2015-2016€¦ · page 3 of 59 overview of biblical festivals festivals 2015 2016 jewish first...

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Pentecostal End Times Research First Call | Sixth Seal | Rapture | Great Tribulation

Jessica Fung

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Targeting Transformation Boundaries

No one knows the day or the hour as the scriptures said, but it did not say

no one knows the month and the boundary of the month.

August 3rd – 11th for Barley Brides Harvest

September 3rd – 11th for Wheat Brides Harvest

From August 3rd to September 11th is 40 days in total, representing a

pregnancy pattern of 40 weeks. Oh yes, it ends on September 11th!

Why on earth 2015-2016 anyway?

2015-2016 is a transformation code, just as the Jewish year 5776-5777;

both years must be merged together to make sense. 2015-2016 on God’s

merged clock is pointing to Sivan/ June and Tammuz/ July. The number

67 is a transformation number, because 6 is a fallen number, and 7 is a

perfect number, representing a transition from the corruptible body to an

incorruptible body. The Jewish year 5776-5777 is more obvious that ends

with 6-7, which it hints that it must work with the biblical festivals together

for this effect. 2016 is still 2015 as long as it is within 5776, because it

overlaps in both years of 2015-2016. The number 67 is a core marker.

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Overview of Biblical Festivals

Festivals 2015 2016 Jewish First Passover April 3-11 April 22-30 Nissan 14-22 Second Passover May 3 May 22 Lyar 14 First Pentecost May 24-25 June 12-13 Sivan 6-7 Second Pentecost June 23-24 July 12-13 Tammuz 6-7 Rosh Hashanah September 13-15 October 2-4 Elul 29-Tishri 2

Delayed by Moon October 13-15 / Elul 29-Tishri 2

Yom Kippur September 22-23 October 11-12 Tishri 9-10 Delayed by Moon October 22-23 / Tishri 9-10 Sukkot Sept 27-Oct 4 October 16-23 Tishri 14-21 Delayed by Moon Oct 27-Nov 3 / Tishri 14-21 Hanukkah December 6-14 Dec 24-Jan 1 Kis 25-Tev 2/3

Delayed by Moon January 5-13 / Kis 25-Tev 2/3

Purim / February 23-24 Adar I 14-15

/ March 23-24 Adar II 13-14

Note that 2015 and 2016 must be worked together. Thus, the target

boundaries mimic 2015 Passover April 3-11. By Adar II in 2016 delays a

month and forward a quadrant of April is August 3-11. Along with the first

new moon delay of 2015 forward a quadrant of April is September 3-11.

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Overview of Deadlines

Matthew 24:32-33 Christ’s coming in Summer 6/21/16-9/23/16 Song of Solomon 2 Rain is gone, winter is over June-September Sixth Blood Moon Making up 66666 not 6666 9/16-17/16 Figs Harvest Mismatch Revelation 6:12 Mid-Aug to Mid-Sep

Rosh Hashanah No more 5776-5777 10/2-4/16

August 3-11, 2016 will be the MAXIMUM boundary before the figs harvest

come in Israel from mid-August to mid-September. During this

Pentecostal timeframe, it will still be the untimely figs of Revelation 6:12

sixth seal being linked with the First Call transformation.

Once again, the connection of 2015-2016 can be seen as Exodus 20:15

(666 Sivan/ June), and 20:16 (7777 Tammuz/ July) for the 8th

commandment, and 9th commandment as August and September.

1. Within summer in Israel? Yes!

2. Within June-September? Yes!

3. Before September 16th, 2016? Yes!

4. Before mid-August? Yes!

5. Before October 2nd, 2016? Yes!

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September 3-11, 2016 does not need to match Revelation 6:12, because

the Rapture of the Bride of Christ will be AFTER the sixth seal.

1. Within summer in Israel? Yes!

2. Within June-September? Yes!

3. Before September 16th, 2016? Yes!

4. Before October 2nd, 2016? Yes!

To clarify about the 6th blood moon, it will make up 66666 because it will

be the 5th six months’ interval between blood moon to blood moon.

Therefore, the 5th blood moon in March 23rd, 2016 carried a significance

that made up 6666 matching 7777 all 4-digits place as 6666-7777

transformation code. Thus, Hanukkah of 2016 is there for this pattern.

Twice Delay Significance


Gregorian Jewish 1 10 2 11 3 12 4 1 5 2

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6 3 7 4 8 5 9 6 10 7 11 8 12 9

This is the original calendars of Gregorian and Jewish when they are

merged, and they misalign overtime. The original identity of Sivan and

Tammuz (3, 4) are to June and July (6, 7). The number 3 is pivotal,

because the fall started in Genesis 3, and the end will be like the

beginning—it will end on the number 3; the ides of March. This is the

transformation code 67, and Elul to Tishri was not targeted, because the

number 3 is so important it must be together. There were 1/3 of angels

who fell from Heaven, and Genesis 3:14-15 was a Pi judgment as 3.1.


Gregorian Upper-Month Lower-Month 9 6 7 10 7 8

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11 8 9 12 9 10 1 10 11 2 11 12 3 12 1 4 1 2 5 2 3

6 3 4 7 4 5 8 5 6 9 6 7 10 7 8

First: Adar Delay

Gregorian Upper-Month Lower-Month 9 6 7 10 7 8 11 8 9 12 9 10 1 10 11 2 11 12

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3 12 12 4 12 1 5 1 2 6 2 3

7 3 4 8 4 5 9 5 6 10 6 7

Second: Moon Delay

Gregorian Upper-Month Lower-Month 9 6 / 10 / 7 11 7 8 12 8 9 1 9 10 2 10 11 3 11 12 4 12 12 5 12 1 6 1 2

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7 2 3

8 3 4 9 4 5 10 5 6

This last one pointing to August-September is the final one to be used.

This is confirming an upper part of the month with Sivan and Tammuz.

Israel is always the gauge, therefore the target of 3, 4 in August-

September is as June-July because of where it originally came from.

The Purpose of the Festivals

Playing with identical verses in the bible for calculation could possibly be done with this same method below, e.g. 2015 + 2016 Passover.

Target Boundaries: August 3-11, 2016 and September 3-11, 2016

First Passover of 2015: April 3-11—the reason to use this boundary was

clear as explained above, and using a Passover boundary is a no-brainer,

because it is the blood of the Lamb—the blood of Jesus Christ who shed

for the forgiveness of the sins of all mankind—the time of salvation!

During the time of April 4, 2015 was the 3rd blood moon matching

Revelation 6:12 resulting the number 66, representing the end of the end

since there are 66 books in total in the bible. The number 66 is 911,

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because from 9:00 (21:00), 10:00 (22:00), 11:00 (23:00) = 66. Pi is

decoded as 911 based on the dual alphabetical system, where Pi is a

transformation code, for it sounds like a “pie”, and it looks at the mirror

like a “pie” as 413. The analogy of filling the pie shell with ingredients is

compared to the infusion of the Holy Spirit. It always touches the bottom

first, thus the humble shall be exalted, and those who exalt themselves

shall be abased as 12-21 from the 9-11 terrorist attack.

