2.1 inspired by nature - knowing sciencenature-inspired original product to solve a human problem....

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2.1 Inspired by Nature | 77

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2.1 Inspired by Nature

A situation that people want to change or create can be approached as a problem to be solved through engineering. Such problems may have many acceptable solutions.

thinking about problems.

solution to a problem similar to what they are studying. Using nature’s already-existing designs as a model, scientists and engineers can explore ways to appropriately modify

biomimicry – designing and producing materials, structures, and systems that are modeled on living things, substances, or processes from nature.


survival. For years, humans have looked to nature to help with ideas for solving tasks and problems. Biomimicry is the study of nature’s best designs or processes to solve human problems. The purpose of this lesson is for students to examine physical structures of common plants and animals, to learn the role those structures have played in inspiring common human products, and to create their own nature-inspired original product to solve a human problem.

OBJECTIVESBy the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

• basic needs for survival in their own particular habitat

• Understand the concept of biomimicry and give examples of nature-inspired human technology

• Use the engineering design process to create an original product, based on nature, to solve a human problem

VOCABULARYIntroduce the following words during the course of the lesson. Make sure students have many opportunities to see the words in the classroom environment and to use the words as part of the

Student Activity Book.

• Design

• Engineer(ing)

• Nature

• Technology

• Tool




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PREPARING FOR THE LESSON 1. Before Session 1, pre-cut the cards on Activity Sheet 1: Nature-Inspired Product Cards. Make as

many sets as needed for small group work. These cards may be used in two ways:

a. They may be used as a matching game, where individual sets of cards are cut apart and

b. Alternatively, you can cut the cards apart but leave the matches together. In this case, the task is just to explain how the two cards are related.

2. Prior to Session 2 Activity Sheet 2: Walking on Water.

3. During Session 4 and the following sessions, allow students to collect and bring to class additional materials to build their project if they want to.

Session 1: How does nature help humans solve problems?

Time: 30-40 minutes


• Activity Sheet 1: Nature-Inspired Products Cards

• 1 Biomimicry Kit

Session 2: How do water striders walk on water?

Time: 30-40 minutes


• Walking on Water Kit

• Activity Sheet 2: Walking on Water

Session 3: How can nature give humans ideas?

Time: 30-40 minutes


• Activity Sheet 3: Brainstorming Ideas

• Activity Sheet 4: Ideas from Nature

Session 4+: Let’s make our own biomimicry design!

Time: 30-40 minutes


• Biomimicry Engineering Kit

• Glue

• Activity Sheet 4: Ideas from Nature

• Activity Sheet 5: Nature Design Task


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Session 1: How does nature help humans solve problems?

1. Also distribute the inserts with the descriptions of the Biomimicry Kit to each group. Show students the samples of Velcro® from the kit and ask,

[Most students will be familiar with Velcro closures on shoes and clothing.]

Then ask students to look at the image of a burdock on the kit inserts, and determine any experiences students may have had with this seed. Lead students to make the connection between burdock and Velcro, based on similar observable properties.

2. Explain that Velcro was invented by George de Mestral in 1948. Velcro means “velvet hook.” Mr. de Mestral noticed how burdock stuck to his pants and dog’s fur after hunting. He looked at it under a microscope and was inspired to try to invent something like it for human use.

3. Say, “Nature has always been of inspiration for humans looking Display the rest of the materials from

the Biomimicry Kit on a table or trays. Allow students time to view the examples.

4. Distribute the cards from Activity Sheet 1: Nature-Inspired Product Cards to each small group. These cards may be used in two ways. Check the Preparing for the Lesson for instructions.


other connections. Record these on chart paper and keep track of answers

dandelion seed that inspired the idea for a parachute. In Kindergarten, students studied how dandelion roots can be harmful to lawns among other things.)

6. Close the session by explaining the concept of engineers and engineering. “An engineer is a person who designs and builds technology (useful objects or tools) to help solve a task or problem.

it. They may see something in nature that gives them an idea for creating a tool or way to help solve a problem. During this lesson

Asking Questions; Constructing Explanations; Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information

Structure and Function; Cause and Effect


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Session 2: How do water striders walk on water?

1. Begin by asking, Have students share ideas, experiences, and examples. Then

ask, Water striders can usually be found near smaller bodies of fresh water.

