3 pipelinestudio technical description gas rev 5 - sep 2012

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  • 7/27/2019 3 PipelineStudio Technical Description Gas Rev 5 - Sep 2012



    Off-Line Pipeline Simulation Software for Gas Networks


    September, 2012

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    Rev 4 June 2011

    RReevviissiioonnRevision 1 April 2006 New Document based on older white paperRevision 2 August 2009 Reformatted and PLS 3.2 changes included

    Revision 3 March 2010 Included PLS 3.2.5 enhancementsRevision 4 June 2011 Included PLS 3.3 enhancementsRevision 5 September 2012 Included PLS 3.4 enhancements

    CCooppyyrriigghhttThis is an unpublished work, the copyright of which vests in Energy SolutionsInternational. All rights reserved. The information contained herein is the property ofEnergy Solutions International and is supplied without liability for errors or omissions.

    No part of this document may be reproduced or used except as authorized by contractor other written permission. The copyright and the foregoing restriction onreproduction and use extend to all media in which the information may be embodied.

    SSuummmmaarryyEnergy Solutions is proud to provide this technical description outlining the applicationand functionalities related to PipelineStudio Gas. PipelineStudio Gas is based on theTGNET engine and is one of the most advanced software programs available forcomplete pipeline design, planning and analysis using steady-state and transientsimulations for single phase gas pipeline networks.

    This technical description will outline firstly how PipelineStudio Gas can be used as anapplication by both engineers and operators throughout the pipeline industry, while thesecond part of the technical description describes in more detail the various technicaloptions available within PipelineStudio Gas from a modeling perspective.

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    1 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................... 42 APPLICATION ............................................................................................................. 52.1 GENERAL GAS APPLICATIONS ................................................................................ 62.1.1 Simulate Pipeline Leak and Study Transient Response .............................................. 62.1.2 Temperature Tracking .................................................................................................. 72.1.3 Reduce Operating Costs and Increase Profits ............................................................. 72.2 SELECTED GAS ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS .................................................... 72.2.1 Analyze Pipeline Deliverability ...................................................................................... 72.2.2 Adding Parallel Loops vs. Adding Compressor Units ................................................... 72.2.3 Design Condition Violation ........................................................................................... 72.2.4 Improvement of System-wide Fuel Economy ............................................................... 82.2.5 Prediction of the Environmental Impact of a Leak ....................................................... 9 2.3 SELECTED GAS OPERATIONAL APPLICATIONS .................................................. 102.3.1 Verification of Pipeline Schedule ................................................................................ 102.3.2 Determination of Survial Time .................................................................................... 113 TECHNICAL OVERVIEW .......................................................................................... 123.1 SIMULATIONS ........................................................................................................... 123.1.1 Steady-State ............................................................................................................... 133.1.2 Transient .................................................................................................................... 133.2 MODELLING FUNCTIONS ........................................................................................ 133.2.1 Gas Modeling Capability ............................................................................................ 153.3 GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE .............................................................................. 173.3.1 Main Features ............................................................................................................ 173.3.2 Data Input and Output ................................................................................................ 173.3.3 Data Presentation....................................................................................................... 183.3.4 Other Capabilities ....................................................................................................... 223.4 CONTINUING DEVELOPMENT ................................................................................ 22

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    This technical description provides an applications overview of the hydraulic pipelinesimulator, PipelineStudio.

    PipelineStudio is a state of the art hydraulic simulation tool that quickly and accuratelyperforms steady state and transient analysis of single-phase fluid flow in pipelinenetworks. The software incorporates an acclaimed intuitive Graphical User Interface thatfacilitates the rapid configuration of complex pipeline models. Simulation results areeasily accessible in many forms, such as graphs, tables and formatted ASCII files. Data

    may also be easily exchanged with other applications such as Microsoft Excel orother 3

    rdparty applications. PipelineStudio is a powerful engineering and analysis tool

    designed to aid qualified users in their design, analysis and planning tasks.

    Profile ChartWorkspace View

    Property View

    Element Toolbox Pipe colored by





    BlockNetwork View

    Callout fromlibraries

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    PipelineStudio is the industry leading pipeline design, planning and analysis solutionthat combines graphical configuration and reporting tools with industry proven simulationengines. It offers a combination of both steady-state and transient simulation capabilities

    to design facilities and plan operations from a single product.

