2019 irp tag meeting #3: demand side resources for ... · (2020-2039) forecasts of achievable...

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2019 IRP TAG Meeting #3: Demand side resources for electric and natural gas

December 6, 2018 TAG #3



• Safety message

• Opening remarks

• Introductions

December 6, 2018 TAG #3


Meeting objectives

December 6, 2018 TAG #3

• PSE explains how the demand side resources (conservation potential assessment) are used in the IRP

• PSE provides Cadmus an opportunity to share information about demand side resources

Action items from prior IRPAG and TAG meetings

December 6, 2018 TAG #3


Open action items from previous IRPAG and TAG meetings

December 6, 2018 TAG #3

Action item #

Description (and meeting reference)

PSE action Status

1 Identify contact for PSE’s carbon reduction goals. (IRPAG #1, May 30, 2018)

PSE is planning a listening session with PSE executives and the public is welcome to participate.

In progress

2 Include carbon impact in scenarios or sensitivities. (IRPAG #1, May 30, 2018 and TAG #2, October 11, 2018)

PSE will model various carbon impacts.

In progress

3 Include a discussion of the social cost of carbon at the October 11 TAG meeting. (IRPAG #1, May 30, 2018 and IRPAG #2, August 28, 2018)

PSE included this discussion in the October 11 TAG meeting.



Open action items from previous IRPAG and TAG meetings (continued)

December 6, 2018 TAG #3

Action item #

Description (and meeting reference)

PSE action Status

4 Share final HDR report. (TAG #1, July 26, 2018 and TAG #2, October 11, 2018)

PSE uploaded the final report to www.pse.com/irp on October 19, 2018.


5 Finalize meeting notes from TAG #2. (TAG meeting #2, October 11, 2018)

PSE distributed the meeting notes on October 25; stakeholders provided feedback by November 1; and PSE posted notes on November 7.



Open action items from previous IRPAG and TAG meetings (continued)

December 6, 2018 TAG #3

Action item #

Description (and meeting reference)

PSE action Status

6 Follow-up with Virginia Lohr concerning the publication dates of the notes from the previous IRPAG meeting. (TAG meeting #2, October 11, 2018)

Michele Kvam emailed Virginia on October 17.


7 Investigate converting the gas emission rate to a percentage. (TAG meeting #2, October 11, 2018)

PSE will include gas emission rate as a percentage in the draft IRP and the final IRP.

In progress


Open action items from previous IRPAG and TAG meetings (continued)

December 6, 2018 TAG #3

Action item #

Description (and meeting reference)

PSE action Status

8 Investigate the viability of “deep retrofits” as a sensitivity. Reach out to Doug Howell, Sierra Club, to help provide details to facilitate this review. (TAG meeting #2, October 11, 2018)

Gurvinder Singh emailed Doug Howell on October 22.


9 Provide graphics to illustrate the IRP process. (TAG meeting #2, October 11, 2018)

PSE will provide a graphic at the December 6 TAG meeting and relevant graphics throughout the rest of the 2019 IRP process.

In progress


Open action items from previous IRPAG and TAG meetings (continued)

December 6, 2018 TAG #3

Action item #

Description (and meeting reference)

PSE action Status

10 Distribute the updated sensitivity handout on October 19. (TAG meeting #2, October 11, 2018)

PSE distributed the portfolio sensitivities for consideration on October 19 to the TAG members via email.

In progress (PSE will report on the selected sensitivities during the January 9 TAG #4 meeting)

Demand side resources overview

December 6, 2018 TAG #3


IRP analytical process overview

December 6, 2018 TAG #3

• PSE has established an analytical framework to develop its 20-year forecast of demand side resources and supply side resources that appear to be cost effective to meet the growing needs of our customers.


