2016 mosaic maglendar

Post on 26-Jul-2016






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A publication by The Church Without Walls women's ministry.


I Am Mosaic, You Are Mosaic 3

Interview with Sheretta West 4

Extravagant Worship Extravagant Praise 6

January – February Calendar of Events 7

The “S” on Your Chest Could Mean Stress 8

March Calendar of Events 9

Her Journey Bible Studies 10

What I Would Tell My 25-Year-Old Self 12

Dating as a Christian 14

April – May Calendar of Events 16

So You Have Fibroids You Are Not Alone 17

June Calendar of Events 18

Amazing Women’s Weekend 18

Money Wise – From Millennials to Baby Boomers 19

July and August Calendar of Events 21

Great is Thy Faithfulness 22

7 Pearls to Manage Your Personal Brand 24

What Do I Do Now? Who Am I? My Journey of Recent Empty Nesting Discovering Myself 25

Be Joyful! How to Keep Your Inner Sparkle 26

September, October and November and December Calendar of Events 27

Life’s Temporary Detour 28

Get Connected Get Growing – How to Make a Large Church a Small Community 30

2016 Calendar at a Glance 31

Mosaic is a publication of The Church Without Walls Women’s MinistryPastor Ralph Douglas West, Pastor/Founder

281 649 6800churchwithoutwalls org

mosaic@churchwithoutwalls org

Table of Contents

2 | Mosaic

Queenston Campus5725 Queenston Blvd | Houston 77084

Eldridge Campus7500 Eldridge Pkwy | Houston 77083

Bingle Campus5314 Bingle Rd | Houston 77092

Who We Are A mosaic is comprised of small pieces of stone, tile, or glass arranged together to make one decorative piece. Don’t you admire a beautiful mosaic? You don’t think about the individual broken pieces that comprise the mosaic, you focus on the uniqueness and allure of the finished product. God takes the triumphs, tragedies, brokenness, victories and imperfections in our lives and melds them together to create a masterpiece. When we combine our individual lives and experiences together, we form an even grander work of art, the Mosaic Women’s Ministry. You are a necessary and an important part of the greater mosaic. We strive to honor every woman, equipping her to grow in her relationship with Jesus Christ and live out the purpose and plan He has prepared for her life.

We are . . .

Women of Essence(Ages 18 – 29)

Women of Faith(Ages 30 – 39)

Women of Purpose(Ages 40 – 49)

Women of Glory(Ages 50 – 59)

Women of Wisdom(Ages 60+)

Whatever season of life you’re in, this year we dare you to believe in the promises and power of God. Our theme for 2016 is

Faith that raises the roof: In Mark 2:4, the paralyzed man’s friends thought that if they could just get him in front of Jesus then their friend would be made whole. Jesus was surrounded by a large crowd and they were not able to get to Him so they dug a hole in the roof of the home to lower their friend before Jesus. Ladies, do you have friends in your life who would do whatever it takes, when you are paralyzed and on your back, to get you in front of Jesus? Pray courageous prayers for our women and live out your faith courageously. –Sheretta West

Be a blessing to someone else. Just like you would excitedly tell a friend about an exquisite restaurant, a luxurious vacation spot, or a deal of a lifetime, share with other women the opportunities available to grow and strengthen one’s faith through the Mosaic Women’s Ministry. Remind women who are members of The Church Without Walls family that they are automatically part of the Mosaic Women’s Ministry. Now grab a cup of tea or your favorite beverage, curl up in your comfy chair and be inspired by the enclosed stories of courageous faith.

How We ServeThe Mosaic Women’s Ministry is committed to ministering to the unique needs of women through:

• Discipleship training • Small group studies

• Empowerment conferences, retreats and focused gatherings • Community Outreach

How to Get Involved• Enroll in a Mosaic Women’s Ministry

Her Journey small group study or discipleship training

Focused EventsAttend focused events throughout the year, all designed to teach and encourage you to boldly trust God in the areas of spirituality, physical

wellness, mental health, and finances

Mosaic Women’s Ministry Leadership Meetings

Attend a Mosaic Leadership Meeting and use your gifts to make a

difference in the lives of others


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I Am Mosaic

You Are Mosaic

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Author Brenda A. White had the pleasure of chatting it up over tea one sunny Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Sheretta West to discuss a glowing passion of hers, the Mosaic Women’s Ministry. We invite you to take a moment and eavesdrop on a portion of their conversation. The entire interview can be viewed online at www.churchwithoutwalls.org.

The ten o’clock service had ended and the Maglendar team had completed their content presentation for Mrs. West’s review. She walked into the conference room radiant, energetic, dressed in a beautiful red dress with grey boots. Her wavy hair was pulled back into a bun. She slid into the chair and smiled at me. After exchanging a few pleasantries and girl talk, we jumped right into the interview. My first question was why did you choose Courageous Faith as the theme for the 2016 Mosaic Women’s Ministry? She replied, “Actually, I think it chose me. I try to look at women and where they are as a whole,” she clasped her hands, leaned back, and continued, “. . . and allow them to go on a journey for that year. I believe as I sense the needs and sense where they are... ,” she smiled and placed her hand over her heart, “...we had the power last year so this year we want to take a courageous journey of faith, so more than anything, I think the title chose me more than me choosing it.”

BW: What is the one thing you want every woman, every Mosaic Woman at The Church Without Walls to understand? SW: “I think it goes back to the title “Mosaic Woman.” My prayer is that every woman knows that in spite of where she may be in life, in spite of her past, in spite of what she’s currently facing, God can take all the fragmented pieces of her life and put it back together and present her as a masterpiece for others to witness His

Power and His GLORY!” She leaned forward, adjusted in her seat, and continued with passion, “Umm, that’s the Mosaic Women’s Ministry, a collage of women from various walks of life; women who are not perfect, but daily, striving to please and honor God.”

BW: What do you feel is the most important role as a wife, mother, and leader? SW: “Ummm, I’m going to give you my mission statement. I think it will answer this question.

As a Christian to live my life as a witness before the lost. As a woman, to live my life as a woman of worth and noble character. As a wife, to live my life as a crown above my husband’s head. As a mother, to live my life as a legacy before my children.”

BW: How much research do you do before writing your books? SW: A lot! Thankfully, I have access to my husband’s wonderful library! I am currently preparing to write Order My Steps Volume III. I want to go away to write. I hear of other authors who go away in the woods, watch the birds and commune with nature and come out with a 10 chapter best seller…I wish!” She laughed. “But I don’t want to leave his library. It’s nothing like putting that page in front of you, highlighting and going back and forth. However, there is always some movement, noise or activity going on in my house; the TV is blaring, the dog is barking, telephone ringing or some other distraction… it can be a zoo over there, you know. But, I think sometimes I use his library as a crutch. I could very well pull the resources from his library and take them with me.” She stared out the window. “My backyard is a

Tea & Talkwith Sheretta West

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place where I love to sit and write. I’m looking forward to spring. As the weather began to warm up, I sit out back and commune with God . . . and He with me. I turn on my laptop and let God do the talking.”

BW: I know you said earlier that you like to sit on the patio, but what else do you do to de-stress, relieve tension or relax? SW: Working out . . . that keeps me relaxed. If I’m stuck in writing and feeling stress, besides indulging in a box of dark chocolate, I will take a long walk with my dog, the Minister of Defense (MOD); a walk clears my head. On those free weekends when there are no weddings, funerals, family gatherings or speaking engagements, I love snuggling in my chair with a relish and cheese tray and binge on re-runs of Sex in the City or Hallmark movies. I relax while crocheting a baby blanket or enjoying lunch with a friend.

BW: What advice would you give a mother trying to balance life and family? SW: Take care of yourself! She can’t care for her family if she is not well mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. When this woman is whole, she can raise healthy children, she can be supportive to her husband, she can be productive at work. Balancing life means setting boundaries, not over extending yourself and

finding meaningful things that will replenish your life. Sometimes the simple things can rejuvenate: taking a long walk, a soothing bath, having a cup of tea at Starbucks while enjoying a good book or a fashion or interior design magazine.

BW: Any advice for single women? SW: Embrace your singleness and do not stop living because you are single. Do not allow society to put any labels on you. Have a healthy attitude about your single status. It is not a curse, nor is it an incurable disease. You are whole…you are complete already. As God prepares your husband, allow Him to work on you as well. By all means don’t act like a wife before you become one.

BW: What specific thing/experience has helped to shape you into the person you are today? SW: It wasn’t a thing…my mother and grandmother. My mother puts the S in Strong Black Woman. She is a pillar of strength. I spent my early impressionable years with my grandmother. She introduced me to missionary work and she gave me a real glimpse of what ministry is and all that it entails. The Lord placed so many phenomenal women in my life. It is really hard to name them all. I am just grateful that I can carry so many pieces of my village in my heart.

BW: Okay. Last serious question then we’ll get into some fun stuff. How can the women of TCWW support you practically and in prayer? SW: Every woman at The Church Without Walls is a Mosaic Woman. Practically, I really wish the women would actively participate and connect to the Mosaic Women’s Ministry. We offer so many life-enriching opportunities for the women in our congregation: discipleship and small group studies, mentoring and prayer gatherings, empowering conferences, and focused seminars. An inactive Mosaic Woman misses those life-changing experiences that are so hard to articulate.