    PipelineStudio is used throughout the world and enables pipeline engineers, locatedat anything from major oil companies to small pipeline operating companies includingconsulting and engineering firms, to determine solutions to planning, engineering anddesign problems.

    Typical applications of PipelineStudio in the gas pipeline industry include:

    - Deliverability Analysis: Determine whether the network can meet increasingfuture demand with or without additional equipment. Scenarios such as the

    start-up/shutdown, scheduling of key compressor units or utilization of storagefacilities can be investigated.

    - Design Analysis: Design of networks, line size and capacity studies.

    - Contingency Analysis: Simulation of upsets, unusual events and theevaluation of recovery actions e.g. compressor station failure.

    - Upset Analysis: Simulation of upset conditions, caused by equipment failureor leakage, to determine safe and corrective procedures.

    - Economic Comparison Analysis: Determine the equipment needed andassociated costs for looping the pipeline or adding compressors to improvethroughput.

    - Energy Balance Analysis: Investigate the mixing effects of differentquality/composition fluids, supply/delivery set points and delivered productquality/energy. This can be used to ensure that energy supplied to eachdelivery point satisfies contractual obligations.

    - Flow Assurance Analysis: Ensuring successful flow of single phase fluid fromthe reservoir to the point of sale, from upstream to downstream markets

    - Fuel Gas Analysis: investigate different compressor schedules to optimizefuel gas consumption.

    - Gas Purchasing Analysis: Improve acquisition decisions by studying networkeffects due to different supply and routing scenarios.

    - Maintain Contract Pressure: Line pack analysis and manipulation ofsupply/delivery set points to maintain key pressures in the network.

    - Operational Analysis: Evaluation of alternative modes of operation.

    - Efficiency Analysis: Simulation of normal operations to determine the mostefficient physical design or mode of operation.

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    2.1.2 Temperature Tracking


    provides the option of energy balance calculations for non-isothermalnetworks, permitting the tracking of thermal transients throughout the network. If

    temperature tracking is specified, PipelineStudio

    performs a rigorous energy balanceaccounting for: Joule-Thomson effects (temperature change due to pressure change);heat transfer with the surroundings; and energy imparted to the fluid by mechanicaldevices such as pumps.

    2.1.3 Reduce Operating Costs and Increase Profits

    With PipelineStudio

    , pumps can be optimally scheduled so as to minimize powercosts. In addition, individual pumps or pump stations can be accurately modeled byinput of manufacturer-provided pump head and efficiency curves. Thus, fuel orelectrical use associated with a given operating scenario can be evaluated; and basedon case studies; an optimum mode of operation can be selected. Moreover,simulation of anticipated operating scenarios allows for faster reaction to systemupsets and more accurate evaluation of potential product acquisition and deliveryopportunities.


    2.2.1 Analyze Pipeline Deliverability

    The deliverability of a pipeline system operating during peak season can be analyzedto determine whether the system can meet increasing future demands or whetheradditional equipment is needed. Strategies such as production to and from storage(reservoirs or fixed volume) and scheduling (startup and shutdown) of key compressorunits can be investigated.

    2.2.2 Adding Parallel Loops vs. Adding Compressor Units

    To improve the flow rate of a pipeline without sacrificing critical pressures, the usermay want to study the cost effectiveness of adding parallel loops versus installing

    more compressor units. PipelineStudio

    can be used to determine in detail how eachalternative affects flow, pressure, and other variables throughout the system. Thebase case would simulate the system with no improvements. Subsequent caseswould simulate various configurations of parallel loops and compressors.

    2.2.3 Design Condition ViolationLeaks, valve closure, compressor startup/shutdown, and other factors can causepressure surges in the pipeline that could be potentially damaging. WithPipelineStudio

    , the design engineer or operator can simulate upset conditions and

    determine if pressure changes will exceed design criteria anywhere within the network.