PSE’s History of Energy Efficiency Achievements

December 6, 2018 TAG #3

• PSE is a leader in the region when it comes to energy efficiency

• PSE share of savings in the PNW region is close to 20% versus share of load is only 13%

• PSE has spent close to $1 billion over the last 15 years on electric energy efficiency

• PSE has spent close $200 million over the last 15 years on gas energy efficiency

13 December 6, 2018 TAG #3

Technical Potential

Achievable Technical Potential

Economic Potential

• DSR potential assessment • DSR results are an output

• IRP portfolio analysis

• DSR results are an input

Demand side resource (DSR) methodology

14 December 6, 2018 TAG #3

Demand side resource (DSR) methodology

Electric demand side resources Cadmus presentation

December 6, 2018 TAG #3

Overview of Results

Puget Sound Energy 2019 Demand-Side Resources Potential Study December 6, 2018



10:00am - Noon Electric

• Energy Efficiency • Demand Response • Distributed Generation • Codes and Standards • Distribution Efficiency

Noon – 1pm – Lunch 1:00pm - 2:00pm: Natural Gas DSR Sensitivities Next Steps

Status Update

Kickoff and initial measure review

Measure Research and Potential Modeling

Review DRAFT Results

May 2018 May-August 2018

November 2018

Refine Potential Estimates and Create IRP Bundles

Sept/Oct 2018

Present Results at TAG

December 2018



Established in 1983, employee-owned company with more than 500 consultants (200+ in Energy Services)

More than 30 years of experience delivering market research, energy efficiency planning and modeling expertise

Project team staff have led 40+ potential studies for 24 clients since 2006

Specializes DSM potential studies for utilities in the Northwest. Completed studies for: Seattle City Light Bonneville Power Administration Snohomish PUD

About Cadmus

Energy Efficiency Methodology

Study Overview

Produce 20-year (2020-2039) forecasts of achievable technical conservation, distributed generation, and demand response potential for inclusion in PSE’s IRP


Use up-to-date data including: • PSE’s load and

customer forecasts • Residential Building

Stock Assessment (RBSA) II

• PSE’s Residential Characteristics Study (RCS)

• Measure updates from PSE and the Regional Technical Forum (RTF).

Scope of the Analysis Five sources of potential

• Energy efficiency • Demand Response • Solar PV • Combined Heat and Power • Codes and Standards

Two fuels • Electric – Energy Efficiency, Solar PV, Demand Response, CHP, Codes and Standards • Natural gas – Energy Efficiency, Codes and Standards

Two types of potential estimated (and a third considered in IRP modeling) • Technical Potential: All technically feasible potential • Achievable Potential: The subset of technical potential that homes and businesses will realistically adopt • Economic potential: The cost-effective portion of achievable potential selected by PSE’s IRP

A Comprehensive Assessment • Over 300 unique electric and natural gas energy efficiency measures considered. Thousands of permutations • Five CHP technologies and up to six capacity bins for each technology • Twelve demand response products • Eleven codes and standards



Compile Measure Data

Develop Units Forecast

Calculate levelized costs

Forecast Technical Potential

Forecast Achievable Potential

Develop supply curves for IRP modeling


Steps for estimating conservation potential







1. Compile Measure Data


Determine unique measures: Includes all measures from the 7th Power Plan, RTF, and PSE’s programs

Compile measure data and determine PSE-specific inputs:



• Costs • Applicability • Per-unit savings • Saturations; Number of Units

Sector Unique Measures

Measure Applications

Residential 159 606 Commercial 134 3,398 Industrial 72 1,558 Total 365 5,562

Unique Measures and Measure Applications

2. Develop Units Forecasts


Using: • Regional stock assessment data (CBSA and RBSA) • PSE Residential Characteristics Study (RCS) • PSE’s load forecast • U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey

3. Calculate Levelized Costs


• Compiled PSE financial assumptions (discount rates, line losses, etc.)

• Levelized costs calculated using the costs and benefits below:

Costs Included Benefits Netted Out

Capital and Labor Deferred T&D Expansion Annual O&M Regional Act Credit

Program Administration Avoided Periodic Replacement

Periodic Replacement Other Fuel Benefits Other Fuel Costs Non-Energy Impacts Non-Energy Impacts

4. Forecast technical potential


Unit energy savings derived from PSE business cases, RTF workbooks, and 7th Plan

• Changed inputs into some RTF and 7th Plan measures with PSE-specific values

5. Forecast Achievable Technical Potential


Ramp rates: • 10-year flat ramp for discretionary measures • Adapted 7th Plan ramp rates for lost opportunity

measures • Developing custom ramp rates to reflect PSE’s

program accomplishments Maximum achievable factor: 85%

What changed from the 2017 CPA?

