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Christopher Farms Elementary School

2828 Pleasant Acres Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23453 (757) 648-2240

Galloping Gazette Volume 18, Issue 3

May, 2017


By Emily B.

Did you know that GOTR stands for Girls

On The Run? We do not just run, we learn self-confidant and life skills.

We run a practice 5k around the neighborhood close to school, and run a

5k at the end of the season. We also have a year-end party usually held at

the field house! We meet and run two times a week. We can run with

friends too! If you are a girl in 3rd -5th grades you can sign up for Girls On

The Run.

Oh, and did I mention that if you raise over $100 you will get a cape for

raising money for the scholarship? This is not all we do. There’s also a

community service project to help our community our in various ways. For

a couple of years we helped out the SPCA, and we also did the Allen

Myers for the people who are working on the Holland Road expansion.

We made goodie bags for them and in return they gave us each a t-shirt.

We do not always get us stuff in return, but we do it for the good of our

community,and we enjoy that very much. I hope that you enjoyed my

article on Girls on the Run!!!

Front Page News:

Girls on the Run


Awesome Student Writing


Games and Entertainment


Comedy 10-11

Sports 12-13

Poetry Place 14-33

Galloping Gazette

Reporters: 2016-2017 34

Pugs By Samantha N.

Pugs have been around since they were brought from China to Europe in the sixteenth

century and were popularized in Western Europe.

In the United Kingdom, in the nineteenth century, Queen Victoria developed a passion

for pugs which she passed on to other members of the Royal family. Pugs have wrinkles,

short-muzzled faces, and very curly tails.

Did you know that a pug was judged best in show at the World Dog Show in 2004?

Pugs can live up to 12-15 years. Also a pug should be walked about 2 times a day. Enjoy your



Mars/Space Travel by Arielle P.

Hello my name is Arielle. I will be taking you on a journey t0 Mars and space

travel to help you learn about amazing things.

Why scientists think humans can live on Mars…

Scientists think humans can live on Mars because, unlike other planets such as

Saturn, that has gases that are poisonous, Venus, which is too hot, Mars is the only

other planet with water and carbon dioxide that can be turned in to oxygen. The Moon

does not have enough water or oxygen for humans to survive. You’re probably

wondering where the water on Mars is. The water on Mars is located in the polar ice

caps and in the vapor in the atmosphere.

What the challenges of space travel are…

Next, we are going to talk about space travel. There are a lot of space travel

challenges. For example, you must take everything with you because there is no

supermarket in space. Astronauts don’t usually get enough sleep because there is a

40-minute time difference than here on Earth. Additionally, you have to fix everything

yourself because there is no 911, and if you get into trouble, you would have to ask

the astronauts on a spaceship for help. Another problem is that everything floats

because there is less gravity. Less gravity makes you weightless after a while that

will weaken your muscles and bones. Last but not least, and it takes seven to eight

months to Mars there and back in a spaceship.

What would it be like for people who spend time on Mars…?

When people begin to live on Mars they’ll have to have special shelters and

clothing to protect them from solar radiation and other environment problems. The

special clothing will protect their blood boiling from the radiation, and then freezing to

death because Mars is always cold. The reason for this is because Mars’ atmosphere

is so thin the sunlight comes right in then out. There is no atmosphere to keep the

warmth of the sun in. On Mars there is a different day-and-night cycle so it could

affect the astronaut’s sleep. They might be grouchy in the morning.

I hope you had a fun time on this adventure learning about space travel and


VOLUME 18 ISSUE 3 Page 3

The Bubbles Family by Kaitlin S.

The Bubbles family is one bubbly family. The Bubbles family is Tetra fish.

In oldest to youngest their names are… Mr. Bubbles, Mrs. Bubbles,

Bubbles, Bubbles Jr., Bubblegum, Bub, Bubble Bop, Bubble Trouble,

Bubblelicous, Neon #1, Neon #2, Neon #3, and last but not least Neon #4. The sad thing is Bubbles, Neon #1,

Neon #3 and Neon #4 died. The fish that have the word bubbles in it look identical to the fish in the top left

corner, except mine are pink, purple, and blue. The fish with the word neon in it looks identical to the fish

pictured in the top right corner.