Letter Greek Hebrew A 1 26 B 2 25 C 3 24 D 4 23 E 5 22 F 6 21 G 7 20 H 8 19 I 9 18 J 10 17 K 11 16 L 12 15 M 13 14

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N 14 13 O 15 12 P 16 11

Q 17 10 R 18 9 S 19 8 T 20 7

U 21 6 V 22 5 W 23 4 X 24 3 Y 25 2 Z 26 1

Pi is decoded as MN in its exploded form I V I and I V, in romans

numerals it is 76 or 67. Pi is 3.141, by reading backwards in Hebrew’s

way is 14 & 13, thus MN is Pi representing 2015-2016 (5776) as the year

of transformation, as 15:00 points to June, and 16:00 points to July. Pi as

TT (16th Greek alphabet) in its exploded form is T T decoded as 77, and

ironically 9/11 end date will be the 2nd Sunday. This number has appeared

in 3Pi = 9.42477796077. Pregnancy number is 960 hours = 40 days.

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3Pi is decoded as 3 Paul’s Shipwrecks (EVE = 5, 22 thrice), because this

is to be seen as 3 of 9-11. It starts with number 9, meaning there will be 3

times of major judgments from God for 9 times altogether in 3 places—

California, New York City and Israel (Genesis 3:7). EVE means “night”,

and this event is highly associated with the 6 days of darkness (3 days of

darkness in parts of the world, and 3 days of darkness worldwide).

Genesis 3:20 echoes to Genesis 3:20 when Eve was named by Adam

after the fall. This is linked with February 20, March 20 and April 20 events

of 2015, where it came out Genesis 4:11, 7:11, 11:4, 11:7, 2:7. This was

done by basing the clock in Israel (2/20 severe snowstorm), pointing to

Norway at the time of the eclipse (3/20), and Australia, Newcastle, NSW

severe storm (4/20-22) with 3 days without lights during that time locally. It

was pointing to 7:55 or 4:55 or 11:20 or 2:20 on the wheel. Norway is the

home of Northern lights, meaning Matthew 16’s cosmic event is linked to

July on God’s clock. However, by the first new moon delay the Jewish

identity of July is delayed to August, therefore August is the real July.

The math is this—2016 = 2013, and 2015 = 2012 on the wheel. Comet

Ison happened in 2013 November, as the precursor of the sign of Jonah;

3 days of darkness. 2015 is the midnight hour. In Exodus 20:16 and 20:13

gave hints to the number of the fall quadrant = 1.23076923.

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Second Passover of 2015: May 3—this is hinting another boundary of the

same timeframe 3-11th of September. Both 2015 Passovers are equalized

with 2016 Passovers April 22-30 and May 22 to apply further meanings.

This means August 3-11 is to be seen as April 22-30 at the same time,

and September 3-11 as May 22 at the same time. April and May got many

different facades to it, for April can be seen as July, and May as August.

The original method is April forward a quadrant is July, and May forward a

quadrant is August. However, as the calendars progress they misalign

between the Jewish and the Gregorian calendars. Therefore, the wheel

must be renewed based on the clock method, for instance, April consists

of Nissan, and July consists of Tammuz, since both consists of month 4

they are equalized either backward or forward or crosses (Genesis 9:23).

Original April’s Family

Gregorian Jewish 1 10 2 11 3 12 4 1 5 2 6 3

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7 4

8 5 9 6 10 7 11 8 12 9

Original May’s Family

Gregorian Jewish 1 10 2 11 3 12 4 1 5 2 6 3 7 4 8 5

9 6 10 7 11 8 12 9

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Twice Delayed April’s Family*

Gregorian Jewish (First Part) Jewish (Second Part) September 6 / October / 7 November 7 8 December 8 9 January 9 10 February 10 11 March 11 12 April (Passover) 12 12 May 12 1 June 1 2 July 2 3 August (Passover) 3 (666) 4 (7777)

September (Passover) 4 (7777) 5 October 5 6

Twice Delayed May’s Family

Gregorian Jewish (First Part) Jewish (Second Part) September 6 / October / 7

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November 7 8 December 8 9 January 9 10 February 10 11 March 11 12 April 12 12 May 12 1 June 1 2 July 2 3 August 3 4 September 4 5

October 5 6 Midnight hour hits at month 6 & 7, confirming the significance of 67

Twice Delayed Rosh Hashanah V1

October / 1 November 1 2 December 2 3 January 3 4 February 4 5 March 5 6 April 6 6

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May 6 7 June 7 8 July 8 9 August 9 (21:00 = 2001) 10 (22:00 = 50 Mins) September 10 (22:00 = 50 Mins) 11 (23:00) 21+22+23=66

October 11 12 August & September are joined as one for they have the same month 10

Twice Delayed Rosh Hashanah V2

October / 1 November 1 2 December 2 3 January 3 4 February 4 5 March 5 6 April 6 7 May 7 8 June 8 9 July 9 10 August 10 11 (77)

September 11 (77) 12 October 12 13

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First Passover of 2016: April 22-30 forward a quadrant originally was July

22-30. This is very important to take note, because the start boundary was

July 22, 2016. This was a Pi date, because the approximate Pi is 22 ÷ 7 =

3.14. April 22-30 backward a quadrant was January 22-30, which is 122

representing the beginning of the end, for the bible started with Genesis 1

and ends on Revelation 22. It is a Pi number, for 1 equals to 7 by Rosh

Hashanah Jewish new year that starts Tishri as month 1. It is decoded as

911, for 11 ÷ 9 = 1.22 as the number of judgment. It is a transformation

number, because dividing 2 Samuel 22 with Psalm 18 is 1.22. The Pi

identity is therefore identical with all the Passover boundaries, because

they are Passovers equally, and 2015 is to be seen as 2016 as well.

April forward a quadrant is July originally, and it is also August and

September through the twice delay. Combining both Passover boundaries

of 2015-2016 would be from July 22 to August 11 is 21 days. From August

22 to September 11 is 21 days—21 days is 7 days of 3 weeks we have

the number 777, ending on the 2nd Sunday would be September 11th

make up 77. The duration from August 3rd to September 11th would be 40

days represented by the number 960. We can see 3Pi could possibly

have to do with these numbers—9.42477796077. The number 22 + 11 =

33 is the death age of Jesus (represents the Bride) when He died on the

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cross. Pi is TT and it starts with the number 3. The number 33 is as two Pi

(TT + TT), in its exploded form would be T T T T = 7777 appearing twice.

