#3 module - omega healing master class …...3 omega healing blocks test sheet 1. 100% connection to...

Post on 06-Jun-2020






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- #3 Module -





Dear Omega Health Coach,

This manual is to give you the mind frame how an Omega Health Coach thinks. The healing blocks are a part that is very important to insure the right self-healing process.By studying this manual carefully, you will develop the right approach to any problem you face.It shows you how my mind analyzes the problem and what I would do first. And it shows what to do when you are stuck.I wish you a lot of success with your study and coaching.

Roy Martina



1. 100% connection to the divine matrix?Always ground yourself first, see your connection with the Divine Matrix, and connect through the chakras, making a connection between your 13th chakra with your client’s 13th chakra. Then allow that a golden beam connects with your heart, then from your root chakra to their root chakra and then into the client’s heart to your heart and back through their 13th chakra. Herewith you create a so-called lemniscate (the infinity symbol), that you can compare with the figure 8. The number eight symbolizes harmony, totality and perfection. This figure is structuring and restructuring what is right and just. When you make this symbol in the air with your fingers, something happens that is often difficult to explain; there is a feeling of calmness, a feeling that everything is alright. Say: “I am connected to my Divine Matrix and the matrix of this person.“ Test on the other person until 100% congruent.

2. ANS (Autonomous Nervous System) 100% aware of all possible healing blocks?This is a question you ask to the Divine Matrix (DM). If the ANS is not 100% aware, command the DM to DOW-nload all the information necessary and test when that is done, this goes very fast. (DOW is Divine One within). Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant to reconnect to the perfect blueprint for health.

3. How many healing blocks are currently active?Test: more than 5? If yes, test: more than 10? Until you find the right number. If there are many, for example 14, then test later for the 3 most important ones that will have the biggest effect on healing in the fastest way possible.

4. How many other blocks that can become active in the future?You can even find ‘when’ in the future (test if more information is needed). You can sometimes integrate without knowing the blocks by asking: Permission to integrate?

5. All blocks in this MAP? If not, test which other MAPs to test.If not all in this MAP à test with the Recheck MAP which ones are involved and where you can find more information on the blocks. Most likely the Causal Factors MAP might be useful. More information MAP as well. If you cannot find it, you can still treat through Permission to integrate.

6. Find all of the active blocks and correct.Correct with the most important priority, called Block nr 1. Test if you need to correct it with the Polarity Correction MAP or with the Toolbox MAP or with CHI. Then correct until Block 1 is completely resolved. Then go to the next, etc. until you have cleared all priorities. Then ask if it is needed to continue with clearing more blocks or that you can move on to other priorities or continue with step 7 of this flowchart.

7. Find potential future blocks and correct and reprogram ANS to stay 100% vigilant.


Thoughts/self talk images of the future capability body to heal

1. Mental beliefs that block healing about therapy or OH-Coach associations that block healing

block to see positive outcome NOCEBO-DIAGNOSIS

The mental blocks are very important as they have great impact on the self-healing. (Negative) Self-talk and thoughts. Test: Can I neutralize the effects of this? If not, can I test the causal factors leading to this? If yes: do a timeline and test when was the 1st origin of self-rejection by thoughts or by self-talk.If not: Permission to integrate? If not, check if more information is needed. Use same procedure for other mental factors.

When (age) Check pregnancy doom I cannot do it disease causing beliefs (something

will not work) associations health/disease From whom?


2. Impregnation à I know the difference between my health and my feelings and those of all others. If not strong, correct.

Impregnation means that the energetic body picked up information from another person. Often this happens during pregnancy and we pick up ‘stuff’ from our mother. This can be thoughts, beliefs, emotions, images, sentences, traumas etc. Correct with the sentence: “I know the difference between my health and my feelings and those of all others.”

abuse memory trauma memory3. Self-destruction soul memory

impregnation (when – whom – what?) Switching (polarity correction)

depression negative self-image EF-scale (test number), test causal factors (including the other factors here)

Self-destruction, test these factors. If there are more, test priority and clear those one by one until all tendencies to self-destruction are 100% neutralized. Always test for a Royal Remedy and the Omega Healing audio sessions. This is a serious condition and should not be taken lightly. It does not have to be discussed with the client.


hypersensitive body

4. Auto-immune program toxic bio-accumulation specific toxin à check causal factors

(bad) habits emotional factors self-destruction (3) addiction to allergen/allergy mental (1) impregnation (2) vaccination/medical treatment suppressive therapy cellular dysfunction (5)

Always when this comes up, also test the Immune System Reprogram MAP for additional information. Auto-immunity is very serious and needs to be removed completely for the full 100%. This cannot be done in one session and can take up to 9 months before the whole system is reprogrammed properly and all tendency of auto-immunity is 100% resolved. Also test foods and all toxins and correct underlying factors. What is important is to test the teeth and body for focal disturbances. Also prescribe Omega Healing audio sessions (session 4 [Immune system] with 1).

local (check where) general (which tissues)

5. Cellular dysfunction cells lost original programming? DHP? VMF? Geopathy? DNA? Toxic? Infection? Other causes? Parasitic soul?

hyper organ disconnection * reprogram cell (color therapy)hyper to resume original programming à reprogram ANS to stay vigilantother * reconnect with Healing Matrix

degeneration: loss of elasticity-plaques-ulcers-loss of regeneration6. Cellular damage DNA: damage à pre-mutation-mutation-cancerous-tumors-other

Where?(check how many) free radicals-radiation-toxic-UV (radiation)-other Loss of cellular integrity-protein deposits-Demyelinization-other

Cellular dysfunction: when this shows up, we need to take time to correct this in the next 2-3 visits (step by step). Local means it is localized in one or more places. Test always if there is more than one place. Can be located in the organs or tissues.

