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  • 1960 Journal of the Ll'pidopterists' Society


    by P. H. H. GRAY


    In measuring the wing radius of spread Lepidoptera, or their antenn::e, by means of a ruler, dividers, or callipers, there is a risk of damaging the specimens. C. B. WILLIAMS developed a device for measuring specimens through the glass cover of the cabinet drawer; it consists of two plates of glass with identical scales on each, one superimposed on the other in exact register, about 1.5 cm. apart. This appears to be a simple solution for measur-ing the expanse of the spread wings, or the radii of light-coloured wings, but is difficult for radii of such species as Vanessa cardui L., N ymphalis antiopa L., and many others whose wing-bases spring from a mass of dark hairs 111 which the zero points of the scale are lost.

    The author has found it possible to obtain satisf,actory measurements of wing radii, and lengths of straight antenn::e, by placing a translucent ruler on the glass cover, provided that the distance between the plane of the object and the scale marks on the ruler is known. The discrepancy between the ob-served and the true values, caused by parallax, can be overcome by the appli-cation of a divergence-factor to the observed values.

    f{ c



    Fig. 1. Measuring chamber.

    A measuring chamber, simulating a fraction of a Cornell-type cabinet drawer, was made as follows (see Fig. 1): the top was removed from a rectangular wooden box, of 1;4" material, measuring 8Yz" by 3V2", by 2" high inside. An opening 2V/' wide was made in the middle of one side, to admit light. Lengthwise slots were cut in the top edges of the two long sides to

  • GRAY: Wing radius Vo1.14: no.1

    accommodate two sides of a 31/4" square glass plate (A); they were cut as deep as the thickness of the glass. The edges of the plate lying in the slots were bound with gummed ,paper tape (B), with narrow straps of the same to serve as hinges (B, B) on the far (window) side.

    A pinning card of compressed paper pulp is shown in dotted outline in the diagram, resting on microscope slides (C), which are held in place on the box floor by paper straps; the slides ra:se the card so that the points of the pins are not damaged. The distance from the pinning surface to the top of the glass plate should be 4 cm. The author uses two layers of slides to adjust the card to the required height. A card of the shape shown is easy to move horizontally. For observing specimens mounted with the underside upwards, a small piece of plasticine can be used to hold the head of the Ip,in; it is shown in Fig. 1 as embedded in a hole (P) in the pinning card.

    In oper,ation the pinned specimen is placed with the wing to be measured as nearly horizontal as possible. A zero mark on the translucent ruler, a cm./ mm. scale, is placed so that it (say the 5 cm. mark) is coincident with the base of the wing when viewed with one eye, at normal vision height (the au-thor uses a :Vlagni-focuser No.7) then, without moving the head, the position of the apex of the wing in relation to another mark on the scale is noted. For example, the apex of a forewing with radius measured directly as 27 mm. may coincide with the 25 mm. mark from zero; one of 25 mm. with the 23 mm. mark. If both wings lie in the same plane below the scale only one fac-tor is required to convert the observed into the true values; if they lie in dif-ferent planes factors applicable at these different planes must be found.

    This was done as follows: a duplicate scale, of white celluloid with black markings, was placed below the plate at vmious distances below the plane of the observer's scale; these distances were provided by different num-bers of microscope slides arranged in a pile on the pinning card; the exact distances were determined by means of an identical scale held vertically with thr marks in juxtaposition with the marks on the observer's scale. The fol-lowing results were obtained:

    Distance below

    observer" scale, mm.

    10 15 20 25 30

    Observer's scale zero at 50 mm. (a);

    100 mm. mark at basic scale mm. (b)

    101.5 102.5 103 104 105.5

    Divergence factor b-a


    1.03 1.05 1.06 1.08 1.10

    Allowance has also to be made for divergence at different horizontal dis-tances from the zero point. The averages of the horizontal divergences, at 20, 30, 40, and 50 mm. distances, at each vertical distance, brought the di-vergence factors to 1.04, 1.05, 1.07, 1.08, and 1.10.

  • 1960

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    Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society




    1- 01 02 O~ 04. 05- 06 07 08 09 to fa.c.tors


    The nomogram above was constructed from the above 'corrected' fac-tors. This allows for insects fixed on pins between 1.0 and 2.5 cm. below the head; the useful factors thus lie between 1.04 and 1.10 for normally pinned insects.

    The following tests were made with butterflies:

    1. Wings a t 20 mm. below observer's ~cale; factor 1.07.

    Forewing Radius by Divergence Estimated radius direct measure reading radius

    mm. mm. mm.

    P. rapd! L. 23.0 21.0 22.5 C. eurytheme Bdv. 26.0 24.5 26.2 C. philo dice Godt. 28.0 26.0 27.8 V. cardui L. 33.0 31.0 33.0 P. polyxenes Fab. 38.5 36.0 38.5

    2. Wings at variolls distances below observer's scale; random specimens of C. philodice.

    Direct Divergence Distance Factor Estimated measure reading below sca le radius

    mm. mm. mm. mm. --- - - -

    27 25 27 1.09 27.3 29 27 20 1.07 28.9 28 26 18 1.06 27.6 26 24 20 1.07 25.7 21 20 20 1.07 21.4 27 25 19 1.065 26.6 23 21 .5 18 1.06 22.8

  • 66 GRAY: Wing radius Vo1.14: no.1

    The average values from 23 specimens, of which the above seven are a part, were as follows; by direct measure 25.98 ± 0.42; by estimation 25.76 mm. A random series of C. fury theme> 5 males .and 4 females, was measured and found to have a mean forewing radius of 25.8 mm; the radii were then estimated after read:ngs through a glass cover on the storage box, as well as th rough the glass of the small box; the results were, for measurements in the storage box 25.6 mm., ·and for those in the small box 25.5 mm.

    Comparative measurements and estimates have so far been quoted for objects lying between 20 and 40 mm. For comparisons of objects extending less than 20 111m. the antennae of 10 V. cardui were examined by both methods; the mean of the measured lengths was 15.9 mm. and that of the estimated was 16.0 mm.

    In order to demonstrate the correlations of values obtained by the two methods the figu res for forewing radii and antennal lengths of 9 Colias philo-dice males, reared in Quebec Province in November 1952, from eggs laid by one female, are given below:


    Estimated Measured

    mm. mm.

    23.54 23 .5 24.61 25.0 24.61 25.0 24.61 25.0 24.08 23.5 24.61 25.0 24.08 24.5 23.54 24.5 22.47 22.5

    M cans and their standard deviations: for wings, Estimated: 24.01 ± 0.279

    Measured: 24.26 ± 0.396 for antenn"" Estimated: 9.3 ± 0.14

    Measured: 9.2 ± 0.14

    Correlation (oefficients: for wings, Estimated X Measured, r = 0.9827 for antenn"" Estimated X Measured, r = 0.8875



    9.1 9.6 9.6 9.6 9.1 9.4 9.1 9.1 9.1

    n = 7, P < .01 for both sets.




    9.0 9.5 9.3 9.5 9.0 9.5 9.0 9.0 9.0

    A method of this kind should be useful to students of other orders of insects as well as to lepidpterists.


    Williams, C. B. 1943. A safe method of measuring the wings of set butterflies. Proc. Roy. ent Soc. London 18 :3-5.

    R. R. 2, Digby, Nova Scotia, CANADA

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