Second Passover of 2016: May 22 was directly related to May 24, 2015

first Pentecost forward 365 days by Genesis 5:23. Both were on the 4th

Sunday as 7777. This is a major marker because May 22 is EVE (5, 22),

and it is representing the 3 Paul’s Shipwrecks judgments, especially

major earthquakes resembling the greatest earthquake in Chile

historically on May 22, which would be surrounding the 6th seal event.

May forward a quadrant originally would be August.

Equalizing Years Backward-Forward

Clock Year Forward Backward 1:00 2013 2004 1998 2:00 2014 2005 1999 3:00 2015 2006 2000 4:00 2016 2007 2001

5:00 2017 2008 2002 6:00 2018 2009 2003 7:00 2019 2010 2004 8:00 2020 2011 2005 9:00 2021 2012 2006

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10:00 2022 2013 2007 11:00 2023 2014 2008 12:00 2024 2015 2009 13:00 2025 2016 2010 14:00 2026 2017 2011 15:00 2015 2018 2012 16:00 2016 2019 2013 17:00 2017 2020 2014 18:00 2018 2021 2015 19:00 2019 2022 2016 20:00 2020 2023 2017 21:00 2021 2024 2018 22:00 2022 2025 2019 23:00 2023 2026 2020 24:00 2024 2027 2021

The year 2001 is pointing to 2016 by backward method, being at 4:00 is

confirming the twice delay April’s family that is linked with Tammuz on

August and September. The 9-11 terrorist attack was in 2001. Woe to the

ides of March that points to 15:00 and 3:00 as 2016 – 2001 = 15.

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The second Passover of 2016 being on May 22, being forward a quadrant

originally is August. Thus, August is the time of the 3 Paul’s Shipwrecks,

which it is referring to the 6th seal, 6 days of darkness and the First Call.

The dates May 22 and May 24 are combining the meaning of major

earthquake and Pentecost/ transformation together. May 24 and June 23

are to be merged that makes up 29029 feet of Mount Everest, for 5 + 24 =

29, and 6 + 23 = 29, meaning the bride will be promoted to high places.

August will be May and September will be June—both are Pentecostal!

Since May 22 and May 24 are identical, it reminds of the Hanukkah of

2016 that will start in December 24. The Passover boundary of April 22-30

as July 22-30 does not start on the 24th, thus 2016 forward a quadrant

originally is 2019, and 2019’s Hanukkah will be on December 22-30. The

Hanukkah starts on Kislev 25, which is December 23, 2019 to be equally

seen as December 23, 2016, and backward a quadrant originally is

roughly June 23, 2016, applying the twice delay is August 22-30 Passover

boundary being combined with the Hanukkah of 2019, and 2016 at the

same time, which will be further explored below. Hanukkah is represented

by Euler’s number = 2.718281828459045, whereas 1828 is Psalm 18:28—

a transformation verse linked to the miracle of lights. The number 1828

hints that there will be 2 transformations both using Hanukkah’s boundary.

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The year 2016 is as 2013 by a backward quadrant, since the comet Ison

that was a precursor of the sign of Jonah; 3 days of darkness, which

occurred in October-November, thus 2016 is the year of the 6 days of

darkness, and transformation. The year 2015 is as 2012 being the

midnight hour of Matthew 25. The comet Ison that hit the sun was a

pregnancy marker, for the sun was like a mother’s egg and the comet

ison long tail was as the sperm. Also, it landed onto Scorpio representing

Revelation 9, which is backward as Revelation 6. it was 186,000 miles’

distance long matching the speed of light 186,000 that was pointing to

East. This is echoing to the festival of lights during the year 5776/ 2015 for

East hits at 2015/ 15:00/ 3:00/ Sivan direction of Jesus’ death hour, and

especially hinting a merging of 2015-2016 for 2016 is as 2013.

The year 2015 is also forward a quadrant as 2018, which is also fitting the

Passover of 2015’s April 3-11 perfectly, just as 2019’s Hanukkah of

December 22-30 was fitting with 2016’s Passover in April 22-30. The

Hanukkah in 2018 will be on December 2-10, which is matching 2015’s

Passover of April 3-11. Kislev 25 Hanukkah of 2018 will start on December

3 backward a quadrant would be as September 3-11, and backward

again would be June 3, and twice delay it would be August 3-11 Passover

boundary of 2015 based on 2016 and 2018’s Hanukkah.

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First Pentecost of 2015: May 24-25 matches Genesis 5:24 defines 2015

as the core Pentecostal year that rapture must happen within 5776.

Hanukkah is to equalize a Pentecostal date to the 9 days in total, which

means every day of August 3-11 and September 3-11 would be

Pentecost. Hanukkah of 2018 as 2015 will be December 2-10.

Second Pentecost of 2015: June 23-24 is the core marker for the

extensive method of Hanukkah, and this Pentecostal date is to be used

for April 3-11 Passover with Pentecost extension. This is to be applied for

August 3-11 and September 3-11. June 23 is in the same family chain of

March 23, September 23—this was the date of 2015 Yom Kippur, and

December 23. Revelation 6:12 hints of being in the time of the blood

moon—and this is obviously pointing to March 23rd, 2016 as the

significant marker—the marker of 6666 as being the fifth blood moon.

From March 23rd, 2016 to September 16th, 2016 would be the season of

6666. This is to be combined with 7777 coming from many different

directions, which would be explained below. Otherwise, another way of

seeing this is March 23rd forward a quadrant to June 23rd, then twice delay

to August 23rd is the 2016 Passover boundary August 22-30. Since 2015 is

as 2016 through 5776 that overlaps in both years, July 22-30 would

connect with August 3-11, and August 22-30 with September 3-11.

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May 24 and June 23 are combined together for the number 29029. Not

only May is as August, June is as September, but by twice delay from

June is August at the same time, and July is as September. Now we have

May and June together in August, and June and July in September.

Although, August is also June and July through Sivan and Tammuz being

in the same month, which equal to June and July original identity.

First Pentecost of 2016: June 12-13 during this date of Pentecost, there

was the worst mass shooting since 9-11 in Orlando gay club, and killed

50 people representing the Pentecostal number. This is linking back to

the rainbow around the time of the worldwide flood. This reminds of June

26, 2015 when America has legalized gay marriage in all 50 states

nationwide, and was landed on Sivan 9 in the Jewish calendar, and

Tammuz 11 in the Enoch and Elijah’s calendars as 9-11.

Overview of More Festivals

Festivals 2015 Enoch Elijah First Passover March 30 - April 7 April 2 - 10

Second Passover April 29 May 2 First Pentecost May 21 - 22 May 23 - 24 Second Pentecost June 19 - 20 June 22 - 23 Tisha B’Av July 24 - 25 July 24 - 25

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Hanukkah December 7 - 12 December 5 – 13 Festivals 2016 Enoch Elijah Hanukkah January 6 - 14 January 4 - 12 First Passover March 30 – April 7 March 22 – 30

April 29 – May 7 April 21 – 29 Second Passover April 29 April 20 May 29 May 20 First Pentecost May 21 - 22 May 12 – 13 June 20 - 21 June 11 – 12 Second Pentecost June 19 - 20 May 12 – 13 July 19 - 20 July 11 – 12 Tisha B’Av July 24 - 25 July 12 – 13 August 23 - 24 August 11 – 12 Hanukkah December 7 - 15 Nov 23 – Dec 1

Yom Kippur of 2015: September 22-23 was very important, and this

matches the December 22, 2019 Hanukkah to be applied to Passover of

July 22-30 and August 22-30. This date matches March 23, June 23 and

December 23 which will start on Kislev 25 during 2019 as 2015-2016.

