21st century skills & tpack (english version)

Post on 30-Oct-2014






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Tijdens een conferentie van de Poolse Centre for education development gaf Petra Fisser een keynote presentatie over competenties die leraren nodig hebben om hun leerlingen voor te bereiden op leren en werken in de 21e eeuw, waarbij een belangrijke rol is weggelegd voor de integratie van ict in het onderwijs. Daarbij werden 21st century skills gekoppeld aan het TPACK model.


Competences of teachers in the 21st centurya challenging development!

Petra FisserUniversity of Twente

Curriculum Design & Educational Innovation13 December 2010

Competences of teachers in the 21st century

What are 21st century skills and why are they important?

From the past to the present to the future:

Past: schooling as we have known it for the last 150 years is a 19th

century invention that must change to keep pace with the demands

of the new economy

Present: schools, skills and learning that were designed to prepare

students for work and life

in the industrial economy need to be rethought

and re-engineered to serve the needs of people

in this century

Future: learning must use the affordances of

new technologies and employ better pedagogies based on recent

research on how people learn

21st century skills

But.. Is this really important?

I think it is…


21st century skills

Many organizations and authors have written about 21st century skills, such as

Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21)


Assessment and Teaching of 21st century skills (ATCS)

National Educational Technology Standards (NETS)

Technological Literacy Framework for the 2012 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)


Comparison of these ideas and models (Voogt & Pareja, 2010)

21st century skills

21st century skills

All models In 4 models In 2 models In 1 model

Cooperation CommunicationICT literacySocial and/or cultural skills

CreativityCritical thinking skills

Problem solving skills


Learning to learnSelf steeringPlanningFlexibilityCore subjects:

MathLanguage (own)Language (other)


Taking risksMetacognitionControlling / solving conflicts

Initiative and entrepreneurism

Interdisciplinary themes

Core subjects: Art, economy, geography, history and social studies

21st century skills, what about the teacher?

Most studies are about students that have to develop 21st century skills

But what does this mean for the teacher?

He/she has a key role in this!

Needs the same competences as the students

Has to know about (student-centered) pedagogical approaches and ICT applications

Needs to be a lifelong learner: professional development is crucial

Yes, what about the teacher?

Teaching is a complicated practice

It requires integration of many kinds of specialized knowledge

Teachers practice in highly complex, dynamic classrooms

Effective teaching depends on flexible access to rich, well-organized and integrated knowledge from different domains, including

knowledge of student thinking and learning,

knowledge of subject matter, and increasingly,

knowledge of technology

A possible starting point for professional development

Teachers often have inadequate (or inappropriate) experience with using technology for teaching and learning

Many teachers earned degrees at a time when educational technology was at a very different stage of development than it is today

They do not appreciate its value or relevance to teaching and learning

They do not consider themselves sufficiently prepared to use technology in the classroom

They do not know how to combine technology with a morestudent-centered approach

A possible starting point for professional development

But: acquiring a new knowledge base and skill set can be challenging, particularly if it is a time-intensive activity that must fit into a busy schedule

Moreover, this knowledge is unlikely to be used unless teachers can use the technology so that it is consistent with their existing pedagogical beliefs

Teachers have often been provided with inadequate training for this task

Many approaches to teachers’ professional development offer a one size-fits-all approach to technology integration when, in fact,

Teachers operate in diverse contexts of teaching and learning

What to do?

How can teachers integrate technology and a student-centered teaching approach into their daily teaching practice?

There is no “one best way” to integrate this into curriculum, but:

“At the heart of good teaching with technology are three core components: content, pedagogy, and technology, plus the relationships among and between them.”