They can support in prayer, by keeping me and my family lifted before the Lord. I welcome the prayers of the righteous. It would also be a blessing if they would partner with me and extend their prayers to cover all the women in our congregation. I want our women to know that there is always someone praying on their behalf.

To read more of the interview with Mrs. Sheretta West, please log on to www.churchwithoutwalls.org.

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Sunday, February 21 is Go Red Sunday – Wear red and join the fight against heart disease.

This event turns into a grand extravaganza! Come expecting this day, the kickoff event to the Mosaic Women’s Ministry calendar year, to set the tenor and tone for your entire year as we are inspired to be women of courageous faith. Your praise and worship will be taken to a whole new level. Here we give God the highest of our prayers, praise and preaching!

2016 Mosaic Women’s Ministry Calendar “If we are going to reach more women, it’s going to take committed leaders who have courageous faith ”

– Sheretta West

JanuaryJanuary 4-February 12 Draw the Circle 40 Day Leadership Prayer Challenge

January 7 Conversations with God Prayer Conference Call | 712.432.3066 code 446803 | 6:00AM

January 12-14 Her Journey Bible Study Winter Session Begins

All Campuses | 7:00PM

January 12-14 Women of Essence (WOE) - Learn and Lounge | Queenston Campus | 7:00PM

January 23 Mosaic Leadership Meeting | Queenston Campus | 9:30AM Coffee | 10:00AM Meeting

January 30 Chapter II - A special gathering for widows | Eldridge Campus | 10:00AM

FebruaryFebruary 3 Woman to Woman Mentee Registration Begins

February 4 Conversations with God Prayer Conference Call | 712.432.3066 code 446803 | 6:00AM

February 7 Her Journey Bible Study Spring Registration Begins

WOE Learn & Lounge Registration Begins

February 10 Ash Wednesday

February 14 & 21 Black Author’s Expo | Eldridge Campus – February 14th | Queenston Campus – February 21st

February 20 Extravagant Worship Extravagant Praise

Guest Speaker: Rev. Dr. Cynthia Hale, Ray of Hope Christian Center (Decatur, GA)

Guest Vocalist: Kathy Taylor, Gospel Recording Artist

Eldridge Campus I 9:00AM Prayer & Coffee I 10:00AM Victorious Worship

February 21 Go Red Sunday | Wear Red and join the Fight Against Heart Disease | All Campuses

February 21 Monthly Mosaic New Member Reception | Queenston Campus | 12:00PM

February 28 Women of Essence On the Move Mixer | Bingle Campus | After 10:00AM service

February 29 Mosaic Women’s Choir Rehearsal | Queenston Campus | 7:00PM

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February 29March 28April 25May 16May 23

June 20June 27July 18July 25August 29

September 26October 17October 24

Mosaic Women’s Choir Rehearsal Dates | Queenston Campus I 7:00PM



8 | Mosaic

“Lord, just let me get my babies to school safely! I promise I will go straight to the hospital afterward. Help me Lord!” This is what I cried out to the Lord on March 26, 2013 as I felt my mouth begin to twist, my left side going numb, and as though I was going to blackout. I hadn’t prayed this hard in a long time. You see, in my mind I was Superwoman. I survived being abandoned by my son’s father, obtained a master’s degree, bought a home, and purchased vehicles all by myself. When I married, I felt it was because I wanted companionship, not because I needed anyone. This mentality along with other issues caused a lot of strife and stress in my marriage. Additionally, I worked overtime, cooked, cleaned, paid bills, cared for my children and dealt with all obstacles all by myself (all the while experiencing stress and neglecting to rest and take care of myself ). I lived as though I didn’t need help from anyone, not even God. On this particular morning, I was home alone with my children, ages one and seven. I didn’t want them to have to endure seeing their mommy pass out. I was only 34 years old, which was surely too young to be having a stroke. I convinced myself that it couldn’t be too serious, I just needed some rest. After dropping my babies off at school I became almost completely immobile on my left side and had to quickly pull over. My speech was no longer understandable so when I managed to call 911, the dispatcher told me to try my best to blow the horn to get someone’s attention. I mustered up enough strength to do so and soon after a gentleman found me and called the ambulance. The gentleman told me everything was going to be alright and that I was lucky because I pulled over about one block from a fire station. Within minutes I was in an ambulance on my way to Memorial Hermann Stroke Center. My family came to my side and immediately began praying for my healing.

My Lord and Savior (whom I forgot I needed help from) made His presence known in my hospital room. The doctors were amazed that I was able to leave the hospital in only three days. They stated the cause of the stroke was that my blood pressure had risen extremely high due to stress. I was weak when I was released from the hospital and had to walk with a cane, but I was alive!

Each day I prayed, I felt stronger and my relationship with and faith in God grew. Each time my husband carried me to bed because I was too weak to walk, I could feel our relationship grow deeper. I changed my lifestyle. I started to eat healthier, worked fewer hours, and stopped stressing over things I could not control. Within four months I was walking without a cane, had a stronger relationship with God and the help from my husband that I needed from the beginning. I now know that I am NOT Superwoman. I must manage stress, slow down, take care of myself, and ask for help in order to eliminate the possibility of having another stroke.

“For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.”

Isaiah 41:13

The “S” on YourChest CouldMean “Stress”by Priscilla Green

Anyone Can Have Stroke. Become a Stroke Hero!Learn the Signs:

Mosaic | 9

MarchMarch 1 She Speaks I A live Bible Study with Beth Moore

Queenston Campus | 7:00PM; Bistro Café Opens at 5:30PM | Doors Open 6:00PM

March 3 Conversations with God Prayer Conference Call | 712.432.3066 code 446803 | 6:00AM

March 6 Women of Essence On the Move Mixer

Queenston Campus | After 10:00AM & 12:00PM service | Courtyard

Mosaic Tea & Fashion Show Tickets available

March 13 Women of Essence On the Move Mixer

Eldridge Campus I After 11 service | 7:00PM

March 15-17 Her Journey Bible Study Spring Session Begins | All Campuses | 7:00PM

March 15-17 WOE Learn and Lounge Registration Begins | All Campuses | 7:00PM

March 19 Mosaic Leadership Meeting

Queenston Campus Multipurpose Room | 9:30AM Coffee | 10:00AM Meeting

March 20 Monthly Mosaic New Member Reception

Queenston Campus | 12:00PM

March 26 Chapter II - A special gathering for widows

Eldridge Campus | 10:00AM

March 28 Mosaic Women’s Choir Rehearsal

Queenston Campus | 7:00PM

WOE Learn & Lounge Registration Begins

“How can we expect God to do big things in our lives when we pray little prayers? Our prayers must be bold,

specific and anchored in courageous faith ” – Sheretta West

Her Journey are amazing Bible studies for women We hope to see you in a Bible study each session When your study is not in session, be sure to join the church’s general weekly Bible study held at each respective campus

The 21-Day Financial Fast: Your Path to Financial Peace and Freedom By Michelle Singletary (3-week study)For twenty-one days, participants will put away their credit cards and buy only the barest essentials With Michelle’s guidance during this three-week financial fast, you will discover how to:

• Break bad spending habits• Plot a course to become debt-free with the Debt Dash Plan• Avoid the temptation of overspending for college• Learn how to prepare elderly relatives and yourself for future

long-term care expenses• Be prepared for any contingency with a Life Happens Fund• Stop worrying about money and find the priceless power of

financial peace

30 Days to Becoming a Woman of Prayer By Stormie Omartian (30-day Journey Summer Devotional)In 30 brief chapters, which may be read one-a-day, Stormie shows you how to live life free of guilt and fear, how to move in the power of God, stand firm in temptation, fulfill your purpose and much more Discover the joy and peace that God has for you when you seek him diligently in prayer

Anonymous - Discovering the Somebody You Are to God By Cindi Wood (6-week Study)At one time or another, every woman has felt overlooked, unimportant, and bruised by the world But there’s good news While the opinion of others may drag us down, the God who created us has an entirely different opinion of who we are That’s because we are His creations, and everything He created is good! The Bible is filled with “anonymous” women, whether they are working women, stay at home moms, or women moving into their retirement years, who made a significant impact in God’s story Anonymous helps women discover their uniqueness and significance to Christ by exploring some of the “anonymous” women of the Bible

The Armor of God By Pricilla Shirer (7-week Study)All day, every day, an invisible war rages around you A cunning, devilish

2016 Her Journey Bible Studies2016 Her Journey Bible Studies

10 | Mosaic

Mosaic | 11

enemy seeks to wreak havoc on everything that matters to you - your emotions, your mind, your family, your future But when the enemy meets a woman dressed for the occasion, he fails miserably This 7-session Bible study that will challenge you to suit up, stand firm, and secure victory in your life

Believing God: Experiencing a Fresh Explosion of Faith By Beth Moore (8-week Study; Note: sessions are condensed) If God is who he says he is and can indeed do what he says he can do, why are so many Christians living mediocre lives? Beth Moore thinks that there is a simple answer to this question: unbelief Therefore, in Believing God she challenges us to take God at his word, believe his promises and, as a result, live fuller lives

Draw the Circle: The 40 Day Prayer Challenge By Mark BattersonDo you pray as often and as boldly as you want to? There is a way to experience a deeper, more passionate, persistent, and intimate prayer life In Draw the Circle, through forty true, faith-building stories of God’s answers to prayer, daily scriptures and prayer prompts, Batterson inspires you to pray and keep praying like never before Begin a lifetime of watching God work Believe in the God who can do all things Experience the power of bold prayer and even bolder faith in Draw the Circle

The Faith to Dare: 30 Days to Live Your Life to the Fullest By Debbie Alsdorf (30-day Journey Summer Devotional)This 30 day journey will help women cultivate a passionate relationship with God Each day offers a “daily dare” to help you develop a godly habit The book includes a study guide, daily readings, affirmations, and challenges Discover what a difference 30 days can make!