Hanukkah of 2016: December 24-January 1 applying to the Passover

boundaries of August 3-11 and September 3-11. The reason to apply it

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onto the Passover is to equalize every day as a Pi day, and a Pentecostal

date as an extension of a two-day Pentecost, since the miracle of 1-day

oil sufficed for 8 days. It ends on January 1, 2017 as 1/1/17, which is 7777

for to fit in with 6666 pattern from March 23rd, 2016’s fifth blood moon. This

is hinting to equalize June 23, 2015 second Pentecost with Passover.

This is to be done through equalizing both 2015-2016 Passovers. 2016

Passover was on April 22-30, and it is equalized with April 3-11, 2015

Passover because 2015 equals to 2016, for 5776 overlaps in both years.

Getting Hanukkah of 2016 in 5776 is to establish 5776-5777 code.

Hanukkah is to equalize a certain date (preferably Pentecost) to every day

of the boundary—because the 1-day oil sufficed for 8 days, thus the first

day of Hanukkah carries the same identity to all the other 8 days.

Kislev 25 will be on December 25, 2016 perfectly, exactly Christmas day

representing the birth of Jesus; the birth of the Bride. The 9-11 attack

destroyed St. Nicholas Church, which is directly linked to Santa Claus and

Christmas day. This means that disaster will come during the time of

Hanukkah, just as Comet Ison meant “disaster” in Hebrew landed on the

day of Thanksgiving and Hanukkah, referring to communion as well. The

Hanukkah boundary is then applied onto the Passover boundaries.

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First Purim of 2016: February 23-24 from May 24, 2015 is 276 days as a

pregnancy number, because 40 weeks of pregnancy = 6720 hours

reading backwards in Hebrew’s way is 276.

Second Purim of 2016: March 23-24 from June 23, 2016 is 276 days,

meaning this date is Pentecostal and Purim symbolizes the bride of Christ

will not taste death through the Rapture, just as the Israelites were saved

from their fate of death, who represent the children of God.

Summary of Festivals Highlights

2015 1st Passover

April 3 - 11 Combining 2015 with 2016, and Passover is very significant, for it is the blood of the lamb that leads to redemption.

2016 1st Passover

April 22 - 30 Getting a Pi date to equalize the Passover boundaries of 2015-2016 for they are identical through 5776.

2016 2nd Passover

May 22 Decoded as EVE; the 3 Paul’s Shipwrecks linked to the judgments surrounding the First Call and 6th Seal.

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2015 1st Pentecost

May 24 - 25 Matches Genesis 5:24 during Israel’s 67th birthday, and before the 70th mark. Matthew 24:34 says that within 1 generation, all these things shall be fulfilled. This is confirming 5776 rapture. Psalm 90:10 says it is 70 years.

2015 2nd Pentecost

June 23 - 24 To connect with the 1st Pentecost for 29029. Also, it is related to March 23, September 23, and December 23 in its family. See Genesis 9:23 backward-forward.

2016 Hanukkah Dec 24 – Jan 1 Getting 7777 identity to match March 23 fifth blood moon 6666 pattern. Applying Hanukkah boundary to Passover to equalize the Pentecost for every day. Also 2018-2019 Hanukkah boundaries match 2015-2016 Passover boundaries to apply.

2016 1st Purim Feb 23 - 24 Relating February to Pentecost 2016 2nd Purim March 23 -24 Relating March to Pentecost

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Further Exploration of August to September Significance

Gregorian Jewish (Upper) Jewish (Lower) June 1 2

July 2 3 IDES OF MARCH !!!

August 3 IDES OF MARCH !!! 4

September 4 5

Note: same color of the same month can equalize both months. See 234

is as Psalm 23:4 through Lyar, Sivan and Tammuz combined. August is

the core month, because it consists 34 as 67, and the ides of March.

Gregorian Jewish (Upper) + Jewish (Lower) June 1 2 July 2 3 August 3 = 6 (18, 666) 4 = 7 (28, 7777) September = June 4 5 Gregorian Jewish (Upper) Jewish (Lower) May 12 1 June 1 2 July (Gen. 2-3 Apple Tree) 2 (1111) = Feb 3 August = May 3 = 6 (18, 666) 4 = 7 (28, 7777)

Note: same color of the same identity—August = July, Sept = August,

whereas both consists of August, thus July, August and Sept are merged.

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Notice this is creating a threefold pattern again, through the first new

moon delay in 2015, Adar II, and the misalignment of Jewish months.

According to the 10 Commandments, July stands for marriage, August is

an analogy of the stealing away of the bride, September could be seen as

June, whereas June stands for no death of those who are faithful to God,

since Exodus 20:13-14 is a Pi connecting June and July.

Genesis 6 Genesis 7 Genesis 8 120 7777 7777 150 150 120 (40 + 40 + 40)

Note: Genesis 6 is suggesting a connection of June with July through 120,

for 120° points to July, and Genesis 7 is suggesting a connection of July

with August through 150° that points to August. The 4 of sevens only had

occurred in Genesis 7 and 8, thus July and August must be significant.

7777 (Pentecostal/ Sabbath connection)

150 (Av = 122 as beginning of the end)

120 (worldwide judgment)

7 (July) 7 (July) 6 (June) 8 (August) 8 (August) 7 (July) 4 (Tammuz) 4 (Tammuz) 3 (Sivan) 5 (Av) 5 (Av) 4 (Tammuz)

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Gregorian Jewish (Upper) Jewish (Lower) May + June 12, 1 1, 2 June + July 1, 2 2, 3 July + August 2, 3 3, 4 August + September 3, 4 4, 5

July August September 2015 Passover* 2015 Passover* Figs harvest start Sixth blood moon

2016 Passover 2016 Passover End of summer

Note: this is a calendar view into 3 parts (early, mid and late of the month)

Also, August 11 is as November 11 forward a quadrant, making up the

number 1111 as 7777. September 11 ends on a Pi date, for the number 9,

11 is decoded as Pi representing both judgment and transformation.

What’s the point if 2016 Passover boundary shall be used for both the

barley and the wheat harvest? But when we combine 2015 Passover

boundary into the year 2016—it makes up the transformation code 67.