• New measures and sources. Updates to existing measures • PSE business cases and RTF

• PSE Residential Characteristics Survey (RCS) data • RBSA II data • New load and customer forecasts • Commercial floor space estimates derived from CBSA

II building catalog


Electric Conservation Potential Results

Electric Conservation Potential

Sector 2021 2029 2039

Cumulative Achievable Potential (aMW) Residential 37 227 306 Commercial 36 208 318 Industrial 6 28 28 Total 79 463 652

Percent of Baseline Sales Residential 3% 17% 21% Commercial 3% 16% 20% Industrial 4% 24% 26% Total 3% 17% 20%


Achievable Technical Conservation Potential

Comparison to 2017 CPA


Electric Achievable Technical Potential

20-Year Achievable Technical Potential (% of Sales) Total

Achievable Technical Potential

(aMW) Residential Commercial Industrial

Electric Resources

2019 IRP 21% 20% 26% 652

2017 IRP 20% 21% 17% 598

Comparison to the 2017 CPA


Electric Achievable Technical Potential


• Heat Pump water heater potential ~20 aMW higher • DHP potential ~ 17 aMW higher • Windows ~ 12 aMW higher • Lighting ~30 aMW lower

COMMERCIAL • Similar top measures: LED tubes, commissioning • New measures: embedded data centers and indoor


INDUSTRIAL • Higher energy management potential

Residential Lighting

• Residential lighting has been one of the highest-saving measures in PSE’s previous potential studies and energy efficiency programs. This study identified much lower lighting potential due to: • Energy Independence and Security Act backstop provision:

Requires bulbs manufactured after 2020 achieve 45 lumens/watt. LEDs are the most likely technology

• Discontinued exemptions for specialty lighting: Previously, specialty lighting (reflectors, 3-way) have been exempted from the EISA backstop, however, DOE has discontinued this exemption. Specialty now covered under EISA

• Efficient market average: A large share of bulbs entering the market are LEDs. The market is transforming.


Electric Conservation Forecast


Cumulative Achievable Technical Potential Forecast

Discretionary measures receive a

flat 10-year ramp rate

Lost opportunity measures (new construction and

natural replacement) receive 7th Plan ramp


Cadmus adjusted some ramp rates to

match program activity and expectations

Electric Supply Curve


Cumulative 20-Year Achievable Technical Potential by Levelized Cost Bundle

Residential Electric Potential Summary


Residential Supply Curve

Top Residential Measures


Measure Name

Cumulative 10-Year Achievable Technical Potential

Cumulative 20-Year Achievable Technical Potential

HPWH_Tier 2 14 33 Install Ductless Heat Pump in House with Existing FAF 12 30 Windows_Double Pane - U30 28 28 Web Enabled Thermostat 17 17 Home HVAC Conversion - Convert FAF to Heat Pump 16 16 Zonal to DHP_HSPF 9.0 to 11.0 16 16 Home Energy Reports 13 13 Infiltration Reduction - CFM50 reduction 11 11 Standard Size Refrigerator and Refrigerator-freezer - CEE Tier 1 4 10 Existing Manufactured Home HVAC Conversion 4 10 ENERGY STAR Most Efficient Electric Clothes Washer 3 7 Duct Sealing 7 7 HPWH_Tier 3_NoResistance_SplitSystem 2 6 Wall Insulation_R0 - R11 6 6 HRV 6 6

Commercial Electric Potential Summary


Commercial Supply Curve

Top Commercial Measures


Measure Name

Cumulative 10-Year Achievable Technical Potential

Cumulative 20-Year Achievable Technical Potential

LED Linear Fixture 49 69 Data Center Best Practice 4 27 Commissioning 22 22 Indoor Agriculture Lighting 21 21 Variable Refrigerant Flow 6 19 Advanced Rooftop Controls 9 16 Data Center Commercial Technology 2 12 LED Highbay 6 11 RTU Supply Fan VFD and Controller 6 10 Cooling DX Tune Up and Maintenance 8 8 Parking Garage Lighting 7 8 LED Other 8 8 Cooling DX 135 to 240 kBtuh Premium 3 7 Optimize Municipal Sewage 7 7 Cooling DX 135 to 240 kBtuh Standard 2 4

