to run is better.

Nadarajah stated that there were concerns this year with respect to implementing rules that impacted paid staff. She asked if they will be standardizing the rules so that they don’t change from year to year. Gupta responded that they can’t set the rules for the next year as there will always be issues. She explained that she doesn’t feel comfortable putting them in an operating policy. Gupta stated that the rules need to be assessed year by year.

Gupta added that she has been having issues with UTS about ballots being not sent out, and reported that she has been working with Pauline Taggart to help fix the issue.

5. Shinerama & Terry Fox Events Job Description Moved by Guarna, seconded by Nadarajah that the Executive Board approve the creation of the Shinerama & Terry Fox Events Coordinator job description, as circulated and attached, effective May 1, 2016.

Guarna went over the memo with the Board. She explained that they wanted to add a role to help with logistics of summer events planning. Guarna added that the Coordinator will still be responsible for risk management and purchase orders.

Hsu asked about hours stating that 10 was a lot for the summer. Guarna stated that it should state 4-7 hours. Nadarajah asked which position they will not be posting for next year. Guarna responded that the external relations position won’t be posted. Ibe asked if a policy was being created.

EB 15-27 March 9, 2016 Page 3

Guarna replied that they will be working on that. Vote on Motion Moved by Guarna, seconded by Nadarajah that the Executive Board approve the creation of the Shinerama & Terry Fox Events Coordinator job description, as circulated and attached, effective May 1, 2016.

Passes Unanimously 6. Operating Policy 1.9.7 – Diversity Services Moved by Guarna, seconded by D’Souza that the Executive Board approve the changes to Operating Policy 1.9.7 – Diversity Services, as circulated, effective May 1, 2016.

Deshpande went over the memo and changes with the Board. Vote on Motion

Passes Unanimously 7. Diversity Services Exec Job Descriptions Moved by Guarna, seconded by Stegmaier that the Executive Board approved the changes to the Diversity Services Indigenous Liaison and Promotions Executive job descriptions, and the creation of the Event(s) Coordinator, Research and Resources Executive, and Social and Political Advocacy Coordinator job descriptions, as circulated, effective May 1, 2016.

Deshpande went over the memo and changes with the Board. Hsu asked what were the current hours of the exec and why did they choose 10 hours for most but 6-8 for

others. Deshpande responded that all exec have 10 hours, and he explained that it was reflective of the work put

in. He explained that he reduced the Events Coordinator to be eight hours as there will be two of them and less work between the two of them. He explained that the Resource and Research position can always be changed if the Board wished.

Guarna stated that she wished to change the Resource and Research hours to be 8-10 as the other research positions have 10 hours.

Hsu asked if Diversity Services will have the Resource and Research position do AOP training. Deshpande responded that the position will help with research and plan but won’t be implementing the

training as they want paid staff doing that. Vote on Motion

Passes Unanimously

8. SHEC Exec Job Descriptions Moved by Guarna, seconded by D’Souza that the Executive Board approve the following job descriptions for SHEC, as circulated, effective May 1, 2016:

Addictions Awareness

Internal Programming

Media (Radio)

Media (The Silhouette)

Mental Health

EB 15-27 March 9, 2016 Page 4


Sexual Health

Guarna went over the memo. She explained that they are all relatively small changes, but they are to show that SHEC has a bigger stake in Welcome Week.

Vote on Motion

Passes Unanimously

Moved by Nadarajah, seconded by Ibe to recess until Friday, March 11, 2016

Passes Unanimously Recessed at 1:23pm Called to Order at 10:34am on Friday, March 11, 2016 Present D’Angela, D’Souza, Guarna, Nadarajah, Nestico-Semianiw, Osazuwa, Stegmaier Late Absent Ibe Others Present J. McGowan (General Manager), Michael Wooder (SLDC), V. Scott (Recording

Secretary) 9. Closed Session Moved by Hsu, seconded by Nadarajah that the Executive Board move into Closed Session.

Passes Unanimously 10. Return to Open Session Committee of the Whole – Service Reports Moved by Guarna, seconded by Stegmaier that the Executive Board move into Committee of the Whole to discuss Service Reports.

Passes Unanimously Moved by Guarna, seconded by Nadarajah that the Executive Board move out of Committee of the Whole and to Rise and Report.

Passes Unanimously Rise and Report

Guarna reported that they talked about CLAY and that everything was going well. Guarna reported that they talked about MACycle and how Exec will be hired as volunteers, and that the Executive Board would prefer the logo to not be carried out as they are uncertain about the future of the service.

11. Information and Question Period

Scott reported that on March 23 and 30 the meeting will be two hours long. D’Angela reported that the budget will be presented on March 23.

EB 15-27 March 9, 2016 Page 5

Wooder reported that International Women’s Week and Art Matters week was this week. General Assembly will be held on Monday. Wooder reported that Light Up the Night promo will be coming out soon. He stated that a teaser campaign with full roll out will be happening. Wooder reported that the Maccess logo will be coming forward soon.

McGowan asked the Board to keep in mind that over the next couple of weeks those who will be involved next year will be coming to meetings and he hoped that while they are comfortable with each other to keep a level of professionalism.

Stegmaier reported that he and Guarna tried to bring forward a discussion about the Services Commissioner to the Board last week for changes, but it was brought to the SRA as they ran out of time. He reported that it met a different view and other suggestions were made. One of them being that the Commissioner becomes an official observer for the Board. He asked the Board what they thought. Guarna responded that they wanted the position to be an official observer so that time would be dedicated. Nestico-Semianiw responded that they should up the hours of the Commissioner if they expect them to dedicate two more hours of their time. Wooder pointed out that there may be a scheduling matter as it was already hard trying to organize nine people into a meeting. He explained that it could be built into the explanation of the position so that the expectation is there before establishing something permanent.

Stegmaier reported that SWHAT was doing their walk-a-thon and proceeds were going to Relay for Life. 12. Adjournment and Time of Next Meeting Time of Next Meeting:

Wednesday, March 16, 2016 12:30pm

MSU Boardroom, MUSC 201

Adjourned at 11:27am /vs

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CLAY is three months away, preparations for the conference are well under way and are

coming along very smoothly. It is an absolute pleasure to work with a team of individuals

who are so driven and high-performing – I have absolute faith that this year’s conference

will be the best yet.


Obviously, CLAY’s main usage comes from high school delegates during the conference

in May. We will be having a few staff bonding socials soon.

CLAY hosted an Applicant’s Workshop in collaboration with Spark and Horizons in

February. The event had a vey large turnout of 87 prticipants.


Staff Applications

This year, we put a great deal of effort into creating a staff application that would be

equitably accessible to any candidate regardless of experience. We also used a

personalized promotional campaign to generate interest in CLAY applications beyond the

usual cover photo. We received a large number of applications, and were very happy to

see a great mix of returning staff who were excited to return to CLAY as well as a large

number of fresh faces, just as excited to get involved!

Staff Interviews

Staff interviews consisted of 5 rotational statins designed to look at an applicants ability

to: work well with others, creatively solve problems, demonstrate reflective capability,

demonstrate logistical capabilities (particularly in regards to time management), and

demonstrating passion towards CLAY values.

Applicants Workshop

Applicanst workshop occurred on the last Sunday in Reading Week. We had a very high

turnout and very positive feedback (the details of which are in the Spark report fom last

week). I am very proud of this event, and am hopeful that continuing efforts to aid

McMaster students in developing interview and resume skills are made by the MSU.


REPORT From the office of the…

CLAY Coordinator

TO: Members of the Executive Board

FROM: Jonathan Davis


DATE: March 9th

, 2016

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CLAY Coffeehouse

The CLAY Coffeehouse was a huge success – we had a very high turnout, lots of talented

performers, and loads of great prizes. Around $1,300 was raised in one night, which is a

fantastic success for our service!

CLAY Fundraising

CLAY has recently hosted hot dog sale outside of 1280 and pizza sales in night classes –

both proving to be incredibly effective means of fundraising.


The primary upcoming events include weekly committee meetings, staff social events,

and the conference itself. We are looking forward to beginning school visits this month.



CLAY received 301 applications to be part of the volunteer staff team this year – to my

knowledge this is the largest applicant pool an MSU service has dealt with, and certainly

the largest applicant pool that CLAY has received. This was really exciting for our team

as I believe it conveyed the success of our new promotional campaign for staff


CLAY interviews have all been conducted at this time – 120 interviews were offered for

41 LD positions, 4 SET positions, and 2 Media SET positions. Position offers have not

been sent out by the time of writing, but likely will be by Wednesday.

We are very much looking forward to the multiple staff socials we have planned for the

coming two months.


Again: the use of the current survey system for conference registration is very

challenging. I believe that an actual MSU-housed registration system would benefit not

only CLAY but a number of services that use registration (other conferences, Spark, any

service that runs workshops, etc.).

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The bussing company used last year has new management, we are having difficulty

finding a comparable price. It is looking like the busses will cost a few thousand more

than last year. Luckily, Sponsorship & Fundraising is going very well!


Sponsorship and fundraising is going very well! Community and campus partners are

very receptive to sponsorship requests, and creative fundraising efforts have proven

successful. One speaker has been booked for the conference, we are currently working on

securing a second. Staff bonding events have been planned, and we are very excited to

welcome staff to CLAY 2016. Sessions programming is coming along nicely; the

sessions coordinators have been meeting with many relevant parties to ensure a diverse

range of views are represented in programming that is being made for a diverse range of


There are certainly challenges associated with the currently CLAY model which works

primarily with external partners, however I believe that this will lead to a better

conference experience in the end, and I am so excited to see the final product of all the

hard work my team has been putting in!


If you have any relevant parties you woud like to share either our Delegate Brochure or

Sponsorship Package with, your support would be greatly appreciated.

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The Elections Department is currently finishing up SRA Generals and has

successfully completed the Presidential and Referendum election. It’s a bit difficult for

me to truly sum up this semester in the Elections Department. These past two months

have been some of the most stressful, yet rewarding months of the Elections Department

and we are so thankful for all the support that we have received thus far! We were able to

break records this year with having the highest voter turnout for Presidential/Referenda as

well as the second highest number of candidates running for SRA Generals. We also

faced great challenges throughout our elections; however, the Department has maintained

their values of integrity and transparency throughout. Both the CRO and the DRO are

extremely proud of all the hard work that our committee and Department has put into

these past two months and we hope that the engagement and excitement we see from

students surrounding elections only gets bigger and better in future years!