October 2 Jewish 5777 Rosh Hashanah will be the DEADLINE of 5776 =

2015, thus everything MUST occur BEFORE October 2, 2016. The

importance of using Hanukkah 2016 is to get 5777 for 5776-5777.

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The Backward-Forward Calendars Method

Genesis 9:23 “And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon

both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of

their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father's

nakedness.” Comes out a threefold rhythm.

Family Festivals June 23, 2015 2nd Pentecost March 23, 2016 5th Blood moon 6666, Purim September 23, 2015 Yom Kippur December 23, 2019 (= 2016) Hanukkah – Kislev 25

1. Backward, backward “And Shem and Japheth took a garment,

and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and

covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were

backward, and they saw not their father's nakedness.”

2. Backward, forward “And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and

laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and

covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were

backward, and they saw not their father's nakedness.”

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3. Backward, forward, backward “And Shem and Japheth took a

garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went

backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their

faces were backward, and they saw not their father's nakedness.”

September 23, 2016 marks the deadline because it will be the end of

summer in the Northern Hemisphere including Israel.

The number 666 represents the mark of the beast, and relates to the

Great Tribulation. The 666 family is originally linked with June, and it goes

around to September/ December/ March. This is confirming that

September could possibly be the month of the start of Great Tribulation.

The number 7777 represents the Sabbath—a day that is set apart from

the common, holy, blessed, restful, sanctified, finished, completed, and it

is Pentecostal because May 24th, 2015 Pentecost was on the 4th Sunday,

relating to the transformation of the bride of Christ. The 7777 family is

originally linked with July, and it goes around to October/ January/ April.

Tammuz (identical with July) occurs in both August and September.

Genesis 4 was pointing to 666 through 3 murders against the 6th

commandment, and East direction, which is Sivan/ June at East. Since

Genesis 4—the number 4 refers to Tammuz, it is hinting to merge June

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and July together. The months of June and July is as Sivan and Tammuz

(3, 4), which appears in both August and September.

Backward, backward from September backward twice would be July, and

July is a big marker because Genesis 7 is about the worldwide

judgment—the most intensive chapter of judgment in Genesis!

Backward, forward is a method for instance, to flip backward and forward

making up Psalm 23:4 through the misalignment of the Jewish calendars,

which also consists a lot of meaning from the events of 2015 February 20,

March 20, and April 20-22. Genesis 9:23 seems to refer to base on the

numbers either 9/23, 6/23, 3/23 or 12/23 for they are within the same

family chain. The number 3 is the center, where Sivan is August, Lyar is

July and Tammuz is September, thus these 3 months combined are

referring to Psalm 23:4. The math is August = September by Tammuz.

Also by quadrant, backward and forward from September 23 backward is

June 23, and forward is December 23. This is confirming to combine

Pentecost and Hanukkah together that is linked to Yom Kippur.

Playing August backward-forward would be July and September, just as

the spring and summer season all fits into these 3 months.

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Backward, forward, backward

Fall ends on December 21st, 2016 and EVE was named AFTER the fall,

clearly showing that December 22-30, 2019 Hanukkah is to be used for

the Passover boundaries, and December 2-10, 2018 backed up by 2015

Elijah’s Passover on April 2-10 being equalized with Jewish’s Passover on

April 3-11. Hanukkah is thus directly linked to the 3 Paul’s Shipwrecks

judgments, and 3 days of worldwide darkness according to Genesis 3:20

as March 20th, 2015 when the eclipse has happened. December 21 is 12,

21 linked to the 9-11 attack—for those who exalt themselves shall be

humbled, and those who humble themselves shall be exalted.

It is by no accident that Hanukkah consists of 9 days, Passover is also

consisting of 9 days, therefore they are perfectly matching. Plus,

Pentecost being equalized by Hanukkah to every day is perfect.

Combining 2015-2016 Passovers

Aug 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Jul 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Aug 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Sep 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

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Figs harvest is from mid-August to mid-September, and the analogy of the

figs used in Song of Solomon was describing the bride that even though

her outside appearance looks nothing special to the world just as the figs

like any other old fruits, but her inner heart beauty is full of beautiful

flowers like the fruit. Her bridegroom Jesus is going to harvest His figs;

His beautiful bride, and Israel is also represented by the figs!

The land of Israel looks like a pointer of the clock, and having a clock

based on Israel, it points between 6-7 o’clock and 12-1 o’clock. The

number 121 could be referring to 121 Jubilee year that already started in

2015 as the wrath year according to Genesis 6:3, and 67 was the age of

Israel during the year of 2015 proving 5776 must be the year of Rapture.

Song of Solomon 2 & Revelation 6

Winter Spring Summer Fall S Verse 11 – winter is past, rain is gone

Winter Spring Summer Fall S Verse 12 – flowers appear on the earth (around March = Sivan)

Winter Spring Summer Fall S Verse 13 – grapes blooming (around May = Av), green figs (April)

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Winter Spring Summer Fall R Verse 13 – green figs (April = Tammuz)

Gregorian Jewish (Up) Jewish (Down) 6 1 2 7 2 3 8 3 4 9 4 5

10 5 6 11 6 7

Note: summer in orange, spring in green, resulting July to September.

Gregorian Jewish (Up) Jewish (Down) 6 2 3 7 3 4 8 4 5 9 5 6 10 6 7 11 7 8

This is without using the first new moon delay running as normal.

Gregorian Jewish (Up) Jewish (Down) 6 1 2 7 2 3

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8 3 4 9 4 5 10 5 6 11 6 7

This is the true timeframe by the moon delay—9 = 8, 8 = 7, 7 = 6. This is

going into reverse mode—God uses both calendars most possibly!

Midnight Hour Analysis

The midnight hour is emphasized twice in April—April must be important.

Of course, because Tammuz = July—it is going back to Genesis 7. The

barley and wheat harvests are in April and May respectively, matching

Tammuz and Av in August and September. August is the core month,

partly because it is the ides of March, which is Sivan! Genesis 3 fall

started by the number 3, and the end will end by the number 3! Israel is

always the gauge, thus Sivan and not March that is full of woes!

Gregorian Jewish (Up) Jewish (Down) 3 11 12 4 12 12 5 12 1 6 1 2 7 2 3

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8 3 4

9 4 5

10 5 6 The midnight hour (deadline) strikes at Sivan, Tammuz* and Av.

August: The Core Month

August combining with July creates beautiful fireworks, because

according to the Ten Commandments, the 7th commandment is about

marriage, and the 8th commandment is about stealing. This is reflecting

the time of marriage between the Bride of CHRIST and her Bridegroom

JESUS CHRIST, and stealing is the perfect analogy of the Rapture of the

church, because the word Paralambano (Rapture) means to TAKE with

one’s self, and steal means TAKE—to remove someone/ something from a

particular place; to LIFT and raise to a higher level; picking up and

moving to a different place; to ELEVATE the Bride of CHRIST through the

rapture. Stealing is a QUICK process while people are unaware, just as

the Bride will be shot up to Heaven like the blink of an eye. The scriptures

said that JESUS is like a thief in the night when HE comes for HIS Bride,

and a thief always steal something without intending to return it back, just

as the Bride will dwell permanently with her Bridegroom in Heaven.

