· 2016. 1. 22. · ~wri* jfi. jemocrat..volumexii. louisville,kentucky.monday,july...

Post on 14-Aug-2021






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N. York Advertisements.


INSURANCE.Commercial Insurance Co.



-5H &tT€**t. idcertirinf and Corrctpon^i xg Office, 360 BreadkCtf*

AUd JoUfirson, Eact aide,


n t>«K . ;at per year, payable quarterly • *6 ot

do, in a.lTanre- • • OCri\;n Cer t, per week, parable to the Carries.Li>'Dcuf 'M.e entry edition, per y a ar - • 6 00

b Ti* RMS OF ADVERTISING.I) .uaie file lit’ es, one insertion - • -ti ®0

r>'j each addi'lcinC i. sertioa • - - 0 J3

[Dv at Btatlii witkaat iltentitl • -6 00


• • '-

. do • • •'



If •: do do • -12o

* square - x laontiit, witliJut titertUoa - • IS uo’>o t v«ivr luontha. do Jo • • 8° w

. additionalmawtor g* voo-.t..a - - •JBI j do twelve morthi . . 10 Ml

ouare »ix mor-ths. renewable one. a week - HI 00•oaare twelve months. renewable twice a

k ... 40 00. itare twelve months. renewable once a,5e« 30 00

eoxt liif. bti+w FrankLu street, Ate Yoru.

Brady’s Gallery of Art,•• Oi NO. 359 BROADWAY, NEW YORK.801 nC’HE MOST CELEBRATED K8-

• 6 00 jE t ih'dhoeut cf the kind in the United Stater,where the AMBROTYPK, introduced in f ew York b>

- • Mr. Mrady, is executed in a style of perfect-on and du-"o ±- tability unsurpassed in thia country or in Europe

, Tt J .'rtra;U of all • .e candidates lor 1’ It Kall/K.NT andi , VICK PRESIDENT rre on exhibition at this gsltory.

u' Photographic copit * of th- same. ait g y or by the deg-


. . *300,01*0

.. 130,000



A0 **; BOOK3!!

4 NEGRO m^n to work os aJ. L. DEEPEN WOULD RE- (in r into ti F nuTOW V I iVV<'

At BingSold ». \spectful’y announce to hi* Mend* and the pub- vllltiiil OilLL 1U II 11 liUli^.j IK/’ORTH AND WEALTH; BY’ ts purler c«d, trusty h«*u«l, m »h **6 will t*- givrn

iIl# hcihithe has removed to the “Mammoth.” at rft u|r PlffPORlIfU inni NTATV vT Freeman Hut»t Apply, for pa to L wocrat Oflce. j Jif1 • r,. r r


o^lalrt. Th.Wbft.La” V Freeman Hunt. .aa»E»w i»':w»'wi. f iwiaoci

Tbe Wb te Chief; t-y Capi. Raid. The White Lady;! T7- . ,

r Heyno’de. V/antedrdlliSs rillfPAKV T<a f’tlWPT PTF. ihewilllceep a lar/e and select assortment of t’LOTIIS, * and Mmufacturing Company, having completed n.-vroM.

v- • s.j. .

Ilto W.«l,

^ v ***, 1 ' ' 'STI.YUS, of ta •l arraog, nie.-.ts, - Atrlea- by It • •• a a* utr t

i ly or9inited a d ready to enyare in a gereral „i.i auper. rouxity; nls .an elo.a.t atnck of K-a-ly- hi*neat bidder, a number of deairable LOTS tor bos.-\ Tie* Modern a rv-Tr r'

7 V ‘ **'

Frsurarce DOMinetr, and will isaue polimci to cover;Made CLOTUING and Oehtlemen’a FL HX1BIUNG nes, purpoaei, machine ,hop,, residencea, Ac , in the WniTand M«hew on the Hn«- hr T 3' c; .,

Property against fire and on Merchandise on the I GOODS. thririn. .sri »r !

uma, pi m »y new_on t;iho», t>r r. roreeter.

| ^ .s—• oceans, rlverb and inlau j routes; also, on Steamboat

jThankful for the custom exttnded

< n < r hundred, supple d at loir price.:*lm M. B. HUADY.



i.tAnj4nKRS. Piano Foktk MAwrrACifRaa?. !

I T/.No.A* Center atre. t. Nen York, w ftres * "may be found a superior assort meet of

or Vessel lluila. -nerstanDIRECTORS. 'moth the

Th>a. Quigler, Ja^obKed^r. the later

Thomas II. Hunt. h«lwio Morris. N- is.

It. A. Gardner. jrocnrHTI108.J. MARTIN, President. :

ut.tIr »

P. B. Atwood, Pecreury. hat ne e

ty* Office—Xortliwest corner of Fourth aad Main ‘ ll**’yJe -,

streets, up stairs. jy** dinslf OTH

Thankful for the custom exttnded to him at his for-

ster stand, lie will spare r.o efiort to make the Mum-

FURX1BUING ness purposes, machine shops, residences. Sic , in thethriving and admirab y -located town of wh-re ererylvidy can get an outSt in Coun'y of Pulaski, and ht .te of Illinois—commencingthe latest style and at a moderate price. * u XL’ KsDAY, July 15;h, lS6o, and continuing fromN. 11. lie would also ic'orm ihe public tha* he has dav today.

1 roctired the s-rvices of Mr. Hoath, well acowrn as a Xlie Lands owned hy this Company, under iedispn-'..'utter in this city for man* j ears, who fi uters him«?lf table titles, and proposed to he offered for sale, are| hat he can please the meat fasli lious in fit as well ns beautifully located on tbe Ohij river, six roi'es above

fmci Bartlett, »r Pr-iadie. an 1 Fanat cisu..Wit a- d W sdoro; bv Sydney biuith.Mrs. Soocge's Pp -rting Tear: >y Frsrk Fore«'«r.Gen. Walker’s Expo itton to Nicaragua; by Wai. .

Wells.The Attache, or Sam Slick in Ktglsnd.The Newcomen; by Wm M. Thackeray.Fur sale by d. RINGGOLD.

Hands wanted. None but good ones need ap-jylldlf

its junction with the Mississippi, on a b'gh,blutf bank,exempt .'-om overflow at the h fhest stages ot water,sas .1 the tsmetime below all obstructions to carig:,-

bo Fourth street, near

»IW aiiue seme time ceiow a;i oostructious ro cang.v KCW Bxkd| Xn - p i i f i» i \ tliu 111. . TI I.^T.

tuc, whether from ice in winter rr drought in sum Itt "• ’ * • • ' • I rl •*, MKrlll v I

nu r. having abun ant wat.r at its for the «JRr.r,N rP,x\f", rlLKED r ROM pricofer >% he .:. Com. »r Bj-.l-. r..u: andUV*.7r ru*^” . . . r

1^-* • ' l.T IRustraMdr.Utor um 1 •: row in il .n»rt rrin n if*n . ff^.nr f i vr » •’ * Imv 4-»r n . . . . — » «v . _

SHARES SOUTHERN BANK^WwJR S' c» at m v-se: pr ce:

A* shares Jeffisraonville It %i’roe.« jt-nrt at mar-ie* hot pree. HI Ti HING9 k Co.

WANTED-jl, twenty JourneymanMl AIMJtSlAKr.-iS want. I. Apply a: No. uif Ski Marx-t street. between I'urrri and « ni,. (

mvib M :gi p A Kt, • k

r.MAII wantkw.

Falls City Insurance i’onipuiiy, : bhirtsu just re-feFFICrt-NEWCOMB'S

. K T^V.vit'Simr.largest steamers at all times.

Pian^ F rtes, in pf?;n and ora«m-ou! canes, ft.uu ti to from Bullitt streetjorner of MainaadBulliiKtrects . Hntrane'

|patterns, tow it


30 00 oetHve-, of the best mater tred Capital, • - *;*V*,3flt,

»ipt, nalsq are for tw : lve months • 10 0U •istiiiguist.ed anistes to be unsurposse-d- Willbesold Of which lloO.OCCis paldln andseonred.c. 'v;-; a* at a proport i< i: ate •rice- Dis- on the most reaaora'de terms, and warranted to stand Oontinuesto insure Merchandise, Stock, tie-, ngalct

-"1 re. - r xtr* T>rlcea. in hi." climate. Ordfrg frem the ۥ>miry prom,- tty at- loss when carried on steamboats, or other rood vessels.

*: weekly, tmUd (•. and ei'.;. Piano guaranteed to give r;,ti»f»e- bv rlver.lake, * -a, canal, ard railroad r jutes, j- on any-i .. v.oin -t* ’v.are ch*. rged Olper tion . J I noi so. the Piano may be rcturue 1 to us, w# of thenavigab waters cf the commercial world: al’o

t r . <: ... c . * ... .... .uamf fpfun'Vn* fh# i iir.’v jnil fr.-ikKt rxrt I ill* rtf HtP&irihfi'itFRnd Oei.€r Vf-I? r. • ;


r« vi'.'M e-1 t, Ior*very sutweuuent!

refun-’ing the money and freight. ag*.iustlos» on liullsof Steamboats and other good.yeaAt t Great Kxhihiti. n at tne Crystal Palace. New t*lr; alsc.agsi: «i loss by Arc on Buildinpl.and Mer


1- . fyeerlvs. vertikersiefUicCycoD- Y-* A*. 1*51, a Prire Aledrl maa awarded to li aklston A ohaniiise.anc. pioper.y. _ .. .• • •• r’ f'es-s revu'e.r business, and Hac imes. the superior 'icaiity of their l’iano R. RURGK, President.

|M.. a •

- , ir r. ot considered at ‘ s, which were tested in touth, rear, equality, erdhur - -gt'-i.' of :U individual members. i

* amhJ'ty oj Innr, an t placed iu tne liulid g; ade by4J,.,r*’-inr. the following Ji*linc*<*ked artstt* : W > iiam Norris,'~ u ' * * i'll airman on Vumal Itn-truinen'!.; Juliien, Max 51a-

W ..tur street, betrcsL F,ist ard Second, Loult,Kr.

retiek, «V. H. Fry, K S. Willis, T. t; .'elrtt./. Meiancn, iv j k fio-i

rK j-.elius (hrac, l'wigt.t. J ury cn Musi' al (cst.'un.cnts; jrloi'cs


i VlNtOr* menu. jelOdhwlyF^miCrs’

i.w i Itaker, fy*HE EYE AND EAR. DURING r . ,>' A T I O It X t V AT L A \V. my l?te tour in Europe, I oUaftcd aevera cew A.


* IT© SRu MflL* At - At lujnvs,!lnafr«meBU*bdRc»edtaB of incalculable valne in my

K! O S COURT ?I. \(.F, LOUIS- speciality. There i» now rothingki'jwn to the faulty ffi I" Y»3i(i.'.. .. in either hemisphere with which 1 am n< t familiar, ** * blny. it-t nti which, conitiaisf wi h an exiensive practice for ij CAPITAL— - —

: J in the c>tv cf Xer Ti rv. enable* me to restore 11

• \a»lf.T.TAM VL&. k Jt‘. f tlGliT aid IIF.aRiNG in many cases hitherto deemed ®i,. . . ... ,, .

, " i ,cs* Ctarui-l positively curctij a new methoJ, IIcn.Thos.B • lorenY'm! ! A> > ’ BRASS rOUJiDI K, • tout pain; mao, g or Croat Kyea inn Caw TNomaa Hand • Beid

- Amaurosis cured in tbe mujontr of cal“ n%DJ ce ‘a *


Ur: auiatious. Lie is, i iltns or Specs, and VVat ry Eye, E. Penn Middl n,

• W’«5H*S*BV TUOlAl itannaK

;tCh* *ittf X i(n;mr.n,


invariably; i :?o, I e 'ntss, s.i ».i :_at in the Ear, anojG-oige Ilclmboid,

. inecnarfee-hy an entir-ly n;w p rocess. My“TteiUiso . .. ^UtAK. on t*.e f (price pi cevU), also AitTIi iCIaL d imes 2. Nea’l,

iu--.! » -Wt* Agent*No. S Court Place.

hi i a llnrtnrn. LYE8, which move an 1 |-os exucUy li e the niturcl1 1 eye. an 1 are inserted ait ;.->u: an operation, and td

COLLiX riN(; AND Bemeoi*.#, forwarded by mail, CantaUatiuiu by Utterrereite etprctal atu ntioa.

j.1 in. tV. tOWibLi M. D .Oculist, Aurist.&c.,nyuc* JeludAwly Offices XJitroadw ay , N .V. !

indcitiv A: Snuitli, FOTICHUMANIE. THE NEWand besiyiful an cf ornsraenting t!ie simpler.

i. L. Danforth, Secretary.DlkjttlTO&S.

Wis . £ . '’noJdy • Chs. Q. Armstrong,James Uridgetord, IT- A.Dumesr.ll,Oarid R. Young, John A . Dunlop.


Farmers’ and Mechanics’

Fire and Marine Insurance to.


OI* Philadelphia.CAPITAL *J0#,0*0


DIRECTORS.Bon. The*. B lorence, Edward R. llelmbold,

Thomas Hand- field, Isaac Leech, jr.,

E. Penn Middl a, Georgo II. Armstrong,Ueoige Iiclmboid, F. Carrol Brewster,

J.tmes E. Nea’l, Charles Dicgee.


Eptvsrh It. UrLMDoi.D, Secretary.

REFERENCES IN PniLADELPIIIA.lion. Joseph R. Chandler, Hen. John Robbins, ;r.,

Hon. William II Witte.

l> . : •Do, d. il-', standing do;

Muslin, do do, da do;Do, da do, Pyron d*;Do, do do, no <•

Farcy I.iieo Shirts, assorted styles;Do Muslin do, new do;

I.inen and Mu-.Iin Shirts, Lawn bosoms;l*o do '’Ight Shirts, aborted;

Collars, llyroo, s juste and round points;Do, ctanding, do do;Do, I’.y ron a jd Standing Linens, faery :

miles long, the property of this association; while pop| Au-.erican la yUI arra- gements, just ptrfi cted, g,ve us two mails Sa'al tor tbe

each wav daily over these wads. Sol.tary >’ Pr*VThe twlvar.tageou- arid lugh location of this pla>'», k -eive.t „i..iitsuscessibiiity a: all times a :d reasons, by Un * or ry u ?nvtr, poi/t it cut as the jreat crossing p’aceforthe —large number cf raiToeds passing and proposing t

Ta's tliroughthis vai,cy of the Mississippi, indj

intersecting and crossing each other at tfcis gfeat com- • fr'ttlJF F \moa center of the UtJon. In addition ti the «dvan- I fi11

t ves of these ure-ai extend'd raiircad facilities, up- I

*- sewn-*—


The Wusdenr—a Tale of Life’s V eissi’.udes; by the|

author of ‘'The Watchman." Price *1Emma Bsrtl-U, cr Prejudice and Fanatisism; by an


American la 4y.Ss!al i«.r tbe Soci il; by the author cf “flalad for the

Solitary ” Pr*ce *1 Si.Kc'etved and f, r ss> by

CH Ad i>. KIRK, Morvrt Buiidirg . I

mySJ ,ltf le:twevn Msioaul Water st'eetaWANTE D. W E A R K PAYINGw w the raark-t f..r Loaisr le tnd Na-hvi’l.

Railroad Stcckfti

the raark-t price for Louisride and Na-hvilloISti-ck aadScnp.


Just Ready !

rg^HE FAVORITE DISH OF THE®- sewo-s—r,REKN PKA'A—picked from the patch

\NTED NORTH AND SOUTHhi»0A. %nd 111:noi* Baak NvU# %t i

Aw r% tpm.C'-Tll HUTCH !>a'*<* .% CO.

e§p i jy* -a* cxteisd^i r lii-cad facilities, uy- !

*. ww*-<iKKfcN rKAVpiCk^l rron th® fiteh « 1/ s * I 4 t.

ventY risers poar >he ’ate 8 of irorf *haa I or **Inv:iiM« fir^en# Biq. Th;# p*?a!V!e d;fh >• p»e-j

* r f » • 1 at > • • 1 - Is \ .1. • » •••r .l a :u ^ HuUiDg LluCuft isLi * , .vtM.. W »g»..y riu.J pniii >nc viic bui i.'»r: i* " • "M T ' r

Sizes troci to 1 « ir*?h neck^. Lnrge ar*i sr all men thirty tViousmad m'.ies cf navigation pa?t th»s point. * t»k*»a in rail c nflJer *j tuat yM Apprtite w Ucan slwHys find a njc« 1* ?: oi Sh its at h 3, scuthnest draialDtf innttiw-i acres <>f the mc-i: fertile 2 mds cot he ap->ri##-ed *y an articl- :*tr*er so :-«i tn thecorner Mein and Third ^trettj. of the knota world, And pr* r i s#r &H their treadh of atd.wDeCer early or lAle an the season, w»’«l »!-


O.AUZE BUMMER UNDERWEARUs gjik gb : rts and Drawers, hssorted sizes;

Merino do do, do;Lisic -Threal i’o do, do.

All kinds of Summer UacUrwearr stje30 MANSFIELD’S.

products by means of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers * be foiled savory, and to .mace ofir to the (lull of Mcxic.', and th-.-ice throughout tr.e “marrow f»t ” Threw “wml-fi '.cu” p«,Jjglobe. measure. Price *1.S very pos*ibi& facility for one of the largest mne- For sale b/ F. A.

f Date! aihird: 11T

iron, coal marb e clay, stone, aou limlatr. uusurpa<stl i_ . . ...... . _ ,

by any i :h*r section e'.therin <iualit7,quactt\ , or »a- i-s! I ANDARD I'lPT'.RI \L l)n-ty, are a'l to be hal in the greatest »bun 1 n, e, with B t 3 i i-

ar->rtfs-eu ny an article .tier sun-u m tne: Farm tnr ‘k.’iitrd, whether early or Iste ,n tits Season, will a!- '

*«iu» iu»z

be foiled savor* , and tu smacg of the gtnuino Tiir V A 1 * At i u' T'JP itvow fat >* Threw “we..-fWpodj mak* up u-c -l ,

1 ' r‘ 1 vul * Hr- l N-re. Price *1. *i - iwr*i*neii, litwoZed on the bank of »h- Ohiou!eb’ F. A. CRYMP, rlwr. ia K- .’.ncky , ka iwn a« " Hsrmony

Il Fourth stree', t, -a/ Market Lan 'i».’’ i o r -rri frr «-

• a . , u~ tingferm* It is onhr II miles *6 ve LouU I ••• sort


“ u J ’ T'‘

F. A. CRCMP,II Pcurth stree*, u-\t Market

ith su'staiiiiwl buiidings, «t. re-house, and

VKW HUDKS BY T. 8. ARTHURz. * The Wwl-t'rr G«e*t—a Frien I of the Br*de ar> !

Kridegrr om-;

•» yp , stetl D nt-sii*ce, c'oth; ”»c.i* ,'i ! N : \ v»rs.or Two Way* of Liviux laths

World Hof pp.. *teel frontispieew, ciotk; 71.-.

The Mcthei’a Hulc. ort*« K>gbt tv Hy a.ii tht Wrong


N ^ •. • :V-V.7 o*:

:•• ‘ books by i s. irthur

! B' ill chart!** V^tlAl ia:r‘, ytp-

I[I J g 1 'll

OLN^h ,V »Yb* "j

In pnirt of hcj''.hb : rg h’gh and drv, ,;r. and free Vr- ala and Ne e .'•’rs. <t T*o Ways f Living in th",• I from miasma and t

Wu.Xuuw!! >v- »-

-, j/ > \ * . I hrec’-s fioiu the rivers In so,. 'Dei-, and a mi^, tenial The Mcthei’s Hale, or tb- R'eb.t 'k ny ths Wrongt J. • Alikl • • «) c imate in wi. t-.r, f-ee : a fxtr- .aes -t ;• y tc*.*or, Y ' ' t -piece, e*«db ~’y.

I if ' G„i r. r el If 1 1 our locati on can vie »ti» :her j>i»ce up< nt*,» f he True Path, aad Ho”to Wa:» Tt> rein. 3C* pp ,

sice,, i. Mkta ,n AttwJJ beauti ul Ohio, while iu point of b. iuty of site, a . I: s st-d fro:, list -e. il i "i -.

" v ,t ek.-nded vista up tie Uaio and down th- M - s ip:'i, "-71130? Ci.eer fur I-- T • 1. th* I •K i.v, and

*<lii li 1Hii* 1* its rear, we cl to that it baa no rival, end th it 1 he Dur !

rn.---: t'u-'ir •res v d I-ut- j «,_Joy i it-l

Great Architect >>i the univ a-’ I,«s ma-ie few places s-j ro»s. Zjo pp , steel fr-utist - • c->r;7“ " _ . _ _ “

’ abounting itiKlltberequisitcs for a lar^e sud populous 3r * MO'iTOH S* GRINWOLD.O II (* B u ! 6, LIKE OTHER c><7-

, , u ,z

. r~ — —

tai ar#sfl Fr "W.t* * Siir and Fanrv Uvr-r hr fc re- rothe!aechanfc,thc»«rchaDt*th« professiCQR] m iIit.i lUi’S (•HI %1 \?OKK

Toi Dale

I Newport Steam Saw-Mill,!Near L-'.cjji'uS’v s’eatn -aw-toi in Jeri'j City,

i Wrong| s-’j- t tiiti; l*n.lace b, K7.

3«i pp .;


,;^ai p'acee. Fr.Weih:, Silk and Fancy Dyt-r, hnsre'

-icr a, vnitsbie *-r ib,,t sari, m.-i front; g tfcoetnesse* Hirer. It is Is, fee: a ,ti<

raw* eapable of saw ng -0 fe, * », »rd a s: sh saw.Th,s mill f-.r • re- gtk and emc.ency is not t.r,.,u i

by at,y in th* l oion.For : -rms an I other part; -atars :;,pi7 -u ‘V* p-'m-

iscs.erto c. A » VnORjwAJ dhwlm Padnob, Ky.

<AT JOHNSTON 'fo PAINTSR'8 DEPOT),• Ki,uThird ttred«i»Jt«.f LOriSVILLK. KY-


UONTENz,SEaRY Si CO - Wholesale Store,JelO d&wly bi)2 Broadway, N. Y.

R^ID GLOVE CLEANER ! AXIM-h u portant T'i'cov.Ty to the E.—nomist— 'in- ethingKctirrlv New !!—Just imported, “JOl’VRS'S INDLdt-

Harper’s Magazine,

r./.r.riJT T Av DADrDTCflV 1 KOl'8 PKPPAKATION," for instai tly clkanihu KID d0 stacks. Col:a' eralCROWELL & KUxiXviW J SUiN ,GMIA-K-. wittrat the slightem b'lULL. Rub a small ^ ,

‘ l ,

.portion on the Glove, a:-d tiie dirt instaj.tlv disappears; Caah in Bank and on hand

THAN POK r ATION AN D can be worn imme lately a’tenrards. t)ce isj’tie isj

Capital subscribed, payment nctyetili. . . . warranted to c'lean “ftv pair of Gloves. Price 50 cents.

at P»57« a t Try it be* ir buying. Ail the agents are presented with » remium ncUs.nct maturedMi* islIJMvrilik e rs, an ot»n Inuleio prove is operation. Agents are coin- Duefrom agents (secured by bond*)..


C$TKST?NIABTA ClU0** Expenses and commissions

jtl'J <jAly At holesale More, tug Broadway, N. Y.

I *’**17. E»X f Tryitt- 1 buying. Ail the agents are present'I A t»i«» /vPdt A a m tax * H'5^ an < p» n b lUle ti pr.iv, tr ot , r 'ion. Agent* ar

I . „ . ..... ling nonty ty tiie ur-pmedented demand.f


jclOdAly AVholesale More, tu-J Broa iway, N. Y.

M:BROHANTS. WIHE NEW YORK DAILY SUN ISF'-iirth No. S4* Louievilio, lay. rent to clubf.hv mail, *t IJ year. Getaspocl-

t - 'Agents ta 3*sUrn andNoi there Transp- itatlon!

mm copy (furuishe l ^atia) and seethe terms, bendI . Em. 11,

t)t?,3r7 31

I»,738 61

11/62 33

£uu Office. New Yrric.

Total amount of losses scarred, hut

not ytt adjusted,

Fire 11,166

ilarine ?,l>00 CO


Prill'Bgl._ .

! y.r .i ar- n ,w ;d full t’de of operation, with oidere foriir.e French Cloths and Cassimeres, new style, ad m»|t id,,f their mean* to supply, raw mil s, machinec , rj for Bus ness uuv, which wi,l t-e made up t > and other iXop* are in conrw of erection, and every-

order as cheaply as they eit be purchased of any ,Hn» ibc e.ri* ,, .

f». J. WILLIAMSI ARCHITECT AND BUILDER,FBaM at ,bet. 'tValnat and Cter:n;tt

( L :iuii*ville,Kj’.


3 » r 'unoetotbe citizens of Louisvi’.leandvicivfr th*’ b- ia prepared t-igived -s sts,iuake drawing*nd- xcca ebuildingaof every description ar.dstyleof

Jgy-TUi *t'ef rences can be given. iaSldfm

Atchison 6c Smith,jkt> R >' E Y S AT LAW,

No. 3 Court Pl?cc,

4,660 66 Louisviil#,

^ ^ ItSTThis Conspmy efTest insurance on houses per-

manently, cr for a limited time; also, wn merchandise,1 1S56.

i. furniture, mills, manufactories, and Teasels in port,

asai&stLOBB RY FIRE,^ AsAgentofthe above Solvent Company, I am pre- are

pared to issue policies up^n most favorable terms on j^e>pectMtcargoes in course of transmierion to or from tny point ruthmthe

_mv|5' dPoi of jlurope or America, hulls of steamboats navigating :

jiEMOVAI the Western waters, and all descriptions sf propertyJ hf


and building j sgainit lesser damage by fire, in town ,',-cthe ar:i

H ENR\ DAVENPORT, JI ANIj- and country. stock cf ev

fa-tnrer md Dealer in 0(X)DYEAK'8 PATENT 2 jT Ail losses will bs adjusted and rromr’ly seltlcd Spp!MKTAL1C KT'BHEtt GOODS', has removed h>* busi- ... TTncounltdne»s t-i No. Sfi Broadway , New Ycrk, where he will

“ e‘ .... |ls<imi'7te

order as cheaply a3 they earn be purchased of anyo! Inina tatiiblishment iu this city.Ceg No. 471* Msdu *Ueet, held ecu Fsurtk and Fifth,

Louisville, Ey. apJ-i


Violins, Ouitais, Flutes.


p. a. the h^u-Vf,’i, — i, very large, together with every aitleV fe- visitors, and vJ 1 remaA -iJtl lo-gi: g to the Mus-s tran-y. F r «. e whole- 1 tb- tru*te-»«. oct ; ' *o!,|

yrr is art now ;n run t-de or operation, with orders Tar v iuiiuj, uiuidis, aty z tuice. K j i»,.\:«;;Yaheadoftheir means to supply, kaw mills, machine

, »IV HTnrir n» THn . u ,kVI. A sisnse* of J-- ni . %’ .An * Co.aud other sVops are in ccnr.e of erecuon, and every. -’ll 1 HL ABU? f, P. A. The hvo-o is mw o; Drth rrc-t: oofthing denotes the early and complete sdter;* of the - r i.,"


,- is very large, together wi - h every article fe-1

v si tors, and w J rem sin s .. u !_*g t - w an »g»i-ie;i: >*r Ming. • llh-i < i it,— j' o tr*.. - F r «. e whole- I the r«t‘l •<•!<! ivlu-lJjw

Echo'd, »Ld churches, par»s and public sjuares, have TST* sale Jt retail allow pricea by— * “

been amply provided for; and in the arrangement of D. P. FAI LDe. 5?) Main »tree', OlV «*ll*W till* d.1?4‘the plans of Uie Assoctaion, an eye has beenhsd P> all I JeJl betw-en 8-cond and Th r-1.,rH 1,1 * 1 *** "• «» •

lirteM. sitil wl4. jbJ.41A

Owen's Hotel ior isle.1

v* 6Kt t*j uiiite the utile cum Juice in aj creat ti:*<re« ho

rt- HE DEMANDS OF THE TIMESA. are iuiperutivo. We must either keep up withthem or lag .-ehiud. A good spring and suruioci tradeis expected on every side, and we have pr>videdforarushimtho

CIoifiiMK Line.

so &• to Unite Ihe uhlc cum Juice in ar great it degree hsi Al! the lets upon the outride of "he rpiare*

ITtw Bocks. Mjrslial a 9al«.a-. I feet front bv lz„ feet deei ; 1 t< in the center of fSlHE EMiNFST M AN — \ sTCFTl’ 1

!each aqnare arc 36 feet front by tel feet deep, arranged 8 ,,v r • . , \ ...

1 V .

in blocks of J lots each- i * crf

.,h Character ard Labors rf .Mpniraai Jud-

The terms of payment and conditions of sal , hav? * ", first t:i4-i --arvt j'-.rri h- br Mrs. It C.Ouamtbe- ii made very favorable, so a, to come within the kL*?

11VS? Jlk

* ltf tjr 'it Wl lt,n t' 5". of; hy Jacob tm ».

3. A. Atch'jeB, A m'r < fW. B.uwen. lecea-e I. In Chancory.

No. li J* .


t $T Ail losses will b# adjusted and promr’ly seltlcd

by me.

ihe Directors invite all to come and exarain- for*u.«elves, feeling ajsured that tone Will go i::sap-•int--d away.Tcrms arm Cosdi iioas or Saks.—One four.k caih in

"it »i.d Wisloci of the Rev. Sydney Smith, with3Jcgraphil»i M-moir a;d Notes; by Evert A. Luyc-kinck.Poems; by Richsrd Ch'ncvix Frem h.

S»Y VIRTUE OF A DECREE OFMWth* Looitville Chaucesy 'lourt, rvo lered :n tk«

re c».>e, th' uml.•?.«.. e I. or ~.e if u«. si I. v.TUKaDaT, the -*thjd»v c l Ja y. . iB' it ehou.of |u o'clock, a. a., r.a the we se ! to the high***

Spring tttttl Suntmpr Garmpnt*.rnequkledin America. Ti.astyle ofour workmanililpissir-i v tested already. "ei:atetriedto*urpasHOur-sei.ej tail spring: at, i, feeing fully convinced of ourHU c- s.a.we ui * w .j; i\ t the decision of the trading

„ . i.ova II. H. TIMRERLAKP, Arent. ,

Broils Vb. Itic*! i— —•— — Jr i— Lotibfivifle IniAiuraiitc Co.,

Eobinscn’s Patent Gridiron office on the north side;

HIITV’CT Tril' TUYl Yfl n i v i1 ^ of Mnin litfWt,hftWCCl: ?bil*2 %Dd Fo*lfthjJYC

JAUA1AM i ML HO IMf I A> ! ;fc*8toreof P.g. Benedict.

JT IS A WELL-KNOWN FACT i i i i *ES“ that n eat >>rcil»d is much mere ps'.atahle, tender. Tij* Oour.pKnj being noworgantsed ,will sake *.nsaM»d heat’hfui than wt • n fri> i. A); sliced meats ought rsnoe on Iluils of 8te»tubohts, on Cargoes iiy *aso,‘jitobebroil-d Tb.e new Gridiron is as convenient as the vessels at sea, acdsy theusnal modes ofinlar.d trans-



a he Crreit CloLhins House of

c^lSPBOULE & MANDEVILLE.M'Ll' FI(,L ON 1 Hb NOR . H 8II)F I No. 481, C't»r. of Main a.tfl Fourth Sts., Pn .udttfpon inibe


ir of Main street, between Third and Fourth,owe monthsfroni ua, of. ;h**torecf D.B. Bouedict. LULlb 1 ILL*., A T. released frem all in

WN fact aw/aftSKs, : :'

i iS;S|

a arge ami elegant stock i.r„.'i>’.atable, ter. ier. Tij* Oomv-acy being noworganlsed ,wlP rtake ‘.nsa Hi of Spring and Summer Clothi :g aad Ucntiemen’s th* Secretary, at Moci’d meats ought

, rsnoe on Hulls of RtefTabohts, on Cargoes iiv eaao.ty 1 L"— -• ••

tne luua.'uucai c lyiaeDiotuw purcr.^ze m nev. Any; , , . C

P jrch»>er ot lots who shall erect or c mse to be ereoie.l 1

6 ^ '. i1


, _ff P :,»hmenla.

ttp-m atiy lot pur - ha»«J a sub*t tctizl I ram* hou>e. * d eivsu an J ipr sale byf

llaiaii the s*o-e after the a.) le ut modern architcctbre,,

*• 11 A°- p - Nlkit. lutar, Bu ,-l,-. gs.

not less than two atoriea high, and paint the samu Drat — u<< umvi j ^iTooutovuly ; or » brick, stone, or marb'e home,of hke sty ,e, ith- ;

E.”v* tx “U il OD L S . S l t* r. R b 1 N fc.

it twelve mouths from ti.e date of sa>,su<: purchaser H Blackboard Crayon* Cno gr »* in a box fordsshall l>n released from the mteres* ujion th. i urchase c-nts. [j- ?J VORToN s.<iM- ,U»LD.mon«F cf .-.-i i lot, and te entitled to an ad '.iti pal — —abatement of ten per cent, on the principal thereof: or, . \'FW MITVTf’ t l r jtif built upon in the manner aforesaid, with,n eigbtesa nr-„, ^

1 1 1U • J u * 1

it* of 1. N and 1J mouths if *• i t te'h-*. ,u 1if soul

•. .

IA) A'.d ur fer J HI, • credi' of f Qo .th*. »r 1 over lit*,ere ’.its o,' * an 1 V ctoi.t'.*. Wi » .1 also »*!!, on e editsof and * month*, tii > - »»!•! est ate *ni.n.v- v*-msnts on the two p *c*s of gr uad tr‘ ntms or Grwen


vr«*t. daol leasehold e*t .tr wi.; be a 11 sa ject to a i

- pur-|

! Frying l’an. sr.4 much more t-cononical. lia.i-.g a nonation find also'on, r.gai-,-: i

OLOTHCOATI, hvp UI FFIllNT TfWlTlI downward tikes all the smoke and gas np as-er.v v

,j fire. D. B. BEN C&ICT, PreiMcnl. Fine black, Hue, brown, and olive Drees and Irosk’l rt IA«», Oljr. r.lK.lw* v, * ”« i if the rbirnnev, coolts th* meal through in its own juices Wit . F>oTBS*,9eerrtary. Coats.Drawfng.Md Leeching. Mr*. licsat Wbbek will ’ without burning it, saves all the fa’, re iuuts meat bills

i MEgOTOUS ' PANT3.Krr. lltMl Wr»er will without burning it. eaves all the fa’, re iuuts meat bills

b* at oil times ready t > wait on ladies. tpi' e>y full ^6 per cent., and can be used over a wood or coal ,

w . .;Price for the round. 1° inches d : ameter U 00

C DiT’lFFo*' •lOFlf’ll.I

Do do square. 9 by 14 inches 3 iP

_ _ . „_ . . I>o do oidoDg, 7 by 16 inches Si 0c i


j. ’

. rpSUSTptoS We wU?ae.d*VyA I b ,1, h, / Ibrvt. n k. f Gf c

rcw these sisesto any part of the Unite 1 ftates, east of the

>!>;ia.ippi (or not far west of it), on receipt of the

f cL'«y r

T^t^! * be*b!

v«r°*SKle 0f 1 ’


Money may be uectbv mail,“registered” at currisk.r ^tfr jc .iiKLdtrcU.zYrr

frank CABT6K C8T* Kgwt* WKutrd in every county v io«ni and city


C ’Tcir i»-ion M'rchania, LouisviHe, Ky. We, the

WM. PxzTBsa,Secretary.r.’iEtOTOUS.

Real J .Adum *, A. A. (Jordon,Thomas M. Wilson, William l’.Uur

D. 8. Hen edict

I m:/<vn t *• ft month* from uay of sale, t hen such purchaser shall beLV ' A 1 •


tr leased frtta all interest upon the purchase money

gAUUK AND KLI-;«ANT STOCK a...*,,..„a.,“ • of 6 pr, ligand buoamt-T Uoth-.r g sad Gentlemen th- Sccrtory, at Mound City, Pules a county, Illiuois.

t arnishiug Goods. or to the Company’s Branch Ofiic :, No. 67 West ThirdCLOTH COATS'. street, Cincinnati.

Fine black, blur, brown, and olive Dress and FroekBy °rJtr ° f th<? Board ° f P

il?gl?iEB , Pr-s-dent.Coat“’ oswra J. Griswold, Secretary.rAN * w. L ti uj of E. K. E. u M. Co.— Emporium, Puisski

Black Doeskin Cassimere lhint,; superfine fancy Cas- county, l.i.nois.siruere Pants, every style and. quality; business BOARD OF DIRECTORS.Coats, Pants, ana Yes's. _ , _ . . „ „

V ruts U K. Liot-sey, CoviDston, Ky.; M. M. Rawlings,

o. i XF.W MITSIU JUST ttawttls Mg mlfra.' ul Jaiy. hM.prwVmih

lt ’ J L » I The por'K-rar purchase's*, 11 Vso be *eqn"edh_ 4 . _ 4,

give bond whs ap;r« ve l security, bearing intercs. ..--V' Thu Nat,.ina! Democrat,- Con vention u q§ she 4%y uf sale t*)l ra

’•fiA.Y' olk *- JiMtonal DemocraUc Coaven-;

iik.nry DENT. M. L. C.C.,

T. Bartley, simere Pants, every style aud- quality; BusinessIvlTdtf Coats, Pants, and Yes’s,

r VESTS.-lotisey, Ciity, Ilia.


Tl0 polka. National Democratic Coatei*** f. ticn Mar-h.Ro«y Dr'am Polka. Union Polka.Floral Bhiit* Waltzes.Star ^pangleJ Banner—Song and Qu artet’.-.I’m Thine and oyly Thine—over the left.Bright Star of the Morn—beautiful song.Skylark Cavatina; ry llatton.Matrimocv Polka.Rainbow Polonaise; by E W G.


,Piano Manufacturers.

Wareroom—ICSFcurthst jen

I jylOdtd JUI1N M. DKLi ll. Deputy.Lexington Statesman, R ,wt<nggr-en Stan laid. ar4

Cincinnati Eu-j sirer copy till day of safe aud send ba.l1 iczmediaaely t» thizofllce.

For Rent.

M A NEW AND E I. K G A X the salt *i<i« of Bs’ts: street, b*itw-eo F’.ryd and 1’reat’r. siree’s. artjo j,- ,

I D- Plenties-’* fdi ’-u', c • n.-.ig a hail, tv par•ers, d room, kitcher, ha’h--'.oia, se van**’ ro m.aad four ihain’er*—'u-n she*! t r >agb ist »i;.i saiParlorRraud a»il!aquAri> Pirdo Forte*, and four chamnsra-fu.-n shed i >ogb at * 1 ’ •*•

* at- I w\-cr hx’.i r-s. T’’ere is a a* d or ct a’ihla.

,-.i4P3SSSr- . A COMPLE VE ASSOR f-!



