23 floriculture

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  • 8/12/2019 23 Floriculture


    Floriculture Chapter23

    loriculture or flower farming as it is popularly called is a discipline of Horticulture and includes cultivation of flowering and ornamental plants for sales or for use as raw materials in cosmetic and perfume industry and the

    pharmaceutical sector. The present day floral industry is a dynamic, fast growingindustry, which has achieved significant growth rate during the past few decades andhas extended worldwide with the major paradigm shift of production centers fromdeveloped to developing nations. India is also paving its way to emerge as animportant production base for floriculture products. Enormous genetic diversity,varied agro climatic conditions, versatile human resources etc offer India a uniquescope for judicious employment of existing resources and exploration of avenues yetuntouched.

    23.2 Floriculture being an important agri-business sector contributes widely to theIndian economy through opportunities in terms of employment, income generationearning foreign exchange and empowerment, thus raising the socio economic statusin both rural and urban areas. Government of India has identified Floriculture as thesunrise industry and accorded it 100% export oriented status. Owing to steadyincrease in demand of flowers, Floriculture has become one of the importantcommercial activities. Hence Commercial Floriculture has emerged as a Hi-Techactivity, taking place under controlled climatic conditions inside Greenhouse.Commercial Floriculture is becoming important from the export angle. Theliberalization of industrial and trade policies paved the way for the development of export oriented production of cut flowers. The new seed policy has already made itfeasible to import planting material of international varieties. It has been found thatCommercial Floriculture has higher potential per unit area than most of the field cropsand therefore has become a lucrative business.

    23.3 According to a report of the National Horticulture Board (NHB), the total areaunder flower crops in the country during 2010-11 was estimated around 190.9thousand hectares. Production of flowers was estimated to be 1031.3 MT of looseflowers and 69027.4 lakh numbers of cut flowers in the said year. Fresh and Dried cutflowers dominate Floriculture exports from India. Roses, Marigold, Tuberose,Orchids and Chrysanthemums are the main cut flowers exported from India.Moreover, the country has exported 3,09,26,023 MT of floriculture products to theworld. USA, Germany, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Japan, Canada and UAE weremajor importing countries of Indian floriculture during the same period .

    23.4 The J&K State is ideally suited for the development of flowers, bulbs and theseeds throughout the year. Earlier, the floriculture activities were restricted only to


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  • 8/12/2019 23 Floriculture


    maintenance and development of parks and gardens. Subsequently, during 2007, theState Government established two separate Directorates of Floriculture one for eachdivision with a view to ensuring speedy and focused attention towards thedevelopment of floriculture in the State. The newly created organizations were

    mandated to focus not only on ornamental and recreational floriculture but to popularize commercial floriculture as well. The demand for flowers as cut, loose, dry, potpourri bulbs, seeds, bunches, bouquets, ornamentals, fillers etc. is increasing quitesubstantially over the years both in domestic and international markets.

    A) Development of Floriculture:- Initiatives taken;

    23.5 Development of Floriculture in the State assumes greater significance as it hasnot only huge employment potential but surely has an impact to increase the incomelevels of various tourism related stakeholders such as handicraft traders, houseboatsowners, shikara wallas, taxi operators, hoteliers etc. The major initiatives taken by

    the Department for the development of this sector are given as under;1. A multipronged strategy has been adopted by the Department for development

    of commercial floriculture which include providing of financial and technicalassistance and development of post harvesting facilities and marketingchannels for the benefit of the growers.

    2. With the financial assistance available under various schemes, sufficient progress has been made in cultivation of various kinds and varieties of cutflowers like Carnation, Lillium, Gladolus, Marigold, Tulip and also in seed production both under open field and green house conditions.

    3. Commercial floriculture is picking up fast in both the divisions of the State. InKashmir Division, during 1998-99 an area of only 100 hectares was under flowers cultivation with annual turnover of


    100.00 lakhs. The area hasincreased to 330 hectares during 2011-12 with annual turnover of about`

    1350.00 lakhs. More than 1500 un-employed youth are directly engagedwith this activity in the said division.

    4. In Jammu Division, the department has registered 1094 progressive growersending March 2012 and an area of 245.78 hectares has been covered under

    Commercial Floriculture.5. Commercial cut flower production of Tulip crop is now done under controlled

    conditions from Mid December in Kashmir Division on a modest scale.

    6. A Flower Mandi has been established at Rajbagh Srinagar which has helpedthe progressive growers to avail facilities like marketing, preservation of flower goods, cold storages and transportation of flower goods from the flower fields to Mandi for its marketing.