Finding Fullness Again: What the Book of Ruth Teaches Us About Starting Over By Ralph Douglas West (8-week Study)As in Naomi’s case in the book of Ruth, there will likely be times when you’ll arrive at a desolate place in the heart, truly crushed in spirit for whatever reason Finding Fullness Again takes an encouraging look at the story of Naomi and Ruth to remind you that you too can keep pressing forward, not just running on empty, despite the weight of your concerns “Let the old things pass away,” Douglas says “Let everything that God wants for you become new ”

Fight Back With Joy By Margaret Feinberg (6-week Study)Sooner or later, we find ourselves on the battlefield of life and struggle to know how to respond But God says, “Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army For the battle is not yours, but God’s” (2 Chronicles 20) Though we can choose from many weapons, God wants to empower us to fight back with joy This 6-session Bible study will help you embrace a life that’s richer and fuller than you’ve ever known before—a life of joy

Me, Myself, and Lies By Jennifer Rothchild (Women of Essence, ages 20 – 29,Learn & Lounge course)Me, Myself, and Lies encourages them to clean out the junk in their thoughts and replace these hidden negative thoughts and failures with positive truths from God’s word Rather than struggling with self-esteem, body image, stress and other unhealthy thoughts and emotions learn to replace the lies you may have been telling yourself with the truth from God’s word

Order My Steps: Walking in Confidence With God Volume II By Sheretta West (6-week Study and Journal)The closer you walk with God, He will graciously reveal more of Himself to you Your heart will open to receive His loving guidance and each new day His presence will be reflected in your life As the Good Shepherd leads you on new paths and deeper into His Word, you will learn to trust Him more and rely on Him solely to order your daily steps

Order My Steps: Walking in the Spirit and Bearing Fruit Along the Way Volume III By Sheretta West When you walk daily with God the fruitful attributes of His presence will be visible along the journey: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control As the Holy Spirit does his perfect work in your life others will see and enjoy the vibrant fruit that you bear

Set Apart By Jennifer Dean (6-week Study)In this six-week Bible study through the Beatitudes, author Jennifer Kennedy Dean examines the promise of blessedness in Christ’s Sermon on the Mount Unlike a circumstance-driven emotion such as happiness, blessedness is eternal and grounded in the reality of Christ in you You are able to live in the state of blessedness that God has created for you when you discover the key to true holiness—a call to freedom and joy

What Happens When Women Say Yes to God By Lysa TerKeurst (6-week study) This study shares how to experience God in unexpected ways, learn to discern His voice, and make your faith come alive This study will equip and empower you to:

• Build personal, two-way conversations with God • Develop a hunger for getting into God’s Word every day and

applying its truth • Enjoy blessing others by seeing inconveniences as opportunities • Reduce controlling fear by placing your deepest desires into His


12 | Mosaic

Young Woman, I am a 78-year-old Christian and boy do I have some gems for you! It all begins with having courageous faith:

Commit yourself completely to God, be




Anchored in the Lord using your

Gift(s), losing your

Ego – (Easing God Out)

Opting for

Unity and

Success. Be a


Advocate for Christ, full of

Inspiration, be

Tenacious filled with


I joined First AME Church in Gary, Indiana, the Sunday following my 12th birthday. The first Bible verse I memorized, was Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy path.” This verse has carried from age 12 to age 78!

Young Woman, before you marry, explore your interests and discover who you are. I married too young and had four children. Get an education and pursue an occupation you love to do. Get a job, save your money, travel and be able to support yourself.

Young Woman, learn to forgive and be resilient, even after a failed relationship. My husband, the father of my children, and I divorced; I stayed single until I remarried 17 years later. During that time my biggest issue was my hatred towards my ex-husband. If your marriage has ended in divorce, forgive yourself and your ex-spouse. Hold your head high, continue to work in the church, and give yourself time for yourself and time to heal. Remember, you are one of the King’s children. Look at the day after your divorce as the first day of your life.Young Woman, let go of your pride. Before I truly followed Christ my attitude was: “I can do it by myself!” When I got a divorce, I was proud and puffed up with my four babies (ages four, three, two

What I Would Tell My 25-Year-Old Selfby Ellen Lawrence

Mosaic | 13

and two months). I realized God was speaking to me the night my 13-year-old son was killed. I had a vision about 10:30 that night! I felt a bright light shining on me as I was lying across my bed crying. I turned over, looked toward my bedroom window and saw my son riding on what appeared to be a cloud and I heard his voice say: “I’m alright, Mommie.” Another voice said, “Ellen, get up, freshen up and go greet your guests!” I realized then that it was God who had been carrying me all those years.

A week after my son’s funeral, my dad asked, “Ellen, I’ve watched you through this trauma and I’m so proud of the way you’ve handled yourself, but tell me, how were you able to hold it together?” I replied, “Daddy, it wasn’t me, it was the Holy Spirit who lives in me.” My dad joined church the following Sunday and remained faithful until his death! Wake up Young Woman! We can’t do anything “all by ourselves.” We can’t even take a breath without relying on God. Only an imbecile would lean on her own understanding and attempt to live without God. Always remember: “Pride goes before destruction . . . .” Proverbs 16:18.

Young Woman, find you a church home and be faithful to your church. Being faithful to the church is a way of expressing your loyalty and trustworthiness to God; showing that you are accountable for the promises and pledges you gave when you gave your life to Christ. The Holy Spirit produces in us the trait of faithfulness. Galatians 5:22.

Young woman, know who you are in Christ. Be confident in your salvation. Know the value of your life – recognize the price Jesus paid on the cross to save your soul! God can do tremendous things through those who don’t care who gets the credit!

February 28On the Move Mixer

After 10am service | Bingle Campus

March 6On the Move Mixer

After 10am & 12pm service | Queenston Campus

March 13On the Move Mixer

After 11am service | Eldridge Campus

March 15-17Learn & Lounge Bible Study

7:00pm | All Campuses

May 7Mosaic Spring Tea & Fashion Show

12:00pm | Queenston Campus

July 8Hot Summer Nights

7:00pm | Queenston Campus

September 13-15Learn & Lounge Bible Study

7:00pm | All Campuses

September 24 WOE – Build Your Brand: Spiritually,

Financially, and Professionally10:00am | Queenston Student Life Center

*Not limited to WOE.

14 | Mosaic

Dating and courtship are two terms that seem antiquated and outdated in this fast paced hookup kind of world we live in. It is clear that the art of relationship building, getting to know someone else, and getting to know yourself along the way is a lost art.One of the most asked questions is what is the proper protocol for dating as a Christian? Should I have him or her come to my house? Should all our dates be held some place public? When is it too soon to kiss or touch? Should I kiss or touch? How do I know he or she is a keeper? And, when the Christian is a single parent, everyone wants to know when should you introduce your newfound love interest to your kids! The rules of engagement can be tricky. So what are the guidelines for Christian singles that want to date one another? A person of interest has crossed your path and you think it could be more than just a platonic relationship. You both feel the attraction building up. What do you do? In the heat of the moment is not the time to decide! It’s too difficult to think when passion overtakes you. You must decide before you go on the date what your limits will be. Remember the relationship is more about caring for yourself and respecting your body as a temple, than about pleasure, desire, and intimacy. All of which can be lost if the relationship is not nurtured by God’s design. Let me add, that not all people want to be married. Let’s be clear and add sound understanding that it is a subpar existence for persons to be lonely and alone; nor should a person live a life of misery in a relationship that doesn’t bring joy, fulfillment, and honor to Him

and oneself. Navigating relationships is no easy task. Anything good in life or worth having requires nurture, positive expressions of love, balance in all forms of connectivity, and a healthy dose of God’s intervening for it to last.

Special Note: If you are a teen, you must honor your parents and respect their counsel (Ephesians 6:2-3). You are subject to parental authority. Don’t be sexually active just because you can get away with it. Nor be active because everyone is doing it, or it’s popular or giving into peer pressure. Finally, if you are in danger, please tell someone and seek help immediately.

Dating as a Christianby Jacquie Hood Martin, PhD

Mosaic | 15

DO nOT BE UnEqUALLY YOkED 2 Corinthians 6:14 should be taken seriously “Don’t team up with those who are unbelievers How can righteousness be a partner with wickedness? How can light live with darkness?” (NLT) If you are dating someone who doesn’t have a personal relationship with Christ, you are playing with fire If you fall in love, what will you do? Don’t let the relationship progress to a physical point and then hope you can cut it off later

PUT On THE ARMOR OF GOD DAILYYou need all the help you can get in today’s world How much time do you spend with God? Do you depend on Him to meet your needs of love and security? You can resist temptation if you put on the whole armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-20)

PUT OBEDIEnCE OVER PASSIOnNot everything we do that’s right, feels good In fact, usually the opposite is true It feels incredibly good to give in to passion But, the authority of Christ needs to take precedence over your physical drives Society tells you to give in to the moment Christ tells you to be obedient to His word

ExPRESSIOnS OF EMOTIOn MUST BE APPROPRIATEPhysical touch/intimacy should correspond with commitment This doesn’t mean anything goes if you are engaged Physical touch should be in the context of a meaningful relationship, not reduced to satisfaction of personal need This is equally true for how you talk and communicate with one another Abuse of any kind is not acceptable or to be tolerated

LIMITS MUST BE SET MUTUALLYBoth partners should take responsibility for setting limits Mutual boundary-keeping reflects maturity There is a distinct difference between age and maturity

ExAMInE YOUR PERSOnAL MOTIVESWhat is your motivation -- power and control, gratifying your own ego, meeting a selfish need, or genuine affection?