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    2.2.4 Improvement of System-wide Fuel Economy

    In some pipeline systems, there may be times when cyclic flow conditions cause certaincompressor stations to operate below peak efficiency. By shutting down thesecompressors and shifting the load to others, the user can maximize the availablehorsepower and thus conserve fuel. Because PipelineStudio allows rapid configurationand simulation of various supply/demand scenarios, the most economical compressorstrategy can be determined.

    When the associated performance curves and detailed operating specifications areprovided, PipelineStudio provides a detailed calculation and report for eachcompressor unit and its associated driver, including compressor fuel taken from thepipeline.

    The figure below shows the comparison of fuel usage for an example compressor usingtwo different operational scenarios (cases)

    The transient response in the figure above is showing us that the fuel usage for case 1

    and the fuel usage for case 2 are significantly different. This indicates that if the fuelusage should be optimized a combination of case 1 and case 2 is desirable, i.e.operating according to case 2 for the first 15 hours and then change the operation to acase 1 operational condition.

    Comparison of fuel usage







    0 6 12 18 24 30 36

    Time / hours


    Case 1

    Case 2

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    Many dispatching and planning departments for onshore/offshore, oil/gas pipelinesemploy PipelineStudio in their day-to-day operations. The ability to look ahead manytimes faster-than-real-time enables the well-informed operator to improve planning,

    scheduling, throughput, fuel costs, use of storage and line-pack management. Economicperformance associated with the purchase and sale of product or marketing of availablepipeline capacity can also be analyzed.

    2.3.1 Verification of Pipeline Schedule

    Gas dispatching departments are responsible for maintaining pipeline safety andensuring that pipeline operations satisfy throughput requirements, whilst maintaining thepipeline pressure within operational limits - an increasingly contractual matter.

    Using a fixed configuration of the network, PipelineStudio is supplied with flow andpressure boundary conditions from a SCADA system. Nominations, provided by a gasload forecaster, are used to create a transient scenario. Using the supplied boundaryconditions and scenario, PipelineStudio automatically runs steady-state and transientsimulations at the start of the gas-day. The software completes a faster-than-real-timesimulation of the pipeline for the next gas day and the results are presented to theoperator.

    This decision support application helps identify any problems associated with thenominations and provides information ensuring that the pipeline is operated safely whilstsatisfying contractual obligations.








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    2.3.2 Determination of Survial Time

    PipelineStudio is often used to achieve the optimal operating conditions to satisfydemand whilst taking into account all pipeline constraints.

    An example of this is the determination of the survival time, which is the calculation of atime when a delivery pressure violates a pre-defined minimum delivery pressure. Theuser can compare and evaluate different operating scenarios such as variable flow anddelivery pressures over specified time periods.

    The figure below illustrates the predicted readings (calculated results) over 26 hours at adelivery point (Delivery 1) for pressure.

    The transient response shows that the minimum pressure is reached after approximately22 hours. It means that the survival time for this example is 22 hours; since this is the

    time it takes the pressure at Factory_1 to reach its minimum pressure based around theoperating conditions used in the example.

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    Incorporating the industry standard simulation engines TGNET (gas) and TLNET (liquid)PipelineStudio models both the steady-state and the transient behavior of single-phasefluid flow in pipeline networks.

    PipelineStudio Gas can model both simple and complex pipeline networks and mayinclude pipeline equipment such as valves, compressors, regulators, storage, coolersand heaters. Pipeline networks, which consist of a series of pipes and equipmentconnected together through common end-points, are rapidly configured through anintuitive and comprehensive Graphical User Interface (GUI). Pipeline element attributessuch as pipe length, wall thickness, roughness, and elevations are assigned throughdialog boxes or tables.

    Supplies and deliveries provide pressure and flow boundary conditions for the model aswell as providing model constraints; any configured pipeline equipment will alsocontribute constraints, the most restrictive of which will automatically be used as a set-

    point. For a transient simulation, a schedule of set-point and constraint changes may beentered. Based on the set-points and constraints, PipelineStudio calculates allhydraulic variables, e.g. pressure, flow, temperature and fluid density, throughout thepipeline network.

    The advanced GUI enables users to view simulation results both during and uponcompletion of the simulation. Results are presented graphically in the form of trends and

    profiles. Trend and profile data may be imported into Microsoft Excel or other 3rd

    partyapplications. Results may also be viewed in tables, data blocks, attached as callouts topipeline equipment or output data files.