NOTE: Make sure to practice the second part of the activity prior to the session,

2. Distribute Activity Sheet 2: Walking on Water to students. Ask them to look for similarities between the water strider and a pontoon boat. Guide them to see that the parts of the strider and the boat that touch the water are spread out. It is not necessary that students completely understand the concept of surface tension at this point. They may notice that the insect’s feet seem to be pushing down on the water but not going through. Ask

“Why do you go right down through the water when jumping or diving

[Your weight is spread out when

the water.]

3. Distribute a plastic container, a fork, and the paper clips from the Walking on Water Kit to each group. Depending on your students’ reading level, they may or may not be able to read the directions themselves. If necessary, read the directions aloud to the students and point out that the text is describing a process step-by-step.

• paperclip on the prongs.

• Slowly and carefully lower the fork into the bowl of water. Continue lowering the fork

rests on top of the water.

• Look at the container and paperclip at eye level. The paper clip does not rest exactly on top of the water, but is pushed down into the surface just a bit, just like the legs on the water strider.

4. sketching, you might want to model their drawings with them, step-by-step.

• water or on the bottom of the container (roughly).


Structure and Function; Cause and Effect


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5. Close the session by taking another look at the photos on Activity Sheet 2: Walking on Water. Ask,

Session 3: How can nature give humans ideas?

NOTE: In this lesson students will examine features found in common plants and animals. They will then brainstorm a new idea or use for that particular feature.

1. Open the session by saying, “You are going to have the opportunity to become design engineers. The word we use when creating inventions from nature is biomimicry. Biomimicry means, ‘to

Show students pictures of the Activity Sheet 2, and also 2-3 examples of

cards from Session 1.

2. Distribute Activity Sheet 3: Brainstorming Ideas to students. There are two pictures: a palm tree and a camel. Start with the palm tree. Call attention to its shape and ask,

Ask students to brainstorm ideas. Possible answers may include an umbrella or even a sail for a boat.

3. Then have students look at the image of the camel. Talk about its neck, nose, eyelashes, humps, and feet. The feet are webbed to keep them from sinking in the sand. The hump stores fat. The nostrils and lashes close to keep out sand. Ask, “What could any of these special features give us ideas

Have the group choose only one or two of these features to start with. (For example: The feet could be used as inspiration for a sports-related shoe; the fact that the hump stores fat could be used as inspiration for a device for hikers; the closed nostrils or eyelashes could be used as inspiration for glasses or a hood or a mask to keep out dust during sports or construction.)

4. Distribute Activity Sheet 4: Ideas from Nature to students. Say, “Here are some plants and animals that have special structures. Let’s go

Read through the items.

5. Then give the students directions: “You will work with a partner. Look

Then you and your partner will brainstorm how this feature

6. There is no real “correct” answer for each example. This is meant to be a true brainstorming session. Remind students that one of the most important

(but not ridiculous or off-topic thinking). Sometimes “way out of the box” thinking can lead to a genuinely useable and original idea.

Structure and Function; Cause and Effect


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7. Divide students into pairs. Allow them time for creative discussion about each example. One important rule for brainstorming is “no put downs.” All ideas are welcome. The only time a student should redirect is if the partner’s ideas are completely off-topic and ridiculous.

8. The pairs should come up with as many ideas as possible before deciding on one or two to record in the spaces at the bottom of the activity sheet. Ideas may be recorded as a sketch or words, and students should use their “best spelling possible.” For this part of the activity it is only important that the

9. Close the lesson with a group share, recording ideas for each plant or animal on chart paper. Save Activity Sheet 4 and the list of ideas for the next session.

Session 4+: Let’s make our own biomimicry design!

1. In this session and the following sessions, students will brainstorm, design, and create a product that will solve a human “problem” using a design inspired by nature. In Session 3 they had practice brainstorming multiple ideas before choosing one or two to share.

2. Distribute Activity Sheet 5: Nature Design Task and read through the task with students, stopping to clarify with discussion as needed. Getting started is the hardest part of any creative task. Reviewing the chart of ideas from previous sessions will help in the process.