    B) Technology Mission andOther CSS interventions

    23.6 The centrally sponsored schemes like Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY),Technology Mission (TM) & National Mission on Medicinal Plants (NMMP) are

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  • 8/12/2019 23 Floriculture


    primarily aimed at to uplift the economic conditions of the poor farmers by way of providing incentives for host of floriculture activities. With the implementation of these schemes in the State, the Floriculture is increasingly regarded as a viablediversification from traditional crops due to increase in per unit yield and is apt to

    become one of the high value agricultural industries. The main achievements for the period ending 2011-12 under these CSS are given as under;

    1. Two poly green houses under protected cultivation at Bhour Camp Jammu,three cold storages one each at Bhour Camp, Jammu, Green Belt Park Gandhi Nagar Jammu & Zanana Park Udhampur were established to facilitate the progressive growers.

    2. 15 walk-in-cold chambers at the cost of `

    182.00 lakhs have been establishedat various district headquarters in the Kashmir Valley and a provision of `

    9.00 lakhs has been kept for operational cost of these Walk-in Cold Rooms

    during 2011-12.

    3. Procurement of refrigerated vans is in progress and a provision of `

    40.50lakhs has been kept for fabrication of 2 water tanker and 01 goods carrier during the current financial year. These facilities are being provided to thecommercial growers on no profit no loss basis so that they are in a position totemporarily store their produce either for marketing or refrigeratedtransportation from production site to the nearest market.

    4. Construction of hi-tech poly houses, wooden structures and shade houses is in progress in Kashmir Division.

    5. Two Mali Training Centres one at Bhour Camp Jammu and another at ZananaPark Udhampur have been constructed.

    6. Model Floriculture Centre at Nuner (District Ganderbal) has been developed by Department of Agriculture, Kashmir, for production of Lillium bulbs whichwere imported from Holland for further propagation at this centre. The bulbs produced at the centre are being distributed among commercialgrowers/interested parties.

    7. One Model Nursery of medicinal plants in an area of 04 hectares has beenestablished at Bhour Camp, Jammu.

    C) Skill up-gradation of Growers

    23.7 The Department is organizing regular training programmes within and outsidethe State for the growers. Progressive farmers are being deputed to Indian AgricultureResearch Institute (IARI) and Water Technology Centre which are countrys premier institutes for flower seed production and water harvesting and protected cultivation of cut flower. Awareness programmes are also being organized to educate farmers toadopt floriculture besides agriculture. Printed material depicting the benefits of

    various schemes is being distributed among the progressive farmers.

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  • 8/12/2019 23 Floriculture


    D) Development of ornamental and recreational floriculture

    23.8 With a view to catch the attention of the tourists and also generate direct andindirect employment opportunities in the State, the Department is implementingvarious plan schemes which are primarily focused for the development and popularization of ornamental and recreational floriculture. Development of new parks, beautification of existing parks/gardens, restoration, preservation andmaintenance of heritage gardens are the major activities under plan sector.

    23.9 Tulip Garden established in the foothills of Zabarwan on the banks of DalLake has now become a famous tourist destination which has helped in pre-poning of the tourism by at least by 3-4 weeks. Nearly 80000 people visit the Tulip Garden, outof which major chunk belongs to the tourists from outside the state. Restoration and preservation of famous heritage Mughal Gardens is also in progress. Pink Pavillion(Baradari) in Nishat Garden and Turkish Bath (Hamam) in Shalimar Garden inDistrict Srinagar have been restored. The development works at Achabal and Verinagin District Anantnag have been completed to a substantial extent.

    23.10 Similarly in Jammu Division, Bagh-e-Bahu has become a well establishedtourist spot which is generating revenue of about


    40.00 lakhs annually. After thedevelopment of a this mega park, the department has taken up one more mega park viz. Veer Bhoomi Park in Samba District. The work is under progress and expectedto be completed by the end of 2012-13. The Department intends to develop another mega park at Bhour Camp Jammu where major chunk of the land is available for the purpose. The DPR/estimates of the said proposed project have been formulated at thecost of


    2841.00 lakhs. Moreover, development of public parks at Maitra and Sanasar in Ramban District has also been taken up in hand. Floriculture Park at ChandianAkhnoor has been inaugurated and thrown open to public. The park has beendeveloped at an estimated cost of


    1.32 crore over an area 38,000 sft (7 kanals).

    E) 12 th FiveYear Plan Strategy:

    23.11 During the 12 th Five Year Plan (2012-17), the Department is focusing onstrengthening of the infrastructure facilities, providing of improved germ plasma,

    adequate market support, awareness about pre- and post harvesting technologies,development, re-modelling, and restoration of parks and gardens besides bringingimprovements in equipments for speedy and scientific of maintenance of parks.

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