2018 landfill ccr inspection report - entergy...the report has been prepared to fulfill the...

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2018 Landfill CCR Inspection ReportEntergy Independence Plant

Class 3N LandfillNewark, Arkansas

Permit No. 0200-S3N-R2AFIN: 32-00042

January 2019Project No. 35177248A

Prepared for:Entergy Independence Plant

555 Point Ferry Rd.Newark, AR 72562

Prepared by:Terracon Consultants, Inc.

25809 Interstate 30 SouthBryant, Arkansas 72022

(501) 847-9292

Entergy – Independence Plant Class 3N Landfill2018 Annual Inspection ■ CCR Rule Subpart §257.84 (b)January 2019 ■ Project No. 35177248A

Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable i


This report on the annual engineering inspection of the Entergy Independence Plant Class 3NLandfill and supporting documentation was prepared under the direction and supervision of aqualified, State of Arkansas-registered Professional Engineer. Mr. David McCormick, PE, ofTerracon Consultants, Inc. (Terracon), was responsible for the overall preparation of this report.The report has been prepared to fulfill the requirements of §257.84(b). Based on the inspectionof the landfill facility and review of available landfill documents the design, construction, operation,and maintenance of the landfill is consistent with recognized and generally accepted goodengineering standards.

David C. McCormick, P.E. DateArkansas Professional Engineer No. 9199

Expires 12.31.19


Entergy – Independence Plant Class 3N Landfill2018 Annual Inspection ■ CCR Rule Subpart §257.84 (b)January 2019 ■ Project No. 35177248A

Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable ii


PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER’S CERTIFICATION .......................................................... i

1.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 1-1

1.1 Purpose of Report ................................................................................... 1-1

1.2 Independence Power Plant Information .................................................. 1-1

1.3 Permit History ......................................................................................... 1-2

2.0 LANDFILL LAYOUT ............................................................................................... 2-1

2.1 Existing Conditions of Landfill ................................................................. 2-1

2.2 Changes Made to Landfill Configuration During Reporting Period .......... 2-2

3.0 WASTE VOLUME CALCULATIONS ...................................................................... 3-1

4.0 ASSESSMENT OF LANDFILL FACILITY .............................................................. 4-1

4.1 General Operations................................................................................. 4-1

4.2 Landfill Cover System ............................................................................. 4-1

4.3 Leachate Collection System ................................................................... 4-1

4.4 Stormwater Control System .................................................................... 4-1

4.5 Facility Roads ......................................................................................... 4-2

4.6 Fugitive Dust Control .............................................................................. 4-2


APPENDIX A: FiguresAPPENDIX B: Photos of Annual Engineering Inspection


Table 2.1 Construction Summary of Independence Plant Class 3N Landfill

Table 3.1 Summary of Waste Volume Calculations

Entergy – Independence Plant Class 3N Landfill2018 Annual Inspection ■ CCR Rule Subpart §257.84 (b)January 2019 ■ Project No. 35177248A

Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 1-1


1.1 Purpose of Report

The purpose of this report is to document the annual inspection of the Entergy IndependencePlant Landfill facility in accordance with 40 CFR §257, Subpart D - Disposal of Coal CombustionResiduals From Electric Utilities (the CCR Rule). In particular, the report has been prepared tocomply with §257.84(b), which requires an inspection to be conducted by a qualified professionalengineer to ensure that the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of the landfill isconsistent with recognized and generally accepted good engineering standards.

The report includes:· Information on the current layout of the landfill,· Waste volume estimates for the amount of waste contained in the landfill and remaining

disposal capacity, and· An assessment of the landfill including structural integrity and overall operations with

respect to the CCR Rule and the facility permit requirements.

1.2 Independence Power Plant Information

The plant is located on approximately 1,850 acres about 2-½ miles southeast of Newark inIndependence County, Arkansas as shown on FIGURE 1 (all figures are included in APPENDIXA). The site is characterized by minimal topographic relief and is situated within the White Riverfloodplain.

The plant has been in operation since 1983 and has historically generated electricity through thecombustion of Powder River Basin (PRB) (Wyoming) sub-bituminous coal. The ash, a coalcombustion by-product (or residue) (CCR), is generally segregated into two categories, “fly” and“bottom” ash.

