2015 partnership package

Post on 06-Apr-2016






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sponsorship package2015




“TED is a think tank for humanity. It is a gathering of exceptional individuals, all with the ability to make a difference” — Don Levy, then-Senior Vice President, Sony Pictures (TED Partner)


Building upon and establishing new partnerships is a key element of TEDxQueensU 2015. Without the support of our previ­

ous partners and sponsors, we would not be able to reach and inspire thousands of people in our community each year. For

this support we are humbled and eternally grateful.

This year’s event will have over 500 carefully selected attendees, with many more tuning in from around the world to watch

our live stream. Our speaker’s talks will be watched many more times online with past talks garnering wide and extended

reach. Through social media and our outreach initiatives we will also indirectly provide exposure to the entirety of Queen’s

University, the Kingston Community and beyond. Our partners have the opportunity to engage with the inquisitive and curi­

ous minds that comprise our network, and will be able to align themselves with the TED brand and everything it stands for.

In previous years we have worked with a wide array of partners, including alumni, corporations, small businesses, charities,

student organizations and private donors to name a few. We work individually with each of our partners to maximize the

benefits of their generous support and are eager to work with anyone who shares our values and vision. We want to thank

you for considering partnering with us, and would be thrilled to have you support us in achieving our aims.


The TEDxQueensU Sponsorship Team.

partnering with tedxqueensu


TED is a non profit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short,

powerful talks (18 minutes or less). TED began in 1984 as a conference

where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged, and today covers

almost all topics from science to business to global issues in more than 100

languages. TED is dedicated to making great ideas accessible and uses their

platform to spark conversation.

TEDx Events are independently organized TED events that share a common

set of values and goals as our parent organization. Every individual who par­

ticipates in making this event happen believes in the spirit of TED, and its

ability to drive positive change in all aspects of our lives.

At TEDxQueensU, we believe passionately in the power of ideas to change

attitudes, lives and, ultimately, the world. We’re building a clearinghouse of

free knowledge from inspired thinkers — and a community of curious souls

to engage with each other and share ideas, both online and at our annual

event. We bring together Queen’s alumni, students, small business owners,

researchers, executives, and many more.

On March 29th 2015 we will be lifting the curtain on the fifth edition of TEDx

at Queen’s University, which promises to be a landmark event for the insti­

tution, organization and the wider City of Kingston we hope that you can

be a part of it.

about tedx



what to look forward to


Our organization, after many increasingly

successful events, is embarking on a new

journey to become one of the largest

and more prominent TEDx events in the

country. We believe that everyone has

something distinct to bring to the event,

and it is our goal to bring together as di­

verse and curious a group as possible.

Collectively this audience of students,

academics and community members

will walk away with a broader and better

understanding of how to spark positive

change in our communities. Paramount

to achieving our goal is establishing new

relationships with alumni, local busi­

nesses, charities, and other organiza­

tions who also share the TED values.

Our theme, Piecing Together, exempli­

fies in our eyes, the spirit that we have

strived to establish at our events. Having

intellectual giants congregating with nat­

urally curious and eager young minds to

discuss new ideas, perspectives and in­

novations creates a unique and pioneer­

ing setting that we anticipate will spark

novel viewpoints from all attendees and

encourage collaboration and conversa­


With our new theme, TEDxQueensU 2015

hopes to foster ideas that act as spring­

boards for the next wave of disruptive

ideas, innovations and collaboration. We

have experienced tremendous organiza­

tional growth allowing for such ambitious

aims. The receiving of a top tier license

from TED itself, a one hundred percent

increase in targeted sponsorship, a re­

newed commitment to low ticket prices,

the establishing of a Board of Directors,

a speaker list with world renowned cre­

dentials and revolutionary ideas, and the

securing a new state of the art venue will

enable us, alongside our valued partners,

to reach such ambitious goals.

our goals for tedxqueensu 2015


the bader centre


This upcoming year, TEDxQueensU will have a brand new home.

Sitting on beautiful, white capped Lake Ontario, The Isabel Bader Center for the Performing Arts

is the new pride point of Queen’s University. Offering a captivating sense of place, The Isabel

provides a unique and dynamic venue for students and community members to learn, discover,

think, do, and experience together.