3. Have students work in pairs. Some students may prefer to work alone. If students are having a hard time getting started, begin with one animal (for example, a giraffe) and repeat the brainstorming process from the previous activity. Ask, “What special features or structures does the giraffe

4. Chart the features and give students time to consider how these features help a giraffe meet its basic needs (e.g. moving, keeping track of offspring,

how they might apply this information to design an invention to solve a human problem. For example, you might ask, “How could long legs or a long neck be helpful when playing basketball/baseball?” (Any

time to discuss ideas with their partners, and then chart their ideas during a group share.

5. At this point, students should be ready to start their own brainstorming and creating, using ideas from anywhere in nature (not just the giraffe). Remind students to record sketches or brief descriptions of their brainstorming ideas on the Engineering Design Ideas

Final Design sheet.

Developing and Using Models

Structure and Function; Systems and System Models


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6. If you wish to have students build a model to represent their ideas, they will

can bring in additional materials from home if they want to.

7. Close the lesson by having students share their inventions. You can simply have them share within the class, or you may want to have them present to other classes, adults, or even parents.

BUILDING LANGUAGE FOR LITERACY1. Develop skills for brainstorming. Encourage students not to give up during

the brainstorming process. Talking through ideas (a.k.a. rehearsal) lays the groundwork for metacognition. Students need to be able to monitor their own thinking and adjust it as needed to continue with or discard an idea. Perseverance in taking ideas through the brainstorming part of the process is essential to task completion.

2. Develop discussion skills. Students need to be able to talk through ideas with each other. Model how to be a good listener and how to take turns talking.

3. Develop the skill of engaging through argument. Students need to be able to articulate their ideas and the reasons behind their ideas. They need to

4. Build a class library of books that the students have access to throughout the unit. Below are some titles to consider:

The Kid Who Invented the Popsicle: And Other Surprising Stories about Inventions by Don L. Wulffson

The Kids’ Invention Book (Kids’ Ventures) by Arlene Erlbach (Lerner)

Kids Inventing! A Handbook for Young Inventors by Susan Casey (Jossey-Bass)

Mistakes That Worked by Charlotte Jones (Delacorte)

Invent It! Series: Build It: Invent New Structures and Contraptions; Harness It: Invent New Ways to Harness Energy and Nature; Repurpose It: Invent New Uses for Old Stuff; and Zoom It: Invent New Machines That Move (Capstone Press)

Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information; Engaging in Argument from Evidence


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ABOVE AND BEYOND1. Invite parents or community members who have an engineering background

to come in and talk about the design process.

2. common objects, such as a soup ladle, whisk, hula hoop, ball, or triangle and have students brainstorm uses for it beyond its intended use. For example, a hula hoop could be a giant earring or a swimming pool.

3. Website Resources for Teachers:

4. DVDs:

Inventions & Gadgets! available from

Wallace and Gromit (any episodes) available from

ASSESSING STUDENT LEARNINGYou can use a rubric such as the one below to assess students’ learning.


Makes connections between nature (external structures) and human technology

Makes few connections between nature and human technology.

Makes connections between nature and human technology with minimal encouragement or prompting.

Independently makes multiple connections between nature and human technology.

Engages in brainstorming process and discussion around animal/plant structures that can inspire human technology

Reluctantly participates in brainstorming and discussion or does not participate at all.

Participates in brainstorming and discussion with minimal encouragement or prompting.

Confidently participates in brainstorming and discussion; makes insightful contributions.

Designs a nature-inspired product as a result of engineering design process

Designs a product that is minimally connected to nature; purpose of product unclear.

Designs a product that is nature-inspired and solves a problem.

Creates a product that is clearly nature-inspired and solves a significant problem.

Explains ideas and answers questions about product

Has difficulty explaining product and answering questions, even with prompting.

Explains product and answers questions with minimal prompting.

Explains product and answers most or all questions independently and confidently.

Other possible assessments:

1. Observe engagement of students during the lesson.

2. Assess the level of completion of Activity Sheets during sessions.

3. Intermediate steps and recording of ideas during design process.


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CROSSCUTTING CONCEPTSPatterns; Structure and Function; Cause and Effect; Systems and System Models

Students observe structure and function in common plants and animals. They look for patterns which may be used to describe, compare, and classify ways in which these structures are used to help animals meet their basic needs. They

the design process as a system as they brainstorm, plan, and construct a model to represent their solutions.