Our service was at its peak usage in these past two months. With the

Presidential/Referenda election, SRA Generals, three potential Referenda, and over ten

requests for our services from external groups, our Department has been very hard at

work in meeting our demand. We saw five candidates running for Presidential and 73

candidates running for SRA! This truly speaks to the engagement and excitement that the

student population has surrounding elections. With the Presidential and SRA Election, we

have also seen a substantial increase in the usage of our office hours. The Elections

Department has worked tirelessly to make themselves available to all the candidates and

anyone who has any concern or questions about the electoral process.


We had two extremely successful events during the Presidential campaign. The

Presidential Meet n’ Greet was held in 1280 a few days before the debate and we had a

fantastic turnout! We received great feedback on the event with students commenting on

how relaxing and inviting the event was. The candidates also enjoyed the experience. We


REPORT From the office of the…

Elections Department

TO: Members of the Executive Board

FROM: Priya Gupta (CRO)

SUBJECT: Elections Department Report 5

DATE: Wednesday March 9th


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believe holding this event before the debate truly allowed students to get to know their

candidates on a more personal level and become more engaged with the debate itself!

The Presidential Debate was also a successful event. We had probably one of the

highest turnout for any debate on campus and students were very engaged in the atrium

as well as on the livestream. Students commented on how much they enjoyed having an

ASL interpreter there and we were glad we were able to make the event as accessible as

possible. The debate did have a few challenges, especially surrounding the nature of the

comments being made on the livestream. For future years we will have to work with

AVTEK to see how we can monitor the comments better so that no candidate is being

attacked maliciously. Regardless of a few setbacks, the debate was very well received

and truly spoke to how engaged students were in the election!

The Elections Department has also submitted a recommended budget for the

upcoming year as well as finalized our SimplyVoting contract for the next two years.


The Elections Department is currently finishing up the SRA election. Once the

election is over, the Department will be working on developing a feedback survey to

collect data on how the Presidential and SRA candidates felt about the electoral process.

This will help to inform future changes to the process to ensure that candidates feel as

safe and welcome to run for these positions. This will be in collaboration with the MSU

Wants You working group and the information will be shared to the group. The CRO and

DRO will begin transitioning the incoming CRO (Helen Zeng) and DRO (Kritika Seth)

and begin planning for next year.



The Elections Committee has been amazing in their role as volunteers these past

few months. Our fines meeting for the Presidential Election extended until 4am, and

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throughout the entire process they put in an incredible amount of thought and

consideration to each and every decision they made. After the disqualification and

throughout the appeals process, they were also very conscientious, fair, and discrete when

dealing with the public and candidates/teams. The committee saw that many people were

frustrated with the appeals process and took initiatives to suggest ways in which the

Elections Department can better communicate with the public. These ideas of which

could be immensely beneficial for future elections! The Committee was very active in

promoting Presidential/Referendum as well as the SRA General Election. The amount of

dedication and effort put into the elections by the committee has been extremely

heartwarming to see and the CRO/DRO are very proud to have been part of the elections

family. We unfortunately lost one Committee member Ashley Eom, who decided to give

up her position in order to run for a SRA seat. At the SRA meeting on March 6, 2016 a

new member, Robert Redelmeier, was elected and will be joining us for the SRA

Generals fines meeting.


Some current challenges that Elections is facing are regarding petitions and the

Registrar’s Office. During the Presidential Election voting period, the list that was

provided to us included some 1000 Nursing students who attended Mohawk College and

McMaster University (MoMac) but were not MSU members. These names had to be

individually removed from the list, as well the SRA seat allocation had to be re-run due

to these inaccuracies. This was both a time-consuming and frustrating process and should

not have been necessary. Furthermore, due to a new policy that the Registrar’s Office has

adopted, we have had to send in petitions to be verified, which takes much longer than it

did previously. With these changes, there have been difficulties in communicating with

potential Referendum sides about the timelines in submitting and verifying petitions in

time for an election and they were upset that their referendum would not run concurrently

with the 2016 SRA General Election. However, we spoke with them and were able to

deal with the issue. Finally with an incredible 72 candidates in the SRA General Election,

there have been some issues with the large amount of posters that have been put up

around campus. Many of them fell down within a few days and not only are causing litter

but we have heard that the custodial staff is removing many of the posters from areas

such as the Arts Quad. The poster policy is something that we may need to reevaluate for

next year’s SRA General Election.


Through all of our challenges, the Elections Department has been able to

continuously maintain our values of integrity and transparency throughout. With the

highest voter turnout in Presidential/Referenda history as well as the second highest

number of candidates running for SRA, we are all very proud of the way we’ve been able

to get students engaged with the MSU. We have also taken great strides in making our

elections more financially accessible by lowering the spending limit for the Presidential

election. Candidates also no longer have to pay out of pocket at the Underground and this

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definitely helps alleviate some of the financial burden some candidates might face during

elections. Throughout these past few months, the elections committee members have

been able to form great bonds with each other and the CRO/DRO are very proud of the

way our committee has stayed engaged and professional in our elections. Despite the

challenges we faced in the Presidential election, we believe that ultimately it was a very

successful experience and we hope that students get even more engaged in future years!

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Megan O’Brien has been hired as the new Maroons Coordinator for the 2016-2017 year. We are currently in

the process of hiring her Executive Team and will be hiring Representatives the first weekend of April. I am

excited as I begin to transition Megan into the role and cannot wait to see all she accomplishes next year.


The Maroons social media pages have continued to be strong throughout the year as we are beginning to

approach 2000 likes on Facebook and our post reach being double with nearly 4000 people reached.

Furthermore our page has been useful for answering questions for several students throughout the year,

particularly recently with Representative Applications being out for faculties, residences and Maroons.


The Maroons have been involved in an assortment of events throughout the past month including assistance

with the promotion of Presidential Elections, Discover Your City and attending varsity sports games.


The Maroons will be attending CIS Men’s Volleyball finals hosted at McMaster this year from March 10-12.

We are very excited for three full days of great volleyball and the opportunity to showcase Maroon spirit on


Representative Applications are now live! We have been consistently receiving applications over the past

week and I am excited to assist Megan with her hiring throughout the month. We will be hosting Maroons

Rep Information Nights this week (Tuesday March 8 and Thursday March 10) to promote the applications,

provide information about being a Maroons Representative and answering any questions students may have.

Next week the Maroons will be assisting with the General Assembly at registration and will be assisting with

Relay for Life in addition to having a team participate in the festivities.

I am currently planning the Maroons Closing Ceremonies, a volunteer appreciation event to conclude our

year and we are also looking into a small exam de-stressor event for the beginning of April.


REPORT From the office of the…

MSU Maroons

TO: Members of the Executive Board

FROM: Nicole Vandenheuvel

SUBJECT: MSU Maroons Report 8

DATE: Wednesday, March 9, 2016

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Current Prior Yr. Approved % Budget

YTD YTD Budget Used

2015-16 2014-15 2016 To Date


3801-0120 MAROONS - MISC. REVENUE (3,240.25) (3,880.00) (4,000.00) 81.01%

3881-0120 MAROONS - UNIFORM REVENUES (4,722.00) (4,810.00) (4,500.00) 104.93%


160.00 46.84%

5101-0120 MAROONS - TELEPHONE 56.64 85.25 120.00 47.20%

6102-0120 MAROONS - ANNUAL CAMPAIGNS 4,353.35 5,517.75 6,000.00 72.56%


1,000.00 0.00%

6501-0120 MAROONS - ADV. & PROMO. 519.28 1,431.46 1,500.00 32.62%

6603-0120 MAROONS - SPECIAL PROJECTS 683.63 105.87 1,000.00 68.36%

6633-0120 MAROONS - UNIFORMS 8,061.82 7,409.65 6,000.00 134.36%

6804-0120 MAROONS - MEMBER TRAINING 1,535.04 1,313.86 1,700.00 90.30%

Again a portion of the funds in the Misc. Revenue line should be in the Uniform Revenue line. Also, an

additional $500 has been spent in Advertising and Promotions for promotional materials last term, which was

not quoted until mid-February. Looking forward, I am in the process of finalizing my budgeting for the

Recognition Awards.


Attendance and participation has increased over the past week at varsity matches. Reps have been required to

purchase their own tickets for the Men’s Volleyball OUA playoffs and CIS finals at very discounted Student

Athlete rates of $20. Although they needed to pay out of pocket 22 Reps purchased packages for all 5 games

and some have purchased single game tickets. I am hopeful that our good relationship with Athletics and

Recreation will continue to develop in the coming year, as the Maroons have been given shout outs by

Athletics and Recreation at recent sporting events through the game announcer and sent personally by

student athletes.


One of my current challenges falls with balancing the transition while trying to develop events to carry out

this year. Typically, the Maroons do not host many events of their own in second term, however, this year

my Social Executives and I are working towards planning a few events for late March and early April to

continue the Maroons spirit all year.


Several Maroons Reps have applied for Executive positions for the upcoming year, which is a great

reflection of the current Executive Team and displays the empowerment of Representatives this past year.

Through several one-on-one meetings that have occurred throughout February, many Representatives have

applied for Maroons positions and other positions at McMaster, and have attributed this to their growth in

confidence obtained throughout this year. Furthermore, several first year students who were involved with

the Maroons through our committees have applied for positions as well and are eager to continue their

involvement with the service next year.

Dear Executive Board,

I am requesting to create a new position to the Shinerama and Terry Fox Executive team. The

new position would be the Shinerama and Terry Fox Events Coordinator. A summary of the

new position is as follows:

Events Coordinator- This person would develop, organize and execute all events for

both the Shinerama and Terry Fox campaigns. This would include, but not limited to,

Charity Golf Tournament, garage sale during May at Mac, bottle drives, bake sales,

Charity Casino, Bling Bling and a truck pull. This person is also encouraged to create

new engaging fundraising initiatives that the team can implement in order to increase

community engagement. This is a volunteer position requiring ten hours per week

(subject to increase closer to events and during Welcome Week).

Please see the attached job description outlining specific requirements.