Hyper/hypo: Cellular dysfunction can be hyper or hypo. If it is an endocrine gland, it means that there are imbalances in the body due to this. Always check the thyroid. In many cases the thyroid is under-functioning. This has many physiological effects on the body and must be treated completely. If an organ is hyper or hypo, it is important to have a measurement reference.


Function Reference 0-100: Test the function level from 0-100, 40-60 is optimal, under 40 is hypo, and over 60 is hyper. This will give you a reference to check the progress when they come back for a next visit. Then test the causal factors or healing blocks and start to balance the organs/cells. Remember that when you balance energetically you are pulling the systems in the right direction; it is like an airplane correcting itself on route. Do not expect everything to be OK at once; it is a step by step process, miracles are the goal.

Dysfunction can be on cellular level or on organ level. If it is on organ level, also check the biological age of the organ and test for any toxins, inflammation, etc.

Reprogramming the cells: Then reprogram the cells (color therapy) to resume original programming and function. Test what therapy is best or use DOW command. Reconnect with the Healing Matrix and ANS (reprogram ANS to stay vigilant).

Cellular damage Degeneration: loss of elasticity-plaques-ulcers-loss of regeneration. Test the regeneration level with the Causal Factors Map and find the causal factors blocking regeneration. Always test for the Human Growth Hormone, stem cell activation, free radical damage, nutritional factors, radiation-toxic-UV (sunlight, tanning salons)-other factors. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

DNA: damage: pre-mutation: this is a condition where the pre-disposition is created for the cells to mutate into other type of cells: cancer cells, tumors, cysts, fibroids, calcification, etc. Test the percentage of pre-mutation for future reference (100% means ready for mutation) and find causal factors and correct. See also degeneration (can be both happening at the same time), pre-mutation can also be energetic.

Mutation: Test cancerous cells-tumors-cysts-fibroids- other (more information needed?). Test how many spots with mutation? Where located? Body scan needed?Also prescribe Omega Healing audio sessions (session 12 [Anti Cancer] with 1). Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Loss of cellular integrity: protein deposits (Parkinson? Other? Local in the tissues? Are these immune-globulin complexes? Toxins? Medications (steroids/vaccinations/other), DHP-trauma?Other: Kidney malfunctioning, stomach ulcers, excessive and prolonged use of nose- or eye-drops, steroid use on skin, cirrhosis (liver), demyelinization (Multiple sclerosis), kidney failure, leaky gut syndrome (colon). Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.


7. Biochemical rigidity: this means that most energetic therapies will not show a movement in the direction of health as the system has become resistant to therapy!

Important causal factors: Medication (now or in the past: see loss of cellular integrity). Check (ask the client!) for steroids, vaccinations, hormones, antidepressants, antibiotics, painkillers - recreational drugs – nicotine – caffeine overdose or sensitivity – poisons – herbs – vitamins – food – pH: Acidity – Alkalinity – sodium – sugar – fats – dehydration – blood chemistry: cholesterol – other. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

8. Micro-organisms: Always test if: Active – Latent & Intracellular – Extracellular & Local -Systemic

Parasites: If yes, check location (these are hard to treat and must be followed for at least 6 months, find all emotional and other factors that create the energetic environment for parasites to thrive. Exceptions: extensive use of antibiotics and addiction to sugar (test here for hypoglycemia).

Candida: Test sensitivity levels 0-10. The higher, the more addicted the body is to the toxins of the Candida; test above 5 also for leaky gut syndrome. Give advice to stay away from refined carbohydrates and start treating the immune system until this system removes all Candida, also advice probiotics.

Virus: localized or systemic? Body scan needed? Latent or active? What are causal factors? Reprogram the ANS to make the immune system more aggressive towards these micro-organisms. Remove all defects. Test especially for the Pfeiffer (Epstein Barr) virus, herpes virus and Cytomegalo virus and old flu viruses.

Bacteria: localized or systemic? Body scan needed? Latent or active? What are causal factors? Reprogram the ANS to make the immune system more aggressive towards these micro-organisms. Remove all defects.

Borreliosis: (Lyme disease): this is more and more common in western society. It is important to erase. On average it takes 9-18 months to get all Borrhelia out of the body, because they can lie dormant and not all can be eradicated at once. Reprogramming the ANS and immune system are crucial.

Protons: (Jacob-Creutzfeld: mad cow disease): This is a slow process of degeneration that, when detected at an early stage, can be cured early on.

Immune: weakness: dysfunction. Reprogramming needed? Blocks? Strengthening needed? Reconnection? See also Immune System Reprogram MAP.What is important here, is that immune weakness can come from many factors: fatigue (too much stress, lack of sleep), vitamins deficiency; radiation, toxicity, negative thoughts, faulty beliefs, etc. Find out how many causal factors are of influence, find the priorities and treat, always reprogram the immune system to be 100% active and to stay vigilant for fallback. Check the ANS if all instructions are accepted and executed and check for future triggers. Check for homework (Omega Healing session, Royal Remedies, Emotional Balance etc.)Also prescribe Omega Healing audio sessions (session 4 [Immune system] with 1). Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.