August means eternity, exalted and consecrated, and it fits perfectly for

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the Rapture of the church—those who humble themselves shall be

exalted, and will be glorified in a permanent sinless state.

The Gregorian delay works by taking the identity of the previous month,

therefore both months are equalized through the same identity.

Gregorian Greg. D Jewish Jewish Jewish D Jewish D 10 9 7 8 / 7 11 10 8 9 7 8 12 11 9 10 8 9 Gregorian Greg. D Jewish Jewish Jewish D Jewish D 9 / 6 7 6 / 10 9 7 8 / 7 11 10 8 9 7 8 12 11 9 10 8 9 1 12 10 11 9 10 2 1 11 (77) 12 10 11 (77) 3 2 12 12 11 12 4 3 12 1 12 12 5 4 1 2 12 1 6 5 2 3 1 2 7 6 3 4 2 3 8 7 4 5 3 4

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9 8 5 6 4 5

10 9 6 7 5 6 11 10 7 9 6 7

Note: proving August (= February) is a very Pentecostal month. D = Delay

The List of 7777 Occurrences in Months

January February 2 Shevat within February as 1111 = 7777 March April Points to Nissan/ April 4 of 1 = 1111 as 7777 May June July Points to Tammuz/ July 4 of 7 = 7777 August September Points to 7777 through to November as 9-11 decoded as

Pi; the fall number that always start at 3. October November Points to 1111 by delaying November twice to December December

Note: July is April, thus July is significant. September 3-11 ends on 911.

The List of 7777 Occurrences in Days/ Weeks

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January February March April May May 24th, 2015 Pentecost landed on the 4th Sunday as

7777, forward 365 days by Genesis 5:23 was on May 22nd, 2016 also was the 4th Sunday

June July August August 22nd, 2016 will be on the 4th Monday as 1111 =

7777, and it will match the 2 thieves on the cross where their legs were broken as 1111 as the time of 828 and 777, which is decoded as the 3 crosses. August 22nd would be the start Pentecostal date of 2016 Passover.

September October November December Kislev 25 Hanukkah 2016 lands on the 4th Sunday as 7777

Note: August is as May back a quadrant, confirming Hanukkah in August.

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Woe to the ides of March! Sivan is located in July and August, confirming

the worldwide judgments being linked to these two months. Only Genesis

7 & 8 consist of the 4 “sevens”, and they are with September as well.

Genesis 7 2 Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his

female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female.

3 Of fowls also of the air by sevens, the male and the female; to keep seed

alive upon the face of all the earth.

4 For yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days

and forty nights; and every living substance that I have made will I destroy

from off the face of the earth.

10 And it came to pass after seven days, that the waters of the flood were

upon the earth.

Genesis 8

4 And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the

month, upon the mountains of Ararat.

10 And he stayed yet other seven days; and again he sent forth the dove

out of the ark;

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12 And he stayed yet other seven days; and sent forth the dove; which

returned not again unto him any more.

14 And in the second month, on the seven and twentieth day of the month,

was the earth dried.

August is May backward a quadrant, and September is June backward a

quadrant, and they are identical because September belongs to Elul, and

August belongs to Av originally. Thus, it forms the number 29029 of both

Pentecost of 2015-2016 in May and June.

The 120 Degrees

The 120 degrees belong to July (7) and Tammuz (4). Target: summer.

Greg. 1st JD 1st JD 2nd JD 2nd JD 3rd JD 3rd JD 9 6 7 6 / 4 5 10 7 8 / 7 5 6 11 8 9 7 8 6 7 12 9 10 8 9 7 8 1 10 11 9 10 8 9 2 11 12 10 11 9 10 3 12 12 11 12 10 11 4 12 1 12 12 11 12

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5 1 2 12 1 12 12

6 2 3 1 2 12 1 7 3 4 (7) 2 3 1 2 8 4 (7) 5 3 4 (7) 2 3 9 5 6 4 (7) 5 3 4

10 6 7 5 6 4 5 11 7 8 6 7 5 6

August consists of 120 twice, and by adding 120 + 120 = 240. Thus,

August is very significant. America’s birthday was on July 4th, 2016 and

turned to 240 years old. America is a Pentecostal country, for 4 of 7 is

7777 and since it contains 50 states. This is confirming August, but also

July and September are Pentecostal months with Tammuz. Obama’s

birthday was on August 4th, 2016—what an irony on the same fourth day!

Obama represents America—that’s a sure marker just as America itself.

Obama’s wife Michelle is transsexual, and this is relating back to the 9-11

pattern in June 26, 2015 the time when US allowed gay marriage.

Applying Hanukkah to 2015 Passover boundary into August 3-11, 2016

from December 2-10, 2018 as December 3-11 through April 2-10, 2015

Passover in Elijah’s calendar lands Kislev 25 onto August 4th. Since

August 4th is reversed back to July, and September reversed back to

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August, August 4th is roughly as July 4th. July 4th was Pentecostal as 7777,

thus by Hanukkah 1-day oil sufficed for 8 days’ miracle can equalize this

Pentecostal pattern to every day until August 11th which is 11/11 as well.

Also Sivan is the core month that stops approximately on August 4th, thus

this extension method could also be done with Sivan. The ides of March

(March 15th) proceeding 7 days before is 8-9th and after would be 21-22nd.

The numbers 8-9 again could be referring to August and September.

July is pointing to Australia at 4:00 Tammuz, and based on Psalm 23:4 of

2015 February Israel severe snowstorm, March 20 eclipse shown to

Norway and April 20-22 Australia, NSW severe storm that left parts of

Australia without lights for 3 days, the clock based on Israel points to 4:00

Australia and 11:00 Norway, signifying a cosmic event, 3 days of

darkness during the time of July and Isaiah 1:18 for during the time of July

in Australia would be winter time. July is equalized with August; therefore,

August could be the month of the First Call and the sign of Jonah. This

resembles Genesis 4:11, 7:11, 11:4, 11:7, 2:7, 4:2 and 7:2…etc.

The precursor of the sign of Jonah occurred in January 21-29th (Severe

Jonas storm in US) was a marker for July 22-30th for both months are in

the same family chain. The Passover 2016 then connects with the

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Passover of 2015 in August 3-11th, because 2015 = 2016. January is a

new year and a new beginning, and July is the beginning of months. From

March 23rd, 2016 to July 22nd, 2016 is 122 days. From March 23rd, 2016 to

August 22nd, 2016 is 153 days. The number 122 represents the beginning

of the end, and January is 22:00 direction on the wheel because of Tevet.

The number 22 is Pentecostal because it hits at 50 minutes’ direction.

