3. absolutism, power, and more conflict

Post on 28-Jan-2015






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Absolutism, Power, and More Conflict

Chapter 5 Section 2 and 3

France, Louis XIV, Hapsburgs, Thirty Years War

Absolutism Kings and Queens who believe totally authority rest with them inside their bordersBased on the theory of divine right

God had ordained they would rule

Monarchs grew more powerfulDecline of feudalismRise of cities National kingdoms Middle Class Diminished Church authority Upheaval leads people to seek stability

France, Chaos, and Kings

France in chaos as religious wars between Huguenots and Catholics fight wars

St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre Slaughter of Huguenots

Henry of Navarre is a Huguenot who ascends to the throne

“Paris is worth a mass”

Converts to Catholicism to keep the Peace

Edict of Nantes

Henry of Navarre wants to ease the tensions in the country

Allows Huguenots to have cities in the country where they are free to worship

Henry is able to restore the strength of the French monarchy by easing the religious tensions


Henry was driving along minding his own business in his carriage when tragedy strikes

Fanatic monk leaps into his carriage and stabs him to death ending his 11 year reign of prosperity

Louis XIII and Cardinal Richelieu

Louis XIII is Henry’s son Weak king

Cardinal Richelieu is the source of power during his reign

Revoked the Edict of Nantes No Protestant city could have walls

Weaken NobilityRequired nobles to tear down their fortified castles Placed Middle Class in positions of authority

Skepticism pgs 139

Read the Writers Express Skepticism section in your book and answer the following questionsWhat is skepticism?What is the first step towards finding truth?What events caused the rise of skepticism?What form of writing was developed?

Louis XIV Rules Absolutely

“L’etat, c’est moi” or I am the State

Strong absolute ruler

Cardinal Mazarine his trusted advisor who rules while he is young

Louis XIV takes complete control at age 23 and continues to strengthen the monarchy

Louis XIV and Nobility

Hated and mistrusted the NobilityExcludes from advisory councils

Forces the court to move to Versailles where they are under the Kings control

Intendants were put in charge of local affairs such as tax collect in place of Noble Lords


Rustic little hunting lodge expanded into one of the most opulent palaces in the world

Jean Baptiste Colbert

Economic advisor to Louis XIV

Mercantilism Export to other countries

Import as little as possible

Amass wealth in the country

Country becomes self-sufficient

Colonies provide raw materials and markets for goods

Louis and his Wars

Attempts to expand France into the Spanish Netherlands

France has the best army in the world at this time

Gain 12 towns in the first campaign

Dutch break the dikes during the second campaign forcing the French to retreat

Louis and his Wars

Treaty of NijmegenFrance took several towns from the war and some territory

Encourages Louis to continue with more wars

Successive wars end in a stalemate as Europe comes together to fight against the French

Seeking to establish a balance of power where no one state could dominate the others

War of Spanish Succession

Charles II dies without a successor in Spain

Had promised the throne to Philip of Anjou who was Louis grandson

Now Spain and France were both ruled by the Bourbon dynasty

Disrupted the balance of power

England, Austria, Dutch republic, Portugal and German and Italian princes join forces to fight against France and Spain

War of Spanish Succession

12 years of warfare weakens the French and other powers

Treaty of Utrecht Philip of Anjou could remain king

Crowns of Spain and France would not be combined

BRITAIN THE BIG WINNER!Gibraltar, slave trade, Nova Scotia, Hudson Bay area

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