Ve'.weer Ms in and tbe liiver-

cl.ville.Oct. I,IPMFRANK C APTfiR ~ _ . m

s /a^ • teas w u inrETT ’ in ; eUtTion. Circulars uith full dt-uription sect on

yrMzz&k;n r,,, a..^v ,C'g Manefusturessouetted. iepje

. ,pJj,gfcwnm D* Duan* st-eet. New York.

™ w BulL;tt*treets, second story, Nevoomb’* BuildingsThis Company continues to make Insurance Kcaiust

the peril* or navigatian on el^ps, steambost*. and their

* Patsst L'ityrx Co> Duane st-eet. New York.

cargoes; also, against loss by fire on vessel* and steam -

bv* 1 * (building and in port), and houses aDd content*Acrzham liiTs.tfe'’ v. JAS.TRAliL'Ed’res’t.




C ommission Herchants.pASH A D VANCE8 M ADE OX

^OOlRir LBCDtf to tli€ ikOYC kOQICI l»Y.

anil Dl'MEb.ML. BKL.L At CO .oskMsicst.


/1 ONTRA 8 T THE TINTSbrought «m in the hair by Christndoro’s mitchleg*

revlUlix'ng Flkir-Cye, and t!,o*e neodocedb* eppheat- on • f the Durcitog fluids or-linorily Hold as Hair-uyes.Y'ou *ee j,t oticeihat the c dor is natural in one case,end urna'urai iu the other, and the simple r asu-n is,

li at Christadoro’s is the only preparation wh’ch, by it*

William Gay,James E. Breed,•lames 8. Lithgow,James B. Wilder,

mrH dkt w’im

William Garvin,John W. Anderson,William Ilughev,Lawrence Richardson.

Linen, and Linen Bosom Shirts, froia the largest to thesmallest sizes.

UNDE11SHIRTS AND DRAW ERS.Silk, Merino, Cashmere, '.isle Thread, Cotton and Lin-en Undershirts and Draweis.

Kid, Silk, and Li*le Toresd Gloves; Stock Cravats;l ies; Pocket llaudkerchieid. Suspenders; Umbrella*,and Carpet Bags, for sate low atn.yl d'.f SPROUiaE at MANDE V ILLE'8.

....„ ..... . .... ii mutabit- principles. Made. sold, aud appiud (in ten1)1 .Ur.b.a Ho a a^xr., private rooms) at Cbrirtadoro’s, 6 Astor House, Broad-

ui u ,


v tT ,. rrT w: y, New Y'ork. Also, for «ale by the principal Drug-iai> r.i.u., gi«ts and Perfumers throughout tne country.

A (i i. N’ T S FOR NEW YORK New York Agents—W. H. Cory A Co.; Ward, Close

Steam 5ugar-Befming Conip’y. ° - NlcLoS3 *' M Fourth street.

Toe Echt! Tbe Very Beet! IJOSEPH GRIFFITH,

\ff\NY PERSONS WHO HAVE iuro*T*tmiTi i-ed the art *i - * f >r sale by others, and I’een Ariis and f ishing Tackledifnup« ttited i& tit *r eip^ctiti* i»s« f kvp deci r aly aa- Oser ed that J. Cr.Jadorac ExceUtar I :ju-d H^r lly, WHOLESALE ANT* . . . n |.. t).a hugr I1M n*ar?*t lilfi d VP I k' \ ’ ** r.Air.

n i ii t 4 . !

SomeUiing New.1 1 tiiici Lottery. « ust received at thf. sign

rgUIE NEXT ORDINARY DRAW- *£ of the Oo'.len Hand, a lot of Gutia Perch-% Fr.un-JK ing of the Poyal Ifvvatia Lottery, conducted


!,’J'Pyrinre, an 1 Ratling Tubs; a'so, Hospital Pheets

by the Spanish tiovurncient, under the supervision <>f Ior bed br jtect>,r*. I lano Covers, and Crumb Cluihs—


tbe Cat tain General ot Cube, will take pface HA- Itery beautiful aiticlefact chemical combination, operata* on natural and tbe Caitain General of Cubs, will tike place UA !very b-autiful aiticl-

» :-v,X'V York. Also, for sale by tbe principal Drug-girt* aDd Pirfu-uers throughout tue country.New York Ajents—W. Ii. Ccry S Co.; Ward, Close

It Co.Louisville Agent—Mrs. G. Nicholas, 85 Fourth street,apk* dStwIOn.-

V AN A, on ' GRO. BLANCHARD, Sign of Golden nand,


-J; (fe°-CT-^c-— ^aiB lU-

£,r» “ic a«<a, i*" ,ii afw,k^'?i, q jEANS ANj) LIN8r,\ .

^ij_i V. J$ - ki. ^^ CL 3 2 IsS bates white, fine article;«m "!" ^ Wwa* W^* m oO Jo extra *.r *y, mixed, and other colors

” “ —; Laatsvilw manufacture); for saiebv

Sorlro Nomcro 5G« Orciiuario.,

my? BilADY a dayik


£ < KUCER1K8.lw) hiidi fair ucd prime Sugar;Li Uka Plartati ju ilolasae*


•A1*: bag* Coffee:so Hi refined Sugar:So hail r t ia Golden Sirup;

l.VJ pVgsTea, green and black;7S b’lxes Candles;1*0 do Soap;SO do Starch;7j pkes S. C. Soda;

rOn do S. F. Incigo;oio lexs Nail*:

loojto Cigar*, various brands;to dozen Cove Oysters;

I.W 0 carsfruah Peaches;ICt* boxes Tobacco, V*. and Ky.;60 bbls Cider Vinegar;SoO ta xes Window «,iass:

Also, Cotioo Yarn, Cotton Batting, Cotton Twineand Cordage, Candle Wick, Carpet Chain, kc;in store and for sale byjyll THC8TIN X ELY.


IdwM^HxjfineLt of the above instrument* now on, rf ft * hand and for sale st low price* by

» 4 V- * * C J. KENT, No. 67 Th-rd »t.

N. B. Second hand P.anoa takeu in exchange for1 new. apH

Fine Violins, Guitars, Ac.!


*•: .•>*-!• the East, a large lot of Yiolios, of supcr.or! tone and finish; Guitars, Flatus. Flutinas, Accords!ons, Strings, new Music, and Musical Merchandismay be found at the Music Store orapU C- J KENT, 67 Third st.

s DOSIN’. 3W» BBLS SELECTEDKK Rosin, for soapmaktrs’ use. mr saie bymy 17 CORNWALL fc BRO.

Pe*ses*irn given Juiy I ’, l-*«>. For mfonpa’lon, cafat M. filho’1 s s’one-yaM, on fourth street. o*i*»*


Green and Walnut joddirt*

9*000 a’uildin^' LotsFOR BALE

In Prairie City, Kansas,t


MO TO sol) PER LOT!ij>KAIRlK C»TY, SITUATED ON-ML th-»reit Sinta Te R a,f. severiy-fivw.n l»s *•*’.ofthe 31i.-s<.uri n >er. h,a L-en I idctl ym < :*?»•••cistion, pnnc’piHy citizwas of Lro s\ id- and i s «m-ity. in :h' eeuter of * ; .r.- t rt u - j. : \bar; t in Kansas Fr m t> - c i , i ve .»«»,RXTRA FLOUR. A FEW BAR- ES^u!? ^

S-irels Mehaffer’s extra, just rece-»e 1 anrlffr .ale thr jg.: to- ue : :* tr#U. FERGUSON -k SON.


JOSEPH GRIFFITH, |CapitaI Prize 860,000!!(KfOBTik or

1 Prize of *hu,000 15 Prizesof.. tl.WV

id Fishing Tackle ! « K g « T,, f » «rr, VJU’T'ITT I

1 “ “ *’WS 161 ** “ a°"Lr. AND j.L.AtL, 1C “ “ 3,iff) 16 Approximatlt-ns, k.tOh

_ o. r • jy,1

Four Apj-riximatioas to the grff.OUi—HOo each; 1ZeOta, title, A i


0 f *400 to 4JU.0W); 4 of Id1

!) to SUhlWO; ) of SkOO to .

REG8 I.RAVF Tti *’Wo.

Whole Tickets, $10; Halves, 35; Quar-herf, that he has new on hand, ters, tp2 SO.d tr constantly receiving, direct Prize* cashed at sicbn at 6 per cent, discount,cm the manufacturers in Kug- Bills on all solvent Banks tak»n tt nar.

t J. Cr,-<tadoro't k.iciL-ior Liquid Hair-Dpe,

Is ru I only tbe beat i>- -paration tor dyeing the hair,

but th I tne 1 1 err winch have hi ,n so greatly laudedBear no ( otnp*ri*"in whatever to h.*.

J. Cnttad’.r. » Excelsior Liquid lla'.r-Dye will inva-|

ris'-lv L>erf ria what it promUes, which no other Dyeswill The Mack it produces is n t a dead, glittering

-.olor, but beauUfu 1 snd iifehac; tbe br .wn and auburniasimiia’e sc near v with 1 he colors of nature that it is

Im t r sai’ le to detect the presence of u Dye.For saie wholesale and


If Remember the number—86 Fourth street, ceai

Matket. mr<>»

Wm. Ostborii,

H *• Louis C- crushed aDd powdered Sugar received

\ FIT!. 1. AKSflBI \IF.\T OF penteamerYY.J. Maclsy and fo- sa'ebyA„

U *n,


?ss Il its, of ’he finest uUtlitv and latest fash-j

I, for tO tlSV 1 SlltfS nt bOlK DOLLS., S. -— T |. —, ,, |« »• .I ...... f)Tir;IIPf U

tAS. B. YYO'jD. lal Market street.;


iordage, Candle Wick, Carpet Chain, kc; & 1Ui’ FEE.>re aud for sale by

_Hn*TTN k *I.Y 1150 wa Rio Coffee;l TUUBTlfl * kli

. Xtt bi^i L9fatyr»^p9 A !Ko. Ijrtielt;Landing from sviiner* Woifiiiie, Kocx, <al Jacob

Fif INED SUGARS. 100BBL88T. Pc’, and for sale to ike trad# byr ..a ..a JcuS CU RD k CO.

FifthStreet,meat £fain t Loni»vM*9 K±

\r.A If cfvDAtantly reedvinf,4iruat Prizes cashed at sight at b per cent, discount.T* from the nsatmfactarers in Kng- Hills on all solvent tUnks taka^ tt psr.iand#Fi.c;ush double and single hhcMjuns.of allquaJ \ drawii.g will be forwarded afcccx. as the result be-u:-. ... I ...Iao# * I!r*n rffrs aril Pifltnlt nf • IIties. *•’ «, and price*: lvCTO *vef” Pi*tcls of a’J cemrs known.knids: !

• - Barrel*, t-un Le'ks. Double Triggers, and ;a- Commonlcatiocs addressed to DON RODRI-every .r. el* suitable for grnrmiths; Frortlng Appara- «l TZ (care of Ci ty Post, Charleston, 8. C.). sntil' ts G;azr Bags, Fhot Belts, Flasks, Cleaning ffid of July, will be attended to. jy7ditw—— Rods, and Hunting Knives; aleo, a large stock of Ri-

It Ilk. 0»t»Orn. C.snt rry owu mar.afacturu and warranted: Fishing• w ssi,1 T'ckl. vE-I Fishing Apparatus of every description; all

*Sortb sideJoCcrfoc.Ut. Third and Fourth fltfl., *« which l vrilisellat easterr nricu* srfa<»wiy


(CLEANS AND DYES GENTS’ TH E 10TH OF JUNE, EITHER^ htraw Hat*; _ . . VF in Louisville cr between the city and McDaniel’s

Clean* s-4 Dyes Lsics Ftraw Bonnets, Toll gate, ,-u the Oakland Plankroad, one BOX GOODS,Makesf-ames and Cr.iwii* for Bonnets,

l,. Hodgen, Elizabethtown, Kv.: weight 57

S.W‘ Communications addressed to DON RODRI-GriZ(care of City Post, Charleston, 8. C.). sntil theffid of July, will be attended to. j>7 dfc.w

Barley and Wheat-

F WILL GIVE THE HIGHESTD PRICE for good Barley aud Wheat when the mar-k.topcas. riySd&wiiu] JO. METCALFE.

Dress H its, of the finest uunlitv ami latest fash-ion, for to day’s tale* at Four DoLLxnS. «.»„»iwn«. ,nx:

IA8. B. WOUD.I51 Market street, ^KTHITL CUilNmylJ T liree doors from Fourth , south side. r ™ shelled and packs


in black, brown, claret, pearl, and white, for Pr.RIOR * IBi ** men and boys, ut exceedingly low pri es re** 23 boxes Boston Bra

raylO .i A8. B. WOOD. 75 do Brownjhck


” do inSJ?!*'•a* supply of Straw Goods of ev#ry dos-’ription, for *5?re ani^ ^0T ***u ^’ymen, boyj. Misses, children, and infant*, at price*



which i.a'notfailto p :e»se.tilt and Beaver U at* made to order. if B OLLAND PAt

JA8. B. WOOD. 451 Market street, I H « . kU-fl/xnyld Three doors above Fourth, south side. “, VLiJa rlL,


r ™ shelled and packed in fine shipping urJerforsalehy fmr4] HENRY HOSKINS. No. * Second «r.

Superior Virginia tobacco.^ 23 boxes Boston Brand, extra fine;

J. I ,,,, ... ,, , ,

wun 'ii*u rv . 41'riiiiB, . .’uv-'-'i "t »v» i

I nr... i o BBLS LIME JI ST Hr.- <

d eeived ner TelesraDh No 3 ard for *ab- by which th S city ha* be.a fuuu .e.t. .t * Uesi u-d to b#

aplU ‘ JOHN if. AN DF Third »t.come one oft;,.- 1Ir/rrtandm siimpcrtmt touixerc*

r imsud cities in tiw__ „ Drricsas—J. Il l hri -t. Pre* lei.t; Cba’ Cam.Yir,

P l(v IRON. «"> T (.INS SUl* T TEN- President; A 6. ugi.’er, ’r. reary: li. kn -id. iir.easee Pig Iron for sate lo- by .

A Bn»vald«r.*,; J. ACORNWALL A BRO.

75 do Breen Dick, do;90 do Brown’s, do;95 do Hare’s, do;

BRADY fe DAY 1*3.

HOLL AN D PANC AK E TOB ACCO.6) kecs Ilollani ex:ra premium Pancake Tobac-


J Short*. ShipstuSf, and Meal in store and kept: constantly on hand. For sale byi my?0 R. BCCKNKR.

CiORN. 2,U(;0 SACKS IN STOREf and for sale by


H B 6) kecs Ilollani extra premium Pancake Tobac-co ju't received and for ea e byjyll NOCK. WICK3 fa CO-

and for sale bymy? DUMK8NIL. BSLL * CO.


ihs* wJnSffiR.vsr i ..

KHOLLAND » B- B.TOBAl.C-O. ,,Jt per Steamer' JacoK Traher and >! inoft*, »ol for sol# . .. „ i^cIiVa'dV^onu box»s Hull end s B. B. Tobicco now landing hy r j *7 J ANDREW BUCHANAN st CO. i?,u

“ * 9

I from mail boat* and for sale byjyll NOCK, WICKA ft CO. gi/ipvffL’ iikl It UtS kill (’.(IF. 1

EFINED SUGA R. SA0 BBLS ST.If Loni* C C^lshe•, and Pow lere-l Sugar, received

Ktraw Hat*; _Clean* ar4 Dyes Lacies’ Straw Bonccta;

SI akes F rames aDd Crowns for Bonn


teriiKti si cui two week* ago, a Negro Boy named' Jt AN l>t u >iON . about Ml years of age, weighs loO or

Jtfi i6o pounds.from 5 tod fettligh; has a scat over his

•yeiids; he is very black. I wiligivethe abovereward



Soiling off at Cost!

Positively no Humbug!9X0,000 Wortb of Watches, Clocks,

Jewelry, Ac , Ac.


A FRENTZ, on ACCOUNT OF• n health, ha# detennir#d to retire from busi


School for Girls.' Make# F'-ames »n4Cr.,w»* for Bonnet*; m^k'T^L.'i'u.dgen, BBz^^towV.'Kv "^wlight 67 THE FIRST DAY OF SFP-Ao6 ,.m.p» a #, - raw and Pm-

j,[l0nd *; said box was rec v Hm. I I’ 1 lllj, K f

#g French l ower*. Itibliona, ftc. arl ‘

Any ,^r30n findu g raid hox wi l be handsomely rc- tetnoer next, 1 exp»ct to open a School ror Girls,

—. , J. B. Wilder ft Bro., at the


on First stri- .> a.i.ut and Chestnu’. K,

3100 REWARD OxU'and or Fiur mil# Uoose. Taans-ksH per n-ssion of twenty weeks,* ieiv dJt'rif J 8 8MALLWOOD. I quarterly in advance.

. ^


quirterly in advance. _rO*“ Appiic itijn may be made at Merton & Gris-

wold’s [ jyl] NOBLE BUTLER.

ustreceivcd and forsaiebyJAMKS RKVnsDY, Jtarket street,

fe* Between Bixth and Seventh.

Iron-Stone China.

RS® JUST RECEIVED, TENfe?r*Wcrate* of the itlove (finert quality), con-

listing of Dining, Mr alc*H t, and Toilet ^"w-

Ware.'and fur sale .at the lowest price* at tieFRENCH CHINA lluUeE,4dl Marxetstrcet,

jyl3 between Fourth and Kifih.

trade of l’most all nation* with : -t ef ?a. ta K-, > -wI

jthiei Kai r#, < «t h but a r a v e.u *j*v#je '.


connecting »t t! i* tcint—th# uio*t mp irtant of winchi i* tb« great p, iti - Ka Iroml str-.icUu g flow lK # vian-


tic ta the Pacific Ocean. The nun. r ms b unlairs f

put water gu-hing from beneath .U Mrlace — :h#,h-*ltMuln-s» of th# climate— : r.e beau'y. < r -. a' 1

• •

Iwith high ru ling prunes, i-tersp-r.ed witngruve# f

,different sit'd* ot tia-b-r.and the liberal trin-’i pies upon

1 which Ups cay na< be.a fu.u .e ’. .1 , ie>. u*«i .•• o»come one of th; Irr-sUnJm jl impcrttnt lomxerc at

' iniaud cities in the *' -- : -

ovricsas—J . ,4:1. hri- »U President; Ch»- Cain,Y,c#

*i.-lcat fiwc retsry ; A- Bn»»xider. Dtswrtr; J. A.I.-ert. Auditor. .—On- half cash and the balance in six mon buA

R.fertnces: CLEMONS ft Ca«31D%Y, 1

Jefferson,- el w >Vtn str --:*.

Apply to Robert Storey. Real Kst te * trot, corner ofFifth at J *#ffer#on street*, wuer# tne Map ut -he city,•c-, may beaten. M

Land for Sale.I WILL SELL ONE HUN-sere* of *0.1 Villin'd !

WVr-\«rn- foad. ne-r f&erherdsv e. 1 h *_ wr *i hi#

bay will call and • o m#- Vi M H. 1 HoMk”iO>.j -?-*• ;tf Agent for C. C'lsy Ka.fu*.

nRUOMS-K9 DC i d zen Broom s, vsriou * qua’.itiri:

35 do Wisp Brooms: in store and for sale byjyll NOCK, W1C KB ;> Ct*.

I^OAP.19o boxes Rosin Soap;

NOFFEE. 150 BAGS KIO COF-J fee for sale low to close by _ _if23 WALLACE POPE ft CO.

'VHISKY.If 50 btvs rectified Whisky


50 bbl* copper do;10 bblsoid Bourbon, extra: fcrsaleby

east J AliMd KBNNRDY.

Fot Rent,

A STORE ROOM, Nt>. fi4 THIRIstreet, near Main. jrkl d.f

Flouring hi ill for Sale.

A FLOURING MILL. WITH CA-oTm. pacity to moke about fifty barrels flour per day.


situated in a fine wheat neightiorhocd, is offered for

rcri'icr (about the 1st of May last), a NEGROMAN, CYRUB, il years old: copper color; nearf feet rug! : weighs 180; shrewd and sensible; stout

!and athletic. W

jIndiana. I willthis rtate and sefil'd) if taken in t



RH. VAN BUREN AND CAS-PAHI inform their friends that tlie residence of

,’an liuren is> removed to Fifth street, between

U. V. DARBY, Fredonia, Ky


Diamond Glassware and Ivory Cutlery,

) CAS- CONSISTING OF TABLE***stidenceof I *"35? Rn-1 Dessert Knircs aud Fork*. Britannia mkjt, between and eilv-r plated tV*re, &o.; also, Feather 43»Cathedral, Dusters, Fly Brushes, Japanned Toilet Wars, andbe kept in every other article in our hue Im sale r.ueap at tha

FRENCH CHINA HOUSE, 431 Market street,

lyl-J between Fourth and Fifth.

4' ilu German ff#4 if**8 J KKNNBDY- . u

60 do Palm do;|

-— situated in a tine wheat reigh' orhoed, is offered I

to do Fancy C*rdoap;in store and for saleby m’AII.S 1 jxIMI K F(iS ASSORTED sole, for terms. Ac-, i• airwvf

Jyll NOCK, WICKl* Ct Ot>. ^ mjT Wr ) W A F.T ft »ON, 3» WalletV— ! a. w Mailt kb <1 Brvlsin store end tor %*}* 6/ -Z-£ —KT A1LS. 800 KEGS NAILS, AS- cck» ft c».

, Foi^sorted sixes, just received for sal- by fiORN, RYE. AND OATS BOUGHT. A F I X E SF.COND-STuRl^AILS. 800 KEGS NAILS, AS-i* sorted sixes, jast received and for«al«byjyll NOCK, WICKS ft CO

MASONIC REGALIA ANDJewel* may be had at

WM. KENDRICK’S,71 Third street.

Locust Grove School,

Fourtli of JulyFire Works:

FfflN H E SUBSCRIBER HAS AM. large assortment of Fire Works on hand, such as

largo and medium sir.e Fire Wheels; Rcckets. of color-

ed and white fire; Roman Candle*, of all *iie*’8oroii

Dried peaches. 75 bushelsdried Peachesjust received and fur sale by

jyll NOCK, WICK3 ft CO., oil Main st.

CMJRN, RYE, AND OATS BOUGHT. A F l X/ and the highest price paid by

, S- Room for rent.mv30 R. BUCKNKB. >*9Ctional Hotel. 4

1V> LL COMMENCE ITS ANNU-fart. trery *Vthe w w al Session on MONDAY, the first day of Sep-

fand^ t»ber. under the of Mr- Bas M/|UrwetThe rtuck of Pi ec-ac>* are Of tbe very Havi’ g given general satisfaction to the patrons of

wnown as tbe •‘Roiom-.n Spectacles." Those the Scliool during tbe past year, he hopes, by cor,-best, ar.o *no» i,nnH alienUon to retvn the r confidence He would


rar«?Krffbiu.wui find tt to their, ROBERT USHER, HAVI?-lSf° go* Market street, one door above Fifth. Cl.fton, Col. Wm. II. Davidson. Isaac Everett, and SV moved Vom his old stand, on Marl— U.e patrons general > during the psst 5 ear. the upper part ef Main street, opposite Mr. Maicy’s

_ __ e n The tchool is situated on the B rdstown road, three ,a|jow house, is now ready with his usual supply ofk ti m m t R and a half mlts from Louisville, in a pleasant ani spjced Bounds of Beef, B-ef in bbU and half-bbls, fam-

niTlVC TItouio«oi,b«b~r.

U KI I L\u tMOOl® • • PrliswT MMS. So*-, or. ^4*Xt£LZOi2X&i&r n . .rtrtnn I I

healthy neighborhood. Uy j

ilw PiIzASSRS’M TERMS. and’ 'J YyIJiit'k. Ldt - • • pr ,many Department, including Reading, Or- „*•

T H E UNDERSIGNED ttograptay, Arithmetic, ftc-, ( icartcrly ,n ai-^^w ^

ujB^Bwculd resp-etfuliy inform hia friends H eV.’’ Branches, including Mathematics arda*rw ^LlHand the public ia geinwal that be wi

1 L-.r.gukses, ancient amt modern, ,'iuarterly in; the ar, of w ntiug.for two eon- advance) 15 03


* ii-.lve months, comm noing <’n Tuesday, 4»T i#t, B„ar,j per quarter, for boys only, (invariably in

at Mr. Ferine’* Fch»ol Booms, on Walnut street. #dTa£ce) 3T 50

between Beoond and Tr rrt- ty p, rsons at a distance desiring to enter pupils i of t

IA.VINO RE-i on Market street, topposite Mr. Maicy’shis usual supply ofThe School is situated on tfe B rdstown road, three ta||„w house, is now ready with his usual supply of

and a half ml** f,-om Louisville, in a i Hasan, and iPiPed Rounds of Beef, B-efin bbls and half-bbls, fmm-healthy neighborhood 1

; ly yPaa Beef, sugar-cured Dried Beef. Ox Tongues,TERMS. end all other things in his line prepared by him.

_ . - . . . ... .. _ _ i c.ders directed to Messrs, bhotwell ft Son, WallacePr-mary pepwlment, including Reading, Or- Pope ft Co., or through the post-office, will be i turned i-

thograpliy, Antlime.ic, ftc-, (quarterly in ad-|t[fc^v attended to and delivered free of charge in the

Y&&cej.»#M ui! ou jeSn nV... r krtrirliM. inr.lii(!lnff MsthFinttin trd ICity- —

WI. F. CRANE, -mrwjj,


First Class Cabinet-Ware,Corurr of Sixth nml Court ,P*acr s J ^ U

LonsyiLLE, rr.

A ll orders thankfully. received, and promptly attended to. He confl- ftx,' I

dently refer* to his r umerous friends aud customers for 57^ «t!the good quality and variety of style of Lis work. my 17apdl dint ly

Trees, Plante, and Fiowera for Saie, Jt^ E. WILSON, FLORIST, HAS u^byjf^^Kemoved his Garden to tbe junction of the Flat —"^^^kLick and Preston street plank road, aboutone , j


from the city, where he keaps for sale ^x r1 '

tree* and Bhrnbs, Greenhouse Plants, Flower heeds. ShB^o.'Uetu, a* usual. All ordtisthrough the port ap‘J:J

SiTicewillheattended to. ial-v4& dtfip#

Mackerel, ioo packages,I

assorted sizes and qualities, received and for i

—, , ,, i-» *- assorted sizes and qualities, received and for

INEGAR. 75 BBLS PITTSBURG sale byrin.iur k, 1 '.

:: . - ,-d beard, nut ut, ex- w - * « BURKHARDT. 417 Market rt.’VINEGAR. 75 KHES Pi 1 l smmoM Vinegar. Ballou’s celebrated brand, put up ex

preszly f >r family use.and for aale bymyi* JOHN V. MclLVATN * BON

* \ UNNY BAGS. 40 BALES GUN1 UNNY B AGS.W ny Bags for sale by


IC* Bacon Bboulders Jast received and for sale tow bymyJ DUMEBNIL, BELL ft CO. 55« Main st.



*rCh'f°f *''* b7 CORSWUL ft BBO. eu|


Crockers, 4tc.. a full assortment in store and for ap4,A)4*

rW. ft II. BDRKI1ARDT. 417 Marke t st.

SHOULDERS. 5 CASKS BACON ^Shoulders on consignment and for sale by

WALT. 10OJust received and forsale by

apl9 D. B. BEN Y.

Buckets.100 dosen fai



100 dosen fancy Buckets;J5 do brass-bound Cedar do: far sale by


\0T8.l w 75 bbls and bags Soft-shell Almonds;

15 bbl* Brazil Nuts;100 bags Peanuts; in store and fev sale >y

ie-34 FONDA ft «OkRP>.


Q . C. GraSlV. I R 100 bbls Wilmington, largebbls;_ _ w 7 SO da do medium bbls;


m do So small d#;

ATTORNEY AT LAW AND I For ,al“low to eon* .nmeni hrCommissioner for Missirsippi, Tennessee, Ala-



rgdAR.E ioo b»

OYSTERS, AcC.40 cases fresh Cove40 cases fresh Cove;16 do 8ardines; in store and for sale by

M, . Room for rent, on Fourth striet. #pp -ita Na4JUeMLlional Bo,el. A;p-y,o 8. KlNi.GtlLD,je? 66 Fourth street, near Ma*tt.



. DSAF and HAKNKS,Tu" v and a tww-hera# CAkl,

- ’Tai .t— _ ,n guu.l ran n* order" ’ c- Will takes- al f f he Cartand will tak# half the value of the Dray in oray aaeJej Jo iN a. McILV aIN ft fioN .

For Sfti*.

A FARM, CONSISTING OF 1Jvre#, lying near Hobbs » Deg- 1. oa th# LcuM

rllle and Frankfort Ra ’road. ?".r part,ca!ar»apr>> 5

HOCK.WICRffft CO-.rrtose9» C M.SfiCKWITIX.oB-S-BremU##.


Of University of Ioui3ville

fliHF. ANNUAL SESSION IN THUM tepartanent commence* on th# first Monday i

O tober. and cnntinu*« five tnoo’-L*-

Uou. HENRY P1KTLR, LL. D . Prefrtsor of Cos16 do Bardines; in store and for sale by ritorional Law. Equity, and t uim-c L»w.

je»4 FONDA ft MORRIS. Hon. JAMES PtiYOR. ft’hswr #f th# »ti>tor

L . „ r- „ . . nDI a , Science of Law, inelwdsng th# ComiAUD O I li « SO BBLS NO* 1 vernation*) Law.Lard Oil for sal# by HgyWlLLIA M F ITIWI. P>

my!7 CORNW ALL ft BRO. °f Real Propettv and ot the PracticeCommissioner for Mississippi, Tennessee, Als-

H9URS: . _ _

fn p- alee, ! *“J|’For females, from • 10 * r*

TKRM«:or first month. Including * l-ssons fi4

J*For second month, including 4U lea#ct s ^ 7 B

tw Payable ia advaacr

full clast is solicited, and untiring energy with

Iwr— fcBw- A . fiYERfl.

jyll dftwiew

ty- Prrtona at a di.tsnce deairin* to enter pupiU of the Louisville and' Portland Canal, until noon of 1

*.nforce coUtcUon claims

wilt address Ben. M. Harney, Box 11*1, Loufsvj le, thP jCttj day 0f ju iy , 1*66. at the office of the Com- In^hlgand ^Joictngatatea.^

ny«* PPM1BN IL. BE I


It CO., Agent*. d Lard Oil tor tala bymy 17

Hon. WILLIAM P. BULLOCK. Professor of th# 1

of Real Property and 01 the Practice #f Law, inclnd

pany-'fa bhippi^rpoVt, to execute tbe following work; I»

«jrbto l1 all Building, Fifth street.between


To U##t off and remove tbe projecting Stone from 1

Marhetand Jeffer«an mril <ur|

the ride ef tbe Canal—the work to be given out in #ec-

IVOTICyEb, SHELBY COLLEGE,7 W SHELBYVILLE, KENTUCKY,with np H E ENSUING SESSION OFRR this Institution will commence on tbe first Mon-“ d*T in September next.

Taaws.—The general charge for Board, Tuition.

lion.To take down and rebuild a portion of the Lock

Walla. „ LL PERSONS INDEBTED TOTo repave a portion of the Slope*.

the estate of M. V. Watt*, decea«ed, are reqf»e*te«l 1

tw The usual security make payment immediately to me, or to Mr. Y. O.

Persons wishing to examine the work before submit- Kendi.ll, ray ag»Dt And all persons having claimsnvnnnik i. nrt> rp't n-ftl. for mnrp DKrt -n tr pi- - J ’ .7/ a

r. *.j #..tlrg proposal*, are referred, for more particular ea*

i.MILWitoLE8_ALE u.-.^ra-in,.,raoi, \Y ’SLJL":7? 0OO<

^a«dftid iylO dftwlm President of Bheiby CoUege. j#30 J AME3 CBOhlEY,** Wall st. jylodl Adminuttatrix.

months, in special cases this charge will be modified


so as to conform to the resources of the parties con-J AMES MARSHALL, Prest.

Kendall, my ag^nt And ail ptraona caving Claimsagaicst said estate, are also requested tu present themimmediately. Mr. Kandail ran be seen on businessconnected with my administration on Wednesdays andaaturday*. at the store of Watts ft t toque. Market,between Fifth and Bixth streets , from 111 o’cl ck, a.

1500 bogs Rio Coffee;100 bags Lvguayra and Java Coffee;300 Hnls Refined and Clarified Bugar;;tfi bbls Phiia- Crushed and Pulverised Sugar; I

150 bbls 8ugarhou*e Molasses;150 bhls Golden Sirup;Aff hlf-tbls do do;.0 bill* Nos- 1 aud 3 Mackerel;25 hi f-bbls No- 3 do; in store and for aale by

I . GALLAGHER ft CO., Main st.



ITHOLESALE GROCERS ANDw Commission Merchants, Sixth street, neata. J6»

PORTER. 40 CASKS LONDONPorter, in pint and quart bottle*, for sale by

my 17 CORNWALL ft BRO.

Pleading and Bvidenee.Th# Stnrfen' s are imaged ia tw# e 1 %•##., wutar art

j uaior. acconling to their proficiency. Each ttass

required every day to etudy a :»s#o» ia a text bea!

ami instruction is eirtn on the !e**on by ex iminotio!

recitation, and a commentary from the Profemor a

CLEAR SIDES 20,000 CLEAR3ideajurtreceivedandf0»aaleby I ^...a* 'our hour#.



* A fine assart moot

THUST1M ft KLT. ^he Students in the Law Petsrtment of the Uni*

|1 U R K 8 ISLAND SALT. 1,000 ‘I^AilTrtBmunieatiLa to tha Department th

L sacks for sale by be addr-vsed to Proleseor PiaTta, Louiavin#, Ky.^ DUMBSNIL, BSLL ft CO* J#I7 dUwdwftwW

ft 111 || 4 1


i nr\I|if II I jMr. Fillamre'i KeMrA. mt* «f Iknt ita^iu^ would mOm m*< “m « imi. 1 Km«*ImUm 4 rilhwifflnih If llli I IMj.Ui" It " I • w*u<i! now urn to th^ “clear. eor.Ute.-t, a«d “»««»• ** to ti. but when taken in eon- W, are afraid that th* edit.r of th

/ ur.H t r. * r * . Mr Kiiimr»^ hr,’ n<k turif a o«ciion with the views »et forth in bii Lne letter, in tn«ur.or 3* r rtuanre ww u.uiour e

nnnnmmuiar.T WeJko«r^«.Vol^k •««•» tc„,i W. ?evarol of them, and >\Vt£. h« been badly rai.od in more way, that

tT * DtTrtT TTTTJ'sTXrtC A. ne\ well cn “lAi* uitt rf ail./ U» Mm ” &ad tl en «av wGh hia votes on the Atherton resolutions above rap^re •<> pgo^e thrt in IMI. at * man nj.eUn* iu the education is sadl/ deficient. Here is aH&.RNEY, HUGHES & CO., * to^ioge^t with his uninterrupted as.cU- of his arithmetic:

THIRP STREET dence and support. We will b?gio with his cele- t'on 1Tl ®» them with Adams, Giduing®, fs.aae, , -»hi< h w. re painted Ge :erai Jackson amt Jas. K- Folk, I, If Uuchannn cannot be el»ct»il withint

» . h( M.rket and Jefferff n strec hra,cd Krie Letter, written to tho Erie County and other notorious and avowed Alwlitions's, his tlM laUer mou^e.l bv a who Ure a sm\li tUga)1 the nouthsrn rotes, neitbercan e he eCast,id*, betwee.

A nti-Slavery S ciety, several years alter Hr. Bu- E™*™ is rendered clear, beyond all controversy5$5Sk >t’“u«’m?m 'w hostility 5&hta\V!ldji?^ o\T™1

KnTlr. ..- J- chanan made his speech in the Senate -gainst L^paro his course upon all these questions with »K *. ... - - uth, and converted agr. atnatioi .1 ,oes- ^.vote

etee*““ ta •****•*• **

SI EClAL AD4KKTI81NG NOTICE.—AM adver- .. ne in the District of Onlnm- that of Mr. Buchanan, and sec which of them best tion (the tarnl ) icto a nier.* s-cti inal one—deci il ll, xt

t isementt of Public Meeting*. Masonic, Odd Fellows ,tne ah. lit.on C f slavery tn the ol -olum

c- rr i ej that tiortion of the “American” r>lat-the southern people cool 1 ever bcoome a manufictur- Suppose Buchanan gets thosa tv

Kremen’s. tec., are charged fifty cents per square of bin: camea OUl toa* portion 01 tne American piat \V*

THIRP STREET,East fide, between Market and Jefferson streo

setae »f them .tabling alone would not be con-clusive as t i his position, but when taken la con-nection wi<h the viewi »e; forth in his Erie letter.

•'tea riLimona is Ifai."

Ii. tliu Connection, we mutt not f»r. to >-a'»Uu tjrhuowNotblDR Ariltuuolio.

4V« are afraid that the editor of the Journalview,.--: forth iu his Erie letter, cumstanc*. if< the Uf-.'of Mr FlUmnre wl.i h. in ,u, e ara that th “ <* **•

“«»?*!» ul"h"**rchad cast several of them, and wCVhe%‘“ :» "cd bv


d Wire! SV7have thehas «u*hl »n «»« ways than one. U:a I the Loui.v i;- Ch me- .y court. Jyidie

AtGl sT £J,*CTiOM.

' If Buchanan canmt be elected without the aid ofall the noutlurn votes, neither cxn e he e'ected with election t" the Chaneery Court Clerkship, mylkatd

SLv*” W. W. UlY, Ksq., w<- nr- aathorlxed f* in- I

n u nee as an independent candidate for the office o fI

Chancellor of the Louisville Chancery Court. dte

Cy^CUAllLKS J CLAKKK 's a eandi Ute fo-re-

CPECXAL APVKRT181KG NOTICE.—AM adver-Cisetnentr of Public Meetings. Masonic, Odd Fellows’, tne aboil

Firemen’s, tec., are charged fifty cents per square of bia:ten lines agate *»-< first insertion, ana twenty-fivecents each cubse.." «-n tin coition.Advertisements of Situations Wanted, Religious, gm. y.

Charitable, Marriage, and Obituary Notices, of five chairmanlines or less, arc charged twenty -five cents each in- Slavery S

tertinn.. .. . . . .. , to hand.ty Advertisements published in the morning paper ro«at> riei

ar j >nserted in the evening edition at half price. f i>,, yall Transient Apvrrtisenrnti i-avabir in su t>ject o

ti>n (thetariff) Imo a m*r; s-ctimal one—deti d tli\tthe southern people cool 1 ever r.uaoine a manuf ictur-itig pcril.u- their portr to r* tuntw. times We

utiiirothem. It will require twrentv-nine el ;ctor»l votes fromthe North to el ct him in addition to the hole 8outh-

i'1,! . era vote.


:...—^— — - - - - a

<;• . u i

•’ •'- > :


“i'ORT GAC.VEi ACAD£M7Lollery


Suppose Buchanan gets those twenty-nine

For FrrMilrnt,


For Vice President,


Electoral Ticket.