SCIENTIFIC AND ENGINEERING PRACTICESAsking Questions; Developing and Using Models; Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions; Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information; Engaging in Argument from Evidence

communicate information about how biomimicry helps solve human problems. They create models of their own ideas. Finally, they engage in argument from evidence as they share their own solutions and discuss solutions of others.

STANDARDS CORRELATIONSNext Generation Science Standards (NGSS)

1-LS1-1. Use materials to design a solution to meet a human problem by

survive, grow, and meet their needs.


be solved through the development of a new or improved object or tool.

K-2-ETS1-2. Develop a simple sketch, drawing, or physical model to illustrate how the shape of an object helps it function as needed to solve a given problem.

Common Core State Standards for English Language ArtsCCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.1.1 a text.

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.1.2 Identify the main topic and retell key details of a text.

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.1.3 Describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text.

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.1.4 or clarify the meaning of words and phrases in a text.


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CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.1.5 Know and use various text features (e.g., headings, tables of contents, glossaries, electronic menus, icons) to locate key facts or information in a text.

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.1.6 Distinguish between information provided by pictures or other illustrations and information provided by the words in a text.

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.1.7 Use the illustrations and details in a text to describe its key ideas.

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.1.1 Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 1 topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.1.1.a Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the topics and texts under discussion).

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.1.1.b Build on others’ talk in conversations by responding to the comments of others through multiple exchanges.

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.1.1.c about the topics and texts under discussion.


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Activity Sheet 1: Nature-Inspired Products Cards


Dandelion Seed Parachute

Burdock Velcro®

Maple Seeds Helicopter Rotors

Leaves Solar Panels


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Bird Wings Airplane Wings

Octopus Suction cup

Glow Sticks



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Activity Sheet 2: Walking on Water

Name ________________________

A water strider is an insect that walks on top of water. A pontoon boat floats on the water using a mechanism similar to the striders. How do they do it? Try this and find out!

Compare the physical characteristics of the insect and boat.


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• First, hold the paper clip by the end over the water. Drop the paper clip. What happens? Sketch in the space below:

• Next, place the paper clip across the end of the fork.

• Then, gently lower the fork into the water. Keep pushing the fork down into the water away from the paper clip. What happens? Sketch in the space below:

• Finally, try small and large paper clips. The water strider’s legs spread its weight out across the surface of the water so they do not sink. Pontoons help spread out the weight of the boat.


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Activity Sheet 4: Ideas from Nature

Name ________________________

Directions: Look at each picture below. Find the special structure for each plant or animal. Draw it or write 2-3 words to describe it. Then draw an idea for a new way the structure could be used to solve a problem. There is extra room for more ideas.

Cactus Pine Cone Moss Acorn

Spider Web Turtle Shell Sea Shell Porcupine

NOTE: Answers will vary; accept any reasonable responses. A few possible examples are included on the next page.



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Special Part Idea

Turtle Shell Helmet

Spider Web Safety Net

Porcupine Quills/Cactus Needles Protects from Predators


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Activity Sheet 5: Nature Design Task

Name ________________________

Your team of biomimicry engineers must create an invention to solve a problem. You must use an idea from a plant or animal and figure out how it can help humans.

1. Think about the features of the plant or animal. How do its features help it meet its basic needs?• Movement (running, walking, swimming, flying)• Keeping track of offspring (animals only)• Getting food or water• Providing protection• Finding/making shelter (animals only)• Attracting pollinators or spreading seeds (plants only)

You may use ideas from plants and animals you already learned about or choose another.

2. How can the plant’s or animal’s features help solve a human problem?

3. Engineering design takes a while. Brainstorming ideas is important. Here are the steps to follow as you think up your invention:

• Define your problem or task • Brainstorm and crazy think lots of ideas• Build• Make Changes• Final Design and Share

4. Use the next page to write down or draw your ideas. There are lots of spaces to show lots of ideas. Use the Final Design Sheet for your best idea. Be ready to share it with the class!


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Engineering Design Ideas

Date: _________________________ Date: _________________________

Date: _________________________ Date: _________________________

Answers may vary.


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Final Design

Name of Invention: _______________________________________

Draw and label your final design.

Tell about your invention:






Answers may vary.


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