38 1gm daily - slimmeria.com · followed by yoga and lunch: raw cabbage with carrot. i’m out on...

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38 Saturday, June 3, 2017 1GM38 .............................. Saturday, June 3, 2017



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STILL own a mascara from three years ago? Bin it immediately.

Much like the food in yourfridge, make-up has expiry dates.

Products won’tnecessarily become harmful, but they can change texture, start to smell, be bad for your skin or be rendered totally useless.

Cosmetic expiry dates can vary dramatically between products, especially depending on their water content, as that promotes bacterial growth.

So when should you ditchyour make-up?

Here JULIA BOWDEN tells you when to lose the lippy.

MASCARA Every three

months, bagyourself a newmascara.

Otherwise theybecome flaky and hard to apply.

Don’t pump the wand as this will dry it out and never share or add water.

LIQUID FOUNDATION Creams and liquidfoundations lastaround sixmonths as they

contain more waterthan powdered versions.

Keep them refrigerated toextend their life.

MOISTURISER Always check thePAO (Period AfterOpening) symbolon the packaging.

If preservative free,it will not last long.

NAIL VARNISH After two years,the consistencythickens in nailvarnish as

ingredients evaporate, leaving a poor finish on the nails.

Keeping them refrigerated with the lid tight helps them stay fresh for longer.

LIQUID EYELINER Liquid liner willtotally dry outafter six monthsso it’s worth

replenishing ittwice a year.

LIPSTICK Despite lipstickscontaining waterand hydratingagents, they can

last up to two years.Regularly wipe them to

remove bacteria and always keep the lids on to avoid them drying out.

PERFUME If kept out ofsunlight, awayfrom heat and thelid always firmly

on, fragrances canactually last a long time.

Watch out for a stale smell or a fade in fragrance.

BRONZER Much like powder

foundations, theywill last longer ifyou keep the lid

shut and yourbrushes clean.

DAY 1As I arrive, I’m measured, weighedand told to hand in any food.

Then I meet Galia, the womanI’ve seen whipping celebrities inepisodes of Celebrity Fat Fighters,which is filmed at the retreat.

I admit to her that I’m worriedbut she says: “What doesn’t kill youmakes you slimmer.”

Over dinner — a bowl of brothwith chunks of cauliflower — welearn of a competition in which thewinner earns an egg.

Tamara, Galia’s understudy, tellsus: “It doesn’t sound that appealingnow but give it a few days andyou’ll be clamouring for it.”

It’s lights out at 9pm and allresidents must be in their rooms.

DAY 2I don’t sleep very well and it feelslike minutes before the 7.15amalarm bell wakes me.

I’m starving and definitely notexcited for the sliver of apple (lessthan 1cm thick) and the glass oflemon water that awaits.

We head out on a six-mile hikebefore doing laps of a nearbycricket ground and finishing with asteep hill climb. For a long time itis silent, apart from the sound ofpeople gasping for air.

Galia blithely announces: “We aregoing to break you down. We wantyou at the stage where you will doanything for food.”

Next it’s a circuits class — acombination of jump squats, press-ups and other sweaty exercises,followed by yoga and lunch: rawcabbage with carrot. I’m out on mysecond walk of the day half an

hour later — allof us must try forthree a day.

But the afternoon isn’t all huffingand puffing. I also slip down to thespa for a relaxing massage.

The evening holds a motivationworkshop where we are given somehelpful tips for staying positive andhappy during the week. By the endof the day I am so hungry Iconsider eating my apple shampoo.

DAY 3I feel lighter this morning and

slept better — although as soon as Iwalk out of my room, the smell ofcabbage makes me feel sick.

Galia warns as we set out on theday’s first hike: “No talking today.“If you’re talking then you aren’twalking fast enough.”

The exercise class is hard and Iam surprised by how tired I get.

I work out regularly at home butthe 45 minutes of aerobics reallypushes me to my limit.

The plate of lettuce leaves, twosliced grapes, a small dollop ofquinoa and a few slices ofcucumber actually seems excitingcompared to yesterday’s cabbage.

We are told that if we are reallystruggling, we can have ONE raisin.

Then I head for a Venik Birchingtreatment. Otherwise known as awhipping. It starts with me sittingin a small wooden barrel with only

my headsticking out

while hot steam is pumped in. ThenI move to a massage table where Iam whipped with birch twigs.

Birching is apparently great forblood flow and also helps the bodynaturally heal but it was also usedto punish criminals in the Sixties.

Dinner is vegetable broth — theonly cooked meal of the day —followed by a dance class and walk.

DAY 4I wake up feeling horrendous. I

lay awake most of the night feelingnauseous, anxious and starving.