For tkr Stitt <rf Inrgr—HOV ELIJAH HISE,ani COL. JOHN W. STEVENSON.

Firtt District—R. D.GHOLSON.jfr


sei.UtiYrs of the people? m m trrmit frA« nnlnrwl h.rtiffneri tn Sn-i.nin i>iti.member* ol the cabinet, Ac., with ungracious dings -'either is there any chance, in thyt event, of his be-

ll Are you opposed te the annexation of Texas toa® to tree colored foreigners to Decomo eiti at what he alb-ged to be s lutbern arrogance and iu- ing elected by the House o Kecresentatives; because

this Union, under aiiy circucustancci, so long asiluvei of tno United states teDa to DOi«l r^al os ate. justice.w

.those tsreDty*otiie electors! rotes w 11 r^qu-re the votes

are held therein? Mr. Wi?e taiged the question of reoeption on 'i'ms bring-* us up to tho tim: of Mr. Filiiuoro’s " f l*° Fiat-*, and without the votes of tho e two

cc^itn^ofaTp^wSsTS a^Sfett. above petition, and moved to lay that question olevat’on to the Presidency by the death t f Gen. tyTfWe 8*£1™"*°*™ the re '*uiKd *«*-

nal slave trade onween the Statei? on tho table. Mr. Calhoun asked the yew and Taylor ; and his admirer a point us to his signature i The raaaonin*nf tha edit/ r i. that .aIV Are you in f»vor of immediate legislation for the nays, which were ordered, and were as follows— of thr Fugitive Slave Law as ooccinsive ovidence



a . r is, oat as tiuna&an


muchhenN *gcd


Md'hivelhiio'time to Teas 115, nays 63. Fillmore A Co. in tho nega- of his nationality and coaservatigm. Wo deny


m ’J!t ji°t twenty-nine electoral vot«3 North to elect

enter into argument, or explain at length my reasons tive. that there is anything in that aot inconsistent with ! him by theps^pie, therefore, those same twenty-'formy opiDione. I shall therefore content myself for the question of reception (carrying the pe- his previous record. We deny that he is entitle.! m .. , v „ I

’ Kl*, IJitA V\

;t;kk «» r,!2.b?^ I Jh issts;^t-

more extended discussion on the subject I ool 11, y^ge 158. orat'.c statesmen wao urged it* passage, and voted J,, .e. tame nrsi p.a.s, -is sUtement that it|

oai, augnswavn, iqsw,

MILLARD FILLMORE. Mr. Fillmore’s position on this question may ae- lor it on their personal responsibility. Weal- will require liro Northern States to give himThi* letter furnishes a key to many of hi t votes count for the silence of the American platform lege that Giddings, if placed as Fslltnore was at twtnty-nino votes in the Electoral College is a

in Congress noon these questions. Mr. Fillmore upon negro suffrage, ss it exists in New York and the head of tha nation, would Uavo signed it as he f ... .. . f ’.

entered the Lower House of Congress in 1337-8, elsewhere, while it apprehends great danger from BE. After the vetoes by President Tylnr, the’J ' 0 b

T _

^ SCJ ' ' • ys who hate

and presents the lollow ing white foreigners and Catholics. The colored Whig party, with Clay and Webstar at its head, heard of New fork, will be able to ocrrcct for

congressional record brethren no doubt vote right on the great questions both in 184A and 1848, hai laid it dowa as a part tht-m selves.

. . .‘

. . of the day. of their political creed that the President i a! no »„* t,. »_n. v-_ . „ . ,December 12 1837, Mr Adams presented a pett- We invite esoecial attention to Mr. Fillmore’s right to veto any eo ,..titutioual measure parsed by

But ce sage.y tells h.s readers, if Buchanan does_ . ww . • . .ol tiie day. Ui iuuir uouucai crooa ui%i iqo i reaueni raa uo *«n-, u*. - j -m a. ,

December 12 1837, Mr. Adams presented a pett- We invfu eiI)ec iai attention to Mr. Fillmore’s right to veto any eo».titatiouol m-asure passt-d by1Jat h

\f#g,,y tcl '3 n s reader3

» lf Buchanan does

tion rrsjingfor the abolition of the mave trade inoour!,e on following remarkAble state of case Congresf. Mr. Fillmore was elected Vice Presi- ^ortbera States, that of course Fremont

the District of ColutobiA, and moved that it andpre6enic<i t0 ConrrecR March 21§t, 1842. dent on that platform

;he had boon elevated by can't be elected in the iJbuae. Tho editor is ctr-

2h*T *-ff. Wole, rol. 11, paye 342. client to the place of Gen. Taylor, wao was uinly not so ignorant of the Constitution of tho

u.he^f be referred to tne committee on the District % Wots, rol. 11, paye 342. undent to the place of Gen. Taylor, who wasjui -iy not 80 i<norMlt of the Constitution of theof Columbia, with instructions to consider end re-

i . „ , - . \Z „ thus r-ledired to tha' doetrine To hav. vexed 3 igaorwnmi me Vionscuntion 01 tec

P rt Unreon. Mr. W„e moved to lay that motion • such i&tJS, Sih^^*«a^7h2TliS Ul^ - to ***» -** Can-<*n the Table— yeap an«t nays ordered on vha* quo* lot of negroes* who mutinie i Id a st >rin> killed thec%p- iinTnc<i;ate dissoP.ition of tho l oi u would b&Fe


e.cct. He kaows, for in-^an^e, though

- Sj^TAUCo“fn the nAc^;tve


e' *or«n Uan madnauL I Indiana may cast ter electoral vot, for Buchaaan.

t.iacings, * Co., in the negative.— Cong. Globe, gaU( P , ou8 „r th^ Bri .utl Wegt India Islands. He would Lave been branded by Clay, Webster,| hep _ „ . ..

_ tol.h,p. 19. wl.-re the negro, s were txken care of and *et tree by And every man in the land, a? doubly a traitor—aJ

. ,

*>r*‘ "D “ an i:I- .Sgation m Congress

15* JOHN W. CLAYTON, l’.*)., of Lu Grange, i* » |liU t »« 1 J •

cvndldate *ortbe office of Commonwealth Attorney in I

till* district. jct^dKnlf I ... _

rsrWM C. PRICE, jr . is*;xndid«tef.rConimon- I - . , . .. , .. <

wealth's Attorney, in the Louisville Judicial District.|

To oe ln*C in tiie t.i 7 of At.Rr.i*, t« o.g v,

atthe oasuing August election. myjl dJkwte1 public, ^n J8GXDAY, July 23, l8' o,

CTWe are authorised to iw .

MAJOR, of Fr»n:'.:in county, a.- • fo-Uom I

nonwemth'* Attorney ,in the E.ghth Judicial Lncnct I SAMl'LLr'V AN k C“ ,’ •, -?

atthesnsuing Ausust election. feiadAwte I

'I Pri&ea Amounting to 9102 000

Alabumn Lottery. W 11"1 * HK D^TKIBITEll K(

( ACTD0RI7.KD BY THE ST AT K OF ALABAMA i ,V^TI SO.eon ti umt-era JAlSep.-.-i

Southern Military Academy 5

LQTT&RYl IzZL'i 'v:'**

I J l>n*e» oi W are_ I * prxe* of Jji are I

Clas* F -New Nprics. 10 pni-» -j ...h» prises of »» »r- At

'X,° BE DRAWN IN THK CITY OI i ££ o;f*S: i


Montgomery. Alabama, in public, <*n TUI Ri 1 8 prises of 50 App- x'eto 1 i"pr :e areDAY, August 11th, isob, on the liavana Plan. I 8 prise* of * Approx'g to a i ir i ar •

-I of J'l Appr x'gto 1 vr . : .

8AMC EL SWAN, Manager. I ,+ i' •' » °f ^ An * * l" ‘ ,--i- .n 1

I lo,Oiu pruee of 4 aninuatia* to r*

Plizes Al&OdlltlnS to $204,000 I Iki'» prises, amounting to SlvJ


Will be dis‘ribute.J according to the following max- I The 1-i.iY 0 pns.s of *4 are d*cermi-r d by the n'uificent scheme: im - 1 t - * if iaatuu-"b.r^ i

Ro.r.iki nnmh.r* iti>s»h« | re an "id .-i u ta - r.t’ien ev-r> od i number L.CK-I,, . ; ^

L. Iichcne willbe eu: u = 1 to Si; if an even oi |

1 prise of S-l '.'SjO is »SU '*0* 1 -very even r aiaier Uc«et 11. th • #ch me win h- .

Ijiu*[ is IS, 1 JR I -,o*l. m addition to suy oil. r prise which lbs i

}“ G, '» i» 7,"OS may draw.

J3,1X10 is X.uo* I Pure. a.«era, in buying »n equal .uar.t.ty of o> *

teilVDAY . . JITEY U i'5«».»»- -v., ... — “'-6""*"- '"'if- gaUl n. P , 0Le „f the British West India Island*.MO. I.IA1, -

» *_ to!- 6, p IB. wh-re the negro. • were tsken care of and retiree by~~ -

- Mr Adam? then presented a petition for tbe the authoritiea ofthe Island. Tlv* case was the subject

**«*— »«*- Witte ol siavery in tho Territories of the U.anan cn tbeMAverj uue»Uon t

and we now give that State*, and moved its relerence to the committee tenre feeling vm mauifeeted all over the Cn;oa, and

r ii n i V j; tVA'.oarUigFri in on Temtoriep. Mr. Wiee moved to lay the mo- par icukuly in the »outh.of A/ ; the latter na« been no ^a, m . . * ,

“ During the pender cy of the excitement, the nowVI ’Ihrrenri

Uo* on llT, tab n*>V ,^cr#dTl f*M Abolitionist. J. K Giddings, .fiered a set of reso

hi; native State, for his * he record 12<,nay*, i3. Adams, Fillmore, Giddmss, .’Mad*, lutions, justifying the negroes in their inu-iny and

will show exactly bis position. When put on the A Co,in the negative— Cony. Glolt, rol. 6, p. 20. ^j VlritifdH* ates'-

ticket with General was the choice of 11th December, 183? t<-ong. Globe, vol. giving that »h#y had incurr»d no legal penalty, and*

,, . n • . , . . 7, ». 23), Mr. Atherton asked leave to submit tho are justly liable to no punishment : and that all at*

me rreetoil n limit Irovisowing ol nis party: - win^resolution** tempts to regain possession «»f, or to re-cnslave said

i*«« ih»«ki,~ Pwidwt oi ,to s«»u. “ ..j*— .,b. ..M Sir. tb. ™«.| ,ol. for fr~Joo ! .b.

ovi I»• •»«« omi.lin, ,b, thru Or.t


BAMt'KL SWAN, Msnaser.

Prizes Amounting to $204,000Will be dis‘ribute.J according to the following mag

aificent scheme:SU.CUU n ambers 13,1a* prise*

l prize of Ai'.uuo is *«i not1 “ lo.i iri is 1*,! iR1 “ 7,tU0 is 7,bO*I “ 3.1XX1 is K*N1 “ 3,i*w is *o«I “ 1JXW is 1,100i “ i ooo is i.oueIu “ isx) is.. .

a,«1*0 <• 1 •) IS 10. «

tion on the table—ye-i« and n*ys ordered—yeasDunns Uie pendency of tbe excitement, tlie now I

npti' Le hud tnkon tho opinion of Mr. U fittendon,

grew is to elect, lie knows, for in?*ance, though * pnseof*Joo»pprox'j

Indiana may cast ter electoral vote for Bucuanan, « *• *75 .«

yet her present Abolition delegation ia Congress J !!*

will, in the event of an election by the House, 4 “ *•.“

oast tho voto of tho Stato for Fromoat. 40 *4

Let our readers bear in mind that it i3 the /,r«*.>8,0ou eare

c;.f House of Rspreseatatives—the House that15’ ls6 prize* Rmounting to.

Ori.uoo u .•SO «is l»,ii*

7,HM is . 7,i»V3.0UH is . .«.U“*3,000 is . 3 o tf

l.l4») ij 1,118'

1 "iri is I.IAIC

3« .3,«i

UO is . lu.'-j*

to 4-1*, Po pris* art «-jF«0C-j •• 4.

*• 'iw3 ih " “ . 31?'Ay'- UO “

. job

1 .w* “1,000 « . lid*00 ••

. 94*

. . 126,01*

free and slave States . eiag then equal in numbers. »he inttiiutiun of slavery in the tevtral State* of the

It was thought, from bis antecedents, that hec

/t«*o/r^*'JTh»t the petition* for t*-e Abolition of sla-

Rttolred, That slavery being au abridgement of theconfe.l r*cy-


natural rights of man, can exist only by force of posi wif, ess, whose respectability and veracity theRttolvd, That the p-titions for t^e AbMaion of sla- tive municipal fain, and is neMesarily cenfin.d to the American party * 1! tint pretend t • szaitnaT, to- wit:

very in tbe Di«tr ctol Colummaand the Territories <f[

territiTial jurisdiction of the power creating it._ ANDREW l K‘ K^ON DONEL40V che'ir o'- ii

his Attorney General, as to ila cWtitutionality, i

"** IIoaS3 of R^eseautives-tke House that ’

, . . . . .. . *1 . 1 -w.r^.t o. v„. ... ... The I5,lu0 pnxes of *s are determined by the num I

and was thus prepaid! to explain to hi* loricer elected Gauss tv^sakcr—


Pon waich tne election ber draws ;n« si . 0 pi -if th.t tumi-r I

allies, tho circuniftanees anijledgts which corn- : will dcvolv?, if the people fail to elect sNnuW be aa odl numawr, then every eted Dum-er tick

rwlled him qi ,.,i it VA"« sis hn i< not nr.iimjl m. ...11 et in the scheme will be entitled to 9k W..; ifanev-n I

Kf* ’’

... ,^ * Tne sane :.u:ance of Kuow-Nothiairs and Abo- number, t.’en ev-ry even nom <r i;:ket » :i?e.-i

the circumstances, entulcd to one halt ths credit ... ® titled to *3 to in aildition tv any other prize which oiavduo to the so Northern at .toamon who mat tho is-ue litionits that elected an Aboliti.n Spcakir, will t*- drawn

and supported tho measure on their own personal elect an Abolition President. We believe this day evwTulSbS Uek^ll r'e-Irj'respon lMllty. As to too resiaoo of hie AJnuco- ajja * r

0 w ui j r«thar see Frmuont iw ^rr Ione-half the cost of the sas-e, with chances of oi' t.n

tration, wo refer our readem to ti*e testimony of » L* * ramcp See tremoj)t 1 w ‘d»t ting other prizes. _ 1

witness, whose respectability and veracity the[



- .'


' are even; |

It*t-itemeaiber that every prize is drawn, and k «y,


ble in tull without deduction.tlT All prizes of tl.i'vO »a i uarier, pa • imuirdiatct

.,a drawing; other pr.zes at the aaual tiaa t

1 thirty da; s.

All • ommunics: ; onssi-).'ily eenfide; .i%i The lrawI nuoiber* » J h* f.-rwardet t , pur> h . rs .mmedi .iet I

after the drawirg.I Prk « or Ticaur*—Wholes, #o; halves, *J 5D, r— —I ter»,»l s*5

I Prize ’ickets cash'd cr reneweJ in other i

teas sflknI Drd>r* foi tickets can ’ < i iressed either to J

N- bV. \ N ii 0(1 , >i!vI jytdtewptinsh - orfi- 8'VAJI , M itgoicrry, Al-

The Greatest

Medical Disco vt*


*-*A h«i* diicuTFW'i m one of our c »ir. n p,% rem sly trial rurr* B> kkT KIM> l

\kf fr r.itK- W..p«r . lea .* 9 •|_-f tViA MTYti lUrarv ur> very mine mr cioi * numm* »uamc lerri^nes n terminal junsuicuon oi id? powcrcr«!Kiii|ii.wousd be kbe iMt to acsert lot adu *iave..v yrv/ ^- Li ^ ^tetand »igH’ngt the lemoval i f slnvery 5. That when a »hip teloii^Eg to the of any-

lfc0 t* *t turned out he dirhi)p<dated hia old Ifrom one m «te to another, are k part of apan of op^ State of this Union hares the water# and territory of

’I ratic n*. set or< foot t > ail ct th j ln#t luti n of slavery in such Slat-.* atnl enters upon the hifch sess, the peraonr

friend#. A# Preeidont, h-* approved the compro- th* several «taie*, ani thus indirectly to deatr^y thit (‘lave»> * n b *ara ckau to uk subject io thi laws

i*T The editor of the Journal, in hi. loader of b!^f^mwri^VtV,dn«^n

Pr,,fc “ ^ -m tbe wont 8crofuU c.<wn to a .-..uim'

inrt tution within tli ir limits.- TI J-J . „„ . inn • *> I or SITH Statr, ai d Ihuncafurh are governs. i in thnrmise mcu'ures ol iBoli. lie aid not veto w nai a Rettlm*. T ut Cocgresi tn* r.o r.gbt to do that iod - reUuons t<» rich ct’ier by, and are amenable to, ihe he said ( Sri^akr, v,w 'A,,uthem Whiirz, rec ly, which it c«nnot do directly; and that the agita- laws < f the United 8 ate* “HE WAS A1 <UK-cn*.. ( r.a e.., aided y . tg*

|}gg(l( sulueclof slavery lathe D, strict of C lum- ii That when the l> ig Treole, on her Ui't par**"* r • DILI. T 1 Tillliastd. What hi* position now i«, on the iatei h-a r r e* %• a me in*, and w,-.. 1


.. ,


. f \.,r "rirort. HI ihi rcRUTOusL JUMiMCTioN of mly forth* soki* r

( rI die'urMng or. v rtbro ring that INSTITI lluN in the \ ikhima, the slave la*s of tlia' ctale ceased to have hssdone literal

before tbe country, is unknown. His style o. f, iera. bt it is sgains- t?,etr«te spirit and meaning of jurisdiction over the persons (slaves) < n boar 1 said jell to Southern. .... . _v ; i v . ir the constitution; m irfriLgenent of the right of the bng, an ) such persons became ameutble only to the law ; but it woi

•peeking ir- conciliatory : bu.wnatwi.l ha do, ti ftates aflecied, and a bremctiof the pub.ic faith up in laws > f the rnited 8tstes nacy iu him, o...j w.-tiHont he ha* not informed the reEt of which they entered into the confeh racy. 7. That the p rsons (slave*) on board said I ri*, in fnseJ that signselected I rcildent, DC OU lul IHIO.idm ice

u.*olr»4 T'. ittheconitiiutioiireauonthetiroadprill- resumii g their n.-itural r ghti of ter.ooal Ii erty.vio pu'a- le a- d imimankind' ncr las he announced any change of cipetf e-.u.lity ainongthe mrmbersof this confede-a uted so taw of the I'mted States, iscuRKan so A"1 with the si:

ey, and i/vof Comrest tntfu eitrcist of tnackn:vittiecd le*,al pasaity, and are justly liable to so rcsisu- iSTRATtON Hopinion cn lue subject of tlavery. ),(irf rj, k» in nrltli iumami r Iftreenthr lunta- I xext. OCS li'AILL'RI

1 . p. rA_,.r ,,r admitting Kansas into the (•*«# o> i-wr portion ofthe Stater and anct*er,icUkaview I e. That nil1 attempts f regain possession of or to re- *-i;h the proper

Is tie in lavor of au.01 lU-.g n.a.,sas in,^ .urej aMisksutter out and promoting iiettlur. enslave eaid ptrim.9 ire tnitthomzed dt the con- House, v-e sno;

Refit* tt, T at Congresj Ins r.o right to do that ir.d'- reUlions to each ot’ier by, and are amenable to, iheret I) , which it c»nn>.t do direcll) ; and that th> asita-


laws • f the United 8 ale*

tion of the *ul>.iect of slavery :a the l>,»trict 6 That when the b ig Creole, on her late pa**a.f« to

opinion cn the subject of siavery.

, . . r t r...„ i_.,. »v» |fic«» of «ar portum ofthe Stater and anutler, tcith a rieicj

8. That nil attempts f regain l>''8,ession of or to re-Is Le in favor or adallttl-g Ka.iSOS ln.j

\ „f ahohshtu^tkr out and promoting t'.r i tk< r.|

enslave said peraoi.a ire l*s*UTHORi/Fn by the cos- I

Union, with the Topeka Ccastl*UtioD, cr rot T If I_R?>dr<a, Tierefo.e, that all aitempt* on the part of] stitltiov ink laws oi the Uniteo ctate*, and axe

j oirfrf, lutr hi rt -At t* di.trri mtnj e Irtvemlkt iw*ritx-

'iohi O' i tic portion efth Stater and anutder, Kith a rieir

o' abolishing the vm and promoting t c < tki r.

Retain*, Tterefo.-e, that all attempts on thepart ofCongr ss, to aboli'h sl*v. ry in the Dtetrict of Uolum-

niuicuim OfIt mr iirivu. I. 1..CW u i»«r i »»ia jell to Southern ravor. It is true, lie signed the fugiti vs sreui y ueu- r tnat tne eieuti -a should dev Ive upor Ordn t for tickfiear be > ’ toig, an isnch persons became amenable only to the law ; but it would have been surk madness—utter lu- tbe ll..use of K'vre.eutati ves a-d take the cliv ce.* rf I S.ililM, i>,a a'i Oa

.7/n.ted Ptst^s Tiacy—in him, or in any ether I* esi l i t, to have re- eiectnw a man like Fillwore. who will have both t v e I j vlt dte* in ihctd o- 3. sW


v, M ,V.;x* V - A a"—#-

. |

’ * That the p raons (slaves) on board sail brig, H fused that signature. It was an act i


the most indis inclination and the pow^r of putt ng an end to theition resu on the bros.l pnn- i resumu g their natural r ght< of pt-nonal Ii erty.vio pu’a-le a- d imperative nee-xa ty, and uo l.iug strife.

LATRB XOIEW or the Umtbd Btates, iucurrbd no a ugleexcepionnfthat act, HIS ADMIN- T,,.. ,r a * _. l l> L,' i ’ I \ | Vi ITII 1'^ - J ' TwALrRNALTV, AND ARC JUSTLY LIABLE TO KOPDRUil- I9TRATIONHA8 ItKEN'uNE LO^G. SAD. TKDI- !«<> pWpt* <1 lillS .odmry ha . 0 Wltl-Clf'jd one

jI Fit j I I * ,> U 1 SV ’.ISTRATTON H 4S II KEN" oNE LO'G, SAD. TEDI- os . o wiillsi one

IJCS b'AILURK AND BLUNDER. Who believe* that, ; oieotion by the H.usoof R'crese natives, IthJ t^evwith the proper spirit, cap icily and effort in the White j, , . .


ticket* cashed or renewed in other tic.e.s ut I Two orthree bott’.os »iilcl*-ar th • rytua -“!--a

See. I fwo bottles are worraottMl to cure ta. *,.r» u.*,.iforticketscar be addre***rt to I Ihe mouth and stomach.

s. .- H i ' .v i •.. Atlanta, Oa . I three to five ul • *r w . rwKwinshctd Or S. 9WAN, Y1 .ji.:x • • r; . A. a. I" ; *•

i ~ mi a » ' Oi - to two o-.tii*. , are wanr-n •• ! to ran. '

EC IAL a\OT ICES. ! ZYS?&tnr*™ul,kt


I Four to six bottle* are warrantedto curecorru;

that measure should pas* the next Crngreas, would b a rtheTir itories, ortoproh'bitthe removal of x.ave*.... , . . . . . ... from State to 8tote, < rti discriminate between the in-

1N< OMHATlUt L WITH Ot'R NATIONAL HONOR.a. That all attempts io exert o r natmnal Influence

in favor of the coastwise slave trade, or to p'a e. , ... .. w ,v., A\, irum w .-»tt 1


i > u.:uiuuiiK iw.rai ,u- in » . or u. me , r. uf mi p a v rrcs aent riiiiuore can nave no re «i srengtn wim t:r|

- nan,uic. • ui » > . • ns * i ' i .. t„ r ,-


bo veto ltr It u plain enough that no l* much Qis- ,utut:on«of one p ruon of the co, fed>rscy and an- this nation in the attitude of maintaining a commerce p ;C ple of the South, evon if we leave out of vi.-w the f oople fail to mako a ch ice. Ho Yell* u» that no i ,e the ebur-h yards might he cured by Atsk's Ca- • • reo or fou. bo -


rnrl^xT bw tha rwnMl U tha Miaoiri Cumrrcmit* r with the view* aforesaid, an in violation of the in human beings, ore subvcrtiv* of the rights andiu great Galphin odium in which h-* is ini' , 1 A .: v u , . _ . _ .. ,tVbBd by .Do rfi»0BI ©I lut Jnifesouri cump, Conil tuu ,n,#ci ructive of the fandam* ctal priucipL* jurioai to the feeling# ami the intere«r 8 ,f the free n ii in th-«je circiun8t»uceH that we ftn i Iv-sident Fill- Southern State would vote for Fremont in ecu- TMartic Pul#, if taKen »n #tasoa. I>- q t go dr g g to -



would h”. or Lot, veto the bill reitorieg the com- on which t eTn oc of th*«e re*t«. suh W»*r«>nd 8tates, are unauthorized by thi constitution, and more tutting the la#t hand t> hi^ ruin at the ^outh. hv rT-*r*;, ^**1

vs* * a n * , . i the jurisdiction «»f Cocgresi : and that every pet.tion* prejudicial to our national character.. bringing out anew, am] with justification. HI* OLD, iia ‘

promise? hat wouid he dc 7 \N bat I# tli© me n emuria!* reaolutior. iropoaition, tr paper, t iuchin# *,n .hat tho reaolntinim do lie AND FOR A TIME DORMANT ABOLITIONISM.’’ have mad’

.A - ... 1. -L - _ h»n we have cr relai ing in any way <r to arv extent whatever to A motim wa* moao that too resolutions do neDoes not eve: y one see that the real effect, „

o ali tea taiK ao-jut COLC*IiaiiOD, wnen we cavo*tAV t-ry a« ^f<>rrsaid, or tv.* abulit-.uii thereof, bhali on on the table, l eae 62, nay# 12o. Mh. riLLM kk if not the design of Presulent Fthmore’a receiit visit to Kentucky

no aHurancwof bis action cn asiDgie ouastion that Uw present*; >>n thereof, withou-anyfurther action ANI) company voting in the negative. Thi* ihe people of New York will be :he coi tinm-d organiza- . , _no a HHU..W ui««.a.ou uu e.. thereto, be mid upon the uMe without being debawd, mnu l. .„ , tm vote • minv tion of au anti alavery party, reconciled to the C m- Auams—


r,rvliw<.a All th* AXTitAlior.? Inletj.we feotol how tr.ted, crralerred. ooulil not DO C0..xia.rcd a teat vote , many me^i nromlM onlv h*rsuw it envb u s Whi* mlminlitratieii :

pouptc lau io maK*? a cn ice. uo i».l3 u# that no } ^ the cLur'h yards might car by Atbk ’* Ca- i re« or fou. holt -•iNi.iri .e4 .^curt :h. «

Southern State would vote for Fremont in a eoa- T»*** r,c Ph usen in wason. D a’t go dr iggi. g1

; -ry wazrtcaM.1

grffsianal election. Most Kentuckian, wouldtbNagh lbe a*™*, faint, sleepy, and Bstles,. b:c»uae scrofula.

, .yr I • v '.uA-ie-i wi;>i : Wmm thf


x * Uhave made tho U I •

is action cn a single ouastion that the preseotxti.oi thereof, ^ou: any further action AND company voting 15

gitation* InleodjWe see not how priuted, erriterred." could not be considered ano asaursnoeof his action cn afiDgie question that

prod ufa# all the agitation? In Joed, we see not how

tbe South cas commit the adjustment of the ques*

arvna uuanvni j uuvbv;uiii *iw tvai tutui. I ’ —— ----- —

I 71L V 1 4 IjfcACU.if n"t thede»ign of Presdent Yillmore’* recent visit to Kentucky la tno contest between Jtckjcu and I vour st niui'i is f ul Dcn’i parad. yourse’f ar and I aoibiuglookss enpr -ri lartuTg^ithe poepte ofJew fork will be the cot tinuea organize-

. „ I . .. . . . . . . I trie* a. - ••• * *•».. ... .. ,x ,.T1anti ^ «BS

. r the Yankee

Mr. Atherton m <vod a nurpt-Lfion of the rales

the b« can comm tne aystment ci xue que* ^inst the motion in order to kill them bytion of Havery te Mi).ard Fillmore. It he did not

pnim< re k Co in the negative.j

reot vote. Mr. billtnore* view?, however,

dj the evil be might when President, there is no Xhe resolutions then came up upon their final i


r ^y, wrEist followed.

, , . ... - i prourse only b-cause it en'ib es a Whig ndminutration Iknlitlmli1 ;

bars who were opposed to the resolutions voted t0 famiiiari/.e the people t > the idea that slavtry is a|

A0 - u -,on - A,ajn 1

against tbe motion, in order to kill thorn by a di- political evd—an evil proscribe 1 i y th-; wm» con-! goa, and m have u

science, limited ta its present ares, and proper to ht •


assailed hiresfter in all ihe ways which are possible, I between -liaiiST Rad rr in. .:i», u.

reason why he, with all his Abolition record, passage

should be trusted again. He forbears te cimmit

himseif now, and his party occupy ubout a half

anl half po-ition, indorsing the very basis cf the

Block Republican movement. Which way Mr.

FiJlmero will loan, if suooeseful, it is not possible

to tell: and it is uncertain, in fact, what bis party

w aid do. But we refer the reader to Mr. Fill-

more’s record : ponder it well.

1st. Resolution adopted aimost unanimously.On tne second resoiu’ion the vote stood—yeas

appear by wbnt’olioweO. ghorvofthe violent disruption of the Union.” . , .. -

John Minor Botts, on the same day, offered the VVu ljrbeir co oment. Tho Aatoricaa ptrty, ‘t * ‘ ^ •> r

' -' 3 w ’JUi“ v ’* Fremont,

following preaxble and resolutu ns : have either to admit that Mr. Fillmors wai (sill W o have no doubt that they would to’o for Fra-*• Wherea, the Hon. Joshua R. Giddings has this day an Abclifionist in 1851, or to brand their candidate aunt rather than permit ths San tc civet

Abolition's-. Adams iu pref- renoe to Gsn Jack- 1

and a11 0T“y of th* unc,ean 'tisews of iheskin.te

.. .. _„ v. . .. . . . | cameyour ;;st -m wints vieansine. Don’t show yi.ur-u "’ “ “ Uj a contest gpjf haggari, ail caved in, Becausi ycurbetween Buchanan nod ff inr-.nt, her present I stomach and bowels need strengthica into heul'hyac-

and all or my of the unclean disease# off the akia,ae- a «* walls, should -ure t v r\ r in the,;, 1

cause your ryst im w ents > iean»in*. Don't show y oor- yet it ts now » fix. -i ri. !).,« i. .v. * Auraori. Ho.

self oboot, ievn, haggard, all caved in. becans « ycur V - s’ J'^o’Tv “ ir.’ iri'

-“• 1


stoxaeh :iu l bowels Lee.1 *trengthio* iut. 'i. ri'hy . * .r i .u .

tion. Ayer’j l’iils Sit these things right .s surely a*tfe effect

^of it in every ue- It hasalr-a-lv •

. . , _k ...“


. . .'

. i uie of the greatest «nre* ever lone •: setts.rAter quenches fire. They punly the body and blood,

jlie a ive H to children aynr ...I to d pe p

tn J restore their luncticasinto healthy xctivitv, which *: 'lhasiern i.o- r, pur.y 'm, •:

. g eh.i ireu, - .• tii

..._ ,,n f,„! TV.. .

was »>»ft »nd Libby .restored to a pen eet state ..fhe* . .— -— - I oy •- tl i.

II tno election goes to tho House, I :h« one tnat medical wonder of ih i ."uie, recogmi»d Tothaae --hoares-ut

unquestionab'y be our nix: P.-esi- I by all win know their virtues—and many thou,and,I V''-*iiz* :’"As*


On’ the brann of tho’fourih resolution to 1

10 al sense of law, onteri and humanity : therefore. captivate tbe mr. e3 by it* vague genernlitiei.

• .L . T. '*• ReetltU. That tlu# House holds th- conduct of the fhe only thing it doe* commit him to, i* hostility

wit: that the conmtu^on restsi upon the broad, 'd


member as a't'TKher.

“"war- ,0 th , Kansas -Nebraska bill, which, under tho ol its ac-ted ray, with Adam?, Giddings and .Slade. Two however, that we have dono hi«a no injustice in ! css thtn thoy are before tha pgrple. The stupid- will attends to all calls appertaining to his profession. * it r: 1 a»t:» fir cy '

I .4to discrtminatc thirds not voting in the affirmative, the rules were .howirg that up to ani at the time be signed tbe ity of claiming an elsctioa by the poopio has be- «lt office is on the west siJe of Third street, h-iween '

«riu V^r.o tfr.:« rl • 't\‘***r*-'* :

Vwioi.ksL .not suspended. Fugitive Sl.avo Law, ho wa», and had been, in Mmrnni t*--* in«- i,-m .v .. 1„.^1


, . Main and the rivsr. oyk itf tmti d,..»Uwiwiv DvSviD ti xilaboiishirg ihe The call for resolutions still rentini? with ihe in,. • nme so apparent, t. a. ttCj h-ve abandoned it: ___rottor mankiaa. neir nwiowi it n« iwow- oi*w »ui»uw, ...u i .*-^. »w.«uu.8 .x« 1 he call for resolutions still resting with the feeling and practice it Freesoiler and if he hi*

“ *

mended for his oaths and obligations, nor for his onc »* premotirg the ointr, the vote stood— state of Ohio, Mr. Weller offered Mr. Bott?’ reso- 0C6n Pandered cr misrepre*rnted in regard to hifi•ln '1 n^w they unbiunhiugly advocate Fillmcr*’,

solatory fear of the Pope, work., horror of foreign TroJIn^ SmhETUo wSinS lutions as his own In tho discussion which then view* since, his .wooiaie, Andrew Jackson Don- support upon tho ground H'*t it will threw th.J ..... JYladc, lruman a lo., voting m uie neg took place, Mr. F illmore appeared ns tne special Ai 3n i.. i, hix trailueer. Mark his uiinuua: “Yon .v . ti ...

C*F“ Tho great merit? of Americanism, that in- wi,: th,

at the constitu^on rests upon the broad ,» d member a? alti pether unwarranted xnil unwar-, th , Kansoa-Nebraska bill, which, under tho

" pniiCUile Ot equality among tho members of the rantable, and deserMng the severe condemnation of . ,’ ,.

terested the brethren so cuch some tune ago, seemJ, ,ufLjera(.y vote stood—yea* 150 nays 20. the peop.e of this country, and of this body in particu- acts of 18 jO, finally wiped out an odious restrict ion

to bave faded away of late. Th# signs, grips, Fillmore and Giddings in thoaffirmative. On these resolutions a motion was made to sus- 8^tect^on roi^cf mmon^^iierc I'iii^ cjintnonwinks and bllnka, and the terrible oath •, and tbe Oa tho a^ond branen of tue fourth resolution, pend the rulca—jeae 12S V nays 68. Fillmore vo- Territories of tho nation. It proves ono thin?

religious secrecy, will not do to expoee. The p°'* X

| V1141 C m t!?ehet



of,^ ted naj, with Adams, Giddings nnd aSlade. Two however, thit we hive dono him no injustice in

V; y' .* v- knowledge^ power, ba* no right to discriminate thirds not voting in the affirmative, the ruks wrre ,howirg that ul- to and at the time ho dgned Hegreat American party cry oat for help, npon the between tue instnutoon. of one portion of the n ,t suspended

. FugTrivVK La“ 1he wL, and hVd^etn, inrent ot mankind. Tbeir 1 resident is not recom- tvtate and another, a view ^o, aboaehirg ihe The call for resolutions still resting with the feeling and practice a Freesoiler; and if he hi*mended for his oaths and obligations, nor for his one pfcmoticg the other, the vote stool— State of Ohio, Mr. Weller offered Mr. Botts’ reso- oeen slandered or mi?rerre*mted in regard to Lis

„.ur,,..,„(a.,P.p,.norti,hor,or.fl«r.l|!D i"*!?”i“ b

L' Tn U !» JXwrtw -EWl IH« ,i„„ ,i«^ tl. J.-k.,3 B»»-. . . . . . 4 . ...

Sl“dc.lraman a lo., voting in uie neg took place, Mr. F illmnre tpf^ared ns tne special eUon, is bis troducer. Mark his Unguage: “You

infiuence ; he is ecmmeodoa for w-at he did, a* a ftt,ve. apologist ana defender of his eo»./; ere, Giddings, ill know that when I was called to the ExecutiveiWhig, in t imes post. Now, a? a Whig, be never Gn tue first branch of tne^bfth resolution, the who foem3 to have been as closely allied to him in Chair, by h which orcrwheliqed the

took anv of the oaths; he didn’t know tbe signs GUdl'n^sidt'ACo “Ttfcenc^UvT* 1 ’ « w. have shown him to have been ir. «tioa with grief, the cun ry was azuatea from

. , , . . . f .. D i,i. txiJdings, siaa to., n ce n g .. votes. one end to tho other, upon the exoiting subject otand grips, he was not afraid of the Pope, and felt On the second branch of the frith resolution, Mr. Adams then moved to lay tha whole subject slavery. It was thou, Hr, that I felt it ruy duty to

no tears of f. reign influence. If, then, when he the vote stood—yeas 1 ‘Jo, nays J8. Adams, fill-r,n the table, yew 70, nays 125 : Alnm>, Fillmore riso abovo every sectional projuii:e, an j loik to

was not purified by oaths, abjurations, and had i T, 4V-'l.V

1 <he ne8a'‘ t

'e-~ m : company in the offirmative. Tho direst vote the welfare of the nation. / troi a... . * l: . j-j u

ore i.ony. Gtooe, rot. i,p. -i -3. was then taken on the resolutions censuring Gid- certain extent, to orercomr. lonq-cheriehed vrriu-not had a revelation from t>am

(he did such exp ;ciU y, 9 onr readers to pause here and e mpsre dLigs, yeas 126, nays «V ; Fillmore and company ,i,v«. «„d ditrryard party claimt.”

7 '

as President as justly commend him to the whole the portion of Mr. Buchanan with that we Lave negative. Tho vote was next taken on thr \\ bat long- cherished prejudices bad he to over-

country, what is the use of his Americanism, w* J ust K' ven - Read t .e ugh constitution I and preamble, yeas 119, nays 06 ;Fillmore and com- come, before he could sign the bill ? Surely, ho

:,b all lit. «. te..» W. L.„ do Ml.* ^ °0,7oD»CS'.fl' “^SfS'lS »“» <«•*» <*• OM.,M. 11. r ftr. rf Io hi, 1od« «h.,i,h-l

....... .the »outa, ana aenounces au inieriorcnce witn ^ slavery in all its fyrm*, and against the rights ot

|any great deeds of bu since be secretly joined a slavery in the District o. Columbia, hxumne Hot the eMB against Mr. Fillmore doea not stop -.he South in regard to it, as nhown by his Eriosecret party, took the oaths, and listened meekly course on the resolutions ef Mr. Calhoun, and tere Qn the si day of January, 1843, Mr. Slade, letter, his congressional record, aid bis New York

‘to the instructions. August *e Adolphne Scrooge, inoatnpare it with that^ot Mr. t of Vermont, moved tho following preamble anc speeches—and he ua t to overcame them thon.