IS THERE TOO MUCH PHYSICAL AnDTOO LITTLE OTHER? If the social, emotional, spiritual dimensions are missing or lacking, you are out of balance If you can’t stand the person but have a great physical relationship, rethink the relationship

LESS IS BETTER.If one person is uncomfortable with any type of physical expression, don’t do it You should respect and honor each other Don’t push a date to do anything that makes him or her feel uncomfortable

BE GUIDED BY LOVE VERSUS LUSTLove is the fruit of the Spirit From love comes self-control Operate in love, not lust

ALLOW THE HOLY SPIRIT TO DIRECT AnD LEAD YOUIf you feel convicted of certain behaviors, stop doing them The Lord will convict you of behaviors that are against His design and will for your life Equally, the Lord will not allow you to remain in a relationship that is not leading to a covenant relationship toward marriage

AprilApril 6 Amazing Women Nominations/Registration Begin

April 7 Conversations with God Prayer Conference Call | 712.432.3066 code 446803 | 6:00AM

April 9 Mosaic Health & Wellness: Hope Beyond Fibroids | Queenston Campus I 10:00AM | Attire: White

Mosaic Women’s Ministry Hosts Hope Beyond Fibroids, a Health &

Wellness Event featuring Gessie Thompson, Speaker, Author, and Fertility Coach

April 10 Woman to Woman Mentee/Mentor Reception | Queenston Campus | 12:00PM

April 24 Monthly Mosaic New Member Reception | Queenston Campus | 12:00PM

April 25 Mosaic Women’s Choir Rehearsal | Queenston Campus | 7:00PM

MayMay 5 Conversations with God Prayer Conference Call | 712.432.3066 code 446803 | 6:00AM

May 6 Monthly Mosaic New Member Reception | Queenston Campus | 12:00PM

May 7 Mosaic Spring Tea & Fashion Show | Queenston Campus | 12:00PM

May 16 & 23 Mosaic Women’s Choir Rehearsal | Queenston Campus | 7:00PM

May 21 Mosaic Leadership Meeting | Queenston Campus | 9:30AM Coffee | 10:00AM Meeting

May 28 Chapter II - A special gathering for widows | Eldridge Campus | 10:00AM

“If you have courageous faith, then start praying courageous prayers ” -- Sheretta West

16 | Mosaic

Mosaic Women’s Ministry Hosts aFREE Health & Wellness Event

April 9th | queenston Campus | Student Life Center at 10:00AMfeaturing Gessie Thompson, Speaker, Author, and Fertility Coach

Book Signing following.Attire: White

If your life has revolved around your menstrual cycle, if you have been diagnosed with anemia or even had to have a blood transfusion, if you’ve experienced severe fatigue during your cycle, if you’ve passed frighteningly large blood clots, and if you’ve experienced very painful periods then you are not alone.

• Approximately 80% of all women have uterine fibroids, 1 in 4 end up with symptoms severe enough to require treatment

• African American women are two to three times more likely to develop fibroids than women of other races/ethnicities

• About 40 percent of women over 35 have fibroids • About 70 percent of African American women over 35 have

fibroids • African American women develop fibroids at an earlier age,

have more severe symptoms, and don’t have the slowing of their fibroid growth as they approach menopause like other races

• Fibroids account for one third of all hysterectomies performed in the United States

Fibroids are muscular tumors that grow in the wall of the uterus (the womb). The size, shape, and location of fibroids can vary greatly. It is unknown what causes fibroids. Research suggests that genetics and the presence of hormones, particularly estrogen, play a role in determining if a woman will develop fibroids. Many women who have fibroids do not have any symptoms or have only mild symptoms while others experience severe and disruptive symptoms, such as heavy bleeding during periods, pain in the pelvic area, and pain during intercourse. There are several procedures used to treat fibroids. Many factors influence treatment choice such as reproductive plans, type and size of fibroids, age, and general health. Women should partner with their physician to select the best treatment plan for them. Also, don’t be afraid to get a second opinion. In my personal journey with fibroids I had the life-disrupting, severe symptoms. What was more distressing than the pelvic pain was the heavy menstrual flow. Several days out of every month I would adjust my calendar around my cycle: no meetings (if I could avoid them), no social events, and I would work from home if possible. If I had to

leave the house I learned to strategically map out my day to avoid an “accident.” In December of 2015 I had a myomectomy to have the fibroids removed. What we thought were three fibroids (two large and one medium-sized) turned out to be a total of fifteen (the three larger ones were hiding the smaller ones). I chose the myomectomy because this procedure leaves the uterus intact to enable future pregnancy and my husband and I desire to have children despite the possibility that the fibroids could come back (and I’m also dealing with complications from endometriosis). We are now on a new journey, which is to conceive: I have a husband who believes God will bless us with a child, I have a skilled doctor who ultimately relies on the Great Physician, and I serve a great God. I’m thinking of baby names as I type.

Sources: Detroit Medical Center, https://www.dmc.org/dwhuterinefibroids; Habib, Jamie, “Health Disparities in Uterine Fibroid Patients: a Q&A,” http://www.obgyn.net/fibroids/health-disparities-uterine-fibroid-patients-qa; National Uterine Fibroids Foundation, http://www.nuff.org/health.htm; National Women’s Health Network, https://www.nwhn.org/health-information/health-faqs/fibroids/#sthash.wKL6hYfG.dpuf;

The U S Department of Health and Human Services Office of Women’s Health provides the following list of questions that you may use to guide your discussion with your physician:1 How many fibroids do I have?

2 What size is my fibroid(s)?

3 Where is my fibroid(s) located (outer surface, inner

surface, or in the wall of the uterus)?

4 Can I expect the fibroid(s) to grow larger?

5 How rapidly have they grown (if they were known about


6 How will I know if the fibroid(s) is growing larger?

7 What problems can the fibroid(s) cause?

8 What tests or imaging studies are best for keeping track of

the growth of my fibroids?

9 What are my treatment options if my fibroid(s) becomes

a problem?

10 What are your views on treating fibroids with a

hysterectomy versus other types of treatments?

So You Have Fibroids . . . You Are Not Aloneby R Michelle Preston

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18 | Mosaic18 | Mosaic

JuneJune 2 Conversations with God Prayer Conference Call | 712.432.3066 code 446803 | 6:00AM

June 19 Monthly Mosaic New Member Reception | Queenston Campus | 12:00PM

June 20 Mosaic Women’s Choir Rehearsal | Queenston Campus | 7:00PM

June 24-26 Amazing Women’s Weekend

Friday, June 24 | Pink Carpet Affair I Queenston Campus | 7:00PM

Saturday, June 25 | Life Application Sessions & Panel Discussion | Queenston Campus | 10:00AM

Sunday, June 26 | Amazing Women Worship and Award Ceremony | Queenston Campus | 12:00PM

June 27 Mosaic Women’s Choir Rehearsal | Queenston Campus | 7:00PM

“As in Mark 2:4, lifting women through the roof is our challenge; if we have more lifters, women who exercise

courageous faith, we can lower more women into the presence of Jesus ” –Sheretta West

June 24th - 26thRegistration for Amazing Weekend

begins April 6th.

Friday, June 24thGuest Speaker, Dr. Jill Waggoner

Saturday, June 25thFeatured guest speakers, premier panelists, relevant seminar topics, and conference sessions Sunday, June 26thAmazing Women WorshipNoon ServiceAttire: Vintage Chic

1. To recharge and be revived 2. To engage with other amazing women

with stories like yours3. To participate in life-changing

workshops and hear exceptional speakers

4. To network with women from various backgrounds and experiences

5. To celebrate you, celebrate us

6. To learn, to grow, to get empowered7. To worship and praise God in an

uninhibited atmosphere8. To exhale, to laugh, to release9. To receive useful information for total

mind, body, and spirit10. To get answers to questions you’ve

always wanted to ask

10 Reasons to attend Amazing Women’s Weekend

Mosaic | 19

“Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has

fulfilled the law.” Romans 13:8 NIV

Christy Walton, heir and widow of John Walton (the son of Wal-Mart founder Sam Walton), is the wealthiest woman in the world. Her net worth is at $41,700,000,000. When many of us hear about such financial wealth we often imagine what we would do if we had only a fraction of that money. No matter how much we have, we often think that we could accomplish more if we just had a little bit more money. Financial wisdom, however, starts with our attitudes about money, not with the number of dollars in our bank accounts.

