2016 - umd physics · 2016. 5. 5. · .sn#ii.diie.d3mi...sii.d3ryed3myr * e-p[{,...

Post on 26-Jan-2021






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  • Paulo Bedaque2016


    • Method To approximately

    compute The Thermodynamic .properties of gases

    • Results in an expansion in powers of The density .Thus

    , it works well at low density . It's a wellcontrolled approximation in the sense That it becomes

    better and better as the density becomes smaller .

    • It's an example ( maybe your first ) of a diagrammaticexpansion . Many features generalize To many other

    diagrammatic expansions .

    the goal is To compute :

    # of particles



    - PEE,p÷n+€ Vari .ir ;DZ

    = 5¥ , dirham NN ! h potential between/ particlesTo account for % it makes Zindistiguishability ; dimensionless ; justifiedjustified by quantum by quantum calculationcalculation

  • short for Var ; - lrj )

    12= (2¥59'An,


    - -¥ I ;iP%=¥, city


    fij = e-Ptfij vanishes at large distances

    ( where Vijeo ) and it is well behaved

    even if V :j → 00 ( as itr→o

    frequently does )= In then

    JIE,d3 . if ( " fi ;)

    ÷ ztfntfz } + . . . tfnfz } + . . .

    + . . .

    = of 's one f two f 'sEach one of these Term has a graphical representation :

  • fiz = § ,

    f , } = § , fizfsyi §§ , fzf , }=@% , . . .

    If we omit the particle index inside the circles wemean The sum of all graphs with That same Topology :

    flztfhtfzqt . . . = :flzfxitfnfsb + fsyfsot . . . = § §

    flz £3 + fczfz } + . . . = §\o


    z= ¥ .io#sII.&riCi+fytfEtitEentIfEt" ]

    T.to g% a. .


    ¥µµ÷nµ ["




    unsigned v"→g⇒+ 3NlN;DlIsV"

    ' 3 Sdtndhrrdhr

    , fish


    . . ]

  • fdln d3n fz = fdhndlrz



    !, )

    A fd3Rxr(e-PVCM

    . , )

    lR=m# = SIR §dr4tr2(EPV " - i )±- ri - in T )


    Var ) = Vcr )

    fdtndtrdrsfizf }q=fd3md3vz (EPVWI " ) . , ) fd }r,d}n , (e-

    PVC 'T "l, )

    d ' "

    =§d}nd}n (EPVMMHD

    2htwo connected


    =v2(§irc#r(e- ever.DZ 88

    fdkid 'm


    , fnf , ]

    = fdtndmdhr } ( EPVCMN . , ) ( e-PVCM " )

    - , )=

    SIR Skeske . . .


    ,IR - lrnlrztir } one connected- = V ftp.fd#.. . component¢ , = RI . us f §\o¢ - ri - Nz because of Translationinvariance , the integrand isindependent of The center - of - masscoordinate and There is alwaysone factor of fd3R=V for

    every connected


  • we are ultimately interested in F , not Z :

    F= - Kot hit = - KIN hµt , th [ it ft eflotf of

    + . - ' ]


    97 7ideal gas =fo

    connected disconnectedgraphs graph= to + 8 +

    flotf It . . ÷( 8+86+58 . , . . .5+ . .

    = to + of + fb + EE - { 82 + . . .

    But 88 = q÷, [ v soodrhtriceevatht

    ( 8j=##2vCdr← ceevaty'

    so The contribution of The disconnected diagrams vanish , atleast if we include graphs only up to two ling

  • We 'll proof it using The " replica trice ? '

    lnZ = lim ZNR . 1

    %→o Trnumber of



    ZNR can be computed as The partition function of a"

    replica" system consisting of NR copies ( replicas ) of The

    original system , i.e. , a gas with NR different

    species ofparticles with The same mass and interactions . Particles

    of different species don't interact with each other :

    index of Thereplica



    - SII,d3m :.sn#II.diie.d3mi...sII.d3rYed3mYr

    * e-P[{ , EI + E. varied t.E.lt#n+.E.varinrB+-

    replica I replica 2.

    - partition function of a system made of NRreplicas of the original system .

