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THE DAILY DISPATCH.' Taes«ls|r Wsrslsg, May It, IWT."""

| From the New Tort Ledger |LINK).

As dietaat lands beyond the sea,When friend* |0 thease. draw eigb.

Bo Heaven, when frisads havs thither gone,Draws nearer from the sky.

And ss those lands the desrer (row,When friends are lone swsy-

So Heaven itself, thron.h loved ones eesa,Orows dearer day by d*y-

Heevea is net fsr from those whoseeWith the pore

Bet near sn.i in the very heartsOf those who see argil Q gT|>AITJanaary, t»M-


IT EMMA D. K. SOUTHWORTH,a.thnrof "The Lost Helreae,' "The Deserted Wife,"AathoM>f

# |MID( Brlde< .. . Retribution," etc.


It was the first of May, the marriage day ofthe Viscount Montreasor, of Montressor Castle.Dorsetshire, and Estelle, the only daughter andbeiress of SirParke Moreile, Hyda Hall, Devon-shire. *

A glorious morning! the cloudless blue sky srciN«d down upon the green bills, and dewy dales anddeep wood* of Devon; and the park aronnd theHall was ill alive and musical, with tbe joyoussongs of biid«. and tbe merry laughter of youngmen aad maidens gathering to celebrate theirMay-day festival, aad to do honor to themarriageof their landlord's daughter.

Theelm-shaded, winding avenuethat led fromtbe highway to the house, was arched at each ter-minus by a mammoth wreath of flowers, and ma*ny were tbe carriages that p»s<ed under them, ontheir way to aa«ist at the wedding; and thesecontained only tbe bridesmaids, and the nearestfriends andrelatives of the family, whoserelationship or position gave them theright to attend thebride to church?for a still more numerous partybad been invited to meet her at tbe altar. Tbevillagers and tenants, grouped about under theahade of tbe great old trees, or wandering overtbe greensward on either side of the avenue,watched tbese equipages as they rolled on, com-menting as usual on such occasions.

"Oh?dear me < the weddingers won't pass tillnearly twelve! and bera we are to wait twomortal hours I" said a young girl to the game-keeper.

"Hush I mydarling, look, here cornea hit Lord-?hip's carriage itaeif, jait as sure as you're tbeprettiest lass inlie country "

It iraji Lord Montressor's carriage.Early that morniag, a note from his affianced

bride bad been put In his taods, summoningh mto a private conference with ber at the Hall, beforetbey should proceed to tbe church. Surprised andtilled with vague uneasiness, his lordship lost notime in obeying the bebtat

Within the moat recludeJ of her suite of richlyfurnished apartments at tbe old Hall, half buriedin tbe deptba of a cushioned chair, reclined thebride expectant, in bridal array.

She was alone, ber attendants having, by herown desire, withdrawn.

Ettelle Morelle?or "la belle Estelle," " Beau-tiful Stella," " tbe MidnightStar"?as, for ber resplendent dark beauty, she was poetically named?was at tbia time twenty-five yeara of age, andmore lovely tban a poet's or an artist's ideal. Herform was of medium height, and very slender,though well-rounded, with a graceful head, overwhich fell rich masses of jet black silken ringlets,shading a face of pure, pale olive complexion withlarge mournful dark eyes, habitually veiled bytbe long, drooping lashes, and delicate, thoughfull, curved lips, ever patientlyclosed as lu silentresignation The prevailing expression of herdark, brilliant countenance was a profound mel-ancholy.

Tbe announcementof Miss Morelle's approach-ing marriage with the Viscount Montressor badcreated a profound sensation in the fashionableand aristocratic circles. A peerless beauty, theonly child and heiress of the oldest, wealthiest and

. haughtiestbaronet in tbe West of England, berbaart bad been as much the objectof aspiration totbe youthful and ardent, as her hand and fortunehad been the end of desire to tbe mercenary andambitious

At the early age of seven years, Estelle had beenplaced at one of the first-class female institutionsof learning at Paris, then aa now, consideredamong tbe very best of their kind in the world,and there had been left to remain until her six-teenth year, when tbe sudden and calamitousbreaking up of tbe institution, and ber own severeIllness, had occasioned her removal That illnesshad been attended with marked changes in the con-stitution and Umperament of the young girl.

Estelle, previously tne most careless, light-hearted and capricious of children, left ber cham-ber of convalescence a subdued, thoughtful,melancboly woman! The laughing lips of girlhoodclosed in patient sadness; the sparkling eyessheathed their beams under long, shadowy lashes,now seldom lifted ; the silvery, elastic voice, sankinto deep and thrillingtonee; thefree, glad moronswere measured and controlled.

She never entered another school, bat comple-ted her education nnder the best masters, at home.To dis ipate what was considered a transientmelancholy, her parents traveled with her overEurope, pausing at each capital and chief town,toshow her all that was interesting and instructive.But though their daughter repaid their attentionswith the sweetest gratitude, and obeyed them withthe gentlest docility, she showed no interest Inthe passing scenes. And though everywhere herextreme beauty and sweetness of disposition, notless than her fortune and position, drew aroundher many friend* aud admirers, Estelle remainedalone In her isolated thoughtsand feelings. Everymost distinguished physician in Europe had beenconsulted upon her case, and the result of theirwisdom was a decision that this melancholy wasnpt the effect of ill health, still less of secret sor-row, but that it was a constitutional phase thatwould probablypass away with maturingyears.

They returned to England presented theirdaughter at court, and introduced her into all thegaieties of fashionable life. Bat with no happyeffect upon the spirits of Estelle, who remainedprofoundly,unmoved amid the eclat that greetedher debut Her picturesque beauty was the themeof all tongues?her mournful glance was fascina-ting?her deep tones thrilling?her touch magnetic;all felt her power, yet she who could move allothers, remained unimpressed She who soughtneconquests, for that very reason, perhaps,mademany. A peer and two commoners, in succession,laid their fortunes at her feet, and were in tarnkindlyand firmly rejected

So passed her first season,in London, at theclose of which her par eats took her down to theiraeat in Devonshire. Here, in her thoughtful, quietunostentatious manner, the engaged iu works cfbenevolence among tbe villagers and the tenantry.And her father, hoping much from this employ-ment, gave her full liberty of action, and smiledto seethat she seemed less pensive thanbefore.At the beginning of tbe parliamentary term,toe family went np to London.And It was here in her aecond season in townthat Estelle formed tbe acquaintance of LordMontreuor, a young nobleman but lately aoced-ed to his titles and eitatee, but already known as? maa of the most high toned moral and intellec-tual excellence as a righteous, as wall a* arisingstatesman, and as one who in tbe event of aebuteof m nlstry, would be likely to fill a highofficial position in Hla majesty's cabinet. Asidefrom tbe glare of rank and wealth and power,Obarlee Montressor was a glorious specimen cftoe Creator a workmanship Above tbe averagestandard of height among his countrymen, broad*shouldered and deepcheated, with a noble head,and a face full of wi*dom and goodness, h's ap-pearance truly indicated the warm benevolence,clear intelligence, andpure spirit of tbe man. His


presence soon inspired Estelle with a faith thateke had not been able to ieel in any other thatapproached her. He drew nearer te her thanany other had been permitted to come: be croaa-«n»gic circle of ber isolation, and con*I,Br *\u25a0 00 other bad been allowed toT£® worW looked and said that the beautiful, i u ' me' ber master and waa con.qoerea.