(Koehler & Mishra, 2006)


Content or Subject matter knowledge•Knowledge of central facts, concepts, theories & procedures•Explanatory frameworks•Evidence for proof

Pedagogical knowledge•Students’ prior knowledge•How to use resources•Classroom management•Lesson plan development & implementation•Student evaluation

Technological (ICT) Knowledge•Skills necessary to operate particular technologies•The ability to learn and adapt to new technologies•A functional understanding of technologies

Pedagogical Content Knowledge: How particular aspects of subject matter are organized, adapted and represented for instruction

Technological Content Knowledge:How subject matter changes because of ICT (or how ict can support subject matter!)

Technological pedagogical Knowledge: How pedagogies change because of ICT (or how ict can support pedagogy)


TPACK goes beyond all three “core” components of content, pedagogy, and technology

Technological pedagogical content knowledge is an understanding that emerges from interactions among content, pedagogy, and technology knowledge

Not an easy job..

There is no single technological solution that applies for every teacher, every course, or every view of teaching

There is no single (student-centered) pedagogical approach that applies for every student in every course

Important: the ability of a teacher to flexibly navigate the spaces defined by the three elements of content, pedagogy, and technology and the complex interactions among these elements in specific contexts

Ignoring the complexity inherent in each knowledge component or the complexities of the relationships among the components can lead to oversimplified solutions or failure!

Professional development is crucial

Teachers need to develop fluency and cognitive flexibility not just in each of the key domains (T, P, and C), but also in the manner in which these domains and contextual parameters interrelate


Introducing new educational technologies into the learning process changes more than the tools used

It has deep implications for the nature of content-area learning, as well as the pedagogical approaches among which teachers can select

This is often an overlooked aspect in many projects that try to implement technology in education

We have to do something…

How can we use the TPACK model?

As a guide and a reflection tool to make sure that there is always a careful selection of content, pedagogy and technology

Using the TPACK model to design courses may give some directions in how to design professional development programs

But how??2 examples..

The TPACK model in Kuwait

Study with 61 students from the science teacher preparation program

2 courses about ict, not integrated with other courses

Experiment: working in groups of 4 on

the design of science education with ict

with a more student-centered approach

Results pre-test

Good score on pedagogical knowledge (PK) and content knowledge (CK)

Very low score on technological pedagogical knowledge (TPK) and technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK)

The TPACK model in Kuwait

Results post-test:

Higher scores on all domains, but especially in

Technological Content Knowledge (TCK),

Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK) and

Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK)

De students

Where able to use ict

Where able to make connections between technology, pedagogy and content

Had better ict skills

Had a better attitude towards ict in education

The TPACK model in Kuwait

Success factors:

An authentic assignment in a real context with a real problem

Working in groups

Working actively

Try-out in own classroom

Feedback from peers and experts (instructors)

The TPACK model in Tanzania

Study with 29 students from the science & mathematics teacher preparation program of the Dar es Salaam University College of Education in Tanzania

Different interventions:

Microteaching (small lesson for peer students)

TPACK Training

Lesson design

Lesson presentation in real classroom

Peer & instructor feedback

The TPACK model in Tanzania

The TPACK model in Tanzania

Success factors:

The TPACK training

An authentic assignment

Working actively

Try-out in own classroom


It can be done…

By integrating ict in the (pre-service) teacher training program

with attention for the interaction between and the integration of the different domains within TPACK

and letting students work actively on a real-life problem in practice

(future) teachers develop TPACK

Would this also be possible for in-service training??(at this moment we are trying to develop professional development programs based on the experience in the pre-service programs)

But… be careful!

Be careful..

From a recent study by Jo Tondeur (Ghent University, Belgium):

Teacher training institutes want to have TPACK in their curriculum

But by focusing on certain aspects of the model and not on the integration of all domains this happened:






(TK) TechnologicalKnowledge







Knowledge (TCK)








Knowledge (TPK)

Want to know more?

Literature study (in translation at the moment)

Development of TPACK interventions & instruments

Studies in the Netherlands, Belgium, Kuwait, Tanzania, Ghana, ….. and Poland????

Please contact me!

Petra FisserUniversity of Twentep.h.g.fisser@utwente.nl

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