Samantha Jones

Shinerama and Terry Fox Coordinator


MEMO From the office of the…

Shinerama and Terry Fox Coordinator

TO: Executive Board

FROM: Samantha Jones, Shinerama and Terry Fox Coordinator

SUBJECT: Creation of new Events Coordinator position

DATE: March 7, 2016

P:\DEPARTS\ADMIN\Admin. Assist 15-16\Executive Board\Meeting Documentation\15-27\Shinerama and Terry Fox Events Coordinator JD Final.docx Page 1

Pending Approval


Position Title: Shinerama and Terry Fox Events Coordinator

Term of Office: May 1- October 31

Supervisor: Shinerama and Terry Fox Coordinator

Remuneration: Volunteer

Hours of Work: 10 hours per week (minimum)

General Scope of Duties

Assist the Shinerama and Terry Fox Coordinator in planning, promoting and executing events for both the Shinerama and Terry Fox campaign. It is recommended that the Events Coordinator be in Hamilton over the summer months in order to effectively plan summer fundraising initiatives.

Major Duties and Responsibilities

Category Percent Specifics

Responsibilities 100% Assist Shinerama and Terry Fox Coordinator to develop, organize and execute all events under both campaigns;

Prepare detailed event planning documents and guidelines

Assist Shinerama and Terry Fox Coordinator in planning the Charity Golf Tournament

Assist Shinerama and Terry Fox Coordinator in planning a Terry Fox garage sale during May at Mac

Work with the Shinerama and Terry Fox Coordinator to ensure that the budget for events aligns with the service budget

Retain financial records for any purchases and expenses related to Shinerama and Terry Fox to ensure reimbursement

Provide a transition report for the incoming Shinerama and Terry Fox Events Coordinator;

Attend regularly scheduled executive meetings. Maintain strong communication with the Shinerama and

Terry Fox Coordinator and fellow executives Other duties as directed by the Shinerama and Terry Fox


Knowledge, Skills and Abilities

<<Position Title>> Job Description

Page 2

Organization and time management skills Strong communication, influencing and motivational skills Creativity in planning and promoting events Problem solving under stressful conditions to provide solutions for any unforeseen issues that may

arise The ability to work well within in a team and cross functionally with other teams or supporting groups Strong working knowledge of the McMaster campus, including space booking procedures, is an

asset but not required

Effort & Responsibility

Effort required to be detail and results oriented Flexibility to balance workload requirements through the various stages of event planning and

execution Management of staff, volunteers and sponsorship groups to ensure timelines and deliverables are

met Effort required to engage participants in a meaningful and thoughtful way to create an enriching

experience for all Effort required to build relationships with sponsors and external supporting groups Maintain a positive image of the MSU

Working Conditions

Time demands may exceed the hours stated, particularly during times preceding major events and activities

Office space is shared

Training and Experience

Event planning or project management experience is an asset Leadership and teamwork experience Previous fundraising experience is an asset Experience with Risk Management and EOHSS is an asset but not required Training specific to Shinerama and Terry Fox will be provided


Personal computer

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Dear Executive Board, Please find attached a revised Operating Policy for the new proposed Diversity Services structure. As a result of many discussions resulting in a service proposal to Executive Board in the previous term, Ryan, Nishan, and the incoming Assistant Director Lilian have worked to reflect this in our Operating Policy.

Our newly revised Operating Policy reflects both the structural changes to the service, as well as some new clauses to our purpose in order to better reflect the direction we are hoping to continue taking the service in – specifically, taking an an anti-racist, anti-oppressive, intersectional lens to our service operation. I will outline the rationale behind the creation of each position here:

Events Coordinators: The two Events Coordinators will replace our current Multiculturalism and Interfaith Coordinators. In essence, both the Events Coordinators will try to support different aspects of identity, such as cultural and faith-based identity. We are hoping that this model will help our service be more intersectional and allow us to deeply explore the way race and religion and other aspects of our identities are influenced by one another and exist within society. Having a committee under these pillars has proven to be very helpful for the coordinators, so we will continue to hire a committee of volunteers who will be supervised by the Events Coordinators. Social and Political Advocacy Coordinator: The Social and Political Advocacy (SPA) Coordinator will be primarily responsible for implementing campaigns that are relevant to issues of marginalization and social justice in McMaster and Hamilton. This executive will work to distribute educational material in the form of campaigns and advocacy so that students are made aware of issues that are relevant to our service. The SPA Coordinator will liaise with groups both on and off campus to ensure Diversity Services is established as a resource and a point of contact for the issues we cover. This will involve working with Hamilton-based groups such as Black, Brown, and Red Lives Matter, and the Hamilton Committee Coalition Against Racism. This executive will also manage a committee of volunteers to help create and implement their campaigns.


MEMO From the office of the…

Diversity Services Assistant Director

TO: Members of the Executive Board FROM: Ryan Deshpande and Nishan Zewge-Abubaker SUBJECT: Diversity Services Committee Job Descriptions

DATE: March 9, 2015

Page 2 of 2

Research and Resources Executive: The Research and Resources (RR) Executive is one of the completely new positions we are proposing. The RR Coordinator will be in charge of curating the information we will present to students, and keeping the resources we offer up to date. They will work closely with the Director and Assistant Director to design and modify the multi-level AOP training that we will begin to offer next year, in collaboration with relevant stakeholders. They will build and expand on the guidebooks/print materials we will offer, and will also be in charge of working with the SPA Coordinator and the Promotions Coordinator to make sure that the information is delivered in unique ways. Finally, they will also work to inform the rest of the executive on current topics relating to social justice and ensure that our programming is relevant to current issues. The Operating Policy also outlines two new committees – and Events Committee and a Social & Political Advocacy Committee, to which volunteers will be recruited and supervised by their respective coordinators in the Fall term.

The change in the Operating Policy will reflect our structure in the following way:

We hope the changes are to your liking, and please let us know at

diversityasst@msu.mcmaster.ca if you have any questions. Sincerely, Ryan Deshpande

Approved 03Q Revised 04F, 04G, 04I, 05P, EB 07-05, 07E, 08D, 09R, 12N, 13R



1.1 MSU Diversity Services aims to build and maintain a campus that celebrates, advocates, and ensures inclusiveness inclusivity and diversity equity in areas including but not limited to, race, ethnicity and, culture, faith, and spirituality, gender, ability/disability, and sexual orientation;

1.1.1 Recognizing the valuable role of the Queer Students Community Centre in addressing

issues of sexual orientation, MSU Diversity Services respects the work that service presently performs and seeks to complement rather than overlap its mandate.

1.2 The McMaster Students Union defines such a campus to be on that:

1.2.1 Is a safe, comfortable environment in which the voices and contributions of all members are sought, welcomed, and valued;

1.2.2 Includes a meaningful representation of people from a wide variety of backgrounds and with a wide variety of personal characteristics at all levels;

1.2.3 Provides all members with the support that they need to have an enriching shared university experience;

1.2.4 Identifies respect of both assenting and dissenting viewpoints as the key concept in all interactions between individual members of the community and between the MSU, McMaster University, and individual members of the community;

1.2.5 Meets the needs of different groups and individuals in a proactive and affirmative fashion so that members need not feel obligated to negotiate for their needs and rights.

1.2.5 1.3 Diversity Services operates under an anti-racist, anti-oppressive framework, and recognizes the

state of racial and religious inequity on campus and in the larger global community and works toward the goal of a campus free from discrimination on these grounds.



2.1 MSU Diversity Services shall create space on campus devoted provide and manage an office and public space on campus devoted to inclusiveness and diversity;

2.2 MSU Diversity Services shall raise awareness of issues of inclusiveness inclusivity and diversity

inequity and provide affirmative opportunities for the sharing of related knowledge and experience;


2.3 MSU Diversity Services shall coordinate annual events which further the goals of an inclusive and diverse campus;

2.4 MSU Diversity Services shall advocate and lobby on behalf of its purpose and core principles on the McMaster campus and in the broader community:

2.4.1 To this end, MSU Diversity Services shall provide MSU representation to various bodies,

including but not limited to: The President’s Advisory Committee for Building an Inclusive Community (PACBIC); Senate Committee on Human Rights; McMaster University Committee on Disability/Ability; Strengthening Hamilton’s Community Initiative; McMaster Indigenous Student Community Alliance (MISCA)First

Nations Student Association (MFNSA).

2.5 MSU Diversity Services shall endeavor, in all above areas, to achieve its core goals and responsibilities in conjunction and cooperation with other groups within the MSU, on the McMaster campus and in the broader community;

2.6 MSU Diversity Services shall endeavor to exemplify its purpose within its own operations,

management structure, and community environment.


3.1 The Director, who shall: 3.1.1 Oversee all activities of MSU Diversity Services; 3.1.2 Perform duties outlined in the MSU Diversity Services Director job description; 3.1.3 Be hired by a hiring committee struck by the Executive Board that shall consist of: The outgoing Director; The Vice-President (Administration); One (1) Executive Board Member; One (1) Representative from Human Rights & Equity Services.

3.2 The Assistant Director, who shall:

3.2.1 Assist the Diversity Services Director in overseeing all activities of MSU Diversity

Services; 3.2.2 Perform duties outlined in the MSU Diversity Services Assistant Director job description; 3.2.3 Be hired by a hiring committee struck by the Executive Board that shall consist of: The outgoing Assistant Director; If the outgoing Assistant Director is the incoming Director, substitute the outgoing Director in their place; The Vice-President (Administration); One (1) Executive Board Member; The incoming Diversity Services Director.


3.3 The Bridges Coordinator, who shall:

3.3.1 Be responsible for the daily operation of the Bridges Café safe space; 3.3.2 Perform duties outlined in the MSU Diversity Services Bridges Coordinator job description; 3.3.3 Be hired by a hiring committee struck by the Executive Board that shall consist of: The incoming Director; The Vice-President (Administration); One (1) Executive Board Member or the incoming Assistant Director.; The outgoing Bridges Coordinator.

3.4 The Committee Coordinators, who shall:

3.4.1 Be responsible for managing all activities of their respective committees as outlined in

Section 4; 3.4.2 Perform duties outlined in their respective MSU Diversity Services Committee Coordinator

job description; 3.4.3 Be selected by the MSU Diversity Services Director through an application and interview


3.53.4 The Indigenous Affairs Liaison, who shall: Responsible for fostering communication with and promotion of Indigenous

Students and First Nations, Inuit, and Métis culture; Perform duties outlined in the MSU Diversity Services Indigenous Affairs Liaison

job description; Be selected by a hiring committee that shall consist of: The Incoming Director; The Incoming Assistant Director; One (1) Indigenous Student Counselor; The Vice-President (Administration); The MFNSA President. One (1) Representative from Human Rights & Equity Services.