.x. Ot K.c. X«.i,i^.». si,D, th.t "^r*! ,

wb.i^hrd.iDui.rfh.tD dx,'-«ui. »;?. . , . . . ... , .

• J" “ a law of the Uuited States, framed on lionirg it? Purely, not ineclaim* of tbe cld >t -igeventful day or night, he has been rambling over .southern people wouid be tne safest. But the the i?tn May. 1S2G, thefoieign slavetrade is declared to p »rty Clay ai d Webrier its grea’ l» vicrs were


E»W: «ptx,-dirfn« on the ’^i^TlS^SL .a. of.-kWelwhii li, JiU, ,.A

r««Uhrf g.-

meats of R- me at the right hand of His Holiness,Vi i-r dec arin* that a'l toetiLions fi r

Colurobia, withinsight of the hall* of the two house* ors ot their intellect and their inilujnee. Thai. .... , , . ,, ,

feted by Mr. w is*, declaring mat ail petitions ror of c<»ngre««, »-d the r«-snlenee of the Chief txccut,vn oartv had no claim* on anv of iis members to disthe Pope. V, e have beard of nothing else. Hebas the Abolition cf slavery in tho District of Cclum- Magis’.r.ue "f the nx'ion, » trade in men, involving »li

: ,,/r ; ,v„ firnvi

.. ..... .. . i,;.: „ in Um TerriL. rie< of the siive trirfio be- the prineip’es of outrage on human right* which char- regard t e provisions of tho constitution »rriedno merit i>« a Know-Nothing; at least very little :

biaonntua lemtones, ot tne siave trado be1Ct«r ze the f reign slave trade, and wiilch have drawn out in that bill; ill its olaim* were for it* faithful

not half as mueh a* a thousand othors He was ,w<fn th

f9“ou1 '1 ••oonudered CDjecied to Upon , t tbe raxledietions of the civilirei world, »n i execution. Tho only party whose cbtimi could

1 uiueu w i muu.duj 'iwiJi,.* without debate. siixmsl zed those ergxged in it usthe enemie* of she u . . . ih Awr, -


secretly pul through in his private room, didn’t Mr Wise said, if he thenght there would ba any rsce; and wh reos the trad : thus existing ii. this Dis b.*» regarded, wa* t .e ADoiiuon party,J r * v

. .

r -. ? * r e . *• u ia tnrt it »ggr%v%tetl in enormity by reasr-n of its being which bo K-cmeu \o oonstdor had eDims on him,€V#d a low the brethren to witness the eerennnj, objocUon cO tnepwsageol taerefloiuaon, no woam carried on in th*1 ht'pAjttf k i.ation w.^o#e iLftitution# ancj ^ fell bound ur.'kr the circumstancef to dis-

. . . . . (Mil ^0r tha vcii and nava. arc based up ^.n the prixicipld th%t all men are created I * ».*. *.

ani then quietly clipped out of the country, loav- a ‘

.J t h, * !“»»> » ’ w»»ose laws have ia efiect proclaimed i's!*g»rd them. It :s true, he now unapproves ot

,i .l- i.i.ii.i .. .v- \." 1 * *' ' 9 ‘4ni eB,a

>n. ojjc .ea.

crest and sunerlat ve ini quitV : Rears valed. morruv, r rhe aourse thov are rnrsnirir. Rat. when ho. for

lent. No ruen know this better *h»n those verj !

aouthorn men who aro now straining every nerve

o carry enough Southern Staves for Fillm .re to

hrow tho election ia tho House. They cxpoct to

ell out to the Black Republicans.

They care nothing for the interests of the icmth.


T» tho*« *ho are subject !n a sick he

asands tU'7]£.* w*ytI %zn wht. MVI t.iKer.

coujihe I H v« fur ye»n», hire he«”»i (

»n l the Fill* for ail deransoaentfi re-iuiriag a ourev I9 ^ b »• u:- *• '* " ur '»? jJ » -t*v, i . »n ; . - .

tiv- medicine.'* »“» of the fa -. ..ns ,.f utel irr. -ut. meuiciue. *|M 1 Tl uugu If fee , . . rcu.1 _ ;

ty Prepared by Dr. J. C- AYIR, Practical and Darned— th >• nlways.i;- t, .r a . . i:r : > <;

Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mss.., »cd sold ty J. C. IcTyZ'wAyerit Co., Cineinn* :i. all the Diuicitts in Loui«- li*e'.»n r ; -r>. I - .»f ti.e "mV < •' \:ra««rille,*cribner It Devol, Ns* “any, an ' s’* Dealer* son: encoiaiaay cf it :,i. ; ever msaii-’ . 1: -.

r. M-'i.-ln, thwoiish this .e tel >0 cf.XL- j'f d.. t ev.r t ; ct -.s,,-y . k »: bA.iyoa.

acU of 13 ii), finally wiped out an odious restriction or tho country, bo lorg as they cun get office

m tho right o' tne Southern people, aud restored They *mw very well that Fillmore’s chonoe* be-each section toils ccmuion interest in the common .. .. „ , , ,

Tertitc.r.LS of the nation. It proves ono thin*,fl,re th9 Ho ’JSd w '>uld bs

’ P^Ue, more hopc-

ville,*cribner It Devol, Ns* *. “any, an ' alt 1‘eolerx Ison’ eEcoiaiams cf it ; «v-r ui <u Ii-' . 1: .

n Medicinr through this #e tion. jvl^dkw-ini|cn."n?*r. ‘cu.-ugh

' f L k’*..Jejc*;j

I .All erdersehuuid be uddresssd !•> Sivbi n.l .v P»ttt^PIl.ES FEES ANR.V1 LY U'1111 ill gfeW

ithoutthe use of the knife or ligxtare.hy Dr. URBAN.|

*Wict Man. and Market. Louisville,

flit old customers andth; public are Informed thst he I y- 7 , :t~-- j x p«ttoai'


and now they nnbluahiogly advocate Fillmore'sj

ITotic*. BIRDS PATENT aTLA.M-iGlLIRa,support upon tho gro in! Hist it will throw the Persone wlsMns to no to the t ff [ S PLAN OFelection into an Abolition lioare of Usprenenta- teiwilieand Nashville Railroad, will pleas* leav.* M Boil-rs p^midars the st

, . . . , . . I leir irder* atOW i N’s HOT EL. ocJIdtf I Roilersin use wiih the ernnouelection into an Abolition House of Usprcsenva.-

tives, where they can in the language cf the

Journal, “take their chances.”

Wak-Trkason—I’uy'ICal Fokc*.

The Cin-

cinnati Gsr.c-’.te, ia a long and inilix:u*i ry arti-

vide on Kantas, ates this language:

Aro Yoq Gettinj Bald ?


X. B-'tl-rs p'-m 'in.-s the strength *f the ores*-|Roders i:i use with the economy oi the lu r.- rriMrc


sj*em. T’.ey have bee » it, use for twc. year*, r •

jample o rtificotes in r-» ah! to ‘.he,!- y. rfnimua«wcaa>

I oe procured. The Patentee, dm roue of inirodac.nwM on steamhoais,Do rot’ wish your hair soft, silky, ar.d fi’ossy 1 tf*9®. nn steamh. c iTer« o:--h*.: r.iter ,n the

Mothers, shall y..ur «te- bare goodhair? Us* Bools’* IItpcrios Fluid. Is ynor hair .f se r J; Dt.*son. The Patentee i* si preeea:


and registered, at Ualh jod, Ky., a I, ANI*TARUNI for 1 j acres. Mined to John L. li<,ward, I

Jal**d 1st April, 1V36. No. C3,4G. Tlie Warrant *0 I

inclose! to Wheat te. Wyble. Louisville, Ky., *vith r

blank BSKignuit-nt. A liberal reward will be paid forI

dated 1st April, 11-36. No. 63,411. The W* arrant wasinclose! to Wheat te Wyble. Louisville. Ky., with r

blank assignment. A liberal rewar 1 will be paid forany information in relation to tho same.JyH d3w THOMAS HOWARD.



I *rraj or of an unequal color ? Vm Boylk’s ElkctucI Hair-Dvr. Have you tan or frexkles on your com-I p'.exion ? Use Boon’s


slm or Cytherm. TheseareI warranted the best in the market, or tb* money re-

I funded.

t3F Proprietor—W. BOGLE, Boston, and soHIrugglxts everywhere. myiadjm




Porthe cure of ScrofuIa.Dyspeps.a, Chronic Rbeu-natism.aud Blood Impnr'ies generally.

Middletown, jErraRson Co., Ky., Aug. 13, !*S5.

the National Hotel,mrla Jeoddci* WILL S. BIRD.

A Piepiratsiy Culleg©

F or 8 m a ii l not * w ill beopened in deori tcunrv Kv . In tha fir. » v «.*« opened in dco:’ ceuDry Ky.. in the first week <

September next. This iasrltution n on he *r:.r. <r,rt,and Georgetown tBrnp; ke. <uiv feu.- h.-urstr .-a L' ul*vill- It will be under tbe wiret-Uo- rf the unJ.ra'gned, assisted by c-tspeUnt in. t r leims

1 and an ot- er inf* itnli a, app’y to Wtbh.Gnl te Lev-,rriug, Skt Main street, south -i l .

GK ! A. C ARKEI L,jj3 Itswtsel* B- shop of Coving'-,n-

Wood’s Wall Paper Depoi,Third street, nzar Main,

tfs.1LOT, litu ted 01 the north side of .Mags-

, With m ertin* v»'i;sea*-e of some v;,-,*sine *tre-t, t‘ r -. * Ninth «* . - 1 1 at r s '

*“»•« with .n erupt r . n*ei .e or some Em,

Dr. VareHaN—Dear Sir: In th* summer of 1*52 ] 0 P P O S I C O L R I h K OF ! i C K .

ad a young block boy, abouttwo years old, severely Em’ R W (J I* I. F» Rr MINT* lil’D

secretly put through in his private room, didn’t

even a low tbe brethren to witness the eerennny,

ani then quietly clipped out of the country, leav-

ing the faithful to carry on the work of fighting

are based up'.n the principle thst all men .ire cr*-*fde jual, an? whose biws have in efiect proclaimed its

have bcon regarded, was the Aboli'ion perty, sx rooms, neatly finished. For terms, apply ti

which he ^med to consider had clsimi on him, Jyl4d6. M.dlsou stre Stet ?reond and T- ,Vd.j

ana he felt bound, under Ihecircumstatcei, todn- —regard them. It is tru*, he now disapproves of Copartnership.rhe oourse they are rureuirg. Bat, when ho, for u’ninTnik’ i vn u nirv I

at least ton years had, in and out of Congress. v


r V, v

1_, i - i. Nell, having ussociiieJ th.-mselres toc«’.h>r. I

• hole body, and more especiady hishead.arms.a :.i n ng -’x.

J.. ... nt T ..... busi e.-s<f I’AFtR UAV ,Kn?,w



E w U V LB RI- MIND OUR* » pa’roi.s sed tlie pu 1 lie xenera ly th it. hy comRing tff** le • WV.; Fa. v. -ri .0 ... , , r

regard them. It is true, he now disapproves ofb:. r iiiiuvis him »ua i»«i, « vi>;kot.

I great and superlat ve iniquity : aggravated, moreover. I the oourae they are pursuing. Bat, when ho, for I

The vote on moUon to suspend the rules, stood—I by its outran- on iheseneriidt es *>f ^Christian ccmnni- it ton ven-s had io and out of Congressmu -7 L' ,11 - A I i. »ka nil,-, hw .iin,i.-rins th* ties of rtiri.ti.n hroth.rb^H w leaV ,0U > eifJ aW»'“ 1 Ul

.v-'“*r .'-

se *

egs.wereon* assof runuiugmauer- Ihadlosttwc1. -hiidren about the same aze, anJ ofthetame parents


with the same kind ofsruptions, and I feltsuret! is on*- wouldolso Jie;but, luckily, 1 WAsrecommended to use" your "Dr. Blackwell’* Sarsaparilla and Veriieola,”

’ payrol l sr l ; 1 - pu . k -ner;i ly that, hy comf tne s Itf tJW a,IBs, •: ltq^ u C t, f*r-- ii:.i-< r:,,. ter»pf t’AFIi R UANGt**, we u „ i. coin-»«rt is tf»r lim it l- wxxnuvxxs than others.

. and "Uo withmare sstb-faetionS!ft k*,f PipenlXNiw \>D rxM,n, and noc ia je for

' any te-jrl. not emu m the 5*..1 a yie.

WW V. W<x p.j' 1 . W M ' ^

feeUngsmay be(«d'grant thTthey ‘are ft™ \»AR fLETT, OR PREIU-(

itic), tho wi.y lead .rs a. th Nona who con- Ure n p<M picke-i from the Fateh of Invis.bk- hartic.and !»im, had it made for a very different, purpose. Qr. en, Ksq*- Price U.

— vote Ho.a—yea* i«o, nays oz. A Jams, r u.m <re potion or power, the ronsutution or the United btxt-i , ... m„in it< f«ri> Whatever 'lr Fillin* re’- t m- , ..... .. . He said »omething about an “ exigency” i Co in th* negative.


having conferred upon Congress no right to establish th* J* 1

, . nJ till triv «.r>B.'t.MMA BAR1LLT1'T 6 e •

,,.u .u* b

. —. , . relstion or slavery, or to sanction and protect thi va,0 feelings may lie (and grant that they are El. . .. . _ .

that converted him from a Whig to something Banw resolutton wa« again offered January 14, SLave trade, ia ant portion cr tmzs confederacy: patriotic), tho wily loaders at th“ North who con- (ir.-^'Vea*1



else : but if ho were so good, a? a Whig, that all1840, by Mr. inompson. rfoutn L>ro lav and ther*. fore, resolved, tec., tec.

trcl him, hud it made for a very different purpose. Qr-m. Esq. Price *1.

.. ,, ... ... , , . ., on similar mottoD, the vote stood —yeas 12b, nays On motion to suspend the rules so as to receive Their obvic us plan i« to make Mr. Fiiimore as! The Wander -r^a Tale of LifeiWrfXteXXXNM him, wh.l ,h. „ AW, FUlwm Oi*U.*i th, pnmhl. ,dJ iwd.te, th. »ot. .torf fSkJwbu'Sui North, » Omv, irom htoex ge-cy? He is mouthing about a subject that the negative —.ieeCong. Globe, ml. 8, p^ye 121. 73, nays 10»; Messrs. Adams, Fillmore, Giddings, au the Abolitionists and Freesoilers, and give ty CWles P IUUy Price »l.

hie party have nothing to do wih—slavery. The March 30, 1840, Mr. Marvin, of New Y oik, pre- Slade, Ac., voting in the affirmative.— Cong. Globe, them to Fremont, retaining for him only that re- Received and for sale by

t'atform ho is running upon ignores expressly all f^d » petition to rescind the rule rejact- ro!.U,p.\W. spectable and conservative^ portion of tho old Whig Jill >• A_LCRLM P,Sj Fou

. . , ,


ing Abolition Petitions. Motion to lay it on the Again: on the 3d January, 1843, Mr. Morgan oarty who would vote for Buchanan in prcferonct Unnnfv U'ectionai ques.ione, and he ha.- been talking about tablo—yean b4, nays 49. Fillmore, Adams k presented a resolution instruct ng tbe Committee to Fremont; to place him, in short, in the same lOUBlJ L I

iothing but a sectional question sinoe he came Co., in the negative. on the Territories to inquire inv. the exptdienov position oecupded by Triuibie in tho race for Gov- 286 ACRome. Indeed, we are now informed that the col- _ A ,

Cong. Gtabeijcol.*, page 2 9.7. of repealing an act pa«sed by the Territorial Legii- ernor in Ohio last summer, between Medill hii OF JEFFER30S CGI N1


etitatione and ritnals are disomued with Then°a}“• "vA^nwintr0- lature of Florida, entitled “An act to prevent the Chase, and thereby e’rongt hen Fremort at the . n P V V H V

\ .

duced a rest!uUon to f*16 21st standiLg future migration or emigration cf free negroes North. While in the Southorn States its effect^ *

the life, soul, body, and breeches, of the affair ir rule of tbo House, which ex-luded abolition poll| M(i niulattoes into said Territory,’’ cr to so much would be tn so strengthen Fillmore, that ho might ^ "J

pleasure in recommending It os asnperioi

ind blood purifier. It acts as a gentle ca-

1 Is pleasant to the taste.GABRIEL RE ED.

The Wander -r, <v Tale of Life’s Yi -issiiuJes; by the „ VAiTiintv v, .jtm.i.,— , i ....m i

author of "The Watchman.” Price fil.Dr il VALGUAN, No. s4 Thir l street, Lou.svtlh «

forest and Shore, or Legends of the Pine Tre* State; Proprietor. '• r n ..... ' VV-WCv-


V';;:S7l'0]Ki;i4’r*‘- xnaemtasuxi..jy 14 V. A. CHUMP* S4 Fourth st., near Market. ?orter St Turner, Eminence, Ky J. M. Frank f0n.V ‘ ^ '• !•-

- - - . . — . . _ . v- . u , - ntrnMH UOfBC *• Il •» i u • * • i B9Y ( 4 -»r il

. . irt; J. B. Morton, Lexington, Ky.;W. L. Marrtwethc r r, Ck»w*y*.

Jeiiersofl loanty r arm ior cale. ***«so»Tnie. ind.; l. Ho»iond and w. j. c«u,o* hwm* _ .

oor \ pma 1 herdsville, Ky.: boyex te Uararave, Canneitoa. I

THE GRAND G-— 4k f *' 3 • u c *


*: cot.v n> nu•.r

fW7 : nT v-i>\y.j. . i- it ucrick, A .* . il Ol, If; . »| t ;. »nt

the J -ciioo for Gr»r' i • il.cer- *ii ( i» : i. onWEDNsrtDAi .the VQh ir ,!., -t. 10 "'c!o*<, ». e.ji'lff.l.j’ IVX WM If Bt^rtad Aec'y.


J. MONTZ & CO.,.'Ta . SrCUE.'-OKS l,K ./ IjL

286 ACR38ome. Indeed, we are now informed that the col- _ of repealing an act passed by tha Territorial Legii- ernor in Ohio last summer, between Medill and OF JEFFERSON CO^ N1Y LAND FOR SALK:’

'“ J ' : a" d„W ' n 'ywoo<

l.4 Co '’ LewisPcrt ’

titutions and rituals are dispensed with ThenOntha 9th of Docember, l^O.Mr. Aiams retro- lature of Florida, entitled “An act to prevent the Chase, and thereby strengthen Fremort at the . n p p v d P’i »h j a i v Af v !

Throop k Bro ’’ “he'byv «. Ky....u ons end n u L re . p . duced a resolution to repeal the 21st standing future migration or emigration of free negroes North While in 'he Southorn States its effect —v?,

* ^ I r r, R r OR SALE 31 \ ariteanbesenta* Jirected to any p«r*ot intli*

.he life, soul, body, and breeches, of the affair is rule of the House, whkh ex-luded abolition peti and mulattos into said Territory,” cr to so much would be to to strengthen Fillmore, that ho might flPCr^imm^tetelS ^the^Vtfswre^n'IjeV ““^y *t$l Derbottle.oriixboUl.sforaS.

[one, and it has becom* something else. Fillmore tions.^

Mr. Bank*, of Virginia, moved to lay Mr. thereof as imposed a capitation tax on such of divide their vote with Buchanan, and thu3 throw 2awri«r*on turnpike road, 8 miles from ihe ri y of I i oi4 iinseodtewcow

a turned rut on the oommons and if he is DotAdams’ resolution on the table—yeas 82, nays fiS, them as may enter said Territory and authorixes the election into Congress, where Fremont would Louisville, in Jeffvrxon county, Ky., containing J^i TTPP run A TH

\l^ bN mAv ,ri,v fTrd L l .. amid theAdau,^ F.Umore A Co voting ,n the negative

,heir sale for ninety year,, for the non-payment of in all probability be elected, and tho manners of Se^±!^DEATH

narked he may stray off and be loft, amid the °°*9- Wofa, col. V p 12. gR1 ,i tax, Fillmore’s party bo entitled to a distribution cf one-stony fram- house, kitchen, meat-house. a&n> ^^T rt'SLidBKD, thk nrra kditios—raicx ON*

w order, invested with all the signs and grips, present it. Mr. JohBSon moved to lay tho motio

when he sees the bits of paper, he, too, must run ^ suspend on the table-yeas M.naya 53. Adami

. . , . . r. Giddings, Fillmore A Co. votir gin the negative,o the ac aal danger, and run prepared; put on his ° c ,ng Globe, col. 9, p. 51.

trass knuckles, if nothing better, and pitch ia, eo On the 2ist of Ja-uary, 1841, Mr. Adams pre

lelp him God, and keep him steadfast. sentod another abolition petition, praying for th

_T , . „ ...... , abolition of slavery in the Territories and DisThe new order repudtates all respon.ibility for ^ of Columbiaf and that no new Terri tor

he past acts of tbe old parties;and must, of ghould be admitted into the Union that tolerate

ouree, disclaim all merits of old parties. It is slavery. Upon the question as to whether th

*»««, o;


illmnre, tbo Know-Nothing, that i* now a candi- Fillmore A Co. voting in the negative.

Fillmore 9 party bo entitled to a distribution cl onv-§to%s frame house, kitchen, meat- house. n-»frn

the spoils. Hence the speech was urged upon 5D. c'bins, stone spring-hous’, wash-room, tec., with g- A”

, ,* b * siafclev, coru-cnbs and granaries, carnage-hnaso uc |

r lllmore and maue. The Form is in good repair, and atToriis every;h.Lgj

Every reflecting man must see that tho coutsst that lx convenient and dtsiiaMe. It is cne of thi Nr- -.

:• i-.ctween tho national Democratic and Block-j

infusion and corruptions of the old parties. We On the 2ld of Decembbr, 1840, Mr. James, of Black moved to lay the resolution on tbe table, the spoi's He'iee the speech was urged upon Mr. cabins, Rone spring-house,

moot allow this fraud upon all concerned. Fill-Pennsylvania, asked leave »o present a petition yeas 113, nays 80 Fillmore voted in the negative Fillmore and made. Tte'Vmm'u'a^JodI


„ 5 . . it _ Votfhir* 11a is th. h.*d nf ih.from &Dtl'8lll’ery °* h is Mate. Hoalso On the 231 of February, Briggs, of Mazsachu- Every reflecting man must see that tho contest that Id convenient aad trisii

tore l- a h,.,w- Nothing. Ue l. the head o. the aoved a iusj^nsion of the rulw to enable him to ,olt», asked leave to submit the following rosolu- is between tho national Democratic and Black tijntere land watered farmw order, invested with all the signs and grips, present it Mr. Johnson moved to lay the motion tion: Republican parties, and that every vote ca t for ad(risten“



rhen he sees the bits of paper, he, too, must run ®“ KPcn(l0'1 the t'V

>1® ya,nR5 e 3d - Alams, wHbrka«, all laws passed hy the Governor and Leg Mr. Fillmore, however doserving his admirers may ofarm would do well to ca

it Mlhin* k.tur, and pilch io, 00 Oo lb« 21.1 of J.-tlor,, 1841, Er. Al»m. pr.-ih.‘iiodl»l.' loro '’..f too Aoirrk.o t.forl


" 11”-

*1d him God. and keep him stead'ort. sentod another abolition petition, praying for the Be «t enacted hp. the Senate and House of Representa- VovBinror and thev will di ubtlesj shun the scare APPLE f


.7 7. . t-uea wi a a nnt; oer oi never-iiiiiiig strriigs; n is a:so l It \ J . J . r Cl K S i K K . M. • .Kopu ucan parties, anil that every v->te ca t f ji susm-punix of a division. Persons wishing to pnr.-hs «-


Mr. Fillmore, however doserving his admirers may a farm would do well to call and examine before pur- Showing N ATURE 3 Tilt E ANTIDOTE for these

think him personally, is in fact a vote for Fro- chasing. fjyHdltewtr] JOHN H \RdOLD. frightful scourges of the human race.

raont. These things will be duly considered byrofcol ecHo^

C“rY we*kly ,our ti,a'• and send bill This little book, written in p ain but forcible language,

ouslry atfil perbottle,oreiaboUle*forfi5.

I Jafi4dinaeodteweow



Conanm^tlon mid Scrofula;

A Popular Treatise,

BY J. J. FORSTER, M. D.,Showing NATURB’3 TRUK ANTIDOTE fet these


frightful scourges of the human race.

Of Represent*-the moderate men of tho American party before

November, and they will de ub'.lea* shun the sr are

thus artfully laid lor them.


E \ il I H I T I O \Or TliE

KENTUCKYMechanies’ Institute,

IN LOUISVILLE.Cominraciai; the 3mh September, ISM.

HTGOLD, SILVER AND BRONZE MEDALSAND DlFLOMAct wut b« awarded tor sucharticles oa the Judg**- sh*tl ihu-iJe to b - of su-perior mtrit, and SFECIAL FREMiUM.4 terthe most mcritorioua ar'.ic.ea t.Jerei in theExhibiti' n.

[For the Louisville Democrat!its of old parties. It is slavery. Upon the question as to whether the the future mig.xtion of free negroe* or mulattoWto ifnnw.lYnihinirixm Firetum of a Ger* tt A1SIN3. 50 Bei-whig 1-mii.nt, b« >»u -p« *• u«j a.

. *. vote stood—yeas 103, nays 51. Messrs. Adams, force.” obligation

ONEAPPLE store and for sole by


late. Me need not misspend his time on the

lavery question. Ut Lim inform the country u**f*j” ” T.”"" We will olose his Congreesional record here. It « weor thftt 1 will advance the interest! of ever;

tnat secret oaths he has taken, what sworn obli- re^rU ie


C x.'ludimr abolition petitions from theis M “e<f'*r” M th® “oet ultra abolitionist oould native-born Amerioan citizen, especially the mem-

. . , .. ik.t h< Sam *, ,

*.,'m *• inj '

. i... b. desiro, without a single pro-slavery vote- “coneint b®ri1 °f this order, to tae entire and absolute ex-tions he is under to hi. own party, that ke doe? «f ^ Houre^yeas lfi*, nays 1«4 M«sr.

e„r ^ that of Giddings or Slade and “iuWori ri’’ clarion of all alien, and foreigners, and more es-

towe his countrymen generally. He ought to Adams, Oiddiag^FiUmore A Co. voting in theby a drop of patriotism or conservatism, and yet his peciallj those woo belong to, or approve of, the

Ik about the dangere that started and justifiedne (?

fcllve - 0UlJ Jt °> * ’P’

''’ claims upon the confidecco of the Southern people Roman Catholic faith. So help me God !

Cong. Globe, vol. 9, p. 116.

On the 14th of June, 1841, tbe vote Was taken

Briggs Rskea a suspension of Ih* rules; yeas CM. nays10S. Fillmore yea, in favor of Briggs.—Con*. Globevol. 1i,p. 337.

man t^uy rrinicr. jyi s pgnda te mgrhih

,hereby solemnly swear etcrnsl fidelity

| ^ fHAM^AUNE. »4D BASKET S, AS-to the vows 1 have taken in ttis order. I also V', ‘Strand*, in store and for sale by

t I will advance the interest* of everjj


n Amerioan citizen, especially the mem-jAJUGAR. 200 BBLS AHST’D NOS.

is ordsr, to the entire aud absolute ex- Crushed and Powdered in store and for sale byall aliens and foreigners, and more es- jylt FONDA it MOKKI3.

Crushed and Powdered in store and for tale by14 FONDA it MO Kit 1


I gives all the necessary aJvice for a new, rational,i Exhibiti' n.

:ese. ao job m wt.I . ^7-without drugging of any kind, and is strongly rccom- , ! E. 1 il \ A I 1/ o , *4 >AI P \U I U -

FONDA te M0RKI3.;;aendel to the affiicte 1, to heads "f families, tec., as a I

RKR3, MI.K. IANT3 AND AKlt-To *ro»—. . .. .. . .. , i

every part of the Union are invirel to octrr- t.>


most v“U!“**e *U! •* ,a tira* °* Deed.I-hi# RxniD-tion such »r*ic es ai tney .!-s:re v> rnug be-

lt also contains interesting inforaation for those al- ' f^re the peop’e Oor Evhi -- -n 11s:, is .mp;y l^rge,

FONDA te MORRIS ®>cted ^ u, ftvrrcu. Bomlt Dureumru*. ^ :;


r .

B acvvTa au **’ .y oCIk th 1 S*, AS- fiS^More than 10.00U copies have been sold or mail- allortri


<ta e- r*«j


I for sole by e(i, wi( h - he u, t tew weeks, to every port of the conn- ,FONDA te MORRIS. wua sou last sww wwwe*, *• every pure oi tau conn go,, -,s on T-esdiy, se- 1 . 1’ , an 1 cp - e i f. r a-J-try. mission of v:u, tore nc Tnesilay . 3ept. Jth, *-. 7 r. U

I ASST’D NOS. Price 10 cent*. To be had of Bookseller* generally, ’*?T* 1


*T r * t»y,3-pt A :n, Ne*

, . . . . „ enUreo fur ei upetitiou or perm on.rtore and for *ale by or by mail, poet-tree, of Metre. ed f .rexhiri'.iou otriv -ex • t ; sr h a. c. C-inmv1->NDA it MOK H13. BRIDGMAN te CO.. *buU be isliilM were fifissemhud from a dtemm* tmIX 4 i LS Dikvpa jeo d&wtsul’* 158 Grand street. New York. tuneto have r-oebtd ’be kxh.i i n lUu b th day.

party and it* creed. He ought to rail at0a

\he 1



1 } re^l^rion^rei^Uhe “J*with an »ir of ^‘umph, while MrTBu- I would like, Mesirs. Editors, to ask how a set Emma DrenVd for sole by

r Z *_* tk,.u Z wo. put upon Mr. A^_r^luUon, te rep^l the chapan is denounced an abolitionist. It is re- aW..Kli^tinn imuM M* ANMj• Pope and foreigners. Thoee things are his ra ie

rtxcluding abolition petitions—yeas 105, nays freshing, after perming such a record a, this *To

of n>en»

lak ' Q6 the above “obligation,^

” could

took in trade, and upon them let him run. We 110. Adams, Giddings, Fillmore & Co., voting in turn to that of Mr. Buchanan. As Gjv. Letcher support a German paper, owned and controlled by

retest against putting Fillmore forward outside th® affirmative-—Cong. Globe, vol. 10, p 56. aad about his reply to the charges against Mr. a “foreigner,” and edited by a“foreigner,” to the

,1, £Lm.l th»t of bu h. i...d“‘ " b.n,"K«,.=hi.».i

ie head of e vast secret organisation, with it* nays 84. Messrs. Adams, Giddings, Fillmore.A Co., If this is “Americans ruling America

51*<lison pure Pearl Stsrch received per steamerEmma D«an at d for sole byJyM ANDREW BUCHANAN te CO.

GREGORY & MAURY,Managers of the Ky. State Lotteries.

ItOESnEIIG’SMammoth Dagaerrean Qallery° J D.*ht ot the Lxhit 10 a. of dispoilDg of :fc. ,r »-p- ’

Ison Mainstreet.No.iil.heSwoen Second and Third, at auciion or otherwi,*. cle*


wbaretbcbeatPugu-wre-typccuo always be kao. Ulktf'q^oiyV.-hV* -

tyHABRis made a CoUodiotype for » young friend '“p!ALm foiV^«“ot’^V. mil,of ours lajt week—so like him, that when he haDdelit m.Uriu. will atdrrei '

tohia»weetheort it just put it’s arms right round her B* 1 '"ksva utieJl fiecV Coioout'Io.

Th-* Kxhihitinn Hall tell he ready for the reception ofgo,,»ls on Tuesday, se, t. Iteh, an I op-, e i f, r ihe ad-mission ot viiitore on Tuesday Sept. 0th, a: 7 r. uNo artiij, dep ,«it e.t af er f oe*<Uy , S pt. teth. o»c be

enttreo fur competition or pr,m am, bu *j|) ve rrceir-ed I »r exhibition only—ex.ept snch as the Committeeshall be satisfied were dispatch.d ‘r in a dis once Intime to have reached ’he Ixh.r.n n Hall b- that day.but failed to srire from u.,avoi,]^Me let-ntin-,. Ar-ticle* de.-igaed for exlusiti- n ouly wLl be utaaitied freuof eharge-

itioa of the country. At the head of thi* enor- lhe table--yoos 103, nays 87. Me**rs. Adams,mirmamnnwvr omrnnn

ity comes Fillmore, and asks the vote* of the Giddings, Fillmore k Co., voting in the negative. ‘

„r ,k. rev—ir* hi. ,w„m hr-thres 1 Oo”9- OUAt. vol. 11, o. 90-91. i But the evidence against Mr. Fillmore does noty*

te n January 7t1S42, Mr. Giddings presented a »eti- re*t hero. In September, 1848, Ih© Buffalo Courier,

Fte for him; let LL* new order fupport him. Hetion, praying Congrcsa to prevent slaves from be- published in the city where Mr. Fillmore resided,

against all others, and *o it his party, and all ing transported from one State to another in shipe. speaks of him as follows:

days of “Tippacanoe and Tyler too.”



National Demokatic Com. Rooms,


July 5, 1856. f

State executive committees, couDty and cihers should be against him. Upon a motion to lay the petition upon the table, “We shall call one now tithe stand who served with State executive committees, county and oily

_Z I the vote stood—yeas 104, nays 86. Giddiugs, bj“ fvo™ hia first entrance into Con*re*s—Heary A clubs and associations, organized to promote the

[J- We have cheering nows from Christian Fillmore k Co., voting in the negative; Ada.»* j. *?J:election of the Democratic nominees for the Fresi-

_. _. , ..v- . . failed to vote. And upon tbe same day a petition lished at the time, we find many important develop- deucy and > ice Presidency of the United States,•“ty- The Democracy have put their ben men ^ repe&i the rule excluding Abolition petitions ?Pf i. r̂ r^K^L Vt

1. t

Wil^ Mr Fillmore, will address their communications to Hon. Coos,

the field, and will struggle hard to redeem the woe offered. Upon a motion to lay it upon the was iktimately^cquainwilVith his'.^reohre^ndmeJ Vf F»a>kner, of Virginia, Chairman of the Na-

MONDAY, July 31, 1866.

Tickets. ICapital. Tlcketa.


Capital.TUESDAY, July 33, 1866.

Tickets. 1 Capital. Tickets.4,00*1 . . . . *6 A

Capital.WEDNESDAY, July 33, 1856.

Tickets. 1 Capital. Tickets.*10,00*.,.



THURSDAY, July 24, 1886.Tickets. I Capital. Tickets.

Capital.FRIDAY, July 28, 1866.

Tickets. | Capital. Tickets.•10,000....


8ATURDAY, July 36, 1886.

Tickets. |Capital. Tickets.

ade.CeUodtetyp.ftw syungfriend| T—so like him, thu when h* hande I it motion. wi;i a sdr*-<s -T- iatof -

it just put iFs arms right round herj

JyU aHUsattwl^ S-c’» teahibiti 'D Coa'uit'««.elor Bob, down in the som* neighbor-

; PEPWmat " '

to have his taken, but when h* heard _ **'

ckedout. He knew his’n would start I*1 ANN BC3LRR, \\ HO LEFTdown tj the Widow Jones’s and he’d

! , ,

pbiia<lelphi » ibom r in-teen y f ire to reside in

this he kinder backed out. He knew his’n would i

and run straight down t j the Widow Jones’s andI never see it any more.

Harris’s Gallery is on Main street, between Toand Fifth, but you who have sweethearts keep cl*

him. j<

, - u uiri niiriw.iiuni.imncu u . j ** i-l m 111Louisville, K- . will send word to d. U. P .oil Lon.**• »»reet, Philade phia, she will hear ' f .ometning

is on Main street, between Fourth »er a . ventage 8 ,.<l Ann wo. the daughter of J*.i>n

who bave sweethearts keep c-.em of

jel" or dea«|. Adfin^a m J7 l2 >|l


A F E W ENGINE LATHFS,Plainer#, Drill Presses, and Tools of all le.crip

- table, tho vote stood—yeas 99, nays 89. Messrs. In the House of Kepreeeniatives on the subject of tional Democratic Resident Committee, Washing- tyOrders from the country promptly attended toil jw] j

AZ.m. liMdino. Pillmoro A Co., votinir in the slavery, and of its obodtion, in all its forms; and I do tnncitv.D. C. addressed to GREGORY te MAURY, Managers, Louiamnty from Know-Nothingism. They oonfident- table, tho vote stood—yeas 99, nays B9. Muasra. in tea House <>r ««P>^*aiaMves on th* subje<* ofa *1 ariio fliHilSnofl Fillmoni Al (!a Yotin? in Ihe bdo of its Rho<itiorit in sll its forms, End I do

anticipate earrying thu county for Judge Cook kOMiD»,(}taAing, '*- ° not hes/tate, on mv own personal knowledge and re

' _. * . negative— Cong Globe, vol. 11, p. 1«9. sponsibility, to pronounce the charge of abolitionismCircuit Judge. The nominee for Circuit Clerk, January 18, 1842, Mr. Henry offered a petition against Mr. Fillmore tale i appeal tothe journals of

b Clark, is one of the best and truest men in te renesl the luie excluding Abolition pautiens. ^VongreiV' to preve'thaiTif he H an aho ldl* olst,'



worid. and his election we look upon** oertoin. Mr. Campbell moved to lay the petition on the Quincy Adams was not; Uiddings was not. He votedworiO,»mBui*.uuB»tf o.up own*table—ye** 93, nays 75. Messrs. Adams, Giddings, with them, andl against the South, on every qfiestion ofr... ^ . ri _ .

. . *u. laverv or lU abolition, without an exception within mv[jy Oor friends, Joel Miller, late of the Press, Fillmore k Co., voting ln 4he nega.iTe Cong. ^nowfcgg# or recollection. The darkest day I ev<*

. . . - t_jn . Globe, vol. 11, p. 143. saw, dnnng eleven years’ experience, from 1833 toL. A. Sypert, hare been appointed County above are only a few ot the votes given by 1844. in the House, wu on the »th of Dec., 1837, which

papers throughout the United States v,

fyp£«to oepy the above notice. all drawin

By ordkk of tub Committbe.