I got my fish for Christmas and boy, was I delighted! So let me tell you how I noticed my fish on

Christmas morning. First when we got up in the morning my dad and grandma were at my house then while

we were opening presents in the living room. My grandma heard some water running and she asked my dad

about it (and my dad didn’t know that we didn’t know about the fish) so my dad said it was just the fish

tank! I thought, “WOW, WHAT? A FISH TANK???”

Since then, when I got my fish, fish have become my favorite animal. First of all, fish aren’t too much

work. Second of all, fish are very colorful and fun to watch. Third of all, if you ever go broke and starve you

can eat your fish.

I love the Bubbles family and maybe someday you might get a fish too!

THE GILA MONSTER by Melanie Joy D.

Have you ever heard of the Gila Monster? Well, it’s not really a monster. The Gila Monster is a species of

venomous lizard native to the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexican state of Sonora.

As a heavy, typically slow-moving lizard, up to 60 cm (2.0 ft.) long, the Gila Monster is the only

venomous lizard native to the United States and one of the only two species of venomous lizards in North

America. The other being its close relative, the Mexican Beaded Lizard. Though the Gila Monster is

venomous, it’s sluggish nature means it represents little threat to humans. However, it has earned a

fearsome reputation and has sometimes killed despite being protected by state law.

Distribution and Habitats

They inhabit scrub land, like the succulent desert, and oak woodland, seeking shelter in burrows,

thickets, and under rocks in locations with ready access to moisture. In fact, Gila Monsters seem to like

water and can be observed immersing themselves in puddles of water after a summer rain. They avoid living

in open areas such as flats and farmland.

P.S I wrote this to inform you about Gila Monsters and because they interest me.


War by: Addison M. War is tough. I know that because my dad was serving in a war when I was born on

May 18th, 2009. I didn’t get to see him until he came back. I did not know when he’d come

back and I really missed him so much. He was the last one in the family who got to hold me

and that made me sad until my mom explained to me that he’d left his assignment to early to

be able to come see me. I appreciated that so much!

All about Louis Braille By Samantha N.

Braille is a reading system of dots and dashes to help the blind people

read. This system was invented by a man named Louis Braille.

Braille became blind when he was about 3 or 4. He was in his fa-

ther’s workshop and stabbed his eye with a sharp, pointy tool. At his time

there was nothing they could do, but when Braille was older he was sent to

the National Institute for Blind Youth in France.

His nights were awful and most nights he couldn’t sleep. But one

day this was about to change. A military worker visited the National Institute for Blind Youth and talked about a code of

dots and dashes they used in the military to communicate. That gave Louis the idea to make a system of dots and dashes

for the blind to be able to read.

This is how Louis was inspired. He often worked on the code at nights when his bunkmates were asleep.

Louis’s dream of being published was achieved. As you can see, it was great that Louis Braille had a dream of helping


Page 5 VOLUME 18. ISSUE 3

Lesson Learned by Raegan M.

Three years ago Mean Milson was meaner than ever.

He and his friends went to West Wilson Elementary School. Mean

Milson didn’t care about anyone but himself and his best friends.

There are lots of other reasons the kids called him Mean Milson.

For example, if you walked through the hall and accidently bumped into him or

one of his buddies, he would throw you to the ground and punch you in the face so you would

have a black eye for a week. One day a little boy, Davis Democracy, walked past Mean

Milson in the hall while reading a book he’d just gotten from the library and when Davis, with

his head in the book, bumped into Mean Milson he got pushed to the ground and punched in

the eye. From that day on no one liked Mean Milson.

Now, here is why they call him Mean Milson, if you were on the playground without

asking him if you could be he’d kick you in the shin and if you were talking without Milson

he would call you mean names such as stupid face and brainiac.

But one day a girl named Kylie saw Mean Milson crying on the bench while everybody

else was playing. So she went over to see if he was okay. All she got out of Milson was I don’t

want to be a bully anymore and I don’t have any friends. Kylie knew she had to help him now.

He didn’t want to be bully any more. So Kylie said, “I’ll be your friend. And I will see if

anyone else will want to be your friend like umm…Davis Democracy!” So for the next few

days Kylie was trying to get Davis to be Milson’s friend but because of how Milson punched

him in the eye Davis said, “NO!” So now he knows being a friend is better than being a bully.



The Crazy Dream By Emily B.

One day I woke up…but I was feeling confused, and I did not know what happened! I

was on the roof of our house. I was so frightened, and then I looked outside and there was a

black hole!

Now I was really scared!

‘’Was I in my in house? ‘’ I thought.