9. Focal disturbance:

A focal disturbance can cause many problems for the body and need to be checked thoroughly. Test if there is an infection or a sterile infection (this is an infection without micro-organisms). You can also say that the body perceives it as an infection, so reprogram the body for that and to eliminate the problem 100%, so it no longer reacts to it as a sterile infection.If there is an infection also test for micro-organisms (8).Test for Location focal disturbance: Sinus-ear-tonsils-teeth-lachrymal ducts-parotis gland (saliva)-liver-gallbladder-colon (leaky gut)-bladder-kidneys-heart (valve infection, this is also called ‘septicemia’, where the valves are infected with bacteria and are leaking bacteria in the bloodstream)-appendix-implants-surgery (scar or alien matter)-vaccination-injection (also insects)-other.Can also be in the brains (meningitis), uterus, ovaries and skin infections, etc.If not an infection: Test for toxins? Irritation? Other?Sometimes you have to refer the focal disturbance to a medical professional for example with appendicitis, tooth abscess, cystitis, etc. Always treat the cause as well and neutralize the medications. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.Also prescribe Omega Healing audio sessions (session 4 [Immune system] with 1).

faulty programming damage (see 6)10. DNA telomeres (pre-mature aging)

death program activated (reprogram!) miasma

If the DNA reacts as a healing block, it means that the DNA is programmed for disease and degeneration. This is programmed in the above mentioned areas. If it is faulty programming à Step 1. More information needed or Permission to integrate? More information: check if it is

1. Inherited information? 2. Acquired damage. 1… If it is inherited, it means it is in the family. You can still treat. Check again. More information needed or Permission to integrate? If more information is needed, go to the More Information MAP.

2… If it is acquired damage you do the same thing (check also 6). More information needed or Permission to integrate? To reprogram the DNA you do a DOW match and use the DOW to de-activate all the active DNA healing blocks and activate the DNA chromosomes that are aligned with the DM and are programmed for perfect health. Sometimes that is not possible, then you install spiritual strings of DNA to take over the regular DNA. Also prescribe Omega Healing audio sessions (session 6 [DNA] with 1). Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.


Install new longevity program.Telomeres: this is linked to longevity and health with aging. If this is reacting, it means that they are thinning too fast and that the lifespan is shortened. This is serious and needs to be treated with Royal Remedies and the Omega Healing audio sessions (have them listen to session 1 and session 6 [DNA]). Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Living person? à who? related? (family-other?) Soul of death person local – non local11. Parasitic Entity other kind of entity: negative place (slaughter-cruelty-mass grave, etc)

Projection evil (voodoo)-curse-jealousy-out of body Suppressed anger (forgiveness needed)Poltergeist

Living persons: can be parasitic too, test who is draining this person’s energy. Often it can be an abusive relationship, a person with strong mental power (who may not know his telepathic abilities) vs. a weaker and open person. The auric fields can be too weak, so this must be corrected. Check for other causal factors and do a polarity correction on the name of the person.

Soul of death person: is it a related person (grandmother? child? family member?). Is it local (for example in a house) or non local? Poltergeists often are local and should be brought to the light, this can be done by distance healing on the poltergeist. Is it attached to the client? Is it draining the client? Is it causing diseases in the client? Is there a karmic link? Is there a resonance with the client? (Emotional or other resonance; for example smoking, drinking or sexual?)Parasitic entities can be removed in many ways, sometimes it is effective by treating them, and often this is a traumatic death experience. Otherwise, just command them to go to the light. Treat the person for the causal factors for attracting them (very important, otherwise they will attract new ones). Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Other kind of parasitic energy: negative place (murders committed, slaughterhouse, mass grave), cruelty committed (torture place), etc. If the client has to be there often use the Angel Remedies to raise their vibrational energy, correct any auric weakness, test the Chakra Scan while they think of this place and balance all chakras that are weak. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Projection of evil: voodoo is used to manipulate people and is black magic. Entities can be involved, but more often there is a person with great mental powers influencing the client directly or indirectly. Not always we can find out who it is. But we can protect the client and create around them a field of golden energy that will reflect all negativity back to sender. Use Angel Remedies (test which one) to create a shield of positive energy around them. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.


Curse: is much more common than many of us know; Check 1. Inherited curse (through forefathers) this is often a religious curse. Can be dissolved with Christ Energy (Angel Remedy 20) and balancing the chakras. 2. Acquired curse: this can be directly acquired for example that someone cursed you (for example by voodoo) or borrowed curse: this is from someone else that you resonate with. Test who that is and cure it in the other person by distance testing and then cut the karmic link with that person. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Projection of others: Jealousy can be very powerful, also anger and worries can be projected through time and space. So, test: Is it active now or is it picked up from the past? Cut karmic links and build a strong protective shield around the client, Angel Remedies work very well here too. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Out of body: This is sometimes when another person consciously or unconsciously can astral travel and bother another person, can also happen during sleep. Treat the same as projection of others. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Suppressed anger: same phenomena as projection, test for forgiveness and karmic links. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

12. Energy

EMS: Electro Magnetic Stress, cell phones, computers, iPods, fluorescent lights, watches and other electrical devices can influence the meridians and energy status of body. Check first for adrenal weakness and stress. Also test for sensitivity for EMS (some people are more sensitive). Often this is a weak spleen meridian (test energy level) then look for causal factors and correct if needed. Contact with EMS devices must be avoided for some time. Some persons may get auto-immune reactions from this and develop diseases as lupus or MS (Multiple Sclerosis). Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Geopathy: Similar problems, different cause: these are caused by gridlines of the earth. Most important are the places where you sleep and work, sometimes you have to test on location to find the best spot for that. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Colors: First test lack of sunlight because of artificial light (especially in the winter). Also test if the colors of the walls in the house or office are OK. Some people always wear the same colors (for example black). Test which color is good for them. Test out Royal Remedies to balance them and test causal factors. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Radiation: Can be microwave oven, UV (tanning beds), radiation for cancer (also in the past), x-rays, radiation from radon gas, cell phone towers, etc. Find out: now or in the past, location, source and what can be done to strengthen the resistance or treat the damage.