«y Postage prepaid on all answers to orders; also, otall drawings sent by mail.tyWe would call the attention of the public to thtf mM „ a -tn „„ . .... _ ... * lhllF.S.8 H A i •* »>,' S 1 t* - it

above Schemes, which, for beiluarlt, will vie with any "er Rarocen, •!» b^xre French t> inlow Gtoss, ||ivr.«3 a Ato, yc .\ OUrtRSchemes Offered sorted sixes, ranamg from IDxlu t > >>xaO, direct unpor -W qua; tv and heaoiifu' style, at AtyGREGORY te MAURY ore the sole managers of t*t,on ’ which wi,‘ be ®jM lo


- w ITBTr. .iyl S PBaTHv i

,aV siTiflK'lfV f ,flttpripd ® ^ Aiwa *v A \a L lu r*y - v|

tyFor tickets or parts of Tickets address the Man. *** W*in M, .i.U between Bios.-g sq,| Th .rl- *e„ NOIICK. NAP, W I Li

ty All correspondence stuctlt co«tidsi«tial, and tte# MASONIC REGALIA AND TL ir" D^Toa'V f»i*


ie printed drawings wUlbe mailed to all persons send >7* Jewels may be had at JkMJatewson. Wei

WHU ineui, anu agmuni n 'OUl, on every question Of rHPD L#slavery or its abolition, without an exception within my . . „ axlli, thehknowledge or recollection. The darkest day I ever In Boone county, Ky., on the 8th instant, Mrs.saw, dnnng eleven years’ experience, from 1833 to Sarah Jakr i'aik, wife of Mr John Case, and sister _erj-1844. in the House, was on the 30th of Dec., 1837, which to W. H. and T. U. Wise, of Jefferson county, Ky. *

ity , and one Urge Driving W heel Lathe, for sale hyjyl J HUTCIllNiyn ft CO.

K .. Arrival.

JU8T RECEIVED PFR STF.AM-er Saracen, 330 boxes French Window Glss*, as-

sorted sixes, ranamg from 10x18 1 > >xo0, direct im porlaiton, which will be sold io » for cash.

A MEN’S \NI> Hl^YS* LEO.hora ani Straw Hats —W* hare on hand a goodassortment cf the above-named goods, whlea w*

are c'os ng out at greatly reffuce I yrieuo.jj 13 PRATRKR . SMITH te C > . «W Wain at.

A very light and beauti-ful Fearl Ventilating CaWn- Hat — Another sup.

pty of tni* de.ightfu! Som n-r 11 it ; ist receive I fromthe factory and f>*» «»*• ter

jyli FRATHEt. 8M1 n te C > . tW Main »t.

. . u . . , . . , n , Globe, vol. 11, p. saw, daring eleven years’ experience, from 1833 to Jakr i'ase, wire or Mr John La»e, and »i«er gerlL. A. Syp*rt, have been appointed County The above are only a few of the votes givem by 1844, in tbe House, vu on the 30th of Dec., 1837, which to W. H. and T. H. Wise, of Jefferson county, Ky. r~y All correspondence strictly cownpaanAL. anil


re. foe Chrutiu Mutr, is beulf of Bath niireo c tb. rejMU Abolition p«itio., :’^,t3ft£SUa1L.Wr^L:'o?X^” eZJBfS'MSt&bST&SXlil'Sl KjreSf

*“*,«aB4«IA ,SI!ar<

Brook. presented to Congress while ha was a member, and the States. ' month*. • jyU dtewl Louisvilto, Ky.

theKentucky Lotteries-ty For ticket# or parts of TickeU address the Mona

KYART.4 te VURT0 4,Ml Vain street, between 8eoo. d sn l Third.

MASONIC REGALIA ANDJewels may be had at

WM KBNDR ICR’S,Jell dtew 71 Third street.

NOTICE. WEthe bigbeet c tab prtceforarc Depot, oa First

I Jefferson. Wei

u\ DBMOmT.- JULY 14, 1864.

I mw 4 ,»» (Vos* i

1'kt Uld-Lllit) Uiligi All AcCCuioV'In all at li jp* of t*>. country. th* Oil-Line

Wuig*, without hosita'.un or uoubt, are enrolling1 thems-rices in th* ranks o' the d mcorscv. The

Dcmoo:aito J»bU*>*.

lirand Rally nt Shcuherdsvllle. Gxntlkmin : You call me t« a high respcwi-«-.• . r n n i!itt bility by niaoirg mo in the van of a great

Toe Democra-'j and Oid-Lme V\ higs cf Iln.littmen' J »bc * la c{ lho Uai,eJ State-*, who.

» 01 Acc*H»»c«. asvisw OF THX MUSfiT.»w Yung, July 9, ISJa.

II »„ • ki„H resumsl OrrICB O* Daily LOCMVilia Dane ‘me a ..iga respcnst- Sana; at, July U. use. i

.Lo van of u grea: TOBACCO-Salci s* waTCh-mre* at 7-5 M vtie uni cl who. iVi, 111' 6 16£7, 1 * st 7 u 1

1 it ; Woil party with which they hare fonght many s


ceunty will mako a grind rally at ShepherilsviHe, without r*g*rd to past diffcre©”©?, are uniting in I »t 9 i»«fc9 y&, i hhda fine manufacturing itf at kin to &tenliuil! Democralic (luh! *““* the fl,g ‘'*P

I to the ii.u-13 of the l nton -—ii di- solved, and the

fr will be no imetini of the Ihm <*rat:c I pair Lotio and coD.-is'eat of their r umber find no

gallant fight—-hit “carried the flig and kept rep! 03 n£Xt >j jU(] ay, the 21st instant. It is expected * comwon etb rt to firing back the action ,,f the

to the n.u*i2 of the i nv i/'— i« di « lived, and the| . ^ . .. „„ 1 «v iv« Federal U. vernmeat to the frlnoii'tos cf Wsihin*-

patriotio acd oon.-irtnt of their cumber find nc that ctcry toierin thocoun y, \ ton and Jeffers*:u. UVitaprehsadingtht magnitude

speaking at each meaning.

Ort’anuntinn.uu jsratic Central Committee for this l)is-

At a Democratic rnentiog in the township of' hr amounted in a day it two.

S rirgwe.l*. held on Saturday, the Iton. J>hD.

".. .. . ,, .

Borer w*« elo'tod President of an asa-xjintion or- 1 * «rand Kxlly <»l the I eople.

this threatening o«-iti u of the public affairs implie«, l feci th** I cann t better reApi-ind than by c

*:i:c»ro letlarati >n tha’, ia the event of my ole?-

tion to the I’roitdeney, I should enter ap.n the exga zed for service during ;ho Presidential can There w ill boamesting of the peoplo friendly

jeeutioii of its duties with ;t tingle-hearted determ-

10 30 .

SI GA’t-Sal s ofi? hV* N. O. .1 > a: 14:;» llibi

\ - . r ,

coir 1 . K— I*aif» <.f ia l> 14a Kio ai |.% 'vliba'-


Mill, tsiSES—Sales of 10 liWi p!anta:ion aoisuesat53 il 1>' ’i*rri'ae 3. It ito at 5k.FLOCK—Sales nt "dliMs do at $5 ~iA<i 00-BAiKJINti—Sale-' t ion pieces ntj.-t 1 * s'. 1' JslSo


R| IPK— Sales nf 113: rail* r.Jt* a! r,c<LKAD -Sales of 7: ) d. * hard© at lkc<



Llntevt at S ;'S* we.MANCFACTLKKD TJBACCO-Sales or 7i boxes

! K' . do at 18^ 30c.

HHf 2

Tr.e >iMj.bip ilnmn >*llal at tj>s to-dav

.2yri^% Souibauip'.oP ari H ivre. She takes cut 15*>

ivl) -1 W» Zwtf kt is nV* 1 p*s-ctgars, and 8100 ,':"' in -p*ria.

* ja j>1d P’S 0 iy1 •JLt.jkAp The s’eaa -hio K iisharg sailed at noon, for

^ Glasgow, with 20<t passengers.

Ci>ci»ssti, Jaly 12, P. M.

River 5 feet in cbanTel to Limisviilc.CO'iiiBESsiONAL. - ^ ^

VjMMMsJririi\ 1 :


'S’ I < 1 v n \1 I'sSen stb.—


enate pe?«ed thirt'en bill#; one !^O V/ A 1 C>ia » *1 Ijijir.

granting the widow ofCwmtetPwsta ~ I nv a n o nnnv a. r*r


*on of Cf y dollars por nsoaih for fl*s years.

The bid f.r the relief of Mr. MoCormick, pre- peasonahle Staple and Fancy i»ry Goods, 2 tf

pi^sin ’ to » low him to g le;i>re the C> mmissiouer d« ten Men j * c d * tle-n ll -ry.

for tae renewal of his patent, on the ground cf a !

Wiauk Lcaittg Goiter. , c. y- Losiaeled ISect',


at forcier aaplicatiou beiog retuse l through techbi- I“ r-d gout., mon's sure i.i r ClotniLg,

.e cality, was defeated by nine majority. AT AUCTION.

*’ Adjourned. 'J^O-MORROW MoRM.Nfi, TI’ES-

llocsn—Mr. Olive- continued: The aggrega’e daT. *t la o’clock. *- * .1 a .. ioi

' heir appointments will be published in'rfon Ubing the chair tho Judge stated that he

sF«*ku« wlU address the meeting, iho .a .r>

r had heretofore acted with the Whig party—that ar® invited to attend.

— -- be had been a wr.rm and earnest supporter of Mr. _ !~ “ “ “ T

^ -e ui’g'.ty githering* of Democ- Ciay—that he had loved the old party and re 1 0 l" e T rseiids ol the li:n»n.L

laua friends iccssloaaiiy inlulge vtred its gailant and patriot! Ic-der, aoi that it Rally at Shklbyvjlld.— There will be a grand

'Li i ... •

* w#f wi*.h regret that he found himself, in common rwilr of tbo 1 em^cra’y and the friends of the

been educated, and which have boen rip?nod into ]

couviction# by perscwRl observation und expo-


rienco. With this dtelarntii.n and avowal, 1 1

•bink it necessary to revert to only two of the sub-j

jects embraced in those resolution?, and to these

telt:gsa?h markets.NswYork.JuIv u— p.x. ter#, without aiIowhucc for itnmi*ra»i'.n. fbc <ry ul ’to.’ - iiu'?- fri.ts. u>- - r u C!t L .

Jetton— Market firm. Ba’cs cf U-Obales. b -na fids settle #. aftor the eer.,ns was tik-n and S’Sfcr OnWur ' vVFlour- Las-ttled. bofora the eltctmn in the stater, gave co ev denre nil be ami ;d, abou auj dozeu aten s acl *»-

1-TjilfiZ’ir .4 -iv, 1 .. 'hat any Lrroor violence sai use l to prevent ary eone-i Cotton 11 •», ry.

F, ...-There 1. nockaDge In the marketsl<



,n, ‘ uence of a sing.-? assault about voting that day— Mar-eibee and Ltueo trill Y-.u, , ,, c , im1 •„*.


,v. ,n,i h_, in* of assailing, ia the sights#*, degree *-iU » F» :* lo*. AU- , -u il* ? of .. •'. .:k

i#n— lriert; 1 * no cnaafe in tae mart ew au«i out iKtic n . . . ^ . t «. c it. • * *• » - * - r ^ -

Loin«. correctxrti* «f Uov. R<^d€r j inw “ 4CL 'K1B »e^#u«

Whisky—Advanced. awarling eertificYtes of eiecti n to mem her* of the ’iy(«'-ro< ssnl* • t res-:.; for

^ ^ „ai bags Lio lUe LegisUtore. Tbo LegiaUtwre was a arepwr Uw-


JyM •

. ,,* Indianapolis on the iust. thuusande. w ithout a party. Ho had wit

sssure their crowdi there, not by thou- needed the old Whig orgm-.sstion

.ul bv a~res. As it is rather a busy time fragments, each <*f whieh was warrti

r .. , , , . , indirectly apiinst the Lnton. Jo- firm.-r-, they cn.y calcn.sta on about w ,. a^t ,k.

rally of tho 1 em^cra’y and the friends of the inly because events havo surrounded them withHo had wit-


vr _ gra»o and critical circams anoep, tnd civen to !

nothin* doing,

broken into «

uatr* at ShtlbyviUe, on Monday next. Col. ^ importaccc<B

.t uJ OU ouiet.

fraginent', each r*f whirh was warring directly or Wn. D. Ilcod, our candidate for District elector,I oorcur in ths views of tho Convention depre-

inJirectly against the Union. In this rational. ^jjj pr6ien t

fand with other advocates of civil enting tbe foreign policy to which it adverts. Tae

oriria—when there ws; danger threatening cur . _,i; .rfnn, Hvtrl „ ku„ t. tfce m06tinc Lot assumption that we havo tho right to take fromcocfeiieracy- he fonnu but one course to pursue, and rcli-iou* libcrtj, udr»»tte

. aooth*'r nation its domains becMM we waat them,’ tau Hal. confaierftcy- be fount! bu* one course to pursue,J ° ‘ ®*

. another nation it* domains became we waut them,,1 a t-atu?k.*iQ w'n bonf4 :lj doubU bat or.*e party wilh which to uBitef Mid that to there be % grand rally of tbo friend* ot tco onion an abandonment of the honest caaroctcr whkhn«s of the Indiana De nocracy on the Maotified himself with that

\arty which and Democrscy. eur country hw acquired. To provoke hnscilitic*

prcfessci tn earnest and sincere desire V-3 preserve t.y unjust assuinpUos, would bo to saotificu the•tion, we hope that he win go to Indiana- the Union at all barards. With is he would take The Baibocne at JellerM»iitu\vn . |«Mt9 an i cbaracter of the country, when all its

*e I7ih, and hesr and judge for himself, up his political habitation, and with it remain sc y» r j j> Funk giro, a grand barbecue at Jefier- interest might be m r ?o c-.r' secured and i's

not a cjun.y ia the whole Stata that ^ “ P«>ved true to the constitution and the!

' ’

twel„ from oar city, on obtained by just and healing counsels, in-

. t . . • . tnicB. i vol?mg no lo83 of reputation, interna* lonal cm-L* in the mighty throng. —————— . Saturday, July 19th lost. bamssmente aro msinly the results of a s-cre>

. ;«! and c.inni.e!. e« •*<!<»#. wi.i be there. Hf * he nsa lYntumo nemo, 01 ute icta ui,, ei,* mM i i.nnin« f - tlie comfort HliJAemer. vliirh liau tnkoan frnin th« IntnaiAi,.

", '. , . . , . , . ...... nn evidence of ussailio^. in the sb 'bt-'t dr^-ee »r>i- » P».'.t*:.,i.'ii». Al#-. u il»’

Oil—There is no chaa*elnthe market aud cut little r .. "» J * .' V »

. l« , . . -1 .»doii c. t-i'jfr j j . 14 ' v • .

Whisky—Advanced. juvanling certificates of electi n to member* of the ’ !»".•»’# ro< i * an I * j-res-T,

.>" -.aturo was s moter lr.w3uvii— Firm, at 10c.

L.?£iaiauire. * m L^u.aiuro »« » propeT i-.w

M /.asses— Firm. Sales of ltoi,bli. ..altitig body, at.d therefore i’s laws valid a« fa; asThere wil! b« nan, of s :cks herc-dter on Sotur- consistent with he Cotriitation of the L'ru’ed

day ajernoon. WUU.UBY 9. O. HENRY * CO

Ciscixiiati, July t»— r. m.

' not a coun.y ia the whole State that

jot lie rcpre»*ntel in the mighty throng,

eci ;«• and connuet, e» matte, wiil be there.

,onVan*yivania, and Cobb. of Georgia, bare says:

writ? n that they will be present. Douglas,

• 3eU»d. All the prominent Democratic

A tumor reached here that four men, three -,c-,:onA serioani and one Mexican, w-nt to Guerrero, iD


11 xico, ar.d robbed the Catholic Church at that Ino 1

The most ample arrangements fr-r the comfort diplomacy, which aims to koep from th« knowledge1 and accummcd.vtion ofvi.-itorj will bo made for the

‘ ^ 0 r e< l'I" tJo operationsof t'.e Government.

Siate?, and organic ao’, and Whit&eid beirg duly Wla Louis cuvr • l'ru-bei ur.i hbls

e'.ectet in ptir.uanco of a law thus pissed, is en- Louis coarse Powder**! Sugar,

jict.ce ani character of the country, when all its[r^f ^'hoursV '<^7 t'ot

‘ 5for *a l’®,iiae - •Gt'M'v title-! tohis s at. Mr. Oliver reviewed at greatinterest might be m^o o-.r’* secured and i*s Provi-T'.ns— Active’ IJaixii sbonlden 9>»c. Ji'e* He. longlli, the exitting troubles in Kan-af; stjs fremoljects obtained by just, and healing couuseL, in- {•’•ik sbouMers and sides 8* w>sc, lueee rora Ale *5*1 * the evidence they are properly chargeable to thevolving no loss of reputation, international era- ^whisky 2tv revolutionary movemests of those who got up thebamsruaenU sro mainly the results of a secret 3u««—8 eilin* at S‘£ &?,Hc. Top- ka Convention, and have pitdgod themselvesdiplomacy, which aims to keep from th« knowledge Coffee—Sel in* pt HAg 3 to resist the law? at all hezards...I l.i.A ro nlfl tho* of tl.o (1. v,n,m.i.i Mole^ttS 5*1*14 St r-5- Tho llr.nco r, tho Ia. of .ho -o

coarse lVwderr

AT AUCTION.length, the exist tag troubles in Kan-et: 3 ijsfrcm jy Demss-J by 9r« ©a the *i >ir Orau 1 Turk, aedrbe evidence they are pr*'p*Tly chargeable to the a>l<lfor accoui.t of Underwriter*,

revolutionary ta ivemcnti of tho^e wbogotupthe *t\ THURSlM i Uu it.MM;to resist the law? atnU hezards.

next, July irtf, at W ••’. 1 . ch. we w,li seU, at tfaLouse of Wes-r- U. II. Newcomb * b.'i . it*

This systoin is incon’-istant with the character ofcation. our ics ti[Utiofs.acu is itself yielding graduallyTho various candidates will bs prerent, and to a m-ro enlightened public opiuioa, and to the

Liverpool .Market.Livkhcool, June 3«— p. u.

Tho House re.-'jmtd tho consideration of the re- *hrrA£iP

t.°f.<>Am ***•»

ort of tha Sumner assjult. AOUit vMr. Allison conteS'.eJ that tb : s subject involved

— ^ mAuction -ers.

not only the rights of Mr. Sumner, bat the pe«- BY C. C. SPENCER.


dev, rctr.rn to the city by eight o’clockrelation* ne*r vuc caaum, overwma »uu pva a

uiag No fem ceeu be eaterUineJ ofJ

^ht wi 'h the«a.*»d <»“• ti«torious, killing

~y of our Hj.i'isr frieod. t j take care of «4 wounding a number of them.

’ ine; they are used to big crowds. We. our city aai county wi.l bo wdl repre-

Co *-wt# —Tn* Salosn sentinel, the Au-

tcrt'.i, aai the A1 mtevallo Herald, three

es of Know-N' ithiugl’m in Alabama

Mori Black Blpi bltcan Tbkason.—


e takeI the followir e f*om tbo report of the proceedings

|at the late H a-h Republican meeting at Spring-


field. Mass., as we lind it in the Argus of that



Shepherdsville, Monday. July 21 .

Hats’ Springe, Wednesday, July 2A.

Brunoritowo, Saturday ,July 2C.

Democratic papers please copy.

tjrT'Weare gratified to find that the talented

ild, Maas., as we lind il in the Argus of that Democrat, J. W. Stcvcn*<'n, has axepted the op- this spirit he? sprang th- °o kindred wrong* in*?® : „ _ , , .. .v . pointment of Elector for the State at large, in place Kansas so tiu’.y ji.r:re.> cl iu ol-o your rc«olu-

£?^?a!2sa !

J *. u.,.r.a S-d«4^. Ho .in,

. - e r. - — Vi»ui a

w—. • diflioBttiea btlWBBO the North and South would*

Joe f*;tied hy the cirtr*cge-box, if not by the b§l-

je-’.arai .n favor of itae 1 acan andj

lot l*. x: tha’, iu certain con tiag*ncice. the Consfi-

: -r c .1 . iiethaa, the Know-Jiothlug ' tuti-n of tho United State* wa» not worth a rush.

. .. . . . , -ur w , . o... !Ther* is the true Bit k Republican spirit dis-

r..m . b e c :.utv, John w hitibg, 8*ta* , j a,-i «...- rlayau, tending -lirectly to disonion and civil war.t/jei ; "ioner, H >n. Geo. D. Sh.rtridgc, Xo tbeaesti a vl agitator* the Constiraiion of tho

-,s v? that party f.r G '.vern-'r I we t *e .r ,1 I nikad Statoi 4

* not worth e rush,” to uso tha. ...... _! „r t* 1 1 Wnrrfu TIilt n&n i.nlv

....... v..,a^s ;v n L i* ,u OlUi .cuss o! men interested in tisvery, who eimmtudono section of the c untry, and w ield a vns’. p .lit- Di330luUon.i-»al control as a consequence in the other. i> nnwtl tectcd to turn back tins impulse of the ravoiu- FIRMOKCARl. rH.MOSS Alion and rc\*r-e its prino plea. The . *« I ' TRIOS is thi* dayjMsaolve '. bvir ituat consent,

L-...-L- -r -s ^ .r i ." •

n Cs-nth reiinn* T8e l-uaioess »Ut be witl'-l Lyj .vtiry ss »be i a. merit l- t i.j ee. of MOS9 8t TRIGG, to whom nil r.cDeys wuat be paid,power which r .'W rclss thogivcroaient

; ar.d from and who will pay aUindcfteunt-ssof thelat.- firm,

this spirit hr,.* rprarg thoso kindred wrong* in w. c. CAUUT11,Kansas so truly pi rtrayed iu one of your rcsolu-

jII C. TRI«i6.

tior.s, which prove that the element* of ths mastj

Lonisyille, July 1 >t, 1^*5—jy9 dt'Stwl

hers frun insult tor any thing said in debate. It ty*eer a private re*.'i-r. ••-.hi- wji.r-yb pa»-.j.u-

was eveottal to freedom ef debate, and ho there- .

lute 3 ti .in.’.i ;h« pcriiua t^kea bj the fe'.eu-t pr* i^rt? w» u i a: >/* v**«- ?i.i- u *il lUiviAj *,>,*„COtUIUit^ee in ‘be iep.-rT. when it pu^itively *»M.

Mr. Wilson s..d this whole matter bad been ***

the peopleat tha following times and places:

A -

. Lebanon,“ Danvill*,“ Stanfcid,“ Lancaster,

July 18*b.- « 2 i»t.

22J.- “ 23J.

arbitrary government* have not been vanquished #

by the just theory of oar own. Copartnership. Vn\. \| I


It would bo out of pl.'.cc hero to pledge myselfj gy MOSS AND H C' TRIG!* Mi. Eddie sail the Uonsa owed it to themselves

™ " M- .-


l1 ©•

. c*. » i: d. #t tb« i -• re,



&*• hslered by

|th* rtyle of MO*9 k TRIOS, and wiU c the groat Constitutional


ji.diticsl > ities, < pirating on a powsrful slast' wholejal • Hardware Rusi- ess .*! the o'*! stand of C%- i ricciple u> pas: a ro.--: iu'iuu !or cx: nui 3 , in.i con-. : ns of c. ,y ir: • .. o--» rj i»



•” remedy is tbo adans-.K-n of Kar.'as into the jySdSiwl n. C TRIOS. strained to vole for its i^ngo.

#* er^.srr, *u.i .e »u„ .1 .. i y.. r.^ii.iy fi»w.

Mr. nut -I s*.a un wuoie mj.'.er uau Deeo with ir.tweet ©ad lieu.inves ed with quite unmerited; whenthe fact* «cre developed it wa# found to be noth-


lrl° d*s

iog but personal controvony; the H uso had onlyj 3Y C

a limited power uver the meteber#. and e -uid not |

pnni.-h for disopl*rly boharior anless c maiut i•<Mlininutxatrn^ >..


in open session, aid c-.uld not punish l„r an offenco r . at

elsewhere. .HONDAMi. Eddie said the tlonso owed it to themselves w™n- ; ,t 1 ©M

f.r the paotteti n of then- rights. They itMi

C.C. 8FKNCER,ly ic at* ^icioofrf.

BY C C. MMRAdaiaietratrix S, c< f 51 rsholi Farritnra n

k\ug Mouths Credit.

OX MONDAY HORNING, JULY14th. at W •'rlesR.wiR l« s.vj, *t t8elc*« re.

(>artiel«l, F.*>q.,

«len*e i. f ii. V. Wait#, ilrcc.ikil, ©a l hs c *1J • • .. I . . '...u««b,.: . » ,. 1

it tf heri Fur:i ture a: ,1 i tr t: *2 * •:» «.f 'lie dec- *•*.

c*l rtm.'dy i.-: tbo adons-.ii-n of Kar.'a* into tho

*>in?Clation of Partnerahip sympathies of hi* heart, for ho recollected that .

Jo‘n$ «i°**f* * b *V?J, } %

*r.'i'uns ’ **



fjpHK FIRM OF LANHAM Ac CO. ••• ooa \*.vrs ago he himscit stood here aecused but, io

M. i# ih :

4 li.-iv dissolved bv limAation an.) on ad‘ff*-r- * cuar »*-, w thi'ut bcia* Dvrmitted to ~

Mr. Giddiogs t«nJ*re-d to Mr. Br*ok* tho i an l.uL«Jer c i*h; ©v<r l_5. I nv

-t <u tbs I>i*: c-a.i- tv miL*u5 for . ol “Bu'ic and Bre*s **yi *ho savannah ueor- h win - times nnd pia.*t». and address his fellow-

>ot ,l,.j Vice I'roMdont. These Kra a few ' gisn there has been a perfect •tampede among oitizons upon tho political itsues if tho day :

vinacr .. -jesiions to the Democratic party in . the Democr*tic Kuow N'othlngs of Alabaiui—one Lobsnon, Monday, July 14 th.

'warn* since tbe nomination. wild rush ba»k into the Democratic fold. The Campbollsville, Tuesday, July loth.m .. . , GrernsbuM. Wednrsinv. July lrtth.

u s.r^TrecaTar =^e»nF on Satutdsv nightM^tgomcry Jourou! (\\b-g) says:

Columbia,Thursday. July 17 ;h.

, . , . 1 Shortridge, Czxpbcll, Baker, W s. K. hmitfc, Baiksville, Friday, July id ih.l^cmocrAlic ^anstrled • mrg# attouut ox fl^rdr. Wither#, ai:d n bos* of other Democrat*, Alhar j, Saturday, Joly 19 th.

P' riar.; Lu*inf-ss. A Committee cjnf.svicg of arc si.r.king off the dust cf Know-Notbingism in Monticoilo, Monday, July 21st.

W S am. 0*o p H.rkle, and Jose L,h B. *heir hsst« to reach their respective holes in the i Williumsfcnrg, Wedassdav, j„iv 3*‘ old Democratic den. In addition to these, there Barboursvillc, Thursday, July 24 th.

ia*a*ter, was ap;w.n.r J to propose a p,an ror tbs a c large number* of their loado-s who havu their \;ai!--.bcs f rr, Friday, Julv 2 iilb.

•ye thorough and cTective organization of the hirscs already tied out, ready to start at conve- Ljudou. Saturday, Jnly 2Ath.

unger n:;mbor# of tbe Dcmioratie party ia the niont moment. Mt. Vernon, M-»nd.iv. July 2ith.

^c? counties of the Commonwealth. Woriu0T Hns**Lr.-We l^rn that, on .Sunday


\V«£*l*y, r.Gt tV.e your.g Deaoericj Oa the state mil nvn.:ng Uei 9 jcmig Mr. ^ . vv. \\ hitlow, who Danville Thursday, July GUI.

tily r» i*4 to the movef&est. lived in tue vicinity of Itniier • < ns* Roads, in Crab Orchail, Friday, August lit.

t _ this cowuty, took hit gun and started ©ul to hunt Lancaster, Saturday, August 21 .

r Thp -lef.T .1 ^ of l>owIi' ,j-^rccD were MRirrils, a* he prof*Mid • lie was cut nutil ucn

I «, * , . ,

-xt . afternoon, when the frmily beromieg alarmed.


Hour of speaking at oaca plaoe 1 0 c.ock, P. M,*.*rd last week o ter *uit. A --r. Ar-

jarnfKj , ut jj. |.xr?h r.f bin', which was centime! D.-moeratio papers pleats ropy.

1 bad Kaid that he belitvod that a Mr. Wheeler until after right, when Lis tody was Jdi» HiVtred,

—lie -.ed borer; whore up.-.a »h* sar

i1 a liWtif It was th- ugc*, from tbe poii- TtrOTTOTi?

. v. tn .v . I tion iu whies his body with tho gun end stick ilUAAviiO.* 0 ' ’ ^vj l

1 w ®re found, that he committci tha deed himsr-lf. —«* •iJ* or tbc °’-h#r ’ *nl oc* hutdr

^ The ball Lad taken effect in the forehea 1 . whichj

•7 witnesses wore examined,jmust have prwduoad immcuiaie death. No cause

. ,* Vurnitui f ts, d«ceaaeS,


Unffthr ani noud*rou» were made1

5 * known calculated to stimulate one lo such a|

1 i* U'e revideijce.on the oorner of Jf ckioa an 1 MadiSe»'j£.> longljy ul pona .n.u" "cr. moor.

... , , ,,.- 1 .0,1 I

am «lre»:». Also, tfire* Kretton a:nl Lac.ptot. free

it a-uunl- *be ; u*v ha4 n-t ac-c-ed as td of despsraUon.— Clatyote Journal, lith viisf.

, t§ thi , wf t- rIi0 n *1 » o’clock, 0:1 tho premiec*n a.. ,un».. .ie jbj u-‘

Speculations will oosltlcss be made a; both these tales

such dto-egs ihe plaintiff had sufferod. I Fins aT .StiI'BISVillk.—


n Tuceday night|

ss they ar* peremptory.

1 I tar, wc l»atn from the Hfeinid, the large building I not furftt to attend the continuation sale r.

iMAMUorH Ke-Opisiii.—


s es’.l tbe at- 1 known e.s the Franklin Kastorv. was destroved by valuable Ro' k* at auction, t' -i ' vninf, ei 8 o’clockI .... 2 , . , , ,, n 2 1 et No. i*o Main r.reet. by Samuel llyiuuu. auctioneern ( ? our res' ore to the fsrt thst Mr. J. I,. 1 of®- * r wsi cecui ied by tveo. M, tJrtP, a# a w; ol- phakeepeare, llyron, Jlonre, 8nti. Burns, Wordsworth

,,, . rM ..


< manufactory, and by Mr. McDevitt os a ma- I Milton, and all the outer poetical works, besides HUr- • ' rrr,F*Dt' <1 tbe -o auunoth Clothing

| ehin# (h ad bf%u foundry> Tho 0f Mr. t-, Bjograph cal, and MisceUaneous eUndsrd tho jurpose of dirposing of ths public bads it

n ami Market streets' 1 McDeviti u from e . , ,

- re be hat ore or the b^t assortments ever pre- n > insurer, je. Ti© loss of G. II. Orth about nine b oksevtr t.-fi re ottered at public sale in the city. ° a freeholder.*

i ihnmerd d. i-s or. w’ ieb he bad five th. lirxni ,,r H • h"* also a variety sale at his stcru this morntelle ’ < public: and he will spars no pr.ns to I T**" <K»tW . QgJ "f* f * . at W o''do:k. Buyers will of course attend.r .1 doliars insure: c*. Th* stock of wool and the of-


* *r®0 tak’.®. »*rU ah circums’antes. —e. flcc books were save'. By this fire fifty or silty

uosn in tuis c< mmunity,wnd hi# old friends persons are thrown out of employment. POET CF LOUI3VILLE.I but to i»e told of his new establishment, to C*». Cvmmerct'tl. I __


their custoctry visit*. Latb nton Florida.—


n the 13 th instant Fortj

a rri v * 1

*,0^,,TIU, ’ J,ljr 1,1

# K <;AKrifl n -Wo are painod to state that i>a?Md.1” by

^tkl\*°°k McLel.or., Summons, Cincian.-.U.

_u. iturisi.i

.Jiaiuo.1 10 c«ii

fire from the spark of a lighted pipe, fho llamc#,

Bmnia Dean, Cline, Carrollton.. S. t-arfield, a^istaut Democratic elector for


rpread rapidly, and before long 'ho hospital, bar- b.-;iL>s«- (.tt-rn wheeler}, fiuthn. Nashvill*.

rttateut Urge, ha* b»«n c».D«aed to bis bed at racks siebles, Sutler * #Kre and Government rt. r*-j Mareuit’ St Louis’

,GuIt H-nse, in this city, for several days past h< u“ *era borood. The sutler Wt abc ul $ 2.000,


Velnotte. Mttsbnrs..


I and the -'’Idiers nearly ali ihsir property. Ara-naut, rmeburg.very severe muispositic*. Mr. G.. however, l The Voluatesis h*d a fight with she IndiaLs or.

1*0*1 to be able to take the s’Age to-dr.y, ar.d lo the 11 th and 1 itb ult., at Pearce’s Cre*k, not far Kmma l)e»n, Clir.c. Carrollton.

£ Mr. tiatson, the Know-N.thing elector, at fr » Whitten’s Creek. Two volunteers wen- ?rl‘r*“ C,u-r:.^h?ri"^C in A’nnaU



lsviil. to-,arrow „r a* GroaDsburo tbe ! VinDoIr.iisr.hvlboer. '.•emch^’*

CiDl ‘nn‘*1

‘ ' *I slain. TLc ceprciations of the Indians had bean Muret go, Cincinnati,

axtday, and remain wiJx him until hit list cf r-rtwed i

Arsonant, St. Louis.: ... I* I Melnttte.S, Louis.ppointmects is oompietea. I

'- ...

is this day dissolved by llm tatio- anil agree- on a d ff*rent charg", w: the at being permitted to" —

to take effect from the Is*. :n«t The o^ok a-- 0,-c bw i ps or a triend to give a *©iiiui--nt ia BY C. C. SF BjiCER


win w^'i^rontinue the business a- th- old sund, I’*half. Ho said .-lr. Bruok# had sa’i-hed the Pjreuip. ry Sa'.o of Thn»a Pre#: n cud Lsmptonj'.l-.-ct 'he dehts due to and p»y *h.:se da* hv t. e Dw rsiative fo the as#jn!t or. Mr. Sumner, bnt it Street B tililr • I. • a* 4u’* ,: nrn - ( - liCtd) fur « » crime eommitMd tvn a xrVvtpd vi 1 , .v n-« v

Greensburz Wednesisy Julv lfi’di i"“>cu gave oirtn 11 mis Louisville, Ju’y 11th, IsSi.wreeneuarg, 11 eanesrsy, Juiy i *.n.

, purely sccnoau.1 strife, onginatiog in tho «obru,n

BarkTviUe VriS* ^’uly lVh** t0 **ke lrom froeUb;r ,hc c0

:intrJ ie™(*d tj ^ g HAVE A8SOI II


AB«t y! Sutuiduy/j oly 19th!a solemn convenant, cannot be too soon disarmed S. Mjf Mr «. Frathi a*h«m

At -’ii- ,- _ r 1 j ,* °| »‘s pern:cK>:i* force. Tbe only genial region of * f'err-e conducted up l_r the

Mosuceilo, .ionday.Ju , - 1st. tbe middle latitud- loft to the emigrants ot the *:=«•, ..M .Il.amrUrg V. toin^dav, July M L Norrhcro Stares for homes cannot L conquered i-Ulllth|



vl T7‘7reiv:d* 7


| ul’v



h ‘ trv* lb# '"rco laborers who havo long considered it Copartnc

Limioa, Saturday.^Jaly ff'i'h!*


’ Wlthca '’ 3 HAVE THIS ih\t

t v»rnoD Mondav July 2ithi.ovokiuga despera.* itruggie. R. JOSBPH «KRNE into imi. > era on, .a many. -iuiy zvea. AVharevor may bo tae persistence of the parti-

.Sb.CerSet 1 uotJay, Jo!y 29 th. ca : ar clasa which seem* ready to hazard evenrihingI-ibcrty, . e.inesdvy, u.ydOth.

(or tbe success of the uejurt schtme it hn* psrtisl-

S“Tn\Ti!f*?*?* y 1

; 1 ,=y effected, I firmly believe that the groat heart ofCrab Orchard, tnusy, August 1 st. tie nation, which throbs with .he patriotism of

Lancaster, Saturday, Angus* 21 . Ihs frtfeui’

n of both sections, will have power toHoar of speaking a; oa;-a place 1 o’clock, P. M. overcame if. Tboy will look to tue l ights so urei

D.-inoeratb papers please ropy. *** ,Jti' Constitution of tbe Union as theLest .*a:cg :ard trem the oppression of tho cla«

TATTfiyil which, by a monopoly of the toil, and of slaveiNUx.Lvy.S5. labor to till ir, uiigat in tiaio rodur-j :beta to the— extremity of laboring upon the saaie terms with Relate «nd Fun i-.ure buyers wid remember the slaves. The grout body of Loa-sUvehoi Lacthat Mr. C. C. Spencer sells tbto Burning atM o clock, v.,,„ .

ti e Unuaehold furnitureof M. V. W.r.ts. i,i.t‘ ®o_mea » insiutung tooco . tne u a, up n late residciice, the oorner of Jeckton and Msdi- wrltare s.avery 1* an oppression, wi l disc, ver tb j*

*' n *tre»:i. Als . three i' reetm and Lac. pton street trio power of tho G.-nc/al Givcrnmcnt - v*r th*I. t». tlii# *rt-rno ri ai * o’clock, o:t ,ho rremises. ••

,1 . „,3. , .


9pecu!at:c-Bs will oouM'css be made a: both theie sales, p>- ‘Nnis mjy be bone fi ..i.y tv* tC’. totter

Whatever may bu iae j-ersistonce of the parti- th- firm i/jollN i

cular cic#s which s*em* ready to hazt-.l t-very »hii:g il’ 1

lor the rn'.cc« of tho urjurt scfitme it ha* partial-1

uisvilie, July llth, Di>.ll -,BBRr HAULER.

agaics: tho Cor. -’itation, a/id a# a blow mo-lc atthe sovereign rights of the pe. pie. He endorsed

II WE ASSOCIATED WITH MV- treT* wurdti Mr. 8umner’a speech.

OX Ml )N D \ Y AFT ERNOOX. J I LYlUk. It > i.’dnek. will b- Wild, oa *b p-rm'**#.

comx-n-iov wi’li :h- hr*v named l.' t, t’u-e- Ke^n'ifula ul sell 1 'C ue i liui. . ns 1. ’ atlol i# f • I.a v. , n*

. The bus n-ss will here- Mr. C&mj b- 1 , of Ohio, : Kd to-m. rn w ba w. ul 1 ;

1 f - No - on tit* - ©» Pr- »• - r i ;« «n

,triVa T j v'Om'v

'' 5 ’in:ih'V

da.ti“ b> ,,J tne pr.-. -

b‘V.?\;i’. v

1 ' ‘ *•':. -V;

' '

• *JAB. t. LASH AW. \ u-u* questioD, in order that the Toth na*y hs taaea N>*. 3» and ! oi r frout tw.b ,

gfli Monday.Copartnership. .Mr. Gnvr g;vc notiou that he soon would call a

HWE THIS DAY TAKEN MR. to reromider tho vote by whkh tue bill

al *v, on ;h- # uth aide jf L imptju n cel. ,; fwallan-ock and Ciav.