3.5 The Promotions Executive, who shall:

3.5.1 Be responsible for promoting all aspects of the service through different streams including

but not limited to: social media, promotional materials, and advertising social events/campaigns;

3.5.2 Perform duties outlined in the Promotions Coordinator job description; 3.5.3 Be selected by the MSU Diversity Services Director and Assistant Director through an

application and interview process.

3.6 The Research and Resources Coordinator, who shall: 3.6.1 Educate the McMaster community on equity-related issues through building and curating

the resource hub of Diversity Services. 3.6.2 Develop different forms of media to present educational diversity- and equity-focused



3.6.3 Revise and implement Diversity and Inclusion training for the MSU 3.6.4 Be selected by the MSU Diversity Services Director and Assistant Director through an

application and interview process.

3.7 The Events Coordinator, who shall: 3.7.1 Create events that build community and solidarity amongst marginalized groups 3.7.2 Supervise the programming committee 3.7.3 Work closely with the Social and Political Advocacy Coordinator 3.7.4 Be selected by the MSU Diversity Services Director and Assistant Director through an

application and interview process. 3.7.5 Be selected by the MSU Diversity Services Director and Assistant Director through an

application and interview process.

3.8 The Social and Political Advocacy Coordinator, who shall: 3.8.1 Create and implement campaigns that seek to educate and raise awareness of equity-

related issues to the McMaster community 3.8.2 Supervise the programming committee 3.8.3 Work closely with the Events Coordinator 3.8.4 Be selected by the MSU Diversity Services Director and Assistant Director through an

application and interview process. 3.8.5 Be selected by the MSU Diversity Services Director and Assistant Director through an

application and interview process.


4.1 The Events Committee shall: 4.1.1 Create events that build community and solidarity amongst marginalized groups

4.2 The Social and Political Advocacy Committee shall:

4.2.1 Create and implement campaigns that seek to educate and raise awareness of equity-

related issues to the McMaster community 4.1 The Abilities Committee shall:

4.1.1 Be responsible for finding ways to integrate students with different abilities into life on

campus and increase involvement in student activities.

4.2 The Gender Equity Committee shall: 4.2.1 Be responsible for ensuring that gender equity is maintained on campus; 4.2.2 Consist of representatives from the Queer Students Community Centre and the Women’s

Studies academic program.

4.3 The Interfaith Committee shall: 4.3.1 Be responsible for promoting religious acceptance and respect on campus; 4.3.2 Consist of representatives from MSU Religious Clubs.


4.4 The Multiculturalism Committee shall:

4.4.1 Be responsible for promoting cultural diversity and integrating various ethnic groups on

campus; 4.4.2 Consist of representatives from MSU Cultural Clubs.

4.5 The Research, Information & Promotion Committee shall:

4.5.1 Be responsible for creating surveys; 4.5.2 Be responsible for researching the diversity/inclusiveness efforts of other Universities; Be responsible for promoting the activities and events of MSU Diversity Services.


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Dear Executive Board,

Please find attached the job descriptions for the new and revised Diversity Services

executive positions. As a result of many discussions resulting in a service proposal to

Executive Board in the previous term, Ryan, Nishan, and the incoming Assistant Director

Lilian have created and changed several job descriptions.

These descriptions are: Events Coordinators, Social and Political Advocacy Coordinator,

and Research & Resources Executive. In addition, we have made changes to the

Indigenous Affairs Liaison and Promotions Executive job description to better reflect

their current roles.

Indigenous Affairs Liaison: The Indigenous Affairs Liaison is a very unique role within

the MSU, and remains a valuable one. Diversity Services and the MSU alone cannot

represent indigenous students, but it is important that we aim to do so. Having close ties

with the McMaster Indigenous Student Community Alliance (MISCA) allows Diversity

Services to support them in their programming as well as allow them to act as a

consulting body for our own programming. The changes we made to the job description

were to reflect the current structure of MISCA and the current understanding of the role –

including recognizing Indigenous peoples as First Nations, Inuit, and Metis.

Promotions Executive: The Promotions Executive is an extremely valuable part of our

service, and the promotions function of their role will likely remain the same; however,

as we are hoping to expand our service into a resource hub, having one executive do

promotions as well as research will likely be overwhelming. As a result, we have

removed the “Research” aspect of this role and create a new executive.

The new model which we have decided to move toward, after discussing with Giuliana, is

as follows: Two Programming Coordinators, one Promotions Executive, one Indigenous

Affairs Liaison, one Research, Information, and Resources Executive, and one Social and

Political Advocacy Coordinator.


MEMO From the office of the…

Diversity Services Assistant Director

TO: Members of the Executive Board

FROM: Ryan Deshpande and Nishan Zewge-Abubaker

SUBJECT: Diversity Services Committee Job Descriptions

DATE: March 9, 2015

Page 2 of 2

We hope the changes are to your liking, and please let us know at

diversityasst@msu.mcmaster.ca if you have any questions.


Ryan Deshpande and Nishan Zewge-Abubaker

P:\DEPARTS\ADMIN\Admin. Assist 15-16\Executive Board\Meeting Documentation\15-27\Diversity\Events Coordinators EB.docx

Page 1 Pending Approval


Position Title: Diversity Services Events Coordinator(s)

Term of Office: September 1 to April 30 (Summer Preparation Required)

Supervisor: Diversity Services Assistant Director

Remuneration: Volunteer

Hours of Work: 8 hours per week, variable hours in summer

General Scope of Duties

The Events Coordinator(s) are responsible for creating events that build community and solidarity amongst the groups supported by Diversity Services. All programming will be built upon an anti-racist, anti-oppressive, and intersectional framework. The Events Coordinator(s) will (co-)supervise a committee of volunteers and will also work closely with the Social and Political Advocacy Coordinator to plan events for educational campaigns.

Major Duties and Responsibilities

Category Percent Specifics

Supervisory Function 15% (Co-)Chair the Events Committee Assist in hiring and training volunteers Work with the executive team to coordinate volunteers

for events Support the volunteers of the committee Understand and advocate on the needs of McMaster

students Contribute to efforts in addressing student concerns

related to marginalization and oppression

Programming & Event Planning Function

50% Create and implement a minimum of three events per term to promote racial religious, and indigenous diversity and inclusion

Contribute to and manage Diversity Week programming Work alongside the Promotions Executive to develop

promotional plans for events Act as the primary point of contact for Diversity Services

events Work with the Diversity Services executive team and

volunteers to generate ideas for events Execute space bookings and other logistical items Confirm with the Director that appropriate event risk

management forms have been submitted Work with other campus groups and stakeholders to

Diversity Services Events Coordinator(s) Job Description

Page 2

facilitate collaborative initiatives

Financial & Budgeting Function

5% Develop a budget for the committee alongside the Director

Work with the Director to ensure that each event budget aligns with the service budget

Inform the Diversity Services Director and Assistant Director of all potential expenses

Retain receipts related to expenditures to ensure reimbursement

Communications Function 25% Maintain communication with International Student Services, Human Rights and Equity Services, and the Chaplaincy Centre

Maintain strong communication with the Diversity Director, Assistant Director, fellow executives, and volunteers

Contact the Promotions Executives in a timely manner to ensure enough time for promotional material to be designed and created at Underground Media + Design

Advertise events in an appropriate manner, including the use of appropriate MSU channels

Network with clubs, services, and community organizations to collaborate and consult on events

Other 5% Participate in at least one (1) PACBIC working group relevant to Diversity Services

Provide regular updates to the Diversity Services Director and Assistant Director

Participate in executive meetings as scheduled Support and attend Diversity events Provide transition to the incoming Events Coordinators Other duties as assigned by the Diversity Services

Director or Assistant Director

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities

Awareness and understanding of topics associated with Diversity Services is an asset Detail oriented Organizational and time management skills Ability to lead a team and work with others to execute events Strong interpersonal skills required for conflict resolution and mediation In depth understanding of current issues surrounding marginalization and oppression Strong communication skills Ability to coordinate others and take initiative to ensure successful completion of tasks

Effort & Responsibility

Effort required to integrate various individuals and groups on campus so as to ensure an inclusive environment for all

Effort required to think creatively Effort required to plan and execute events Responsible for maintaining an appropriate and positive image of the MSU

Diversity Services Events Coordinator(s) Job Description

Page 3

Working Conditions

Most work can be completed in a shared office space Time demands may exceed stated hours of work

Training and Experience

Event planning experience is an asset Participation in all Diversity Services Training sessions required (provided) Previous experience working in an anti-racist, anti-oppressive environment is an asset

P:\DEPARTS\ADMIN\Admin. Assist 15-16\Executive Board\Meeting Documentation\15-27\Diversity\Diversity Services - Indigenous Affairs Liasion JD - edits.docxP:\DEPARTS\ADMIN\Jess and Victoria shared documents\Job Descriptions\2013-2014 JOB DESCRIPTIONS\Diversity Services\Indigenous Affairs Liasion - updated March 2014.docx

Page 1 Approved EB 07-07 Revised EB 13-28 Revised EB 15-09


Position Title: Diversity Services – Indigenous Affairs Liaison

Term of Office: September 1 to April 30 (Summer preparation required)

Supervisor: Diversity Services Assistant Director

Remuneration: Volunteer

Hours of Work: 10 hours per week, variable hours in summer

General Scope of Duties

The Indigenous Affairs Liaison is responsible for raising awareness of First Nations, Inuit, and Metis issues both within the McMaster Students Union and to the McMaster community at large. This individual will also be a member of the McMaster Indigenous Student Community Alliance (MISCA) in addition to being an MSU membera Diversity Services Executive. They will work with the Diversity Services Programming Coordinators and MISCA to plan events throughout the academic year. The Indigenous Affairs Liaison will collaborate with various campus and community groups to promote and create events related to Indigenous concerns.The Indigenous Affairs Liaison will collaborate with various campus and community groups to promote and create events related to Canadian Indigenous concerns.