Industrial Electric Potential Summary


Industrial Supply Curve

Top Industrial Electric Measures


Measure Name

Cumulative 10-Year Achievable Technical Potential (kWh)

Cumulative 2-Year Achievable Technical Potential (kWh)

Energy Project Management 3.5 3.5 Plant Energy Management 3.3 3.3 Integrated Plant Energy Management 3.1 3.1 Pump System Optimization 3.0 3.0 Pump Equipment Upgrade 2.9 2.9 Fan System Optimization 2.2 2.2 Fan Equipment Upgrade 1.6 1.6 Pump Energy Management 1.0 1.0 Air Compressor Optimization 0.7 0.7 Clean Room: Change Filter Strategy 0.7 0.7 Lighting Controls 0.7 0.7 Highbay Lighting 0.6 0.6 Fan Energy Management 0.6 0.6 Wood: Replace Pneumatic Conveyor 0.6 0.6 Air Compressor Demand Reduction 0.5 0.5

Electric Codes and Standards Savings Forecast


Estimated the impact of the Washington State Energy Code (WSEC) and federal equipment standards WSEC accounts for 66% of C&S savings (135 aMW by 2039) Residential lighting accounts for nearly 19% of C&S savings (39 aMW) due to EISA backstops for standard lighting and the discontinued exemption for specialty lighting

Comparison to the 2017 CPA


2019 CPA Supply Curve

2017 CPA Supply Curve

Demand Response


Products Considered Large commercial and industrial C&I Curtailment

• Manual: Customers manually reduce use during peak events • Automatic: Technology and controls are programmed to reduce use during

peak events

Residential and small commercial Critical Peak

Pricing • Customers sent a price signal leading up to a peak event.

• Either with or without a smart thermostat

Residential and small commercial Direct Load Control

• End uses are curtailed during peak events. End uses and control mechanisms vary

• Space heat • Either with a smart thermostat or with a switch

• Water heat • Either with a switch or through a “grid enabled” communicating water heater

DR Supply Curve


20-Year Potential and Levelized Costs

Overview of Results


Total 20-Year DR Potential and levelized Costs


Number of events and hours

curtailed (e.g. 10 4-hour events)

Notification Type (e.g. day-ahead, hour-ahead, etc.)

Achievable Potential (MW)

Percent of System Peak

Levelized Cost ($/kW-year)

Res CPP-No Enablement 10 4-hour events Day-ahead 40.22 0.94% $17.22

Res CPP-With Enablement 10 4-hour events Day-ahead 1.1 0.03% $11.91

Res DLC Heat-Switch 10 4-hour events 0-min 69.03 1.61% $57.36

Res DLC Heat-BYOT 10 4-hour events 0-min 5.99 0.14% $45.48

Res DLC Water Heat-Switch 10 4-hour events 0-min 62.04 1.45% $150.75

Res DLC Water Heat-Grid-Enabled Unlimited 0-min 1.07 0.03% $85.77

Small Com DLC Heat-Switch 10 4-hour events 0-min 1.26 0.03% $95.25

Medium Com DLC Heat-Switch 10 4-hour events 0-min 6.97 0.16% $45.29

C&I Curtailment-Manual 10 4-hour events Day-ahead (or could be as late as 2-hour-ahead)

20.46 0.48% $99.38

C&I Curtailment-AutoDR 10 4-hour events 0-min 21 0.49% $136.38

C&I CPP-No Enablement 10 4-hour events Day-ahead 1.92 0.04% $63.97

C&I CPP-With Enablement 10 4-hour events Day-ahead 1.44 0.03% $60.63

Total 232.5 5.43%

Solar PV Potential

Solar PV Technical Potential

Raw roof area: Building floor space, estimated number of floors, and total roof area derived from CBSA and RBSA.

Adjusted roof area: determined the portion of total roof area that can be used for Solar PV. Considers azimuth, tilt, shading, and obstructions.