Frequencies: Frequencies are different than EMS, colors can be frequencies. In EMS the frequencies can be part of the problem. Some persons are more sensitive for disharmonic frequencies than others. There are always causal factors involved. Synthetic reactions (nylons, underwear) can be caused by jewelry, watches, remote controls, car-keys, blue tooth devices, etc. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Shapes: Some shapes can have negative effects on some people, test location and find out what it is and treat the causal factors.

Painting/pictures/artwork: same as shapes.

Magnet: can be magnet in watches, mattresses, shoes, electronic devices, etc.

Homeopathy: overuse of remedies for a long time or high potency can disturb the system.

Biorhythm: when a person is not aligned, they can feel bad. Re-align and synchronize, find out when it happened (timeline) and correct. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Vivaxis: place of birth connection becomes a karmic link, find out causal factor and correct.

Lack of earth magnetism (cage of Faraday): This can be a cause of chronic disease and fatigue. Can be corrected by walking for one hour in nature everyday. Also Qi-Gong practice is good for this.

Religious (can be from the past): guilt-sinner-negative self-image Beliefs Suppression of emotions-sexual-matter-denial

Fanaticism Conflict Disconnected with reality/body13. Spiritual Too open/hypersensitive-hallucinations-psychotic-borderline-multiple personalities


Beliefs: Religious beliefs and resulting guilt and negative self-image can be passed on to the next generations: guilt-sinner-negative self-image. This can be treated by a combination of Toolbox techniques and Remedies with affirmations.

Suppression of emotions: sexual energy-rejection of money/matter-denial of the good in self because of religious beliefs from this life or past life (test), sacred vows can be part of that. The soul can bring strong beliefs and feelings from other lives into this life.

Fanaticism: can cause many problems. The big challenge is that the person is not open to conscious change, so treat with Chakra Scan, Polarity Correction and Royal Remedies. Take your time.


Conflict: Conflict between religion and personal lifestyle can create havoc on the body’s health. If there, you can find the specific reason for the conflict. If not: do Polarity Correction on it and find what inside is needed (chakra); prescribe the corresponding Chakra Remedy and affirmation. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Disconnected with reality/body: Some persons are so connected to the 4th dimension or their fantasy, they lose contact with their body or reality. For example frequent meditation can do this, day dreaming, denial of the reality, visualization, etc. There could be other reasons for disconnection with the body: excessive pain or suffering. If it is not one of these, search further with the More Information MAP or Permission to treat. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant. See also 20, Disassociation of body

Too open: some people are too open for the energy, thoughts, beliefs, opinions, etc. of other people. Test if it is a specific person or in general. Find cause and treat.

Hypersensitive: this can be also a form of being too open for the energies of others. Some persons have very sensitive bodies and have to learn to close themselves for the energy of others. Best works a combination of self-hypnosis, Emotional Balance and Royal Remedies. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Hallucinations: This can be fantasies, sensing another reality or chemically induced (check for toxins from food and other substances). Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Psychotic: This is a serious condition where all sense of 3 dimensional reality is merged with other dimensions or fantasies. Can be due to brain chemistry or other factors. Test for causal factors and treat. When they are using strong medications you can still treat the causal factors. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Borderline: These persons can go into psychosis, depression or neurotic conditions. Test for causal factors and treat. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Multiple personalities: This condition can be treated by getting them to work together: parts integration. Sometimes you have to treat the separate personalities for several different things. Test for causal factors and treat. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Other: If there are other conditions related to the spiritual block: Test for More Information à Causal Factors à treat.

14. Muscular – skeletal

If you are not trained in muscular-skeletal therapy, then the most important thing you can do for these conditions is to find out if there are causal factors and treat those and refer the client to someone who is specialized in these conditions.

Cranio sacral: When this is the primary condition, NST can be applied directly. Normally there are other causal factors involved that need to be treated. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.


Subluxation: When this is the primary condition, test which vertebrae are involved. If you cannot reposition them yourself, refer to someone who can and test if all are repositioned. Normally there are other causal factors involved that need to be treated. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Hernia: When this is the primary condition, best is to refer for further diagnosis. Normally there are other causal factors involved that need to be treated. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Diaphragm: When this is active, do a diaphragm release and test for other factors. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

1st Rib: When this is the primary condition, test with 4 hand positions on the clavicle if there is a deviation there. Otherwise, do the breathing pattern of the PIN. Normally there are other causal factors involved that need to be treated. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Atlas: This is the 1st cervical vertebra and can give many problems, systemic and local. When this is the primary condition and you cannot reposition it yourself, refer to someone who can and test if it is properly repositioned. Normally there are other causal factors involved that need to be treated. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Scoliosis: When this is the primary condition, you can re-align the vertebrae one by one and test each time for muscle weakness and treat. Do each session as much as you can and do a Trance Coaching session and Polarity Correction on this. It can take months to get substantial improvement but it is worth it. Normally there are other causal factors involved that need to be treated. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Dislocation joint: When this is the primary condition, test which joint or joints are involved. If you cannot reposition them yourself, refer to someone who can and test if all are repositioned. Normally there are other causal factors involved that need to be treated. Sometimes this is due to an accident. Test also for loss of elasticity of ligaments and DHPs. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Hernia diaphragmatica: When this is the primary condition, refer to a medical doctor for further testing. Normally there are other causal factors involved that need to be treated.

15. Circulatory:

Arterial sclerosis: Test if this condition is local (test for location); if it is the heart, also check coronary arteries. Then treat the causal factors and find remedies for working on the physical condition as well. If the condition is general, find causal factors and correct.

Aneurysm: This is a weakness in an artery that can cause life-threatening conditions, best is to refer for further diagnosis. If there is nothing that can be done, treat the aneurysm to strengthen it and use Trance Coaching and guided meditations as tools as well. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant and continuing to strengthen that area.