“BEEP, BEEP, BEEP.” Oh! my gosh! That was the weirdest dream ever!

I raced down the stairs.

“I am going to be late for school,” I thought I would miss the bus, too. I was finally

ready to go to school, and I had five spare minutes to play on my phone. Wait a minute!

Where is my phone?

“LIANA,’’ I yelled. I know that you have my phone. She did not listen to me, and so I

had to go get it really quickly.

Finally, I had my phone. And then the bus arrived.

“The bus is here, bye, mom.

‘’Hi Rosa,” I say (she is my best friend ever).

“May I sit with you? ‘’

‘’Yes,’’ she says.

‘’Did you have a crazy dream?‘’

‘’No,’’ I had one, and it was like Alice In Wonderland! I wonder what dream I will have


“Hey, today is Friday! Do you want to sleep over at my house tonight! Ok! It is a sleep

over at my place!

Page 7 VOLUME 18, ISSUE 3

The Dragon of Illerea By Lucas K. Skyfall was a beautiful dragon that lived long

ago. She usually lived alone. But one summer

day, deep in the forest, Skyfall met another

dragon, and she felt very nervous. She had

never met another dragon, other than her

mother. This was definitely not her mother.

This dragon was much taller than her or any-

thing else she’d ever seen. It was also a differ-

ent color. While she is the color of pure sap-

phire, this new dragon, Draftsign, was a light


“Who are you?” Skyfall asked.

“My name is Draftsign.” he said. His voice

was much quieter, Skyfall thought.

“Who are you?” he asked.

“My name is Skyfall.” she answered.

“Can you help me find my mother?” she


“Of course!” he said. “What is her name?”

“Sunlight,” she said.

“Favorite color,” he asked.

“Red” she answered.

He seemed to be writing in a notebook.

Would this dragon help Skyfall? And will she find her mother? Find that out in

part three!


The Dragon of Illerea: Part Three By Lucas K.

After Skyfall found her mother’s scale, she was more confident than ever. It was

nearly four months after she had lost her mother and had met Draftsign. Now she had

evidence and was certain that her mother was in the area.

Just then, Skyfall heard a deep rumbling. But where was it

coming from? Suddenly the mountain she was searching

in started to crumble! She tried to fly away, but her foot

was stuck in between two humongous rocks. Skyfall

scratched and fought, but still came up with no success.

Eventually she thought, I’m going to die here. The moun-

tain gave one last rumble, then sat still and Skyfall discovered that her foot was free.

She found a way out of the cave, so she took it as fast as she could. Suddenly rocks

started to fall all around her again! Skyfall tried to get out of the tunnel, but it was

blocked. She whirled around but the way she had come was blocked too! She was

trapped! The mountain stopped moving and Skyfall realized that she was sitting on the

top of a dragon palace that was rapidly-moving upward. Skyfall thought, Oh-No! I

think I’m on the king’s fortress! The king was a very kind gentleman, but showed no

mercy towards uninvited visitors. On the one talon, Skyfall never, ever wanted to meet

the king because she was nervous and scared. On the other talon, she thought that

meeting the royal family would be pretty cool. On the third talon, she wondered what

the king looked like for nobody had ever seen him except the other members of royalty.

Suddenly she saw a flock of dragons flying toward her with Skyfall’s mother, Sunlight, in

the lead! When the dragons reached her, Skyfall’s mother wrapped her wings around

her daughter.

“Skyfall!” her mother said happily. “Guess who’s the king? Your father!”

And Skyfall was so happy that Sunlight led her to her father, whose name was Sunhigh.

They had a big feast and lived happily ever after.

Page 9 VOLUME 18, ISSUE 3

DanTDM by Calla I.

Daniel Middleton was born on November 8th, 1991, and is an English YouTube personality and professional

gamer who goes by the name of The Diamond Minecart or DanTDM. His channels covers video games,

especially the popular games like Minecraft and PokemonGo. He also has a blog under the name of

MoreTDM, where he covers toys, such as Hatchimals, and his tours. As of March 2017, his channel had over

9.5 billion views and 14.5 million subscribers, and has been listed among the top YouTube channels in the

United Kingdom. He has earned several Kids' Choice Awards as well as set Guinness World Records for his

gaming and presenting. He has also been playing a lot of Roblox lately. I like to watch his random videos

where he picks a topic, and searches for games related to this topic on a website, and then plays them! He also

plays a lot of Hello Neighbor. I hope everyone can grow to liking Dan as much as me because he is very

funny and entertaining for all ages.