Thi* property i> uumi:-t'-a!>iy ilesiroble andB.Ust be eoid *itn»u. any re*.-rt . w: .Sever. Capital-

JOSRPH «im into Bartnenhio. The f aotl* r ' • -’ ‘

' nt ri “.Mrliffftrw is JUIIN KITTS ttCu. • cottroe* with Cbristia Han* i, of ^toklyn, to

JOHN KITT9 . I i-arry the Unitt l >t«i'e# mail In a line of steamer* wi”i in vr:»t »td Lea

y Lff-cted, believe that tin# groat hoe.rt ofI the nation, which throb# with ihe pAtriotisni c.f

Copar tneraiiip.^\TT,rE HAVE ASSOCIATED WITHw V us ic busia-«s Mr. Donald McNacz’tan. our

frcsi New York to Giad#Uvd’, via s ine port inEc-rlar.d.

The Iiousa theu resum'd tho c irsi lcration of

> O. C. SfRNCSS. Auctioneer.

BY C. C. SPACERBrick Co’taye and Lie i. \cc* :


i #iV pis—U a good sppwtwiy tosecure thesaiuc. 8:»Ie p

f k»xs.—


i,e-tMr i cash, )> ia Sand 1J :n jntfc*,wi?b interest and Lei.Jv^lhs__ O.C. 9PKNi;RR. A t*ee.

Auction & Commission House.JOSEPH T. BURTON, AUCTIONEER,

So. 99 ftwt!l J*-* '3 V ticand ''larSet,

1.01 INVIi.I F, M„E 5 \VIN(; LEAS 1


», H>R A TERM— Rof ye :4 rv, the ol*l auction star.-l recently nrriut.1

SMITH St Co, , Coffin Makera and I ita rs, f f . •••••'nn the corncref Varkii and Seventh streets, i«th.-3im> . .. . ,, , ... _...., , , ...du-olveil by icutusl consent. j. V. W. 9nith *,r - Campbell, o( Oho, wished o - now whether

ranss —Oun-t'ir i ,-a»‘i i.i' r

will alone -onduet the tn«ine#» in fetu-e and pay ail r-ffering t: i* r-\ aid }re,ent hut lr al ^m-:nd ng w •,'t

iibvtau:, r.i.d which has man than orce i^


Mr. Campbell, of Onie, said ho should ni'ro theprevious question so a# to take a veto Monday

'lr. il. h *» a'» > a i ^rie y t , e at h # s:crn thi# morn-iiig, *1 lv o’do.'k. Huyir# will of course atter.4 .

POET CF L0UI3VILLE.LonsviLlx. Jaly 13.

ARRIVALS.Moses McLeli' n, Summons, CinciaL.’.ti-Kmua Dean, Clin-, Carrollton.K.-ilps- (st-rn whee ler), fiuttiii, Nashville.D-l-eate, 9t. Loui*.•Mare-nyo, -St. Louis.Melnotte. Pitutuirg.Argonaut, l'iusburg.

I>31'A RTURH9.Kmma l>-aD, Clin-- . Carrollton.M srs McL-llon liiimtnor.s, Cineiunail,Kclipee (s:e-r:.-»h-tl-r), Cic incatil>el-. at:, Cincinnati.Marergo, Cincinciti.Aryonaut, fit. Louis.Melnotte, St Louis.



' BiiBEi :- n County, Kr.— CoruT Day.—



>en<ii.le —Tho Ai.z-igtr, c-gan of tbe German dj-eg vth inst.ssy#: Sixty tau’.es, two year*>«*» or»ey of Kentucky, published ia the city tif

«, d, told at SI 44 jcr head

;others rt $190, # 120,

Louisvtli*, has hauled dowr, tbe flag rf liue'ceoasj^ poo, and fc* low e« $ 80 . Cattle at $ 1


. $ 4 i!,|;50 , j

nod Bre-kinridge. trd run up in its stead that of $ 25 , acd as low as $la. Horse* from 1260 to $ 17. 1

„ aillLsore and D- ne'fon. 'iLi* will make as ’.m-

,Phe soles, in tLe aggregate, amounted to about --©*

V Mdiffartn • - in November text inj

$[ho o •!)."Hr


For Saint t.oiiis.

'^^,-^Tho fine and ip'*ri<lid s’cnmsr

If tbo j;e> p o in'rasi to mo the Administriit'en K. eti-tinr between the undersigned, under the

of the Guverarrnt, ills law., of C. r.^rssa in rola-‘•! r'- -f FELIX WOOD i SON, Paper lUrgers. wzi

»i nr-, » w..'i . i r ,i_ . . . , d’SSClvcd on the Is. of Juauary. Lith-r party will usetion tJ .h.. tern. ui its s.-riH -e .aifhlully executed, th- name of the late firm iu s-.Cem-it#All its authonty shall be exerted in aid of the FELIX WOOD,national will to re-establish tfco j.esco of the Louisville. March 30, 1856. MM. F. WOOD,country cn the jese principles which havo be. etc- „ ,

fore received tbe sanction of tho Federal Govern New Paper H3Uglags Store,

men', of the State.*, and <r tbo people of both »WUrM F. WOOD, PAPER HANGERsect ii ns. Such a policy would i^wro f;o a :incut V w nnd Je.iler In French and American Paperlo tha» sectional party which seskc its aggrandize- Hinsing . Third atieet, near Main, opposite Courier

in*nt by appropnatiog the now Unritorics to cap- olac<? - apk dtf

ital in the form of slavery, but would inevitably Copartnership Nolle*.tesul: ’.n the triumph of free labor—tho natural rtt'’ 1 TT?' IT\nFaSl(l\Fll I1A<I TUNcapital which con-mutes th- rex! wealth of thi-


... . ,

” it diy ajsociKtcd w,th hue in hnsinc** JOHN T-great Country, and creates that luiel-igeut pewer

, MOORK auJ O. J MURRAY, ued.r ihe tiyle <-f

in tho masses ftlore to be relied oa as the bulwjrk BLANCA'JNIEL, MOORE U MURRAY, who will con-.•I i'len ir.*M,ntii>n« tinue the M'hol-salc Grocery and Commission Bussaer*

t. „• .,i ,j J , ,,. . at the old stand. No. Zl4 Third s

-j-eet,tiet*e-n Main und

1 rusting that I have a licnrt capable cf ccmpre- W ater str ets. T. BLANC AGNIEL.Lending cur whola country, with its varied inter Louisvim x, March 10,1*56.

ests, and confidcct that patriotism exists in all

pans of the .Union, I acce t the nomination 0 josixt. nooaa. o.j.xuaaxT.

pour Convention, in tho hop© that I maybe in- ' BLANCAGNIEL, MOORB k MURRAY,abled to save usefully it* cau*e, which I consider ! W HOLESALE Cr HO C K li S,

New Paper Hauglags Store.

^»' 3I F. WOOD, PAPER HANGERV tr and dealer in French and American Paper

liansing •, Third meet, near Main, opposite CourierOffice. apl dtf

Copartneraliip Notice.

V» ." Al a. w. • . . - . wwit Matt ana t *|X, ursegn— and i. maoff* »»ew %T!4i

•Mr. ( oa n . I » r : k§ J c-?i rc«l (o&i - r • .

- •

• dress tho House he would be ai.owed to speak de«eripti->i»a of merchandise ard ra *.:afacuired a. tide©vt . i,,, .

r ujo’iiiv offtrel sipmsteoisorti .i i-ii'...loodny morn.-g.i ; , • i

•, : <

. action »f K-'nl StrataAdjourned . and Hi’ »n.| Household F urnitur- a: pn-a;- rtsi-


1 will ai.v> mt-iid to the »a’e at auction of !» *1 »-«:oand an-l Household * urnitur- at privu:- resi-dences or %i ay sxleo rou.

1 will devote my peisonsl attection to pr rats andauction saiws of all consignments, and att*n I proiup-.iy

The Africa left Liverpool on the 2ith nit., at :are oc ni0*-'- r ’,t' **»*•4 o clock, P. m. Aco ants of sales wi !

l be promptly rendered and setThestea:. e: Washington wa- telegraphed on tar- tied with' ut delay.


THF, UNDERSIGNED HAS THIS ing reached Southampton, os the lacraing of 2*at-Consieiiia^ar-^tju^so . -a_

^diy associated with him in business JOHN T. urd»v.

MOORK an 1 O. J MURRAY, urd.r ihe style -fBLANCAON I EL, MOORE it MURRAY, who wiil con- I

State — Jfit. Sterling HTn'y.J

The cr pe in this county hav* greatly improved

kieehooi out of whole cloth. Judging others * the late rains, ard bid fair to mako a good!

, inieives, the elltors of tho Whig to-Y it for J ia‘d - Thc * tcat “C P» h#vo turned ottt CX3el ‘

"*actoi xfcst, b-caUMC the Antsiger had been

, *i :’.ty h.] sold itself.

m -rj:; a nn« ana -r -Ti'iia s-cn m»rF ' k r irnTwiii' 9 A ilAC EN. Stran, master,

fill l-s v* as above ©n This day, 14th inst., at 5 r. M.For freight or passage apply on boarder to

jy 14 C. BA91IA M.

For Cairo and Nt. Loni*.Itsgular Monday Packet.

l*olir« Couit.

i iy On the. KA ir-t., -'.he P. Ctamll was • W. JcntTOK, JDIWB.

r.ed before Jusvioe Bof


1 - ,N. T.,

i Saturday,July 12.

ni found guilty of forcibly Uieeirg a reapectaUe| neaaei)ergM. R!1d Ford Huno, keeping n .

you tl£ iady in the etroet, on tbc eveniLg of July grocery store without license. Mr. Henneberger

4th. for wh ch be wa* sentenced to six months and Mr. Hunn produced their licences dated in

imprisonment in tho Penitentiary. This is ex- .

Dismissed.;u‘* uu-* u •

City vs Jacob Lcti, peddling without licen?e.

treme'y asrful. In tha name of all things at once pincd j-

« - tT 1 * mThc iigbt drsoeht i nr'en?crst amcrngtsAms EUNICE, Roberts, uiasl-r,V ill leave as above on This day. Hrt> inst, at 10 a. jj.

Fur freignt or passage apply on board or to

jy 14 I. 8. M iKHtfTKAD.

for Owensboro und Evahsville.. - Xl'C^Las 4 h© regular passenger pw-ketvi rriVmSBL Dl AMOND. llolaroft, mect-r,

M ill leave as above or Tuesday. li;U :nst., a. 3 e. w.Forfreifhlor passage a, plj onboard or tc

(. 8. MO'iRilBAD, orjyl4 M. HALBERT.

n~~r-z— : X


_ ^no liftht-drAught steamer•liTISSW JULIA DEAN, McGiin, master.

VVU1 leave :is above on Tuesday, lath inst. at 5 t- M.jylt I. 8. MOORHEAD.

f, - srl>ww"m fheli<l ’ d'Si cht pas<oo.;sr*teamer

--jwMStibibkma V • K. 8TEVEV pON, Irwin, nut.Will 1- ivr at above on This day, 1 !lh Inst., at 5 r. w.forfrelghtor passage apply on board or tojy 14 I. 3. MOORHEAD.

drer.dfui and delicious, if a poor fellow is t-o be City vs George Ehrhart, ordinance warrant.—! ___ (REGULAR PACKET)

^nl to the JVnittnUary for ctoaiing a kiss, what <- ^ R„g9nbcrg, keeping store withoutj

**‘‘jVlia* DEA??. M-G?in?m aster,

are wo com ir, •* to r;«^.i «<. M ill leave as abovs on Tuesday, 15th mat. at 5 r h.are w- comiog so• licenre. Mlk

. . . _ |»M l. 8. MOORHRAD.

, r . Cit* - u«*, and earn* vs John Faust, —rU—

r- 7Z 1>.BWA Bartlitt, oh I’m-tdh i Aim Fan an-

fclii4 r ,n Sucdcy, three indictments again.* :


l<h *

•u.—This book is a homely picture, illusrative Mfh. Dismissed at defendant’s coat. WHl??v^!!5V>ove on This day, l'tth test. fat's

\he treat ouestion bafr re the rufclie -that is, Willir.m C. Motre, ordii.Mice warrant. Cos-' Forfrel*htor passage apply on board or to" .. .... tinned »» 1. 8. MOORHEAD.

the or.iscrpticn of foreignor* on aecnunt of birth. *, , c . c ... „ v i rt „.,i. 1 j.. — =

*. , . . Levi Ray, ferab Nmitb, Tutchel Householder, ror Mr-mohis Hickman ColurnDna Ar

There is a master mu«d shown in every line and Mtr> H .uaebolder, ar.d Mary Hums were arraig .-* °*

aaatence. Head it yen who would &j the work of ed lor drunkencerr and dis-’rdsriy conduct. Kay 4fiESsfiii£i' JULIA, Vownsroilfmmuer^

the cau7« of constitutioiud freedom.Ytrv rc'poctfully,

Your obedient servant,




,r-sp?ctrully informs his friends

7’^. 'Ll anil the public generally that he ' J


l’olitic&laiTAirs srerc iniiet inthcTIiuseo? Com-mons.On Friday, Mr. M- »re endeavored to get a night

fixed for the discussion of his motion in relation

to American affairs.

Lord Palin'raton declined to assume anyrtspen-tibility either directly or indirectly in the matter,ns heheiitvc-d that in the pre.-ect **a s of affairs,

as they existed between the two countries, it wouldnot conduce to (bo settlement of the p.i*ats in dis-

Joho Barb—,T. II. Crawler!.E D. ;:andif.,rd,Alex. Duvall,J. C Bloncagniel,Bcallv s Dudley,

No.** Fourth street, Louisville. 5jr.

Bcally s Do I ley, .Limes CoffinJ. U. fichre-ler, PoiSvrl. Prv.Onraby, B .iir -WCa., J. M. Sl ut.


v* fftf

O. H. StrattoD,Jco. Aaru-n :,

John D. P. p-..V 4-sh :l! H ilberi.Will Wat^:n»,Jom-S CollinsPoiivri, Prather it 8m A

r*o. 29 Third St., bet. ilain Hud Htcr, puts rodh-cues thaqaesti'n in tha Qou*e.



LOUISVILLE, KY.They will always haveon hand a large stock of Gro- i du , v of ,K e Hous* to uromunce ac opinion.

ILe\.pers eoftUin two ictler* mm Lorn liar-

Copartnership Notice. ecdor, oddresred to Mr. Ibilla.*, rne on the en-


listmcnt > pic -tion, and the other in relation toCen-

M. the business hitherto conduote l: rRl America. Lord C. expresses aatiJToctb n that

by my»-lf,underthe style of A. btcinac. tlw ftnn will, Mr. Dallas had been initructed *•> negotiate on

’. NS ore complained of thounaatDfa'.'tory no-MaixsTasaT.siT. iirru ».-:n3ix ih, Lovisvilli, xr.

of tbe reply, and insisted on the right and ’flMIE ATTENTION OF DEALERS* Is re'pectfoiiy iav ted to our —gator Awrtiea

.a -l.*s. -.n every Tl E ••• t.i: r


the fall, comtueneirg on each t»y at I ..’clock ». x.,when we will sell a general .ssor'sksut of Dry GcoffsB r 1

. .

rr 9-e our special ad vertiseaect for sack day's(ale. Terms rash.

respectfully informs his friends LICHTKNfcrwsrJ > be altered t0 ^’ T tIN At- * the Central Am .ricac qai etion, and s:ate* that he



,,he ii«\f-V Thetradinxsommunity is most respectfully invited prepared t r no which he

VtlltfsC*ttbe st^ndJnd

fl‘rel^ :!’<V


te^i— tinn *« Investigate the present stock . -andto bestow on th* trus’s will bs conducted in a •tirit cc-*dia!ity

to th-bnsit. - asti ru- nt « contiauitioiT lif th - pair- nage ?,*rn«Tae

he patr0I1*® ,; *° lil,;r,kliy to the and frankaees, which is dictated by the -.TBC inter-Si> long bestowed upon Lis father as a Horse Auc- * etts of Great Britain and the United States.

“'^Regular sales of Horses and othr Stock every a-ro/v ‘ TQ "mnix „ Th?correspondeuce between Denmark Great

sale. TermsSrpi <4%W T. ANDKR.-lOX % no.. tdr**rs.



j'teediiy iod 9ttarJav mortilug, at? o’clock.8ales will be at'ena-4 to In any pait ot the city

or country on reasonable t-rmn.J yy.iavtwa WM. II. M ATTS. AucHoreer




H and Commission M-rchant, ami Free M'harfsgeat * i* M'harT-Ro^t. Merchandise sold on commissionat reasonable rates.Kb.rvRt.sex5 —Dr. A. M. Waddell, Lake Providenc-s:

E r. I P. Roberts. d->; M'. L. Kt.’X (Sheriff ), do; T. JOsborne, Louisville; Bradley, VVils.jr. A Co.- NewOr-ean*. m>l4 w3m

.Holna Kl. How?,

etts of Great Britain and the United States..... *.niCHT«a. Tho correfpor.deru’e between Denmark, Great

STOCK IS MOST COM- Britain, nn-i tho United a’att*, re’ative to tbe


Stare Ko. 500 .)/'*»>• *4., opposite .Vnfunai /i. 'd,Louitvilie, Kj.

(~ff~ Liberal cash advance* to any ex’enc eu re-

ceipt cf e-n-iffrimeBt* of Merchandise or Fur-niture for auc*ion •aina.

S AMUEL HYMAN WILL GIVEhil Tx>r<« iTiiil attention to of R#al

^ * pletely %s*nrtc«l by importations in Watches a^oonsldue?, bad been presented to Parliament. w*; r rif.« f. P

t^^z&xsu’lxa XSSnaiXi b”3 J am uk l hvman wu lbive1.1,^, imutk, thr.Q|b»*l, .a ’v

«^2SSJS*Stow,7,“d W*”* 4 ™l“edtom*rt ‘ce’-den: whi h cccurred to Mr. Dal la© at the M'-rch»u“ •** ! at his *tor»*. pr rate r* >»itenre«.

reuaeirt % cailandaninTestiratlon ofonrstock to ijticeu’s leve<*. Mr. Dallas and a friend went to !?kret of Mfrcbaato. Murshante hic:.aD*e, and eUc-

convince pureha*erso(ihctruihofouraM-rtnT,. ,ne levee. The costume of the latter not being in He tractsets % strictly r nr - a kunnt**. anda,;ordar %e with th© regulation*, both gentlemen will offer R-«l E-t.t.-. S .

1 ^ e\ -> i e.


‘ w ^TT ° >’ ,-T .W-re-iuest acallandaninvestigation ofourstock to tjueeu s leveo. Mr. D^Las and a frier.u went to

convince purchasers ofthciraih ofour »»|-ninni. .ne levee. Thacostaaeof the latter not being in

his uers'inal attention to sales of Real Kettle.Irs, B inds. Mortgages. Ilnus^a kl For* Pure, and

where.He transacts % strictly r. ar.*»lca businc**. and

will offer Real Stocks. R..nd.. ana e>-rv de-— - —

- . return, d to the embassy. The Times eeMOCted j-ript -a of -ci-h,r pr.vateorauci.a

I. llivemity ol* 5,Olli«vi!3t*. an exciting stcry freas this affair, aad for two dmys*

tariugw'ar aemi-w— »iy s % ev-ry Mr. ay amiMEDK’aL DEFAHTMENT. Me. Dallas w^s supposed to havo tut a studious Thnrjday.

rat H E TWENTIETH ANNUAL HTtont upon the q^a. ^l^tov^rShSTCitt. Cour-e of Lectures in this deportment will com- ___ ^ . *-• -» ... ,

being in the very cerifr- of th.- t. - «i.i V cos- :ty,

mere- oa the first Monday in November Dcxt, and ARRIv AL Or THE DANInL w r.osTF.R. affords peculiar f ici: » tor ibe disposal of ab lind -f

terminate ©n the last of February, unrer the following

tS^Rcgu'ar semi-we-k!y sales ev-ry Mon 'ay amifhnr»<1ay.I^T'^tecia: aacti'in **’ * on any Jay r-..uir-,i.

LWlh*- favorabl* lecat-oa of hi* j» - e -l no iir.ets

affords peculiar fvci. lv* for :be disposal of aJ 'lind off

. __ " property a»lva ,trgi-ou»ly.

- inv uiiiToi? ivnntY’V duv arrangemett: Xxvr ORLEANS, July 12. la addition to which an ex >ri-*e t ef over thirty|m1GN,HOUSE AND r ANCl rAIN*

;HENRY MILLER, M. D., Professor of Cbstetrio . . . . ^ year* levoted t affrr.s:«|im.a id s s . y, *a -

“t-r. Imitator rf all kinds or Wood and Marble. 1

M«'dic>n*. Tne Daniel Webster has amved, bringing 5>an .-©ssfuUy carr.-d oa.wi:. give some »- ;orv- :e:->

Miaed Paints, Glass. Putty, tjc , for sale. LUNSFORD P YANPEI.L, M D, Professor of Franci-co dates to the 20 h. chant*, man ofsctwrriu, and othsts eatm.'-n* vn, wira

i rms made to suit customers, both as to rates and Piy-i-i ey anl Pathological Anatomy. takae forward STM 100 i-•iilsifflan Mil- .

• •-

(me. Of payment. LHWIS ROGERS. M. D. Iro'egs r of Theory ar.dtno IrfcrgJLAW taas^iorwva p.uoo- ia

u,,,, , r-tcrest*

t»“No. 31k Green street, first door east of Fourth, i Pra- tic-o'

"etlidr, - traunro and di-i atches fron tha Coaimusioner ty Account* i.csw.l, o promptly ren-1 • red a:. d set

.ouisvill*- feJJdinstf i BENJAMIN R- PALMER, M. D., Professor of De- relative to tho iathmns difficulty. tied without J- ,y.

scriptiv • and Sto-sicV Anatomy. Tb«.,« it mn * in rv~ GF^Cousignme Jt* r~*i e~t f > ov,. . ed.

Notice to Stockholders j. LAWRENCE SMITH, M. D., Trofesror of Medi There 1 no decrease ,u cx ltement. v.ry rew UEFFRENTES.I caI Ch miiitry an'l Toxiroiocy. refp< Ddi02 to the t» jve/ncr 3 proclAUiav^.a of 4 in Loniavriffb— McK; V'r*» RuqV

H E ANNUAL ELECTION OF H0S*WHT J. BRKCKINHiniiB, M - D. f Professor of Jano taekf ; Joihu I* Boviei, f*» .•

-i: » om-tvi )*

• six Directom of the LcuUville and Frankfort: Vl^KT'



f) -r of Snr**rr Tho Cooiaiit*ee eponod book* fer recruits, and Tucker, Brmtu in ^ Co.. Bat^era; John

thri^offiARCH- B. CMK^LD.'.reir.oJstratoi

#of rtcivcd the names of thiugar.d*. They hava ' c?Min»ati-Joha C. Buckles A c... Chenowsth *

u MON T Avtthe J' ri Jsy iJ J uty Tf:e

If.e.,0.r,^“ iSI ta th



rtu"* ^ j*ch,

roV*- stood cf arms ami thirty pieces of cannon. C->.

= V> ^ ;KI,W c.ttW FOKP. ? ec’y._ ‘ si. divided into ten regiment,, with N> w Origans—Cobb, Martin h Co: J • P. Wkit : / a

».v-tx7 pt r»TTr? tion fee, *'-'»• Practical Anatomy and D -we -ticn, Sib— S’rong breast works ia front of tbe Committee Mobile— ^


: ’ton B -a!l»m*t. Bs-i.ti-ket to be taken at 1-iiSt once befrre gndaat.on. rooms. There is an alarm bell on the top and sev- Boston—CL- -ry a Co.

SVE A,tE sow M Ab-fP.AtrniR. -

•TSfflS’.SrclSS^rL.wm .« b.MM. •r©ri~g«.~.o.'ta1^iiMfc. Sgggajw^pft.

W ^ ing, and ready to deliver to our friend* »nd s*itUout addiiioua) charge, durmf the mouth of Octo- Too Governor g tthered n few hundred men to- Y, r*—H L« ; r <%. - » lonuh^Mmstomers, * superior artie’e of Family Flour. ber.

, . ge her and sent to Benicia to get arms and amu- S Oo" *lell d—

red promptly when ordered. Also, Corn Meal, Bran, Clinical inWrucDon is given twice a week at the Lou- V. , k , i-m.„i ir 1 — - —

?horts, and Bhipstnff. Isvil e Marine Uospiial-an i rtitution affording an;

m tion 1tom tho arsenal. General Wool refused to „.ia ... _jr8 d3.Ti BRAWN SR, 8CHWINQ t CO. ample field for tbe study of kiedicine and burgerv at give them. THUS. rUW t I.J..

iL.t assst. w -i siommerw ihe bed-side. Ticket Si—to be taken once before trad Tae Governor's forces camped near the city. AUCTION AND COMM’^SION* '‘‘ Inl

Rn,t I’.irk-Houvetor SHlr.V ’ “ ACBntijui has been establishes in connection with Six :n- to. r gues wer-i haui-h«d by the CoamiF


Aw-rba- t.No EJ Mar’:- ni rsl

. _ _____ the Umvepiity, at which cases are examined, prescribed toe, who con'.inua arresting. -k. sou... side. C*»,. ». r.. :a .-nsi.n-

IITISHING TO REDUCE OUR ctureJ upon in prese'ieo* theclsss On the receipt of the Governor’s proclamation‘

m/toL ... f -a Had. latttril.iiff nn T»FGPnr*>n itiUwffr. _ . . . v .

-it n-cofrowee all over tbe country nt one of the tonces from Capt. Cariule. Ca-*e continued.!

—— — : : _-r-

*• u ful of tbe nr©seat ace and generation, j

' For Lonisvllle Ylit<!i*>on. and Carrolton.1 ^

. . ! Tei Grbst BcaaAsi Rbuedt.—Fro Imb regular packet—^Ja-.t-- . 0 '

1 ,-e - rs u* uy, vti may s.ate tuat lor prELIC0 —“Lvery mother should have a bi-x inj

» marn fi-’-n' steamer

TLaoy m nt-hs it has furnished thi* effioe with files H,e house buudv in case of accidents to tho chil- E M %!_A I>K AN, Cline, master,

• *i

. 99 *i

’will iea»e L*o jitvilie ev«iry Taesday, Ihurea-y, and<rf pt-pen from all p*rt* of tbe Lnion tn aa vance art a. 8 ;iturnn> at 1 r. m

s/iLa.,/,. UMDtn**; Rrssia SALT*.-It i. a Botoo.|

AFo^rdghtor passage appljonbogrd or

- - ~Z m H ^ .. _ reu rty years’ standing, and is recom- —tof R. S. Lvans, J-.s-j., will canvass tho moun - , . , , . . , . , . For Pmnkloit und Wooilfnrt _

. , „ J . . .. .. , mended by physicians. It is a sure and speody r r.tnKioit t»n«i noouion.tain of Kentucky^ during be month o ^^^ ^^ ^ ^g^The fine new

Augusi. for .. Jchanan and Brecktn.i gr,• b

, . d Qid Sorcg of evc kitd: for Fover ^JSSfn5t*ttVW a'S'*

““ lnlermedi!*t<J Ca,tC

^ddrem the people of the conn yseau of I^ewis, ^ ^ apply on board or to^rtor, Lawrence, Greenup, Ftoyd.and Johnson T* ~ ->f ‘ 3 1 . 8 . MOORHEAD.

Notice to Stockholders


* Whitlows, Stie*,Fenere, FieaBit^s, Spider Sting*,

It is a common error in cooking rhubarb to frotea Limbs, 8alt Rheum, Scurvy, Sore andFarmers, lake Notice!

1^- it is a common error inciting rouoaru so Frofen Limbs, Halt Rheum, heurvy, Sere ana, M’KIM Ar CO AHFMlWPBF «MSHINO TO REDUCE OUR for>,d b ciurid upon in pres*, re oMhe cl...

fiael it. This should ;nerer be done, as the^skic Crooked Lips, Sore Nose,Wane and Flerh Wounds J. pued to finish J. 5 ? TpaL.-k” “u 'T.oontaias the aroma of the plant, and is not at all -

t js a nj^gt valuable remedy and cure, whioh can pr-ved GRAIN BAN, celebrated for expediiiou-ly •"/ffT'SS’Min with one run of rour-rcot burrs for Jy8d*fcw4 Dean of tbe Psculty.

a. A-* -an- .«A oslsv. I x-.w * _ v . x ..... ... I

.•Jeaning.all Winds of Grain and Seeds-patcutcd ttarch Sg »”themae^e^Vstoriing the swondrun cf burrs for wheat), togc- tier »ith ail the merchant


Ritd l*ork-Hoti«ie fur Sale.

Mobile—Miiton Boullemet, Ks>i.Bo.too—Cbenvfy S Co.BVtlraore—9h*w St Frick.Philadelphia—Csruth- Te-rv % Dew.New Yora—Winslow, Lanier 4k Co-, Jon itht* M «i»

A Co. iell J-b


Auction and commissionMsrchar.t. No LJ Market street, between Firsff

and Brnok. south side. Cash advanced 01 cons .n-men'*- ’•*

fibrous, but cooks up and becomes pulpy,i,* testified lo by thousands who have used it it !»>th, 1*47-

c Pa ° c

Tub Democratic Club The regular weekly tbecityof Boston and vicinity for tbe last thirty certifies that lie cleaned, on oue of these' Fans^’a^ile

meeting* of the Young Mens' Democratic Club, J«rs. In no instance will this Halvedoan injury, ^I^l^heVu^TCV^will hereafter beheld on Monday night, instead of or interfere with a physician’, prescriptions. It

certifies thst he

Saturday night a. heretofore. “ {rom tho FarC£l matcnal6>from ft reC,P®

, amidonc U w^r*'35 bU5t*':, • °f Wheit ,D

jbrougbtfrom Ku*sia—of articlcf growiog in that


j g. Byars.


Abundance cf rain has reoenUy f»U«>j

country—and the proprietors havo letter* from all| ^“/narket



nearly all the Towns in the interior held eathaai-astio meetiog*, en oreieg the Committee, andformed organisations to as.-ist the CoEinittee in

carrying out their meesures.Crimes and equalities ate numerous.Theieis no interest whatever, in poli-


Lots* ami Lam! for Sale!TITLE PERFECT!!

9 8 1 X T E K N LOT ^4, IN THEcity of Joliett. Will c-,uaty. IPs. ia anourishing place, situMed on the Illinois sad

Michigan Canal. Three railroads ran ikroagh -be

every depsrtment, and Is now open for the re-j

pursuits and prospects.

thto.L«bout Texas, and the ero|>a are re|ireeented

to be in a p>c*i promising condition.

siaase*,cler;-Tm€E,phyi,iciaiie, scBC»ptaine,nurseh,

and others who have used it themselves, and rec-

»n<i done it well with two s*wb, capub.e of sawing ta,ww t*ei ot oomra* ub. eveiy depsrtment, and Is now open for tne r,

,of Simpscnvill'e, Ky., certifies that he. Der day; with room sufficient for Wool Cardin* and oeption of boarder* and travelers. arl wtt




fh^ ^“SWto p

Ar»^Toru»£a&! -=-=iSfaken sixty-seven first premiums, and J€ffer80Il FCmale Academy,

fbe reports are favorable in sgricultural pur-


to,r,n - . , „ i ....* r Also frr sale, » small TRACT OF LAND i

water, sufficient to propel % large amount of machinery


^&yas^sas~* >—“««* s?jfs»s

ter Mm. do. omk.^a t*v. w R“‘*9*‘”


ok<«i G agM-

L oi« d,ri« tk. .. ...... * rl«»0 »f * h«" d ',*k"J ,oM,W-»,1“1

k ’pieture is also engraved on th© wrapper. Pnce,


™ *ar*We are indebte.i to the fine steamer Nia- jj <.en ts a box. REDDING k CO., Prop’rs.

(sn,£or files of late New Orleans papers. Agett— R. A. Robinson A Co., and Bell.Tal- I

i hot A Co., Louisville, Ky.; Scribner A Devol, NewBTTae exoellout stoamer Saracen will accept

: A ihg.ny Indiana apl deodAweowly

C3f*All orders promptly attended to. Price#30. Ad-dress J. McKIM tk CO.,•p8wtf Portland, Ky.

and all the facilities f .r shipping. MIDDLETOWN, KY. nf tha Ihrtian. was n.insid*ral,l«One large an : substantial Tobacco 8:eromery, With m-Douiurn « n - P‘*. was Considerable.

»U necessary fixtures for hanging an I pressing, located WW A V INCv PURCHASED M. G. C*l. M right and one-third of his eommand werein s good tobacco-frowln*eount*y, the farmersof which Alexander’s interest in this Fchool, the sixth killed by the Yakima Indians.

w«ps6. LJ!. t£*“°° °

with a good lot of setsoned materials- now working six i i. i,r, t *v_ ,<»,kband* with as n-uch l»nd attached to the same as may __ _ __ . n> , . Bivas and his isft woa «a the 1-ta.

be wanted for the slaughtering ant packing business. li. S. Morris A Ii. r . k J. lllHCLDurn, ne afterwards appeared at Chiueudago, and col-

put in large tin boxes, stampod on the cover with — —

a picture of a horse and a disabled soldier, whioh Nlllth St. TobRCCO W&rChOUB6|H AVING PURCHASED M. G. C->1 Wrightand'-ne-thirdo

Alexander’s interest in this Fchool, the sixth killod by the Yakima Iudiors.

There were no arrivals frem Atlantic ports.

The Oregon hostilities continue. Smith’s cominAr.d was attacked near tbe Meadows. The loss

of tho whites was 12 killed and 25 wounded. Theloss of the Ibiiians was considerable.

Col. Wright and <-n*-third of his command were

Corner of Main and Ninth streets,


The undersigned, former-ly proprietor of Todd’s Warehouse, and lateiy

our thanks for river favors.- —


VW~ Ttank* to Mr. Bushoell for late New Or-

leans paper*


I#-Thanks to Ii. Reeee, Esq

,for a late New

York ph^er.

^^^rSixieen persot* were i itten on Tueeday byB9^b- g>: o: o mtr 2T yrar* oid has died of hydro-

Rnrois. anoit it feared the other fifteen will uiae

|Aie.— bjetea Poet.

ly proprietor of Todd’s Warehouse, snd I.vteiy No. 4, Green river, »dJo!

Tobacco Inspector in this city , would inf -rm the Plan- village of W o'-cioury, noi

ters and Shipper# of Tobacco thst he is now erecting,'unty. We win sell... , U-l_ J V-:_*K .. . , .j nn u-.nin mnrl 1

on the corner of Main and Ninth streets, a large Fire-

proof Warehouse, and will have the same completed,and ready for the reception and sale of Tobacco, by the

pi os K4TR 8 A 1 F proof Warehouse, and will have the same completed,rAK,H rwit mux.! knd ready for the reception and sale of Tobacco, by theFARM CONTAINING first of January. lie will advance all chartes andA FARM CONTAINING first of January. He will advance all chartes and

Kiil 7 .*« „ .. , . freight* on Tobacco consigned to his house, and payabout,8fiS acres, ono ml.* snd a li&lf soutnesw aJtenGon to all directions accompanying tlis

same, and hopes, Ly close attention to the interest olone-halfJr cultivation, the




* n- f.

e 1 '‘

. n/ those who mate consignments to him, tp receive a fabsst With Mae graes^ well watered, with good dwrilinj, of business. He has open policies under whichand appendant budding* and most supenor out-buiid ^(Tobacco can bo insured when desired,lugs such as barns, Stable, fee. doidHkwtf FRANK RONALD.

This farm is ssgord as any in the county of Bumnsr, _ „ _ wimumii..a Dd will be sold ui on liberal terms. awriii il 'T’HP II IfJtl PHlf’F counting-room of W m. F Payne, in tne town of Bow

For further tartieuiors apply to cf address the under- YM/DUIj. 1 ri il' illt»rlti5>l rKlLEi Ing Green, ^ *wen coinity, Ky - By order of it

signed1 VVT

MARYCALGY, It paid in sash for Wool by Board : JA8. T. DONALDBON, Chmn.jy!7w« Gallatin, loan. J«» JAMKi OKOJUlI.lli WaUgt. Cpas. McKwbbt, Bsc’y. jyldakwtd

hand* with as much lurid attached to the same as may __ _ __ . _ „ . . , . ttiv&s an>t nts isit uoa on uto l.ta.

be wanted for the slaughtering ant packing business. li. N. .Morris A Ii. 1 . A J . IJUtc. Duru, n« afterwards appeared at ChineDdagi, and ool-

NiVftwtfi^niltt ard'flonri sb tog ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW leeted ««)•) nauvos, called in th. ouiposta and

village of Wo-dhury, now tbe most business point In An ri General Colloctlne Agents. ordered the American troop, to evaluate L# q.

thec-unty. We wil'. sell all or any cf the above es-ab- 6 *> The order was obeyed, and Rivas took possessionlishmenta on ^°^m«»aUns tsrma. For further par- OFFICE—CORNER OF CLARKE of I.son with 112

Jv8*dliwby ° P 11

*it CAK90N. w-P and Randolph streets. No. S3, up stair*. CHI- Walker has declared Rivas and hia party trai-

jj ciawo ui.u.«kM0v„C AGO. ILL. mrlHwSm* x, .

Wil! exchsngstaul Lots and Land for property in K-:atucky. Apply to 8. A I LI S.jkS.lla*4aSc*4 Middletown, Jefferaoa co-, Ky.


SHEALED PROPOSALS WILL BEreceived by Capt. E Wldwt, Super nteod nt

of the Louisville and Portland Canal, until noon otthe Wth day of July. 18ai». at th. offlew of the Com-pany, it Shinpinspoit, to *x <-ute th* following worn:To Ms *t off *nt rem-ve tfe pri--j*;tin« 9; one from

tbe side of tie Canal—the work to he given out in sec-


tiO*S.To take down and rebuild a portion of the LockW vita.

To repave a portion of the 9’opee.ty The u«u*l sei-urity re»tuiTed.

Fersoos wi.hiag to exaiw'nc the work bufere suhmit-““ wvuovuunThe order was obeyed, anJ Rivas took posaessi.n «'.=»« ** VV " w

tFFICE—CORNER OF CLARKE of I.non with 112 man.plHv^?f?het i^Vrd

‘ ^ ^ ut

People’s Bank.


THB H1(iH *

Vi"T'AIll li tS' ' BRAWN SB. SCliWINO ft OO-

ing Green, Warren county, Ky. By order of the [Frankfort Yeoman, Shelby News, and Bardstowa

and Randolph streets. No. 63, up staire. CHI- W&lker bos declared Rivas and his party trai-


* ll‘t - mrl» wffa*tors. The former cabinet stand to Walkar.