Power Density: Estimates of power generated per unit area derived from the International Technology Roadmap for PV (IRTPV). Power densities increase from Roughly 16 w/sqft in 2018 to 19.4 w/sqft in 2039.

Energy Generation: Use PVWatts to determine the generation profile. Approximately 953-1090 kWh per year generated for every kW of DC nameplate capacity

Solar PV technical potential depends on:

Building Type Total Usable Sq. Ft


Single Family Dwelling


Multi Family Dwelling


Commercial 65%

Roof Area Adjustments


Solar PV Technical Potential


Solar PV Market Potential

Calculate payback using: • Installed cost • State incentives • Federal incentives (investment tax credit) • Energy savings

Estimate penetration using bass diffusion equation

𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀 = 𝑒𝑒−0.3∗𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴 • Where MP is the market penetration and ASP is the

simple payback from the customers’ perspective


Solar PV Cost Forecast


Reviewed actual and forecasted costs Lazard, NREL and EnergySage

• Similar 2017 residential costs from the three sources (~$3.3/watt). Applied NREL cost forecasts in the residential sector

• Commercial 2017 costs varied between Lazard ($2.88/watt) and NREL ($2.30/watt). Used Lazard 2017 costs and cost forecasts from NREL

Other Market Potential Assumptions

State incentives • Washington State

Renewable Energy System Incentive Program (RESIP) will stop accepting applications after February 2019

• No state tax credit


Federal incentives: • Federal ITC is 26%

in 2020 and 22% in 2021. After 2021 ITC is 10% for commercial and 0% for residential

Solar PV Simple Payback and Market Penetration


Solar PV Market Potential – Nameplate MW


Solar PV Market Potential - MWh


Combined and Heat and Power Potential


Technical Potential Methodology

Nonrenewable Technologies • Reciprocating

Engines • Microturbines • Gas Turbines

CHP Technologies and Applicability

Renewable Technologies • Industrial Biomass

(Lumber, Pulp, Paper mfg)

• Biogas (Anaerobic Digester)

Applicability • PSE electric customers

with any gas service

• C&I facilities with average monthly loads >= 30 kW

• Assume warehouses with high load are refrigerated – CHP ineligible

Technical Potential Results 2039 Cumulative Technical Potential Existing CHP by Fuel

CHP 2039 Cumulative Technical Potential by Fuel

PSE Existing Capacity

Commercial Natural gas MW 5 Number of sites 1 Industrial Natural gas MW 78 Number of sites 7 Biomass and biogas MW 0 Number of sites 0 Industrial total MW 78 Industrial total number of sites 7

Total Total MW 83 Total number of sites 8

PSE Technical Potential

Commercial Natural gas MW 466 Number of sites 3,904 Industrial Natural gas MW 144 Number of sites 510 Biomass and biogas MW 56 Number of sites 103 Industrial total MW 200 Industrial total number of sites 613

Total Total MW 666 Total number of sites 4,517

Technical Potential Results 2039 Cumulative Technical Potential

Achievable Potential Methodology

ACEEE Study & CHP Install Database • CHP Favorable States

• California: 0.66% per year

• Connecticut: 0.25% per year

• Massachusetts: 0.27% per year

• Washington (Non-favorable): 0.13% per year (2.5% over 20 years)

Annual % Technical to Market

Navigant Assumption

• PSE Territory: 2.5% per year (50% over 20 years)

Our Assumption

• PSE Territory: 0.20% per year (4% over 20 years)

• Higher than calculated value (0.13%) from ACEEE and CHP Install Database due to incentives

Achievable Potential Results 2039 Cumulative Achievable Potential

(MW) at Generator 2039 Cumulative System Installations

Technology 2039 MW Nonrenewable – Natural Gas 20.22 30–99 kW 3.17 100–199 kW 2.79 200–499 kW 3.81 500–999 kW 2.83 1–4.9 MW 3.83 5 MW+ 3.79 Renewable – Biomass 0.55 < 500 kW 0.00 500-999 kW 0.00 1–4.9 MW 0.02 5 MW+ 0.53 Renewable – Biogas 2.01 Landfill 0.22 Farm 0.88 Paper Mfg 0.64 Wastewater 0.27 Total CHP 22.78