Games and Entertainment

Relient K by Calla I.

My favorite Christian Rock band is Reliant K. Reliant K is an American rock

band that was formed in 1998 in Canton, Ohio, by Matt Thiessen, Matt Hoopes,

and Brian Pittman during their junior year of high school. The current members

are John Warne, Jon Schneck, Brian Pittman, Todd Frascone, Stephen

Cushman, Brett Schoneman, Jared Byers, and Ethan Luck. They have written a

lot songs, but my absolute favorite is Sadie Hawkins Dance. In the United States

and Canada, the Sadie Hawkins Dance is usually an informal dance sponsored

by a high school, middle school or college. It is unlike traditional dances, where

the guys ask the girls, such as homecoming in the fall or prom in the spring, be-

cause the girls ask the guys. This empowers women to chase after what they want and not just wait for it to

walk their way.

Maybe It’s Maybelline is a good one too! Maybelline LLC is a major cosmetics company also known as

Maybelline, New York. The song refers to it many times. Like, [we’re all sinners, we’re all ugly] and then

Maybelline’s motto, [maybe we’re born with, or maybe it’s Maybelline] although, the motto is really [maybe

she’s born with it, or maybe it’s Maybelline]. It means we blame someone for our actions at some point,

and we cover it up so no one knows.

Another one of their songs is even based off of a TV show! The song I’m Lion-O is based off of a show

called ThunderCats. ThunderCats is an American animated series based on a group

of cat-like humanoid aliens. The show was created by Tobin "Ted" Wolf and

animated by Japanese animation studio, Pacific Animation Corporation. The charac-

ters were originally featured in an animated television series named ThunderCats,

that ran from 1985 to 1989.



Cat Jokes By Cameron M. 1. What does a one-ton chipmunk say when it walks through the neighborhood?

2. What does a family of cats look for when moving to a new home?

3. What nursery rhyme do kittens like best?

4. What does a cat call a mouse?

5. When is a cat driving in style?

6. Why doesn’t a leopard ever remember your birthday?

7. What did the lion say when the baboon jumped on its back?

8. How did the cat shrink?

9. What is the worst type of cat to encounter?

10. What bird did the neighborhood cat eat?

11. How did he police catch the cat burglar?

12. Why did the cougar eat the gymnast?

13. Why do cats claw a couch and not a chair?

14. What is the motto of a cat with a good attitude?

15. Why did the cat nibble on the lamp shade?

16. Why is it hard to watch a movie at home with a cat?

17. What do alley cats do on the weekend?

18. What do you call a cat in a turtleneck?

19. What kind of jewelry do fancy cats wear?

20. Why did the scaredy-cat cross the road?

21. How does a cat type in its name online?

22. What does a cat drink during the summer?

23. What action movie stars a cat as a secret agent?

24. What “peanuts” character do cats like best? (Answers can be found on the next page.)

Page 11 VOLUME 18, ISSUE 3

The Unstoppable Sandwich Credits and Ad by Samantha N.

Are you ever hungry after Mom’s bologna and cheese sandwich?

Well, your problem is solved!

“We now present to you… the Unstoppable Sandwich!’’ The Unstoppable Sandwich

is a sandwich that can grow depending on the appetite you have.

This product comes in all different flavors, like BLT and a classic PB and J. This

sandwich even comes with an Unstoppable Drink. This drink only comes in Coke, Sprite,

and Pepsi. Buy this combo only at Target for a special sale of $19.99. Buy


*This article is just a joke*

Answers to Cat Jokes By Cameron M.

1. Here Kiytty Kitty 21. A tab b 2. A family of mice to invite over for dinner 22. Mice tea 3. 3 blind mice 23. Mission im-paws-i-ble 4. Delicious 24. Lioness (Linus) 5. When it’s behind the wheel of a Jaguar 6. Because it has a spotty memory 7. Lunch is on me 8. It drank condensed milk 9. A catastrophy 10. It was a swallow 11. With catnip 12. Because the vet put it on a well-balanced diet 13. Because a chair is armed 14. I’ve got a new purrcoat and I’m feline fine. 15. It wanted a light snack 16. It always pushes the paws button 17. Go bowling 18. Stuck 19. Purr-ly necklace 20. Because it wasn’t chicken enough not to do it

The Jacksonville Jaguars by Sebastian W.