Lymph stagnation: Primary causes can be not enough exercise or too superficial breathing. Many times there are other causal factors involved as well, find and treat and advise exercising daily. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.Water retention: There could be several causal factors involved, adrenal weakness, kidney problems etc. Find and correct. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Venous circulation: hemorrhoids, varicose veins or other physical conditions or just beginning conditions. Treat to the best you can. If the condition is general, find causal factors and correct. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Surgery: Test if condition is local (test for location). Test if it is scar tissue. If yes, treat the scar with polarity correction while touching the scar. Treat until scar is no longer a disturbing factor. It is possible that the surgeon left alien matter in the body, reprogram the body to neutralize that and is no longer affected by that. If it is something bigger, referral may be necessary.Treat the causal factors and find remedies for working on the physical condition as well. If condition is general find causal factors (for example anesthesia) and correct.

Coronary arteries: This is a local condition of the arteries of the heart. Test if it is arteriosclerosis or spasms. Then treat the causal factors and find remedies for working on the physical condition as well. If they are already treated by a medical specialist also test if you need to neutralize side-effects of medicine. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

16. Karma: Always test (silently) if you need to openly discuss this with client.

Karmic debt: This means that some karmic debt is created in a past life that needs to be balanced by doing good for others. You can test if more information is needed. Mostly they will have to do voluntarily charity work (test). Test if the charity works has to be specific or general. Sometimes it is personal related to one or more persons in their lives. Sometimes they have to renounce money and give away their possessions. Test Angel Remedies for support, especially Angel Remedy 20 (Christ Consciousness). Test if forgiveness is needed.

Karmic link: see Karmic Links MAP.

Karma other person: client is carrying the karma of someone else: 1.. Test first if this is positive or negative karma? If it is positive: Test if it is disturbing any process of the soul of this person? If yes: should it be treated? 2..Test if there are lessons or insights involved? 3.. Living or death person? (who?) “I know the difference between my karma and that of all others” (if you know a name, you can also use that name) à (should test strong) 4.. Is this by impregnation, projection, resonance or choice (conscious or subconscious)? 5.. More information needed? Permission to treat? Test: “I have no more karma of others now and I have no need to assume that in the future at any given time.” Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.


Human collective karma: Client is carrying a part of the human collective karma: 1.. Test first if this is positive or negative karma? If it is positive: Test if it is disturbing any process of the soul of this person? If yes: should it be treated? 2.. Test if there are lessons or insights involved? 3.. “I know the difference between my karma and that of all others.” à (should test strong) 4.. Is this by impregnation, projection, resonance or choice (conscious or subconscious)? 5.. More information needed? Permission to treat? Test: “I have no more karma now that is not my personal karma and I have no need to assume any other karma in the future at any given time.” Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Projection karma of the past (other person): Sometimes we are open for projections out of the past. This is different than a karmic link where we have an incident to something or someone in the past. Test: is this from this life time? (If not: previous life? If not: parallel life? Other? More information needed?). If it is from this lifetime, test if the projecting person is known? Still alive? A ghost? Find out if more information is needed about the relationship. Then ask for permission to treat. Sometimes you have to treat the one who is projecting their karma or emotion. Sometimes is best to shield the person. Find causal factors and treat. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Parasitic soul: Go back to healing block 11.

Family karma – Miasma: Client is carrying the part of the family karma: 1.. Test first if this is positive or negative karma? If it is positive: Test if it is disturbing any process of the soul or this person? If yes: should it be treated? 2.. Test if there are lessons or insights involved? 3.. “I know the difference between my karma and that of my family.” à (should test strong) 4.. Is this by impregnation, projection, inheritance (miasma), resonance or choice (conscious or subconscious)? 5.. More information needed? Permission to treat? Test: “I have no more karma now that is not my personal karma and I have no need to assume any other karma in the future at any given time.” Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Karma of location: Test which location? More information needed? If not, treat the client so the location has no more effect on him, find causal factors and treat. If yes: Do I need to clean the location? Do I need to treat the client (sometimes both are needed)? Treat the client or the location until there is no more effect on the client, find causal factors and treat. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Curse: Go back to healing block 11.

Evil: Go back to healing block 11

17. Seriousness

Always: Find origin: trauma – abuse – timelineTest: “I am 100% congruent to take life less serious and give myself permission to have more fun, it is for me to let go of all.”


Workaholic: “I am 100% congruent to work much less serious and give myself permission to have more fun, it is for me to let go the need to work.” Look for what they are running away from.

Heaviness (self/other): “I am 100% congruent to let go of my heaviness and give myself permission to enjoy life much more.”

Assumed responsibilities: “I am 100% congruent to let go most of my assumed responsibilities and give myself permission to be free and enjoy life to the fullest.”

Family constellation: Specific member of family involved? Role assumed is not the role intended for this person? Any conflicts? Unresolved issues or karmic links? Forgiveness needed? Permission to treat or more information needed? Check for insights, lessons, polarity correction. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Sacrifice: When the person takes on a sacrifice for another this can be detrimental for themselves. So, is this a conscious choice or a responsibility on unconscious level? Are they aware? Is this an unconditional or conditional sacrifice? Is there resistance? The question is if we can be of assistance to relieve or take away the burden.