    PipelineStudio performs two types of simulation: steady-state or transient. The steady-state simulation provides hydraulic results under the assumption that mass, momentumand energy flows are in equilibrium at every point in the pipeline network. A transientsimulation evaluates the dynamic or time varying response of the pipeline system due toscheduled changes in one or more system variables.

    The user may choose to run the simulator interactively where changes of set-point,constraint or status are applied "on the fly". At any point during the interactive simulationstate data may be saved for analysis or as the starting point for another simulation. Bothsteady-state and transient simulations are supported in this mode.

    During the simulation, operational mode changes and alarm violations are reportedthrough the GUI. This provides the user with feedback when key events occur.

    Simulation results are presented through tables, property views, trend/profile graphs andreport files. This allows the user to fully analyze each scenario and make informeddecisions based on accurate information. Simulation results may also be exported forfurther analysis in 3

    rdparty applications.

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    3.1.1 Steady-State

    Steady-state simulations may be run independently of a transient simulation. Thus, if theuser is only interested in steady-state analyses there is no need to configure modelattributes that are necessary for transient analysis.

    The steady-state simulation determines the value of thermal and hydraulic variablessuch as pressure, flow and temperature under steady-state conditions. The user definesthe pipeline geometry and operating conditions which may include:

    - Equipment flow and pressure constraints.

    - Equipment status.

    - Supply and delivery flow and pressure constraints.

    - Supply fluid and fluid temperature.

    The calculated steady state satisfies all active constraints configured in the system.

    3.1.2 Transient

    A transient simulation is defined by its starting (initial) state together with a transientscenario. The starting state may be a steady-state or a previously calculated transientstate. Transient scenarios are a time sequence of set-point, constraint or statusvariations that emulate the operating conditions being studied.

    The transient simulation determines the value of thermal and hydraulic variables such aspressure, flow and temperature under transient conditions and this capability enables thesimulation of leaks, upsets/surges, survival time and operational changes.

    During a transient simulation, the time step is automatically adjusted to maintainaccuracy and stability whilst maximizing computation speed. This technique minimizestotal run time of a transient simulation.

    Transient simulation results can also be displayed through graphical user-defined trendsand this data is available in a format that can be directly imported into 3


    applications such as Microsoft Excel.


    For the pipeline engineer, the comprehensive, intuitive GUI, the use of sensible defaults

    and idealized controls creates an effective and familiar simulation tool that provides: -

    - Accurate and stable results: PipelineStudio employs a proven, stable,convergent numerical solution of the constituent conservation laws that govern theflow of fluids in a pipeline network.

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    - Alarm Handling: PipelineStudio allows the user to define alarm limits. If analarm limit is violated a message is reported identifying the location and value ofthe alarm.

    - Automaticor Fixed Time Stepping: The user has a choice of automatic or fixed

    time steps. Automatic time-step selection eliminates the need for guesswork andthe ensuing trial-and-error procedure of arriving at a correct value. PipelineStudio

    can automatically choose the optimum time steps according to a user-prescribedaccuracy level and maximum and minimum time step limits. Alternatively, fixedtime steps can be defined by the user.

    - Configurable Physical Units: A unit database includes Imperial, Metric and SIunits. Additional User-defined engineering units can also be applied.

    - Data Exchange: Both configuration and simulation data is easily exchanged with


    party applications such as Microsoft Excel. This exchange of data providesan added dimension to PipelineStudio as it allows for extended analysis and

    presentation of, for example, trend and profile data in other applications.Configuration variables can be imported from formatted ASCII text files thusallowing PipelineStudio to be tightly coupled with other tools. Further, allPipelineStudio models can be rapidly imported into the Energy SolutionsInternational suite of real-time Pipeline Application Software (PipelineManager).

    - Device Libraries: It has been included a set of libraries for compressors, fluids,pipes, etc. that can be edited or created by the user.

    - Greying out of elements: Excluding (greying out) network elements will allowselected parts of the network only to be simulated. An alternative way of looking atthis is that network elements that are excluded (greyed out) will not be included in

    the simulation although still be available in the network view.