Also, the number 153 echoes to 3:00/ 15:00 death hour of Jesus who

represents the bride. It is the IDES OF MARCH/ SIVAN full of WOES!

When seeing July as January, August as February and September as

March, we can see the number 23—the number of redemption, because

2/3 stayed in heaven, while 1/3 of angels fell from heaven. The apple tree

only occurred in Genesis 2 and 3; as known as the tree of the knowledge

of good and evil. It was mentioned in the Song of Solomon about the

bride. It is related to the fall, and back to Adam and Eve representing

Christ and His bride. The SABBATH was mentioned in Genesis 2!

We have to go back to the beginning, if the beginning started at 23, then

it will end on 23. Since August is the core marker, the 2 in 1 symphony

appears when August is as July, where September will be repeating

August just as Euler’s number was REPEATING = 2.718281828459045.

Here, 2.7 is referring to Genesis 2:1-3 mentioning of the Sabbath, which is

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a weekly observance on the 7th day to be set apart from the common.

Song of Solomon 2 said “come away” twice in verse 10 and 13 = 23. July

and August are Pi months known as 9-11! January points at 13:00 and

February points at 14:00 as 14, 13 reading backwards is 3.141…!

August hits at 25 minutes’ direction on the wheel! It is Matthew 25. Thus,

August is the core month for the backward-forward method. Julius Caesar

died in 44BC, and August consists of Tammuz twice! Matthew 25 talked

about the FOOLISH virgins—what is April about? It is a month known for

the FOOLS—known as April’s fool day! Therefore, this is the possible

month of division. Just as Australia is an island; it is separated, and

divided from other lands—separation between the sheep and goats.

The 9-11 attack was very important referring to the falling of the 2 high

places of America—California and New York City. Building 7 fell at

5:21PM is referring to the misalignment of the calendars. July is as August

that belongs to Av. Consequently, August is as September. Building 7

consisted of 47 levels as 7777, and Genesis 11 ends on verse 9 about the

tower of Babel. The number 9-11 is the end of the end just the bible ends

with 66 books in total. Thus, Av (122) is the possible month of 7777, which

in the normal calendar shows it’s from August to September, and the true

one still appears throughout this September; to be seen as June as well.

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September is back to August by the misalignment of the calendars. Only

8 souls were saved in the days of Noah in the ark, thus this number 8

echoes to August! So far there is the 8th blood moon tetrad representing a

new beginning, and there must be a reason why there were 2 thieves on

the cross with Jesus who were against the 8th commandment! There

weren’t 2 murderers, or 2 adulterers, or 2 blasphemers, or 2 idolaters…

but there were 2 thieves! Judgment fell upon Jesus that began at 9AM,

and it was the 3rd hour confirms merging with August’s Ides of Sivan.

Further Exploration of 2015-2016 Significance

In June to July was decoded as 911 from Sivan and Tammuz by addition

(6 + 3 = 9, 7 + 4 = 11). Thus, the year 2015-2016 pointing to 3:00 and

4:00 is the time of 9-11; as known as 12-21 (linked to Genesis 3’s order of

judgement and speech) that those who exalt themselves shall be abased,

and those who humble themselves shall be lifted up. By multiplication, it is

1828 matching Hanukkah’s number e = 2.718281828… which refers to

Psalm 18:28; a transformation verse, whereas 6 x 3 = 18, 7 x 4 = 28. The

number 3, 4 happens in August! Not only this, 3 of 6 is 666, and 4 of 7 is

7777 being merged, saying that judgment will come along with the

catching away of the bride. The number 911 is decoded as 122, for 11 ÷

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9 = 1.22, and this is highly associated with Av = 122, and Av 9 is also

911, because counting from Rosh Hashanah Av is month 11.

Gregorian Jewish Rosh Hashanah September Elul Month 12 October Tishri Month 1 November Cheshvan Month 2 December Kislev Month 3 January Tevet Month 4 February Shevat Month 5 March Adar Month 6 April Nissan Month 7 May Lyar Month 8 June Sivan Month 9 July Tammuz Month 10 August Av Month 11 September Elul Month 12 October Tishri Month 1

The highest building in this world reaches up to 828 meters named Burj

Khalifa in Dubai. This is the number of the 3 crosses—the Son of God

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being second in the God’s hierarchy, and 2 thieves against the 8th

commandment. The bride will be promoted into high places.

Nepal’s major earthquakes happened on Lyar 6 and 23 back in April 25,

2015 and May 12, 2015. The earthquakes were hit exactly in order on the

spot of California and New York, when merging the US map with Nepal

rotated. Song of Solomon 2:17 + 4:6 identical verses = 6:23. The second

Pentecost in 2015 was June 23-24. 2015 double Pentecost are equalized

for both of them are Pentecost. The first one in May is August by family.

Passover blood door post was a Pi—Passover is normally in April. Pi

starts with 3, referring to Sivan. August consists of Sivan and Tammuz. Pi

is the ratio of a circumference of a circle to its diameter. When you look

from above, the rainbow is a circle. The worldwide flood in the days of

Noah was connected with the rainbow, and it will connect with Pi.

The many signs of homosexual culture nowadays, Israel’s gay parades,

San Francisco largest parade in the nation…etc., especially US that

legalized gay marriage nationwide in 2015 was a big marker that time is

up. Just as the very first command that God gave to mankind was to

multiply in the very first book of the bible and the very first chapter of the

bible in Genesis 1:28—right now is just as in the days of Noah.

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The gay parades in Israel was in June 12, 2015 and June 3, 2016—Israel

will be judged. June 12, 2016 was the first Pentecost, and Orlando’s gay

night club was targeted with terrorism. The number 3 again resembles the

Passover boundary of April 3-11, 2015.

The midnight hour marks from March to May, and it is equally seen as

Sivan to Av, which spans from July to September. The midnight hour

represents that there is no time left for the world; judgment comes now;

the darkest before dawn; a turning point; points upward to heaven; a new

beginning; the end of the chapter; the cleansing of the old; the morning

comes; the darkest of the night; when light meets the dark; completion of

something; the symbol x = 24 representing transformation, death, x-axis

that points to 2015 and 3:00 of Sivan/ East direction.

The fall quadrant from Exodus 20:13, 16 through 16 ÷ 13 = 1.23076923.

The number 76 could refer to the year 5776 deadline, the number 923

could refer to September 23, 2016 (start of fall) as the deadline. The

number 1.23 could refer to July, August and September, where August

and September being the actual months of barley and wheat harvest, and

July as the month that connects with these two months separately. The fall

quadrant from 6-9 o’clock (Elul to Kislev) exactly falls on the land of Egypt

that represents the world. This number could possibly refer to judgment.