The foundation to our relationship with money should be the realization that God owns everything, we have a responsibility to wisely manage what He places in our care, and we should trust God with our resources—these are the basics. The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it. (Psalm 24:1) Whatever we obtain whether through our labor or otherwise, belongs to God, therefore we are managers of what God entrusts to us. Does it really matter to God how we manage our resources? In the parable of the talents Jesus did call the servant who squandered his one talent “wicked.” Whether we adopt the narrow interpretation of this parable where talent represents money or the

broad interpretation where talent represents money, natural aptitudes or skills, or other opportunities in God’s kingdom, the message of personal accountability resonates throughout the Matthew 25 parable. God’s strong feelings about mismanagement and the fact that He owns everything and we are merely managers hopefully spurs us to align our attitudes about money with biblical principles. On a practical level this means our responsibility to tithe, save, live within our means, budget, and use debt responsibly. Additionally, depending on what season of life you’re in, you may have specific circumstances you may need to address. For example, laying a proper financial foundation in your 20s could mean financial peace, stability and security for

years to come. Twenty-somethings, if you are in college, get counsel from your financial aid advisor early in your collegiate career if you’ve had to take out student loans. I recently heard an interview of a financial aid advisor who desperately wished students would visit with her long before they graduated so she could assist them in managing their student loan debt. Resist the urge to make unnecessary purchases when you first start making money; make wiser investments such as maxing out your 401(k) or building an emergency fund. Your importance and validity is not measured by the type of car you drive, designer bags you carry, or the label on the clothes you wear.

Money Wise—from Baby Boomers to Millennialsby R Michelle Preston

20 | Mosaic

As you mature and enter new seasons in life your responsibilities inevitably increase. That’s when it’s even more important to get more serious about paying down debt and planning your retirement. You may even need to consider caring for an aging parent while you take care of your own family. Furthermore, don’t forget to take advantage of important planning tools such as wills, trusts, and powers of attorney. Whatever season you are in, there are endless tools available to assist in your financial planning. Take advantage of those resources, take charge of your finances and be a good steward! What if you followed all the rules and your financial situation crashes and burns? The truth is, life happens—divorces, layoffs, long-term unemployment, etc. I went back to school mid-career to pursue my life-long ambition. I was proud that upon entering school as a full-time student I had a great credit history and had paid off my debts, except for a mortgage, which was dutifully being paid by my tenants. When I graduated and before I had a chance to get back on my feet I encountered one hardship after another until I thought I was in an episode of Candid Camera or MTV’s Punk’d. After I exhausted my savings, emergency fund, stocks, and even my hidden “rainy day” fund, I thought, “It can’t get any worse than this.” Spoiler alert: it did. It’s very important to me to be a woman of integrity so I was humiliated when my credit history seemingly plummeted overnight, my cellphone was cut off because I was unable to pay the bill, I had to decline invitations to events because I didn’t have enough gas in my car to drive to the event, drive back home and then go to work the next morning, and the list goes on. For a time I wallowed in self-pity. I thought, “I can’t believe this is happening to me,” and wondered if God had forgotten about me. By the grace of God I sobered up and God reminded me to go back to the basics: trust God with what you do have, recognize He is the owner and I am the manager, give back what belongs to Him, save, and live within my means. God also reminded me that it is He who is my provider and sustainer, not my degrees, connections, or job prospects. He has shown Himself to be a restorer in more ways than one. My God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19 NIVNo matter what stage you are in life, evaluate your relationship with money and ensure you are building your life on godly financial principals. Only a few people in the world will amass the type of wealth Christie Walton has, however, whatever God has blessed you with you owe it to Him, yourself and your family to manage it wisely.

Be Watchful! Scams that Entrap Even the Financial SavvyTech Support: An unsolicited call from someone claiming to be Microsoft of Windows who states a virus has been detected on your computer and directs you to a website that will upload malware designed to steal your data Microsoft does not make such calls Also, avoid clicking on links in unsolicited emails from “Microsoft ”

IRS Imposter (the number one fraud reported to AARP): Someone claiming to be from the IRS calls saying you owe back taxes and that, unless funds are wired immediately, legal action will be taken against you or that you have a refund waiting but need to verify personal information before sending The IRS communicates with taxpayers only through the United States Postal Service

Cancer rip-off: Scammers disguised as charities Check out a charity’s rating on charitynavigator org Ask for more information before giving Be wary of sites such as gofundme com Ask questions and trust your gut

Chip card: Fraudster sends an email impersonating a card issuer, like American Express, and requests that you click on a malware laced link before the card issuer will issue you the new “chip” cards No card issuer will email you or call you to verify personal information If you’re unsure, call the number on the back of your card

Faith-based Dating: Con artists target and win the hearts of unsuspecting singles (many who are seniors) on faith-based sites like ChristianMingle com Use Google or Spokeo com to research the person and Google Maps to research the person’s address

Medical Identity Theft: Scammer steals someone’s identify to pay for health care services like tests, prescription drugs, and operations Don’t give your social security number, Medicare or health insurance numbers to anyone you don’t know or trust Be wary of free health checks at places like shopping centers, fitness clubs, and retirement homes (offered by rolling labs) Don’t allow them to photocopy your cards and do not sign blank insurance claim forms

Grieving widow: Con artists, such as a fraudster posing as a bank official, target vulnerable widows Have a trusted family member or friend handle your affairs while you are grieving, a time when you may be most vulnerable to financial tactics Have this person return suspicious phone calls or emails

Gift voucher: An unsolicited email from a popular restaurant or retailer offering a free gift card if you click a link to activate it—the scammer either tries to collect personal information or install malware on your computer Never click a link in an unsolicited email or divulge personal information

Source: Excerpts from Kita, Joe, “The New Predators,” AARP Bulletin, January – February 2016, Vol. 57 No. 1

JulyJuly 1 – 31 Summer Devotional Challenge

The Faith to Dare: 30 Days to Live Your Life to the Fullest by Debbie AlsdorfDraw the Circle: The 40 Day Prayer Challenge by Mark Batterson

July 7 Conversations with God Prayer Conference Call | 712.432.3066 code 446803 I 6:00AMJuly 7 Pas’ BirthdayJuly 8 WOE – Hot Summer Nights | Queenston Campus | 7:00PMJuly 16 Life’s New Possibilities | Queenston Campus | 10:00AMJuly 18 & 25 Mosaic Women’s Choir Rehearsal | Queenston Campus | 7:00PMJuly 23 Chapter II - A special gathering for widows | Eldridge Campus | 10:00AMJuly 24 Her Journey Bible Study Fall Studies Registration Begins

WOE Learn and Lounge Registration BeginsMonthly Mosaic New Member Reception | Queenston Campus | 12:00PM

AugustAugust 4 Conversations with God Prayer Conference Call | 712.432.3066 code 446803 | 6:00AM August 7 Presales begin for “Order My Steps Volumn III”August 28 Monthly Mosaic New Member Reception | Queenston Campus | 12:00PMAugust 29 Mosaic Women’s Choir Rehearsal | Queenston Campus | 7:00PM

“My grandmother had a large pecan tree in her backyard It provided more than pecans During the summer it

provided shade In the late fall, it provided soft shell pecans In the winter, it provided wood for the fireplace It

was a stable post for the hammock and the clotheslines It endured hurricanes and the blistering summer heat

and it is still useful; standing strong and producing Now, that is the image of a life that is deeply rooted in God’s

Word Although trees will wither and die, those who delight in the law of the Lord are blessed with prosperous

life; fruitful, enduring, and useful ” - Order My Steps Volume I –Sheretta West on Psalm 92:12-14

Mosaic | 21

Now we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house

in heaven, not built by human hands. 2 Corinthians 5:1 NIV

It was September 2010, the start of school, a hectic time of year. I had begun a new job after being laid off. The family schedule was full: church activities, karate, boy scouts, and volunteering with the PTO. Our active family of five was a young family; our smallest was two years old. I knew we had a lot on our plate. I did not foresee what was to come. I was headed for a new season. There are seasons in life that you welcome unexpectedly with little resistance, but the death of a loved one is just not one of them. My husband passed away unexpectedly at the age of 43. Anthony went to the hospital for a minor illness, kidney stones, and within two days he was dead. He would normally get pain medication, pass the stone and come home. He died from blood clots. When Anthony

went into duress, I experienced trauma and my body went into shock. I called for help and no one was around. When the nurses came they stared at his body, he was obese. I looked around and everyone was staring with a distasteful look in their eyes. He was gone within ten minutes. I prayed as they worked on him. I sang a worship song as they worked to restore life to him. I wanted God’s miracle. Anthony lived a full life at 43. He was an

accomplished man, nothing meant more to him than Jesus and his family. He had joy just telling

people about Jesus and sharing the wealth Jesus gave him. I asked God, “Why? Why now? Jesus, I am a prayer warrior for others, this is what friends and family know me for, why would you not answer my prayer?” Why go on? When you experience such pain you might ask this question. How do you survive losing

Great is Thy Faithfulnessby Dee Anderson

22 | Mosaic

your loved one, your purpose in life and your dreams? I don’t have fancy words, you just have to survive. You cannot stop living life. Don’t punish yourself. You must accept that God is sovereign and He is in control. I could blame Anthony for dying young. I could blame the doctors for not finding his illness in time. I could blame myself for being too submissive with my husband and the doctors about his illness. What product will blame produce? The same God who prepares blessings grants peace. One will not find peace trying to take over God’s, the Creator’s, job. God’s thoughts are not our thoughts and His ways are not our ways. Isaiah 55:8. You will survive this loss.