,Uf? affairs, the parliamentary tennKsrslrtrfis""*"* "d "?

thUeß *° r k ' d *nd permission

£ "d,

n than a month availedin the hLi »

Pk10 d 0 80 Thn» **

tainad s£?!L!i h,er "*??»". after having ob-

believin*'anctl?n ber parents, and

daughter LordM,/?'* £ * ffecllonß of tbelrband t?\bis heart andastonishment E, *elle ' aDd "M to his profound«&Vhu U°wV Dd 6rml * rejected I Inbraving hi* t *ke wept long and bitterlvthe happiness (be hadhave betr> v«i hl* «>clety should»»d beeeecLnir hhL this declaration,leave renew "It: but to

??\u25a0te be would notto tiSliihigh-toned senti-

I*"*. toveea UltovTy«|U*

inaulre the mum of the rejection, wblch you bin\u25a0rii-1-* rtghi M wki wiiboat MrtgnlH *a|

r?«oo fir the act And after having receivedtkis repulse.I may not Inhonor distress yen by arenewal of my suit. But this, In partin*, I nutMy to yon?that, though I go heuee, I shall notgo not of the roach of yonr friends; I shall neversddress another woman; ao if ever In the coarseof future weeks, or months, or years, howeverlong, yon may think proper ta review the deci-sion of this evening, Stella, I Imploreyon to letme know! Write but one word, 'Gome,' and Iwill return to lay an unchanged heart at yourfeet!"

Eatelle was weeping too bitterly to reply."Rteila! will you promise to do this)""Lord Montressor, best and dearest friendl do

not seek to bind yourself to one who can giveyon nothing in return! Try to think of the mel-ancholy girl thatyou havepittied and loved?onlyas a shadow that fell for a moment across the sun-shine of your path,and then passed awayforever!?and so forget her!"

"BtellAl I btT6 my bonor n?T®r to n-new this suit, unless yon reverse in my favor thesentence you have pronounced upon it; hut, in-spired by the deep and dea'.bless love 1bear you,and 'hoping sgsiost hope.'l feel Impelled to implore before leaving yon, tfca% in the event of afavorable change of sentiment orpurpose towardsme you win not hesitate to give me leave to return Stella, will you promise me so much asthat?"

??Noblest fri»nd that I have in the world! howgladly wonld I promise, but I must not, Montres-sor. Wf re Ito do so, you would feel bonnd towait the changes of tny m >od, and so, for a mostundeserving love, might miss in come nobler womsn's sffecuons, the bappines-> in store for you!"

"Stella, will yon rai<e your sweet, mournfuleyes to mine, one moment, that you may read mysoul while I *peak»"

Est lie lifted her dirk orb* to meet the clear,pare, blue eyes bent so much love aod candorupon hers, an i read the deep, unchanging truth ofth» conetancy of h's soul as he «aid?

"Stella, in the presence of the heart searchingGod whosees srd bears me, I assure you that Ishall never love another woman as 1 love yon, and,therefore, of course, can never wed another; sothat whether yon give me this slightest of hopesor not, lam equallyand forever bound! Now willyou promise, Stella ? Remember, it i* only to letme know in case of a change in your sentiments."

For an instant the light of an unutterable loveand joy broke on her beantifnl, dark face, and hersmiling lips parted to speak?when?as if a sud-den and warning had gripped her verybesrt? Bbe uttered a low, sharp cry, turned palerth«n before, and said?

"No! n->! my Lord ! Ste la csnnot even givevon that! She is poorer tban the poorest, in giftst> you! She can only pray that you may forgettier and be happy."

He looked profoundlydisappointed and troubled,Bui soon mastering his despondency he said hope*fully?

"Well, dearest Stella, although you reject mewithout apparent reason, and refuse to give methe slightest promise or the most distant hope, yetI repeat ?should you in the long futnre, changeyour purpose, and write to me one word?'Come,'I will hasten to lay at your feet an unchangedb 'art! Good bye! God be with you !' and raisingnerhand, be bowed over it, pressed it to his lips,turned and left the room.

Some moments after Lady Morelle, who came toseek and congratulate her daughter upon what sheimagined to be the only possible result of tbe in*t»rview- fund Ea elle ly n; in a swoon upon tbefloor I It war" followed by a long and terrible UNneap, termiuaiijg in a tediously protracted convale-scence. Tbe town season «« at band beforeEg*telle was able to re-enter society.

Tbe; wentup to London, auu ?uee mora the "» arof beauty" areas upon iti world And though theclond upon her life settled darker and heavier, da; b;day,she was mora followed, flattered and courted thanbefore.

Thui three years had pasted awaywhea one morn-ing. whil» the famii;, then oceup;in§ their townhouse in Bsrkslev Square, were »e«ted at a lit"breakfast, and Mr Farke was engaged in readingaloudfrom the London Times, an account of the taring oft'm French Ship?Lc Due TfAnjou- wrecked off th'coatt of Algieri -KtteUe uttered alow cry,and tankfainting from her teat.

This at tact was not, as tbe other bad been, followed b; illneu; on tbe contrary from that day. tbecioad seemed 111 ed fronf ber head, and even thosewho had most admired her fieein its shadow, wereenchanted to sse how brilliant was ber beauty in itssucshine ! Herhealth andsti.its daily Improved, vetin the midst of ail this flowing tide of new life, Es-telleastoniibed her friends I>7 sudden);, in tbe heightof the London season, retiring to her fithet's countryseat, where she remained instrict aeolriion from theworld for eighteen months.

At the end cf this period. Lord Montresior, who hadnever left England, or lost 'rase ofhia beloved Stel.a,and who was now staying atbis castlein Dorsetshire,was one cay seated at breakfast, when the morningmail was broughthiu. Among aseore cf letters, thefirst that attracted his attention was a dainty whiteenvelope superscribed in a delicate handwriting Hetook up that first and opened it?it contained butoneword?"Come."

The lignt of an ineffable joy broke over bil face ! ?Oh! he had wai.ed patiently, hopefully, years forthat word,and at last hn received Jt. Thanks to hea-ven inthe fitst inatance! and then pushingail the oth-er letters unopened nidx he spiuDgup, rang for hisvalet, and ordered his valise packed and horses pnttothe carriage

In twenty more minuteshe bad reached the railwaystation, jost as ihe cars were about to start, and inthree hours he waiat Hyde Hall and s'anmng in thep-esence of Estelle ! she looking so beautiful andhaPDy.

With the old ebivalric enthusirim of devotion, hedropped, at onoe, upon his knee, and raised her bandto his saying?

"For four years I have hoped and waited for oneword from y»u, and at last, beloved, you have writ-ten?'Come,' and I am at your feet, as 1 have said,with a> unchanged heart!"