Victim: Specific incident or tendency to be in the victim role (habitual). “I am powerless, bad things happen to me often!”Specific incident: Forgiveness needed? What incident? Who is involved? Karmic link? Relationship to past life? Work with your toolbox to correct this. Finally: “I let go of this incident 100% and step back into my power, all lessons are learned and I feel powerful again!”Habitual victim role: “I am powerless.” (strong) à “I am powerful and can deal adequately with anything in my life.” (weak) à You have to change identity. Start with: “I want to let go the need or habit to be a victim!” Do polarity correction on victim. Then do Identity MAP or Trance Coaching. Then at the end the result will be: ”I am powerless.” (weak) à “I am powerful and can deal adequately with anything in my life.” (strong) Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Boundaries: “I am clear on my boundaries and communicate them to everyone congruently!” Test causal factors, self-image and identity to be in own power and to let go of fear of rejection or not being accepted or any false beliefs: ”I don’t have to please anyone except myself, what others think of me has no relevance to me.” Treat until 100% congruent, do a guided meditation with them communicating their boundaries to people who intimidate them. Give a Royal Remedy and Omega Healing audio sessions. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Helper syndrome: This is for many people a problem when they help at their own expense and the focus is only on helping (saving others but not themselves). “I am as important as other people and I am committed to take time for myself and take care of myself, this is more important than helping others!” Make them aware of their helper syndrome and that it is causing a block on their healing. “I am helping only by choice and I have the right to say no and still feel good!” Treat until it is no longer a healing block. Check for causal factors, self-image, identity, etc. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.


Imbalance work/relax/play: Test what needs to be done and make them congruent (identity-congruency, guided meditations) to be able to do it. ”I take time to relax and play and will do it to help my healing from now on!” Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Controller/perfectionist: When this is a healing block, it means that the stress created by this condition takes away the energy needed for healing. It is a whole life changing process to change that and often Trance Coaching and Identity Congruency and Parts Integration is needed several times to make the switch. Important is to find the causal factors involved and correct. They need to have a clear picture of being a person that has no need to control or be perfect.Controller: “I like surprises that I cannot control and enjoy not having control because I am ready for anything at anytime.”Perfectionist: ”I have let go the need to be perfect and I am completely happy being imperfect even when others have high expectations of me!” Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Lack of playfulness/humor/fun/happiness/excitement/passion: This is a person that is either too serious, takes too many responsibilities or just lost their playful side through life. Test for causal incidents and traumas and the willingness to want to change. It is important to make them aware that it is important to change. In their homework they need to get assignments to do, so they can start to focus on playfulness and so on.“I enjoy being playful, surprise others and to be spontaneous, I enjoy having fun and I am passionate about life!” Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

18. Dental chart reflex: check tooth relationship with meridians – organs – disease

The relationship between meridians and organs is very strong. The question is which was first: chicken or egg? So test which one is primary: the tooth or the meridian or organ. Then find the causal factors and correct.

Infected root canals can be detrimental to health and can be very toxic. Treat all infected root canals with NST and test the tooth on toxicity and neutralize. Find the appropriate Royal Remedy, best for them is to touch the tooth before saying the affirmation. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Extracted tooth: Still find the causal factors and correct.

Infection or abscess: Test causal factors and correct.

Mercury fillings: Test the ability of the person to remove mercury from the body (elimination percentage of mercury). If not 100%, find causal factors and correct. Do Polarity Correction and reprogram the ANS for full 100% removal. Advise to remove the fillings.Test the mercury accumulation in the brains: toxic load effect from 0-10. Anything over 2 is pathogenic and can cause problems later. Advise to remove fillings and start treatment to remove mercury from the brains and to neutralize the degenerative effect on the brains. Instruct the ANS to do so and reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.


19. Timeline correction

The timeline is linear from life to life and goes into the future, we can treat possible future events before they happen. Always check.1.. This life-time? 2.. Before this life-time? 3.. Future life-time?

1… This lifetime: check what is going on: 1. When did it happen, who is involved? What happened? (check More Information MAP) Emotional trauma? Incident? Painful memory? More information needed? Do a polarity correction on the incident (you do not need to know all details, just a reference point in time to correct).“I now have let go of this incident fully and it has no more power in any way on my life now or in the future!” Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Before this life-time à Previous life-time: (Information brought with the soul): Soul memory: Is it a traumatic death experience? If not: unresolved conflicts? Vows? - Sacred contract? – Sacrifice? Not a soul memory: Pre-life intention – Soul adaption to life (for example hybrid soul). Test if there are any causal factors that can be treated. If not, test which MAP is needed for the next step. More information or Permission to integrate? Pre-life intention: Test: Intention to learn lessons or heal the soul through disease and suffering? If yes, can this be now changed in a new way where suffering is no longer needed? Any karmic debt involved? Is the path of disease intended to make this person stronger or to let go something of the past? Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Bloodline à Bloodline is what we bring with the body in our life and what happens to the body and family from the moment of conception. Test where the healing block is and find more information and correct. Test if polarity correction is needed.Conception à Pregnancy à Birth period à Birth trauma à Inner child event (growing up traumas or incidents) à Basic needs (test which one? See Inner Child MAP) à Abuse à Absorption Blocking Energy (what you absorb from your parents and family): mother/father/family . Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Family constellation: Specific member of family involved? Role assumed is not the role intended for this person? Any conflicts? Unresolved issues or karmic links? Forgiveness needed? Permission to treat or more information needed? Check for insights, lessons, polarity correction.

Family habits: Any health blocking habits you picked up? Test what it is: eating, drinking habits, lack of exercise, junk food, beliefs about health, using medication (aspirin etc.), vitamins, etc.

TESTà Timeline therapy? Past life healing? Future correction? More information needed? Permission to integrate?


20. Disassociation: (see also 13)

* Out of body * Parallel life * Escape into fantasy/sleep/meditation * Escape by distraction * Suppressing feelings * No awareness of self * No awareness of body or reality.