Approximately 80% of the ash produced is classified as fly ash that is derived from the boilerexhaust gas and collected in electrostatic precipitators. The fly ash is composed of very fineparticles similar to glass and has the consistency of a powder. Collected fly ash is blown to silosfor short-term storage. A subcategory of the fly ash is known as economizer ash. This material isthe coarsest fraction of the fly ash that drops out before the electrostatic precipitators, andrepresents approximately 2% of the fly ash production.

The bottom ash is composed of angular, glassy particles with a porous surface texture and hasthe consistency of coarse sand. The bottom ash is sluiced principally to dewatering hoppers forremoval of water and for storage.

Entergy – Independence Plant Class 3N Landfill2018 Annual Inspection ■ CCR Rule Subpart §257.84 (b)January 2019 ■ Project No. 35177248A

Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 1-2

Historically, approximately 60 to 70% of the two types of ash have been marketed regionally toconstruction-related industries. The remaining amount of ash has been placed in the onsiteLandfill for disposal.

1.3 Permit History

In October 1982, Arkansas Power & Light Company (AP&L) was granted a permit (#200-S) fromthe Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) to construct and operate a solid wastedisposal facility at the Plant. Entergy Arkansas, Inc. (now knows as Entergy Arkansas, LLC)became AP&L’s successor in interest in April 1996. The permit was modified in 2002 to updatethe landfill to comply with Arkansas Pollution Control and Ecology Commission (APCEC)Regulation No. 22 (Solid Waste Management Code) design and operational standards for Class4 (inert waste) Landfills. The current facility permit (0200-S3N-R2) was issued in December 2014and includes design and operational modifications to the landfill facility to comply with RegulationNo. 22 requirements for Class 3N (Industrial) Landfills.

Entergy – Independence Plant Class 3N Landfill2018 Annual Inspection ■ CCR Rule Subpart §257.84 (b)January 2019 ■ Project No. 35177248A

Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 2-2

2.2 Changes Made to Landfill Configuration During Reporting Period

During the reporting period, no changes were made to the landfill configuration. Cells 12 through15 are open and are actively receiving waste. No new cells were opened, and no existing cellswere closed.

The landfill manager that works for the contracted landfill management company, Boral CMServices (Boral) reported improvements made during the year to the leachate collection systemand repairs to slopes exhibiting rills and gullies.

Entergy – Independence Plant Class 3N Landfill2018 Annual Inspection ■ CCR Rule Subpart §257.84 (b)January 2019 ■ Project No. 35177248A

Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 3-1


The landfill facility has been surveyed annually since 1996. Each year’s survey is compared tothe previous year to compute the amount of CCR disposed. The current survey is also comparedto the ADEQ permitted top of waste elevations to determine remaining capacity, or airspace.Additionally, the current survey is compared to an estimated “operational” top of waste todetermine the remaining operational capacity. The operational top of waste is the maximumdisposal elevation that can be achieved within the open cells while maintaining the required 4:1exterior and 3:1 interior slopes along with a top width sufficient for disposal activities. If additionaloperational capacity is needed, construction of an adjacent disposal cell will be required.

Disposal rates for the facility are calculated using the average of the disposal rates from the fivemost recent years. Disposal rates depend upon CCR production at the plant and sales of theash. These can vary significantly year to year based upon the current economic climate, weather,and how much the plant is operational.

During the reporting period, there were four waste cells (Waste Cells 12 through 15) open at thesite. These areas are shown on FIGURE 2.

Digital terrain modeling techniques were used to determine volumes of ash disposed during thecurrent reporting period. Surface models were originally created for the Landfill's surface fromaerial photography taken in June 1996 and for the originally permitted proposed final surfaces.The surface models were updated in 1997 through 2015 based on field and/or aerial survey data.For this report, the active areas were surveyed on December 12, 2018. The surface generatedfrom the current survey was compared to the November 28, 2017, survey surface model utilizingAutoCAD Civil 3D software to estimate volume changes that have occurred over the reportingperiod. Table 3.1 summarizes volume changes for the current reporting period and estimatedremaining capacity by waste cell.

