25th may 2011 newsletter web

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Nelson Central SchoolW e e k l y N e w s l e t t e r

70 Ni le S tree t , Nelson – P hone 03 548 4972 – Fax 03 548 4483 – Ema i l s ta f f@ne lsoncen t ra l . s choo l .n z Principal: tumuaki@nelsoncentral.school.nz   Secretary: secretary@nelsoncentral.school.nz  BOT Chairman:  David Jo hnston Website:  www.nelsoncentral.school.nz  

Our weekly newsletter is kindly sponsored b y – 


 It’s down to the Parents, and having talked to some,

they seem to know their kids have them, but don’t go to the trouble I seem to, to get rid of the

blooming things. It’s not just treating the head, but stripping bed linen and towels and cleaning hair 


 Back in the day, we’d have to go to the Nit Nurse,

especially if a teacher spotted a child scratching,

then the Parents were called, and the child had to

go home. I believe that, if the Parents are forced toleave their jobs, or, their precious walk up the

Centre of NZ, or their coffee meetings at 

 Lambrettas, then they will be forced to really sort 

the problem out.

Sorry, but we’ve really had enough, night after night, stripping beds, treating hair, and only to

return to school the next day, and bang, there theyare again.

Now I do know that we aren’t the only school that suffersfrom this issue but we can be the only school where 100%of the cases are dealt with successfully. However, that willmean everyone in our community talking seriously thehealth advice we issue. There is little point only a fewpeople taking action because it won’t be long before theinfestation is fully blown again – Everyone Has To Act! 

National Excellence In Teaching Awards (NEITA)In 1996, ASG Education Programs New Zealand (ASG)introduced the National Excellence in Teaching Awards(NEiTA) to conduct a program of national awardshonouring the vital role teachers play in developing thepotential of their students.

The awards promote public recognition of the teachingprofession and specifically those teachers and leaderswhose inspirational approach to teaching stimulates studentlearning.

In 2007, ASG invited Cognition Education Limited, New

Zealand's largest independent education consultancy andservice provider, to jointly sponsor awards for both teachersand educational leaders. ASG Excellence in Teaching

 Awards and Cognition Education Excellence in Leadership

 Awards are presented to 20 teachers at regional level, and10 teachers nationally.

These special teachers and leaders are found throughout oureducation systems and it is of benefit to the teachingprofession that we identify and honour fine examples of inspirational teaching and leadership. These educators willnot only continue to shine as positive role models for

T E R M 225th May 2011 

 Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa te whanau whanui o te Kura Tuatahi o Whakatu – greetings to friends and 

 family of Nelson Central School.

Summit Walk

Thank you very much to parents who made it possible fortheir children to take part in the Summit Walk on Sunday.The event, helped by a lovely sunny day, was verysuccessful as evidenced by a huge turnout and the fact thatour school won $2,000 worth of sports equipment for theschool – well done Central families!

Sports coordinator Sheryll will be assessing our needs overthe next few weeks and using the money to plug the gaps.

Thanks also to Christine Harrison who organisedeverything on our behalf. Special thanks also to Kathrynand the SCG once again for their fantastic support.

The Ritchie McCaw Challenge

School Council driven fundraising for this appealcontinues this week – let’s get behind their efforts and seewhat we can do!

Sick children should be kept at home.

We are seeing signs of the approaching winter in the formof sick children. If your child is sick during the night withvomiting and/or diarrhoea please do not let them return to

school until they are well over their affliction.You are invited

The Link Learning Cluster, of which our school is a part,wish to invite all Board of Trustees and interested parentsto a information evening about cyber safety at eitherUpper Moutere School on Tuesday 31 May or at AucklandPoint School on Wednesday 1 June at 7pm.

Please visit the following web address to register yourinterest:


Pediculosis or Nits

These little gremlins make regular appearances at schooland when they do, every child in the class is sent homewith a notice asking that a procedure be put in place toeliminate the problem. Most people take the problemseriously and do the right thing however, it is clear that isnot the case otherwise I wouldn’t have received thefollowing letter (adapted):

 I am sorry to complain, hate to have to do it, but, I 

have been spending a fortune on products for 

 Head Lice, which has been an ongoing problem,

ever since my son got to NCS!