"But I. ' she salt*, rteeplv blushing, while she heldboth hands to raise,"I, myLord, have notan un-changed heart! for longer than four years 1 haveloved you more tnan woman's tongua may tell- andnever more, than at the hour in which we bade fire-well, as t thought, forever!"

"I I now It, beloved! knew it then.' knew It alwciyi! 1 never doubted it! Could I be deceived inthe dear heart of the woman I loved! No! andtba'. was the secr6t of my patience!" he rolled,takinghis seat on the s l'a'y heraide

"And yet you n?ver inquirad,and do not even nowi- quire, why, without aty explanationand wi iuuthope, 1 tent you from my presence, and why now,without apparent retson, 1 summon yon baek !" shesaid, as a shade of the oldsadness fell upon her beautifdl face

' Your motives, dearest, were, and are your ownNot until yonr spirit moves ytu to dj so, shall yougive to'me! I have full confidence in you,beautf >1 Stella!"

"Confidenceoh my God she exclaimed in a low,deep, tmilling voice"Why, what is the matter, dearest V'She looked up suddenly, a smile of worshipping

love, breaking like sunlight over her dark face, andsaid ?

"Nothing, nothing, my lord! but that all yourthoughts and feelings are so elevated beyond yourpoor Estelle's! And yet she would almost chooseit *o ! fjr cculd she be an angel, she would wish youto bn lome hing higher?a god!"

"Sweet enthusiast! moderate your aspirations, orthe world and its people will disappoint you! Benot an idolater; worship only God, myStella."

Such was their meeting !Yet, ocauional y,throughout the interview, a sud-den shadow like the recurrence of a painful thought,would fall upon her bright fees and than pass as itcame.

They were engaged, and within a few days themarriage was announced to take place on tbe first ofMay.

But It was obaetved by tbe nearest friends of thebride, that from the day of her|betrethal, ber spiritshad been marked by the strangest fluctuationsSometimes with her beautiful dark face, illuminedwith a deep, still almost religious jey,she movedabout, as it were, on "winged feet," or sat broodingin a happy trance. At other times, she fell into deepgloom and anxiety, as inexplicable as it was alarm-ing toher friends, wbo greatiy feared her relapse intotbe deep melancholy that had so long overshadowedher, and that they had grown to dread as a seriousoonstitu.ional malady. Buf they hoped everythingfrom her apprteebi»g marriage with the man sheloved. Lord Montressor ofcsarved with the deepestinterest 'be- uncertain moods of his betrothed, butwith tbe high toned sentiments that diatingaishtdbim refrained from inquiring, and awaited har volun-tary revelations.

At last the firtt of May, tba marriage day, uponwhich I have presented tbe parties to the reader, arrivsd. and sll the haut ton, ai I said, were gathered attbe Hall or at the Church to do hjnor to tha solem-nities.

And the expeotant bride, in her bridal robe endveil, waited within ber boudoir the arrival of tbabridegroom, whom she had summoned to a privateinterview before they should proceed to the church.She had not long to wait. He who quicklyrespond-ed to her slighest inclination, Immediatelyobeyedher cell.. Yet when she heard his firm elastic step approachini- -

' Now, God heve mercy on mt!" she prayed, andcovered her faoe with her handsentered, unannounced, and saying,'My beantifei Italia! I am beie, you perceive, by

ycur eommandi!"ehe dropped ber hands, and revealing a faee, pale

tone*ry' , Poll# ,n ? thrflllag,deep, impassioned

"You are here bymv plication my lord! I haveneright tocommand 'f

?st iteVa? " tkllt! W ktt 11 7°" wUI. ?» 'ear-Prayer, my lord- ia first, for your forgive-

'y*rijitencti?~mj Stelle!""Af- my dear loro! job .«? Ha for. ,oo ? penitent

mor/w^uhlS^'1' " ,008 U ,ometb,B « {ar"My Built! wbatjnaaayon? '

C«m« to tfea *iMo«, Lord Mootrtwoi!" aha Midpraaadlng him "Look oat " aha eoniton-tha roaa aolorad bao|ia«a, and ta-T*ailß|» riaw of U* park baler, a lira with tti rNt*

las* multitude. "WUttn all these people welting

theyfor which I also w«t»,tieeee'" ba aeeweied. while ? deep neahiwwtoaadJyTfor ~» iMtut' .wpplM** tna aaxi.ty oa hi.

Th.ywatt tosee a bride psss. » bftde «'Jnever (> " aha laid. In a aolernn roiaa.

?ateiUl gr«»t Heaven! what .ay yon?'' ha exclaim-ad gazing on har with profound astonishment-Ihat tba brlda »hay expect 1« aaworthy to .Uadbefore Got'* holy altnr betide Lord Montreceoi

WS&JSffmSSp- *">?*»«uma, and dropping har head la attUada thada spate misery. ' 1 *ho«id havelon* ago, Lord Mon*tre*eor; bat 1 have deoeivedyou~l havedeceived v-i v«Id what respeot, Steila? My Clod. 11cannot be! NoIt cannot ba! that while betrothed to ma, yon do not

\u25a0'Not ioot you! Ch! my dear lord. " she murmured,in a voioa of thrilling teudemi* thatearned convic-tion of har truth to his deepest heart

''What mean you then, deareat one . if Indeed yonreturn my deep lora." , ,

"Oh! i do. I do, Montreseor; whatever happen*,wherever you go. take that awnrsnoe with jot! Ilove yon, my lord! (hail e*er love you, even thoughevenafter wbat I (ball have told yon,yon repulseand hata ma, and go to our friend* and say f hatwoman whom 1 vu about to wed, l* but a whtttensepulchre, wHm I have proved, and whom IMWrejeei'-and ie .eneme to thescorn of men,etlll Issy?«ver (ball «ay?l lore you, Lard Montressor! 1love you. and the cootciouineee of being unworthyofyoerlovei# the bitteieet element is my punishwent," shetaid inavoioe of such profjuna mneiy,

thet Lord Montreieor could scarcely continue to be-lieve her agitation unfounded or exaggerated

lie dropped npen a seat, and litiing ??-ill and whitem & curved irnnge cl" »tone, gazed uptn her, waitingher further communications

| Tbe above is all of this beautiful and highly in-teresting story thatwill be publishedIn our column*.We give thi* a* a sample. The continuation of itcan be fcucd only in the New York Ledger, thegreatfamily weekly paper, fer wblch tba most popularwriters in the country contiibute, and which can befound atall thestores throughout the city and coun-try, where papers are sold Remember to **k for IhoNew York ledger of Maj.3o, and in it you will gettbe continuation of the story from where it leavesetf here. Jf you cannot get a copy at any news of-fice, thepubiiiherof tbe Ledger will mail you acopyon receipt of five cent* Fanny Fein writes onlyfor theNew York Ledger; Sylvano* Cobb Jr., write*only fjr it; Emers jn Bennett writes only for it; andnearly all the eminent wi iters in the country, suchas Mrs. Sigourney, Mrs. Emma D E. N. Southworthand Alice Carer, contribute regularly to its columns.Mrs. Bculhwo:tli will write for n# other paper here-after. Geo D. Prentice, Esq.. of tbe Louisville Jour-nal, prepares tbe Wit and Bumor Department intho Ledger. It is mailed to subscribers at $2 a year,or twocopies *3. Address Robert Bonner, publish-er, 4-1 Ann street, New York. It i*the faand*cme*tand belt family paper in the country, elegantlyillua-trated, and characterized by a high moral tone J

TIN, SUKKT IKON ANJ» UAH FIT--1 TING ESTABLISHMENT, THIRTEENTHSTREET, BETWEEN MAIN AND CARY.?Thesubscriber isfully prepared to do all kinds of work,in the above business, with dispatch; and returnsthanks to his numerouspatrons for past favors, andsolicits a continuance of the same. Being a masterof his business, he can promise bis customers thatall work done by himwill, at least, be equal to anyother house in the city, and fully a* aheap?a factknown to all persons who know what good work is.