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The Euler’s number sounds like “oiler” is related to the oil miracle of

Hanukkah. It starts with the letter e because it represents a major

earthquake for e = 5, 22. This could mean that each time there is a major

earthquake—sixth seal, for instance, it will trigger 1828 as the number for

the barley harvest for the first set of numbers, and the next repeated 1828

is for the wheat harvest. Then, 459045 is the fall quadrant by 45 minutes’

direction represented by 9:00 Kislev turned at 90 degrees to another 9:00

at September at 6:00 direction on the wheel—the time of the Fall!

2016 points to 16:00, which is July/ Tammuz, thus 2016 is the year of

7777. Matthew 24 points to Christ’s return within Summer, since it is

related to the sun as Sunday, which is the number 7. Australia is the

direction of 7777, and it is representing the world because it is the most

multicultural country in the world. Since it is representing division—a

division of people in a worldwide scale. Revelation 22 is 11 x 2 = 22,

making up as 1111 = 7777 representing the end of the end. It is also the

number of marriage of Adam and Eve, as Christ and His Bride, for Adam’s

rib reduced from 24 to 23 ribs, and humans normally have 24 ribs. So,

Adam got 23 ribs, and Eve got 24 ribs, as they are merged into 1 flesh as

husband and wife 23 + 24 = 47 as 7777. The occurrence of 23 happens

again, for 23:00 points to February, and 24:00 points to March.

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The 9-11 attack of 4 flights decoded the order of the 3 Paul’s shipwrecks.

Av 9 is always a date of tragedy, and the main highlight of this date was

that both the first and the second temple were destroyed on the SAME

date. Then this is hinting that the current temple/ the Dome of the Rock

(Jerusalem’s Temple Mount) could possibly be targeted, and might be

destroyed by nuclear attack. Israel is rejecting her Messiah, God’s people

are more accountable, and Tel Aviv is the hub of annual gay parade; an

abomination in the Holy City. Israel is part of God’s judgment, and not

only America, because reading the identical chapters by doing some

calculations to it result the numbers of the 9-11 attack.

8 And in the fifth month, on the seventh day of the month, which is the

nineteenth year of king Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, came

Nebuzaradan, captain of the guard, a servant of the king of Babylon, unto

Jerusalem: 9 And he burnt the house of the Lord, and the king’s house,

and all the houses of Jerusalem, and every great man’s house burnt he

with fire. 10 And all the army of the Chaldees, that were with the captain of

the guard, brake down the walls of Jerusalem round about.

2 Kings 25:8-10

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Identical chapters or verses are there for calculations. This method does

not only apply to this page, but also to the chapter Psalm 18 and the

verses in Song of Solomon 2 & 4, for instance.

12 Now in the fifth month, in the tenth day of the month, which was the

nineteenth year of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, came Nebuzaradan,

captain of the guard, which served the king of Babylon, into Jerusalem, 13 And burned the house of the Lord, and the king’s house; and all the

houses of Jerusalem, and all the houses of the great men, burned he with

fire: 14 And all the army of the Chaldeans, that were with the captain of the

guard, brake down all the walls of Jerusalem round about.

Jeremiah 52:12-14

Let’s put both chapters and verses into calculations:

2 Kings 25:8-10 & Jeremiah 52:12-14

25 8 9 10 52 12 13 14 77 20 22 24

This is addition, and shows Flight 77 of the 9-11 attack is related to Israel.

25 8 9 10 52 12 13 14

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1300 96 117 140 This is multiplication, and shows that the number 1300 is matching the

death toll of World Trade Center 1 of the 9-11 attack, confirming the

number 77 is indeed the number of Flight 77. It was hitting the Pentagon,

the word “penta” is referring to a 5-sided shape—May and Av.

Flight 175 represents California, flight 11 represents New York City, flight

93 represents the bride’s transformation reveal the order of events.

Ezekiel 21 prophesized of 9-11 and mentioned South and North that

points to 12:00 and 6:00 resembling June 12, 2016 Pentecost.

North tower was hit by flight 11 representing Adam the first formed, and

South tower was hit secondly by flight 175 representing Eve the second

formed. Since 12-21 is highly related to Genesis 3, when God spoke to

Adam first, then Eve, and judged Eve then Adam. Adam represents the

East coast of America, and Eve represents the West coast of America,

according to Genesis 3 and 4 similarities of Adam and Cain, Eve and

Abel. Flight 93 that was hit Shanksville at 10:07AM (10 x 7 = 70) was

linked to 1828 and 7777; the transformation of the barley brides will

happen before NYC will be hit. WTC 2 (CA) fell first, then Flight 93

happened before WTC 1 (NYC) fell. Emmanuel (God is with us) Shaffer

(Shepherd) opened a store (renew/restore) at the site in 1828, and the

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following year Shank laid out the town of Shanksville. Psalm 23:1, 3 "The

Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth

me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake." Christian (believer

in Christ) Shank (thigh) founded Shanksville, and thigh refers to high

places. The bride will be promoted to high places (Matthew 27:59),

Joseph means "God will increase" as the bride will increase who are

crucified of her flesh along with Christ.

The 3 Paul’s Shipwrecks can be backed up by Ezekiel 21—a 9-11

prophecy against Israel, and not America only. Also by Psalm 103:12,

where all 3 time zones of California, New York City and Israel make up this

number through Israel at 10AM, New York at 3AM, and California 12AM.

The First Call & 6 Days of Darkness

Just as Jesus was transfigured after the 3 days of burial, the bride will be

transfigured after the 3 days of darkness. Just as Jesus had a 40 days of

ministry on earth, there will be the 40 days’ pattern for this timeframe

before His ascension, which represents the rapture of the bride.

The events before the Rapture to occur will be like this: The 3 Paul’s

Shipwrecks—There will be a major earthquake in California most possibly

will be hit by CERN, and the barley brides will be transformed within a

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short while before the next target will be hit in New York City of another

major earthquake. Then Israel will be hit shortly. During the time between

these two earthquakes, the sky will turn red for 3 days according to

Matthew 16 as a warning to stay indoors for safety. There will be 3 days of

darkness in parts of the world during the 3 days of warning, resulting a 6

days of darkness according to Exodus 24. The bride will walk 3 days in

her transformed body before the first call, and will be helping others

during this time before walking through a door to a heavenly realm (not a

Rapture) for 7 days of training for the wheat harvest before the rapture,

and feast (Exodus 24) face to face with Jesus (God will pause time)

during the time of the 3 days of worldwide darkness.

The sixth seal of worldwide earthquake will then hit according to

Revelation 6 and Matthew 27 that said the earth did shake, and there will

be complete darkness in the whole earth for 3 days where the spiritual

realm will be ripped off, just as the temple’s veil was ripped off after Jesus

died—the sign of Jonah where everyone upon the face of the earth will be

given a chance to repent to God, where Jesus will show Himself to them,

and millions of souls will be saved. Then according to Matthew 28, there

will be great earthquakes after the 3 days of worldwide darkness. The 40

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days’ pattern after this would be the harvesting of wheat brides, and then

the rapture and the last half of the great tribulation comes after this.

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