The Jacksonville Jaguars are an NFL football team in the AFC south division.

Fun Fact: The Jaguars were founded in 1995.

Their Mascot: The Jaguars’ Mascot is Jaxson de Ville. All I know about him is that Sir Purr,

Roary (The Detroit Lions Mascot), and Who Dey (The Cincinnati Bengals’ Mascot) are all


This is Jaxson de Ville.

The Stadium

The Jaguars’ stadium is Everbank Field. It has hosted two Superbowls, one of which was the

Buccaneers vs Raiders. It has a swimming pool on top of it. One game in the 2016 season,

when they crushed their rivals, the Colts 51-17, the pool was so crowded that they had to limit

the amount of people that could be in the pool even though the pool is huge.

Their Uniforms: The Jaguars’ home uniform is black with a gold

collar and a patch of turquoise on both shoulders. The Jaguars’

away uniform is white with a gold collar and a patch of black on

both shoulders.




Page 12


Jaguars’ alternate uniform is turquoise, a gold collar and a patch of black on both shoulders.


The Jaguars’ rush uniforms are gold with a black collar and a patch of black on both shoul-


Their very special helmets:

In 2009 the Jaguars changed their helmet from black to matte black and gold. They are the

first team to have their helmets change color. When the sun hits direct sunlight on the

helmets they turn all teal


The Jaguars fired their head coach, Gus Bradley, in December, 2016 because he wasn’t

coaching them very well. They hired a new head coach, Doug Marrone. Ever since they hired

Marrone, they have won the rest of their games in the 2016 season. The Jacksonville Jaguars

have a bright future with Doug Marrone on their side as head coach.

Page 13


Poetry Place

Mothers By: Kaitlin S.

Mothers tuck us into bed

Our mothers will make us any bread

They give us a hug and kiss each night

Her mother ly love will never end

Ever lasting love is what she’ll give

Raindrops she’ll turn into rainbows

She is the moon to my sun.

Poetry By Emily B




C-Choosing good lessons




Page 15 VOLUME 18, ISSUE 3

Acrostic Poem By Emily B.

L- love to read

A artistic

N- no nonsense

G-good to speak

U-under standing

A-attainable to the human brain

G-great conversation


A-about learning


T-talk, talk, talk

S-so cool to learn


The Arrow & the Song By Arielle P.

I shot an arrow into the air,

It fell to earth, I knew not where.

For, so swiftly it flew, and out of sight,

I could not see it in its flight.

I breathed a song into the air,

It fell to earth, I knew not where.

For who has hearing so keen and strong,

That it can follow the flight of a song?

A few days later in an oak,

I found the arrow still unbroke,

And a beautiful song, from beginning to end,

I found again in a heart of a friend.

Seasons by Kaydynce G.

There are 4 seasons

And there are many reasons

In the winter, some animals hibernate

When they wake up, it’s really late…..

In the Spring…….

You can even hear the birds sing!

Page 17 VOLUME 18, ISSUE 3

This Boat Doesn’t Float By Samantha N.

This boat doesn’t float one bit of the way

Not even on the moat nor bay

This Boat doesn’t float one bit of the way

Is there a hole in the side on the boat?

Yes, there is, we’ll fix it right away

My boat can float Hip, Hip Hooray!

My life’s a rejoice no need to cheer

But now there’s a hole sitting up on the pier!

Thank you to the students’ in Ms. Cucuzza’s 5th Grade Class for

contributing the following poems.



Our love





-Abbey C.


WINTER By: Aliyah J.

Weather changes

Inside warmness

New clothing

Time for animals to migrate

Exhausting cold weather

Right time to get out your hot chocolate


There are some horrible times and people roaming around you know very well

Horrible times and war don`t look like they`re ever gonna seize my friend

The truth is that without knowing when or why we heard the guitars beautiful tone

Millions of people with one lonely heart

Don`t segregate or discriminate


Page 19 VOLUME 18, ISSUE 3

A Man from Morcker by Audrey L.

There once was a man from Morcker.

Who had every in order

One day it slipped

Out of his lips

Then he and all moved to Yorcker.

Legos [haiku] by austin c.

Legos A Cool Toy

Legos How Creative

Legos I Use Them



I am used in

Everyday life

And people use

Me for most things\ Aydan K.

Unidentified Specimen by Bailey C.

Testing, testing, one, two, three.