ROOFING, GUTTERING, kt.?He is preparedto execute this description o' work in a very supe-rior manner, both in town andr 'intry.

TIN WARE?Always on hand, a large and gene-ral assortment of Tin Ware, wholesale and retail.

GAS FITTING?He is likewise prepared to doall kinds of Gas Fitting in the best manner.

PUMPS?He keeps always on handa large nndextensive stock of Well and Garden Pumps.


XX The subscribers continue to manufacture Agricultural Machines and Implements, of the mo»t ap-proved patterns and superior workmanship. Theyask attention to "Cardwell's Horse Power andThre»ber," single and doubled geared, with Separa-tor if required, which have taken a premium at

every fair at whioh they have been exhibited.ALSO,

Croskill's Clod CrusherManny's ImprovedReaper and Mower, the best

in useRich's iron Beam Plow, highly improvedSeymour & Bages Broad Cast Grain SowersMagic Corn and Cob Mill, an excellent machineReynold's Wheat Fans, and several other pat-

ternsCorn Shelters, Hand and Horse Power, from $10

to $35Hay Presses; Wheat Drills; Corn Planter*Cider Mills; Grain Cradles; Hay Rakes; HarrowsGrain Gleaners; Tobacco Mil's, &c. fee

BALDWIN, C4RDWELL & CO.,ap 4?dßm No. 148 Mainst, Richmond.



every variety, for the whole leg, calf, ankle andknee

MATTSON'B COMPACTENEMAS, the most use-ful and convenient Instrument in use

DR TURNBULLB EYE GLASSES, and all therare preparations used and prescribed by him, torsale at MEADE & RAKER'SNew Pharmaceutical and Family Medicine Store,

my 7?d!tc2w 186, N. W cor Main and 10th at*

INSTKUMKNTS and AP-PLIANCES, in every variety.MEDICINE CHESTS, for Physicians and Fatal

lie*.PHYSICIANS' SADDLE BAOS, of several pat-

tern!RARE and NEW CHEMICALS and PHARMA-CEUTICAL PREPARATIONS, with a complete\u25a0tock of Fresh and Reliable DRUGS, MEDICINES,&c., for ««ie at MEADE it BAKER'S,j New Pre-cription and Family Meiilleine St-re,

my 7 ditc2w 186, N. W. tor. Main and 10th*ti.OINTAIN TOP.?This delightful sum-mar resort (not having been sold. a* wu con-

templated,) will be again opened for the accommo-dation of visitor* daring the approaching *eaaon un-der the supervision of Mrs. LIPSCOMB, and will beready fer the reception of company by the Ist ofJune next.

MountainTop, Augastaco.Va,)May 4th. 1857 5 my ?tlsJe


Messrs. FELDBURG It CO. having purchasedthepatent right for the above celebrated article, for theatate of Virginia, havfe opened an office ov»r John FJackson's Drug Store. No 17 Main street,where theyhave a lot of RADICAL CURf. TRUSS Al! per-sons who are suffering from Rupture are invited tocall and examine the article, by so doingtheymayfind c rtain relief from one of the most painful anddangerous diseases.

Physicians are respectfully requested to call andexamine the above article

Tbis TRUSS was patented De0.23, 1856, beingan entirely new article, and will keep back, and posi-si iveiy cure the worst form of rupture,where thedirections are followed, and at the same time can beworn with the utmrxtcomfoit. Iti* Ihe easiest andmost comfortable Tiuss ever introduced.

my 11?lm\[UTIt;K.-Tbe subscriber hut) not Holdi 1 out, a* reported, neither intend* doing so; buthaa removed his office from the Bason to 18th street,south side of the Dock, *nd i* prepared to attendpromptly to all orders from his friends and the pub-lic. for ANTHRACITE and BITUMINOUS COAL,OAK and PINE WOOD.

BAML. P. HAWES,ap 25?dim 18th t., (outhmde of the Doek.

BKL.L.KVUE HUHPITAli.?Thin loetltutloii 1* (ltuated on Church Hill, Richmond, Va.,

In a delightful,airy position, and i* furnished withevery convenience conducive to the comfort of pa-tient* and the *u*ee*sful treatment of disease.TheLying-in Ward* are peculiarly commodious.

The underiigned give their personal attendance toall patient* placed under thair charge.TERMS:

Colored Patient* $5 per weekWhitee 6 " "

Private accommodations 7to 10 "

These rates embrace all charge* for Board, Med!-lcinej, and Medical and Surgical attendance.tW No Small Pox admitted.

PHYSICIANS:JAMES BOLTON, M. D.,\u25a0race itreet, between 4th and Hk.

C. 8. MIL!.B, M. D.,11th street, between Broad and Marshall.R.T. COLEMAN,M. D.,

Corner of 4th and Oraee *trests.Resident Physician?Dr. WOOD. jn I?6mIVIOTItH TO COUNTRY MJCXCHANTM

AND THE CITY TRADE.--Having discon-tinued our Evening Sale*. we will cell, privately,daily, in lots to *ult purchase.-*, thebalance of a veryheavy itock of Watshc* and Jewelry remaining nn-?old. at very low prices, in order that we may be ableto render sale* a* *oon a* potsible. Country mer-chants and tbe citizen* generally are invited to ex-amine our (took. LARU?* k SHINE,

ap 27?1* 74 Main *treet.