  • We can now perform The cluster expansion on The replicasystem . We get The same graphs as in the original theory

    e¥pt the bubbles representing the particles may come fromdifferent replica :


    6 Eta §

    or f on °replica indices ,

    not particle indices


    only Thing That cannot happen is a line between

    different replicas as there is no potential between replicas( Vcvi

    '. it) =o )

    % ordinates

    of particlesbelonging to

    different replicas

    The consequence of this is that any graph in The

    replica Theory equals The graph in The original onemultiplied by a factor of NF , where a is Thenumber of )

    connected components of the graph :

    § ¥3 " R § ) f- other NR f- /

    ff# miff , . . .

  • Thus,

    hrZ = lim Zl±µR→0 NRreplica

    = lim 1+gvaph=

    NR→° NR.

    turnout,["rcoatlohnfiatttnryfwothsonwphatdt]connected graphs( = connected graphs .

    This is called The

    " linked cluster Theorem"

    Versions of the linked cluster theorem appear in several diagrammatic

    expansions and can be proved by similar means . They all havethe form :

    E connected graphsE all graphs



    EXAMPLE : hand sphere gas to 2¥ order ( first beyond ideal

    gas ) in The cluster expansion .

    molecules have

    00 , r < a

    analog:÷kae: " r ' :{ •

    , na

  • F = . uat bµyp - " at I. v at Fdr r2 (Et

    - at §dr r'

    = - Ija= - volume excluded

    by one molecule

    I - of

    = - Rest In ¥3 + KBT zN÷,÷ up N÷ ice

    fractionof volumeexcluded

    equation of state : P = - 0£ f ,µ = KBT Nj + guy ro KBT

    = eat if [ 1 + qtr \ first Term ofan expansion in powers

    of Nw

  • since f- [ +÷ro+ ... ]± 6. +0K¥' ) ,

    The l± correction corresponds To a reduction of the volume , as

    expected on physical grounds for a repulsive hand coreinteraction .



    Let us illustrate The low T expansion using the ZD Isingmode :

    o O

    H = - J E





    links & %

    0 T son over links ;•



    • J > 0favor aligned only nearest neighbors% in each site of nearest neighbor interacta ZD square lattice spinsThere is a jitl or . I


    .(called " spins

    " )

    - PH PJE oisj

    Z = E e = { e lines

    [ Gi ) { si }5

    Sum over all

    spin configurations

    Eis" of " £±i


    The state with the smallest energy is The one with all

    sit +1 ( or all 5i= - l ) . The state with The secondlower energy has all spins 5 ;

    =+l except for onesingle one with ( oiit ) . One could expect That , atlow enough Temperature , The state wl the smallest energy

    will dominate the sum in Z . After that , The secondlargest contribution would come from the states with

  • The second lowest energy and so on . Let us Then break up

    The sum in Z in That order :

    z = E LJ€ixF"

    flipping all

    His spins giveconfig . WI sameenergy

    =E2*T€| + v( iesj



    . ]d


    mu seesspain's up * ¥



    * :*:* .to At Y $* § *• • • • •

    • • •

    • • • •

    • • • • • • • •

    • a •

    0 • co

    o o • •

    0 a •

    0 0 •• • • •

    • • • • • • • a •


    • •

    • • • a

    • • • •

    • • •


    • • • •

    0 0 0• • • •

    • • o •

    It's better To draw only the " broken " links ( The ones between

    spins up and down ) !

    z=eeIi[into .ie?i*EEt:*i#tikidkkw..tit

  • Each graph corresponds to an expression according to the rules :

    . . . - ( each ) €3 , EZPJbroken link

    combinatorial factor i⇒op # of ways The graph can be embeddedin the lattice

    we can use the low T expansion To compote other quantitiesbesides Z

    . For instance

    , The Itkin i

    ( Jo Jotr )

    = 1-

    T F Z £ , Bar e-



    80 or Jar

    spin at TWO sprung flippedpoints separatedby R ± (etssjz [ ¥

    + z ¥85 + . . . ]÷ eTJz[ 1 tv I 8ft + . . . ]± 1 + OC E8PJ ) .

