30 sec inclusion training - parking

Post on 13-Jan-2015






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Reasonable accommodations for parking. Adapted in part from http://www.sutteronestop.com/DPN/30second.htm


  • 1. Hello!This is your 30-SecondInclusion TrainingParking Brought to you by theOffice of Faith Based andCommunity Initiatives (OFBCI). Click here to begin

2. An AmeriCorps member who has a disability needsa parking space at her host site. The organizationhas never had an accessible parking space before. What accommodation would be reasonable?Request that the member have someone else bring her to the siteor ride the bus since the organization cannot afford to repaint theparking lot for her. Provide a space labeled with her name so that she always has her own parking space. Designate spaces in the lot for accessible parking that provide the shortest possible route to an accessible entrance. 3. Good EffortBUTPlease Try AgainAsking a member to choose alternateforms of transportation because oftheir disability is both demeaning andagainst the law. Any person who hasthe ability to drive should be able toalso park in designated parkingspaces. 4. Come onYou can do it! While this is one solution, it is not the correct one. A private parking space does not promote inclusion because it is actually excluding the member by their disability. Try again! 5. GreatJob!Youre on the right track with this answer. The 2010 regulations of the Americans with Disabilities Act (Section 208) designates thatfor every 25 parking spaces in a lot, there needs to be 1 accessible parking space labeled with the international sign for accessibility. For every 6 accessible parking spaces there needs to be 1 vanaccessible space appropriately labeled.For more information contact:Mariann Bernlohr Training and Inclusion ManagerOffice of Faith Based and Community Initiatives mbernlohr@ofbci.in.gov317-234-5891

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