'PWU H)IALL (iUOtKRY MTOHKB ON1 CARY, NEAR TO lftrii STREET. FOR SAL* .We are autharized to *ell two small GROCERYSTOKES, located a* above, bounded on the East bySpruce Alter ; on the Writ' by the lumber bou*« ofMeur*. E Worthnri t Co. A bargain will be told,if Immediate application ia made. Apply to



MERCHANT, WEISIOER k CO. have tbi* dayreceived, par excreta, a nice aaaurtment of SummerClotbieg; aometnlng reailv baadaome In the way ofHummerCoat*, Pant* and Ve* I*, cnt and made in tbelateit and best manner, which tbry pledge them\u25a0elves to sell at the verv Inweet p-iee


pi»KlNl(HTa|t!« *ld WATKH fOUL-Jn. ERi| Tin gets; Ma Rack*. For sal* atJOl Broad itrtat- STEBBiNS k PULLEN.


is. wasa inn**mai* muurr, iirwiw awafp jn;\u25a0«m


sssr&zs.'.ssaashs!l? Fto* Pram* \u25a0 awarded by the Meehealerf U

er-VA-rUrV pir»l \u25a0oriaty of Virginia

jr.MoaToii, m. m.LaU of Farmville-) (Lata of Cambarlaad »,)

j otmrm *la«toh,M(Of < Cumberland eountv.)oßToni.AuniomD * co, e»Mission M«».cHAWT*,oppoalto Bhoakoo Wara-

house Richmond, Va.. will *lve spaeial attention tothTsslOof all kind Ioi FRODUCfiTand to any othorbn*ineA entrurtod to them.


am»i,iß*nAL (OVAi*!ii madaoa Prodma, althwIn eash or Ouano. da I»?disOrti


CT H ile '?«" H»ne* rrerj BATUKDA Y.rnh .3 i?to

"s .lUN F. SOLUSIUN wkdlvsale dealerJ and WUlow Ware, MaUefalldeecriptii >ns, Refrijerators, Rope, Cordaf«, Yankee

from Rial mend on tho moat favorable terms.\u25a0o 28? 6m

u.a. *1 iiDoroaD, i. tihliinn,rUXUM MATTHIW*.B^S'ifiS^STJ^-OSSS

Rtebmon 1. Va.bT COOK, dt CO.. AUCTIONEERS

. NO. 70 MAIN STREET, offer their services tothe publiia* Auctioneer* for the sale of Real Estate,Furniture , Groceries, Dry Good*, Horse*, Cattla, t*.,at theshe rteat netiae and upon the moat reasonable

large and aommodioa* room* they will re*

aeive goodaforMleetprtoatowslswlthomttaeehera*ofitor&gi. j

Out door sales of eviry desarlpdon attended to up-on reasonable term*.

a B. COOK. . WM. HOT*.no 7 to




\u25a0F" Liberal caah advances on consignment*.JOS. BRUMMEL.

Of Iteera* h. Brnmmel,Richmond, Va.AI.KTANDIf.It It. ROYSTER,


j*g 1Jbi Richmond Va-

U/ILLUin UURLitV. Jta"feer,' ? i .Ml ? 59 Main St., opposite the St. Charles Hotel,Richmond, Va.

Dealer in Domestic Exchange, Unsurrent BankNotes, Business Paper and Marketable Seenrltles ofevery description.



Cfjal Bbß. The subscribers having associated them-jftt w ,elves under the style of G. Z. MILKS feCO., for the purpose of carrying on the CARRIAGEMANUFACTURING business, are now prepared tofurnish the public with CARRIAGES, BUGGIfc.B,ic, of every description, at the shortest notioe andreduced prices. Having procured the services of su-perior workmen, we can confidently warrant allwork turned out of onr establishment, and respect-fully solioit a share of the publicpatronage. Ourfactory is situated on Virginia street, near the Dan-ville Depot; Repository, 13th street, between Mainand Cary. G Z. MILES,* THOB. 8. THORNTON,

p. S?REPAIRING done with neatness and dis-patch. February Ist, 1857.

fe s?dfcw6m

BAMSINI'S AKT OF SINGIN«...P. K.TAYLOR has just received a few copiesof BAB

BINI'S ART OF SINGING. This new book la mosthighlyrecommended. Some of the best jndges sayof it

"In the first nineteen pages of thisnew method Isembodied more sound sense on the nature and capa-bilities of the human voice than can be found inbalf-a-dozen similar works by European masters."

ap 6?ts

Ll* iHOIMTAUIK, BIUN AMU OKI* A-? MENTAL PAINTER, Bank Street, corner ol

12th, Richmond, Virginia, continues to execute alkinds of work in his line in the best manner anchighest style of bis Art, and on the lowest possibleterms. All who are in want of SIGNS, will find lito their Interest to call onhim.

Country Merchants who wish to proenre Signs, canhave them done at this establishment, and securelypacked and forwarded to any part of Virginia oiNorth Carolina, at short notice. Asail solicited,


now in receipt of the largest and most desirable stockof Spring and Summer Clothing I have ever opened,at mynew store. I hove now open a full assortmentof sizes of Black Cloth Dress Coata, Business Caasi-mere Frocks, (choice goods ) Black and Fancy Cassi-mere Pants; Batin, rich figured Twilled GrenadineSilks, Farmers' Sa'in, Fatcy Cassimere, Fancy andWhite Maiseilles Vests.

FURNISHING GOODS?Cravats; Neck Ties ofevery variety; Suspenders; Handkerchiefs; Gloves;Shirts; Collars; Gauze. Merino and Silk Undershirtsand Drawer*; Half-Hose, of Silk, Cotton, ThreadSic , Ilc.

In returning sincere thanks to my liberal patrons,I solicit an early call from them and the public generally to examine mynew stock.

J. D. GOODMAN, No. 119 Main *t.N. B ? Desirous of reducing d t Winter Stock as

low a* possible, those in want will find au«h goods atsatisfactory prices. mh 16 J.iD.G.

PKKM UIPTIONM promptly nnd accnrately compounded at all houis. day or night, by


LAIDLEY Si ROBINSON'SNew Family Medicine and Prescription Store,ap 14?2rn Oorner 4th and Franklin ata


Dealers In ITALIAN and AMERICAN MARBLE,and Manufacturers of MONUMENTS. TOMBS,FONTS, MONUMENTAL HEAD PIECES, &c.,nearly opposite 2d Baptist Cbnrcb, on Main street,have on hand as large and well finished an assortmentof woik as can be found in any establishment In thecity.

Price* lower than the same quality of work eaabe obtained in any of the Northern cities.

rah 17?Sm

UULDIMi HAUUWAHU AMU CAR-M-f PENTERS TOOLS.?I have on hand a good s»-sortment of l>oeks, Hinges, Screws, Bolts, AxlePulley*, Sash Cord and allarticle* usual for build'ngpurposes; also. Bench and Moulding Planes, and Car-penter*Tool* generally. All of whioh, 1 will furn-ish at the lowest term*, for cash or to prompt custom-er*. ROBT J. DENNY,

No. 205, Main street,.abore the Bank*,my 4?dim

IKON WOKKH, '.450 Main at.£5 near ?The subscriber is now pre-pared. with increased facilities, to manufacture allkinds of IRON WORK, such a* IRON RAILING,VERANDAHS. STEPS, VAULTS and CELLARDOORS, GRATINGS. Le , Stc. GRATES andFENDERS, and allkind of Hou*e Work, and Job-bing done onreasonable terms.

Or" Particular attention given to the enclosing ofCEMETERY lots, Railing,&c., for the oountry, somade as to be easily pnt np. A call solicited.


About 5,000 feet of 6 Inch Cast Iron Pipes2 400 feetof 3 '* ?? '?

Frem 100 to 2i>o feetof Gjitta Percha PipesCast Irou Cog Wheel* of various sizes and pat-

ternsWrought Iron Crank*, Axles, 4.C.,Beit Cast SteelOld Casting*and wroughtIronBras* Piece* of MachineryA quantityLead, tic.

