33 june to september 2014 - the "sacrificial" number continues on

Post on 03-Jul-2015






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The Number 3 (and its derivatives) during the months of June, July through August. This completes the 3rd quarter of 2014 as it was expected to be more than a little 'crazy' by any standards. It is left to you, the viewer, to deduce if there is really any significance to this sacrificial number and the apparent ''peaceful' planet we inhabit. One more presentation may follow, but do to other subject matter and events taking place at the moment (such as Ebola), this may only be a side-line for the present time. There are larger, more multi-contextual, even esoteric events taking place and more time needs to be spent on those. So, enjoy part 3 of a possible 4, which will conclude these extra parallels as the 'world'' system implodes upon itself.


June through August – The Number 3 in the media – Part III

3 is a magic number

It’s all just coincidences… convenient coincidences. No one really takes any notice of the sacrificial number 3, 33, 300, 30,000, 300,000, 3 millions, do they. They don’t exist.

Most if not ALL of the major headlines, whatever they be, have usually encoded this number 3 (or a derivative of) within the articles. Some of the more controversial

headlines people have seen have has this number 3 placed within somewhere.

The media does love this number 3

Journalism from the dailyfail is so accurate and so precise in what they report, they get these figures from sources that seem to always have 3’s in them, whether it’s a 3 year old, 3 weeks, 30ft piers (not 29ft 6inches?), 300 people (not 298), 3 million

pound homes (not 2.9 millions?). Maybe they simply like to ‘round it off’ to the nearest 3 number for ease of viewing? Or is there a reason 3 is constantly used?

How blessed to have 33,000

reservists at your disposal, or a

home that costs 300,000, or

charge 30,000 per night, or 300 for a ‘butt facial’ or i-


Even as Ebola (see Ebola presentation for more information) and Plague emerges, these numbers still conform to the ongoing numerical magical 3 formula

And it continues on, and on, and on…

Another media meme that seems to pervade other subjects – The “Leader” archetypes, and ‘heroes’, primarily of the sporting and celebrity ilk. Leaders require followers and some people

blindly follow where they are led.

And that concludes the last 90 days of the number 33 in all of its forms (12 year old = 3 too) and the author may compile one more collection from September until December just to see if

this sacrificial trend of 3’s continues encoded inside headlines. ISIS, Ebola, possible Volcanic Eruptions and earthquakes, multi-event/location terrorism, beheadings, blood-

letting and music festival rituals, ect. Between now and a culmination in October, pay attention to the headlines and read between the lines. The crossroads is approaching…

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