    - Idealized Controls: Each equipment item, e.g. supply, delivery, block valve orpump, includes user or program-specified constraints. The constraint is anidealized form of control that represents a type of device or control limit. Multipleconstraints may be specified for equipment and during the simulation the mostrestrictive constraint is used as the current control mode thus ensuring all definedconstraints are adhered to.

    - Independent Steady-State Simulation: PipelineStudio

    performs two types ofsimulations. The first is a steady-state pipeline simulation which determinesequilibrium pressures and flows for all calculating points in the system. Thesecond is a transient simulation, which evaluates the dynamic response of thepipeline system to changes in one or more system variables. Since transientcalculations are more complex and require more computer time than steady-statecalculations, PipelineStudio

    provides the option of the steady-state model alone,

    without activating the transient model.

    - Interactive Simulation: Simulations can run in the background or the user canelect to use the interactive simulation mode.

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    - Multiple Case Tool: PipelineStudio allows you to select numerous configurationsand request that they are run to steady state and/or transient in batch mode.

    - Network Validation: PipelineStudio automatically prompts the user for missing

    or incorrect data. This network validation function guides the user through an easyto use error-correction process.

    - On-line Help: There is an extensive on-line help file, which is accessible throughmenus. Context sensitive help is available from dialog boxes.

    - Sensible Defaults: Models may be rapidly configured using default options. Allmodel equipment attributes have sensible defaults.

    - Simulation Reruns Made Easier: After each simulation run is completed, themodel can be "restarted" without having to re-enter all of the data. Simulationresults can be archived via restart files and then called up later to initialize flows

    and pressures in a subsequent simulation. Only those parameters, which requirechanges, need to be re-entered. This feature saves input and computer time.

    - Tutorials and Training material: Online help contains some tutorials for users tofamiliarize themselves with PipelineStudio, while induction and advanced trainingmaterial is also available for the product.

    3.2.1 Gas Modeling Capability

    The gas simulation engines incorporate all equations, equipment types and parameterscommonly required for modeling gas pipelines. Specifically included are:

    Choice of equations of state (EOS):- BWRS- Peng-Robinson (including option for large acentric factor correction)- SAREM- Ideal- SRK

    Choice of friction factor correlation:- Colebrook-White use pipe roughness directly in the equation- AGA- Panhandle A

    - Panhandle B- Spitzglass- Weymouth- GSO- Constant- Frictionless

    Volumetric or mass flow

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    Gas temperature tracking options- Overall heat transfer coefficient- Radial thermal shell model to calculate (transient) temperature distribution

    though multiple wall layers

    Gas Quality tracking options- Composition tracking- User defined quality tracking

    Compressor unit modeling- Centrifugal compressors including performance maps- Reciprocating compressors including piston definition- Generic compressors

    Compressor drivers- Generic drivers

    - Turbine compressor drivers including efficiency and maximum power curves

    - Temperature and elevation de-rating- Compressor station modeling

    Equipment- Block valves- Check valves- Coolers- Differential pressure regulator valves- Flow regulator valves- Heaters- Pressure regulator valves.

    - Resistance elements

    External Regulators- Supply- Delivery- Leak Delivery- Fuel Delivery for Compressor Driver- Reservoir Storage- Fixed Volume Storage

    - Energy Specified Delivery

    Constraints/control options- Pressure control at supply, delivery, regulator valve, heater, cooler and

    compressors (suction and discharge)- Flow control at supply, delivery, regulator valve and compressor- Compression rate for the compressors- Speed (only for centrifugal and reciprocating compressors)- Maximum horsepower for compressors- Delta Pressure at regulator valve, heater, cooler and resistance- Temperature at supply, heater and cooler

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    incorporates an acclaimed intuitive and comprehensive Microsoft OfficeLook and Feel Graphical User Interface (GUI) with toolbars, Multiple Document Interface(MDI) windows and wizards. This GUI facilitates the rapid creation of pipeline models by

    dragging and dropping pipeline elements onto the Network View drawing pad and thenconnecting and viewing the network. A network validation process warns if the modelhas missing or improper data and guides the user through error correction.