Technology Installs Nonrenewable – Natural Gas 110 Reciprocating Engine 59 Gas Turbine 1 Microturbine 49 Renewables 4 Total CHP 114

Achievable Potential Results 2039 Cumulative Achievable Potential (MW)

Achievable Potential Results 2039 Cumulative Achievable Potential – Nameplate Capacity

Achievable Potential Results 2039 Cumulative Achievable Potential of 18 aMW

LCOE Methodology

Cost divided by generated energy ($/kWh) • Net present value over equipment lifetime

Costs • Capital costs • Federal tax credits and other non-PSE incentives • Operation and maintenance costs • Fuel costs

• Heat produced by CHP equipment accounted for by reduced fuel costs

Generation • Electricity generated

Levelized Cost of Energy

CHP Supply Curve

Comparison to 2017 CPA

• The 2017 IRP technical potential included the residential sector, while the 2020 IRP does not. Residential made up 62% of the 2017 IRP technical potential

• 2020 IRP does not include standalone generation (without heat recovery), which accounted for 66% of the 2017 IRP achievable potential

• Achievable potential rate was smaller in the 2020 IRP (0.2% per year versus 2.5% per year)

2017 IRP 2019 IRP

Achievable Potential 933 aMW 18 aMW


Distribution Efficiency Achievable Potential

December 6, 2018 TAG #3

• Alignment with AMI and ADMS business cases • Schedule of ADMS project • Schedule feasibility and infrastructure requirements

when implementing Volt-VAR Optimization (VVO)

By the numbers: • 158 Substations total out of 297 meet criteria of 50%

residential Load • 10 Complete by end of 2018 • 3 complete in 2019 • Remaining 137 – 2019 IRP study period • Future will incorporate additional controls to maintain

stability in system • Shift from Line Drop Compensation (LDC) to Volt-VAR Optimization (VVO)


Distribution Efficiency Achievable Potential

December 6, 2018 TAG #3








Cummulative DE Savings (aMW)

Break for lunch on your own

December 6, 2018 TAG #3

Natural gas demand side resources and DSR sensitivities Cadmus presentation

December 6, 2018 TAG #3

Natural Gas Conservation Potential Results

Natural Gas Conservation Potential

Sector 2021 2029 2039 Cumulative Achievable Potential (MMTherms)

Residential 19 106 140 Commercial 4 25 33 Industrial 1 4 4 Total 23 136 177

Percent of Baseline Sales Residential 3% 16% 20% Commercial 1% 7% 8% Industrial 3% 16% 17% Total 2% 13% 16%


Achievable Technical Conservation Potential

Comparison to 2017 CPA

20-Year Achievable Technical Potential (% of Sales) Total

Achievable Technical Potential

(MMTherms) Residential Commercial Industrial

Natural Gas Resources

2019 IRP 20% 8% 17% 177

2017 IRP 14% 15% 17% 164


Comparison to the 2017 CPA

• Efficient furnaces are the highest saving measure in both assessments • ~20 MMTherms in the 2017 study and 35 MMTherms

in the 2019 study • The 2017 identified higher commissioning potential

• Approximately 14 MMTherms in the 2017 study and nearly 7 MMTherms in the 2019 study

• New weatherization measures, such as low-e storm windows, contribute to higher gas potential


Natural Gas

Natural Gas Conservation Forecast


Cumulative Achievable Technical Potential Forecast

Discretionary measures receive a flat 10-year ramp rate Lost opportunity measures (new construction and natural replacement) assigned 7th Plan ramp rates Cadmus adjusted ramp rates to match program activity and expectations

Natural Gas Supply Curve


Cumulative 20-Year Achievable Technical Potential by Levelized Cost Bundle

Residential Gas Potential Summary


Residential Gas Supply Curve

Top Residential Gas Measures


Measure Name

Cumulative 10-Year Achievable Technical

Potential (MDth)