Apply st the Engineer'* Office at Brooksville.CW Thearticle* may be examined st the Tunnel.

C. CRuZET,Chief Engineer Bine Ridge Railroad.ap 27?lm

CITY SAVING.** HANR OF Hlt'H*,MOND?CHARTERED IN 1839-Continuea toree «e deposit*, on which interest is paid, at theratso*f j»r cent, per annum, if remaining on deposito»ontb(. and fiveper cent, for shelter periods.Horace L. Kent,Pratt,

Alex's Duval, Sec'y,H Baldwin, Cashier,Director!?Johk N. Gordo*, Bamoel Puthbt. 1.DAVBHroRT, ]r ,Cha* T. Worth am.Bucb W. Fbtwclli«ctow Qopdiii.

A Ttt.mß~n W *? ttt F/ 11t 1,1,s ANO PA-store and warehouse havingbeendestroyed by hre on tbe morning of th« Btb iost. willisconvenience us for a few daya: but having saved aportion of our *tock, we (half at once replenish bysteamer and be prepared In a few days to fill all or-der* with onr utual promptnei* and dianatrh"T RKNNRTT. BEERB h FIWHBR.rtorn VlrgMa BANKA STOCK; Virginia State STOCK*


, , R H MAURY.'P' s F.xchinseaed Mtoefc Brokers.PUU BALK«-U>e CvUnder MTAV K MAW* and oce HTAVE DRESBER-both oew and inl«od order. For terms, apply to> s *? 'ETr.R h l.trrwiflHUCOTUU OAT AIKAE,. for sale hy

i 1'",""" BOP* '?WlTllfNT'iKo""»»'« I Mi I, Frtakliß NMt

mArm, cam, aatu, mv.VMk Fr«aK Kid Mi Mmtit Su'ppers, ro-

sotted, Siafc MM KM a*| Morocco*j» sole Mh rt,KM Bootaoe, «1 »; Moroeoo 75 tssti jnrpair; La^i**l eolorod Oaltwra, at «i *ad «1 M V-vet ililppcr*. BTJ cent* per pain Ladle* 1 OoacrawOalters, »|.76

Those la want of prod Iboo*. will pleaee Mil atMAftCUa HARRIS'IK3Broad strwt.N. B?flhoa* mad* to order at tho (hottest no-tice. my 16

?A boaatifnl lot, Ju*t received,very soft and fine Alio Oast's black anddrab Cloth Oaitara and Fmneila O(iters Thw in

wact of r<ai soft and dress Shoe, of tbo fir est qna'ity,will ploaso give mo a anil, at Mo. 43 *tgn of tho Bi*Boot my 16 WN. WAMIH.

LAUIKM' VKLVKTttLIPPVHN.Several fins lot*, jnst rer.-tved, and will bo

\u25a0old very aheap, at No 43, bymT 16 WM WALIH.

LAUIbS' SUUK WAi rKRa, orof IteKan Cloth, verv soft and

fine, suitable for ladies with tender Net, stmy 16 WM. Wai.«H'>.

?. pHfcftH nPRIiMi SHOKB.-1 simreceiving weekly addltione to my alreadyextensive assortment of Oaltar* and Shoes

of every dcscriation, for ladle*, mimes and cbildran.I received by Expre<a and will open this morning, abeantifal lot of . ?

L»dies' Button French Lasting Heel OaitaraDo. Co'g'ess do do do. do.Do. French Lasting Side-Laee CreoleOaitar*

to which ths attention of ladies is askedmy 9 JNO. C FAOE Jr., IS Main et.

m IMPORTANT NUTICX TO mHAT, BOOT AND OAITER WEAR- \u25a0ERB ? Frorn 15 to SO per eent. saved by W(

buying from J H. ANTHONY, ColumbianHotel. Best quality mn'estin Hats C 3 50; secondqualityC3; silk Hats 52.5A; fine calfskin sewed Boot*$3 50; Congress Boots, besl quality French patentleather, C 3 75; English kid *3 75; buckskin *390;lasting S 50; calfskin 3.25; patent leather FnmpsSOO;calfskin do. 2.75; calfskin Oxford Ties 225 They areall made to ordeifand warranted to wear well.

Terms, cash on delivery ; one prlee and no abate-ment. ap 10



HATS, CAPS, LADIES FURS, TRIMMINGSfcC., AC.Would on thii occasion particularly call the atten-

tion of bi* regular customers and other*, to the pre-paration! hebaa made for the business or Spring.

During bis recent tour in the North, he has visitednot only the cities of Baltimore, Philadelphia,andNew York, bnt also the principal manufacturing dis-tricts wb»re goods in bis line are getnp? thus he baabeen enabled Doth to obtain samplesof every artiele,made, and purohaao more advantageously than here-tofore.

For thel asportation of Prenah goods, he hasmadesuch arrangementsas will insure Dim a regular sup-ply of the newestand choicest styles

Thesilk and other Hats of hi* own make have in-variablybeen deemed by his customers superior tothose of Northern importation. From various im-provements recently made in his factory, the supe-riority will notonly be maintained, bnt added to.

ouch country merohaota as purchase elsewhere,without glvins Richmond a trial, he would respect-fully invite to visit his establishment?he assuresthem should theydo so, they will find a stock of goodsequalling1 n variety, quantity, and low prises, that ofany other house North or South

His business arrangements are of the eompletestkind, and the greatest attention is paid to the earefulpacking and prompt ihipmnnt of goods mb 6?ts


78 Main StreetBinfcrd, Lickinson & Weisiger,

Havecow in store and readyffor sale, at wholesale orretail, oneof the largest and most complete stock* ofHats, Caps and Straw Good* ever offered in thismarket, which have been selected with great care(torn the largest and most extensive manufactoriesespecially for the Virginia, North Carolina and Ten-nessee trade.

Theattention of merchants and others, is most re-spectfully called to the above splendid stock, whichcomprises every style suited to the Spring 11


TICKETB~ONLY CIOOwing to the great favor with which our SlngltNumber Lotteries have been received bv the public,

and the larce demand for Tickets, the Managers, 8Swan it Co., will have a drawing each Saturdaythroughoutthe year. The following Scheme will bedraws in each of their Lotteries for May, 1857.

CLASS 35,To be drawn Inthe city of Atlanta,Oa.. In public on

Saturday, May 9th, 1837.CLABB 36,

To be drawn In the city of Atlanta, Ga., In public, oaSaturday,May ltjih, 1857.

CLASS 37,To be drawn In theaity of Atlanta, Ga., In rublls, on

'jrjd, 1837.To be drawn in the Cit» of Atlanta, Ga.. Id publiconSntnrday, May 30th, ISST.