Major Duties and Responsibilities

Category Percent Specifics

Indigenous Affairs Function 40% Organize at least one (1) event or campaign per term promoting indigenous affairs

Organize one major event promoting indigenous affairs including Indigenous Awareness Day

Participate in the McMaster Indigenous Student Community Alliance (MISCA)

Participate in other relevant groups on campus

Financial & Budgeting Function

5% Inform Diversity Services Director Assistant Director of any and all potential expenses related to the committee

Work with the Director to develop a budget for their committee for the year

Retain receipts related to expenditures to ensure reimbursementRetain financial information to receive reimbursement from the Diversity Services Director

Develop a budget for their committee alongside the Diversity Services Assistant Director

Communications Function 30% Understand and aAdvocate for Indigenous needs on campus

Indigenous Affairs Liaison Job Description

Page 2

Communicate with the MSU VP (Education) on how to push for and shape Indigenous priorities

Participate as an Executive Member of McMaster Indigenous Student Community Alliance (MISCA) and representative of the Students Union

Liaise with the Indigenous Student Councilor and Native Health ServicesWork with various groups on campus to support Indigenous needs

Provide regular updates to the Diversity Services Director and Assistant Director

Participate in Diversity Services team meetings

Advertising & Promotions Function

15% Utilize the appropriate MSU departments in conjunction with the Promotions Coordinator to promote Indigenous events on campus

Other 10% Participate in all events related to Indigenous Affairs on campus, in conjunction with the Director

Support and attend Diversity events Participate in transition with the outgoing Indigenous

Affairs Liaison and provide transition for the incoming Indigenous Affairs Liaison Coordinator

Other tasks as directed by the Director and Assistant Director

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities

Time management skills and supervision experience is an asset Strong interpersonal skills required for conflict resolution and mediation Strong understanding of Canadian Indigenous communities Lived experience in Canadian Indigenous communities is an asset Event planning experience is an asset

Effort & Responsibility

Effort required to integrate various individuals and groups on campus to ensure an inclusive environment for all

Working Conditions

Shared office space Time demands may exceed stated hours of work

Training and Experience

Participation in all Diversity Services Training required (provided) Previous experience working with Indigenous peoples and familiarity with relevant issues

P:\DEPARTS\ADMIN\Admin. Assist 15-16\Executive Board\Meeting Documentation\15-27\Diversity\Diversity Services Promotions Executive JD - edits.docxP:\DEPARTS\ADMIN\Jess and Victoria shared documents\Job Descriptions\2013-2014 JOB DESCRIPTIONS\Diversity Services\Research, Information and Promotions Coordinator - updated March 2014.docx

Page 1 Approved EB 07-07 Revised EB 13-28



Position Title: Diversity Services – Research, Information & Promotions CoordinatorPromotions Executive

Term of Office: September 1 to April 30 (Summer Preparation Required)

Supervisor: Diversity Services Director and Assistant Director

Remuneration: Volunteer

Hours of Work: 10 hours per week, variable summer hours

General Scope of Duties

The Research, Information & Promotions CoordinatorPromotions Executive is responsible for advertising general Diversity Services events and Committee Coordinator events. They will do this by working closely with the rest of the executive to develop detailed and creative promotional plans for events and campaigns. This individual is responsible for maintaining the visibility and publicity of the service both on and off campus through developing ideas of how diversity-related issues should be addresseds, and ensuring the proper avenues for promotions are being utilized.

Major Duties and Responsibilities

Category Percent Specifics

Communications Function 20% Aid the Director in understanding Diversity Services’ promotional needs

Aid the Director and executives in promotional and advertising initiatives

Ensure that proper audiences are targeted in any promotional campaigns

Responsible for choosing the modes of communication for promotional activities, including but not limited to postering, Facebook, and Twitter

Respond to general inquiries through social media Communicate with Underground Media + Design on a

regular basis to ensure that the materials being produced are what is needed and wanted

Communicate with various campus and community stakeholders to promote diversity-related issues.

Maintain strong communication with the Diversity Services Director, Assistant Director, and fellow

Research, Information and Promotions Coordinator Job Description

Page 2

executivesHold regular meetings with the Director, Assistant Director and Coordinators in order to assess their advertising needs

Participate in Diversity Services team meetings Communicate with various campus and communicate

stakeholders to research diversity-related issues.

Financial & Budgeting Function

5% Work with the Diversity Services Director to ensure that promotional budgets align with the service budget

Inform the Director of all potential expenses Retain receipts of expenditures to ensure reimbursement

Advertising & Promotions Function

60% Utilize the appropriate MSU departments, including the Underground Media + Design to advertise Diversity Services events on campus.

Ensure that any and all promotional material produced by Diversity Services follows the MSU Visual Identity Guide and are primarily created by the Underground Media + Design

Assist the Director and Assistant Director with developing new promotional ideas and innovative ways to collect feedback on the functions of the service

Assist the Director and Assistant Director in learning about what diversity-related issues the service should address from a students’ perspectives

Assist the Director and Assistant Director with management of the Diversity Services social media outlets

Update the MSU Website and Calendar weekly in conjunction with the Assistant Director and Director

Ensure that Diversity Services maintains a professional appearance through the information that is disseminated through social mediaUtilize the appropriate MSU departments, including the MSU Underground Media and Design to advertise Diversity Services events on campus.

Uphold the MSU Visual Identity Guide in all promotions for the service

Assist the Director and Assistant Director with developing new promotional ideas and innovative ways to collect feedback on the functions of the service in addition to what diversity-related issues the service should address from a students’ perspectives

Regularly update and manage any and all Diversity Services content on social media channels and the MSU WebsiteManage the Diversity Services social media outlets, and post regularly

Update the MSU Website and Calendar weekly in conjunction with the Assistant Director and Director

Other 1520% Support and attend Diversity events Participate in transition with the outgoing Research,

Information and Promotions CoordinatorParticipate in Diversity Services team meetings

Provide transition for the incoming Research, Information

Research, Information and Promotions Coordinator Job Description

Page 3

and Promotions Coordinator Promotions Executive

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities

Awareness and understanding of topics associated with Diversity Services is an asset Organizational and time management skills Interpersonal skills Strong communication skills Ability to coordinate with others and take initiative to ensure successful completion of tasks Prior Social Media Management experience is an asset but not required Promotions / advertising

background is an asset Strong time management and interpersonal skills Experience understanding a wide variety of information

Effort & Responsibility

Effort required to think creatively Effort required to design and implement promotional campaigns Establish and maintain professional connections on and off campus Responsible for raising awareness of Diversity Services through the utilization of different forms of


Working Conditions

Most work can be completed in a sShared office space Time demands may exceed stated hours of work

Training and Experience

Experience with social media management is an asset Graphic design experience is an asset Promotions and advertising experience is an asset Experience and skills in planning and strategizing multiple events Participation in all Diversity Services Training sessions required (provided)

P:\DEPARTS\ADMIN\Admin. Assist 15-16\Executive Board\Meeting Documentation\15-27\Diversity\Research and Resources Executive EB.docx

Page 1 Pending Approval


Position Title: Diversity Services Research and Resources Executive

Term of Office: September 1 to April 30 (Summer Preparation Required)

Supervisor: Diversity Services Assistant Director

Remuneration: Volunteer

Hours of Work: 6-8 hours per week (academic), variable hours (summer)

General Scope of Duties

The Research and Resources (RR) Executive will be responsible for managing the Diversity Services resource hub. They will work with the rest of the Diversity Services Executive to organize the presentation of this information to students in different media formats (print, online, workshops) for the purpose of educating the student body. They will also be in charge of curating the information and resources and keeping up-to-date on current topics related to social justice, with a focus on racism, religious discrimination, and indigenous issues. The RR Executive will work closely with the Director and Assistant Director to develop and implement the MSU’s Anti-Oppressive Practices (AOP) and Diversity and Inclusion training.

Major Duties and Responsibilities

Category Percent Specifics

Administrative & Communications Function

45% Create and maintain the Diversity Services resources hub

Help advertise these educational resources to the McMaster community

Develop multiple media to disseminate this information Organize the information for AOP training to MSU

volunteers in collaboration with relevant stakeholders Work with various relevant campus and community

partners to curate and design resources

Research Function 45% Keep up to date on current events related to social justice, and compile this information for resource guides

Ensure Diversity Services is integrating critical theory into programming and campaigns by working with executive members

Other 10% Provide regular updates to the Diversity Services Director and Assistant Director

Participate in executive meetings as scheduled Support and attend Diversity Services events Provide transition to the incoming Research and

Diversity Services Research and Resources Executive Job Description

Page 2

Resources executive

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities

Awareness and understanding of topics associated with Diversity Services (racism, religious discrimination, indigenous affairs, ableism, sexism, and intersecting oppressions)

Organizational and time management skills Interpersonal skills Strong written and oral communication skills Formal and/or informal research skills (academia, social media) Knowledge of resources on campus associated with Diversity Services is an asset

Effort & Responsibility

Establish and maintain professional connections on and off campus Effort to keep updated on current topics, and ensure the service is informed of them

Working Conditions

Most work can be completed in a shared office space or from home Time demands may exceed stated hours of work

Training and Experience

Participation in all Diversity Services Training sessions required (provided) Previous experience working in an anti-racist, anti-oppressive environment is an asset Transition with incoming Executive also required

P:\DEPARTS\ADMIN\Admin. Assist 15-16\Executive Board\Meeting Documentation\15-27\Diversity\Social and Political Advocacy Coordinator EB.docx

Page 1 Pending Approval


Position Title: Diversity Services Social and Political Advocacy Coordinator

Term of Office: September 1 to April 30 (Summer Preparation Required)

Supervisor: Diversity Services Assistant Director

Remuneration: Volunteer

Hours of Work: 10 hours per week, variable hours in summer

General Scope of Duties

The Social and Political Advocacy Coordinator is responsible for creating and implementing campaigns and workshops that seek to educate and raise awareness in the McMaster community. These events will be predicated on an anti-racist, anti-oppressive, and intersectional framework. The advocacy work will be carried out in the form of large and small-scale educational campaigns, working closely with the Programming Coordinator(s) and the Resources Executive. The Social and Political Advocacy Coordinator will supervise a committee of volunteers who will work toward the implementation of these campaigns. In addition, the Social and Political Advocacy Coordinator will maintain partnerships with McMaster and community partners, and help establish Diversity Services amongst the broader Hamilton community.