Talks at TEDxQueensU 2015 will be presented in the heart of The Isabel: the 566 seat performance

hall. Having its acoustics perfected by the New York based firm Arup well before its construction

began; the pristine acoustics of the Isabel’s performance hall are the result of exceptional collab­

oration between top sound engineers and architects over several years.

In addition to the noteworthy acoustics, talk quality will be further enhanced by the unique char­

acteristics of the hall. Virtually a building within a building, no part of the hall touches the rest of

the structure directly. This feature along with the hall’s two foot thick walls so effectively muffles

outside noise that we are certain nothing will detract from the captivating talks and enchanting

setting created within.

This state of the art theater will make TEDxQueensU one of the largest and more preeminent

TEDx events in the country. We at TEDxQueensU are ecstatic about the having this world class

facility with remarkable acoustics available to us and hope that you’ll join us in this excitement.

“the isabel will become a consummate storytelling space – stories that reveal the human condition for what it is: complex, often confusing, and ever beautiful” – Jerry Doiron (former Director at the Isabel Bader Center)


what we can offer

Each of our inspiring and innovating

talks will be recorded in the highest

quality and uploaded to the official

TEDx networks. By supporting a talk

you will receive on stage recognition

as well as prime advertising space at

the start and end of your chosen talk

to showcase your name and brand to

each of the videos’ tens of thousands

of viewers.

From online promotions to on stage

recognition, we aim to publically rec­

ognize and endorse each of our part­

ners and sponsors. Recognizing and

supporting the important work our

supporters are doing is a continuous

benefit that starts long before our

event, and will continue well after.

TEDxQueensU is also thankful for its

slate of private donors and we take

pride in recognizing their support.

With 1800 square feet of atrium

wrapped with panoramic views over

lake Ontario, we are pleased to of­

fer our partners the opportunity to

demonstrate products, services, inno­

vative ideas and revolutionary research

to the conference attendees. Interac­

tive demonstration booths (which we

can provide assistance in both design

and execution) will engage the confer­

ence attendees before, after and during

break out sessions of the event and is a

unique way to engage with your target


Sponsor a talk

Public Sponsor RecognitionDemonstration Booth SpaceHere are just a few of the successful pro­

grams and initiatives that we are able

to implement on partnering with you

or your organization. We hope to tailor

our service to your needs and would be

happy to discuss ways in which we can

make your donation, sponsorship and

valued partnership count.

TEDx has always been centred in digital medium, and our event is no different. Over the past five years we have amassed an unparalleled network of students, entrepreneurs, innovators, academics, researchers and visionaries that encom­pass local, regional, national and international interests and organizations. Connecting them, with you, is our central objective and aim. 13

Distributed to all attendees, and elec­

tronically circulated to our remote au­

dience, the event program is the most

direct connection our partners have

with our audience. With generous con­

straints, design assistance and a wide

circulation, traditionally this has been

a popular avenue for our partners to

connect with our audience.

TEDxQueensU extends far beyond a

single day conference in March. It is a

movement of dedicated and passion­

ate youth who hope to inspire, inno­

vate and effect change, not just here

on campus but across this region and

country. This is an event that has over

the past five years elicited a remarkable

amount of collaboration and provided

opportunity to so many. By supporting,

partnering and donating to our not for­

profit organization you commit to the

furthering of such revolutionary ideas

and to the continuing campaigning for

causes and for changes.

TED and TEDx have become synony­

mous with educating , innovating, and

inspiring, and we will continue to bring

those tenets to our event. By brand­

ing giveaway items, donating product

samples, and getting your name or

logo onto event signage, you have the

opportuity to align your mantra with

ours and show your commitment to

our tenets.

Advertise in our event program

Donating to a cause and movement

Co-Branding with a Globally Recognized Brand

Appeal to over 1000 mailing list subscribers, 500 diverse attendees and a vast social network





get in touch

General Inquiries: contactus@tedxqueensu.comSponsorship Inquiries: sponsorship@tedxqueensu.com

Thanks to our past partners: Launch Lab, AMS, The Sustainability Action Fund, Whole Farm Fine Foods, QTV, The Bartlett Student Initiative, The Team Room, Sheraton Four Points Kingston, Megalo’s, and our private sponsors.

James McDonaldSponsorship Lead

Tom EdgertonDirector

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