WHEAT, CORN, AND RYE. ,N lrt York, Jaly l

ARF. PAYING THE HIGH- Commodore Saltsr, of Frigate Savannah, a pas-l' est market price for Wh»at. Corn, and Rye, senger in tho bark Valocidide, arrived to-dayred at our mil), on Shelby strt et, between Jeter- fTca. Baenos A vres.nd Green. J

w3m BRAWN IB. ICHWING ft 00. PiTTffffUia, Jaly 12, P. M.tnkfort Yeoman, Shelby New*, and Bardstown c: vftr * f.a » ._j f-ii5M W«»fb«r niMr andte codv thi. advertisement to amoant of to each. K*v,r 3 “4 w tothto Oiaar and

Gazette copy this advertisement to amonut of to each,and charge Democrat. I

jylldut JAM 19 MARSHALL, Prest.

dr J. a McClelland,


’F*-^^^^twe- n Foartk xcd Fifthure«ta.L.atoI I I » yin*. Ky.

A !! operation -c-::' sir. uglothe Den : ai Artperformeda the moat carefm an 1 thorough manner.

4etS wlastt


t* ravioli ^prin^s.MANUF ACTIJRES.


I GREAT marking DOWN* SALE OF {chase-i Ten setw.'eight BanW'c!'

c d iriends who . • i atronised our Watering' y • er. Third itreet, between Market and J-fferson.

tI) ress Silks. Fniirv Is |

j pine Ciistura Lrns, and

Fiao. ,, d dcSirou. of ^d.ritToSr on hand. of hie own mannf^ture, n full and,,re9S La* m, and U dt.,gn.,for aUe low bv

« -aid .enounce to the puHic generally that h, have ificct aerariment of Rockawaye, Sulkies, FU«-ton», Fs\WDro;lUeOiC*. Jl" jil»N.hlTTS

^h nM ready for their reception and nocomm da- ^ ¥ ONDONWATCHKi


The Beat Bargains of the Bea;ion.GREAT MARRING DOWN SALE OF



-JUST Kt.- Do They Do It


celved, by to-day’s express, four new and elegant wrpo vruw iu\ • vn vi/iu T.’phased Tea Setts, eight Bu'ter Coolers, fourteen Cake % 111 I’ll DO ; AINU flOKciiSsHketa, nine Castura Urns, and Pitchers, of the very than they are reprerented, notw thstanding some



. Uon and accomm.ida- Open Bu«ie*,8hmin*-top Buwias, SUde seat lluggiea,

yoc ad cf which are warranted of the beat and moat durable

A who have visited Grayeon will readily tell their * rkiianghip, combined withaty’e^aate, and e!egapc$.friends that Grayson « ,ters are not p!caa»nt, ) " vite. tt.e attention of bia friend,and the ’>nbllc.

tut conducive to health whenever detail.ty prevail!.M ak«- tlie trial, and you will be convinced that Grayaonw tera are worth orink rg.Our table will be supplied with the very beat that can

be trocured, »r d our bar furnished with the purestHonor., wines, fcc., with an agree«ble young nan be-hiu < it." counter, with a goo 1 supply of ice, also goodeigarsAnd our stable well provided wi h proTender and

carefn’ oauera.Messrs. Carter te Thomas rut their stage I ce on

j. haUdox.

Trotting |{ii^;r ies!


D ealer is else coaches,Bopkaways, and Buggies, No. fiO? Mail. « reet,

I above First, Louisville, Ky., would inform the last gen-

I.n'br.iitUrir*. j?l3 Ji>HN hlTT8 fc CO , Main stiect.DURKER, HKAIH At GO., HAV- . oviiov watcHfs * vi 'i hkring recently enlarged their extensive atcre, with 1. ’

, ,

**kRa view of la*f»dy increasing their business the coming arnval of fine Lodgoo VV atches, id silvtr cases


fall, sre determined to close out their spring and sum- * u.r..8,„

byr.r, «• ,

i mer stock of Fancy Goods, in order to make room for JY** JOHN KITT9 fc CO., Main street.

their fall stock. Thes • gooda will be closed out without , _ __ . , _ ' _regard to cost: oIAYIES I. L!',liO.\,Kicb Dress Silks, originally worth *3 ', now for 116;

I Do do, do ft), do 10; DKALKR INSpring Bilks, originally worth *1 50 F yard, now 75c; — . - _ , ,

& do: d°o *75°?do.*

Watches, Jewelry, and Silver-Elegant Parriesene Robes, originally $20, now $15; WDTA

. .. . , , I »w,c f in,, uuuiaviur, i\y.,*uuiu iua>nuiiiciM,e.u- i is<j uv uui uu is, OO I, 7I molltOUS or injffviOlomas rut their s.sge i ce on tlemen that he has just recnvel .is superi r light Honiton and Brussels Lace Cares, origina’ly worth ,,.,v jt err ernnv.i . vn o tnon tiv- properties, theyGrayson Brvioga. on tie I&h, TKOTTINGBuggiestrorothefollowingmanufarturers: $110, now sold for $«; 535 MAIN ST., BET. SEU)> D AND 1 HIRD, di, c aSev „V.w kn“witme (bests (Mown to Grayson Springs, on tl e I5th,

] THOT TIN G Buggies from the following mauufa .turers:i

re a resulsr conveyance. Messis Breas er tk bona. New York. I PriT her- will a' r be a connecting Uoeletween GraysC'C Wm. DudUp, Fl.iiarieipl ia. I tf

Springs and Mammoth Cave during the euniner and q. t, p. Cook, New Raven. je? dAw 1'latall. Mh

X arms ak heretofore . D. HRUNfOV, rii-ai fi Ak $J.F CLARKSON, £5 fe B>l . rLQUU,


o»enN Hotel. AND SHOW CASE S1AFER. iKS IT HAS BEEN RF.PORTEl) ,tt i ia. «, Thirrt wtrret.i that this well and favorably known Hotel is clos- i

- — - - - —|

ed on account of the death of its late propriet >r, this 0 C3 1/^ 6> 2.

l« to inform ur friends an.i the public in genera! that la. DlUwJ Oh \ga/ ^such if nnt ths c»«e.but the business will be coi. ducted MANUFACTURERS OFpt Th»nkfu! for the very lit-era’ patron- _ _ _. . . __ ^nl I

to the wantt of our guest., to pierit a continuance ofj

$*'* . il J w a.P k a a r B gLcathe .sine. [aple dguj W .B GWFStt CO. oi THE BEST QCkLITT AND LATEBT 8TTLB,

o*'p /tiii)! pc HOT IT IWholesale and Retail.

•' 1 • l. IlilllLxrjO HU I £jLx» also—BRASS FOUNDERS ANDnnr tt inn ^ * Finishers, and manufactorers of all kinds ofFUhlLAnU, kLX. Bra„ Work—No. «4 FIFTH STREET, between Main

r - TME UN IlKRSIGNED, LES- uod Market, Louisville, Ky. spUMt-warn

fit see of this newly-erected and admirably -adapted _ rC < lU’M't.'i'ili -lei takes pleasure in announcing to the pub «l • I • I kk Ih lit

^lie gererally. and eapciaiiv to putviipcTi arriving or n pi i np n A V Tl r R P P T n n o rdeparting ..! the Portland wharf, that tic" house is no* bllLDbR AS D t K 1 1 1 U K Urcomp'.fely urmshed and resdy fort: e accommodation b »g < llTVI^r* BJ J h SIVItuu»,hail) iigMir mghont. is fitted up with articles expr.sslj OS A BCIENTXFIQ PUINCIFLK.

, ALL ORDERS LEFT AT THFian ,.nt o’ th* pnrripal .lappi g point for L uisville, XA. Po.t Office (Box ail) will receive prompt atten-wher- nearlv all of h-r »tr..Lgiv gue«;s first errive and tion. Residence on Eighth street. No. 5*, next to

from whence they depart f t the West atd Sou h.ttas Chapin’s, where aut 'graphs of the grea’est scientiO?

t"an mey are represented, notw thstar.ding aome|

pet pie are prejudiced against I'a'ent Medicine. Doubt- • tl»» -i-.wl IM-'cta-~c,: tkrt’irNjT'

leas some of the medicines off red to the public arej

worthless as a means of cuiiog Uiieaica; but oth-rs are ,

mosunCTed’uTous'.0 Dced 0Dly * tu con,,aw the CEN l RAL OKlU,

We ray with confidence, and have the p»per* to ANDahow, that the SovsRaioN Bai.m Pills of P. Childs kt r> . 1 y,i • rt >1 lCo. are an excellent Family Medicine- No family hill 1 1 II) OTf* iillll (Hilt) hll MilINshould 1^ without them, as they are convenient and Ua,UU,U,C U,,U V/UIW lWIlWaU^.very safe and reliable for Dy enery. Flux, and all dis- B1 p,\,i •TITli' ovi V ustfT'ie ise9 common to warm weather. They do not pros- Be",* • 11" ’ J, i Kulf 1

t’»t tbi-^y»tem,bat assist nature in the perft ruuac;|

M P which through tickets to

For due ises peculiar to femxlea, the Sovereign Balm WASHINGTOX CI*TFills are not surpassed in virtues. Being composed can b« procured, to which point, as well aa t.

: eutitely of vegetable remedies, and fiee from all acri- . ...i monious nr injnrious qua'it es, with their great cu-a- XJAL l lMUKL,ifive properties, they are one of th- best rrmedies fur j, rh- alii i»tfwt \lil»r r ant ,


KAILKOAI),Via Columtoi


•rwarV^SeT^heY ao nonst SITING THE ONLY ROUTE BY; CISC’s '.aTI tube EA^-n, but assist aaturo in the perfi nuance »w which through tickeu to dllwK k ROAD ahd LA*E t. TE v X .- t S.


Printed Bareges, worth $10 and $13, now sold for $3 SOto $4 a patt-rn;

Plain Bareges, worth 60c, now sold for 3or;Mnntiliaa, of a’l styles and color*, worth from $18 to

$4>), will now be sold from $3 60 to $!0 a piece—with

OPPOSITE BANK Of KBBTCCKV.»se>- now known to tu- Mcal science. Try them.RAY MOND at PaTTEv, Agents for Louiiville.

BAL’llMOKE,it is the SIIORTF3T, MOST DIRECT, an.l ia every re. I

spect the roost reliable route. It i« the only real, by

f L3P Baggage at Cin.- nuati can he el

Cleveland to the Bast ONLY by ’hs K 'Ut -

p. W A'f K * DkR, GcaC'nci.nnati, June )A.h, lSerr-je»3

C^s"^..VH^S‘^,A8Aeg^many other goods in the ssme rroportion.

DURKKE, HEATH A CO.,jy3d&w 107 Fourth st., bet. Market and Jellurson.

m!! 14* 64 Thirrt wtreet. I




Wholesale and Hetail.

A lso—brass founders and. Finishers, and manufacturers of all kinds of

Br:i*s Work-No. «4 FIFTH STREET, between Mainand Market, Louisville, Ky. apl!’dL.w3m




PLAID LINSEYS. 25 CASES,all-wool filling, received this day and for sale hy

jylS JAMES LOW ft OU., 4IH Mnin st.

tiANTON FLANNELS./ 10 cases hrown Cin on's;

10 do bleached do do;On hand and fer s»le byjylJ JAME3 LOW Sl CO., 41b Main st.


No. 499 Main street, near National Hotel.

RESPECTFULLY INVITEw w the attention of steamhoatmen to our large

LARGE STOCK OFWatches, Jewelry, C»ucks, and Watch



Loubiiile anil Bard>ta

»BM!E UNDERSIGNED H\-(dsblliM a Stave Aoc .miB»-i»ti


I{(k IE!OVCli Olfi ^3 «lilS StP6€t ! 1

^ WMlglev Albaajilnd. je^dAw NK A \OiiK ljUii 1.^ > ill' t' il'i L#.»Iu.

* tn^A nv. n are enabled to rea:h the citiesof fRlHE UNDERSIGNED i

large stock of ,Xjiectro-Lhemical Baths, Baltimore, k e t^ isbe., * ...v a, mm-

Watches, Jewelry, docks, and Watch W O R EXTRACTING MERCURY, FUILADELTHIA.BLrd


.lifttC rials.;M. Load. Iodine, or • ther metallic substanc *s from

** J * * week- T:,r srli* r f: r tho * 1 _.,;i n vm,’!) <rrr v-pn ir a v r a: r-r -the system, c in now behad at Dr. E. Ca*i ri’i Hyd'o- at the cost of a to New York on’y, thus e-i. JIvs

I ,ilM,I\cM>Ar,l) rlrtv l.r’i pathic KiW Inst received a very l:*r«e stock of W kl CHK8, ’ nut and Chestnut street*. The efficiency rf there to vis t foiirof the principalcit a in tb Ur. for La»» ; » - e N '•

tweeo Louuville and BirdstownBardstr.wn ardback aipia To L-week. Tne office for this > n ,. i

RL lust received a verv Firm; stock of W 41 CIIK3, 1 nut and Cne.mut street*. The effi 'iency c.f th-re to vis t four of the principal cite* m th’ Ur, for L*.i Tr P-;r »iil >ar te N'

JhVVELRt, CLOCKS, and WATCH MATERIALS, Baths basno* been ful y tested by a number of chem cosr TH*s c.s u* orruansn by *>v OTh.b son*. • k.,ar Ire. rz j. * •••• - *

direct from the manutaetories. woul 1 inlorm their cus- 1st* aid physicians in trance as well as iote/eralof In a n to iheie gr, -t advantage-, the ii-ue- g. ihe *ubari ,be- w: d g-ve .. * ea'. r p—tomer* and the public at large that they offer the great- our larre t jstern cities, and the fart has been fully es- meat, -t;. re 1 t, ?r»v-i.-r» i:.

;: : . . I .

est inducements to dealers in the a-ovewue.itioned tablished, c at, by their application, tetailc sub- mai.:ig-iiiett of trai .son this r-.ute must iwtls 1 - c-inc i 1*. - i'

t - •••

articies. All they wish is 'o give them a call and ex-|

*i»nces - an oe removed fr m the system. sight of; ailced to whi h’-he gran leur of ’.be; ing pa ie eor.n-et'ng »•.. , »• T

b Jsmcss men and travelers for pleasure or nfor aat onto vis t four of the principal cities in th- Untun for i.a»>COST THIS CaN U* OmiKDKD BY AMY OTH.K SOTTI.In a id ,li n to ihew gre it advant ge-i.lbe indue -


andfcrs»le by amine their goods and pr.ees ' ef .rs purehasi ig e!se-JAME3 LOW A CO., 41b Mam st. where. MENOFi, Sl STF.1Na. A „om Cp stairs at Gowdy, Terry fc Co.’s st ore,

L L A 51 B 0 AT GOODSIl myS Main street, btt Fifth and Sixth.

Ilile A. Small, find watches.499 Main street, near National Hotel. HAVE ON HAND A 8UPE-E RESPECTFULLY INVITF * * rior assortment of fine Watches, in g dd and.. .

r' 9 . . . . silver, huuiiDg biul opdQ’fRce cases, WHrramed :o keep

the attention of steamhoatmen to our large correct time, t i which we would rcipectfully invi’e the

sight of; aiiced to whi h’-he gra:i leur of ’.be;|ing paMic eonn-et’rg w.

Tbt Kwctro-Chemical Bath ha* abn t roved very ef-1°f kcilitie,,v> be m .

,-; g

-• . 1 ocm y : .

cient in the treatment of Porilysis, Gout, Rue urn*- Ian,t Ohio Railroad, are ,uo as aie --Corded by no * my..- *mSclent in the treatment of Paralysis, Gout, Rueuma and Ohio Railroad, are .uc as a,e sllorded by no

tism. O'-st.nate Cut.aeou* Eruptions, and several 1 other line of traael in the world-°‘ptraous




i to use the*. Ba’hs wUl I

T*?ftEE DAILY TRIAW.r.please apply to Dr. K. CA3FAR1, Second


PASSENGERS GOING EAST froas LoiiaviMe,may >

I ciylUdatwtf between )V alnut and Cheetr ut. i

proceed by t-.e U- ». mail steac er- ’o C ncm i: , an l— there l'*e the railroad to connect with t! is line, or meyu T| . U r leave Louoville by the Jeder onvnle it.i. real direct,3iour.. arriving in lime t> eonn<ct wRh either the t> * m., 10*.

Hawkine' Oxnnib jiS Li


RINOOOLD, M., orb p. M. train of tl»e L- tile Miami Ka' r ,adforCol-umbu*, comi'Cting there with the t.V:.tra. Oh. It a.lriM 1

_ _ ...

eel) at / o’eloek ) an.I *rrves»t le uis. - .

L-iav ta Louis vide at 4 o’clock,m «rri . sa.tIVB tt H o'clock p. *.

house allords a 'convenience and comfort to the trav- I met, of h- present day can Fa* seen a* resardsllie plan.*|rr here afore not experienced at this point. i’Mce 9 cent* per foot, compl, te. For larg* build ngs,

It shall be the earn st endeavor <>f the proprietor of a liber d deduction wi'l be bade. jy3dKw3mthu estaliiisbtnent to command a liberal share of pub ic - -

pair ..a* . I corns, he n end* to deserve it. The *;|<l<iltrV 'WaPC llOllMU.LTuih', w,;.h its extensive grounds, cool shady groves, Kvcaaaasiv » *» a ,,WMOV *

and general conveniences, is unsurpassed as a tran-|

s.ect house, it sba'l be kept as a fi st-cUai Hotel— ir II CTAUrClacking no one of the essentials oi sucL an es’abtash-

! \


, i> | D|\ Lim.U'v.V J. W., well known to the traveling pub /. Jj_ IMPORTER ANDyit_„

lie, Ir ni » s i ng connection with Hotels in Lotirvil e,L dealer in COACH AND

Is er paced, and will ,ssist in the general manag, ment 5a -fJcli ikdWaRK a i re

•file b- ose. The patronage or the public is respect-(

rFACTCFEM, emlvac'ing 8kirfully solicited. irw p„,,r;eiAr Hose. bl%rk a» d fair Bri lie L<J*i*

W. W. OWEN. Protnetor.gta-.jn,,. Saddle Bag and Collar 1

houses in the eastern cities. Call and see us.HITE K bMAl.L.yy Main street,

.iyll A few doors east of the National Hotel.

P • tice tiiat he has re sumed his farmer occupation,.a connection with C. N Warren, aid continue the

Batkin* and Exchange business at So. 4i*c Mainstreet, a fe w doors weal of the Bank of Louisville, uu-fiCTt^he name of



urrcBisM «c.c.HiiTO»

Excbanae and Bankiiur House of

Hir<IM\(>V A CO.,

dealerin COACH AND3ADDLK Y?i.i“. l,f_^Hl


™ubiic ,s resj-eci- j-y^cTCP Fit, emls-acing Skirting, Harness, Band,.. . . . llose. black a- d fair Bri He Leather; Hog and Calfa, i*roin tor.

Seating. Saddle Bag and Collar Le*ther.


Also, whol sa’e n>acufactur"r of Saddles, Harness,Tron ti, fA’em s’.r ’tc* e l Leather Belting, F re Kngine

GIVE NO- and Ste u-boet U-*e, warranted cf as good duality a- dat »e low prices a' can be boug! t in tl.e ea-t rn cities.

“ U’ 111 e« and Leather, in rough- bought and sold.

No i^ Mffin ^ s vddlery W tu-. house. 435 Main st Jyl dAwtf

: Louisville, un- ‘ Iron Fump*.t warkbn ww E M A N U FACTUR E, AND•go c hilto* » w have always on hand, Iron Force and Lift

‘ Pumps, cf the most approved kinds, both for cistern*

T'nizco nl a3d wells of a:iF depth- We warrant our Pump* toiiUUou Va p.-rform well, and will refund the money if they fail to

;give *«: .faction-rn nolkd&w RARRAROrX * FNOWDKN.

a iHAMBRAY GINGH AM. I CASEp, buff, pink, blue, and grs*n Chambray Gingham


received this day and for sale by|

iyll JAMES LOW ft CO.. 418 Main «t.



ilM Fourth and Market street, reoeived this morning,

clay rrceivtil a IarK» ft^sortmcLt of Gold Teu*, of 1# 1 ^ V*


OH l illl'tl ^t$ u ‘ n•

Uy T: .,1 o ' r,


various sixea and tupen r tini»h. Aa our Fens are Mr J irr-m Otr cin^ati to Bill nircii fcm l>)>a li-ar- uni t

ma le lo order, and lx«*r our own nacie, our cutstoiEcr* URBAN R PV'fJT F I ULY * *h ‘ lKt,,|i bu * 1:oUr *’. *.

u.R> rely upon IKeia as superior to auy in the ruM'-ket. . . , . ./ . . .to*MMdgr ch. card t r u^.i from C$acin*i^i t.

WV have alfO a iur*e jniEer.t of Fife's Fat :ut Ob . .

lovite* bn friend# and the pudiCt who »..y be In BaLDihc un \ >k..:.k.. nCi.y

lijue Gold Pens >»ni Kipp’s Fitent Sciemi&c .Niche » physicran. to hi in a call Hii -tficc is p ^ng-.T • ^li 1 1 b* i »n..e larar \ Inquire f>-

G »id Fens. Ail Fens »olti nv us are warranted- I on the suit of Thin atre- 1, between Main and th»* t'CHets via •• OLI MBIT sl and A »l •. K L *.'« ! r, a.» l o r


nver. ile will ruDftan.iy seep on h^nd a supply o: roule cintickrt bui. :** r_ <.r .’.emedicin* s fur th!.* &c<* >iijmodati /ii (»i those w iob3 j i 'ey New \ r a* the. r represents! ns the

fe-lLV ERWARE.S,lvcr rinlTee ai. 1 Tr

by Adams fc Co.’s Express-Hoop Skirts;Belting. ir a' I colors;Mosquito N t*;

Black net \litt«, an excel'ent assortment;Embroidered 8*iss Muslin;

Do Muslin Basques:Plaid and striped Nainsoox Muslins;Marsailte , f r making Basques;B hite rirv-ndie Muslin;Do BrillUntine;Do Damask, for making Skirl*;Do Cotton llose. a 1 ,r*e stock


Ladies’ and Misses Lisle Thread Hose;Plain Nainsook and Mull Muslins;White Silk and Cotton Illusion.

We are offering great bargains in fancy Silks, Organ-die. Muslin Robes, printed Organdie and Jacon-t Mus- I

litis, Lace Mantillas, Ac., Ac. MILLER & TABB.jylO Corner of Fourth and Market streets. I

Silver Coffee and Tea Sets;Spoons and Forks:Pitchers, Goblets, and Cups;Butter, De»?ert, FWh, and Pie Knives;

A large and general a, sortmen on hand and 'or sale bympg FLETCHER te BBNNEl’T.


PATENT HELIX DRILLED-Kyed Needles.—Just receive’!, a supply ofBl Eyed Needles.—Just rectived, a fr.sli supply of

I John Engiisu’s Patent Needles, the best in use, andi w&rr iiitcd by J. H- EsTEULE,

my" b7 Fourth i treet.


pcescribex for at his office. myi utf


Clil.AMFAGNE W1NE~J ti baskets Piter Hci lsick, superior;

to do Bile* t aslmon, do, in pts i.nd qts:10 do Cabinet, superior;

For salehv the tele agents in K ntuckv,BLANCAGNlEL, MObhE A MURRAY.

jy8 Third s'reet, between Main and Water.

it. | iLARET WINE. 2DD BOXES__ 8t. Julien Claret for sale low to close consign-•6o ment by



OJ~ t'i*reo» low n» Ky any ol der route.

t)V A LHA N 1 •!.il£. ! HU L

- A-'-';, i'

. . r..

rxN AND AFTER ’.VKPNFhLr next,), in ias'ant. Train* w. 11 r-tu a tkAibsr v *ad hole aKxpre ‘S 1’ra.r.s

K.iltoad as f-

• ill Lave Se>

Hr. adwsy and Fr'nt s’reeis, ipp-ne in’ fjeocerHouse, oral the Eastern (Little diaim) Lepi , EastFrort bireet.FREIGlirS—Wi hthelargestfcquip-entef any r» ’.


road in the United States, t.’.r c li-psi y is pr, | »re ’ tod« an inimens- bssinerain thetransp- rt at.on of rights

3 it T, Sie

S*ir<--. Trains S- n'F »i” le11:1*, r. w . and arr ve **»


r. *., ii. lime to put ; asset «er->



Freight Trains will leave New

UEWCUMH’S BUILDINGS, (3UR- c)s( ?u/sy‘\'oanoT Continued Bale of Dry Goods at Cost

W ner of Main and Bnllit; streets. an E HA'E A LAaLr, Af'.vIKI- and Heduoed Prices,in’ r»st allowed upon deposits of Kentucky money t v mer.tofveryh&ndscmeRailingPattenis.snlt-

or run-eii t 0 he w thdrawn at rleaaure. ablefcrymrds.ceineteries.and balconies, to wF.ich we , „De.iand and Time Bills on a»I the p.ncipletitie* in call the attention of these in went of Railingfer avy of. ROBIN bON, MARTIN A CO., 9b Fourth street,

White 8ilk and Cotton Illusion. W*,, Lpw q ,& ,! 1 ,, xvpl I* t’We are offering great bargains in fancy Silks, Organ- 1

aktiivs «a«xia ** van • Jdie. Muslin Robes, printed Organdie aid Jacin-t Mus- A t Npm "Vr.rU e:lins, Lace Mantillas, Ac.. Ac. MILLER A TABB, “ew X oria t"-tce.,

jyD> Corner of Fourth and Market streets. At No.«6 Third street,between 5Iain and Market.

Continued Bale of Dry Goods at Cost a J. HIRSCHBUHL, PRACTICALand Heduoed Prices. *9 «s Watchmaker and Jeweler, would respectfully

sT >rahlo rates.itcs.ic sucistc suit purchaser*,for sale at the vbive nam-d purposes. We are prerared to putit

up at short notice and on the most reasonable terms.Ban. N ite.St jek.acd Builionbaslnesatrans&rted on Grier* from « distance, with satisfactory references,

favorable t**rro».

Collections made upon ailpolnta.Rjui»:taiicesti Kur pe and Great Brittain .

ffterhugs, Demand Bi'lkforsnlein sums ofone ponadan 1 ut _All kinds of Northern , Eastern, fcoutr.ern, see Wes-

lern Ba:ifc N les purchased a: low rates.

Lar.d A'arranis.—Tb highest rsarketpricespaid for

Land Warrai;* Jyl*’

i :sT \ i HANTS. A:<


fecial koiice to merchants andbL sIXESS MLN !

BT. CHARLES RESTAURANT,Jf.rtkmat corner of Fifth aud J/iin ttreete.

W| ERCHANT8 AND BUSINESSl* M me* generally are re*pectfully informed that

wii’.receivt promrt attention. stoBARBAROUX A 8NOWDKN.

Hydraulic Foundry


SoDiit* Corner Washington and Fioyc streets.


Manufacturer and Wholesale and Retail Dealer in



Also—dealer in patent! Wl

RIGHTS. Orders left at No. 83 Third street, op-|


osite Walker’s City Exchange, c-r scot through the~

Post Office, will meet with pr.mpt attention. .j

cpltidArwdtn R


Or bill IVliles’


prices that willw W cost and reduoed pricer, their very desirable


public at large.

•J» w Watchmaker and Jeweler, would respectfully-!

announce to the public that be has Just received. d -

reet from the best manufacturers of Geneva (Hwitr-r-laud) and F ranee, a lot of splendid \\ atchea and Jew-elry of the lateststyles, ana which hkis enabled to in!

SPANISH WINE.10 bbU dry and sweet Mountain Mnlaga Wine,

pare;8 casks bare Port Wine, for liquor merchants;


41 ALT LIUUoii FOR INVALIDS.JV M. 40 casks double Brown Stout, Tennentlrand;

whichare carried with care and, an-' at rates !

'•‘‘J • Buua* low as those of any ot lt first - iiss 11,,-. To* road


'“c®1 * B - Amakes immediate conn-cticn at .ne whiuves a a in ' b


street* of, with tie Ua.lro.d :o Phi’s' Ipbia ! t ii.qn. nnrl <--S»• I New York; steamers cf Ericsion and Ba . more

|ikl. V* »i I’tlu • UllG t

’ *

securefor him the patronage of the V,»y


15 do AX.Y; India A.e, in ptj a- J qts;' y

BLANCAGNlBL, MOD RE it MORAY.stock of seasonable goods, consisting in part of—

1’iain, striped, and plaid Jaconets;Do, do, do Nainsooks;

Hair-cord and plain Swiss Musii* s;Kibroidcred and dotted Swiss Dresses;Mull Musbna and Victoria Lawns;organdie and Jscoret Muslins;Every desirable make of Shirting Cottons;Shirting and Pillow Linens;Bird-eve and Huckaback Diapers;Toweling*, Napkins, and t able Linens;Allendale Qudts; Marseilles do;Silk. Cotton, and Lisle-Thread Hosiery;Cloths, Cassimerte and Vestings;

Together with many other kinds of g ods in season.YVe as t the particular sfention of the trade.

ROBINSON, MARTIN & CO.,je27 Kfi Fourth street.

Ladies’rich and beautifulGold Watches,garniesdeI diamants.and of different sites and prices.

Also, a fine assortm.- t of G -Id aud Silver Foh, Vest,:and Nerk Chains, Watch Keys, Lockets,’.nd

! Pink and Kings, together with a large variety of fineJewelry of every desrriition.

J.J. HIRSCHBUHL, YYatchmaker,


|U,j t-a-ke’s French Anisette Cordial;JJ cas-s Fr*-ncn Cordials, asrorted; for svle 1 7


ded Third !t" Jbl twee n M ai n anciM vrket . g HjRkS. 2iD,NI»l V EL VKT CORKS—for Min* ral Wstcr and Ale, f rs-lety

likhot & Brothers ~WBGL13ALI LMD ItTAll DMALKF.flH

Watchos, JTew^ry, etc., etc.,

fDIRECT IMPORTERS FROM GE-M 9 neva.Malu street, thre i doors above Fourth. in

Jacob’s Buildings, beg leave to ca’l public attention to

|OOP SKIRTS. JUST RECEI V- their unrivaled assortment of Watches and Jewelry,

B. JL ed per express, another invoice of Hoop Skirts—Colored Kereals;Colored Jaconets;

And for sale low by MARK Si DOWNS,j-iJt 471 Main street.

c<rr. t rof Jefferson and Fifthstreeu. For the very j

lbtxai patronage hitbertr extended to them, the propn Fine HuineSB and Saddles.•tort renea their acknow ledgment* to the public, andassure them that no pair s orexpense will be spared to


DEW ITT A MILESprocure ab articles in theline of theirbusinees.of the

! n a x- n . v- 1


ra s-sap.-iorquaiity. andauch as willbe nppr* ved of;Rji.

ttII A > r. UA li YAH -\

by the b : conn. i>seur». KuSland »rt cmstvctly making the veryA fine Lunch will b’ lailyandrtgularlyserved .from S^jP*Uai8A ««JL» «nd Harness to be had t"

193*0 do«’k a. *. tiH 13* .' in the West, and are selling lower than the same quali-

Wc .re; us’ in receipt ofocdotecof YVolfe sce!tbrated ty of woik can be bought East8c‘ :ao 8cUnapp-,and a lot of Havana CJars cl dif- I

lerent rande, besidesold Brandies.Wines- It :.,of va nn. n-i'.ixr.i irlou* superior brands. I P iillll kll IThcbnliardRooins.ucderthesuperintendenctofour


a s\\t tr i.ii l v\

$mi stale »dc accommodating ‘’Uncle George,’’ are fur- DL, l.__ , Gntalo J witLsnpenor t aides .and every i ms*, n aide con- | | |J tlllS, d II 41Tenience.The beet brandies. *» ires,fee., -an beobtainec attb NO. 43, THIRD STREET, BlPalace, ’r-ady bottled,and are t penallyrcccmmend WATER, LoUl

•d for medicinalpurpover . _ r,. „ ,* im>r* Ht\nutionT M F. AI) AND I RU>

FRoWERT It LEVINE,Plumbers. (Jus. and Sloiim Fillers,




Dress Goods Embroldeiles, Ac.

IirE HAVE NOW IN STORE Aw w full stock of seasonable Dress Goods, of th"


. newest stv les, an*l a Urge stock ef Embroideries aud|

ILaces. Also, just received, Whalebone an f Cactus

i bkirts.;e!7 MARK & DOWN3, 471 Main st.

IPRINTS, &C.35 cases new-style fancy Prints;3 do do do Lawns;1 do do do Brilliantea;3 do De Bage;

Just received and for sale cheap bymv5> T. s R. 8LEVIN & CAIN.


Elaltfetikorr Ovalor Ihpol!



* ^Vr,r Express, daily, the bestJK^Nl^ U'i eTLKa ever tent to this



A ».res. Water r'losets, hot and cold Shower Baths.|

cVf*mn«l Plaotbinr wurkv of all kin*!*. Gas Fipci j ut u|*, {* .* 7


;iid fixtur- s of al’ descriptions, such as Chandeliers,| J


Br*ck-t“. Fancy Shades, G1 be*,, Ac- Hydraulic Ram*., ci-*If, . V},^ IV

Lift and F. rce t’umps, and evtrything apertaining to Received and for i-le fJle*P •’?

tt« U--t manner and at the low-|

®S h x. s it. BL.

ftrtes. We also turpis'i ev-ry description of Cocks, !

Ale l’umps, and Soda Fountains j 4 Cum d 1 1NGHAMS.


V f G I B

city• Okddtff* 8 . QUINTERO. Age*t.

^UGAKS.IOC bb!s New York D- R. crushed Sugsr;l’u do do do Gaane pulv’d Sugar;loo do do do pulverised do;

orgale low bymyV DUM ESN II.. BELL A CO.. 65* Main at.


J fnr*a’.etay frotU R. BUCKNER.

I^XTRA FLOUR! 50~BARRELSJ Franklin Mil's, just in and for rale by

Jeff? H. FKKGUSgX A 8 >N.

^UNDKI ES.• bids Navy Beans


7» bushels Dried Fetches, halves and qurs;M do do Apples, in stot« and for tale by

HIBB1TT A SUN. «b»S* Markets ,

j 27 Between Second and Third.

r*4E AS.A ~ half-chests Green and Black;

Pf I and ai- It, c*dd*es.These T' as are tr ih an t select grades for our fami-

y ti.-de. Received and for sale byjrtlT ItIBBITT fc SON.

Falls City Terra Cotta Works.


Louisville, Ky.,

l| ANUFACTURE R OF C A PIT A LSlYM and Bas*'«, for Columns ; Trussel*. Brackets,Wnidou Cap>*. Enrichmentsfor C<-rni«-e«, Gothic Orna-ments. Chimney Tops, Flower Pott, Vases, Itc. As-sortment to be seen at the W >rks.

ALSO, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTER.All orders f*>r Plastering or Stucco for interior deco-

ra'i'-n promptly attended to.

tv-- Plaster Paris for sale at the lowest cash price.

ap33 dtf

Loaisville .Mftauldcfures.



o announce that they are now turning

JI J H rj gout an avr.rage of eerca Piano Fortes® J *pervttk! They are prepared to supplyail d-mands for every description of instrument, fromthe plaine'ttothemo.t elegantly and expensively fin- 1

Uhe-L Those who mxy have heretofore doubted theability o f L"Uisville to compete with any other city in

manufactures, w. uld ao veil to take a walk througl.our factory buildings. Every facility will be given to

our mer'hants and I usiness men to examine our opera-tions. Every Pionomxdeby us is warranted e jual to


the best made in the United States, and we ore enabled1 to sell at prices which defy competition


rjf~Ksctury, corner of Mam and Kuurteenth street*.

d 1 1NGHAMS.mJT a cases neat style French Gingham;

8 do do Scotch do;3 do Lancaster do;

J «st received and for sale cheap l>v

myti T. A K. 8LEVIN fc CAIN.

Hughes & Hutchison,(Successors to Newland, Hughes A Co.),

I Just received and opened, direct from Geneva, whoreI *he wbole stock was selected by one cf the firm.! Fine Regulators, for hotels, banking houses, cranyOther offi-es, at moderate price*.Watch Glasses, Materials and Toc’.sfor Watchmakers

*t New York pr.ees.Watches directly imported fi m < r.rr.-ninannfac'.ory

In Geneva, trh.olesa!" and retail, at New York p:lc,s-Watch cleaning and repair! si: -lone with neatness ".ad

dlepatch.The!!»?e«t styles sni paitons of Jev^Dy,&:..r ;cei ved

every week.We in vite the laJ is* to call an d er.umine fc rtf eir •

selves No trouble to show good*. Ailourg .',dsws--rantedor no sale. ret20 dtf



a LARGE AND COMPLETE A8-! ink. eortmentof dr..’ Piue Lura’.er.comvrising clear,

second and third -ates, uad common White an ! YellowPine Flooring, Shingles, Cedar Pests, and fencingBoardfe,cheap forcath. Call on

WM. W.nULINGS.niRdfcw N W . e irn er riroen arc! t’a-gota-ili e>«

J acob Smith..?....! N. D. Smith.

Lumber! Shingles! Lumber!« TR



W w and general nseu-tment of PINK AND P<'P-

Lk^ LUMBBK; a!*-', a No 1 article of PINK.I S'dINGLKS. We wcuid especial y call the attention


of f irtners, and all oifics iu want of F ucing, to ourGANG HOARDS, iissoried for tbe ptirpoee.ty Orders from tt.e i ountrv will be •! :-d pr mptlj .


jyjdlm % Corner of Clay and Main st-eets.j


DRANDY.M.9 » qr-pipes old Cognac;

4 ao imitation do; for iale low byjy8 U ALLALll 1 11 L CO.



street* of Baltimcre,, tte Rtxi'rc .<4:o rttr'a- lphia i

a- I New York; steamers if Kncsion and Uu . moreSteamship Company ’» Lines, by Csn .l ar-d re i P> V w 1

York and Boaton; steamers to Nori.ik, Charles, a •»-I

v.Hiuah.etc For particulars, s- - freight t ,r.ff ca;ie»|

ofwhicn may be h*-J of any of the F. rivaraing Ho_»«sin the West.

1VM. S- W0ODS1DE, Master of Transpcrta-ion-liAh.rt n*i 'J'.io itai Mmt. |

JGDN M. ?HA?.P,dv31 dtf General Western Ags_ t.

1856 ctamtner Arr«iayerr«nt 1855COMMENCING MOXDAT, HAT It.

Little aUiumi k ulumbus k leuia




lathe ONLY DIRr.CY ROl Ktsio fromC nclian ! Cleveland, the only route runn'n. cars iats theI.ake Shore Depot at Cleveland an I tie or!* r-.ute

J uniform gau.e from Cincinnui to Ciereiaud,I Dunkirk, and Buffalo.


BTANY OTHifi ROL'TF. Clvelaad passer gets g.I via "anuusky.ana depend < a trains from Chu: go and 1


Toledo logo K»’t. breax , au;e -. sau iu kj , .n d firry I

tram Old UNt b ity to Ulevcl in :.