Cumulative 20-Year Achievable Technical

Potential (MDth) Windows Double Pane - U30 2,611 2,611 Infiltration Reduction - CFM50 reduction 1,202 1,202 Wall Insulation_R0 - R11 971 971 ENERGY STAR Furnace 880 3,172 Web-Enabled Thermostat 769 769 Duct Insulation - R0 to R8 603 603 Door Weatherstripping 417 417 Home Energy Reports 378 378 Attic Insulation_R0 - R38 273 273 Duct Sealing 263 263 Windows_Single Pane - U30 216 216 Storage Water Heater .67 EF 213 664 Low E Storm Window_Double Pane Metal Frame 210 210 Tankless Water Heater .91 EF 178 606 Floor Insulation_R0 - R19 173 173

Commercial Gas Potential Summary


Commercial Gas Supply Curve

Top Commercial Gas Measures


Measure Name

Cumulative 10-Year Achievable Technical Potential (MDth)

Cumulative 20-Year Achievable Technical Potential (MDth)

Commissioning 675 675 Advanced Rooftop Controls 207 358 Refrigerated Display Case Door 333 333 Furnace LT 225 kBtuh High AFUE 92% Non-Weatherized 141 297 Connected Thermostats 236 283 Commercial SEM 157 157 Furnace GT 225 kBtuh High 92% TE CWAF 61 151 Steam Cooker 76 124 Integrated Space and Water Heat 90% AFUE 22 72 Secondary Glazing Window 72 72 Rack Oven 55 65 Boiler 300 to 2500 kBtuh AFUE 95% 27 57 Boiler LT 300 kBtuh AFUE 90% 26 55 Economizer 54 54 Conveyor Ovens 45 53

Top Industrial Measures


Measure Name

Cumulative 10-Year Achievable Technical Potential (MDth)

Cumulative 20-Year Achievable Technical Potential (MDth)

Optimize Ventilation System 37 37 Building Envelope Insulation Improvements 33 33 Analyze Flue Gas For Proper Air/Fuel Ratio 32 32 Equipment Upgrade - Replace Existing HVAC Unit With High Efficiency Model 31 31 Improve Combustion Control Capability And Air Flow 29 29 HVAC Equipment Scheduling Improvements - HVAC Controls, Timers Or Thermostats 29 29 Building Envelope Infiltration Improvements 26 26 Optimize Heating System To Improve Burner Efficiency, Reduce Energy Requirments And Heat Treatment Process 25 25 Waste Heat From Hot Flue Gases To Preheat 25 25 Install Or Repair Insulation On Condensate Lines And Optimize Condensate 25 25 Heat Recovery And Waste Heat For Process 19 19 Equipment Upgrade - Boiler Turbulators 18 18 Boiler - Operation, Maintenance, And Scheduling 18 18 Repair Or Replace Steam Traps 16 16 Isolate And Prevent Infiltration Of Heat Loss From Equipment 15 15

Comparison to the 2017 CPA


Supply Curves

2019 CPA

2017 CPA

Natural Gas Codes and Standards


Analysis considers the impact of federal boiler standards (84% AFUE), the Washington State Energy Code (WSEC) and the Seattle Energy Code (SEC). Nearly all of the savings identified comes from building energy codes

DSR Sensitivities


DSR Sensitivity – Retrofit Ramping


Two Scenarios: • Base: Retrofit savings

from known technologies are acquired over 10 years.

• High: Retrofit savings from new (unknown) technologies produce savings after the 10th year.

DSR Sensitivity – Residential Discount Rate



Tested the sensitivity to using a different discount rate in the residential sector: • WACC: Discount rate

in all sectors equal to PSE’s weighted average cost of capital (7.6% nominal)

• Societal: Discount rate in the residential sector equal to 7th Plan discount rate (4% real)

DSR Sensitivity


Natural Gas

Next Steps

• Include demand-side resources in IRP modeling • Draft report Issued with Draft IRP • Final report with Final IRP


Travis Walker Senior Associate | Energy Services


Action items and next steps

December 6, 2018 TAG #3


Next steps

December 6, 2018 TAG #3

Date Action

December 20, 2018 PSE posts draft meeting notes with action items on IRP website and distributes draft meeting notes to TAG members

December 27, 2018 TAG members review meeting notes and provide comments to PSE

January 3, 2019 PSE posts final meeting notes on IRP website



December 6, 2018 TAG #3

IRP comment period

December 6, 2018 TAG #3

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