OK THE PLAN OF SINGLE NUMBMMi.3,290 Prizes!Mot* thxn One Prixr to Kveru Ten TickeU


EACH SATURDAYIN MAY.1 Prise of. $50,000 la $50,0001 " " 20,000 is 20 0001 " " 10,000 la 10.0001 " " 10,000 IS.. 10,0001 " " 5,000 la 6^ooo1 " " 5,000 ia 6 (KH(1 " " 5.000 ia 6,000I " " 2,500 1. 15091 " " 2,500 la 2,5001 " " 2,500 ia 96001 " M 2,500 is 2,5001 " "

- 2,500 is 2.500I " " 2.5(10 ia 2,5001 " " 1,000 1a ftiooI " " I.#0" »? 1,0001 " " 1,000 1a lOCO1 " " 1,000 ia i.ooo1 " " 1,000 ia 1 noo

100 Prize* of 100 ere 10,000100 ?« " 50 are * 00fAPPROXIMATIONPRIZES.4 prizes of $225 approximating to $£0,000

prize are $9004 prizes of $160 approximating to $20,000pnre are 641

8 prises of $80 approximating to C 10,000prise are . gK

12 prize* of $50 approximating to $5,000prize are 60024 prize* of $30 approximating to $2,500prize are 72020 prize* of $25 approximating to $1,000prize are. $00,000 prises of $20 are DO'

8,290 prize* amocntiag to. C204.000Whole Ticket* $10; halve*5; quarters 250PLAN OF THE LOTTERY.The Number* from 1 to30,000, corresponding withthose Number* onthe Ticket* printed on (oparate\u25a0lip* of paper,are encircled with small tin tubes andplaced in one Wheel.The first 218 prize* similarly printed and encircledare placedin another wheel.The wheel* are then revolved, nnd a number 1*drawn from the whee lof Numbers, and tt the *am*ttme a Prize I* drawn from the other wheel. TheNumber and Prize drawn outare opened and exhib-ited to the audience, and registered by the Couimis-?loner*; the Prize being placed against the Numberdrawn Tbl* operation 1* repeated nntll all tbsPrize* are drawn ont.ArPROX'MATioKPrieei.?The two preceding andthe two succeeding Number* to thota drawin* thefirst 18 Prises will be entitled to the 72 Apnrixlma-Hon Prize*. according tothe scheme.The 8,000 nrises of »20 will be determined by thelest figure of tbe number thatdraws the ?50,000 prise

For example, if the number drawing the »50,000prizei endi with No. 1, then nil the tickets where thenumber end* in 1 will be entitled to £20. Ifthe num-ber enda with No. 3. then nil the ticket* where th«nnmber ends in 2 will be entlUed to ?SO, and *o onto0. Certificate* of packages will be sold nt the fol-lowingrates, which is the risk:Certificate of Package »f io whole Tickets MS)" " 10 half ? .<o14 10 quarter " SO" 10 eighth «

111 Obdbbiho Tickets on CnnnrcsTßs,Enclose the money to onr address for the Ticketsordered, onreceipt of which they wUI be forwardedoy first mall. Purchaser* can have tickets endIsmmany figure they may designate.TheList of Drawn Number* and Prises will beseat to purchaser* immediatelyafter the drawing.Pf Purchasers will pleese write their denature*platband give their Poet Offlee, County and State.JFT rri* u *****and pay-able in fall without deduction.OT All prises of $1,000 and under, said immedi-

rtgtiw drawing?other pn*o* at the una'time of thirty daysAll communication* strictly confidential.Addrcw order* for Tickets or Certificates to?. .

*? SWAN k CO.. Atlanta,On.or* A list of the nctubers that are drawn fkom thew^?* '

t'l* amount of the prise that each one isentitled to, will be published after every drawing,in the following paper*: New Orlecn* Delta. Mobileftegieter, Cha<le*ton Standard, Naahviile Onaette,Atlanta IntelUfaneer, Hew York Weekly Day Book,and Savannah Morning New* an 96i)UPONT*M PoWD*K-.i3o# ke.e u*.MP post * Sporting and Blasting Powder, in mags-\u25a0la*> IWO hogs Dupont'* Blasting Powder onbonii sßhr, Providence. for sals kvmf If IPWIN WOMTUAM h CO,


JuL 1 **** **

n« «* I'MkMTI from Smirk's ArmorTbead.And I tto-dbt ll*.th.r«t tt?at wfcwwvw IvMttho Sqmre, far orl&r.My mind itdoHfbtod m well M my Mr,To think of the thousands 1a dresses all new,To bear sojne pronovnae the word " BARTHO-LO-MIW/Mywatsb will nottoll the hoar or miaitos of davAs strolling and straggling they bead forth theirOa Mainland Eleventh they Ui«a slliht rlawAnd walk Into the store of BAK-THi)-U)-MCWMywatoh need* repairing, no time will tt heea.


Rtthar walkingor rid'ng. or while |' mYet Mil! I'll not giro thee, though old, for one nawAnd I'll got thee repaired by BARTHOLOMEW *

Noughtelse do-s be do, baf from all asks a share.W atehee and Jowelry bo doee hat repairHero's a happy Now Year to my friend* aad the ratHo oat rivab no ono, bat rqoala the beet '

w j Bartholomew,Comer Mala aad 11th at*, Richmond,i.oa n. «

Watoh aad Cloek-Meker,Ja 29 Qr»r 30 r»«n la London anrf A marts*.Vl dTHINS BMTABLINaiUNvr^

_s4' m iixo i»o uliTPok ifSvi;

ia l&rn&Sb ** j0" rßc *' T*<l bla SpringWW ot ?? d gsntlemens' Furnishing, 0°od«, ooasisting of every article of gentle'mens'wearing apparel, a* well a« a lar( e and fash-C'o.ta.vesting*. «0-, ko., which ho is prepared to make u>measure, at the aborted notlee, and in the mo*fashionable style, not to be surpaswd bv an,JS. 1. BrENCE,No l»f^ r;?of

SP' Mala and ISrh sts

BS mmM »"»* NO&FULK AND\u25a0ilgM PORTSMOUTH AND THE 01"rvr « < u f ERENT LANDINGSOil JAMESRIVER, via the Richmond and Petersburg Railroadto Port Walthall, thence by theswift and coniform.Pnrier'D'j LBfiLD£ N. Capt. Wn. C. Smith

The Cars leave the Depot every Monday, Wed-nesday and Friday mornings, at 6| o'clock.TWOS. POU*MF.AD. j,,t.

nHlTTfflnl-ii tAKhIAUkS,-Wgy- Thesubscriber bus on hand, at bis CoaehMaking Establishment, en Lombard Al-ley, between Main and Cary, (13th and 14thstreets,!aear the Columbian Hotel, COACHES, CHAR 10.TEES, BAROUCHES,BUGOIBS with ud withouttope, and BULKIEH, all of his own make, of ibebest materials and workmanship; all of which willbosold ss low as good work ef thekind can be ia thecityof Richmond, aad 1 respectfnliy ask a call fromthose in want of anyarticle in the Carriage line as Iamdetermined totuake to order and sell at the prices passible, aad all work sold, that Is newwarranted. ?