My heart beats unnervingly fastand it turns out most people arefeeling the same way.

I can’t face the walk as I’m tooshaky. But by the time the boxingclass comes around a few hourslater, I feel more human.

The past 12 hours have felttraumatic but I am slowly feelingbetter. Lunch is a stalk of broccoli,half a tomato and a very smallmound of carrot, gherkins andanother vegetable that none of uscould work out. I head to the spafor a facial then out for a slow walk.

DAY 5Now I feel amazing: light, happy,

energised and grateful for a goodnight’s sleep. I notice that the moodat breakfast is back to beingcheerful. However, we are reminded

that Slimmeria is not a typicalretreat, with the firm warning: “Thisis not about enjoyment.”

Someone else asks for a menuchange and is informed: “You wantthe results, you will eat it.”

My afternoon treatment is a honeymassage. It sounds great but itactually involves lying face-down ona table, covered in honey, as I amslapped — hard.

It feels like being beaten andgetting a wax at the same time.

The spa therapist explains thatthe treatment reduces cellulite andwhen I show my friend my legsback home she is pretty impressed.

DAY 6I haven’t slept due to a combinationof anticipation about the finalweigh-in and intense hunger.

I step on to the scales to find Ihave lost 9.5lb — from 11st 1.5lb to10st 6lb — and 3.5in around mywaist. Suddenly the struggle seemsworth it.

As I drive away, I realise that Idon’t want the cake I had dreamedabout the night before — I wouldmuch prefer to have a salad andkeep my new figure.

Would I do it again? No. Butothers are made of sterner stuff.

As a fellow guest put it: “Youalways say you’ll never go throughchildbirth again until you see theresult.” l Five-night retreats at Slimmeria inCrowhurst, East Sussex, start at £1,095,including all activities, meals and somespa treatments. A weekend retreatcosts from £425. See slimmeria.com orcall 01424 830153.

SUFFERING for beauty doesn’t usually mean being WHIPPED at a weight loss bootcamp.

But the “Slim Reaper” at detox retreat Slimmeria gets serious results. The regime, in Crowhurst, East Sussex, has been dubbed “the

most brutal weight-loss programme in

the UK” and promises to help participants shed up to a stone in just a week.

Former Emmerdale actress Lisa Riley,reality star Bianca Gascoigne and ex-Brooksider Jennifer Ellison are fans.

But it is too much for some – former Towie star Gemma Collins

could only bear six hours before leaving. Galia Grainger, aka the Slim Reaper, expects guests to live on a vegan diet of 400 calories a day, get thrashed with twigs and push themselves mentally and physically.

Here, writer ANYA MEYEROWITZ,left, braves a five-night stay.

But the “Slim Reaper” at detox retreat Slimmeria gets serious results. The regime, in Crowhurst, retreat Slimmeria gets serious results. The regime, in Crowhurst, retreat Slimmeria gets serious

East Sussex, has been dubbed “the results. The regime, in Crowhurst, East Sussex, has been dubbed “the results. The regime, in Crowhurst,

most brutal weight-loss programme in

Former Emmerdale actress Lisa Riley,reality star Bianca Gascoigne and ex-Brooksider Jennifer Ellison are fans. reality star Bianca Gascoigne and ex-Brooksider Jennifer Ellison are fans. reality star Bianca Gascoigne and ex-

But it is too much for some – former Towie star Gemma Collins

vegan diet of 400 calories a day, get thrashed with twigs and push themselves mentally and physically.

Here, writer ANYA MEYEROWITZ,left, braves a five-night stay.left, braves a five-night stay.left

As I arrive, I’m measured, weighedand told to hand in any food.

Then I meet Galia, the womanI’ve seen whipping celebrities inepisodes of Celebrity Fat Fighters,which is filmed at the retreat.

I admit to her that I’m worriedbut she says: “What doesn’t kill you

Over dinner — a bowl of brothwith chunks of cauliflower — we

hour later — allof us must try forthree a day.

But the afternoon isn’t all huffing

my headsticking out

while hot steam is pumped in. ThenI move to a massage table where I

that Slimmeria is not a typicalretreat, with the firm warning: “Thisis not about enjoyment.”

Someone else asks for a menuchange and is informed: “You wantthe results, you will eat it.”

My afternoon treatment is a honeymassage. It sounds great but itactually involves lying face-down ona table, covered in honey, as I amslapped — hard.

It feels like being beaten and

HOT AND BOTHERED . . . Anya’s steam


Are you tough

enough for Britain’s toughest

DAY 1 that Slimmeria is not a typicalthat Slimmeria is not a typical
















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