Entergy – Independence Plant Class 3N Landfill2018 Annual Inspection ■ CCR Rule Subpart §257.84 (b)January 2019 ■ Project No. 35177248A

Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 4-1


This section of the report provides a summary of the inspection of the Entergy IndependencePlant Class 3N Landfill facility that was conducted on December 12, 2018. The assessmentincluded an interview with the landfill operating company Boral CM Services (Boral) personneland Entergy personnel, review of weekly inspections of the facility, review of documentspertaining to the operation and compliance of the landfill, and an on-site inspection of the landfillfacility. Photographs of the site inspection are included in APPENDIX B.

4.1 General Operations

In general, the final and interim slopes of the active waste cells appeared to be stable. The side-slopes of the landfill are generally at the required 4:1 external and 3:1 interior slope requirements.No tension cracks, seeps, or other features that indicate a potential slope failure were observedduring the site inspection. In addition, no active seeps were noted.

The general operations of the landfill facility are being done in a safe manner and the overallmaintenance of the facility is in good condition.

4.2 Landfill Cover System

None of the active cells, 12 through 15, are partially closed or have interim cover.

4.3 Leachate Collection System

As required by APCEC Regulation 22, Cell 15 is constructed with a leachate collection system.The system consists of a six-inch diameter high-density polyethylene (HDPE) perforated pipeinstalled in the center of Waste Cell 15. The pipe drains to a washed gravel-filled sump locatedon the toe of the eastern slope of the cell. From the sump, leachate is pumped via a dual-contained HDPE pipeline (4" diameter/8" diameter) to the discharge point at the plant’s SurgePond south of the landfill in accordance with the facility’s current National Pollutant DischargeElimination System (NPDES) Permit. Improvements to the leachate collection sump werecompleted in October 2018. Overall, the leachate collection system appeared to be in goodworking order (See Photo 1).

4.4 Stormwater Control System

No issues were found with the Stormwater control system during the inspection. In accordancewith the facility's Operation Plan required by the current Class 3N solid waste permit, Boralconducts periodic inspections of the condition of the system and makes appropriate repairs asneeded.

Entergy – Independence Plant Class 3N Landfill2018 Annual Inspection ■ CCR Rule Subpart §257.84 (b)January 2019 ■ Project No. 35177248A

Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 4-2

Temporary berms are used down gradient of the active area to help minimize the potential forsediment transport from the area. Perimeter ditches and drainage conveyances are used to directstormwater around the landfill area. Culverts are installed at the southwest corner of the Landfillto allow drainage beneath the perimeter access road.

All stormwater runoff from the permitted landfill area is ultimately discharged to the plant's SurgePond. Water from the Surge Pond is pumped to sedimentation basins that are part of the plant’swastewater treatment system. After treatment in the sedimentation basins, the water is eitherused as cooling water in the plant or discharged to the White River. Discharges to the White Riverare permitted under NPDES Permit No. AR0037451. Runoff from the Landfill is a listed sourcefor this NPDES permit.

4.5 Facility Roads

The facility roads were well maintained at the time of the inspection. The disposal access roadto the active cells is paved, and it was in excellent condition at the time of the inspection. Theperimeter access road has an all-weather surface coarse and was in good condition.

4.6 Fugitive Dust Control

In accordance with the facility's CCR Fugitive Dust Control Plan, Boral routinely sprays theworking face and haul roads using water trucks to control dust from the fly ash. Fly ash isdeposited in the landfill by belly-dumping from the bottom of the tanker trucks in order to minimizethe material drop distance. Bottom ash and economizer ash are in a moist condition whentransported to the landfill. The landfill access roads have enforced posted speed limit of 25 mph.Within the landfill boundary, a 5 mph speed limit is enforced. During the inspection, minimalfugitive dust was observed.


APPENDIX BPhotos of Annual Engineering Inspection

1. Cell 15 sump area looking to the west.

2. Cell 15 leachate collection riser pipes and controls looking west. An additional riser pipe,pump and control panel was installed in 2018.

3. Southwest corner of previously constructed Phase I.

4. Cell 15 north dike looking southwest. This slope drains into the storm water runoff pond.

5. Northwest corner of Cell 14

6. Southeast corner of Phase I.

7. South side of Phase 1 looking east.

8. Southeast corner of Phase 1 looking north.

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