Major Duties and Responsibilities

Category Percent Specifics

Supervisory & Administrative Function

25% Chair the Social and Political Advocacy Committee Aid in hiring and training volunteers Work with the executive team to coordinate volunteers

for events Support the volunteers of the committee Understand and advocate the needs of racialized and

religious McMaster students

Financial & Budgeting Function

5% Develop a budget for the committee alongside the Assistant Director

Ensure that the budget for each event aligns with the service budget

Inform the Diversity Services Director and Assistant Director of all potential expenses

Retain any receipts indicating expenditure to ensure reimbursement

Advocacy Function 50% Create and organize at least one educational campaign per term promoting multiculturalism, religious diversity, or indigenous affairs

Diversity Services Programming Coordinator Job Description

Page 2

Contribute to and manage Diversity Week programming Work with the Promotions Executive(s) to develop

detailed and creative promotional plans for campaigns Work with the Resources Executive to ensure

campaigns are relevant to current topics in social justice Contribute to efforts in addressing student concerns

surrounding experiences of marginalization and oppression

Communications Function 10% Maintain communication with International Student Services, Human Rights and Equity Services, and the Chaplaincy Centre

Participate in at least one (1) PACBIC working group relevant to Diversity Services

Network with clubs, services, and community partners to find partners and promote campaigns and events

Other 10% Provide regular updates to the Diversity Services Director and Assistant Director

Participate in executive meetings as scheduled Support and attend Diversity events Provide transition to the incoming Advocacy Coordinator Other tasks as delegated by the Director or Assistant


Knowledge, Skills and Abilities

Organizational and time management skills Strong interpersonal skills Awareness and understanding of topics associated with Diversity Services Strong communication skills Event planning experience is an asset Ability to lead a team and work with others to execute campaigns and workshops

Effort & Responsibility

Effort required to integrate various individuals and groups on campus so as to ensure an inclusive environment for all

Effort to think creatively Effort required to plan and execute events Responsible for maintaining an appropriate and positive image of the MSU

Working Conditions

Most work can be completed in a shared office space Time demands may exceed stated hours of work

Training and Experience

Event planning experience is an asset Participation in all Diversity Services Training sessions required (provided) Previous experience working in an anti-racist, anti-oppressive environment is an asset (missing equipment section, which should list at least personal computer)

Hello Executive Board members, Please find attached the edited job descriptions for SHEC Exec positions for the 2016-2017 year. I have not made any changes to the structure of the executive team, keeping the same eight positions of; Sexual Health Executive, Mental Health Executive, Nutrition and Active Living Executive, Addictions Awareness Executive, Medial-Sil Executive, Media- Radio Executive, Internal Programming Executive and Promotions Executive. The changes in first six positions pertain to structure and clarity. I removed references to specific events in all cases for flexibility except for the mental health executive; in this position I felt all of the specific events outlined in the job description were vital and usually relevant external awareness weeks that should be spearheaded by the mental health executive. Additionally, I would like to draw your attention to the more significant changes made to the positions of Internal Programming Executive and Promotions Executive. The time period for these positions was changed to accommodate a start date of May 1st. This change in start date was complemented by addition of summer responsibilities for these two positions. These changes reflect one of my first goals as SHEC coordinator; I hope to increase SHEC presence on campus during welcome week. SHEC presence on campus is vital to promoting outreach out to the vulnerable first-year population. In the job descriptions, I outline that the Internal Programming Executive and Promotions Executive would collaborate to partner with key stakeholders in the welcome week planning process throughout the summer months to determine how SHEC can be a positive addition to the welcome week experience, as well as lead a committee of willing volunteers to ensure that our goals in welcome week be achieved. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to let me know. Thank you in advance, Alexandra Kilian Incoming SHEC Coordinator 2016-2017 kiliana@mcmaster.ca



TO: Executive Board FROM: Alexandra Kilian SUBJECT: Edits to the jobs descriptions for the executive positions of

SHEC DATE: June 22, 2016

P:\DEPARTS\ADMIN\Admin. Assist 15-16\Executive Board\Meeting Documentation\15-27\SHEC\SHEC Executive - Media (Radio) GG + jb+ AK Edits 052916.docx Page 1

Approved EB 13-28


Position Title: Student Health Education Centre (SHEC) Executive: Media (Radio) Term of Office: September 1 to April 30 Supervisor: SHEC Coordinator Remuneration: Volunteer Hours of Work: 4 to 6 hours per week General Scope of Duties The Media (Radio) executive is responsible for planning, producing, and hosting the weekly radio show, The SHEC Show, on CFMU 93.3. The Media (Radio) executive leads a committee of 5-6 SHEC volunteers who also help to plan, produce, and host the radio show.

Major Duties and Responsibilities

Category Percent Specifics Scheduling Function 45% Organize and lead regularly scheduled committee

meetings Ensure their committee members are well informed of the

activities of the committee, are taking an active role in the committee work, and are disciplined appropriately when necessary with the input of the Coordinator

Work with CFMU to coordinate training and ensure committee members are adequately trained on how to use the soundboard and know proper sound booth etiquette

Implement one first-year focused show (the time of this show to be coordinated with other executives and the Coordinator)

Host the SHEC Show on CFMU 93.3 and ensure each show is of high quality as well as fun, informative, and engaging

Research high quality information for each show and create show sheets

Attend bi-annual CFMU General Meetings

Financial & Budgeting Function

5% Inform Coordinator of any and all potential expenses related to the committee

Retain financial information to receive reimbursement from the Coordinator

Deleted: E

Deleted: Manage timing of meetings for Radio Committee so that volunteers are not overtaxed.

SHEC Executive: Media (Radio) Job Description

Page 2

Develop a budget for the committee alongside the Coordinator

Communications Function 30%

Act as the official liaison between SHEC and CFMU Collaborate with the Internal Programming and

Scheduling executive to book rooms for events as required

Communicate with committee and within SHEC to obtain assistance on events

Maintain strong communication with Coordinator, fellow executives and volunteers

Advertising & Promotions Function

10% Contact the Promotions executive in a timely manner to ensure enough time for promotional material to be designed and printed at Underground Media + Design

Advertise events in an appropriate manner, including using appropriate MSU channels such as the Silhouette and the campus screen

Responsible for promoting The SHEC Show through various social media channels

Lead, prepare and promote “Promo Month” once a year Participate in annual CFMU fundraising event “Raise

Your Voice” Other 10% Fulfill one volunteer shift in the office per week

Be available for office hours twice a week Attend all executive and volunteer trainings Attend all executive meetings Participate in transition with the outgoing Media (Radio)

executive and provide transition for the incoming Media (Radio) executive

Responsible for completing a year-end transition report in a timely manner

Participate in various SHEC-wide campaigns Be available to take supporting shifts if necessary Additional requirements as directed by the Coordinator

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities Awareness of health subjects relevant to students Very good organizational and time management skills Leadership and motivational skills to effectively delegate and direct a committee Interpersonal and communication skills to foster positive relationships within and outside of SHEC Creativity and improvisation skills Effort & Responsibility Effort required to contact health professionals on and off campus Establish and maintain professional connections on and off campus Be aware of health-related events going on at McMaster and in the Hamilton area Working Conditions Most work can be completed in a shared office space Time demands may exceed stated hours of work Training and Experience Past experience with SHEC or CFMU is an asset

Deleted: , including the MSU

Deleted: preferred

SHEC Executive: Media (Radio) Job Description

Page 3

Attendance at SHEC executive training in the fall Training required with CFMU staff (provided) Attendance at September and January volunteer trainings, as well as mandatory monthly trainings Equipment Personal computer

P:\DEPARTS\ADMIN\Admin. Assist 15-16\Executive Board\Meeting Documentation\15-27\SHEC\SHEC Executive - Media (The Sil) GG + jb + AK Edits 022916.docx Page 1

Approved EB 13-28


Position Title: Student Health Education Centre (SHEC) Executive: Media (The Silhouette) Term of Office: September 1 to April 30 Supervisor: SHEC Coordinator Remuneration: Volunteer Hours of Work: 4 to 6 hours per week General Scope of Duties The Media (The Silhouette) executive is responsible for overseeing the SHEC Blog (weekly submissions) and writing a weekly article for The Silhouette. The Media (The Silhouette) executive ensures that all content produced for the SHEC blog and articles in The Silhouette are of consistently high quality and leads a committee of 4-5 volunteers.

Major Duties and Responsibilities

Category Percent Specifics Scheduling Function 45% Organize and lead regularly scheduled committee

meetings Ensure their committee members are well informed of the

activities of the committee, are taking an active role in the committee work, and are disciplined appropriately when necessary with the input of the Coordinator

Publish one first-year focused media piece (to be coordinated with other executives and the Coordinator)

Facilitate committee members to manage and update the SHEC blog and for writing the weekly/bi-weekly article for The Silhouette

Prepare informational boards and tables for events as required

Financial & Budgeting Function

5% Inform Coordinator of any and all potential expenses related to the committee

Retain financial information to receive reimbursement from the Coordinator

Develop a budget for the committee alongside the Coordinator

Communications Function 30%

Act as the official liaison between SHEC and The Silhouette

Act as the official representative for SHEC when collaborating with The Silhouette for the annual Sex and

Deleted: /bi-weekly

Deleted: Implement

Deleted: initiative

SHEC Executive: Media (The Silhouette) Job Description

Page 2

the Steel City magazine Liaise with the Internal Programming and Scheduling

executive to book rooms as required Communicate with committee members and within SHEC

to obtain assistance on events Maintain strong communication with Coordinator, fellow

executives and volunteers Advertising & Promotions Function

10% Contact the Promotions executive in a timely manner to ensure enough time for promotional material to be designed and printed at Underground Media + Design

Advertise events in an appropriate manner, including using appropriate MSU channels

Other 10% Fulfill one volunteer shift in the office per week Be available for office hours twice a week Attend all executive and volunteer trainings Attend all executive meetings Participate in transition with the outgoing Media (The

Silhouette) executive and provide transition for the incoming Media (The Silhouette) executive

Responsible for completing a year-end transition report in a timely manner

Participate in various SHEC-wide campaigns Be available to take supporting shifts if necessary Additional requirements as directed by the Coordinator

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities Very good organizational and time management skills Leadership and motivational skills to effectively delegate and direct a committee Interpersonal and communication skills to foster positive relationships within and outside of SHEC Creativity skills Writing skills Effort & Responsibility Effort required to contact health professionals on and off campus Establish and maintain professional connections on and off campus Be aware of health-related events going on at McMaster and in the Hamilton area Working Conditions Most work can be completed in a shared office space Time demands may exceed stated hours of work Training and Experience Past experience with SHEC is an asset Attendance at SHEC executive training in the fall Attendance at September and January volunteer trainings, as well as mandatory monthly trainings Equipment Personal computer

Deleted: Collaborate with Internal Programming and Scheduling executive to

Deleted: Liase

Deleted: Bbook rooms for events as required

Deleted: preferred

P:\DEPARTS\ADMIN\Admin. Assist 15-16\Executive Board\Meeting Documentation\15-27\SHEC\SHEC Executive - Mental Health GG + jb +AK Edits 022916.docx Page 1

Approved EB 13-28


Position Title: Student Health Education Centre (SHEC) Executive: Mental Health

Term of Office: May 1 to April 30

Supervisor: SHEC Coordinator

Remuneration: Volunteer

Hours of Work: 4 to 6 hours per week

General Scope of Duties

The Mental Health executive is responsible for planning, organizing, and implementing an event during Mental Illness Awareness Week, Stressbusters in both December and April, and an eating disorder workshop during Eating Disorders Awareness Week. The Mental Health executive leads a committee of 5-6 SHEC volunteers. The Mental Health Executive will assist with Mental Health Welcome Week programming as required.