M li. S-


daily (Sail'recti* throng . t

ra ns forth : West

lys excepte-l)

tra osier if. : W est and North-*.-:, Ira', ireven ing.This Trein c'.e^ee' ; at cs •: - i

Terr, •- sut- •

-li ; e a . .t

rnnki-g ti e SIIORTYSX, *4<’10K EcT,LSTranteto that point. I'

Citv w-tta Trains of M, Hpffalo.N Agava Fabs, %- , ... K .

Tick. is for ail th- pr.- ip, p- •. >

mar be Y:d v theoffic- .? the i/tHaiirt-adComper.y ijsin • -r--t.V \*—

; d r . r .

for n any p -.rt < f ::i" c.ty withoat e * . *JOHN M. A!»Df KdtiN, Pur-

N . S i avgsk. *i»n "ra! T ek-t w t.


I'saI _ A" A' | vr _ills )lir2 AaV UUll Kennett S A a\ Cincinnati at, , pittsbvr ;iiuimij, amx 1111 aavuuou e BYANY OTUF.R ROL’TF.. Pittsburg pa-vngers

^\ [ )pen t at bcdifo'.taine or l rr-st oa trains Horn In


\ ^ Jj \ f ’ WULt.UNU or STKLBLXFILLX.

F. YOLKINS, corner Third and Jefferson -ts ,

T 'U ’ ' w ° V>L.

t '

A'IcUdtf Opposite P st->ffice. I IA TIIL ONLY ROLTF. to and firota Cincinnati, Co

-— • iutr-bus. Ores line, and Cleve ^r . with Kx-



^ c“Ji Uau'sautern^*



10 >,do ,lo;’ BF.INi/ THF. SHORTEST RuCTF. fn-ta Cincinnati

M$ eases Claret,|laihe East, a naiform aoa * »:e spied is maintaiaca.

io cases Haul S .utrrn;i

Ccnne- ti^ns ire i ertsin.

In it re and for sale I-w

'ey [my2M J.MONE8. BY ANY OTHER iiOLTF fr o C:o - ai.a d.s-.-' grroussp - d is -eqn red to overc .e« di-t»- • v <• rte-

iHERRA AND MADEIRA WINE. ' -,n n. .p.« . « ,

> 10 K cask. Sherry ; I

»«dusg,.and ferry m. a Uid


10 H casks Sherry


to ). do do;20 casks Madeira Wine; for sale by

J. 21 J

PORT WINE.5 >a pipes superior oil Pori;N h, casks Port Wine;|U la Bo do Juice; for sale by

Brandies.20 ii casks finD 5a casks tine K. J. Brandy;6 kip 's Se'gnttte, old;5 >, Jo Pelriisin;6 >, do Otard;




NIAGARA FALLS,To all the Eastern cities.

CQF Force daily taa-lcrn Trains, at d a. is., Ij am,and 6 P- m .

iy20 JOHN B. McILVAIN kt SON. yi^ Cleveland, Pittsburg, and Wheeling, fer ai'the_ _ _ ,, h astern c t es. This train st: ps at all y jints betve.n8. Uo.Lg ,,0vh*-

! Cincinnati and Columbus.sw a crit.) (Cincinnati.,. ‘ TUiRD THtlN-Accooco-lsti - -i.-


"RiVxrlri A” f!ya at 3:Ju o’clock r. a. for m gtiell; W i on at-,n.t.r

ville, aid Lancaster. Chlliicotb* and tl l>N.,«a, ,•

PORTERS OF FRENCH iiRANDIES ANH) lb"B^"dwopa ,l ^ ^oinU Ci3cictat ‘

WINES, FOURTH TRAIN—Cleveland and Pittsburg Nish*.

Bonded Warehouse, No. 4 Commercial Are,:.j STud'a^

MISTILLERH OF ALCOHOL, CO This train stops at all points between Cincinnati an i

P legne and Neutral Spirits, and! all kinds cf Do- C'^*^ trmia on Sunday at J:aD o’aloik V m f,-

^*c Li juor*. AUo, de&lcr* In 014 Bourbo: , Kve, ^”vT,^u<>

jyi dim ^ Corraer of Clay and Mmn gt^ts- 6 do Otar4;


rwiHEONDKRSIGSED KEEP CON- aakANGE IJKOVE WHISKY. 1""* stanlly on hand the best quality of Pittsburg

; ^ bbls Orarae Grove Whiskv for «a!e -vCoal, at the lowest price. Oihce at the lower City Ccal itiilN B 'V i lv tl V it SONScales, Water street, between 1 bird and Fourth. JOHN B. MU LY AI N V SU?U_

jalJdinstf BOWSER At FUCT8. g Uovlb Frbd. lions.

700,000 FEET LUMBER, (New York.) ( Cincinnati.)


iSOyie C£ L3.,

feet Dry Pine Lu iber. comprising afairproportian IMP0R1EI4S OF FRENCH BRANDIES ANDI of clear, second and third rat", and common, which I WIVE II «-», ,,f •.-nit,


nnt in lots, Ht much reduced


FIRiT '.’RAIN—Cleveland, Pittsburg. Si jbe-vllle, mdarri.-ej .tlr.,h»iand Wheeling Lightning Kx press, leaves Cm, i a: r -ct nmnrtti :

id ’cl-ick a. m. f,.r all the Eastern i ties; also, Detroit vis an IniMDap .skai Cleveland; ffpringiieM; Wilatingtoti, Circle ville, i.aa- ' Haute 1 It ehsur-mj

caster, and Zin-stille; Chib icotr.c and sthens. T?:» Indianap .i, i: .

train steps between Cine: : call and Columbus Love- Rat,mad lor: he Kaat

NcithEiu, Ea^tasu, aua W»a:eru


Ip 14

jTdVr«4oii* MU R^jifoEhcrteat, Qulc^ ••it, nud Mc -tl 1

Hoato toIiidiinanoiig, Lnf»79t.':,, Chimin, i>,; rr ,R ck Island, bnriiii^-.nn. C;r»c ra.- 1 '

iiaffalo. Nut* York, ikutoa. ; it. k

acis, lY»biagtH, PaitndeipEis, ’]'«

Vir-cnnaa, Evanavillir, Cairo. J

Lenin,Ao.rSiHE JEFFERSONVILLEM road ia laid with heavy T rail and v.and is well stocked w.:h j-.iyr.o- Loci s -

• *%rs* autl has *?vrry ry i« rn'sik ir ».

raw c*inpfci'or.«. lx .« th«*r* of » i

b».twpfi) Lou.dviUe 91 .| t h;ciL’». it ! itiLe vread r,.ut. **. -,’-. j;. i,JU

, ,

1ST i lie tu the K- w t.

Two Trams d (3und ys exoepte if topoll*.UneTrair. dai’v (Sunday j exceatedi tu CineFIRS l rKAlV.— Ir.d.a: ap i > ..,,

'erai>nv..!*atK-.lo., a. M . vn r. ...


ttAt.a.,nali a

eMe %:-tI l'-tii lX*.4l".i!ft B.A.T4. a.; (Op I'lygJtttt 1Wifjit, &•?.; M :L ! • Trnv ligate ar i fcuR^i!^oa«?for T**rftr It- Louis, fce.; with ta

• uiup Apolii tnd H**!ipfoTi*iii r*< &**<A tgi«* iogiiii *, t •

Radi for Wheel- ng, FiltWn7g . B^Cttmo, ,

ington, Piuladtlphia, Uevelr.uti, ituUs. , N ew, 3tc.

TflIRD TRAIN.—Leav»«s Jeff.-vor-r:!!-.* i « I

3«g d* sup-nor old Champagne Brandy: Cleveland; spnns'ieii, w iinnngtn., i. ircieviiia, i-a.i- u»u- «:.4 It t. - - f

For sale by [myt’U J. MONKS. caster, ami Zan-s»ille; Chu icot.-.c an 1 kthenv. T! •, ind map *•..... ......

£ 1— train steps between Cine: : call and Columbus aa -use- Railr- a.i for • he idi’

OH GHOVF. VVHHKY lldi I»«>d. Mo.row, Xe.-io, an-l L- n-i -u •>• y. „ Tnuefr r L -eviaJeileiit.i.viri <in'o r, sec -nd trsin-i -. ve. • . r. ,»r. . .• w-*

bbls Orange Grove W hijlcy for »»!e -y,iag Express Mail, lewt* Cincinnati irf 10 o’eli ias , Circiun >.i, sS ^ -rs;

i . • - •,


nap' Its at v-J* r. uia..:..same wvenms with the Lvlinroad for theNoith, with th*d R tilroiMl fer tbe West, *1,i ef .utai .i and Iadioca C«

.-isouvilla Rat’:

land rn“LP“aU


8m, nt w^U oSnUnue*^ Stfr®!S^SbS&e. fcY

P’Tho°sV^ w”nt


War^mtSt ' Vo 4 C<~MWrctu/the old stand and respectfully solicit a call from their ' R Ik!ST 1 1 .LERIS OF ALCOHOL, '

friend, and purchaser. of^ood. vis^tin^ market. E P legne and Neutral Spirits, and all kinds’",feia ULUHRS 4. HLTCHISU.N.


“ r JAS.GRBGORY,: me-t'c Liquors. AUo, dealer- in Old Bourlx.: .

GROCERIES, &C.•efferson .aboveP^-stocsvrcel.


nr-l'c Liquors. Also, der.ler- in Old Bourl)' - . Kve,•r ,1 Monongahelk Whiskies. Nas. jo, 67, and SEC-OND STRKBT, CINCINNATI, UlllO. my-

lafayitte, 7 haurs;Terre Haute, S h«n»sChicago, 1o . '.'irs,

Saint Let's. 1” hotC >- V •mild. 14 he


B,> tdiu re, ij

Waahicgtoft igfage checked


v mugfc fratu JTrains ran by Columbus time— seren minutes faster ** j

'&£ IghVa*— ftl*

RRTOODKN WARE \N \8SORT- to sell at trices Which defy competition.1 Vt . „ i,.

' rj^Kactory, corner rf Mmn and Fourteenth street*,w w mentor t ub*. Bucket 8. Churns, Bowls, Cocoa ga i,.g Roonix on Fourth sir tel, between Mark-t and

Dipper*. Pruahe*. Do*t. Mop«, brooms. Basket*. Jeuers. n. PKT tif-, CRA'JG *. CO.,Cloih-B I n,*, luati, T wines. Waiter Hope, Bed Cord*, ^ wl&d Manufacturers and ^usic Deulers.

100 oeiis machine »i d common Rope;35 bundles Jeans and i.insey;30 bales Candle Wick; for sale by


jw- aoo half chests Gunpowder Tea;175 boxes do do;34 caddi-S do do;12" half-cheats Oolong do;3b do Poucliong do; for ssle cheap by


wuda ash. 75 casks soda Lumber Yard, Planing Mill. and ^^ Ash, ?0 per cent., for soapmakers’ use, for sale by I A I KI C D "J 1 II. l and G?n!’CORNWALL A BKO.f J S Ipfl W. K * f Pure articles tor medicii.&l parpciei— sale I

B AQUINO. ROPE. 6lC. "S5r’"’' “• iPiSXXi

5i‘i pieces hand-loom Bagging; _ I WM7HERE CAN BE HAD Al RL- M-»n*vnv 1 BTDG> attDFDIfl% * ducedrates Lamberof ar.y kind.eitherin the 1 HJ^K ANDY. 1 r IPh S U F E R I OI rough or manufactured into Figuring, Shelving, Bar?, 0 9 French Brandy for sale ty the hottl" or gai’.on

Casing*. Moulding, Door and Window Frames, Snsh, i apoy WALLACE POPE k C«Doors-, Blinds, &c-, kc., vs well at everything . lse


needed in the erection of any kind of abuilding. Also, ag a, jit !» i», WllKk'V It HIPacking Boxes of every description. Orders from |»OtKW).V . DDL

iistJi, tuouaaii.uuii;. mjn than Cincinnati hue.1 R K t • V-

'’T:' ?r


jIQUOR8. it bf say other R

Li 1 nip- palto •••! Du, uy Cognac Brandy; F»;R ITIR'fUOfl TICKETS.1 S-F'PC .'vrtitie I Kilo; Ar,,i .

I W-pipe Uollnnd Gin; Burnet llou l d r -es: t fla* .

are articles tor purposes—foe sale fa suit No. 1 77 G ,n Hoane B i. I.ik in f th-- . th G -

” 1 * »*-

ist"mer»by JOHN M. ANDKK-'i’N, southeast corner Broa'.way ved Front creet, c -r :e Fcr’»hrrcgh t,' „ , .

»p30_ Mb. 80 Thirl ,t. Hp,-. ,-er House: r-t the KMterttl. . M -.MAN DY. 1 PIPE SUPERIOR! $*.*. .utiis* $• «.IM French Brandy for sa'e ty the hottl? or gai’.on by r.W. STRADER ustc. » litti 8- M- LE.' 4NT, M .rr'-fTt,- - r. , 1.

»ps9 WALLACE POPE' k WL THE 0 V.N iRII L !.V 1I OaUsforpBStengersataiUhegricrtpx! t!’.te!j, f ire, h THE Al> . Is i \(',;| - n i I'flPiYl

LBOURBON WHISKY. 25 BBLS, *nd every train. By leaving d rect.onj ^te.tiier of tie‘

*' *

IB , . , ,, , , . .... , s, willaall.or oa*a- ag-r, o ail cons of f . .... .... »,

FREIGHTS -By * ere n;».T»r»e-er -w h»I. M R Co.. the elder- •

. .


Indian apolij, over tin- V . & j. ;t. R fri w Vdi-Vwhich greatly fsc-liut- tu* tnnsp. .tatirr i.fffi.To? atkttion of n«rchan!» frv ».} z*^^ *u * *rou*»*, } tile viva.i^i’

For *hr uih ticfttt4 iq<! i: f- r>ii;,on ia rNRrdfrtMlH** at the .ft X . n •trett. Lgl-svKy . *- O.XdETON. Ticket ct

: *£Jt'ltr*OD 'll.e* Y i* . mk$* 34N| Bum'M. LJSMONTw JH.LMiirr of Tran^i ’s^ft%;ion. jal*

II. B. RUOGLS3. Conductor.abroad promptly attended o, and shipments made *ith- JB from 5 to 7 years old. for a .1- in quantities to suit

'* " *

outdelay toany quarter Pricelists will befurnished;

by r ap*.j WALLACE POPE lc CO. ii*/ H. B . RCQ0LE3. Condu -toiupon application atthec m _ __ - - --


np7 BUNN K LACY - V «HAMPA(irNF. 100 BASKETS Orfici LoruviL:* Ain Ai 1 VILL* K. R I J..

r i jp_ r,V« TvvrinA i fCRarlct Hcidaiek brand) for sah4*ou

. TSSu, : -•'* »"* * «-•



Re., kc., in t-tore and for sile by




cu. i John & Hugh Irvine,ijDM'N. am iibls NOS. i and 2, LUMBER MERCHANTS, gi i,Tk e tH in good order, for sale cheap by „ T

ir» gaIlaohbr r c.q. jgHWK FOR S\LE AT THEIR choice, for sale

(iHAMPAGNE. 100 BASKETSS ( Charles Ueidsick brand) for sale by



* ranklurt aim J.cvin^U)£XPH£dS.


|i OLDEN SYRUP & SUGARS. 1 fUUk i^lclIIU IclC 10 3

135 b ,1s Fliil de.phiv Crushed and Powered Su- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,girs: in store and for sale by

JiL 22tif2_ by m. HUNT,

EFINKD SUGARS.< 135 hhds white refined Candy Sugar;

Xi Lumber Yard (the oldest in the ^ity), on Wash-ington between Uanct*ck and Clay, north aide,

a largf* end superior stock of White Pine Hoards, Pine

50 BOXES, V c:RY


300 bb's St. Louis C. and D. R. Crushed aud Shingles, Cedar Ports, ate., and all kinds of Lumber


HALF CHESl GRi-EN x 0 . 81 Third street, next door to Democrat Office,. * ”V" and Black Teas; in store and for sale by inriSYillR KY

Powdered Sugar;250 bbls New Y'ork and Baltimore do d*;ItO Wils fit. James Refinery dodo;

Ia store and for sale low byje30 ANDREW BUCHANAN it CO.

Brandy and wine.40 cases Brandy;40 do Claret Wine; in store and forsa'e by


jy7 CURD & CO.

mg AM LL A CORDAGE, &C.IfJL 100 coil Manilla Rope;

60 do do Bed Cc rd and Halter Rope;to boles Oakum , for sale by

JyT CTRD fc Co-

IfACKEREL.&G.AN s-0 packag-« M»<-kerel, assorted num'rers;

100 lmxe& Herring;

LOUISVILLE, KY. /AMnrot. M . HUNT HAS A and to

-'•VvWV** large and fine a«sortraent of SOLIV J 61*"

Df.' AeA . 0* SOLE-LEATHER THI NKS, Ladies’Dress and TravttiDg Trunks, Bonnet "MTj

Boxes, Valises, Carpet Bigs- 4tc , which he is pre- \pared to sell at the lowest terns f„r cash.

CiATAWBA BRANDY. 1(M) DOZENI Lyon’s celebrated Catawba Brandy just received

and for sale byjeJo W. te H. BURKHARDT, 417 Market st.

EAST CAKES. I HAVE THE S. for the patronage ext* nded to him byhisfriends :bility, and elaborate finish in the various styles of

mxr^d'toYe t il^'Vo‘we*rt,Tm»'f»r,

cashV ’1 ** ** * ‘ c EL sol? agency for the celebrated Yeast Cakes, and and the public generally, r- spe-tfully inf rrns tl. m myta!f » ennnot he surpassed by »pY bi “ie in^tn-

ui 1 11. niii 1 Luits sill t id Ittobi tn their Interest am cow ready tj supply the Wade. Country mer- that he has just opened a Cool k srd and, on tbe ^Lv'es. uur pnees n.r ,h?*e .Santlej wnl be f und

to „lve l’ a bou»i x i a” t efore makinx thiD t ur-Last-s chants sendu g order- will be promptly ait D ied to


corner of Fifth an ; Umn streets, where,by strict atten reasonable those in want cannot fall to pur-,.s bouse $ call belor* making thtlr pur. bases wh0 a - c f ,*i rt g00d bread shou! t use these Yeast tt*n and punctuality, he still hopes to receive a libera) chase For sol* by ,„nanw


ei»e« uere. apivnjyCakes. Tor sale wholesale and r tvil by 1 share of public patronage. He keeps constat tiy on «ny» WALLACE, LITHGOW te CO

„ I „ _r t jy 9 ABM. FONDA, 95 Fourth st. ' handthe bestquality of Pittsburg and Youghi'-sneny . n no vti- u o, tji.h u

suitable for building. „ J*> Uo i; iaret w »n e ; in nxore an u ror «%ie ny

We have also in operation a Planing Machine* and ipl* FOND-4 s MOKalo*are always ready to furnish Flooring and Dressed Lum-

IIIM ,,,

ber of all kinds. . .— —

tF'Orders from the country will be promptly attend-i

j, \ DDW 4 L> 17* 2, |1

ed to, and the Lumber shippMl without delay. IlxxJI\L/ »V iV lily, uuL.JOHN fc HUGH IRVINE, i 1

aplSdtf Washington st.,bet.


ancock andClay. "ag ARBLEIZED IRON MANTLES.COAL! COAL!! ivJL Builders and all ether* in want of Mantie-

aiTnannnifn om i xTircmi Pieces are r spe-tfully requested to call and examineTO>HE SUBSCRIBER, THANKFUL our stock now on hand, which, for cheapness, dura& fnrtbe patronage ext*nded to him by his friends bility, and elaborate finish in the various styles of


one Train daily w. libe run ,-nthe Louisville andNashville Railroad. The Train will leave tli< Dep ot uLoo.-sville al •>, o’clock r. u , anJ returning ie*v;Shephi-r-lsviile at 4>, r. x.XjF"An .ymnibcslme will connect w ththe Tr tinson

this road, anil will ta»c P3*'":ig:-is Cruu. *c ! anyplace within tbe city limits- Theidhc^ of the<>:arii:-i!line is at Owen’s Hotel, com-r of Fourth and JeJersi i.

streets, and by leaving notice there puBsengera will bepn-civt-'y called for at any nouae in t e citv


f-H dt f J. F^GAMSLK.Suv^

LOUISVILLE AND LEX1ALTOA,Covington and Lexington

100 f>oxeM iifrnn#;IU c A&k* Codfish: for tale by



M do, ie plots, in *tor* and for sale byFONDA lx MORRIS.

Refined sugar, ishhdsst i

Cl: irextrs rect'.vu! i erNixg .rn and for sale tyEpfX A. KAW8QN ‘4 CO.

London porter.20 cask*, in quarts;M do, ie plots, in store and for tale by

jk«4 >DAte MORRIS.

I^XTUA FLOUR.A 3v sacks ex*ra white Wheat Flour;

14k) bushel' Corn Meal;Just received and for .ale i.v

jyl$ 11 1 BRITT k SON, 49* Market ft.

^UN casks ri!e«r Sides;

l$u boxes Fox’s nturch;ft) taalee 2>a bushel Gaony Bags,3 t M.lj No*. I and 2 R vein;

tr m boxes Nos. 1 rid 3 German Soan;ty* bbU N os I and k Lard oil; f -r rale low tav

jyl« CORN WALL k RB0.

PLASTER OF PARIS;White Sand;White Falls Lime:Mb kegs assorted N vita: for sale hy

FRANCIS McliARRY, Mutest .

apW Between Kighth and Ninth.

DICKINSON K SNYDER,No. 79 Fourth street,between Main and Market



tail by ' share of pubbe patronage. He keeps constar tiy onj

NDA, 95 Fourth st.1 handthe bestquality of Pittsburg and Youghi' gneoy


Coal, warranted to b? what it is represented, llealsoa » Pfi ir I V V n beep* the best Pittsburg Nut Coal, delivered to any i

HPHE ADAM- EXPRr.SJ* CO>I?Ara »y b, g to icfnru, the p-i 1- c th-t on *r.d aft-

5 **'? ':'! lA< ' * '>'*. + *Ifd UA! L\ (oaou xreFU4),fo FriLifort ,bh Uiizt^c mini ir m. Tr a ns.t ^4- V* »ru| V

fer - «r *» «1in «•: r^e <>f 3pt*r Bkl «,

Note»« or Accounts c^lkctecS*t^Tiiurj pro cl pr ly ;o-

*l|l,t<* S._A_JONK3. Vato.

AUA^.i L.\p;tl B * I I > >1 P k N Y.

ovuck 545 main street.




iiAurx,INDIAN 5Pi'L)


And all pirtsof tbe K»*t. hy Railroad Psnaeageir I

_ _ , VIIL’ «,'TI1UL’1;C AVia Til.' K t Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Orange, Bitter Almond. Uloves,tj j AMJr AO 1 L lltiKS AM) ULAL- Rote, Ce'.lery, sc-, all of which are a superior article, i

If H. ers in a’l kinds of Mattresses. Bedding, Tarpau- and warranted to give satisfaction.

lins. Flogs. Window Shades, Curtain Goods, and JF9 ABM. FONDA, fa Fourth st. ,

Fnmishing Materials. I

- 1 ......Me warrant our work as represented, and offer it at Ka O A 8 T F, I) COFFEE PURE

low prices Patronage solicited. fmrl9dlyj D.fcS. It J T.„ f'


IrXTR ACTS IITrtlT HFCEIVED beeps the best Yitlsourg Jiut coai.deuverea to any !ar,,e assortment of Planes, Il'*'-

1 1 ”• JUni IV c.Uy r. 1 > r, I f partof thecity f'rninecerit9pertujhel;ujidbyfr.iEe everything in the line, for sal? low by-i from New York, a large assortment of highly-


of the first families: nonebetterfor generating vteam. sur27 ORMmBY,concentrated Ex racts, vii : VaniUa, L-mon, Mace, Also, office on Mar ketst.,between Sixttt and Seventh.Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Orange, Bitter Almond, Cloves, jakddtf K.F.LEEZLR. kVORY CUTLb'iiY

T | ,"s I ithhow * CO ^ notice tbatthe above Roads ore prepared .o giY« INDI \N 4PCLILLACrt, LITHGOW k CO., receipU to Covington for FreigLu. The rate* 5* vW yoh 1

a n pv tc T V R S ' TOt )1 H A ^ —fTI reasonable- And all ptrt.of the K»*t. by Hi lr- ,,i f»\ .ngeri' A a r n A 1 L It o I Olfl ... A|

kjf for any mtormation lnrei; . . • r •. . . . t . ..

of Planes, Files, Saws, andj

c »J at Depot. S AM’L Gli.R, tV Transport Mosev, f rl.t, ,. v tiuabl-s, andirsalelowby I a> isuperintendeid L. * F rt. ft. Merchandise of *1] kin-ls *t reduced rat-*ORMifBY, BLAIR te CO. !

—— — IF'KXl’Kkt: 1 LEAV Ml’ 41™Mi To Brewera. Ntirn « » jonr*l>uv iiiruvii'i i »o J .agent.


R oasted coffee.roasted and gronnd Jara and Rio C


Coal ! Coal ! Coal I

IT TOW-BOAT GUTHRIE HASL arrived with 5>v,00) bushels Coal, from my mine

»4up»Tintend?i.t L. 4k V .-t. K.

To Brewera.

MOORE’SMammoth Furniture

:Chair and Bedding Depot,

Nob. 63 and 65 Third at.,


BA roasted and ground Java and Rio Coffee, put uIin packages to salt customers. All p«ffiots desirotof obtaining a pure article can rely on this as sue]Forsaleby Cjy9j ABM. FONDA, 95 Fourth st.

ui-p..,, nr, Iat 1’ittjburg, w hich I am anxio is to sell at wholesale B-t vte have in store twenty Uifferen


h^ot edi« and re ailf Purchasers are respectbilly s -liuted to Mamie Orates. enameled and finishedI in v

n rl v mTrid. as iuch i

call at my old stand, on Third street, near Main. and ornam-nted to order with all the la

1* »*I mv5 I. L. HYATT. : ments, with pure or German silver. All

IVORY CUTLERY. RUSSELL’S nMTnin. *«. ~finelvory Cutlery of every description for sale by KK



» Ul '

v .AI’ 1 Li) II 1 4 V 1 1 it* A ft I riilt!. turf

mrtJ7 ORMBBY. BLAIR te OO. U others using Hop* ore nformel that I h*ve now "** *“’** 1 * * I a»s a IUrl^on hand 10,'jWf pounds for sale at the lowest coal price. AND T.^YIUftTflN k PBkfgternii-i'

Enameled mantle grates. ' «.* 1 iao»«J

We have in More twenty different pattern, of Po^hrrafe^a'. : me, _ «AI *-RO A IW.

Fresh tea. i h ave just re-ceived 50 par kages of superior Green and Black

Teas, of the finest qualities. Families wishing achoicearticle will find it to their advantage to give me a callbefore going elsewhere.jy» A. FONDA, 93 Fourth st.

AdmlnlBtratGrB’ Notice.

All persons having claimsagainst FRED. PILLION, deceased, are hereby

requested to come forward and present thtirbilli for

Mamie Urates.enamtled and finished in various stvies,

and ornam-nted to order with all the latest improvements, with pure or German silver. Al' tastes suited.Give us a c*ll, and we will please you iu this branchof our business. For sole bymyZJ WALLACE, LITHGOW te CO.

PLAIN IRON MANTLES ANDGBATE9 —We have on hand every kind and

LOl I>4 II LI. iI.\M-iti ., ARttANOKMENT FOfc l»5k^^E

I Chair Manufactory —WarcToor-e and Business „‘ *

Office. No.SS Wall street, Lou sville. Ky. ^ DAILT PkSSXNUSK TBAlXd—«r»aTH Ltli’mrJ-ie*- ;

JADK 9 t'KoMET.Arent. a \ AND \FTER MONDAY,APRIifUWINDOW GLASS. A* 7th,l-»..:roin«wiUr-4a os follows:

fO boxes »xlf and t'-hglM; - K!B*T TRAIN— Lrave* Louisville tl 4 o’ck;ksk.,50 do 9x14 and 9xlk; by BtopiUfg at all regnlar Stat on » »n.| li rr .nr.tes for


JL20 JAMKitKoMET, 38 WaU

Brown sheetings, jambsCROMEY, Agent for Wheeling Cotton J4i Is. No. Pjisecpr, by this trait, eonue-t at Eminence wuk

st pay ment during ihe next month from this date. Thom- ' style of plain Mantles and Grates, which we are sell’m

who are indebted to said Fillion are also requested to at prices that will be satisfactory to purchss-M. Fo

(,-p come up and settle during said time, or 1-gal steps sale by fmy'J'j WALLACE, LITHGOW k CO.A LARGE ASSORTMENT AL- ; # CORNED BEEF. A CHOICE LOT om

LiViTnTfIi,»X^/%. ways on hand, wholesale and low as V^, of Gor£e^ “nd

.e.Piced Beef, also a prime article JeBSdlm JOHN KAPP, i

they can be bougbtin the city of Mess Pork, for sale byA. FONDA, 85 Fourth st. V7IO MANUFACTORY.

ORM9DY, BLAIR & CO. K cromeHARDWARE—506 MAIN STREET. 3$ Wall street.

S Chair Manufactory —Wareroor-s and BusinessOffice, No- 39 Wall street, Lou sville. Ky.

jekt) JAMES CKUMEY, A rent.

UrINDOW GLASS.fO boxes 9x10 and Walk60 do 9x14 and 9xlu; fer Sal- hy

j"2t> JAMES CKOMEY, 38 Wall st.

stages for New Cootie, Dren&cn St

EDWARD 8TOKE3,fto. 445,

Cor. *laia and Fifth *t».,LOUI8VILLE, KENTUCKY.

IMPORTER AND DEALER IN SADdierv. Hardware, HarnsssMounUngs, Trunks^ad

Bacon and lard.300 Macklin’s Sugar cured Hams;30u Oregon Shorps-cured do;I5U plain do;BlM) lbs Clear Sides; 10 bbls Lard;

Also. Country Lard, in jars, fer families;In store and for tale byJylO HIBBITT te SON, 499 Market st.

CMDER VINEGAR.J choice Cider Vinegar in store and for sale by

jylO ABM. FoNDA. $5 Fourth st.

SPRING SUPPLY OF i«biovuiwi,u*ioiuva.. JylO HIBBITT te SON, 491

Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plalpd IMPORTER AND DEALER IN SAD fMDER VINEGAR. 50F dlety, Hardware, HarnessMounUngs, Trunki^nd Ry choloe 0ider vinegar in store and f«iW ares, at Oooch Trimmings. .in h. JF10 ABM. FuNDA. »

WM. KENDRICK’S, 71 Tfiiur, Stkeft. „AY HOO BAll^ HAMV Vi |U ?thht hki ever before been imported ia this market. I II A i . 1|1UU DALlD nA

CT6Jl * OlUCk 13 « world inwit* my old customers, andthetradegenerally. JLl. 1, now in store and for sale to cm

verv cwmplete. to which I am making y, eiu and examine my etock. which I am determined cents per hundred pounds or $13 per ton.additions of the latest styles almost u» tell at price* that cannot foil to secure me the best r BUCKNER, Scco



NO. 86 FOURTH ST., BET. MAIN AND MARKET,The Oldest Stand in Louitville,

>-.4 WE HAVE ON HAND AND «(AfNare daily receiving a large and complete


VA’f assortment of Hardware and GuJery, ii-ra'SF rect from manufacturers, to which we call*

the attention of merchants, who will findlttotbeirin-terestto giv? us a call.

3.000 gross Table Cutlery;3,0b0 gross Gimhlet Screws;500 dos Pocket Cutlery


too dos Lock* and ITing-i;Si'O doi Scythes and Snathes;500 kegs Nails, best brands;3oo doa Collins’s and Lippincott’s Axes;900 Kailmad Wheelbarrows;100 dos Ames’s Shovel* and Spades;

all kinds Printing, Boob, and Wrapping Paper ,


kept constantly on hand and *or sole by _in„Je90 JAMES CRMMET, J* W .11 s’. TME’

— vilie; at Fraukfort with stag-* for V rr.aii:^* iimtira.



a iVit.T x Tt

all kinds Printing. Book, and Wrapping Paper w*^"« !*’ s e w'0r,V«lr'‘\l

Jtal JAMRB CROWRT.ra WaB g. ea*ter;C»a«» Ovci ar*l. 9tan’or *, London. (arhKiitville,

Hydraulic cement manu- £^.4 rogp.** f*»««*.factored and soldhy 8KCONL TRAIN - Leaves LoaiivlUi aifcke’alsefe

FRANCIS MrHARRY, rcppinj at Sm-'h’e state n. Lagr*ci-. ar-laj(Formerly J. Haiaek Co.). ttatlcn* east of Logr-mge, and nrr.ves at Lexington a-

apJB Main street, between Eighth and Ninth. I:30ont*«k V. » Returb -.g, leaves Lexington attl*—“ —— oelock a. ., stowvibg 90 minutes f >r breakfast a*

Scioto Kolling iMill !

Hydraulic cement mamfactored and sold by

FRANCIS MrHARRY.(Formerly J. llalme k Co.),

ap^ Main street, between Eighth and k luth

additions ofevery week.


„m 100 dos Ames’s Shovel* and Spades;

1. now in store and for sale to customers at $• i iTl attention of her customers and'others to her Jul' ?!’ andeent, mer nnund* r,r klJ tier ton. 1

: vrvTii itivii nnuovn w i.ia I

V1IS, Bellows, » ic-s,u,rc aca.j. i. -4or«, variety of goods, wbicu we will sell low for cash or

BL Iu addiuon to a large Mock of Gold thefoliowingarticle*:JhKrgJ^Kasil Silver Watches, of the most ap- Saddle Trees;

proved makes and style* of casing, 1 Bridle Leather*;have recently received a small lot made and cased te • Hare est Leatherspecial order, all of which are warranted to give satis Hog Skin*;locti on, and art offered on reasonable term*. i »if do;

traae that comes to the market. My etoek embraces my


MY STOCK OF SILVER ISl^^now very large. I have nearly every article In

iCFthe Silver line that can be desired . or that 1* ns*|n nae, such a* rastora, Pitchers, Gobieta, Turn

h'ers, f*ups, npoon Vase*; Fith, Pie, and Oake Rnivee:•very varirty of Spoon*. Fork*. *e.

I have also always on haul a stock of Jo*. Rodgers

HaraesE Leather*;Hog Skins;CtU do;Goat do;Thraada;Tack*;

8ouch Lace*;each Lamps;

Robber Oil ClothktAxle* and Band*;Trunk Board*:

Skirting;MorooooBklni:Patent do;Stirrups


Bitts;Buckles;Pic sues;Riding Whip*;Buggy do;Wagon do;Bliptic Springs


Harness Mounting*


Trunk Trimmings;

~i UNNY BAGS..T Begs for sale by f

JCKN'EK, Second street.Below the Galt House.

. 5,000 GUNNYfmy30] R. BUCKNER.

newly -invented VEN TILAT1NG DIAMOND WIGS,j

J yaVjety of go^arwhich we wi’ilraiHow for caih


*0l|d paper. (mrjtl uRMSBY. BLAIR te COat the shortest notice. MRB-G. NICHOLAS,


™WFourthstreet,between Main and Market. MW7HITF

F.Ho«*w. Agent. mr36 %% V-,?..BUU

.-R3- . .w w loO bbls assorted No*. Crushed;

P. ROGERS, Agent,

Smitk-s station oa.y, west •» Lagvtng^. arrt.-ng atJ^nmydl* at^aWo clock*. !« cloxc connectionlady mail Ua« of ne .aabonU for aU poinw „n ih« OkiwflX-ssissipt i, and M ’Souri rivers; *.« >. by Jeffersonvf9^%~d 3lew Albao^r rAUro.i «» w.\b.— • p O * W'V RPW - * ' :a; rs . ra rp, i,rti. r


g 11 111FI.-Ill . IU DRUMS FOR SALEAA low by ap3*

OUNTRYHAMS. 100COUNTRY150 bbls assorted No* Crushed;75 do do do Powdered;10 bbls Loaf; in store and for sale by

Cincinnati, Ohio.

LL SIZES OF—L Flat Bar Iron; Boiler Platee;

Round and Square Iron; Boil?? Tlewd*:



ALE. 20 CASKS EDINBURGH D the.eiolceH.Lln .tore and te rainyAle, in pint bottles, for sale by JylO ARM- FuNDA, 9» Fourtii

Mai -Iron, tec.

,rmw variety Vf Booons. Forks, tee. I Al»o,keep* constantly on hand a general assortasen

1 have oi*o always on hand a stock of Jos- Rodgers efb die* , B cldie* , Harness, an^T ru lU.kEon'i ivory -handle Taiic Cutlery. *-B—AUordaraprompttyotttndedto at the*hortoffi

apd) ateskt WM RINDRI0R. 71 Third sffiwt- ' OOtic*. $pU«


^OAP.500 boxes No. I and Family Soap;

« r r x b lp hams, mi of«. ,„» 4°



400 boxes Starch, superior artiele; ||y German Cigar* just received from tbe eastern900 packages Star Candles; -

‘tfr""* BS4PT 4 SATIS.3U0 boxes German

my!7do; forsaleby


’ «« boxes fresh I’ineappie;

_ 10 do English Dairy; forsaleby’39 WALLACE Pt'PE te CO.


Dandy Tire;Ho—e Shoe .scrap);Saddle-Tree;Hoope;Ovals and Half-Ovala;Band Iron;Lightning-Bod Iran;Nail Rods, Charcoal;Nail Rods, Norwegian;Railroad Chair Plate*;

rt or- t iron


Fire Red;Nall*;Spikes (ship);Plow states;P!ow Wing.;Chains:Chain Cables;Boiler Rivets;Cast9tecl;

house, and will be told at lets than can be purchasedat auction, bymyao JOHN B. MoLLVA N fc BOM.

Pis Iroq, sold and hot blast

i eipal '.own* In tbs uortkweat. "gTHIRD TRAIN (Aocomosort *>#)— Leaves Low A

vlll* at 4.5* o’clock r. »., p < • i a*l iwguiar a*

ItioLS. Fair Groanoo, acd at Woat ’ urn’s, an*' irrivev i

Lagvange a. * f wVerfc r. . .grange at 5:55 o’clock a. *., stopping at the same*;

Ition *, and arrive* at Lohisv.Ue si 7:9$ o’clock ». a.


Freight Train* leave* at s-.U o’clock a.»aud UaBMoa at iM .‘dock a. daily, dnadwex-epted. ,

Fare by first and second troirs, about 4 -gate pm’

mile, a discount ef nearly 35 per eent. ,a siiowed tew


tickets. J

Fare on accommodation train, about 5 -est* «a wiar t r-.sxMS percent. »al! w-,1 fortieketi.ty’Tor any further iofnrmati- a. plenge c.

All sites of Boiled %nd Charcoal Iron nsdi to order- eormer ef Beeok ud srpp*«,3All ord"ra promptly attended to. *»«:. . »AMU*iJilLL,CT'OJl onr manufactures warraated. apfl Bogt. Lou. te Frank, kakvei

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