 It really is a problem, and the poor kid ends upwith a terribly sore head from the Nit comb, plus

all the stuff, which is very harsh on the skin, it’s

something we all need to address.

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beginning teachers, but also help build publicconfidence in the profession as a whole.

The program calls on parents, boards of trustees,

 parent associations, committees of management,

secondary student councils and local community

organisations to identify teachers and leaders who are

an inspiration to their students, their peers and their 


Approved nominees receive a NEiTA Certificate of 

Nomination to acknowledge their nomination by thecommunity, and are eligible for consideration forregional and national awards.

Follow this link to make a nomination: http:// www.neita.com.au/index.asp?menu1=nz1&menu2=home&content1=home1.htm 

Children’s Writing

What Is Evolution?

Evolution is the theory of how animals, plants andhumans have evolved over time. Evolve means tochange. Charles Darwin is a scientist of evolution.

Charles Darwin travelled to many places and found outmany different things about animals and how theyevolve.

The lizard evolved from dinosaurs 80 million year agoand lizards could have evolved from a snake with 2 legs90 million years ago.

Scientist today continue to look over at Charles Darwinwork.

Animals, plants and humans are still evolving today.We humans have evolved - we are a lot taller than weuse to be.

Dinosaurs and things like that lived around 600 millionyears ago. The humans have only lived for 2 millionyears! (Paige Year 6).

Dates to diary Term dates for 2011Term 2 Monday 2 May - Friday 15 JulyTerm 3 Monday 1 August - Friday 7 OctoberTerm 4 Tuesday 25 October - Wednesday 21


Public HolidaysQueen's Birthday - 6 June (Monday)

Labour Day - 24 October (Monday)Some important school activities:Term 2:27 May Crash Demonstration28 May Schools Cross Country League2 June Cross Country Relay4 June Matariki starts8 June Touch Competition9 June Inter-School Cross Country14 June Inter-School Cross Country (postponement

date)20 June Nelson Region Cross Country

21 June BOT Meeting Staff RoomTerm 3:9 August International Day of the World's

Indigenous People16 August BOT Meeting Staff Room29 August Start of Eid

Nelson Central Social SkillsNelson Central Social Skills 

“Working Well in a Group”“Working Well in a Group” 

Health Message

We have recently had a few cases of impego (school

sores). The following is a message from the Public Health

Nurse :

 “Recommendations from the public healthservice advise that impetigo is spread through

direct contact with discharge from infectedskin therefore it is advised, children infectedwith impetigo remain at home until 24 hours

after treatment with antibiotics has started oruntil sores are healed. Keep infected areas

covered if discharging and most importantlypractice good hand washing cares.”  

13 September Winter Tournament19 September Nelson Schools Science Fair20 September BOT Meeting Staff Room22 September 22 September Inter Regional X-Country29 September Nelson City School Speech Competitions

Term 4:TBA Grasshopper Tennis25 Oct BOT Meeting Staff Room11 November Inter Regional Football

15 November BOT Meeting Staff Room20 November Universal Children's Day26 November Islamic New Year10 December Human Rights Day13 December BOT Meeting Staff Room16 December End of Year reports due to go home19 December Totara Final Assembly21 December Final School Assembly 11:15 am.

Dr Paul Potaka


Scholastic Lucky BooksYour child has received an order form for Scholastic

Lucky Books. Orders can be placed in the marked boxin the office foyer up until Wednesday 27th May. Allcheques must be made out to Scholastic NZ. Thanks,

Val & Judy

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Summit Rescue 20 yearsWalk to the Centre of New Zealand.

Sunday 22 nd  May 

“This hill is very special to our school so let’s get the numbers!”  

We did get the numbers! Well done NelsonCentral—we won! 37% of our school role

participated in the event. We won $2000 worth ofsports equipment.

Well done to all those families and children who took up the challenge. Many thanks to Kathryn 

and the school community group for their support.


Fundraising Update

Richie McCaw Chopper ChallengeThe Kahikatea cake stall raised $300 and the Room one raffle $54.

Upcoming fundraisers 

Thank you for your support of the Student Council intheir fundraising efforts.

 Room Two Juicy Sales $1.00

Thursday 26th MayRoom Two councillors will be selling juicies.