How do you survive? Your mind will find comfort in memories and your former way of living. It is as if you drift and commit to only enjoy the past. You don’t notice you are doing it, it’s automatic. You find comfort in sensing them by the pictures, moments shared, songs and familiar places. You are pulling back instead of going on but you must put your hand in God’s hand to move forward. I learned to get a routine of encouragement. The first year may be a blur, you may experience more hurt the second year, but have a routine of encouragement. In the mornings, I listened to Fred Hammond’s rendition of the hymn “Great is Thy Faithfulness” on YouTube. This song reminded me that God was not leaving me alone. My journey was not easy, a single mom of three, something I did not want. I no longer had my husband to help me with the boys or paying the bills. I no longer could hear my man tell me daily how awesome I was. I had a brand new suburban that had mechanical issues and no husband to help when I was stuck on side of the road. I was alone with kids. I needed to know God was faithful. I would awaken to scriptures being read on the radio. I was building myself up by allowing God to build my new routine. I was battling for peace. I could not succumb to grief and loss. My new routine was intentional and it took courageous faith. The Bible tells us in Ecclesiastes 3:1 there is a time and a season in life for everything. The season of death can be paralyzing to the most faithful servants of God.

You never truly get over the loss; however, things do get better. Stay connected to a group or persons who have survived your type of loss. You are not alone. Don’t pull away. You must find a support group that is right for you. I initially went to a group that deals with sudden loss and trauma. We went as a family two or three times. It was good, but not what I really needed so I could not stop there. I had to pray and God met the need: it was football and sports. Too funny. It gave us as a family, a support system that allowed us to stay active and share our story. The one thing we did not do was allow the loss to cause us to pull away. Find your best support group.

It is important to hear God’s word in this new season. I found it hard to go to church. The memories that flooded my mind when I walked into the sanctuary caused me great pain. The finality would settle in: Anthony is dead and he was not going to join me in worship. We were not going to share in the worship experience and exchange dialogue about God’s grace later. It was heart-wrenchingly painful, but I kept going, and it got better. This was a critical time to draw near to God and not drift away; only God can show you new moments and new purpose in life. Allow God to make life better. There will be those who don’t grieve in sync with you. Family members, friends, and church members had their own personal time of grieving. A lot of times it is those who are close to you that will cause you grief during your loss. They grieve to you. They do this by not being thoughtful. Furthermore, you may no longer be called and you may no longer be invited for holidays or special occasions. Those close to you may leave you alone. This is a blessing. You need those around who have courageous faith. Be intentional, seek out faith walkers. Please don’t withdraw or make excuses. It is important to have a healthy support system as you move forward. Pray and trust God to build a new support group, connection and Godly relationship.

• Recognize Grief• Take Care of Yourself• Talk to People• Join Grief Support• Keep Your Loved One’s Favorite Belongings• Draw Comfort From Spirituality and Religion• Express Yourself Creatively

• Spend Time Practicing Favorite Hobbies• Engage in Physical Activity• Seek Out Healing Art & Literature• Talk to a Doctor• Join a Healing Retreat

Source: http://www.sevenponds.com



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7 Pearls to ManageYour Personal Brandby Brenda A White

24 | Mosaic

Heyyy Girl! How you doin’? I have a question for you. Are you who God called you to be or are you who you’ve learned to be? Each of us has a unique value, a God-given talent, and identity; that thing that we have and the way we do it like no one else. Just like going to one of the popular painting parties, everyone is charged with painting the same picture but in the end, not one is the same. Psalms 139:13-14 says, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Yep! You are just that good! You have to believe that. Who you are at your core is how God designed you. You need to understand what that is for you and you need to be clear about it. For example, in my office I’m known as a coach, motivator, creative individual, a good listener, a leader who will ask all the right questions to get you to your answer, and one who influences results. I make adjustments in my behavior and style depending on my audience to get the most out of the situation. I never planned to be that person. I am just that person at my core. I can’t help it. I find it easier to be authentic because I’d forget to be anything different. Among my family and friends, I’m many different things but still some of the same things I am at work… the coach, the motivator, the listener. I’m known to shop for a good, comfortable pair of stilettos; I enjoy sports and the company of books, bags, and journals. I’m also known by a few leading statements, “I was thinking…” and “You should…” which often leads to widened eyes and I guess, heart palpitations because they know a challenge toward their dream is coming. Personal branding has a long tail with lots of information and studies on the market; I am exploring just a small portion from my personal experiences. I want to help you get moving and understand your personal brand, understand what people experience when they interact with you, because building effective and productive relationships with others is essential in managing your personal brand. Getting quality feedback is extremely important, so ask someone whom you trust,

who knows you well, and will tell you the absolute truth while ensuring they do not dictate who you should be, but rather how they experience you. How do you want to impact those around you? Take a moment and think about these things: What are your strengths? What are your abilities? What are you good at? What are you passionate about? What do you desire? What drives you? What motivates you? What are your relationships like with your family, friends, and colleagues? How do you show up physically and mentally at work, play, church, and school? How effective are you when you show up that way? Do you have a mentor? Do you have a sponsor, that person who’s at the table and champions decisions on your behalf? Lastly, what area of the market (career, church, and community) needs you? Understanding the answers to these questions is paramount and will get you on your way to understanding how God designed you into the goodness that you are. I assure you it will bring you more joy, happiness, and success than you could ever imagine. My prayer is that you, a Mosaic Woman will:

• Be uniquely you, authentic -- God designed you just the way He wanted you.

• Know your value-add, leverage your strengths, learn more about yourself, ask for quality feedback, and act on it.

• Know your passion and your purpose – why you’re here and who you’re serving.

• Step up to stand out in personal appearance, written and verbal communication, and tell your own story.

• Offer a strong first experience – be genuine, be intentional, listen emphatically.

• Pray and ask God to show you who you are and what He wants to do in your life.

• Document your plan of action and execute it well.

Again, I ask, are you who God called you to be or are you who you’ve learned to be? Let’s talk about it… Join me at Build Your Brand on September 24th.

Never! Can a mother forget her little childand not have love for her own son?

Isaiah 49:15 (TLB) Oh, how I thank God for the blessing of my child and the privilege to be his mother. Thank you Lord for trusting me with eighteen years of stewardship and guardianship over my dear son, Regan. From the time I knew I was to become a mother I took my responsibility of motherhood very seriously and knew it was a calling from God. As a single mother I always had to “figure it out” on my own. There was no one else to pick him up from football, basketball, soccer, and baseball practice. It was during Regan’s junior year in high school that we realized that it had truly been “just us” on this journey . . . all these years. After ending an engagement when my son was four years old, I decided not to date, knowing that dating could possibly mean more than one man being presented to a young boy. I made the decision to focus all my energy and efforts into rearing a God-fearing child who could one day possibly become a man pleasing to God. My identity was totally submerged in motherhood. My name was “Regan’s Mom.” Then it happened...I drove off and left him on the campus of a university; that was a long ride home. The next day, as my workday came close to the end, I didn’t realize how I was slowing down and drawing out every minor task. I thought, “It’s time to go home, what do I do now?” As I walked down the stairs, a tear fell with each step I took. I almost drove by the high school just to see the football team on the practice field and of course when I got home I went to his room. Who knew an empty house could be so loud and deafening that it pierces your soul? Even more piercing is the uncertainty of who you are beyond your child,

motherhood and the day-to-day grind and routine of rearing a child. There is a sudden shift, your life goes from ten to zero in a matter of 2.3 seconds and there are no warning signs like “Steep drop here,” “Beware of the fall,” “Sharp turn ahead,” and “Sudden stop ahead.” The Lord is close to the brokenhearted. Slowly He began to mend my broken heart and ease the pain of the emptiness and loneliness. I learned to rediscover myself through church involvement. My true saving grace has been to become very active in ministry and exercise my spiritual gifts. As I grow as a Christian and give my time back to the Lord, He is showing me my purpose in life. It is a pleasant surprise realizing and coming to understand what “my time is my own” truly means—no transporting a child to school, practice, events and games. I am learning to “hang out” with girlfriends and even welcome impromptu invitations. Also I have had two great “outings” with two really great guys (not quite ready to qualify those as dates). I do realize the romance is going to take some real grooming and timing; but I’m hopeful. Well, the landscape of my daily routine now looks totally different, but that’s okay, I’m different and my life is in a totally different space. I don’t rush home each day after work. I take my time and shop. I explore new stores, browse and just take in the sites. This is a luxury I had totally forgotten. Now, I prepare for my assignment. When the Lord calls me to my next assignment, as He did with motherhood, I want to be poised and ready to answer and serve. Close to one and a half years of empty nesting, the end of first semester of sophomore year, to put it in academia terms, I am learning to embrace my new chapter in life.

