3 ways to lease a car with bad credit

Post on 28-Jul-2015






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3 Ways to Lease a Car with Bad Credit


Many buyers enter a car showroom with the idea to check out new cars, choose the one he or she likes and buys it. However, the situation is different for buyers with bad credit. Most buyers have to return without success from car leaders as the first thing they ask the buyer is about his or her level of credit: is it high or low?

If you’re in the boat of bad credit, here are some ways that can help you successfully lease a car and leave a dealership without being disappointed.

1. Used Car

When you know the situation is bad, then it’s good to compromise and bring down your expectation; pick a used car to lease instead of a new one. Search for dealers that accept a low credit score. Even though the interest rate you would have to pay will be quite high, but your lease will not be rejected.

2. Independent Dealer Financing

Some dealers provide car financing independently, or in-house. This is a great option as you can get a deal on low monthly payment even with a bad credit score. In house financing facility however is only for second hand or used cars. Therefore, if you’re looking for a new car, this may not be a good option for you.

3. Rent to Own

One way to get a car lease with poor credit score is through rent to own. This involves keeping a tangible property as a security in exchange for a monthly fixed payment. The tangible property is kept as a precautionary measure; so just in case the lessee is unable complete future payments, the property is sold off to encash and pay for the lease amount.

Choosing an Auto Leasing Company

Many companies provide auto leasing services for car buyers, but choosing the right one can be a tricky decision. Deciding on the company depends on the kind of leasing deal it offers; this mainly depends on several factors.

1. The length of payment - how long do you have to make the payments for? Are the payments spread over 2, 3, 4 or more years? Does the length of lease period suit you?

2. The interest rate - is the interest rate higher, lower or in line, with what is being offered currently in the market? If you have a bad credit score, most dealers will offer you a lease with a very high interest rate.

3. Lease facilities- what sort of facilities do you get with the lease? Is the vehicle you’re leasing insured? Does the lease cover the wear and tear of the vehicle?

These and many more such questions can help you pick the right leasing company for you. Many leasing companies provide livery lease for business. The down payment amount is affordable, and the cars are insured too. If you want a vehicle for a livery business in NY, then leasing is a good option as many companies offer this facility with great benefits for the lessee. For more information on livery lease NYC, log on to http://tlcautoleasing.com.

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