Orders to be placed before school outside library

Room Three Wacky Hat Day Friday 27th May

Gold coin donationStart thinking about your whacky hat.

School Community GroupRichie McCaw Chopper Challenge

Sausage sizzle Friday 27th May, $2. Placeorders before school at desk in front of

li brary. This event wi ll be held inconjunction wi th the Wacky Hat day. So,remember your go ld coins! These twoevents wil l be our last push to win theRichie McCaw visit. Winning wil l be abonus but our major focus has been to

support this worthy cause.

Room 1 Raffle ResultsSummit Rescue Helicopter Fundraiser

Winners1st prize Chocolate basket Jonti2nd prize Cake Julian3rd prize Bag of Lollies ZoeThe raffle raised $54.00

Well done Room 1 Student Councillors

Still rising but keep them coming!!!

Colgate Carton Race.We are now up to 209.

We have unti l June 30th to collectas many cartons as we can to be

in with a chance to win a share of$60,000 worth of sports


Col lection container i n foyer.

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Last Tuesday I went to the Hockey Tournament at Saxton Fieldto represent Nelson Central School.

At 9:00, all children who were going to the tournament had tomeet at the horseshue.

We were given our school tee-shirts and then put into cars. Iwent w ith Siobhan’s Mum and 3 other girl s.

Later when we arrived at Saxton fiel d, we all grabbed a hockeystick out of the car boot and gathered by the field.

While waiting anxiously for our games to start we hadsomething to eat. A lady was coming around taking photos ofour teams also.

I was in the year 3/4 mixed team. We played 5 games. Wewon 1 game by default and we lost al l the others.

I saw two people get hurt in the face by hockey sticks. One girlwas bleeding a lot and the other girl went off for a li ttle b itbefore coming back on to play.

Although my team lost a lot, I sti l l had a really fun day at thehockey tournament.

Becky R17


NetballCentral Firebirds v Henley Pulse. Henlywon 23-10.Player of the day: Saffron S. room 3

MiniballCentral Pistons v Hampden St Breakers.Central won 44-24.

Player of the day: Jonti W. room 1

Central Celtics v Hampden St Slammers.Central won 22-14.Player of the day: To Skyla T. room 9 whoshone with her rebounding, stealing theball off the opposition; shooting andpassing. Well done SkylaWhat a great game. All players performedvery well, guarding, passing, evading theopposition, defending, shooting andrebounding.

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Nelson Central School Cross Country 2011 Results