What do I do now?Who am I? My Journey of Recent Empty Nesting and Discovering Myselfby Mary Myles

Mosaic | 25

26 | Mosaic

I love bling-—rhinestones on my nails, glittery handbags, shiny earrings—the more sparkle and jazzier, the better! These external accessories sometimes give others the impression that I’m a happy, energetic person. As much as I love to look fabulous at the young age of 66, it’s not the external things that give me sparkle, it’s the overflowing joy I’ve found in Christ regardless of my outward circumstances. Wine, trees, a good pair of jeans, and wisdom are all things that get better with age. The Christian life should also get better with age (that is, with maturity). Learn to keep your inner sparkle:

Be Positive! If you focus on the challenges around you, you’ll have a depressed outlook. If you focus on God above, you’ll have a blessed uplook. Maintain a godly perspective and choose to embrace the path God has set before you. Years ago I came across the poem “Attitude” by Chuck Swindoll. Swindoll said, “I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.” That day I prayed, “Lord, help me to have a good attitude.” My daily prayer is that He fills me with His spirit, helps me to be joyful, and have a free spirit and good attitude. “In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) You can deal with the realities of your troubles and choose to have a positive attitude in the midst of them. A negative attitude is like cancer that metastasizes all over the body, it poisons your thoughts and mind and even negatively impacts those around you. Surround yourself with positive people and stay away from negative people and situations as much as possible. Be a light and choose to be positive.

Be Free! Carrying unconfessed sin and guilt is like carrying a physical weight on your shoulders. When you sin and transgress, with a repentant heart ask God for forgiveness, turn away from the sin, and let go of the guilt. God is faithful, He will cast your sin into the sea of forgetfulness never to rise again, so don’t go fishing for it! You need to know though that there are

consequences to sin. My life is full of mistakes. There have been times in my life when I very well knew I was dealing with the consequences of my sins. When you fall short, own it, but don’t wallow in your sin. The gospel duo The O’Neal Twins sang, “I was guilty of all the charges, doomed and disgraced, but Jesus with his special love saved me by His Grace. He pleaded, oh how He pleaded my case. Jesus dropped the charges . . . Case dismissed! . . . Saved by Grace!” Know who you are in Christ and be free!

Be Gracious! Another prayer of mine is “Lord don’t let me grow old and cantankerous.” Life happens. If we are not careful we will allow the loss of a loved one, unrealized dreams, illnesses, disappointments, unmet expectations, and other difficult circumstances to dull our sensibilities to who we are in Christ and how great God is. Keeping the spark as you get older isn’t always easy. I have bad days, family issues, health issues, and I’m overweight (the root of some of my health issues). I get annoyed, frustrated, and impatient—I have issues just like everyone else—however, I hold on to Christian principles and live life to the fullest. Develop the heart of a servant, help anyone you can, your service to others will be a blessing to you and lift your spirit. Choose to grow old gracefully and enjoy life rather than simply endure life. I used to hear my mother say that she wanted her last days to be her best days. That was good and I understand what she meant but I decided I want all of my days to be good. At age 66, I enjoy life better now than I ever have before and I look good, too! (Smile) I don’t think much about age, I just LIVE! (Don’t get me wrong, when it’s time to get senior citizen discounts, I take advantage of all of them!) My joy is not predicated on my outward circumstance; it’s the inward joy that keeps the dazzle in my life. My mother also told me just a few days before she transitioned to glory, that she never graduated but just kept getting better. Like Momma, I want you to keep getting better and growing in Christ. Be positive, be free and be gracious and not only will your latter days be good, today will be great!

Be Joyful! How to Keep Your Inner Sparkleby Earlene Boldon

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SeptemberSeptember 1 Conversations with God Prayer Conference Call 712.432.3066 code 446803 | 6:00AMSeptember 4 Happy Birthday Sheretta West!

Order My Steps Volume III book signing following 10:00 service at QueenstonSeptember 13-15 Her Journey Bible Study Fall Session Begins | All Campuses I 7:00PM

WOE Learn and Lounge Registration Begins | All Campuses | 7:00PMSeptember 24 WOE – Build Your Brand: Spiritually, Financially, and Professionally

Queenston Student Life Center | 10:00AMSeptember 24 Chapter II - A special gathering for widows | Eldridge Campus | 10AMSeptember 25 Monthly Mosaic New Member Reception | Queenston Campus | 12:00PM

September 26 Mosaic Women’s Choir Rehearsal | Queenston Campus | 7:00PM

OctoberBreast Cancer Awareness Month October 6 Conversations with God Prayer Conference Call | 712.432.3066 code 446803 | 6:00AMOctober 16 Monthly Mosaic New Member Reception | Queenston Campus | 12:00PMOctober 17 & 24 Mosaic Women’s Choir Rehearsal | Queenston Campus | 7:00PMOctober 23 Change for Life I All Campuses

Breast Cancer Awareness Sunday: Attire: Pink | Survivor’s Brunch | Queenston Campus | 12:00PMOctober 29 M A P S Mosaic Annual Planning Session | Queenston Campus | 9:30AM

Did you Know? October is also Stomp Out Bullying month. Visit www.stompoutbullying.org for a tip sheet on Signs Your Child is Being Bullied

November29th Pastoral & Church AnniversaryNovember 3 Conversations with God Prayer Conference Call | 712.432.3066 code 446803 | 6:00AMNovember 19 Chapter II - A special gathering for widows | Off CampusNovember 21 30 Days to Becoming A Woman of Prayer by Stormie OmartianNovember 24 Founder’s Day WorshipNovember 24 Thanksgiving Worship | 10:00AM | Queenston Campus

DecemberDecember 1 Conversations with God Prayer Conference Call 712.432.3066 code 446803 | 6:00AM

Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. Romans 8:37

How could anyone anticipate that at age 43, a newlywed, a far too-young grandmother, manager, and student—with one class remaining towards her Master’s degree—would experience life-changing events that would alter her lifestyle and entire outlook on life itself? For the past few years I followed all suggestions for routine screening for breast cancer. These exams were consistently scheduled around my birthday so that these oh so important appointments wouldn’t get lost in the busy shuffle of life. However, the year 2013 was much different. After delaying the appointment by several months, I scheduled my mammogram at the end of the year and the exam itself revealed a small mass, but nothing too concerning. Because breast cancer is unpredictable, I was immediately referred by my primary doctor to a general surgeon who would bypass the biopsy process. Within two weeks I was scheduled for surgery and the end result was the removal of two masses rather than one. To my dismay, one of the masses was definitely cancerous. Because of the size of the tumors, as well as their locations, early detection worked in my favor and radiation was the recommended treatment program. I thanked God that he had spared me the long and arduous process of dealing with cancer and believed that my situation was merely a minor inconvenience. After

meeting with an oncologist several weeks later, I was advised that the original treatment recommendation would not address my cancer. I was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer, which only responds to aggressive chemotherapy treatments. I sought a second opinion at MD Anderson and met with a breast cancer specialist who suggested that I undergo BRCA 1 & 2 testing because of the diagnosis, my age, and the fact that there was no family history of cancer. Throughout the initial process I received support from family and friends. Revealing my situation to church members, those outside of my discreet circle, was uncomfortable but definitely to my benefit. The relationships and prayers offered by my church family added to my arsenal of weaponry to battle the war being waged within. I believed that my strong faith would help me through this ordeal and viewed my diagnosis, treatment, and altered lifestyle as life’s temporary detour. I was confident that God would carry me through the process. I know it became a true test of faith when my BRCA test returned positive results. I was now facing a double mastectomy and hysterectomy. After each discouraging diagnosis, I prepared myself physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually only to be taken down another path that was more frightening than the first. My life was an emotional whirlwind, but rather than staying in the negative, I took a proactive approach. I believed that God did not bring me through

28 | Mosaic

“Life’s Temporary Detour”by Kesha Handy

Mosaic | 29

past ordeals—I had experienced the death of my first husband, mother, and both maternal grandparents in a 15-month period—to allow cancer to take over and destroy me. I was determined to view this diagnosis as an awakening—my epiphany to start enjoying life to the fullest extent. I realized that I had become so consumed with so many others, their problems and situations, that I didn’t focus enough on my spiritual being and neglected myself. While my relationship with God was not forgotten, it was merely paused. Now my life was placed on hold and enduring treatment forced me to reprioritize the things and people in my life. Experiencing six months of chemotherapy, a double

mastectomy, reconstructive surgery, revision surgeries and a hysterectomy in a twenty-two month period were trials of faith and endurance. A test, I believe, I passed. Being one to never quit, I returned to Rice University to finish my Master’s degree and became more involved in church ministry. I am now spending every moment focusing on the things that bring me joy. Being treated for cancer reminded me that life is too short to not appreciate and cherish every moment. Each day is another blessing and an opportunity to live and to let someone know that despite individual circumstances, one can overcome obstacles, achieve wondrous things, and inspire others to keep moving forward.

What’s Your Breast Cancer IQ?When it comes to your breast health, don’t be fooled by rumors and misinformation

Test your knowledge of six common beliefs about breast cancer.1 You can get breast cancer even if it doesn’t run in your family m True m False2 If breast cancer runs in your family, you’re sure to get it m True m False3 You still need mammograms after menopause m True m False4 Men can get breast cancer m True m False5 Surgery and needle biopsies can cause breast cancer to spread m True m False6 There’s nothing you can do to lower your breast cancer risk m True m False

1. You can get breast cancer even if it doesn’t run in your family. The correct answer is True. Most women diagnosed with breast cancer—more than 85%—have no family history of the disease. Having a relative with breast cancer does increase your risk. But other factors such as being overweight, alcohol use, and hormone therapy after menopause impact your chances as well.

2. If breast cancer runs in your family, you’re sure to get it. The correct answer is False. Having breast cancer in your family does raise your risk, but it doesn’t guarantee you’ll get it, too. Knowing your family history should empower you to tackle the risk factors you can control. BRCA genes. Those are the genes that normally keep cell growth under control. But inheriting a mutated gene greatly increases your risk for breast cancer.