Test which condition is at hand. Find causal factors and correct.“I am completely aware and associated with my body and my feelings and what is going on in my life, I have no need to escape or not deal with what is going on in my life.” Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

21. Hopelessness (see also 17. Victim state)

* Powerlessness * Hopelessness * Negative outlook future * Nocebo * Hypochondria * Victim * Guilt * Undeserving * Belief in negative karma/punishment * Negative self-image * Negative self-talk * Influence * Environment * Medical diagnosis * Tried many therapies without results (and gave up).

Test: which condition is at hand. Find causal factors and correct.Use the victim example as a structure for the others.

Powerlessness: “I have the power to heal and to live my life in the best way possible!” (If weak: correct by finding on the timeline the 1st incident of this limiting belief). Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Hopelessness: “I have faith and hope that I will heal and be healthy and happy again!” (If weak: correct by finding on the timeline the 1st incident of this limiting belief). This has a powerful limiting effect on the immune-system and must be tested in all cancer clients. Hopelessness is the biggest killer after chemotherapy in cancer patients. Finish with: “My faith is strong and I believe that if there is a chance for healing I will make it happen, I have faith and hope for the best to happen!” Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Victim: Specific incident or tendency to be in the victim role (habitual). “I am powerless, bad things happen to me often.” (strong means victim role or depression).Specific incident: Forgiveness needed? What incident? Who is involved? Karmic link? Relationship to past life? Work with your Toolbox to correct this. Finally: “I let go of this incident 100% and step back into my power, all lessons are learned and I feel powerful again.”Habitual victim role: “I am powerless.” (strong) à “I am powerful and can deal adequately with anything in my life.” (weak) à You have to change identity. Start with: “I want to let go of the need or habit to be a victim!” Do polarity correction on victim. Then do Identity MAP or Trance Coaching. Then at the end the result will be: ”I am powerless.” (weak) à “I am powerful and can deal adequately with anything in my life.” (strong) Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Negative outlook future: “My future will be even better than now; my future looks bright!” (weak). Find causal factors and correct. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.


Nocebo: This means that a negative belief is implemented by a (medical) authority. This might have been done in the past and can be on unconscious or conscious level. It can also be part of a diagnosis or a simple remark heard from nurses or assistants, or even the way they looked at the client. Test when and what: is it related to this condition (specific) or is it general? It can also happen during anesthesia, childbirth, watching a medical series on TV. Find causal factors and correct (timeline: when, where, whom?). Reverse this negative belief 100%: “I have 100% belief in my capacity to heal from this condition and know that all will become better soon!”

Distinguish this condition from hypochondria: This is a systemic condition to assume diseases are happening in themselves by any association possible, directly or indirectly. Can come from need for attention or care (basic needs). Find causal factors and correct. Often identity congruency is needed. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Guilt: Find the causal incident and reprogram to forgive the self and let go.

Systematic Guilt Personality: Some people are into the habitual pattern of feeling guilty: test if that is the case and find the 1st incident that created that attitude in life and correct (see also spiritual beliefs).

Undeserving: “I deserve to be healthy, happy and have a good vital life.” (If weak: Polarity Correction-Identity Congruency etc.)Finish with: “I am deserving and worthy of a great life and know that I am valuable!” Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Belief in negative karma/punishment: “I believe that only good things will happen to me, that I attract the good and the positive and deserve a healthy life full of joy and happiness!” (If weak: Polarity Correction-Identity Congruency etc.). Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Negative self-image: see Self-image MAP.

Negative self-talk: Test if there is a causal incident and correct. “I have a positive and empowering inner dialogue and my mind is my best friend, I have no need to criticize myself or talk negatively about me or others!” (If weak: Polarity Correction-Identity Congruency etc.). Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Influence: Negative influence from others can block the healing process, see also Parasitic energy: projection (11). We sometimes value the opinion and beliefs of others too much and that can influence our health. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.Test if it is a specific person (1 or more?) or if it is systemic. Test if it is specific: who and find out if there are karmic links. Do a guided meditation with the client; where you make the person see how they are influenced and how this is having effect on their healing. Surround them with protective energy and then treat the causal factors that are on the timeline or in their soul memory. Test how this influence affects their body (what systems are affected?). Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.


Environment: Negative influence from the environment can block the healing process: see also frequencies, colors, shapes, EMS, geopathy etc. These can strengthen hopelessness and their limiting beliefs and memories. Test if it is a specific location or more? Do a guided meditation with the client with kinesiology; make the person feel, by testing, where they are influenced and how this is having effect on their healing. Surround them with protective energy and then treat the causal factors that are on the timeline or in their soul memory). Test how this influence affects their body (what systems are affected?). Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Medical diagnosis: This can have a powerful negative effect on the body and immune-system and can be toxic and paralyzing information. If this is the case the limiting belief needs to be neutralized.“I can heal this condition and return to optimal health and wellbeing no matter what the diagnosis was!”Do Polarity Correction and treat causal factors until this has no more influence. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Tried many therapies without results (and gave up): “Despite that in the past there was no success with my treatments, I now open myself 100% that I can be healed optimally now and return to being happy and well!” Do Polarity Correction and treat causal factors until this has no more influence. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

22. Soul

Depletion/contamination/traumatized/abuse à check timeline: This lifetime? Previous lifetime? Find the cause and treat. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

(Hyper) sensitive: When the soul is very sensitive it needs to be protected and the mind must be trained to soften the impact from this harsh world on the soul. Angel Remedies can be useful. Test if the Omega Healing audio sessions are useful.“I accept that I am sensitive and know that I become stronger everyday and can deal better and better with this world.” Find the causal factors and treat. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Conflict with body: If there is a conflict with the body: Test if it is the soul that has a problem adapting or is it the body rejecting to work with this soul? Is it because of total different temperament? Is it the karma of the soul to learn specific life-themes or lessons? More information needed? Permission to integrate? Angel Remedies can be useful. Test if the Omega Healing audio sessions are useful.“I am 100% being in this body and we will work together through this life time!” Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Impregnation from other: This lifetime or another? Is this from a specific person? Still alive? Karmic link? Is it the karma of the soul to learn specific life-themes or lessons? More information needed? Permission to integrate? Angel Remedies can be useful. Test if the Omega Healing audio sessions are useful. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.