Major Duties and Responsibilities

Category Percent Specifics

Supervisory Function 45% Organize and lead regularly scheduled committee meetings

Ensure committee members are well informed of the activities of the committee, are taking an active role in the committee work, and are disciplined appropriately when necessary with input from the Coordinator

Implement one first-year focused event (to be coordinated with other executives and the Coordinator)

Ensure committee members plan and implement event(s), including but not limited to: Mental Illness Awareness Week (October), Stressbusters (December and April), Eating Disorders Awareness Week (February)

Prepare informational boards and tables for events as required

Financial & Budgeting Function

5% Inform Coordinator of any and all potential expenses related to the committee

Retain financial information to receive reimbursement from the Coordinator

Develop a budget for the committee alongside the Coordinator

Communications Function 30% Act as official liaison for SHEC with other peer support services

Deleted: September

Comment [jb1]: For consistency

with other JDs

Comment [vpad2]: I know that in

other JD's we removed the specificity.

Do we want to keep it here?

Comment [jb3]: This came up when

we approve the JD initially – the

rationale is that these are campaigns

we want SHEC to run every year. If

that’s no longer the desire, and we

want more flexibility, we can

definitely take it out!

Comment [AK4]: I kept it in

because these are things that I think

are super critical to be run by MH,

while there is more flexibility with

other committees.

SHEC Executive: Mental Health Job Description

Page 2

Establish contact with both on and off campus related organizations to plan events, lectures, and awareness efforts

Collaborate with Internal Programming and Scheduling executive to book rooms for events as required

Communicate with the committee and within SHEC to obtain assistance on events

Maintain strong communication with the Coordinator and fellow executives

Advertising & Promotions Function

10% Contact the Promotions executive in a timely manner to ensure enough time for promotional material to be designed and created at the Underground Media + Design

Advertise events in an appropriate manner, including using appropriate MSU channels

Other 10% Fulfill one volunteer shift in the office per week Be available for office hours twice a week Attend all executive and volunteer trainings Attend all executive meetings Participate in transition with the outgoing Mental Health

executive and provide transition for the incoming Mental Health executive

Responsible for completing a year-end transition report in a timely manner

Participate in various SHEC-wide campaigns Be available to take supporting shifts if necessary Find books, resources, and information pamphlets that

relate to the subject of mental health Additional requirements as directed by Coordinator

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities

Awareness of possible opportunities for collaboration with volunteer and health organizations Knowledge of related health resources on and off campus Very good organizational and time management skills Good interpersonal skills Leadership and motivational skills to effectively delegate and direct a committee Interpersonal and communication skills to foster positive relationships within and outside of SHEC

Effort & Responsibility

Effort required to contact health professionals on and off campus and maintain a professional relationship

Establish and maintain professional connections on and off campus Be aware of health-related events going on at McMaster and in the Hamilton area

Working Conditions

Most work can be completed in a shared office space Time demands may exceed stated hours of work

Training and Experience

Past experience with SHEC is an asset Attendance at SHEC executive training in the fall Attendance at September and January volunteer trainings, as well as mandatory monthly trainings

Comment [jb5]: Do we want to add

in anything about talking with the

TRRA for resources?

Deleted: preferred

SHEC Executive: Mental Health Job Description

Page 3

Additional training as required


Personal computer

Comment [jb6]: e.g. maybe we

want this person to do MHFA, but

we’d include that in our training


P:\DEPARTS\ADMIN\Admin. Assist 15-16\Executive Board\Meeting Documentation\15-27\SHEC\SHEC Executive - Promotions (updated 21-02) GG + jb + AK Edits 022916.docx

Page 1

Approved EB 13-28 Revised EB 15-08


Position Title: Student Health Education Centre (SHEC) Executive: Promotions

Term of Office: May 1 to April 30

Supervisor: SHEC Coordinator

Remuneration: Volunteer

Hours of Work: 4 to 6 hours per week

General Scope of Duties

The Promotions executive is responsible for the promotion of SHEC events to the McMaster community in a professional manner. The Promotions executive is responsible for coordinating the creation of all promotional materials with the designers at Underground Media + Design. The Promotions executive will work closely with the SHEC Coordinator to ensure effective promotions for all events. The Promotions executive will work with the Internal Programming executive to coordinate and promote SHEC’s involvement in welcome week. This position involves leading a committee of 3-4 SHEC volunteers.

Major Duties and Responsibilities

Category Percent Specifics

Financial & Budgeting Function

5% Work with the SHEC Coordinator to ensure that promotional budgets align with the service budget

Inform Coordinator of any and all potential expenses Retain financial information to receive reimbursement

from the Coordinator

Supervisory Function 10% Leads a committee of summer (May-August) volunteers with the IP executive to coordinate SHEC involvement in WW

Organize and lead regularly scheduled committee meetings between May and August

Ensure committee members are well informed of the activities of the committee, are taking an active role in the committee work, and are disciplined appropriately when necessary with input from the Coordinator

Coordinate the preparation of informational boards and tables for events as required for welcome week and for promotional events throughout the year

Communications Function 20%

Aid the Coordinator in understanding SHEC’s promotional needs

Aid the Coordinator and executives in other promotion

Deleted: September

Deleted: l

Deleted: s

Comment [jb1]: Ditto GG. Also, if we expect them to lead a committee, we

should have a section outlining supervisory


Formatted: None, Indent: Left: 0",Hanging: 0.2", Space Before: 0 pt,Don't keep with next, Don't keep linestogether

Deleted: 30

SHEC Executive: Promotions Job Description

Page 2

and advertising initiatives Ensure that proper audiences are targeted in any

promotional campaigns Responsible for choosing the modes of communication

for promotional activities Communicate regularly with committees to ensure

promotional material being developed is what the committee wants

Communicate with Underground Media + Design on a regular basis to ensure materials being produced are what is wanted and needed

Maintain strong communication with Coordinator, fellow executives and volunteers

Compile the SHEC Volunteer Newsletter (3 editions suggested: one in the summer to welcome new volunteers and introduce the executive, term one wrap-up edition and end of the year wrap-up)

Advertising & Promotions Function

55% Work with Internal Programming to promote the service during welcome week

Ensure that any and all promotional materials produced by SHEC follows the MSU Visual Identity Guide and is primarily created by the Underground Media + Design

Responsible for planning, organizing and implementing one general SHEC promotional campaign per academic year (choosing one aspect / service / theme of SHEC to promote)

Responsible for promoting the events of the various committees

Responsible for submitting all advertisements to be circulated through various MSU channels, including The Silhouette, the MSU webpage, and the campus screens network

Work closely with other committees and volunteers to coordinate appropriate promotional campaigns for programs and events held by other committees

Contact the appropriate groups to book rooms, MUSC space, banner space, etc.

Other 10% Other duties as assigned by the SHEC Coordinator Fulfill one volunteer shift in the office per week Be available for office hours twice a week Be available to take supporting shifts if necessary Attend all executive and volunteer trainings and meetings Participate in transition with the outgoing Promotions

executive and provide transition for the incoming Promotions executive

Responsible for completing a year-end transition report in a timely manner

Participate in various SHEC-wide campaigns Be an active member of the SHEC Community

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities Deleted: Additional responsibilities as determined by the Coordinator

Comment [jb2]: Already included –

first bullet point in this section!

SHEC Executive: Promotions Job Description

Page 3

Awareness of SHEC’s realm when considering volunteer and health organizations for potential collaborations

Knowledge of related health resources on and off campus Very good organizational and time management skills Leadership and motivational skills to effectively delegate and direct a committee Interpersonal and communication skills to foster positive relationships within and outside of SHEC Very good organizational and time management skills Artistic and creative skills

Effort & Responsibility

Effort required to think creatively Effort required to design and implement promotional campaigns Establish and maintain professional connections on and off campus Maintain confidentiality of all individuals accessing SHEC services

Working Conditions

Most work can be completed in a shared office space Time demands may exceed stated hours of work

Training and Experience

Past experience with SHEC is an asset Graphic design experience is an asset Necessary training will be provided


Personal computer

P:\DEPARTS\ADMIN\Admin. Assist 15-16\Executive Board\Meeting Documentation\15-27\SHEC\SHEC Executive - Internal Programming (updated 21-02) GG + jb+ AK Edits 022916.docx Page 1

Approved EB 13-28 Revised EB 15-08

Deleted: P:\DEPARTS\ADMIN\Jess and Victoria shared documents\Job Descriptions\2015-2016 JOB DESCRIPTIONS\Student Health Education Centre\SHEC Executive - Internal Programming (updated 15-08).docx


Position Title: Student Health Education Centre (SHEC) Executive: Internal Programming

Term of Office: May1 to April 30

Supervisor: SHEC Coordinator

Remuneration: Volunteer

Hours of Work: 4 to 6 hours per week

General Scope of Duties

The Internal Programming executive is responsible for all administrative tasks relating to training and management of volunteers as well as the organization of volunteer socials. The Internal Programming executive does not lead a committee. The Internal Programming executive is responsible for monthly volunteer training, as well as coordinating the September and January training weekends in conjunction with the SHEC Coordinator and the Training Resources Research Assistant. The Internal Programming Executive works closely with the Coordinator to manage important aspects of SHEC's internal functioning. The Internal Programing executive will work closely with the Promotions executive to organize SHEC involvement in welcome week.