    ± and 5o+R

    Correlated even at

    large R

    Of course , the low T expansion can be generalized To manyother models




    Again , we use The ZD Ising model . First we write The Boltzmann


    = ashes ( vanishes )=⇐F;




    z - ,§ ,

    EP " . gq

    , e@Exs0i0s-ggyI.soshpJCitsi8tshpJI-CcoshPJJggint.s

    ( It oiostshes )it

    for every linkThere's a Term wl " I


    and another w/ " gisstghpj"


    AT hight, sir ; TGHPJ < < I

    = @shetJf+vHps5' +zv@he⇒6+6v#pt8tu÷tshpFt . . . )

    µ] Di

    Mi #:

    D Dlinks where

    D t.fi#the oisjtghpjwas chosen

    fief €t

  • Notice that graphs where an odd number of lines meet


    , L ,


    .. .

    always vanish since

    # = gF± , £± , 902 TSHPJ


    k↳ = ¥± , of ± , § , ⇒ , 54+545 XBBHPJ = o¥f? ' %{,a

    , a 4424434,40452 ESHPJJ =o

    a oz

    Jq , jell

    At high T ( KAT D J ), PJ ( < I , TGHPJ KI and

    the larger The number of lines in a graph , the smallest itscontributions .

    IT turns out that only connected graph contribute Tobut ( or F ) . This version of The linked cluster Theoremcan be proved , again , using the replica trick .

    Let us use the high T expansion To compute the

    spin - spin correlation :

    ( 50 60+12 )

    p q = ¥ EQ , Is ( ' +99

    tshps ) roar .

    spins atTwo sites separatedby R

  • Since now there's an extra 5 and ftp. The non - vanishing Theterms coming from sir ; tghfj should now have an o± numberof 5 's at The sites O and OTR . For instance ,


    comes from ( ltsisj Tghfj )

    = e@heD5


    disconnected grphs like



    cancel in The ratio ( Aso , , ) ÷ lzgg , ago , , IP#=

    # t.I.t.ro " "DtD+ . . .( . - tart . . . ) ( It

    Dt Edt . . . )= ftp.T

    = - .

    + •-h• + . . .

    The dominant contribution is given by the graph connecting 0 and OTRwith The smallest number of links ( consequently , the smallest power

    of TSHPJ c < l ) : as

    ( a . for ) = • .=o

    ~ (tghps)R~(psJ= e

    ' RhettTo Gotti /

    R links


    w| distance

    This form of the correlation indicates Thet far away spinsare decorated

    , as opposed To The low T limit where theymove Together .

  • duality As you may have notice , The combinator .es of the graphs-

    in the low and high Temperature expansion is similar .

    In fact , The high T graphs on the deft the one formedby the plaquelts ) are in one - to - one correspondence with the low T

    graphs in the original lattice



    x x



    •=•÷• ×


    × ×

    × . --0-9

    . x×


    * ×


    61.-6 ××

    .no X


    × ×. - # -* x ×. . -

    Q. -




    '' toad × ×

    Kol x××←gx


    × x × × ××


    fxtxtxgx 1

    k¥ceoriginal originallattice dual latticelatethe duel lattice of a

    ZD square lattice is

    another ZD square lattice

    This relation between diagrams means That there is a relation

    between the partition function at some value of p and the

    partition function at another value of p :

    zip )


    ( EHYT [ 1 + v(deT4




    + " . ]



    zcf ) =

    [ it v Hp's) + . . . ]

  • so we find That :

    zcp )e2M . ¥1


    = TSHFJ.

    (coshpjyzv with

    If p is large ( lowt ) , F is small ( high F) and vice . versa .This relation


    called Kvamevs - Wauuier duality , allows us tofind The low T behavior of The system if the high T behavior

    is known ( and vice - versa ) . In general , the dual of amodel is a different model . The ZD Ising model is dual To

    itself or self.de# . The dual of the 3D Ising model on acubic late

    , for instance , is dual To the Zz - gauge modelalso in a cubic lattice

    . This is perhaps the simplest example

    of a duality in stat neck . ( field Theory .As we will see later , There is a value of Ptpc at which

    ZCP ) is not analytic . That means That Z ( § ) should also not beanalytic at The corresponding f=§c . But The power series of ZCP )

    in EZPJ is identical to The expansion of ZCF ) in tghfjso Their radius o§ convergence is The sane and Pc=Fc .Using duality we can find pc=§c :


    = tghfcs =tshfJa←

    e- ZRJ = EFJ - e- FJ÷- + @PcJ


    #fc .-

    Pc = ¥ hc HK ) .This Temperature is The critical

    Temperature below which The spinsare ordered .

  • b }y+4 ,)

    tbs by' i )

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