Year 6 Girls Year 6 Boys

1st Aimee H, room 1 1st Thomas Z, room 1

2nd As O, room 3 2nd Sam M, room 2

3rd Tayla P, room 3 3rd David Z, room 3

4th Isabell a D, room 9 4th Albie M, room 2

5th Jessie W, room 9 5th Ronan O, room 2

6th Isabell a S, room 1 6th Leo D, room 2

7th Liz M, room 1 7th Callum M, room 3


Lydia B, room 2 8th

 Jon W, room 1 9th Baimon W, room 2 9th Sam H, room 2

10th Molly M, room 3 10th Rohan T, room 2

11th Aura M, room 3 11th Omar D, room 3

12th Grace M, room 1 12th Max P, room 3

13th Kel le R, room 1 13th Darcy T, room 3

14th= Paige C, room 1 14th Max S, room 9

14th= Elizabeth D, room 1 15th Josiah K, room 2

16th Bailey D, room 9

17th Daniel H, room 1

Year 5 Girls Year 5 Boys


Josephine R, room 2 1st

Luke M, room 12nd Carmina G, room 1 2nd Logan C, room 3

3rd Mackensey W, room 2 3rd Harry C, room 2

4th Maya S, room 9 4th Baxter C, room 3

5th Layla M, room 9 5th William F, room 2

6th Hannah M, room 2 6th Jonny L, room 2

7th Lylli a, room2 7th Louis R, 1

8th Ella M, room 1 8th Alex S, room 1

9th Jenna S, room 2 9th William S, room 2

10th Anna S, room 1 10th Merl yn B

11th Isobel M, room 2 11th 


Madison S, room 2 12th

Jack E, room 313th Mia C, room 2 13th Sam A, room 1

14th Anna D, room 9 14th 

15th Amarah T, room 3 15th Beau C, room1

16th Ani E, room 9 16th  

17th Melany M, room 2 17th Jordan P, room 2

18th Zoe F, room 3 18th Gyung K, room 1 

Year 4 Girls Year 4 Boys

1st Holl y R, room 5 1st Luc G, room 8

2nd Eva L, room 6 2nd Luke D, room 17

3rd Ella R, room 5 3rd Jacob P, room 6


Eva P, room 8 4th

Ethan S, room 75th Jane B, room 6 5th Chris M, room 8

6th Sophie M, room 5 6th Aulay F, room 8

7th Isabelle M, room 8 7th Peter M, room 8

8th Yasmina C, room 8 8th Aiden S, room 5

9th Katrina C, room 6 9th Taonga A, room 9

10th Eden B, room 7 10th Desi ah N, room 7

11th Torfun W, room 5 11th Joshua C, room 6

12th Samantha B, room 7 12th Denver T, room 8

13th Lina P, room 8 13th Jackson M, room 8

14th Ruby V, room 17 14th George B, room 8


Usha M, room 7 15th

 Year 3 Girls Year 3 Boys

1st Lydia G, room 7 1st Dil lon G, room8

2nd Lucia S, room 8 2nd Finlay S, room 7

3rd Ta’a-M, room 16 3rd William R, room 6

4th Charloe F, room 8 4th Liam W, room 6

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5th Holly M, room 7 5th Lukas T, room 7

6th Ruby B, room 6 6th Abel M, room room 7

7th Lucy M, room 5 7th Bruno M, room 8

8th Ysabel la E, room 7 8th Luis S, room 17

9th Sofie H, room 17 9th Timothy D, room 7

10th Becky D, room 17 10th Louis H, room 8

11th Hayley B, room 8 11th 

12th Nikkita W, room 5 12th Max M, room 6

13th Kathryn M, room 8 13th Nico S, room 5

14th Gree r M, 5 14th Jayden H, room 515th Li ly W, room 7 15th Riley G, room 6

Year 2 Girls Year 2 Boys

1st Charloe S, room 14 1st Ben P, room 14

2nd Hinerangi B, room 16 2nd Marcus P, room 16

3rd Lucy M, room 15 3rd Toby M, room 3

4th Gemma T, room 15 4th Nathanael K, room 14

5th Rani W, room 13 5th Caleb S, room 13

6th Tahli a K, room 16 6th James H, room 14

7th Anjah S, room 15 7th Brook P, room 13

8th Grace M, room 14 8th Riku S, room 15

9th Sere n H, room 13 9th Edward R, room 1510th Payton W, room 14 10th Jack M, room 15

6 Year Old Girls 6 Year Old Boys

1st Ruby R, Renw 2 1st Tayne H, room 10

2nd Lois B, Renw 2 2nd Tom P, Renw 3

3rd Ale x N, Renw 2 3rd Marcus M, room 11

4th Mania A, room 16 4th Finn C, room 16

5th Mariah G, room 10 5th Malakai T, Renw 2

6th Aliyah G, Renw 2 6th Hunter T, room12

7th India H, Renw 2 7th Tye W, Renw 2

8th Yegor J, Renw 2

9th Teone H, room 10

5 Year Old Girls 5 Year Old Boys

1st Flore nce M, room Renw 2 1st Ruben B, room 11

2nd Scarle R, Renw 2 2nd Ryan C, room 11

3rd Phoebe F, room 10 3rd Dylan F, room 12

4th Safa B, room 11 4th Cade H, room 10

5th Tavie G, room 12 5th Max O, room 12

6th Sylvie L, Renw 3 6th Kianu H, room 10

7th Ella M, room 121 7th Malachi G, room 10

8th Jessi ca M, Renw 3 8th Kahu S, room 10

9th Skye H, room 12 9th James T, Renw 3

10th Irie D, room 11 10th Isaac P, Renw 3

Open 2 Laps

1st Sam M, room 2

2nd Luc G, room 8

3rd Albie M, room 2

4th Charloe H, room 6 



7th David Z, room 3

8th Jon W, room 1 

9th Ronan O, room 2

10th Jacob P, room 6

11th Josh C, room 6

12th Jonny L, room 2

13th Ethan S, room 7

14th Baxter C, room3

15th Aulay F, room 8

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