    3.3.1 Main Features

    The PipelineStudio GUI incorporates:

    A familiar Microsoft Office Look and Feel with drag/drop and copy/pastecapabilities.

    User-configurable docking toolbars enable creation of a simple "point andclick" interface.

    Configurable style sheets. Wizard's to automate and simplify commonly used actions.

    Tight integration with all Microsoft Windows applications.

    Context-sensitive on-line help

    Undo/redo functionality

    Property and Workspace views

    Profile and trend plot functionality

    3.3.2 Data Input and Output

    PipelineStudio provides unrestricted access to data and incorporates input/output

    functions using a variety of formats:

    Data entry is typically via dialog boxes that are accessed through contextmenus, double-click of mouse button on an object, the insert menu (for librarytype elements) or by double clicking a row in a table.

    Property view shows both input and output data for a network view elementand data entry can occur through this property view as well

    Spreadsheet controls allow data input and export for all pipeline elements of aparticular type, e.g. all pipes or all block valves. Spreadsheet tables areconfigurable and allow addition or removal of data types. Customized tablesmay be created to highlight specific data.

    Data blocks can be placed in the network view. Data blocks display both inputand output data items for pipeline elements, nodes and equipment. Data blocksshowing system properties can also be placed in the network view.

    Customizable reports are available to develop user specific output text based

    reports for publishing simulation data in MicrosoftExcel and HTML reports are

    available for various web-browsers

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    Configurable profile charts and trend plots are accessible to present outputdata in a graphical format.


    allows total control over units for input and output simulationdata. The user may choose between metric units, Imperial units, or mayspecify their own physical unit set.

    3.3.3 Data Presentation

    PipelineStudio incorporates many ways to present and manipulate network andsimulation data:

    Pipeline and equipment may be colored to represent property values suchas pressure, temperature, flow, internal diameter or roughness.

    Pipeline and equipment configuration data can be included on the networkdiagram.

    Other application objects can be embedded to enhance network diagramsor provide supporting information.

    The network diagram can be copied and pasted into other applications as abitmap.

    Data plots can be saved as a bitmap and copied into other applications.

    Profile and trend data can be copied and pasted into spreadsheets.

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    Profile and trend data can be exported to text files in a delimited file format.

    Custom tables can be created using filter/sort functions on multiple datasources.

    Property views display all the data associated with each pipeline element.

    Historical Lines profile lets you show how a property is changing over timeunder an interactive transient

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    Compressor curves may be displayed which illustrate the operating pointduring a simulation.

    Data blocks quickly present input and/or output data for equipment, nodesor pipeline in the network view.

    3 dimensional profiles are available for a thermal profile of a pipeline wall,centrifugal curves and operating points and interactive 3 dimensionalprofiles may display time varying phenomena.

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    3.3.4 Other Capabilities

    PipelineStudio includes among many special functionalities, the following:

    Open Architecture: De-coupling of GUI and simulation engine for tighterintegration into bespoke systems

    Improved Thermal Modeling: Improved modeling of shut-in temperature

    Microsoft Excel Add-in: Improved reporting with the Microsoft Excel Add-in

    Network License Manager: The Network License Manager is normally a piece ofsoftware and a dongle (hardkey) installed on a server on a LAN, however softkeyis available as well. A PipelineStudio user on this LAN will then be using theconcurrent user licenses available on this Network License Manager instead of adongle on its own parallel or USB port.

    Commuter License: A commuter (traveling) license allows users of PipelineStudioto check out licenses for use on their laptop while they are out of the office. Thisfunctionality is available only for a customer that has a Network License Manager

    (see above) installed and with this option, users will be allowed to work when theyare not connected to the network for up to 30 days.


    A dedicated team of engineers is assigned to PipelineStudio development and supportperformed by the Development Team and the Customer Care team respectively.

    Company commitment to the product is reflected in the support given to the growingnumber of attendees at the regular PipelineStudio User Group Meetings and Forums,which meet to share knowledge and provide input to the product development programs.

    For information about the up and coming events, scheduled training courses and

    releases for PipelineStudio, please keep visiting our web site, http://www.energy-solutions.com

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