"« MICAJAH MANOTM.UAKMJt.MNW.-., henubacrlber, whohas bad 25 years' experience as an OrnameaiJGardener, has located in this city, aad wilt bopleased to receive orders for job work of all kind* iabis linoof bosiness in the city acd vloinity sarh aaTurfing. Grading. Laying oat Gardens, Pruning acdPlanting Hhrubs, Grape Vines and Trees, 4c., kaParticular attention paid to Gardens or Lots In thecity and neighborhood, and also enclosures In eitherof the Cemeteries engaged by the year or seasonOrders left at the Flower Warden ef Mr. JohnMorton, head of Gtaee street, will reseive promntattention |»o 21 d'm*| WM LOQIE

OrtNli'ti UV fr AwHION- gajy«I ABLK SUMMER MILLINERY. S»%HHPMRS. DEM ELM AN. on Main meet %fcf*between 17th sod 18th atreete,inforrn»«®s2!&

the ladie*of Richmond and vicinity that «he tins ra-ceived her SUMMER STOCK ofall goods in her line,selling cheaper tha-> any other establishment in thi*c'ty, hoping thereby to accommodate ard please allwhofeel disposed to favor her wiih th«ir custom ?

Bonneta cleaned equal to new Caps. Hair Dressesand Bonnets made to order. Gent's, Boys' and In-fanta' Hate of every qaality, aold at New Yorkprice*. Country Millineryaold at wholesa'e and ie-*»H- ap 14-d2m*


BALTIMORE ANDRICHMOND.?The above two large and commodiousSteamers are nowon the ronte between Baltimorean-* Richmond.

The GEO PEABODY will leave Baltimore everySATURDAY afternoon,and the RELVIDERE ever*WEDNESDAY afternoon, for Richmond.Returning, the Geo. Peabodv will leave Richmondevery Tuesday afternoon, and the Belvidete everySaturday afternoon, for Baltimore,


1 line, between new yorkAND NORPuLK, PETERSBURG?rflfWrt AND RICHMOND ?The JAMES-TO<v.., Captain Parriih, leaves Richmond every

Tuesday afternoon-City Point, same Even-Ins, andNorfolk, next morning, f Wednesday,] for New York.

The ROANOKR, Capt. Skinner, leavts City Point?very Saturday morning, and Noitolk every Satur-day Evening, tor New York.

Returning, the Jamestown leaves New York, fromPier 13, north River, every Saturday afternfon,with passengers for Norfolk, Petersburg, and Rich-mond, withoutdetention at Norfolk, merely stoppingthere to land paisengers. She takes freight only forRichn.ond.

The Koaneke leavef New York from fame Pier,every Wednesday afternoon, with prttengerf for Nor-I Ik, Petertbmg and Richmond,bat takei freight on-ly for Norfolk. North Carolina, and Petertburg.

Pattage and fare, Statercom included, betweenNorfolk and New York, $8; Steerage pattage, ®4.Pattage and fare, Stateroom included, betweenRichmond, Petertburg, and New ¥ork, $ 10; Steeriage pattage, $5.


SjW ProfeHional engagement* repairing my entireYJT attention, 1 will fell the Key, Stock aid Fix-£2a tnrea of the Drag Store now kept by ma, upon

very favorable termi, if immediate application itmade. The atoek ia not large, bat if very well te-leoted, and a good bnainett can be dose by any aom-petent peraon who ean give it proper attentionfell? t. JOHN F JACKSON

fagagyg PlANO!*??The ttubarrlberhaa jast received one of J. k C. Fifcher*t celebrated 7 octave PIANOS.

If \u25a0 W H if It it unnecessary to aay anythingIncommardation of Fiacher't Pianoi; they are too wellknown and appreciated to require it. Any pertonwitliing a tupenor Piano hat now an opportunity toobtain oneat tha manufacturers' price.

THOB. W. KEEBEE,an ? At Oeo. J. Sumner'* Pearl at

K CUAHttK OK HOIB.-.C. ateamboat CURTIS PECK,Capt. Jno. Davit, will, cn and after

Thuraday morning next. 2d Anril. leave tbe wharfat Rockette. every SATURDAY TUESDAY andTHURSDAY morning'f, regularly at 54 o'c'ock, pre-cifely. for Purttmouth and NoifoTk, and return eatbalterrace day, (Son ay'e excepted > leaving Norfolkat tha tame hour, H o'clock, 'oucbing at all the re-gular landing* ou the River, going Ml?tf R. O HASKINBRE nannTHKAUAII»'KXPR«MIfiH IS4 Main ft, bar-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 returned their Steamthip

Ezpraaa to and from Norfolk, Petertburg and Rich-mond, by tteamert Jamettown and Roanoke, whichleave New York every Wednetday and Saturday,and thence by railroad to Weidon, Wilmington,Lynchburg, Salem. Wythevilla, and the principalplacet in Virginia and North Carolina, are now pre-pared to forward, with great ditpatch, and at reduce#ratea, every kind of Merchandise, Valuable Parcelt,Jewelry, kc? U> the above sained citiee, and ailplacet on theaeaboard.

Our Ezpraaa on the Stoaiuthipt will be accompa-nied by epeelal Meteengera, who will give their per-sonal attention to the careful handlingof goodf en-trusted to the ADAMS' EXPRESS CO'S Steamthip

Support will pleaee take notice that patkaget lopointsin Virginiaand North Carol!oa, will be teat t>fTteamert, anleat otherwise marked.

Freight received on day of failing, nntU 3 o'fdoet,t.tL J\u25a0 I<. MACDONUOH,

Agent of Adam*' Express Co.

erSPECIAL NOTlCE*?Kxpreff paekagsf torNorfolk, Petertburg, Richmond, nnd *11 P}* o**0**glnia and North Carolina. intended for shipment tjtteamthipe Roanoke and Jameftown. will herean"boreceived bythe ADAMS' EXPRESS COMPAN .

who are the authorised Agent* forExpreat priv"»l

°*O tffie'e of1the New Tort and Vlrflnln

Company. LUDLAM It FLEAiANT^mp 4?f -

VIRGINIA WORM\u25bc merchants and other* sbeald not forget t*wpWthemselves with thia p ipular aad unfailingDettroyer. It i« the beet preparation iaiwJWvery tweet and rleeaaut, and certain inTry It. It ean be had.of the M«U, fURCew*LADD It CO? BENNETT, BEERS k M*?*aad Druggists generally


fANCY Q*ATKANuMANUFACTURER- No 8»Bth Mid 9th, «r«t etde-The eabeeriber bSOO Gratee, Feodere and Berarrief Ptecea, '\u25a0"J*;lOOditfeieat ktoda, Md ladailj maiiafasta'tai <«»"

to order, whoieaaleaad retail. a» Nontwrn P"«"Grataa, Bella, Ac, neatly packed Md<orw»'***an; part of the Bute Abo, Bel'a *»d »ra*a »*"*

mad* to order, tad allklada of ri^'l <l0 **aaborteat notice. _ nwiyrtONlml» 16?8 m »AM'L P- PCNOO"

FUK HIKK?A e«Dfie«(colored.) to »o to'he Bpno<a, f<* »h«>«?"«


mmoo. or If deaired for the *

Apply to fe»»l I* Wtl» »?\u25a0!"-Wl» f KKHINA 4B !\u25a0«., »? *4ir*J£

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