3. You still need mammograms after menopause. The correct answer is True. Getting older doesn’t mean brushing off regular breast health

checks. In fact, there’s an uptick in risk as you get older. About 2 out of 3 invasive breast cancers develop in women age 55 or older. As long as you’re in good health and would be a candidate for treatment, you should continue getting mammograms.

4. Men can get breast cancer. The correct answer is True. More than 2,240 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year. Don’t ignore breast lumps you feel on yourself or your partner; get any unusual symptom checked. Still, breast cancer is about 100 times more common in women than men, with more than 230,000 women expected to be diagnosed in 2013.

5. Surgery and needle biopsies can cause breast cancer to spread. The correct answer is False. Needle biopsies to diagnose breast cancer do not cause cancer cells to spread to other parts of the body. Nor does exposure to air during breast cancer surgery trigger the disease to spread. Even if a surgeon finds more cancer than the imaging scans or X-rays showed, the cancer was already there; it just didn’t show up on the tests.

6. There’s nothing you can do to lower your breast cancer risk. The correct answer is False. It’s true that there are fixed factors like being female and having a family history of breast cancer that elevate your risk. But gender and genetics aside, there’s a lot you can do to reduce your risk as much as possible. In a word: lifestyle. Exercise more and eat healthier, especially if you’re overweight or obese, which increases your breast cancer risk. Limit or eliminate alcohol. Breast cancer prevention isn’t fool-proof, but being responsible about your health can go a long way.

Source: American Cancer Society

30 | Mosaic

Get Connected. Get Growing. How to Make a Large Church a Small Community

by Nichole Merriweather

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 3:18a NIV

November 2014, my husband was offered the opportunity to transfer to Houston, my hometown. After living in Tennessee for 26 years, I was beyond ready to live near my family. In preparing to relocate our family, our top priorities were location, school districts, and friends.

To most Christian families, finding a church home is at the top of their list. There was no question as to the church where we would be transferring our membership. It was never a concern of ours. In Memphis, we were active members of Cummings Street Missionary Baptist Church where Pastor Ralph Douglas West had preached our revival for several years. Pastor and Sister West were frequently referenced by my pastor as being committed to the building of God’s kingdom through taking an active interest in their members’ spiritual growth.

Immediately following my husband’s formal acceptance to relocate our family, we became a part of The Church Without Walls streaming congregation. I avidly followed the Mosaic Women’s Ministry and could not wait to physically be in Houston to take an active part in the ministry. I longed to register for the small group classes to grow in my Christian faith and was saddened when they completed a Beth Moore study before we arrived.

We moved to Houston on June 11, 2015 and became official members of TCWW on June 14, 2015. On that day I was warmly welcomed into the Mosaic Women’s Ministry. The first event I attended as a Mosaic Woman was Amazing Women Weekend. This was such a spirit-filled weekend that fed me physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I brought along my mother and two sisters and all three cannot wait for Amazing Women Weekend 2016.

The day I introduced myself to Sister West, she listened to me tell my story so intently. She welcomed me to the ministry, offered to help my family in any way to get acclimated to the city, and gave me her contact information making sure I understood that she wanted me to use it and that it was not being shared out of formality.

Since accepting Christ as a teenage girl 28 years ago, The Church Without Walls is my fourth church home. Sister West is the 1st First Lady I have ever had who is visible, active, and concerned about the spiritual growth of the church body.

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JANUARY4 Draw the Circle 40 Day Leadership Prayer Challenge7 Conversations with God Prayer Conference Call I 6:00AM*12-14 Her Journey Bible Study Winter Session Begins I All Campuses I 7:00PM12-14 Women of Essence (WOE) - Learn and Lounge I Queenston Campus I 7:00PM23 Mosaic Leadership Meeting I Queenston I 9:30AM Coffee I 10:00AM Meeting30 Chapter II - A special gathering for widows I Eldridge I 10:00AM

FEBRUARY3 Woman to Woman Mentee Registration Begins4 Conversations with God Prayer Conference Call I 6:00AM*7 Her Journey Bible Study Spring Registration Begins7 WOE Learn & Lounge Registration Begins10 Ash Wednesday14 & 21 Black Author’s Expo I Eldridge – February 14th I Queenston – February 21st 20 Extravagant Worship Extravagant Praise Eldridge I 9:00AM Prayer & Coffee I 10:00AM Worship 21 Go Red Sunday - Wear Red and join the Fight Against Heart Disease21 Monthly Mosaic New Member Reception I Queenston I 12:00PM28 Women of Essence On the Move Mixer I Bingle I After 10:00AM service29 Mosaic Women’s Choir Rehearsal I Queenston I 7:00PM

MARCH1 She Speaks I A live Bible Study with Beth Moore Queenston I 7:00PM I Bistro Café Opens at 5:30PM I Doors Open 6:00PM3 Conversations with God Prayer Conference Call I 6:00AM*6 Women of Essence On the Move Mixer Queenston I After 10 and Noon services I Courtyard6 Mosaic Tea & Fashion Show Tickets Available13 Women of Essence On the Move Mixer I Eldridge I After 11:00AM service15-17 Her Journey Bible Study Spring Session Begins I All Campuses I 7:00PM15-17 WOE Learn & Lounge Begins19 Mosaic Leadership Meeting Queenston Multipurpose Room I 9:30AM Coffee I 10:00AM Meeting20 Monthly Mosaic New Member Reception I Queenston I 12:00PM26 Chapter II - A special gathering for widowsI Eldridge I 10:00AM28 Mosaic Women’s Choir Rehearsal I Queenston I 7:00PM

APRIL6 Amazing Women Nominations/Registration Begins7 Conversations with God Prayer Conference Call I 6:00AM*9 Mosaic Health & Wellness: Hope Beyond Fibroids Queenston I 10:00AM I Attire: White10 Woman to Woman Mentee/Mentor Reception I Queenston I 12:00 p m 24 Monthly Mosaic New Member Reception I Queenston I 12:00PM25 Mosaic Women’s Choir Rehearsal I Queenston I 7:00PM

MAY5 Conversations with God Prayer Conference Call I 6:00AM*6 Monthly Mosaic New Member Reception I Queenston I 12:00PM7 Mosaic Spring Tea & Fashion Show I Queenston I 12:00PM16 & 23 Mosaic Women’s Choir Rehearsal I Queenston I 7:00PM28 Chapter II - A special gathering for widows I Eldridge I 10:00AM

JUNE2 Conversations with God Prayer Conference Call I 6:00AM*19 Monthly Mosaic New Member Reception I Queenston I 12:00PM 20 Mosaic Women’s Choir Rehearsal I Queenston I 7:00PM24-26 Amazing Women’s Weekend27 Mosaic Women’s Choir Rehearsal I Queenston I 7:00PM

JULY1 Summer Devotional Challenge7 Conversations with God Prayer Conference Call I 6:00AM*7 Pas’ Birthday8 WOE – Hot Summer Nights I Queenston I 7:00PM16 Life’s New Possibilities I Queenston I 10:00AM18 & 25 Mosaic Women’s Choir Rehearsal I Queenston I 7:00PM23 Chapter II - A special gathering for widows I Eldridge I 10:00AM24 Her Journey Bible Study Fall Studies Registration Begins24 WOE Learn and Lounge Registration Begins24 Monthly Mosaic New Member Reception I Queenston I 12:00PM

AUGUST4 Conversations with God Prayer Conference Call I 6:00AM*28 Monthly Mosaic New Member Reception I Queenston I 12:00PM29 Mosaic Women’s Choir Rehearsal I Queenston I 7:00PM

SEPTEMBER1 Conversations with God Prayer Conference Call I 6:00AM*4 Happy Birthday Sheretta West!13-15 Her Journey Bible Study Fall Session Begins I All Campuses I 7:00PM13-15 WOE Learn and Lounge Begins I All Campuses I 7:00PM24 Chapter II - A special gathering for widows I Eldridge I 10:00AM24 Build Your Brand: Spiritually, Financially, and Professionally Queenston Student Life Center I 10:00AM25 Monthly Mosaic New Member Reception I Queenston Campus I 12:00PM26 MosaIc Women’s Choir Rehearsal I Queenston I 7:00PM

OCTOBER 6 Conversations wIth God Prayer Conference Call I 6:00AM*16 Monthly Mosaic New Member Reception I Queenston I 12:00PM23 Change for Life I All Campuses – Pink Attire23 Survivor’s Brunch I Queenston I 12:00PM17 & 24 Mosaic Women’s Choir Rehearsal I Queenston I 7:00PM29 M A P S Mosaic Annual Planning Session I Queenston I 9:30AM

NOVEMBER – 29th Pastoral & Church AnnIversary3 Conversations wIth God Prayer Conference Call I 6:00AM*19 Chapter II - A special gathering for widows I Off Campus 21 30 Days to Becoming A Woman of Prayer by Stormie Omartian24 Founder’s Day and Thanksgiving Worship I Queenston I 10:00AM

DECEMBER1 ConversatIions with God Prayer Conference Call I 6:00AM*

2016 Calendar at a Glance

* Conversations with God Prayer Conference Call 712 432 3066 code 446803

We’ve Saved a Place for You!

TCWW Mosaic Women #TCWWMosaicWomen MWM@churchwithoutwalls org



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