Adaptation to human life (check hybrid soul?): similar to sensitivity, the soul can be hybrid (incarnated in a previous life on another planet than earth). Is it the karma of the soul to learn specific life-themes or lessons? More information needed? Permission to integrate? Angel Remedies can be useful. Test if the Omega Healing audio sessions are useful.“I am 100% being in this body and this planet and I am adapting beautifully!” Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Quick return: Last life was not too long ago, probably the memories are still fresh and influencing this life. It is important to clear traumatic deaths and incidents of that life that were unresolved. Is it the karma of the soul to learn specific life-themes or lessons? More information needed? Permission to integrate? Angel Remedies can be useful. Test if the Omega Healing audio sessions are useful.

Adaptation to body type/gender: similar to a conflict with the body. Test if it is the soul that has a problem adapting to a new gender or body type (for example used to be in a strong warrior body, now in a weak body). Is it the karma of the soul to learn specific life themes or lessons? More information needed? Permission to integrate? Angel Remedies can be useful. Test if the Omega Healing audio sessions are useful. “I am 100% being in this body and work with this body through this life time!”

Related to adaptation body type is: Rejection of body: This is a conflict with the body. Test if the soul does not want to be embodied and wants to go back home. Treat and correct. Test if it is the karma of the soul to learn specific life-themes or lessons? More information needed? Permission to integrate? Angel Remedies can be useful. Test if the Omega Healing audio sessions are useful. “I am 100% being in this body and we will work together well and harmonious through this life time!” Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Conflict: This is a conflict with having to come back and have a life experience. Test if the soul does not want to be in this life and wants to go back home. Treat and correct. Test if it is the karma of the soul to learn specific life themes or lessons? More information needed? Permission to integrate? Angel Remedies can be useful. Test if the Omega Healing audio sessions are useful.“I am 100% being in this life and have this life experience now!” Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Too much suffering (self or others): This can be related to sensitivity to suffering or a bad life experience (this life or previous lives). Test if it is the karma of the soul to learn specific life themes or lessons? More information needed? Permission to integrate? Angel Remedies can be useful. Test if the Omega Healing audio sessions are useful.“I am 100% congruent to letting go of my own suffering or feeling affected by the suffering of others.” Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.


Too much open for others: some people are too open for the energy, thoughts, beliefs, opinions etc. of others. Test if it is a specific person or in general. Find cause and treat. Some persons have very sensitive bodies and have to learn to close themselves for the energy of others. Best works a combination of self-hypnosis, Emotional Balance and Royal Remedies. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant. Test if Omega Healing audio sessions are useful.

23. Auric Field

Weak: This is very common; exhaustion mentally, emotionally and physically can also cause the auric field to be weak and may create a healing block. Test causal factors, correct and reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Holes: Also very common is that on specific places in the field there can be holes. Test: normal holes vs. black hole. Normal holes have an underlying physical or energetic causal factor and can be treated by body scanning for specific location and find the related causal factors. Correct and reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.Black hole: This is very, very rare. A black hole often has a link to another dimension and the client is losing energy quickly. This can be life-threatening. An example is when someone has a parasitic energy with them sucking the energy or creating a physical problem. Curses can also be in this category, or very negative religious practices and the use of recreational drug. Correct and reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Defects: Test if there is need for more information and correct and reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Not grounded: Test also for disassociation, out of body, too much focus on the spiritual, etc.

Too much mind (thoughts): Thinking too much: test for causal factors, timeline, etc. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

VMF: Disturbed Vibrational Morphic Fields can be linked to organs, specific diseases, etc. Test where the VMF is located: local or systemic. If local, do body scan and find. Correct the causal factors. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

DNA (disturbance): Sometimes the DNA can give a disturbance of the auric field. Then reprogram the DNA and activate the spiritual DNA strings linked with the Divine Matrix.

Parasitic Energy: Go back to healing block 11.

Chakra imbalance: Test with Chakra Scan MAP or More Information MAP. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

Karmic link: Test with the Karmic Links MAP.


Other healing blocks: test healing blocks with Causal Factors MAP first. Too much detached: Not enough aligned with the material world. If it shows it is because the body needs more focus and alignment, then reconnect the mind to the body. Reprogram the ANS to stay vigilant.

24. Nutritional deficiency

Test if it is one of the following:Vitamins à * A (and carotenes) * B1 * B2 * B3 (niacin) * B5 * B6 * B9 (folic acid) * B12 * C * D * E * H (Biotin) * K * P (Bioflavonoid)Minerals à * Calcium * Chromium * Coenzyme Q10 * Copper * Iodine * Iron * Manganese * Magnesium * Molybdenum * Phosphorus * Potassium * Selenium * Silicon * Sodium * Sulphur * ZincOther à * Essential fatty acids * Amino acidsLack of antioxidants à * Stress * Too much free radicals * Other factorsIf it is not, it can be trace minerals, absorption problems (lack of enzymes, leaky gut syndrome-gluten intolerance-allergies, etc.). If it is many of them, the nutrition is deficient or the absorption is too low or there is too much stress or toxicity.

25. Blocks of software programs with effect on health and wellbeing.

Test which MAP you need to reprogram.See the Software MAP.
















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