Major Duties and Responsibilities

Category Percent Specifics

Administrative Function 50% Schedule volunteer shifts at September and January trainings

Assist in finding volunteers to cover shifts in the event of illness or other scheduling conflict

Print weekly schedule, record missed shifts and track committee points

Aid the Coordinator and the Training Resources Research Assistant in the planning and execution of September and January training weekends

Responsible for organizing all logistical aspects of monthly training sessions, including contacting speakers and presenters

Responsible for volunteer attendance at trainings Create and evaluate assignments for volunteers who do

not attend trainings Ensure volunteers who have missed trainings submit

make-up assignments Responsible for taking minutes at executive meetings Organize all volunteer recognition events

Deleted: and

Deleted: s

Deleted: organizing all

Deleted: c

Deleted: executive is responsible for

SHEC Executive: Internal Programming Job Description

Page 2

Communications Function 20% Coordinate with other peer support services to integrate training where appropriate

Communicate with VP admin to plan SHEC’s involvement in Welcome week

Relay shift schedules to volunteers, the executive, and the Coordinator

Ensure that rooms are booked in advance of training to give volunteers plenty of advanced notice

Maintain strong communication with Coordinator, fellow executives and volunteers

Financial & Budgeting Function

10% Work with the SHEC Coordinator to ensure that training budgets align with the service budget

Work with the Coordinator to ensure volunteer appreciation budgets align with the service budget

Inform Coordinator of any and all potential expenses Retain financial information to receive reimbursement

from the Coordinator

Other 20% Make the “Who are We” SHEC volunteer board Responsible for decorating the office for special

occasions (e.g. Christmas, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day)

Fulfill one volunteer shift in the office per week Be available for office hours twice a week Be available to take supporting shifts if necessary Attend all executive and volunteer trainings and meetings Participate in transition with the outgoing Internal

Programming executive and provide transition for the incoming Internal Programming executive

Responsible for completing a year-end transition report in a timely manner

Participate in various SHEC-wide campaigns Be an active member of the SHEC Community Additional responsibilities at the discretion of the


Knowledge, Skills and Abilities

Knowledge of Microsoft Office programs Excellent organizational skills Attention to detail Ability to balance multiple duties and schedule multiple events Interpersonal and communication skills to foster positive relationships within and outside of SHEC Be able to work independently; this position will not be leading a committee Some availability in summer months preferred for execution of welcome week related responsibilities

and other duties related to gearing up for the new academic year

Effort & Responsibility

Effort required to contact health professionals on and off campus and maintain a professional relationship

Effort required to provide stimulating and helpful trainings to SHEC volunteers that encompass a variety of health related topics and peer supporting practice

Effort required to ensure the internal scheduling of SHEC runs efficiently and smoothly so SHEC in turn can run as efficiently as possible

Deleted: responsabilities

SHEC Executive: Internal Programming Job Description

Page 3

Maintain confidentiality of all individuals accessing SHEC services

Working Conditions

Most work can be completed in a shared office space Time demands may exceed stated hours of work

Training and Experience

Past experience with SHEC is an asset Necessary training will be provided


Personal computer

P:\DEPARTS\ADMIN\Admin. Assist 15-16\Executive Board\Meeting Documentation\15-27\SHEC\SHEC Executive - Sexual Health GG + jb+AK Edits 022916.docx Page 1

Approved EB 13-28


Position Title: Student Health Education Centre (SHEC) Executive: Sexual Health Term of Office: September 1 to April 30 Supervisor: SHEC Coordinator Remuneration: Volunteer Hours of Work: 4 to 6 hours per week General Scope of Duties The Sexual Health executive is responsible for planning and implementing events that promote sexual health on campus. The Sexual Health executive leads a committee of 5-6 SHEC volunteers.

Major Duties and Responsibilities

Category Percent Specifics Supervisory Function 45% Organize and lead regularly scheduled committee

meetings Ensure committee members are well informed of the

activities of the committee, are taking an active role in the committee work, and are disciplined appropriately when necessary in consultation with the SHEC Coordinator

Implement one first-year focused event (to be coordinated with other executives and the Coordinator)

Ensure committee members plan and implement event(s) min 1x per term

Prepare resources, informational boards and tables for events as required

Financial & Budgeting Function

5% Inform Coordinator of any and all potential expenses related to the committee

Retain financial information to receive reimbursement from the Coordinator

Develop a budget for the committee alongside the Coordinator

Communications Function 30% Establish contact with both on and off campus related organizations to plan events, lectures, and awareness efforts

Collaborate with Internal Programming executive to book rooms for events as required

Communicate with the committee and within SHEC to obtain assistance on events

Deleted: and organizing Sex 101, a segment during F*** Love, Let’s Bingo and Valentine’s Day cards

Comment [vpad1]: do we want to specify a minimum number per semester?

Deleted: )

Comment [jb2]: My recommendation would be min. 1x term

Deleted: , including but not limited to: Sex 101, F*** Love, Let’s Bingo, Valentine’s Day cards

Comment [jb3]: TRRA involvement?

Deleted: and Scheduling

SHEC Executive: Sexual Health Job Description

Page 2

Maintain strong communication with the Coordinator and fellow executives

Advertising & Promotions Function

10% Contact the Promotions executive in a timely manner to ensure enough time for promotional material to be designed and created at the Underground

Advertise events in an appropriate manner, including using appropriate MSU channels

Other 10% Fulfill one volunteer shift in the office per week Be available for office hours twice a week Attend all executive and volunteer trainings Attend all executive meetings Participate in transition with the outgoing Sexual Health

executive and provide transition for the incoming Sexual Health executive

Responsible for completing a year-end transition report in a timely manner

Participate in various SHEC-wide campaigns Be available to take supporting shifts if necessary Find books, resources, and information pamphlets that

relate to the subject of sexual health Additional responsibilities at the discretion of the

Coordinator Knowledge, Skills and Abilities Awareness of possible opportunities for collaboration with volunteer and health organizations Knowledge of related health resources on and off campus Very good organizational and time management skills Good interpersonal skills Leadership and motivational skills to effectively delegate and direct a committee Interpersonal and communication skills to foster positive relationships within and outside of SHEC Effort & Responsibility Effort required to contact health professionals on and off campus and maintain a professional

relationship Establish and maintain professional connections on and off campus Be aware of health-related events going on at McMaster and in the Hamilton area Working Conditions Most work can be completed in a shared office space Time demands may exceed stated hours of work Training and Experience Past experience with SHEC is an asset Attendance at SHEC executive training in the fall Attendance at September and January volunteer trainings, as well as mandatory monthly trainings Equipment Personal computer

Deleted: preferred

P:\DEPARTS\ADMIN\Admin. Assist 15-16\Executive Board\Meeting Documentation\15-27\SHEC\SHEC Executive - Substance Use and Abuse GG +jb+ AK edits 022916.docx Page 1

Approved EB 13-28


Position Title: Student Health Education Centre (SHEC) Executive: Addictions Awareness Term of Office: September 1 to April 30 Supervisor: SHEC Coordinator Remuneration: Volunteer Hours of Work: 4 to 6 hours per week General Scope of Duties The Addictions Awareness executive is responsible for leading the Addictions Awareness committee, and organizing, planning, and implementing bar blitzes, the addictions awareness fair, and impaired driving event. The Addictions Awareness executive leads a committee of 5-6 SHEC volunteers.

Major Duties and Responsibilities

Category Percent Specifics Supervisory Function 45% Organize and lead regularly scheduled committee

meetings Ensure committee members are well informed of the

activities of the committee, are taking an active role in the committee work, and are disciplined appropriately when necessary with the input of the Coordinator

Implement one first-year focused event (to be coordinated with other executives and the Coordinator)

Ensure committee members plan and implement events, to raise awareness and involve students in discussions about additions

Prepare informational boards and tables for events as required

Financial & Budgeting Function

5% Inform Coordinator of any and all potential expenses related to the committee

Retain financial information to receive reimbursement from the Coordinator

Develop a budget for the committee alongside the Coordinator

Communications Function 30% Establish contact with both on and off campus related organizations to plan events, lectures, and awareness efforts

Collaborate with Internal Programming and Scheduling executives to bbook rooms for events as required

Deleted: including but not limited to:

Comment [AK1]: Upon reflection, I do not think that the specify is helpful here because it’s less specific than MH. MH had internation weeks that were relevant to the committee during which SHEC outreach is critical.

Deleted: awareness fair, bar blitzes, an impaired driving event (planned in partnership with EFRT)

Comment [vpad2]: I know we cut the specificity out of the sexual health JD, so do we want to keep it here?

SHEC Executive: Addictions Awareness Job Description

Page 2

Communicate with the committee and within SHEC to obtain assistance on events

Maintain strong communication with the Coordinator and fellow executives

Advertising & Promotions Function

10% Contact the Promotions executive in a timely manner to ensure enough time for promotional material to be designed and created at the Underground

Advertise events in an appropriate manner, including using appropriate MSU channels

Other 10% Fulfill one volunteer shift in the office per week Be available for office hours twice a week Attend all executive and volunteer trainings Attend all executive meetings Participate in transition with the outgoing Addictions

Awareness executive and provide transition for the incoming executive Responsible for completing a year-end transition report in a timely manner

Participate in various SHEC-wide campaigns Be available to take supporting shifts if necessary Find books, resources, and information pamphlets that

relate to the subject of addictions Additional requirements as directed by the Coordinator

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities Awareness of possible opportunities for collaboration with volunteer and health organizations Knowledge of related health resources on and off campus Very good organizational and time management skills Good interpersonal skills Leadership and motivational skills to effectively delegate and direct a committee Interpersonal and communication skills to foster positive relationships within and outside of SHEC Effort & Responsibility Effort required to contact health professionals on and off campus and maintain a professional

relationship Establish and maintain professional connections on and off campus Be aware of health-related events going on at McMaster and in the Hamilton area Working Conditions Most work can be completed in a shared office space Time demands may exceed stated hours of work Training and Experience Past experience with SHEC is an asset Attendance at SHEC executive training in the fall Attendance at September and January volunteer trainings, as well as mandatory monthly trainings Equipment Personal computer

Deleted: Addictions awareness executive¶

Comment [jb3]: TRRA?

Deleted: preferred

top related