A strange creature is what I see!

What is that right over there?

Is it a skunk? Or is it a bear?

Well, it’s green,

and it’s me who it’s seen.

I am now grabbing a key,

to see what this thing might be.

It has long, long curly hair.

Should I come closer, do I dare?

Ha! Look at this its eating a bean!

OH NO! *gulp* it ate me.

Page 21 VOLUME 18, ISSUE 3


Football is so fun

Football is fun and fitness

Football is so cool


Have You ever?

Have you ever run in sand?

Have you ever jumped in grass?

Have you ever played by a tree?

If you have not you are missing

out on life!

-Caylin R.


The Sun

The Sun

Is something shiny

And bright. It is up in the

Sky. The sun brings smiles to

People’s faces. It is steamy

And hot but also brings

Wonderful days.

By Denarya F.

Page 23 VOLUME 18, ISSUE 3

Pugs By Ethan S.

I am a pug

I like to lick

Please give me a hug

I don’t kick

I can be very good

Even though I eat crumbs

I don’t wear a hood

I don’t like playing the drums

I make a big thump

I dig a big hole

Yes I’m very plump

I don’t live in the South Pole

My tail is a loop

My mouth is a circle

Please don’t scare me, oops

And I don’t like the color purple

Again I’m a pug

I like to lick

Please give me a hug

I don’t kick


Ugh just look at you.

No just kidding your amazing.

No matter what they say stay happy.

Be joyful.

Just be you, you got it BE YOU.

By Gabrielle M.

Circles and Ovals by Imran

(a concrete poem)

Is It an

Oval or a circle

Both round with no

Sides or vertex different

Colors and different sizes ovals

Long and circles regular. Regular

But interesting measured by

Pi no exact measurement

If measured billions of

Numbers believe

Me no lies

Page 25 VOLUME 18, ISSUE 3

The Baggerly’s by Isabella B.

Best family ever


Great people

Get along

Everyday we are loving to one another

Really sweet


Your friends


like to eat out

With my family always

I like to eat out



The Journey of a Rock by Jace A rock so

hard so smooth

so gray, on the shores

of a bay, grinded into pieces

of sand they wash up shore and onto land


The sea is so big

It is a nice shade of blue

Great sea I love you By Janlinka S.


Water keeps the earth going.

All living things depend on water.

The fishermen depend on water to get food for their family.

Environments depend on water all plants need water to make food.

Reuse water the best we can so we don’t run out of clean water. By Jason M.

Page 27 VOLUME 18, ISSUE 3


J – Joyful

O – Optimistic

S – Supreme

E – Exciting

P – Person

H – Helpful By Joseph



Trees flow gracefully in the wind

They give shelter under their branches

They have strong bark that will hold themselves together

Trees hand out oxygen to the world

They grow taller and taller until they force themselves to stop growing

By Kirsten E.

Sand It is very rough

But can also be so smooth Sometimes it is both

By Lana M.

Page 29 VOLUME 18, ISSUE 3

The Urbans




Always happy

Never mean

Stands up for others


My Poem by Lleyton R.

V ery cool

I ncredible

R eally

G reat

I ndustrial

N ational

I n the cool zone

A mazing to live here

WIZARDS!! By Matt K.

Wizards eat gizzards

Wizards make lots of bliz-


Wizards own lizards

Page 31 VOLUME 18, ISSUE 3

Really fun

One of the best

Looks cool

Looks high

Everyone’s scared

Roaring down the tracks

Cost a lot

Oh so amazing



Tracks up and down


Ride on



Snow By Phoenix G.

Snow Is pleasurable to play in

Now your hands will be frozen solid

Over you is an ice bow

We ice-skate on the lake

Home by Savanah G.

Home sweet home.

Where we feel safe and sound.

Where we eat where

We laugh. Our home

Is our nest just like a

Bird. Home is just

Perfect for me.

Page 33 VOLUME 18, ISSUE 3


An Acrostic poem


A mazing and made to relax

Irreplaceable because it can change your feelings

Nice just great

Tempting because you just want to come back over








Dylan M.

Lincoln W.

Savannah T.

Cameron M.

Arielle P.

Carson S.

Melanie D.

Joseph M.

Kaitlin S.

Evan G.

Calla I.

Bailey C.

Addison M.

Emily B.

Samantha N.

Sebastian W.

Page 31 VOLUME 18, ISSUE 3

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